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Requirements engineering education: A systematic mapping study

  • Mohammed V University in Rabat/Mohammed VI Polytechnic University


Requirements engineering (RE) has attracted a great deal of attention from researchers and practitioners in recent years. Requirements engineering education (REE) is therefore an important undertaking if the field is to have professionals who are capable of successfully accomplishing software projects. This increasing interest demands that academia should provide software engineering students with a solid foundation in the subject matter. This paper aims to identify and to present the current research on REE that is available at present, and to select useful approaches and needs for future research. A systematic mapping study was therefore performed to classify the selected studies into five classification criteria: research type, empirical type, contribution type, RE activity, and curricula. A total of 79 papers were selected and classified according to these criteria. The results of this systematic mapping study are discussed, and a list of advice obtained from the REE literature for instructors is provided.
Requirements engineering education: a systematic mapping study
Sofia Ouhbi Ali Idri Jose
´Luis Ferna
Ambrosio Toval
Received: 1 February 2013 / Accepted: 7 November 2013 / Published online: 21 November 2013
!Springer-Verlag London 2013
Abstract Requirements engineering (RE) has attracted a
great deal of attention from researchers and practitioners in
recent years. Requirements engineering education (REE) is
therefore an important undertaking if the field is to have
professionals who are capable of successfully accom-
plishing software projects. This increasing interest
demands that academia should provide software engineer-
ing students with a solid foundation in the subject matter.
This paper aims to identify and to present the current
research on REE that is available at present, and to select
useful approaches and needs for future research. A sys-
tematic mapping study was therefore performed to classify
the selected studies into five classification criteria: research
type, empirical type, contribution type, RE activity, and
curricula. A total of 79 papers were selected and classified
according to these criteria. The results of this systematic
mapping study are discussed, and a list of advice obtained
from the REE literature for instructors is provided.
Keywords Software requirements !Requirements
engineering !Education !Systematic mapping study
1 Introduction
Education research is becoming increasingly important not
only for educators but also for practitioners and researchers
in the domain. Top software engineering journals publish
papers on software engineering education. Important
Software and Requirements engineering (RE) Conferences,
such as the International Conference on Software Engi-
neering and the International Conference on RE, include
tracks or workshops on Software or requirements engi-
neering education (REE), respectively.
RE is concerned with the real-world goals for functions
(functional RE) and constraints (nonfunctional RE, e.g.,
constraints on quality and costs) on software systems. It is
also concerned with the relationships that these factors
have with precise specifications of software behavior and
with their evolution over time and across software families
[1]. RE is a multidisciplinary activity that deploys a variety
of techniques and tools at different stages of development
and for different kinds of application domains [2].
Research endeavors in software development have found
that the failures and deficiencies of software systems are
often rooted in the requirements activities undertaken [3
6]. One of the main causes of this is the lack of appropriate
skills and knowledge of those engaged in RE activities [7].
The correct teaching of RE at university level has therefore
become an important mission for the profession. This
education should ideally be provided as an integrated part
of developing the requisite of RE and software engineering
technical skills, shortly before students become engineers
and enter the workforce [8]. There has thus been an
increasing emphasis on incorporating RE into the univer-
sity curricula of both undergraduate and postgraduate stu-
dents in the past decade [913], and a significant number of
studies have been carried out in the area of REE [1417].
S. Ouhbi (&)!A. Idri
Software Project Management research team, ENSIAS,
University Mohammed V Souissi, Rabat, Morocco
A. Idri
J. L. Ferna
´n!A. Toval
Department Informatica y Sistemas, University of Murcia,
Murcia, Spain
A. Toval
Requirements Eng (2015) 20:119–138
DOI 10.1007/s00766-013-0192-5
In order to present academics and practitioners with
effective methodologies that can be adopted to provide
high quality and relevant RE courses, a preliminary survey
of REE was carried out beforehand [18]. The survey in
question identified the contribution types of 31 articles,
while the paper presented here provides a new and com-
plete systematic mapping study. In addition to the formal
protocol established by systematic mapping studies, the
scope has been broadened, now including 79 papers in
addition to new classification criteria, i.e., RE activities and
RE curricula are now considered. To the best of our
knowledge, no systematic mapping study has been pub-
lished in the field of REE to date. A systematic mapping
study [19] is a defined method with which a classification
scheme can be built and a field of interest structured. It
provides a structure of the type of research reports and
results that have been published by categorizing them. In
this paper, a systematic mapping study has been preformed,
which has allowed us to summarize the approaches pro-
posed for the development of the RE skills and to address
REE deficiencies. This mapping study has additionally
enabled us to discover which RE activities are most fre-
quently addressed in the REE literature and whether the
authors of the selected papers have based their solutions on
model curricula. The primary studies were identified by
using search strings in digital libraries.
The structure of this paper is as follows: Sect. 2lists
main RE curricula. Section 3presents the research method
of our study. Section 4reports the results obtained from the
systematic mapping study. Section 5discusses the main
findings of this mapping study, presents a list of hints for
RE instructors, and outlines threats to validity. Finally, our
conclusions and future work are shown in Sect. 6.
2 RE in model curricula, bodies of knowledge,
and standards
This section presents an analysis of the current situation in
REE, as regards the most important software engineering
model curricula, bodies of knowledge (BoKs), and stan-
dards. Various organizations have made great efforts to
identify RE knowledge [15]. Many curricula, BoKs, and
standards, including RE content, have been provided to
assist REE scholars to successfully undertake RE activities.
A BoK represents the complete set of concepts, terms, and
activities that a professional domain institutes, while a
model curriculum is a set of guidelines with which to
address education issues [15]. A standard is a technical
specification that has been approved by a recognized
standardization organization with the objective of achiev-
ing the optimum degree of order in a given context [20].
Some examples of the three categories are presented in the
following subsections in order to provide an overview of
the results presented in Sect. 4.8, although this is not an
exhaustive description:
2.1 Model curricula
The Joint IEEE/ACM Computing Curriculum—Soft-
ware Engineering (CCSE) [10]. This is a basic under-
graduate curriculum in software engineering that
contains a bibliography of information that every soft-
ware engineer should know. One of the programs in this
curriculum aims to help students understanding the
process of determining client needs and translating
them to software requirements.
The Joint IEEE/ACM Computing Curriculum—Com-
puter Science (CCCS) [11]. This curriculum contains
undergraduate programs in each of the major comput-
ing disciplines. It highlights their commonalities and
differences and describes the characteristics of gradu-
ates from each kind of undergraduate degree program.
Some of the units in this curriculum address software
requirements, specifications, and analysis.
ACM/AIS Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate
Degree Programs in Information Systems (IS) [21].
One of the learning objectives of this curriculum is to
teach undergraduate students how to ‘‘apply informa-
tion requirements specification processes in the broader
systems analysis & design context’’ and how to ‘‘write
clear and concise business requirements documents and
convert them into technical specifications.’
Graduate Software Engineering (GSwE2009)—Curric-
ulum Guidelines for Graduate Degree Programs in
Software Engineering [22]. This curriculum is the first
product of Integrated Software & Systems Engineering
Curriculum (iSSEc) Project. It primarily addresses the
education of students for a professional masters degree
in software engineering. Among its guidelines is a
Knowledge Area (KA) that focuses on the comprehen-
sion of software requirements fundamentals, require-
ments elicitation, requirements analysis, requirements
specification, and requirements validation.
2.2 Body of knowledge
The Software Engineering Body Of Knowledge
(SWEBOK) 12. is a comprehensive description of the
knowledge needed to practice software engineering. It
contains ten KAs such as requirements, design, testing,
construction, and configuration management. It breaks
down each KA into topic areas. SWEBOK refers to RE
120 Requirements Eng (2015) 20:119–138
as Software Requirements (SR), and it breaks the RE
KA into SR fundamentals, process, elicitation, analysis,
specification, validation, and practical considerations.
Software Engineering Education Knowledge (SEEK) [9]
draws on the knowledge areas of the SWEBOK. It
defines SE education BoKs that are appropriate to guide
the development of undergraduate SE curricula. It
contains recommended course sequences, guidelines
for curriculum development, and recommendations for
alternative teaching environments. The KAs of SEEK are
as follows: foundations, requirements, design, construc-
tion, maintenance, process, quality, and management.
The Requirements Engineering Body of Knowledge
(REBOK). Aoyama et al. [14] has developed the model
and architecture of the body of knowledge of REBOK
and its proof of concept.
2.3 Standards
IEEE Std 1233-98 [23] for system requirements spec-
ification. This standard was replaced by ISO/IEC/IEEE
29148:2011, which provides additional guidance in the
application of RE and requirements management
IEEE Std 1465-98 [24] is a guideline for quality
requirements in software packages.
IEEE Std 830-98 [25] is a guideline for the production
and content of the software requirements specification.
ISO/IEC 25030:2007 [26] is a guideline for software
product quality requirements and evaluation. It applies
the quality model defined in ISO/IEC 9126-1 [27], and
it complies with the requirement processes defined in
ISO/IEC 15288 [28], which is a system engineering
ISO/IEC TR 24766:2009 [29] is a guideline or RE tool
3 Research methodology
According to Petersen et al. [19], the main goal of a sys-
tematic mapping study is to provide an overview of a
research area and identify the quantity and type of research
and results available within it. A researcher often wishes to
map the frequencies of publication over time to see trends.
A secondary goal may be to identify the fora in which
research in the area has been published.
Figure 1shows the mapping process, which covers the
search for relevant publications, the definition of a classi-
fication scheme, and the mapping of publications. A
mapping study differs from a systematic literature review
[30], which aims to establish the state of evidence, focus on
identifying best practices, and shows where particular
evidence is missing or is insufficiently reported in existing
studies. This is not the goal of a systematic mapping study,
since the articles are not studied in sufficient detail. Its
main focus is rather on classification, conducting a the-
matic analysis and identifying publication fora [19].
3.1 Research questions
The overall objective of our study is to gain insight into the
solutions designed to address the problems in REE, such as the
problems identified by Memon et al. [31]. In order to obtain a
detailed view on this topic, the systematic mapping study
addresses seven research questions (RQ). Table 1presents the
seven RQs with their corresponding motivations. These
questions will allow us to categorize the current research in
REE and to identify future areas of research in the field.
3.2 Search strategy
The articles were identified by consulting the following
sources: IEEE Digital Library, ACM Digital Library, and
Science Direct. Google Scholar was also used to seek gray
literature in the field such as white papers and technical
reports. The efficient use of Google Scholar to perform
bibliometric studies has been demonstrated [32]. The fol-
lowing search string was used in order to perform the
automatic search in the digital libraries selected:
‘Requirements’’ AND (‘‘Engineering’’ OR ‘‘Elicita-
tion’’ OR ‘‘Specification’’ OR ‘‘Analysis’’ OR ‘‘Valida-
tion’’ OR ‘‘Process’’) AND (‘‘Educat*’’ OR ‘‘Train*’’ OR
‘Teach*’’ OR ‘‘Course’’ OR ‘‘Learn*’’ OR ‘‘Curricul*’
OR ‘‘Guide’’ OR ‘‘Coach*’’ OR ‘‘Explain*’’).
Fig. 1 Systematic mapping
process [19]
Requirements Eng (2015) 20:119–138 121
3.3 Study selection
The aim of the selection process was to identify the articles
that are the most relevant to the objective of this mapping
study. When the same paper appeared in more than one
source, it was considered only once according to our search
order. Each paper was retrieved by one author and evaluated
by two authors, in order to decide whether if it should be
included, by considering its title, abstract, and keywords.
Articles that were judged differently were discussed by the
two authors who carried out the evaluation of articles until
an agreement was found. The remaining authors reviewed
the final selection. The Cohen’s Kappa coefficient was used
to calculate the interrater agreement between the two
authors in their evaluation. The Kappa coefficient was 0.95
which, according to Landis and Koch [33], indicates an
almost perfect agreement between the two assessments.
The first step after the articles had been identified was to
eliminate duplicate titles, and titles clearly not related to
the review. The inclusion criteria were limited to the search
string, and the studies that met at least one of the following
exclusion criteria (EC) were excluded:
EC1 Papers that are not focused on education.
EC2 Papers presenting a general focus on software
EC3 Papers about requirements for engineering
Figure 2shows the search process result. 79 studies
were selected of 1,359 identified studies.
3.4 Quality assessment
The quality assessment (QA) is usually carried out in
systematic literature reviews and less in systematic map-
ping studies. However, in order to enhance our study, a
questionnaire was designed to assess the quality of the
papers selected. The QA was carried out by the two authors
who retrieved the studies. The way in which this ques-
tionnaire was written was inspired by a previous mapping
study [34].
(a) The study provides a contribution toward how REE
can be conducted. The possible answers were ‘‘Yes
(?1)’’ and ‘‘No (?0).’
(b) The study presents clear solutions to the problems in
REE. The possible answers were ‘‘Yes (?1),’
‘Partially (?0.5),’’ and ‘‘No (?0).’
(c) The study presents empirical results. The possible
answers were: ‘‘Yes (?1)’’ and ‘‘No (?0).’
(d) The study has been published in a recognized and
stable publication source. This question was rated by
considering the computer science conference rankings
(CORE) [35] (A, B, and C), and the Journal Citation
Reports (JCR) lists. The possible answers to this
question were
for conferences, workshops, and symposia:
(?1.5) if it is ranked CORE A,
(?1) if it is ranked CORE B,
(?0.5) if it is ranked CORE C,
(?0) If it is not in CORE ranking.
Table 1 Research questions
No. Research question Main motivation
RQ1 Which publication channels
are the main targets for
REE research?
To identify where REE
research can be found as
well as the good targets for
publication of future studies
RQ2 How has the frequency of
approaches related to REE
changed over time?
To identify the publication
trends over time of REE
RQ3 What are the research types
of REE studies?
To explore the different types
of research reported in the
literature concerning REE
RQ4 Are REE studies empirically
To discover whether research
on REE has been validated
through empirical studies
RQ5 What are the approaches that
were reported in REE
research that address REE
To discover the existing REE
approaches reported in the
existing REE literature
RQ6 What are the RE activities
that were addressed in REE
To identify in which RE
activities REE researchers
are interested in
RQ7 Were REE approaches
reported in literature based
on RE curricula?
To discover if researchers
take into consideration RE
curricula in REE
approaches design
Fig. 2 The primary studies selection process
122 Requirements Eng (2015) 20:119–138
for journals:
(?2) if it is ranked Q1,
(?1.5) if it is ranked Q2,
(?1) if it is ranked Q3 or Q4
(?0) If it has no JCR ranking.
for others; (?0).
The score for the quality criterion (d) refers to the fact
that journals are more advantageous than conferences,
workshops, and symposia because the authors believe that
the possibility of publishing work in Q1 or Q2 journal may
be more difficult than in other publication channels. The
sum of the four closed-question scores for each study
provided a final score (an integer between 0 and 5).
3.5 Data extraction strategy and synthesis method
The data extraction strategy was based on providing the set
of possible answers to research questions.
RQ1. To answer this question, publication source and
channel for each paper should be identified.
RQ2. To draw the publication trend, articles should be
classified per publication year.
RQ3. A research type can be classified into the
following categories [30]:
Evaluation Research: An evaluation or an investiga-
tion of REE approaches is conducted. This also
includes the identification of problems in REE.
Solution Proposal: A solution to REE problems is
proposed. This solution may be novel or a significant
extension of an existing approach. The potential
benefits and the applicability of the solution are
shown with a small example or a good
Experience Papers: These papers must express the
author’s personal experience and explain what has
been done and how it was realized in practice.
Other: e.g., Theoretical papers, opinion papers,
RQ4. The empirical research type can be classified into
Case study: An empirical inquiry that investigates a
phenomenon within its real-life context. This term
may refer to single or multiple case studies.
Survey: A method for collecting quantitative infor-
mation concerning items in REE, e.g., a
Experiment: An empirical method applied under
controlled conditions and using students as subjects
in order to observe its effects on REE.
RQ5. An approach can be classified into the following
categories as proposed in [19,38].
Method: A means or manner of procedure and a
series of steps taken to acquire knowledge in REE.
Tool: Anything used as a means to accomplish a task
or purpose in REE.
Model: A representation of a system that allows for
investigation of the properties of REE to be
Guideline: An indication of policy or procedure by
which a course of action in REE can be determined.
Framework: A real or conceptual structure intended
to serve as a support or guide for the building of
something that expands the structure into something
useful in REE.
RQ6. Upon considering the SWEBOK [12] RE KA
breakdown, RE activities can be classified into the
Requirements process. A paper is categorized into
this criterion if it discusses all RE activities in detail.
Requirements elicitation. If the paper reports how
and where to collect RE.
Requirements analysis. If the paper discusses
requirements classification, conceptual modeling,
architectural design, and requirements allocation.
Requirements specification. If the paper shows the
procedure of the production of a document, or its
electronic equivalent, which can be systematically
reviewed, evaluated, and approved.
Requirements validation. If the paper presents the
process used to examine the requirements documents
to ensure that the right system is being defined.
Requirements engineering. If the paper does not
discuss any RE activity and if it mentions RE in
RQ7. The word ‘‘curricula’’ in this question refers to
model curricula, bodies of knowledge, and standards
defined in Sect. 2The answer to this question can be
classified into: SWEBOK, CCSE, CCCS, IS, GSwE,
REBOK, SEEK, IEEE 830, IEEE 1233, IEEE 1465,
ISO/IEC TR 24766, ISO/IEC 25030, or Other.
The synthesis method is based on counting the primary
studies that are classified in each of the RQ responses,
presenting a ranking of the primary studies based on their
QA, and finally, presenting charts for the classification
result. A variety of evaluation approaches have been used
in the analysis of the results and a narrative summary with
which to recount the principal findings of this systematic
mapping study and describe them is presented in the
Requirements Eng (2015) 20:119–138 123
4 Results
This section describes the results related to the systematic
mapping questions presented in Table 1. Some studies
were chosen to illustrate examples of each RQ’s result. We
consider that they are relevant and make an important
contribution to REE.
4.1 Selection results
Of the 148 articles deeply investigated, 69 papers were
discarded and 79 were finally selected. The 79 papers
identified were analyzed in order to answer the RQs
explained above. Table 2presents the list of the selected
papers with details of the overall classification results and
their QA.
4.2 RQ1. Which publication channels are the main
targets for REE research?
Table 3lists all the sources, the different publication
channels, and the number of articles per publication source.
Four different publication channels were identified in
addition to one technical report and a working paper.
About 46 % of the selected papers appeared in workshops,
39 % were presented at conferences, 9 % were published
in journals, and 4 % were presented at symposia. Two
reports were also included in the systematic mapping study.
Note that 38 % of the selected papers were published in the
International Workshop on REE and training (REET).
4.3 RQ2. How has the frequency of approaches related
to REE changed over time?
Figure 3presents the number of articles published per year
from 1995 to 2012. There are three apparent outliers in the
years 2005 and 2008. The reason for this result is that some
selected papers were published in workshops as it is shown
in Fig. 3. Workshops and especially REET workshop
impacted the trend of REE publications per year.
The REET workshop started in 2005. The next editions
of this workshop were held yearly after 2007, which
explains the drop in publications on 2006. The spike of
other sources on 2008 is explained by the fact that on this
year, 4 articles were presented in the IEEE International
Requirements Engineering Conference. The reader will also
notice that in 1996, 1998, and 2001, no articles were pub-
lished. That could be explained by the fact that REE gained
interest on the beginning of the last decades after the pub-
lication of software engineering BoK and RE standards. The
decrease in 2012 may be explained by the point in time at
which this mapping study was performed and probably does
not reflect the real number of articles in 2012.
4.4 RQ3. What are the research types of REE studies?
Four research types were identified in this systematic
mapping study. Evaluation research (17 articles), solution
proposal (31 papers), experience paper (30 papers), and one
review. Theoretical papers or opinion papers were not
found in the REE literature. Around 77 % of the selected
papers (solution proposal and experience paper) therefore
present a solution to an REE problem, while 22 % evaluate
REE approaches, and one paper reviews the methods
reported in the REE literature. Examples of research types
are presented in the following paragraph.
Regev et al. [8] described their experience in teaching
an RE course. The course used an active, affective, expe-
riential pedagogy giving students the opportunity to expe-
rience a simulated work environment which demonstrates
the social/design-problem complexities and richness of a
development organization in the throws of creating a new
product. Davis et al. [97] proposed an approach that was
designed to facilitate life-long learning and stimulate the
continuous improvement of RE practice. One of the most
significant planned contributions of their project was the
establishment of a test bed in order to integrate RE research
and education which has a direct impact on practice. Hai-
ney et al. [40] evaluated a game to teach requirements
collection and analysis in software engineering at tertiary
education level. The results indicate that the game did not
meet the expectations of Further Education (FE) learners
(college level) to the same degree as the Higher Education
(HE) learners (university level). The approach seems to be
more suited to HE learners in terms of knowledge acqui-
sition, aspects of the game, and perceptions as opposed to
FE learners.
4.5 RQ4. Are REE studies empirically validated?
The result for this question revealed that 34 % of the
studies are not empirical studies because they do not pro-
vide any type of validation and do not present any proof of
concept. About 52 % of the nonempirical studies identified
in this paper suggest solutions with which to enhance REE
without empirically validating the proposed approaches.
Another 44 % of the nonempirical studies report their
authors’ experiences in teaching RE. A review [112] was
also identified, which presents a comparison of practitio-
ners’ perspectives of the usefulness of the RE content
knowledge included in higher education programs. In
around 38 % of the selected papers, experiments were
conducted with students in order to evaluate the effec-
tiveness of the authors’ approach in REE. 6 % of the papers
reported case studies in industry, and 22 % reported the
results of surveys.
124 Requirements Eng (2015) 20:119–138
Table 2 Classification
References Classification Quality assessment
P. Channel P. Year Research type Empirical
Approach RE activity Curricula (a) (b) (c) (d) Score
[7] Workshop 2004 Evaluation research Survey Model Process CCCS 1 0.5 1 1 3.5
[8] Conference 2008 Experience paper Experiment Method Engineering No 1 1 1 1.5 4.5
[16] Conference 2008 Solution proposal Survey Tool Process Other 1 1 1 1.5 4.5
[17] Conference 2003 Experience paper Experiment Tool Process SWEBOK 1 1 1 1.5 4.5
[31] Conference 2010 Evaluation research Survey Guideline Engineering No 1 0.5 1 0.5 3
[39] Conference 2006 Experience paper Experiment Method Process No 1 1 1 1.5 4.5
[40] Journal 2011 Evaluation research Experiment Method Analysis No 1 0.5 1 2 4.5
[41] Journal 2007 Evaluation research Experiment Tool Engineering No 1 0.5 1 2 4.5
[42] Symposium 2011 Experience paper Survey Model Process No 1 1 1 1.5 4.5
[43] Workshop 2004 Solution proposal Experiment Framework Engineering No 1 1 1 1 4
[44] Conference 2004 Experience paper Survey Method Process No 1 1 1 1 4
[45] Conference 2008 Evaluation research Survey Tool Engineering No 1 0.5 1 1.5 4
[46] Conference 2008 Evaluation research Survey Method Process Other 1 0.5 1 1.5 4
[47] Conference 2000 Experience paper Survey Method Analysis No 1 1 1 1 4
[48] Conference 2005 Experience paper Case study Method Process No 1 1 1 1 4
[49] Conference 2007 Evaluation research Experiment Method Process No 1 0.5 1 1.5 4
[50] Conference 2005 Solution proposal Survey Framework Process No 1 1 1 1 4
[51] Symposium 2008 Evaluation research Survey Model Engineering No 1 0.5 1 1.5 4
[52] Conference 1995 Solution proposal Experiment Tool Elicitation No 1 1 1 1 4
[53] Conference 1999 Solution proposal Experiment Model Analysis No 1 1 1 1 4
[54] Conference 2009 Solution proposal Experiment Method Process SWEBOK 1 1 1 0.5 3.5
[55] Conference 2006 Experience paper Experiment Method Process No 1 1 1 0.5 3.5
[56] Journal 2009 Experience paper No Method Process No 1 1 0 1.5 3.5
[57] Conference 2009 Solution proposal No Model Engineering No 1 1 0 1.5 3.5
[58] Workshop 2008 Experience paper Experiment Framework Engineering No 1 1 1 0 3
[59] Workshop 2008 Experience paper Experiment Guideline Process No 1 1 1 0 3
[60] Workshop 2011 Experience paper Experiment Method Engineering No 1 1 1 0 3
[61] Conference 2009 Experience paper Survey Method Process No 1 1 1 0 3
[62] Workshop 2005 Experience paper Experiment Method Process No 1 1 1 0 3
[63] Conference 2010 Experience paper Experiment Method Engineering No 1 1 1 0 3
[64] Workshop 2010 Solution proposal Survey Method Process No 1 1 1 0 3
[65] Technical report 1997 Experience paper Experiment Tool Engineering No 1 1 1 0 3
[66] Workshop 2005 Experience paper Experiment Guideline Process SEEK 1 1 1 0 3
[67] Workshop 2007 Solution proposal Experiment Method Process Other 1 1 1 0 3
[68] Workshop 2009 Solution proposal Experiment Method Process SWEBOK 1 1 1 0 3
[69] Conference 2003 Experience paper No Method Elicitation IEEE830 1 1 0 1 3
[70] Workshop 2007 Experience paper Experiment Method Process No 1 1 1 0 3
[71] Workshop 2005 Solution proposal Experiment Method Process CCSE 1 1 1 0 3
[72] Working paper 2002 Solution proposal Experiment Framework Process No 1 1 1 0 3
[73] Conference 2011 Solution proposal Experiment Tool Process No 1 1 1 0 3
[74] Conference 2012 Solution proposal Case study Method Engineering No 1 1 1 0 3
[75] Conference 2008 Solution proposal No Tool Elicitation No 1 1 0 1 3
[76] Conference 2000 Experience paper No Method Process No 1 1 0 1 3
[77] Journal 2004 Solution proposal Experiment Tool Specification IEEE1233 1 1 1 0 3
[78] Conference 2005 Evaluation research Survey Method Process CCSE 1 0.5 1 0.5 3
[79] Workshop 2005 Solution proposal Experiment Method Process SWEBOK 1 1 1 0 3
[80] Journal 2010 Solution proposal Survey Tool Elicitation No 1 1 1 0 3
[81] Conference 2011 Evaluation research Experiment Method Analysis No 1 0.5 1 0 2.5
Requirements Eng (2015) 20:119–138 125
Note that if the paper selected indicates that it contains a
case study and the authors used students as subjects for
their case study, then according to our classification crite-
ria, it is classified as an experiment. All of these empirical
studies were carried out by using previously trained stu-
dents who had a high level of control as regards the study.
The students first received lectures about an RE topic (for
example, the tools and methodologies used to manage
requirements) and then applied the knowledge and skills
acquired to the design of a system or even the creation of a
physical product in a laboratory environment. The inves-
tigations identified could be repeated under identical con-
ditions. The studies therefore had execution control and
ease of replication, which are the research strategy factors
of an experiment, not a case study. According to Wohlin
et al. [113], ‘‘the difference between case studies and
experiments is that experiments sample over variables that
are being manipulated, while case studies sample from the
variables representing the typical situation.’’ In our opin-
ion, a case study that is carried out with students in the
environments described does not represent a typical situa-
tion that is suitable for the industrial evaluation of RE
methods and tools because the students are manipulated by
the researchers to act in a defined scenario.
Figure 4shows that around the half of the solution
proposals and experience papers were empirically vali-
dated through experiments. It also shows that in order to
evaluate an existing approach, authors mainly use
Table 2 continued
References Classification Quality assessment
P. Channel P. Year Research type Empirical
Approach RE activity Curricula (a) (b) (c) (d) Score
[82] Workshop 2007 Experience paper Case study Method Process No 1 0.5 1 0 2.5
[83] Workshop 2005 Experience paper No Model Process No 1 0.5 1 0 2.5
[84] Workshop 2005 Evaluation research Experiment Method Engineering CCSE 1 0.5 1 0 2.5
[85] Workshop 2011 Evaluation research Experiment Method Engineering No 1 0.5 1 0 2.5
[86] Conference 2012 Evaluation research Survey Method Engineering No 1 0.5 1 0 2.5
[87] Workshop 2010 Evaluation research Experiment Method Process No 1 0.5 1 0 2.5
[88] Workshop 2005 Evaluation research Survey Model Process No 1 0.5 1 0 2.5
[89] Workshop 2007 Evaluation research Case study Model Analysis No 1 0.5 1 0 2.5
[90] Workshop 2007 Evaluation research Case study Method Process No 1 0.5 1 0 2.5
[91] Workshop 2008 Experience paper No Tool Elicitation No 1 1 0 0 2
[92] Workshop 2012 Solution proposal No Method Engineering No 1 1 0 0 2
[93] Workshop 2010 Solution proposal No Method Analysis No 1 1 0 0 2
[94] Workshop 2005 Solution proposal No Guideline Elicitation No 1 1 0 0 2
[95] Workshop 2008 Experience paper No Method Process No 1 1 0 0 2
[96] Workshop 2004 Experience paper No Method Engineering No 1 1 0 0 2
[97] Workshop 2005 Experience paper No Method Process Other 1 1 0 0 2
[98] Workshop 2005 Experience paper No Method Process CCSE 1 1 0 0 2
[99] Workshop 2008 Solution proposal No Method Engineering No 1 1 0 0 2
[100] Conference 2005 Experience paper No Method Elicitation No 1 1 0 0 2
[101] Workshop 2008 Solution proposal No Tool Engineering No 1 1 0 0 2
[102] Workshop 2008 Solution proposal No Model Process No 1 1 0 0 2
[103] Workshop 2010 Solution proposal Survey Method Process IEEE830 1 1 0 0 2
[104] Journal 2012 Solution proposal No Method Engineering No 1 1 0 0 2
[105] Journal 2011 Solution proposal No Tool Engineering No 1 1 0 0 2
[106] Symposium 2010 Solution proposal No Tool Process No 1 1 0 0 2
[107] Conference 2008 Solution proposal No Tool Elicitation No 1 1 0 0 2
[108] Conference 2009 Solution proposal No Tool Elicitation No 1 1 0 0 2
[109] Conference 2005 Experience paper No Guideline Process IEEE830 1 1 0 0 2
[110] Workshop 2011 Solution proposal No Method Analysis No 1 1 0 0 2
[111] Workshop 2009 Experience paper No Model Process SWEBOK 1 1 0 0 2
[112] Workshop 2005 Review No Method Process No 1 0.5 0 0 1.5
126 Requirements Eng (2015) 20:119–138
Table 3 Publication source
Publication source Channel References No. %
International Workshop on requirements engineering
education and training
Workshop [5860,62,64,6668,70,71,79,8285,8791,
30 37.97
IEEE international requirements engineering conference Conference [8,16,17,45,46,57] 6 7.59
Conference on software engineering education & training Conference [31,54,55,78] 4 5.06
ASEE/IEEE rrontiers in education conference Conference [52,53,69,76] 4 5.06
IEEE international conference and workshop on the
engineering of computer-based systems
Conference [44,48] 2 2.53
Australian workshop on requirements engineering Workshop [7,43] 2 2.53
International workshop on multimedia and enjoyable
requirements engineering
Workshop [99,101] 2 2.53
International workshop on advances and applications of
problem frames
Workshop [96] 1 1.27
International workshop on software engineering education
based on real-world experiences
Workshop [92] 1 1.27
International world scientific and engineering academy and
society conference
Conference [86] 1 1.27
Malaysian conference in software engineering Conference [81] 1 1.27
Mexican international conference on computer science Conference [108] 1 1.27
Norsk informatikkonferanse conference Conference [63] 1 1.27
ACM special interest group on computer science education
Conference [39] 1 1.27
World academy of science, engineering and technology Conference [109] 1 1.27
International technology, education and development
Conference [73] 1 1.27
International business conference Conference [50] 1 1.27
Australian software engineering conference Conference [47] 1 1.27
IEEE international conference on advanced learning
Conference [75] 1 1.27
IEEE international conference on computer science and
automation engineering
Conference [74] 1 1.27
International conference on computing in civil engineering Conference [100] 1 1.27
International conference on information technology: new
Conference [61] 1 1.27
International conference on intelligent virtual agents Conference [107] 1 1.27
International conference on software engineering Conference [49] 1 1.27
Symposium of the special commission of games and digital
Symposium [106] 1 1.27
ACM-IEEE international symposium on empirical software
engineering and measurement
Symposium [51] 1 1.27
Symposium on computer science education Symposium [42] 1 1.27
Computers & education journal Journal [40] 1 1.27
Empirical software engineering Journal [41] 1 1.27
International journal of computer applications Journal [104] 1 1.27
International Journal of Computer Science Issues Journal [105] 1 1.27
International journal of engineering education Journal [77] 1 1.27
Requirements engineering journal Journal [56] 1 1.27
Revista Facultad de Ingeniera Universidad de Antioquia Journal [80] 1 1.27
Technical report Other [65] 1 1.27
Working paper Other [72] 1 1.27
Requirements Eng (2015) 20:119–138 127
questionnaires or conduct experiments. Examples of REE
empirical research are mentioned in the following
Beatty and Alexander [45] conducted an experience to
evaluate the existing research on the use of games in
training and their application to RE training. The authors’
experiences, the existing research, and theories from the
field of learning led them to conclude that games appeared
to be transferable and applicable to training in RE. Mead
et al. [68] presented a case study to validate a compre-
hensive teaching model for security Requirements Engi-
neering that centered on the employment of the SQUARE
method [114]. The results showed that when students learn
about security Requirements Engineering using SQUARE,
they have a better understanding of what is needed to
produce more secure software. Svahnberg et al. [51]
investigated students’ abilities to understand and assess
multiple perspective (basic skills, state of practice, and
state of the art) involvement in the requirements selection
process. The authors performed a survey in relation to
requirements selection as part of an Advanced Course on
Requirements Engineering at Blekinge Institute of Tech-
nology. The results indicated that students have a good
understanding of the way industry acts in the context of
requirements selection and that students may work well as
subjects in empirical studies in this area. Memon et al. [31]
attempted to assess the status of REE courses offered in
major public universities in Malaysia. The aim of their
paper was to discover out the problems that students con-
front on an RE course and compare them with those pre-
sented in the REE literature. The survey results confirmed
many of the problems presented in the literature but also
explored insights that may encourage researchers to be
aware of the limitations of the way in which RE courses are
commonly conducted.
4.6 RQ5. What are the approaches that were reported
in REE research that address REE problems?
The majority of all research type approaches describe
methods. About 20 % of REE approaches describe tools
and 16 % describe models. Guidelines (6 %) and frame-
works (5 %) are also proposed as solutions to REE prob-
lems. Figure 5shows that the majority of authors report
Fig. 3 Number of articles published per year
Fig. 4 Research types and empirical type
Fig. 5 Approaches
128 Requirements Eng (2015) 20:119–138
their experience in delivering REE course methods. With
regard to proposing solutions, the authors’ tend to propose
both methods and tools. Models were almost equally
reported in solution proposals, in experience papers and in
evaluation research. The framework approach (in this
context ’framework’ is considered to be a structure that
forms a frame for REE) is mainly reported as an REE
proposed solution, while the guideline approach is reported
as the authors’ approach experience. Some of the REE
approaches reported in the selected papers are listed below.
Callele and Makaroff [39] presented a second-year
computer science course designed to simulate appreciation
for the need for RE and to provide students with an
opportunity to engage in RE activity. Damien et al. [62]
described a course that was taught in collaboration between
three universities in different locations, time zones, and
culture: Canada, Australia, and Italy. The students from the
three locations played the roles of a client and developer
and experienced the iterative development of requirements
specification in global projects. Smith and Gotel [16]
designed the RE-O-Poly game to explain and explore good
RE practices. Since requirements are often conflicting,
players have to learn to resolve conflicts and determine
priorities in the game. Zowghi and Paryani [17] used role
playing as a pedagogical tool to provide their students with
a fuller appreciation of the range of both technical and
nontechnical issues involved in RE practices. Knauss et al.
[101] presented a Web-based simulation game, which was
easy to understand and fun to play within just a few min-
utes in order to take RE more seriously. The Software
Quantum game helps students to understand one of the
principal challenges of RE which is to build the right
system within the available time. Barnes, Gause, and Way
[59] described sample techniques for the teaching of the
unknown (e.g., recommendations about requirements for
disaster recovery) and unknowable (e.g., requirements to
predict future trends) in RE for systems design and pre-
sented their experiences in teaching as part of requirements
analysis in an engineering systems design class. Armarego
[43] presented an approach based on problem-based
learning (PBL) which attempts to provide students with a
solid foundation in the subject matter while simultaneously
exposing them to real-world characteristics. It provides
students with a process to deal with problems within a
metacognitive-rich framework that makes complexity
apparent and allows students deal with it in an adaptive
4.7 RQ6. What are the RE activities that were
addressed in the REE literature?
About 52 % of the selected papers present approaches for
requirements processes, and 27 % of the selected papers
did not specify any RE activity and were therefore clas-
sified under Requirements Engineering. Requirements
elicitation was reported in 11 % of the selected papers,
9 % discussed requirements analysis, and only one paper
discussed requirements specification, while no require-
ments validation were identified. In Fig. 6, the answers
for RQ3, RQ4, and RQ5 were combined in order to
establish a mapping with the aim of providing an over-
view of RE activities. This mapping has allowed us to
obtain more information on how the results from each RQ
are related to the others. The diagram presents the
research facet related to RE activity, distributed over
approaches and research types. This figure allows us to
conclude that only one tool was proposed as a solution for
requirements specification that authors mainly report their
experience in teaching requirements processes and that
the majority of the solution proposals concern require-
ments processes. In addition, most of the REE tools are
designed for requirements elicitation activities. Further
information regarding the relationship between the three
facets is shown in Fig. 6.
4.8 RQ7. Were REE approaches reported
in the literature based on RE curricula?
Only 24 % of the selected papers take into consideration
RE model curricula, BoKs, or standards. SWEBOK, CCSE,
and IEEE std 830 are the main RE sources for authors.
Other curricula were identified: Business Analyst BOdy of
Knowledge (BABOK), IEEE Std 9003, and Requirements
Engineering Good Practice Guide (REGPG).
4.9 Quality assessment
Table 5presents the quality assessment score for each
paper. About 59 % of the selected papers had an above
average score, and 13 % had an average score, while 28 %
were below average. This quality assessment may help
REE scholars to choose the relevant papers according to
the criteria defined in Sect. 3.4.
5 Discussion and implication
This section summarizes and discusses the results related to
the systematic mapping study. Advice for instructors is also
proposed in this section.
5.1 Principal findings
The goal of this systematic mapping study was to examine
the current knowledge in REE by selecting 79 papers from
a total of 148. They were then classified according to five
Requirements Eng (2015) 20:119–138 129
criteria: research type, empirical type, approach type, RE
activity, and RE model curricula. The principal findings of
our study are the following:
The REE research area has gained increasing attention
since 2004, and 2005 marked the shift in the REE
publication trend as it was the year in which an
International Workshop on REET began. About 46 %
of the selected papers were published in workshops,
while only 9 % had reached the maturity of a journal
publication. However, upon taking into consideration,
the yearly Chaos Report series conducted by the
Standish Group [3] and the studies [5,115,116] that
demonstrate the criticality of RE with regard to the
success of SE projects, we believe that REE will
probably gain much more attention in the future.
About 77 % of the selected papers reported solutions to
REE. This result shows that the REE field has not yet
attained sufficient maturity for evaluation and that the
main concern for REE researchers is to propose
approaches with which to enhance REE. This is also
shown by the fact that experience papers reporting the
authors’ teaching experience and solution proposals
were the most common research types found in the
literature. The objective of the solutions identified in
this study is principally to address students’ lack of
awareness of RE principles and practices in the
development of software projects [39,50] and their
lack of interest in RE courses [16,101].
The most frequently reported approaches in the selected
papers were methods which were mainly reported as
RE courses. Some authors shared their teaching expe-
rience [8,44,70,76] or their course designs [54,74,
103] in order to present solutions to REE. Other authors
preferred to evaluate the efficiency of the existing
training and teaching programs [40,46] and their
impact on REE improvement. Another approach cate-
gory that has received attention was that of tools.
Authors proposed games as teaching tools because
games are fun and engaging and provide friendly
competition [16,17,80,106]. Many of the approaches
identified were suggested to enhance REE and to
replace traditional RE course teaching methods, such as
the use of simulated project examples that do not
provide the students with a realistic experience of
client–developer interaction [8,42].
Fig. 6 RE activities
Table 4 Curricula
Curricula References Total
SWEBOK [17,54,68,79,111]5
SEEK [66]1
CCSE [71,78,84,98]4
CCCS [7]1
IEEE Std 830 [69,103,109]3
IEEE Std 1233 [77]1
Other [16,46,67,97]4
Table 5 Quality assessment
References Score Total
[112] 1.5 1
[91111] 2 21
[8190] 2.5 10
[31,5880] 3 24
[7,5457] 3.5 5
[4353] 4 11
[8,16,17,3942] 4.5 7
130 Requirements Eng (2015) 20:119–138
In 38 % of the selected papers, the authors conducted
experiences, and in only 6 % of the selected articles did
they include industrial case studies in their research. In
RE, a case study is an observational study which
usually aims to track a specific attribute or identify
relationships between different attributes [113]. The
reduced number of studies identified in this category
can be justified by the amount of people involved and
the inherent difficulty of finding industrial projects.
What is more, in 22 % of the selected papers, the
authors used surveys to collect quantitative information
about REE approaches. About 73 % of the selected
papers were empirical studies and 58 % of these
empirical studies used students as subjects. A common
criticism of controlled experiments in which students
are used as subjects is their external validity, and it is
therefore difficult to generalize the results to industrial
settings [117]. However, the study by Svahnberg et al.
[51] shows that in certain circumstances, it may be
possible to use students as subjects for empirical studies
and to influence them to provide answers that are in line
with industrial practice.
Around the half of the selected papers presented
approaches for requirements processes. About 11 %
discussed requirements elicitation, 9 % requirements
analysis, and only one paper discussed requirements
specification. No study for requirements validation was
reported. Researchers mainly propose approaches with
which to address the teaching of requirements process
that involves the general aspects of RE. More research
is needed to address the broad teaching of each RE
activity, and more attention should be paid to require-
ments validation.
The main RE sources identified that inspired authors
were SWEBOK, CCSE, and IEEE std 830. However,
only a quarter of the selected studies took into
consideration the well-known RE model curricula,
BoKs, and standards in the design of their REE
approaches. This result shows that the remaining
approaches do not conform to curricula, BoKs, or
About 24 % of the courses reported in the selected
papers were designed for undergraduate students, and
around 16 % were designed for professional engineers,
while only 9 % could be carried out with both
undergraduate and post graduate students. More
research is therefore needed to assess new teaching
methods and tools in postgraduate courses which
requires the acquisition of a more specialized knowl-
edge of the RE discipline.
The main audience interested in this systematic map-
ping study could be instructors in the field of REE,
since the majority of the REE literature is written by
teachers and instructors. To support this statement, two
points were investigated: the affiliation of the authors
and the publication source. About 84 % of the papers
selected were written by instructors from universities,
while 10 % were written by professionals who are
mainly consultants, and 6 % were written jointly
between instructors and professionals. Only a few
practitioners therefore appear to be interested in REE.
Also, as it was mentioned in the RQ1 result, around
46 % of the selected papers appeared in REE-related
workshops and 39 % in conferences, which are mainly
held for instructors in order to give them the opportu-
nity to share their knowledge and experiences. Observe
that no paper was found in IEEE Transactions on
Education journal, which is one of the most important
journals related to education and computer science.
5.2 Implications and advice for instructors
The findings of our systematic mapping study have
implications for instructors who are working in REE, since
this study will allow them to discover the existing
approaches in the literature concerning REE and to exploit
combined approaches in REE. Moreover, the empirical
studies presented can provide an overview of the efficiency
of each approach. In order to improve the quality of RE
courses, instructors could take into consideration some
These pieces of advice are addressed toward instructors
since they are probably the main audience interested in this
systematic mapping study, as has been demonstrated in the
previous section. The studies cited in this section were
chosen by considering their content. First, those papers in
the mapping study that provided any kind of practical
guidance for REE were classified among those found in the
‘Study selection’’ phase, by reading their abstracts. Sec-
ond, one author carried out an in-depth review of previ-
ously selected papers in order to make recommendations
for the teaching of RE. No predefined templates or
guidelines were used in this screening process. During this
process, important problems in RE training and discussions
addressing key issues in RE were searched for. Recom-
mendations were extracted from the papers as provided by
the authors, and their original purpose and meaning were
According to the literature reviewed [16,31,3941,45,
101], various issues have been identified to be considered
in this section. Other sources have also been identified
[118128], which are not necessarily REE focused, but are
related to these issues; in that, they provide interesting
complementary information regarding the following
Requirements Eng (2015) 20:119–138 131
Teach how to define scope of the problem and avoid
general and vague specifications [39]. In order to
address this issue, instructors can take into account the
different personalities of students when teaching an RE
course. Instructors can ask the students to answer a
questionnaire in order to discover their personality
traits. The results of this questionnaire will allow the
instructors to form teams which exhibit a better
performance. Previous studies [119] show a significant
positive correlation between the personality factor
extraversion and software product quality, including
satisfied requirements.
Show how to select and use an RE tool. More than 100
RE tools can be found on the market [120]. Students
should be aware of the features that the current RE tools
provide and should be taught how to select the best tool
for a project, according to its needs: requirements
elicitation, requirements analysis, requirements speci-
fication, requirements verification and validation, and
requirements management.
Promote activities in requirements analysis and model-
ing in addition to requirements management and
introduce the concept of prototyping in the course.
Prototyping is an important technique in the RE phase
[121]. Through prototyping, an executable model of the
software product can be achieved before the final
product has been created [122]. Moreover, prototypes
presented to stakeholders are very effective in ensuring
valid requirements [123]. A part of the course could be
devoted to prototyping the system described in the
Software Requirements Specification (SRS) and the
enterprise models. Students should rewrite the SRS and
submit an executive summary, including features such
as Return On Investment (ROI) in a nontechnical
language [41]. The difficulties involved in learning
these issues on RE courses have been identified in the
literature [31].
Involve students in industrial projects in order to allow
them to acquire sufficient knowledge and practice,
especially on postgraduate courses. Instructors could
also invite industry practitioners to present real projects
and to describe their accumulated industrial experience.
The difficulties involved in how to apply RE knowl-
edge in the real world have been reported in the
literature [41,118]. By providing the student with an
accurate view of reality and the adequate tools,
instructors can offer them the opportunity to attain a
critical mindset in order to deal with RE in practice.
Have the ability, skills, and strategies needed to align
RE courses with contemporary global software devel-
opment (GSD) conditions. REE must adapt to meet the
changing demands in the global development environ-
ment. Instructors can refer to the experience by Damien
et al. [124] in designing and evaluating a framework to
teach GSD courses and to extract ideas that can be
implemented in RE courses.
Familiarize students with approaches to problem solv-
ing, development methodologies, and development
tools [31]. Instructors can improve their courses by
using some of the solutions proposed in Sect. 4.6. RE
courses are often given in a traditional lecture/exercise
format [41]. It often occurs that students do not place
importance on RE activities and do not see their impact
on the success or failure of projects [101]. Instructors
are encouraged to include alternatives approaches in the
curricula. Some studies [16,40,45,101,125] have
shown that learning through play provides a successful
education experience. In general, game playing consists
of rules, goals, engagement, challenge, feedback, fun,
interactivity, outcome. and immediate reward.
Use mobile devices as teaching tools. Mobile phones
are a particularly attractive avenue for delivering
courses and training in REE. M-learning (learning with
mobile devices) promises a continued extension toward
‘anywhere, anytime’’ learning [126]. Instructors can
deliver their courses in an interactive classroom: The
students can share a virtual whiteboard, electronic
textbook, and data over a networked environment to
actively participate in the course discussions [127].
These devices will encourage students to share their
knowledge, and students will be far more active than on
traditional courses. We propose that instructors refer to
the experience of Yau et al. [128] in order to adopt the
concept of a smart classroom which facilitates collab-
orative learning among students and can be adapted to
5.3 Threats to validity
Four kinds of threats to validity are discussed below.
Construct validity: Construct threats to validity in a
mapping study are related to the identification of
primary studies [129,130]. In order to ensure that as
many relevant primary studies as possible were being
included, two authors identified and proposed potential
search keywords in several iterations. Seven terms
related to RE and nine terms related to education were
used in the search string. However, the list might not
have been complete, and additional or alternative terms
might have altered the final list of papers found [131].
The search was performed by using IEEE Digital
Library, ACM Digital Library, Science Direct, and
Google Scholar. According to the statistics of literature
search engines [132], we believe that most of the
research on RE can be found in these electronic
132 Requirements Eng (2015) 20:119–138
libraries. To decrease the risk of missing related and
important publications, the authors also sought related
papers in major RE research venues (e.g., REJ, ER,
We believe that the inclusion of publication sources
that are not top journals and conferences in the review
might decrease the quality standards of the primary
studies, but it signifies that the representativeness of the
primary studies is increased. In particular, the REET
workshop is an essential venue when undertaking a
study on REE, in spite of its reducing the mean score
for primary studies in Table 2(2.94 out of 5).
Moreover, certain papers may have been overlooked as
the result of the subscription limitations of our univer-
sity library, as was the case of two conference papers
found in the IEEE Digital Library. This problem was
overcome by asking the authors of the papers to provide
us with a copy of their published articles.
Another threat concerns the potential mishandling of
duplications, which might have slightly altered our
results. Two cases of possible duplication were
detected, which were examined exhaustively to dis-
cover whether or not they were the same study.
Although certain content elements were common to
different papers, these papers are based on innovative
ideas or new studies.
The final decision to select a study depended on the two
authors who conducted the search process. If a
disagreement arose between them, then a discussion
took place until an agreement was reached.
Finally, note that although the same papers were not
found in a replication of this secondary study (which is
only possible in a relatively narrow area with experts in
the area conducting the study), the same general
conclusions may be drawn [133].
Internal validity: Internal validity deals with extraction
and data analysis [129,130]. Two authors carried out
the data extraction and classification of the primary
studies, while the other two authors reviewed the final
The decision as to which data to collect and how to
classify the papers therefore depended on the judge-
ment of the two authors conducting the systematic
mapping study. These authors who were from different
culture and research groups carried out two different
classifications for reliability purposes [134].
The Kappa coefficient was 0.95, reflecting a high level
of agreement between the authors, which indicates a
similar understanding of relevance, thus reducing this
threat significantly. The authors were in different time
zones and communicated with each other using video-
conferencing via Skype, and therefore needed to agree
on a timetable for their meetings to avoid them
becoming tired—a situation that is identified as a threat
in literature [135].
Data extraction from prose could also result in a
misclassification, but this problem was addressed by
developing a classification scheme on the basis of
widely accepted guidelines [12] and terminology pro-
posed for use in RE [136]. This would, therefore, only
have a minor influence on the general classification
derived in this study.
Conclusion validity: The threat to conclusion validity is
concerned with the identification of incorrect relation-
ships which may lead to incorrect conclusions. In the
case of a mapping study, this threat refers to factors
such as missing studies and incorrect data extraction
The aim is to control these factors so that a systematic
mapping study can be performed by other researchers
[129,131,137] who will draw the same conclusions
Bias both as regards selecting and classifying primary
studies and analyzing data may therefore affect the
interpretation of the results. In order to mitigate this
threat, every step performed in the selection and data
extraction activity was clearly described as discussed in
the previous paragraphs.
The traceability between the data extracted and the
conclusions was strengthened through the direct gen-
eration of bubble plots and frequency plots from the
data by using a statistical package. In our opinion,
slight differences based on publication selection bias
and misclassification would not alter the main conclu-
sions drawn from the 79 articles identified in our
mapping study.
External validity: External validity is concerned with
the generalization of this study [113,137,138]. The
systematic mapping results were considered with regard
to the RE domain, and the validity of the conclusions
drawn in this paper concerns only the REE context.
Since no time restriction was introduced in the search
for published studies, the representativeness of the
selected studies was not affected. This threat is not
therefore present in this context.
The search string and the classification scheme pre-
sented in this paper may serve as a starting point for RE
researchers, and practitioners can search for and cate-
gorize additional papers accordingly.
6 Conclusions and future work
This paper has presented a systematic mapping study that
summarizes the existing research in REE. Of 1359 studies,
148 papers were identified between 1995 and 2012, 79 of
Requirements Eng (2015) 20:119–138 133
which were selected and classified according to five crite-
ria: research type, empirical type, approach type, RE
activity, and RE model curricula. Publication source and
trend were also identified.
The results obtained showed that an increasing amount
of attention has been paid to REE since 2004. Around half
of the selected papers appeared in workshops, and only a
few papers had reached the maturity of a journal publica-
tion. The two main research types found were experience
papers and solution proposals. The majority of the selected
papers were empirical studies. Many papers proposed
solutions to address the education of RE, and the main
contribution types were methods. The RE process is the
most frequently addressed RE activity in the literature, and
few authors take into consideration model curricula, bodies
of knowledge or standards in the design of their REE
This research could be a starting point to investigate
better ways in which to give RE courses in the future.
Furthermore, the REE approaches presented in this study
may help instructors to identify approaches that can be
adopted in order to improve the quality of their courses.
For future research on REE, greater presence in journals
should be considered and more attention should be paid to
the teaching of each RE activity, particularly requirements
specification and validation. More evaluation research
should be carried out in order to evaluate existing REE
approaches. Moreover, it is advised that future proposed
approaches should conform to the existing model curricula,
BoKs, or standards.
Ongoing research is based on performing a systematic
literature review to assess the research on REE by taking
into consideration the results found in this systematic
mapping study and performing a joint experiment
between the University of Murcia and the University of
Mohammed V Souissi in Rabat in order to study the RE
in GSD.
Acknowledgments This research is part of the project PEGASO-
PANGEA (TIN2009-13718-C02-02) financed by the Spanish Minis-
try of Science and Innovation (Spain), and also part of the GEODAS-
REQ project (TIN2012-37493-C03-02) financed by the Spanish
Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. This research is also part
of the project Software Project Management using Data Mining
Techniques, (AP2010-2013), financed by Mohammed V Souissi
University (Morocco). The mobility grant of Sofia Ouhbi is financed
by the Mediterranean Office for Youth (MOY).
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... ST has multi-disciplinary steps that arranged the different kinds of the testing such as, Unit/System/Regression/ Integration/Alpha and Beta testing [9]. ST has been used to identify the faults/errors throughout the SDLC before the software released to the customer [10,11]. ...
... The basic aim of designing the STE curriculum has to teach STE in the scope of software engineering discipline [88]. As an example, a series of the computer science curriculum, such as the IEEE and ACM Computing Curriculum/Computer Science (CCCS) [11]. IEEE and the ACM curriculum cover the courses in computing education. ...
... A systematic literature review addresses seven different research questions. With the help of these research questions, we can classify the existing research in STE and point out the future research focused areas in the domain [11,83] . RQs have been discussed in Table 2. ...
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Software Testing is the core part of computer science & engineering curriculum. It has been observed that software testing has been taught much in Computer science & engineering disciplines at undergraduate level. Software Testing Education (STE) involves time, cost, risk, quality, integration, communication, human resource, and procurement management skills. The STE at undergraduate and graduate level is a challenging task because it also requires knowledge and experience. This article aims to investigate and synthesize the state-of-the-art research in STE for the improvement of STE curriculum, pedagogical tools and techniques, cognitive, empirical and assessments methods. STE research approaches has been categorized into five categories including empirical type, research approaches, software testing education processes, key areas, and curricula. The ninety-seven articles for the area of STE have been chosen after rigorous systematic screening process published in during 2004 to 2021. Furthermore, tools and techniques, testing processes, pedagogy and student performance are the frequently addressed in STE; whereas assessment methods, gamification, curriculum and exemplary program development appeared as mostly ignored areas. Lastly, research gaps and challenges relate to STE has been presented as future directions for the faculty, software industry, and researchers.
... Teaching Requirements Engineering aims to enhance students' technical and social skills, enabling them to comprehend real-world problems and formulate precise software solutions for these issues [Memon et al., 2010;Ouhbi et al., 2015]. In terms of technical skills, students must know requirements elicitation techniques, enabling them to choose the most suitable models and tools for each situation. ...
... This aids students in envisioning the application even before its full implementation. Additionally, it simplifies the evaluation process for client teams when assessing the products developed by their respective developer teams [Ouhbi et al., 2015]. The following list outlines the primary differences between the original [Zowghi and Paryani, 2003] and the new approaches: ...
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Teaching Requirements Engineering requires adopting pedagogical techniques to develop students' technical skills for identifying users' needs and designing software solutions. Additionally, since requirements engineering involves group work, students must cultivate social skills such as communication, empathy, and conflict resolution. In remote learning scenarios, developing these skills becomes more challenging due to limited interaction. To address these needs, this paper proposes adapting a project-based collaborative learning approach for remote education that combines Role-Play and Send-a-Problem learning techniques. In this approach, students collaborate on software projects in teams, assuming two roles: customers and software developers. We evaluated this approach during two cycles of Action Research, conducted remotely in two disciplines of a Software Engineering undergraduate course involving advanced and beginner students, respectively. In the advanced students' class, we observed that the methodology enhanced communication skills, analytical reasoning, conflict resolution, and empathy. To validate these results, we conducted a new study with beginning students, achieving positive outcomes despite the need for more support in team communication. As our primary contribution, we provide guidelines for implementing this collaborative learning approach online.
... RE courses have since become more common in software engineering programs and Requirements Engineering Education has grown as a discipline. For a systematic review of this literature, see the work of Ouhbi et al. in [51]. Fundamentally, it is difficult to give all students the experience of interacting with stakeholders and attempts to simulate these real-world experiences in the classroom, through role-playing or gamification, while intriguing, may have limited impact [52], [53]. ...
... Fundamentally, it is difficult to give all students the experience of interacting with stakeholders and attempts to simulate these real-world experiences in the classroom, through role-playing or gamification, while intriguing, may have limited impact [52], [53]. Though progress has been made, there is still a crucial need to better support requirements development in practice [51]. ...
... It is for this reason that a brief definition of the Contribution Type Facet identified and used in this study is presented (see Table 3). It is worth noting that most of the definitions are drawn from the ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 (ISO/IEC/IEEE, 2011), ISO/IEEE 24765 (ISO, 2017) standards and the work of Ouhbi et al., (2015). ...
... An architecture comprises the fundamental concepts or properties of a system in its environment embodied in its elements, relationships, and in the principles of its design and evolution (ISO, 2017; ISO/IEC/IEEE, 2011) Framework A structure for content or processes that can be used as a tool to structure thinking, thus ensuring consistency and completeness (The Open Group, 2022b) Method A method is a procedure that consists of the steps that must be taken in order to acquire the research scope (Ouhbi et al., 2015) Model A model is a representation of something that contains certain aspects of the subject modeled. It is also defined as a related collection of instances of meta-objects, representing (describing or prescribing) an information system, or parts thereof, such as a software product (ISO, 2017) Process A process is a set of interrelated or interacting activities that transforms inputs into outputs. ...
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Current software development practices are transforming the governance and management of software projects with the objective of aligning software products/services with business needs, ensuring business continuity, optimizing resource allocation, and fostering strong stakeholder relationships. The innovative BizDevOps approach has emerged as a response to these challenges, since it extends DevOps by incorporating an additional cycle and involving non-IT stakeholders with a focus on business-IT alignment. The application of IT Governance practices is crucial as regards ensuring the success of complex BizDevOps projects, and this paper, therefore, presents a systematic mapping study that explores the approaches for BizDevOps and encourages DevOps proposals that will seamlessly integrate with the business lifecycle. It examines the support provided by IT Governance practices and investigates the potential roles of Enterprise Architecture. The study analyzed 86 primary studies and 11 secondary studies, revealing a lack of empirical validations and a prevalence of recommendation-oriented papers without concrete solution proposals. These findings highlight the need for further research with which to validate BizDevOps practices and provide actionable insights.
... In fact, the assessment of learners provides a wide range in the improvement of learning methods (37), and in addition to assessing the consideration of feedback from professors, it will help the gradual progress of the effective learning process. Ouhbi et al. in a study pointed out that in e-learning, the development and promotion of courses depend only on feedback and from the perspective of learners, which provides the possibility of improving education (38). ...
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Abstract Background: E-learning is considered the most important technology that can support new teaching-learning approaches. The objective of e-learning is to provide the same access and create the same educational space for all learners at any point, and optimize the methods of presenting course content for deeper and more serious learning. Objectives: The present study was conducted to develop a standard framework for the effective implementation of e-learning in medical science education. Methods: This study was conducted in two phases in 2022 using a mixed exploratory method. In the first (qualitative) phase, the initial framework was obtained from a comparative review of existing literature. In the second (quantitative) phase, the calculated standards were prepared in the form of an online questionnaire and sent to 20 e-learning experts in medical sciences. After data analysis, a framework of e-learning standards were proposed. Results: Nine dimensions and 58 standards were approved as the framework of e-learning standards. The lowest and highest content validity ratio (CVR) based on the analyzes were reported to be 0.77 and 0.88, respectively. As a result, all dimensions and 58 standards were approved. Also, the intraclass correlation (ICC) between 0.75 and 0.90 showed good reliability and high agreement between experts. Conclusion: Using a standard framework to implement e-learning helps to improve the quality of e-learning courses in medical sciences and brings more trust from internal and external stakeholders in these courses. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the field of education and attempt to make educational organizations work in the best way in any situation, such as the fact that the world has recently been exposed to the o COVID-19 pandemic which led to the tendency of universities to use it. Keywords: E-learning, Medical Science Universities, E-Learning Standards, Delphi Technique
... Moreover, it should be noted that the selected studies were evaluated by calculating quality scores, as suggested by Behera et al. (2019). The quality scores are essential for obtaining suitable and impartial results (Ouhbi et al., 2015). In the current study, these scores were calculated using different quality evaluation (QE) questions, as suggested by Idri et al. (2015). ...
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Businesses invest considerable sums in influencer marketing efforts as social media influencers (SMIs) continue to gain popularity. To understand how marketers might utilize influencer marketing as a strategy in the digital era, researchers are still examining the effectiveness and impact of using SMIs. Accordingly, this article aims to conduct a systematic literature review of the impact of SMIs on consumer behaviour. Based on 90 studies, our systematic review was carried out following the PRISMA guidelines. This comprehensive review of literature intends to demonstrate the various impacts of SMIs on consumer behaviour, particularly about consumer decision-making, consumer attention, consumer brand admiration, consumer self-expression and consumer purchase intention. We outline influencer-led campaign techniques that can help companies develop closer ties with their customers and produce successful brand outcomes. In addition, the research synthesizes disparate literature to advance our comprehension of the mechanisms generating SMI attributes and the variables influencing consumer reactions to influencer endorsements. Future studies in the area will be aided by a nomological framework that incorporates significant antecedents, mediators and moderators of potential outcomes.
... We prepared quality questions based on quality criterion to assess the validity of chosen research articles as shown in Table 4. A prior research [5] provided inspiration for the format of this questionnaire. Quality standards are created to assess each of chosen paper and their conclusions, assuring the int egrity of the papers and their results. ...
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The use of mobile applications is rapidly increasing, due to rapid development of smartphones. Mobile apps, on the other hand, are platform-specific, making development more difficult and expensive. Cross platform or multiplatform application development is a fairly new idea in which developers apply a single code to create apps for several platforms like Android, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, iOS etc. With the rising usage of these frameworks, it is important to comprehend both contributions and limitations in this emerging field. This paper presents a systematic literature review (SLR) of the research studies in the field of cross platform mobile app Development including approaches and tools. The SLR has been compiled by reviewing the research studies published between 2012-2022 in reputed venues. A Total of 22 studies has been selected and classified by using systematic process. The review has been presented on cross platform approaches, tools and challenges. Further an approach has been proposed for cross platform mobile application development. Finally, open issues and challenges in the field of cross platform have been presented to provide future direction to the researchers.
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In recent years, data has been growing rapidly in almost every domain. Due to this excessiveness of data, there is a need for an automatic text summarizer that summarizes long and numerical data especially textual data without losing its content. Text summarization has been under research for decades and researchers used different summarization methods by using natural language processing and combining various algorithms. This paper presents a systematic literature review by showing a survey of text summarization methods and explains the accuracy of these methods used for text summarization. The paper first introduced some concepts of extractive and abstractive text summarization and also define how deep learning models can be used for the improvement of text summarization. This paper aims to identify the current utilization of text summarization in different application domains. Different methodologies are discussed for text summarization. To carry out this SLR, twenty-four published articles have been chosen carefully for this domain. Moreover, it discusses issues and challenges which are investigated in different application domains using text summarization methods. Lastly, the existing work of different researchers has been carried out for further discussion.
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Website applications surpass system-based applications because they are nature friendly and installation free. Additionally, model-based testing is more beneficial under website applications as it saves time and money. Moreover, it detects fault lines at a higher speed. With the commencement of web application testing and model-based testing, various tools and models have been introduced in the domain of web application. In this milieu, systematical identification got significant importance to analyze MBT. To analyze the MBT, articles published between the years 2000 to 2022 are collected. From the total of 6115 papers are analyzed and 43 papers are selected. The presented SLR of MBT for the web application presents a comprehensive review of all the models and tools proposed in the literature. Furthermore, the taxonomy is defined about the models and steps followed in MBT. Lastly, the challenges and gaps are addressed. Hence, it is also helpful for researchers to avert the obstacles in the field of MBT for website applications.
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This article presents the MSIS 2006 Model Curriculum and Guidelines for Graduate Degree Programs in Information Systems. As with MSIS 2000 and its predecessors, the objective is to create a model for schools designing or revising an MS curriculum in Information Systems. The curriculum was designed by a joint committee of the Association for Information Systems and the Association for Computing Machinery. MSIS2006 is a major update of MSIS 2000. Features include increasing the number of required courses from 10 to 12 while revising prerequisites, introducing new courses and revising existing courses to modernize the curriculum, and alternatives for phased upgrading from MSIS2000 to MSIS 2006.
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The Requirements Engineering process has been appointed as the origin of the main failures of software projects. One possible reason for that is because most of the students starts their professional life without the required experience to execute Requirements Engineering tasks. The consequence is the projects cannot reach the customer's expectative and needs, once the application of Requirements Engineering good practices is usually missing. The main goal of this work is to support the teaching of Requirements Engineering in Computer Science courses through an educational game. The game should stimulate the students to review the concepts and understand the execution of tasks related to the Requirements Engineering process. The game background is a playful story, which it shows the consequences of applying or not applying Requirements Engineering tasks to solve problems. The use of a playful background is to offer more ease learning, making this process fun and more natural. We present similar games to evaluate the positive characteristics in order to aggregate value to our game. It is presented the story for the game "The Requirements Island", its rules and its mechanism. We also present the instructional design, showing the relationship between each game challenge and this respective level in Bloom Taxonomy. At last, we discuss the results of two evaluation experiments, where we applied statistical methods to verify the game learning effect and its contribution as a learning tool.
Conference Paper
The teaching of requirements engineering at Bournemouth University has incorporated a problem frame based approach to analysis since 1997. Various factors have shaped the aims, content and delivery of the programme. Current practice and outcomes are described and may prove of interest to those involved in teaching requirements engineering.
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The software industries use of Requirements Engineering (RE) is obstructed by the industries relatively poor understanding of RE practices and benefits. Teaching RE at university level is in this context an important endeavor. This paper reports on an experimental approach on teaching RE and the results recorded during two years at Narvik University College. The course described in this paper uses experimental pedagogy to give the students experience in close to real-life work environment, demonstrating social and problem complexity of RE. The course uses social simulations rather than software simulations, making the students learn through interactions with real people and confronted with the complexity of social relationships.
Conference Paper
Software is no longer developed and discussed only by computer science majors. Software development and engineering is a professional concentration area in architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) fields, among many others. Graduates of AEC related fields, who are motivated by problems which can be addressed better with computation or with better computation, often return to school to pursue graduate studies devoted to understanding computation of the professional problems they encounter. These students understand discipline specific issues in their fields well. However, in contrast to computer science majors, they lack techniques that can help them formulate solutions in software engineering terms. Asking such students to take classes from computer science curricula fosters interdisciplinary thinking; however, this practice fails to address the specialized computational needs of the AEC fields. An in depth understanding of how to use software development as a problem analysis approach can provide AEC students, both in the graduate and undergraduate levels, with problem classification techniques that they need. Here, we will describe our experience in introducing graduate AEC students to software requirement elicitation and development process techniques.