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Navigating the Link Between Internet User Attitudes and Cybersecurity Awareness in the Era of Phishing Challenges



Phishing attacks persist as a prevalent cyber threat exploiting the vulnerability of internet users, tricking them into clicking malicious attachments or links under the guise of legitimacy. This study aims to investigate the impact of users' attitudes on cybersecurity awareness, specifically focusing on phishing attacks and related social engineering tactics such as smishing, vishing, and spear-phishing. Our findings reveal that internet users with positive and proactive attitudes toward cybersecurity demonstrate heightened awareness of phishing attacks and are more adept at adopting preventive measures. Conversely, those with complacent and dismissive attitudes are more susceptible to falling victim to phishing. The study underscores the importance of tailoring cybersecurity measures to foster a security-conscious and proactive mindset among internet users, ultimately strengthening overall cybersecurity resilience in the face of evolving threats.
International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology
ISO 3297:2007 Certified  Impact Factor 7.12  Vol. 9, Issue 12, December 2022
DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.91224
© IARJSET This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 116
ISSN (O) 2393-8021, ISSN (P) 2394-1588
Navigating the Link Between Internet User
Attitudes and Cybersecurity Awareness in the Era
of Phishing Challenges
Dr Sivaraju Kuraku1, Dinesh Kalla2, Fnu Samaah3
School of Computer and Information Sciences, University of the Cumberlands, Williamsburg, KY, USA1
Department of Computer Science, Colorado Technical university, Colorado Springs, CO, USA2
Department of Computer Science, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, Harrisburg, PA, USA3
Abstract: Phishing attacks persist as a prevalent cyber threat exploiting the vulnerability of internet users, tricking them
into clicking malicious attachments or links under the guise of legitimacy. This study aims to investigate the impact of
users' attitudes on cybersecurity awareness, specifically focusing on phishing attacks and related social engineering
tactics such as smishing, vishing, and spear-phishing. Our findings reveal that internet users with positive and proactive
attitudes toward cybersecurity demonstrate heightened awareness of phishing attacks and are more adept at adopting
preventive measures. Conversely, those with complacent and dismissive attitudes are more susceptible to falling victim
to phishing. The study underscores the importance of tailoring cybersecurity measures to foster a security-conscious and
proactive mindset among internet users, ultimately strengthening overall cybersecurity resilience in the face of evolving
Keywords: Phishing attacks, cyber threat, internet users, attitude, cybersecurity awareness, phishing attempts, smishing,
vishing, spear-phishing, and cybersecurity resilience.
As the relentless march of technological progress continues unabated, the growing dependence of internet users on digital
platforms for storing personal data and accessing online services elevates their vulnerability to phishing attacks [1].
Phishing, a sinister form of social engineering orchestrated by cyber attackers, capitalizes on this dependency by
deceptively acquiring individuals' or entities' data, with attackers adeptly disguising themselves as legitimate entities.
The arsenal of techniques employed by phishers includes artful strategies such as enticing users to click on malicious
attachments or links, thereby initiating a cascade of consequencesranging from malware installation and theft of
sensitive information to the execution of calculated ransomware attacks.
The repercussions of phishing attacks are far-reaching and severe, casting a wide net of financial losses, unauthorized
transactions, and identity theft for individuals, while businesses grapple with the jeopardized integrity of sensitive data,
ransom demands, and the erosion of their hard-earned reputation [2]. Notwithstanding the strides made in technological
advancements leading to the development of robust cybersecurity measures, the human factor remains an indomitable
force in the realm of online security. The attitudes exhibited by internet users emerge as a pivotal force in shaping
cybersecurity awareness, intricately weaving into their perception of risks and the imperative need for security.
This research endeavours to probe the intricate relationship between users' attitudes and their awareness of phishing
attacks, seeking to unravel the nuanced responses to such insidious attempts. The overarching goal is to formulate
effective approaches that not only decode user reactions but also mitigate the multifaceted landscape of social engineering
attacks, encompassing phishing, smishing, vishing, and spear-phishing.
In response to the escalating tide of phishing emails and the profound impact of human attitudes on cybersecurity,
organizations are increasingly turning to cutting-edge solutions. Machine Learning models are emerging as indispensable
tools for detecting and filtering phishing emails. This proactive adoption of advanced technologies underscores a
concerted effort to fortify defences against the burgeoning threat landscape, marking a strategic response to the evolving
dynamics of cyber threats.
International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology
ISO 3297:2007 Certified  Impact Factor 7.12  Vol. 9, Issue 12, December 2022
DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.91224
© IARJSET This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 117
ISSN (O) 2393-8021, ISSN (P) 2394-1588
The attitude of traditional internet users towards cybersecurity was shaped by various factors like complacency, lack of
security awareness, taking basic precautions, and resistance to change [3]. It is worth noting that some internet users had
a complacency attitude due to assuming they were not treasured targets to attackers and their online actions were not
important to gain cybercriminal’s attention. Below figure 1 show increase in phishing emails from year 2020 to first
quarter of 2021.
Fig 1: Phishing Attacks 2020-2021 (APWG Report)
Traditional internet users lacked awareness of cyber threats and the need of safeguarding their systems and therefore they
did not know possible risks of utilizing the internet or potential outcomes of becoming phished [4]. While traditional
internet users took basic security precautions like setting robust passwords, utilizing antivirus software, updating their
software on regular basis, they were not aware of advanced cybersecurity measures, thus increasing their vulnerability to
phishing attacks. Equally, traditional internet users were resistant to embracing new security practices and technologies
because of the discomfort related to change. Internet users who had experienced identity theft, data breaches, or cyber-
attacks tended to develop a cautious attitude towards cybersecurity. Personal experiences habitually served as worthy
lessons that necessitated internet users to enhance their cybersecurity practices. Additionally, increased coverage of
security incidents on the media, increased awareness concerning digital threats, and online educational programs
influenced internet consumers to be extremely conscious about their security in the digital world.
The efficacy of cybersecurity defences remains intricately intertwined with the human element of internet users, despite
the continuous evolution of technology fortifying security measures [5]. A pivotal determinant influencing the
susceptibility of internet users to phishing attacks is their stance towards cybersecurity. The impact of this attitude on
users' ability to detect and thwart phishing attempts is profound; a positive security attitude serves as a shield, while a
dismissive one leaves them exposed and highly susceptible to potential phishing attacks.
Therefore, delving into the intricacies of internet users' attitudes becomes paramount in comprehending the dynamics of
security awareness and their subsequent vulnerability to phishing endeavours. In the context of this study, attitude
encompasses a spectrum of factors, including intentions, beliefs, emotions, and perceptions that shape the approach of
internet users toward security practices and the ever-present landscape of cybersecurity threats [6].
The pivotal role played by the attitude of internet users becomes evident in determining whether they proactively adopt
measures to shield themselves from phishing attempts or unwittingly succumb to the manipulative tactics of
cybercriminals [7]. Unravelling this complex interplay between attitude and cybersecurity outcomes provides valuable
insights into developing targeted and effective educational programs and awareness campaigns.
International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology
ISO 3297:2007 Certified  Impact Factor 7.12  Vol. 9, Issue 12, December 2022
DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.91224
© IARJSET This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 118
ISSN (O) 2393-8021, ISSN (P) 2394-1588
By acknowledging the nuanced relationship between attitudes and cybersecurity, stakeholders in the realm of online
security can craft interventions that go beyond the technical aspects, addressing the human dimension that often serves
as the linchpin in the success or failure of cybersecurity measures [8]. Recognizing the multifaceted nature of attitude
empowers the formulation of strategies that resonate with users on cognitive and emotional levels, fostering a culture of
vigilance and resilience against the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats.
In conclusion, understanding and dissecting the intricacies of internet users' attitudes towards cybersecurity is imperative
for devising comprehensive and tailored approaches to enhance security awareness. Such insights not only aid in
fortifying defences against phishing attacks but also lay the foundation for a proactive and resilient cybersecurity culture,
ultimately contributing to a safer and more secure digital ecosystem.
Understanding how users perceive cybersecurity and respond to phishing attacks is crucial for cybersecurity professionals
seeking to fortify digital defences [9]. By tailoring educational efforts and launching targeted awareness campaigns,
experts can empower internet users with the knowledge to recognize and thwart potential phishing attempts effectively.
The consequences of falling victim to phishing are severe, ranging from the exposure of sensitive personal data to identity
theft, financial loss, and compromise of online accounts [10]. This study aims to shed light on users' risky attitudes,
providing a foundation for the development of educational strategies that specifically address the nuanced risks associated
with phishing attacks, particularly those tied to financial and personal implications.
Beyond the surface, the research delves into the intricate psychological aspects influencing user decision-making. It
unveils how cybercriminals skilfully exploit these psychological factors to execute deception successfully. Recognizing
the multifaceted nature of internet user attitudes emerges as a pivotal factor in determining the success or failure of
phishing attempts and attacks. Internet users who are vigilant and security-aware possess the capability to reduce the
likelihood of falling prey to phishing schemes, thereby mitigating the potential for data breaches and associated losses.
Furthermore, this study contributes to a more profound understanding of internet user attitudes, providing cybersecurity
experts and developers with valuable insights. This deeper understanding enables the crafting of user-centric
cybersecurity solutions aligned with the cognitive behaviours and patterns of internet users. The ultimate goal is to create
security measures that are not only more effective but also less intrusive. Essentially, the nuanced comprehension of user
attitudes cultivated through this study serves as a cornerstone for ongoing refinement and development of cybersecurity
strategies tailored to the dynamic and ever-evolving landscape of the digital realm [11].
The attitude of internet users predisposes them to phishing attacks as they believe to be avoiding loss. Research posits
that internet users are always ready to give up their privacy attitude for the purpose of getting benefits and as a result,
they behave in a manner that makes them act against their judgments, concerning their privacy, to avoid losses or costs
such as their online accounts being suspended. As a result, many cybercriminals’ notices users’ insecurities and
capitalizes on such moments by using threats of account suspension or closure to con users into supplying them with
their sensitive information like banks details, passwords, or even username and ends up phishing them. Since such
ensuing phishing attacks are difficult for internet users to recognize previous studies and research urges internet users to
always carefully inspect URLs, be mindful of redirections, check out grammar mistakes, generic salutations, spelling
errors and key in their login credentials on sites that are HTTPS protected only, use anti-virus software on their devices
and make security upgrades provided by their trusted provider of their internet service.
The research asserts that internet users’ risk attitude, under the pretence of ignorance, influences the making of their final
decision. For instance, Users’ risk attitude influences their aptitude to effectively detect phishing attacks and report them
or stop them. Hence, internet users’ risk attitude towards cyber deception and security issues influences their
susceptibility to cybercrimes. For example, internet users depicting a high-risk attitude or gambling desire have a high
possibility of clicking on phishing links, messages, or attachments sent by cybercriminals like phishers, and are likely to
become victims to cyber-attacks like phishing, spear-phishing, and ransomware. Developing a good attitude on protective
behaviour is important in increasing the awareness of computer users towards cyber threats because it offers behavioural
advice on the way to handle phishing messages as well as mitigate their threats, particularly in crimes related to phishing
attacks. Computer users can develop a positive attitude concerning protective behaviour after they recognize their
susceptibility to becoming phishing victims. The positive attitude on protective behaviour, such as not sharing valuable
personal information, plays an important in raising computer users’ threat awareness so that they can lower or mitigate
risks of phishing attacks.
International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology
ISO 3297:2007 Certified  Impact Factor 7.12  Vol. 9, Issue 12, December 2022
DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.91224
© IARJSET This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 119
ISSN (O) 2393-8021, ISSN (P) 2394-1588
Internet users are weak towards combating phishing irrespective of enormous cybersecurity technology and training
because of their curiosity. Internet users must overcome their curiosity about clicking malicious links through
cybersecurity training in order to detect phishing attempts and attacks regardless of their attitudes, behaviour, and
phishing IQ scores. Below Fig 2 shows the trends related to people problem related to cyber attacks.
Fig 2: Cybersecurity’s User Attitude Problem
Digital illiteracy makes computer users to develop an attitude of disregarding the use of digital tools that protect them
from cybercrimes. Studies posits that digital illiterate computer users develop the defiance attitude towards cybersecurity
due to lack of recognizing cyber threats like risks of clicking on unknown emails and suspicious links, lack of using
firewall and antivirus software, phishing, and man-in-the-middle attacks. Phishing attacks trends from last 5 years stresses
the urgent necessity to change computer users’ attitude towards practices of secure information sharing, adherence to
security best practices, and prevention of cyberattacks to ensure they are not vulnerable to cybercriminals.
International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology
ISO 3297:2007 Certified  Impact Factor 7.12  Vol. 9, Issue 12, December 2022
DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.91224
© IARJSET This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 120
ISSN (O) 2393-8021, ISSN (P) 2394-1588
Users’ attitude can be changed through engaging in cybersecurity workshops and online security training programs to
enable them recognize cyberattacks and prevent falling victim of cybercriminals. Internet users to always develop an
attitude of reading the terms and conditions of use of every application prior to installing it and always updating their
computers with current security updates as soon as they are available.
This quantitative study investigates the role of individuals' attitudes within the financial sector in determining their ability
to identify phishing attempts [12]. Utilizing a 5-point Likert scale (ranging from strongly disagree=1 to strongly agree=5),
the survey aims to gauge participants' attitudes toward phishing through 10 questions related to their behavior and
perceptions. The survey questions focus on various aspects, including the perceived safety of clicking on links or opening
email attachments, awareness of phishing risks, and preventive measures [13].
Fig 3: Research Methodology (Survey Based Research)
Survey Questions:
1. It's always safe to click on links in emails from people.
2. Nothing bad can happen if I click on a link in an email from an unknown sender.
3. It's risky to open an email attachment from an unknown sender.
4. It can be risky to download files on my work computer.
5. There is a high probability of receiving a malicious e-mail attachment.
6. The chances of receiving a malicious e-mail attachment are high.
7. Checking email link authenticity will help prevent phishing attacks.
8. Before opening an email attachment, I first check if the filename makes sense.
9. There is a good possibility that I will receive a malicious email in a phishing attack.
10. The best way for me to avoid email phishing attacks is to verify the authenticity of email links.
Participants responded to each question on a scale of 1 to 5, reflecting their level of agreement or disagreement. Higher
scores indicate a more positive attitude toward security practices. The data collected from participants' responses will be
analyzed to understand trends and patterns in attitudes towards phishing. The "Results" section will provide a detailed
examination of the data, shedding light on the prevailing sentiments and potential areas of improvement in individuals'
awareness and behavior regarding email security. The goal is to offer insights that can contribute to enhancing
cybersecurity practices within the financial sector.
International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology
ISO 3297:2007 Certified  Impact Factor 7.12  Vol. 9, Issue 12, December 2022
DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.91224
© IARJSET This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 121
ISSN (O) 2393-8021, ISSN (P) 2394-1588
This section summarizes the study's findings and analyses the collected data. The dataset comprises responses to a series
of statements or questions, with participants indicating their level of agreement or disagreement. The responses fall into
five categories: "Strongly Agree," "Somewhat Agree," "Neither Agree nor Disagree," "Somewhat Disagree," and
"Strongly Disagree."
Breaking down the frequency of each response:
Fig 4: Category Based Responses
Analyzing the overall sentiment based on the aggregated responses:
Agree (combining Strongly Agree and Somewhat Agree): 53 (35 + 18)
Neutral (Neither Agree nor Disagree): 13
Disagree (combining Somewhat Disagree and Strongly Disagree): 54 (21 + 33)
In summary, the data suggests that a majority of participants either disagree or somewhat disagree with the statements,
with a slight inclination towards disagreement. The neutral responses fall in the middle, and the agreement responses are
comparatively less prevalent. The detailed interpretation of the data has been discussed below.
Many People Disagree:
More people said they either somewhat disagree or strongly disagree (54 out of 100).
This suggests that a lot of participants don't really agree with whatever was asked in the survey.
Some are Unsure:
A significant number (13 out of 100) didn't strongly agree or disagree; they were in the middle.
This might mean some participants weren't sure or didn't strongly feel one way or the other.
Not a Strong Agreement:
While some people agreed (53 out of 100), it's not as strong as the disagreement.
It seems like there's a mix of opinions, and agreement isn't the most common response.
International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology
ISO 3297:2007 Certified  Impact Factor 7.12  Vol. 9, Issue 12, December 2022
DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.91224
© IARJSET This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 122
ISSN (O) 2393-8021, ISSN (P) 2394-1588
We Need More Details:
To understand better, we'd need to know the exact questions asked in the survey.
Knowing what people disagreed or agreed on could give more insight.
Look at Different Groups:
It might be interesting to see if different groups of people (based on age, gender, etc.) had different opinions. This could
help us understand if certain factors influence how people feel.
Think about Taking Action:
Depending on the context, if a lot of people disagree, it might be worth looking into why and considering changes. In
simple terms, it looks like people have different opinions, with more leaning towards disagreement. Understanding the
specific questions and looking at different groups can help make sense of these responses. The clear disagreement
responses clearly stated that individuals lack of security awareness towards phishing.
Internet users with positive attitude towards cybersecurity are extremely likely to spot and evade phishing attempts as
likened to those having less proactive attitude [14]. This is because they understand online risks and cyber threats such
as phishing attacks and takes proactive defense measures of protecting their sensitive information and systems through
use of security tools like web browser extensions that assist in identification and blocking of phishing attempts, anti-
phishing software, updated software, spam filters, and enable as well as use two factor authentication to add a security
layer to their online accounts, thus thwarting phishing attempts. Equally, internet users with dismissive attitude are more
vulnerable targets of phishers because their dismissive attitude makes them develop a tendency of downplaying or
ignoring possible security risks and taking the needed security precautions seriously and are overconfident of their
immune to cyber risks [15]. Moreover, Internet users with proactive security attitude are very cautious and vigilant on
recognizing and responding to phishing attempts and attacks. Proactive internet users are familiar with phishing methods
and can recognize suspicious websites, messages, links, misspellings, sender addresses, and emails more effectively.
Their proactive attitude makes them effective in taking direct actions to not only reporting, but also mitigating any
phishing attempts [16]. With the results, the observed clear disagreement responses signal a potential lack of security
awareness towards phishing within the surveyed population. This highlights the critical importance of targeted
interventions, considering specific areas of disagreement, and tailoring educational efforts to address these gaps.
Additionally, examining demographic influences can inform a more nuanced approach to enhance security practices [17].
In conclusion, the study calls for a comprehensive understanding of participant attitudes, emphasizing the need for further
investigation into specific survey questions. The findings prompt a proactive approach to address security awareness
challenges and encourage tailored interventions to foster a more informed and resilient community in the face of phishing
In the end, the study tells us that many people don't agree on how to stay safe from online scams, especially phishing.
This means lots of folks might not fully understand the risks. Some are not sure, making it clear that getting everyone on
the same page about online security is tricky. To make things better, we need to look closely at the specific questions
people disagreed on. This way, we can create ways to help them understand better. It's also important to think about how
different groups of people might see things differently. So, tailoring online safety lessons to fit different groups is a good
idea. The study suggests we should do something now to improve online safety awareness, especially about phishing.
This could include special lessons, workshops, or training that speaks directly to what people are unsure about. It's all
about making sure everyone has the right information and feels confident about staying safe online. In short, the study
shows that online safety is still a bit confusing for many. To fix this, we should understand where people disagree, create
specific ways to help them, and consider what different groups might need. Taking action now can make online safety
clearer for everyone.
We researchers would like to thank Phishing Box’s president for providing tools to conduct extensive research related to
phishing emails. We want to express our sincere appreciation University of the Cumberlands, Colorado Technical
University and Harrisburg University faculty members for providing guidance in research and writing papers. We also
thank the anonymous referee, reviewers, and editors for reviewing our paper. Finally, we sincerely thank the International
Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology for allowing us to publish the paper.
International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology
ISO 3297:2007 Certified  Impact Factor 7.12  Vol. 9, Issue 12, December 2022
DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.91224
© IARJSET This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 123
ISSN (O) 2393-8021, ISSN (P) 2394-1588
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Sivaraju Kuraku is free-lancing with iStreetLabs LLC as a principal security consultant. With
approximately 8 years of practical experience in incident handling, SOC operations, endpoint
security & defense, malware research analysis & remediation, malware playbooks, threat
hunting, Kubernetes container security, and vulnerability management, he is a Cyber Security
SME and Leader with a strong academic background and business acumen. He also has the
honor of having led MDR services and coached teams to manage numerous project assignments
with excellent individual and team effort while working for leading cyber security product
startups, CrowdStrike and Uptycs.
International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology
ISO 3297:2007 Certified  Impact Factor 7.12  Vol. 9, Issue 12, December 2022
DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.91224
© IARJSET This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 124
ISSN (O) 2393-8021, ISSN (P) 2394-1588
Dinesh Kalla works at Microsoft as a Big Data and Azure Cloud Escalation Engineer and has
eight years of industry experience as a .Net Developer, BI Developer, Data Engineer, and Azure
Cloud Engineer. His main areas of expertise and research interest are Big Data Analytics, Data
Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, IoT, and Cybersecurity. He published
several papers on Big data, Artificial Intelligence, and cybersecurity threats in International
Journals and conferences. He completed his Master of Science at the University of New Haven
and is pursuing a professional doctorate in Computer Science with an emphasis on Big Data
Analytics from Colorado Technical University.
Fnu Samaah currently working in U.S. bank as a Java Full Stack Developer and Team Lead.
Samaah has six years of industry experience as a Java Full Stack Developer and Tech Lead. Her
main areas of expertise and research interest are Python, Data Analysis, Machine Learning,
Chatbots and Cybersecurity. She published several papers on Chatbots, Artificial Intelligence
and cybersecurity awareness in International Journals. She completed her Master of Computer
Science from Northeastern Illinois University and Master’s in data science from Harrisburg
University of Science and Technology.
Full-text available
Phishing URLs pose a significant threat to individuals and organizations by tricking users into divulging sensitive information or engaging in malicious activities. Detecting and mitigating these phishing attacks is crucial to safeguarding online security. Data preprocessing and feature extraction play vital roles in the effective identification of phishing URLs. Data preprocessing involves transforming raw data into a clean and structured format suitable for analysis. In the context of phishing URL detection, this process includes data collection, preparation, and standardization. Gathering a comprehensive dataset of URLs is essential for training accurate detection models. Ensuring data quality and integrity by removing duplicates and verifying the authenticity of URLs enhances the reliability of the analysis. Additionally, parsing and standardizing URLs into a consistent format enable meaningful feature extraction. Feature extraction is the process of deriving informative features from data that can effectively represent the characteristics of phishing URLs. These features serve as inputs to machine learning algorithms, aiding in the accurate classification of URLs as either legitimate or phishing. Various types of features can be extracted from phishing URLs, including domain-based, path-based, host-based, and content-based features. Domain-based features focus on the properties of the URL's domain. Length of the domain, presence of hyphens or numbers, domain age, and reputation or
Full-text available
Phishing attacks have become increasingly prevalent in the digital world, posing a significant threat to individuals and organizations. Phishing URLs are deceptive web addresses designed to trick users into providing sensitive information or performing malicious actions. Detecting and preventing these phishing URLs is crucial to safeguarding personal and financial security. Building a machine learning model for phishing URL detection offers a promising approach to combat this ever-evolving threat. By leveraging the power of machine learning algorithms, we can train models to automatically identify and flag suspicious URLs, allowing users and systems to take appropriate precautions. The main objective of this project is to develop an effective machine learning model capable of distinguishing between legitimate URLs and phishing URLs. By analyzing various features and patterns within URLs, the model aims to identify indicators of phishing attempts and provide timely alerts or warnings to users. The process of building such a model involves several key steps. First, a labeled dataset of phishing and legitimate URLs needs to be collected. This dataset serves as the foundation for training and evaluating the model. Next, relevant features are extracted from the URLs, such as URL length, domain age, presence of suspicious keywords, and more.
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Cyber-wellness concerns positive wellbeing in online spaces, including awareness of how to behave appropriately and protect oneself. We explain and illustrate the complex nature of cyber-wellness, focusing on four key aspects. Firstly, developing students’ information and media literacy skills is essential for promoting cyber-wellbeing. Such skills are also required for supporting democratic participation. Secondly, we identify and discuss the threats and challenges to young people’s cyber-wellbeing, arguing for the need to develop digital resilience. Thirdly, we discuss the role of policy at macro, meso and micro levels and how policy and educational practitioners can promote cyber-wellness awareness, knowledge and strategies. Finally we review the limited scholarship on cyber-wellness education and highlight the need to address this gap in the future. We conclude the article with consideration of the issues faced and opportunities for overcoming these. It is imperative that further work is undertaken on the conceptualisation of cyber-wellness and that concensus is developed. There are issues relating to the continual rapid developments of techologies and their uses; it is important to develop a shared understanding of the mutual relationship between technology and humans. Finally, there is a lack of guidance and good practice exemplars for cyber-wellness education.
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This paper aims to explore the cyber-deception-based approach and to design a novel conceptual model of hybrid threats that includes deception methods. Security programs primarily focus on prevention-based strategies aimed at stopping attackers from getting into the network. These programs attempt to use hardened perimeters and endpoint defenses by recognizing and blocking malicious activities to detect and stop attackers before they can get in. Most organizations implement such a strategy by fortifying their networks with defense-in-depth through layered prevention controls. Detection controls are usually placed to augment prevention at the perimeter, and not as consistently deployed for in-network threat detection. This architecture leaves detection gaps that are difficult to fill with existing security controls not specifically designed for that role. Rather than using prevention alone, a strategy that attackers have consistently succeeded against, defenders are adopting a more balanced strategy that includes detection and response. Most organizations deploy an intrusion detection system (IDS) or next-generation firewall that picks up known attacks or attempts to pattern match for identification. Other detection tools use monitoring, traffic, or behavioral analysis. These reactive defenses are designed to detect once they are attacked yet often fail. They also have some limitations because they are not designed to catch credential harvesting or attacks based on what appears as authorized access. They are also often seen as complex and prone to false positives, adding to analyst alert fatigue. The security industry has focused recent innovation on finding more accurate ways to recognize malicious activity with technologies such as user and entity behavioral analytics (UEBA), big data, artificial intelligence (AI), and deception.
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With the significant growth of internet usage, people increasingly share their personal information online. As a result, an enormous amount of personal information and financial transactions become vulnerable to cybercriminals. Phishing is an example of a highly effective form of cybercrime that enables criminals to deceive users and steal important data. Since the first reported phishing attack in 1990, it has been evolved into a more sophisticated attack vector. At present, phishing is considered one of the most frequent examples of fraud activity on the Internet. Phishing attacks can lead to severe losses for their victims including sensitive information, identity theft, companies, and government secrets. This article aims to evaluate these attacks by identifying the current state of phishing and reviewing existing phishing techniques. Studies have classified phishing attacks according to fundamental phishing mechanisms and countermeasures discarding the importance of the end-to-end lifecycle of phishing. This article proposes a new detailed anatomy of phishing which involves attack phases, attacker’s types, vulnerabilities, threats, targets, attack mediums, and attacking techniques. Moreover, the proposed anatomy will help readers understand the process lifecycle of a phishing attack which in turn will increase the awareness of these phishing attacks and the techniques being used; also, it helps in developing a holistic anti-phishing system. Furthermore, some precautionary countermeasures are investigated, and new strategies are suggested.
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Phishing e-mails are fraudulent e-mails used to gain access to sensitive information or secure computer systems. They persuade users to click on malicious links, download attachments or provide sensitive information, such as usernames or passwords. One approach that aims to reduce people’s susceptibility to phishing is the provision of information to users regarding the phishing threat and the techniques used within phishing e-mails. In line with this, awareness campaigns are often used within organizations and wider society to raise awareness of phishing and encourage people to engage with protective information. However, the potential effectiveness of such approaches in reducing susceptibility remains uncertain. In particular, there is a lack of research investigating (i) whether the propensity to access such information may in itself influence susceptibility to phishing and (ii) the different factors that motivate people to engage with information in the first place. In order to understand how current and future interventions regarding phishing may be consumed by users, as well as their potential impact on phishing susceptibility, it is important to conduct theoretically based research that provides a foundation to investigate these issues. This study provides a first step in addressing this by developing and validating a theoretically based survey measure across two studies centred upon the constructs of protection motivation theory (perceived vulnerability, severity, self-efficacy and response efficacy) to assess the factors that influence whether people choose to keep up to date with protective information about phishing. This survey measure is then used within Study 2 to provide an initial investigation of the role of these constructs in (i) self-reported user intentions to keep up to date with phishing techniques in the future and (ii) phishing discrimination ability, assessed using a phishing quiz. Overall, higher perceived threat severity, self-efficacy and response efficacy were associated with greater intentions, while greater perceived vulnerability was associated with lower intentions. No relationship was found with phishing discrimination ability. By understanding the factors that influence user intention to maintain knowledge and seek information about phishing threats, it will be possible to ensure that, as effective interventions are developed, their potential impact can be maximized.
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Subject matter experts assert that cybersecurity inertia critically contributes to successful cyberattacks that steal business confidential data and personal private information, capable of influencing major elections, crippling businesses, and causing devastating identify theft. The role cyber warfare plays in our daily lives cannot be underestimated. According to a 2018 Gallup Poll, 71% of Americans are more worried about cybercrime than violent crimes, including terrorism, murder, and sexual assault. Human error or negligent behavior is being increasingly blamed for cyberattacks, costing an organization an average of more than $15 million per year. Our research focuses on social engineering, an attack vector that relies on human interaction by manipulating people into breaking normal security protocols and best practices, permitting actors access to computer systems, networks or physical locations for fraudulent purposes. We discuss these constructs by exploring the most prevalent types of cyberattacks, the actors, and their prey, the human targets, perceived to be the weakest links within the organizational system. We close by offering recommendations to disrupt cybersecurity inertia and mitigation strategies to curb the influence of social engineering upon unsuspecting organizations.
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The growing sophistication, frequency and severity of cyberattacks targeting financial sector institutions highlight their inevitability and the impossibility of completely protecting the integrity of critical computer systems. In this context, cyber-resilience offers an attractive complementary alternative to the existing cybersecurity paradigm. Cyber-resilience is defined in this article as the capacity to withstand, recover from and adapt to the external shocks caused by cyber risks. Resilience has a long and rich history in a number of scientific disciplines, including in engineering and disaster management. One of its main benefits is that it enables complex organizations to prepare for adverse events and to keep operating under very challenging circumstances. This article seeks to explore the significance of this concept and its applicability to the online security of financial institutions. The first section examines the need for cyber-resilience in the financial sector, highlighting the different types of threats that target financial systems and the various measures of their adverse impact. This section concludes that the “prevent and protect” paradigm that has prevailed so far is inadequate, and that a cyber-resilience orientation should be added to the risk managers’ toolbox. The second section briefly traces the scientific history of the concept and outlines the five core dimensions of organizational resilience, which is dynamic, networked, practiced, adaptive, and contested. Finally, the third section analyses three types of institutional approaches that are used to foster cyber-resilience in the financial sector (and beyond): (i) a thriving cybersecurity industry is promoting cyber-resilience as the future of security; (ii) standards bodies are embedding cyber-resilience into some of their cybersecurity standards; and (iii) regulatory agencies have developed a broad range of compliance tools aimed at enhancing cyber-resilience.
Currently cybercrime awareness education tends to be generic, which is not useful for certain demographics, such as older adults, who are at a higher risk of victimisation due to their potential unfamiliarity with cyberspace norms and practices. The Cybercrime Awareness Clinic team carried out focus groups and interviews with older adults with the aim of gaining a better understanding of their cybercrime perceptions and experiences. Fifteen older adults over 60 years participated in focus groups or semi-structured interviews and discussed their experiences of using the internet and dealing with cybercrime. The study concluded that older adults have specific cyberawareness resource requirements, which reinforces the need for more tailored prevention and reporting mechanisms. Education in relation to cyber-risks and prevention is crucial, but can only be effective when co-designed with those that are supposed to receive this training in a grassroots way.
Phishing, as a social engineering attack has become an increasing threat to organizations in cyberspace. To prevent this, a well-designed continuous security training and educational program needs to be established and enforced in organizations. Prior studies have focused on phishing attack from a limited view of technology countermeasure, e-mail's characteristic, information processing, and securing indi-vidual's behaviors to tackle existing gaps. In this research, we developed a theoretical model of factors that influence users in the clicking of phishing e-mails from a broader Socio-Technical perspective. We applied Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) and habit theory for investigating individual factors, Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and Deterrence Theory for investigating organizational and technological factors accordingly. The findings revealed habit and protective countermeasure positively affect clicking on phishing e-mails, whereas, no effect of the procedural countermeasures was evident. The results of this study can be used to design phishing simulation exercise and embedded training for vulnerable employees.
Purpose Despite grave public concerns over information privacy and ongoing academic explorations of privacy policy, there is a general lack of understanding toward this issue in the legal context in China, the largest e-commerce market in the world. Departing from the extant literature of general discussion in nature, the authors undertook an exploratory study on the efficacy of e-commerce websites' privacy policies in China from the legal perspective. Design/methodology/approach The authors drew on a qualitative grounded theory approach to identify selective codes relating to the focal issue and established a theoretical framework therefrom. The authors then conducted theoretical integration by linking them to the Theory of Development Blocks and the System Justification Theory. Findings The research identifies a general distrust of Chinese consumers toward privacy policies and highlights that despite their growing concerns about privacy, the privacy policies are largely ineffective in reflecting legal enforcement, changing their perceptions or influencing purchase behaviors. It also reveals that the current Chinese legislation is unable to fully render consumers' confidence in e-commerce websites' privacy policies effectiveness and privacy protection due to its limited recognition and influences among them. Originality/value The research has multiple ramifications. The authors empirically confirmed a mismatch between customers' perception of privacy policies and their actual behaviors and then theoretically explained the seemingly conflicting scenario in the context of development block of legal enforcement and system justification. The authors theorized the absence of the legal enforcement in privacy policies to supplement the legal perspective to the literature. The research further leads us to suggest that the time has come to update and strongly enforce privacy regulation in China to fuel the further development of e-commerce sector in practice.