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A Short Review of Symbol Grounding in Robotic and Intelligent Systems



This paper gives an overview of the research papers published in Symbol Grounding in the period from the beginning of the 21st century up 2012. The focus is in the use of symbol grounding for robotics and intelligent system. The review covers a number of subtopics, that include, physical symbol grounding, social symbol grounding, symbol grounding for vision systems, anchoring in robotic systems, and learning symbol grounding in software systems and robotics. This review is published in conjunction with a special issue on Symbol Grounding in the Künstliche Intelligenz Journal.
Noname manuscript No.
(will be inserted by the editor)
A Short review of Symbol Grounding in Robotic and
Intelligent Systems
Silvia Coradeschi · Amy Loutfi · Britta Wedre
Received: date / Accepted: date
Abstract This paper gives an overview of the research
papers published in Symbol Grounding in the period
from the beginning of the 21st century up 2012. The
focus is in the use of symbol grounding for robotics
and intelligent system. The review covers a number of
subtopics, that include, physical symbol grounding, so-
cial symbol grounding, symbol grounding for vision sys-
tems, anchoring in robotic systems, and learning sym-
bol grounding in software systems and robotics. This
review is published in conjunction with a special is-
sue on Symbol Grounding in the K¨unstliche Intelligenz
Keywords Symbol Grounding · Anchoring · Cognitive
Robotics · Social Symbol Gronding
1 Introduction
The main dream of Artificial Intelligence has been to
create autonomous and intelligent systems that can rea-
son and act in the real world. For such a dream to
become true an essential ingredient is to establish and
maintain a connection between what the system reasons
about and what it can sense in the real world. This can
be considered as an aspect of the Symbol Grounding
Problem. The Symbol Grounding Problem (SGP) has
been defined by Harnad in [36] as the problem of how
to ground the meanings of symbol tokens in anything
different than other (meaningless) symbols. Since its
definition, symbol grounding has been an area of inter-
est both in the fields of psychology as well as artificial
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intelligence. Its practical application has also been stud-
ied in robotics and intelligent systems, with particular
emphasis on the problem of grounding symbols to the
data acquired by physically embedded sensors. It is this
practical application which is the focus of this paper.
The review covers the recent literature in the subject
and in particular the period from 2000 to 2012 and is
organized into two subtopics which relate to the cur-
rent approaches to SGP in robotics and intelligent sys-
tems: Physical Symbol Grounding and Social Symbol
Grounding. The ”Physical Symbol Grounding” as been
defined by Vogt in [101] as the grounding of symbols to
real world objects by a physical agent interacting in the
real world; while its social component, ”Social Symbol
Grounding”, refers to the collective negotiation for the
selection of shared symbols (words) and their grounded
meanings in (potentially large) populations of agents as
defined by Cangelosi in [12].
These are both significant and hard problems. As
explained in [101] Physical Symbol Grounding requires
constructing a consistent relation between percepts that
may vary under different conditions, and which often
have a high dimensionality. Categorising the dimen-
sionalities may yield different categories, which how-
ever should be relate to one concept often with the help
of invariant feature detectors. According to Vogt [104]
the social symbol grounding problem may even be an
harder problem to solve, because to learn what a word-
form refers to can result in Quine’s referential indeter-
minacy problem: the unknown word can -theoretically-
refer to an infinite number of objects. Vogt investigated
in [104] a number of heuristics from child language ac-
quisition literature that help to reduce this indetermi-
nacy: joint attention, principle of contrast and correc-
tive feedback. In [103] mutual exclusivity, and a few
2 Silvia Coradeschi et al.
potential dialogues that help to reduce referential inde-
terminacy have been also implemented.
It is worth to note that a recent review of Symbol
Grounding has been published in 2005 by Taddeo [95]
which specifically addresses SGP as a general problem
from a philosophical perspective. A volume edited by
Belpaeme [4] presents current views on symbol ground-
ing both from a philosophical and robotics perspec-
tive.This review is complementary as it focuses on work
of more practical relevance to robotics and intelligent
systems. Finally Cangelosi in [14] discusses the current
progress and solutions to the symbol grounding prob-
lem and specifically identifies which aspects of the prob-
lem have been addressed and issues and scientific chal-
lenges that still require investigation.
It is the authors belief that the focus of this review
is especially timely as the steps towards the solution of
the SGP will be key to creating the next generation of
robotic systems that are capable of high level reasoning.
The review is structured in a number of subtopics.
In the Physical Symbol Grounding section learning of
categories on the basis of sensor data and grounding
of actions are considered. In addition the concept of
Anchoring of symbols to sensor data is defined and the
work in this topic is summarized. The review ends with
a summary of works in Social Symbol Grounding and
works on Symbol Grounding applied the the semantic
2 Physical Symbol Grounding
When dealing with the Physical Symbol Grounding,
one of the basic challenges examined in the literature is
to ground symbols to perceptual representations (sen-
sor data), where the symbols denote categorical con-
cepts such as color, shape and spatial features. Typi-
cally, the sensor data come from vision sensors but other
modalities have also been used. The methods explored
are often inspired by connectionist models and a wide
range of learning algorithms have been applied. Unsu-
pervised methods have been investigated by Vavrecka
in [?] where a biologically inspired model for ground-
ing spatial terms is presented. Color, shape and spa-
tial relations of two objects in 2D space are grounded.
Images with two objects are presented to an artificial
retina and five-word sentences describing them (e.g.
”Red box above green circle”) are inputed. The im-
plementation is done using Self-Organizing Map and
Neural Gas algorithms. The Neural Gas algorithm is
found to lead to better performance especially in case
of scenes with higher complexity. In [50] Kittler con-
siders a visual bootstrapping approach for the unsu-
pervised symbol grounding is presented. The method is
based on a recursive clustering of a perceptual category
domain controlled by goal acquisition from the visual
A supervised method is used in a framework for
modeling language in neural networks and adaptive agent
simulations by Cangelosi [11]. In this work symbols are
directly grounded into the agents’ own categorical rep-
resentations and have syntactic relationships with other
symbols. The grounding of basic words, acquired via di-
rect sensorimotor experience, is transferred to higher-
order words via linguistic descriptions.
A few works consider the combination of both vi-
sual and auditory data, where the combination gives a
better result than using one modality alone. In [105] a
multimodal learning system is presented by Yu that
can ground spoken names of objects in their physi-
cal referents and learn to recognize those objects si-
multaneously from vocal and vision input. The system
collects image sequences and speech input while users
perform natural tasks and grounds spoken names of
objects in visual perception, also learning to catego-
rize visual objects using teaching signals encoded in co-
occurring speech. Also Nakamura uses in [70, 71] vision
and speech for multimodal categorization and words
grounding by robots. The robot uses its physical em-
bodiment to grasp and observe an object from various
view points, as well as to listen to the sound during the
observing period. The method used is Latent Dirich-
let allocation (LDA)-based framework and experimen-
tal results with 40 objects (eight categories) show an
improvement with respect to just visual categorization
and show the possibility of a conversation between a
user and the robot based on the grounded words. In [72]
a system involving vision and audio data is presented
by Needham that is capable of autonomously learning
concepts (utterances and object properties) from per-
ceptual observations of dynamic scenes. This work goes
beyond categorical learning and learns also protocols
from the perceptual observations. The motivation is the
development of a synthetic agent that can observe a
scene containing interactions between unknown objects
and agents, and learn models of these sufficient to act
in accordance with the implicit protocols present in the
scene. The system is tested by learning the protocols
of simple table-top games where perceptual classes and
rules of behaviors from real world audio-visual data is
learnt in an autonomous manner.
Additional sensor modalities have been used by Groll-
man in [35] where symbol grounding in robot perception
is considered through a data-driven approach deriving
categories from robot sensor data that include infrared,
sonar and data from a time-of-flight distance camera.
Isomap nonlinear dimension reduction and Bayesian clus-
A Short review of Symbol Grounding in Robotic and Intelligent Systems 3
tering (Gaussian mixture models) with model identifi-
cation techniques are used to discover categories. Trials
in various indoor and outdoor environments with dif-
ferent sensor modalities are presented and the learned
categories are then used to classify new sensor data.
2.1 Perceptual Anchoring
A special case of Symbol Grounding is the connection
of sensor data coming from physical objects to higher
level symbolic information that refers to those objects.
The process of creating and maintaining this connection
is called Anchoring and has been formally defined by
Coradeschi in [21] and then in [22].
The use of anchoring in planning, recovery plan-
ning and solving of ambibuities is explored in works of
Karlsson and Broxvall [7, 8, 49] Anchoring with other
sensor modalities like olfaction is explored in works
of Loutfi and Broxvall [9, 59–61] while the integration
of high-level conceptual knowledge on a single agent,
via the combination of a fully-fledged Knowledge Rep-
resentation and Reasoning (KR&R) system with the
anchoring framework and more specifically, the use of
semantic knowledge and common-sense information so
as to enable reasoning about the perceived objects at
the conceptual level has been considered by Lemaignan
and Daoutis in [26, 55]. Cooperative anchoring among
robots in a robot soccer application is presented by
LeBlanc in [54] while multi-agent anchoring in a smart
home environment is presented in works of Broxvall and
Daoutis [9, 24].
A framework for computing the spatial relations be-
tween anchors is presented by Melchert in [62, 65, 66]
where a set of binary spatial relations were used to
provide object descriptions. Human interaction is used
to disambiguate between visually similar objects. Sim-
ilarly in [67] an approach to establish joint object ref-
erence is formulated by Moratz. The object recogni-
tion approach assigns natural categories (e.g. ”desk”,
”chair”, ”table”) to new objects based on their func-
tional design, relations (e.g. ”the briefcase to the left
of the chair”) are then established allowing users to re-
fer to objects which cannot be classified reliably by the
recognition system alone.
Anchoring has also been used by Lemaignan [56]
to enable a grounded and shared model of the world
that is suitable for dialogue understanding. Realistic
human-robot interactions are considered that deal with
complex, partially unknown human environments and a
fully embodied (with arms, head,...) autonomous robot
that manipulates a large range of household objects. A
knowledge base models the beliefs of the robot and also
every other cognitive agent the robot interacts with. A
framework is also presented to extract symbolic facts
from complex real scenes. The robot builds a 3D model
of the world on-line by merging different sensor modali-
ties. It computes spatial relations between perceived ob-
jects in realtime and the system allows virtually viewing
of the same scene from different points of view.
A different approach to anchoring is presented by
Heintz in [39,41,42] where anchoring is considered in the
context of unmanned aerial vehicles. In their stream-
based hierarchical anchoring framework, a classification
hierarchy is associated with expressive conditions for
hypothesizing the type and identity of an object given
streams of temporally tagged sensor data. A metric
spatio-temporal logic is used to represent the conditions
which are efficiently evaluated over these streams using
a progression-based technique. The anchoring process
constructs and maintains a set of object linkage struc-
tures representing the best possible hypotheses at any
time. Each hypothesis can be incrementally generalized
or narrowed down as new sensor data arrives. Symbols
can be associated with an object at any level of classifi-
cation, permitting symbolic reasoning on different levels
of abstraction.
Additional approaches of anchoring are presented in
a special issue on Anchoring published by the Robotics
and Autonomous Systems Journal. In [89] an overview
of the GLAIR approach to anchoring is outlined by
Shapiro where abstract symbolic terms that denote an
agent’s mental entities are anchored to the lower-level
structures used by the embodied agent to operate in
the real (or simulated) world. In [102] the anchoring
problem is approached by Vogt using semiotic symbols
defined by a triadic relation between forms, meanings
and referents. Anchors are formed between these three
elements and a robotic experiment based on adaptive
language games is presented that illustrates how the
anchoring of semiotic symbols can be achieved in a
bottom-up fashion. Person tracking using anchoring has
been investigated by Fritsch in [30] where laser range
data is used to extract the legs of a person while cam-
era images from the upper body part are used for ex-
tracting the faces. The results of the different percepts,
which originate from the same person are combined in
one anchor for the person.
An interesting application of Anchoring is in the
field of topological maps and in particular the inves-
tigation of the connection of symbolic information to
spatial information. Work in this area has been pre-
sented by Galindo in [31,32] where a multi-hierarchical
approach is used to acquire semantic information from
a mobile robot sensors for navigation tasks. The spa-
tial information is anchored to the semantic information
and the approach is validated via experiments where a
4 Silvia Coradeschi et al.
mobile robot uses and infers new semantic information
from its environment, improving its operation. Simi-
larly Elmogy in [27] investigates how a topological map
is generated to describe relationships among features of
the environment in a more abstract form to be used in
a robot navigation system. A language for instructing
the robot to execute a route in an indoor environment is
presented where an instruction interpreter processes a
route description and generates its equivalent symbolic
and topological map representations. Finally Blodow
in [6] uses semantic mapping in kitchen environments
to help performing manipulation tasks.
3 Grounding Words in Action
The research group headed by Cangelosi has been work-
ing in cognitive robotics models using the humanoid
robot iCub. In [92,93] a cognitive robotics model is de-
scribed in which the linguistic input provided by the
experimenter guides the autonomous organization of
the knowledge of the iCub. A hierarchical organiza-
tion of concepts is used for the acquisition of abstract
words. Higher-order concepts are grounded using ba-
sic concepts and actions that are directly grounded in
sensorimotor experiences. The method used is a re-
current neural network that permits the learning of
higher-order concepts based on temporal sequences of
action primitives. In [13] a review of cognitive agent
and developmental robotics models of the grounding of
language is presented. Three models are discussed: a
multi-agent simulation of language evolution, a simu-
lated robotic agent model for symbol grounding trans-
fer, and a model of language comprehension in the hu-
manoid robot iCub. The complexity of the agent’s sen-
sorimotor and cognitive system gradually increases in
the three models. In previous works [15, 17] the combi-
nation of cognitive robotics with neural modeling method-
ologies is also considered to demonstrate how the lan-
guage acquired by robotic agents can be directly grounded
in action representations, in particular language learn-
ing simulations show that robots are able to acquire
new action concepts via linguistic instructions. Finally
in [16] an embodied model for the grounding of language
in action is presented and experimented on epigenetic
robots. Epigenetic robots have an integrative vision of
language in which linguistic abilities are strictly depen-
dent on and grounded in other behaviors and skills. Ex-
periments done with simulated robots show that higher
order behavioral abilities can be autonomously built on
previously grounded basic action categories following
linguistic interaction with human users.
Another approach to learning of actions is presented
by Oladell in [75] where representational complexity is
managed using a symbolic feature representation gener-
ated via policies, affordances and goals. The approach
is demonstrated in a simulation environment with a
robot arm and camera. Learning tasks revolve around
lift, move, and drop and the policies are learnt using
QLearning. The agent learns new policies, affordances
and goals and adds them to the dictionary. After each
addition, the best common sub-structure is extracted.
Learning of meanings of both action and substantive
words is presented by Tellex in [97] where a probabilis-
tic approach is used to learn word meanings from large
corpora of examples and use those meanings to find
good groundings in the external world. The framework
handles complex linguistic structures such as referring
expressions (for example, ”the door across from the el-
evators”) and multiargument verbs (for example, ”put
the pallet on the truck”) by dynamically instantiating
a conditional probabilistic graphical model that factors
according to the compositional and hierarchical struc-
ture of a natural language phrase.
4 Social Symbol Grounding
A recent line of research in Symbol Grounding is So-
cial Symbol Grounding. As defined by Cangelosi [12]
the social symbol grounding considers the next step af-
ter the connections between the sensor data and sym-
bols for individual agents are achieved, that is how can
these connections be shared among many agents. Sev-
eral approaches have been presented to address this is-
sue. Heintz in [40] presents a distributed information
fusion system for collaborative UAVs. In [90] Steels ex-
amines if a perceptually grounded categorical repertoire
can become sufficiently shared among the members of
a population to allow successful communication, using
color categorization as a case study. Several models are
proposed that are inspired by alternative hypotheses of
human categorization. He has proposed various robotic
models of the emergence of communication based on
the languages games for the Talking Heads experiments
and the AIBO and QRIO robots.The paper argues that
the collective choice of a shared repertoire must inte-
grate multiple constraints, including constraints com-
ing from communication. Similarly Fontanari in [29] use
language games to study evolution of compositional lex-
icons. In [104] the New Ties project is presented. The
project aims at evolving a virtual simulated cultural
society where the agents evolve a communication sys-
tem that is grounded in their interactions with their
virtual environment and with other individuals. An hy-
brid model of language learning involving joint atten-
tion, feedback, cross-situational learning and the prin-
ciple of contrast is investigated. A number of experi-
A Short review of Symbol Grounding in Robotic and Intelligent Systems 5
ments are carried out in simulation showing that levels
of communicative accuracy better than chance evolve
quite rapidly and that accuracy is mainly achieved by
the joint attention and cross-situational learning mech-
anisms while feedback and the principle of contrast con-
tribute less. As mentioned in the introduction the so-
cial symbol grounding problem is a difficult problem to
solve, because an unknown word can -theoretically- re-
fer to an infinite number of objects. Vogt investigated
in [104] a number of heuristics from child language ac-
quisition literature that help to reduce this indetermi-
nacy: joint attention, principle of contrast and correc-
tive feedback. In [103] mutual exclusivity, and a few
potential dialogues that help to reduce referential in-
determinacy have been also implemented. In [94] it is
argued that the primary motivation for an agent to con-
struct a symbol-meaning mapping is to solve a tasks,
in particular it is investigated how agents learn to solve
multiple tasks and extract cumulative knowledge that
helps them to solve each new task more quickly and
5 Grounding symbols in the Semantic Web
Recent trends examine the Symbol Grounding Prob-
lem in the context of web technologies and specifically
the semantic web. In [46] Semantic Web technologies
are used by Johnston for grounding robotic systems. In
particular the OBOC robotic software system includ-
ing an ontology-based vision subsystem is presented.
OBOC has been tested and evaluated in the robot soc-
cer domain. The grounding of knowledge for everyday
tasks using the World Wide Web has been considered
by Nyga and Tenorth in [74,98] while a first attempt of
an extension of the anchoring framework to handle the
grounding and integrate symbolic and perceptual data
that are available on the web is outlined by Daoutis
in [25].
The problem of giving semantics to the semantic
web is considered by Cregan in [23]. The paper argues
that the symbol grounding problem is of relevance for
the Semantic Web as inappropriate correspondence be-
tween symbol and referent can result in logically valid
but meaningless inferences. In fact ontology languages
can provide a means to relate data items to each other
in logically well-defined ways, but they are intricate
”castles in the air” without a pragmatic semantics link-
ing them in a systematic and unambiguous way to the
real world entities they represent.
6 Conclusions
This short review presents recent work in Symbol Ground-
ing that is focused on the use of symbol grounding in
robotics and intelligent systems applications. The field
is clearly very active and many articles have been pub-
lished in recent years. This is a consequence of the cur-
rent trends of integrating robots and distributed sys-
tems in unstructured and dynamic environments. Such
environments require a flexible handling of knowledge
and the connection of symbolic and sensory informa-
tion to be able to successfully operate. In addition sys-
tems where humans have an active role are becoming
more common. Here symbol grounding is essential to
insure meaningful natural language communication. Fi-
nally the use of the web as a source of information about
objects and their properties is providing new opportuni-
ties to access a very large and updated storage of data,
both symbolic and visual. The use of symbol grounding
to connect the information in the web to real data is
maybe the most important challenge for the field.
Acknowledgements We would like to thank Tony Belpaeme,
Fredrik Heintz, Sven Albrecht, Angelo Cangelosi, Pual Vogt,
and Sverin Lemaignan for their helpful comments to improve
the article and make it more complete.
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... signs) are preferable to dynamic ones (e.g. and an animation of a moving object or robot). Insights from related fields such as Semiotics [22], [23] and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) [24], [25] can partially be transferred to this scenario but do not fully address the relationship between human, robot and physical environment. ...
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Augmented and mixed-reality techniques harbor a great potential for improving human-robot collaboration. Visual signals and cues may be projected to a human partner in order to explicitly communicate robot intentions and goals. However, it is unclear what type of signals support such a process and whether signals can be combined without adding additional cognitive stress to the partner. This paper focuses on identifying the effective types of visual signals and quantify their impact through empirical evaluations. In particular, the study compares static and dynamic visual signals within a collaborative object sorting task and assesses their ability to shape human behavior. Furthermore, an information-theoretic analysis is performed to numerically quantify the degree of information transfer between visual signals and human behavior. The results of a human subject experiment show that there are significant advantages to combining multiple visual signals within a single task, i.e., increased task efficiency and reduced cognitive load.
... It establishes and maintains a link between what a system can sense and what it can reason about. Coradeschi et al. in [5] present a review of such solutions. Among the reviewed solutions, we can cite the Grounded Situation Model (GSM) [17] which proposes an amodal physical representation of the world used to maintain symbolic beliefs about the objects of the environment and the robot's own body. ...
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For a robot to interact with humans in a given environment, a key need is to understand its environment in terms of the objects composing it, the other agents acting in it, and the relations between all of them. This capability is often called the geometrical situation assessment and is mainly related to spatial reasoning in time. In this paper, we present Overworld, a novel lightweight and open-source framework, merging the key features of a decade of research in the domain. It permanently maintains a geometric state of the world from the point of view of the robot by aggregating perceptual information from several sources and reasoning on them to create a coherent world. Furthermore, Overworld implements perspective-taking by emulating the humans' ability to perceive to estimate the state of the world from their perspective. Finally, thanks to a strong link with an ontology framework, it ensures knowledge coherence in the whole robotic architecture. This work is part of a broader effort to develop a complete, stable, and shareable decisional robotic architecture for Human-Robot Interaction.
... results of sub-symbolic methods) with human-readable semantics (e.g. structured symbols), which is to ground symbols to these objects, also known as symbol grounding problem (Harnad 1990;Cangelosi 2011;Coradeschi, Loutfi, and Wrede 2013). Subsymbolic methods may be one way to ground concrete instances in the capacity to categorize them (Harnad 1993) but fail to capture the inherent logical relations between symbols. ...
Neural-symbolic computing aims at integrating robust neural learning and sound symbolic reasoning into a single framework, so as to leverage the complementary strengths of both of these, seemingly unrelated (maybe even contradictory) AI paradigms. The central challenge in neural-symbolic computing is to unify the formulation of neural learning and symbolic reasoning into a single framework with common semantics, that is, to seek a joint representation between a neural model and a logical theory that can support the basic grounding learned by the neural model and also stick to the semantics of the logical theory. In this paper, we propose differentiable fuzzy $\mathcal{ALC}$ (DF-$\mathcal{ALC}$) for this role, as a neural-symbolic representation language with the desired semantics. DF-$\mathcal{ALC}$ unifies the description logic $\mathcal{ALC}$ and neural models for symbol grounding; in particular, it infuses an $\mathcal{ALC}$ knowledge base into neural models through differentiable concept and role embeddings. We define a hierarchical loss to the constraint that the grounding learned by neural models must be semantically consistent with $\mathcal{ALC}$ knowledge bases. And we find that capturing the semantics in grounding solely by maximizing satisfiability cannot revise grounding rationally. We further define a rule-based loss for DF adapting to symbol grounding problems. The experiment results show that DF-$\mathcal{ALC}$ with rule-based loss can improve the performance of image object detectors in an unsupervised learning way, even in low-resource situations.
As artificial agents are introduced into diverse workplaces, basic configurations underlying the organization of work undergo a fundamental change. This implies that the work we do is subject to alteration along with who does the work that opens new social challenges. Questions regarding the extent of acceptance of these agents in work set�tings as well as the consequences of collaborating with artificial agents on human agents indicate the need to better understand the mechanisms that underpin a collaborative sociotechnical system. This book chapter discusses how the interplay between humans and artificial agents enables human–robot collaboration as a new way of working. Thus, we first focused on the agents and their interactive processes in the system to analyze how agency is ascribed to nonhuman entities. Thereafter, the results of two experiments are presented to reflect on the impact of attributing agency to an artificial agent on humans. This study provides recommendations for the design of artificial agents and organizational strategies in terms of which social practices and changes in the working context are required to provide possibilities for successful collaborations.
Robots are increasingly transitioning from specialized, single-task machines to general-purpose systems that operate in diverse and dynamic environments. To address the challenges associated with operation in real-world domains, robots must effectively generalize knowledge, learn, and be transparent in their decision making. This survey examines Semantic Reasoning techniques for robotic systems, which enable robots to encode and use semantic knowledge, including concepts, facts, ideas, and beliefs about the world. Continually perceiving, understanding, and generalizing semantic knowledge allows a robot to identify the meaningful patterns shared between problems and environments, and therefore more effectively perform a wide range of real-world tasks. We identify the three common components that make up a computational Semantic Reasoning Framework: knowledge sources, computational frameworks, and world representations. We analyze the existing implementations and the key characteristics of these components, highlight the many interactions that occur between them, and examine their integration for solving robotic tasks related to five aspects of the world, including objects, spaces, agents, tasks, and actions. By analyzing the computational formulation and underlying mechanisms of existing methods, we provide a unified view of the wide range of semantic reasoning techniques and identify open areas for future research.
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This work addresses the environmental recognition of autonomous off-road vehicles. State- of-the-art algorithms, like deep learning, offer impressive performance regarding the classification and segmentation of a scene. However, context changes, scene variabilities, or disturbances pose significant challenges to these approaches and cause perception failures. A challenge is achieving the universal applicability of perception algorithms. Usually, an algorithm fails in particular situations due to unconsidered circumstances in the design phase, and complexity prevents fully considering all details. Also, problems are often indistinguishable from a data perspective, and only contextual knowledge enables further differentiation. Accordingly, this thesis aims to increase the perception’s robustness through context and data incorporation. Furthermore, it derives concepts for transferring methods to other robots and scenes. A hint that such a task is achievable provides human cognition, which is remarkably skillful and adjusts to arbitrary situations. Biologically motivated perception and cognitive research indicate how an achievable perception design might function, leading to guidelines for artificial perception conception. The paradigm of behavior-based systems suits these criteria due to modularity, reactivity, and robustness. It allows realizing robust and transferable perception and control systems. Consequently, the thesis proposes a novel and reconfigurable behavior-based top-down and bottom-up perception approach. Quality assessment for data filtering and deviation control is a central aspect, resulting in improved perception and data fusion results. Attentional processing allows for selecting data based on attractiveness, task, environmental context, and history. Further, context assessment of classification results enables reasoning according to the robot’s memories and knowledge. The concept integrates into the REACTiON architecture to achieve an affordable multi-robot deployment with high reusability. The framework automatically reconfigures and parametrizes the perception according to the particular properties of robots and sensors. Validation uses five demonstrator vehicles operating in diverse environments and fulfilling distinct tasks. Here, a robust performance was achievable, and perception adjusted well to the tested scenes and hardware layouts.
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Specifically, we wish to invite contributions viewing language and cognition as linking what goes on in the head with causal processes that are intersubjective, multimodal, affect-laden, and organised by historically rooted customs and artefacts.… The purpose of the workshop is not so much to present completed work as to find new ways of tackling a complex issue and to launch collaboration among participants to that end.… Since the workshop focuses on how symbol grounding can be reconsidered when language is viewed as a dynamical process rooted in both culture and biology, research related to robotic or computer modelling of symbol grounding, psychological and linguistic viewpoints on cognitive development and semiotic dynamics are of great interest.
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We present two cognitive robotic experiments looking at different aspects of relations between symbolic representations and sensorimotor knowledge.
One of the challenges for artificial agents is managing the complexity of their environment as they learn tasks especially if they are grounded in the physical world. A scalable solution to address the state explosion problem is thus a prerequisite of physically grounded, agent-based systems. This paper presents a framework for developing grounded, symbolic representations aimed at scaling subsequent learning as well as forming a basis for symbolic reasoning. These symbols partition the environment so the agent need only consider an abstract view of the original space when learning new tasks and allows it to apply acquired symbols to novel situations. Copyright © 2012, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. All rights reserved.
Symbols are the essence of a language and need to be grounded for effective information passing including interaction and perception. A language is grounded in a multimodal sensory motor experience with the physical world. The system described in this paper acts in a simple virtual world. The system uses multimodal interaction by using vision and language, to interact with the outer world. Two simulations are given in which the system learns to categorise five basic shapes. In the second simulation, the system labels these categories, grounding them. Both simulations performed work perfectly on all tests.
Conference Paper
One of the challenges for artificial agents is managing the complexity of their environment and task domain as they learn increasingly difficult tasks. This is especially true of agents that are grounded in the physical world, which contains a vast number of features and potentially very complex dynamics. A scalable solution to this problem in terms of forming, managing, and re-using compact, grounded representations in order to address the state explosion problem is thus a prerequisite of physically grounded, agent-based systems that can apply their past experience to new tasks and communicate that experience with other agents. To achieve this, it is essential that agents can form conceptual features that are relevant for and re-usable in their task domain without outside intervention and that these agents can effectively focus their attention on only the relevant features and concepts for the task at hand. This paper presents a framework for managing state complexity by automatically constructing abstract, symbolic features which encode important, task and domain-relevant properties and partition the raw feature space such that the agent need only consider a compressed view of the environment when learning new tasks. To exploit this, the framework during learning of new tasks uses U-Trees to construct minimal feature sets and thus compact state representations for these new tasks, allowing for potentially significant improvements in learning times.
Fred Adams (Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 9(4): 619–628, 2010) criticizes the theory of embodied cognition (EC) which holds that conceptual and linguistic thought is grounded in the brain’s perceptual and sensorimotor systems. Among other things, Adams claims that: (1) EC is potentially committed to an implausible criterion of sentence meaningfulness; (2) EC lacks claimed advantages over rival accounts of conceptual thought; (3) relevant experimental data do not show constitutive, but only causal, involvement of perception in conception; and (4) EC cannot account for the comprehension of abstract concepts. I respond to Adams that: (1) EC is not committed to an implausible criterion of meaningfulness, though it may be committed to holding that comprehension admits of degrees; (2) EC does have its claimed advantages over rival views; (3) the data do make a strong case for constitutive involvement and (4) a broad and comprehensive EC approach probably can account for the comprehension of abstract concepts.
Language serves many functions for humans, but three of the most important are coordination, learning, and friendship. All of those functions were well served by the conversations from which this special issue emerged, a conference, “Grounding language in perception and (inter) action”, held at Gordon College in June 2009. The conference brought together researchers primarily from three research traditions, dynamical systems theory, distributed language, and ecological psychology, and each of these perspectives is reviewed and illustrated in this special issue. The particular focus of this issue, though, is the role of conversations in humans caring for each other and the ecosystems of which they are a part. Emergency medical care, parents and children playing, and students learning a second language, are among the contexts of caring considered. Also considered are ways in which symbol systems emerge, ways in which language extends and alters perception–action systems, and ways in which infant-caregiver relations (i.e., first friendships) are constituted. The various articles explore how language is “situated, culturally embodied, emergent, and distributed” (Zukow-Goldring, this issue); how language is a crucial dimension of the extended phenotype of humans; how language increases our ability to care for each other, our common tasks, and the (real or virtual) ecosystems we inhabit; and how language emerges as we coordinate and share perception and action skills.
How can the semantic interpretation of a formal symbol system be made intrinsic to the system, rather than just parasitic on the meanings in our heads? How can the meanings of the meaningless symbol tokens, manipulated solely on the basis of their (arbitrary) shapes, be grounded in anything but other meaningless symbols? The problem is analogous to trying to learn Chinese from a Chinese/Chinese dictionary alone. A candidate solution is sketched: Symbolic representations must be grounded bottom-up in nonsymbolic representations of two kinds: (1) "iconic representations," which are analogs of the proximal sensory projections of distal objects and events, and (2) "categorical representations," which are learned and innate feature-detectors that pick out the invariant features of object and event categories from their sensory projections. Elementary symbols are the names of these object and event categories, assigned on the basis of their (nonsymbolic) categorical representations. Higher-order (3) "symbolic representations," grounded in these elementary symbols, consist of symbol strings describing category membership relations (e.g., "An X is a Y that is Z").
This article proposes a number of models to examine through which mechanisms a population of autonomous agents could arrive at a repertoire of perceptually grounded categories that is sufficiently shared to allow successful communication. The models are inspired by the main approaches to human categorisation being discussed in the literature: nativism, empiricism, and culturalism. Colour is taken as a case study Although we take no stance on which position is to be accepted as final truth with respect to human categorisation and naming, we do point to theoretical constraints that make each position more or less likely and we make clear suggestions on what the best engineering solution would be. Specifically, we argue that the collective choice of a shared repertoire must integrate multiple constraints, including constraints coining from communication.