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Condition monitoring using image processing



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Condition Monitoring Using Image Processing
Shreyas Suryakant Gawde
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Goa College Of Engineering
Farmagudi- Goa, India
Sangam Borkar
Assistant Professor- Electronics & Telecommunication
Goa College of Engineering
Farmagudi- Goa, India
AbstractVibrations have been traditionally associated with
trouble in machines. However vibrations are merely symptoms of
good or bad mechanical behaviour. Today these symptoms are
used to detect solve many mechanical problems in rotating
machines. These machines play the most important role in any
industry. Faults results in motor failure causing breakdown and
great loss of production due to shutdown of industry. This in turn
increases the running cost of machine with reduction in
efficiency. Therefore, early detection of fault with diagnosis of its
root cause is needed. This project is an approach for fault
detection of rotating machine using orbit analysis of shaft and
image processing. Several works have been focused on detecting
early mechanical and electrical faults before damage appears in
the motor. All the techniques are very effective their way. In this
project, a new methodology is proposed for identifying if there is
a fault in motor. Through image processing based on orbital
analysis, different faults will be studied, generating
characteristically different patterns that are used for fault
KeywordsFault Detection, Image Processing, Orbit
Analysis, Unbalance, Loose Foundation.
For many years ( and in many plants till today ), philosophy
has been to simply run the plant until a machine failed, deal
with it and get it back in good condition, running it once again.
If machines failed, they were repaired or a spare was used.
Little thought was given to equipment reliability or predicting
failures. The maintenance department was a huge cost sink and
that was considered the standard part of running the business.
More recently, the philosophy has changed. Now organizations
recognize that it is worth the investment of time and money to
change the maintenance practices to be more proactive and to
work to improve equipment reliability. Great cost savings have
been realized because of this. There are number of approaches
that can be taken for maintaining rotating machines, and often
an organization will practice a number of different philosophies
at once, allowing some machines to fail while being proactive
about others. Understanding these approaches is very
important. Several works have been focused on detecting early
mechanical and electrical faults before damage appears in the
motor. All the techniques are very effective their way.
However, the drawback of them is the complexity in the
motors signal mathematical processing and the cost factor. But
this factor can be ignored to improve the equipment reliability.
The current methods implemented in machine monitoring are:
Motor current signature analysis, Vibration Monitoring,
Thermal Imaging, Oil particle Analysis, Orbit Analysis.
The objective of the project is to implement a new
methodology to detect fault in rotating machines. This is
accomplished using image processing. The fault detection is
done based on shaft orbit analysis. In normal condition, shaft
centerline should coincide with the axis of rotation. If this is
not followed, then there is a possibility of a fault that may have
induced in the rotating machine. This difference is detected
using the plots that the shaft centerline possess. The circular
orbit represents that the machine is in good condition. Elliptical
orbit depicts that there may be Unbalance in the machine. Any
random orbit depicts that there may be a loose foundation in
the machine. A loop shaped or ellipsoid orbit may depict a
misalignment in the machine. This way different faults can be
identified by tracing the path of the shaft orbit using video or
image processing.
Condition monitoring is the process in which the condition
of the machine in working state, is monitored and interpreted to
know the machine health. The objective of Condition
monitoring is to increase the life of production equipment and
lower the cost of failure. Condition Monitoring is practiced
since more than 30 years. This type of monitoring is more
useful for the critical machines in the company that need to be
continuously monitored. This process needs permanently
mounted sensors. Evolution in technology has led to
innovations of wireless sensors. Cost of such accelerometers
has been drastically reduced increasing the cost effectiveness
of continuously monitored condition analysis. For less critical
equipment, periodic monitoring can be done to establish
mechanical condition of machines so that decisions can be
made in case of repairs.
A. Process of Condition Monitoring
Condition monitoring has three main steps:
Fault Detection
Fault Diagnosis
This project stress on the first two steps that is whether the
machine has a fault or no fault. In case a fault is detected, then
fault diagnosis is done in order to find out the possible type of
B. Condition Monitoring Parameters
Wear particle in Lubricants
Thermal Increase
Motor current.
Depending on this parameter, there are various techniques
implemented in order to find the type of fault in the machine.
C. Vibration Characteristics
Rotating machines such as motors, fans, pumps vibrate in
operating state. Using special sensors and monitoring
electronics, vibration provide a wide range of fault conditions.
The vibration changes as the conditions change. The forces
within the machines cause vibrations which is transferred to
bearings. These forces are the result of rotational and frictional
forces. The cause of vibration, regardless of the type, must be
a force which is changing in either direction or its magnitude:
Orbit is nothing but the path of the shaft center line within
bearing clearance. Monitoring orbits provide important and
relevant information about rapidly changing machinery
condition. Orbits are Lissajous patterns of time domain signals
that are simultaneously plotted in the XY coordinate plane of
an oscilloscope or vibration analyzer. Orbit plots can efficiently
be used in vibration diagnosis where other techniques, such as
FFT and time waveform, may not provide sufficient
information specially at lower speeds of rotating machines.
Orbit analysis is carried out and more effective for a limited
number of rotating speed or rpm.
A. Applications of Orbit Analysis
Unbalance is most common fault in rotating machines.
Unbalance is nothing but an unequal distribution of mass in the
machine. This occurs when the shaft's geometric centerline and
the mass centerline do not coincide with each other. In
unbalance condition, shaft centerline does not coincide with
axis of rotation. Unbalance will generally produce 1xRPM
vibration with 90 phase shift between the horizontal and
vertical directions. This will result is ellipse-shaped orbit.
When radial preloads due to misalignment, gravity, fluid
forces and other causes increase in magnitude, the orbit will
become acutely ellipsoid. A bearing preload due to a cocked
assembly can also cause the orbit to have lower amplitude in
one axis that makes the ellipse look thinner. If the preloading
increases further, it will result in the orbits shape to resemble a
number 8 character.
A. Block Diagram
Fig 1. Block Diagram
Device under test is the rotating machine eg. electric
motor or pump whose shaft is visible with a dot or point
on it.
Camera module will capture a high resolution slow
motion video of rotating shaft.
Image processing section will process the video using
Image processing section includes conversion of video
to frames, detecting the green dot in the frame, plotting
of frames classi_cation of plot according to the fault.
Output will be displayed on the screen.
B. Experimental Setup and Requirements
The main test device is connected to power supply.
The front view of the shaft should be visible.
The camera is placed in front of the shaft center.
The shaft center and camera should have zero angle
between each other
The video should be taken at an equal distance from the
shaft center.
The camera should support slow motion format video.
The camera should be kept steady and undisturbed by
There should be a contrast dot on the shaft centerline
that is to be traced by the camera.
ones the motor is ON, video can be taken of a few
seconds which can be then given as the input to the
Matlab code.
Below given is the image of front view of the set up.
Fig 2. Front view of Experimental Setup
Simulation methodology : Matlab
Captured images will be preprocessed in order to create orbits.
These represent characteristic patterns.
Those patterns will be used in a recognition process of the
type of fault in machine. This is called orbit analysis.
A. Flowchart for Image Processing
A. Fault Detection
In this section, a stream of video is converted to multiple
image frames. The programming language used is matlab.
Each image frame consists of the dot on the shaft. The
unnecessary part except the dot is again filtered from each
frame. After experimenting the above procedure, the frame
before and after filter is as shown in the figure:
Fig 3. Video Converted to Frames
Fig 4. Filtered Frame
Figure 3 is the frame that is converted from the stream of
videos. Figure 4 is the frame that is filtered using matlab.
After further filtering, the frames are added and plotted so as
to represent a characteristic pattern. This is shown in Figure 5.
The pattern of the plot will be used for recognition of type of
fault in rotating machine. From Figure 5, it is seen that the plot
is circular with no difference in major and minor axis with
area 1151 pixels. This concludes that there is no fault in the
machine. At the same time, figure 6 plot is slightly elliptical.
That means there is fault in machine of figure 6.
Fig 5. No fault
Fig 6. Fault : Loose Foundation
B. Fault Identification
The property of the output in Fig.6 is as follows:
MajorAxisLength: 64.1179
MinorAxisLength: 60.9522
Eccentricity: 0.6226
Area: 2585 pixels
We can see from the data that the Eccentricity is 0.6226.
The eccentricity limit for the machine with no fault is 0.16.
This depicts that there is a fault in the Machine. Area of the
plot is much greater than that of no fault plot. From the orbit
pattern, Eccentricity and area, we can infer that the fault in the
Similarly, consider another output as shown in Fig 6. Below:
Fig 7. Fault : Unbalance
[1] Machinery vibration analysis Ronald L Eshleman, Vibration Institute
[2] International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in
Engineering (ICRAIE-2014),
[3] Analysis - Jaafar Alsalae, College of Engineering-University of Basrah.
[11] installkeyphasor
[15] Machinery vibration analysis by Vibration Institute.
Major Axis Length: 68.1179. Minor Axis Length: 53.9952
Eccentricity: 0.6105. Area:2855 pixels
We can see from the data that the Eccentricity is 0.6105.
The eccentricity limit for the machine with no fault is 0.16.
This depicts that there is a fault in the Machine. Also, there
is huge difference in Major and Minor axis length. From the
orbit pattern, Eccentricity and the difference between major
and minor axis length, we can infer that the fault in the
motor is UNBALANCE.
This Increases machine RELIABILITY. Also, it is Cost
effective and requires Less manpower. This is a New
challenging point of view for condition monitoring in the
field of mechatronics.
Fault detection in Rotating machines is possible with the
new methodology which is proposed in the project using
orbit analysis and Image Processing. Use of high resolution
camera will add on to the effectiveness of the output.
I am thankful to Goa college of Engineering and its faculty
for their motivation. I am also grateful to M Insight Services
and its team for their continuous support. My
acknowledgement would be incomplete without praising the
lord, my family and friends.
... Rotating machines are critical components in manufacturing industries [2]. The uninterrupted functioning of these machines is the top priority of maintenance engineers. ...
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a key component in Industry 4.0. Rotating machines are critical components in manufacturing industries. In the vast world of Industry 4.0, where an IoT network acts as a monitoring and decision-making system, predictive maintenance is quickly gaining importance. Predictive maintenance is a method that uses AI to handle potential problems before they cause breakdowns in operations, processes or systems. However, there is a significant issue with the AI models’ (also known as "black boxes") inability to explain their decisions. This interpretability is vital for making maintenance decisions and validating the model’s reliability, leading to improved trust and acceptance of AI-driven predictive maintenance strategies. Explainable AI is the solution because it provides human-understandable insights into how the AI model arrives at its predictions. In this regard, the paper presents Explainable AI-based predictive maintenance of Industrial rotating machines. The proposed approach unfolds in four comprehensive stages: a) Multi-sensor based multi-fault (5 different fault classes) data acquisition, b) Frequency-domain statistical feature extraction, c) Comparison of results for multiple AI algorithms, and d) XAI integration using "Local Interpretable Model Agnostic Explanation (LIME)", "SHapley Additive exPlanation (SHAP)", "Partial Dependence Plot (PDP)" and "Individual Conditional Expectation (ICE)" to interpret the results.
... In this way, defective products can be identified at an early stage, sometimes even before the final inspection. Another area in which machine learning is already widely used in production is condition and process monitoring [3][4][5]. Condition monitoring or predictive maintenance can be used to monitor machines and systems and detect critical conditions before a machine breaks down. As a result, production downtimes can be avoided, maintenance costs reduced, and maintenance work as a whole made more plannable. ...
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To achieve a high overall equipment effectiveness in a manufacturing process, reducing the number of defective units is crucial. It is therefore vital to identify the root causes of defects to be able to rectify them. However, the analysis of defective units can be a time-consuming and costly task. By using machine learning, we can leverage data of the manufacturing process, like process states and different measurement values, to identify the root causes for the defects. We propose to use this data as features for the classification of a unit as defective or as belonging to a specific defect class. We can then identify the root causes for the defects by calculating the importance of the features. In this paper, we compare our feature-based approach with deep learning methods based on the attention mechanism. The evaluation of our approach on data of a complex production process shows, that our approach clearly outperforms the deep learning methods. It also revealed the challenges in the collection of meaningful data
... From the above discussion, it is evident that any manufacturing process is incomplete without rotating machines. Therefore, it is essential to keep such machines in healthy operating conditions by deploying proper maintenance strategies (Gawde and Borkar, 2018). Predictive maintenance is the current trend of smart maintenance, which most maintenance engineers follow. ...
Industry 4.0 is an era of smart manufacturing. Manufacturing is impossible without the use of machinery. The majority of these machines comprise rotating components and are called rotating machines. The engineers’ top priority is to maintain these critical machines to reduce the unplanned shutdown and increase the useful life of machinery. Predictive maintenance is the current trend of smart maintenance, followed by most maintenance engineers. The challenging task in predictive maintenance is to diagnose the type of fault. With Artificial Intelligence (AI) advancement, a data-driven approach for predictive maintenance is taking a new flight towards smart manufacturing. Several researchers have published work related to fault diagnosis in rotating machines, mainly exploring a single type of fault. However, a consolidated review of literature that focuses more on the “multi-fault diagnosis” aspect of rotating machines is lacking. There is a need for a study that would systematically cover all the aspects right from sensor selection, data acquisition, feature extraction, multi-sensor data fusion to the systematic review of AI techniques employed in multiple fault diagnosis. In this regard, this paper attempts to achieve the same by implementing a systematic literature review on a Data-driven approach for multi-fault diagnosis of Industrial Rotating Machines using the “Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis” (PRISMA) method. The PRISMA method is a collection of guidelines for the composition and structure of systematic reviews and other meta-analyses. This paper identifies the foundational work done in the field and gives a comparative study of different aspects related to multi-fault diagnosis of industrial rotating machines. The paper also identifies the major challenges, research gap. It gives solutions using recent advancements in AI in implementing multi-fault diagnosis, giving a strong base for future research in this field.
... Eles mediram as vibrações de postes de luz em pontes elevadas de rodovia usando ampliação de movimento em vídeo. Gawde and Borkar (2017) relatam que utilizaram processamento de vídeo para identificar falha em motor por meio da vibração. Eles desenharam um ponto no centro do eixo do motor, em seguida posicionaram uma câmera, com capacidade de gravar um vídeo em slow motion, bem em frente ao eixo e com ângulo zero entre eles (centro do eixo e câmera). ...
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A manutenção preditiva é a mais indicada para as indústrias, por monitorar a saúde das máquinas e reduzir o tempo de paradas na linha de produção. Um dos sinais monitorados é o nível de vibração das máquinas. Os instrumentos mais utilizados para essa medição são os sensores, que em sua maioria precisam de contato físico com o equipamento monitorado. Porém, esses instrumentos dependem de fios e podem apresentar defeito gerando medições erradas. As soluções que mensuram o nível de vibração sem contato possuem custo elevado. Por isso, desenvolvemos o Sistema de Identificação de Vibrações em Vídeo usando Ampliação de Movimento (SIVVAM), como uma solução alternativa de baixo custo e sem contato para o monitoramento da vibração. As principais contribuições são a identificação da vibração em motor sem contato, o processamento em tempo real, definição de duas áreas de interesse para medir a vibração simultaneamente, e utilização de hardware de baixo custo. A solução proposta pode auxiliar na manutenção preditiva alertando quando o nível de vibração estiver acima do padrão indicado.
... Most of the machinery in any industry is either of a rotating or a reciprocating type. Rotating machinery is much commonly observed among the two and is the basic building block of any manufacturing process (Gawde and Borkar 2018). This machinery plays a crucial role in making the product from its very initial to the final phase in a systematic manner. ...
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Rotating machines is an essential part of any manufacturing industry. The sudden breakdown of such machines due to improper maintenance can also lead to the industries' shutdown. The era of the 4th industrial revolution is taking its major shape concerning maintenance strategies, notable being in predictive maintenance. Fault prediction and diagnosis is the major concern in predictive maintenance as this is the major issue faced by all the maintenance engineers. Most of the bibliometric literature review studies that are accessible focus on fault diagnosis in rotating machines, mainly focusing on a single type of fault. However, there isn't a thorough analysis of the literature that focuses on the "multi-fault diagnosis using multi-sensor data" aspect of rotating machines. In this regard, this paper reviews the literature on the “multi-Fault diagnosis using multi-sensor data fusion” of Industrial Rotating Machines employing Machine learning/Deep learning techniques. A hybrid bibliometric approach was used to analyze articles from the “Web of Science” and “Scopus” Database for the last 10 years. The method for literature analysis used, is quantitative as well as qualitative, as not only the traditional approach (bibliometric and network analysis) but also a novel method named ProKnow-C is used, and it entails a number of phases, that includes intelligent and extensive filtering from the large set of results and finally selecting the articles that are more pertinent to the research theme. Based on available publications, an analysis is performed on year-by-year publication data, article types, linguistic distribution of articles, funding sponsors, affiliations, citation analysis and the relationship between keywords, authors, etc. to provide an in-depth vision of research trends in the related area. The paper also focuses on the maintenance strategies, predictive maintenance approaches, AI algorithms, Multi sensor data fusion, challenges, and future directions in “multi-fault diagnosis using multi-sensor data fusion” in rotating machines. The foundational work done in the field, the most prolific papers and the key research themes within the research area are all identified in this bibliometric survey.
... From the above discussion, it is evident that any manufacturing process is incomplete without rotating machines. Therefore, it is essential to keep such machines in healthy operating conditions by deploying proper maintenance strategies [4]. Predictive maintenance is the current trend of smart maintenance, which most maintenance engineers follow. ...
Full-text available
Industry 4.0 is an era of smart manufacturing. Manufacturing is impossible without the use of machinery. Majority of these machines comprise rotating components and are called rotating machines. The engineers' top priority is to maintain these critical machines to reduce the unplanned shutdown and increase the useful life of machinery. Predictive maintenance (PDM) is the current trend of smart maintenance. The challenging task in PDM is to diagnose the type of fault. With Artificial Intelligence (AI) advancement, data-driven approach for predictive maintenance is taking a new flight towards smart manufacturing. Several researchers have published work related to fault diagnosis in rotating machines, mainly exploring a single type of fault. However, a consolidated review of literature that focuses more on multi-fault diagnosis of rotating machines is lacking. There is a need to systematically cover all the aspects right from sensor selection, data acquisition, feature extraction, multi-sensor data fusion to the systematic review of AI techniques employed in multi-fault diagnosis. In this regard, this paper attempts to achieve the same by implementing a systematic literature review on a Data-driven approach for multi-fault diagnosis of Industrial Rotating Machines using Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) method. The PRISMA method is a collection of guidelines for the composition and structure of systematic reviews and other meta-analyses. This paper identifies the foundational work done in the field and gives a comparative study of different aspects related to multi-fault diagnosis of industrial rotating machines. The paper also identifies the major challenges, research gap. It gives solutions using recent advancements in AI in implementing multi-fault diagnosis, giving a strong base for future research in this field.
Machinery vibration analysis
  • Ronald L Eshleman