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Techno-Economic and Feasibility Analysis of a Hybrid PV-Wind-Biomass- Diesel Energy System for Sustainable Development at Offshore Areas in Bangladesh

  • Engineering Institute of Technology
Current Alternative Energy
ISSN: 2405-4631
eISSN: 2405-244X
S.K.A. Shezan1,2,* and H.W. Ping3
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur-50603, Malaysia;
2Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Uttara University, Dhaka-1230,
Bangladesh; 3UM Power Energy Dedicated Advanced Centre (UMPEDAC), Level 4, Wisma R&D UM, University of
Malaya, 59990 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Received: January 06, 2016
Revised: March 01, 2016
Accepted: March 14, 2 016
Abstract: Background The vast percentage of people of the world; particularly in the developing
countries; are living mostly in the decentralized, rural and remote areas which are geographically se-
cluded from the national grid connection. Power distribution and continuous fuel transportation
needed to produce the electrical energy for these areas pose a great challenge. Using renewable energy
resources in off grid hybrid energy might be a promising solution.
MethodV Moreover, high cost of renewable energy systems has led to its slow implementation in many
countries. Hence, it is vital to select an appropriate system size in order to reduce the cost as well as to
make the use of available resources more efficient. An off-grid hybrid energy system has been de-
signed as well as simulated to support a small community considering an average load demand of 80
kWh/d with a peak load of 8.1 kW. The simulation and optimization of operations of the system have
been done by HOMER software using the real time field data of solar radiation, wind speed and bio-
mass of that particular area. The simulation ensures that the system is economically and environmen-
tally feasible with respect to net present cost (NPC) and CO 2 emission limitations.
Results The result shows that NPC and CO2 emission can be reduced about 29.65%; equivalent to 16
tons per year as compared to conventional power plants. The NPC of the optimized system has been
found to be about USD 160,626.00, having the per unit Cost of Energy (COE) of USD 0.431/kWh.
Conclusion The analyzed hybrid energy system might be applicable for other regions of the world
where there are similar climatic conditions.
Keywords: Biomass, island, homer, optimization, renewable energy, sensitivity, simulation.
Usage of renewable energy for electricity generation is
currently a priority research area. Remarkable efforts are
being made to expand the sources of various forms of en-
ergy, and to intensify the deployment of renewable and sus-
tainable energy slots all over the globe. The foremost reason
for intensifying the deployment of renewable energy in the
21st century, is the combined effects of fossil fuel depletion
and the ever increasing awareness of environmental degrada-
tion [1]. Thus, policy makers and researchers are paying
more attention into this research field. For an instance, the
aim of European Union countries is to replace its total en-
ergy consumption by renewable sources by at least 30% be-
fore 2020 [2]. There are several promising renewable energy
*Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur-
50603, Malaysia; Tel: +60169924660; E-mail:
resources such as biomass, wind, geothermal energy, solar,
hydro-electric and tidal power. Hybrid renewable energy
resources can reduce the emission of harmful gases and re-
duce the use of imported power [3, 4]. There is an abundance
of resources in Bangladesh, specifically the potential from
the huge amount of wind currents, biomass and the intense
solar radiation footprint because of its geographical position
[5]. During the last two decades, electrical energy consump-
tion in Bangladesh experienced a dramatic increase as a di-
rect result of the economic growth and industrial expansion.
It is expected that peak loads will reach 65 GW by 2027,
which will in turn demand over $100 billion worth of infra-
structure development. Therefore, for sustainable develop-
ment, it is imperative to build up policies for energy conser-
vation [6]. Up until now, fossil fuels have been used to gen-
erate most of the electrical power [7], neglecting the use of
renewable energy resources such as wind, biomass and solar
to generate electricity.
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Current Alternative Energy, 2017, 1, 20-32
Techno-Economic and Feasibility Analysis of a Hybrid PV-Wind-Biomass-
Diesel Energy System for Sustainable Development at Offshore Areas in
Techno-Economic and Feasibility Analysis of a Hybrid PV-Wind-Biomass-Diesel Current Alternative Energy, 2017, Vol. 1, No. 1 21
Aside from adjacent protection attempts, with extending
load interest and an unnatural climate change, course of ac-
tion makers are looking at environment-obliging kind of im-
perativeness and power advantages for keep up the world's
remained essentialness for the future time people [3]. For the
power devices advancement, the usage of integrator with the
imperativeness resources and essentialness payload space
structure is the new progress. To full fill the stack asks for
the wind and sun fueled resources can expect a vital part [8].
At present, the installation process of a hybrid system is very
quick and easy. As a result, there has been an increase in
interest of similar power production systems all over the
world [9], the number of renewable energy resources has
been increasing significantly. So a legitimate administration
is needed to facilitate the appropriate usage of these assets
and to enhance the practicality, and much improved quality
of mixed renewable vitality framework [10, 11]. Bangladesh
is a country with geographically horizontal and flat surface
area. The expansion of electrical matrix for the expanding
development of is quite costly and not achievable given the
current economic environment. The only feasible option
suitable for this circumstance are sources like “half and half
renewable force plants [12, 13]. The other method for mak-
ing “half and half” power plants would be similar to PV-
wind-diesel, PV-diesel-battery and so on. The continuation
of examination with renewable vitality framework has shown
that, if the framework is streamlined legitimately, it will be a
more compelling force source as compared to other force
sources [14, 15]. Recently, Bangladesh’s first nuclear power
plant in Dhaka’s east coast is projected to add 30MW to
Dhaka’s grid by the second quarter of 2016, with the aim of
offsetting some 200,000 tons of CO2 emissions annually.
The advancements of renewable energy sources in Saudi
Arabia cannot be considered as an aristocratic model, but it
is an environmental friendly model and an improvisation in
petroleum manufacturing strategy [16, 17]. The research on
local ecology analysis concluded that the use of energy ef-
fectiveness resources and renewable energy gives significant
environ-mental benefits [18, 19]. There are some previous
works on hybrid energy systems consisting of wind energy,
fuel cell (diesel generator) and photovoltaic array for differ-
ent regions of the world [20]. A maximum power point
tracking (MPPT) system is also discussed on wind and pho-
tovoltaic energies by various scientists [21-23]. A grid-
connected hybrid generation system has been modeled and
synthesized with a control system by fellow researchers [24].
A stand-alone wind solar energy system with battery storage
has been investigated with dynamic performance analysis by
multiple research works [25]. A battery bank has been con-
sidered in few systems as a supporting storage to utilize the
extra power supply as a replacement of any renewable re-
source [26-28]. From the observation of different research
works it can be identified that the Cost of Energy (COE) and
Net Present Cost (NPC) were not so affordable and the hy-
brid energy systems was not so feasible and reliable. To
overcome these drawbacks some more modeling and optimi-
zation operation can be conducted through HOMER energy
software. In this research, a complete performance analysis
of an off-grid solar-wind-biomass-diesel-battery hybrid en-
ergy system for the remote and coastal area of northern is-
land of Bay of Bengal of Bangladesh has been developed.
Focus is given to system engineering, energy production,
system stability and reliability using Homer renewable en-
ergy software and real time data. There are various renew-
able energies such as solar resources and wind resources that
have been used as major energy source along with a back-up
energy source, which can operate with and without use of
battery to get constant power. For northern island of Bay of
Bengal area, an efficient off-grid hybrid renewable energy
has been developed by using HOMER (Hybrid Optimization
Model for Electric Renewable) energy software, developed
by National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), USA
[29]. The northern island near the Chittagong sea coast is
enriched with wind, biomass and solar resources. Use of
renewable sources for generating electricity it is not only
feasible, but ideal in a place that is isolated from grid con-
nection. Northern off-grid island of Bangladesh near Chit-
tagong sea coast is suitable for Solar PV, wind, biomass and
battery; all of which are considered in the model. By consid-
ering the aforementioned ideas, an efficient hybrid off-grid
renewable system has been developed. There are several
input parameters such as electrical load demand, constituent
demonstrated details, cost of all components related to the
system, renewable energy resources as solar radiation data
and wind speed data, generator specification, battery specifi-
cation and converter specification, all of which have to be
supplied to Homer renewable energy software. An optimal
pattern for providing the expected electrical load demand has
been designed by the Homer renewable energy software.
Homer executes a large number of hurly simulations to de-
sign a complete hybrid renewable energy system. To observe
the impact of PV speculation cost, solar segregation, biomass
generator cost, diesel fuel cost and wind speed on the Cost of
Energy (COE), Homer has been executed with sensitivity
analysis by calculating lots of hourly data provided from
different resources [30].
The main motto of this analysis are: to ensure the unin-
terrupted power supply to the remote and decentralized ar-
eas, to ensure environmentally safe energy system, to reduce
CO2 and other GHG emissions, to reduce the Cost of Energy
(COE) and improving the Net Present Cost (NPC).
To gain greatly privileged generating factors a trouble-
free control technique pursue power from the solar, wind or
biomass energy source can be introduced. From the simula-
tion results it can be ascertained that the developed of re-
newable energy system is feasible and reliable for real world
application. The real field data and the optimization analysis
can be applicable for the different regions of the world espe-
cially coastal areas of Bangladesh where the climate and
environment are relatively very similar.
2.1. Data Resource and Location Analysis
The daily solar radiation data, average wind speed and
biomass data have been collected for every month for a spe-
cific year from the Bangladeshi meteorological department.
An estimation of solar insulation on horizontal surface has
been done by using well known Angstrom Correlation and
the sunshine hour data of the northern Island area of Bangla-
desh, namely, the Chittagong sea coastal areas [31]. Moreo-
22 Current Alternative Energy, 2017, Vol. 1, No. 1 Shezan a nd Ping
ver, at the department of Labor and Regulation (DLR) in
Germany, has developed a technique that has manifested its
effectiveness for Global Horizontal Insulation (GHI) (which
is an arrangement of DLR/SUNY model). Output is tested
for 16.3 km spatial resolution; the data in consideration is
from the Bangladeshi Meteorological Department that has been
collected for the northern island area of Bangladesh [32].
Fig. (1) shows the geographical position of Northern is-
land of Bay of Bengal of Bangladesh (Lat.: 22° 22' N, Long.:
91° 7.5' E) [33]. DLR method used the data collected from
the satellite for various factors such as rainfall, water vapor
and vaporizer optical depth, cloud cover, water vapor to Cal-
culate GHI. To calculate wind resources data, Bangladeshi
Meteorological Department has measured wind speed for a
specific year by maintaining the height of 30 m upwards
from the ground surface level.
Fig. (1). Geographical position of northern island of bay of bengal,
Bangladesh (Lat.:22.3667°N, Long.: 91.1250°E) [33].
Renewable energy analysis with wave energy had not
been fruitful yet, because of insufficiency of electrical power
generation. Tidal research stations were set up by Bangla-
desh Meteorological department and Bangladesh Renewable
Energy Committee for the practicability analysis of tidal
energy [31]. The result was not up to expectation, and that is
why just the wind, solar and average temperature data have
been considered for the formulation of the most efficient
hybrid renewable energy system. Fig. (2) shows the sche-
matic diagram of hybrid energy system. Fig. (3) shows the
block diagram of a complete hybrid energy system with the
operational work flow.
2.2. Hybrid Energy System Components
2.2.1. Solar Energy (Photovoltaic) System Module
The electrical energy generation as an output of a photo-
voltaic system can be estimated by a widely accepted equa-
tion as follows:
The annual average solar radiation data can be collected
from the meteorological department.
The Performance ratio, i.e. the value of losses coefficient
ranged from 0.5 to 0.9 (build in rate= 0.75), r is the ratio of
electrical power (in kWp) of a particular PV module divided
by the area of a particular module. PR (Performance Ratio)
can be considered as a very important value for estimating
the eminence of a photovoltaic installation. This factor in-
cluded with all fatalities.
Under consideration is a PV module of 250 Wp with an
area of 1.5 m2 can which can be operated with the standard
ratio under standard experiment conditions, such as radiation
of 800 W/m2, speed of wind 2 m/s with the factor “Watt-
Peak” [34]. With this it can be found that the global horizon-
tal yearly irradiation incident on a PV panels with a specific
preference (incline, lean) and direction.
Monthly average global radiation data has been taken
from Bangladesh Meteorological Department [35, 36]. From
the longitude and latitude data of the considered area can be
used to calculate the clearness index through HOMER re-
newable energy software. The synthesized 2304 hourly val-
ues for a year can be created by HOMER renewable energy
software through the utilization of the Graham algorithm.
USD 50/kW has been considered as the rate of PV component,
Fig. (2). Schematic diagram of hybrid energy systems.
Hatiya Island
Wind Turbine
AC Load
Diesel Generator
AC DC Battery
Biomass Generator
Solar PV
Techno-Economic and Feasibility Analysis of a Hybrid PV-Wind-Biomass-Diesel Current Alternative Energy, 2017, Vol. 1, No. 1 23
Fig. (3). Block diagram of a complete hybrid energy system.
Fig. (4). Monthly average solar radiation with hourly fluctuation.
Fig. (5). Global Horizontal Radiation for Hatiya Island, Bangladesh.
taking into consideration the mechanism for coastal areas of
Bangladesh. The life span of the system has been predicted
as 2 decades. There are 3 types of module that has been con-
sidered for PV modules: 5 kW, 18 kW and 30 kW. Table 1
shows the factors of PV module related with the simulation.
Figs. (4 and 5) shows yearly solar radiation profile data and
global horizontal radiation data for northern island of Bay of
Bengal respectively. In these two figures the meteorological
data have been represented properly. Fig. (6) shows the cost
curve of solar representing module. The cost curve has been
drawn according to the current market price, power genera-
tion process and other costs.
Measure Solar
Biomass &
Average Wind
System Design
With Proper
Control System
Operation &
Power Demand
Hourly Monthly DMap Profile PDF CDF DC Variable: Scaled data
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Scaled data Daily Profile
Scaled data (kW/m )
0612 18 24
0612 18 24
0612 18 24
0612 18 24
0612 18 24
0612 18 24
0612 18 24
0612 18 24
0612 18 24
0612 18 24
0612 18 24
0612 18 24
Global Horizontal Radiation
0Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 0.0
Daily Radiation Cleamess Index
Cleamess Index
Daily Radiation (kW/m2/d)
24 Current Alternative Energy, 2017, Vol. 1, No. 1 Shezan a nd Ping
Table 1. Photovoltaic array expense assumption and proce-
dural factors.
Factor Value
Net cost
Substitution cost
Maintenance and operation cost
Life span
Derating factor
Tracking system
50 $/kW
40 $/kW
1 $/kW
20 Years
80 %
2.2.2. Wind Energy (Wind Turbines) System
A rotor combining of two or more blades mechanically
joined to an electrical generator can generate electricity from
wind’s kinetic energy; can be captured by the wind turbines.
From the following equation, it can be found that the me-
chanical power generated from wind speed using the wind
turbine is [35]:
5.0 vACPpm
The highest value of the power coefficient has been pre-
ferred to be as 0.59 theoretically. It is dependent on two vari-
ables, the tip speed ratio (TSR) and the pitch angle. The pitch
angle refers to the angle in which the turbine blades are
aligned with respect to its longitudinal axis. The linear speed
of the rotor to the wind speed has been addressed by TSR.
Fig. (7) [37] shows a typical “CP Vs. ” curve for a wind
turbine. For the realistic designing of wind turbines, two
different conditions have been implemented; one with a
range of 0.4 to 0.5 for the speedy wind turbines and the
range of 0.2 to 0.4 for relatively slower wind turbines. The
output power of a wind turbine versus rotor Speed has been
illustrated in Fig. (8) [37] while wind speed has been
changed from v1 to v4. Fig. (8) shows that the highest power
can be captured while speed is v1, at rotor speed 1, while
speed increases from v1 to v4 along with the maximum
power point tracking system. Tracking rotor speed is also
increases from 1 to 4.
There is a minor difference between the global radiation
data and average artificial wind speed data generator of
HOMER [34]. The measurement of the distribution of wind
speed throughout the year is called the Weibull value which
is addressed as k. The value of k has been taken as 2 for this
analysis. The measurement of the arbitrariness of the wind
has been conducted by the auto-correlation parameter. From
the observation of the higher values of the wind speed in 1
hour leans, it is cleared that the wind speed leans of 1 hour is
firmly depended on the wind speed of the past hour. The
irresolution of the wind speed leans in a more arbitrary way
from time to time has been indicated by the lower values.
The rate of autocorrelation parameter has been taken as 0.85.
How firmly the wind speed confides on the time of the day
can be identified by the diurnal pattern strength. The value of
diurnal pattern strength has been taken as 0.25 for this analy-
sis. The time of day leans to be the windiest on a standard all
Fig. (6). Cost curve of PV array.
Fig. (7). Power co-efficient vs. tip speed ratio [37].
Cp max
= 0
Tip speed ratio
Power coefficient
Techno-Economic and Feasibility Analysis of a Hybrid PV-Wind-Biomass-Diesel Current Alternative Energy, 2017, Vol. 1, No. 1 25
through the year can be addressed by the term hour of peak
wind speed. The value of the hour of peak wind speed has
been taken as 15 for this analysis [38]. AXLS BWC EXCEL-
S 10 kW wind turbine has been considered for this off-grid
hybrid renewable energy system [38]. Table 2 represents the
financial and methodological factors for preferred wind tur-
bine. Figs. (9 and 10) show average wind speed of every
month for a specific year for the northern island of Bangla-
desh, average Hourly Wind Speed profile data and average
monthly wind Speed data respectively. Figs. (11 and 12)
show the cost curve and power output curve of a wind tur-
bine respectively. The power output curve and cost curve of
wind turbine have been drawn according the current market
price and current circumstances.
Table 2. Financial and procedural factors of wind turbine.
Factors Value
Rated wind speed
Starting wind speed
Cut-off wind speed
Rated power
Net cost
Substitution cost
Maintenance and operation expense
8 m/s
3 m/s
10 KW
15 m/s
60 $/kW
50 $/kW
15 Years
1 $/kW
2.2.3. Specification of Diesel Generator Module
The fuel used in HOMER is modeled by a linear curve
characterized by a slope and intercept at no load. Table 3
shows the assumptions of cost for a diesel generator and the
other factor related with power generation and range of ca-
pacity [39]. Fig. (13) shows the cost curve of a diesel genera-
tor. The cost has been generated by the power generation
costs according to the fuel price.
Table 3. Procedural parameters wi th cost conjecture for die-
sel generators.
Factors Value
Net cost
Substitution cost
Maintenance and operation expense
Least load quotient
Fuel curve slope
Fuel curve intercept
Fuel cost
60 $/kW
50 $/kW
0.022 $/kW
900000 Minutes (15,000 Hours)
30 %
0.441/h/kW output
0.062/h/kW rated
1 $/liter
Fig. (8). Output power vs. rotor speed of different speeds [31].
Fig. (9). Average wind speed of every month of Hatiya Island.
Locus of Pmax
Rotor Speed (Wm)
Mechanical Output Power
26 Current Alternative Energy, 2017, Vol. 1, No. 1 Shezan a nd Ping
Fig. (10). Average hourly wind speed profile data.
Fig. (11). Cost curve of wind turbine.
Fig. (12). Power output curve of wind turbine.
Fig. (13). Cost curve of diesel generator.
Ϭ ϱ ϭϬ ϭϱ ϮϬ Ϯϱ
0612 18 24
0612 18 24
0612 18 24
0612 18 24
0612 18 24
0612 18 24
0612 18 24
0612 18 24
0612 18 24
0612 18 24
0612 18 24
0612 18 24
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Hourly Monthly DMap Profile PDF CDF DC Variable: Baseline data
Baseline data Daily Profile
Baseline data data (m/s)
Techno-Economic and Feasibility Analysis of a Hybrid PV-Wind-Biomass-Diesel Current Alternative Energy, 2017, Vol. 1, No. 1 27
2.2.4. Specification of Biomass Generator Module
The fuel used in HOMER is modeled by a linear curve
characterized by a slope and intercept at no load. Table 4
shows the assumptions of cost for a biomass generator and
the other factor related with power generation and range of
capacity [39]. Fig. (14) shows the cost curve of a biomass
Table 4. Procedural parameters with cost conjecture for
biomass generators.
Factors Value
Net cost
Substitution cost
Maintenance and operation expense
Least Load quotient
Gas curve slope
Gas curve intercept
70 $/kW
60 $/kW
0.025 $/kW
900000 Minutes (15,000 Hours)
30 %
0.5/h/kW output
1/h/kW rated
2.2.5. Battery Module
In that off-grid hybrid renewable energy system, the
Hoppecke 6OPzS 300 storage batteries have been utilized
[38]. There are five stipulations which are: life time, initial
state of charge, battery per string, substitution and principal
cost; all of which have been shown in Table 5. Fig. (15)
shows the cost curve of battery module according to the rela-
tion between the cost and the capacity of a battery module.
Table 5. Procedural parameters with cost assumptions for
Parameter Value
Initial State of charge
Battery per string
Principal cost
Substitution cost
1 decade
100 %
1 (2 V bus)
70 $/kW
60 $/kW
Fig. (16) shows the depth of discharge according to the
life time and cycles of failures for a battery module. Fig. (17)
shows the discharge current of a battery module according to
its power capacity.
2.2.6. Temperature
The Scaled average temperature of northern Islands of
Bangladesh is 27.2°C. For the HOMER Energy Model of a
PV-wind-biomass-Diesel-Battery renewable energy system
the monthly temperature is required to calculate the feasibil-
ity. Fig. (18) shows the monthly average temperature of
northern islands of Bangladesh.
Fig. (14). Cost curve of biomass generator.
Fig. (15). Cost curve of battery.
28 Current Alternative Energy, 2017, Vol. 1, No. 1 Shezan a nd Ping
Fig. (16). Depth of discharge with the lifetime and cycles of failure.
Fig. (17). Discharge current with the capacity storage.
Fig. (18). Monthly temperature data in PDF mode of northern Islands of Bangladesh.
2.2.7. Converter Specification
The converter is one kind of device that can convert elec-
trical power from ac to dc in a process called rectification
and from dc to ac in a process called inversion. There are
two types of converters such as rotary (rectifier or inverter)
and a solid-state type that can be sampled by Homer renew-
able energy software. The verdict variable refers to the con-
verter size that delegate to the inverter capacity; by inverting
dc power with the device, it can generate the utmost amount
of ac power. We used a 3 kW Converter for our hybrid Sys-
tem. The life time is 20 years and the efficiency for inverter
and rectifier is 90% and 85% respectively, as shown in the
following table. Table 6 shows the structural parameters for
converter. Fig. (19) shows the cost curve of converter with
sizing capacity and cost [40].
Table 6. Procedural parameters with cost assumptions for
Parameter Value
Inverter efficiency
Rectifier efficiency
Principal cost
Substitution cost
20 years
90 %
85 %
210 $/kW
50 $/kW
Fig. (19). Cost curve of converter with the replacement and mainte-
nance cost.
Fig. (20). An integrate off-grid hybrid renewable energy system.
 
60 80
Depth of Diacharge (%)
Cycles Throughput
Cycles to Failure
100 150 200
Discharge Current (A)
Date Points Best Fit
Capacity (Ah)
Hourly Monthly DMap Profile PDF CDF DC Variable: Scaled data
Scaled data PDF
28.0 28.5 27.0 27.5 28.0 28.5
Value (oC)
Right click to copy. save. or modify
Frequency (%)
BWC Excel-S
Generator 1
Generator 2
Primary Load 1
80 kWh/d
8.1 kW peak
Techno-Economic and Feasibility Analysis of a Hybrid PV-Wind-Biomass-Diesel Current Alternative Energy, 2017, Vol. 1, No. 1 29
Fig. (21). Monthly average load demand profile at hourly sequence for a specific residence of northern island of Bangladesh.
Fig. (22). Simulation outcomes in considering an off-grid hybrid PV-diesel-biomass-wind-battery energy model.
Solar energy (Photovoltaic), wind energy (wind turbine)
and biomass energy have been used with a diesel generator
in this analysis. An electrical primary load demand, renew-
able energy resources such as wind resource and solar re-
source and other mechanisms as like as PV (photovoltaic)
array, battery storage, wind turbines and converters consti-
tute an off-grid hybrid renewable energy system. Fig. (20)
shows the model of a complete hybrid renewable energy
A community of 6 shops and 78 households has been
considered in accordance with average load demand of that
area in this analysis. 1 fan (Star standard ceiling fan, 50W), 4
energy savings bulbs (Philips tornado bulb, 20W each), 1
television (Sony bravia, 50W) and a table lamp (Emen
69076, 5 W) for each family and 3 energy savings bulbs (20
W each), 1 fan (Star standard ceiling fan, 50W) and a table
fan (DF23C, 25W) for every shop and total 3 refrigerators
(160 W each) have been calculated and considered for the
load demand analysis [41]. Fig. (21) shows the monthly av-
erage load demand for each month of a year. The load de-
mand can be varied in terms of earth temperature, humidity,
and rainfall and changing of weather. The load demand can
be classified by two groups such as pick hour and another
one is off-peak hour. The use of power can be varied house
to house, shop to shop and people to people under different
circumstances. Load demand data had been amalgamated
through the specification of emblematic daily load demand
Hourly Monthly DMap Profile PDF CDF DC Variable: Baseline data
Baseline data (kW)
0 6 12 18 24
0 6 12 18 24 0 6 12 18 24
0 6 12 18 24 0 6 12 18 24
0 6 12 18 24 0 6 12 18 24
0 6 12 18 24 0 6 12 18 24
0 6 12 18 24 0 6 12 18 24
0 6 12 18 24
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Baseline date Daily Profile
30 Current Alternative Energy, 2017, Vol. 1, No. 1 Shezan a nd Ping
profile data and after that, some parameters has been added
such as, daily 11% arbitrariness and every hour 16% noise.
Because hourly load demand profile data could not be found
out. Yearly peak loads up to 8.1 kW and primary load de-
mand up to 80 kWh/d has been balanced by the arbitrariness
and noise [42].
For the assessment of the performances of different hy-
brid renewable energy systems in this research, HOMER
simulation mechanisms have been used to perpetrate optimal
systems performance analysis. The optimized outcomes for a
specific group of sensitivity parameters akin to average wind
speed, global horizontal solar radiation, biomass resource,
highest yearly capacity shortage, diesel cost, and renewable
fraction are represented emphatically in that optimization
software. An optimal hybrid renewable energy system can be
designed by HOMER renewable energy software through a
large number of hourly simulations. Various values for wind
speed, solar radiation, diesel cost and least renewable frac-
tion have been contemplated to conduct simulations and
these values assures a much more robust analysis. Fig. (22)
shows Simulation outcomes in considering an off-grid hy-
brid PV-diesel-biomass-wind-battery hybrid energy model
with an average solar radiation of 6.09 kWh/m2/d, diesel cost
of 0.4$/L, highest capacity shortage of 0.03% USD has been
considered as the currency for all costs related with that hy-
brid system. Fig. (23) shows the overview of the simulation
results. Fig. (24) shows the electrical energy generated with
practicability from the off-grid hybrid PV-diesel-biomass-
wind-battery system. At the same time, with a base NPC of
USD 160,226 and base COE of USD 0.431/kWh, an off-grid
hybrid PV, wind turbine, diesel generator and battery hybrid
system is efficiently more feasible and this is observed by
the sensitivity analysis.
The hindrance of transportation of fossil fuel supply to
the remote territories alongside its awful effect on environ-
ment makes it economically unsuitable, with the only re-
maining option being to seek renewable sources based on
half breed framework for zap of rustic or off-network
groups. This study proposes a PV-wind-biomass-diesel-
battery hybrid energy system for providing the power supply
to an off-grid community in northern islands near the Bay of
Bengal of Bangladesh. A detailed simulation has been per-
formed by HOMER considering manufacturing cost and
efficiency for the proposed optimized hybrid energy system.
The result shows that the COE of the optimized system is
about USD 0.431/kWh and the NPC of the optimized system
is about USD 160,626.00. The total sensitivity analysis,
Fig. (23). Overview of simulation results.
ϭ ϰ ϳ ϭϬϭϯϭϲϭϵϮϮϮϱϮϴϯϭϯϰϯϳϰϬϰϯϰϲϰϵ
Techno-Economic and Feasibility Analysis of a Hybrid PV-Wind-Biomass-Diesel Current Alternative Energy, 2017, Vol. 1, No. 1 31
optimization and simulation process has been conducted
through HOMER renewable energy software. The proposed
hybrid system also ensures the reduction of CO2 emission
about 1600 tons per annum which indicates a significant
environmentally friendly effort. From the simulation results
it is clearly indicated that the proposed hybrid energy system
is economically and environmentally feasible in comparison
with other conventional power generation systems. As the
generator can decrease the issue would bear sienna wind
turbines or in PV board. This framework can give enhanced
execution in correlation with alternate framework; further-
more we attempted to lessen the expense of force era, con-
trasted with the routine mixture vitality frameworks. Sooner
rather than later, some more helpful renewable vitality mod-
els and legitimate control frameworks can be presented for
the “half and half” vitality framework for the remote zones
of the world. From the analysis and simulation results it can
be said that the proposed hybrid energy system will be appli-
cable all over the world where the environment and other
situation are similar. Other countries like Malaysia, Austra-
lia, Singapore and would be very potential zone for this hy-
brid energy system.
A = Net area of solar module (m)
A = Flounced area (m2) (the wind turbines power
E = Electrical energy (kWh)
H = Yearly standard global solar radiation
PR = Performance Ratio
R = Radius of the turbine blade (m)
r = Solar module ratio (%)
v = Wind speed (m/s)
= Air concreteness (Kg/m3)
= Wind velocity (m/s) t
= Specific turbine rotor speed (rad/s)
HOMER = Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric
NREL = National Renewable Energy Laboratory
PV = Photovoltaic
RES = Renewable Energy System
The authors declare no conflict of interest, financial or
This work has been carried out by the financial support
of the HIR-MOHE project of University of Malaya. The pro-
ject title is “Hybrid Solar Energy Research Suitable for Rural
Electrification”. The project number is UM.C/HIR/MOHE/
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... Global energy demand is gradually increasing, even in rural and remote areas scattered in developing countries [1]. These areas are far from the city centers which are normally covered by national grid, though the population and electric power demand is large [2]. At present, fossil fuel is the main energy source of power plants, among which coal accounts for the largest proportion. ...
... For instance, the average daily total demand in Australia's eastern power grid follows a typical duck-shaped curve with the biggest peak between 18:00-19:00 (local time) of a day. If the grid supplies electricity solely by PV, it would require battery capacity of around 300 GWh at least, which is simply depicted as the area of enclosure (1) on the chart (Fig. 1), or the sum of enclosures (2) and (3). The area of the enclosures embodies the amount of battery required. ...
To better understand the latest development of renewable energy systems, recent studies on multi-energy complementary power systems with a high proportion of renewable energy are reviewed in this paper. The connection modes of power grids and economic system analysis are summarized and discussed respectively, putting forward some suggestions on the system design and operation optimization. Firstly, the characteristics and differences between an integrated system and an off-grid system are reviewed, concluding that an integrated system is more reliable and costeffective based on a few case studies. Secondly, the commonly used economic parameters and cost evaluation methods of the hybrid power system are reviewed. Those methods offer crucial tools to optimize the system, and they are able to analyze the system feasibility, enabling the most economical configuration. The results of several cases prove that the hybrid multi-energy system is more economical than the single-energy system. Finally, there are few articles focusing on technical details assessments and environmental impacts, which leaves room for future study.
... Approximately three-quarters of the world's energy comes from fossil fuels, contributing significantly to greenhouse gas emissions (Yüksel, 2008; Altabatabaie et al., 2022). Moreover, projections suggest that global fossil fuel reserves will be completely exhausted within a few decades, indicating their finite nature and escalating costs (Shezan et al., 2017). Considering the global energy crisis, Bangladesh is transitioning towards renewable energy sources to partially fulfill their energy requirements (Mohazzem et al., 2024). ...
... Although the biggest source of fuel for the world's power plants are coal, oil and natural gas, the realization is that they are significant contributor to environmental problems and makes the people to search for alternatives power sources other than fossil fuels [9]. In addition, it has been estimated that the world's fossil fuel reserves would run out in a few decades and these are insufficient, expensive, and scarcer rapidly [7,10,11]. To meet their electrical needs, many countries are shifting to renewable energy sources in order to sustain energy security [12]. ...
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An enormous amount of power is required in a rising nation like Bangladesh, where achieving economic growth without endangering the environment is a burning issue. The majority of people who live in coastal areas of Bangladesh do not have sufficient access to electricity. There are almost 40 million people living along Bangladesh's 724-km shoreline. Furthermore, it is remarkable that coastal regions have year-round winds, strong enough to generate enormous amounts of power. The viability and promise of wind energy in Bangladesh's southern regions are highlighted in this study. The places demonstrate the possibility for cheaper power production at 30 m–40 m altitudes. The rate of electricity does, however, rise with height. The main objective of this study is to analyze the prospect of wind energy in Sandwip and Kalapara coastal areas of Bangladesh. The data from 1990 to 2020 was taken from the database from the Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) and NASA's NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory). These data sources were used to determine the wind power density, wind power output, energy yield, and finally estimate the CO2 emission reduction. In this paper, a novel approach to the wind energy on selected coastal area is presented and realistic calculation of energy output is carried out of the planned wind system. Finally calculated the realistic CO2 emission reduction by using this approach for a sustainable future. Estimation reveals that about 162.43 GWh of electricity can be generated annually by installing 684 wind towers on southern Kalapara (Khepupara) area and about 257.25 GWh of electricity can be generated annually by installing 1024 wind tower on the periphery of Sandwip area. So, if 1,768 wind turbines are installed on the Sandwip and Kalapara coastal region instead of burning fossil fuels, about 1,11,373.29 tons of CO2 will be prevented from being emitted annually.
... S.K.A. Shezan and H.W. Ping [24] presented a PV-wind-biomass-diesel battery HES to offer the power supply to an off-grid community for the problems in shipping fossil fuel supply to the remote territories in northern islands near the Bay of Bengal of Bangladesh. In this model, the CO2 emission was mitigated by about 1600 tons (29.65% per annum). ...
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The utilization of conventional sources augments the demand for energy, thus resulting in the usage of Renewable Energy Sources (RESs). It is convenient to add another energy source to solar along with wind energy sources since these RESs could not be tapped continuously. Fulfilling the electric load demands with higher unpredictability might not be practical with stand-alone energy systems. Thus, to overcome the stand-alone energy systems’ weaknesses, it would be highly significant to amalgamate one or more energy systems. To provide expanded system effectiveness together with a greater balance in power supply, generally, two or more energy sources are comprised in a Hybrid Renewable Energy System (HRES). To produce electricity, the energy from wind and biomass is utilized in the proposed methodology. The rectifier is utilized with the inverter since the inverter operates with the DC input source. The Adjustable Step Size Maximum Power Point Tracking (ASS-MPPT), which regulates the output voltage by tuning the pulse width, is deployed in the inverter to attain a response for power control. By amalgamating the generation energy from wind as well as biomass systems, a Hybrid Power Generation System (HPGS) has been proposed. In the experimental evaluation, the technical feasibility of incorporating wind along with biomass systems for the needed demand has been analyzed. The experiential outcomes proved that to gratify the energy demands, higher efficiency could be delivered by the proposed hybrid system.
... Recent endeavors to use alternative fuels in maritime ships have also prompted concerns about the energy consumption and environmental implications of those fuels. Additionally, it has been determined that global fossil fuels are costly, in short supply, and rare (Shezan and Ping, 2017). Good news is that, by applying this research, towers rounded solar PV on marine vessels may have the potential to reduce the dependency on fossil fuels and can reduce GHG emissions into the atmosphere. ...
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In Bangladesh, there are roughly 31 marine passenger ships that are in operation. These ships might be a good location for solar photovoltaic (PV) plants since solar energy is the best renewable energy to replace the fossil fuel used in the ships. A “tower rounded flower-shaped solar PV” system of PV panel arrangement—just looks like a “sunflower,” is proposed in this research. To harness maximum power, solar towers are designed in such a way that they may be freely rotated on their vertical axes and that the tilt angles of their solar panels can be adjusted from 0° to 50° on their horizontal axes freely. The “tower rounded flower-shaped solar PV” architecture of the PV array atop a maritime vessel is presented in this research along with a unique method for calculating the PV system's anticipated energy production. Finally calculated the realistic CO 2 emission reduction by using this approach for a sustainable future. Applying globalsolaratlas (for horizon and sun's path estimation); PVsyst 7.2, HOMER Pro, and NREL's PVWatt calculator (for solar radiation calculation); vesselfinder (for the number of vessels analysis); shiptraffic (for vessels path analysis), this research suggests that marine passenger vessels are one of the best places to construct a proposed “tower rounded flower-shaped solar PV” power plant. According to estimates, 17 passenger ships can produce roughly 1240 MW of electricity per year and may save approximately 325.56 tons of CO 2 gas emissions annually to the environment per year as compared to using fossil fuel-based power plants to produce electricity.
... An optimal hybrid renewable energy system can be designed by HOMER renewable energy software through a large number of hourly simulations. Various values for wind speed, solar radiation, diesel cost and least renewable fraction have been contemplated to conduct simulations and these values assures a much more robust analysis [35]. Fig. 9 shows the electrical energy generated with practicability from the off-grid hybrid PV-diesel-biomass-wind-battery system. ...
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This paper presents a feasibility study of photovoltaic (PV), wind, biomass and battery storage based hybrid renewable energy system (HRES) providing electricity to residential area in Australia. The monthly daily mean global solar irradiance and wind speed data of the capitals of the seven regions of the six states and various territories of Australia (Queensland, Northern Territory, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia and New South Wales) are generated by the RETScreen Clean Energy Project Analysis Software produced by Natural Resources Canada. The long term continuous implementation of the system is simulated. The software HOMER produced by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory is used as a simulating tool. Their cost and emissions are compared with each other among the systems. It is found that an off-grid PV-wind-biomass HRE system is an effective way of emissions reduction and it does not increase the investment of the energy system. An off-grid hybrid energy system has been designed as well as simulated to support a small community considering an average load demand of 165.29 kWh/d with a peak load of 24.57 kW. The simulation and optimization of operations of the system have been done by HOMER software using the real time field data of solar radiation, wind speed and biomass of that particular area. The simulation ensures that the system is economically and environmentally feasible with respect to net present cost (NPC) and CO 2 emission limitations. The result shows that NPC and CO 2 emission can be reduced about 31.65%; equivalent to 16 tons per year as compared to conventional power plants. The NPC of the optimized system has been found to be about USD 294,382.00, having the per unit Cost of Energy (COE) of USD 0.381/kWh. The analyzed hybrid energy system might be applicable for other regions of the world where there are similar climatic conditions.
... The battery is another system component that was not included in the optimum solutions despite it being modeled within the scope of this study. Several studies have demonstrated that batteries are used in optimum off-grid systems ( Aziz, 2017 ;Shezan and Ping, 2017 ). Barakat et al. (2017) stated that batteries are not optimal for systems connected to grids ( Barakat et al., 2017 ;Ozay and Celiktas, 2021 ). ...
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This study aimed to provide sustainable, secure, and clean energy for Tuzla campus of National Defense University Turkish Naval Academy. Research problem was to find technically and economically optimized hybrid energy system consists all or some of solar, wind, biomass, and battery sources in addition to grid and diesel generator of the campus. Greenhouse gas emissions of the optimum solution were calculated for environmental effect analysis. Additionally, the effects of the variables such as solar radiation, wind speed, expected inflation, and electricity unit prices on system were analyzed. The study conducted via Homer software under two scenarios based on legal regulations. As a result, the optimum system in both scenarios is a grid-connected hybrid system consisting of photovoltaics and wind turbines. Results presented reduction in net present cost of energy by 86.2%–90%, unit cost of energy by 92.7%–95.8%, operation & maintenance costs by $862,093–$933,695, emissions by 79%–82%. According to both optimization results and sensitivity analysis, no biomass generator was discovered in optimum solutions. It was also observed that batteries could be in the optimum system depending on economic variables. It is believed that this study, in which solar, wind, and biomass as well as battery, grid, and diesel generator were evaluated together under legal based scenarios, can be a reference for further researches due to its diversity in system components and its scenarios consisting legal aspects. The study also can serve as an example and a guide for other public university campuses.
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Global fossil fuel reserves are declining due to differential uses, especially for power generation. Everybody can help to do their bit for the environment by using solar energy. Geographically , Bangladesh is a potential zone for harnessing solar energy. In March 2021, the renewable generation capacity in Bangladesh amounted to 722.592 MW, including 67.6% from solar, 31.84% from hydro, and 0.55% from other energy sources, including wind, biogas, and biomass, where 488.662 MW of power originated from over 6 million installed solar power systems. Concurrently, over 42% of rural people still suffer from a lack of electricity, where solar energy can play a vital role. This paper highlights the present status of various forms of solar energy progress in Bangladesh, such as solar parks, solar rooftops, solar irrigation, solar charging stations, solar home systems, solar-powered telecoms, solar street lights, and solar drinking water, which can be viable alternative sources of energy. This review will help decision-makers and investors realize Bangladesh's up-to-date solar energy scenario and plan better for the development of a sustainable society.
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Offshore wind power has developed rapidly in recent years, but its scale still lags far behind onshore wind power. Offshore wind power still has great development potential. One of the key factors restricting the development of offshore wind power is the unsatisfactory control effect of offshore wind farms, and the reason is that the adjustable capacity of the wind farm cannot be obtained accurately and quickly. Aims to meet the high precision requirements for adjustable capacity evaluation of offshore wind farms, this paper establishes a step-by-step power mapping framework based on the division of power transmission processes in offshore wind farms, considering the loss of each transmission process in detail. By establishing a step-by-step mapping from the wind turbine power to the injected power at the grid connection point of the offshore wind farm, the adjustable capacity of the offshore wind farm can be estimated based on the maximum theoretical power of the wind turbines. The performance of proposed method has been demonstrated in a real offshore wind farm.
Conference Paper
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Power generation capacity of Bangladesh needs to be enhanced to support the rising electricity demand. Bangladesh has predominantly used fossil fuel generators for the past decades. Saint Martin's Island and Kuakata are two significant areas that lie at or near the coast of Bangladesh with an average annual solar radiation of 4.81 and 4.65 kWh/m2/d respectively. The monthly average wind speeds at a height of 25 meters are 4.79 and 4.54 m/s, respectively. Considering this data and the benefits of the Optimized hybrid systems, HOMER (Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewable) is used to optimize a system for each of these areas. The costs of energy found from the proposed optimized PV-wind-diesel hybrid Energy system for Saint Martin's island and Kuakata are 30.768 and 30.759 Tk/kWh, respectively, the net present cost (NPC) also has been evaluated as 13219616 Tk. which are quite reasonable with respect to the present situation in Bangladesh. The major objective of this proposed optimized design is to supply the maximum load demand using renewable sources with the minimum cost of energy (COE) and reduce the burning of fuel and also reduce the emission of CO2. The proposed energy system is able to meet 67.3% and 62.3% load demand using renewable sources, which helps to reduce the GHG (Green Houses Gas) emission by 67% and 64% for Saint Martin's island and Kuakata, respectively when compared to a diesel system. Total load served throughout the year is 33,611kWh, which is 16% higher than the previously designed system with approximately equivalent COE.
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Effective utilization of power is more important than generation of power because power scarcity is the major problem at present in India. It leads many industries to utilize the diesel generator results pollution and demand to fossil fuel. Nowadays many industries and government passions on renewable energy. A solar-wind hybrid energy organism plays a crucial role today in renewable power resources since it utilizes wind vitality consolidated with sun based vitality to make a standalone power source that is predictable as well as reliable. This paper proposes effective vitality administration controller for sun based energy system and wind hybrid renewable power framework for telecom commercial ventures. In power systems apart from power generation managing of power without wastage is imperative. This paper proposes Effective power organization regulator predestined by Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) to screen the force from all load stipulate and possessions consistently as well as to manage entire hybrid energy scheme. Fuzzy logic controller makes accurate selection of sources in right timing. Fuzzy Logic has been used to represent the most economically feasible, effective for remote areas and environment friendly hybrid energy system to support the telecommunication devices. Nonattendance of telecom gadgets every day is unbelievable in current pattern. Fundamental target of this article is to provide continues power for telecommunication loads from off-grid solar-wind Diesel hybrid power system with proficient energy storage system.It gives continuous power,compelling use of renewable energy resources, enhances life time of battery, minimized utilization of diesel, reduce the emission of CO2 and GHG gasses. The entire analysis has been carried out by MATLAB/Simulink.
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Following the 2005 Kyoto protocol, developed countries made commitments to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, mostly by integrating renewable energy technologies into their power production systems. It is a more challenging procedure for third world countries, including Lebanon, that have limited means and potential to achieve such goals. This paper assesses the status of renewable energy systems in developing countries, and concentrates on the solar photovoltaic energy production due to its abundant availability in these countries relatively to other clean energy production methods. Comparisons of developing countries׳ achievements and goals each according to their economical, political and social considerations are conducted. Projects ranging from small scale standalone systems such as microgrids and minigrids to large scale energy production stations will be presented by dividing the countries into categories that share similar constraints and limitations in the integration of such installations. Furthermore, the paper analyzes the state of energy generation based on photovoltaic systems in Lebanon in contrast to other developing countries.
Conference Paper
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A large number of populations of the world live in rural or remote areas those are geographically isolated. Power supply and uninterrupted fuel transportation to produce electrical power for these remote areas poses a great challenge. Using renewable energy in hybrid energy system might be a pathway to solve this problem. Malaysia is a large hilly land with the gift of renewable energy resources. There is a good chance to utilize these renewable resources to produce electrical power and to limit the dependency on the fossil fuel as well as reduce the carbon emissions. In this perspective, a research is carried out to analyze the performance of a solar-wind-diesel-battery hybrid energy system for a remote area named " KLIA Sepang station " in the state of Selangor, Malaysia. In this study, a 56 kW hybrid energy system has been proposed that is capable to support more than 50 households and 6 shops in that area. Real time field data of solar radiation and wind speed is used for the simulation and optimization of operations using " Homer " renewable energy software. The proposed system can reduce CO 2 emission by about 16 tons per year compared to diesel generator only. In the same time the Cost of energy (COE) of the optimized system is USD 5.126 /kWh.The proposed hybrid energy system might be applicable for other parts of the world where the climate conditions are similar.
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The electrification process of the remote areas and decentralized areas is being a vital fact for the improvement of its eco-tourism issues such as the Cameron Highland of Malaysia. Renewable energy (RE) resources can be used extensively to support and fulfill the demand of the expected loads of these areas. This article presents an analysis of a complete off-grid wind-diesel-battery hybrid RE model. The main objective of the present analysis is to visualize the optimum volume of systems capable of fulfilling the requirements of 85 kWh/day primary load in coupled with 8.7 kW peak for 2 residential hotels of Cameron Highlands. The hybrid power system can be effective for the tourists of that area as it is a decentralized region of Malaysia. The main motto of this analysis is to minimize the electricity unit cost and ensure the most reliable and feasible system to fulfill the requirements of the desired or expected energy system using HOMER software. From the simulation result, it can be seen that 15 wind turbines (10 kW), 1 diesel generator (4 kW), and 2 battery (Hoppecke 4 OPzS) hybrid RE system is the most economically feasible and lowest cost of energy is nearing USD 0.199/kWh and net present cost is USD 77, 019. The decrement of the CO2 emissions also can be identified from the simulation results using that most feasible RE system including the renewable fraction value which is about 0.0914, 0.3 % capacity shortage and 20.3 % electricity as storage as compared to the other energy system.
A large number of populations of the world; especially in developing countries; are living in rural or remote areas those are geographically isolated from the grid connection. Power supply and uninterrupted fuel transportation to produce electrical power for these areas poses a great challenge. Using renewable energy in off grid hybrid energy system might be a pathway to solve this problem. Malaysia is a hilly land with the gift of renewable energy resources. There is a possibility to utilize these renewable resources to produce electrical power and to limit the dependency on the fossil fuel. In this perspective, a research is carried out to analyze the performance of an off-grid pv-wind-diesel-battery hybrid energy system for a remote area named “KLIA Sepang station” located in the state of Selangor, Malaysia. The system is designed as well as simulated to support a small community considering an average load demand of 33 kWh/day with a peak load of 3.9 kW. The simulation and optimization of operations of the system have been done by HOMER software using the real time field data of solar radiation and wind speed of that area. The simulation ensures that the system is suitably feasible with respect to net present cost (NPC) and CO2 emission reduction purpose. The result shows that NPC and CO2 emission can be reduced about 29.65% and 16 tons per year respectively compared to the conventional power plants. The NPC of the optimized system has been found about USD 288,194.00 having the per unit Cost of Energy (COE) about USD 1.877/kWh. The analyzed hybrid energy system might be applicable for other region of the world where the climate conditions are similar.
This research assesses the environmental and economic benefits and costs of cleaner production projects formulated by small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) participating in a sustainable supply program in Mexico. The program was designed as a public private voluntary partnership to spur cleaner production dissemination in SMEs that are part of global supply chains. The study analyzes how project benefits varied as a function of different types of cleaner production applications, company characteristics and participant profiles. The results, based on statistical evidence from 1934 cleaner production projects formulated by a group of 972 small- and medium-sized firms, indicate that on average waste recycling and waste prevention projects yielded higher economic and environmental value than energy efficiency and water conservation projects. Waste reduction applications also showed more attractive net present values than technology innovations or best practices. Economic and environmental benefits of cleaner production are positively related to firm size. This study contributes to the literature by providing empirical evidence on how larger supplier and waste recycling projects influence potential positive outcomes of cleaner production applications in a program such as the Mexican sustainable supply program. More broadly, it provides evidence on the potential costs and benefits of sustainable supply efforts.