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Mining E-mail Content for Cyber Forensic Investigation


Abstract and Figures

E-mail is a widely used mechanism for communication, due to its cost and expediency. However, the concern lies when along with its legitimate usage; it is being abused for committing various cyber crimes. E-mail system security lacks adequate proactive mechanism, to defend against such vulnerabilities and misuses. A cyber forensic investigation is employed for gathering significant evidences against adversaries by examining suspected e-mail accounts, in order to prosecute criminals in court of law. In this context, data mining techniques and tools based on them have been used extensively for extracting evidences from huge e-mail ensembles. This can provide assistance to the forensic investigator, to perform a multi-staged analysis of e-mail ensembles. In this paper, we briefly discuss various applications of data mining techniques with respect to cyber forensic investigation. Specifically, we describe our proposed framework and give implementation of first module,e-mail statistical analysis of our framework.
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UACEE International Journal of Computer Science and its Applications - Volume 2: Issue 2 [ISSN 2250 - 3765]
Mining E-mail Content for Cyber Forensic
Ms. Sobiya R. Khan
P.G. Dept. of Computer Sci.
&Eng., GHRCE, Nagpur, India
Ms. Smita M. Nirkhi
P.G. Dept. of Computer Sci.
&Eng.,GHRCE, Nagpur, India
Dr. R. V. Dharaskar
M. P. G. I,
Nanded, India
Abstract - E-mail is a widely used mechanism for
communication, due to its cost and expediency. However, the
concern lies when along with its legitimate usage; it is being
abused for committing various cyber crimes. E-mail system
security lacks adequate proactive mechanism, to defend against
such vulnerabilities and misuses. A cyber forensic investigation is
employed for gathering significant evidences against adversaries
by examining suspected e-mail accounts, in order to prosecute
criminals in court of law. In this context, data mining techniques
and tools based on them have been used extensively for
extracting evidences from huge e-mail ensembles. This can
provide assistance to the forensic investigator, to perform a
multi-staged analysis of e-mail ensembles. In this paper, we
briefly discuss various applications of data mining techniques
with respect to cyber forensic investigation. Specifically, we
describe our proposed framework and give implementation of
first module,e-mail statistical analysis of our framework.
Keywords - Cyber Crime, E-mail forensic analysis, Statistical
Analysis, Classification and Clustering techniques, Authorship
identification, Community identification.
Nowadays, e-mail has become an easy, efficient and
economical means of communication over the Internet &
Intranet. It is being employed by most of the industries and
governments, as well. Thus there is huge amount of e-mail
traffic generated on daily basis. However, with its increased
usage, there is an undesired increase in the crimes which are
mediated via e-mails. Examples of such misuse include:
phishing, spamming, drug trafficking, cyber bullying, racial
vilification, child pornography, and sexual harassment. The
prime reason for this inherent vulnerability are twofold,
firstly, there is no mechanism for message encryption at the
sender end and an integrity check at the recipient end.
Secondly, the widely used, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
(SMTP) e-mail protocol lacks a source authentication
mechanism. This inherent vulnerability of e-mail
communication exposes it to such crimes. Due to such crimes,
these e-mail misuse phenomena do a lot of harm to people„s
benefit, and even influence social stability.However, there are
no effective upbeat methods for preventing these phenomena.
The current methods are merely some passive mechanisms
such as e-mail filtering, installing firewall, etc. But they are
unable to put an end to the e-mail misuse phenomena.In this
context, a cyber crime investigation is carried out to gather
evidences and bring the culprits in the court of law and
provide justice to the victims. This had lead to the need for
efficient automated tools in the hands of forensic experts,
during forensic investigation, which can provide means to
capture evidence against such criminals which are credible in
the court of law.
This paper is divided into six sections. Section II
briefly describes the issues to be considered in e-mail mining.
Section III gives a brief overview of the related work. Section
IV gives an outline of our proposed framework, its
experimental setup and implementation of first module e-mail
statistical analysis of our framework. Theexperimentalresults
are described in Section V. Section VI gives the conclusion
Digital Forensic technology has already become a centre
of attention among researcher‟s and law professionals. With
the ongoing research and development in this technology,
there is hope that this could help to curb the amount of cyber
crime going.Data mining is the process of extracting useful
patterns from vast amount of data. So, the obvious question is
why to use data mining in forensic investigation? The crux to
this question lies in the Analysis phase of forensic
investigation. The Analysis phase poses difficulty in front of
the forensic investigator, because it‟s difficult to analyse large
data set, if no appropriate methods are available to process it.
Also, it is unknown at the initial stage of the investigation,
which pieces of information may have value as evidence. Data
mining techniques are inherently applicable to this problem
domain and hence can provide an efficient mechanism to
capture relevant information out of huge data set [24].
E-mail Mining can be considered as an application of the
upcoming research area of Text Mining on e-mail data [17].
However, there are some specific characteristics of e-mail
data that set a distinctive separating line between E-mail and
Text Mining:
1. Information in the headers of e-mail can be used for
various e-mail mining tasks.Text mining techniques
might be inefficient fore-mail, as e-mail data is generally
quite short.
2. Well-formed linguistic is not guaranteed in e-mail and
spelling and grammar mistakes might also appear
frequently.Different topics may be discussed; which
makes e-mail classification more difficult.
3. E-mail is writtenpersonally hence generic techniques are
difficult to be effective.Concepts or distributions of
target classes may change over time. HTML tags and
UACEE International Journal of Computer Science and its Applications - Volume 2: Issue 2 [ISSN 2250 - 3765]
attachments must also be removed in order to apply a
text mining technique.
4. Due to privacy issues very few e-mail data are available
publicly for experiments. Exception to the above
statement, are the Enron Corpus and the Ling Spam
corpus, which have been made public for research
purpose [24].
A. E-mail Analysis Tools
Researchers have employed existing state-of-the-art
data mining techniques, machine learning algorithms and
visualization techniquesto implement various tools and
frameworks. Such tools have varied functionalities and
applications with respect to cyber crime investigation. Some
of the existing tools are online such as e.g., MET, UnMask,
etc which use online e-mail data whereas others are offline in
nature, such as e.g., EMT, IEFAF, etc which use offline E-
mail dumps to extract information relevant for forensic
investigation [24]. The following is a brief description of the
various tools: The benchmark tools of E-mail Mining Toolkit
(EMT) and Malicious E-mail Tracking (MET) were
developed at the Columbia University, which employed data
mining techniques to perform behaviour-based analyses and
social network analysis [8-9]. The EMS toolkit sheds some
light on the social network of the users [3]. Visualize
Association inside E-mails (VAIE) builds data models of e-
mails to classify them in different categories based on key
word search techniques[11].Visualization techniques have
been employed for e-mail analysis to provide graphical
representation of the e-mail data [10].UnMask, has been
developed as an ongoing project for determining phishing
[12]. IEFAF includes features such as computing statistical
distribution; generating data mining models& performing e-
mail authorship analysis [1].
B. E-mail Author Attribution
Authorship analysis is a process of examining the
characteristics of a piece of writing to draw conclusions on its
authorship. Its roots are from a linguistic research area called
stylometry, which refers to statistical analysis of literary style.
Authorship analysis is categorized into three major field,
Authorship identification, Similarity detection and Authorship
characterization. Authorship identification determines the
likelihood of a piece of writing to be produced by a particular
author by examining other writings by that author. Authorship
analysis has been used in a small but diverse number of
application areas. Examples include identifying authors in
literature, in program code, and in forensic analysis for
criminal cases. Authorship analysis has been applied to online
messages in recent years [24]. Commendable results were
obtained with respect to e-mail authorship analysis on both
aggregated and across different topics in [6, 14]. In another
literature, four types of writing-style features (lexical,
syntactic, structural, and content-specific features) along with
SVM were used to identify plausible author of e-mail and
online messages [4, 5] which was extended using genetic
algorithm in [19]. Stylometric features combined with
unsupervised techniques have been employed for author
identification and similarity detection in [18]. A novel method
termed as Write-print using frequent pattern mining has been
developed in [2], which was further improved using clustering
technique in [7].
C. E-mail Classification and Clustering
Most e-mail mining tasks are being accomplished by
using e-mail classification at some point. E-mail classification
is the assignment of an email message to one of the category,
from a pre-defined set of categories. Automatic email
classification aims at building a model (typically by using
machine learning techniques), which will undertake this task
on behalf of the user. Examples of applications are automatic
mail categorization into folders, spam filtering and author
identification [24]. Four different classifiers (Neural Network,
SVM, Naïve Bayesian and Decision Tree) have been used to
identify suspicious mails in [15]. Naïve Bayesian classifier
has been used for identifying threats from a company's rapidly
expanding e-mail data set in [16]. Various studies have
revealed that SVM has been shown to be very robust and
successful. Clustering techniques goes one step further where
training data set isn‟t available by automatically categorizing
data. Clustering technique has been used extensively for text
categorization and authorship analysis as well [24]. An
effective digital text analysis strategy has been given in [20]
which rely on clustering based text mining technique.
D. E-mail Social Network Analysis
Social Network analysis is the study of
communication links or associations between people. It
reveals a great deal of information about his/her behaviour
and circle of people (friends, colleagues, family members,
etc.) around him/her with whom he/she interacts [24]. Social
Network has been explored in [22] by implementing a novel
algorithm using data mining to identify user behaviours,
identify patterns of communications between entities in an e-
mail collection to extract social standing. Associations
between members have been extracted to discover criminal
communities in [13]. Social Network analysis has also been
explored in [23] which use recursive data mining in order to
identify frequently occurring communities in online messages
such as e-mails, blogs, chats, etc. Studies have shown that
frequent pattern mining techniques have been very successful
in this problem domain.
Above discussed tools, frameworks and techniques
have shown expertise in one or the other application, but still
they lack a consistent interface, an integrated approach, and a
commercial outfit which can provide varied functionalities to
analyse e-mail ensembles and discern useful information from
it, which could be useful in the investigation process. The
results should be available on timely basis during the
investigation and evidences should be in such form which
could be satisfactorily presented in the court of law for further
UACEE International Journal of Computer Science and its Applications - Volume 2: Issue 2 [ISSN 2250 - 3765]
jurisdiction. Thus, we can conclude that need still exist for
automated forensic tools whichwill help forensic experts to
efficiently analyse e-mail collections, within a limited time
Here we are proposing the implementation ofa
framework which will employ data mining techniques to
achieve the various functionalities. The framework is
proposed to perform E-mail Statistical Analysis, E-mail
Classification & Clustering, E-mail Author Identification and
E-mail Social Network Analysis and will try to overcome the
limitations observed in previous systems.To evaluate our
implementation, we are using the Enron e-mail corpus made
available by MIT at The
proposed framework will be implemented in Java and will use
the data mining tool weka.
A. E-mail Statistical Analysis
Statistical analysis of e-mail accounts calculated
from communication patterns reflects a great deal of
information which could be of value to the forensic
investigator. The various possible statistics obtained from the
email corpus could be number of e-mails per sender, per
recipient, per sender domain, per recipient domain, per class,
per cluster etc. Statistics related to Classes and clusters are
determined after applying classification and clustering
respectively. Computing various statistics such as e-mailing
frequency during different parts of the day, average e-mail
size, and average attachment size (if any) helps to discern
usage behaviour and can be used to detect suspicious
behaviour. This may help investigators to narrow down the
investigation scope by short listing e-mail accounts that are
showing unusual behaviourand can be emphasized for further
investigation. Additional information like total number of
users (senders/recipients) within an e-mail collection, finding
all the recipients of each user can help during
investigation.Statistical distributions can be computed over a
certain period of time and for a specific set of e-mails.
B. E-mail Extraction
The objective of the first module of our proposed
framework is to perform E-mail Statistical Analysis. This
provides a statistical summary of the e-mail data, via applying
various statistical measures on the data obtained from e-mail.
But prior to that, it is essential to extract the relevant
information from the e-mail dataset and to represent that
information in a form which will be suitable for manipulation
for statistical analysis. Hence we can put forth the present
objective before statistical analysis as,
1. E-mail extraction
2. Data cleaning for removing ambiguities
3. Identification of relevant tokens
4. Extraction of tokens from e-mail archives such as
Message Id, To, From, Date, Time, CC, BCC,
Subject and Body
5. Storing the extracted tokens in the Database
The tokens are identified from this data, which is saved
inside database and which helps to perform various analyses
pertaining to E-mail.
C. E-mail Extraction Logic
The following steps must be followed for E-mail
1. Read directory of particular User
2. If file present in directory, Read File
3. For each line in the file, check whether token exists or
not. If token is present, extract token value and go to next
4. Repeat step 3 until end of file
5. If directory has more files go to step 2
6. If all files in directory are processed , stop
After the extraction, various statistics described in
the next section are calculated from the database.
Presently we are using data from Inbox and Sent folders
for our analysis. The E-mail Details Window is as shown in
Fig.1. Here the details regarding each users mails is displayed
from the inbox and sent folders.
Figure 1. E-mail Details Window
Fig. 2 represents the General E-mail Statistics which can
be calculated from the E-mail data. These statistics are
calculated from the E-mail Inbox and Sent data. The various
statistics included are as follows:
No. of Items in Inbox
No. of Items Sent
Average Mail Size [AMS]
Average No. of Mails received per Day
Average No. of Mails Sent per Day
Average No. of Mails Sent per Day
No. of Mails below AMS
No. of Items received at Night
No. of Items received during Day Time
No. of Items sent at Night
No. of Items sent during Day Time
UACEE International Journal of Computer Science and its Applications - Volume 2: Issue 2 [ISSN 2250 - 3765]
Average No. of Recipients
Mails with larger no of Recipients
No of Contacts
Figure 2. E-mail Statistical Analysis
Graphical representation of the statistical data is
presented for few statistics in Fig. 3 and 4.
Figure 3. Distribution of Incoming E-mails
Figure 4. Time Distribution of Inbox
The graph of Fig. 4 represents inbox distribution of 5 users for
user Allen P. The next graph in Fig. 5 shows the mailing
frequency during various time distributions. Anomalous
behaviour can be identified from the statistical distributions
and unusual behaviour could be identified by the forensic
investigator. The work is still in progress for rest of the
modules.More Statistics will be added to the general statistics
after the completion of our second and fourth module, which
will include the statistics corresponding to Classification,
Clustering and Social Network Analysis.
In this paper, we briefly discussed the application of
data mining techniques with respect to various automated
tools, e-mail authorship analysis, e-mail classification &
clustering and social network analysis. The study of previous
work reveals that data mining techniques gives a promising
lookfor analysis of huge e-mail dataset. Automated tools
based on such technique can assistforensic investigator during
initial cyber forensic investigation. We are employing data
mining techniques to implement our framework. The initial
results of our first module of E-mail Statistical Analysis have
been shown which will be integrated with the rest of the
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... In this context, Data mining and machine learning techniques have reliably paid off. The framework in [29][30][31] proposed by authors is based on these well established techniques and efforts to provide a better insight in e-mail analysis by assisting the forensic investigator during initial stage of any forensic investigation. In this paper, we extend the implementation of our proposed framework in [29][30][31]. ...
... The framework in [29][30][31] proposed by authors is based on these well established techniques and efforts to provide a better insight in e-mail analysis by assisting the forensic investigator during initial stage of any forensic investigation. In this paper, we extend the implementation of our proposed framework in [29][30][31]. This paper is divided into four sections. ...
... Section II briefly summarizes the related work in e-mail mining. Section III extends the statistical findings obtained in [30] and the experimental results on e-mail classification. Section IV presents the conclusion drawn. ...
Conference Paper
Full-text available
This paper discusses briefly the significance of e-mail communication in today's world, how substantial e-mails are with respect to obtaining digital evidence. The framework proposed by authors employs state-of-the-art existing data mining techniques. Experiments are conducted for e-mail analysis on the Enron data corpus. The intent of the proposed system is to provide assistance during forensic investigation. In this paper, we enhance the results obtained in our previous work on statistical analysis and provide our findings on e-mail classification experiments.
... In 10 "Propose a Hybrid Naive Bayes classifier which is the combination of a machine learning algorithm (Naive Bayes) and a special lexical dictionary (SentiWordNet3.0)". In 11 "perform e-mail Statistical Analysis, e-mail clustering and classification, e-mail authorship identification and social network analysis". In 12 "based on comparing the similarity between a given unknown documents against the known documents using various features so that an unknown document can be classified as having been written by the same author by application of unsupervised techniques for authorship verification problem". ...
Full-text available
In the past two decades, the Internet has become as open, publicly and widely used as a source of data transmission and exchanging the messages between criminals, terrorists and those who have illegal motivations. Moreover, exchanging important data between various military and financial institutions, even ordinary citizens. From this view, there is one of the important means of exchanging information widely used on the Internet medium is e-mail. Email messages are digital evidence that has been become one of the important means to adopt by courts in many countries and societies as evidence relied upon in condemnation. This paper presents a distinct technique for classifying emails based on data processing and mining, trimming, refinement, and then adapts several algorithms to classify these emails and then using SWARM algorithm to obtain practical and accurate results also using hybrid English lexical dictionary SentiWordNet3. 0 for email forensic analysis then deal with a machine learning algorithm. The proposed system is capable of learning in an environment with large and variable data. To test the proposed system, have to select available data which Enron Data set. A high accuracy rate (95%) was obtained, which is higher than the classification rates mentioned in previous research papers presented in section 2 in this paper.
... Sobiya K.R., Smita M.N.,and et. al., [11], perform e-mail Statistical Analysis, e-mail clustering & classification, email authorship identification, and social network analysis. Nirkhi, S., and et. ...
Full-text available
In the past two decades, the Internet has become as open, publicly and widely used as a source of data transmission and exchanging the messages between criminals, terrorists and those who have illegal motivations. Moreover, exchanging important data between various military and financial institutions, even ordinary citizens. From this view, there is one of the important means of exchanging information widely used on the Internet medium is e-mail. Email messages are digital evidence that has been become one of the important means to adopt by courts in many countries and societies as evidence relied upon in condemnation. This paper presents a distinct technique for classifying emails based on data processing and mining, trimming, refinement, and then adapts several algorithms to classify these emails and then using SWARM algorithm to obtain practical and accurate results also using hybrid English lexical dictionary SentiWordNet3.0 for email forensic analysis then deal with a machine learning algorithm. The proposed system is capable of learning in an environment with large and variable data. To test the proposed system, have to select available data which Enron Data set. A high accuracy rate (95%) was obtained, which is higher than the classification rates mentioned in previous research papers presented in section 2 in this paper.
... Sobiya R. Khan et. al, in 2012, [9], discussed applying data mining technique to realize many functions for the implementation of the statistical analysis of e-mail, the clustering, and classification of e-mail, the identification of an e-mail author, and the analysis of the social network of email. Sobiya R. Khan, et. ...
Full-text available
The Internet has become open, public and widely used as a source of data transmission and exchanging messages between criminals, terrorists and those who have illegal motivations. Moreover, it can be used for exchanging important data between various military and financial institutions, or even ordinary citizens. One of the important means of exchanging information widely used on the Internet medium is the e-mail. Email messages are digital evidence that has been become one of the important means to adopt by courts in many countries and societies as evidence relied upon in condemnation, that prompts the researchers to work continuously to develop email analysis tool using the latest technologies to find digital evidence from email messages to assist the forensic expertise into to analyze email groups. This work presents a distinct technique for analyzing and classifying emails based on data processing and extraction, trimming, and refinement, clustering, then using the SWARM algorithm to improve the performance and then adapting support vector machine algorithm to classify these emails to obtain practical and accurate results. This framework, also proposes a hybrid English lexical Dictionary (SentiWordNet 3.0) for email forensic analysis, it contains all the sentiwords such as positive and negative and can deal with the Machine Learning algorithm. The proposed system is capable of learning in an environment with large and variable data to test the proposed system will be select available data which is Enron Data set. A high accuracy rate is 92% was obtained in best case. The experiment is conducted the Enron email dataset corpus (May 7, 2015 Version of the dataset).
... In 10 "Propose a Hybrid Naive Bayes classifier which is the combination of a machine learning algorithm (Naive Bayes) and a special lexical dictionary (SentiWordNet3.0)". In 11 "perform e-mail Statistical Analysis, e-mail clustering and classification, e-mail authorship identification and social network analysis". In 12 "based on comparing the similarity between a given unknown documents against the known documents using various features so that an unknown document can be classified as having been written by the same author by application of unsupervised techniques for authorship verification problem". ...
Full-text available
Objectives: This study presents a distinct technique for classifying emails based on data processing and mining, trimming, refinement, and then adapts several algorithms to classify these emails. Methods/Statistical Analysis: the SWARM algorithm to obtain practical and accurate results. Findings: The proposed system is capable of learning in an environment with large and variable data. To test the proposed system, we have to select available data which Enron Data set. A high accuracy rate (95%) was obtained, which is higher than the classification rates mentioned in previous research papers presented in section 2 in this paper. Application/ Improvements: In the past two decades, the Internet has become as an open, publicly and widely used as a source of data transmission and exchanging the messages between criminals, terrorists and those who have illegal motivations. Moreover exchanging important data between various military and financial institutions even ordinary citizens. From this view, there is one of the important means of exchanging information widely used on the Internet medium is e-mail. Email messages are digital evidence which became one of the important means to adopt by courts in many countries and societies as evidence relied upon in condemnation.
Email authorship analysis is a challenging task involving the detection of an author’s style to help determine their identity. Emails represent a widespread application of big data, and email authorship analysis is widely performed in the forensic linguistics field. However, the high-dimensional feature space encountered in authorship analysis affects the classification performance. Moreover, the Arabic language is highly inflected and involves certain unique characteristics, which pose critical challenges in identifying the context. Therefore, the selection of prominent features is a critical step in realizing authorship analysis. Swarm intelligence (SI) algorithms are widely adopted to address such feature selection problems. In this study, an efficient hybrid feature selection algorithm based on binary particle swarm optimization (BPSO) and chi-square BPSO (CS-BPSO) was developed to enhance the performance of Arabic email authorship analysis. Static and dynamic features were considered. Experiments were conducted on Arabic email messages collected from a sample population to test the algorithm performance using three popular classifiers: support vector machine, K-nearest neighbour, and naïve Bayes classifiers. Different metrics, specifically, the accuracy, precision, recall, and f1-score, were considered as performance measures. The results showed that the CS-BPSO method achieves impressive results using dynamic features. The findings were quite satisfactory in terms of solving multiple types of difficulties, e.g., imbalanced dataset, small dataset, and short text.
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Cyber World has become accessible, public and commonly used to distribute and exchange messages between malicious actors, terrorists, and illegally motivated persons. Electronic mail is one of the most frequently used transfers of information on internet media. E-mails are the most important digital proof that courts in various countries and communities use to condemn and that enables researchers to work continually to improve e-mail analysis using state-of-the-art technology to find digital evidence from e-mails. This work introduces a distinctive technology to analyze emails. It is based on consecutive phases, starting with data processing, extraction, compilation, then implementing the SWARM algorithm to adjust the output and to transfer these electronic mails for realistic and precise results by adjusting the support algorithm of vector machines. For email forensic analysis this system includes all the sentiment terms plus positives and negatives cases. It can deal with the machine learning algorithm (Sent WordNet 3.0). Enron Data set is used to test the proposed framework. In the best case, a high accuracy rate is 92%.
The Internet has become open, public and widely used as a source of data transmission and exchanging messages between criminals, terrorists and those who have illegal motivations. Moreover, it can be used for exchanging important data between various military and financial institutions, or even ordinary citizens. One of the important means of exchanging information widely used on the Internet medium is the e-mail. Email messages are digital evidence that has been become one of the important means to adopt by courts in many countries and societies as evidence relied upon in condemnation, that prompts the researchers to work continuously to develop email analysis tool using the latest technologies to find digital evidence from email messages to assist the forensic expertise into to analyze email groups .This work presents a distinct technique for analyzing and classifying emails based on data processing and extraction, trimming, and refinement, clustering, then using the SWARM algorithm to improve the performance and then adapting support vector machine algorithm to classify these emails to obtain practical and accurate results. This framework, also proposes a hybrid English lexical Dictionary (SentiWordNet 3.0) for email forensic analysis, it contains all the sentiwords such as positive and negative and can deal with the Machine Learning algorithm. The proposed system is capable of learning in an environment with large and variable data. To test the proposed system will be select available data which is Enron Data set. A high accuracy rate is 92% was obtained in best case. The experiment is conducted the Enron email dataset corpus (May 7, 2015 Version of the dataset).
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One of the problems often associated with online anonymity is that it hinders social accountability, as substantiated by the high levels of cybercrime. Although identity cues are scarce in cyberspace, individuals often leave behind textual identity traces. In this study we proposed the use of stylometric analysis techniques to help identify individuals based on writing style. We incorporated a rich set of stylistic features, including lexical, syntactic, structural, content-specific, and idiosyncratic attributes. We also developed the Writeprints technique for identification and similarity detection of anonymous identities. Writeprints is a Karhunen-Loeve transforms-based technique that uses a sliding window and pattern disruption algorithm with individual author-level feature sets. The Writeprints,technique and extended feature set were evaluated on a testbed encompassing four online datasets spanning different domains: email, instant messaging, feedback comments, and program code. Writeprints outperformed benchmark techniques, including SVM, Ensemble SVM, PCA, and standard Karhunen-Loeve transforms, on the identification and similarity detection tasks with accuracy as high as 94% when differentiating between 100 authors. The extended feature set also significantly outperformed a baseline set of features commonly used in previous research. Furthermore, individual-author-level feature sets generally outperformed use of a single group of attributes.
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Email has become one of the fastest and most economical forms of communication. This paper proposes to apply classification data mining for the task of suspicious email detection based on deception theory. In this paper, email data was classified using four different classifiers (Neural Network, SVM, Naïve Bayesian and Decision Tree). The experiment was performed using WEKA based on different features by which the email corpus is classified into suspicious or normal emails. Experimental results show that simple ID3 classifier which make a binary tree, will give a promising detection rates.
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This paper provides a novel algorithm for automatically extracting social hierarchy data from electronic communication behavior. The algorithm is based on data mining user behaviors to automatically analyze and catalog patterns of communications between entities in a email collection to extract social standing. The advantage to such automatic methods is that they extract relevancy between hierarchy levels and are dynamic over time. We illustrate the algorithms over real world data using the Enron corporation's email archive. The results show great promise when compared to the corporations work chart and judicial proceeding analyzing the major players.
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ABSTRACT Email has met tremendous popularity over the past f ew years. People are sending and receiving many messages per day, communicating with partners and friends, or exchanging files and information. Unfortunately, the phenomenon of email overload has grown over the past years becoming a personal headache for users and a financ ial issue for companies. In this chapter, we will discuss how,disciplines like Machine Learning and Data Mining can contribute to the solution of the problem by constructing intelligent techniques which automate email managing tasks and what advantages they hold over other conv entional solutions. We will also discuss the particularity of email data and what special treatm ent it requires. Some interesting email mining applications like mail categorization, summarizatio n, automatic answering and spam filtering
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We describe an investigation into e-mail content mining for author identification, or authorship attribution, for the purpose of forensic investigation. We focus our discussion on the ability to discriminate between authors for the case of both aggregated e-mail topics as well as across different e-mail topics. An extended set of e-mail document features including structural characteristics and linguistic patterns were derived and, together with a Support Vector Machine learning algorithm, were used for mining the e-mail content. Experiments using a number of e-mail documents generated by different authors on a set of topics gave promising results for both aggregated and multi-topic author categorisation.
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The Email Mining Toolkit (EMT) is a data mining system that computes behavior profiles or models of user email accounts. These models may be used for a multitude of tasks including forensic analyses and detection tasks of value to law enforcement and intelligence agencies, as well for as other typical tasks such as virus and spam detection. To demonstrate the power of the methods, we focus on the application of these models to detect the early onset of a viral propagation without “content-base ” (or signature-based) analysis in common use in virus scanners. We present several experiments using real email from 15 users with injected simulated viral emails and describe how the combination of different behavior models improves overall detection rates. The performance results vary depending upon parameter settings, approaching 99 % true positive (TP) (percentage of viral emails caught) in general cases and with 0.38 % false positive (FP) (percentage of emails with attachments that are mislabeled as viral). The models used for this study are based upon volume and velocity statistics of a user's email rate and an analysis of the user's (social) cliques revealed in the person's email behavior. We show by way of simulation that virus propagations are detectable since viruses may emit emails at rates different than human behavior suggests is normal, and email is directed to groups of recipients in ways that violate the users' typical communications with their social groups.
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There is an alarming increase in the number of cybercrime incidents through anonymous e-mails. The problem of e-mail authorship attribution is to identify the most plausible author of an anonymous e-mail from a group of potential suspects. Most previous contributions employed a traditional classification approach, such as decision tree and Support Vector Machine (SVM), to identify the author and studied the effects of different writing style features on the classification accuracy. However, little attention has been given on ensuring the quality of the evidence. In this paper, we introduce an innovative data mining method to capture the write-print of every suspect and model it as combinations of features that occurred frequently in the suspect's e-mails. This notion is called frequent pattern, which has proven to be effective in many data mining applications, but it is the first time to be applied to the problem of authorship attribution. Unlike the traditional approach, the extracted write-print by our method is unique among the suspects and, therefore, provides convincing and credible evidence for presenting it in a court of law. Experiments on real-life e-mails suggest that the proposed method can effectively identify the author and the results are supported by a strong evidence.
This paper describes the design and development of a software system to support law enforcement in investigating and prosecuting email based crimes. It focuses on phishing scams which use emails to trick users into revealing personal data. The system described in this paper, called the Undercover Multipurpose Anti-Spoofing Kit (UnMask), will enable investigators to reduce the time and effort needed for digital forensic investigations of email-based crimes. A novel aspect of UnMask is its use of a database to not only store information related to the email and its constituent parts (such as IP addresses, links, domain names), but also to organize a workflow to automatically launch UNIX tools to collect additional information from the Internet. The retrieved information is in turn added to the database. Reports can then be automatically generated according to the needs of the forensic investigator, including correlations across multiple email data stored in the database. UnMask is a working system. To the best of our knowledge, UnMask is the first comprehensive system that can automatically analyze emails and generate forensic reports that can be used for subsequent investigation and prosecution.
Conference Paper
Nowadays, E-mail communication has been abused for numerous illegitimate purposes such as E-mail spamming, terrorist attack, business fraud, etc. As a result, to analysis the rich personal information hidden in E-mail is significant for investigation and evidence collection. In this paper, an investigation and analysis system aiming to Email was presented, which supports a variety of data sources including the preserved Email client data files, databases as well as text files. The system firstly parses related data files, preprocess the data, and then, a key word search technique based on KMP algorithm was adopted to classify the E-mail collections into different categories. Afterwards, an association frequency mining based on statistics will be performed to discover the association features behind email accounts. To make the forensic results more readable, we will associate the E-mail accounts with personnel information table in reality. The final forensic results will be visualized using related layout techniques to make the information more illustrative and understandable.