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Unifying Sensorimotor Dynamics in Multiclass Brain Computer Interface


Abstract and Figures

Unification of spatial brain dynamics in multiclass brain computer interface (BCI) paradigm reduces computational latencies by using lesser number of electrodes from the sensorimotor regions of the brain. We employ reduced number of channels without compromising performance notably. We apply three spatial filtering methods, i.e., Common Spatial Pattern (CSP), Regularized Common Spatial Pattern (RCSP) and Joint Approximate Diagonalization (JAD) as preprocessing. But, we emphasize on selecting specific EEG montages for BCI development. We achieve best 86.7% classification accuracy for subject k3b applying CSP using only 12 channels from sensorimotor regions instead of using 60 channels from the whole brain. Additionally, the average classification accuracies are 64.4% and 61.4% using 60 channels and 12 channels respectively. Also, the average computational latencies are 6.24s and 1.23s in cases of 60 channels and 12 channels respectively.
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Unifying Sensorimotor Dynamics in Multiclass Brain
Computer Interface
Simanto Saha 1, Khawza I. Ahmed 2, Raqibul Mostafa 3
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
United International University, Dhaka-1209, Bangladesh
Email: 1, 2, 3
Abstract—Unification of spatial brain dynamics in multiclass
brain computer interface (BCI) paradigm reduces computational
latencies by using lesser number of electrodes from the senso-
rimotor regions of the brain. We employ reduced number of
channels without compromising performance notably. We apply
three spatial filtering methods, i.e., Common Spatial Pattern (CSP),
Regularized Common Spatial Pattern (RCSP) and Joint Approx-
imate Diagonalization (JAD) as preprocessing. But, we emphasize
on selecting specific EEG montages for BCI development. We
achieve best 86.7% classification accuracy for subject k3b applying
CSP using only 12 channels from sensorimotor regions instead of
using 60 channels from the whole brain. Additionally, the average
classification accuracies are 64.4% and 61.4% using 60 channels
and 12 channels respectively. Also, the average computational
latencies are 6.24s and 1.23s in cases of 60 channels and 12 channels
The Brain Computer Interface (BCI) is an unorthodox direct
communication pathway between human brain and the computer
without any muscular stimulation. The applications of BCI
systems are on motor function rehabilitation, lie detection, brain
fingerprinting, mode assessment and mind control etc. The brain
poses signatures of any cortical activity as electrical signal. The
electroencephalography (EEG) is the process of recording elec-
trical activity of the brain by placing electrodes directly on the
scalp. The EEG, a noninvasive signal acquisition technique, is
very popular due to its low cost and mobility. But, multichannel
recording of EEG introduces computational burden. The aim of
this paper is to employ reduced number of channels utilizing
the knowledge of sensorimotor spatial dynamics for classifying
multiclasses of motor imagery (MI) tasks.
The MI task is the imagination of the motor task rather to do it
actual. According to Jeannerod, brain’s response to the conscious
MI task is functionally equivalent to the unconscious motor
execution (ME) [1]. That’s why, MI based BCI is very popular
as it seems to be a potential application in motor rehabilitation
for motor impaired subjects (i.e., people having Tetraplegia).
Recent experiment on BCI evinces the association between
electrophysiological and hemodynamic signatures during MIs
and it supports the Jeannerod’s statements about MIs empirically
[2]. However, the sensorimotor areas such as Primary Motor
Cortex (M1), Supplementary Motor Area (SMA) and Premotor
Cortex (PMC), etc., are mostly activated during MI tasks [3]-[5].
Besides, there are significant activation in parietal lobe as well.
But, the parietal lobe is associated with visual perception and
visual imagery (VI). There is a significant difference between
the visual imagery (VI) and the motor imagery (MI). VI is the
visualization of the specific task whereas the motor imagery
is the kinesthetic feelings of the specific task. There is still
controversy about the exact spatio-temporal characterization of
the brain regions. Meanwhile, our investigation is based on
the assumption about MI cortical sources from recent litera-
ture. The assumption is ”the source activation during the MI
happens mostly in the sensorimotor (i.e. M1, SMA, PMC etc.)
areas” [2]-[5]. Previously, we have shown that integration of
the sensorimotor dynamics can help selecting reduced number
of channels while optimizing the computational latencies [6].
In this paper, we report the same experimentation on multiclass
paradigm. Also, we have applied an additional preprocessing
method named Joint Approximate Diagonalization (JAD) along
with Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) and Regularized Common
Spatial Pattern (RCSP). In our previous experiment, we have
assumed the left hemisphere is responsible for two MI tasks,
i.e., right hand and right foot. But, we consider both hemisphere
in this experiment for multiclasses MIs, i.e. right hand, left hand,
foot and tongue.
The optimal EEG source localization for MI tasks plays
crucial role while improving BCI performance and reducing
computational cost. Most of the relevant literature suggests
various signal processing and/or machine learning tools for
optimal channel selection. In [7], the ‘Laplacian Derivative
(LAD) of power averaged across frequency bands’ features
are used to select optimal channels for stroke patients. The
channels are selected based on minimum redundancy which is
important for channel optimization while eliminating already
selected channels. A CSP based channel selection is proposed
[8] for the first instance in which the actual EEG montages
were correlated with optimal CSP channels. Sparse Common
Spatial Pattern (SCSP) is proposed in [9] as a novel method
for optimal channel selection technique within a constraint of
optimal classification accuracy. While our experiment is ac-
counting to the sensorimotor spatial brain dynamics for MI,
SCSP show how regularization in spatial filtering method can
help optimize number of EEG channels. Recently, a study on
Filter Bank Common Spatial Pattern (FBCSP) along with head
model geometry is proposed in [10] for developing EEG based
BCI. As resemblance to our investigation, this method accounts
the anatomical research for selecting specific channels from the
specific region of interest. However, EEG gives good temporal
resolution and poor spatial resolution while high density EEG
modality can be used as an alternative neuroimaging technique
instead of fMRI/PET [11] for capturing good spatial details
as well. An Independent Component Analysis (ICA) based
optimal EEG source localization is explained in [12]. The
proposed algorithm requires higher computational cost which
may cause limitation in many specific BCI applications. In [13],
the EEG source mapping is shown using Fourier coefficients
based method which evinces the significant activation in the
sensorimotor cortex during MI tasks. Certainly, different signal
processing and machine learning tools play crucial role while
selecting optimal channels. But, we assume integration of spatial
brain dynamics can contribute in EEG source localization as
complement to advanced scientific tools.
The overview of the proposed experimental paradigm is shown
in Figure 1. Firstly, we apply Butterworth filter of order 10
with cutoff frequencies 8Hz and 40Hz. Then, we apply three
different spatial filtering methods, i.e., CSP, RCSP and JAD
to extract spatially distinguishable features for four MI tasks.
After spatial filtering, we choose 8 optimal channels, 2 for each
class. From each of the optimal channels, we extract wavelet
decomposition based subband energy and subband entropy up
to level 3. As a result, we have four subband energy and four
subband entropy, accumulating to 8 attributes for each channel.
Altogether, we consider 64 attributes to train the classifier.
Finally, we use the Two-Layer Feed-Forward Neural Network
(NN) as a classifier. The three phases of classifier are Training,
Validation and Testing. The number of trials in different phases
for three experiments are summarized in Table I.
Fig. 1. The Proposed Experimental Paradigm: The EEG signal is prepro-
cessed using (1) Bandpass Filter with cut off frequencies at 8Hz and 40Hz and (2)
spatial filtering methods (CSP/RCSP/JAD). The spatial filtering gives 8 optimal
channels, 2 channels per class. Then, wavelet decomposition based subband
energy and entropy are calculated for each of the optimal channels. Finally,
classification takes place using a Two-Layer Feed-Forward Neural Network
/ Dataset
Subjects Total Train Validation Test
k3b 360 160 80 120
III / IIIa l1b 240 100 60 80
k6b 236 100 60 76
We consider three distinct Cases corresponding to different
sets of EEG channels accounting to the assumption of sen-
sorimotor dynamics for MI tasks. The Case III is based on
the assumption ”the source activation during the MI happens
mostly in the sensorimotor (i.e., M1, SMA, PMC etc.) areas”.
The details of the Cases are summarized in Table II.
#Channels Spatial Brain Areas
Case I 60 Whole Brain
Case II 12 Sensorimotor Areas + Parietal Lobe
(Both Hemisphere)
Case III 12 Sensorimotor Areas (Both Hemisphere)
(Both Hemisphere)
A. About The Datasets: BCI Competition III Dataset IIIa
The data was recorded for four class MI (left hand, right
hand, foot and tongue movement) following by a cue for each
trial. During data acquisition, a 64-Channel EEG amplifier from
Neuroscan, using the left mastoid for reference and the right
mastoid as ground. The EEG was sampled with 250 Hz, it was
filtered between 1 Hz and 50 Hz with Notch Filter on. Finally,
sixty EEG channels were recorded for different MI tasks [14]-
The subject sat on a relaxing chair with arms resting and asked
to perform one of the four MI tasks. The order of the cues was
random. The experiment consist of several runs (at least 6) with
40 trails each. For each trial, the first 2s were quiet, at t=2s an
acoustic stimulus was given to subject indicating the beginning
of each trial, then a + is shown. From t=3s, an arrow to the left,
right, up and down was displayed for 1s. At the same time, the
subject was asked to imagine a left hand, right hand, tongue or
foot movement according to the cue until the cross disappeared
at t=7s. Each of the four cues displayed 10 times within each run
in a randomized order. The data was recorded for three subjects.
Fig. 2. Time-Frequency (T-F) representation of single trial MI tasks for C3,
Cz and C4 channels: the T-F subplots are generated using Continuous Wavelet
Transform (CWT) and each subplot represents the distribution of power along
both time and frequency axes as percentiles of total power from concatenated
C3, Cz and C4 for each trial, corresponding to one of the four MI tasks. Each
trial has 3sec of data within 8Hz to 40Hz.
B. Spatial Filtering as Preprocessing
In this paper, we have applied different spatial filtering
methods such as Common Spatial Pattern (CSP), Regularized
Common Spatial Pattern (RCSP) and Joint Approximate Diag-
onalization (JAD) as preprocessing techniques. The CSP gives
spatially optimal projection of multichannel EEG data in which
the maximal discriminative features between two classes present.
In case of RCSP, regularization of different parameters are
introduced which show robustness to outliers and perform better
in case of small sample settings [16]. As CSP/RCSP refers in
two class paradigm, we have used one versus all paradigm so
that we can extract discriminative features for four MI classes.
However, we have also used CSP by JAD algorithm which can be
easily extended to multi-class paradigm. The following sections
describe briefly about CSP, RCSP and JAD algorithms.
The rest of this subsection briefly describes about CSP, RCSP
and JAD algorithms. The write-up on CSP and RCSP has been
taken from our previous work [6]. It is to be noted that these
are all established algorithms. However, since we are using all
these algorithms in our work, we are briefly describing these for
the sake of the completeness of this paper and the convenience
of the readers.
1) Common Spatial Pattern with Regularization: At first, the
CSP method was applied to EEG regarding MI hand movements
by Ramoser in [17]. CSP is very sensitive to outliers and
artefact as reported in [16] and [18]. As EEG signals have very
challenging SNR, more robust methods were needed to improve
performance. We used RCSP which is more robust compared to
CSP [16], [19].
EEG signal is represented by Eand of size N×P, where N
is the number of channels and Pis the number of samples per
trial. In traditional CSP algorithm, the sample based covariance
matrix estimation is required. The sample covariance matrix of
a trial Eis normalized with the total variance as [16], [17].
trace hEETi(1)
where Tdenotes the transpose of a matrix.
Considering Mtrials are available for training in each class
for a subject, indexed by mas E(c,m), m = 1,2, ......, M
where c {1,2}represents either of the two classes of the trial
depending on each of the MI tasks.
The discriminative spatial patterns in CSP are calculated based
on this sample based covariance matrix estimation based on . The
next section will introduce regularization in CSP.
2) Covariance Matrix Estimation With Regularization:: Reg-
ularization works by biasing the covariance estimation away
from their sample based values towards more physically plau-
sible values, which reduces the variance of the sample based
estimates while tending to increase bias [16]. This is done using
one or more regularization parameters (i.e., βand γin this
Now, the regularized average spatial covariance matrix for
each class is defined as
Xc(β, γ ) = (1 γ)b
c(β) + γ
Ntrace hb
Here, βand γare the two regularization parameters (0 β, γ
1) and Iis an identity matrix. b
c(β)is comprised of covariance
matrix for the trials from the specific subjects as well as generic
trials and given by
c(β) = (1 β).Sc+β.b
(1 β).M +β. c
In that case, Scis the sum of the sample covariance matrices
for all Mtraining trials for class c:
Also, b
Scis the sum of the sample covariance matrices for c
generic training trials with covariance matrix E(c, ˆm)for class c:
Here, Scand b
Scare normalized and analogous to the sample
covariance matrix mentioned in (1). The objective of b
Scis to
reduce the variance in the covariance matrix estimation and may
produce more reliable results.
The regularization parameter βcontrols the shrinkage of the
training samples covariance matrix estimate to the pooled esti-
mate. The other regularization parameter γcontrols the degree
of shrinkage towards a multiple of the identity matrix, with
the average eigenvalue of ˆ
c(β)as the multiplier. This second
shrinkage has the effect of decreasing the larger eigenvalues
while increasing the smaller ones. Actually, this works well in
case of small training samples set as in [16].
3) Feature Extraction In RCSP: The regularized composite
spatial covariance is formed and factorized as [16]
X(β, γ ) = d
X1(β, γ ) + d
X2(β, γ ) = b
Here, b
Udenotes the matrix eigenvectors and b
denotes the
diagonal matrix of corresponding eigenvalues. The eigenvalues
are assumed to be sorted in descending order throughout this
paper [16], [17].
Finally, the projection matrix is formed as [16]
where b
Bdenotes the matrix of eigenvectors for the whitened
spatial covariance matrix and defined as
Xc(β, γ )b
In RCSP, an input trial E is projected as [16]
To get the most discriminative features for both classes, the
optimal channels are to be selected from the leftmost and
rightmost channels. For example, the first channel represents
the most distinguished features for class 1 and the last channel
represents the most distinguished features for class 2. As channel
selection converges to the central channel of the b
X, the features
becomes poor which may hardly distinguish different classes.
It is to be noted that, RCSP becomes traditional CSP when
β=γ= 0.
In this experiment, we have used different combination of
values of βand γas follows
β= (0,0.001,0.01,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9)
γ= (0,0.01,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9)
We have tested all possible combination of values from the
above sets. These values are selected from previous experiments
described in [16] and [8].
4) Joint Approximate Diagonalization (JAD): In this section,
we assume a two class paradigm i.e. C={c1, c2}and briefly
discuss the CSP by JAD algorithm [20], [21]. The CSP algorithm
can be solved as optimization problem
with Rx|c1,Rx|c2the covariance matices of x given c1,c2
respectively. Since (11) is in the form of well known Rayleigh
quotient, solutions to (11) are given by eigenvectors of the
generalized eigenvalue problem
The eigenvectors of (12) corresponds to the desired spatial
filter. Furthermore, for a given eigenvector wthe corresponding
eigenvalue determines the value of the cost function
The eigenvalues are thus a measure for the quality of the ob-
tained spatial filters, i.e. the eigenvalue associated with a spatial
filter expresses the ratio of the variance between conditions of
the component of the EEG/MEG data extracted by the spatial
filter. Pre-processing is then usually done by combining the L
eigenvectors of (12) with the smallest/largest eigenvalues to form
WRNX L and computing ˆx=WTx.
Extending CSP to multi-class paradigms is either done by
performing two-class CSP on different combinations of classes
(e.g. by computing CSPs for all combinations of classes or by
computing CSP for one class versus all other classes), or by Joint
Approximate Diagonalization (JAD). Since the first approach
(One vs All) is discussed in the previous section, we will focus
JAD here.
Given EEG/MEG data from Mdiffernt classes, the goal of
CSP by JAD is to find a transformation WRNXN that
diagonalizes the covariance matrices Rx|ci, i.e.
WTRx|ciW=Dci , i = 1, ....., M (14)
with Dci RNX N diagonal matrices. The idea of using
JAD for multi-class CSP lies in the fact that CSP for two
classes can be understood as diagonalizing two covariance
matrices. More precisely, if the eigenvectors of the generalized
eigenvalue problem (12) are combined in a matrix W, then
WTRx|ciW=Dci , i = 1, ....., M. It then seems plausible to
extend CSP to multi-class paradigms by finding a transformation
Wthat approximately diagonalizes multiple covariance matrices.
A total of Lcolumns of the obtained matrix Ware then taken
as the desired spatial filters. For details on JAD algorithm, see
[20] and [21].
The optimal EEG source selection is crucial for (a) reducing
the number of channels and thus optimizing computational
latencies and (b) compensating the effect of outliers by elim-
inating undesired channels producing outliers. We investigate
if the integration of sensorimotor brain dynamics can reduce
the number of channels, thus the computational latencies. Our
experimental objective is to emphasize the spatial brain dynam-
ics for EEG channel selection as complementary to advanced
signal processing and machine learning tools. The classification
accuracies for three different cases are reported in Table III.
The corresponding comparison of computational latencies for
all cases is shown in Table IV.
Subject Method Case I Case II Case III
CSP 78.3% 81.7% 86.7%
k3b RCSP 92.5% 75.8% 84.2%
JAD 87.5% 82.5% 82.5%
CSP 65.0% 52.5% 47.5%
l1b RCSP 66.2% 52.5% 62.5%
JAD 60.0% 50.0% 56.2%
CSP 42.1% 35.5% 36.8%
k6b RCSP 56.6% 47.4% 53.9%
JAD 32.9% 19.7% 42.1%
Avg. 64.6% 55.3% 61.4%
Method Case-I Case-II Case-III
k3b CSP/RCSP 14.09 2.97 2.93
JAD 1.54 0.11 0.13
l1b CSP/RCSP 9.48 2.06 2.02
JAD 1.47 0.09 0.12
k6b CSP/RCSP 9.41 2.00 2.02
JAD 1.46 0.10 0.16
Avg. 6.24 1.22 1.23
The classification accuracies are subject specific and varies
across subjects (Table III). The brain dynamics deviate across
subjects. Even, the ability to stimulate MI tasks differ from
subject to subject. However, we consider the effect of selecting
different number of channels from different brain regions. The
average classification accuracies are 64.6%, 55.3% and 61.4%
respectively for Case I,Case II and Case III. Although the
number of channels (i.e., 12 channels from the sensorimotor
areas instead of 60 channels from the whole brain) are sig-
nificantly reduced in Case III, the performance degrades quite
insignificantly. The classification accuracy for subject k3b using
CSP is 86.7% in Case III which is much higher than 78.3%
achieved in Case I. Also, the classification accuracy for subject
k6b using JAD is 42.1% in Case III which is also much
higher than classification accuracy 32.9% in Case I. Sometimes,
the classification accuracies in Case III outperform what we
achieved in Case I, may occur due to lesser effect of outliers
from reduced number of channels. So, this study evinces the
feasibility of integrating the knowledge of sensorimotor dynam-
ics towards a BCI system while employing reduced number
of channels. In Table IV, the comparison of subject specific
computational latencies are shown. The three different cases are
identical elsewhere except the number of actual EEG channels
used. The average computational latencies for three different
cases are 6.4s, 1.22s and 1.23s respectively. Certainly, Case I
requires more computation for 60 channels than for 12 channels
in Case II and in Case III. The computational complexities differ
in preprocessing phase only. We measure the computational
latencies from the input of bandpass filter to the output of the
spatial filtering. The computational latencies are observed for
10 times, i.e., 10 simulation runs and are then averaged. As
conclusion, computational cost can be reduced by employing less
number of EEG channels from specific brain areas considering
sensorimotor dynamics.
Fig. 3. Visualization of subband Energy-Entropy (sEE) in 2D plot: the
features for four classes of MI tasks which are extracted from a spatially filtered
channel are shown in different markers along with rectangles representing the
This experiment has been performed in a personal workstation
with the following configurations: CPU-2.5GHz, RAM-4GB,
Windows 7 Home Premium, MATLAB 2013b.
Multi-channel EEG recordings require simultaneous process-
ing of high dimensional signals and thus cause high com-
putational needs. But, all EEG channels are not significantly
important for specific cognitive tasks. Even, undesired channels
sometimes introduce outliers and degrade the performance. In
this experiment, we consider spatial brain dynamics to select
some specific channels from the sensorimotor areas of the brain
for multi-classes of MI tasks. In contrast to other channel
selection literature, we emphasize only on concepts of brain
dynamics to select some specific channels. However, the channel
selection method using sensorimotor dynamics doesn’t remain
to be universal across sessions and subjects. Because, the brain
dynamics varies significantly across subjects and across sessions
even for a particular subject. Our experiment doesn’t necessarily
show any generic phenomenon regarding spatial brain reasoning,
rather it evinces that the integration of brain dynamics can
sometimes play important role for optimal channel selection
as complementary to advanced scientific tools. There is need
of fundamental reasoning of MI brain dynamics for localizing
cortical sources for specific tasks. Many literature show signif-
icant reasoning of MI spatial dynamics [1]-[5]. Due to inter-
subject variabilities in cognitive features, the generic localization
of optimal sources of MI tasks is difficult. In that cases, multi-
modality EEG/fMRI can be employed to capture spatial locations
of the optimal EEG channels and then to utilize EEG channels
from that areas for extracting distinguishable temporal features.
The authors would like to thank the organizers of BCI
Competition III for providing the dataset available for research.
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Vol. 5, pp. 777-800, 2004.
... They used common average reference (CAR) algorithm for preprocessing, autoregressive and entropy algorithms for feature extraction, and SVM for classification. Saha et al. [19] aimed to reduce the number of channels. In this work, three spatial filtering methods named CSP, regularized CSP (RCSP), and joint approximate diagonalization (JAD) were applied for preprocessing first. ...
Nowadays, motor imagery-based brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) have been developed rapidly. In these systems, electroencephalogram (EEG) signals are recorded when a subject is involved in the imagination of doing any motor imagery movement like the imagination of the right/left hands, etc. In this paper, we sought to validate and enhance our previously proposed angle-amplitude transformation (AAT) technique, which is a simple signal-to-image transformation approach for the classification of EEG and MEG signals. For this purpose, we diversified our previous method and proposed four new angle-amplitude graph (AAG) representation methods for AAT transformation. These modifications were made on some points such as using different left/right side changing points at a different distance. To confirm the validity of the proposed methods, we performed experiments on the BCI Competition III Dataset IIIa, which is a benchmark dataset widely used for EEG-based multi-class motor imagery tasks. The procedure of proposed methods can be summarized in a concise manner as follows: (i) convert EEG signals to AAG images by using the proposed AAT transformation approaches; (ii) extract image features by employing Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT)-based Bag of Visual Word (BoW); and (iii) classify features with k-Nearest Neighbor (k NN) algorithm. Experimental results showed that the changes in the baseline AAT approaches enhanced the classification performance on Dataset IIIa with an accuracy of 96.50% for two-class problem (left/right hand movement imaginations) and 97.99% for four-class problem (left/right hand, foot and tongue movement imaginations). These achievements are mainly due to the help of effective enhancements on AAG image representations. The flow diagram of the proposed methodology.
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Electroencephalography (EEG) is the most widely used Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) modality to record brain signal. Unlike other neuroimaging modalities like fMRI and PET, EEG is not very effective in localizing the brain sources. However, with the advent of inverse modeling techniques for source localization, it is possible to use EEG as an alternative neuroimaging technique. In this paper, source localization using EEG signal is used to analyze single-trial movement imagination (MI) tasks. Wadsworth physiobank dataset of 109 subjects performing right hand vs left hand movement imagination is considered. Forward modeling based on 3 layered head geometry is co-registered with ICBM 152 template anatomy, which is a non-linear average of fMRI scans of 152 subjects. Inverse modeling is done with the help of Standardized Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography (sLORETA). The proposed method presents some preliminary results on how source localization could be used to identify the moment (time instant) of brain source activation even within a single trial
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This paper features the spatial characteristics of the brain towards brain-computer interface (BCI) research. A study on motor imagery (MI) based BCI has been carried out and important implications are identified. Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) is applied to the EEG signals before proceeding to the classification. The primary focus of this research is to utilize the spatial dynamics of the brain to develop BCI with reduced number of electrodes which contribute to the motor imagery tasks with optimal impact. It is observed that computational cost can be reduced drastically by selecting channels from specific regions of interests (ROIs) of the brain without compromising the classification accuracy making BCI efficient. Here, we have reported the best classification accuracies 72.5% and 97.1% which are achieved for two subjects (`av' and `ay', respectively, in the dataset IVa in the BCI competition III) using less number of electrodes.
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This paper proposes a novel method to detect motor imagery of walking for the rehabilitation of stroke patients using the Laplacian derivatives (LAD) of power averaged across frequency bands as the feature. We propose to select the most correlated channels by jointly considering the mutual information between the LAD power features of the channels and the class labels, and the redundancy between the LAD power features of the channel with that of the selected channels. Experiments are conducted on the EEG data collected for 11 healthy subjects using proposed method and compared with existing methods. The results show that the proposed method yielded an average classification accuracy of 67.19% by selecting as few as 4 LAD channels. An improved result of 71.45% and 73.23% are achieved by selecting 10 and 22 LAD channels, respectively. Comparison results revealed significantly superior performance of our proposed method compared to that obtained using common spatial pattern and filter bank with power features. Most importantly, our proposed method achieves significant better accuracy for poor BCI performers compared to existing methods. Thus, the results demonstrated the potential of using the proposed method for detecting motor imagery of walking for the rehabilitation of stroke patients.
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Multichannel EEG is generally used in brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), whereby performing EEG channel selection 1) improves BCI performance by removing irrelevant or noisy channels and 2) enhances user convenience from the use of lesser channels. This paper proposes a novel sparse common spatial pattern (SCSP) algorithm for EEG channel selection. The proposed SCSP algorithm is formulated as an optimization problem to select the least number of channels within a constraint of classification accuracy. As such, the proposed approach can be customized to yield the best classification accuracy by removing the noisy and irrelevant channels, or retain the least number of channels without compromising the classification accuracy obtained by using all the channels. The proposed SCSP algorithm is evaluated using two motor imagery datasets, one with a moderate number of channels and another with a large number of channels. In both datasets, the proposed SCSP channel selection significantly reduced the number of channels, and outperformed existing channel selection methods based on Fisher criterion, mutual information, support vector machine, common spatial pattern, and regularized common spatial pattern in classification accuracy. The proposed SCSP algorithm also yielded an average improvement of 10% in classification accuracy compared to the use of three channels (C3, C4, and Cz).
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One of the most popular feature extraction algorithms for brain-computer interfaces (BCI) is common spatial patterns (CSPs). Despite its known efficiency and widespread use, CSP is also known to be very sensitive to noise and prone to overfitting. To address this issue, it has been recently proposed to regularize CSP. In this paper, we present a simple and unifying theoretical framework to design such a regularized CSP (RCSP). We then present a review of existing RCSP algorithms and describe how to cast them in this framework. We also propose four new RCSP algorithms. Finally, we compare the performances of 11 different RCSP (including the four new ones and the original CSP), on electroencephalography data from 17 subjects, from BCI competition datasets. Results showed that the best RCSP methods can outperform CSP by nearly 10% in median classification accuracy and lead to more neurophysiologically relevant spatial filters. They also enable us to perform efficient subject-to-subject transfer. Overall, the best RCSP algorithms were CSP with Tikhonov regularization and weighted Tikhonov regularization, both proposed in this paper.
Conference Paper
Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) provide means for communication and control without muscular movement and, therefore, can offer significant clinical benefits. Electrical brain activity recorded by electroencephalography (EEG) can be interpreted into software commands by various classification algorithms according to the descriptive features of the signal. In this paper we propose a novel EEG BCI feature extraction method employing EEG source reconstruction and Filter Bank Common Spatial Patterns (FBCSP) based on Joint Approximate Diagonalization (JAD). The proposed method is evaluated by the commonly used reference EEG dataset yielding an average classification accuracy of 77.1 ± 10.1 %. It is shown that FBCSP feature extraction applied to reconstructed source components outperforms conventional CSP and FBCSP feature extraction methods applied to signals in the sensor domain.
We address two shortcomings of the common spatial patterns (CSP) algorithm for spatial filtering in the context of brain--computer interfaces (BCIs) based on electroencephalography/magnetoencephalography (EEG/MEG): First, the question of optimality of CSP in terms of the minimal achievable classification error remains unsolved. Second, CSP has been initially proposed for two-class paradigms. Extensions to multiclass paradigms have been suggested, but are based on heuristics. We address these shortcomings in the framework of information theoretic feature extraction (ITFE). We show that for two-class paradigms, CSP maximizes an approximation of mutual information of extracted EEG/MEG components and class labels. This establishes a link between CSP and the minimal classification error. For multiclass paradigms, we point out that CSP by joint approximate diagonalization (JAD) is equivalent to independent component analysis (ICA), and provide a method to choose those independent components (ICs) that approximately maximize mutual information of ICs and class labels. This eliminates the need for heuristics in multiclass CSP, and allows incorporating prior class probabilities. The proposed method is applied to the dataset IIIa of the third BCI competition, and is shown to increase the mean classification accuracy by 23.4% in comparison to multiclass CSP.