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Morphologic characterization of the patent ductus arteriosus in the premature infant and the choice of transcatheter occlusion device


Abstract and Figures

Objectives: The aim of this study was to describe and differentiate the morphology of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) seen in children born prematurely from other PDA types. Background: PDAs are currently classified as types A-E using the Krichenko's classification. Children born prematurely with a PDA morphology that did not fit this classification were described as Type F PDA. Methods: A review of 100 consecutive children who underwent transcatheter device closure of PDA was performed. The diameter and length (L) of the PDA and the device diameter (D) were indexed to the descending aorta (DA) diameter. Results: Comparison of 26 Type F PDAs was performed against, 29 Type A, 7 Type C and 32 Type E PDAs. Children with Type F PDAs (median 27.5 weeks gestation) were younger during the device occlusion compared with types A, C, and E (median age: 6 vs. 32, 11, and 42 months; P = 0.002). Type F PDAs were longer and larger, requiring a relatively large device for occlusion than types A, C, and E (Mean L/DA: 1.88 vs. 0.9, 1.21, and 0.89, P ≤ 0.01 and Mean D/DA: 1.04 vs. 0.46, 0.87, and 0.34, P ≤0.01). The Amplatzer vascular plug-II (AVP-II) was preferred for occlusion of Type F PDAs (85%; P <0.001). Conclusions: Children born prematurely have relatively larger and longer PDAs. These "fetal type PDAs" are best classified separately. We propose to classify them as Type F PDAs to add to types A-E currently in use. The AVP-II was effective in occluding Type F PDAs.
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Morphologic Characterization of the Patent Ductus
Arteriosus in the Premature Infant and the Choice
of Transcatheter Occlusion Device
Ranjit Philip,
*MD, B. Rush Waller III,
MD, Vijaykumar Agrawal,
Dena Wright,
RN, Alejandro Arevalo,
MD, David Zurakowski,
Shyam Sathanandam,
Objectives: The aim of this study was to describe and differentiate the morphology of
patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) seen in children born prematurely from other PDA
types. Background: PDAs are currently classified as types A-E using the Krichenko’s
classification. Children born prematurely with a PDA morphology that did not fit this
classification were described as Type F PDA. Methods: A review of 100 consecutive
children who underwent transcatheter device closure of PDA was performed. The di-
ameter and length (L) of the PDA and the device diameter (D) were indexed to the de-
scending aorta (DA) diameter. Results: Comparison of 26 Type F PDAs was performed
against, 29 Type A, 7 Type C and 32 Type E PDAs. Children with Type F PDAs (median
27.5 weeks gestation) were younger during the device occlusion compared with types
A, C, and E (median age: 6 vs. 32, 11, and 42 months; P50.002). Type F PDAs were lon-
ger and larger, requiring a relatively large device for occlusion than types A, C, and E
(Mean L/DA: 1.88 vs. 0.9, 1.21, and 0.89, P0.01 and Mean D/DA: 1.04 vs. 0.46, 0.87,
and 0.34, P0.01). The Amplatzer vascular plug-II (AVP-II) was preferred for occlusion
of Type F PDAs (85%; P<0.001). Conclusions: Children born prematurely have relatively
larger and longer PDAs. These “fetal type PDAs” are best classified separately. We
propose to classify them as Type F PDAs to add to types A-E currently in use. The
AVP-II was effective in occluding Type F PDAs. V
C2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Key words: congenital heart disease; patent ductus arteriosus; pediatric interventions;
preterm infant; prematurity; transcatheter device closure
Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) accounts for 5–10%
of all congenital heart diseases with an incidence of
1 in 2,000 live births in children born at term [1].
Throughout fetal life, the morphology of the ductus
arteriosus remains consistent [2]. However, the ana-
tomic features such as length and diameter of the
PDAs that are found in infants and children who are
born at term are quite variable. Krichenko et al.
described these differences based on findings from lat-
eral aortography, classifying them into five types, A
through E [3]. This classification was proposed when
transcatheter PDA closure was typically reserved for
children and adults, but not in premature neonates.
Children born prematurely often have a PDA. About
half of premature infants with a birth weight
(BW) <1 kg and a third of those with BW <1.5 kg
have a PDA [4]. Historically, treatment for a sympto-
matic PDA in premature infants has been either medi-
Division of Pediatric Cardiology, University of Tennessee
Health Science Center, Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital,
Memphis, Tennessee
Department of Pediatrics, University of Tennessee Health
Science Center, Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital, Memphis,
Department of Radiology, University of Tennessee Health
Science Center, Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital, Memphis,
Department of Biostatistics, Harvard Medical School, Boston,
Conflict of interest: Nothing to report.
*Correspondence to: Ranjit Philip, University of Tennessee Health
Science Center, Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital, 848 Adams
Avenue Memphis, TN 38103. E-mail:
Received 17 July 2015; Revision accepted 3 October 2015
DOI: 10.1002/ccd.26287
Published online 2 November 2015 in Wiley Online Library
C2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions 87:310–317 (2016)
cal therapy with indomethacin or surgical ligation.
With the advent of smaller occlusion devices and cath-
eters, transcatheter therapy has been extended to treat
PDAs in infants born prematurely, with reports of even
treating patients <1 kg [5–7]. The PDAs in these pre-
mature infants are typically long and tortuous without
significant stenosis, similar to the ductus arteriosus
seen during fetal life. Although they have been classi-
fied as either Types A, C, or E [8,9], the morphology
of the PDAs seen in infants born prematurely does not
fit well into the widely accepted angiographic classifi-
cation. Therefore, we propose to characterize the mor-
phology of these “Fetal type” PDAs. There were two
main objectives to this study. The primary objective
was to compare the morphology of the PDAs found in
children born prematurely with the other PDA types.
The secondary objective was to describe the choice of
transcatheter occlusion device based on the PDA mor-
A retrospective review of 100 consecutive children
who underwent transcatheter device closure of PDA at
Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital between June 2012
and Dec 2014 was performed. Only patients with iso-
lated PDAs were included in the study. Children with
congenital heart disease including right aortic arch
with an isolated PDA were excluded. Approval for
this study was obtained from the University of Ten-
nessee Health Science Center institutional review
board. Patient demographics including gestational age
were included. The morphology and dimensions of the
PDA were determined by a lateral aortogram and clas-
sified according to Krichenko et al. For the purpose
of this study, Children born prematurely with a PDA
morphology that did not fit into the Krichenko classi-
fication were grouped in a separate category – Type
F, to add to the current classification of Types A–E
(Fig. 1). The narrowest diameter along the length of
the PDA was designated as the minimal luminal diam-
eter (MLD). The diameters at the aortic (A-diameter)
and the pulmonary artery (PA; P-diameter) ends as
well as the length (L) of the PDA were measured.
The diameter of the device (D-diameter) used for
occlusion was recorded. For the Amplatzer
occluder-I (ADO-I; St. Jude Medical, St. Paul, MN),
the diameter of the device by the aortic end (not the
retention skirt) was used as the device diameter. These
measurements were indexed to the diameter of the de-
scending aorta (DA) just distal to the PDA to account
for the varying patient size. The MLD, A-diameter, P-
diameter, length, and D-diameter indexed to the DA
diameter were labelled MLD/DA, A/DA, P/DA, L/
DA, and D/DA ratios, respectively. In very low birth
infants, in whom arterial access was not obtained,
angiograms were performed with a catheter across
the PDA. As the catheter could have altered the
ductal morphology, measurements were made from
2D-echocardiography. Morphologic characterization
and measurements were cross-referenced between two
interventional cardiologists, an interventional radiolog-
ist, and a pediatric cardiologist all of whom were
blinded to the patient’s gestational age for interob-
server reliability. Disagreements in measurements, and
PDA type between observers were reconciled by mu-
tual discussion before analysis of data. Patients were
grouped according to their PDA type for comparison
of the indexed PDA size. There was no correction for
gestational age in the premature patients. The choice
of device type was compared among the groups. An-
giography following device placement was reviewed
for residual shunt size, left PA (LPA) obstruction, and
aortic obstruction.
Statistical Analysis
Normally distributed, continuous variables were
expressed as a mean standard deviation. Skewed,
continuous variables were expressed as a median and
interquartile range (IQR). Categorical variables were
expressed as a number with a percentage of the total.
analysis was used to test for differences in
categorical variables, and Wilcoxon rank sum test was
used for continuous variables. Analysis of variance
(ANOVA) was used to analyze the differences
between group means and their associated device clo-
sure procedure. In addition, the Bonferroni method
was used for correcting for multiple comparisons. A
P-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Kappa statistics was used to calculate interobserver
agreement for PDA types between the 4 observers.
Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), a measure of
reliability and consistency between observers was
determined using a two-way mixed effects model.
For statistical analysis, SPSS-22.0.1 for Mac (SPSS,
Chicago, IL) was used.
Charts and angiograms were reviewed on 100 con-
secutive patients who underwent transcatheter PDA
closure; 33 patients were born prematurely. Of the 67
patients who were born at term, the PDAs were classi-
fied as Type A in 27 (40%), Type B in 1 (1.5%), Type
C in 7 (10%), Type D in 3 (4.5%), and Type E in 29
(44%). The PDAs in the 33 premature infants were
classified as type A in 2 (6%), type D in 2 (6%) and
PDA in the Preterm Infant 311
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions DOI 10.1002/ccd.
Published on behalf of The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI).
type E in 3 (9%). PDA morphology in 26 premature
patients did not fit into the Krichenko classification
and were classified as Type F (26/33, 79%; P<0.001)
as shown in Fig. 2A. The relative incidence of PDA
Types A-F are shown in Fig. 2B and Table I. Although
more female patients underwent PDA closure (61%,
P<0.05), there was no difference in the relative inci-
dence of the PDA types between gender (P¼0.114).
There were no PDAs in children born at term with
morphology considered to be Type F. Therefore, all
patients with Type F PDAs were born prematurely
with a median gestational age of 27.5 weeks (23–34
weeks). Patients with Type F PDAs were younger and
smaller at the time of device closure compared with
patients with other PDA types (Median age 6 vs. 34
months, P¼0.002; Median weight 3.8 vs. 24.7 kg,
P<0.001; Median BSA 0.31 vs. 0.81 m
Morphologic features were compared between Types
A, C, E, and F. Since Types B and D were found only
in a few patients, comparisons were not performed for
these two types.
Type A vs. Type F Morphology
Type A PDAs were conical in shape with a large
aortic ampulla (A-diameter: 9.90 3.80 mm) and a
Fig. 1. Proposed Classification of PDAs: PDA morphology of
premature children that did not fit the Krichenko et al. classifi-
cation were grouped as Type F. To the left of the descriptive
text is a figure of the different PDA types with their companion
lateral aortograms before and after transcatheter device clo-
sure. To the right of the text, is the concomitant 2D and color
Doppler echocardiogram image of the different PDA types. The
Type F PDAs were relatively larger and longer compared with
other types with a tortuous connection to the PA giving an
appearance of a hockey-stick. [Color figure can be viewed in
the online issue, which is available at]
312 Philip et al.
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions DOI 10.1002/ccd.
Published on behalf of The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI).
smaller PA end (P-diameter: 3.90 0.10 mm). How-
ever, the A/DA ratio was larger for Type F PDAs than
Type A PDAs (0.91 0.23 vs. 0.82 0.25 mm;
P¼0.01; Table II). Type F PDAs, did not taper from
the aortic to the PA end (0.91 0.23 to 0.78 0.20;
P¼0.35). Therefore, the P/DA ratio was also signifi-
cantly larger for Type F PDAs than Type A PDAs
(0.78 0.20 vs. 0.25 0.08; P0.001). The MLD for
24 of 29 Type A PDAs (83%) was at the PA end and
just posterior to it in the remainder. The MLD for 20
of 26 Type F PDAs was at the anterior half toward the
PA end, but the MLD was not the P-diameter. The
indexed length of Type F PDAs was longer than Type
A PDAs (L/DA ratio: 1.88 0.40 vs. 0.90 0.37;
Type C vs. Type F Morphology
Type C PDAs were tubular without any narrowing,
with almost similar A-diameter, P-diameter and MLD
(mean: 6.6 mm, 5.4 and 4 mm, respectively; P¼0.65).
However, Type F PDAs had larger A/DA, P/DA, and
MLD/DA ratios compared with Type C PDAs
(P¼0.01 for all indices, Table II). Furthermore, the
indexed lengths of Type F PDAs were longer than
Type C PDAs (L/DA ratio: 1.88 0.40 vs. 1.21 0.46;
P¼0.01). In further contrast to Type C PDAs, 19 of
26 Type F PDAs (73%) had tortuosity of the segment
closest to the PA end. This morphologic feature typi-
cally showed first a mild cranial angulation followed
by a final caudal turn into the connection with the PA.
The shape resembles that of a “hockey-stick,” which
Fig. 2. Relative incidence of PDA Types: (A) Relative incidence of PDA Types A–F based on
gestational age. B: Overall incidence of PDA Types A–F. [Color figure can be viewed in the
online issue, which is available at]
TABLE I. Demographics According to the Type of PDA (100 Consecutive Patients)
Variable Type A Type B Type C Type D Type E Type F P value
Patients 29 1 7 5 32 26
Gender 0.114
Female 20 (69%) 1 (100%) 6 (86%) 2 (40%) 14 (44%) 18 (69%)
Male 9 (31%) 0 (0%) 1 (14%) 3 (60%) 18 (56%) 8 (31%)
Gestation <0.001
Preterm 2 (7%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 2 (40%) 3 (9%) 26 (100%)
Term 27 (93%) 1 (100%) 7 (100%) 3 (60%) 29 (91%) 0 (0%)
Age (months) 0.002
Median (IQR) 32 (12–90) 210 (–) 11 (5–24) 35 (22–123) 42 (24–114) 6 (2–21)
Weight (Kg) 0.003
Mean SD 21.5 17.6 69 7.7 4.0 23.6 12.8 29.1 19.8 4.2 2.6
BSA (m
Mean SD 0.76 0.45 1.78 0.40 0.13 0.80 0.50 0.87 0.49 0.34 0.08
Device <0.001
ADO 29 (100%) 0 (0%) 2 (29%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 4 (15%)
AVP 0 (0%) 1 (100%) 5 (71%) 5 (100%) 6 (19%) 22 (85%)
Coil 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 26 (81%) 0 (0%)
Significant differences between the types of PDAs.
IQR: interquartile range; SD: standard deviation; ASO: Amplatzer
duct occluder; AVP: Amplatzer
vascular plug (II and 4).
PDA in the Preterm Infant 313
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions DOI 10.1002/ccd.
Published on behalf of The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI).
makes the Type F PDA a morphologically different
type than Type C.
Type E vs. Type F Morphology
Type E PDAs were narrow and elongated in appear-
ance with a highly constricted PA end. The MLD in
29 of 32 Type E PDAs (91%) was at the PA end. The
L/DA ratio of Type F PDAs, however, was longer than
Type E PDAs (1.88 0.40 vs. 0.89 0.36; P<0.001).
Type F PDAs were distinct from Type E PDAs since
the diameters by the aortic and PA ends and the MLD
were significantly larger (P<0.001 for all measure-
ments and ratios).
Interobserver Agreement
The Kappa statistics for interobserver agreement
among all observers for the PDA classification of Type
F was 0.88 and among the interventional cardiologists
was 0.96. The mean ICC reliability (rho) for all meas-
urements among the 2 observers compared with the
interventional cardiologist’s measurements was 0.917
Choice of Occlusion Device
The choice of transcatheter device based on PDA
morphology is listed in Table I. The first 4 Type F
PDAs in this series were occluded using the ADO-I.
Since these patients were smaller, and there was a pos-
sibility of the retention disk protruding into the aorta
(Fig. 3A and B), the AVP was preferred in the 22 sub-
sequent Type F PDAs (18 AVP-II and 4 AVP-4). In
Type F PDAs, the diameter of the device relative to
the DA diameter was larger when compared with all
the other PDA types (D/DA ratio P0.01 for all). The
device diameter when compared to the diameter of the
aorta was nearly 1:1 (D/DA ratio ¼1.04 0.18) for
Type F PDAs. On follow-up echocardiogram, there
was no significant (>2 m/s) Doppler flow acceleration
in any of the Type F PDAs. At latest follow-up, there
was one mortality from sepsis in a patient with Type
F PDA, which was unrelated to the procedure or the
PDA Closure in Premature Infants 2.5 Kg
There were 14 premature infants, who were
2.5 Kg with Type F PDAs that had transcatheter de-
vice closures, of which 12 were ventilator dependent.
The Median GA of this subgroup was 27 weeks (23–
32 weeks). The median age and weight at the time of
the procedure were 6 weeks (4–16 weeks) and 1.6 Kg
(1.06–2.5 Kg), respectively. The primary indication for
closure was pulmonary hypertension associated with
chronic lung disease in 9 (65%), and left ventricular
volume overload in the rest. All of them had previ-
ously failed at least one course of medical therapy.
The median fluoroscopy time for these patients was
9.2 min (4–24.5 min) and procedural time was 56 min
(42–117 min) that included a hemodynamic pulmonary
hypertension study. The median total contrast dose was
3 mL/Kg (0–4.5 mL/Kg). Arterial access was obtained
in 50% of these patients to perform a retrograde aorto-
gram. Ultrasound was used for vascular access in all
patients. Patients in whom arterial access was not
obtained, the PDA were closed using transthoracic
echo guidance. All were closed via an antegrade
approach using either the AVP-II (n¼10) or the AVP-
4(n¼4). There were no procedure-related complica-
tions, including no access vessel injuries, and no
obstruction of the LPA or the aorta. Nine of these
patients have since been discharged home without ven-
tilator support.
Transcatheter PDA closure is being utilized more
frequently in smaller patients including preterm infants
[6,8–10]. Comorbidities associated with prematurity
including prolonged ventilatory support, bronchopul-
monary dysplasia, pulmonary hypertension, and
TABLE II. Comparison of PDA Size Indexed to DA Diameter for Types A, C, E, and F
ANOVA with Bonferroni
Type A
Type C
Type E
Type F
Type F vs. A
Type F vs. C
Type F vs. E
A/DA 0.82 0.25 0.79 0.15 0.41 0.21 0.91 0.23 0.010
P/DA 0.25 0.08 0.57 0.36 0.10 0.06 0.78 0.20 <0.001
MLD/DA 0.24 0.07 0.42 0.16 0.10 0.04 0.67 0.12 <0.001
L/DA 0.90 0.37 1.21 0.46 0.89 0.36 1.88 0.40 <0.001
D/DA 0.46 0.11 0.87 0.36 0.34 0.08 1.04 0.18 <0.001
A/DA vs. P/DA (PValue) <0.01
0.74 <0.01
Data expressed as mean SD.
Statistically significant.
314 Philip et al.
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions DOI 10.1002/ccd.
Published on behalf of The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI).
necrotizing enterocolitis are likely complicated by the
presence of a PDA [11]. Surgical ligation has been
routinely performed in those that fail medical therapy,
yet surgery has been associated with complications
such as pneumothorax, phrenic nerve palsy, vocal cord
paralysis, chylothorax, and scoliosis [12,13]. Transcath-
eter PDA closure may offer faster recovery compared
with surgical ligation [8].
Although authors describing transcatheter closure of
PDAs in preterm infants have typically classified them
as Types A, C, or E [8,9] it is frequently challenging
to select one of these accepted Krichenko labels.
Because these PDAs differ in morphology from other
types, we propose to reclassify these PDAs into a sepa-
rate category: Type F. These PDAs seen exclusively in
premature infants are often tortuous and distinctively
long and wide in relationship to the diameter of the
The Type F PDA tapers minimally from the aortic
to the PA end which clearly differentiates it from
Types A, B, D, and E. Though the Type F PDA does
have some morphologic similarities to Type C, this
study shows that there are other characteristic features
that differentiate these two types. Type F PDAs are rel-
atively longer than Type C PDAs. There is mild curva-
ture of the segment closest to the PA end making these
PDAs appear tortuous. This morphologic feature typi-
cally showed first a mild cranial angulation followed
by a final caudal turn into the connection with the PA.
The shape resembles that of a hockey-stick unlike the
tubular structure of the Type C PDA.
The shape of the fetal arterial duct has often been
referred to as a hockey-stick on fetal ultrasound [14].
As pregnancy progresses, the fetal arterial duct has
been reported to take a greater curvature [15]. By late
in the third trimester, the arterial duct becomes greatly
curved in majority of the fetuses and assumes a config-
uration that appears as a sharply angled C-shape or an
S-shape [16]. It was our observation that the more pre-
mature the patient at the time of the PDA closure, the
less tortuous it is. Conversely, the tortuosity was more
pronounced when closer to term. Therefore, it is possi-
ble that morphology of the PDA in a premature infant
closely resembles that of its fetal counterpart. Reese
et al have described numerous fascinating aspects of
PDAs in children born prematurely, including the
Fig. 3. Angiograms of Type F PDAs. A: arge tortuous Type F
PDA. Following deployment of an 8–6 Amplatzer Duct
Occluder (B); the device is seen partially obstructing flow
from the transverse aortic arch (white arrowhead). C: Large
Type F PDA resembling a “hockey-stick.” Following deploy-
ment of a 6 mm, AVP- II (D); the device is seen well seated,
completely within the duct with no obstruction of the aortic
arch. Note the relative size of the device to the descending
aorta (D/DA ratio 51). E: Large Type F PDA in a 3 months old
premature infant that was partially occluded with a surgical
clip (arrow). Follow up angiogram (F) after trans-catheter
occlusion with a 4 mm, AVP-4 device. Note that the device
discs are on either side of the clip.
PDA in the Preterm Infant 315
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions DOI 10.1002/ccd.
Published on behalf of The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI).
property of vasomotion which contributes to the spasm
noted in these patients [17]. Most Type F PDAs, in
this series had failed medical therapy prior to trans-
catheter closure. It is also possible that the medical
therapy made some of these PDAs appear tortuous.
Our hypothesis for the different PDA morphologies
is as follows. The arterial duct appears almost similar
in morphology in all human fetuses before birth, unless
there is an associated congenital heart disease [16]. In
a premature infant, when the duct fails to close, it con-
tinues to resemble the ductal morphology of the fetus.
These “fetal type” (Type F) PDAs are typically long
with mild anterior tortuosity and void of any constric-
tions. When a child is born at term and the ductus arte-
riosus remains patent, its morphology undergoes
certain transformations. When it shortens without con-
stricting at either end, it resembles the “tubular ductus”
(Type C). In this series, children with Type C PDAs
were born at term and were relatively young (median
age 11 months) at the time of device closure. Since
they do not have any stenoses, these children become
symptomatic and present earlier for PDA closure. After
birth, when the fetal duct constricts only at the PA
end, it resemble the “conical ductus” (Type A) with a
wide aortic ampulla. The Type A is the most common
PDA morphology described in many studies. When the
fetal arterial duct, after birth, shortens and constricts
only by the aortic end, it resembles the “window
ductus” (Type B). After birth, if the fetal arterial duct
constricts at both the aortic and the PA ends with a
wide center, it resembles the “saccular ductus” (Type
D). In a child born at term, the ductus arteriosus starts
constricting from the PA end [18] before becoming dif-
fusely narrow. When it fails to close at this stage, and
remains fairly long and narrow with a highly con-
stricted PA end, it resembles the “elongated ductus”
(Type E). Many of these PDAs do not contribute
to a hemodynamically significant shunt, or remain
“silent” [19].
There is fairly a large percentage of Type F PDAs
in this series. This was because of a recent trend of a
high number of referrals from the neonatologists for
transcatheter PDA closure on sick premature infants.
There is data to suggest that early surgical ligation in
the premature neonate does not prevent the develop-
ment of chronic lung disease [20]. Consequently, a
large number of older premature infants with estab-
lished chronic lung disease or pulmonary hypertension
also presented for device closure beyond the neonatal
period adding to this series of Type F PDAs. Though
indexing the PDA size to the patient’s body surface
area yielded comparable results, we decided to repre-
sent the PDA size relative to the DA diameter as it
may have clinical value. For example in Type F PDAs,
the D/DA ratio was 1:1. This information may be
useful for implanters as the DA diameter could help
decide on the appropriate size of the occlusion device.
The ADO-I and the Nit-occlud
coil system and the
PDA-R (pfm Medical) are best suited for
ducts that have an aortic ampulla. In PDAs without a
significantly large aortic ampulla end, the ADO-I with
a relatively wide retention skirt could potentially cause
obstruction to flow in the DA (Fig. 3A and B). There-
fore, these devices are not suitable for the Type F
PDAs as we have learned from our initial experience.
The AVP-II, with retention disks on either end of the
device that are of the same diameter as the central
occlusion portion makes it a very versatile device. In
this series of 12 PDAs occluded in children 2.5 Kg,
the device stayed almost completely within the PDA
with discs not obstructing the aorta or the LPA in all
(Fig. 3C and D). Therefore, currently, the AVP-II may
be best suited for PDA closure in the premature infant.
The AVP-4 was used in a few premature infants
because of its ability to be delivered via a smaller cath-
eter. In two patients that were not included in this
study who had residual shunts after surgical ligations,
we found it advantageous to use the AVP-4 advanced
through a 4-French catheter across the ligature with the
device discs staying on either side of it (Fig. 3E and
F). The AVP-4 however, is a fairly long device and
could potentially protrude into the aorta or the PA in a
small infant. In addition, its shape may not make it the
right option for Type F PDAs. The ADO-II, though
appears to be an attractive option for the Type F
PDAs, has retention disks that are larger than the cen-
tral occlusive portion (6mm). This feature may make
the terminal ends interfere with aortic and branch PA
blood flow. Hence, we have not opted to use it to
occlude Type F PDAs. The ADO-II AS device that is
not currently available in the United States, features
both shorter lengths (2–6 mm) and retention disks only
slightly larger than the central occlusive portion (1–
1.5 mm larger), which are useful attributes for neonatal
PDA closure. There are reports [21] with encouraging
early results using this device in this setting.
The morphology of the ductus arteriosus that fails to
close in a child born prematurely resembles its fetal
counterpart. These PDA are relatively large and long
with a tortuous connection to the PA giving an appear-
ance of a hockey-stick. They do not fit into the con-
ventional classification described by Krichenko et al.
These “fetal type” PDAs are therefore best classified
independently in a distinct category of their own. We
propose to classify them as Type F PDAs. Currently,
316 Philip et al.
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions DOI 10.1002/ccd.
Published on behalf of The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI).
the AVP-II appears to be the device best suited for
trans-catheter occlusion of this PDA type.
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PDA in the Preterm Infant 317
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Published on behalf of The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI).
... This is through comprehensive assessment, which incorporates several domains (Figure 2), such as ductal size, flow Doppler pattern, and PDA shape (39). PDA is characterized by its length, width, tortuosity, and resistance to pharmacological closure (40). As a matter of fact, the PDA 3D structure is variable. ...
... Frontiers in Pediatrics randomized to receive early treatment with acetaminophen or placebo, based on ductal diameter >0.9 mm at 6 h of life (57). In addition, it is noteworthy that PDA diameter has significant inter-observer variability in 2D and color Doppler in preterm infants (58), and the PDA image on 2D view, does not accurately represent the PDA as a 3D structure, and it could potentially over-or underestimate ductal diameter (40). This highlights the importance of comprehensive echocardiographic evaluation, to provide a better understanding of the hemodynamic consequences of PDA. ...
... The left pulmonary stenosis and migration of the device are potential complications to this procedure (85,86). Anecdotal data showed that the incidence of cardiorespiratory instability, might be less common with device closure as compared to ligation (40,90,91). The comparatively favorable side effects profile of device-closure versus ligation likely explains the decline in the rates of surgical ligation (86). ...
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The patent ductus arteriosus frequently poses a significant morbidity in preterm infants, subjecting their immature pulmonary vascular bed to substantial volume overload. This, in turn, results in concurrent hypoperfusion to post-ductal organs, and subsequently alters cerebral blood flow. In addition, treatment has not demonstrated definitive improvements in patient outcomes. Currently, the optimal approach remains a subject of considerable debate with ongoing research controversy regarding the best approach. This article provides a comprehensive review of existing literature.
... The morphology of the PDA in preterm infants is usually long and tortuous with a "hockey stick" shaped curvature at the pulmonary end ( Figure 3A and B). 66 This is referred to as the "Type F" PDA. The size of the PDA is usually insinuated by the measurement at the pulmonary end which typically is the narrowest dimension of the PDA. ...
... A) Ductal morphology in premature low birth weight infants referred to as "Type F" PDA.66 (B) It is long and tortuous, similar to the fetal ductus, giving the appearance of a hockey stick. (C) Length and width at each end can be measured. ...
... In order to proceed with transcatheter closure the duct must be longer than 3-5 mm with a maximal diameter of 4 mm [21]. ...
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Ductal patency of preterm infants is potentially associated with long term morbidities related to either pulmonary overflow or systemic steal. When an interventional closure is needed, it can be achieved with either surgical ligation or a catheter-based approach. Transcatheter PDA closure is among the safest of interventional cardiac procedures and it is the first choice for ductal closure in adults, children, and infants weighing more than 6 kg. In preterm and very low birth weight infants, it is increasingly becoming a valid and safe alternative to ligation, especially for the high success rate and the minor invasiveness and side effects. Nevertheless, being it performed at increasingly lower weights and gestational ages, hemodynamic complications are possible events to be foreseen. Procedural steps, timing, results, possible complications and available monitoring systems, as well as future outlooks are here discussed.
... The safe application of TC-PDA closure devices in smaller patients including preterm infants [9,[22][23][24] has resulted in a growing trend in the number of these patients referred for closure by neonatologists [25]. Nearly 50% of premature infants are estimated to have a PDA at birth, resulting in significant comorbidities such as congestive heart failure, renal failure, and necrotizing enterocolitis in the setting of persistent diastolic hypotension [26]. ...
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Objectives: The aim of our study is to describe the various anesthetic techniques and intraoperative management used during transcatheter closure of hemodynamically significant PDAs in VLBW premature infants weighing less than 1.5 kg and their potential impact on postoperative outcomes using a retrospective chart review. Design: A retrospective electronic medical chart review was performed in infants who underwent Transcatheter Patent Ductus Arteriosus (TC-PDA) closure at an academic institution between January 1, 2008 and October 4th 2019. Only premature patients with isolated PDA weighing less than 1500 g at the time of the procedure were included in the study. Setting: Single Institutional Hospital. Participants: Premature patients with isolated PDA weighing less than 1500 g at the time of the procedure. Interventions: None. Measurements and main results: Interprocedurally, there was no evidence of device embolization or clinically significant vascular obstruction on follow-up echocardiography, and inotropic or vasoactive infusions were not required. All patients survived and were discharged from the hospital after a mean of 86.4 ± 48.49 days (median 74, range 40-180) following initial admission to the NICU. At 7 post-operative days, freedom from ventilatory support reached 70% in all patients. Incidences of device embolization or clinically significant vascular obstruction were not noted on follow-up echocardiography. Conclusions: Though our preliminary findings show promising outcomes following TC-PDA closure relative to traditional surgical approaches, further investigations with higher patient volume are needed to validate these promising observations.
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Persistent patent ductus arteriosus is a very common condition in preterm infants. Although there is no management agreed by consensus, despite numerous randomized controlled trials, hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus increases morbidity and mortality in these vulnerable patients. Medical treatment is usually offered as first-line therapy, although it carries a limited success rate and potential severe adverse events. In recent years, transcatheter patent ductus arteriosus closure has fast developed and become widely accepted as a safe and efficient alternative to surgical ductal ligation in extremely low birth weight infants >700 g, using most often the dedicated Amplatzer Piccolo Occluder device. This article aims to provide an appraisal of the patients’ selection process, and a step-by-step description of the procedure as well as a comprehensive review of its outcomes.
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Objective To our knowledge, no prior study has focused on the outcome of PDA occlusion using an Amplatzer™ Vascular Plug 4 (AP4) in ill preterm infants. This study aims to highlight the pros and cons of AP4 in this cohort. Methods Between 2020 and 2022, 26 ill preterm infants underwent PDA closure in our centre. The median age, weight, and gestational age were 60 days (11–180 days), 1,900g (900–3,400 g), and 25 weeks (22–33 weeks), respectively. The indication of the intervention was hemodynamically significant PDA. A medical trial with non-steroid medication failed to close the ducts in all patients. Follow-up using echocardiography was done 24, 48, and 72 h after the intervention. Results Of 26 ducts, 21 were successfully closed with AP4. Five ducts shorter than 7 mm were unsuitable for AP4 and were closed with the Amplatzer Piccolo device. The median radiation time was 4 min (3–9 min). No early plug-related complications or deaths were documented. Plug-related jailing of the left pulmonary artery as a late complication was 9.5%, and LPA reintervention was required. All ducts were closed after 48 h. Conclusion Implantation of the AP4 using a 4 F 0.38 guide wire-compatible catheter without inserting a long sheath makes the closure of tubular ducts with this device feasible and uncomplicated with a short intervention time. However, the limited sizes with fixed lengths of the AP4 make it unsuitable for ducts wider than 4.5 mm and shorter than the chosen device length, which can increase the risk of significant left pulmonary stenosis. A wide range of plug diameters and lengths is required to accommodate the large and short ducts.
Objectives: Percutaneous patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) closure is becoming the standard of care for definitive closure in progressively smaller and younger neonates. The objective of this study was to assess safety and feasibility of percutaneous PDA closure in patients ≤2 kg. Methods: This was a cohort study using the IMPACT Registry (Improving Pediatric and Adult Congenital Treatments) from the American College of Cardiology Foundation's National Cardiovascular Data Registry. Patients who were ≤2 kg at the time of percutaneous PDA closure were included. The primary outcome was the composite of technical failure and/or major adverse event. Results: A total of 1587 attempted PDA closures were included, with a 3% incidence of technical failure and 5.5% incidence of the composite outcome. Major adverse events were observed in 3.8% of the patients; the most common events were device embolization requiring retrieval and unplanned cardiac or vascular surgery in 1.3% and 1.3% of cases, respectively. The incidence of the composite outcome was associated with the need for arterial access (P < .001) as well as annual hospital volume of percutaneous PDA closures in infants ≤2 kg (P = .001). The incidence of the composite outcome has decreased overtime, whereas median weight at the time of procedure has also diminished. Conclusions: Percutaneous PDA closure appears to be safe and feasible procedures in infants ≤2 kg. The incidence of major adverse events has continued to decline over the years and seems to have a strong correlation with individual center case volumes and expertise.
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Hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is one of major morbidities seen in preterm babies. It can be closed using conservative, surgical and percutaneous device occlusion techniques. Transcatheter Amplatzer Piccolo Occluder is 1st FDA approved device available in India for closure of PDA in very preterm babies with weight >700 gm. In India, insufficient data is available pertaining to this procedure in extremely low birth weight babies.
Definition A patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in the first 3 days of life is a physiological shunt connection (PA – aorta) in healthy term and preterm newborn infants. In contrast, a persistently patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants can become a clinical problem, e.g., during the recovery period from respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). With the improvement of ventilation and oxygenation, pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) decreases early and rapidly (starting within the first hours of life), especially in preterm infants <1000 g (ELBW). Subsequently, the left-to-right shunt through the ductus arteriosus (aorta → DA → PA) and optionally the patent foramen orale (PFO) (RA → LA) increases, as does the pulmonary blood flow, leading to (interstitial) pulmonary edema and overall worsening of respiratory status. PDA of the preterm infant is frequently not symptomatic before day 4 of life. Epidemiology 31% of preterm infants with a birth weight (BW) of 501–1500 g have a PDA A significant PDA associated with heart failure is found in 15% of preterm infants weighing less than 1750g A significant PDA that may require treatment during the neonatal period occurs in approximately 60% of preterm infants weighing less than 1000 g Etiology/pathophysiology In term neonates, a postnatal increase in PaO2 and a decrease in prostaglandin E (PGE), nitric oxide (NO), and other vasodilator substances induces constriction of ductal vascular smooth muscle cells and consequently functional closure of the ductus.
Objectives To describe a new technique for transcatheter patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) closure in extremely preterm infants using commercially available technology. BackgroundPDA in premature neonates continues to be a significant clinical problem contributing importantly to both morbidity and mortality. Surgical ligation and medical therapy both have their drawbacks. Material and Methods Hospital records and catheterization reports of all premature neonates (< 32 weeks gestation) who underwent transcatheter PDA closure between March 2013 and February 2014 were reviewed. Particular attention was paid to procedural details, complications, and short and mid-term outcomes. ResultsSix premature infants born at gestational ages ranging between 26 and 31 weeks (median, 26 weeks) underwent attempted transcatheter PDA closure using the Amplatzer Vascular Plug II (AVP II). Median age and weight was 21.5 days (16-80 days) and 1,180 g (870-2,240 g), respectively. Fluoroscopy and echocardiography were used to guide device. Contrast angiography was not used in any patient. Complete closure was achieved in all patients with no major procedural complications. Median fluoroscopy and procedural times were 9.4 (0-19.5) and 51.5 (33-87) min, respectively. All patients were alive at the time of this report. There were no instances of device migration, left pulmonary artery (LPA), or aortic coarctation. Conclusions This preliminary study demonstrates that transcatheter PDA closure can be successfully performed in extremely preterm neonates using currently available technology with a high success rate and a low incidence of complications. This report also describes a novel transvenous approach using a combination of echocardiography and judicious use of fluoroscopy to avoid arterial access in this fragile patient population. (c) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
To describe early clinical experience with the amplatzer ductal occluder II additional sizes (ADO II AS) for percutaneous arterial duct occlusion in infants and small children. Pre-, intra- and postprocedural data analysis of all patients undergoing arterial duct occlusion with the ADO II AS from three tertiary referral centers. 17 patients (10 female) with a median age of 6 months (range 1.0-48.1 months) and a median weight of 5.7 kg (range 1.7-17.4 kg) underwent attempted transcatheter ductal closure with the ADO II AS. Retrograde arterial approach was used in eight patients with transvenous femoral approach used in nine. The mean minimal ductal diameter was 2.2 ± 0.7 mm with mean ductal length of 6.8 ± 1.7 mm. Device sizes used were 5/6 (n = 5), 3/4 (n = 4), 4/4 (n = 3), 4/6 (n = 3), and 5/4 (n = 2) with four French delivery sheaths used in all cases. The median fluoroscopy time was 5.7 ± 1.8 min. Two patients underwent delivery under exclusive echocardiography guidance. Complete ductal occlusion was achieved by the end of the procedure in 13 patients. Device embolization to the left pulmonary artery occurred in one patient with successful surgical removal and ligation of the arterial duct. Three patients required device resizing following deployment of the initial device. Complete ductal occlusion without aortic arch or left pulmonary artery stenosis has been identified in all 16 remaining patients on transthoracic echocardiographic follow-up at median of 4.2 months. The new amplatzer ductal occluder II AS achieves excellent ductal closure rates through low profile delivery systems in small infants and children with variable ductal anatomy. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 147.
Objectives To describe our experience with percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in small infants and compare outcomes to matched surgical patients. Background Ligation via thoracotomy has been used to close PDAs in small infants, but has been associated with respiratory and hemodynamic compromise. We hypothesized that percutaneous closure would offer faster recovery of respiratory function. Methods Patients <4 kg requiring positive pressure ventilation who underwent percutaneous PDA closure between January 2000 and April 2012 were reviewed and matched to contemporary surgical patients on gestational age (GA), birth weight (BW), procedure weight (WT), and ventilation mode. Patients returned to baseline respiratory status when the product of mean airway pressure and FiO(2) returned to pre-procedural levels. ResultsEight matched pairs were included. Median BW, GA, and WT were 1.43 kg (0.52-2.97), 29.8 weeks (24-39), and 2.8 kg (2.2-3.9) for catheter patients and 1.55 kg (0.48-3.04), 29 weeks (23-37), and 2.75 kg (2.3-4.2) for surgical patients. Complete PDA closure occurred in all. The median time to return to baseline respiratory status was significantly shorter in the percutaneous group (17 hr (range 0-113) vs. 53 hr (range 13-219), P<0.05). In the percutaneous group, two patients developed mild aortic coarctation, one mild left pulmonary artery stenosis, and four femoral vascular thromboses which all resolved with medical therapy. Surgical complications included significant respiratory and cardiac compromise, rib fractures and urinary retention. Conclusions Percutaneous closure of PDA in small infants on respiratory support is equivalent in safety and efficacy and may offer shorter recovery time than surgical ligation. (c) 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
To evaluate the safety and efficacy of the Amplatzer® Vascular Plug II (AVPII) for closure of the patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). The PDA has significant anatomic variation. No device has proven applicable to all PDAs. Previous case reports and small series have documented limited use of the AVPII for some PDA types. We describe the largest and most diverse experience using the AVPII. A retrospective analysis of patients undergoing percutaneous PDA closure between 01/01/2009 and 05/01/2012 was performed. The PDA was characterized, measured, and the device chosen was listed. Deployment technique, complications and procedural results were recorded. Sixty-seven procedures were performed. The AVPII was utilized for 43 (64.2%), 15 (20.9%) had coils, 7 (10.4%) had the AGA duct occluder, and 3 (4.5%) were referred for surgery. The AVPII was placed in infants as young as 2 months and 4.2 kg. AVPII size ranged from 4 to 10 mm. All PDA types were closed. Retrograde and antegrade deployments were performed, using the outer disc as a “retention skirt” to secure the device and improve occlusion. Three patients were up-sized prior to release. All deployments were successful; 89% “in-lab” and 100% closure on postprocedural echocardiogram. There were no complications. We report the largest experience with the AVPII for PDA closure. The device was used in all morphologic types and small patients. It is low profile, easily repositioned, and had excellent results without complications. We contend that this is the most versatile device currently available.
With the widespread use of diagnostic ultrasound to evaluate the human fetus, it is now possible to diagnose a number of anomalies of varying organ systems. Although most anomalies of the central nervous, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, and skeletal systems are recognizable at birth, serious ones involving the cardiovascular system are often silent until the neonate demonstrates signs of cardiovascular compromise. Because an ever increasing number of fetuses are routinely scanned during pregnancy, it becomes imperative to incorporate a simple, logical approach to screen for cardiovascular disease during each fetal examination. The approach outlined in this paper would suggest that one method is the routine examination of the four-chamber view. Although there are a number of fetal and maternal risk factors which predispose to congenital heart disease, we have diagnosed a number of anomalies simply on the basis of the "screening" four-chamber examination in the "low-risk" fetus. For this reason, an attempt to examine the four-chamber view of the fetal heart should be done during each routine fetal examination. If an abnormality is noted, then a Level II, or consultative echocardiographic examination should be carried out. If a fetus at risk for congenital heart disease is being examined, a complete examination of the cardiovascular system (Levels I and II) should be performed. If the above approaches are integrated into obstetrical scanning, in the not too distant future it will be commonplace to diagnose cardiovascular anomalies prior to birth and thus provide the best care during the transition from the intrauterine to the extrauterine environment for the potentially cardiovascularly compromised neonate. The experience gained in our laboratory during the past 5 years strongly suggests that what is "today's research will become tomorrow's clinical tool."
Objectives To describe early clinical experience with the amplatzer ductal occluder II additional sizes (ADO II AS) for percutaneous arterial duct occlusion in infants and small children. Methods Pre-, intra- and postprocedural data analysis of all patients undergoing arterial duct occlusion with the ADO II AS from three tertiary referral centers. Results17 patients (10 female) with a median age of 6 months (range 1.0-48.1 months) and a median weight of 5.7 kg (range 1.7-17.4 kg) underwent attempted transcatheter ductal closure with the ADO II AS. Retrograde arterial approach was used in eight patients with transvenous femoral approach used in nine. The mean minimal ductal diameter was 2.2 0.7 mm with mean ductal length of 6.8 +/- 1.7 mm. Device sizes used were 5/6 (n = 5), 3/4 (n = 4), 4/4 (n = 3), 4/6 (n = 3), and 5/4 (n = 2) with four French delivery sheaths used in all cases. The median fluoroscopy time was 5.7 +/- 1.8 min. Two patients underwent delivery under exclusive echocardiography guidance. Complete ductal occlusion was achieved by the end of the procedure in 13 patients. Device embolization to the left pulmonary artery occurred in one patient with successful surgical removal and ligation of the arterial duct. Three patients required device resizing following deployment of the initial device. Complete ductal occlusion without aortic arch or left pulmonary artery stenosis has been identified in all 16 remaining patients on transthoracic echocardiographic follow-up at median of 4.2 months. Conclusions The new amplatzer ductal occluder II AS achieves excellent ductal closure rates through low profile delivery systems in small infants and children with variable ductal anatomy. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Although surgical ligation of a persistent patent ductus arteriosus resolves the adverse hemodynamic consequences of the systemic-to-pulmonary shunt and may confer some long-term benefits, it is also associated with both immediate and long-term negative effects. The population that benefits from or is harmed by the procedure is not clearly defined. Although indiscriminate ligation of the patent ductus arteriosus in all patients is not supported by the available information, the recent suggestion declaring the ductus harmless is not supported either. As we await the results of appropriately designed randomized control studies to define the indications for ligation, we must use clinical and echocardiographic indicators of a hemodynamically significant ductus arteriosus and thoughtful assessment of each individual patient to help guide us in addressing this complex problem.
Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), one of the most common congenital heart defects, is an abnormal persistence of a patent lumen in the arterial duct due to an arrest of the natural process of closure after it has served its function as a vital channel in fetal circulation. The histological feature of the arterial duct is entirely different from its adjoining arteries and many intrinsic substances mediate in the process of its normal closure. When existing in isolation, catheter or surgical intervention is usually used for its treatment. Ductal aneurysm is a rare type of PDA. The PDA associated with other congenital heart disease has variable morphology and closing it naturally or by intervention may produce critical symptoms. The PDA and its ligament which represents a closed arterial duct can be part of a vascular ring with abnormal aortic arch formation. It is important to understand the morphological features of PDA so as to choose the optimal strategy for treatment.
To describe closure of haemodynamically significant arterial ducts in preterm infants using an echocardiographically guided cardiac catheter technique in selected infants in the neonatal nursery and in preference to cardiac surgery. Persistently patent arterial ducts are common in preterm infants and are associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Cardiac catheter techniques continue to improve and occlusion of arterial ducts in preterm infants is becoming technically feasible. Closure of arterial ducts by cardiac catheter techniques would enable selected infants to avoid surgery and a lateral thoracotomy, as well as potentially obviating the need for transfer of sick preterm infants between units for duct closure. This brief report describes placement of coils or Amplatzer duct devices to occlude arterial ducts in small premature infants exclusively under echocardiographic guidance in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Closing arterial ducts in the neonatal nursery by an echocardiographically guided cardiac catheter technique with minimal morbidity is becoming achievable and is a significant advance in neonatal care.