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A Systematic Review on the Effects of Botanicals on Skeletal Muscle Health in Order to Prevent Sarcopenia

  • Azienda di Servizi alla Persona, Pavia. Italy

Abstract and Figures

We performed a systematic review to evaluate the evidence-based medicine regarding the main botanical extracts and their nutraceutical compounds correlated to skeletal muscle health in order to identify novel strategies that effectively attenuate skeletal muscle loss and enhance muscle function and to improve the quality of life of older subjects. This review contains all eligible studies from 2010 to 2015 and included 57 publications. We focused our attention on effects of botanical extracts on growth and health of muscle and divided these effects into five categories: anti-inflammation, muscle damage prevention, antifatigue, muscle atrophy prevention, and muscle regeneration and differentiation.
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Review Article
A Systematic Review on the Effects of Botanicals on Skeletal
Muscle Health in Order to Prevent Sarcopenia
M. Rondanelli,1A. Miccono,2G. Peroni,1F. Guerriero,3P. Morazzoni,4A. Riva,4
D. Guido,1,5,6 and S. Perna1
1Department of Public Health, Experimental and Forensic Medicine, Section of Human Nutrition, Endocrinology and Nutrition Unit,
Azienda di Servizi alla Persona, University of Pavia, 27100 Pavia, Italy
2Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Milan, Milan, Italy
3Azienda di Servizi alla Persona, Pavia, Italy
4Research and Development Unit, Indena, 20139 Milan, Italy
5Department of Brain and Behavioral Sciences, Medical and Genomic Statistics Unit, University of Pavia, 27100 Pavia, Italy
6Department of Public Health, Experimental and Forensic Medicine, Biostatistics and Clinical Epidemiology Unit,
Correspondence should be addressed to S. Perna;
Received  November ; Revised  January ; Accepted  January 
Academic Editor: Hyunsu Bae
Copyright ©  M. Rondanelli et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
We performed a systematic review to evaluate the evidence-based medicine regarding the main botanical extracts and their
nutraceutical compounds correlated to skeletal muscle health in order to identify novel strategies that eectively attenuate skeletal
muscle loss and enhance muscle function and to improve the quality of life of older subjects. is review contains all eligible studies
from  to  and included  publications. We focused our attention on eects of botanical extracts on growth and health of
muscle and divided these eects into ve categories: anti-inammation, muscle damage prevention, antifatigue, muscle atrophy
prevention, and muscle regeneration and dierentiation.
1. Introduction
Sarcopenia is the loss of muscle protein mass and of muscle
function and it occurs with increasing age, being a major
component in the development of frailty []. It is a syndrome
characterized by the progressive and generalized loss of skele-
tal muscle mass and strength with a risk of adverse outcomes
such as physical disability, poor quality of life, and death
[]. Preventative diet, exercise, or treatment interventions
particularly in middle-aged adults at the low end of the
spectrum of muscle function may help to preserve mobility
in later years and improve health span []. e therapeutic
options for sarcopenia are unclear and constantly evolving.
e most rational approach to delay the progression of
possibly associated with the use of dietary supplements, and
a regular exercise program []. Despite the major advantages
oered by natural therapies with their long traditional use and
poor physiological and psychological addiction as is com-
monly seen with conventional medicine [], few studies have
been performed on the topic of age-correlated pathologies of
skeletal muscle. e aim of this review was to investigate the
eectiveness of botanicals on skeletal muscle health focusing
on possible therapeutics approaches to prevent sarcopenia.
2. Materials and Methods
e present systematic review was performed according
to the steps by Egger et al. [] (Table ), as follows: (i)
conguration of a working group: three operators skilled
in clinical nutrition in the geriatric age, of whom one
was acting as a methodological operator and two were
participating as clinical operators; (ii) formulation of the
revision question on the basis of considerations made in
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Volume 2016, Article ID 5970367, 23 pages
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
T : Summary of methodology.
Step General activities Specic activities
Step 1Conguration of a
working group
Selection of three operators skilled in clinical nutrition:
(i) One as methodological operator
(ii) Two as clinical operators
Step 2Formulation of the
revision question
Evaluation of the state of the art in metabolic and nutritional disorders of sarcopenia and their treatment
with botanicals
Step 3Identication of
relevant studies on
(a) Identication of the key words (sarcopenia, nutrients, and dietary supplement), allowing the denition
of the interest eld of the documents to be searched, grouped in inverted commas (“...”), and used
separately or in combination
(b) Use of the Boolean (a data type with only two possible values: true and false) AND operator, which
allows the establishment of logical relations among concepts
(c) Research modalities: advanced search
(d) Limits: papers published in the last  years; in vitro, animal, and humans studies; languages: English
(e) Manual search performed by the senior researchers experienced in clinical nutrition through the
revision of reviews and individual articles on sarcopenia in the elderly, published in journals qualied in
the Index Medicus
Step 4Analysis and
presentation of the
e data extrapolated from the revised studies was investigated in the form of a narrative review of the
reports and was collocated in tables
the abstract: sarcopenia and muscle mass, use of botanic
extracts during aging”; (iii) identication of relevant studies:
a research strategy was planned, on PubMed and Scopus, as
follows: (a) denition of the key words (sarcopenia, muscle
mass, inammation, antioxidants, botanical extracts, phy-
totherapy, muscle atrophy, muscle fatigue, Camellia sinensis,
Vitis v inifera,Zingiber ocinale,Citrus aurantium,andPanax
quinquefolius), allowing the denition of the interest eld of
the documents to be searched, grouped in inverted commas
(“...”), and used separately or in combination; (b) use of the
Boolean AND operator, which allows the establishment of
logical relationships among concepts; (c) research modalities:
advanced search; (d) limits: papers published until June
; humans, animals, in vivo, and in vitro studies; lan-
guages: English; (e) manual search performed by the senior
researchers, experienced in clinical nutrition, through the
revision of reviews and research articles on sarcopenia in the
elderly, published in qualied journals of the Index Medicus.
as follows: the data extrapolated from the revised studies were
summarized in Tables –; in particular, for each study, we
specied the author and year of publication, the plant and
main results obtained. e analyses were carried out in the
form of a narrative review of the reports. e ow diagram
of narrative review of the literature has been reported in
Figure . As shown in Figure , we consider several eects
of botanical extracts on growth and health of muscle; we
divided these eects into ve categories: anti-inammatory
activity, muscle damage prevention, antifatigue, muscle atro-
phy prevention, and muscle regeneration and dierentiation.
Aer this, we examined the typology of the studies, that is,
in vitro, animals (mice, rats), or human, and we classied
the human data according to the dierent condition such
as postmenopausal women, athletes or others. Another key
point was to identify the dosage of the extracts for each trial
and the botanical compounds responsible for the activity.
e use of the databases as PubMed or Scopus was deter-
minant to enrich our review. At the end, we reported an
analysis of all plants and their extracts that have a benecial
role in preventing sarcopenia or improve muscle health
3. Results
3.1. Screening and Selection Process of Study. Of  arti-
cles identied,  studies met inclusion criteria (Figure ),
including  focused on anti-inammation, focused on
muscle damage,  based on antifatigue eects, based on
muscle athorpy, and  based on muscle dierentiation and
regeneration (Figure ).
As reported in Table , there are dierent eects on
skeletal muscle for each botanical. At present, we eval-
uated in the literature over  dierent mechanisms of
3.2. Anti-Inammatory Activity. is research has been car-
ried out based on the keywords “skeletal muscle mass” and
“inammation” and “botanicals” or “plants” or extracts”; 
articles were sourced and  studies are taken into account.
Among these papers, studies are in in vitro setting, in
animals, in humans, and two both in animals and in in vitro
setting (Table ).
Inammation and oxidative stress induce muscle damage
and muscle pain [] and several botanicals (Phlebodium
decamanum,Citrus aurantium,Coea arabica,Zingiber oc-
inale,Eugenia punicifolia,Panax ginseng,Go-sha-jinki-Gan,
Vitis v inifera,andCurcuma longa L.) have a signicant role in
the prevention of this phenomenon.
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Records identied through databases
(Scopus, PubMed, and Google Scholar)
searching, n = 120
Record excluded, n = 34
(i) Not pertinent, n = 20
(ii) Other manuscript type, n = 8
(iii) Duplicates, n = 6
Records screening
N = 86
Full text articles assessed for eligibility total, n = 86
(i) Muscle damage and anti-inammation, n = 21
(ii) Muscle damage, n = 11
(iii) Antifatigue, n = 20
(iv) Muscle atrophy, n = 15
(v) Dierentiation and regeneration, n = 19
Studies included in narrative review, n = 57
(iii) Antifatigue, n = 11
(iv) Muscle atrophy, n = 7
(v) Dierentiation and regeneration, n = 15
One article is in both categories.
(i) Antin-ammation, n = 17
(ii) Muscle damage, n = 8
F : Flow diagram of narrative review of the literature.
Supplementation with Phlebodium decamanum ( cap-
sules of  mg) reduces inammatory response and also
the degree of oxidative stress in human during high-
intensity exercise, through the decrease of -hydroxy-󸀠-
deoxyguanosine and isoprostanes generation, the increase
of antioxidant enzyme activities in erythrocyte and total
antioxidant status in plasma, the decrease of tumor necrosis
factor (TNF-𝛼), and the increase of soluble receptor II of
TNF-𝛼(sTNF-RII), but kept the levels of interleukin- (IL-
) and interleukin- antagonist receptor (IL-ra) []. Other
studies examine the anti-inammatory eect of avonoids
isolated from Citrus aurantium,Coea arabica,andZingiber
ocinale on interleukins such as IL-𝛼and IL- and TNF-
𝛼on skeletal muscle cells. Specically, the avonoids (hes-
peridin, nobiletin, and naringin of Citrus aurantium,also
known as sour orange) inhibit the inammatory response
in lipopolysaccharide- (LPS-) induced L skeletal muscle
cells. In addition, the avonoids isolated from Korean Cit-
rus aurantium L. inhibit signicantly inducible nitric oxide
synthase (iNOS), cyclooxygenase- (COX-), IL-, and TNF-
𝛼by blocking the nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-𝜅b) and by
blocking mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) signal
pathways. Another study in the same muscle cells demon-
strates the anti-inammatory role of avonoids isolated from
Citrus aurantium through the modulation in protein related
to the immune response. Furthermore, the pretreatment with
, which is induced by muscle inammation and is involved
in muscle proteolysis and atrophy. Also, Zingiber oci-
nale, commonly known as ginger, showed interesting anti-
inammatory and analgesic eects in humans who ingested
grams of ginger or placebo aer exercise; however, this extract
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
T : Eects on skeletal muscle for each botanical.
Eect Botanicals Physiology Study Authors
Downregulation of LPS-induced COX- and
iNOS expression Korean Citrus aurantium L. , , , and  𝜇g/mL Rat skeletal muscle cells Kim et al.,  []
Suppression or inhibition of NF-𝜅B
Korean Citrus aurantium L. , , , and  𝜇g/mL Rat skeletal muscle cells Kim et al.,  []
Eugenia punicifolia mg/mL Male mdx dystrophic mice Leite et al.,  []
Camellia sinensis .% or .% green tea extract, at
the age of  days CBL/J and mdx mice Evans et al.,  []
Increase of NF-𝜅BPanax ginseng DS , , and  mg/kg Rats Yu et al.,  []
Induction of the phosporylation of AMPK Glycine max  𝜇MCCmyotubes
Hirasaka et al., 
Decrease of MURF- promoter activity Glycine max  𝜇MCCmyotubes
Hirasaka et al., 
Suppression of LPS-induced phosphorylation of
the MAPKs (JNK, ERK, and p MAPK pERK)
Korean Citrus aurantium L. , , , and  𝜇g/mL Rat skeletal muscle cells Kim et al.,  []
Eugenia punicifolia  𝜇g/mL Mouse myoblastoma cells (CC) Leite et al.,  []
Increase of ERK/ ac tivity Hachimijiogan (HJG) HJG treatment (– 𝜇g/mL) Murine skeletal cells Takeda et al.,  []
Activation of p MAPK signaling Broussonetia kazinoki (pp) KP in % HS for  h, – nM CC and T/ cells Hwang et al.,  []
Corydalis turtschaninovii (p-p) Various concentrations of THP CC myoblasts and broblast
T/ Lee et al.,  []
Increase of myogenin Eugenia punicifolia (.-kDa) mg/mL Male mdx dystrophic mice Leite et al.,  []
Increased expression of MHC, myogenin, and
Broussonetia kazinoki KP in % HS for  h, – nM CC and T/ cells Hwang et al.,  []
Corydalis turtschaninovii Various concentrations of THP CC myoblasts and broblast
T/ Lee et al.,  []
Korean Citrus aurantium L. , , , and  𝜇g/mL Rat skeletal muscle cells Kim et al.,  []
Vitis v inifera  𝜇M Mouse CC cells Wang et al.,  []
Panax notoginseng mgofRg Healthyyoungmen(𝑁=26)Houetal.,[]
Phlebodium decumanum
capsules of  mg ( mg of leaf
extract and  mg of rhizome
ıaz-Castro et al.,
 []
Eugenia punicifolia mg/mL Male mdx dystrophic mice Leite et al.,  []
Coee e same amount of drink in
control and coee group for weeks CBL/ mice Guo et al.,  []
Camellia sinensis .% w/w in diet for weeks aer
downhill running Mice Haramizu et al., 
Rubus parvifolius L. (RPL)  mg/kg and  mg/kg Five-week-old male Chen et al.,  []
Glycine max  𝜇MCCmyotubes
Hirasaka et al., 
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
T : C o n t i n u e d.
Eect Botanicals Physiology Study Authors
Increase in sTNF-RII Phlebodium decumanum
capsules of  mg ( mg of leaf
extract and  mg of rhizome
ıaz-Castro et al.,
 []
Decrease of IL-𝛼Coee e same amount of drink in
control and coee group for weeks CBL/ mice Guo et al.,  []
Decrease of IL-
Korean Citrus aurantium L. , , , and  𝜇g/mL Rat skeletal muscle cells Kim et al.,  []
Curcumin (at  h) . g twice daily Men (𝑁=17)Nicoletal.,[]
Coee e same amount of drink in
control and coee group for weeks CBL/ mice Guo et al.,  []
Rubus parvifolius L. (RPL)  mg/kg and  mg/kg Five-week-old male Chen et al.,  []
Increase of interleukin- (IL-) Curcumin (at h and  h) . g twice daily Men (𝑁=17)Nicoletal.,[]
Decrease of IL- Curcumin g twice daily (corresponding to
 mg curcumin twice a day)
Healthy, moderately active male
Drobnic et al., 
Decrease of IL-𝛽Eugenia punicifolia (.-kDa) mg/mL Male mdx dystrophic mice Leite et al.,  []
Panax ginseng DS Rats Yu et al.,  []
Camellia sinensis .% w/w in diet for weeks aer
downhill running Mice Haramizu et al., 
Increase of IL- Panax notoginseng mgofRg Healthyyoungmen(𝑁=26)Houetal.,[]
Panax ginseng DS , , and  mg/kg Rats Yu et al.,  []
Decrease of MCP- Camellia sinensis .% w/w in diet for weeks aer
downhill running Mice Haramizu et al., 
Decreased MnSOD (only at high dose) Panax ginseng DS , , and  mg/kg Rats Yu et al.,  []
Decreaseoftheexpressionofcleavedcaspase- Korean Citrus aurantium L.  𝜇g Rat skeletal muscle cells Kim et al.,  []
Eugenia punicifolia mg/mL Male mdx dystrophic mice Leite et al.,  []
Increased expression of antioxidant enzymes,
such as GPx (not at high dose) and GCS
Panax ginseng DS , , and  mg/kg Rats Yu et al.,  []
Phlebodium decumanum (only GPx)
capsules of  mg ( mg of leaf
extract and  mg of rhizome
ıaz-Castro et al.,
 []
Increase of MMP- and MMP- Eugenia punicifolia  𝜇g/mL Mouse myoblastoma cells (CC) Leite et al.,  []
Reduced MMP- Eugenia punicifolia mg/mL CBL/ mice Leite et al.,  []
Reduced MMP- and MMP- Eugenia punicifolia mg/mL Male mdx dystrophic mice Leite et al.,  []
Increase of citrate synthase (CS) activity Panax notoginseng mgofRg Healthyyoungmen(𝑁=26)Houetal.,[]
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
T : C o n t i n u e d.
Eect Botanicals Physiology Study Authors
Attenuation of the increases in mRNAs encoding
Camellia sinensis .% w/w in diet for weeks aer
downhill running Mice Haramizu et al., 
Increase of p and pAkt Eugenia punicifolia  𝜇g/mL Mouse myoblastoma cells (CC) Leite et al.,  []
Corydalis turtschaninovii (only
pAkt) Various concentrations of THP CC myoblasts and broblast
T/ Lee et al.,  []
ReductionofCyclinD Eugenia punicifolia  𝜇g/mL Mouse myoblastoma cells (CC) Leite et al.,  []
Increased expression of pAkt and pFoxOa Camellia sinensis – 𝜇M CCmyotubes Mirzaetal.,[]
Decrease in MPO activity Camellia sinensis .% w/w in diet for weeks aer
downhill running Mice Haramizu et al., 
Decreased caspase- expression Vitis vinifera . mg per gram body mass per day Mice (male CBL/J mice) Ballak et al.,  []
Upregulation of phosphorylation of Akt, pSK,
mTO R , a nd E-B P
Vitis v inifera  𝜇M Mouse CC cells Wang et al.,  []
Coee Coee solution , , , and
 𝜇g/mL Mousemyosatellitecells Guoetal.,[]
Prevention of HSPB phosphorylation Pinus pinaster . mg/mL Human muscle satellite cells Poussard et al., 
Decrease in FoxO protein and promotion of
FoxO phosphorylation Vitis v inifera  𝜇M Mouse CC cells Wang et al.,  []
Decreased MURF- and MAFbx Camellia sinensis – 𝜇M CCmyotubes Mirzaetal.,[]
Increased MURF- Go-sha-jinki-Gan (GJG) (only
PGC-𝛼)% (w/w) Male SAMP, SAMR mice Kishida et al., 
Increase of the expression of MAFbx/atrogin Chestnuts our Polyphenols ( nM) or
tocopherols ( nM) CC myotube cells Frati et al.,  []
Decreased expression of proteasomes S and S Camellia sinensis – 𝜇M CCmyotubes Mirzaetal.,[]
Decreased peak CK serum or activity
Curcumin  mg before and  h aer each
eccentric exercise Untrained young men Tan ab e e t a l. , 
Curcumin . g twice daily Men (𝑁=17)Nicoletal.,[]
Curcumin  mg/kg/day Male Wistar rats Boz et al.,  []
Decrease plasma-serum ammonia levels
Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata)fruit , , , and  mg/kg/day for 
days MaleICRmice Wangetal.,[]
Angelica sinensis . g/kg/day (Ex-AS) and
. g/kg/day (Ex-AS), weeks Male ICR strain mice Yeh et al.,  []
Rubus parvifolius L. (RPL)  mg/kg and  mg/kg Five-week-old male Chen et al.,  []
Increase in blood creatine kinase Zingiber ocinale Roscoe g of ginger once a day for days  non-weight trained participants Matsumura et al.,
 []
Eriobotrya japonica  mg/kg/day Young (-month-old) and aged
(--month-old) rats Sung et al.,  []
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
T : C o n t i n u e d.
Eect Botanicals Physiology Study Authors
Increase in serum creatinine Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
 mg/day × days;  mg/day
× days;  mg/day × days
Eighteen apparently healthy
volunteers Raut et al.,  []
Decrease of serum creatine kinase activity
Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata)fruit , , , and  mg/kg/day for 
days MaleICRmice Wangetal.,[]
Salvia ocinalis , , and  mg/kg BW  rats JiPing,  []
Angelica sinensis . g/kg/day (Ex-AS) and
. g/kg/day (Ex-AS), weeks Male ICR strain mice Yeh et al.,  []
Camellia sinensis .% or .% green tea extract at
the age of  days CBL/J and mdx mice Evans et al.,  []
Withania somnifera  mg of the whole root extract
twice daily;  mg twice daily  individuals Mishra and Trikamji,
 []
Decrease in plasma lactate or lactic acid
Korean mistletoe (Visc um a lb um
subsp. coloratum)
KME at  or  mg/(kgd) for
week and , , , and
 mg/kg
ICR mice Jung et al.,  []
Aegle marmelos (L.) Corr. , , and  mg/kg BW for  d BALB/c mice Nallamuthu et al.,
 []
Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata)fruit , , , and  mg/kg/day for 
days MaleICRmice Wangetal.,[]
Tao-Hong-Si-Wu-Tang (THSWT) , , and  mL/ kg body weight for
 days  male mice Li et al.,  []
Rubus parvifolius L. (RPL)  mg/kg and  mg/kg Five-week-old male Chen et al.,  []
Angelica sinensis . g/kg/day (Ex-AS) and
. g/kg/day (Ex-AS), weeks Male ICR strain mice Yeh et al.,  []
Increase in LDH and lactic acid
Panax ginseng  mg/kg Rat Tan et a l.,  []
Acanthopanax senticosus (LDH)
 mg/kg and  mg/kg;
 mg/kg or  mg/kg;  mg/kg or
 mg/kg
Five-week-old male ICR mice Huang et al.,  []
Rubus parvifolius L. (RPL)  mg/kg and  mg/kg Five-week-old male Chen et al.,  []
Decreased myoglobin levels Curcumin  mg/kg/day Male Wistar rats Boz et al.,  []
Decreased MDA levels in liver tissue
Curcumin  mg/kg/day Male Wistar rats Boz et al.,  []
Aegle marmelos (L.) Corr. , , and  mg/kg BW for 
days BALB/c mice Nallamuthu et al.,
 []
Curcuma longa – 𝜇gkg
−1 of curcumin Wistar rats (𝑛 = 130)Vitadelloetal.,
Increased MDA Panax ginseng  mg/kg Rat Tan et al.,  []
Increased availability of serum free fatty acid Aegle marmelos (L.) Corr. mg/kg BW for  days BALB/c mice Nallamuthu et al.,
 []
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
T : C o n t i n u e d.
Eect Botanicals Physiology Study Authors
Decreased level of TG
Acanthopanax senticosus
 mg/kg and  mg/kg;
 mg/kg or  mg/kg;  mg/kg or
 mg/kg
Five-week-old male ICR mice Huang et al.,  []
Rubus parvifolius L. (RPL)  mg/kg and  mg/kg Five-week-old male Chen et al.,  []
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
 mg/day × days;  mg/day
× days;  mg/day × days
Eighteen apparently healthy
volunteers Raut et al.,  []
Decrease in glucose and insulin Panax notoginseng mgofRg Healthyyoungmen(𝑁=26) Hou et al.,  []
Increase in blood glucose Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata)fruit , , , and  mg/kg/day for 
days MaleICRmice Wangetal.,[]
Angelica sinensis . g/kg/day (Ex-AS) and
. g/kg/day (Ex-AS), weeks Male ICR strain mice Yeh et al.,  []
Increase in citrate synthase (CS) activity Panax notoginseng mgofRg Healthyyoungmen(𝑁=26)Houetal.,[]
Rate of glycogen accumulation Panax notoginseng mgofRg Healthyyoungmen(𝑁=26)Houetal.,[]
Increase in glycogen content of liver and muscle
Aegle marmelos (L.) Corr. , , and  mg/kg BW for  d BALB/c mice Nallamuthu et al.,
 []
Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata)fruit , , , and  mg/kg/day for 
days MaleICRmice Wangetal.,[]
Panax ginseng  mg/kg Rat Tan et a l.,  []
Tao-Hong-Si-Wu-Tang (THSWT) , , and  mL/kg b ody weight for
 days  male mice Li et al.,  []
Angelica sinensis . g/kg/day (Ex-AS) and
. g/kg/day (Ex-AS), weeks Male ICR strain mice Yeh et al.,  []
Rubus parvifolius L. (RPL)  mg/kg and  mg/kg Five-week-old male Chen et al.,  []
Increase in cholinesterase (ChE) Salvia ocinalis , , and  mg/kg BW  rats JiPing,  []
Upregulation of HSP mRNA levels or induction
of the expression of Hsp-
Rhodiola rosea  𝜇g/mL of Rhodiolife Murine skeletal muscle cells Hern´
et al.,  []
Cichorium intybus (Cii) , , , and  𝜇g/mL CC myoblast Lee et al.,  []
Downregulation of Hsp- Aegle marmelos (L.) Corr. , , and  mg/kg BW for 
days BALB/c mice Nallamuthu et al.,
 []
Prevention of calpain upregulation Pinus pinaster Oligopin (. mg/mL) Cultured human skeletal muscle
satellite cells
Dargelos et al., 
Inhibition of the level of ceramide Cichorium intybus (Cii) , , , and  𝜇g/mL CC myoblast Lee et al.,  []
Suppression or mitigation of the increases in
plasma CPK, AST, ALT, and MDA levels aer
downhill running
Camellia sinensis .% w/w in diet for weeks aer
downhill running Mice Haramizu et al., 
Chlorella (only CPK) % Chlorella-supplemented diet
(CSD group) Transgenic mice Nakashima et al., 
Reduction of the levels of carbonylated protein
Camellia sinensis .% w/w in diet for weeks aer
downhill running Mice Haramizu et al., 
Curcuma longa – 𝜇gkg
−1 of curcumin Wistar rats (𝑛 = 130)Vitadelloetal.,
Camellia sinensis GTE(mg/kgbodyweight) Sixtymalerats Alwayetal.,[]
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
T : C o n t i n u e d.
Eect Botanicals Physiology Study Authors
Attenuation of hydrogen peroxide concentration Curcuma longa mg Male CBL/ mice Kawanishi et al., 
Attenuation of NADPH-oxidase mRNA
expression Curcuma longa mg Male CBL/ mice Kawanishi et al., 
Attenuation of F/ mRNA expression Curcuma longa mg Male CBL/ mice Kawanishi et al., 
Counteraction of the increase of BiP, ATF,
XBPu, and XBPs mRNA Camellia sinensis Green tea extract (.% w/vol) Twelve-week-old female CBL/J
Rodriguez et al., 
Increase in the mitochondrial oxygen
consumption rate
Korean mistletoe (Visc um a lb um
subsp. coloratum)𝜇g/mL L cells and CC cells, mice Jung et al.,  []
proliferator-activated receptor coactivator-
(PGC-) 𝛼and SIRT-
Korean mistletoe (Visc um a lb um
subsp. coloratum)𝜇g/mL L cells and CC cells, mice Jung et al.,  []
Vitis v inifera .% trans-resveratrol for 
Middle-aged ( months) C/BL
mice Jackson et al.,  []
Glycine max  𝜇MCCmyotubes
Hirasaka et al., 
Vitis v inifera  mg/kg/day irty-six male rats Bennettetal.,
Decrease of PGC-𝛼expression Go-sha-jinki-Gan (GJG) (only
PGC-𝛼)% (w/w) Male SAMP, SAMR mice Kishida et al., 
Decrease of BUN
Aegle marmelos (L.) Corr. mg/kg BW for  days BALB/c mice Nallamuthu et al.,
 []
Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata)fruit , , , and  mg/kg/day for 
days MaleICRmice Wangetal.,[]
Tao-Hong-Si-Wu-Tang (THSWT) , , and  mL/kg b ody weight for
 days  male mice Li et al.,  []
Acanthopanax senticosus
 mg/kg and  mg/kg;
 mg/kg or  mg/kg;  mg/kg or
 mg/kg
Five-week-old male ICR mice Huang et al.,  []
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
 mg/day × days;  mg/day
× days;  mg/day × days
Eighteen apparently healthy
volunteers Raut et al.,  []
Increase of SOD and catalase
Aegle marmelos (L.) Corr. , , and  mg/kg BW for  d BALB/c mice Nallamuthu et al.,
 []
Panax ginseng (only SOD)  mg/kg Rat Tan et al.,  []
Salvia ocinalis (SOD and GSHPx) , , and  mg/kg BW  rats JiPing,  []
Upregulation of GLUT- and AMPK-𝛼Aegle marmelos (L.) Corr. , , and  mg/kg BW for  d BALB/c mice Nallamuthu et al.,
 []
Decrease in SUN levels Rubus parvifolius L. (RPL)  mg/kg and  mg/kg Five-week-old male Chen et al.,  []
Increase of Grp protein Curcuma longa –  𝜇gkg
−1 of curcumin Wistar rats (𝑛 = 130)Vitadelloetal.,
Decrease in myostatin and 𝛽-galactosidase Camellia sinensis mg/kg b.i.d. Young and old CBL/ male mice Gutierrez-Salmean et
al.,  []
Increase in the ratio of plasma
follistatin/myostatin Camellia sinensis  mg of pure Epi ( mg/kg/day) Human subjects (𝑛=6)Gutierrez-Salmean et
al.,  []
Decrease in cross-sectional area (CSA) Eriobotrya japonica  mg/kg/day Young (-month-old) and aged
(--month-old) rats Sung et al.,  []
 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
T : Botanicals with anti-inammatory eects on skeletal muscle.
Paper Botanical Compound Model Physiology Main results
In vitro
Kim et al., 
Korean Citrus
aurantium L.
Flavonoids (hesperidin,
nobiletin, and naringin) Rat skeletal muscle cells Flavonoids , , ,
and  𝜇g/mL
Decrease in the production of inducible nitric oxide synthase,
cyclooxygenase-, TNF-𝛼, and IL-.
Kim et al., 
Korean Citrus
aurantium L.
Flavonoids (naringin,
hesperidin, poncirin,
isosinnesetin, and
Rat skeletal muscle cells  𝜇gProtection of cell-structure related proteins and decrease in level of
cleaved caspase-.
Leite et al., 
Pentacyclic triterpenes
(barbinervic acid)
Mouse myoblastoma
cells (CC)
 𝜇g/mL
Reduction of CC cell density and proliferation. Increase of
metalloproteases activity: MMP- ( ±%, 𝑝 < 0.005)and
MMP- ( ±%, 𝑝 < 0.005).
Wang et al., 
[] Viti s vinifera Resveratrol
(,,-trihydroxystilbene) Mouse CC cells Resveratrol
 𝜇M
Counteraction of TNF-𝛼induced muscle protein loss and reversion
of declining expression of Akt, mTOR, pSK, E-BP, and FoX.
Guo et al., 
[] Coee
Chlorogenic acid,
anhydrous caeine, and
Mouse myosatellite
Coee solution
, , , and
 𝜇g/mL
Increase in cell proliferation rate, enhancement of the DNA
synthesis of the proliferating satellite cells, and increase of the
activation level of Akt.
Yu et al.,  [] Panax ginseng Dammarane steroids (DS) Rats DS
, , and  mg/kg
Anti-inammatory eects on skeletal muscle following
muscle-damaging exercise.
Kishida et al.,
 []
Paeoniorin, loganin, and
total alkaloids
% (w/w)
Reduction of the loss of skeletal muscle mass and amelioration of
Guo et al., 
[] Coee
Coee bean, chlorogenic
acid, anhydrous caeine,
and polyphenols
CBL/ mice
e same amount of
drink in control and
coee group for
Improvement in grip strength; faster regeneration of injured skeletal
muscles. Decrease in the levels of interleukins.
Leite et al., 
punicifolia Dichloromethane fraction Male mdx dystrophic
Reduction of MMP- ( ±%, 𝑝 < 0.005) and MMP- ( ±%,
𝑝 < 0.005) activities. Reduction of TNF-𝛼production ( ±%,
𝑝 < 0.01)andNF-𝜅Bexpression(48 ± 7%, 𝑝<0.005).
Leite et al., 
Pentacyclic triterpenes
(barbinervic acid) CBL/ mice Ep-CM
Reduction of MMP- activity (35 ± 7%, 𝑝 < 0.05) but dierence
concerning MMP- activity in the muscular lesion; reduction of the
inammatory lesion area.
Boz et al., 
[] Curcumin Curcumin Male Wistar rats  mg/kg/day Decrease of CK activity (𝑝>0.05) and signicant decrease of
myoglobin levels (𝑝 < 0.05).
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 
T : C o n t i n u e d.
Paper Botanical Compound Model Physiology Main results
ıaz-Castro et al.,
 []
Polyphenols, terpenoids,
and xavonoids
Amateur athletes
( mg of leaf extract
and  mg of rhizome
Reduction of oxidative stress (𝑝 < 0.0001). Reduction in the
inammatory response. Decrease of TNF-𝛼before and aer the
high-intensity exercise. Increase in sTNF-RII.
Hou et al., 
notoginseng Ginsenosides Rg Healthy young men
(𝑁=26)mg ofRg
Increase in exercise time to exhaustion (Rg . ±. min versus
placebo . ±. min).
Improvement in meal tolerance during recovery (𝑝 < 0.05).
Zingiber ocinale
Roscoe Gingerols and shogaols Individuals (𝑁=28) g of ginger aer
Postexercise reduction in arm pain the following day (%; . ±
Zingiber ocinale
Roscoe Gingerols and shogaols
 participants in study
 participants in study
gfor consecutive
days aer exercise
Decrease in pain-intensity ratings  hours aer eccentric exercise
in both studies (𝑝 < 0.05).
Pumpa et al., 
notoginseng Saponins (ginsenosides) Well - t r ai n e d ma le
volunteers (𝑁=20)gof P. notoginseng Decrease in IL-  h aer the downhill run (placebo). Decrease in
TNF-𝛼 h aer the downhill run (placebo).
Drobnic et al.,
 [] Curcumin Phytosome delivery system
Healthy, moderately
active male (𝑁=20)
(corresponding to
 mg curcumin twice
Signicant decrease in pain intensity for the right and le anterior
thigh (. ±. and . ±., 𝑝 < 0.05).
Lower increase in hsPCR levels at  hours (.%). Lower increase
of IL- levels at hours (. ±. pg/mL, 𝑝 < 0.05).
Nicol et al., 
[] Curcumin Curcuminoids Men (𝑁=17).gtwicedaily
Moderate-to-large reduction in pain during single-leg squat (VAS
scale . to .; % CL: ±.), gluteal stretch (. to .; ±.),
and squat jump (. to .; ±.) and reduction in creatine kinase
activity (–%; ±-%). Increase in IL- concentrations at h
(%; ±%) and  h (%; ±%), but decrease in IL- at  h
relative to postexercise period (%; ±%).
Tanabe et al., 
[] Curcumin Curcuminoids
Untrained young men
 mg before and  h
aer each eccentric
Faster recovery of maximum voluntary contraction torque (e.g.,
days aer exercise:  ±% versus  ±%), lower peak serum
CK activity (peak:  ± IU/L versus  ± IU/L,
𝑝 < 0.05). No signicant changes in IL- and TNF-𝛼aer exercise.
 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
T : Botanicals with counterbalancing muscle damage eects.
Paper Botanical Compound Model Physiology Main results
In vitro
Santana et al.,
 []
Rhodiola rosea RR extracts: rosavins
and salidroside
Murine skeletal muscle
cells – 𝜇g/mL and others
Upregulation of HSP mRNA levels and enhancement of the
expression by exposure to H2O2(𝑝 < 0.05). Maintenance of HSP
protein levels in pretreated cell cultures compared to controls (%).
Dargelos et al.,
 [] Pinus pinaster Polyphenols
Cultured human
skeletal muscle satellite
Oligopin (. mg/mL) Restorationofcellviability(.±.% versus . ±.% in H2O2
treated cells). Abolishment of H2O2induced apoptotic cell death.
Haramizu et al.,
 [] Camellia sinensis
epicatechin gallate,
gallocatechin, and
gallocatechin gallate
.% w/w in diet for
weeks aer downhill
Mitigation of the running-induced decrease in voluntary
wheel-running activity by %. Maintenance of endurance running
capacity ( ±versus± min, 𝑝<0.05).
Kawanishi et al.,
 [] Curcuma longa Curcumin Male CBL/ mice mg Decrease of hydrogen peroxide concentration and NADPH-oxidase
mRNA expression (𝑝 < 0.05).
Rodriguez et al.,
 [] Camellia sinensis Green tea extracts Twel v e-wee k - old
female CBL/J mice
Green tea extract (.%
Decrease of BiP, ATF, XBPu, and XBPs mRNA. No activity on
Shanely et al.,
 [] Rhodiola rosea
Rosavin, salidroside,
syringin, triandrin, and
 subjects (
completing all aspects
of the study)
 mg/day for days
prior to, on the day of,
and aer days of the
No eects on DOMS increased (𝑝 = 0.700).
Pumpa et al., 
Twe nty we l l -trai n e d
male volunteers
 mg of P.
notoginseng capsules
Lower IL- concentrations h aer the downhill run in the placebo
Matsumura et al.,
 []
Zingiber ocinale
Roscoe Gingerols and shogaols  non-weight trained
g of ginger once a day
for days
Acceleration in the recovery of muscle strength following intense
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 
T : Botanicals with antifatigue activity on skeletal muscle.
Paper Botanical Compound Model Physiology Main results
In vitro
Jung et al., 
Korean mistletoe
(Viscum albu m
subsp. coloratum)
KME (Korean
mistletoe extract)
L cells and CC
cells, mice 𝜇g/mL Acceleration of OCR (%). Signicant increase in PGC-𝛼mRNA
expression. .-fold increase in SIRT expression.
Nallamuthu et al.,
 []
Aegle marmelos
(L.) Corr. Polyphenols BALB/c mice , , and
 mg/kg BW for  d
Increase in the duration of swimming time to exhaustion by . and
.% for medium and higher doses, respectively.
Wang et al., 
C. moschata fruit
extract (CME) Male ICR mice
, , , and
 mg/kg/day for 
Dose-dependent increase in swimming time (𝑝 = 0.0006).
Tan e t al . , 
[] Panax ginseng Ginsenoside Rb
(GRb) Rat  mg/kg Signicant decrease of maximum grip strength of the MG group and
the GG group (𝑝 < 0.05).
Li et al.,  []
Tan g
 male mice , , and  mL/kg
body weight for  days Signicant increase of exhaustive swimming times (𝑝 < 0.05).
JiPing,  [] Salvia ocinalis  rats , , and
 mg/kg BW Reduction of lipid peroxidation, LDH, and CK.
Ye h e t a l . , 
[] Angelica sinensis Ferulic acid Male ICR strain mice
. g/kg/day (Ex-AS)
and . g/kg/day
(Ex-AS), weeks
Slight increase of grip strength (𝑝 = 0.0616), at the higher AS doses,
longer exercise performance (., 𝑝 = 0.0116).
Huang et al., 
Eleutheroside E,
eleutheroside E2
Five-week-old male
ICR mice
 mg/kg and
 mg/kg;  mg/kg
or  mg/kg;  mg/kg
or  mg/kg
Increase of swimming time to exhaustion at high dose (𝑝 < 0.01).
Chen et al., 
Rubus parvifolius
L. (RPL)
ree saponins
suavissimoside, and
Five-week-old male  mg/kg and  mg/kg
Delays of SUN and LA accumulation, decrease in TG level, and
increase in HG and LDH. Suppression of inammatory cytokine
Jung et al., 
Korean mistletoe
(Viscum albu m
subsp. coloratum)
ICR mice
 mg/(kgd) for
 mg/kg
Induction of mitochondrial activity and improvement in endurance.
Jackson et al.,
 [] Vitis v inifera Resveratrol
Middle-aged (
months old) C/BL
.% trans-resveratrol
for  months
Protection against oxidative stress through the upregulation of
MnSOD. Increase in the muscles activity in animals that were 
months of age by an additional % (𝑝 0.05).
Raut et al., 
(With ania
Eighteen apparently
healthy volunteers
 mg/day × days;
 mg/day × days;
 mg/day × days
Increase in serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen. Signicant
decrease in total cholesterol.
 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Paper Botanical Compound Model Physiology Main results
In vitro
Lee et al., 
intybus (Cii) CC myoblast , , , and  𝜇g/mL Prevention of cell viability loss.
Hirasaka et al.,
 [] Glycine max Isoavone (genistein
and daidzein) CC myotubes  𝜇M Approximately -fold increase of SIRT mRNA expression.
Mirza et al., 
[] Camellia sinensis Epigallocatechin--
gallate CC myotubes – 𝜇MReduction of the expression of proteasome S and S subunits.
Reduction of the expression of MuRF- and MAFbx.
Frati et al., 
[] Chestnuts our
Chestnuts our extract
polyphenols or
tocopherols or SL-s
CC myotube cells
Polyphenols ( nM)
or tocopherols
( nM)
Counterbalance of cell atrophy. Γ-Tocopherol and sphingolipids
Vitadello et al.,
 [] Curcuma longa Curcumins Wistar rats (n=) –  𝜇gkg
−1 of
About twofold increase of Grp  in muscles of ambulatory rats
(𝑝 < 0.05).Counteractedlossofsoleusmassandmyober
cross-sectional area by % (𝑝 0.02).
Nakashima et al.,
 [] Chlorella Transgenic mice
% Chlorella-
supplemented diet
(CSD group)
Improvement of skeletal muscle atrophy and cytochrome C oxidase
activity. Recovery of body weight, enhancement of oxidative stress,
and increase of CPK.
Choquette et al.,
 [] Glycine max
Isoavones (daidzein,
glycitein, and
 women Isoavones ( mg/day)
and exercise No eects.
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 
has no remarkable eect aer single administration. In fact,
only a moderate reduction in the progression of muscle pain
from  h to h following eccentric exercise was observed
in participants who consumed ginger  h aer exercise, and
this eect was not enhanced by heat-treated ginger. In mice,
Coea decreases the levels of interleukins IL-𝛼and IL-
and TNF-𝛼, which are correlated with muscle weight and
grip strength. Using mice cells in vitro, coee increases the
number of proliferating cells and augmented DNA synthesis
through the Akt signaling pathway. As a result, there is
a combination of augmented satellite cell activation and
decreased inammatory levels by coee treatment; it has
anti-inammatory eects both because it has antioxidant
properties and because it has compounds, such as kahweol,
with immunomodulatory properties [, , , , ]. Also,
Eugenia punicifolia showed anti-inammatory properties in
the gastrocnemius muscle of mdx dystrophic mice; in par-
ticular, the activity of dichloromethane fraction of Eugenia
punicifolia (Ep-CM), in mice, decreases metalloprotease-
and metalloprotease- activities (indicators of local inam-
mation and tissue remodeling, resp.) and levels of tumor
necrosis factor-𝛼and NF-𝜅B transcription factor []; iso-
lated pentacyclic triterpene from Eugenia punicifolia reduces
myoblast cells proliferation, has no eects on apoptosis, and
increases matrix metalloproteases and muscular area (MMP-
and MMP-) []. As shown in the study by Yu et al.
[], Dammarane steroids (DS) of Panax ginseng produce
anti-inammatory eects in rats, following muscle damage
exercise, because they potentiate inammation at baseline
but exerted anti-inammatory eects on skeletal muscle
following muscle-damaging exercise. Another study has also
highlighted the eect of steroid Rg (capsule with mg
of Rg), an ergogenic component of ginseng, in healthy
human against exercise challenge: the extract can minimize
unwanted lipid peroxidation and attenuate proinammatory
shi under exercise challenge and so it ameliorates the
postexercise recovery and mitochondria enzyme adaptation
probably because the incorporation of the bulky steroid
moiety of Rg into cellular membrane lipid may enhance
molecular complexity and mechanical stability of the cell
and mitochondrial membranes []. Panax notoginseng,as
shown by Pumpa et al., seems to have no particular eects
on interleukins, indicators of inammation and muscle
damage, in well-trained males aer a bout of eccentric
exercise designed to induce delayed-onset muscle soreness
(DOMS) (in the experiment,  mg of Panax notoginseng
was used) []. Even Go-sha-jinki-Gan (GJG) maintains the
area of muscle bers in the soleus via normalizing signal
transduction through the insulin-growth factor (IGF-) Akt
axis, the suppression of inammation, and the maintenance
of mitochondrial-related transcription factors in mice [].
A positive eect on cell atrophy caused by TNF-𝛼was
shown with resveratrol (in Vitis vinifera) supplementation in
a muscle cell line (regulating the Akt/mTOR/FoxO signaling
pathways together with inhibition of the atrophy-related
ubiquitin ligase) [].
Finally, several studies have investigated the mechanisms
by which curcumin, a constituent of turmeric (Curcuma
longa L.), exerts its benecial eect on muscle []. Early
experimental study demonstrated that curcumin suppresses
the activation of NF-𝜅B, an eect of critical relevance in
DOMS relief, since NF-𝜅B appears to be involved in the
regulation of proteolysis and inammation in muscle [].
erefore, inhibition of NF-𝜅Bbycurcuminmayresultina
muscle-protective eect. Consistently, it has been suggested
that curcumin may prevent loss of muscle mass during sepsis
and endotoxaemia and may stimulate muscle regeneration
aer traumatic injury []. Other mechanisms potentially
responsible for the anti-inammatory and antioxidant prop-
erties of curcumin include induction of heat-shock response
[], reduction in the expression of the proinammatory
enzyme cyclooxygenase- (COX-), and promotion of the
antioxidant response by activation of the transcription factor
Nrf []. More recent studies conrm that curcumin can
reduce inammation and decrease some of the negative
eects associated with eccentric exercise-induced muscle
damage, including the release of proinammatory cytokines
and markers of muscle injury like creatine kinase (CK),
e three studies that have been conducted until now
in humans [, , ] have shown that curcumin, at the
dosages of g twice daily (as the Phytosomedelivery system,
Meriva) and . g twice daily, and  mg of solid-lipid
nanoparticle curcumin (eracurmin), respectively, can
prevent DOMS with some evidence of enhanced recovery
of muscle performance, maximal voluntary contraction loss,
and serum creatine kinase activity increase.
In conclusion, the muscle that makes activities undergoes
an increase in inammation that can damage the mus-
cle itself. It is important to counteract the inammatory
activity in order to preserve the muscle from numerous
types of damage. Several animal and in vitro studies have
investigated the ecacy of botanicals with recognized anti-
inammatory activity (such as Phlebodium decamanum,Cit-
rus aurantium,Coea arabica,Zingiber ocinale,Eugenia
punicifolia,Panax ginseng,Go-sha-jinki-Gan,Vitis vinifera,
and Curcuma longa L.) on inammation secondary to muscle
activity (Table ). ese botanical extracts exerted their
eects through dierent biochemical pathways, specically
decreasing interleukins or aging on transcriptional factors.
Human studies were performed using four botanicals (Panax
ginseng,Zingiber ocinale,Phlebodium decumanum,and
Curcuma longa L.) showing that () the daily consumption
of raw and heat-treated Zingiber resulted in moderate-to-
injury; () Phlebodium supplementation for both professional
and amateur athletes performing strenuous exercise resulted
in reducing the undesirable eects of the oxidative stress
and inammation signaling elicited during high-intensity
exercise; () Panax notoginseng did not convincingly have
an eect on performance, muscular pain, or assessed blood
markers in well-trained males aer an intense bout of eccen-
tric exercise that induced delayed-onset muscle soreness
(DOMS); () curcumin could prevent DOMS enhancing the
recovery of muscle performance and the maximal voluntary
contraction loss and modulating the serum creatine kinase
activity increase.
 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
All these clinical studies considered the reduction of
inammation and consequently muscle pain aer a strenuous
exercise and not in sarcopenic subjects, but this is a good
starting point for the future utilization of these plants in the
3.3. Muscle Damage Prevention. is research has been
carried out based on the keywords skeletal muscle mass”
and “damage and “botanicals” or “plants” or “extracts”; 
articles were sourced and studies have been taken into
consideration. Among these, studies are in in vitro setting,
A recent study by Kawanishi et al. has claried properties
of curcumin aer downhill running-induced muscle damage
in mice. is study underlines how curcumin has an antiox-
idant eect in mice following downhill running-induced
muscle damage; however, no dierences in plasma creatine
kinase (CK) and plasma lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), as
markers of muscle damage, were observed. Curcumin admin-
istration immediately aer downhill running did not prevent
muscle damage but signicantly attenuates the concentration
of hydrogen peroxide and NADPH-oxidase gene expression;
therefore, curcumin may be benecial for the prevention of
oxidative stress in downhill running-induced skeletal muscle
damage []. Two recent studies in humans by Pumpa et
al. [] and Matsumura et al. [] investigated the eects of
Panax notoginseng ( mg) and Zingiber ocinale ( g for
days) on delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS); Zingiber
ocinale supplementation could have accelerated the recov-
prevent delayed muscle damage. e authors concluded that
there is no evidence to support the use of Panax as a pre-
ventive option for DOMS and its related inammation. Rho-
diola rosea ( mg/d) did not attenuate the postmarathon
decrease in muscle function, the increases in muscle damage,
the extracellular heatshock protein (eHSP), or the plasma
cytokines in human experienced runners []; however, the
same plant modulates in vitro the expression of molecular
factors (chaperone HSP) such as heatshock proteins (HSP)
in order to protect C C myotubes cells against peroxide-
induced oxidative stress, suggesting a potential antioxidant
role []. Finally, Haramizu et al. demonstrated that catechins
of Camellia sinensis attenuate downhill running-induced
muscle damage in mice, perhaps through their antioxi-
dant properties, hastening recovery of physical performance
[]. A typical example of muscle damage is the cellular
dysfunction caused by lipid excess. Lipid excess activates
endoplasmatic reticulum (ER) stress in skeletal muscle and,
as a consequence, accumulation of unfolded or misfolded
proteins in ER lumen. Rodriguez et al. demonstrated that
epigallocatechin--gallate (EGCG) from Camellia sinensis
could protect mice muscle against ER stress, especially thanks
to its antioxidant properties []. Dargelos et al. investigate
the role of a natural antioxidant extracted from pine bark
(Pinus pinaster)inculturedhumanskeletalmusclesatellite
cells. Results showed that this polyphenolic extract is able
to protect cells from oxidative stress (H2O2)damageand
prevent the apoptosis and the activation of calpains mediated
by H2O2[].
In conclusion (Table ), until today, important studies
were made on humans and animals for the prevention of
muscle damage. Most of the plants used (Curcuma longa,
Panax notoginseng,Zingiber ocinale,Rhodiola rosea,Camel-
lia sinensis,andPinus pinaster)actonDOMS,thankstotheir
antioxidant properties. In human, Panax notoginseng seems
to have no eect as a preventive option for DOMS, and Rhodi-
ola rosea does not attenuate muscle damage. Further studies
are needed but we can say that botanical supplementation,
thanks to its antioxidant properties, could be useful to prevent
is driven also by oxidative stress, as it happens aer strenuous
3.4. Antifatigue. is research has been carried out based
on the keywords “skeletal muscle mass” and “fatigue” and
“botanicals” or “plants” or “extracts”;  articles were sourced
and  studies are taken into account. Among these, only one
study is made in humans, one in in vitro settings, and one
both in in vitro settings and in animals and the others are
made in animals (Table ).
Tan et al. in  investigated for the rst time the
role of ginsenoside Rb (Grb) in Panax quinquefolius,as
antifatigue agent, on postoperative fatigue syndrome (POFS)
in a rat model induced by major small intestinal resection,
through its antioxidant properties and the improvement of
energy metabolism. Grb enhances maximum grip strength
and increases the activity of lactate dehydrogenase and
other biochemical parameters. e results suggested that
GRb improves the maintenance of normal pH range in
muscle tissue by reducing the accumulation of lactic acid
(LA) and attenuates LA induced side eects of various bio-
chemical and physiological processes, which impair bodily
performance []. In accordance, the study by Nallamuthu
et al. demonstrated the antifatigue properties in mice of
A.marmelos fruit, most probably manifested by delaying
the accumulation of serum lactic acid, increasing the fat
utilization, and upregulating the skeletal muscle metabolic
regulators []. Likewise, Salvia sativa,Angelica sinensis,
Cucurbita moschata,Withania somnifera,andAcanthopanax
senticosus extracts exhibit dierent antifatigue eects. All
of these studies, with the exception of Withania somnifera,
are performed in animals (rats or mice). ese studies
demonstrate that the antioxidant properties of plants play an
important role in reducing fatigue. Salvia reduces lipid per-
oxidation, lactate dehydrogenase, creatine kinase activities,
enhanced antioxidant enzymes, and cholinesterase (ChE)
activities in the skeletal muscle of endurance exercise rats;
similar eects have been observed for other extracts, with
some dierences between each other, in which, additionally,
antifatigue is measured also by forelimb grip strength and
exhaustive swimming time as well as serum levels of lactate,
ammonia, glucose, and creatine kinase aer a  min swim-
ming exercise. Specically, the mechanisms of Acanthopanax
(also called Eleutherococcus senticosus or Siberian ginseng)
are the reduction of the level of triglycerides by increasing fat
utilization, the delay of the accumulation of blood urea nitro-
gen (BUN), and the increase of the lactate dehydrogenase
(LDH) to reduce the accumulation of lactic acid in muscle
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 
but active is Tao-Hong-Si-Wu-Tang that shows antifatigue
activity in mice due to extended exhaustive swimming time,
decrease of the lactic acid (BLA) and urea nitrogen (BUN)
tigue property of Rubus parvifolius L. (RPL) in experiment
with mice, nding that total saponins from RPL possess
potent capabilities to alleviate fatigue induced by forced
swimming and that nigaichigoside F was responsible for the
pharmacological eect. e underlying mechanisms include
delays in the accumulation of serum urea nitrogen (SUN)
consumption, increases in hepatic glycogen (HG) and LDH
so that lactic acid accumulation was decreased, the reduction
of ammonia in the muscle, and the suppression of increased
immune activation and inammatory cytokine production
[]. Viscum album subsp. coloratum increase mitochondrial
oxygen consumption rate (OCR) in L cells and increase
the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor
c coactivator- (PGC-) a and silent mating type information
regulation homolog (SIRT), two major regulators of
mitochondria function, in CC cells, suggesting that this
agent and could exert the antifatigue eect []. Jackson et
al. try to understand how Vitis vinifera and its compound
resveratrol could prevent muscle fatigue. Resveratrol has a
protective eect against aging-induced oxidative stress in
skeletal muscle, likely through the upregulation of manganese
superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) activity, reducing hydrogen
peroxide, and lipid peroxidation levels in muscle samples, but
sarcopenia was not attenuated by resveratrol [].
Withania somnifera (gradual escalating doses from  to
 mg/day) in humans has demonstrated muscle strength-
ening and lipid lowering [].
In conclusion, there are several preclinical lines of evi-
dence that botanical extracts, such as Panax quinquefolius,A.
marmelos fruit, Salvia sativa,Angelica sinensis,Phalaenopsis
cornu-cervi,Cucurbita moschata,Withania somnifera ,Acan-
thopanax senticosus, deer antler extract, Tao-Hong-Si-Wu-
Ta ng , Rubus parvifolius L.,velvetantlerextract,Vi scum album
subsp. coloratum,andVitis vinifera,canreducethemuscles
fatigue, aer intense exercise or simply in a condition of loss
of muscle mass, as in sarcopenia (Table ). Commonly, these
properties are due to their antioxidant eects: in general,
these plants reduce lipid peroxidation, lactic acid, and serum
levels of ammonia and creatine kinase and increase liver
Withania somnifera (with gradual escalating doses from 
to  mg/day) seems to have good eects on antifatigue,
but this is a preliminary study. Until today, the role of
plants in antifatigue in clinical studies has been not deeply
documented and so it is dicult to recommend particular
3.5. Muscle Atrophy Prevention. is research has been car-
ried out based on the keywords “skeletal muscle mass” and
“atrophy” and “botanicals or “plants” or “extracts”;  articles
were sourced and studies are taken into account. Among
these, are in in vitro settings and are in animals and only
one is in human (Table ).
Curcuma longa can prevent muscle atrophy. It stimu-
lates glucose-regulated protein  kDa (Grp) expression
in myogenic cells, whose levels decrease signicantly in
unloaded muscle, and it is involved in attenuation of myober
atrophy in rats []. Also, Camellia sinensis extracts in
rats appear to counteract the increased protein degradation
(linked with its ability to downregulate key components of
the ubiquitin proteasome proteolytic pathway) []. Instead,
Cichorium intybus extract prevents skeletal muscle atrophy
in vitro, probably increasing heat-shock protein- (Hsp-)
production and inhibiting the level of ceramide: Hsp-, in
fact, has a positive eect on reducing oxidative stress of cells
and ceramide is involved in the regulation of cell death [].
Also, chestnut sweet our (rich in 𝛾-tocopherol) protects
from skeletal muscle cell atrophy, but this protection appears
not to be due to a general antioxidant action, but maintaining
cellular redox homeostasis through the regulation of NADPH
oxidase, mitochondrial integrity []. Isoavones are the
most important phytochemicals in Glycine max for prevent-
ing muscle atrophy. ese products could induce in vitro
the expression of SIRT-, a sirtuin that normally deacetylates
p, in order to reduce the activity of MuRF- related to
muscle atrophy. Overall, they suppress MuRF- promoter
activity and myotube atrophy induced by TNF-𝛼in CC
myotubes []. However, a study performed by Choquette
et al. demonstrated that, in postmenopausal women, only
exercise, but not soy isoavones ( mg/day), could improve
muscle strength and reduce risks of mobility impairments
[]. In addition, consumption of Chlorella,aunicellular
green alga, could prevent age-related muscle atrophy in mice,
because it contains various antioxidant substances, including
carotenoids and vitamins and plastoquinone that has been
showntoholdgreaterantioxidantproperties.Chlorella con-
tains also amino acids such as the brain chain amino acids
(BCAA) valine, leucine, and isoleucine, which are important
components of actin and myosin, the fundamental muscle
proteins, and may be important in prevention of sarcopenia.
Finally, Chlorella also prevents mitochondrial dysfunction
In conclusion, it is clear that botanical extracts can
in a condition of loss of muscle mass, as in sarcopenia.
We considered several botanicals (Curcuma longa,Camellia
sinensis,Cichorium intybus, chestnut sweet our, Glycine
max,andChlorella): most of them have important antiox-
idant properties, which prevent muscles atrophy. However,
the only study made on human, using Glycine max,didnot
show positive results and so other researches are needed to
substantiate the use of botanicals supplementation to prevent
muscle atrophy.
3.6. Muscle Regeneration and Dierentiation. is research
has been carried out based on the keywords skeletal muscle
mass” and “regeneration and “botanicals” or “plants” or
“extracts”;  articles were sourced and  studies are taken
into account. Among these, are in in vitro settings, in
 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
humans (Table ). Nutraceutical compounds by C. sinensis
in mice decrease myostatin and 𝛽-galactosidase and increase
levels of markers of muscle; instead, in humans, they (-day
treatment with epicatechin at mg/kg/day) increase hand grip
strength and the ratio of plasma follistatin/myostatin []
and regulate NF-𝜅B activity in regenerating muscle bers [].
Camellia also induces changes in satellite cell number and it
improves muscle recovery following a period of atrophy in
old rats and decreases oxidative stress, but this is insucient
to improve muscle recovery following a period of atrophy
[]. Also, an increase in myogenin (due to a supplement
of Vitis v inife ra resveratrol extracts) served to stimulate
dierentiation to compensate for an impaired function of
Ballak et al., about resveratrol, says that this compound does
not rescue the hypertrophic response and even reduces the
Also, Ferula hermonis Boiss. and Vitis vinifera signicantly
increase muscle weight and enhance the growth of skeletal
muscle bers or ber size (increase the ber cross-sectional
area of type IIA and IIB bers) and nuclear number in
order to enhance the growth of skeletal muscle [, ]. It is
noteworthy that proanthocyanidins of Vitis have been used in
ment of several physical conditions have been observed in
middle-aged women (with at least one menopausal symp-
tom) treated with doses from  to  mg/d []. Brous-
sonetia kazinoki (B.kazinoki), Corydalis turtschaninovii,and
Hachimijiogan, in vitro, promote myogenic dierentiation
through activation of key promyogenic kinase (p MAPK)
or ERK/ and MyoD transcription activities (MyoD family
transcription factors play a key role in promoting myoblast
dierentiation) without aecting the Akt signaling pathway
[–]. Another in vitro study, performed by Poussard et al.,
indicated Oligopin, a pine bark extract, as natural antioxidant;
in fact, with aging, oxidative stress produces disruption of
cytoskeleton and phosphorylated heat-shock protein beta-
(HSPB) may help to repair injured structures. Furthermore,
Oligopin prevents the stress-induced phosphorylation of
HSPB- in human cells []. Curcumin (Curcuma longa)may
modulate the entry into apoptosis during immobilization
and stimulate initial steps of muscle regeneration, aging on
proteins and enzyme such as proteasome chymotrypsin-like
activity and proapoptotic smac/DIABLO protein levels, and
apoptosome-linked caspase- activities []. Another study
was performed in humans with Withania somnifera:itseems
to improve muscle strength and endurance for the aged
subjects and so it could be used in preventing sarcopenia
(– mg twice daily for three months) []. Finally, Kim
et al. demonstrate that physical exercise combined with tea
catechin supplementation ( mL of a tea beverage fortied
with  mg of catechins) had a benecial eect on physical
function measured by walking ability and muscle mass in
women with sarcopenia [].
Lastly, a very recent study [] demonstrated in ani-
mal models that loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) leaf extract
(LE) diminished the age-associated loss of grip strength
and enhanced muscle mass and muscle creatine kinase
(CK) activity. Histochemical analysis revealed that loquat
(Eriobotrya japonica) leaf extract (LE) abrogated the age-
associated decrease in cross-sectional area (CSA) and
decreased the amount of connective tissue in the muscle
of aged rats. Moreover, in order to investigate the mode
of action, CC murine myoblasts were used to evaluate
the myogenic potential of LE. e expression levels of
myogenic proteins (MyoD and myogenin) and functional
myosin heavy chain (MyHC) were measured by western
blot analysis. LE enhanced MyoD, myogenin, and MyHC
expression. e changes in the expression of myogenic genes
corresponded to an increase in the activity of CK, a myogenic
dierentiation marker. Finally, loquat (Eriobotrya japonica)
leaf extract (LE) activated the Akt/mammalian target of
rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway, which is involved in
muscle protein synthesis during myogenesis. ese ndings
suggest that loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) leaf extract (LE)
attenuates sarcopenia by promoting myogenic dierentiation
and subsequently promoting muscle protein synthesis.
In conclusion, there are several preclinical lines of evi-
dence for a variety of plants (Camellia sinensis,Vitis vinifera,
Ferula hermonis Boiss., grape seed,Broussonetia kazinoki,
Corydalis turtschaninovii, Hachimijiogan, pine bark,Cur-
cuma longa,Withania somnifera,andEriobotrya japonica),
but only four studies are available in humans: two of these
were conducted with supplementation of Camellia sinensis
products, one with Withania somnifera and one with grape
seed.Inparticular,theuseofWithania somnifera (– mg
twice a day) resulted in improving muscle strength in human
Camellia sinensis induced positive physical improvement.
e second study demonstrated an improvement in grip
strength, but it was only an experimental study with mg
of pure EGCG. Finally, the clinical trial with grape seed
(– mg/d) seemed to increase muscle mass and improve
other physical conditions during menopause. For muscle
regeneration, the main studies to take into account were
which sarcopenic subjects have been enrolled. However, it
is clear that the supplementation with EGCG should be
complementary to appropriate physical exercise in order to
reach the benecial eects on muscle mass and that further
studies are needed also for Withania supplementation.
4. Discussion
Currently, only diet and exercise are recognized as an eective
means to counteract loss of muscle []. Regarding exercise,
it is important to note that exercise-induced muscle damage
(novel) exercise and results in decrements in muscle force
production, development of delayed-onset muscle soreness
(DOMS) and swelling, rise in passive tension, and an increase
in blood intramuscular proteins [].
Delayed-onset muscle soreness is generally considered a
hallmark sign of EIMD [], and it is thought that DOMS
is partially related to direct muscle ber damage, and its
magnitude appears to vary with the type, duration, and
intensity of exercise [].
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 
T : Botanicals with eects on muscle regeneration.
Paper Botanical Compound Model Physiology Results
In vitro
Hwang et al., 
kazinoki Kazinol-P (KP) CC and T/ cells KP in % HS for  h,
– nM
Increase of expression of MHC, myogenin, and Troponin-T. Increase
in the level of an actively phosphorylated form of p MAPK (pp)
in a dose-dependent manner.
Lee et al., 
CC myoblasts and
broblast T/
Various concentrations
of THP
Enhancement of the expression of muscle-specic proteins, including
MHC, MyoD, and myogenin. Increase in the levels of phosphorylated
p MAPK.
Takeda e t a l . , 
(HJG) Murine skeletal cells HJG treatment
(– 𝜇g/mL) .-fold increase in the cell number.
Poussard et al.,
 [] Pinus pinaster
Natural antioxidant:
short oligomers of
catechin and
Human muscle satellite
cells . mg/mL Block of the apoptosis and the protein oxidation. Recovery of HSPB.
Allouh,  [] Ferula hermonis Ferutinin, teferdin,
teferin, and epoxy-benz Adult male rats  mg/kg/rat Signicant increase in muscle weight, ber size, and nuclear number.
Bennett et al.,
 [] Vitis vinifera Resveratrol (,,󸀠-
trihydroxystilbene) irty-six male rats  mg/kg/day Favorable changes to type IIA and type IIB muscle ber CSA and
reduction of apoptotic signaling in muscles of old animal.
Alway et al., 
[] Camellia sinensis
and epigallocatechin--
Sixty male rats GTE ( mg/kg body
Counterbalance of the loss of hind limb plantaris muscle mass
(𝑝 < 0.05) and tetanic force (𝑝 < 0.05) during HLS. Improvement of
muscle ber cross-sectional area in both plantaris (𝑝 < 0.05)and
soleus aer HLS.
Evans et al., 
[] Camellia sinensis
epicatechin, and
epigallocatechin gallate
CBL/J and mdx
.% or .% green
tea extract
Increase in the area of normal ber morphology (𝑝≤0.05). Decrease
in the area of regenerating bers (𝑝≤0.05).
Ballak et al., 
[] Vitis v inifera Resveratrol Mice (male CBL/J
. mg per gram body
mass per day
No modication of the age-related decrease in muscle force, specic
tension, or mass.
Salmean et al.,
 []
Camellia sinensis Epicatechin Young and old
CBL/ male mice mg/kgb.i.d. Signicant decrease of myostatin levels in young and old mice (%
and %, resp.). Signicant decrease of SA-𝛽-Gal in old SkM (%).
Vazeille et al.,
 [] Curcuma longa Curcumin Male Wistar rats mg/kg body weight Improvement of recovery during reloading.
Sung et al., 
japonica Leaf extract
Young (-month-old)
and aged
(--month-old) rats
 mg/kg/day
Enhancement in MyoD, myogenin, and MyHC expression. Activation
of mTOR signaling pathway, which is involved in muscle protein
synthesis during myogenesis.
 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
T : C o n t i n u e d.
Paper Botanical Compound Model Physiology Results
Terauchi et al.,
 [] Grape seeds Proanthocyanidin of
grape seeds  women  or  mg/d
Changes in lean mass and muscle mass from baseline to weeks
signicantly higher in treated groups.
Salmean et al.,
 []
Camellia sinensis Epicatechin Human subjects
 mg of pure Epi
Increaseinbilateralhandstrengthof%. Signicant increase (. ±
.%) in the ratio of plasma follistatin/myostatin levels.
Kim et al., 
[] Camellia sinensis Catechins  women  mg of catechins
Signicant group ×time interactions in TUG (𝑝 = 0.005), usual
walking speed (𝑝 = 0.007), and maximum walking speed (𝑝<0.001).
Mishra and
Trikam j i , [ ]
With ania
Alkaloids and steroidal
lactones  individuals
 mg of the whole
root extract twice daily;
 mg twice dai ly
Improvement of the strength and functioning of the muscle.
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 
e inammatory response to EIMD results in the release
into blood of reactive species from both neutrophils and
macrophages and an array of cytokines from the injured mus-
cle including tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-) 𝛼, interleukin-
(IL-) 𝛽, and IL-, which contribute to low-grade systemic
inammation and oxidative stress []. e proinammatory
and prooxidant response can provoke secondary tissue dam-
age [], thus prolonging the regenerative process, which is
generally characterized by restoration of muscle strength and
resolution of inammation []. All these phenomena must
be avoided in elderly sarcopenic subjects and so it is critical in
this population to better preserve skeletal muscle and muscle
In this review, we focused our attention on eects of
several botanicals on growth and health of muscle and we
divided these eects into ve categories: anti-inammation,
muscle damage prevention, antifatigue, muscle atrophy pre-
vention, and muscle regeneration and dierentiation.
To date, although the animal studies and in vitro studies
are numerous and promising, studies in humans evaluating
the eectiveness of anti-inammatory and antioxidant activ-
ities of botanicals on welfare of skeletal muscle are still very
Although only relatively few human studies have been
published on the potential use of botanicals for the prevention
and treatment of muscle function, the present review is
important because it highlights the need of continued eorts
to nd eective treatment of this debilitating condition. e
available results, in particular considering human studies,
suggest that the botanicals that may be potentially useful
dietary supplements to prevent loss of muscle mass and
function are curcumin from Curcuma longa,alkaloidsand
steroidal lactones from Withania somnifera (Solanaceae),
catechins from Camellia sinensis,proanthocyanidinofgrape
seeds, and gingerols and shogaols from Zingiber ocinale.
It should be noted that this review is not claiming that the
use of these botanicals has been proven to prevent and treat
loss of muscle mass and muscle function, but we believe that
early and preliminary observations are promising. Further
management of age-related muscle dysfunction and this may
and function with supplements.
Conflict of Interests
e authors declare no conict of interests regarding the
publication of this paper.
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... Herbal supplements are of significant interest owing to their potential to promote muscular mass and health in patients with sarcopenia. Recent reviews identified numerous herbal compounds with effects on skeletal muscles [189,190]. Several of these compounds have shown mild effects on the skeletal muscles in human studies. For instance, curcumin from Curcuma longa, alkaloids and steroidal lactones from Withania somnifera (Solanaceae), catechins from Camellia sinensis, proanthocyanidin of grape seeds, and gingerols and shogaols from Zingiber officinale were found to have positive effects on skeletal muscle in human studies [189]. ...
... Several of these compounds have shown mild effects on the skeletal muscles in human studies. For instance, curcumin from Curcuma longa, alkaloids and steroidal lactones from Withania somnifera (Solanaceae), catechins from Camellia sinensis, proanthocyanidin of grape seeds, and gingerols and shogaols from Zingiber officinale were found to have positive effects on skeletal muscle in human studies [189]. ...
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Sarcopenia refers to the loss of muscle strength and mass in older individuals and is a major determinant of fall risk and impaired ability to perform activities of daily living, often leading to disability, loss of independence, and death. Owing to its impact on morbidity, mortality, and healthcare expenditure, sarcopenia in the elderly has become a major focus of research and public policy debates worldwide. Despite its clinical importance, sarcopenia remains under-recognized and poorly managed in routine clinical practice, partly owing to the lack of available diagnostic testing and uniform diagnostic criteria. Since the World Health Organization and the United States assigned a disease code for sarcopenia in 2016, countries worldwide have assigned their own disease codes for sarcopenia. However, there are currently no approved pharmacological agents for the treatment of sarcopenia; therefore, interventions for sarcopenia primarily focus on physical therapy for muscle strengthening and gait training as well as adequate protein intake. In this review, we aimed to examine the latest information on the epidemiology, molecular mechanisms, interventions, and possible treatments with new drugs for sarcopenia.
... Several botanicals e.g. citrus, coffee, ginger, ginseng, grape and turmeric are known to exhibit significant level of activities in the prevention of muscle damage and pain resulting from inflammation and oxidative stress [80]. Hong et al. ...
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Green tea has garnered widespread interest in the past decades due to its content of health-beneficial polyphenols and catechins, besides reportedly exhibiting activities for the prevention, and possibly treatment, of many modern-life-associated afflictions. Hence, the functional food potential of health-beneficial beverages such as green tea is widely and commercially promoted. Biotransformation of green tea extract using enzymes such as tannase ostensibly enhances its beneficial well-being properties and disease-preventing functionalities. The tannase-treated green tea catechins may exhibit enhanced, amongst others, antioxidant, anti-tumour, anti-wrinkle, anti-inflammatory, anti-obesity and anti-sarcopenia properties compared to native green tea extract. Nonetheless, the health benefits and therapeutic and toxicological effects associated with these compounds, before and after tannase treatment, present a scientific gap for detailed studies. Accordingly, the review surveys the literature from the late twentieth century until the year 2023 related to the aforementioned important aspects. Graphical Abstract
... There is growing interest in harnessing the potential of herbal supplements to enhance muscle mass and overall health in individuals with sarcopenia [28]. A recent study highlighted various herbal compounds that can affect skeletal muscle [29]. Some herbal compounds have demonstrated modest effects on skeletal muscles in humans. ...
... Растительные добавки, такие как куркумин, алкалоиды, катехины, проантоцианидин, гингеролы и сегаолы, показали умеренное влияние на функцию скелетных мышц [51]. Грелин и мегестрола ацетат, которые используются в качестве стимуляторов аппетита, могут увеличить массу тела и мышечную массу [52]. Миостатин вырабатывается мышцами, предотвращает мышечный анаболизм [53]. ...
Sarcopenia is associated with social, economic, and individual burdens, including loss of independence, poor quality of life, and disability. In a short period of time, ideas about sarcopenia transformed from geriatric syndrome to disease. Initially, sarcopenia was considered in the context of gradual age-related deterioration in the functioning of all physiological systems. Over the years, it became clear that it can develop a second time, as a consequence of various diseases and pathological conditions. To date, there have been no generally accepted diagnostic criteria for sarcopenia. There are several tests and tools available for screening sarcopenia, the choice of which depends on physical capabilities of the patient, capabilities of the medical institution, and the purpose for which it is detected (research or clinical practice). From the point of view of human health, sarcopenia increases the risk of falls and fractures; impairs the ability to perform daily activities; is associated with the progression of major diseases and cognitive impairments; leads to movement disorders; contributes to a decrease in the quality of life, loss of independence or a need for long-term care. The presence of sarcopenia increases both the risk of hospitalization and hospitalization costs. The aim of the literature review is to provide an analysis of up-to-date information on the causes, pathogenesis, screening, diagnosis, treatment, and consequences of sarcopenia, myosteatosis, and sarcopenic obesity. The search for literature containing information on relevant studies was conducted in PubMed and Google Scholar by the following keywords: sarcopenia, dynapenia, myosteatosis, sarcopenic obesity, nutritional status, malnutrition.
... Many natural active ingredients have anti-inflammatory, anti-fatigue, muscle damage prevention, muscle atrophy prevention, and muscle regeneration and differentiation bioactivities, promoting skeletal muscle health (Rondanelli et al. 2016). Flavonoid compounds such as isobavachalcone, delphinidin, daidzein, and quercetin are involved in the regulation of protein turnover, mitochondrial activity, and myogenesis and exert anti-muscular atrophy effects (Kim and Hwang 2020a). ...
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Sarcopenia is a major global public health problem that harms individual physical function. In 2018, the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in the Elderly 2 classified sarcopenia into primary and secondary sarcopenia. However, information on the pathogenesis and effective treatment of primary and secondary sarcopenia is limited. Traditional herbal active ingredients have biological activities that promote skeletal muscle health, showing potential preventive and therapeutic effects on sarcopenia. Therefore, this narrative review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of global traditional herbal active ingredients’ beneficial therapeutic effects and molecular mechanisms on sarcopenia-related animal models. For this purpose, we conducted a literature search in three databases, PubMed, Web of Science, and Embase, consistent with the review objectives. After the screening, 12 animal studies met the review themes. The review results showed that the pathological mechanisms in sarcopenia-related animal models include imbalanced protein metabolism, oxidative stress, inflammation, apoptosis, insulin resistance, endoplasmic reticulum stress, impaired mitochondrial biogenesis, and autophagy-lysosome system aggravation. Eleven traditional herbal active ingredients exerted positive anti-sarcopenic effects by ameliorating these pathological mechanisms. This narrative review will provide meaningful insight into future studies regarding traditional herbal active ingredients for treating sarcopenia. Graphical abstract
Objectives: Sarcopenia is an age-associated skeletal muscle disorder that can profoundly impact the health of elderly people. However, the efficacy of herbal medicine in sarcopenia is uncertain. This review aims to investigate evidence of the effect of herbal medicine on sarcopenia.Methods: We systematically searched 12 electronic databases for relevant randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Only trials that met the inclusion criteria were selected, and the characteristics of the included studies were extracted and synthesized in a narrative manner. The quality of the included studies was assessed using Cochrane’s Risk of Bias (RoB) 2.0 tool.Results: 7 RCTs involving 672 participants with sarcopenia met the inclusion criteria. The intervention combining herbal medicine and conventional treatment (i.e., exercise, nutritional support) had a significant therapeutic effect compared with the conventional treatment, showing improvement in muscle strength (i.e., grip strength), muscle mass (i.e., appendicular skeletal muscle mass index), and physical function (i.e., gait speed, short physical performance battery, and timed up and go test). However, the methodological quality of the included RCTs was relatively low due to their high RoB, making it difficult to evaluate the efficacy of herbal medicine in sarcopenia. In terms of safety, several adverse events were reported.Conclusion: This review suggests that herbal medicine has a positive effect on muscle strength, muscle mass, and physical performance in elderly patients with sarcopenia, but there is a clear need for further research in this area.
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Poultry meat is a highly esteemed product among consumers. However, the emphasis on increasing body weight has led to a rise in the proportion of rapidly shrinking fibers, adversely affecting the quality and shelf life of poultry meat. With a growing awareness of dietetics among consumers, there is an increasing challenge to produce chicken meat that is not only free of antibiotics but also beneficial for dietary and health reasons. Biogenic amines (BA) can serve as indicators of meat freshness and quality. While they play vital roles in the body, excessive consumption of BA can have toxic and carcinogenic effects. The objective of this study was to examine the impact of supplementing feed with garlic extract and β-alanine (β-Ala) on the formation of BA and amino acid (AA) levels in the breast and leg muscles of chickens stored under aerobic chilling conditions. The muscles were obtained from chickens fed with garlic extract and β-Ala in quantities of 0.5% and 2% for each additive, as well as 0.5% and 2% of their combination. Analyses were conducted on d 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10 of storage. β-Ala supplementation increased the proportion of this AA in breast (P < 0.01) and leg muscles (P < 0.01), along with a rise in the proportion of non-essential AA (NEAA; sum of aspartic, aspartic acid, glutamic, glutamic acid, serine, β-Ala, and proline) (P < 0.01). The levels of BA changed during storage in breast and leg muscles (P < 0.001). The applied diet significantly influenced the formation of putrescine (P = 0.030), phenylethylamine (P = 0.003), agmatine (P = 0.025), and total BA (P < 0.001) in breast muscles. On the 10 d of storage, the breast muscles exhibited the lowest BA index (BAI) in the group, with a diet supplemented with 0.5% garlic extract and 0.5% β-Ala (P < 0.05). The leg muscles showed a similar BA trend as the breast muscles. These supplements may be utilized in production to augment the protein content of chicken muscles and potentially decrease the BAI index during meat storage.
Dünyada ortalama yaşam süresi zamanla artmaktadır. Yaşam süresinin uzaması ve ileri yaş ile birlikte nüfustaki artış beraberinde farklı sorunları da getirmektedir. Özellikle yaşlılık dönemi sağlık sorunlarındaki artış ciddi bir halk sağlığı sorunudur. Dolayısıyla ileri yaş bireylerin sağlık sorunları ile ilgilenen bir alan olan geriatri kavramını ön plana çıkarmaktadır. Geriatrik sendrom, yaşlı bireylerde ayrı hastalık kategorilerine uymayan sağlık sorunlarını tanımlamak için kullanılan bir kavramdır. Bu tanımına uyan bir geriatrik sendrom olan sarkopeni, oluşumunda farklı mekanizmaların rol aldığı, anabolik ve katabolik süreçlerdeki dengesizlik sonrası yaşa bağlı kas kütlesi, kas kalitesi ve kas gücü kaybını tanımlamak için kullanılmıştır. Sıklığı yaşlanma ile artan sarkopeninin tanısında, kas gücü, kas kütlesi ve fiziksel performans ölçüm testleri kullanılır. Sarkopeni çok farklı mekanizmalar ile meydana geldiği için tedavide ve önlemede farmakolojik ve farmakolojik olmayan çeşitli yöntemler vardır. Sarkopeni etkilerini önlemede güncel olarak beslenme tedavisi, fiziksel egzersiz, hormonal yaklaşımlar ve gelecekte olması ön görülen kök hücre tedavi yaklaşımları öne çıkmaktadır. Sarkopeni tedavisinde bitkilerin kullanımı ile ilgili farklı çalışmalar mevcuttur. Literatürde sarkopenide fitoterapötiklerin kullanımı ile ilgili sınırlı sayıda veri olmakla birlikte farklı fitoterapötiklerin kas kütlesi ve kas kalitesini iyileştirebildiği, kas gücü kaybını önlemede etkili olduğu çalışmalarda gösterilmiştir. Bu derlemenin amacı sarkopeninin önlenmesinde ve tedavisinde potansiyel bir tedavi yöntemi olan fitoterapinin etkisini değerlendirmektir.
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A main characteristic of aging is the debilitating, progressive and generalized impairment of biological functions, resulting in an increased vulnerability to disease and death. Skeletal muscle comprises approximately 40% of the human body; thus, it is the most abundant tissue. At the age of 30 onwards, 0.5‑1% of human muscle mass is lost each year, with a marked acceleration in the rate of decline after the age of 65. Thus, novel strategies that effectively attenuate skeletal muscle loss and enhance muscle function are required to improve the quality of life of older subjects. The aim of the present study was to determine whether loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) leaf extract (LE) can prevent the loss of skeletal muscle function in aged rats. Young (5-month-old) and aged (18‑19-month-old) rats were fed LE (50 mg/kg/day) for 35 days and the changes in muscle mass and strength were evaluated. The age‑associated loss of grip strength was attenuated, and muscle mass and muscle creatine kinase (CK) activity were enhanced following the administration of LE. Histochemical analysis also revealed that LE abrogated the age‑associated decrease in cross‑sectional area (CSA) and decreased the amount of connective tissue in the muscle of aged rats. To investigate the mode of action of LE, C2C12 murine myoblasts were used to evaluate the myogenic potential of LE. The expression levels of myogenic proteins (MyoD and myogenin) and functional myosin heavy chain (MyHC) were measured by western blot analysis. LE enhanced MyoD, myogenin and MyHC expression. The changes in the expression of myogenic genes corresponded with an increase in the activity of CK, a myogenic differentiation marker. Finally, LE activated the Akt/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway, which is involved in muscle protein synthesis during myogenesis. These findings suggest that LE attenuates sarcopenia by promoting myogenic differentiation and subsequently promoting muscle protein synthesis.
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Polyphenolic curcumin is known to have potent anti-inflammatory effects; thus the present study investigated the hypothesis that curcumin ingestion would attenuate muscle damage after eccentric exercise. Fourteen untrained young men (24 ± 1 years) performed 50 maximal isokinetic (120°/s) eccentric contractions of the elbow flexors of one arm on an isokinetic dynamometer and the same exercise with the other arm 4 weeks later. They took 150 mg of curcumin (theracurmin) or placebo (starch) orally before and 12 h after each eccentric exercise bout in a randomised, crossover design. Maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) torque of the elbow flexors, range of motion of the elbow joint, upper-arm circumference, muscle soreness, serum creatine kinase (CK) activity, and plasma interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) concentration were measured before, immediately after, and 24, 48, 72 and 96 h after each eccentric exercise. Changes in these variables over time were compared between curcumin and placebo conditions by two-way repeated measures ANOVA. MVC torque decreased smaller and recovered faster (e.g., 4 days post-exercise: -31 ± 13 % vs. -15 ± 15 %), and peak serum CK activity was smaller (peak: 7684 ± 8959 IU/L vs. 3398 ± 3562 IU/L) for curcumin than placebo condition (P < 0.05). However, no significant differences between conditions were evident for other variables, and no significant changes in IL-6 and TNF-α were evident after exercise. It is concluded that theracurmin ingestion attenuates some aspects of muscle damage such as MVC loss and CK activity increase.
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Sarcopenia is defined as a syndrome characterized by progressive and generalized loss of muscle mass and strength. The more rationale approach to delay the progression of sarcopenia is based on the combination of proper nutrition, possibly associated with the use of dietary supplements and a regular exercise program. We performed a narrative literature review to evaluate the till-now evidence regarding (1) the metabolic and nutritional correlates of sarcopenia; (2) the optimum diet therapy for the treatment of these abnormalities. This review included 67 eligible studies. In addition to the well recognized link between adequate intake of proteins/amino acids and sarcopenia, the recent literature underlines that in sarcopenic elderly subjects there is an unbalance in vitamin D synthesis and in omega-6/omega-3 PUFA ratio. Given the detrimental effect of these metabolic abnormalities, a change in the lifestyle must be the cornerstone in the treatment of sarcopenia. The optimum diet therapy for the sarcopenia treatment must aim at achieving specific metabolic goals, which must be reached through accession of the elderly to specific personalized dietary program aimed at achieving and/or maintaining muscle mass; increasing their intake of fish (4 times/week) or taking omega-3 PUFA supplements; taking vitamin D supplementation, if there are low serum levels.
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Oral curcumin decreases inflammatory cytokines and increases muscle regeneration in mice. To determine effects of curcumin on muscle damage, inflammation and delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) in humans. Seventeen men completed a double-blind randomized-controlled crossover trial to estimate the effects of oral curcumin supplementation (2.5 g twice daily) versus placebo on single-leg jump performance and DOMS following unaccustomed heavy eccentric exercise. Curcumin or placebo was taken 2 d before to 3 d after eccentric single-leg press exercise, separated by 14-d washout. Measurements were made at baseline, and 0, 24 and 48-h post-exercise comprising: (a) limb pain (1-10 cm visual analogue scale; VAS), (b) muscle swelling, (c) single-leg jump height, and (d) serum markers of muscle damage and inflammation. Standardized magnitude-based inference was used to define outcomes. At 24 and 48-h post-exercise, curcumin caused moderate-large reductions in pain during single-leg squat (VAS scale -1.4 to -1.7; 90 %CL: ±1.0), gluteal stretch (-1.0 to -1.9; ±0.9), squat jump (-1.5 to -1.1; ± 1.2) and small reductions in creatine kinase activity (-22-29 %; ±21-22 %). Associated with the pain reduction was a small increase in single-leg jump performance (15 %; 90 %CL ± 12 %). Curcumin increased interleukin-6 concentrations at 0-h (31 %; ±29 %) and 48-h (32 %; ±29 %) relative to baseline, but decreased IL-6 at 24-h relative to post-exercise (-20 %; ±18 %). Oral curcumin likely reduces pain associated with DOMS with some evidence for enhanced recovery of muscle performance. Further study is required on mechanisms and translational effects on sport or vocational performance.
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Hachimijiogan (HJG), Ba-Wei-Di-Huang-Wan in Chinese, is one of the most popular herbal medicines in Japanese Kampo. HJG is often prescribed for the prevention and treatment of age-related diseases. Muscle atrophy plays an important role in aging-related disabilities such as sarcopenia. The purpose of this study was to investigate the possible beneficial effect of HJG on skeletal muscle. Cells of murine skeletal muscle myoblast cell line C2C12 were used as an in vitro model of muscle cell proliferation and differentiation. The effect of HJG on C2C12 cell proliferation and differentiation was assessed. We counted the number of myotubes morphologically to assess the degree of differentiation. HJG treatment (200 μg/mL) for 3 days significantly increased C2C12 cell number by 1.23-fold compared with that of the control. HJG promoted the proliferation of C2C12 cells through activation of the ERK1/2 signaling pathway without affecting the Akt signaling pathway. HJG did not affect the differentiation of C2C12 cells. HJG had beneficial effects on skeletal muscle myoblast proliferation. These findings may provide a useful intervention for the prevention and treatment of sarcopenia.
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The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of ginseng-based steroid Rg1 on TNF-alpha and IL-10 gene expression in human skeletal muscle against exercise challenge, as well as on its ergogenic outcomes. Randomized double-blind placebo-controlled crossover trials were performed, separated by a 4-week washout. Healthy young men were randomized into two groups and received capsule containing either 5 mg of Rg1 or Placebo one night and one hour before exercise. Muscle biopsies were conducted at baseline, immediately and 3 h after a standardized 60-min cycle ergometer exercise. While treatment differences in glycogen depletion rate of biopsied quadriceps muscle during exercise did not reach statistical significance, Rg1 supplementations enhanced post-exercise glycogen replenishment and increased citrate synthase activity in the skeletal muscle 3 h after exercise, concurrent with improved meal tolerance during recovery (P<0.05). Rg1 suppressed the exercise-induced increases in thiobarbituric acids reactive substance (TBARS) and reversed the increased TNF-alpha and decreased IL-10 mRNA of quadriceps muscle against the exercise challenge. PGC-1 alpha and GLUT4 mRNAs of exercised muscle were not affected by Rg1. Maximal aerobic capacity (VO2max) was not changed by Rg1. However, cycling time to exhaustion at 80% VO2max increased significantly by ~20% (P<0.05). Our result suggests that Rg1 is an ergogenic component of ginseng, which can minimize unwanted lipid peroxidation of exercised human skeletal muscle, and attenuate pro-inflammatory shift under exercise challenge.
This study evaluated the anti-oxidant potential of salvia extracts in enhance training rats. The salvia extracts were administered to endurance exercise rats by gavage for 28 days. In addition to antioxidant enzymes activities evaluation, several functional enzymes assays (e.g., LDH, CK and CHE activities) were employed to examine the effects of salvia extracts on the oxidative injury in endurance exercise rats. The results from this study demonstrated that salvia extracts treatment significantly reduced lipid peroxidation, LDH, CK activities levels, enhanced antioxidant enzymes, and CHE activities in the skeletal muscle of endurance exercise rats. Taken together, the salvia extracts may decrease oxidative injury induced by endurance training and display strong antifatigue effect.
Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of curcumin on eccentric exerciseinduced muscle damage and oxidative stress in rats. Methods: Thirty male Wistar rats were divided into four groups: Control (C; no curcumin, no exercise; n = 6), Curcumin (Cur; n = 8), Exercise (E; n = 8) and Exercise Plus Curcumin (ECur; n = 8). Curcumin was given for 20 days via oral gavage at doses of 200 mg/kg-1 of body weight per day, dissolved in corn oil. On the 21st day eccentric exercise was provided via a treadmill run and the rats were sacrificed immediately after. Results: Eccentric exercise resulted in significant (p < 0.05) increases in all injury markers such as creatine kinase (CK) and myoglobin, but curcumin supplementation tended to decrease CK activity (p > 0.05) and significantly decreased myoglobin levels (p < 0.05). In blood and muscle samples, malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were not affected by either curcumin or exercise (p > 0.05). MDA levels in liver tissue decreased in the ECur group, compared to the control (p < 0.05). Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities and glutathione (GSH) levels were affected by neither curcumin nor exercise (p > 0.05), in blood, muscle and liver tissues. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that curcumin has a protective effect on eccentric exercise induced muscle damage, and that this effect might be independent of oxidative stress and antioxidant systems.
Ginger possesses analgesic and pharmacological properties mimicking non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs. We aimed to determine if ginger supplementation is efficacious for attenuating muscle damage and delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) following high-intensity resistance exercise. Following a 5-day supplementation period of placebo or 4 g ginger (randomized groups), 20 non-weight trained participants performed a high-intensity elbow flexor eccentric exercise protocol to induce muscle damage. Markers associated with muscle damage and DOMS were repeatedly measured before supplementation and for 4 days following the exercise protocol. Repeated measures analysis of variance revealed one repetition maximum lift decreased significantly 24 h post-exercise in both groups (p < 0.005), improved 48 h post-exercise only in the ginger group (p = 0.002), and improved at 72 (p = 0.021) and 96 h (p = 0.044) only in the placebo group. Blood creatine kinase significantly increased for both groups (p = 0.015) but continued to increase only in the ginger group 72 (p = 0.006) and 96 h (p = 0.027) post-exercise. Visual analog scale of pain was significantly elevated following eccentric exercise (p < 0.001) and was not influenced by ginger. In conclusion, 4 g of ginger supplementation may be used to accelerate recovery of muscle strength following intense exercise but does not influence indicators of muscle damage or DOMS. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.