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Bipolar disorder after traumatic brain injury

  • Unidade Local de Saúde de São José - Polo Júlio de Matos


Objective. We report the case of a 47-year-old man with no psychiatric antecedents who developed manic and depressive symptoms after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Methods and results. Findings on neurobehavioral examination, neuropsy-chological test battery, electrophysiological and imaging exams suggested the presence of a diffuse cerebral injury with a predominance of left fronto-temporal findings. Conclusions. This case demonstrates that TBI may cause vulnerability to psychiatric disorders, with long latency periods, and that its course may be independent of cognitive impairment and recovery.
Bipolar disorder after traumatic brain injury
Department of Psychiatry, Santare
´m District Hospital, Santare
´m, Portugal, and
Department of Psychology and Sociology,
Autonomous University of Lisbon (UAL), Portugal
Objective. We report the case of a 47-year-old man with no psychiatric antecedents who developed manic and depressive
symptoms after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Methods and results. Findings on neurobehavioral examination, neuropsy-
chological test battery, electrophysiological and imaging exams suggested the presence of a diffuse cerebral injury with a
predominance of left fronto-temporal findings. Conclusions. This case demonstrates that TBI may cause vulnerability to
psychiatric disorders, with long latency periods, and that its course may be independent of cognitive impairment and
Key Words: Bipolar disorder, cognitive dysfunction, traumatic brain injury
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can result in a variety
of neuropsychiatric disturbances, ranging from
subtle to severe intellectual and emotional distur-
bances, and may cause vulnerability to psychiatric
disorders, with latency periods of over 10 years [1].
These include problems with attention and arou-
sal, concentration, executive function, intellectual
changes, memory impairment, personality changes,
affective and anxiety disorders, psychosis, sleep
disorders, aggression and irritability [2].
Despite the emphasis placed on physical deficits
shortly after severe brain injury, it is cognitive and
behavioural deficits that give rise to the major
morbidity that most impairs the capacity to return
to work and maintain social activities [3], contribut-
ing to long-term disability [4] and compromising the
quality of life [5].
TBI is the result of mechanical forces on the skull
and transmitted to the brain leading to focal and/or
diffuse brain damage, as well as secondary effects
(cerebral oedema, hydrocephalus, increased intra-
cranial pressure, infection, hypoxia, neurotoxicity,
and others) [2]. The differential motion of the brain
within the skull also causes shearing and stretching
of the axons [6], with injuries ranging from brief
physiological disruption to widespread axonal tear-
ing, called diffuse axonal injury [7]. Delayed
effects include the release of excitatory amino
acids, oxidative free-radical production, the release
of arachidonic acid metabolites, and disruption of
neurotransmitters like monoamines and serotonin
Mood disorders are more frequent in patients with
sustained TBIs than in patients with similar back-
ground characteristics who underwent similar levels
of stress but without sustaining brain injury [11],
which would suggest that neuropathological pro-
cesses associated with TBI constitute an important
contributing factor to the development of mood
disorders [12].
Major depression is the most common psychiatric
disorder after TBI, with rates varying from 14 to
77% [1,4,13,14]. Mania after TBI is less common
than depression, but occurs more frequently than in
the general population, and can be seen in about 9%
of patients [15]. Positive family history of affective
disorder and subcortical atrophy prior to TBI are
also considered risk factors [16]. Rates for post-TBI
bipolar disorder have ranged from 1.7 to 17%
[1,17], some authors stating that post-TBI bipolar
disorder appears only in individuals with a previous
history of axis I psychopathology, usually remaining
chronic [17], but such data have come primarily
from case reports.
We describe the case of a 47-year-old patient who
presented with behavioural and mood symptoms
after a severe head injury, and discuss the issues
Correspondence: Sofia Brissos, Rua Ilha dos Amores, Lote 4.12.01 Bloco C 18esq, 1990 /122 Lisbon, Portugal. Tel: /351 934203521. Fax: /351
218163379. E-mail:
International Jour nal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, 2005; 9(4): 292 /295
(Received 2 February 2005; accepted 3 May 2005)
ISSN 1365-1501 print/ISSN 1471-1788 online #2005 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/13651500510029219
raised regarding the physiopathological mechanisms,
and the treatment implications for his illness.
Case report
JPF is a 47-year-old divorced, right-handed, male
patient who was educated up to 6th grade and who
had previously worked in security. He had antece-
dents of operated mitral cardiopathy, auricular
fibrillation and HTA, and a history of tobacco use
and alcohol abuse. According to the patient and his
ex-wife, there were no personal or family histories of
psychiatric disorders. He suffered a traffic road
accident, with polytraumatisms and TBI, after which
he remained in a coma for 4 days. Subdural
haematoma drainage was carried out and he was
medicated with phenytoin and corticoids. Routine
laboratory tests including thyroid hormones and
thyroid-stimulating hormone were within normal
range. The first cranial computed tomography
(CT) scan revealed left temporo-parietal craniot-
omy, and haematoma substitution by hypodensity in
the left cortico-parietal area of the left cerebral
hemisphere. Five months later the CT scan revealed
no anomalies. The EEG revealed incidence of slow
waves (theta and delta) over the left fronto-temporal
region. Short latency auditory evoked potentials
showed no significant changes and the cognitive
evoked potentials (P300 wave) were compatible with
cognitive dysfunction.
Neuropsychological evaluation 5 months post-
TBI revealed attentional deficit (sustained, divided
and selected), mental tracking deficit, slowing of
information processing speed, verbal fluency deficit
(semantic subtype), anomic specking and dysarthria,
impaired repetition, reading and writing deficits
(semantic alexia and phonological alexia), secondary
dyscalculia, ideokinetic apraxia, melokinetic apraxia,
ideomotor apraxia, writing apraxia and construc-
tional dyspraxia, memory deficits in learning, short-
and long-term memory; problem-solving deficits,
planning deficit, and flexibility capacity impairment.
Although he started neuropsychological rehabilita-
tion, he has not been able to return to work.
A year and a half after the accident he was referred
for inpatient psychiatric treatment because of beha-
vioural symptoms, namely, disinhibition, pressure of
speech, aggressive behaviour and irritability, but
with no psychotic symptoms. Corticoids were slowly
withdrawn and he was discharged a week later
with the diagnosis of post-TBI organic personality
disorder and was medicated with gabapentin
(1600 mg/day), haloperidol (2 mg/day), quetiapine
(200 mg/day), propanolol, digoxin, lisinopril, spir-
onolactone, furosemide and citicoline.
The following month he started complaining of
depressive symptomatology, with sadness, apathy,
abulia, anedonia and suicidal ideation, being medi-
cated with escitalopram (20 mg/day) and lamotrigine
(100 mg/day). A month later he became dysphoric,
with pressured speech, coprolalia, excessive spend-
ing and psychotic symptoms (delusions of persecu-
tion and jealousy), but without hallucinations or
significant changes in sleep patterns. Escitalopram
was suspended, and haloperidol was titrated to
10 mg/day. His symptoms abated after 2/3 weeks,
but by the fourth week he started complaining again
of depressive symptoms; escitalopram was re-pre-
scribed, and a dose of 1200 mg/day of carbamaze-
pine was added. A week later he was again
disinhibited and slightly euphoric, with no psychotic
The alternation of manic and depressive symp-
toms led to the diagnosis of post-TBI bipolar
disorder; however, the patient has attended psychia-
try consultation only sporadically, with irregular
treatment adherence.
The patient can be considered to have suffered
severe TBI, even though some medical notes were
unavailable for scrutiny, such as his initial score on
the GCS (Glasgow Coma Scale), and the length of
PTA (posttraumatic amnesia) which created diffi-
culty in assessing the severity of the injury. The long
latency period might have caused some of the
uncertainty around whether the bipolar disorder
was due to TBI, although longer latency periods
have been reported in the literature [1,18].
Although some authors consider that post-TBI
bipolar disorder appears only in individuals with
previous personal [17] or family [16] history of axis I
psychopathology [17], in contrast to the findings of
other researchers, besides alcohol abuse we found no
evidence of other personal or family histories of
psychiatric disorders [19,20].
Lishman [21] hypothesises that psychiatric symp-
toms following a head injury are precipitated initially
by organic factors, but in some patients are main-
tained by socioeconomic and psychosocial factors
that can predict cognitive dysfunction after TBI
[22]. It is well documented that patients with TBI
are often young men who come from lower socio-
economic backgrounds, who tend to misuse alcohol
and drugs, and possess certain premorbid person-
ality traits. However, some authors have not found
enough evidence to suggest that persons who sustain
mild TBI show substantially different premorbid
personality to that of their peers [23]. Even though
it was not possible to adequately assess the level of
our patient’s premorbid personality, emotional pro-
blems are usually exacerbated after injury [2].
Alcohol consumption is considered a predisposing
factor to head injury [4], and may continue after-
wards, delaying the reparative process within the
central nervous system [21].
Bipolar disorder after traumatic brain injury 293
Although corticoid treatment has been considered
as one cause of the appearance of mood symptoms
[24], this does not explain our patient’s symptoms,
since they persisted even after corticoids were with-
Patients with post-TBI bipolar disorder show
predominantly subcortical lesions (right head of
caudate and right thalamus), while patients with
post-TBI unipolar mania more often show cortical
involvement (mainly right orbitofrontal and baso-
temporal cortices) [15,16,25,26], suggesting that
subcortical and cortical right hemisphere lesions
may produce different neurochemical and/or remote
metabolic brain changes that may be the underlying
cause of either a bipolar disease or a unipolar mania.
Our patient’s CT scans and EEGs revealed a lesion
on the temporo-parietal area of the left cerebral
hemisphere. The neuropsychological evaluation re-
vealed deficits in the areas affected by the lesion, but
also changes suggesting dysfunction in other areas,
such as the left frontal dorsolateral, right parietal
cortex, the supplementary motor area, and in the
right frontal dorsolateral and orbito-frontal area.
The possible mechanisms involved in the dysfunc-
tions found in our patient, not exclusively explained
by the location of the lesion, are possibly due to
widespread axonal tearing and diffuse axonal injury
caused by acceleration /deceleration forces [7].
These forces commonly are the origins of certain
brain injury profiles including orbitofrontal, anterior
and inferior temporal contusions, with diffuse axonal
injury. The latter particularly affects the corpus
callosum, superior cerebellar peduncle, basal gang-
lia, and periventricular white matter [6]. Cognitive
impairment is often diffuse with more prominent
deficits in the rate of information processing, atten-
tion span, memory, cognitive flexibility, problem
solving, impulsiveness, affective instability, and dis-
inhibition. These symptoms are frequently observed
characterizing the ‘‘changes’’ in TBI patients as seen
in our patient.
However, some of the cognitive deficits might also
be due to, or aggravated by, the mood disorder itself,
since it has been reported that there may be a
subgroup of bipolar patients who develop cognitive
deficits due to the disease process, and which are
independent of the mood state [27].
The complex processes of cognition and mood are
not mediated by any specific brain region, but
require the coordinated activity of several areas; a
compromise of neural connectivity may result
in attenuation of the functions regulated by
these areas and result in clusters of signs and
symptoms currently recognised as psychiatric dis-
orders [28].
Another proposed mechanism is the ‘‘diaschisis
model’’, whereby the loss of function produced by
acute focal brain damage, even without axonal
shearing, may produce dysfunction in adjacent or
remote regions connected through fibre tracts [29].
The severity of the neuropsychiatric sequelae of
the brain injury is determined by multiple factors,
but, in general, prognosis is associated with the
severity of injury [2].
Since TBI can cause permanent vulnerability to
psychiatric disorders, contributing substantially
to long-term disability [4] and quality of life
[5], psychiatric evaluation and (long-term) monitor-
ing should be included in the routine follow-up
of TBI.
Treatment should include cognitive and physical
rehabilitation, family and personal support, and
psychopharmacological management of mood and
other behavioural syndromes [30]. Pope et al. [31]
described a case of bipolar disorder after TBI was
successfully treated with valproate and lithium, and
Monji et al. [19] reported a case where valproate was
effective in monotherapy. Although the exact me-
chanisms of action for valproate have not yet been
determined, postulated theories include an ‘‘anti-
kindling’’ effect in the limbic system on emotion,
cognition, and behaviour; an enhancement of
GABAergic-mediated inhibitory control; and
action as a general CNS stabiliser, making it a
primary pharmacological intervention for the treat-
ment of neuropsychiatric symptoms after brain
injury [19].
Future research should also focus on the efficacy
and timing of psychological interventions in combi-
nation with medications, in the treatment of post-
TBI Axis I disorders, to create standards of care, and
most importantly, enhance the quality of life of
individuals after TBI [17,32].
Key points
.Traumatic brain injury (TBI) may cause vul-
nerability to psychiatric disorders, with latency
periods of over 10 years.
.Bipolar disorder is a rare outcome after TBI,
major depression being the most common
.The complex processes of cognitive and mood
requires the coordinated activity of several brain
areas, and lesions in one area may influence the
functioning of adjacent or remote ones.
.Treatment of bipolar disorder after brain injury
should include psychopharmacological man-
agement, namely valproate as the primary
pharmacological intervention, cognitive and
physical rehabilitation, and family and personal
We thank Dr Eduard Vieta for his helpful advice.
294 S. Brissos & V. Videira Dias
Statement of interest
The author has no conflict of interest with any
commercial or other associations in connection with
the submitted article.
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Bipolar disorder after traumatic brain injury 295
... A compromise in neural connectivity may result in attenuation of the functions regulated by the impacted cortical areas and result in clusters of signs and symptoms currently recognized as psychiatric disorders [4]. Any specific brain region does not mediate the complex processes of cognition and mood but instead requires the coordinated activity of several areas. ...
... However, in general, the prognosis is correlated with the degree of injury. The intensity of the neuropsychiatric effects of brain injury is decided by numerous variables [4]. ...
... Despite the focus on physical deficits in the early stages of severe brain injury, it is cognitive and behavioral deficits that lead to the significant morbidity that most hinder the ability to resume work and maintain social activities, causing long-term disability and lowering the quality of life [4,10]. ...
Full-text available
Traumatic brain injury (TBI), a form of acquired brain injury, occurs when a sudden trauma causes damage to the brain. TBI can result when the head suddenly and violently hits an object or when an object pierces the skull and enters brain tissue. TBI can be classified into primary and secondary brain injury. Primary injury refers to the structural damage caused upon impact. Secondary injury refers to the damage from subsequent cellular processes following a prior injury, such as excitotoxicity, free radical generation, calcium-mediated damage, hypoxia, and increased intracranial pressure. Unsurprisingly, these mechanisms can produce structural, biochemical, and genetic changes implicated in sleep disturbance. A coup-contrecoup injury typically occurs at the base of the skull in areas of bony prominences, hence, the anterior temporal and inferior frontal regions, including the basal forebrain, are frequently injured. Because the basal forebrain contributes to sleep initiation, injury to this region can lead to insomnia symptoms. In this report, we present a case study of a 41-year-old Caucasian male who experienced a TBI at the age of seven due to a motor vehicle accident. The left frontotemporal lobe was affected as a result of the incident. He was admitted to the emergency room in March 2023 for safety concerns in the context of extreme anger and irritability, which could endanger others and himself. Additionally, he struggled with chronic insomnia. The chart review showed that the patient’s chronic insomnia was poorly controlled and probably contributed to the current presentation. The patient was observed in the days following admission while various medication changes were attempted to treat his chronic insomnia. Unique limitations were encountered in managing this patient’s insomnia, as he has multiple drug allergies, including some of the commonly used medications to treat insomnia. A particularly unique observation was that the medications that finally worked for this patient had anticholinergic side effects. They are usually contraindicated in post-TBI patients. However, it was beneficial to use them in this case, which can be explored further.
... A personal or family history of mania or bipolar affective disorder was not reported in any of the studies. Current or previous comorbid conditions were reported in 13 patients, which included posttraumatic seizures or epilepsy (N54) (46,52,58,60), alcohol use disorder (N54) (30,47,56,63), cardiovascular disease (cardiomyopathy and arrhythmias) (N52) (36,47), ischemic stroke (N51) (62), sleep apnea (N51) (42), fetal alcohol syndrome (N51) (32), and childhood head injury (N51) (53). Among the patients who reported posttraumatic seizures or epilepsy, three developed focal seizures, and one developed generalized seizures, with the time interval between TBI and the initial seizure ranging from 1 week to 4 years. ...
... A personal or family history of mania or bipolar affective disorder was not reported in any of the studies. Current or previous comorbid conditions were reported in 13 patients, which included posttraumatic seizures or epilepsy (N54) (46,52,58,60), alcohol use disorder (N54) (30,47,56,63), cardiovascular disease (cardiomyopathy and arrhythmias) (N52) (36,47), ischemic stroke (N51) (62), sleep apnea (N51) (42), fetal alcohol syndrome (N51) (32), and childhood head injury (N51) (53). Among the patients who reported posttraumatic seizures or epilepsy, three developed focal seizures, and one developed generalized seizures, with the time interval between TBI and the initial seizure ranging from 1 week to 4 years. ...
... Patients may follow a peculiar clinical course, such as recurrence of mania in a seasonal pattern (33). Other patients experience poorly controlled mania despite multiple medication trials (44,47,56,66,70). This was recognized by Satzer and Bond (79), who proposed that secondary mania may be indicated by an unusual illness course, such as a single manic episode with no subsequent mood symptoms (including depression), unremitting mania, or poor response to antimanic treatments. ...
Objective: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Mania is an uncommon, but debilitating, psychiatric occurrence following TBI. The literature on mania following TBI is largely limited to case reports and case series. In the present review, the investigators describe the clinical, diagnostic, and treatment characteristics of mania following TBI. Methods: A systematic search of MEDLINE, EMBASE, and PsycINFO was conducted for English-language studies published from 1980 to July 15, 2021. The included studies provided the required individual primary data and sufficient information on clinical presentation or treatment of manic symptoms. Studies with patients who reported a history of mania or bipolar disorder prior to TBI and studies with patients who sustained TBI before adulthood were excluded. Results: Forty-one studies were included, which reported information for 50 patients (the mean±SD age at mania onset was 39.1±14.3 years). Patients were more frequently male, aged <50 years, and without a personal or family history of psychiatric disorders. Although 74% of patients reported mania developing within 1 year following TBI, latencies of up to 31 years were observed. Illness trajectory varied from a single manic episode to recurrent mood episodes. Rapid cycling was reported in six patients. Mood stabilizers and antipsychotics were most frequently used to improve symptoms. Conclusions: Heterogeneity of lesion locations and coexisting vulnerabilities make causality difficult to establish. Valproate or a second-generation antipsychotic, such as olanzapine or quetiapine, may be considered first-line therapy in the absence of high-level evidence for a more preferred treatment. Early escalation to combined therapy (mood stabilizer and second-generation antipsychotic) is recommended to control symptoms and prevent recurrence. Larger prospective studies and randomized controlled trials are needed to refine diagnostic criteria and provide definitive treatment recommendations.
... This overlap can occur because all cognitive, psychological, emotional and behavioral skills come from the brain, and both brain injury and psychiatric illness occur because of some dysfunction of the brain [1]. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can result in a variety of neuropsychiatric disturbances, ranging from subtle to severe intellectual and emotional disturbances, and may cause vulnerability to psychiatric disorders, with latency periods of over 10 years [2,3]. ...
... Mood disorders are more common in patients who sustained TBIs than in patients with similar background characteristics who underwent similar levels of stress but without sustaining brain injury [3,4], which would suggest that neuropathological processes Citation: Elias Tesfaye and Selamawit Alemayehu. "Bipolar Disorder after Traumatic Brain Injury: Ethiopian Perspective". ...
... EC Emergency Medicine and Critical Care 3.6 (2019): 340-345. Bipolar Disorder after Traumatic Brain Injury: Ethiopian Perspective 341 associated with TBI constitute an important contributing factor to the development of mood disorders [3,5]. In addition to the changes in cognition, behavior, and personality described above, a significant body of evidence suggests that TBI results in an increased relative risk of developing various psychiatric disorders, including mood and anxiety disorders, substance abuse and psychotic syndromes [6]. ...
Full-text available
Introduction: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can result in a variety of neuropsychiatric disturbances and may cause vulnerability to
... Diffuse brain injury involves most parts of the brain, caused by rapid movement of the brain within the skull, leading to stretching and tearing of axons [Kamali Nejad , Melissa, 2010]. As a result of axonal damage, several disturbances that range from brief physiological changes to widespread axonal damage, which is called diffuse axonal injury (DAI) [Brissos & Dias, 2005]. Secondary brain injury is the injury that happened after the initial impact. ...
... Secondary brain injury is the injury that happened after the initial impact. It occurs because of several mechanisms such as metabolic abnormalities, ischemia, oxidative freeradical production, the release of excitatory amino acids, and disruption of neurotransmitters [Brissos & Dias, 2005]. ...
Full-text available
Abstract Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), also known as acquired brain injury or concussion is one of the most serious and challenging health problems worldwide. Emerging economies such as Oman and Qatar have high rates of traumatic brain injury due to road traffic accidents. The incidence of TBI is alarming in Oman (300-400 per 100,000 of the population), which means between 7,500 and 10,000 Omanis suffer a traumatic brain injury (TBI) each year. Previous studies have focused on pharmacological intervention. There is no study, to our knowledge, on the nutritional, biochemical and behavioral status in TBI patients of Oman and Qatar. Despite this extraordinary incidence, little is known about the nutritional and behavioral complications followed TBI. The aims of this study were to assess the nutritional status and nutritional adequacy of traumatic brain injury in Oman. In Oman, this study was conducted in Khoula Hospital (national trauma center) – Muscat – Oman from February 2014 to February 2015 among consecutive patient with TBI. In Qatar, this study was conducted among attendees admitted to the national trauma center, Rumailah Hospital, Hamad Medical Corporation- Doha, Qatar from August 2014 to June 2015. Healthy volunteers were recruited as controls. All participants were signed letter of consent and the study was approved by Institutional Review Boards of both countries. Demographic variables, anthropometric measurements (weight, height, body mass index, skinfold thickness were measured) using standard protocols for such population with myriad complications. Dietary intake was assessed by using 24 – Hour Recall Method and it was analyzed electronically using a computer program (super- tracker) to assess the adequacy/inadequacy of macronutrients and micrinutrients. Behavioural and biochemical entities also measured. The results showed that the cohort with TBI from both countries tend to exhibit nutritional imbalance, including deficient in energy, carbohydrate, protein, micronutrients and fiber respectively. Further, the TBI group exhibited altered cognitive functioning such as memory impairment and behavioral problem such as lack of initiative when compared with healthy control volunteers. Elevated oxidative stress and less antioxidant status also found in both countries TBI population enrolled in our study. This study indicates that TBI in Oman and Qatar are at risk of developing malnutrition, neurobehavioural complication and deranged biochemical profile. These factors are likely to impede their road to regain premorbid self. Future studies should focus on intervention to reverse malnutrition, neurobehavioural complications and its accompanying pathological processes. Keywords: Traumatic Brain Injury, biochemicals, behavioral, Nutrition Adequacy, Nutrition Assessment, Malnutrition
... Closed head injury frequently involves trauma to the frontal and temporal poles, and lesions of the ventral PFC and temporal cortex have frequently been described in patients with posttraumatic mania (11,12,15,34,38). In a longitudinal study of 66 victims of closed head trauma, Jorge et al. (34) found that lesions of the basal temporal pole were highly associated with mania. ...
Objectives: Approximately 3.5 million Americans will experience a manic episode during their lifetimes. The most common causes are psychiatric illnesses such as bipolar I disorder and schizoaffective disorder, but mania can also occur secondary to neurological illnesses, brain injury, or neurosurgical procedures. Methods: For this narrative review, we searched Medline for articles on the association of mania with stroke, brain tumors, traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis, neurodegenerative disorders, epilepsy, and neurosurgical interventions. We discuss the epidemiology, features, and treatment of these cases. We also review the anatomy of the lesions, in light of what is known about the neurobiology of bipolar disorder. Results: The prevalence of mania in patients with brain lesions varies widely by condition, from <2% in stroke to 31% in basal ganglia calcification. Mania occurs most commonly with lesions affecting frontal, temporal, and subcortical limbic brain areas. Right-sided lesions causing hypo-functionality or disconnection (e.g., stroke; neoplasms) and left-sided excitatory lesions (e.g., epileptogenic foci) are frequently observed. Conclusions: Secondary mania should be suspected in patients with neurological deficits, histories atypical for classic bipolar disorder, and first manic episodes after the age of 40 years. Treatment with antimanic medications, along with specific treatment for the underlying neurologic condition, is typically required. Typical lesion locations fit with current models of bipolar disorder, which implicate hyperactivity of left-hemisphere reward-processing brain areas and hypoactivity of bilateral prefrontal emotion-modulating regions. Lesion studies complement these models by suggesting that right-hemisphere limbic-brain hypoactivity, or a left/right imbalance, may be relevant to the pathophysiology of mania.
A growing body of research demonstrates the links between communication impairment and psychological difficulties including depression, anxiety, other affective disorders, anger, and aggression. Research has demonstrated high levels of psychological disorders in conditions such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson's disease, autism, and specific language impairment, and communication impairment among individuals with psychiatric conditions. There are also demonstrated links between communication impairments and psychosocial functioning. However, there has been less research into how speech language therapists (SLTs) perceive the psychological and psychosocial difficulties of patients with communication disorders, and how they address these difficulties within the course of SLT interventions. This survey-based research study investigated the perceptions of SLTs working in New Zealand as to the impact of psychological and psychosocial difficulties on their clients, and whether this varied depending on the SLTs’ training, their experience and their access to psychology within their team. Respondents commented on the impact of psychological and psychosocial difficulties on their clients and family/whanau, and on their perceptions of what could benefit SLTs in addressing these difficulties within the context of SLT scope of practice. Of the respondents 29.3% reported that roughly 50% or more of their clients had significant psychological difficulties, and 51.2% reported that roughly 50% or more of their clients had significant psychosocial difficulties. No correlation was found between the years of experience of SLTs, or their access to psychology for their clients, and their perceptions of the psychological and psychosocial needs of their clients. Overall 76.5% of respondents reported that they did not feel prepared by their initial SLT training to address the psychological needs of their clients, and 77.5% reported that they felt SLTs needed more training to be able to adequately manage these needs within the context of SLT sessions.
Primary objective: This study investigated psychological disorders for patients receiving traumatic brain injury (TBI) rehabilitation within a community-based TBI service in New Zealand. Research design: Cross-sectional study involving retrospective review of clinical notes for all referrals received in a 6-month period. This methodology was selected to gain a sample of individuals reflective of the range of patients seen in TBI rehabilitation services in New Zealand. Methods and procedures: The clinical records for 279 patients were reviewed for formal psychiatric diagnoses and references to moderate or severe psychological symptoms. Main outcomes and results: Of the clinical records, 57.7% noted significant psychological problems post-injury (n = 161) and 8.6% had a psychiatric diagnosis recorded, with 10.8% reporting psychological disorders pre-injury. In comparison, 15.1% had input from a clinical psychologist and 2.2% had involvement from a mental health team. Conclusions: The rate of psychological symptoms was significantly higher post-TBI than pre-TBI and few of the patients reporting significant psychological symptoms were receiving intervention from mental health professionals. Further research is needed regarding the ability of TBI rehabilitation professionals in New Zealand to identify and respond to the psychological implications of TBI and on the ability of TBI and mental health teams to liaise effectively.
Paediatric head injury is an important clinical problem. Essential management begins with initial resuscitation supporting the airway, breathing and circulatory systems, with cervical spine stabilization. Neurological assessment should include evaluation of the Glasgow Coma Scale and pupil reactivity. Further imaging, admission for observation and neurosurgical referral may be indicated.
Clinical experience and research indicate that the outcome of psychotherapy is in part determined by the degree to which patient and therapist can form a strong working alliance. Four interrelated factors can collectively shape brain-injured patients' reactions to the psychotherapy process and predicate the conditions under which a working alliance can be cultivated. Assessment of these factors can help the therapist anticipate how each patient will relate during psychotherapy as well as tailor the therapy process in a way that will optimize the patient's capacity to make meaningful use of it. The four factors include the neurologic syndrome and associated cognitive deficits, the psychologic impact of the deficits, the patient's psychologic make-up independent of the brain injury, and the patient's social context. (C) Williams & Wilkins 1991. All Rights Reserved.
To assess the incidence, comorbidity, and patterns of resolution of DSM-IV mood, anxiety, and substance use disorders in individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI). The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Diagnoses (SCID) was utilized. Diagnoses were determined for three onset points relative to TBI onset: pre-TBI, post-TBI, and current diagnosis. Contrasts of prevalence rates with community-based samples, as well as chi-square analysis and analysis of variance were used. Demographics considered in analyses included gender, marital status, severity of injury, and years since TBI onset. Urban, suburban, and rural New York state. 100 adults with TBI who were between the ages of 18 and 65 years and who were, on average, 8 years post onset at time of interview. SCID Axis I mood diagnoses of major depression, dysthymia, and bipolar disorder; anxiety diagnoses of panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), and phobia; and substance use disorders. Prior to TBI, a significant percentage of individuals presented with substance use disorders. After TBI, the most frequent Axis I diagnoses were major depression and select anxiety disorders (ie, PTSD, OCD, and panic disorder). Comorbidity was high, with 44% of individuals presenting with two or more Axis I diagnoses post TBI. Individuals without a pre-TBI Axis I disorder were more likely to develop post-TBI major depression and substance use disorders. Rates of resolution were similar for individuals regardless of previous psychiatric histories. Major depression and substance use disorders were more likely than were anxiety disorders to remit. TBI is a risk factor for subsequent psychiatric disabilities. The need for proactive psychiatric assessment and timely interventions in individuals post TBI is indicated.
Two patients, both previously asymptomatic, developed chronic cases of typical bipolar disorder following closed head injury. Both responded inadequately to standard treatment, but remitted when valproate, an anticonvulsant, was added to the medication regimen. A chart review of 56 additional bipolar patients, also treated with valproate, yielded eight more cases with a history of head injury, of whom seven responded when valproate was added to previously inadequate medication regimens. These observations augment the growing data which suggest that bipolar disorder may occasionally be precipitated by head injury. Further, it appears that such cases may warrant a trial of valproate.
Homovanillic acid (HVA) and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) concentrations were measured in the lumbar cerebrospinal fluid of 98 patients after closed head injury. The HVA levels decreased in patients, whether or not they were given the drug probenecid, which inhibits the active transport of these acids from the brain. The decline of HVA was more notable in patients with the longest duration of unconsciousness. The HVA levels showed no correlation with the state of consciousness at the moment of the lumbar puncture. The 5-HIAA levels were below normal in the conscious patients, but paradoxically, at about normal levels in unconscious patients. The overall results suggest a decreased cerebral dopamine and serotonin metabolism after head injury.
Head injuries affect close to 2,000,000 people in the United States each year. The neuropsychiatric sequelae of these injuries are usually the most troublesome to patients, family, and caretakers. Typical injury profiles include varying degrees of damage to orbitofrontal, temporal, subcortical gray and white matter, and brainstem areas. These injuries result in deficits in memory, attention, speed of information processing, and frontally mediated executive functions. In addition, prominent impulsivity, affective instability, and an excess of major psychiatric disorders, including depression, mania, and psychotic syndromes, are seen.