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Examining the Effectiveness of AI-integrated Approach in EFL Writing: A Case of ChatGPT



In recent years, there has been a growing trend of integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into language learning, and ChatGPT has emerged as one of the most widely utilized AI tools in this domain. However, incorporating such tools into language classes, particularly in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) writing classes, poses challenges. This study aims to investigate effective and responsible strategies for incorporating ChatGPT into an undergraduate EFL writing class. To achieve this objective, a one-shot case study was conducted on fourth-semester EFL students enrolled in a Creative and Media Writing class at an Institute of Foreign Languages in Jakarta, Indonesia. Data was collected through tests and questionnaire. The study identified key strategies for the effective and responsible incorporation of ChatGPT, which include establishing a clear usage policy and maintaining a record of students' questions and queries while using ChatGPT in the EFL writing class. The findings of this study provide valuable insights into the appropriate and responsible use of ChatGPT, as well as its potential impact on students' writing skills.
International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies (IJPSAT)
ISSN: 2509-0119.
© 2022 Scholar AI LLC.
Vol. 39 No. 2 July 2023, pp. 357-368
Corresponding Author: Siti Yulidhar Harunasari 357
Examining the Effectiveness of AI-integrated Approach in EFL
Writing: A Case of ChatGPT
Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing LIA
Jakarta, Indonesia
Abstract—In recent years, there has been a growing trend of integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into language learning, and
ChatGPT has emerged as one of the most widely utilized AI tools in this domain. However, incorporating such tools into language
classes, particularly in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) writing classes, poses challenges. This study aims to investigate effective
and responsible strategies for incorporating ChatGPT into an undergraduate EFL writing class. To achieve this objective, a one-shot
case study was conducted on fourth-semester EFL students enrolled in a Creative and Media Writing class at an Institute of Foreign
Languages in Jakarta, Indonesia. Data was collected through tests and questionnaire. The study identified key strategies for the
effective and responsible incorporation of ChatGPT, which include establishing a clear usage policy and maintaining a record of
students' questions and queries while using ChatGPT in the EFL writing class. The findings of this study provide valuable insights into
the appropriate and responsible use of ChatGPT, as well as its potential impact on students' writing skills.
Keywords—Artificial Intelligence (AI), ChatGPT, English as a Foreign Language (EFL), Writing Skills, Language Learning
I. I
Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly becoming an essential tool for education. AI which refers to a collection of theories and
methods that mimic human intelligence, enabling computers to perform some cognitive functions, such as learning and reasoning.
As a result, contemporary teaching increasingly incorporates various digital tools alongside traditional face-to-face learning [1].
The utilization of digital technology has been found to have a direct correlation with increased student engagement and self-
directed learning. Research conducted by [2] further implies that suitable technology can effectively foster the creation of an
interactive learning environment. In line with this, [3] emphasizes the significance of employing AI-based technology in a novel
manner to create an engaging educational experience that fosters the accomplishment of particular objectives and encourages
learners' active involvement and motivation. Recognizing the importance of leveraging AI-based technology, instructional
designers can derive advantages when creating favorable learning environments.
Language learning benefits greatly from AI's capabilities. English writing mastery, in particular, presents a challenge for
English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students who often encounter language barriers. Previous studies have identified several
challenges that students commonly encounter in writing, including insufficient vocabulary, limited knowledge of grammar rules,
inadequate spelling skills, lack of readiness, low motivation, suboptimal learning environment, and limited exposure to books and
reading materials [4], [5], [6]. As of late, there has been an abundance of digital tools available to help EFL students face these
challenges and enhance their writing skills. Regrettably, only a few of these tools effectively assist users in the actual writing
process, such as formulating and translating ideas into written form [7]. The majority of the digital tools that are accessible for
EFL students primarily focus on aiding users in the editing stage of writing, such as detecting errors in written work.
Examining the Effectiveness of AI-integrated Approach in EFL Writing: A Case of ChatGPT
Vol. 39 No. 2 July 2023 ISSN: 2509-0119 358
A. ChatGPT
The emergence of OpenAI's ChatGPT AI in November 2022 renewed interest in the potential of AI to assist writers
throughout the entire writing process using Natural Language Generation (NLG) capabilities. NLG refers to the AI's ability to
generate human-comprehensible language texts based on provided information [8]. ChatGPT has received extremely excellent
feedback with numerous individuals praising its advanced capabilities and user-friendly interface. The sophisticated features and
ease of use have been particularly well-received by users [9]. With ChatGPT, EFL students can benefit from a writing tool that
offers assistance across all stages of the writing process, from formulating ideas to producing a final written piece. This can be
particularly valuable for students facing language barriers, as it can help improve their writing skills and boost their confidence.
Overall, the use of AI in language learning has the potential to revolutionize the way we teach and learn languages, offering
improved learning outcomes and increased engagement for students. A study conducted by [10] confirmed that students perceived
AI as a helpful and effective tool in enhancing their learning experiences. Therefore, maximizing the potential of feedback to
promote student writing skills becomes a crucial consideration [11]. In this regard, the emergence of ChatGPT represents a
significant step forward. By providing personalized and comprehensive assistance throughout the writing process, AI can greatly
support EFL students in enhancing their writing skills and ultimately achieving their academic and professional goals.
B. Potential of ChatGPT for EFL writing
ChatGPT offers a wide range of applications in higher education, encompassing teaching, learning, research, and institutional
development [12]. In the creative writing domain, undergraduate EFL students can utilize ChatGPT to generate original story
ideas, develop plot outlines, create vivid character descriptions, and overcome writer's block by receiving creative directions and
writing prompts [13]. At a syntactic level, ChatGPT can assist in identifying and correcting typos, while at a semantic level, it
can help in detecting grammatical inconsistencies and providing personalized improvement strategies [14]. Additionally,
ChatGPT can aid students in conducting contextual research, translating text, as well as summarizing and paraphrasing written
content. Despite being in the exploratory stage due to its novelty, the utilization of ChatGPT in higher education, particularly in
EFL writing, holds significant potential. By responsibly incorporating ChatGPT into students' work, it opens up new avenues for
enhanced creativity, efficiency, and innovation.
Having a solid understanding of ChatGPT's functionality is crucial for EFL students to effectively utilize it as an assisting tool
in the writing process. It is important to note that NLG tools like ChatGPT require specific prompts or instructions to be optimally
utilized, distinguishing them from automated evaluation systems [15]. The quality of the generated text or writing by ChatGPT is
significantly influenced by the content of the prompt. Modifying the length of the prompt, changing keywords, or adjusting the
word order can impact the quality of the resulting text. Due to the novelty of ChatGPT, EFL students who are unfamiliar with the
tool may encounter challenges when attempting to create effective prompts that can produce the desired text. Therefore, students
should carefully construct prompts, evaluate the quality of the generated text, and then decide whether to incorporate it into their
own writing [16]. By engaging in this process, students can enhance their critical thinking and independent problem-solving
ChatGPT represents a revolutionary advancement, and it is essential for the academic community to embrace its potential.
Outright banning, rejecting, or dismissing it is no longer sustainable [17]. In fact, ChatGPT is expected to become an
indispensable tool in the writing process, akin to how calculators and computers have transformed the fields of math and science
[18]. By incorporating ChatGPT into the writing classroom, teachers and students can significantly enhance their teaching and
learning experiences. Therefore, it is crucial to explore responsible ways of integrating this technology into the educational
In his study, [19] proposed five essential strategies and techniques that should be implemented concurrently when utilizing
ChatGPT in a classroom environment to ensure transparency, credibility, academic integrity, and authentic learning. These
strategies include establishing a ChatGPT policy, utilizing reflection notes/reports, maintaining an audit trail of queries,
employing AI detector tools, and implementing role swapping. However, it is noteworthy to mention that the study did not
provide empirical evidence regarding the implementation and effectiveness of these strategies.
C. Concerns of ChatGPT for EFL Writing
As with any new technology, there are concerns about the application of ChatGPT in higher education. The COVID-19
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pandemic has led to an increase in the reported number of academic dishonesty cases [20]. Additionally, there has been a rise in
the perception of academic dishonesty among both students and academic staff [22], [23]. There is particular concern about the
possible increase in acts of plagiarism among EFL students, as distinguishing between AI-generated and human-generated
writings is becoming more challenging. Instructors worry about the possibility of students using ChatGPT to complete their
written assignments, as it has been demonstrated to generate reports within seconds, evading detection by plagiarism detection
systems [24]. Plagiarism refers to the act of presenting someone else's ideas as one's own without giving proper credit. This can
be avoided by clearly acknowledging the involvement of ChatGPT in one’s work and providing citations or references to the
source. Not only is this an ethical practice, but it also helps maintain the integrity of students' work.
Another concern is the AI's limited understanding of human emotions, intentions, and moral reasoning [12], [25]. This
limitation can result in the production of written work that lacks vibrancy and appears rigid. EFL writers, who heavily rely on
emotions and imagination, may find this aspect of AI to be restrictive and inhibiting. It is important to recognize that while
ChatGPT can generate human-like texts, its purpose is not to replace human writers. It does not possess the same level of
understanding and empathy as human writers, nor does it have the ability to comprehend and interpret context and nuances the
same way humans can. Therefore, it is crucial to use ChatGPT as a supportive tool to enhance a writer's work, rather than a
complete substitute for human creativity and comprehension. In addition to this, as [26] said, without careful considerations,
technology can pose as a distraction rather than a beneficial tool. By being mindful of the potential drawbacks and limitations of
technology, we can better navigate its usage and ensure it serves as a valuable asset in our writing processes.
D. Research Questions
Given the lack of sufficient evidence in the existing literature regarding the interaction between EFL students and ChatGPT in
supporting their writing process, this study aims to address the aforementioned concerns and implement appropriate measures to
explore ways of enhancing the responsible and effective integration of ChatGPT into the writing process of EFL students. To
tackle these challenges, two research questions were formulated:
RQ1: What strategies can be employed to incorporate ChatGPT into a writing classroom responsibly?
RQ2: How effective are these strategies in utilizing the tool within a classroom environment?
By addressing these concerns and implementing the necessary measures, this study aims to explore ways to enhance the
potential of responsibly and effectively integrating ChatGPT into the writing process of EFL students. To achieve this goal, two
strategies proposed by [19] were also tested: providing ChatGPT policies to students and mandating the submission of ChatGPT
chat history data as a source of reference.
The findings of this research offer potential benefits for both students and educators, providing valuable insights to EFL
students on how to responsibly and effectively utilize ChatGPT in their writing process. Furthermore, these findings can inform
educators and curriculum developers in designing effective language instruction that harnesses the advantages of ChatGPT to
enhance writing pedagogy.
A. Study participants and setting
The design of this study is a one-shot case study conducted on a single group ([26]. It involves applying a treatment and
conducting a pretest and post-test to determine the effect of the treatment. The subject of this study comprises 16 undergraduate
EFL students of a private foreign languages institute in Jakarta, Indonesia. The participants were selected randomly. They were
assigned to write a short story of any genre using ChatGPT as an assisting tool. In order to introduce the usage of ChatGPT in the
writing class, the students were provided with a tutorial video illustrating the process of utilizing ChatGPT. A WhatsApp group
was made to facilitate research participants if there was something that they needed to get information of.
Both quantitative and qualitative data are utilized in this study. Quantitative data derived from the assessment of students'
creative works, obtained from their post-test scores, evaluated using a performance rubric. Later on, the score from the assignment
were compared to the scores before they were introduced to ChatGPT. The qualitative data was obtained from questionnaire
feedback and the chat history data generated by students' interactions with ChatGPT. The questionnaire questions employed in
this study comprise close-ended Likert scale items ranging from 1 to 5 points (1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 =
Examining the Effectiveness of AI-integrated Approach in EFL Writing: A Case of ChatGPT
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agree, and 5 = strongly agree), as well as open-ended questions designed to elicit long-form written or typed responses. While the
chat history data include the questions posed by students to ChatGPT and the corresponding responses.
B. Data analysis
The analysis of the quantitative data involved the utilization of descriptive statistics to compare the scores before and after the
treatment. Conversely, the qualitative data underwent analysis using qualitative data analysis techniques to identify patterns
within the students' questionnaire feedback and chat history data. The qualitative analysis encompassed three parallel activities,
namely condensation, display, and verification, as specified by [27]. Condensation entailed the transformation of survey responses
into percentages using a fundamental Excel formula (Part/Total = Percentage). Subsequently, the data were presented visually and
subjected to comprehensive verification.
Fig. 1: Technique of Data Analysis
A. Participants demographic data
This study participants were the semester 4 students majoring in English language at a private university in Jakarta, Indonesia.
They comprised of 9 female and 7 male students who were selected randomly. They were enrolled in Media & Creative Writing
class, a course that intended to give students knowledge and skills in generating a variety of short and creative writing from short
story, short movie scripts and news features. The students’ basic skill of English was CEFR A2 Level that corresponds to basic
users of the language, i.e., those able to communicate in everyday situations with commonly-used expressions and elementary
vocabulary [28].
Step 1
reducing, summarizing, and classifying items needed to answer
research questions
Step 2
Data display
presenting the findings using tables, charts, and other graphic
verifying the research by making conclusions on the data findings
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Fig. 2. Participants’ familiarity with ChatGPT
Out of the 16 participants, only a mere 12.5%, which represents a subset of students, demonstrated familiarity with ChatGPT.
The participants who lacked familiarity with ChatGPT were anticipated to contribute a fresh and unbiased perspective. Their
feedback and experiences had the potential to provide valuable insights into the user experience of novice users and highlighted
potential challenges that arise when incorporating ChatGPT into their workflow.
B. Five strategies can be employed to incorporate ChatGPT into a writing classroom responsibly
To incorporate ChatGPT into a writing classroom responsibly the following strategies were applied:
Determining the appropriate moments to integrate ChatGPT into students’ writing.
The teacher needs to carefully plan and structure their instruction to identify the specific points where integrating ChatGPT
would be most beneficial for student learning. In the context of the Creative and Media Writing class, the teacher strategically
incorporated ChatGPT in two out of the 14 learning sessions.
The first session involved teaching students how to generate story ideas. Recognizing that generating creative and unique
ideas can sometimes be challenging for students, the teacher utilized ChatGPT as a tool to assist students in this process. By
introducing ChatGPT during this stage, students were able to explore various prompts and suggestions generated by the system,
helping them overcome writer's block and spark their creativity. This integration provided students with an additional resource to
enhance their idea generation skills and expand their creative thinking.
The second session where ChatGPT was integrated focused on planning a short story. With the assistance of ChatGPT,
students were guided through the process of developing a coherent storyline, identifying key plot points, and structuring their
narrative effectively. By utilizing ChatGPT as a writing companion during this stage, students received valuable support in
organizing their thoughts and crafting a well-structured narrative.
Evaluating the quality of the students’ generated text by fostering a collaborative learning environment.
Students’ short stories were evaluated using short story evaluation rubric covering overall presentation, creativity and use of
literary devices, character development, plot development, grammar, and conflict. The teacher promoted peer feedback on their
generated text based on the evaluation criteria, and collaborative discussions on their work. That way helped students learn from
each other's insights and identify potential biases or limitations in ChatGPT’s responses.
Mandating the submission of ChatGPT chat history data, or using Share Link to Chat feature.
Teacher monitored students’ chat history through chat history data that was mandated to be attached along with their
assignment. The chat history data could be obtained by going to setting page to enable chat History and Training, and then choose
Export Data. By analysing chat history data, teacher could monitor students’ learning easily. This strategy has been evident to
encourage students to use ChatGPT responsibly.
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Encouraging critical thinking and creativity.
Teacher emphasized the importance of independent thinking and creativity in the writing process by encouraging students to
use ChatGPT as a tool for inspiration and idea generation rather than relying solely on it for content creation. This step was done
by offering prompts that necessitated students to analyze, interpret, and assess information, rather than merely reproducing the
content provided by the tool. This approach aims to foster critical thinking skills, thereby decreasing the likelihood of plagiarism.
Teaching students to verify and fact-check.
Teacher emphasized the importance of fact-checking and verifying information generated by ChatGPT. Students were
encouraged to cross-reference the information provided by ChatGPT with reliable sources to ensure its accuracy and reliability.
Based on an analysis of the students' submitted works and an examination of their ChatGPT history, it is evident that all 16
students experienced significant improvements in their learning and writing as a result of utilizing the assistance provided by
ChatGPT. It is noteworthy to mention that none of the students resorted to simply copy-pasting answers generated by ChatGPT
and submitting them as their own work. This highlights the students' commitment to maintaining academic integrity and the
responsible use of ChatGPT. To provide a visual representation of the students' interactions with ChatGPT. Figure 3 illustrates a
specific example of a chat history submitted by one of the students, showcasing the dynamic exchange between the student and
ChatGPT. The analysis of these interactions further validates the positive influence of ChatGPT in enhancing the students'
learning experience.
Fig. 3. ChatGPT History Data
By implementing the six strategies outlined in this study, teachers were able to create an environment that encouraged
responsible and thoughtful utilization of ChatGPT among students. These strategies not only facilitated the integration of
ChatGPT into the writing process but also played a crucial role in fostering critical thinking and enhancing students' writing skills.
The implementation of these strategies aligned with the recommendations put forth by [19], which emphasized the importance of
establishing a ChatGPT policy for students and maintaining an audit trail of their ChatGPT history data.
However, despite of its potential benefit, some students also encountered technical issues with ChatGPT, which lead to delays
of several days in exporting and downloading their ChatGPT history data. This finding indicates that relying solely on [19]
strategy to 'Maintain an audit of students' ChatGPT history data' may not be entirely effective, particularly when technical
problems arise from ChatGPT itself. However, it is noteworthy that since May 26, 2023, the 'Using Share Link to Chat' feature
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has been made available. This feature presents a promising opportunity for teachers to expedite the monitoring of students' chat
history and facilitate more streamlined comparisons in contrast to the conventional method of exporting chat history.
C. The proposed strategies in utilizing ChatGPT within a classroom environment were effective.
The effectiveness of the above strategies in utilizing ChatGPT was seen from the students’ test score and students’ perception.
The utilization of ChatGPT was overall effective in enhancing students' performance in an EFL writing class. A total number of
16 students were given a post-test. The test was writing a short story of any genre using ChatGPT as an assisting tool. The
students’ short stories were assessed in terms of overall presentation, creativity and use of literary devices, character development,
plot development, grammar, and conflict. The pre-test was conducted in session 1 i.e. Introduction to short story, before they
were introduced to ChatGPT. Quantitative data derived from their pre-test and post-test have shown some improvement compared
to the pre-test as shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Students’ Pre-Test and Post-Test Scores
N Min Max Mean
Pre-test 16 55 82 74.5
Post-test 16 68 82 77.5
According to Table 1, while the maximum score remains the same, there is an improvement in both the minimum from 55 to
68 and the mean scores from 74.5 to 77.5. A total of 8 students (50%) experienced an increase in scores, 3 students (18.8%)
experienced a decrease in scores, while 5 students’ (31.2%) scores stayed the same.
To collect data on how students perceive the effectiveness of ChatGPT incorporation into classroom, a combination of closed-
ended and open-ended e-questionnaire distributed to 16 respondents and resulted in 100% response rates. Of 16 participants, 13
respondents or 81.25% agreed that ChatGPT was helpful in the writing process. When elaborated, 43.75% used ChatGPT to assist
them in idea formation, followed by grammar and spelling corrector as much as 25 %. This finding was adding to only a few of
AI tools effectively assist users in the actual writing process, such as formulating and translating ideas into written form, consider
that the majority of the digital tools that are accessible for EFL students primarily focus on aiding users in the editing stage of
writing, such as detecting errors in written work [7]. ChatGPT has been evident to help students throughout the various stages of
the writing process, encompassing idea formation to the production of a polished final written composition as can be seen in
Figure 4.
Fig. 4. Various Writing Stages Facilitated by ChatGPT
This finding also aligns with the assertion made by [9], and that the utilization of ChatGPT can provide English as a Foreign
Language (EFL) students with a valuable writing tool. And that the students also perceived AI as helpful and effective in
enhancing their learning experiences as suggested by [10], reflected in Figure 5.
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Fig. 5. Student Using ChatGPT for Learning
The effectiveness of implementing ChatGPT and the associated strategies in an EFL writing class were determined by
assessing the students' feedback regarding the integration of ChatGPT into their learning process. Among the 16 students, 56.25%
expressed agreement with the integration of ChatGPT. A majority of the students who supported the incorporation of ChatGPT in
the classroom praised the tool's efficiency. One student provided the following statement:
Excerpt 1:
“For me personally, because we can get an idea or even plot while using ChatGPT. Not everyone can always get idea when they
are about to write a story, because sometimes i get stuck in the middle and for me it’s kinda wasting time... I think ChatGPT can
help to solve that problem. Using ChatGPT doesn't mean that we can just copy and paste but we can take the idea that given from
ChatGPT and change it or improve it to our version of story.”
Apart from assessing the effectiveness of utilizing ChatGPT, other findings have also highlighted that certain student
encountered technical difficulties with the tool. Consequently, there were delays of several days in exporting and downloading
their ChatGPT history data. This discovery suggests that relying solely on the strategy proposed by [19] to maintain an audit trail
of students' ChatGPT history data may not be entirely effective, particularly when technical issues arise directly from ChatGPT
In addition to the technical challenges, there were concerns raised regarding the integration of ChatGPT into the learning
process. Some students expressed their disagreement with incorporating ChatGPT in the classroom, citing concerns about
excessive reliance on AI. Within the questionnaire designed to gauge students' perceptions of ChatGPT integration in learning,
one student provided the following response:
Excerpt 2:
“Teachers can only do so much to prevent students from relying too much on ChatGPT. In that case, students would most likely
take their assignments lightly, knowing that ChatGPT can get it done for them.”
This student’s voice was in the same vein with overreliance on AI that has been suggested by [15]. In his statement, he
highlighted that as AI models such as ChatGPT progress in sophistication, there exists a potential risk of excessive dependence on
them. This overreliance has the potential to negatively impact critical thinking and the development of independent problem-
solving skills among researchers.
The third significant finding of the research revealed that the students' lack of familiarity with ChatGPT had an impact on how
they formulated questions to ChatGPT and the subsequent responses they received. For instance, one student solely provided the
topic of a short story she had written and sought feedback from ChatGPT. However, the response from ChatGPT assumed that the
user was inquiring about the topic rather than providing feedback on the story.
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Fig. 6: Ineffective Prompt Resulting in Ineffective Answer
This finding is in line with what has been stated by [17] that the quality of the text generated by ChatGPT is significantly
influenced by the content of the prompt, and that students need to carefully construct the prompts [18] as ineffective prompts by
the students might result in ineffective answers by ChatGPT.
One notable finding worth mentioning is the occurrence of distractions arising from the utilization of ChatGPT. Figure 7
illustrates how students, when tasked with using ChatGPT as a learning aid, experienced distractions and engaged in activities
unrelated to their assignments.
Fig.7: ChatGPT's Impact on Task Focus
This finding aligns with the cautionary note raised by [26] regarding the potential distraction posed by technology in the
absence of careful considerations. Hence, it is imperative for teachers to remain mindful of the potential drawbacks and
limitations of technology, in order to effectively harness its usage and ensure its role as a valuable asset in the writing processes of
our students.
The primary objective of this study was to identify effective strategies for responsibly incorporating ChatGPT into a writing
classroom and evaluate their efficacy within the classroom environment. The analysis of both quantitative and qualitative data
confirmed the following findings: (1) Determining appropriate moments for integrating ChatGPT into students' writing, (2)
Providing clear policies to students regarding the use of ChatGPT in the classroom, (3) Evaluating the quality of students'
generated text through a collaborative learning environment, (4) Mandating the submission of ChatGPT chat history data or
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utilizing the Share Link to Chat feature, (5) Encouraging critical thinking and fostering creativity, and (6) Teaching students to
verify and fact-check their work. These strategies have demonstrated effectiveness and can be responsibly implemented in the
The integration of ChatGPT in Creative and Media Writing classes has proven effective in assisting EFL students in
generating ideas, planning short stories, and correcting grammar and spelling. By incorporating ChatGPT into the writing
classroom, teachers and students can greatly enhance their teaching and learning experiences. Outright banning or dismissing AI
is no longer sustainable. In fact, ChatGPT is expected to become an indispensable tool in the writing process, similar to how
calculators and computers have transformed the fields of math and science. Therefore, it is crucial to explore responsible ways of
integrating this technology into the educational setting.
This study recommends conducting more detailed and long-term experiments to further explore the potential of responsibly
utilizing AI in the classroom environment. Promoting the responsible use of the tool among students, including emphasizing the
significance of disclosing sources, when necessary, is strongly advocated. This objective can be achieved through workshops,
training sessions, or integrating lessons on academic integrity and plagiarism into the curriculum. Additionally, educational
institutions should establish well-defined policies and procedures to address instances of plagiarism, ensuring that students are
informed about these policies and the potential consequences of violating them.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my students, namely Fahira Dinana, Rizky Aqshal Ilhan, Azizah,Sahara
Adnisa, and the students of the Media and Creative Writing Class, for their invaluable contributions to my research.
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... Regarding students, their most commonly used tool in EFL contexts is ChatGPT (see annex 2). It was found in 13 sources (Ahmed, 2023;Aljabr, 2023;Alrasheedi, 2023;Bok & Cho, 2023;Chan & Hu, 2023;Denecke et al., 2023;Han et al., 2023;Harunasari, 2023;Malik et al., 2023;Sol et al., 2024;Song & Song, 2023;Sotelo Muñoz et al., 2023;Xiao & Zhi, 2023) out of the 50 which is 26% of the initial works. Besides, Grammarly occupied the second place. ...
... The results indicated that the students perceived the AI tool as helpful for improving vocabulary or for grammar correction. Likewise, Harunasari (2023) investigated strategies to incorporate ChatGPT into a writing class. As part of this work, the researcher discovered that 13 students, out of the 16 participants, saw ChatGPT as helpful for their writing process. ...
... In light of the relevance of the subcategory Quality and inside it the challenge "errors" of AI, Will, a participant of the study of Kohnke et al. (2023), suggests that educators might teach students how to evaluate data so as to avoid wrong information. Besides, Harunasari (2023) points out that instructors should encourage learners to always verify output that AI provides. Furthermore, Ulla et al. (2023) corroborate the importance of confirming data with additional sources. ...
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AI tools are applications or programs that simulate human intelligence to assist people in automating tasks or solving problems. Thereby, they can be beneficial in EFL classes. Nonetheless, they could also present limitations that should be known in order to use them wisely. Considering this, the present qualitative review aims at reporting on the impacts of AI tools on EFL teaching and learning. More specifically, it seeks to shed light on the benefits and potential challenges associated with their use, according to the literature. The results of benefits of AI for teachers indicated that the highest volume of supporting articles was for the subcategory Teachers’ Experience and that Improved Skills and Accessibility had the lowest number of works. For learners, Students’ Experience and Improved Skills received more support and Digital Knowledge and Openness to Technology had the fewest studies. Regarding challenges of AI for educators, Implementation Challenges had the highest number of articles and Ethical Concerns and Quality received the lowest research coverage. In the case of learners, Quality and Implementation Challenges were principally supported and Lack of Variety and Personalized Learning had the fewest works. Lastly, what these results suggest for teaching and learning is further discussed.
... The study revealed significant improvements in the students' writing outcomes, engagement levels, and feedback literacy as a result of utilizing Wordtune. In a study conducted by Harunasari [24], the focus was on exploring viable and responsible approaches to integrate ChatGPT into the Creative and Media Writing coursework for Indonesian undergraduates. The investigation utilized both tests and a questionnaire, revealing successful strategies that can be ethically applied in the educational setting. ...
... In summary, generative AI tools literacy in EFL writing tasks stem from their efficiency, versatility, reliability, adaptability, and the continuous positive feedback loop created by successful experiences, positioning these tools as valuable assets that enhance the overall learning and writing experience for language learners. The current result coincides with the review of literature that emphasizes the role of generative AI tools in optimizing education in general and English language learning in particular [19,20,24,22,21]. ...
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The birth of generative artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to develop language learners' English as a foreign language (EFL) writing skills; however, there is a substantial need to ensure that these learners are literate in generative AI-based tools and their potential to enhance learning writing skills. Therefore, the study aims to detect language learners' generative AI literacy in learning EFL writing skills. To achieve this purpose, the descriptive survey method was used; (278) respondents completed a 30-closed-item questionnaire and answered three questions in a semi-structured interview. The results showed that language learners' generative AI tools literacy in the EFL writing context is at a medium level. Also, the study sample's responses were not affected by their specialization but by their GPA and mastery level of using generative AI tools in learning EFL writing skills did impact their responses. The analysis of the interviews revolved around three major themes: Challenges, affordance, and suggestions. In light of the findings, recommendations and suggestions are presented.
... Although the researchers emphasized ChatGPT's promise in EFL/ESL writing, they also identified associated challenges. Researchers have shown that EFL/ESL learners may rely too heavily on ChatGPT, which may impair their creativity and critical thinking skills (Harunasari, 2023;Irzawati et al., 2024). Furthermore, Carlson et al. (2023) observed that ChatGPT-generated feedback may be overly verbose or complex for students, reducing motivation and engagement. ...
... It might hinder EFL/ESL writing development due to learners' heavy dependency on it to complete the writing tasks, which may eventually lead them to lose interest in learning and demotivate them to actively engage in the writing process. This is related to the findings of Harunasari (2023) and Irzawati et al. (2024), in which they reported that EFL/ESL learners may rely too heavily on ChatGPT, which may impair their creativity and critical thinking skills. Moreover, the findings show that EFL/ESL learners' overdependency raises concerns about the academic integrity and originality of their writing. ...
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has initiated a new era in education with significant potential to revolutionize teaching and learning. ChatGPT has attracted scholars' interest in exploring its beneficial aspects and constraints for enhancing teaching methods and learning experiences. This systematic review aims to investigate the advantages and challenges of ChatGPT for EFL/ESL writing. The data was gathered from three databases, namely Web of Science, Science Direct, and ERIC, between November 2022 and January 2024. A total of 182 publications were gathered using precise keywords, and the 15 most pertinent articles were selected following the PRISMA flowchart. Findings show that ChatGPT can enhance writing efficiency and creativity, improve writing proficiency, and personalize learning experiences. It can also reduce teachers' workload by offering automated evaluation, feedback, and support for revision. The results also show that despite its potential advantages for both instructors and learners, it presents some challenges, such as overreliance, decreased motivation, learning loss, identifying errors at the deep level of the language, offering inconsistent and complex feedback, and issues with academic integrity and originality. The detailed findings and their implications for practice and policy are discussed.
... On the other hand, some scholars have argued that generative AI will be part of people's daily lives, hence its integration in schools being essential. In the same way that teachers and students are using calculators in class, ChatGPT will be an indispensable tool for daily writing and work (Harunasari, 2023). Others have contended that educators and learners should take advantage of the available capabilities of AI tools, such as ChatGPT, rather than forego their use completely (Sharples, 2022). ...
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The use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in education has engendered mixed reactions due to its ability to generate human-like responses to questions. For education to benefit from this modern technology, there is a need to determine how such capability can be used to improve teaching and learning. Hence, using a comparative−descriptive research design, this study aimed to perform a comparative analysis between Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (ChatGPT) version 3.5 and human raters in scoring students' essays. Twenty essays were used of college students in a professional education course at the Mindanao State University-Tawi-Tawi College of Technology and Oceanography, a public university in southern Philippines. The essays were rated independently by three human raters using a scoring rubric from Carrol and West (1989) as adapted by Tuyen et al. (2019). For the AI ratings, the essays were encoded and inputted into ChatGPT 3.5 using prompts and the rubric. The responses were then screenshotted and recorded along with the human ratings for statistical analysis. Using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), results show that among the human raters, the consistency was good, indicating the reliability of the rubric, while a moderate consistency was found in the ChatGPT 3.5 ratings. Comparison of the human and ChatGPT 3.5 ratings show poor consistency, implying the that the ratings of human raters and ChatGPT 3.5 were not linearly related. The finding implies that teachers should be cautious when using ChatGPT in rating students' written works, suggesting further that using ChatGPT 3.5, in its current version, still needs human assistance to ensure the accuracy of its generated information. Rating of other types of student works using ChatGPT 3.5 or other generative AI tools may be investigated in future research.
... It makes learning and education easier with technological advancements. Artificial Intelligence involves theories and techniques that imitate human intelligence, empowering computers to execute cognitive tasks such as learning and reasoning (Harunasari, 2022). AI provides multi-faceted implementations to make things better, simplify processes, and improve decision-making across different areas of language learning. ...
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With the increasing attention on learning a foreign language, anxiety has emerged as a significant obstacle for individuals engaged in language acquisition. Horwitz, Horwitz and Cope (1986) argue that anxiety hinders the foreign language learning process. Language researchers admit that anxiety caused by the process of language learning is one of the most fundamental obstacle that English as a foreign language learners face when learning a foreign language (Alrabai, 2014; Wu, 2010). Horwitz et al. (1986) define language anxiety to be “a distinct complex of self-perceptions, beliefs, feelings, and behaviors related to classroom language learning arising from the uniqueness of the language learning process” (p. 128). Particularly, anxiety in writing skills is a significant concern in the field of foreign language acquisition. Therefore, this theoretical analysis aims to explore the complex interplay of factors surrounding anxiety in foreign language writing skills and investigate the effects of the artificial intelligence applications in foreign language writing skills anxiety with a specific focus on the dynamics in university preparatory classes. Since understanding the dynamics of writing anxiety is crucial for developing effective teaching strategies and enhancing the overall quality of foreign language education, this study aims to focus on the multifaceted nature of writing anxiety and its implications within the context of foreign language acquisition. In addition, the study aims to investigate the effects of artificial intelligence writing tools on the writing anxiety levels of English language preparatory program students.
... The study's examination of the bene ts derived by thesis students from using ChatGPT for various components of their theses correlates with previous work on the advantages of AI integration in academic writing. Notably, discussions emphasizing the importance of AI in aiding content production and information organization align with the reported gains in abstract writing, including improved idea development and layout e ciency (Harunasari, 2022). AI's enhancements to organizational coherence and grammar in introductions, especially in the meticulous nal stages, are consistent with studies recognizing AI's potential to enhance writing (Marzuki et al., 2023). ...
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Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, in particular language models like ChatGPT, are attracting attention for their potential ability to replicate human text generation. AI-powered helpers in education, like ChatGPT, have the potential to improve thesis writing. The experiences of Dhaka University students who used ChatGPT extensively to write their science education theses in Bangladesh were examined in this study. It compared the difficulties folks who do not utilize AI confront to the advantages experienced by frequent ChatGPT users. Data was acquired using semi-structured questionnaires and then evaluated using coding techniques utilizing a case study methodology. The results brought to light the difficulties researchers face regarding methodological decision-making, tools development, data interpretation, etc. ChatGPT proved to be a useful tool that offers new perspectives, effective comparisons, quick responses, and more comprehensible research. However, due to ChatGPT's limitations, cautious use was suggested. The incorporation of ChatGPT opens up fresh research opportunities, highlighting the interdependence of technical support and human intuition. With useful applications for educational settings, the study demonstrated AI's capability at various phases of the thesis. Its findings give educators and organizations pointers on how to use AI to improve thesis writing procedures and aid researchers in their scholarly endeavors.
Since its release in late 2022, ChatGPT and subsequent generative artificial intelligence (GAI) tools have raised a wide variety of questions and concerns for the field of technical communication: How will these tools be incorporated into professional settings? How might we appropriately integrate these tools into our research and teaching? In this review, we examine research published in 2023–2024 addressing these questions ( N = 28). Overall, we find preliminary evidence that GAI tools can positively impact student writing and assessment; they also have the potential to assist with some aspects of academic and medical research and writing. However, there are concerns about their reliability and the ethical conundrums raised when they are used inappropriately or when their outputs cannot be distinguished from humans. More research is needed for evidence-based teaching and research strategies as well as policies guiding ethical use. We offer suggestions for new research avenues and methods.
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As time goes by, it is evident that technology advances, Augmented Reality (AR) is an innovative technological tool that has emerged and has been highly attractive to users, allowing sharing information in a dynamic and realistic way. In the present systematic literature review (SLR), a search was conducted for manuscripts published in 6 databases between the years 2017 to 2022, related to the implementation of AR to improve the teaching-learning (TL) process of the Quechua language, which were analyzed and systematized using the prism methodology, obtaining as a result 56 manuscripts that supported to answer the research questions, where the various factors that allow improving the TL process of the Quechua language and the various benefits generated by its implementation were identified. It is concluded that, according to the results, the application of RA in the TL of the Quechua language is an efficient and productive tool; however, it can also be a source of distraction in the study, so it is necessary to have a good management of this methodology and of the study environment to obtain better achievements. For this reason, a model is proposed to serve as a basis for the proper management in the implementation of RA to improve the process of Quechua language TL.
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Nowadays, teaching involves more and more the usage of digital tools to accompany face-to-face learning. Such a system is being referred to as hybrid teaching. These digital tools include mainly distance learning platforms based on LMS (Learning management systems). LMS help to create on-line digital spaces to store and organize teaching material while providing a pedagogical learning process to connect educational communities. Despite the many forms of content that can be implemented on these platforms, from traditional file-based to interactive and animated content, these systems remain both passive and generic. They lack the ability to adapt to the learner in terms of learning skills, preferences, languages, intellectual abilities, learning patterns and rhythms. This paper proposes a design and modeling of an intelligent and dynamic adaptive learning system based on artificial intelligence with the main objective of identifying and providing personalized learning environments adapted to the learner needs.
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Since the launch of ChatGPT for public use, educators have expressed a variety of concerns about its integration into educational settings. This paper has been written to provide an in-depth examination of these issues and explore the potential use of ChatGPT in educational contexts. Specifically, it aims to (i) present an argument in favor of incorporating ChatGPT into education and (ii) provide educators with a set of strategies and techniques to ensure responsible and successful implementation of ChatGPT in teaching or research. By doing so, this paper aims to promote a more informed discussion around the use of ChatGPT in education.
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Open Artificial Intelligence (AI) published an AI chatbot tool called ChatGPT at the end of November 2022. Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) architecture is the foundation of ChatGPT. On the internet, ChatGPT has been rapidly growing. This chatbot enables users to discuss with the AI by inputting prompts, and it is based on OpenAI’s language model. Although ChatGPT is fantastic and produces exciting results for writing tales, poetry, songs, essays, and other things, it has certain restrictions. Users may ask the bot questions, and it will reply with pertinent, convincing subjects and replies. ChatGPT has now risen to the top of several academic agendas. Administrators create task teams and hold institution-wide meetings to react to the tools, with most of the advice being to adopt this technology. This paper briefs about the ChatGPT and its need. Further, various Progressive Work Flow Processes of the ChatGPT Tool are stated diagrammatically. Specific features and capabilities of the ChatGPT Support System are studied in this paper. Finally, we identified and discussed the significant roles of ChatGPT in the current scenario. The neural language models that form the foundation of character AI have been developed from the bottom up with talks in mind. This technology implies that the programme uses deep learning methods to analyse and produce text. The model “understands” the subtleties of human-produced natural language using vast amounts of data from the internet.
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How to respond effectively and efficiently to students’ writing and to maximize the potential of feedback to promote student writing skills deserves careful consideration. The use of intelligent algorithms to assist teachers in the manual evaluation of students’ essays is of practical value and importance in the context of "artificial intelligence + education". The existing intelligent evaluation techniques are subject to the interference of many factors such as openness of questions and students' language expression abilities. For this reason, this study conducts a study on comprehensive essay evaluation method with intelligent assistance and manual feedback and on reliability and validity tests. Before the intelligent evaluation, the semantic integrity of students' essays is analyzed, and a semantic integrity analysis model of students' essays based on BERT model is constructed. A fusion similarity algorithm for essay answer key points is proposed by extracting these characteristics that have an impact on the evaluation results, such as technique preferences, paragraph content and paragraph topic of the essays. The Siamese and ESIM networks are combined to propose an intelligent evaluation model for students’ essays, and the model framework and working principle are described in detail. The experimental results verify the effectiveness of the constructed model.
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Large language models represent a significant advancement in the field of AI. The underlying technology is key to further innovations and, despite critical views and even bans within communities and regions, large language models are here to stay. This commentary presents the potential benefits and challenges of educational applications of large language models, from student and teacher perspectives. We briefly discuss the current state of large language models and their applications. We then highlight how these models can be used to create educational content, improve student engagement and interaction, and personalize learning experiences. With regard to challenges, we argue that large language models in education require teachers and learners to develop sets of competencies and literacies necessary to both understand the technology as well as their limitations and unexpected brittleness of such systems. In addition, a clear strategy within educational systems and a clear pedagogical approach with a strong focus on critical thinking and strategies for fact checking are required to integrate and take full advantage of large language models in learning settings and teaching curricula. Other challenges such as the potential bias in the output, the need for continuous human oversight, and the potential for misuse are not unique to the application of AI in education. But we believe that, if handled sensibly, these challenges can offer insights and opportunities in education scenarios to acquaint students early on with potential societal biases, criticalities, and risks of AI applications. We conclude with recommendations for how to address these challenges and ensure that such models are used in a responsible and ethical manner in education.
In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning have been transforming the landscape of scientific research. Out of which, the chatbot technology has experienced tremendous advancements in recent years, especially with ChatGPT emerging as a notable AI language model. This comprehensive review delves into the background, applications, key challenges, and future directions of ChatGPT. We begin by exploring its origins, development, and underlying technology, before examining its wide-ranging applications across industries such as customer service, healthcare, and education. We also highlight the critical challenges that ChatGPT faces, including ethical concerns, data biases, and safety issues, while discussing potential mitigation strategies. Finally, we envision the future of ChatGPT by exploring areas of further research and development, focusing on its integration with other technologies, improved human-AI interaction, and addressing the digital divide. This review offers valuable insights for researchers, developers, and stakeholders interested in the ever-evolving landscape of AI-driven conversational agents. This study explores the various ways ChatGPT has been revolutionizing scientific research, spanning from data processing and hypothesis generation to collaboration and public outreach. Furthermore, the paper examines the potential challenges and ethical concerns surrounding the use of ChatGPT in research, while highlighting the importance of striking a balance between AI-assisted innovation and human expertise. The paper presents several ethical issues in existing computing domain and how ChatGPT can invoke challenges to such notion. This work also includes some biases and limitations of ChatGPT. It is worth to note that despite of several controversies and ethical concerns, ChatGPT has attracted remarkable attentions from academia, research, and industries in a very short span of time.