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Classifying measured electrocardiogram signal quality using deep belief networks



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Classifying Measured Electrocardiogram Signal
Quality Using Deep Belief Networks
Bahareh Taji1, Adrian D. C. Chan2, Shervin Shirmohammadi1
1 School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), University of Ottawa, Canada
2 Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University, Canada,,
AbstractThere is a current trend towards wearable
electrocardiogram (ECG) measurement systems, which enables
measurement while the subject performs their normal activities
of daily living (e.g., walking, driving, eating). This type of
measurement is susceptible to higher levels of contaminants,
compared to bedside measurements, due to subject movement
and a measurement environment that is not well-controlled.
Contaminants in the measured signal (e.g., motion artifact,
power line interference) can cause incorrect interpretations,
including misdiagnoses. Therefore, prior to ECG interpretations,
it is important to have an algorithm capable of automatically
classifying the measured ECG based on their signal quality. ECG
of low signal quality can undergo additional pre-processing to
mitigate the contaminants or the signal can be discarded. This
can reduce misdiagnoses, including false-alarms which is a top
medical technology hazard. In this paper, we propose an
algorithm based on Deep Belief Networks (DBN) which can
differentiate between noisy and clean signal measurements. Our
algorithm is designed based on a three layer Restricted
Boltzmann Machine (RBM) in which the first two RBMs are
trained to extract the features and apply them to the third layer
of RBM to classify the data. Results, using the MIT-BIH
Arrhythmia database, demonstrate that our algorithm can
successfully recognize a noisy ECG signal from a clean signal,
with a classification accuracy between 75% and 99.5%
depending on the level of contaminants. Our algorithm also
correctly identifies clean arrhythmic signals and does not
misidentify them as noisy. The proposed algorithm is applicable
to any ECG measurement systems including wearable and
Keywords ECG Signal; noise; classification; Deep Belief
Network; SNR
Cardiovascular disease is the global leading cause of death
and, in the United States, approximately 86 million people are
living with some sort of cardiac disease [1]. The prevalence of
cardiovascular disease and complications leads to a high cost
burden on the public health sector, directly and indirectly; it
also motivates research within this area. The
electrocardiogram (ECG), which is the recording of the
electrical activity of the heart, is an important tool for
investigating the cardiovascular system. Advances in
technology have enabled new monitoring systems, including
wearables which enable continuous monitoring during normal
activities of daily living [2]. Significant strides have also been
achieved in computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) for cardiac
arrhythmias; however, there still exists some fundamental
challenges. One of the most problematic issues are
contaminants in the measured ECG signal.
The utility of the ECG signal depends on signal quality of
the measurement. ECG contaminated by various sources of
noise and artifacts (e.g., baseline wandering, power line
interference, and motion artifact) can lead to misdiagnosis of
various cardiac arrhythmias in the form of false positives and
false negatives [3] [4]. While mitigation strategies can be used
to remove or reduce contaminants in the measured signal,
applying such strategies on a clean signal can actually reduce
the signal quality [5].
Heart arrhythmia diagnosis from ECG is currently being
done clinically using some bedside monitoring or wearable
devices, with an alarm activated in case of any arrhythmia
occurrence. Wearable ECG measurement systems enable
continuous monitoring, including during a subject’s normal
activities of daily living, including walking, driving, eating,
sitting down, and standing up. The measured signal in
wearable systems is especially prone to contamination by
motion artifact. It is possible that an alarm is falsely activated
due to noise in the measured ECG noisy signal. The
Emergency Care Research Institute (ECRI) listed alarm
hazards, including false alarms, as the top patient safety
hazard from 2012 to 2015 [6] [7] [8] [9]. False alarm reduces
the perceived validity and importance of alarms, which can
lead to alarm fatigue resulting in alarm desensitization and
missed alarms.
To address the above problems, signal quality verification
should be performed prior to CAD. If ECG signal of poor
quality is detected, the monitoring system must be able to act
appropriately, which could include applying mitigation
strategies or discarding the poor quality signal.
Simultaneously, it important that the system does not
mistakenly consider arrhythmic signals as noisy signals, as it
could result in a false negative (e.g., ECG signals being
discarded and a missed true alarm). As ECG contaminants can
present themselves in various forms and mixtures, biomedical
signal quality analysis can be challenging.
Machine learning algorithms can provide one approach to
confront this challenge. In this paper, we design, implement,
train and test a machine learning algorithm, specifically a deep
belief networks (DBN) algorithm, which can discriminate
between clean and noisy ECG measurements. Our algorithm,
the block diagram of which is demonstrated in Fig. 1, works
as follows. First, data is applied to the DBN. Then, two layers
of Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) are dedicated to
feature extraction, the output of which is then applied to
another layer of RBM which is specifically designed to
classify the data.
(RBM 1&2)
Training Da ta
with labels Labels
Fig. 1 Block diagram of proposed method
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
covers the related work and the background to DBNs, while
section III, introduces our DBN energy-based model as well as
the datasets we have used in our study. Section IV discusses
the results and finally the paper concludes in section V while
presenting our future activities in this topic.
A. Machine learning in bio-signal classification
There are many machine learning algorithms used for a
wide range of purposes, from image recognition to financial
applications. In the context of bio-signals, machine learning
algorithms are used for applications, such as medical
diagnoses [10] [11] [12], prosthetic control [13] and human
identification [14]. Machine learning algorithms have also
been employed in biomedical signal quality analysis [3] [15]
[16] [17] [18]. In [3], [15], [16] and [18] support vector
machine (SVM) is the machine learning algorithm performing
the task of classifying bio-signals based on their quality. In
[17], SVM and multi-layer perceptron (MLP) artificial neural
network are compared in terms of their performance in
classifying ECG signals based on their quality.
Among various machine learning algorithms, deep learning
is set of algorithms that has recently been garnering attention
because of its ability to perform a massive amount of
computational tasks with excellent accuracy. Deep belief
networks (DBN) are deep learning algorithms which are
effective, fast, and can perform feature extraction by
themselves. Hence, by applying DBN, the time consuming
and expensive step of the classification process, feature
extraction, will be automatically done. Some researchers are
creating algorithms and conducting tests in order to apply
DBNs in the context of bio-signal classification, e.g. in [19]
DBN is applied to extract features of six ECG signal types and
these features are fed into SVM which is in charge of ECG
classification based on their type. However, applying DBN as
a classifier for signal quality assessment, as we have done in
this work, is a fresh area of research.
B. Deep Belief Networks
Deep architectures are multiple processing layers
composed of multiple linear as well as non-linear
transformations [20]. Deep architectures have been shown to
outperform other classifiers in image and audio data
processing [21] [22] [23]. There is much evidence that show
deep learning models have greater or similar performance as
state-of-the-art methods in some areas, especially when it
comes to big and complex data [24]. Deep architectures are
arguably suitable for the complicated ECG data discussed in
this paper.
Among all deep architectures, we choose DBN because of
its strength in feature extraction and classification. DBNs can
be used for feature extraction in an unsupervised method.
Moreover, they are an appropriate tool for classification and in
our case, they will be used as supervised methods, taking the
labels of the training set.
DBNs were first proposed by Hinton [25] and are deep
architectures composed of a stack of Restricted Boltzmann
Machines (RBM), which utilize training data to create an
influential generative model. RBMs are essentially neural
networks having one hidden and one visible layer; they are a
special type of Boltzmann Machine with no connection
between hidden units and no connection between visible units.
Fig. 2 shows how RBM and general Boltzmann Machines are
different from each other. In DBNs, the hidden layer of the nth
RBM is the visible layer of the (n+1)th RBM. Obviously, this
is not the case for the RBM on the top of the stack. A regular
stack of RBMs and a stack of RBMs forming a DBN are
illustrated in Fig. 3. According to this, DBNs are in fact multi-
layer neural networks having several layers of RBMs [19]. If a
regular neural network has many hidden layers, it could easily
be trapped in local minima; moreover, the training process
takes a long time. These facts lead to a non-efficient
performance of artificial neural network. To overcome such
difficulties, DBN is an appropriate alternative. To train DBNs,
a layer-wise greedy algorithm is used. RBMs are trained layer
by layer, and then a fine-tuning process is performed to adjust
all parameters of DBN [25].
Fig. 2 General Boltzmann Machine (left) vs. Restricted
Boltzmann Machine (right)
Fig. 3 General Stack of RBMs (left) vs. its corresponding DBN (right)
A. Architecture of the DBN
DBNs are a probabilistic generation model composed of
stacked RBMs. Each RBM is composed of a set of visible
units 󰇝󰇞 and a set of hidden units 󰇝󰇞 where
and h are the number of visible and hidden units
respectively. Visible and hidden units are interconnected with
symmetric weights.
A general Boltzmann Machine is a network with stochastic
binary units and its energy function of joint distribution is
given as [26]:
󰇛 󰇜 
  (1)
where h is the set of hidden units and v is the set of visible
units of the Boltzmann Machine. W is the symmetric weight
between hidden and visible units, L is the weight between
visible and visible units while J is the weight between hidden
and hidden units. In the above function, bias is not considered
for simplicity
In RBMs, visible units are disjoint (L = 0) and hidden units
are also disjoint (J = 0). Therefore; the following equation
represents the energy of joint distribution between hidden and
visible units in an RBM with respect to bias [26]:
󰇛 󰇜 
 (2)
where and are the number of visible and hidden units
respectively,  is the symmetric interaction term between
the ith visible unit and the jth hidden unit, and and are
bias scalars of visible and hidden units, respectively.
RBM assigns a probability value with an energy function to
each state in the visible and hidden units. The probability of
joint distribution for visible and hidden units can be
determined as follows [26]:
󰇛 󰇜
󰇛󰇛 󰇜
where Z is computed from the following equation:
󰇛󰇛 󰇜󰇜
The network assigns a marginal probability (P) to a visible
󰇛󰇜󰇛 󰇜
󰇛󰇛 󰇜󰇜
By regulating the weights and biases, the network
maximizes the probability assigned to the training data and
lowers the probability of other data. By maximizing the
following objective function, we can obtain the optimal set of
weights that can do so. This function is indeed “Average log-
probability” of the data [26]:
 (6)
where m represents the number of training data samples. The
ultimate goal in this step is to increase the model probability
for the set of training data. Thus, partial derivative of the
previous function with respect to a weight is required which is
as follows [26]:
 󰇛
󰇛 󰇜
󰆒󰇛󰆒 󰆒󰇜
  (7)
where Xil is the ith unit of lth data instance. The left side of
the above equation can be calculated to its exact value,
whereas the right hand side showing the expectation under the
model distribution is the refractor. That leads to create other
methods to estimate this partial derivative. The derivative of
the log probability of a training vector with respect to a weight
can be computed as follows [26]:
 󰇛󰇜
   (8)
where angle brackets denote the expectations under the
distribution specified by the subscript that follows [19].
According to this, the learning rule for executing stochastic
steepest ascent in the log probability of the training data is:
 󰇛  󰇜
where ϵ is the learning rate.
As we mentioned before, in RBMs, hidden units are disjoint
and therefore independent. hj (binary state of hidden unit j),
given a randomly selected training data v, is set to 1 with
 󰇜 󰇛
where σ(x) is the logistic sigmoid function 1/(1 + exp(-x)) and
bj is the bias scalar for the hidden unit. According to this,
<vihj>data can easily be calculated.
Similarly, because visible units in RBM are disjoint, vi
(binary state of each visible unit i), given a hidden vector, is
set to 1 where its probability is:
󰇛 󰇜 󰇛󰇜
where σ(x) is the logistic sigmoid function 1/(1 + exp(-x)) and
ai is the bias scalar for the visible unit.
Computing <   > can be performed by using
sequential Gibbs sampling in which each iteration includes
updating all hidden units and also using (10) at the same time.
This process is followed by updating all visible units using
(11) [19]. This computation is time consuming. A faster
algorithm, Contrastive Divergence (CD), was proposed by
Hinton [27]. In this faster method utilizing the training data,
we initialize the visible units. Then using (10), the binary
values of the hidden units are computed followed by re-
computing the vi values using (11). Now the probability of the
hidden units can be calculated and eventually using these
values and also the values of the visible units, <   > is
obtained. Now, DBN is constructed by combining several
RBMs from bottom to top. Each RBMs’ hidden layer is the
next RBMs’ visible layer in the DBNs. A greedy layer-wise
training algorithm is applied to train the DBN [25].
B. Dataset
ECG measurements used in our study are from the MIT-
BIH Arrhythmia Database [28], which includes different types
of arrhythmias. Each measurement recording is approximately
30 minutes in length and has a sampling frequency of 360 Hz.
There are 20 measurement recordings that are contaminant-
free in their channel one.
We contaminate 8 other recordings from the same
database, which are noisy in very limited periods of time (<=7
seconds) during the entire recording, with a calibrated amount
of motion artifact from the MIT-BIH Noise Stress Test
Database (NSTDB) [28]. Motion artifact noise is scaled
appropriately to obtain five desired signal to noise ratios
(SNR): -10, -5, 0, 5 and 10 db. Noise injection is performed
following the guidelines of MIT-BIH NSTDB [28].
To obtain a contaminated ECG signal of a certain SNR, we
should utilize (12) [29]:
  󰇛󰇛 󰇜󰇜 (12)
where a is the scaling factor of noise, S is the power of signal
and N is the power of noise signal. This SNR definition is
different from a traditional definition of SNR and desired for
ECG [29]. ECG signal power (S) is computed by measuring
the peak-to-peak amplitude of 300 normal QRS complexes
from channel 1 of each recording. The top and bottom 5% of
the measurements are discarded and the average QRS
amplitude of the recording is determined using the remaining
90%. The signal power for the channel of the recording is
estimated by dividing the average QRS peak-to peak
amplitude by 8.
The noise signal we apply to contaminate the ECG signals
is the “em” measurement, available in the MIT-BIH Noise
Stress Test Database (NSTDB) [28] containing electrode
motion artifacts. ‘em’ is approximately half an hour in
duration and has a sampling frequency of 360 Hz. Noise
recording is done by using standard ECG recorders, leads and
electrodes on volunteers who were physically active. The
electrodes were connected to their limbs in a position where
their ECG was not visible. As a result, the recorded noise
signal is actual noise [28]. To calculate the power of the noise
(N), 300 first seconds of ‘em’ are broken down to one second
windows and the mean amplitude and the root mean squared
difference between the signal and this mean amplitude are
calculated. The largest and the smallest 5% of each
measurement are discarded and the RMS noise amplitude is
estimated by the mean of the remaining 90% of the
measurements. This estimate is squared to find the noise
The contaminated signal is constructed by estimating S and
N, then computing the scaling factor a from (12), and finally
using (13):
󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜  󰇛󰇜 (13)
where 󰇛󰇜 is the desired noisy signal, 󰇛󰇜is the
original clean signal and 󰇛󰇜is the noise signal.
Applying the above estimations and calculations, we obtain
the noisy signals at five levels of SNR. The original signals we
chose to contaminate may contain some limited period of
being noisy which is not taken into account by the calibration.
Each 30 minute recording is divided into 5 second
segments. Therefore, we have 7200 clean ECG segments and
2880 segments, which are contaminated with calibrated noise.
A total of six different datasets were constructed. In the first
five datasets, each dataset contains noisy signals from only
one level of SNR. In the last dataset, the dataset contains noisy
signals randomly taken from contaminated signals having
SNR = 0, 5 and 10 db for training, and for test set, noisy data
is randomly taken from contaminated signals of all levels of
SNRs including -10, -5, 0, 5 and 10db. We perform the
classification for all the datasets separately and compare the
C. Training and testing sets
Clean data segments are labeled with a 0 and noisy data
segments are labeled with a 1. One part (75%) of our datasets
are labeled and used to train the RBMs. Performance of the
DBN is evaluated on the remaining part (25%) of the dataset
that is separate from the training data; i.e., there is no overlap
between recordings used for training and those applied for
testing. A 4-fold cross validation is performed for all tests.
D. Applying the DBN as a classifier
In this study, we designed a Deep Belief Network with
three RBMs. The first two RBMs are generative RBMs which
do not need labels, and the last RBM is a discriminative one
which uses data with their labels and can classify data. Each
RBM has 1000 hidden units and 1000 visible units. Benefiting
from the Contrastive Divergence (CD) method [27], RBMs
are trained through a 200 epochs attempt. For fine tuning, the
Back-Propagation (BP) method [30] is employed.
Accuracy, Precision (also known as Positive Predictive
Value), Recall (also known as Sensitivity) and Specificity
(also known as True Negative Rate) are defined as follows:
 
 (14)
 
 (15)
 
 (16)
 
 (17)
We use these four parameters to evaluate the performance
of the algorithm. For our study, a true positive (TP) is defined
as a signal which is noisy and the algorithm correctly
recognizes it as a noisy one, a false positive (FP) is defined as
a signal which is clean but the system takes it as a noisy
signal, and a false negative (FN) is defined as a signal which
is noisy but the system recognizes it as a clean signal. We also
report results for noise-free segments corresponding to an
arrhythmic event, separately. There are 2,220 noise-free
arrhythmic segments. Ideally, these segments should be
identified as clean; however the arrhythmia could be
mistakenly classified as noise.
The results of all tests are presented in Table 1. As it shows,
Precision and Recall rates of classifying the ECG
measurements fluctuate with the SNR. Distinguishing noisy
and clean signals seems to be more difficult for high SNR; this
would be expected because noisy signals have little noise and
would closely resemble clean signals. All three performance
measures are in the high 90s for SNR that are 0 dB or lower.
Table 1 Accuracy, Precision, Recall and Specificity
Accuracy (%)
Precision (%)
Recall (%)
Specificity (%)
Results confirm that our DBN is able to identify noisy
signals. There is low probability that the system identifies a
noisy ECG segment as a clean one. Such an error in
classifying ECG measurements can potentially be hazardous
because it is not a valid signal to be interpreted and can cause
a critical misperception of ones’ heart performance. Fig. 4
demonstrates a five-second ECG segment with calibrated
amount of motion artifact noise. For high signal to noise ratios
(SNR>=5), the level of noise is quite low and visually these
segments would be relatively difficult to identify as noisy
segments. In such situations, although the DBN may falsely
classify the signal as “clean”, the likelihood of a false alarm is
low given that the noise is quite modest.
It is also important that the algorithm not identify
arrhythmic signals as noisy signals, which could result in a
false negative. Therefore, we also investigated if our algorithm
can recognize the arrhythmic signals, in the clean part of our
test set, as clean ones. Table 2 shows the number of
arrhythmic ECG segments and the type of arrhythmia in the
test set and the number of these segments that were classified
as clean. Results suggest that the DBN classifier does not get
confused and can identify clean segments regardless of being
arrhythmic or not. Results are better with lower SNR because
noisy signals are easier to discern from clean signals given the
higher level of noise.
Fig. 4 Five-second ECG segment with calibrated amounts of motion artifact
Table 2 Number of arrhythmias available in each classified as clean set vs.
number of them in clean test set
Fusion of
and normal
Clean test signals
Classified as clean
(SNR = -10dB)
Classified as clean
(SNR = -5dB)
Classified as clean
(SNR = 0dB)
Classified as clean
(SNR = 5 dB)
Classified as clean
(SNR = 10dB)
Classified as clean
(Random SNR)
In total, results show much promise in using our DBN as
an effective classifier of ECG measurements into noisy and
clean signals. Such a classifier can be used in a preprocessing
step that can help lower the rate of false alarms, and at the
same time being intelligent enough not to gate true alarms.
So far in existing work, DBNs has mostly been used for
two dimensional data such as hand written digits and rarely
used for one dimensional data. We have shown that our DBN
has encouraging results in classifying one dimensional signals
which are fed into it as time series. Moreover, feature
extraction is not an issue anymore and we do not spend time
and cost on it when applying DBN as the classifier.
Results in this study suggest that DBN is a profitable and
powerful machine learning technique for separating clean and
noisy ECG segments prior to any analyses for diagnoses. It
can perform the task with a high precision and recall rates.
The DBN can also appropriately discriminate arrhythmic ECG
signals and noisy ECG signals, even if the signal is only
slightly noisy (i.e., relatively high SNR).
Such algorithms can be added to an ECG monitoring device
as a preprocessing step to validate adequate signal quality
prior to analyses for diagnoses. This can help reduce the false
alarm rate by ensuring that only clean signals are being
processed. Another advantage of having such systems is that
the process of making decision of keeping the signal and
passing it through for further analysis can be performed in a
real-time manner because signals are fed to the system as time
In future work, we intend to define a Signal Quality Index
(SQI) applicable to all types of contaminating noises and
classify ECG signals according to the SQI using DBNs. Also,
we will apply DBN to ECG signals aiming to differentiate
arrhythmias for diagnostic purposes. Furthermore, we will
apply a new clinically recorded ECG signal dataset to the
algorithm. For the future, to elevate the rate of precision and
recall, a new learning method called “Persistent Contrastive
Divergence (PCD)” [31] will be implemented, as well.
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... In the existing literature, the considered deep learning methods for ECG-SQA are one-dimensional convolutional neural network (1D CNN) [1]- [3], [10], [12], [25], [26], [28], [30], [31], 2D CNN [9], [29], [32], autoencoder [27], deep belief network [11], and pre-trained networks like AlexNet [5]- [8], VGG16 [5], [7], GoogLeNet [5], [7], Resnet18 [7], and Inception V3 [7]. The databases often used for training and testing the methods are MIT-BIH arrhythmia (MIT-MIHA), PhysioNet/ Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2011 (PCCC2011), PhysioNet/ Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2017 (PCCC2017), Telehealth database, and in-house database [1], [12], [25], [26], [28]. ...
Continuous monitoring of electrocardiogram (ECG) signal is made feasible with the progress in wearable technologies. The ECG signals are acquired and analyzed for health monitoring and diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. However, ECG signals contaminated with various noises during acquisition must be screened to reduce false alarms during unsupervised health monitoring. Only clean signals should be analyzed for disease detection. We propose a robust and lightweight convolutional neural network (CNN) with an appropriate activation function, optimal number of convolution layers (CLs), and dense layers (DLs) for real-time and automatic ECG signal quality assessment (ECG-SQA) for an energy-constrained wearable health monitoring device with limited computing resources. The CNNs are trained and tested with standard ECG databases, which classify ECG signals as noisy and clean. The proposed optimal CNN for ECG-SQA has four CLs, five DLs, and an exponential linear unit (ELU) activation function. The optimal CNN for ECG-SQA has a sensitivity of 92.88%, 82.09%, and 99.64%, and specificity of 75%, 75.3%, and 73.97% for unseen databases of PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2011, PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2017, and St. Petersburg Institute of Cardiological Technics (INCART) 12-lead arrhythmia database, respectively. The proposed CNN has a model size of 5,633 kB, testing time of 121.00±39.77 ms, and energy consumption of 1851.3±608.48 mJ for quality assessment of 5 s ECG signal when implemented on Raspberry Pi as a real-time computing platform.
... As shown in Figure 3, the CinC11 [4] dataset was most frequently used in the studies; it originated from the PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2011. Eleven studies only cross-validated their results on the same dataset that they used to train their model [6,8,[10][11][12]14,19,22,24,25,29]. This likely results in a higher accuracy than crossvalidating on data gathered separately from the training set. ...
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Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death, globally. Stroke and heart attacks account for more than 80% of cardiovascular disease-related deaths. To prevent patient mismanagement and potentially save lives, effective screening at an early stage is needed. Diagnosis is typically made using an electrocardiogram (ECG) analysis. However, ECG recordings are often corrupted by different types of noise, degrading the quality of the recording and making diagnosis more difficult. This paper reviews research on automatic ECG quality assessment techniques used in studies published from 2012–2022. The CinC11 Dataset is most often used for training and testing algorithms. Only one study tested its algorithm on people in real-time, but it did not specify the demographic data of the subjects. Most of the reviewed papers evaluated the quality of the ECG recordings per single lead. The accuracy of the algorithms reviewed in this paper range from 85.75% to 97.15%. More clarity on the research methods used is needed to improve the quality of automatic ECG quality assessment techniques and implement them in a clinical setting. This paper discusses the possible shortcomings in current research and provides recommendations on how to advance the field of automatic ECG quality assessment.
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The rise in cardiovascular diseases necessitates accurate electrocardiogram (ECG) diagnostics, making high-quality ECG recordings essential. Our CNN-LSTM model, embedded in an open-access GUI and trained on balanced datasets collected in clinical settings, excels in automating ECG quality assessment. When tested across three datasets featuring varying ratios of acceptable to unacceptable ECG signals, it achieved an F1 score ranging from 95.87% to 98.40%. Training the model on real noise sources significantly enhances its applicability in real-life scenarios, compared to simulations. Integrated into a user-friendly toolbox, the model offers practical utility in clinical environments. Furthermore, our study underscores the importance of balanced class representation during training and testing phases. We observed a notable F1 score change from 98.09% to 95.87% when the class ratio shifted from 85:15 to 50:50 in the same testing dataset with equal representation. This finding is crucial for future ECG quality assessment research, highlighting the impact of class distribution on the reliability of model training outcomes.
Medical Informatics to support health services in Indonesia is proposed in this paper. The focuses of paper to the analysis of Big Data for health care purposes with the aim of improving and developing clinical decision support systems (CDSS) or assessing medical data both for quality assurance and accessibility of health services. Electronic health records (EHR) are very rich in medical data sourced from patient. All the data can be aggregated to produce information, which includes medical history details such as, diagnostic tests, medicines and treatment plans, immunization records, allergies, radiological images, multivariate sensors device, laboratories, and test results. All the information will provide a valuable understanding of disease management system. In Indonesia country, with many rural areas with limited doctor it is an important case to investigate. Data mining about large-scale individuals and populations through EHRs can be combined with mobile networks and social media to inform about health and public policy. To support this research, many researchers have been applied the Deep Learning (DL) approach in data-mining problems related to health informatics. However, in practice, the use of DL is still questionable due to achieve optimal performance, relatively large data and resources are needed, given there are other learning algorithms that are relatively fast but produce close performance with fewer resources and parameterization, and have a better interpretability. In this paper, the advantage of Deep Learning to design medical informatics is described, due to such an approach is needed to make a good CDSS of health services.
Protein interactions play a critical role in all biological processes, but experimental identification of protein interactions is a time- and resource-intensive process. The advances in next-generation sequencing and multi-omics technologies have greatly benefited large-scale predictions of protein interactions using machine learning methods. A wide range of tools have been developed to predict protein-protein, protein-nucleic acid, and protein-drug interactions. Here, we discuss the applications, methods, and challenges faced when employing the various prediction methods. We also briefly describe ways to overcome the challenges and prospective future developments in the field of protein interaction biology.Key wordsDeep learningMachine learningInteractionPPIProtein networksNeural networks
Electrocardiogram (ECG) having an important place in medical industries and medical science. But there is many machine-based learning to identify diseases using ECG data. The main problem present in machine learning report is analyzed by doctors it may be possibility prediction or analysis about disease not sure. We develop proposed solution using deep learning which give high accuracy in ECG-based report. Generally, deep learning architecture layer-type convolution ID-1, Max pooling, dropout, convolution ID-2, dense and dropout layers. In ECG, classification layer presents some result as shown in simulation result. Using ECG, we can diagnose many cardiac diseases by using previously trained patient ECG into cardiac condition. In our proposed research work having three different condition of ECG-waveform using MIT-BIH database of arrhythmia to evaluate proposed work. In the proposed work main focus is on simplicity, reliability and applicable deep learning techniques. Simulation result has confusion matrix graph (N, A, O, E it representing four diseases), confusion matrix table to identify accuracy about disease. The proposed algorithm achieved a classification accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of 93.79%, 84.36%, 94.34% respectively. In layered architecture classify different layers used in application of deep neural network convolution.KeywordsECGCNNDeep learningMIT-BIH database
Background The application of artificial intelligence to interpret the electrocardiogram (ECG) has predominantly included the use of knowledge engineered rule-based algorithms which have become widely used today in clinical practice. However, over recent decades, there has been a steady increase in the number of research studies that are using machine learning (ML) to read or interrogate ECG data. Objective The aim of this study is to review the use of ML with ECG data using a time series approach. Methods Papers that address the subject of ML and the ECG were identified by systematically searching databases that archive papers from January 1995 to October 2019. Time series analysis was used to study the changing popularity of the different types of ML algorithms that have been used with ECG data over the past two decades. Finally, a meta-analysis of how various ML techniques performed for various diagnostic classifications was also undertaken. Results A total of 757 papers was identified. Based on results, the use of ML with ECG data started to increase sharply (p < 0.001) from 2012. Healthcare applications, especially in heart abnormality classification, were the most common application of ML when using ECG data (p < 0.001). However, many new emerging applications include using ML and the ECG for biometrics and driver drowsiness. The support vector machine was the technique of choice for a decade. However, since 2018, deep learning has been trending upwards and is likely to be the leading technique in the coming few years. Despite the accuracy paradox, accuracy was the most frequently used metric in the studies reviewed, followed by sensitivity, specificity, F1 score and then AUC. Conclusion Applying ML using ECG data has shown promise. Data scientists and physicians should collaborate to ensure that clinical knowledge is being applied appropriately and is informing the design of ML algorithms. Data scientists also need to consider knowledge guided feature engineering and the explicability of the ML algorithm as well as being transparent in the algorithm's performance to appropriately calibrate human-AI trust. Future work is required to enhance ML performance in ECG classification.
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A large number of papers are appearing in the biomedical engineering literature that describe the use of machine learning techniques to develop classifiers for detection or diagnosis of disease. However, the usefulness of this approach in developing clinically validated diagnostic techniques so far has been limited and the methods are prone to overfitting and other problems which may not be immediately apparent to the investigators. This commentary is intended to help sensitize investigators as well as readers and reviewers of papers to some potential pitfalls in the development of classifiers, and suggests steps that researchers can take to help avoid these problems. Building classifiers should be viewed not simply as an add-on statistical analysis, but as part and parcel of the experimental process. Validation of classifiers for diagnostic applications should be considered as part of a much larger process of establishing the clinical validity of the diagnostic technique.
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In response to the PhysioNet/CinC Challenge 2011: Improving the quality of ECGs collected using mobile phones we have developed an algorithm based on a decision support system. It combines couple of simple rules — in order to discard recordings of obviously low quality (i.e. high-amplitude noise, detached electrodes) with more sophisticated support vector machine (SVM) classification that deals with more difficult cases where simple rules are inefficient. It turns out that complicatedly computed features provide only small information gain and therefore we used for SVM classifier only time-lagged covariance matrix elements, which provide useful information about signal structure in time. Our results are 0.836.
Methods: The proposed alarm gating system computes a signal quality index (SQI) to quantify the ECG signal quality and rejects alarms with a low SQI. The system was validated by artificially contaminating ECG records with motion artifact records obtained from the Long-Term ST Database and MIT-BIH Noise Stress Test Database, respectively. Results: Without alarm gating the myocardial ischemia monitoring system attained a Precision of 0.31 and a Recall of 0.78. The alarm gating improved the Precision to 0.58 with a reduction of Recall to 0.77. Conclusion: The proposed system successfully gated false alarms with future work exploring the misidentification of fiducial points by myocardial ischemia monitoring systems. Significance: The reduction of false alarms due to the proposed system will decrease the incidence of the alarm fatigue condition typically found in clinicians. Alarm fatigue condition was rated as the top patient safety hazard from 2012 to 2015 by the Emergency Care Research Institute (ECRI).
Accurate and timely traffic flow information is important for the successful deployment of intelligent transportation systems. Over the last few years, traffic data have been exploding, and we have truly entered the era of big data for transportation. Existing traffic flow prediction methods mainly use shallow traffic prediction models and are still unsatisfying for many real-world applications. This situation inspires us to rethink the traffic flow prediction problem based on deep architecture models with big traffic data. In this paper, a novel deep-learning-based traffic flow prediction method is proposed, which considers the spatial and temporal correlations inherently. A stacked autoencoder model is used to learn generic traffic flow features, and it is trained in a greedy layerwise fashion. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that a deep architecture model is applied using autoencoders as building blocks to represent traffic flow features for prediction. Moreover, experiments demonstrate that the proposed method for traffic flow prediction has superior performance.
Technical Report
Restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs) have been used as generative models of many different types of data. RBMs are usually trained using the contrastive divergence learning procedure. This requires a certain amount of practical experience to decide how to set the values of numerical meta-parameters. Over the last few years, the machine learning group at the University of Toronto has acquired considerable expertise at training RBMs and this guide is an attempt to share this expertise with other machine learning researchers.
This paper introduces the importance of biosignal quality assessment and presents a pattern classification approach to differentiate clean from contaminated electromyography (EMG) signals. Alternatively to traditional bottom-up approaches which examine specific contaminants only, we present a top-down approach using a one-class support vector machine (SVM) trained on clean EMG and tested on artificially contaminated EMG. Both simulated and real EMG are used. Results are evaluated for each contaminant, 1) power line interference, 2) motion artifact, 3) ECG interference, 4) quantization noise, 5) ADC clipping, and 6) amplifier saturation, as a function of the level of signal contamination. Results show that different ranges of contamination can be detected in EMG depending on the type of contaminant. At high levels of contamination the SVM classifies all EMG signals as contaminated, while at low levels of contamination it classifies the majority of EMG signals as contaminant free. A transition point for each contaminant is identified where the classification accuracy drops and variance in classification increases. This method is generic to all forms of contamination in EMG but is successful in detecting problems due to single contaminants. In some cases, contamination can be detected with the SVM when it is not visually discernible.
The ability to recognize various forms of contaminants in surface electromyography (EMG) signals and to ascertain the overall quality of such signals is important in many EMG-enabled rehabilitation systems. In this paper, new methods for the automatic identification of commonly occurring contaminant types in surface EMG signals are presented. Such methods are advantageous because the contaminant type is typically not known in advance. The presented approach uses support vector machines as the main classification systems. Both simulated and real EMG signals are used to assess the performance of the methods. The contaminants considered include: 1) electrocardiogram interference, 2) motion artifact, 3) power line interference, 4) amplifier saturation and 5) additive white Gaussian noise. Results show that the contaminants can readily be distinguished at lower signal to noise ratios, with a growing degree of confusion at higher signal to noise ratios, where their effects on signal quality are less significant.