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Morphological Edge Detection Algorithm Based on Multi-Structure Elements of Different Directions

  • YSR Engineering College of Yogi Vemana University
  • Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies


Edge detection is one of the important pre-processing steps in image analysis. Edges characterize boundaries and edge detection is one of the most difficult tasks in image processing hence it is a problem of fundamental importance in image processing. Edges in images are areas with strong intensity contrasts and a jump in intensity from one pixel to the next can create major variation in the picture quality. Edge detection of an image significantly reduces the amount of data and filters out useless information, while preserving the important structural properties in an image. Conventionally, mathematical morphology edge detection methods use single and symmetrical structure elements. But they are difficult to detect complex edge feature, because they are only sensitive to image edge which has the same direction of structure elements. This paper proposed a novel edge detection algorithm based on multi-structure elements morphology of eight different directions. The eight different edge detection results are obtained by using morphological gradient algorithm respectively, and final edge results are obtained by using synthetic weighted method. The experimental results showed that the proposed algorithm is more efficient for edge detection than conventional mathematical morphological edge detection algorithms and differential edge detection operators.
Volume 1 No. 1, May 2011
International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research
©2010-11 IJICT Journal. All rights reserved
Morphological Edge Detection Algorithm Based on Multi-Structure
Elements of Different Directions
1 C.NagaRaju ,2 S.NagaMani, 3 G.rakesh Prasad, 4 S.Sunitha
1Professor and Head of IT, L.B.R.College of Engineering
2,3 Asst. professor L.B.R.College of Engineering- Mylavaram
4Asst. professor V.R.Sidhartha College of Engineering- Vijayawada
Edge detection is one of the important pre-processing steps in image analysis. Edges characterize boundaries and edge
detection is one of the most difficult tasks in image processing hence it is a problem of fundamental importance in image
processing. Edges in images are areas with strong intensity contrasts and a jump in intensity from one pixel to the next can
create major variation in the picture quality. Edge detection of an image significantly reduces the amount of data and filters
out useless information, while preserving the important structural properties in an image. Conventionally, mathematical
morphology edge detection methods use single and symmetrical structure elements. But they are difficult to detect
complex edge feature, because they are only sensitive to image edge which has the same direction of structure elements.
This paper proposed a novel edge detection algorithm based on multi-structure elements morphology of eight different
directions. The eight different edge detection results are obtained by using morphological gradient algorithm respectively,
and final edge results are obtained by using synthetic weighted method. The experimental results showed that the proposed
algorithm is more efficient for edge detection than conventional mathematical morphological edge detection algorithms
and differential edge detection operators.
Keywords: Fragmentation, edge detection, SE, catchment basins and MSE
Image Segmentation is the process of partitioning
a digital image into multiple regions [6,7,8]. Actually,
partitions are different objects in image which have the
same features. The result of image segmentation is a set of
regions that collectively cover the entire image, or a set of
contours extracted from the image. All of the pixels in a
region are similar with respect to some characteristic or
computed property, such as color, intensity, or texture.
Adjacent regions are significantly different with respect to
the same characteristics. Edge detection is one of the most
frequently used techniques in digital image processing [8].
The boundaries of object surfaces in a scene often
lead to oriented localized changes in intensity of an image,
called edges. This observation combined with a commonly
held belief that edge detection is the first step in image
segmentation, has fueled a long search for a good edge
detection algorithm to use in image processing [11]. This
search has constituted a principal area of research in low
level vision and has led to a steady stream of edge
detection algorithms published in the image processing
journals over the last two decades. Even recently, new
edge detection algorithms are published each year. Edge
detection of an image reduces significantly the amount of
data and filters out information that may be regarded as
less relevant, preserving the important structural properties
of an image. Therefore, edges detected from its original
image contain major information, which only needs a
small amount of memory to store. The purpose of
detecting sharp changes in image brightness is to capture
important events and changes in properties of the world.
For an image formation model, discontinuities in
image brightness are likely to correspond to a)
Discontinuities in depth b) Discontinuities in surface
orientation c) Changes in material properties d) Variations
in scene illumination e) Grayness ambiguity f) Vague
knowledge. In the ideal case, the result of applying an
edge detector to an image may lead to a set of connected
curves that indicates the boundaries of objects, the
boundaries of surface marking as well curves that
correspond to discontinuities in surface orientation. If the
edge detection step is successful, the subsequent task of
interpreting the information contents in the original image
may therefore be substantially simplified. Unfortunately,
however, it is not always possible to obtain such ideal
edges from real life images of moderate complexity.
Edges extracted from non-trivial images are often
hampered by fragmentation i.e. the edge curves are not
connected, missing edge segments; false edges etc., which
complicate the subsequent task of interpreting the image
data. Mathematical Morphology is a powerful tool for
dealing with various problems in image processing and
computer vision [4,9].It was introduced in [9] as a
technique for analyzing geometric structure of metallic
and geologic samples. It was extended to image analysis in
[5, 10]. Mathematical morphology is a very important
theory, whose operation must be defined by set arithmetic.
Therefore, the image which will be processed by
mathematical morphology theory must been changed into
set. Mathematical morphology is composed by a series of
morphological algebraic arithmetic operators. The basic
morphological operations, namely erosion, dilation,
opening, closing etc. are used for detecting, modifying,
Volume 1 No. 1, May 2011
International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research
©2010-11 IJICT Journal. All rights reserved
manipulating the features present in the image based on
their shapes. The shape and the size of SE play crucial
roles in such type of processing and are therefore chosen
according to the need and purpose of the associated
application. Usually, people use single and symmetrical
structure elements morphology to detect image edge. But
they are difficult to detect complex edge feature, because
they are only sensitive to image edge which has the same
direction of structure elements and are not so effective to
the edge which has the direction other than the structure
elements in [1, 2, 3].In this paper, a novel multi-structure
elements (MSE) morphology algorithm is proposed to
detect the edge of image.
The watershed transform [12, 13] is a popular
segmentation method coming from the field of
mathematical morphology. The intuitive description of
this transform is quite simple: if we consider the image as
a topographic relief, where the height of each point is
directly related to its gray level, and consider rain
gradually falling on the terrain, then the watersheds are the
lines that separate the lakes called catchment basins that
Generally, the watershed transform is computed
on the gradient of the original image, so that the catchment
basin boundaries are located at high gradient points. The
watershed transform has been widely used in many fields
of image processing, including medical image
segmentation, due to the number of advantages that it
possesses: it is a simple, intuitive method, it is fast and can
be parallelized [14, 15] and almost linear speedup was
reported for a number of processors up to 64 and it
produces a complete division of the image in separated
regions even if the contrast is poor, thus avoiding the need
for any kind of contour joining. Furthermore, several
researchers have proposed techniques to embed the
watershed transform in a multiscale framework, thus
providing the advantages of these representations [16, 17].
A simplest morphological water shed method is gradient
2.1 Morphological Gradient
The morphological gradient m of a function f is
defined by:
)]()[()( SpSppm (1)
Step2: Compute Morphological Gradient hi
Where is the dilation of
f at the point x and is the
erosion of f and S would be the detection of obstacles but
the main problem is structuring element applied on image.
Some important drawbacks have been exist, some most
important are as follows.
))(())(( jpSupiSp
))(( InfiSp ))(( jp
First is Over segmentation, when the watershed
transform infers catchments basins from the gradient of
the image, the result of the watershed transform contains a
myriad of small regions, which makes this result hardly
useful. The use of a marker image [18] to reduce the
number of minima of the image and thus the number of
regions is the most commonly used solution. Also
interesting is the utilization of a scale space approach to
select the interesting regions using different filters
(morphological operations [19], or nonlinear diffusion
Second is Sensitivity to noise, the Local
variations of the image can change the result dramatically,
this effect is worsened by the use of high pass filters to
estimate the gradient which amplify the noise. Third is
Poor detection of significant areas with low contrast
boundaries if the signal to noise ratio is not high enough at
the contour of interest the watershed transform will be
unable to detect it accurately.
Furthermore the watershed transform naturally
detects the contours with higher value between markers
which are not always the contours of interest and fourth is
Poor detection of thin structures, When the watershed
transform is applied on the gradient image the smoothing
associated with gradient estimation together with usual
approach of storing gradient values only at the image pixel
positions rather than with sub-pixel accuracy make it
difficult to detect thin catchments basin areas. Often this is
critical for successful segmentation of images.
2.2. Marker Algorithm
The procedure can be enhanced by defining
markers for the objects to be extracted. These markers are
obtained by various means which is described as follows,
Let R be the set of markers Where R is a
connected components
ii RR
,) i).( jRjRi
Consider the function g defined by g = (1-km )
Where u is the upper limit of the gradient m and KM
indicator function of R and the contours of the marked
objects are watershed lines. This marking technique is
Nonparametric and is simply based on the difference of
Contrast between the object and its border. The
Regularized gradient of size s of the function p is the
transform defined by the following procedure
2.2.1. Algorithm
Step1: Read gray level Image size of N XM.
Step3: Erode hi with structuring element
Si- 1. (Ei-1)
Step 4: Dilate Ei-1 with Structuring element Si+1. (Di+1)
Step5: Compute Difference of Morphologic al gradient, hi
and Di+1 (hi+1)
Step 6: Erode hi+1(ui )
This operation depends on size parameter. The
main advantage of this method is its ability to take into
Volume 1 No. 1, May 2011
International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research
©2010-11 IJICT Journal. All rights reserved
account the variations of the initial function. The
watershed of the supmax of ui (w) is less over segmented
than the watershed of h. This segmentation can now be
used for extracting a coarse marker of the image. This
marker is obtained by selecting the catchments basin of w
located at the other end of the Image. This marker is
smoothed and an outer marker is built in order to mark the
region of the image which does not belong to the image.
These Two markers are used to modify the gradient h. The
divide lines of the modified gradient are the contours of
the object. Marker is a connected component in the image
region and used in watersheds for edge detection. Image
markers are obtained for image simplification. A
simplified image S is built starting from the image F and
its gradient G(F).
Let’s consider the minima M of G and let’s
define a function h as follows:
h=F.PM where PM is the indicator function of M. Now
compute the reconstruction of h by dilation inside the
catchment basins. This operation produces an image where
each basin of gradient is valued. This valuation leads to a
simplified image s made of tiles of constant grey values.
This gradient will be null everywhere except on the divide
lines of g where it is equal to the absolute difference
between the grey-tone values of catchment basins CBi and
CBj separated by Gij.
Grad jiij FFG )( (2)
This gradient image is then used to define a new function
ixVxvXi)(:)( (3)
jji CBUvX )( (4)
Where, CBj are the catchment basins adjacent to
any arc with a watershed of the gradient less or equal to i.
The watershed functions point-out the regions of the
image surrounded by brighter contrast edges. In this
approach, image segmentation is composed of two
independent steps .The first and most critical step consists
in finding markers for the objects to be extracted. The
second one Consists of modifying the gradient function
and computing the watersheds. The main drawback of this
technique is identification of markers and SE is very
The selection of structure element is a key factor
in morphological image processing. The size and shape of
SE decide the final result of detected edges. The basic
theory of multi-structure elements morphology is to
construct different structure elements in the same square
window and these structures elements comprise almost all
the line extending directions in the square window.
Let {F(m, n)} (m, n є Z) is a digital image, and
(m,n) is its centre, then structure elements in (2N+1) ×
(2N+1) square window can be denoted by:
NnmNinnmmFA ii
Where i=1, 2, ----4N-1, α=180/4N, øi is the direction angle
of SE
In this paper, we choose N=2, then in the 5×5
square window, the direction angles of all structure
elements are ø= 00, 22.50,450, 67.50, 900, 112.50, 1350and
157.50 And these structure elements are shown in Fig.1,
where “1” denotes the components of SE. In fact, structure
elements Ai can be got by decomposing 5×5 square SE A
as shown in Fig.2. Therefore, Ai and A satisfies:
Fig.1a Fig.1b Fig.1c
Fig.1d Fig.1e Fig.1f
Fig.1g Fig.1h
Step1: pre process the Image to eliminate misclassified
regions in the image
*2 (7)
Volume 1 No. 1, May 2011
International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research
©2010-11 IJICT Journal. All rights reserved
Where b and c are
MFHXb ii )(
))(),(max( minmax xbabsxbabsbc
Where Xmax and Xmin are the maximum and minimum gray
values of mask and Hi (F) is the frequency of occurrence
of Xi.
Step2: Construct structure elements Ai of different
directions according to the method presented above.
Step3: By taking the structure elements got in step2
respectively to detect the edges Ei (F) of original image by
morphological gradient edge detector.
Step4: Based on every detected edge Ei (F) in step3, use
synthetic weighted method to calculate final detected edge
iii FEWFE 1)()( (8)
Where E(F) is the possible detected edge of original
image, M is the number of structure elements and wi is
the weight of different detected edge information. It can be
calculated by Wi = 1/M.
Step 5: To find fine edges divide original image by edge
image and multiply by its average in accordance with
),(*),(),(),( 1yxEyxEyxfyxD (9)
x, y – pixel coordinates
D-resultant edge image
E-edge image from step3
E1- average of edge Image E
The division of the original images by its average
reveals the differences between these two images. Due to
image borders blur while average filtration the differences
are especially visible in case of edge whilst fire images
areas they are almost unrecognizable and which makes
image intensity equals original image average intensity so
the result of the division is regarded to be images of edges.
The experiments are carried out to evaluate the
performance of proposed method with existing methods.
The proposed method has also been tested on a wide
range of natural and synthetic 512X512 pixel 8-bit
gray-scale images with increasing complexity levels. The
given images are containing intensity, texture and illusory
boundaries respectively. This section constructed the
edges for these different image attributes. The final
segmentation results are illustrated. As can be seen, these
images, which traditionally require different algorithms to
segment, can now be processed using the multi-structure
elements morphology of eight different directions. In these
images, the average gray scale of eight directions was
equalized to prevent biased segmentation results due to
leakage of the component through the filters. This method
produced better results compared to traditional methods
like watershed, Sobel and canny edge detecting
techniques. As per visual perception analysis the pixels
misclassified as a third region at the image boundary are
removed by the proposed method. According to results
watershed, Sobel operators produced week edges for all
images and eliminated some important features in the
images and discontinuity in the edge gray level intensities.
Canny edge operator is more efficient for edge detection
even though it produced poor edges for low contrast
images and unimodel histogram images such as rose, eye
and forest images which have been shown in the results.
Canny is high sensitive to noise compare to other methods.
The performance of novel method is almost all
same as on all test images. This method depends on
suitable selection of SE. The global threshold values of
various images according to the watershed method, Sobel
operator, Canny operator and novel method are shown in
table1 and drawn the graph1. The values and graph
explains that the novel method works better for noise and
complex images with optimal values for edge detection.
The novel method produced good and brighter edges by
retaining important features in the images. This method
works smoothly even in complex structure, noise and
uneven illumination. Based on the results conclusions are
1. Anshu a) Watershed b) Sobel
c) Canny d) Novel
2. Rose a) Watershed b) Sobel
Volume 1 No. 1, May 2011
International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research
©2010-11 IJICT Journal. All rights reserved
c) Canny d) Novel
3.Eye a) Watershed b) Sobel
c) Canny d) Novel
4.Lena a)Watershed b)Sobel
c) Canny d) Novel
5.Forest a)Watershed c)Sobel
c) Canny d) Novel
6.Pra a)Watershed c)Sobel
c) Canny d) Novel
7.Nani a)Watershed b)Sobel
c) Canny d) Novel
1.Anshu Histogram b.Rose Histogram
3.Eye Histogram 4.Lena Histogram
Volume 1 No. 1, May 2011
International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research
©2010-11 IJICT Journal. All rights reserved
5.Forest Histogram 6.Novel Histogram
7.Nani Histogram
Table 1
The present study on Image processing is a
collection of techniques that can be applied to the given
images. In this paper, a novel multi-structure elements
morphological edge detection algorithm is proposed to
detect image edge. The technique developed is very useful
for Image segmentation and classification. The selection
of structure element is a key factor in morphological
image processing. The size and shape of SE decide the
final result of detected edges. The basic theory of multi-
structure elements morphology is to construct different
structure elements in the same square window. And these
structures elements comprise almost all the line extending
directions in the square window. The given experimental
results show that the algorithm is more efficient than the
usually used single and symmetrical SE morphological
edge detection operator and differential edge detection
operators such as watershed method , Sobel operator and
canny operator,. The detected edge is more pinpointed,
integral and continual, and the edge information is more
abundant. Moreover, the novel proposed algorithm can
filer the noise more successfully than other operators by
high lighting brighter edges. Even though this method
produces better results, it fails to shadow elimination of
Images see in 7d. The eight different edge detection results
are obtained by using morphological gradient algorithm
are better edges over traditional methods.
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Dr C. NagaRaju received his B.Tech degree
in Computer Science from J.N.T.University
Anantapur, M.Tech degree in Computer
Science from J.N.T.University Hyderabad
and PhD in digital Image processing from
J.N.T.University Hyderabad. Currently, he is working as a
professor & Head of IT in LakiReddy Bali reddy College
of Engineering, Vijayawada. He is professor incharge for
systems department. He has got 15 years of teaching
experience. He has published twenty six research papers in
various national and international journals and about
twenty eight research papers in various national and
international conferences. He has attended twenty
seminars and workshops.He is member of various
professional societies like IEEE, ISTE and CSI.
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pp. 216-225.
Sikhinam Nagamani received her B.Tech
Degree in Information Technology from
R.V.R& J.C College of engineering
Nagarjuna University, Guntur.M.Tech in
Software Engineering from Godavari Institute of
Engineering and Technology. She is working as assistant
professor in the department of IT, LBRCollege of
Engineering, Mylavaram. She has three years of
experience. She attended two conferences and five work
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The Netherlands: Kluwer, 1994. pp. 69-76.
G. Rakesh Prasad received his B.Tech Degree
in Information Technology from
LBRCollege of Engineering, Mylavaram.
M.Tech in Software Engineering from
LBRCollege of Engineering, Mylavaram. He is working
as assistant professor in the department of IT, LBRCollege
of Engineering, Mylavaram. He has one year of
experience. He attended two conferences and five work
[18] J.Weickert,“Fast Segmentation methods based on
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688, 1997.
S.Sunitha received her B.Tech Degree in
Information Technology from V.R.
Siddhartha College of engineering,
Vijayawada.M.Tech in Software Engineering
from LBRCollege of Engineering, Mylavaram. She is
working as assistant professor in the department of IT,
V.R. Siddhartha College of engineering,Vijayawada. She
has five years of teaching experience. She attended two
conferences and four workshops.
... Each structure of the elements to be used is formed from eight types of line element structures, whose degree of direction in each line element structure is = 0 0 , 22.5 0 , 45 0 , 67.5 0 , 90 0 , 112.5 0 , 135 0 , 157.5 0 . The first step in the formation of the structure of the elements, eight-way element is to form each element structure in each degree of direction to obtain eight elemental structures [12] [13]. Eight types of elements structure of the eight directions can be seen in ...
... In this process, the image edge detection process uses eight elemental structures that have been formed in the previous process. We used mathematical morphological methods to detect the edges of images [12] [13]. The stages of mathematical morphology are described in (1) and (2). ...
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Development of edge detector using mathematical morphology can provide remarkably more precise edge detection. This system mainly focuses on edge detection of cars. This paper uses car database for the early detection in automatic traffic law enforcement. The methodology for accurate edge detector includes grayscale image conversion, median filter, element structures formation, mathematical morphology, synthetic weighted and segmentation using Otsu method. The morphological operation that was used in this study is basic operation such as dilation and erosion. The use of morphological operation was to find the limits and the image terminals by selecting different size and extensions converted to images of grey levels and the results were compared to determine the most suitable and better methods. In this study, 371 car databases and 100 objects from the publicly available Berkeley and Greek car databases were used as data. This methodology is proved highly accurate 0.7-1.58% higher than Canny edge detector. The accuracy of the results from Mathematical Morphlogy Edge Detection were 83.23%; 83.27%; 82.66%; 79.78% while the results from Canny Edge Detection were 81.90%; 82.08%; 81.08%; 79.71%. In comparison with the results from Canny edge detector. It shows that mathematical morphology renders better overall performance. It was also tested with salt and pepper noises and still shows better results. Z-test was used for comparing the means of two populations while F-test was used to test if two population variances are equal. Both tests were done because in this study two populations were used as main datasets. The effectiveness and robustness make this mathematical morphology method a suitable tool to be integrated into complete pre-screening systems for the early detection in automatic traffic law enforcement.
... Mathematical morphology can be used to extract water body features, and it has the advantage of noise filtering and feature information retention. In particular, a continuous shape can be maintained for narrow water bodies in space [22]. ...
... For example, KuPidura used mathematical morphology to distinguish between lakes and rivers and proved that mathematical morphology results are accurate [28]. Sghaier et al. combined image texture with mathematical morphology to form an algorithm for extracting rivers from high-spatial-resolution images [22]. Rishikeshan and Ramesh developed a mathematical-morphology-based semiautomated lake extraction method that preserves the actual size and shape of lakes and ponds [29]. ...
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Rivers in Taiwan are characterised by steep slopes and high sediment concentrations. Moreover, with global climate change, the dynamics of channel meandering have become complicated and frequent. The primary task of river governance and disaster prevention is to analyse river changes. Spectral water indices are mostly used for surface water estimation, which separates the water from the background based on a threshold value, but it can be challenging in the case of environmental noise. Edge detection uses a canny edge detector and mathematical morphology for extracting geometrical features from the image and effective edge detection. This study combined spectral water indices and mathematical morphology to capture water bodies based on downloaded remote sensing images. From the findings, this study summarised the applicability of various spectral water body indices to the surface water extraction of different river channel patterns in Taiwan. The normalised difference water index and the modified normalised difference water index are suitable for braided rivers, whereas the automated water extraction index is ideal for meandering rivers.
... Mathematical morphology (MM) is a branch of science based on set theory. In such situation, the post processing plays a crucial role where the morphology is used for extracting image components or geometrical features which is used for description and representation of region shape, such as skeletons, boundaries etc. [7][8][9][10][11]. The morphological operators are used to remove the noisy pixels or outliers from the detected pixels [9,12,13]. ...
... In such situation, the post processing plays a crucial role where the morphology is used for extracting image components or geometrical features which is used for description and representation of region shape, such as skeletons, boundaries etc. [7][8][9][10][11]. The morphological operators are used to remove the noisy pixels or outliers from the detected pixels [9,12,13]. Our goal in this research is to develop a method for automatic object detection. ...
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In this real world, many public or open areas are facilitated with cameras at multiple angles to monitor the activities of human for safety of people or infrastructure. The object detection is a fundamental concept of computer vision that focused on the detection of instances of objects of a certain class (such as person, animal, ghost, buildings, or vehicles) in videos. This manuscript presents a method for object detection using background subtraction and morphology. The core of the proposed work is the simple background subtraction method. In the first step we developed a background model based on some video frames that only consists of static background without any moving object. A suitable scheme is applied for updating the background model so that the challenges like camera shake, dust and fog particles in air should be resolved. The scheme uses the “learning rate” for the entire frame. In the second step we extract the foreground pixels which are in motion. After the initial foreground extraction, the morphological operators are applied for noise cleaning.
... Normally in the daytime, in greyscale, the shadows would be distinctly dark and others such as road, sky, grass and pedestrian pathways would be brighter, which is easy to distinguish, both for naked eye and computer system, especially if they are constantly moving ( Figure 10). That is to say, the cast-shadow pixels are darker than other background colours in channels of RGB (red, green and blue) [29,53,54]. So, the most important thing is to successfully remove the background. ...
... Normally in the daytime, in greyscale, the shadows would be distinctly dark and others such as road, sky, grass and pedestrian pathways would be brighter, which is easy to distinguish, both for naked eye and computer system, especially if they are constantly moving (Figure 10). That is to say, the cast-shadow pixels are darker than other background colours in channels of RGB (red, green and blue) [29,53,54]. So, the most important thing is to successfully remove the background. ...
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This paper reviews current developments and discusses some critical issues with obstacle detection systems for automated vehicles. The concept of autonomous driving is the driver towards future mobility. Obstacle detection systems play a crucial role in implementing and deploying autonomous driving on our roads and city streets. The current review looks at technology and existing systems for obstacle detection. Specifically, we look at the performance of LIDAR, RADAR, vision cameras, ultrasonic sensors, and IR and review their capabilities and behaviour in a number of different situations: during daytime, at night, in extreme weather conditions, in urban areas, in the presence of smooths surfaces, in situations where emergency service vehicles need to be detected and recognised, and in situations where potholes need to be observed and measured. It is suggested that combining different technologies for obstacle detection gives a more accurate representation of the driving environment. In particular, when looking at technological solutions for obstacle detection in extreme weather conditions (rain, snow, fog), and in some specific situations in urban areas (shadows, reflections, potholes, insufficient illumination), although already quite advanced, the current developments appear to be not sophisticated enough to guarantee 100% precision and accuracy, hence further valiant effort is needed.
... The simple description about segmentation is the process of dividing image into a number of segments. When image applied to segmentation it become more meaningful, understand, simply to process and analyze [16], [17]. In computer vision, the segmentation process applied in pre-processing step. ...
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Different application like image segmentation, moving objects detection and objects tracking, required an object detection and segmentation techniques. Recently, these techniques become so important especially when only a specific part of image is important. This research paper presents an efficient algorithm that employed for objects detection and extraction process. This algorithm consists of a several steps and the validity of this algorithm is measured based on different denomination of Iraqi currency. These steps arrange as following: image conversion, deleting small and unnecessary objects from images, extraction of interest objects boundary, finally calculating the rotation angle automatically, and rotate image based on the calculated angle. The validity of algorithm measured on the seven denominations of Iraqi currency (250, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 25000, and 50000). This image saved in a database that contain 40 images for each denomination and the total images for all denominations are 280 images. After testing the validity of designed algorithm on all captured image, the algorithm shows high accuracy which equally to 99.6%
... Morphological operations [31][32][33] are especially suited to the processing of binary images and greyscale images. Morphological operations [34], in general, affect the form or structure ...
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The primary objective of this research paper is to detect and quantify the necking defect and surface velocity profiles in high-speed polymer melt extrusion film casting (EFC) process using Matlab® based image processing techniques. Extrusion film casting is an industrially important manufacturing process and is used on an industrial scale to produce thousands of kilograms of polymer films/sheets and coated products. In this research, the necking defect in an EFC process has been studied experimentally and the effects of macromolecular architecture such as long chain branching (LCB) on the extent of necking have been determined using image processing methodology. The methodology is based on the analysis of a sequence of image frames taken with the help of a commercial CCD camera over a specific target area of the EFC process. The image sequence is then analyzed using Matlab® based image processing toolbox wherein a customized algorithm is written and executed to determine the edges of the extruded molten polymeric film to quantify the necking defect. Alongwith the necking defect, particle tracking velocimetry (PTV) technique is also used in conjunction with the Matlab® software to determine the centerline and transverse velocity profiles in the extruded molten film. It is concluded from this study that image processing techniques provide valuable insights into quantifying both the necking defect and the associated velocity profiles in the molten extruded film.
... Morphology operations in the form of erosion and dilation were done to get better object results based on the shape of the object [22]. Dilation is the process of adding pixels to the boundary of an object in a digital input image, while erosion is the process of moving/reducing pixels at the border of an object Morphological operations include erosion ′ = ⊝ where ′ is new binary image from image have structuring element s, the dilation notation of image f with structuring element s is ′ = ⊕ , opening, and closing [23]. ...
Moving object detection becomes the important task in the video surveilance system. Defining the threshold automatically is challenging to differentiate the moving object from the background within a video. This study proposes gaussian mixture model (GMM) as a threshold strategy in moving object detection. The performance of the proposed method is compared to the Otsu algorithm and gray threshold as the baseline method using mean square error (MSE) and Peak Signal Noise Ratio (PSNR). The performance comparison of the methods is evaluated on human video dataset. The average result of MSE value GMM is 257.18, Otsu is 595.36 and Gray is 645.39, so the MSE value is lower than Otsu and Gray threshold. The average result of PSNR value GMM is 24.71, Otsu is 20.66 and Gray is 19.35, so the PSNR value is higher than Otsu and Gray threshold. The performance of the proposed method outperforms the baseline method in term of error detection.
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Image segmentation is the method to fragment a given image into a number of Regions or objects. The level of detail to which the partition is carried depends on the problem being solved. Edge detection is mostly used techniques in digital image processing. Edge detection will preserve the structural properties of an image and filter out unwanted dsata. In this paper, Edge detection methods such as Sobel, Prewitt, Robert, Canny, and Laplacian of Gaussian (LOG) are used. These methods are used in image segmentation. Edge detection can be enhanced by combining with denoised image. Wiener filter, Gaussian Filter and Median Filters are used for noise reductionS. The results of various methods are analyzed by implemented in MATLAB.
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usinesses today are discovering the significance of an online presence. However, only a handful of them, know the importance of identifying what users are doing on their blog or business website. Here Web Analytics plays a critical role. Web Analytics, also known as Web data analytics, help boost website traffic & provide the website visitors’ data. This study shows how web analytics help in collecting the important information of users behaviours, age, demographics, gender, conversions & source of traffic details. Startups & small businesses can optimise their content based on users’ interest & take productive decisions. India which has become a hub of the startups in the world. Studies have showed that 90% of the startups get failed, in this paper it has been tried to find out how can Web Analytics play the role of catalyst for the success of the startup business. The sooner businesses embrace web analytics, the …
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Video monitoring has been widely used in various places, for example, tourist attractions, stations, terminals, offices, supermarkets, minimarkets, and other places. The use of video monitoring has the aim to improve security aspects in a place that is considered quite helpful. The rapid development of technology, video monitoring has been implemented for purposes other than for security, such as people counting systems. People counting to find out the number of visitors in a place or building is a difficult job to do, requires a lot of time and often the data obtained is not appropriate. Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) is a background reduction method, which is used to identify the background and foreground. Background reduction is an approach that is widely used to detect moving objects on video from static cameras. While blob detection is detecting a group of pixels connected in an image that has a different colour (white or black). Blob is used for object classification, whether the object is a person or not. From the results of system testing shows that counting people can be done well, with an average percentage of 95.83% recall, 94.5% precision and 90.88% accuracy of the entire video test data. The use of GMM in counting people in this study can also count people who carry objects properly as long as they are not drawn as in the morning test video. In addition, this system can store the calculated data.
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A major drawback when using the watershed transformation as a segmentation tool comes from the over-segmentation of the image. Over-segmentation is produced by the great number of minima embedded in the image or in its gradient. A powerful technique has been designed to suppress over-segmentation by a primary selection of markers pointing out the regions or objects to be segmented in the image. However, this approach can be used only if we are able to compute the marker set before applying the watershed transformation. But, in many cases and especially for complex scenes, this is not possible and an alternative technique must be used to reduce the over-segmentation. This technique is based on mosaic images and on the computation of a watershed transform on a valued graph derived from the mosaic images. This approach leads to a hierarchical segmentation of the image and considerably reduces over-segmentation. Then, this hierarchical segmentation is redefined by means of a new algorithm called the waterfall algorithm. This algorithm allows the selection of minima and of catchment basins of higher significance compared to their neighborhood. A very powerful implementation of this algorithm using geodesic reconstruction of functions is also presented. Finally, this approach is compared to another powerful tool introduced by M. Grimaud for selecting significant extrema in an image: the dynamics.
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A partitioning of an nD image is defined as the watersheds of some locally computable inhomogeneity measure. Dependent on the scale of the inhomogeneity measure a coarse or fine partitioning is defined. By analysis of the structural changes (catastrophes) in the measure introduced when scale is increased, a multi-scale linking of segments can be defined. This paper describes the multi-scale linking based on recent results of the deep structure of the squared gradient field[1]. An interactive semi-automatic segmentation tool, and results on synthetic and real 3D medical images are presented.
This paper concerns the segmentation of successive frames of a video sequence. Traditional methods, treating each frame in isolation, are computationally expensive, ignore potentially useful information derived from previous frames, and can lead to instabilities over the sequence. The approach developed here, based on the Region Competition algorithm (Zhu and Yuille, IEEE Trans. PAMI, 1996), employs a mesh of active contour primitives supervised by an MDL energy criterion. Temporal extensions, namely Boundary Momentum, Region Memory, and Optical Boundary Flow, are developed to ease the transition between successive frames. Further enhancements are made by incorporating mechanisms to accommodate the topological discontinuities that can arise during the sequence. The algorithm is demonstrated using a number of synthetic and real video sequences and is shown to provide an efficient method of segmentation which encourages stability across frames and preserves the quality of the original segmentation over the sequence.
Signal averaging is often used in biomedical signal processing. Unfortunately the classical hypothesis of perfect alignment of equal shape signals embedded in stationary and uncorrelated noise is rarely exactly verified. So the optimum improvement may be not achieved, and the estimated mean signal may be quite different from an individual realization. In this work we are interested in the noise power variation. In this case, it is more appropriate to use a weighted averaging instead of a uniform one. The main difficulty is the estimation of the signal to noise ratio for each realization in order to find the optimum weights. We show here that the optimum weights can be estimated adaptively using a constrained minimization algorithm. The constraint ensures that the estimated amplitude of the signal is not altered by the averaging procedure. Three different algorithms to estimate the optimal weights are presented and compared using simulations: (1) a direct method based on Lagrange multiplier; (2) an indirect method based on the penalty method; (3) a method based on the resolution of Kuhn and Tucker equations by means of Newton method. From the simulations, the Kuhn and Tucker method has the best performances and is used in the analysis of real electrocardiograms.
Several approaches have been reported previously to identify internal log defects automatically using computed tomography (CT) imagery. Most of these have been feasibility efforts and consequently have had several limitations: (1) reports of classification accuracy are largely subjective, not statistical; (2) there has been no attempt to achieve real-time operation; and (3) texture information has not been used for image segmentation, but has been limited to region labeling. Neural network classifiers based on local neighborhoods have the potential to greatly increase computational speed, can be implemented to incorporate textural features during segmentation, and can provide an objective assessment of classification performance. This paper describes a method in which a multilayer feed-forward network is used to perform pixel-by-pixel defect classification. After initial thresholding to separate wood from background and internal voids, the classifier labels each pixel of a CT slice using histogram-normalized values of pixels in a 3 × 3 × 3 window about the classified pixel. A post-processing step then removes some spurious pixel misclassifications. Our approach is able to identify bark, knots, decay, splits, and clear wood on CT images from several species of hardwoods. By using normalized pixel values as inputs to the classifier, the neural network is able to formulate and apply aggregate features, such as average and standard deviation, as well as texture-related features. With appropriate hardware, the method can operate in real time. This approach to machine vision also has implications for the analysis of 2D gray-scale images or 3D RGB images.
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Multi-scale watersheds have proven useful for interactive segmentation of 3D medical images. For simpler segmentation tasks, the speed up compared to manual segmentation is more than one order of magnitude. Even where the image evidence does not very strongly support the task, the interactive watershed segmentation provides a speed up of a factor two. In this paper we evaluate a broad class of non-linear diffusion schemes for the purpose of interactively segmenting gray and white matter of the brain in T1-weighted MR images. Through a new scheme GAN, we show that diffusion similar to the nonlinear Perona-Malik scheme is superior to the other evaluated diffusion schemes. This provides a speed up factor of two compared to the linear diffusion scheme.
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Segmentation algorithms are presented which combine regularization by nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) with a watershed transformation with region merging. We develop efficient algorithms for two well-founded PDE methods. They use an additive operator splitting (AOS) leading to recursive and separable filters. Further speed-up can be obtained by embedding AOS schemes into a pyramid framework. Examples demonstrate that the preprocessing by these PDE techniques eases and stabilizes the segmentation. The typical CPU time for segmenting a 2562 image on a workstation is less than 2 seconds.
Edge detection is an important pre-processing step in image segmentation. Conventionally, edges are detected according to gradient property, then processed by the thresholding technique. By such an approach, fine edge details in dark region of the image are eliminated. It is annoying sometimes as they are as useful as those in bright region, although this is caused by unevenly distributed lighting in many machine vision applications. In this paper, a novel mathematical morphological edge detection algorithm, based on pseudo top-hat transformation which is derived from top-hat transformation, is proposed to preserve these edge details as well as prominent ones. The algorithm is also presented in detail. Comprehensive experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is efficient for edge details extraction in place of shading while preserving distinguish features.
This paper presents a novel approach to the generalization of mathematical morphology to complex signals and images. This generalization is strongly dependent upon the issue of multivariate order relationships. Although there is no natural way to order multivariate data such as complex numbers, it is possible to design an order relationship such that it meets criteria that are appropriate to complex signal processing. We first outline the criteria that the order relationship should meet. We then propose a new order relationship that meets these criteria. Based on this order relationship, we construct the basic operators in mathematical morphology: dilations and erosions.