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Dynamical signal segmentation for activity recognition


Abstract and Figures

Activity recognition is an essential task in many ambient assisted living applications. Activities are commonly recognized using data streams from on-body sensors such as accelerometers. An important subtask in activity recognition is signal segmentation: a procedure for dividing the data into intervals. These intervals are then used as instances for machine learning. We present a novel signal segmentation method, which utilizes a segmentation scheme based on dynamic signal partitioning. To validate the method, experimental results including 6 activities and 4 transitions between activities from 11 subjects are presented. Using a Random forest algorithm, an accuracy of 97.5 % was achieved with dynamic signal segmentation method, 94.8 % accuracy with non-overlapping and 95.3 % with overlapping sliding window method.
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Dynamic signal segmentation for activity recognition
Simon Kozina, Mitja Luˇ
strek, Matjaˇ
z Gams
Jozef Stefan Institute, Department of Intelligent Systems
Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
{simon.kozina, mitja.lustrek, matjaz.gams}
Activity recognition is an essential task in many
ambient assisted living applications. Activities are
commonly recognized using data streams from on-
body sensors such as accelerometers. An important
subtask in activity recognition is signal segmenta-
tion: a procedure for dividing the data into inter-
vals. These intervals are then used as instances for
machine learning. We present a novel signal seg-
mentation method, which utilizes a segmentation
scheme based on dynamic signal partitioning. To
validate the method, experimental results including
6 activities and 4 transitions between activities from
11 subjects are presented. Using a Random forest
algorithm, an accuracy of 97.5% was achieved with
dynamic signal segmentation method, 94.8% accu-
racy with non-overlapping and 95.3% with overlap-
ping sliding window method.
1 Introduction
Activity recognition using on-body sensors is required for
many ambient assisted living applications. This paper fo-
cuses on an important subtask in activity recognition: signal
segmentation, the process of dividing the data into intervals.
On-body sensors are collecting and continuously outputting
streams of data. These streams are used to recognize the
user’s current activity.
The problem tackled in this paper is how to segment the
data into intervals most suitable for activity recognition. Most
approaches use overlapping and non-overlapping sliding win-
dows, which means that the data is divided into intervals of
fixed length. On each interval features are computed and
then used as an instance for activity recognition. We present
a novel method for signal segmentation, which attempts to
match the intervals to the borders between different activities.
Dynamic signal segmentation method is based on search-
ing for significant differences between consecutive data sam-
ples. A significant difference is determined by a dynamically
computed threshold. It is updated whenever a new data sam-
ple is received, and adapts to changes in the data stream.
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 gives an
overview of related work on activity recognition with on body
sensors. Section 3 describes two signal segmentation meth-
ods: the sliding window method and the novel dynamic signal
segmentation method. Section 4 lists the attributes extracted
from the input data that are fed into the machine learning al-
gorithms. Section 5 presents the experiments in which the
signal segmentation methods are compared. Finally, Section
6 concludes the paper and outlines the future work.
2 Related work
Various sensors are used for activity recognition: ac-
celerometers and gyroscopes, real-time locating systems
(RTLS) [Mircevska et al., 2009], cameras [Qian et al., 2004;
Vishwakarma et al., 2007]and environmental sensors [Zhan
et al., 2007]. Cameras pose a (real or perceived) threat to
privacy, RTLS are expensive, and both require installation
in the apartment as do environmental sensors. Because of
that accelerometers and/or gyroscopes, which are inexpensive
and portable, are most commonly for activity recognition, al-
though in some situations they are not unobtrusive to the user.
Koskimaki et al. [2009]used a single wrist worn ac-
celerometer to collect the acceleration and angular speed data.
They defined four activities and one class value to denote
”other” activities. Using the overlapping sliding window
method with the window size of half a second, almost 90%
accuracy was achieved. Ravi et al. [2005]tried to recognize
eight activities, using one accelerometer placed on the ab-
dominal area. Two of these activities are the same as in our
testing scenario, others are similar. They divided the signal
into overlapping five-second windows, and achieved accuracy
of 73.3%. Mannini and Sabatini [2010]tried to recognize
seven activities using five accelerometers placed on the body.
Four of these seven activities are identical to the ones in our
scenario. They achieved 98.5% accuracy when using the 6.7
second overlapping sliding window method. None of this re-
searches had tackled the problem of recognizing transitions
between activities.
Bifet and Gavalda [2007]have presented a segmentation
algorithm that is recomputing the size of the sliding window
accordingly to the rate of change observed from the data. The
window is growing when the data is stationary, and shrinking
when change is taking place. In order to work, the algorithm
has to be integrated into a machine learning algorithm. Nunez
et al. [2007]also presented an incremental decision tree algo-
rithm, which is adapting sliding window size to portions of
the target concept. Each leaf of the decision tree holds a time
window and a local performance measure. When the per-
formance of a leaf decreases, the size of its local window is
reduced. Some limitation may arise when dealing with large
amount of data as the decision tree has to be updated when
new examples are available.
3 Signal segmentation
Two methods are typically used to evaluate a stream of data
for activity recognition. The first method is to use a single
data point to determine the current activity. This method is
not commonly used as the information gathered from a single
data point is in most cases not sufficient for activity recogni-
tion. The second method involves signal segmentation. This
means that consecutive sensor data are grouped. In contrast
to the first method, multiple data points are used to determine
the current activity. Using multiple data points allows more
information to be extracted from the data, so the activities
can be determined more accurately. However, the question of
how exactly to group consecutive data needs to be tackled.
Some common methods for signal segmentation are over-
lapping and non-overlapping sliding windows, and signal
spotting [Junker et al., 2004; Benbasat et al., 2000; Amft
et al., 2005]. In this section a new method for signal segmen-
tation is proposed - dynamic signal segmentation method.
3.1 Sliding window method
The sliding window method is the most commonly used sig-
nal segmentation method for activity recognition with ma-
chine learning. The sliding window method accumulates
sensor data over a fixed time window. Features are com-
puted over one time window and are used as an instance for a
learning/testing set. Two approaches are commonly used for
data segmentation with sliding windows. The first approach
is non-overlapping sliding windows, where consecutive time
windows do not share common data samples. The second
approach is overlapping sliding windows, which share com-
mon data samples between time intervals; for example, two
consecutive time windows may have 50% of data samples in
3.2 Dynamic signal segmentation
Dynamic signal segmentation method is a novel method for
signal segmentation. In principle the method can be used on
any domain where a stream of sensor data has to be processed
and the data has to be divided into segments. We tested the
usability of the method on an acceleration-based domain for
the purpose of activity recognition. We assume that, in addi-
tion to the acceleration data, the method can also be used for
ECG or thermometer data, but it has not been tested yet.
The method searches for a significant change between con-
secutive data samples and divides the data into intervals at
that point. The significant change is defined as a sequence
of consecutive data samples where the values are in descend-
ing order, and the difference between the maximum and the
minimum element in the sequence is larger than a threshold.
The condition that the values should be in descending order is
specific to our problem of accelerometer-based activity recog-
nition, since each strong deceleration is typically quickly fol-
lowed by an acceleration. Considering both would thus lead
to dividing the data twice when a significant change occurs.
For other types of data, both descending and ascending order
should be considered.
Examples of sequences with the values in descending order
are shown in Figure 1 denoted with a dotted line. When a
set of descending data samples is found, the last element of
this sequence is used as an ending point of one and starting
point of the next interval. Therefore, the length of an interval
is changing dynamically, as opposed to the sliding window,
where it is set to a specific length. The features computed
from each of the intervals are used as an instance for machine
Figure 1: Descending sequence, denoted with dotted line, on
a three-second time window.
The threshold, at each data sample, is computed from pre-
vious Ndata samples. Therefore, an initialization process of
the algorithm uses Ndata samples to compute the first thresh-
old. These data samples are used to compute the average min-
imum (avgmin ) and average maximum (avgmax) values. The
average minimum value is defined as the average of the first
smallest ten percent of values in the last Ndata samples. The
average maximum value is defined as the largest ten percent
of values. In Figure 2, maximum values are denoted with cir-
cles and minimum values with squares. An average of each
of these points is computed.
When these two values are obtained, the threshold can be
threshold = (avgmax avgmin )·C
where C[0,1] is a constant selected prior to the start of
the algorithm. This approach for setting the threshold is bet-
ter than using only the minimum and the maximum values
on an interval . For example, if there are some errors in the
data, such as abnormal high or low peaks, these will be par-
tially corrected with the other values for averaging minimum
or maximum. The constant Ccan be computed from a learn-
ing dataset as follows:
i=1 ai
amax amin
The value ndenotes the number of data samples in a learning
dataset, amin and amax are the minimum and the maximum
Figure 2: Four minimum and four maximum points on 40
data sample interval.
accelerations on the interval and aiis the length of an acceler-
ation vector at data sample i. Another way to set the constant
Cwould be to tune it by running the dynamic signal segmen-
tation on a separate dataset.
In addition to selecting the appropriate constant C, the de-
veloper has to determine which input signal should be used
for threshold computation. This depends on a diversity of in-
put signals and the domain. Our experiments were done using
two 3-axial accelerometers attached to the left thigh and the
chest. If, for example, we were driving a car, vertical accel-
eration would stay identical for almost all the time and same
would apply for the threshold. On the other hand, if sev-
eral activities, like walking, running, etc., were performed,
the vertical acceleration would probably be the best choice as
it would provide maximum information about activities.
A general solution when using one 3-axial accelerometer
would be to use the length of the acceleration. However, when
using more than one accelerometer, like in our example, the
input signal for a threshold computation should be derived
from multiple accelerometers. In our experiments the input
signal for threshold computation was the arithmetic mean of
lengths from both accelerometers and was derived as follows:
where a = [ax, ay, az]and
b= [bx, by, bz]are acceleration
vectors from both accelerometers.
4 Feature computation
In our experiments, once the stream of data was segmented
either by the sliding window method or the dynamic signal
segmentation, we used the same procedure to compute the
features activity recognition by machine learning. Some ad-
ditional information could be derived when using dynamic
signal segmentation method, for example the time duration
of an interval. However, in order to have comparable results,
these additional attributes were not used.
As stated above, two accelerometers were used in our ex-
periments. The following attributes were derived separately
for the acceleration vectors from each of the accelerometers:
The average length of the acceleration vector within the
window, which could be of fixed size or computed with
dynamic signal segmentation.
The variance of the length of the acceleration vector.
The variance within the window was defined as follows:
where Nis the number of acceleration data within the
window, is the length of the i-th acceleration vector and
ais the average length of the acceleration of all previous
The average acceleration along the x, y and z axes.
The maximum and the minimum acceleration along the
x, y and z axes.
The difference between the maximum and the minimum
acceleration along the x, y and z axes.
The angle of change in acceleration between the maxi-
mum and the minimum acceleration along the x, y and z
axes. It was defined as follows:
= arctan amax amin
tamax tamin
where amax and amin are the maximum and minimum
acceleration along one axis within the window, and
tamax and tamin are the times when they were mea-
sured. Figure 3 shows the principle of computing the
angle of change in acceleration in one time window.If
tamax > tamin the angle is positive, otherwise the angle
is negative.
Figure 3: The angle of acceleration in a time window.
The orientation of the accelerometer. We assumed that
the acceleration vector a= [ax, ay, az], which con-
sists of the accelerations along the three axes of the ac-
celerometer, generally points downwards (in the direc-
tion of the Earth’s gravity). Let z be the axis pointing
downwards when the accelerometer is in upright posi-
tion. The angle ϕbetween the acceleration vector and
the z axis thus indicates the person’s orientation, and was
computed as follows:
ϕ= arccos
To sum it up, 18 attributes were computed for each ac-
celerometer. The final attribute was the angle between ac-
celerometer vectors. It was obtained by computing the scalar
product of vectors, normalized to their length:
Θ = arccos a ·
a∥ · ∥
Vectors a and
beach represent the acceleration from both
accelerometers. One instance in learning/testing set was
thus represented with an attribute vector consisting of 37 at-
5 Experiments
We compared the performance of the signal segmentation
methods on a scenario recorded by 11 healthy volunteers (7
male and 4 female), 5 times by each. Three of these record-
ings (2 male and 1 female) were used to create the training
set and the other 8 were used to create the test set.
The scenario included 6 activities and 4 transitions. Transi-
tions are defined as short actions between two activities. The
activities and transitions are listed in Table 1.
Activity Transition
1. standing 7. falling
2. walking 8. sitting down
3. on all fours 9. standing up
4. sitting 10. lying down
5. sitting on the ground
6. lying
Table 1: Activities and transitions
To classify new instances we trained a classifier using the
Random forest algorithm on our training set. The algorithm
was implemented in Weka machine learning suite [Hall et al.,
2009]. The constant C, used by dynamic signal segmentation,
was set to 0.4. This value was obtained by testing the dynamic
signal segmentation algorithm on a different dataset than used
for this paper. The same procedure was used to determine
the value Nfor the number of data required for threshold
computation. The value Nwas set to 100. The length of the
sliding window was set to 1 second.
Each data sample in our training and test sets was labeled
with an activity, whereas both the sliding window method
and dynamic signal segmentation recognize the activity of a
whole time interval. For training and testing purposes we thus
considered the true label of an interval to be the majority if the
labels of all the data samples in the interval.
5.1 Results
We compared the results of dynamic signal segmentation to
overlapping and non-overlapping sliding window methods.
We divided the scenario into two separate problems. The first
problem was to recognize only the activities, and the second
problem was to recognize both the activities and the transi-
tions. Both problems were tested on the same dataset with
one difference, in the first case the transitions were excluded
from the training and test sets. The performance of the three
methods was measured in terms of classification accuracy.
Table 2 shows the results of all the methods.
Activities 94.8% 95.3% 97.5%
89.0% 89.6% 92.9%
Table 2: All the methods compared using just activities and
activities with transitions.
Based on these results we can conclude that there is a
difference between non-overlapping and overlapping sliding
windows, compared to dynamic signal segmentation method.
On the other hand, the difference between the two sliding
window methods and the dynamic segmentation method on
the problem without transitions is 2.9 and 2.4 percentage
points, and when the transitions are included it is 3.9 and 3.3
percentage points.
The quality of dynamic signal segmentation method de-
pends on the threshold computation. For example, if the value
N, which determines the number of previous samples used
for threshold computation is set too high, the threshold does
not update fast enough. As a consequence, transitions be-
tween activities are overlooked. On the other hand, if the
number of previous samples is set too low, the threshold is
over-fitted to the acceleration data. As a consequence data is
fragmented and not appropriate for proper activity recogni-
tion. Figure 4 shows the threshold values in a single record-
ing. We can notice that the threshold is changing according to
activities. When a static activity, e.g. lying or sitting, is per-
formed the algorithm updates the threshold to a small value,
but while a person is walking, the threshold is updated to a
higher value.
If the threshold computation was not implemented in the
algorithm, the data stream would be divided using a simple,
predefined threshold. Static activities like standing and sitting
would not be separated using this approach. Another problem
would be the determining the threshold.
As mentioned in section 3.2, the avgmin and avgmax val-
ues are used to compute the threshold. These values are ob-
tained by computing the mean value of minimum and max-
imum ten percent of values. Other approaches can be used
to obtain these values. Instead of the mean value, we could
Figure 4: Changing of threshold values in a scenario.
compute a median value or use only minimum and maximum
values. Results of these approaches are shown in Table 3.
Mean Median Only min and max values
Accuracy 97.5% 96.9% 96.1%
Table 3: Accuracy of different approaches for computing
avgmin and avgmax values.
By analyzing the confusion matrix [Kohavi and Provost,
1998]for the experiment excluding the transitions between
activities (Table 4), we can conclude that the accuracy of all
the activities except on all fours is above 90%. On all fours
is usually confused with lying on the stomach, because the
sensor orientation are the same (parallel with the ground and
facing the ground). Another reason for poor performance,
when recognizing on all fours activity, can be found in a small
number of instances of this activity in the learning set (only
0.6 %). One of the solutions would be to change our scenario
accordingly to extend the recording time when a person is on
all fours.
Sta Walk On4 Sit SitG Ly
Sta 95.2% 4.8% 0 0 0 0
Walk 2.0% 97.5% 0.4% 0 0 0.1%
On4 3.5% 10.6% 51.8% 0 0 34.1%
Sit 0 0.3% 0 95.9% 3.4% 0.4%
SitG 0 0.2% 0 5.2% 92.6% 2%
Ly 0 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0 99.7%
Table 4: Confusion matrix for activity recognition. Standing
(Sta), walking (Walk), on all fours (On4), sitting (Sit), sitting
on the ground (SitG), lying (Ly).
The results of activity recognition with transitions between
activities are presented in Table 5. The overall accuracy of ac-
tivities has decreased as there are four more classes that have
to be predicted. Recognition of transitions is 62.2% accurate.
This could have occurred due to the fact that the length of
the transitions is much shorter than the length of activities;
therefore the labels may not correspond perfectly to the data
in these short intervals. This can happened because of several
reasons: mislabeling, sometimes it is hard to determine the
correct limit between transition and activity even by hand.
Activity/transition Accuracy
standing 90.5%
walking 96.9%
on all fours 23.3%
sitting 96.9%
sitting on the ground 93.8%
lying 98.7%
falling 42.1%
sitting down 49.5%
standing up 69.7%
lying down 41.2%
Table 5: Accuracy of activity and posture recognition.
6 Conclusion
We have presented a novel method for signal segmentation,
which is an important subtask in activity recognition. Sig-
nal segmentation is a process of dividing the stream of data
into groups and is used for dividing of acceleration data, gy-
roscope data etc. Common methods for signal segmentation
are overlapping and non-overlapping sliding windows. These
methods divide the data into fixed time intervals. Our method,
dynamic signal segmentation, is dividing the data based on
patterns in data stream. The method is searching for signifi-
cant changes in the data based on the threshold. The thresh-
old is updated with every new data sample and is changing
dynamically, according to the signal. When such a change is
found in the data, it is used as a limit between consecutive
intervals. An interval is then used as an input for machine
We compared the performance of common signal segmen-
tation methods with our dynamic segmentation method on
a scenario recorded by 11 healthy volunteers (7 male and
4 female). Each scenario included six activities and four
transitions between activities. Using the Random forest al-
gorithm 97.5% accuracy was achieved with dynamic signal
segmentation, 95.3% with overlapping and 94.8% with non-
overlapping sliding window method. We have also showed
that transition have negative effects on accuracy of activity
recognition. All the methods had lower accuracy with transi-
tions instances in learning/testing set.
There are several directions for future work. The first is
the development of more acceleration related attributes and
augment them with feature selection techniques. The second
direction is automatic labeling of the data: an algorithm for
semi-supervised learning which would group similar intervals
together into clusters. User would only need to manually la-
bel these clusters after the experiments. The third direction is
in improvement of the existing algorithm with techniques for
statistical data analysis.
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... That is, short intervals may not include enough data to characterize an activity properly, whereas long intervals may contain data from several activities, such that none of them are characterized properly (Ellingson, Schwabacher, Kim, Welk, & Cook, 2016;Hibbing, Ellingson, Dixon, & Welk, 2018;Lyden, Keadle, Staudenmayer, & Freedson, 2014). Thus, an alternative approach (dynamic segmentation) has been introduced (Kozina, Luštrek, & Gams, 2011), whereby a bout detection algorithm is used to partition the data into activitydefined segments, so that predictions are made for individual activities instead of equallyspaced time intervals (Preece et al., 2009). ...
... However, previous work has not established a standardized way of performing such assessments. In many cases (Ellingson et al., 2016;Hibbing et al., 2018;Kozina et al., 2011;Lyden et al., 2014;Noor, Salcic, & Wang, 2017;Nyan, Tay, Seah, & Sitoh, 2006;Shahi et al., 2017) the analyses have been focused on post-processing metrics that do not provide specific information about bout detection. For example, Figure 1 illustrates the typical analytical approach for categorical outcome variables, in which segment-level predictions are sub-divided into smaller windows that can be compared to a criterion measure using conventional methods, e.g. ...
... Outside of change point detection, most previous studies involving dynamic segmentation have approached analysis with a focus on post-processing performance (e.g. classification accuracy) rather than bout detection (Ellingson et al., 2016;Hibbing et al., 2018;Kozina et al., 2011;Lyden et al., 2014;Noor et al., 2017;Shahi et al., 2017). However, there have been some notably unique approaches taken (Nyan et al., 2006;Shahi et al., 2017). ...
Bout detection algorithms are used to segment data from wearable sensors, but it is challenging to assess segmentation correctness. Purpose: To present and demonstrate the Transition Pairing Method (TPM), a new method for evaluating the performance of bout detection algorithms. Methods: The TPM compares predicted transitions to a criterion measure in terms of number and timing. A true positive is defined as a predicted transition that corresponds with one criterion transition in a mutually exclusive pair. The pairs are established using an extended Gale-Shapley algorithm, and the user specifies a maximum allowable within-pair time lag, above which pairs cannot be formed. Unpaired predictions and criteria are false positives and false negatives, respectively. The demonstration used raw acceleration data from 88 youth who wore ActiGraph GT9X monitors (right hip and non-dominant wrist) during simulated free-living. Youth Sojourn bout detection algorithms were applied (one for each attachment site), and the TPM was used to compare predicted bout transitions to the criterion measure (direct observation). Performance metrics were calculated for each participant, and hip-versus-wrist means were compared using paired T-tests (α = 0.05). Results: When the maximum allowable lag was 1-s, both algorithms had recall <20% (2.4% difference from one another, p<0.01) and precision <10% (1.4% difference from one another, p<0.001). That is, >80% of criterion transitions were undetected, and >90% of predicted transitions were false positives. Conclusion: The TPM improves on conventional analyses by providing specific information about bout detection in a standardized way that applies to any bout detection algorithm.
... The noise of multiple inertial's sensor signals has been removed using median filter for IMU sensor [22], band-pass filter for EMG [23], and moving average filter for MMG [24,25]. After removing the noise, windows for each signal type have been introduced based on a 5 seconds interval [25,26]. Time-domain features [27] and statistical features [28,29] such as zero crossings, slope sign changes, skewness and peak to peak features have been used to support the classification process. ...
... After noise reduction, the model focuses on dividing data into windows for each type of sensor. Sliding overlapping technique [26] has been used for the proposed system. Due to the variable size of data in signals for the same time interval, all the data has been segmented into 5 seconds overlapping windows separately. ...
... The noise of multiple inertial's sensor signals has been removed using median filter for IMU sensor [22], band-pass filter for EMG [23], and moving average filter for MMG [24,25]. After removing the noise, windows for each signal type have been introduced based on a 5 seconds interval [25,26]. Time-domain features [27] and statistical features [28,29] such as zero crossings, slope sign changes, skewness and peak to peak features have been used to support the classification process. ...
... After noise reduction, the model focuses on dividing data into windows for each type of sensor. Sliding overlapping technique [26] has been used for the proposed system. Due to the variable size of data in signals for the same time interval, all the data has been segmented into 5 seconds overlapping windows separately. ...
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Remote physical activity recognition is gaining popularity as it provides improved healthcare monitoring services without hampering the daily lifestyle of individuals. For smart healthcare, several wearable sensors i.e., inertial measurement unit (IMU), mechanomyography (MMG), electromyography (EMG) and other biosignal devices are used commonly to improve quality of life. In this paper, we have proposed an efficient model including multiple domain features, feature reduction and recognizer engine to provide improved healthcare monitoring. Time-domain and statistical features have been integrated with the system to ensure robustness as a performance measure. These features include zero crossings, abrupt changes, peak to peak, and crest factor. For reducing the dimensionality, feature selection methods i.e. minimal-redundancy-maximal-relevance (MRMR) and novel multi-layer sequential forward selection (MLSFS) have been considered with symbol selection. Improved classification results have been achieved by using bagged random forest technique. This model provides unique prospect to researchers by proposing monitoring mechanism for health disorder i.e., asthenia.
... Few studies tried to improve the HAR classification obtained from inertial sensors using hyper parameter tuning of ML techniques (Gaikwad et al. 2019;Garcia-Ceja and Brena 2015;Seto et al. 2015). Others have also focused on the problems and difficulties associated to segmentation and proposed solutions to tackle these problems (Kozina et al. 2011;Oresti Banos 12:19:30 UTC). These studies have shown a partial effect of segmentation on the performance of ML techniques. ...
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This study aims to investigate the performance of Machine Learning (ML) techniques used in Human Activity Recognition (HAR). Techniques considered are Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machine, K-Nearest Neighbor, Logistic Regression, Stochastic Gradient Descent, Decision Tree, Decision Tree with entropy, Random Forest, Gradient Boosting Decision Tree, and NGBoost algorithm. Following the activity recognition chain model for preprocessing, segmentation, feature extraction, and classification of human activities, we evaluate these ML techniques against classification performance metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, support, and run time on multiple HAR datasets. The findings highlight the importance to tailor the selection of ML technique based on the specific HAR requirements and the characteristics of the associated HAR dataset. Overall, this research helps in understanding the merits and shortcomings of ML techniques and guides the applicability of different ML techniques to various HAR datasets.
... They tested their proposed scheme on a publicly available smartphone-based HAR dataset and endorsed its effectiveness. Kozina et al. (2011) presented a threshold-based method for dynamic signal segmentation, which analyzes the consecutive data samples using a windowing approach to calculate the threshold value. The authors computed the difference between the positive and negative signal peaks in the consecutive windows to segment the signal. ...
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With recent evolvement in smart sensing systems, sensor-based activity recognition has endured numerous research studies that mainly emphasize classifying pre-segmented data chunks having a fixed duration. Each data chunk generally involves a single human activity for classification into one of the predefined activity classes. Such activity recognition models, trained with pre-segmented and fixed-size data chunks, cannot adapt well to natural human activities in real-time settings, where the duration of activities varies. Also, the real-time data available from smart devices is in a continuous form and not discrete chunks. As a result, the real-time implementation of activity-aware applications based on the existing models becomes impractical. Therefore, in this paper, a novel framework, i.e., “S-THAD”, is proposed for sensor-based temporal human activity detection from the continuous and untrimmed 3D motion sensor data. The proposed method is capable of detecting when and which activity of interest appears in a continuous data stream. The publicly available PAMAP2 dataset is used to test the proposed scheme, which entails long and untrimmed data streams from the wearable inertial sensors placed at three different body positions, including hand, chest, and ankle. The experimental results indicate that the proposed scheme achieves significant detection performance on this dataset.
... Few studies tried to improve the HAR classification obtained from inertial sensors using hyper parameter tuning of ML techniques (Gaikwad et al. 2019;Garcia-Ceja and Brena 2015;Seto et al. 2015). Others have also focused on the problems and difficulties associated to segmentation and proposed solutions to tackle these problems (Kozina et al. 2011;Oresti Banos 12:19:30 UTC). These studies have shown a partial effect of segmentation on the performance of ML techniques. ...
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Information Systems researchers can now more easily access vast amounts of data on the World Wide Web to answer both familiar and new questions with more rigor, precision, and timeliness. The main goal of this tutorial is to explain how Information Systems researchers can automatically “scrape” data from the web using the R programming language. This article provides a conceptual overview of the Web Scraping process. The tutorial discussion is about two R packages useful for Web Scraping: “rvest” and “xml2”. Simple examples of web scraping involving these two packages are provided. This tutorial concludes with an example of a complex web scraping task involving retrieving data from - a leading employment website in the Middle East.
... Sliding Window (SW) [42] is one of the most commonly used signal segmentation methods. We heuristically fixed the window and shifting size to 128 samples (2.56 s) and 64 samples (1.28 s), respectively. ...
Real-time human activity recognition is a popular and challenging topic in sensor systems. Inertial measurement units, vision-based systems, and wearable sensor systems are mostly used for gathering motion data. However, each system has drawbacks such as drift error, illumination, occlusion, etc. Therefore, under certain circumstances, they are not efficient alone in activity estimation. To overcome this, hybrid sensor systems were used as an alternative approach in the last decade. In this study, a human activity recognition system is proposed using textile-based capacitive sensors. The aim of the system is to recognize the basic human actions in real-time such as walking, running, squatting, and standing. The sensor system proposed in this study is used to collect human activity data from the participants with different anthropometrics and create an activity recognition system. The performance of the machine learning models is tested on unseen activity data. The obtained results showed the effectiveness of our approach by achieving high accuracy up to 83.1% on selected human activities in real-time.
... Concernant la segmentation, une diversité d'approches peut être mise en oeuvre, comme des segmentations en fenêtres de taille fixe avec ou sans recouvrement , des segmentations dynamiques (Kozina et al., 2011) ou des segmentations par partitionnement . La littérature sur la classification des comportements de ruminants utilise exclusivement des segmentations de taille fixe sans recouvrement. ...
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Les prairies, en déclin depuis les années 1970, peuvent jouer un rôle majeur dans la transition agroécologique compte tenu de leurs nombreux atouts. Leur valorisation par le pâturage est néanmoins complexe à mettre en œuvre et conditionne directement les bénéfices attendus. Des outils numériques se développent pour optimiser la gestion du pâturage dans le cadre de l’élevage de précision, un concept qui s’appuie sur la révolution numérique. Ces outils restent cependant marginaux et leur plus-value est généralement mal perçue par les éleveurs. Le comportement et la position des vaches laitières devraient servir de support au développement de ces outils car ils sont des indicateurs potentiels de l’état de la ressource sur la parcelle, de la santé et du bien-être des animaux. Des capteurs accéléromètres et GPS embarqués permettent de remonter automatiquement ces informations à condition de mettre en œuvre des techniques d’analyses adaptées. Ce travail de thèse consiste (i) à mettre en place une méthodologie permettant de remonter automatiquement les principaux comportements des vaches laitières au pâturage à partir de capteurs accéléromètres et (ii) d’évaluer le potentiel de cette méthodologie combinée à des données de position pour répondre aux applications envisagées. Le cadre méthodologique développé s’appuie sur des techniques de traitement du signal non explorées dans la communauté concernée, associées à une combinaison d’algorithmes qui met en jeu la complémentarité entre des méthodes de machine learning et des modèles probabilistes. Il garantit ainsi une prédiction fiable pour un large spectre de comportements des vaches laitières au pâturage. La preuve de concept réalisée témoigne également du potentiel de la méthodologie, combinée à des données de position des animaux, pour détecter des troubles de confort en lien avec les conditions de pâturage. Cette approche pourrait donc servir de support au développement d’outils d’aide à la décision pour l’optimisation de la gestion du pâturage, constituant ainsi un levier potentiel dans la transition agroécologique.
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As wearable sensors are becoming more common, their utilization in real-world applications is also becoming more attractive. In this study, a single wrist-worn inertial measurement unit was attached to the active wrist of a worker and acceleration and angular speed information was used to decide what activity the worker was performing at certain time intervals. This activity information can then be used for proactive instruction systems or to ensure that all the needed work phases are performed. In this study, the selected activities were basic tasks of hammering, screwing, spanner use and using a power drill for screwing. In addition, a null activity class consisting of other activities (moving around the post, staying still, changing tools) was defined. The performed activity could then be recognized online by using a sliding window method to divide the data into two-second intervals and overlapping two adjacent windows by 1.5 seconds. Thus, the activity was recognized every half second. The method used for the actual recognition was the k nearest neighbor method with a specific distance boundary for classifying completely new events as null data. In addition, the final class was decided by using a majority vote to classifications of three adjacent windows. The results showed that almost 90 percent accuracy can be achieved with this kind of setting; the activity-specific accuracies for hammering, screwing, spanner use, power drilling and null data were 96.4%, 89.7%, 89.5%, 77.6% and 89.0%, respectively. In addition, in a case with completely new null events, use of the specific distance measure improved accuracy from 68.6% to 82.3%.
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Activity recognition fits within the bigger framework of context awareness. In this paper, we report on our efforts to recognize user activity from accelerometer data. Activity recognition is formulated as a classifica- tion problem. Performance of base-level classifiers and meta-level classifiers is compared. Plurality Voting is found to perform consistently well across different set- tings.
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In this paper, we report a real-time gesture driven interactive system with multimodal feedback for performing arts, especially dance. The system consists of two major parts., a gesture recognition engine and a multimodal feedback engine. The gesture recognition engine provides real-time recognition of the performer's gesture based on the 3D marker coordinates from a marker-based motion capture system. According to the recognition results, the multimodal feedback engine produces associated visual and audio feedback to the performer. This interactive system is simple to implement and robust to errors in 3D marker data. Satisfactory interactive dance performances have been successfully created and presented using the reported system
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We present a new approach for dealing with distribution change and concept drift when learning from data sequences that may vary with time. We use sliding windows whose size, instead of being fixed a priori, is recomputed online according to the rate of change observed from the data in the window itself. This delivers the user or programmer from having to guess a time-scale for change. Contrary to many related works, we provide rigorous guarantees of performance, as bounds on the rates of false positives and false negatives. Using ideas from data stream algorithmics, we develop a time-and memory-efficient version of this algorithm, called ADWIN2. We show how to combine ADWIN2 with the Naïve Bayes (NB) predictor, in two ways: one, using it to monitor the error rate of the current model and declare when revision is necessary and, two, putting it inside the NB predictor to maintain up-to-date estimations of conditional probabilities in the data. We test our approach using synthetic and real data streams and compare them to both fixed-size and variable-size window strategies with good results.
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The use of on-body wearable sensors is widespread in several academic and industrial domains. Of great interest are their applications in ambulatory monitoring and pervasive computing systems; here, some quantitative analysis of human motion and its automatic classification are the main computational tasks to be pursued. In this paper, we discuss how human physical activity can be classified using on-body accelerometers, with a major emphasis devoted to the computational algorithms employed for this purpose. In particular, we motivate our current interest for classifiers based on Hidden Markov Models (HMMs). An example is illustrated and discussed by analysing a dataset of accelerometer time series.
Understanding individual’s activities, social interaction, and group dynamics of a certain society is one of fundamental problems that the social and community intelligence (SCI) research faces. Environmental background sound is a rich information source for identifying individual and social behaviors. Therefore, many power-aware wearable devices with sound recognition function are widely used to trace and understand human activities. The design of these sound recognition algorithms has two major challenges: limited computation resources and a strict power consumption requirement. In this paper, a new method for recognizing environmental background sounds with a power-aware wearable sensor is presented. By employing a novel low calculation one-dimensional (1-D) Haar-like sound feature with hidden Markov model (HMM) classification, this method can achieve high recognition accuracy while still meeting the wearable sensor’s power requirement. Our experimental results indicate an average recognition accuracy of 96.9 % has been achieved when testing with 22 typical environmental sounds related to personal and social activities. It outperforms other commonly used sound recognition algorithms in terms of both accuracy and power consumption. This is very helpful and promising for future integration with other sensor(s) to provide more trustworthy activity recognition results for the SCI system.
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In this paper, we present an approach for human fall de- tection, which has an important application in the fleld of safety and security. The proposed approach consists of two part: object detection and fall model. We use an adaptive background subtraction method to detect moving object and mark it with minimum-bounding box. Fall model uses a set of extracted features to analyze, detect and conflrm the fall. We implement a two-state flnite state machine (FSM) to con- tinuously monitor people and their activities. Experimental results show that our method can detect all possible types of human fall accurately and successfully.
Conference Paper
Sound feature extraction Mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) and classification dynamic time warping (DTW) algorithms are applied to recognizing the background sounds in the human daily activities. Applying these algorithms to fourteen typical daily activity sounds, average recognition accuracy of 92.5% can be achieved. In these algorithms, how two parameters (i.e., Mel filters number and frame-to-frame overlap) affect system's calculation burden and accuracy is also investigated. By adjusting these two parameters to a suitable combination, the calculation burden can be reduced by 61.6% while maintaining the system's average accuracy rate at approximate 90%. This is promising for future integrating with other sensor(s) to fulfill daily activity recognition work by using power aware wireless sensor networks (WSN) system.