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Antioxidant, antitumor activities and phyto chemical investigation of hedera nepalensis K. koch, an important medicinal plant from Pakistan

  • Lahore Garrison University, Lahore, Pakistan


Hedera nepalensis is a ground-creeping evergreen woody plant growing mainly in the Himalayas and Kashmir. This plant is frequently used in folk medicines for the treatment of various ailments. The present research focused on the pharmacological evaluation and phytochemical analysis of crude methanolic extract (CME) and three fractions, n-hexane (n- HF), ethyl acetate (EAF) and aqueous (AQF). The biological assays used for this study included DPPH free radical scavenging assay, DNA protection assay and potato disc antitumor assay. Maximum antioxidant activities with IC50 values of 9.834 ppm and 14.22 ppm were shown by EAF and AQF, respectively. Crude methanolic extract (CME) and the fractions also exhibited significant DNA protection activity in •OH induced DNA damage assay, at all the concentrations tested. Both EAF and AQF showed well-defined tumor inhibition in the potato disc antitumor assay, with the lowest IC50 values shown by EAF and AQF (less than 1 ppm). Phytochemical analysis showed the presence of flavonoids, steroids, tannins, terpenoids and cardiac glycosides in the crude extract and its fractions. The present study demonstrated that EAF and AQF of Hedera nepalensis have potent antioxidant and antitumor activity with the presence of effective phytochemicals.
Pak. J. Bot., 43: 85-89, Special Issue, December, 2011 (Medicinal Plants: Conservation & Sustainable use)
1Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan
2Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan
Hedera nepalensis is a ground-creeping evergreen woody plant growing mainly in the Himalayas and Kashmir. This
plant is frequently used in folk medicines for the treatment of various ailments. The present research focused on the
pharmacological evaluation and phytochemical analysis of crude methanolic extract (CME) and three fractions, n-hexane (n-
HF), ethyl acetate (EAF) and aqueous (AQF). The biological assays used for this study included DPPH free radical
scavenging assay, DNA protection assay and potato disc antitumor assay. Maximum antioxidant activities with IC50 values
of 9.834 ppm and 14.22 ppm were shown by EAF and AQF, respectively. Crude methanolic extract (CME) and the fractions
also exhibited significant DNA protection activity in OH induced DNA damage assay, at all the concentrations tested. Both
EAF and AQF showed well-defined tumor inhibition in the potato disc antitumor assay, with the lowest IC50 values shown
by EAF and AQF (less than 1 ppm). Phytochemical analysis showed the presence of flavonoids, steroids, tannins, terpenoids
and cardiac glycosides in the crude extract and its fractions. The present study demonstrated that EAF and AQF of Hedera
nepalensis have potent antioxidant and antitumor activity with the presence of effective phytochemicals.
Hedera is a genus of 15 species belong to the family
Araliaceae, which includes about 70 genera and 700
species of flowering plants. Though the taxonomy and
phylogenetic relationships of Hedera species remain
problematic, the genus is well known for its economical
importance (Ackerfield & Wen, 2002). The species
selected in the present research work is H. nepalensis,
locally known as Arbambal (Shah & Khan, 2006).
Traditionally, the plant is largely used in folk medicine,
where its different parts, along with the extract, are used
for the treatment of various diseases. Studies have shown
that the leaves and berries are stimulating, diaphoretic,
cathartic, and used to treat indolent ulcers and abscesses.
A decoction of the leaves is effective against lice (Qureshi
et al., 2007). Hedera nepalensis has hypoglycemic
properties and is found to be effective against fever,
pulmonary infections and rheumatism (Shah & Khan,
2006). Hamayun et al., (2006) reported its anticancer
properties as well. Inayatullah et al., (2007) screened the
crude methanolic extract of H. nepalensis (leaves + stem)
for different biological activities such as brine shrimp
cytotoxic activity, potato disc antitumor activity and
phytotoxic activity. This plant has also been evaluated for
its antifungal activity by Xue et al., (2010).
In view of the medicinal importance of H. nepalensis,
based on traditional knowledge and surveyed literature,
the present study focused on the fractionation procedure,
antioxidant activities and phytochemical analysis of the
crude methanolic extract and fractions. Following the
work of Inayatullah et al., (2007), the potato disc
antitumor activity was also conducted on the fractions of
H. nepalensis to find out how the different
phytochemicals are separated into different fractions.
Materials and Methods
Hedera nepalensis was collected from Ayubia,
pipeline track (near Muree Pakistan), during July 2008
and was identified by Dr. Mir Ajab Khan (taxonomist,
Department of Plant Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University,
Islamabad, Pakistan). A voucher specimen (herbarium
number HMP460) and deposited in the herbarium
Extraction and fractionation procedure: Fresh aerial
parts of the plant were collected from the field, rinsed
with distilled water, cut into small pieces and shade dried
at room temperature. Extraction from the aerial part was
carried out following a maceration procedure. A total of
671 g of plant material was ground in 3.0 l of methanol
using a kitchen blender. The poorly homogenized mixture
was kept for four weeks at room temperature (25°C ±
2°C) in an extraction bottle. After four weeks, the mixture
was filtered by squeezing the plant material in gauze cloth
before filtering with Whatman #1 filter paper. The filtrate
was then concentrated in a rotary evaporator at 45°C
under low pressure and dried to a constant weight of 15.0
g. This crude methanolic extract (CME) was subjected to
different biological assays for pre-screening of potential
pharmacological activities. CME was also investigated for
the presence of some important phytochemicals, including
steroids, alkaloids, cardiac glycosides and saponins. The
crude methanolic extract (15 g) was then suspended in
250 ml distilled H2O. This aqueous suspension was then
fractionated by solvent-solvent extraction, first with n-
hexane and then with ethyl acetate, using a separating
funnel (Pyrex, England). Three fractions, namely n-
hexane fraction (n-HF), ethyl acetate fraction (EAF) and
aqueous fraction (AQF), were obtained. All the fractions
were concentrated in a rotary evaporator and dried to a
constant weight in a vacuum oven at 45ºC. These
fractions were then subjected to the same biological
assays and phytochemical analysis used with the CME.
The extracts were kept at 4ºC when not in use.
Procedures for the selected bench top bioassays are
given below in detail.
1. Antioxidant assays: In order to evaluate the
antioxidant potentials, the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl
(DPPH) free radical scavenging assay and DNA
protection assay were used.
a. DPPH free radical scavenging assay: The DPPH
assay was performed according to the procedure described
by Kulisic et al., (2004) and modified by Obeid et al.,
(2005). In a glass vial, 2800 µl of 0.1 mM DPPH solution
(in 82% methanol) was mixed with 200 µl of test sample
(in methanol). This stock solution was serially diluted
with methanol to obtain final concentrations of 100 ppm,
50 ppm, 25 ppm, 10 ppm, 5 ppm, 2 ppm and 1 ppm. Each
concentration was assayed in triplicate. The vials were
capped, shaken well and kept in the dark at 37ºC for one
hour. After incubation, the change in colour (from deep-
violet to light-yellow) of DPPH free radical was then
measured by taking the absorbance of the reaction
mixtures at 517 nm on a UV/Visible spectrophotometer
(DAD Agilent 8453). A mixture of 2800 µl of 82%
methanol and 200 µl of methanol was used as a blank
while ascorbic acid was used as a positive control. The
percentage scavenging of DPPH free radical for each
concentration of test sample was calculated by using the
following formula:
% Scavenging = [(A-B)/A] × 100
A = Absorbance of negative control
B = Absorbance of test sample
IC50 values were calculated by a table curve using 2D v4
(AISN software)
b. DNA protection assay: Antioxidant and pro-oxidant
activities of CME and its fractions were evaluated by
conducting a DNA protection assay according to the
method reported by Tian & Hua (2005). Plasmid DNA
(pBR322 Fermentas) with a concentration of 0.5 μg/3 μl
was treated with three different concentrations of plant
extracts (30 ppm, 300 ppm and 3000 ppm dissolved in
methanol) in the final reaction volume of 15 µl. Fenton
reaction was induced by addition of 30% H2O2 (4 µl) and
2 mM FeSO4 (3 µl) into the reaction mixture. Four
controls (untreated DNA, DNA treated with 2 mM FeSO4,
DNA treated with 30% H2O2, DNA treated with 2 mM
FeSO4 and 30% H2O2) were run simultaneously. Each
mixture was incubated at 37ºC for one hour. After
incubation, 3 μl of bromophenol blue (loading dye) was
added to each reaction mixture, the samples were loaded
on a 1% agarose gel containing TBE (Tris, boric acid,
EDTA) buffer and ethidium bromide, and visualized with
Doc-IT (VWR). Evaluations of antioxidant or pro-oxidant
effects on DNA were based on the increase or loss
percentage of a super-coiled monomer, compared with the
control value. To avoid the effects of photo excitation of
samples, experiments were done in the dark.
2. Antitumor potato disc assay: CME and its fractions
were screened for their antitumor activities by using the
antitumor potato disc assay as reported by McLaughlin &
Rogers (1998). A 48-hour-old bacterial culture of
Agrobacterium tumefaciens (At 10) was used in this
experiment. Inocula with five concentrations of test
samples (1000, 100, 10, 5 and 1 ppm) were prepared with
1.5 ml autoclaved distilled water, 2.0 ml of bacterial
culture (1 x 108 CFU/ml) and 0.5 ml sample solution in
DMSO. A negative control was prepared by replacing the
sample solution with 0.5 ml DMSO. Red-skinned potatoes
were surface sterilized using a 0.1% HgCl2 solution.
Potato discs of 8 mm x 4 mm were prepared. Autoclaved
plain agar (1.5%) was poured in small petri plates and
allowed to solidify. Ten discs were placed on the agar
surface of each plate, and then 50 μl of inoculum was
poured on the surface of each disc. The plates were sealed
with Parafilm and incubated at 28°C in dark. The
experiment was carried out in triplicate. After 21 days of
incubation, potato discs were stained with Lugol’s
solution (10% KI, 5% I2), and tumors were counted.
Percentage tumor inhibition was calculated with the
following formula:
Percentage inhibition = (1- Ns/Nc) x 100
Ns = Average number of tumors in sample
Nc = Average number of tumors in negative control
More than 20% tumor inhibition was considered
significant (McLaughlin & Rogers, 1998).
Phytochemical analysis: The crude methanolic extract of
H. nepalensis and its fractions were qualitatively analyzed
for the presence or absence of certain phytochemicals by
using standard methods of analysis (Harborne, 1993;
Sofowara, 1993; Trease & Evans, 2002; Edeoga et al.,
2005; Parekh & Sumitra, 2007) as described by Parekh
and Sumitra, (2007). For alkaloids, 400 mg plant material
was mixed with 20 ml methanol and filtered. A mixture of
2 ml filtrate + 1% HCl + was steamed and filtered, and 1
ml filtrate + 6 drops of Mayer’s reagent, Wagner’s reagent
or Dragendorff reagent was checked for precipitates. A
creamish precipitate, a brownish-red precipitate or an
orange precipitate indicated the presence of alkaloids
using the respective reagents. The presence of
carbohydrates was determined using Bradford's and
Fehling's tests. In Bradford’s test, 3 ml of filtrate + 2 ml of
Bradford's reagent were mixed, heated for 7-12 minutes in
a water bath, and a red precipitate indicated the presence
of disaccharides. In Fehling’s test, 0.5 g of plant material
was dissolved in 5 ml distilled water and filtered, 1 ml
each of Fehling's A and B were mixed, boiled for 2
minutes on a spirit lamp, 1 ml of filtrate was added, and
the mixture was boiled again for 1 minute. A red
precipitate indicated the presence of carbohydrates
(reducing sugars). For tannins, 100 mg of sample was
dissolved in 5 ml distilled water and filtered, and 2 ml
filtrate + 2 ml FeCL3 was checked for a blue-black
precipitate that indicated the presence of tannins. The
presence of phlobatannins was determined by mixing 0.5
g plant material in 5 ml distilled water, boiling and
filtering, and adding add 1% aq. HCl to the filtrate; a red
precipitate indicated the presence of phlobatannins. For
saponins, the frothing test and emulsion test were used. In
the frothing test (0.5 ml filtrate + 5 ml of distilled water,
shaken well), frothing persistence indicated the presence
of saponins. In the emulsion test, 0.1 g plant material in 5
ml distilled water was filtered, 2 ml filtrate + few drops of
olive oil were shaken and checked for the presence of an
emulsion, which indicated the presence of saponins. For
cardiac glycosides, the Keller-Kiliani test was used (2 ml
filtrate + 1 ml glacial acetic acid + FeCl3 + concentrated
H2SO4); a green-blue color indicted the presence of
cardiac glycosides. For the identification of steroids, the
Liebermann-Burchard reaction was used. For this 100 mg
plant materials in 5 ml chloroform were mixed and
filtered, then 2 ml filtrate + 2 ml acetic anhydride +
concentrated H2SO4 was checked for color. Steroids
appeared as green to pink and terpenoids as pink to
purple. For flavonoids, 100 mg plant material in 5 ml
ethanol was mixed and filtered. A 2 ml filtrate +
concentrated HCl + magnesium ribbon will produce pink-
tomato red color if flavonoids are present.
The presence or absence of these phytochemicals is
represented in Table 3 using plus (+) and minus (-) signs
respectively, as displayed by Parekh & Sumitra, (2007)
and Usman et al., (2007).
Results and Discussion
Bench top bioassays have proved to be good tools for
biological evaluation of plant extracts. According to Jerry
et al., (1998) crude botanical extracts are comprised of
very effective mixtures of bioactive compounds, and it is
quite possible to sort out which activities are due to which
components with the help of simple bioassay procedures
and various separation techniques. Antioxidant activity of
H. nepalensis crude extract and its fractions was
determined by using two assays. These assays showed
dose-dependent free radical scavenging capacity and a
protective effect on DNA cleavage. DPPH assay is
considered to be a simple, convenient and rapid method
for screening of plant extract/compounds for their
antioxidant potential by measuring the reducing ability of
tested compounds. All three fractions were tested for their
DPPH scavenging activity. A well-known antioxidant,
ascorbic acid, was used as positive control. The lowest
IC50 values were observed for EAF (9.83) and AQF
(14.2). DPPH scavenging patterns for CME and its three
fractions, along with IC50 values, are presented in Table 1.
Table 1. DPPH free radical scavenging activities of CME and its fractions along with IC50 values.
% Scavenging at different concentrations (ppm)
No. Test samples 100 50 25 10 5 2 1
IC50 (ppm)
1. CME 80.4 71.8 35.2 0 0 0 0 35.29
2. n-HF 58 23 23 0 0 0 0 89
3. EAF 82 82 81 59 24 4 0 9.834
4. AQF 81 80 81 30 10 0.4 0 14.22
5. Asc. acid 95.04 94.8 90.0 86.4 44.7 17.6 1.77 7.02
CME = crude methanolic extract, n-HF = n-hexane fraction, EAF = ethyl acetate fraction, AQF = aqueous fraction, Asc. Acid =
ascorbic acid
Antioxidant effects of CME and its fractions were
also investigated in vitro by using a free radical-induced
oxidative plasmid (pBR322) DNA break system. All the
fractions, along with the crude extract, exhibited
significant DNA protection activity, while no obvious
DNA damage was observed in any of the test samples as
presented in Fig. 1(a, b). Despite its low DPPH free
radical scavenging activity, n-HF exhibited pronounced
DNA protection activity, indicating that while n-HF may
not possess free radical scavenging potential, it might
have some effect on the Fenton reaction. The nature of
DNA protection is ambiguous because there are several
potential inhibition pathways. The antioxidants can inhibit
the reaction by reacting directly with H2O2 or reacting
with intermediates formed from enzymes and H2O2
(Martinez et al., 2001). DNA protection was variable for
all three concentrations of the extract and fractions tested.
Previous research indicated that the leaves of H.
nepalensis have anticancer properties (Hamayun et al.,
2006). Inayatullah et al., (2007) examined the crude
methanolic extract of H. nepalensis (leaves + stem), so we
decided to check all the fractions for antitumor activity.
Our results showed significant tumor inhibition. The n-HF
and EAF exhibited 95% and 90% tumor inhibition at 1000
ppm, respectively. Tumor inhibition was observed in a
concentration-dependent mode: tumor inhibition increased
with increase in concentration of the test samples (Table
2). Unlike the fractions, the crude extract did not exhibit a
pronounced level of tumor inhibition, which might be due
to low concentration or the antagonistic effects of the
compounds present in the crude extract. The effect of
crude extract of H. nepalensis on viability of A.
tumefaciens was found to be quite insignificant
(Inayatullah et al., 2007), indicating that the
extract/fractions are not involved in killing the bacterium
(A. tumefaciens) that causes tumors, but rather inhibit
tumors by other means.
Table 2. Inhibition of tumor formation by CME and its fractions along with IC50 values.
% Inhibition at different concentrations (ppm)
No. Extract/Fraction 1000 100 10 5 1
IC50 (ppm)
1. CME 67 63 60 60 36 2.96
2. n-HF 90 78 66 58 45 3.6
3. EAF 95 90 80 85 61 <1 ppm
4. AQF 84 85 71 74 66 <1 ppm
CME = crude methanolic extract, n-HF = n-hexane fraction, EAF = ethyl acetate fraction, AQF = aqueous fraction
Fig. 1(a). DNA protection assay with three different concentrations of CME
1. 1 kb DNA Ladder, 2. Plasmid DNA (pBR322), 3. Plasmid DNA treated with 2 mM FeSO4, 4. Plasmid DNA treated with 30% H2O2,
5. Plasmid DNA treated with 2 mM FeSO4 + 30% H2O2, 6. CME (1000 ppm) + plasmid DNA treated with FeSO4 + H2O2, 7. CME
(100 ppm) + plasmid DNA treated with FeSO4 + H2O2, 8. CME (10 ppm) + plasmid DNA treated with FeSO4+H2O2.
Fig. 1(b). DNA protection assay with all the fractions of CME at three different concentrations
1. 1 kb DNA ladder, 2. Plasmid DNA (pBR322), 3. Plasmid DNA treated with 2 mM FeSO4, 4. Plasmid DNA treated with 30% H2O2,
5. Plasmid DNA treated with 2 mM FeSO4 + 30% H2O2, 6. n-HF (1000 ppm) + plasmid DNA treated with FeSO4 + H2O2, 7. n-HF
(100 ppm) + plasmid DNA treated with FeSO4 + H2O2, 8. n-HF (10 ppm) + plasmid DNA treated with FeSO4 + H2O2, 9. EAF (1000
ppm) + plasmid DNA treated with FeSO4 + H2O2, 10. EAF (100 ppm) plasmid DNA treated with FeSO4 + H2O2, 11. EAF (10 ppm)
plasmid DNA treated with FeSO4 + H2O2, 12. AQF (1000 ppm) + plasmid DNA treated with FeSO4 + H2O2, 13. AQF (100 ppm) +
plasmid DNA treated with FeSO4 + H2O2, 14. AQF (10 ppm) + plasmid DNA treated with FeSO4 + H2O2.
The preliminary phytochemical studies demonstrated
the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids, tannins and
terpenoids it varying concentrations. Terpenoids were
detected at high concentrations in all the extract/fractions
except n-HF, as shown in Table 3. Tannins were found at
moderate concentrations, while phlobatannins were
completely absent. Terpenoids, flavonoids, alkaloids and
tannins are considered to possess high antioxidant
activities, which prevent or can be used in the treatment of
many diseases, including cancer (Madhuri & Pandey,
2009). Therefore, the presence of appreciable to moderate
amounts of these phytochemicals can be correlated with
the possible significant medicinal potential of the plant.
Crude methanolic extract of Hedera nepalensis and
its ethyl acetate and aqueous fractions showed significant
antioxidant activity in a DPPH free radical scavenging
activity assay and DNA protection assay. The results for
the potato disc antitumor assay showed that this plant has
highly potent antitumor agents. Further isolation and
purification of bioactive compounds from EAF and AQF
in the future may reveal the presence of potent novel
antioxidants and anticancer agents from H. nepalensis.
The authors are thankful to the Higher Education
Commission (HEC) Islamabad, for providing a grant to
accomplish this study and also to Prof. Dr. Mir Ajab
Khan, Plant Sciences Department, Quaid–i-Azam
University, Islamabad, Pakistan for plant identification.
Table 3. Phytochemical analysis of CME and its fractions.
No. Constituents/test CME n-HF EAF AQF
Dragendorff's - - - -
Mayer’s ++ - ++ -
Wagner’s + - ++ -
Bradford’s + + - -
Fehling’s + + + +
3. Harborne ++ - + +
4. Liebermann-Burchard reaction ++ ++ - -
Frothing Test - - + +
Emulsion Test - + + -
6. FeCl3 Test ++ + - -
7. Phlobatannins - - - -
8. Terpenoids +++ - +++ +++
Cardiac Glycosides
9. Keller-Kiliani Test + - ++ ++
Key: CME = Crude methanolic extract, n-HF = n-hexane fraction, EAF = Ethyl acetate fraction, AQF = Aqueous
fraction, +++ = Good amount, ++ = Moderate amount, + = Trace amount, - = Completely absent
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(Received for publication 20 October 2011)
... They were used for abscesses and ulcers treatment, and the leaf decoction was used to treat lice. As well, H. nepalensis was used in diabetes and against fever, pulmonary infections and rheumatism [92]. Finally, H. rhombea leaves were used to treat haemorrhage, chronic catarrh, jaundice, lithiasis, and convulsions [107]. ...
... The antioxidant effect of H. nepalensis crude extract, ethyl acetate and aqueous fractions was evaluated. The assay demonstrated dose-dependent free radical scavenging capacity along with a protective effect in free radical induced DNA damage assay, with the ethyl acetate and aqueous fractions exhibiting the highest activity [92]. ...
... The potato disc antitumor assay was used to evaluate the antitumor activity of H. nepalensis extract and fractions. The aqueous and ethyl acetate fractions demonstrated well-defined tumour inhibition [92]. Another study used the brine shrimp lethality bioassay to test the cytotoxic effect of both crude methanolic extract of H. nepalensis along withother fractions. ...
... Hedera nepalensis is a member of the Araliaceae family's Hedera genus, which is recognized to have therapeutic potential in some cases 1 . H. nepalensis has been found in several European nations, the Himalayas, China, India, and parts of Vietnam's high mountains 2,3 . ...
... The important phytochemicals identified in the crude methanol extract of H. nepalensis belong to the classes of flavonoids, phenolic acids, cardiac glycosides, steroids, alkaloids, and saponins 1,[4][5][6][7] . UHPLC-QTOF-MS/MS has become an important and more efficient method for the determination of chemical structures 8 .This technique has been widely used to analyse chemical constituents and metabolites of medicinal herbs, and the findings are remarkable [9][10][11][12][13] . ...
... Most of natural products possess interesting biological activities and medicinal potential. Various herbs, fruits, and grains have been found to have different important biological activities such as antioxidant, [9] antitumor, antimutagenic, antidiabetes, antianalgesic, [10] antidementia, inflammation inhibitory effect, [9] antitumor, [11] anticancer, [12] antimicrobial, antileishmanial, and antimalarial properties [13,14]. e consumption of natural antioxidants will reduce risk of many diseases including cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and other diseases allied with aging [15]. ...
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The purpose of this review is to summarize the available antidiabetic medicinal plants in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with its phytoconstituents and toxicological findings supporting by the latest literature. Required data about medicinal plants having antidiabetic activities and growing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia were searched/collected from the online databases including Wiley, Google, PubMed, Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, and Scopus. Keywords used in search are in vivo antidiabetic activities, flora of Saudi Arabia, active ingredients, toxicological evaluations, and medicinal plants. A total of 50 plant species belonging to 27 families were found in the flora of Saudi Arabia. Dominant family was found Lamiaceae with 5 species (highest) followed by Moraceae with 4 species. β-Amyrin, β-sitosterol, stigmasterol, oleanolic acid, ursolic acid, rutin, chlorogenic acid, quercetin, and kaempferol are the very common bioactive constituents of these selected plant species. This paper has presented a list of antidiabetic plants used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Bioactive antidiabetic phytoconstituents which showed that these plants have hypoglycemic effects and highly recommended for further pharmacological purposes and to isolate/identify antidiabetes mellitus (anti-DM) active agents also need to investigate the side effects of active ingredients.
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Diabetes is a chronic disease that has affected millions of people worldwide. The current treatments for diabetes, such as insulin therapy and oral medications, have limitations, including adverse effects and high costs. Therefore, there is a need for new and effective treatments for diabetes. Recent studies have shown that plants from the Chenopodiaceae family have anti-diabetic properties. In this study, we have identified 22 plants from the Chenopodiaceae family that have been reported to have anti-diabetic properties. These plants contain various bioactive compounds, such as flavonoids, alkaloids, and phenols that have been shown to have anti-diabetic effects. Some of these compounds can enhance insulin secretion, improve glucose uptake, and reduce blood glucose levels. The anti-diabetic properties of these plants have been investigated in vitro and in vivo studies, and the results are promising. Several of these plants have been shown to reduce blood glucose levels in animal models of diabetes significantly. Overall, the findings of this study suggest that plants from the Chenopodiaceae family have potential as safe and effective treatment options for diabetes. Further research is needed to fully understand these plants’ mechanisms of action and safety profile. However, these findings provide a promising avenue for developing new anti-diabetic drugs from natural sources. Specifically, I’ve outlined three significant mechanisms: stimulation of insulin secretion, enhancement of glucose uptake, and inhibition of gluconeogenesis, all of which are attributed to the bioactive compounds found in Chenopodiaceae medicinal plants.
This research aims to explore the saponins composition of H. nepalensis in four northwest mountainous areas of Vietnam including Ha Giang, Lai Chau, Lao Cai, and Lang Son with the aid of high-resolution mass spectrometry. As a result, 42 saponins are successfully identified in H. nepalensis leaves by UHPLC-Q-TOF-MS/MS analyses, in which two 30-noroleanane and four oleanane triterpene saponins structures have been reported for the first time. Two structures of compound 20 were discovered in four samples. Two structures of compound 8 were found in H. nepalensis from Ha Giang and Lao Cai, while two structures of compound 28 were not observed in Lang Son. Different environmental and climatic circumstances in various places may have an impact on chemical constituents of H. nepalensis. By providing the phytochemicals profile of H. nepalensis leaves, our study supports the orientation for future research on this medicinal plant as well as other Hedera species.
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Abstract Hedera nepalensis (H. nepalensis) , belonging to the family Araliaceae, is a medicinal plant traditionally used to treat stomach problems. The current study investigated the gastroprotective potential and the mechanism of action of H. nepalensis in diclofenac-and ethanol-induced ulcer models. Anti-oxidant and lipid peroxidation inhibitory prospects of H. nepalensis were checked out by free radical scavenging assay and UV spectrophotometer respectively. Effect of H. nepalensis on the pH, gastric total acidity of gastric juice and protective effects of H. nepalensis against ulcer models have been examined. Histopathological studies have been carried out. The aqueous methanol extract of H. nepalensis (100 µg/mL) showed anti-oxidant (83.55%) and lipid peroxidation inhibitory (70.88%) potential at 1000 µg/mL; the extract had no buffer potential. The extract (400 mg/kg) significantly (81.12% and 63.46%) showed gastroprotective effect in diclofenac and ethanol-induced rat ulcer models respectively. Histopathological studies confirmed the biochemical findings. FTIR analysis showed the presence of carboxylic acid, alkanes, conjugated alkanes, aldehydes and alkyl-aryl ethers. Gallic acid, M-coumaric acid and quercetin were found by HPLC analysis. H. nepalensis exhibited significant protection against diclofenac and ethanol induced gastric damage by anti-oxidant and lipid peroxidation suppression effects suggesting potential broad utility in treatment of diseases characterized with gastric damage.
Hedera helix is broadly distributed and cultivated globally. Hedera helix is very famous as a medicinal and ornamental plant. It is a traditional edible herb, which is beneficial to the treatment of various diseases and disorders, including cough, cold, reheumatoid arthritis and bronchial disorder. In this study, the petiole of Hedera helix was used as explants to study the effect of sodium hypochlorite disinfection time on explants, and the effects of different ratios of various plant growth regulators on callus induction and bud differentiation of explants were studied through orthogonal experiments. The optimal plant growth regulator ratio in rooting culture was also studied. The results showed that the explants were best sterilized with 2% sodium hypochlorite for 10 min. The best medium for callus induction was MS + 3.0 mg/L6-BA + 1.0 mg/L NAA + 0.1 mg/L2,4-D.The best bud differentiation medium was MS + 1.5 mg/L6-BA + 0.1 mg/L IBA + 0.5 mg/L TDZ. Significant results were achieved with rooting medium 1/2MS + 0.8 mg/L IBA. In conclusion, the objectives of the present investigation were to improve the disinfection procedure for petiole of Hedera helix explants using sterilization agents such as NaOCl with different time intervals. Moreover, the effects of different plant growth regulators on callus induction from petiole explants of Hedera helix were studied.
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Underutilized wild plants are important sources of nutrition and medicine since ancient times and have contributed to food security, enriching diet diversity and preventing malnutrition. These plants have been used in ancient Chinese and Indian medicine such as Ayurvedic, Unani and Sidhi to treat various ailments. Ladakh, the cold-desert of India, is home to many such wild underutilized plants which have played a crucial role in supplementing diet to the indigenous people. Phytochemical investigation of these plants have revealed the presence of essential nutrients and bioactive compounds like vitamins, minerals, rutin, quercetin, kaempferol, capparisine, caftaric acid, chicoric acid, salidrosides, rosavins, emodin and anthraquinones that are responsible for their pharmacological activities like antioxidant, antidiabetic, hepatoprotective, antinociceptive response, antiageing, antiinflammatory, neuroprotective and cardioprotective. Moreover, fortification of staple food with these plants have ability to improve the micronutrients and bioactive constituents. Identification of these compounds using a metabolomic approach could enable development of safer and affordable novel drugs. These underutilized plants, though having tremendous potential for commercial exploitation, still remain largely ignored. The paper highlights some of the underutilized plants of Ladakh and their potentials as food and nutraceuticals and future commercial exploitation for nutritional security and good health.
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Poisonous plants cause tremendous economic losses to the livestock industry. These economic losses are deterioration in their health, decreased productivity, deformed offspring, and reduced longevity. The current study is the first comprehensive report on poisonous plants of Azad Jammu and Kashmir which systematically documents the phytotoxicological effect and mode of action in livestock. The information was gathered from 271 informants including 167 men and 104 women through semi-structured interviews and literature search through available databases. The data collected through interviews was analyzed with quantitative tools viz. the factor informant consensus and fidelity level. A total of 38 species of flowering plants belonging to 23 families and 38 genera were reported. Family Asteraceae (5 spp) was the most dominant, followed by Solanaceae (4 spp), Fabaceae (4 spp), Euphorbiaceae (4 spp) and Convolvulaceae (3 spp). Among all the species collected, herbs were the dominant life form (22 spp, 57.89%), trailed by shrubs (11 spp, 28.95%), and trees (5 spp, 13.16%). Whole plant toxicity was reported to be the highest (15 spp, 39.47%), followed by leaf toxicity (12 spp, 31.58%), seed toxicity (4 spp, 7.89%), fruit toxicity (3 spp, 10.53%), latex toxicity (2 spp, 5.26%), flowers toxicity (1 spp, 2.63%), and berries toxicity (1 spp, 2.63%). The most toxic route of administration was found oral (39 spp, 40.63%), followed by intraperitoneal (24 spp, 25%), and intravenous (21 spp, 21.88%). The most commonly affected organ was found liver (20.41%), followed by gastrointestinal tract (20.341%), CNS (16.33%), skin (14.29%), kidneys (12.24%), lungs (4.04%), reproductive organs (2.04%), spleen (1.75%), blood (1.75%), heart (1.75%), urinary tract (1.75%), and pancreas (1.75%). The maximum F ic value was found for dermatological disorders (0.91), followed by the endocrine system (0.90), gastrointestinal (0.82), neurology (0.77), nephrology (0.67), cardiovascular (0.67), urinary (0.67), respiratory (0.60), sexual (0.60) disorders. Senecio vulgaris , and Ageratum conyzoides were the most important plants with fidelity level (0.95) and (0.87). Nerium oleander , Lantana camara , Leucaena leucocephala , and Ricinus communis were the important poisonous plant with maximum fidelity level (100%). Ricinus communis with reported lowest LD 50 (<20 mg/kg) was the top-ranked poisonous plant followed by Lantana camara and Justicia adhatoda (25–50 mg/kg), Nerium Oleander (157.37 mg/kg), and Datura innoxia (400 mg/kg). We found that knowledge about poisonous plants is less prevailing in the rural areas of Azad Kashmir compared to the knowledge about medicinal plants and poisonous nature of reported plants is due to production of toxic substances and presence of essential oils.
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This study examines patterns of morphological similarity within Hedera (the ivy genus, Araliaceae). Both cluster and principal components analyses reveal two major groupings corresponding to species of Hedera with stellate and scale-like trichomes. Characters traditionally used to delimit members of the genus were evaluated. Morphometric analyses found that the major delimit-ing characters for taxa with scale-like trichomes are: 1) number of leaf lobes, 2) length of the middle leaf lobe, 3) ratio of trichome center diameter to over-all size, and 4) overall width of the leaf. The major delimiting characters for taxa with stellate trichomes are: 1) degree of leaf sinus shallowness, 2) length of leaf lobes, 3) width of the leaf middle lobe, 4) number of leaf lobes, and 5) trichome position. The newly described Hedera maderensis K. Koch ex Rutherford subsp. iberica McAllister is highly distinct morphologically from the typical subspecies, confirming evidence from chloroplast and nuclear ribosomal DNA data that suggest an independent origin of the two taxa. Hedera iberica (McAllister) Ackerfield & J. Wen is recognized at the species level. A key to the taxa of Hedera is provided to aid in the identification of this complex group. RÉSUMÉ Analyse morphologique du genre Hedera L. (les Lierres, Araliaceae) et implica-tions taxonomiques. Cette étude évalue les schémas de ressemblance morphologique au sein du genre Hedera (les Lierres, Araliaceae). Des analyses de classification hiérar-chique et en composantes principales révèlent l'existence de deux groupe-ments qui correspondent aux espèces à trichomes stellés et à celles à trichomes ADANSONIA, sér. 3 • 2002 • 24 (2) : 197-212 © Publications Scientifiques du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris.
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This paper is based on an ethnobotanical project, carried out in the remote Hindu Kush mountain region of District Swat, Pakistan. The prime objectives of the project were to explore the conservation status, folk medicinal knowledge and traditional pre and post harvesting techniques of some economically important medicinal plants of the area. It was observed that 49 medicinal plants belonging to 32 families were collected and traded in the herb markets of Swat. Most of these plants are used by local population for curing different ailments, while some are exported to other parts of Pakistan. The traditional plant collection techniques have resulted in huge losses of these valuable plant resources. The conservation assessment of these plants revealed that due to increased exploitation and un-sustainable harvesting, 49% of these economically valued medicinal plant species are threatened.
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An attempt has been made to review some medicinal plants used for the prevention and treatment of cancer in foreign countries. Information on the botanical names of plants with family names, parts used and their main active components, and original/native place of these plants have been collected from the litera- ture. This article considers 62 medicinal plants of for- eign origin. These plants belong to 40 families, and their different parts (root, stem, bark, corm, bulb, leaf, fruit and seed) or the whole plants/herbs are used. The extracts or decoctions of these are generally used. The medicinal plants contain several phyto- chemicals such as vitamins (A, C, E, K), carotenoids, terpenoids, flavonoids, polyphenols, alkaloids, tannins, saponins, enzymes, minerals, etc. These phytochemi- cals possess antioxidant activities, which prevent or can be used in the treatment of many diseases, includ- ing cancer. Herbal drugs are also known to have good immunomodulatory properties. These act by stimulat- ing both non-specific and specific immunity. CANCER is the abnormal growth of cells in our bodies that can lead to death. Cancer cells usually invade and destroy normal cells. These cells are born due to imbal- ance in the body and by correcting this imbalance, the cancer may be treated. Billions of dollars have been spent on cancer research and yet we do not understand exactly what cancer is 1
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The aims of this paper are the study of plants, traditionally employed by inhabitants of Sudhan Gali and Ganga Chotti Hills, district Bagh, Azad Kashmir. Various threrapeutic applications of 33 plant species belonging to 29 genera and 17 families and phonological observations were also made.
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Seven methanol extracts from five different plant species [Salvia nubicola B. (Laminiaceae), Acer oblongifolium D. (Aceraceae), Sorbaria tomentosa L. (Rosaceae), Hedera nepalensis K. (Araliaceae), and Artemisia fragrans W. (Asteraceae)] were evaluated for brine shrimp cytotoxicity, antitumor potato disc, and radish seed phytotoxicity activity. Four of the seven extracts revealed significant ED50 value ranging from 11.9 to 226.8 ppm. Inhibition of tumor formation ranged from 9 to 82.9% by all extracts in antitumor potato disc assay at three different concentrations tested (1000, 100, and 10 ppm). Growth inhibition was observed by all extracts in radish seed bioassay at high concentration (10,000 ppm). At low concentration (1000 ppm), three extracts from two plant species (leaf and flower extract of S. nubicola, stem extract of S. nubicola, and stem extract of H. nepalensis) presented stimulation of growth ranging from 3.5 to 43.2%. A positive correlation was observed in the results of three of the described assays. Keywords: Antitumor, bioassays, chemotherapeutic, cytotoxic, phytotoxicity.
The antibacterial effect of some selected Indian medicinal plants was evaluated on bacterial strains like Bacillus cereus ATCC11778, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC25923, Enterobacter aerogenes ATCC13048, Escherichia coli ATCC25922 and Klebsiella pneumoniae NCIM2719. The solvents used for the extraction of plants were water and methanol. The in vitro antibacterial activity was performed by agar disc diffusion and agar well diffusion method. The most susceptible Gram-positive bacteria was B. cereus, while the most susceptible Gram-negative bacteria was K. pneumoniae. The extracts of Abrus precatorius, Cardiospermum halicacabum and Gmelina asiatica could not inhibit any of the bacterial strains investigated. The most active antibacterial plant was Caesalpinia pulcherrima. The significant antibacterial activity of active extracts was compared with the standard antimicrobics, piperacillin (100 μg/disc) and gentamicin (10 μg/disc). The results obtained in the present study suggest that Caesalpinia pulcherrima can be used in treating diseases caused by the test organisms.
The Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology's laboratory has adopted four “bench top” bioassays which do not require higher animals to screen and direct the fractionation of botanical extracts in drug discovery efforts. These are: 1. The brine shrimp lethality test (BST) (a general bioassay), 2. The inhibition of crown gall tumors on discs of potato tubers (an antitumor bioassay), 3. The inhibition of frond proliferation in duckweed (a bioassay for herbicides and plant growth stimulants), and 4. The yellow fever mosquito larvae lethality test (a bioassay for pesticides). The materials and procedures for those bioassays will be briefly described. The authors' results in applying these simple methods in the discovery of Annonaceous acetogenins will be presented to illustrate their successful use. The BST is especially suggested as an inexpensive, simple, and rapid means of standardization of bioactivity in heterogeneous botanical products.
Alkaloids, tannins, saponins, steroid, terpenoid, flavonoids, phlobatannin and cardic glycoside distribution in ten medicinal plants belonging to different families were assessed and compared. The medicinal plants investigated were Cleome nutidosperma, Emilia coccinea, Euphorbia heterophylla, Physalis angulata, Richardia bransitensis, Scopania dulcis, Sida acuta, Spigelia anthelmia, Stachytarpheta cayennensis and Tridax procumbens. All the plants were found to contain alkaloids, tannins and flavonoids except for the absence of tannins in S. acuta and flavonoids in S. cayennsis respectively. The significance of the plants in traditional medicine and the importance of the distribution of these chemical constituents were discussed with respect to the role of these plants in ethnomedicine in Nigeria.
The antioxidant and pro‐oxidant activities of broccoli amino acids were compared with those of common food additives. In decreasing order, the data showed that Asp, SMC, GABA, Glu, Gln, Pro, Phe, Leu, Lys, Arg, Asn, Val, Ile, His, Ser, Gly, Orn and Ala, when dissolved in water at concentrations of 0.5 and 0.05 m M , partially inhibited damage to deoxyribose in the presence of ferric‐EDTA and H 2 O 2 . In contrast, Tyr and Thr acted as pro‐oxidants in this system. The amino acids present in broccoli had no hydrogen peroxide‐scavenging effect. When dissolved in water, methanol or ethanol, SMC, Glu, Thr, Gln, Ser, GABA, Pro, Ala, Ile, Phe, Asp, Orn and Tyr inhibited lipid peroxidation. However, Asn, Val, Arg, Leu, Lys, His and Gly were not effective in decreasing peroxidation at concentrations of 0.5 and 0.05 m M . Asp > SMC > Ala > Phe > Hys > Orn > Gln = Ser > Lys > Leu = GABA = Gly > Tyr > Arg = Thr > Val > Asn > Pro > Ile > Glu ( p < 0.025) showed scavenging activity towards hypochlorous acid, protecting α 1 ‐antiproteinase against inactivation. In this paper it has been established that some amino acids premixed with propyl gallate increase its hypochlorous acid‐scavenging capacity, while other amino acids have an additive effect with propyl gallate, permitting smaller quantities of propyl gallate to be used as food additives in some products which contain these amino acids. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry