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Abstract and Figures

137Cs activity concentrations were studied in the sediment profiles collected at five locations in the Middle and South Adriatic. In the sediment profiles collected from the South Adriatic Pit, the deepest part of the Adriatic Sea, two 137Cs peaks were identified. The peak in the deeper layer was attributed to the period of intensive atmospheric nuclear weapon tests (early 1960s), and the other to the Chernobyl nuclear accident (1986). Those peaks could be used to estimate sedimentation rates by relating them to the respective time periods. Grain-size analysis showed no changes in vertical distribution through the depth of the sediment profile, and these results indicate uniform sedimentation, as is expected in deeper marine environments. It was not possible to identify respective peaks on more shallow locations due to disturbance of the seabed either by trawlers (locations Palagruža and Jabuka) or by river sediment (location Albania). The highest sedimentation rates were found in Albania (∼4 mm y−1) and Jabuka (3.1 mm y−1). For Palagruža, the sedimentation rate was estimated to be 1.8 mm y−1, similar to the South Adriatic Pit where the sedimentation rate was estimated to be 1.8±0.5 mm y−1. Low sedimentation rates found for the Middle and South Adriatic Sea are consistent with previously reported results for the rest of the Mediterranean.
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Branko Petrinec1,*, Zdenko Franic
´1, Nikolina Ilijanic
´2, Slobodan Miko2, Marko S
ˇtrok3and Borut Smodis
Radiation Protection Unit, Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health, Ksaverska cesta 2,
PO Box 291, HR-10001 Zagreb, Croatia
Department for Mineral Resources, Croatian Geological Survey, Sachsova 2, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
ˇef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
*Corresponding author:
Received July 28 2011, revised November 4 2011, accepted November 4 2011
Cs activity concentrations were studied in the sediment profiles collected at five locations in the Middle and South Adriatic.
In the sediment profiles collected from the South Adriatic Pit, the deepest part of the Adriatic Sea, two
Cs peaks were identi-
fied. The peak in the deeper layer was attributed to the period of intensive atmospheric nuclear weapon tests (early 1960s), and
the other to the Chernobyl nuclear accident (1986). Those peaks could be used to estimate sedimentation rates by relating them
to the respective time periods. Grain-size analysis showed no changes in vertical distribution through the depth of the sediment
profile, and these results indicate uniform sedimentation, as is expected in deeper marine environments. It was not possible to
identify respective peaks on more shallow locations due to disturbance of the seabed either by trawlers (locations Palagruz
ˇa and
Jabuka) or by river sediment (location Albania). The highest sedimentation rates were found in Albania (4mmy
) and
Jabuka (3.1 mm y
). For Palagruz
ˇa, the sedimentation rate was estimated to be 1.8 mm y
, similar to the South Adriatic Pit
where the sedimentation rate was estimated to be 1.8+++++0.5 mm y
. Low sedimentation rates found for the Middle and South
Adriatic Sea are consistent with previously reported results for the rest of the Mediterranean.
In marine and coastal environments, radiotracer tech-
niques, using either natural or anthropogenic radio-
nuclides, have proved to be extremely useful tools to
investigate various oceanographical, geochemical,
biological and other processes, as well as the behav-
iour and fate of contaminants such as radionuclides,
metals, organic and inorganic pollutants, etc.
Because of their ubiquitous nature, radioactive iso-
topes of caesium and strontium, particularly
Cs and
conducted in the 1960s are especially important radio-
active tracers in physical oceanography for water mass
transport, sedimentation processes, etc. Larger quan-
tities of radioactive isotopes of caesium have also been
introduced into the environment, including the
Adriatic Sea, by the Chernobyl nuclear accident
Its almost unlimited solubility and chemical similarity
to potassium (K) means that it can be easily assimi-
lated by terrestrial and aquatic organisms, and its bio-
availability in natural systems depends on the sorption
properties of the solid phases
In marine sediments,
Cs can be deposited by a
variety of mechanisms, including fixation on sus-
pended matter and sedimentation, direct precipita-
tion of colloidal forms, direct fixation by adsorption
and deposition of organic waste
The organic frac-
tion present is important in terms of the binding
and fixation of
Cs to sediments. Cs is also
strongly adsorbed on clay particles because of their
high sorption properties (large surface area and fine
particle size) and abundance in natural systems
has been demonstrated that at low concentrations Cs
sorbs strongly on micaceous minerals such as illite
The concentration of
Cs in marine sediments is
influenced by particle size, mineral composition and
content of organic matter.
The use of caesium as a time marker assumes
no mobility within the sediment once it is deposited.
In this context,
Cs that originated from the
Chernobyl nuclear accident provided a unique
opportunity to trace caesium behaviour in the Adriatic
coastal environment. Radioactive isotopes of caesium,
Cs and
Cs, were delivered to the
seabed in a relatively high amount and short time.
Their depth distribution was then driven by sediment
accumulation, mixing and diffusion through the water.
However, due to the much shorter radiological half-
life of
Cs (2.065 y), compared with that of
(30.17 y), it soon decayed. Peaks of
Cs activity
occurring within the Adriatic sediment were emplaced
in 1963 (the year of maximum fallout from atmospher-
ic weapon testing) and in 1986 (related to the
Chernobyl event). It should be noted that
Cs, being
a shielded radionuclide, is not produced in explosions
of nuclear weapons in any significant amount and can,
therefore, be introduced into the environment only
through discharge from nuclear objects.
#The Author 2011. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:
Radiation Protection Dosimetry (2012), Vol. 151, No. 1, pp. 102 –111 doi:10.1093/rpd/ncr449
Advance Access publication 12 December 2011
by guest on September 10, 2012 from
In this investigation, distribution of
Cs radio-
nuclide through the middle and southern Adriatic
Sea was determined in sediments collected on five
locations in order to better understand some of the
key processes that influence the distribution of radio-
nuclides in the topmost part of the sediment column
and to estimate sedimentation rates.
The Adriatic Sea is an epicontinental semi-
enclosed sea, forming a distinct sub-region within
the Mediterranean Sea region. It is a deeply
indented gulf, 800 km long and 200 km wide, situ-
ated between the Apennine and Balkan peninsulas,
on longitudes between 128150E and 198450E and lati-
tudes between 398450N and 458450N (Figure 1)
The southern border of the Adriatic Sea is the
Strait of Otranto by a line running from the mouth
of the Buttrinto River (398440N) in Albania to Cape
Karagol in Corfu, through this island to Cape
Kephali (these two capes are in latitude 398450N)
and on to Cape Santa Maria di Leuca
. The
surface area of the Adriatic Sea is 138 595 km
while the total length of the Adriatic coastline
(mainland and islands) is 8281 km
. The Croatian
islands area (Figure 1)
makes the second-largest
archipelago in the Mediterranean. The Croatian
part of the Adriatic Sea with 79 islands, 525 islets,
and 642 rocks and rocks awash (1246 total) extends
on 4398 km of insular coastline length and 6278 km
of coastline length
. The shallowest part of the
Adriatic Sea is in the Gulf of Trieste, and its deepest
part is in the South Adriatic Pit (1233 m)
According to sediment types and their origin, two
zones of the Adriatic seabed are distinguished: exter-
nal and inshore. The external zone covers the deep-
sea area, from the islands towards the open sea,
which is divided into a northern area covered with
sand and a southern area covered with mixed sedi-
ments. The northern area occupies the entire north
Adriatic as far as the line connecting the island of
Kornat with Pescara. The seabed is covered with
sand and in some places with a mixture of sand,
mud and silt (Figure 2)
. According to Frignani
et al.
the highest mass accumulation rates occur
near the Po delta, due to the high supply of sedi-
mentary material. There the values for sedimenta-
tion rate range between 0.5 and 1.8 g cm y
The following locations were investigated in this
study: Jabuka and Palagruz
ˇa in the middle Adriatic
Sea, two locations in the South Adriatic Pit (SA PIT
1 and 2) and Albania (ST.7) in the southern part of
the sea. The middle part of the Adriatic Sea has
interesting geological characteristics, as it has been
discovered that the islands Jabuka and Brusnik
consist of rocks of magmatic origin
. It is well
known that magmatic rocks show higher levels of
background radiation, while sedimentary rocks have
much lower levels of radiation
, which also proved
to be true in the case of the Adriatic Sea
Jabuka is an uninhabited, solitary and separated
island in the middle Adriatic Sea, situated 50 km
west from the island Vis. It is a small island (surface
area 0.02 km
) with a height of 97 m
. It has a
simple conical form and the coast is steep and
hardly approachable. The island is composed of
magmatic rocks, dark in colour, which could be
characterised as quartz-diabase. Mineral compos-
ition is dominated by plagioclase and pyroxene,
biotite, quartz, chlorite and apatite.
The islands of Palagruz
ˇa constitute an archipelago
on the open sea, which is composed of 10 islands of
various sizes. It is situated 125 km south from the
city of Split. The main island, Vela Palagruz
ˇa, has a
height of 92 m and a surface area of 0.28 km
is dominantly composed of dolomite rocks.
The South Adriatic Pit is the deepest part in the
Adriatic Sea, away from the coast with no influence
of material supplied by the rivers.
From a geological standpoint, the last station on
which the sediments were taken, Albania, belongs to
the Dinarides, related to the Alpine/Mediterranean
orogenesis where the coast is composed of dolomite
Radioecological monitoring in the Adriatic Sea
water, especially on the Eastern coast, started in the
early 1960s and still takes a significant part in an
extended and ongoing monitoring programme of
radioactive contamination of the human environ-
ment in Croatia. The results of this monitoring are
well documented
(7,17 20)
. The long-term data on
Sr activity concentrations in the Adriatic Sea
water, which are efficient intrinsic tracers of sea-
water movement, allowed estimation of the Adriatic
Sea water turnover time that was estimated to be
3.4 years
. In addition, the assessment of the
radiological impact on a population as well as on
the environment is of particular importance since it
may have a significant contribution to the collective
radiation dose of a population.
The sediment samples analysed in this paper were
collected during the ‘International Scientific Cruise
to Adriatic and Ionian Seas’, 17– 28 September
2007, organised under the International Atomic
Energy Project (IAEA) regional TC project RER/
7/003 ‘Marine Environmental Assessment of the
Mediterranean Region’.
Sampling and sample preparation
Before the sampling of representative samples from
the seabed, some preliminary investigations with
‘side scan sonar’ were performed. In this investiga-
tion, a box-corer with a diameter of 10 cm was used
as a tool for sediment sampling and the depth of the
sampling was 30 cm (Figure 3). Samples were taken
by guest on September 10, 2012 from
Figure 1. Bathymetric map of the Adriatic Sea
. The northern part is considerably shallower than the middle and southern parts.
Figure 2. Map of the texture of sediments in the Adriatic Sea
. The northern part is sandier, while the middle and southern parts are dominantly covered by silt.
by guest on September 10, 2012 from
on the following locations (Table 1): South Adriatic
Pit 1 and 2 (SA PIT 1 and 2), Jabuka, Palagruza
and Albania (ST.7). Locations, except for Albania,
were generally chosen to be in the open sea area to
minimise the influence of suspended matter from the
rivers and other land sediments. Samples from SA
PIT 1 and SA PIT 2 were selected as the deepest in
the Adriatic Sea. Samples were cut into slices of
2 cm, freeze-dried and transported to the laboratory.
Before further analysis, samples were dried at a
temperature of 60 –808C
Gamma-ray spectrometry
A gamma-ray spectrometry system, based on a High-
Purity Germanium Coaxial Photon Detector System
ORTEC HPGe detector (FWHM 2.24 keV at 1.33
Co and relative efficiency 74.2 % at 1.33
MeV), coupled to a computerised data acquisition
system was used to analyse collected samples. The
detector was shielded by a 10-cm-thick lead well
internally lined with 2 mm copper and 2 mm
cadmium foils. Energy and efficiency calibration of
the gamma spectrometer was carried out using cali-
bration sources supplied by Czech Metrological
Institute covering the energy range between 80 and
2500 keV
. Quality assurance and intercalibration
measurements were conducted through participation
in international intercalibration programmes orga-
nised by IAEA, World Health Organization (WHO)
and Joint Research Center (JRC). The testing
method is accredited by the Croatian Accreditation
according to ISO Norm 17025.
Laser diffractometry
Grain-size distribution was analysed by Beckman-
Coulter LS 13320, an instrument based on the laser
Table 1. Sampling locations.
Location Date Geographic coordinates Depth Sampling
SA PIT 1 (South Adriatic Pit 1) 29. 9. 2007. N 42820020.7700 E17847018.2100 1041.4 Box corer 1
SA PIT 2 (South Adriatic Pit 2) 29. 9. 2007. N 42820044.7000 E17844049.0900 1030.0 Box corer 2
Jabuka 25. 9. 2007. N 43803010.2500 E15816030.9400 230.8 Box corer
ˇa 3. 10. 2007. N 42828034.8600 E16811027.0900 169.8 Box corer
Albania (ST.7) 2. 10. 2007. N 41843024.3300 E19819054.2900 59.0 Box corer
Figure 3. Locations of the sampling with the box-corer.
by guest on September 10, 2012 from
diffractometer method. Samples were immersed in
de-ionised water, left overnight and dispersed in an
ultrasound bath for 3 min. The instrument measures
particle size in the range 0.4 –2000 mm. This range
is achieved by combining the results from laser light
dispersion with the results from polarised intensity
of differential scattering. Measurements were per-
formed in a module for measurement in de-ionised
water (Aqueous Liquid Module). Grain-size compos-
ition was determined on the sea-bottom sediment
samples from Jabuka, Palagruz
ˇa, SA PIT 1, SA PIT
2 and Albania (ST.7). Samples from the upper part,
middle part and the bottom of the profiles were
taken for analysis. Sediments were then classified
according to the internationally accepted classifica-
tion of sediments
Grain-size analysis
The results of grain-size analysis of sediments from
all the five locations showed that samples from SA
PIT 1 and SA PIT 2 contain 1–2 % of sand, 58 –62
% of silt and 36–40 % of clay. Similar composition
was also identified in the sample from location
Jabuka, which is much shallower (231 m) compared
with the previous two locations. Samples from
ˇa location at a depth of 170 m had a slightly
lower content of silt (53– 59 %) and clay (30– 34 %),
but a higher content of sand (almost 16 %). Sample
ST.7 (Albania) taken from a depth of 59 m showed a
composition of ,1 % of sand, around 72 % of silt
and around 27 % of clay, which is consistent with the
fact that the Bojana River (Buna in Albanian) and
the Drim River deliver large contents of sediment
material from the mainland. Despite being short, the
river has quite a large watershed, covering 5187 km
because the whole drainage area of Lake Scutari, the
largest lake in south-eastern Europe, is also part of it.
Also, due to the waters from the Great Drin, the
Bojana/Buna ranks second place among all tributar-
ies to the Adriatic, measured by the annual discharge,
after the Po in Italy with 352 m
Generally, from the grain-size analysis, as it did
not show significant differences in their distribution
through the depth profile, it can be concluded that
on all locations, except for Albania (which is
shallow and influenced by the river), sedimentation
is quite uniform, as should be expected in deeper
marine environments.
Gamma-spectroscopic analysis
The results of the gamma-spectrocopic analysis of
the samples are shown in Table 2.
Cs concentra-
tions are similar in samples SA PIT 1 (Figure 4) and
SA PIT 2 (Figure 5). In the upper part of the pro-
files, exponential fall of the activity concentration of
Cs from cca 10 Bq kg
to around 0.5– 0.6 Bq
in deeper layers is obvious. In samples from
ˇa, almost all
Cs is retained in the few
upper layers and after that it falls to a value of 0.6
Bq kg
. Values for location Jabuka are consistent
with earlier investigations
. Results for activity
concentrations of
Cs for the samples from
Albania differ from the others. Namely, samples
from Albania were taken on the location where the
sea was quite shallow while the location itself was
closest to the coast and highly influenced by the
Bojana River and the Drim River. It could be
argued that most of the
Cs is transported by the
Table 2.
Cs activity concentrations in the analysed locations.
Layer in cm Activity concentration
Cs in Bq kg
SA PIT 1 SA PIT 2 Palagruz
ˇa Jabuka Albania
0–2 8.79+0.83 10.42+0.72 4.05+0.58 5.07+0.62 11.80+0.71
2–4 3.70+0.51 5.53+0.28 3.98+0.49 4.27+0.42 12.00+0.65
4–6 2.97+0.46 3.66+0.41 3.84+0.46 4.20+0.41 12.25+0.51
6–8 1.98+0.49 3.22+0.45 2.43+0.44 4.23+0.37 11.48+0.28
8–10 1.27+0.39 1.37+0.21 1.84+0.44 3.93+0.52 9.11+0.57
10–12 0.58+0.39 0.91+0.37 0.93+0.28 3.47+0.47 10.85+0.29
12–14 1.37+0.36 0.86+0.38 0.90+0.39 2.51+0.46 11.81+0.45
14–16 0.71+0.36 0.82+0.38 0.59+0.38 1.37+0.41 9.75+0.56
16–18 1.13+0.37 0.54+0.38 0.54+0.36 1.07+0.22 5.34+0.48
18–20 0.70+0.38 0.61+0.39 0.44+0.37 1.14+0.40 2.01+0.42
20–22 0.80+0.39 1.16+0.36 0.62+0.37 0.58+0.39 2.03+0.39
22–24 0.49+0.38 0.53+0.37 0.56+0.36 0.52+0.39 0.71+0.35
24–26 0.48+0.37 0.80+0.37 0.72+0.41 0.40+0.38 0.83+0.38
26–28 0.40+0.36 0.67+0.40 0.83+0.38 0.69+0.40 1.17+0.36
28–30 0.35+0.37 0.63+0.41 0.50+0.38 0.22+0.07 0.61+0.38
by guest on September 10, 2012 from
river runoff from the mainland and deposited on
the sea bottom. This is the reason for higher values
for sedimentation rates and retaining
Cs, even to
20 cm of the depth.
These results show that almost all
Cs is retained
in the upper parts of the sediments. In the lower
parts, the activity concentration of
Cs is pretty
much constant. Barisic et al. (1996) obtained similar
results in previous investigations. The existence of
Cs in the lower parts of the sediments can be
explained by cationic exchange with ions of potas-
sium in clay minerals in sediments
In order to estimate the effective depth for reten-
tion of
Cs, for samples from all locations, fitting
of the results to the following exponential function
was performed (Figures 48):
AsðtÞ¼Asð0Þekt ð1Þ
The physical meaning of the terms in equation (1)
is as follows: A
(t) is the time-dependent activity
concentration of
Cs in sediment (Bq kg
); A
is the initial activity concentration of
Cs in
sediment (Bq kg
); and 1/k¼d
is the
effective (observed) depth for retention of
Cs in
sediments (cm).
Figure 4. Activity concentration
Cs of the samples from SA PIT 1.
Figure 5. Activity concentration
Cs of the samples from SA PIT 2.
by guest on September 10, 2012 from
From the resulting coefficients, it is possible to
estimate the mean depth for retention of
Cs. For
the South Adriatic Pit (SA PIT), this value has been
found to be 4 cm, for Palagruz
ˇa 8.5 cm, for Jabuka
12.5 cm and for Albania 15.5 cm. It should be
noted, however, that in the entire area around the
islands of Jabuka and Palagruz
ˇa is a major fishing
site with quite intensive fishing activities. Therefore,
trawlers are constantly disturbing the seabed,
causing the mixing of sediments and therefore allow-
Cs to penetrate into deeper layers.
Consequently, for the estimation of sedimentation
rate using
Cs only locations in the South Adriatic
pit are representative.
Cs is fission product, i.e. anthropogenic
radionuclide, it is present in the environment since
the first atmospheric explosions of nuclear weapons.
The most intensive period of nuclear weapon tests
was around the 1960s, resulting in the introduction of
large quantities of
Cs in the marine environment.
The second peak of
Cs in the environment was
caused by the Chernobyl nuclear accident in 1986.
Relating to the time of emission of
Cs in the
environment, we can use it as an indicator of sedi-
mentation rate
. To determine sedimentation rates,
it is possible to identify two peaks on the graphs, the
deeper of which could be related to the period of
1962–64, when most of the nuclear probes hap-
pened, and the other one to the Chernobyl accident
in 1986
. These two peaks were also identified in
investigations of the fallout and air in Croatia
In the Adriatic Sea, sedimentation rates have been
mainly studied in the North Adriatic in which sedi-
mentation is highly influenced by the Po River.
Figure 6. Activity concentration
Cs of the samples from Palagruz
Figure 7. Activity concentration
Cs of the samples from Jabuka.
by guest on September 10, 2012 from
Therefore, sedimentation in that area is quite high,
and sedimentation rate was estimated to be between
1.6 and 4.8 cm y
. As explained earlier, in pro-
files of sediment samples collected in Jabuka and
ˇa locations, two
Cs peaks could not be
identified. However, as it is visible that
Cs is
mainly retained in the upper sediment layers, in
spite of constant disturbance of sediment profiles by
trawlers, it can indicate a small sedimentation rate.
Similarly, due to the quite strong influence of the
Bojana River and the Drim River on Albania, two
peaks also merged. However, assuming that the
lowest value for
Cs activity concentration corre-
sponds to the period of atmospheric nuclear weapon
tests, sedimentation rates for these locations as well
were estimated.
The highest sedimentation rates were found in
Albania (4mmy
) and Jabuka (3.1 mm y
and in Palagruz
ˇa (1.8 mm y
In the South Adriatic Pit, where two peaks are
more easily identified, sedimentation rate could be
estimated to be 1.8+0.5 mm y
, which is quite
similar to the value estimated for Palagruz
However, it should be noted that these results are
just approximate due to method limitations and
large uncertainties in the estimation of the exact lo-
cation of
Cs activity concentration peaks in the
sediment profiles.
Nevertheless, sedimentation rates estimated for
Middle and South Adriatic using
Cs as a radio-
tracer are consistent with sedimentation rates esti-
mated for the rest of the Mediterranean sea, i.e.
1.1–8.7 mm y
using other radiotracer
methods, i.e. the
Pb dating method.
Cs activity concentrations were studied in the
sediment profiles collected on five locations in the
Middle and South Adriatic.
The grain-size analysis on all investigated loca-
tions did not show significant differences in their
distribution through depth profile, and it can be con-
cluded that on all locations, except for Albania
(which is highly influenced by the river), sedimenta-
tion is quite uniform.
As in most of the other environmental samples in
sediment profiles,
Cs activity concentrations
decreased exponentially, allowing for the estimation
of its effective penetration, i.e. retention depth,
which was estimated to be 4 cm in an undisturbed
location of the South Adriatic Pit and 10– 15 cm on
other locations that are generally disturbed by the
heavy fishing activities of trawlers.
Radiotracer techniques using
Cs originating
from atmospheric nuclear weapon tests and the
Chernobyl accident were used to estimate the sedi-
mentation rate on five locations on the Adriatic Sea.
Both peaks were visible only in sediments collected
on the South Adriatic Pit, and equating elapsed time
to peak depth it was possible to estimate the sedi-
mentation rate as 1.8+0.5 mm y
On other locations
Cs peaks merged, allowing
one to estimate only the upper value for the sedi-
mentation rate, which varied between 1.8 mm y
ˇa and 3.1 mm y
in Jabuka.
However, all obtained values are consistent with
the sedimentation rates estimated by other techni-
ques and previously reported in the literature.
Figure 8. Activity concentration
Cs of the samples from location near the coast of Albania.
by guest on September 10, 2012 from
This study is a part of the research projects,
‘Radioecology of the Adriatic Sea and Coastal Areas’
and ‘Environmental Radioactivity and Radiation
Protection’ supported by the Croatian Ministry of
Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of
Croatia and IAEA TC project RER/7/003 ‘Marine
Environmental Assessment of the Mediterranean
Region’. The Slovenian Research Agency (contract
no. P2–0075) is gratefully acknowledged.
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... Uniform and fine-grained sedimentation is expected in deeper marine environments. It was observed by other authors as well [13,16]. It is also supported by the observation of the uniform grain size composition. ...
... Indeed, this was previously found for Kaštela Bay sediments, where a statistically significant positive correlation between 137 Cs activity and organic matter content was established [22]. The significant association of 137 Cs with the organic matter in the sediments was determined by other authors as well [10,16,[50][51][52]. However, organic matter is not the only influencing factor. ...
... However, organic matter is not the only influencing factor. Another important factor is presumably the presence of clay minerals because of their high sorption capacity and because fine-grained particles in marine environments typically comprise both organic matter and clay minerals [10,15,16,[51][52][53]. ...
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Kaštela Bay was taken as a model to study sedimentation processes using the vertical sediment profiles of 137Cs massic activities. The aim was to distinguish the sedimentation conditions in different parts of the Bay and to partly determine the pathways of terrigenous input into the Bay. The purpose was to demonstrate that 137Cs profiles are applicable in differentiating sedimentation processes. It was found that mostly continuous, undisturbed sedimentation takes place in the central and south parts of the Bay; the sedimentation conditions in the west part of the Bay are more complicated. The west part is characterised by the extremely slow sedimentation of the coarse-grained sediment or even by erosion and selective resuspension of the fine-grained particles followed by resedimentation in other parts of the Bay. It was also observed that the upper 10 cm of the sediment is the most exposed to homogenisation. The strong influence of the Jadro River and anthropogenic activities in the east part of the Bay are reflected in the higher 137Cs activities, strong sediment mixing, and increased sediment input. This study shows that the 137Cs profiles can provide comprehensive insights for the whole study region when a sophisticated sampling layout is deployed. The results of the study are applicable to other aquatic environments with comparable processes and sedimentary environments.
... In the sediment profiles from Lake Kozjak and Lake Prošće, the 137 Cs activity maximum of 125 Bq/kg at depth 1−2 cm in Lake Prošče, and 131 Bq/kg at depth 4−5 cm in Lake Kozjak, are attributed to the Chernobyl accident in 1986 [102]. Velo Blato sediments have 137 Cs activity concentrations similar to the activity values in the sediments from the middle part of the Adriatic Sea (1.3 to 6.0 Bg/kg) [103] and near the Palagruža Island, and the middle and south Adriatic pits (0.22 to 10.42 Bq/kg) [104]. ...
... The estimated sedimentation rates in Velo and Kolanjsko Blato are 2.9 mm/yr. Compared to other values from the Adriatic Sea, the stated sedimentation rates are approximately the same; the sedimentation rates determined in the outer part of the Adriatic Sea are 5 mm/yr [103] and 3.1 mm/yr [104] in the Jabuka pit, while in the area of Palagruža and the south Adriatic pit it is 1.8 mm/yr [104]. In the Krka River Estuary and Lake Prokljan, rates vary between 1 and 4 mm/yr [105]. ...
... The estimated sedimentation rates in Velo and Kolanjsko Blato are 2.9 mm/yr. Compared to other values from the Adriatic Sea, the stated sedimentation rates are approximately the same; the sedimentation rates determined in the outer part of the Adriatic Sea are 5 mm/yr [103] and 3.1 mm/yr [104] in the Jabuka pit, while in the area of Palagruža and the south Adriatic pit it is 1.8 mm/yr [104]. In the Krka River Estuary and Lake Prokljan, rates vary between 1 and 4 mm/yr [105]. ...
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Lakes in coastal lowland areas represent a critically vulnerable environment as a transitional space between freshwater and seawater environments. The paleoenvironmental reconstruction and anthropogenic impact are assessed through the lake sediment cores from Velo, Malo, and Kolanjsko Blato using multi-proxy analyses (sedimentological, mineralogical, geochemical, 137 Cs and ostracod analyses, and AMS 14 C radiocarbon dating). The freshwater lake Velo Blato was formed at 8100 cal yr BP due to rising groundwater levels as a consequence of sea-level rise. The brackish conditions in Lake Velo Blato started at 7100 cal yr BP, giving the index point for the sea-level curve of 7-m lower than present. Lead concentrations showed slightly increased values in the last 1800 cal yr BP, while the spike in Malo Blato lake sediments probably derived from bird hunting with lead bullets. Kolanjsko Blato sediment core archives the sediment record of the last 2050 years, which represents a shallow brackish coastal wetland under marine influence. Enrichment factors showed the accumulation of Cu, Hg, P, Pb, S, and Zn in the sediments from Kolanjsko Blato in the last 650 cal yr BP, which coincides with the high organic carbon content, and in sediments from Malo Blato after the lake's formation (from the depth of 20 cm upwards). Anthropogenic Cu introduced into the Kolanjsko Blato sediments is the highest in the surface sample. Surficial sediments from Velo Blato are characterized by the high organic carbon, S, P, and N content, indicating high productivity and eutrophication which led to occasional anoxic conditions on the lake bottom in the last 200 years.
... The activity concentrations of 90 Sr were determined after radiochemical separation, by counting the beta emission of 90 Y (decay product of 90 Sr) using a low-background, anti-coincidence, shield Geiger-Müller counter. For gammaray spectrometry, a high-purity germanium coaxial photon detector system was used (HPGe detector, ORTEC, USA), with a relative efficiency of 74.2% at 1.33 MeV 60 Co and a resolution (FWHM) of 2.24 keV at 1.33 MeV 60 Co (HASL-300 1997; Petrinec et al. 2012). ...
... For the determination of radioactivity, sediment cores were dried at 105°C, ashed at 450°C and packed in plastic containers (0.1 and 0.2 L geometry). 137 Cs and 134 Cs were analysed by gamma-ray spectrometry using high-purity germanium coaxial photon detector system (HPGe detector, ORTEC, USA), with a relative efficiency of 74.2% at 1.33 MeV 60 Co and a resolution (FWHM) of 2.24 keV at 1.33 MeV 60 Co (HASL-300 1997;Petrinec et al. 2012). The samples were counted for at least 80,000 s. ...
... For the determination of radioactivity, approximately 5 kg of fresh fish (intestines removed) from each site was cut into smaller pieces, dried at 105°C, ashed at 450°C and packed in plastic containers (0.1 and 0.2 L geometry). 137 Cs and 134 Cs were analysed by gammaray spectrometry using high-purity germanium coaxial photon detector system (HPGe detector, ORTEC, USA), with a relative efficiency of 74.2% at 1.33 MeV 60 Co and a resolution (FWHM) of 2.24 keV at 1.33 MeV 60 Co (HASL-300 1997; Petrinec et al. 2012). Samples were counted for at least 80,000 s. ...
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In this study, the influence of anthropogenic pollution on the aquatic environment of Plitvice Lakes National Park (PLNP) was investigated during 2011–2012 using a combination of chemical and cytogenetic analyses. Four groups of major contaminants [(volatile organic compounds: benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX); persistent organochlorine pollutants: organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs); major and trace elements; anthropogenic radionuclides (⁹⁰Sr, ¹³⁴Cs, and ¹³⁷Cs)] were determined in three aquatic compartments (water, sediment, fish). Mass fractions of inorganic constituents in different compartments reflected the geological background of the area, indicating their origin from predominantly natural sources. Levels of volatile and persistent organic compounds in water and fish, respectively, were very low, at levels typical for remote pristine areas. Analysis of anthropogenic radionuclides in water and sediment revealed elevated activity concentrations of ¹³⁷Cs in water, and measurable ¹³⁴Cs in the upper sediment layers from April 2011, possibly as a consequence of the Fukushima nuclear accident in March 2011. The potential genotoxicity of river and lake water and lake sediment was assessed under laboratory conditions using the alkaline comet assay on human peripheral blood lymphocytes, and measured levels of primary DNA damage were within acceptable boundaries. The results showed that despite the protected status of the park, anthropogenic impact exists in both its terrestrial and aquatic components. Although contaminant levels were low, further monitoring is recommended to make sure that they will not rise and cause potentially hazardous anthropogenic impacts.
... Results of radionuclide monitoring activities between 1986-2002 from the Finnish coastline indicated an annual 1 cm sink of 137 Cs (Ilus et al., 2008). Moreover, several other studies also reported up to 1 cm sedimentation rates in the Mediterranean Sea (Othman et al., 2000;Zuo et al., 1997;Petrinec et al., 2012;Evangeliou et al., 2013). Due to this phenomenon a relative de- Table 3. ...
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To evaluate the radiological load of the fisheries ground sediments of deep-water areas in the Antalya Bay, 226Ra, 232Th, 40K and 137Cs activity concentration levels were measured with the Gamma Spectroscopy technique using a HighResolution Germanium Detector (HPGe). Sediment samples were collected from the seabed surface of five different depth ranges (between 400 – 800 m). De-tected mean radionuclide activities of 226Ra, 232Th, 40K and 137Cs were 16.53±2.41, 17.9±2.54, 371.44±18.44 and 3.91±1.27 Bq kg-1, respectively. The effect of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant disaster in deep water sediments of Antalya Bay was observed. However, the detected radionu-clide concentrations are at acceptable levels according to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
... The atmospheric concentrations of 137 Cs peaked around 1963 and started to decline afterwards (Pennington et al., 1973). Additional spikes of 137 Cs were released to the atmosphere as a result of the nuclear disasters in Chernobyl, 1986(Petrinec et al., 2012 and Fukushima-Daiichi, 2011 (Kawamura et al., 2014). In the sediments, cesium binds very strongly to micaceous minerals but can exhibit some mobility when bound to other phases (Hamilton-Taylor and Davison, 1995). ...
Studies of recent environmental perturbations often rely on data derived from marine sedimentary records. These records are known to imperfectly inscribe the true sequence of events, yet there is large uncertainty regarding the corrections that should be employed to accurately describe the sedimentary history. Here we show in recent records from the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, how events of the abrupt disappearance of the planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides sacculifer, and episodic deposition of the artificial radionuclide ¹³⁷Cs, are significantly altered in the sedimentary record compared to their known past timing. Instead of the abrupt disappearance of the foraminifera, we observe a prolonged decline beginning at core depth equivalent to ∼30 y prior to its actual disappearance and continuing for decades past the event. We further observe asymmetric smoothing of the radionuclide peak. Utilization of advection-diffusion-reaction models to reconstruct the original fluxes based on the known absolute timing of the events reveal that it is imperative to use a continuous function to describe bioturbation. Discretization of bioturbation into mixed and unmixed layers significantly shifts the location of the modeled event. When bioturbation is described as a continuously decreasing function of depth, the peak of a very short term event smears asymmetrically but remains in the right depth. When sudden events repeat while the first spike is still mixed with the upper sediment layer, bioturbation unifies adjacent peaks. The united peak appears at an intermediate depth that does not necessarily correlate with the timing of the individual events. In a third case, a long lasting sedimentary event affected by bioturbation, the resulting peak is rather weak compared to the actual event and appears deeper in the sediment column than expected based on the termination of the event. The model clearly shows that abrupt changes can only endure in the record if a thick sediment layer settled on the sediment-water interface at once or if bioturbation rates decreased to very low values for a prolonged period of time. In any other case smearing by bioturbation makes an abrupt event appear to have started shortly before the real timing and end long after its true termination.
... This, together with the results showing the same sediment type in the whole KC and KK sediment cores (Table 3), points to the constant sedimentation conditions. Petrinec et al. (2012) also connected homogeneous grain size composition of the whole sediment core to the uniform sedimentation. Generally fine grained visually observed sediments (Table 4) were also in accordance with the situation presented in the Fig. 3. ...
Purpose of this research was to study the rate at which the semi-enclosed bay such as the Kaštela Bay reacts to the coastal processes of industrialization and urbanization, the extent of the influence of human activities on the bay, and the sediment distribution affected by anthropogenic influence. Temporal and spatial sedimentation rate variations were observed between three studied periods: 1954–2005, 1963–2005/2006, and 1986–2005/2006. Sedimentation rates were in the following ranges: 0.29–0.49 cm/yr for the 1954–2005 period, 0.58–0.95 cm/yr for the 1963–2005/2006 period, and 0.50–1.32 cm/yr for the 1986–2005/2006 period. The average total sedimentation rates for three periods were 0.41 cm/yr, 0.81 cm/yr, and 0.61 cm/yr, respectively. Sedimentation rate for the individual 1963–1986 period marked with two 137Cs marker peaks was in the 0.65–1.30 cm/yr range, while the mean value was 1.06 cm/yr. Long-term sedimentation rate increase in the whole Kaštela Bay was observed and clearly connected to the industrialization and urbanization processes in the coastal area. These processes reflect very quickly, in terms of years, in the sedimentation rates. Intensive anthropogenic activities in the coastal area are reflected in the whole bay depending on the amount of the discharged sediment material, topography of the sea bottom, and water currents. Some localized areas of sediment accumulation may form.
... The five sediment cores were measured for 137 Cs activities in order to derive sediment accumulation rates. Details of the performed analysis and calculations of accumulation rates are given in PETRINEC et al. (2012). ...
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Geochemical analysis and trace element distribution were performed on the marine sediments from short cores (30 to 50 cm) from the Middle (Jabuka and Palagruža pits, depth 230 m and 170 m, respectively) and South Adriatic Sea (depth 1030 m) and the Albanian offshore (50 m depth). The distribution of trace elements (As, Co, Cd, Cu Cr, Ni, Zn, Hg, and Pb) and major elements (Al, Ca and Mn) and mineralogy in the sediments is presented. Sediments are highly heterogeneous and consist of carbonate and detrital aluminosilicate minerals. The main mineral phase is calcite, followed by quartz, feldspars, micas and clay minerals (smectite, chlorite, illite and kaolinite). The cores were dated using 137Cs. The cores from the South Adriatic Pit and Palagruža Sill gave estimated sedimentation rates of 1.8 mm y–1and 3.1 mm y–1in Jabuka Pit. Distributions of Ni and Cr showed that they can be used as tracers of sediment provenance along the southern part of the Eastern Adriatic Current. Calculated enrichment factors for Pb, Cd and Hg are highest in the top 2 cm of the cores. Mercury shows the highest degree of enrichment in 0–2 cm sediment intervals (the highest in the Albania core). Generally the estimated surface enrichment follows the order: Hg>Pb>Cd. No enrichment was found for Zn, Ni and Cr.
The River Mati in Albania has formed a coastal plain with Holocene and Pleistocene sediments. The outer portion of the plain is clay, with three underlying aquifers that are connected to an alluvial fan at the entry of the river into the plain. The aquifers supply water for 240,000 people. Close to the sea the aquifers are brackish. The brackish water is often artesian and found to be thousands of years old. Furthermore, the salinity, supported by δ18O results, does not seem to be due to mixing with old seawater but due to diffusion from intercalated clay layers. Heavy metals from mines in the upstream section of River Mati are not an immediate threat, as the pH buffering of the river water is good. Moreover, the heavy metals are predominantly found in suspended and colloidal phases. Two sulphur isotope signatures, one mirroring seawater sulphate in the brackish groundwater (δ34S >21 ‰) and one showing the influence of sulphide in the river and the fresh groundwater (δ34S <10 ‰), indicate that the groundwater in the largest well field is recharged from the river. The most serious threat is gravel extraction in the alluvial fan, decreasing the hydraulic head necessary for recharge and causing clogging of sediments.
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This article brings the results of a method for quality assurance in gamma-ray spectrometry of seabed sediments. Sediments were collected in selected locations of the South and Middle Adriatic Sea using grab and corer tools. Using our own experimental design, we determined the self-attenuation factors of selected samples. The article also discusses sources of uncertainty in gamma-ray spectrometry, which is another important issue in quality assurance. Together with self-attenuation correction sources of uncertainty are used to calculate the activity concentration for a given sample. The presented procedure demonstrates how a gamma-ray spectrometry experiment should be approached in order to properly account for errors and uncertainties specific to a particular sample.
Investigations concerning selective sorption and fixation of K and similar cations by clay minerals and soil clays and the mechanisms of these reactions are reviewed. In particular, recent observations on selective sorption of these ions in dilute solutions by weathered micas and vermiculite in relation to the interlayer structures are discussed in detail. Also, implications of the resistance to weathering of small mica particles to cation selectivity by soils are described. Despite the increased understanding of sorption and fixation reactions, the following aspects remain unclear. First, the mechanism of the collapse of alternate layers in vermiculite on K or Cs sorption has not been unequivocally established. Second, factors that impart stability to the central core of mica particles so that K extraction becomes progressively difficult are not known. Third, inability of Ca or Mg ions to expand interlayers of Cs-saturated vermiculite in contrast to K-saturated vermiculite is not completely understood.
Systematic, long-term measurements, starting in 1963, of 90Sr activity concentrations in sea water have been performed at four locations (cities of Rovinj, Rijeka, Split and Dubrovnik) along the Croatian coast of the Adriatic Sea. In addition, fallout samples were collected in the city of Zadar. 90Sr activity concentrations are in good correlation with the fallout activity, the coefficient of correlation being 0.72. After the nuclear moratorium on atmospheric nuclear bomb tests in 1960s, 90Sr activity concentrations in sea water exponentially dropped from 14.8 ± 2.4 Bq m−3 in 1963 to 2.0 ± 0.3 Bq m−3 in 2003. In the same period, the total annual 90Sr land surface deposit in Zadar fell by three orders of magnitude, from 713.3 Bq m−2 in 1963 to 0.4 Bq m−2 in 2003. Using strontium sea water and fallout data, a mathematical model was developed to describe the rate of change of 90Sr activity concentrations in the Adriatic Sea water and estimate its mean residence time in the Adriatic. By fitting the experimental data to a theoretically predicted curve, the mean residence time of 90Sr in the Adriatic Sea water was estimated to be approximately 3.4 ± 0.4 years, standard deviation being calculated by Monte Carlo simulations. As in physical oceanography 90Sr can be used as effective radioactive tracer of water mass transport, this value also reflects the upper limit for turnover time of the Adriatic Sea water. The turnover time of 3.4 years for the Adriatic Sea water is in reasonable agreement with the value which was estimated, by studying water flows through the Strait of Otranto, to be on the order of 1 year.
This paper addresses the study of accumulation-dispersion processes, in the Italian Seas, of radionuclides due to fall-out on to the surface of the sea. Two periods are considered: 1960–1984, during which the fall-out was caused bylarge scale nuclear explosions in the atmosphere; 1986–1992, during which the fall-out was caused by the Chernobyl accident. We focus on the analysis of vertical dispersion processes by means of mathematical models: a lumped parameter model (a depth-averaged model) for the surface layer and a depth dependent model for the deep layer. A regression analysis performed by fitting the experimental data (fall-out and activities in sea waters) to the model equations allows us to estimate the parameters introduced in the models. Fallout data are used as an input flux for the lumped parameter model to simulate the dispersion processes in a surface layer. This model also produces the output flux at the lower interface, which is used as input flux in a depth-dependent model for the deep layer. For sufficiently slow processes, as during the period 1960–1984, the experimental data are well described and interpreted by these models. On the contrary, for rapid processes, as during the period 1986–1992, and when the experimental data are not complete, the analysis carried out with these models cannot be satisfactory.
Selectivity of a number of vermiculites, montmorillonites and micas for K and Cs ions was determined by sorption of these ions from equilibrium solutions of diverse concentrations. The selectivity coefficients were related to the layer charge density and the area of the frayed edges in layer silicates. Montmorillonites had the smallest selectivity for the two ions, while biotite and illite had the greatest selectivity. Selectivity of biotite and illite was limited to small concentrations of K, however. At greater concentrations the selectivity of vermiculite for K exceeded the selectivity of the micas. The greater selectivity of vermiculites than montmorillonites for K and Cs ions was attributed to the greater layer charge density in vermiculites. The greater selectivity of micas than montmorillonites and vermiculites was attributed to the frayed edges of micas in addition to their larger layer charge density. As the frayed edges in illite were increased in area by removal of the interlayer K, the selectivity of illite for K also increased; thus confirming the selectivity of frayed edges for the K ions.
The distribution of radioactivity discharged from Sellafield in Cumbria (north-west England) has been measured against a background of nuclear weapon fallout, with the object of determining the pathways and transfer mechanisms between various environmental media.
Coastal sediments from the northern Adriatic Sea were analyzed for 137Cs and 134Cs from the Chernobyl accident to better understand the transport and sedimentation processes in a marine area strongly influenced by the delivery of suspended matter from the Po River. In particular, the suitability of 137Cs as a tool for studying sediment accumulation rates was evaluated. Radionuclide distributions are determined by the influence of the river and by the grain size composition that is a function of the hydrodynamic processes. With respect to pre-Chernobyl values, 137Cs surficial activities were increased from 3 to 13 times, and inventories up to 3 times. Four types of 137Cs activity-depth profiles were found, being representative of different combinations of sediment accumulation and radiotracer displacement within the surficial layers. At some sites sediment accumulation rates of 1.6–4.8 cm y−1 caused the formation of a sub-surficial peak. At the other locations, the Chernobyl peak of 137Cs was still confined at the water–sediment interface with some downward penetration due to mixing and diffusion. In general, molecular diffusion is the prevailing mechanism but the incidence of mixing is very significant at three sites (58–71%).