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Role of Spirometry in Lung Function Assessment in Post COVID-19 Pneumonia Cases: Correlation with CT Severity, Duration of Illness, Oxygen Saturation and Ventilatory Support in Critical Care Setting in Tertiary Care Setting in India

  • Government medical college,Latur
  • MIMSR Latur


Background: Although Lung is the primary target organ involvement in corona virus disease-19 (COVID-19), post-covid lung pathology and its impact on lung functions is still uncertain. Material and methods: Prospective multicentric study conducted during May 2020 to September 2021, to find pulmonary function assessment in post-COVID-19 recovered pneumonia cases irrespective of their symptoms, included 600 cases in symptomatic and asymptomatic group and subjected to inclusion and exclusion criteria. All cases were subjected to Spirometry analysis. Statistical analysis was done by using chi-test. Results: In Spirometry assessment of post-COVID-19 pneumonia cases at 12 weeks post discharge form hospital, abnormal lung function in 77.5% post covid-19 pneumonia cases; restrictive pattern was predominant type and documented in 43.33% cases, normal lung functions were documented in 22.5% cases. In age and gender assessment in normal and abnormal lung functions assessment, statistically significant association in males 90/150 versus females 45/315 [p<0.00001]; and in age of population in study cases as below 50 years 110/300 versus above 50 years 25/165 [p<0.0001]. CT severity score has shown negative impact on lung function after recovery at 12 weeks post-discharge; cases with score <8, 8-15 and >15 documented normal and abnormal lung functions as in 36/54, 60/80 and 39/331 respectively of total 600 study cases [p<0.00001]. Duration of illness has associated negative impact on lung function; <7 days, 8-15 days and >15 days of onset of symptoms documented normal and abnormal lung functions in 108/132, 22/168 and 5/165 cases respectively [p<0.00001]. Low oxygen saturation at entry point has negative impact on overall outcome on lung function; cases with oxygen saturation <75%, 75-90% and >90% observed as normal and abnormal lung functions in 92/18, 35/135 and 6/314 cases respectively [p<0.00001]. Timing of BIPAP/NIV has significant association in attaining normal lung functions after post-COVID19 pneumonia recovery; cases received BIPAP/NIV at entry point <1 day, 3-7 days and after 7 days of hospitalization were documented normal and abnormal lung functions in 30/150, 40/35 and 5/50 cases respectively [p<0.00001]. Conclusions: Pulmonary functions abnormality in post-COVID-19 pneumonia cases has been documented and should be assessed cautiously to have successful treatment outcome. Restrictive lung disease is the predominant lung function impairment in post-COVID 19 recovered lung pneumonia cases. Age above 50 years, male gender, Diabetes, High CT severity, longer duration of illness, proper timing of initiation of BIPAP/NIV therapy, has documented significant impact on post covid lung functions at 12 weeks assessment.
Citation: Patil Shital et al (2021). “Role of Spirometry in Lung Function Assessment in Post COVID-19 Pneumonia Cases: Correlation
with CT Severity, Duration of Illness, Oxygen Saturation and Ventilatory Support in Critical Care Setting in Tertiary Care Setting in
India.”. Saudi J Med, 6(12): 441-448.
Saudi Journal of Medicine
Abbreviated Key Title: Saudi J Med
ISSN 2518-3389 (Print) |ISSN 2518-3397 (Online)
Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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Original Research Article
“Role of Spirometry in Lung Function Assessment in Post COVID-19
Pneumonia Cases: Correlation with CT Severity, Duration of Illness,
Oxygen Saturation and Ventilatory Support in Critical Care Setting in
Tertiary Care Setting in India.”
Patil Shital1*, Uttareshvar Dhumal2, Abhijit Acharya3
1Associate Professor, Pulmonary Medicine, MIMSR Medical College, Latur, India
2Associate Professor, Department of Radiodiagnosis, MIMSR Medical College, Latur, India
3Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, MIMSR medical college, Latur, India
DOI: 10.36348/sjm.2021.v06i12.008 | Received: 13.11.2021 | Accepted: 21.12.2021 | Published: 26.12.2021
*Corresponding Author: Dr. Shital Patil, MD
Background: Although Lung is the primary target organ involvement in corona virus disease-19 (COVID-19), post-
covid lung pathology and its impact on lung functions is still uncertain. Material and methods: Prospective multicentric
study conducted during May 2020 to September 2021, to find pulmonary function assessment in post-COVID-19
recovered pneumonia cases irrespective of their symptoms, included 600 cases in symptomatic and asymptomatic group
and subjected to inclusion and exclusion criteria. All cases were subjected to Spirometry analysis. Statistical analysis was
done by using chi-test. Results: In Spirometry assessment of post-COVID-19 pneumonia cases at 12 weeks post
discharge form hospital, abnormal lung function in 77.5% post covid-19 pneumonia cases; restrictive pattern was
predominant type and documented in 43.33% cases, normal lung functions were documented in 22.5% cases. In age and
gender assessment in normal and abnormal lung functions assessment, statistically significant association in males
90/150 versus females 45/315 [p<0.00001]; and in age of population in study cases as below 50 years 110/300 versus
above 50 years 25/165 [p<0.0001]. CT severity score has shown negative impact on lung function after recovery at 12
weeks post-discharge; cases with score <8, 8-15 and >15 documented normal and abnormal lung functions as in 36/54,
60/80 and 39/331 respectively of total 600 study cases [p<0.00001]. Duration of illness has associated negative impact on
lung function; <7 days, 8-15 days and >15 days of onset of symptoms documented normal and abnormal lung functions
in 108/132, 22/168 and 5/165 cases respectively [p<0.00001]. Low oxygen saturation at entry point has negative impact
on overall outcome on lung function; cases with oxygen saturation <75%, 75-90% and >90% observed as normal and
abnormal lung functions in 92/18, 35/135 and 6/314 cases respectively [p<0.00001]. Timing of BIPAP/NIV has
significant association in attaining normal lung functions after post-COVID19 pneumonia recovery; cases received
BIPAP/NIV at entry point <1 day, 3-7 days and after 7 days of hospitalization were documented normal and abnormal
lung functions in 30/150, 40/35 and 5/50 cases respectively [p<0.00001]. Conclusions: Pulmonary functions abnormality
in post-COVID-19 pneumonia cases has been documented and should be assessed cautiously to have successful
treatment outcome. Restrictive lung disease is the predominant lung function impairment in post-COVID 19 recovered
lung pneumonia cases. Age above 50 years, male gender, Diabetes, High CT severity, longer duration of illness, proper
timing of initiation of BIPAP/NIV therapy, has documented significant impact on post covid lung functions at 12 weeks
Keywords: Pulmonary functions, spirometry, post-COVID-19, Restrictive pattern.
Copyright © 2021 The Author(s): This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
License (CC BY-NC 4.0) which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium for non-commercial use provided the original
author and source are credited.
On March 11, 2020, the World Health
Organization (WHO) declared coronavirus disease 2019
(COVID-19) to be a pandemic, with approximately
20% of patients infected requiring hospitalization and
6% in critical care and needing invasive ventilatory
assistance [1]. Early epidemiological reports showed
that 8.2% of total cases presented with rapid and
progressive respiratory failure, similar to acute
respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) [2].
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© 2021 |Published by Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 442
COVID-19 is a heterogeneous disease with
most patients experiencing mild illness and spontaneous
recoveries, but a relevant subgroup of individuals
requires hospitalization for pneumonia and other
complications. In the initial reports from Wuhan, China,
up to one third of patients developed severe pneumonia
with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) [3].
Previous coronavirus infections include severe
acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East
respiratory syndrome (MERS). Similar to COVID-19,
SARS and MERS typically begin with an acute illness
from which most patients recover after two weeks.
However, up to one third of SARS patients developed
severe pulmonary complications and ARDS [4]. A
subgroup of SARS survivors developed persistent lung
parenchymal abnormalities, including pulmonary
fibrosis [5, 6]. The appearance of pulmonary fibrosis
correlated with severity and duration of the acute illness
[7, 8] and radiological features of fibrosis persisted in
approximately 30% of patients after three and six
months [9, 10]. Older age, and male sex were identified
as risk factors for poor outcomes and development of
lung fibrosis [9, 11]. With the anticipation of potential
long-term sequelae after COVID-19, follow-up
strategies have been proposed by several groups from
the US, Great Britain, China, and India [12-15].
In present study, we have evaluated lung
function assessment at 12 weeks post-discharge in
treated cases of covid-19 pneumonia, and correlated
with CT severity at entry point, oxygenation status at
entry point, total duration of illness at hospitalization,
and use of BIPAP/NIV during course of hospitalization.
Prospective multicentric observational study
conducted in Venkatesh chest hospital, and Pulmonary
Medicine, MIMSR medical college Latur during May
2020 to June 2021, to find out lung function assessment
of post-COVID-19 recovered pneumonia cases after 12
weeks of discharge from hospital. Total 600 cases were
enrolled in study after IRB approval and written
informed consent of patient.
Inclusion criteria
1. All treated and recovered cases of COVID-19
pneumonia cases above 18-year age, admitted in
indoor unit has been enrolled in study
2. Recovered cases of COVID-19 pneumonia
irrespective of CT severity were enrolled in study
3. Recovered cases of COVID-19 pneumonia
irrespective oxygen saturation was enrolled in
4. Recovered cases of COVID-19 pneumonia with
comorbidity like Diabetes Mellitus, IHD, CVD,
CKD, COPD were enrolled in study
5. Recovered cases of COVID-19 pneumonia cases
willing to undergo spirometry test were enrolled in
Exclusion criteria
1. Recovered cases of COVID-19 pneumonia cases
not willing to undergo spirometry test
2. Recovered cases of COVID-19 pneumonia cases
not able to perform spirometry test
3. Recovered cases of COVID-19 pneumonia cases
with neurological issues like hemiparesis or
hearing difficulty and having co-ordination
problem during spirometry
4. Recovered cases of COVID-19 pneumonia cases
with tachypnea or tachycardia and cases with
oxygen supplementation at rest were excluded from
5. Recovered cases of COVID-19 pneumonia below
18 years of age
6. Recovered cases of COVID-19 pneumonia in
pregnant females (any trimester was excluded)
All study cases were undergone following assessment
before enrolling in study
1. Clinical assessment as- vital parameters like heart
rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure and
documentation of respiratory adventitious sounds
2. Laboratory parameters- hemoglobin, renal
functions, blood sugar level, kidney functions,
3. Spirometry
Subsequently spirometry evaluation was done
by a portable spirometer, SPIROLAB II (manufactured
by Medical International Research, Italy); and meets
American Thoracic Society and European Respiratory
Society standards (ATS & ERS), before and fifteen
minutes after administration of 400 microgram
salbutamol using pressurized metered-dose inhaler
(pMDI) with small-volume spacer device. All patients
were instructed not to use any bronchodilator on the
preceding night and on day of procedure. Spirometry
procedure was carried out as per ATS/ERS task force
recommendation for standardization of lung function
testing [17]. Subjects who were found to have post-
bronchodilator FEV1 (Forced Expiratory Volume in
first second)/FVC (Forced Vital Capacity) <0.7 were
taken up for final analysis as this value indicates the
cut-off for diagnosis of obstructive airway disease
according to GOLD guideline. Bronchodilator
Reversibility (BDR) was defined as an improvement in
FEV1 by at least 12% and 200 ml over pre-
bronchodilator value. FEV1/FVC ≥0.7 were excluded
as those patients had either a normal spirometry or a
purely restrictive ventilatory abnormality. Also, the
individuals who failed to fulfil acceptability and
reproducibility criteria of spirometry were excluded.
FVC, FEV1, and FEV1/FVC ratio values for case
patients were compared with gender-specific and race-
specific adult predicted normative population values
and the control group [16, 20].
Patil Shital et al.; Saudi J Med, Dec, 2021; 6(12): 441-448
© 2021 |Published by Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 443
The British Thoracic Society (BTS) guidelines
recommends the evaluation of PFTs at three months‟
post-discharge, especially at follow-up with patients
suspected of having an interstitial disease [20].
Interpretive algorithms were used in
determining restrictive or obstructive patterns and
spirometry results were analyzed and categorized in
four groups as [16-19].
1. Normal- FEV1/FVC ratio of >70% and an FVC of
> 80% predicted
2. Obstructive-Airway obstruction was defined as an
FEV1/FVC ratio of <70% and an FVC of > 80%
3. Mixed-combined defects were FVC of < 80%
predicted and an FEV1/FVC ratio of<70%
4. Restrictive-restrictive defects as an FEV1/FVC
ratio of >70% with an FVC of < 80% predicted
The statistical analysis was done using chi-
squared test. Significant values of χ2 were seen from
probability table for different degree of freedom
required. P value was considered significant if it was
below 0.05 and highly significant in case if it was less
than 0.001.
Observation and Analysis
In this study, total 600 post-COVID-19
recovered pneumonia cases were enrolled, between age
group 18-95 years of age; age above 50 years were 60%
(360/600) and age below 50 were 40% (240/600). In
gender distribution in study group, male population was
68.33 % (410/600) and females were 31.66% (190/600).
Main symptoms in study group were shortness of breath
in 79% cases, cough especially dry in 48% cases, and
fatigability in 79% cases, Tachycardia in 72% cases,
Tachypnea in 24% cases and oxygen desaturation on 6
min walk in 21% cases.
Table-1: Spirometry assessment of post-COVID 19 pneumonia cases at 12 weeks of discharge from hospital (n=600)
Total cases (n=600)
In Spirometry assessment of post-COVID 19
pneumonia cases at 12 weeks post discharge form
hospital, restrictive pattern was predominant type
documented in 43.33% cases, normal lung functions
were documented in 22.5% cases [Table 1].
Table-2: Age and gender distribution in post-COVID-19 pneumonia cases (n=600) with Lung Function patterns
Age of study
Normal Lung Functions
Abnormal Lung functions
P value
<50 years (n=240)
χ2= 51.61
P <0.00001
>50 years (n=360)
Normal Lung Functions (135/600)
Abnormal Lung Functions
Male (n=410)
χ2= 13.91
P <0.0001
Female (n=190)
We observed abnormal lung function in 77.5%
post covid-19 pneumonia cases, and statistically
significant association in males (90/150) versus females
(45/315) normal and abnormal lung functions
respectively [p<0.00001]; similar observation also
documented in age of population in study cases as
below 50 years (110/300) versus above 50 years
(25/165) [p<0.0001] [Table2].
Table-3: Correlation of CT severity (at entry point) and lung function assessment by spirometry in post-covid-19
pneumonia cases after 12 weeks post discharge from hospital
CT severity
Normal lung functions
Abnormal lung functions
<8 score (n=90)
P <0.00001
9-15 (n=140)
>15 (n=370)
CT severity score has shown negative impact
on lung function after recovery at 12 weeks post-
discharge; cases with score <8, 8-15 and >15
documented normal and abnormal lung functions as in
36/54, 60/80 and 39/331 respectively of total 600 study
cases [p<0.00001] [Table3].
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© 2021 |Published by Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 444
Table-4: Duration of illness at entry point during hospitalization and its effect on Lung functions at 12 weeks of
discharge in post-COVID-19 pneumonia cases
Duration of illness
Normal lung functions
Abnormal lung
functions (n=465)
<7 days (n=240)
χ2 =119.96
P <0.00001
8-15 days (n=190)
>15 days (n=170)
Duration of illness has associated negative
impact on lung function; <7 days, 8-15 days and >15
days of onset of symptoms documented normal and
abnormal lung functions in 108/132, 22/168 and 5/165
cases respectively [p<0.00001] [Table 4].
Table-5: Oxygen saturation at entry point and its effect on lung function at 12 weeks of discharge in post-COVID-
19 pneumonia cases
Oxygen saturation
Normal lung functions
Abnormal lung functions (n=465)
<75% (n=110)
χ2 =317.52
P < 0.00001
75-90% (n=170)
>90% (n=320)
Low oxygen saturation at entry point has
negative impact on overall outcome on lung function;
cases with oxygen saturation <75%, 75-90% and >90%
observed as normal and abnormal lung functions in
92/18, 35/135 and 6/314 cases respectively [p<0.00001]
Table-6: BIPAP/NIV initiation time at entry point and its effect on lung function at 12 weeks of discharge in post-
COVID-19 pneumonia cases (n=310)
BIPAP used (n=310) with duration of illness
Normal lung functions
Abnormal lung
Entry point < 1days (n=180)
χ2 =47.12
P < 0.00001
3- 7 days (n=75)
After 7 days (n=55)
Timing of BIPAP/NIV has significant
association in attaining normal lung functions after
post-COVID19 pneumonia recovery; cases received
BIPAP/NIV at entry point <1 day, 3-7 days and after 7
days of hospitalization were documented normal and
abnormal lung functions in 30/150, 40/35 and 5/50
cases respectively [p<0.00001] [Table 6].
1. Pattern of Spirometry analysis in study cases:
In present study, spirometry assessment of
post-COVID 19 pneumonia cases at 12 weeks post
discharge form hospital, restrictive pattern was
predominant type documented in 43.33% cases, normal
lung functions were documented in 22.5% cases. Guler
SA et al. [21] demonstrated lower lung volumes (TLC,
FVC, and FEV1) in patients after severe/critical
COVID-19, the higher FEV1/FVC ratio in the
severe/critical subgroup suggests a tendency toward a
restrictive physiology, and the lack of difference in
respiratory muscle strength suggest a lung parenchymal
rather than a respiratory muscle issue. Mo et al. [23]
reported an impairment of diffusion capacity followed
by restrictive ventilatory defects, which are both
associated with the severity of the disease. You J et al.
[24] published first reports on lung function related to
COVID-19 indicated that patients have a restrictive
defect and a small airways dysfunction that can be
persistent and not related to the disease severity.
Seven studies Frija-Masson et al. [25], Huang
et al. [29], Li et al. [27], Liu et al. [26], Mo et al. [23]
You et al., [24] Zhao et al. [28] reported the spirometry
test in post-covid cases and documented reported
variable prevalence of restrictive pattern in severe
COVID-19 infection that ranges from (10.53%) to
(50%). All studies showed forced vital capacity (FVC),
forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1),
and FEV1/FVC ratio. Liu et al. [26] did not report
patterns of PFT abnormality; six studies [23-25, 27-29]
found a prevalent restrictive pattern in 59% and
obstructive pattern in 16% post-covid pneumonia cases.
Similarly, in our study, we have documented restrictive
pattern in 43.33% and obstructive pattern in 14.16%
R. Torres-Castro et al. [30] done systematic
review and meta-analysis of Respiratory function in
post-COVID-19 cases and observed altered diffusion
capacity, restrictive pattern and obstructive pattern were
found in 39%, 15% and 7% of patients, respectively.
Salem et al. [31] in their study documented finding of
restrictive lung impairment in about 50% of post-
COVID-19 pneumonia survivors is in line with several
Patil Shital et al.; Saudi J Med, Dec, 2021; 6(12): 441-448
© 2021 |Published by Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 445
previous studies. A recent study done by Fumagalli et
al. [32] found a significant incidence of a restrictive
pattern in 10 (76%) out of 13 patients after 6 weeks
from recovery in covid pneumonia cases. These
variations in the prevalence of restrictive lung defect
among COVID-19 pneumonia survivors could be
explained by the differences in the time of assessment
which range from close to discharge to three months
after discharge. These studies suggest that patients
affected by COVID-19 pneumonia are at increased risk
of developing restrictive pulmonary diseases after
recovery from the acute illness.
Timing of spirometry analysis was important
in follow-up post-covid cases, as ongoing inflammation
till one month of duration of illness has negative impact
on real time lung function assessment by spirometry.
We have followed BTS recommendations [20] as for 3
months‟ post discharge in all post-covid cases. All
above mentioned studies [23-29] have performed
spirometry analysis in one-month post discharge.
However, lesions of COVID-19 are more
likely to impact bilateral pulmonary and multiple lobs
than those of SARS. Previous studies have been
reported that SARS have long-term effects on lung
function, chest CT scans, and related physiological
characteristics in part of survivors, even at one year
after discharge [9, 33-35].
2. Age and gender distribution with lung function
patterns in post-COVID-19 pneumonia cases
We observed abnormal lung function in 77.5%
post covid-19 pneumonia cases, and statistically
significant association in males (90/150) versus females
(45/315) normal and abnormal lung functions
respectively [p<0.00001]; similar observation also
documented in age of population in study cases as
below 50 years (110/300) versus above 50 years
(25/165) [p<0.0001] AM Salem et al. [31] observed that
the female sex was an independent predictor for
impaired lung diffusion using multivariable logistic
regression (P = 0.024), and No significant predictor for
the restrictive pattern was detected. Seven studies [23-
29] documented most affected age groups as Frija-
Masson et al. as 54 years (46-62 years), Huang et al. as
46.7 13.7 years, Li et al. doesn‟t documented age
group affection in their study, Liu et al. as 69.1 7.8
years, Mo et al as 49.1 14.0, You et al. as 50.7 12.1
years, Zhao et al. as 47.7 15.5 years reported in their
3. Is there any correlation between CT severity (at
entry point) and lung function assessment by
spirometry in post-covid-19 pneumonia cases
after 12 weeks post discharge from hospital?
In present study, CT severity score has shown
negative impact on lung function after recovery at 12
weeks post-discharge; cases with score <8, 8-15 and
>15 documented normal and abnormal lung functions
as in 36/54, 60/80 and 39/331 respectively of total 600
study cases [p<0.00001].
This is the first study included large number of
post-covid cases and documenting the effect of CT
Severity illness score when patient was hospitalized to
indoor unit and its impact on overall pulmonary
functions outcome at 12 weeks of discharge from
Lewis et al. [40] in their study included mild
and moderate disease with 20% of patients being severe
or critical disease. Based on the small numbers of
critically ill patients, a trend towards worsening lung
function, there is likely a component of lung fibrosis
and destruction of alveoli causing reduced PFT values.
4. Does duration of illness at entry point during
hospitalization and its effect on Lung functions
at 12 weeks of discharge in post-COVID-19
pneumonia cases?
In present study, duration of illness has
negative impact on lung function at 12 weeks of
discharge; as duration <7 days, 8-15 days and >15 days
of onset of symptoms documented normal and
abnormal lung functions in 108/132, 22/168 and 5/165
cases respectively [p<0.00001].
This is the first study included large number of
post-covid cases and documenting the effect of duration
of illness when patient was hospitalized to indoor unit
and its impact on overall pulmonary functions outcome
at 12 weeks of discharge from hospital.
5. Oxygen saturation at entry point and its effect
on lung function at 12 weeks of discharge in
post-COVID-19 pneumonia cases
In present study, Low oxygen saturation at
entry point has negative impact on overall outcome on
lung function; and cases with oxygen saturation <75%,
75-90% and >90% observed as normal and abnormal
lung functions in 92/18, 35/135 and 6/314 cases
respectively [p<0.00001].
This is the first study included large number of
post-covid cases and documenting the effect of hypoxia
(oxygen saturation at entry point) during hospitalization
in indoor unit and its impact on overall pulmonary
functions outcome at 12 weeks of discharge from
6. Does BIPAP/NIV initiation time at entry point
has any effect on lung function at 12 weeks of
discharge in post-COVID-19 pneumonia cases
In present study, timing of BIPAP/NIV has
significant association in attaining normal lung
functions after post-COVID19 pneumonia recovery.
Covid-19 pneumonia cases received BIPAP/NIV at
entry point <1 day, 3-7 days and after 7 days of
Patil Shital et al.; Saudi J Med, Dec, 2021; 6(12): 441-448
© 2021 |Published by Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 446
hospitalization were documented normal and abnormal
lung functions in 30/150, 40/35 and 5/50 cases
respectively [p<0.00001] Guler SA et al. [21]
documented negative correlation between the duration
of mechanical ventilation during the acute disease and
pulmonary function at 4-month follow-up. This might
be due to a prolonged impairment after very severe
COVID-19 or related to more severe disease course in
susceptible patients. Alternatively, Herridge MS et al.
[22] proposed ventilator induced lung-injury is a well-
described challenge post-ARDS, which can impact on
pulmonary function after recovery from the acute
illness. Faverio P [39] et al. documented radiological
abnormalities and abnormal lung functions in up to 58%
of patients with COVID-19, which was present as
pulmonary sequelae, although of mild entity in the
majority of cases, at 6-month follow-up, the need for
invasive ventilatory support during hospitalization is a
risk factor for detection of radiological abnormalities,
but not for DLCO impairment, at follow-up.
7. Other important observations in present study
A). Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) given to post-
covid patients at the time of discharge were having
symptomatic improvement in terms of dyspnea index,
although head-to-head comparison of lung functions
assessment before and after ICS were not available as
we have performed spirometry after 12 weeks of
discharge and initial spirometry assessment was not
B). Inhaled Ciclesonide doesn‟t show any
symptomatic benefit as compared to inhaled budesonide
or fluticasone at any point during course of covid
pneumonia from evolution to resolution.
C) Although Higher CT severity scores were
associated with higher proportion of lung parenchymal
abnormalities, Lung function assessment (spirometry)
shows mixed pattern (mixed obstructive-restrictive) in
20 % study cases, and we assume rational for these
observations may be „mosaic type‟ with „parenchymal
fibrosis‟ i.e. heterogeneous lung involvement; and
majority of these cases shown slowly resolving over 12
weeks. In these categories of mixed spirometry function
abnormality (20 % cases), significant symptomatic
improvement was documented with inhaled budesonide
and formoterol and we repeated after 3 months of
therapy and documented near complete resolution of
lung functions after prompt evaluation and targeted
these patients with conventional lung anti-fibrotics,
pirfenidone and Nintedanib over 12 weeks with inhaled
bronchodilators with inhaled corticosteroids. The exact
mechanism of the injury of the lungs by COVID-19 is
still a new subject that is under debate. Studies [36-38]
that included autopsies of COVID-19 patients described
an acute lung injury with diffuse alveolar damage
associated with fibrotic changes and microthrombi in
the pulmonary vasculature.
D) Limitations of study- DLCO assessment
were not available at our center and it was not done in
study cases. DLCO assessment in post covid cases will
help in documenting micro-thrombosis and macro-
thrombosis in pulmonary vasculature in post covid
setting, also it will help in predicting response to
anticoagulants and antiplatelets and need for same in
follow up settings. We have used D-dimer assessment,
and resting plus exertional heart rate (heart rate after 6
min walk) as alternative option to DLCO in predicting
need of anticoagulation, while antiplatelets we
continued for 12 weeks in all cases and recommended
to use for one year in co-morbid cases, especially in
presence of DM, HTN, recent stroke, obesity,
malignancy and COPD.
COVID-19 pneumonia is heterogeneous
disease with variable effect on lung parenchyma,
airways and vasculature leading to long term effects on
lung functions. Spirometry is cost effective, non-
invasive, easily available, sensitive tool for assessment
lung function in post covid care setting and it will help
management of these cases by assessing response to
treatment. Pulmonary functions abnormality in post-
COVID-19 pneumonia cases has been documented and
should be assessed cautiously to have successful
treatment outcome. Restrictive lung disease is the
predominant lung function impairment in post-COVID
19 recovered lung pneumonia cases. Age above 50
years, male gender, Diabetes mellitus, High CT
severity, longer duration of illness, proper timing of
initiation of BIPAP/NIV therapy, has documented
significant impact on post covid lung functions at 12
weeks assessment. All post covid cases needs lung
functions assessment by spirometry to predict course of
underlying lung pathology and targeting interventions
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... All these opacities were resolved in proportionality large number of affected areas of lung parenchyma and very minimal residual lung abnormalities were reported in majority of cases. still, large number o these cases were having lung function abnormalities documented in lung function tests or spirometry assessment after one year of discharge form indoor settings [39,40]. ...
... Laboratory assessment of anemia is important in these cases with tachycardia with borderline oxygen saturation during routine walk. Pulmonary functions test & 6-Minute walk test is performed during routine follow-up for more precise assessment of pulmonary and cardiopulmonary status respectively [39][40]. Pulmonary functions abnormality in post-COVID-19 pneumonia cases has been documented and should be assessed cautiously to have successful treatment outcome. Restrictive lung disease is the predominant lung function impairment in post-COVID 19 recovered lung pneumonia cases. ...
... Restrictive lung disease is the predominant lung function impairment in post-COVID 19 recovered lung pneumonia cases. Age above 50 years, male gender, diabetes, High CT severity, longer duration of illness, proper timing of initiation of BIPAP/NIV therapy, has documented significant impact on post-COVID lung functions at 12 weeks assessment [39,40]. ...
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Coronavirus related (SARS-CoV-2) global pandemic has caused significant mortality and morbidity globally in the last three years. Although, pandemic has waned since last year, we are not in great peace of relief due to lingering effects of COVID-19 persisted even after two years of illness. Radiological phenotypes are radiological patterns or observable characteristics of COVID-19 pneumonia. Radiological outcomes are initially interpreted as post covid lung fibrosis in short term follow-up of recovered COVID-19 cases in post covid care settings and during long term evaluation these abnormalities are defined as post covid sequalae’s. In present case report, 38-year male, presented in outdoor unit for shortness of breath on exertion with history of severe COVID-19 Pneumonia resulted into acute respiratory distress syndrome with hospitalization in intensive care unit one year back and required high flow nasal cannula (HFNC) with Noninvasive ventilatory support (NIV) for two weeks. He was offered oxygen supplementation at home with antibiotics for three months and no requirement of oxygen and some respiratory symptoms even after one year. His HRCT thorax documented at one year of discharge from hospital revealed typical interstitial opacities labelled as Persistent Residual lung abnormalities (RLAs) which are predominantly reticular and linear opacities in peripheral parts of lungs without honeycombing within typical pleural based areas with parenchymal bands and minimally altered lung architecture and preserved lung volume
... Age above 50 years, male gender, Diabetes mellitus, High CT severity, longer duration of illness, proper timing of initiation of BIPAP/NIV therapy, has documented significant impact on post covid lung functions at 12 weeks assessment. All post covid cases needs lung functions assessment by spirometry to predict course of underlying lung pathology and targeting interventions accordingly [88,89]. ...
... In first wave pseudo-acute coronary syndrome, pulmonary thromboembolism and stroke were documented in a greater number of cases as compared to second wave. Pulmonary and extrapulmonary manifestation of pandemic virus were balanced and mortality was minimal with first wave of COVID-19 [77][78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90]. ...
... Rational for these localised disease with minimal extrapulmonary disease is not known and requires further research. Composite index has documented very crucial role in second wave of COVID-19 pandemic [77][78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90]. ...
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COVID-19 is first corona virus related global pandemic after SARS and MERS and due to rapid evolution of pandemic fast track developments in diagnostics, monitoring and treatment options and vaccine developments has occurred to prevent its significant impact on mortality and morbidity. COVID-19 infection involves a complex interplay of the immunological and inflammatory responses. Inflammatory parameters are closely linked to the COVID-19 severity and mortality. Inflammatory parameters could be used to predict the transition from mild to severe/critical infection in patients of COVID-19. Numerous Inflammatory markers were analysed and used as point of care test to predict severity of illness, monitoring of illness, treatment planning and predicting final outcomes such as CRP, LDH, IL-6, D-dimer and ferritin. Robust data of these inflammatory markers is available and proved crucial in predicting pathophysiological trends such as cytokine storm, coagulation abnormalities, oxygenation status and response to therapy. Isolated assessment of inflammatory markers in absence of clinical and radiological parameters were observed as ‗double edged weapon‘ due to overestimation and its impact on health burden and underprediction resulting into progression of illness and resultant poor outcome and increased health care cost. Composite index is combination clinical, radiological and laboratory inflammatory marker assessment. Combination of any two abnormalities were observed crucial role in early suspicion, diagnosis, monitoring, and recognition of complications, management and disposition of patients. Composite index rather than single biomarkers may provide more reliable information. Availability and cost issues cannot be ignored. It would be impossible for clinicians to consolidate and critically analyse the enormous data that is continuously added to the COVID-19 literature to extract practically useful information for the benefit of patients. Still, as of now Composite index should be considered as ‗point of care test‘ to honour successful treatment outcome and prevent mortality and morbidity due to this ‗Dragon Pandemic‘.
... Lastly, we recommend to assess inflammatory markers assessment in all cases suspected with any respiratory and systemic symptoms during follow up in post covid care setting especially those having any systemic long covid manifestations [126][127][128][129][130][131][132][133][134][135][136][137][138]. These markers have played significant role in assessment of cases form entry point to follow up and sequential change will guide to predict early chances of long covid symptoms and post covid sequel in selected symptomatic cases of recovered COVID-19 cases [130][131][132][133][134][135][136][137][138][139][140][141][142][143][144]. ...
... Lastly, we recommend to assess inflammatory markers assessment in all cases suspected with any respiratory and systemic symptoms during follow up in post covid care setting especially those having any systemic long covid manifestations [126][127][128][129][130][131][132][133][134][135][136][137][138]. These markers have played significant role in assessment of cases form entry point to follow up and sequential change will guide to predict early chances of long covid symptoms and post covid sequel in selected symptomatic cases of recovered COVID-19 cases [130][131][132][133][134][135][136][137][138][139][140][141][142][143][144]. ...
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Long COVID is an unpredicted sequel of COVID-19 disease documented nearly in half cases globally. Long COVID is multisystem syndrome with nonspecific symptoms and organic signs of unidentified pathology occurs after COVID-19 disease. Long COVID symptoms has been documented in some cases irrespective of disease severity or hospitalization. Long COVID symptoms has significant impact on quality of life in those cases suffered from disease in recent past and lingering to almost two years since infection. Importantly, not all cases of COVID-19 were shown long COVID symptoms. Most common long COVID symptoms (ten in number) as joint pain, fatigability, chest discomfort, shortness of breath, hair loss, chest pain, weight gain, anxiety/depression & memory impairment. Pathophysiology resulting into long COVID manifestations is still not completely validated. Researchers have reported 'immune dysregulation' and 'coagulation abnormalities' are probable pathophysiological mechanism for long COVID. Some of the long COVID effects shown complete reversibility including post COVID lung fibrosis. Reboot system to restore immune dysregulation and recovery in long COVID is real concern. Long COVID symptoms cases are more health conscious and usually follows pattern of doctor shopping due to underestimation by family physicians either due to lack of suspicion or lack of knowledge regarding treatment protocol.
... They have also reported that restrictive lung functions are most common in severe COVID-19 pneumonia cases due to decreased lung compliance and increased stiffness due to residual fibrosis done at 3 months of discharge from the hospital. [14,15] We have documented restrictive lung function abnormality during spirometry in our case with persistent final outcome phenotype. ...
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Coronavirus-related (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [SARS-CoV-2]) global pandemic has caused significant mortality and morbidity globally in the last 3 years. In the present case report, a 51-year-old man presented in the outdoor unit for shortness of breath on exertion with a history of severe coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia resulted in acute respiratory distress syndrome with hospitalisation in the intensive care unit 1 year back and required high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) with noninvasive ventilatory support (NIV) for 2 weeks. He was offered oxygen supplementation at home with antibiotics for 3 months and there was no requirement of oxygen and some respiratory symptoms even after 1 year. His high-resolution computed tomography thorax documented at 1 year of discharge from the hospital revealed typical interstitial opacities labelled as persistent residual lung abnormalities (RLAs) that are predominantly reticular and linear opacities in peripheral parts of lungs without honeycombing within typical pleural-based areas with parenchymal bands and minimally altered lung architecture and preserved lung volume.
... Age above 50 years, male gender, DM, High CT severity, longer duration of illness, proper timing of initiation of BIPAP/NIV therapy, has documented significant impact on post-COVID lung functions at 12 weeks assessment. All post-COVID cases need lung functions assessment by spirometry to predict the course of underlying lung pathology and targeting interventions accordingly [52,53]. ...
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Radiological phenotypes are radiological patterns or observable characteristics of COVID19 pneumonia. Various phenotypic classifications have been reported in literature. CT severity radiological phenotypes are widely used and universally accepted radiological phenotypic methods. Radiological CT severity phenotypic differentiation has documented very crucial role in initial assessment and during triaging of these cases in indoor and outdoor setting. Typical COVID-19 lung parenchymal involvement described as predominant ground glass opacities (GGOs) and consolidations in peripheral and subpleural portion of any lobe, predominantly involving lower lobes. Atypical Radiological patterns in COVID-19 has been documented as bronchopneumonia, multifocal consolidations, necrotizing pneumonia, cavitations with GGOs with or without consolidations. In present case report, 43-year male, presented with acute febrile respiratory illness with acute hypoxic respiratory failure documented as oxygen saturation of 80% at room air with tachypnea and respiratory distress. HRCT thorax was showing Pleural based, peripheral, central, multifocal patchy, confluent & ill-defined GGOs and consolidations in bilateral lung fields in upper, middle and lower lobes. These typical radiological features suggestive of bronchopneumonia like radiological pattern which was very unusual for typical COVID-19 radiology. His laboratory parameters have shown abnormally raised inflammatory markers like CRP, Ferritin, LDH, D-Dimer and IL-6. Importantly, his random blood sugars were raised with abnormally raised HbA1c levels to label as diabetes mellitus. He was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus this time with COVID-19 illness without use of steroids. He was treated with standardized COVID-19 management institutional protocol with combination of low molecular weight heparin, methylprednisolone, remdesivir, meropenem and teicoplanin. Patient required BIPAP support with higher oxygen requirement with nasals canula for one week due to advanced radiological disease with more anatomical involvement. We have documented successful treatment outcome with use of rational treatment in timely by predicting disease severity with use of composite analysis of clinical, laboratory and radiological markers of illness. Transient hyperglycemia is known to occur and reported after COVID-19 illness due to virus induced inflammatory response and pancreatopathy with beta cell dysfunction. Transient hyperglycemia can be easily managed with insulin during hospitalization and oral anti-diabetic agents after discharge for few weeks. Dietary and lifestyle modification will help in majority with complete reversal of abnormally high sugar levels with restoration of normal HbA1c levels to non-diabetic range.
... Age above 50 years, male gender, DM, High CT severity, longer duration of illness, proper timing of initiation of BIPAP/NIV therapy, has documented significant impact on post-COVID lung functions at 12 weeks assessment. All post-COVID cases need lung functions assessment by spirometry to predict the course of underlying lung pathology and targeting interventions accordingly [51,52]. ...
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Sporadic COVID-19 cases will be predicted to occur in coming few years ahead as observed in previously known influenza virus related pandemics. Herd immunity due to natural infection and hybrid immunity after COVID-19 vaccination has played crucial role in waning of this pandemic. COVID-19 pneumonia has a very 'typical' radiological presentations, observed globally; classified as GGO and consolidations involving peripheral parts of lung, bilateral disease, predominantly pleural based areas initially and involves central portions as disease process advances. Such radiological presentations are never documented in history before this pandemic, which has helped in suspecting COVID-19 illness in cases with negative microbiological results initially and such illness were classified as SARI (severe acute respiratory illness). Cases with typical radiological features for COVID-19 with RT PCR positive results were defined as case of COVID-19 illness. Both the clinical scenarios were managed with similar protocol during hospitalization. COVID-19 case burden has significantly decreased in last one year since declaration of end of pandemic by WHO and now we are in post pandemic phase. Since beginnings of pandemic, many corona virus variants were emerged with variable infectivity, virulence, pathogenesis, mortality and morbidity. As pandemic is over, cases are rarely observed with lung involvement, COVID RT PCR testing, HRCT reporting's in line with pandemic protocol and requirement of resources to treat these cases are less required and utilized today. In present case report, 32-year male, presented in outdoor unit with history of acute febrile respiratory illness with dry cough, high grade fever and chest tightness and chest discomfort of acute onset. HRCT thorax documented Pleural based, peripheral, unifocal or solitary opacity with predominant GGOs in right lower lobe with normal left lung. He is treated in indoor unit in line with community acquired pneumonia protocol and observed clinical worsening with four-fold raised in inflammatory markers. Oxygenation is worsened and raised IL-6, CRP and LDH has given clue to think towards COVID-19 etiology. Thorat swab for COVID-19 RT PCR is positive and managed according to protocol for COVID-19 illness. This is the only observed COVID-19 pneumonia case in last six months, in which; clinical-radiological patters were typical of pandemic illness of second wave of COVID-19 illness due to delta variant. Our case is the sporadic case reported with all clinical features of pandemic illness. We have suspected COVID-19 etiology in spite of 'atypical unilateral lung involvement' due to worsened clinical features and abnormally raised inflammatory markers with poor response to standard treatment protocol for community acquired pneumonia. High index of suspicion is must, and; timely interventions with use of rational treatment including remdesivir, heparin & steroids combination during hospitalization has documented successful outcome. We recommend COVID-19 RT PCR testing in all community acquired cases nonresponding to standard guidelines to have timely diagnosis and treatment. Sporadic cases rare to occur, and they do occur for few years ahead of this end of pandemic due to virus variant, and we must quote 'rare things are not rare to happen'.
... However, as vaccination programmes are being rolled out globally, many COVID-19 vaccine-related side-effects have been recently reported [90][91], ranging from mild local symptoms (e.g. pain at the injection site) to systemic symptoms (e.g. ...
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COVID-19 related 'Dragon pandemic' caused significant mortality and its lingering effects as long covid with huge impact on morbidity and quality of life. As pandemic has waned off, still rescue breath is in doubt due to evolving mutants and variants of great concern. COVID-19 infection involves a complex interplay of the immunological and inflammatory responses. Inflammatory parameters are closely linked to the COVID-19 severity and mortality. Inflammatory parameters could be used to predict the transition from mild to severe/critical infection in patients of COVID-19. Numerous Inflammatory markers were analyzed and used as point of care test to predict severity of illness, monitoring of illness, treatment planning and predicting final outcomes such as CRP, LDH, IL-6, D-dimer and ferritin. Robust data of these inflammatory markers is available and proved crucial in predicting pathophysiological trends such as cytokine storm, coagulation abnormalities, oxygenation status and response to therapy. Isolated assessment of inflammatory markers in absence of clinical and radiological parameters were observed as 'double edged weapon' due to overestimation and its impact on health burden and underprediction resulting into progression of illness and resultant poor outcome and increased health care cost. Composite index is combination clinical, radiological and laboratory inflammatory marker assessment. Combination of any two abnormalities were observed crucial role in early suspicion, diagnosis, monitoring, and recognition of complications, management and disposition of patients. Composite index rather than single biomarkers may provide more reliable information. Availability and cost issues cannot be ignored. It would be impossible for clinicians to consolidate and critically analyze the enormous data that is continuously added to the COVID-19 literature to extract practically useful information for the benefit of patients. Still, as of now Composite index is sensitive and effective tool to assess COVID-19 cases at entry point and to analyze exact status of illness which will have successful treatment outcome and thus considered as 'point of care test' in this 'Dragon Pandemic'.
... Patil et al. in a study did the spirometry assessment of post-COVID-19 at 12 weeks post-discharge from the hospital, abnormal lung function in 77.5% of post-acute COVID-19 cases, the restrictive pattern was the predominant type and documented in 43.33% cases, normal lung functions were documented in 22.5% cases [30]. In our study also the restrictive pattern was the most common (n=26, 34.6%). ...
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Introduction Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by a novel coronavirus named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), was first reported at the end of 2019 in Wuhan, Hubei Province, People’s Republic of China, at a cluster of unusual pneumonia patients. The outbreak was declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30 January 2020 by World Health Organization. We are receiving patients in our OPD (Out Patient Department) with a new set of health complications having been infected with COVID-19. We planned to collect our data and try to find by various statistical methods, quantify the complications, and assess how we can deal with the new set of complications we are witnessing in this post-acute COVID-19 group of patients. Materials and methods The study was conducted by enrolling the patients at OPD/IPD (In Patient Department) by conducting a detailed history and clinical examination, routine investigations, 2D echocardiography (2D Echo), and pulmonary function test (PFT). The study assessed the worsening of symptoms, new onset symptoms, or the symptoms that continued even in the post-COVID-19 status as post-COVID-19 sequelae. Results Maximum cases were male and most of them were asymptomatic. The most common post-COVID-19 symptom that persisted was fatigue. 2D Echo and spirometry were done and changes were noticed even in those subjects who were asymptomatic. Conclusion Since significant findings were seen on clinical evaluation accompanied by 2D Echo and spirometry, it is essential to screen all presumed and microbiologically proven cases for long-term follow-up.
... Exact information about use and beneficial role of these combinations in preventing mortality wound make more sense in preventing infodemic. Rational use of these combinations will prevent long term effects on lung functions in these cases recovered form COVID-19 pneumonia [85][86]. ...
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‘Infodemic’ is a pandemic of misinformation spread in a pandemic manner regarding health issues of global concern. Globally, Infodemic is rapidly rising and more adverse outcomes are observed in social, economic and family lives. Infodemic is reported first time during SARS in 2003 & now during evolution of COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Infodemic is more rapidly spreading pandemic than any communicable disease due to its ultrafast method of transmission by means of electronic & social media in the form of print or digital platform. Here, in Infodemic, the culprit is ‘misinformation’ spread without any scientific evidence regarding health issues of global concern. During COVID-19 pandemic infodemic evolved parallel with actual natural viral disaster and documented comparable effects on mankind globally. Infodemic is considered a global issue of concern for this decade. Infodemic in COVID-19 pandemic was documented as source of agent to cause & its evolution globally, available treatment options such as Remdesivir and its safety with efficacy& lastly, COVID-19 vaccines and its role in preventing and protecting COVID-19 disease with adverse events. Infodemic needs more stringent steps to control before its evolution, which includes active involvement of health experts, medical scientists, government agencies and trust organizations working worldwide. Timely shared right and scientifically evidenced proof information is a key step in controlling misinformation and ‘infodemic’.
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Background: Long term impact of COVID-19 on pulmonary functions is still an area of active research. Objective: To assess pulmonary functions and their relationship with clinical severity of disease among COVID-19 survivors at six-month follow-up after being discharged from the hospital. Methods: It was a hospital based prospective observational six-month follow-up study. After fulfillment of all inclusion and exclusion criteria, subjects underwent spirometry and diffusion capacity of lung for carbon monoxide (DLco). Ninety-six subjects had completed the tests and were enrolled for the study. Categorization of subjects was made based on their clinical disease severity profile according to Government of India guidelines. Test results were correlated with clinical severity of disease. Results: Of 96 subjects, 46 were mild, 28 were moderate, 18 were severe and 4 were critical cases. Majority of subjects had normal spirometry (65.6 %) and DLco (66.6 %). Among abnormal lung functions, the commonest was reduced DLco (33.3%) followed by restrictive (18.7%), small airway disease (10.4 %), obstructive (3.1 %) and mixed (2%) spirometry patterns. With the advancement of clinical disease severity, the frequency of restrictive pattern (P
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Background The sequelae of COVID-19 pneumonia on pulmonary function and airways inflammation are still an area of active research. Objective This research aimed to explore the long-term impact of COVID-19 pneumonia on the lung function after three months from recovery. Methods Fifty subjects (age 18–60 years) were recruited and classified into two groups: the control group (30 subjects) and the post-COVID-19 pneumonia group (20 patients). Pulmonary function tests, spirometry, body plethysmography [lung volumes and airway resistance (Raw)], diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO), and fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO), were measured after at least 3 months post-recovery. Results Significant reduction in total lung capacity (TLC), forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume (FEV1), FEV1/FEV, and diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO) was observed in post-COVID-19 subjects compared to controls. Restrictive lung impairment was observed in 50% of post-COVID-19 cases (n = 10) compared to 20% in the control group (n = 6, P = 0.026). In addition, mild diffusion defect was detected in 35% (n = 7) of the post-COVID-19 group compared to 23.3% (n = 7) in the controls (P = 0.012). Conclusion COVID-19 pneumonia has an impact on the lung functions in terms of restrictive lung impairment and mild diffusion defect after three months from recovery. Therefore, a long-term follow-up of the lung function in post-COVID-19 survivors is recommended.
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Background The coronavirus infectious disease (COVID-19) pandemic is an ongoing global health care challenge. Up to one third of hospitalised patients develop severe pulmonary complications and ARDS. Pulmonary outcomes following COVID-19 are unknown. Methods The Swiss COVID-19 lung study is a multicentre prospective cohort investigating pulmonary sequela of COVID-19. We report on initial follow-up 4 months after mild/moderate or severe/critical COVID-19 according to the WHO severity classification. Results 113 COVID-19 survivors were included (mild/moderate 47, severe/critical 66). We confirmed several comorbidities as risk factors for severe/critical disease. Severe/critical disease was associated with impaired pulmonary function, i.e. diffusing capacity (DLCO) %-predicted, reduced 6-MWD, and exercise-induced oxygen desaturation. After adjustment for potential confounding by age, sex, and BMI, patients after severe/critical COVID-19 had a 20.9 (95% CI 12.4–29.4, p=0.01) lower DLCO %-predicted at follow up. DLCO %-predicted was the strongest independent factor associated with previous severe/critical disease when age, sex, BMI, 6MWD, and minimal SpO 2 at exercise, were included in the multivariable model (adjusted odds ratio [OR] per 10%-predicted 0.59 [95% CI 0. 37–0.87], p=0.01). Mosaic hypoattenuation on chest computed tomography at follow-up was significantly associated with previous severe/critical COVID-19 including adjustment for age and sex (adjusted OR 11.7 [95%CI 1.7–239), p=0.03). Conclusions Four months after SARS CoV-2 infection, severe/critical COVID-19 was associated with significant functional and radiological abnormalities, potentially due to small airway and lung parenchymal disease. A systematic follow-up for survivors needs to be evaluated to optimise care for patients recovering from COVID-19.
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Background Evidence suggests lungs as the organ most affected by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The literature on previous coronavirus infections reports that patients may experience persistent impairment in respiratory function after being discharged. Our objective was to determine the prevalence of restrictive pattern, obstructive pattern and altered diffusion in patients post-COVID-19 infection and to describe the different evaluations of respiratory function used with these patients. Methods A systematic review was conducted in five databases. Studies that used lung function testing to assess post-infection COVID-19 patients were included for review. Two independent reviewers analysed the studies, extracted the data and assessed the quality of evidence. Results Of the 1,973 reports returned by the initial search, seven articles reporting on 380 patients were included in the data synthesis. In the sensitivity analysis, we found a prevalence of 0.39 (CI 0.24–0.56, p < 0.01, I2 = 86%), 0.15 (CI 0.09–0.22, p = 0.03, I2 = 59%), and 0.07 (CI 0.04–0.11, p = 0.31, I2 = 16%) for altered diffusion capacity of the lungs for carbon monoxide (DLCO), restrictive pattern and obstructive pattern, respectively. Conclusion Post-infection COVID-19 patients showed impaired lung function; the most important of the PFTs affected was the diffusion capacity.
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Purpose The aim of our study was to assess respiratory function at the time of clinical recovery and 6 weeks after discharge in patients surviving to COVID-19 pneumonia. Methods Our case series consisted of 13 patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. Results At the time of clinical recovery, FEV1 (2.07 ± 0.72 L) and FVC (2.25 ± 0.86 L) were lower compared to lower limit of normality (LLN) values (2.56 ± 0.53 L, p = 0.004, and 3.31 ± 0.65 L, p < 0.001, respectively), while FEV1/FVC (0.94 ± 0.07) was higher compared to upper limit of normality (ULN) values (0.89 ± 0.01, p = 0.029). After 6 weeks pulmonary function improved but FVC was still lower than ULN (2.87 ± 0.81, p = 0.014). Conclusion These findings suggest that COVID-19 pneumonia may result in clinically relevant alterations in pulmonary function tests, with a mainly restrictive pattern.
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Background The long-term pulmonary function and related physiological characteristics of COVID-19 survivors have not been studied in depth, thus many aspects are not understood. Methods COVID-19 survivors were recruited for high resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of the thorax, lung function and serum levels of SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibody tests 3 months after discharge. The relationship between the clinical characteristics and the pulmonary function or CT scores were investigated. Findings Fifty-five recovered patients participated in this study. SARS-CoV-2 infection related symptoms were detected in 35 of them and different degrees of radiological abnormalities were detected in 39 patients. Urea nitrogen concentration at admission was associated with the presence of CT abnormalities (P = 0.046, OR 7.149, 95% CI 1.038 to 49.216). Lung function abnormalities were detected in 14 patients and the measurement of D-dimer levels at admission may be useful for prediction of impaired diffusion defect (P = 0.031, OR 1.066, 95% CI 1.006 to 1.129). Of all the subjects, 47 of 55 patients tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 IgG in serum, among which the generation of Immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody in female patients was stronger than male patients in infection rehabilitation phase. Interpretation Radiological and physiological abnormalities were still found in a considerable proportion of COVID-19 survivors without critical cases 3 months after discharge. Higher level of D-dimer on admission could effectively predict impaired DLCO after 3 months discharge. It is necessary to follow up the COVID-19 patients to appropriately manage any persistent or emerging long-term sequelae. Funding Key Scientific Research Projects of Henan Higher Education Institutions
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Objective: This study investigated the influence of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) on lung function in early convalescence phase. Methods: A retrospective study of COVID-19 patients at the Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University were conducted, with serial assessments including lung volumes (TLC), spirometry (FVC, FEV1), lung diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO),respiratory muscle strength, 6-min walking distance (6MWD) and high resolution CT being collected at 30 days after discharged. Results: Fifty-seven patients completed the serial assessments. There were 40 non-severe cases and 17 severe cases. Thirty-one patients (54.3%) had abnormal CT findings. Abnormalities were detected in the pulmonary function tests in 43 (75.4%) of the patients. Six (10.5%), 5(8.7%), 25(43.8%) 7(12.3%), and 30 (52.6%) patients had FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC ratio, TLC, and DLCO values less than 80% of predicted values, respectively. 28 (49.1%) and 13 (22.8%) patients had PImax and PEmax values less than 80% of the corresponding predicted values. Compared with non-severe cases, severe patients showed higher incidence of DLCO impairment (75.6%vs42.5%, p = 0.019), higher lung total severity score (TSS) and R20, and significantly lower percentage of predicted TLC and 6MWD. No significant correlation between TSS and pulmonary function parameters was found during follow-up visit. Conclusion: Impaired diffusing-capacity, lower respiratory muscle strength, and lung imaging abnormalities were detected in more than half of the COVID-19 patients in early convalescence phase. Compared with non-severe cases, severe patients had a higher incidence of DLCO impairment and encountered more TLC decrease and 6MWD decline.
Background: Long-term pulmonary sequelae following severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pneumonia are not yet confirmed; however, preliminary observations suggest a possible relevant clinical, functional, and radiological impairment. Objectives: The aim of this study was to identify and characterize pulmonary sequelae caused by SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia at 6-month follow-up. Methods: In this multicentre, prospective, observational cohort study, patients hospitalized for SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia and without prior diagnosis of structural lung diseases were stratified by maximum ventilatory support ("oxygen only," "continuous positive airway pressure," and "invasive mechanical ventilation") and followed up at 6 months from discharge. Pulmonary function tests and diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO), 6-min walking test, chest X-ray, physical examination, and modified Medical Research Council (mMRC) dyspnoea score were collected. Results: Between March and June 2020, 312 patients were enrolled (83, 27% women; median interquartile range age 61.1 [53.4, 69.3] years). The parameters that showed the highest rate of impairment were DLCO and chest X-ray, in 46% and 25% of patients, respectively. However, only a minority of patients reported dyspnoea (31%), defined as mMRC ≥1, or showed restrictive ventilatory defects (9%). In the logistic regression model, having asthma as a comorbidity was associated with DLCO impairment at follow-up, while prophylactic heparin administration during hospitalization appeared as a protective factor. The need for invasive ventilatory support during hospitalization was associated with chest imaging abnormalities. Conclusions: DLCO and radiological assessment appear to be the most sensitive tools to monitor patients with the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) during follow-up. Future studies with longer follow-up are warranted to better understand pulmonary sequelae.
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an unprecedented surge in hospitalised patients with viral pneumonia. The most severely affected patients are older men, individuals of black and Asian minority ethnicity and those with comorbidities. COVID-19 is also associated with an increased risk of hypercoagulability and venous thromboembolism. The overwhelming majority of patients admitted to hospital have respiratory failure and while most are managed on general wards, a sizeable proportion require intensive care support. The long-term complications of COVID-19 pneumonia are starting to emerge but data from previous coronavirus outbreaks such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) suggest that some patients will experience long-term respiratory complications of the infection. With the pattern of thoracic imaging abnormalities and growing clinical experience, it is envisaged that interstitial lung disease and pulmonary vascular disease are likely to be the most important respiratory complications. There is a need for a unified pathway for the respiratory follow-up of patients with COVID-19 balancing the delivery of high-quality clinical care with stretched National Health Service (NHS) resources. In this guidance document, we provide a suggested structure for the respiratory follow-up of patients with clinicoradiological confirmation of COVID-19 pneumonia. We define two separate algorithms integrating disease severity, likelihood of long-term respiratory complications and functional capacity on discharge. To mitigate NHS pressures, virtual solutions have been embedded within the pathway as has safety netting of patients whose clinical trajectory deviates from the pathway. For all patients, we suggest a holistic package of care to address breathlessness, anxiety, oxygen requirement, palliative care and rehabilitation.