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A survey of commonly used ensemble-based classification techniques


Abstract and Figures

The combination of multiple classifiers, commonly referred to as a classifier ensemble, has previously demonstrated the ability to improve classification accuracy in many application domains. As a result this area has attracted significant amount of research in recent years. The aim of this paper has therefore been to provide a state of the art review of the most well-known ensemble techniques with the main focus on bagging, boosting and stacking and to trace the recent attempts, which have been made to improve their performance. Within this paper, we present and compare an updated view on the different modifications of these techniques, which have specifically aimed to address some of the drawbacks of these methods namely the low diversity problem in bagging or the over-fitting problem in boosting. In addition, we provide a review of different ensemble selection methods based on both static and dynamic approaches. We present some new directions which have been adopted in the area of classifier ensembles from a range of recently published studies. In order to provide a deeper insight into the ensembles themselves a range of existing theoretical studies have been reviewed in the paper.
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The Knowledge Engineering Review, page 1 of 31. &Cambridge University Press, 2013
A survey of commonly used ensemble-based
classification techniques
School of Computing and Mathematics University of Ulster, Jordanstown, Shore Road, Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim,
BT37 0QB, UK;
The combination of multiple classifiers, commonly referred to as a classifier ensemble, has
previously demonstrated the ability to improve classification accuracy in many application
domains. As a result this area has attracted significant amount of research in recent years. The aim
of this paper has therefore been to provide a state of the art review of the most well-known
ensemble techniques with the main focus on bagging, boosting and stacking and to trace the recent
attempts, which have been made to improve their performance. Within this paper, we present
and compare an updated view on the different modifications of these techniques, which have
specifically aimed to address some of the drawbacks of these methods namely the low diversity
problem in bagging or the over-fitting problem in boosting. In addition, we provide a review of
different ensemble selection methods based on both static and dynamic approaches. We present
some new directions which have been adopted in the area of classifier ensembles from a range of
recently published studies. In order to provide a deeper insight into the ensembles themselves a
range of existing theoretical studies have been reviewed in the paper.
1 Introduction
A classifier ensemble is a group of classifiers whose individual decisions are merged in some
manner to provide, as an output, a consensus decision. The overarching aim of this approach is to
combine outputs of a number of models, also referred to as base classifiers, to generate a single
aggregated output that outperforms any of the base classifiers in isolation. The first stage in
the process of generating a classifier ensemble is the generation of a collection of base classifiers.
One approach is to apply Ndifferent learning methods, with a single training data set, to obtain
Ndifferent classification models. An alternative approach is to create Ndifferent portions of data
from the training data set and employ a single learning algorithm with each portion. During the
learning phase, it is important to adopt an approach that allows the creation of diverse classifiers.
It has also been shown that the appropriate selection of base classifiers, rather than simply
combining all of them in one single ensemble, may impact upon the final overall classification
accuracy (Ruta & Gabrys, 2005; Saeedian & Beigy, 2009). Base classifier selection may be per-
formed in either a static or dynamic manner. In the static approach, the same subset of base
classifiers that are selected is applied for all testing samples. In the dynamic approach, selection is
performed for each new instance individually.
After obtaining a collection of base classifiers, the next step is to combine their outputs in order to
obtain the final decision. During this phase, the main issues to be considered are related to what types
of information are going to be combined and which combination method is going to be applied.
For an unseen pattern, all base classifiers make their decisions, which subsequently form the input
to a combination function. Different methods of combination use different types of base classifier
outputs, for example class label or class probability distribution may be used. An alternative
approach is to use predictions as a set of attributes to train a combination function in terms of
meta-learning (Ting & Witten, 1997).
Combining classifiers and hence the creation of classifier ensembles has been proposed by many
studies as a method of improving the performance of a single classifier (Dzeroski & Zenko, 2004;
Bi et al., 2008; Machova & Barcak, 2006; Danesh et al., 2007; Jurek et al., 2011). It has already
been presented that this approach has the ability to provide better results than applying the single
best classifier to the same problem (Danesh et al., 2007). The key to producing the most successful
ensemble method can be viewed as an approach that requires applying both, an appropriate
combination method in addition to the careful selection of the base classifiers.
In summary, the main goal of designing a classifier ensemble is to obtain the best possible
classification accuracy. This area of research has attracted significant interest in recent years. The
work presented by Rokach (2010) considers related work in this field and has been presented in
the form of a tutorial, which describes the taxonomy for characterizing ensemble methods and the
general process of constructing classifier ensembles, including the key challenges such as: ensemble
framework and generation, combination methods, diversity generation, ensemble selection and multi-
strategy ensemble learning. In this paper, we have addressed the most important issues in the domain
of classifier ensembles; however, it has been the aim of this paper to provide a state of the art review
of the most well-known ensemble techniques and to trace the recent attempts, which have been made
to improve their performance. Within this paper, we present and compare an updated view on the
different modifications of bagging, boosting and stacking, which have been made to these techniques
to address some of the drawbacks of the methods namely the low diversity problem in bagging and
the over-fitting problem in boosting. We review a number of classifier ensemble selection methods
based on both static and dynamic approaches. We demonstrate how different selection criteria
namely accuracy, diversity or their combination have been applied to improve the final performance
of the ensemble. In addition, we present in the paper some new directions, which have been adopted
in the area of classifier ensembles from a range of recently published studies. It is anticipated that the
paper will provide a survey of the most well-known ensemble techniques, challenges and trends within
these areas and can help others to understand the ensemble process with the aim of stimulating new
ideas and new directions in the area of generating classifier ensembles.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the theoretical frame-
work of classifier ensembles. Section 3 reviews different learning approaches to generation of base
classifiers with a focus on different variants of bagging and boosting. In Section 4, we describe
different ways of combining outputs of base classifiers. The problem of ensemble selection is
introduced in Section 5, followed by the summary of the paper.
2 Theoretical framework
The main idea of combining classifiers is to build an ensemble that will be more effective than any
of its individual members operating in isolation. One of the simplest representations of an
ensemble framework has been presented in Figure 1.
In this case, each base classifier is generated by a different learning method and the same
training set. The final ensemble output is presented as a weighted average of the outputs of the
base classifiers. The weight of each classifier represents its contribution to the final decision. In the
simplest case, all weights are made equal to 1. A multitude of investigations have previously
demonstrated that the combination of different classifiers can improve the final prediction of the
member classifiers (Garcia-Pedrajas, 2009; Parvin & Alizadeh, 2011). Hansen and Salamon (1990)
showed that for an ensemble of artificial neural networks (ANN), if the accuracy of each model is
.0.5 and if their responses are independent, then the larger the number of networks in the
ensemble, the smaller the chances of an error by majority voting (MV).
A widely used concept for analyzing supervised learning algorithms is referred to as a noise,
bias and variance decomposition of error (Webb & Conilione, 2003). According to this analysis,
the error of a learning algorithm can be decomposed into three aspects namely: noise, bias and
variance. These aspects are derived with reference to the performance of a model when trained
with different training data. Noise is a measure of an error incurred independently of the learning
algorithm, for example class or attribute noise in data. Bias for a particular input is a measure of
an average error of the learner trained with different training sets. Variance is a measure of how
much the learner’s predictions differ as it is applied with different learning data. In other words, it
is a measure of sensitivity of the learning algorithm to the training set. A number of different
mathematical definitions of bias and variance for classification problem have been proposed
(Hansen, 2000). Some widely employed approaches to estimating bias and variance from data are
referred to as a holdout approach (Kohavi & Wopert, 1996) or multiple fold cross-validation
(Webb, 2000). It has been presented that there is a trade-off between bias and variance of
classification models (Hansen, 2000). Simple classifiers tend to have large bias and small variance.
When the complexity of model increases, the bias becomes smaller, whereas the variance becomes
larger. It has been investigated that some ensemble methods can significantly reduce bias and/or
variance (Bauer & Kohavi, 1999) of learning algorithms. For example, it has been presented
that an ensemble technique referred to as bagging can reduce variance (Valentini, 2004, 2005),
therefore it is successful while applied with unstable learners like decision trees (Dietterich, 2000)
or neural networks (Maclin, 1997). It has been presented that another ensemble method, referred
to as boosting, can reduce bias and variance, which makes it more effective while applied with
some weak learners like decision stumps (Rodrı
´guez & Maudes, 2008).
In their work, Krogh and Vedelsby (1995) presented the generalization error, which expresses
the relation between variance and bias in an ensemble under instances of continuous outputs
as follows:
where Erepresents the weighted average of the errors of the individual ANNs over the
input distribution. The error of an individual classifier C
on instance xis calculated as
eiðxÞ¼ðCiðxÞyiÞ2.Arepresents the weighted average of the ambiguities of the individual
networks over the input distribution where the ambiguity of a single classifier on input xis
defined as the variance of the classifier around the weighted mean aiðxÞ¼ðCiðxÞCðxÞÞ2.
The weighted average of ambiguities measures the disagreement among models. Zenobi and
Cunningham (2001) proposed a measure of ambiguity; hence, Equation (1) would also hold
for a classification problem. Considering that for classification problems the most frequently used
Figure 1 An example of the representation of a simple ensemble method
A survey of commonly used ensemble-based classification techniques 3
error measure is the 0–1 loss function, they suggested a measure of ambiguity as presented in the
following equation:
aiðxÞ¼ 0ifCiðxÞ¼CðxÞ
1 otherwise
From Equation (2) we can see that if the ambiguity is very small the ensemble error will almost be
equal to the weighted average of its individual members. We can also see that the ensemble error is
always smaller than the average of the individual classifier errors. The conclusion from this work
demonstrated that apart from obtaining accurate base classifiers, it is important that they disagree
as much as possible. We say that two classifiers disagree if they make mistakes on different groups
of instances. By an accurate classifier, we mean the classifier that provides better accuracy in
comparison with a random guess. In the same work, Zenobi and Cunningham investigated that
finding the optimal weights (a
) for individual classifiers, rather than using the same
weights for all of them, can significantly improve the performance of the ensemble.
Schapire et al. (1998) introduced the concept of the classification margin to analyze the
behaviors of multiple classifiers. They defined the margin of an instance as the difference between
the support given to the correct class and the highest support given to any of the incorrect classes.
Let v
be the output from classifier C
for class y. We can calculate the margin of the ensemble on
instance (x
) as presented in the following equation:
where mi¼ni;ykmax
ni;yjis the margin of a single classifier. One can notice that a margin is a
value from the interval of [21, 1]where the high margin is interpreted as a confident classification.
From their observations, it was found that two ensemble methods, bagging and boosting, tended
to increase the margin associated with the instances. In addition, it was demonstrated that the
generalization error of the ensemble can be improved if we try to increase the margin of the
ensemble on training data.
Dietterich (2000) in his work presented three reasons why it is often possible to generate a very
good ensemble. These were categorised as being statistical, computational and representational.
From a statistical point of view, by constructing an ensemble from a small number of classifiers,
their votes can be averaged to decrease the risk of selecting the wrong classifiers, from which a
decision is to be made. From a computational point of view, if a learning algorithm works by
performing a local search it may become stuck in a local optima. An ensemble generated by
performing a local search starting from a range of different points can provide an improved
approximation compared with an individual classifier. The third reason described by Dietterich
was representational. We can consider learning algorithms as a searching space of hypotheses
(classifiers) to locate the true classification function. In many machine learning applications, the
hypotheses spaces searched are finite and do not contain the true hypotheses. This is caused by
applying a finite range of training samples. By calculating the weighted sums of hypotheses, it is
possible to expand the space hence increasing the chances for locating the true function. Dietterich
confirmed that the key for a successful ensemble method is to generate base classifiers that have an
accuracy rate above 0.5 and do not misclassify the same group of instances.
The final problem is referred to as the diversity of base classifiers and has been widely studied in
the past. Very often diversity (Melville & Mooney, 2003; Kuncheva & Whitaker, 2003) was
considered, following the criteria of individual accuracy, as a criterion for selecting a pool of base
classifiers. According to previous research (Hu, 2001), diversified models provide uncorrelated
decisions, which lead to a more accurate ensemble. Kuncheva and Whitaker (2003) presented
10 different diversity measures. The measures can be pair wise, for example Q statistic and
correlation or non-pair wise, for example, entropy and variance. According to the experimental
results, all the measures significantly improved the performance of MV. Different techniques such
as applying disparate feature subsets (Bryll et al., 2003), different training sets obtained by
clustering (Gan & Xiao, 2009) and random selection (Breiman, 1996), have been suggested to
increase diversity.
3 Ensemble generation
The first stage when building a classifier ensemble involves the process of obtaining a set of
different base classifiers. One approach, which may be adopted, is to use a group of Ndifferent
learning methods (Kittler et al., 1998). In this approach, each base classifier is built using the
same training data set and a different learning algorithm. As a result, a number of Ndifferent
classification models are obtained. The ensuing step is to combine their outputs to provide a final
consensus decision. Different approaches that have been adopted for the purposes of combination
are described in Section 4.
The second approach, which may be adopted in the process of building a set of base classifiers,
relates to the use of a single learning method and different training sets (Dietterich, 2000). The
main issue with this approach is the conversion of the original data set in an efficient manner to
obtain a collection of different training data sets. In some techniques, the original data set is
divided into Nsubsets by random selection or clustering. Another approach involves the
manipulation of the distribution of the data. Following the creation of the subsets, each base
classifier is built using the different subsets and the same learning algorithm. The following
sections describe and compare the most popular techniques, based on this approach, which have
been investigated.
3.1 Partitioning of the training data set
The most popular technique of obtaining different training sets from a single data set is referred to
as bagging. Fundamentally, bagging relates to the approach where the training sets are randomly
chosen ktimes with replacement (bootstrap techniques) from the original data set (Breiman,
1996). With this approach, it is possible that some instances may appear more than once in some
of the training sets and some instances may not be present at all. As a result, ktraining sets
(and subsequently kdifferent classifiers), with a size equal to the original set of data, are obtained.
The main advantage of bagging is that the individual ensemble members can be independently
trained in parallel, which reduces the time required for training. Figure 2 depicts the pseudo-code
of the bagging algorithm.
The disadvantage with bagging is that training subsets generated by random selection with
replacement are not totally independent. It has already been noticed that bagging can only improve
performance of unstable classifiers (Breiman, 1996), for example decision trees (Dietterich, 2000) or
ANN (Maclin, 1997). These are models that are very sensitive with respect to the small changes in
Figure 2 Pseudo-code of bagging algorithm
A survey of commonly used ensemble-based classification techniques 5
the training data. The reason for this is that in the bagging approach, only unstable learning
methods can obtain diverse base classifiers (Breiman, 1996). In the study of Machova and Barcak
(2006), bagging was applied with binary decision trees to generate base classifiers. Experimental
results demonstrated that the minimum number of base classifiers required to obtain the same
efficiency as a perfect decision tree, could be found. In this particular case, bagging obtained the
best performance when the number of base classifiers was .20.
In the study by Skurichina et al. (2002), it was suggested that the instability of the model,
measured on training data, could be used to predict the accuracy of the bagging technique. It was
also shown by Skurichina and Duin (1998), that bagging did not improve the accuracy of stable
classifiers. In their work, a modification referred to as ‘nice bagging’ was introduced. In this
method, only the bootstrap version of the base classifiers, which perform better than the original
model (built with all training data), are included in the ensemble. Although this approach did not
improve the bagged model in terms of accuracy, it did improve the stability of the final model.
It has been reported that a support vector machine (SVM) may not be expected to be
significantly improved by the bagging technique, due to its stability and high accuracy (Buciu et al.,
2006). In the study by Wang and Lin (2007), it was proposed to consider bagging for a class-wise
expert based on an SVM framework (CeBag). These are classifiers that perform very well with
instances from one class and relatively poorly with instances from different classes. For each
bootstrap sample, three models were trained: positive and negative wise-class experts together with
a mediator classifier. The mediator classifier was responsible for the samples on which the first two
experts disagreed. No theoretical analysis was conducted, however, the results demonstrated that
the modified version of bagging can be successfully applied in order to improve the performance of
the SVM classifier. The proposed method outperformed a single SVM and Bagging SVM in most
of the data sets considered. The reason for these results may be related to the increased diversity
among the SVM models, taking into account that they focused on different aspects of the samples
during the learning phase.
The use of bagging with the nearest neighbor classifier (kNN) (Breiman, 1996) has also been
reported as offering optimization challenges. In the work reported by Zhou and Yu (2005),
bagging was adapted to kNN classifiers by applying randomness to distance metrics. This
proposed variant of bagging was referred to as BagInRand. A new distance metric with two
parameters, referred to as Minkovdm, was developed by combining value difference metric
(VDM) (categorical attributes) (Stanfill & Waltz, 1986) and Minkowsky distance (continuous
Minkovdmp;qðx1;x2Þ¼ VDMqðx11 ;x21 Þþ... þVDMqðx1j;x2jÞþ
pþ... þx1;dx2;d
where x
and x
are instances represented by d-dimensional vectors: (x
) and (x
) is the distance between the values of x
and x
on attribute i. The distance between
values wand von attribute ais computed as
stands for the number of training instances with value vfor attribute a.N
denotes the
number of training instances from class cwith the value von attribute aand Cis the number of
classes. The original data set was first bootstrap sampled. Then, for each sample, random values
were assigned to the parameters pand q. In this way, each kNN was generated not only with a
different training set but also with a different distance metric. Application of the Minkovdm
metric to obtain different kNN classifiers did not bring significant improvement over single kNNs.
Nevertheless, combination of both: bagging and Minkovdm was reported as offering improved
performance in comparison with the single model.
A different modification of bagging referred to as Double-Bagging was introduced by Hothorn
and Lausen (2003). In this approach, the observations that were not part of the bootstrap sample
(out-of-bag), were used to train a second classifier. For each bootstrapping step, the out-of-bag
sample was used to perform a linear discriminate analysis. The discriminate variables of each
bootstrap sample were incorporated as supplementary predictors for the classification tree. One of
the advantages with this approach was that the coefficients of the discriminate function were
estimated by an independent set of variables. This helped to avoid over-fitted discriminate
variables in the tree growing process. The best classifiers studied in the problem, were improved by
Double-Bagging in several experiments. A number of the examples investigated demonstrated that
this modified version of bagging can provide better performance than the standard one.
A further drawback of bagging, in addition to low diversity, is the large amount of resources
required to both store and learn the group of base classifiers. A number of solutions have been
proposed, which aim to minimize both of these problems (Estruch et al., 2004). The optimization
technique developed was based on sharing the joint parts of the models from an ensemble formed by
decision trees. For each bootstrap sample a new classifier was built by continuing the construction of
the multi-tree (BagMTD). Only nodes that were not considered in the previous iterations were used.
In other words, the multi-tree was a single structure containing an ensemble of decision trees that
were obtained by bagging, without reusing their joint parts. The training time was significantly
reduced while using the multi-tree approach, without loss of classification accuracy.
Zeng et al. (2010) presented that bagging can be improved if only the optimal models from all
those generated are selected as base classifiers. The new SBCB (Selecting Base Classifiers on
Bagging) algorithm improved a bagging algorithm by applying an optimization process to select
the optimal base models according to the diversity and accuracy. First, similar to the process of
bagging, a collection of classifiers was built with different bootstrap samples. Then all models were
used to classify instances from a given set and those with accuracy lower than 50% were elimi-
nated from the ensemble. Following this the Entropy Measure was applied to select the group of
classifiers with the highest diversity. The remaining group of classifiers was considered to comprise
the final ensemble. A voting rule was used to combine the predictions from each of the classifiers.
The experimental results demonstrated that the proposed SBCB algorithm had the ability to
improve the performance of generic bagging.
Given that bagging is a technique of generating diverse classifier ensembles through the
manipulation of training data sets, its accuracy may be affected by some characteristics of the
training data themselves. For example, it was noticed that the noise inherited in the training data
could be used for increasing diversity in the bagging technique proposed by Dietterich (2000).
In the study by Skurichina et al. (2002), it has been shown that bagging is mainly effective with a
small training sample size, when the number of training instances and dimensionality of the data
are comparable. In the same work it was shown that for bagging the diversity (Q statistic)
decreases when the training sample size increases.
A variant of bagging, referred to as Wagging (Weights Aggregation), was proposed by Bauer
and Kohavi (1999). Similar to the process adopted in bagging, the training data set was repeatedly
perturbed, as an alternative to sampling from it. For the weighting process, Gaussian noise with a
given standard deviation and zero mean was added to each weight. At the beginning all instances
were uniformly weighted. Noise was added to the weights of the instances in each iteration of the
process, and then one classifier was induced.
In the work of Datta and Pihur (2010), a novel ensemble classifier generated by a combination of
bagging and rank aggregation was proposed. The approach was very similar to the original bagging
method, with the difference that instead of one classifier, there were a number of classifiers trained
with each bootstrap sample. Following this, each model was used to predict class labels on a group
of instances that were not included within the bootstrap sample. A range of performance measures
were applied to evaluate the performance of each classifier. The rank aggregation procedure was
then used to determine the best performing classifier. As a result, for each bootstrap sample, only
one model was selected to be included into the final ensemble. The final decision was calculated by
A survey of commonly used ensemble-based classification techniques 7
the MV method. Eight individual classifiers were used in the experiments. For all data sets
considered, the ensemble obtained a result equal to, or better than the best individual classifier.
There was, however, one significant drawback of the proposed approach, which was computational
time. Comparing with the original process of bagging, a number of classifiers were trained with each
bootstrap sample as opposed to one only. In addition to this, the rank aggregation may also take
considerable time if there are a large number of models generated within each iteration.
A method that involved the use of clustering during the pre-processing phase was introduced by
Gan and Xiao (2009). In that work, each model was trained with a subset of the original training
data set. This approach differed from bagging, given that instances were divided according to their
features, not by random selection. An improved K-Means algorithm was used to generate a
number of different sample subsets. ANNs were used as the base classifier. Each model was
trained with one of the clusters and the ensemble was in this instance comprised all the ANNs. The
proposed method was compared with bagging and boosting. In all the experiments, the prediction
error of the proposed ANN-based ensemble was smaller than the bagging or boosting ANN-based
ensemble. We can postulate from this study that clustering may be a more effective way of
obtaining different training sets than random selection or data distribution modification. The
reason for this could be speculated that the base models are trained on different regions of data
and as a result they become local experts. We can speculate that by training base classifiers in this
manner, the diversity of the final ensemble can be increased.
3.2 Manipulation of data distribution
An alternative technique, which applies different training data sets and the same learning method,
is referred to as boosting (Freund & Schapire, 1999). Boosting is an iterative approach where the
distribution of the training set is dynamically altered, based on the classifier’s accuracy. After each
base classifier is built and added to the ensemble, all instances are reweighted: those that have been
correctly or incorrectly classified loose or gain weight, respectively. The final prediction is made by
taking a weighted vote of each base classifier’s prediction. The weights are proportional to the
accuracy of each classifier relative to its training set. A very effective and well-known boosting
method is AdaBoost, introduced by Freund and Schapire (1999). The AdaBost algorithm is
presented in Figure 3.
We can notice that unlike bagging, with boosting base classifiers cannot be trained in parallel
given that the inputs of one model depend on outputs of others. This has the effect of extending
Figure 3 The Boosting algorithm AdaBoost
the training time of the ensemble. It has been demonstrated that AdaBoost can improve the
accuracy of single classification models such as decision trees (Rodrı
´guez & Maudes, 2008) or
ANNs (Schwenk & Bengio, 2000).
In the bagging method, the biggest drawback is related to the low diversity among the base
classifiers. For boosting this problem decreases given that a larger change in the training data can
be obtained using this technique. Despite this fact, in many studies it was considered how the
performance of boosting applied with stable models can be improved by increasing the diversity of
base classifiers. In the work of He et al. (2010), boosting was applied to improve the accuracy of
kNN classifiers (Bs-kNN). They modified the original approach by introducing attribute selection
into the process of training base classifiers. This resulted in each model being built with different
data samples and a different subset of features. In each iteration, they applied the set of features
that produced the highest performance gain. The empirical study demonstrated that the
improvement of kNN was statistically significant.
An algorithm referred to as Adaptive Graphe-Based K-Nearest Neighbor (A-kNN) was
proposed in the work of Murrugarra-Llerena and Lopes (2011). The idea was to improve the
kNN algorithm in the manner of mapping the boosting technique into a graph-based approach.
Initially, a kNN network based on the similarity between instances (vertices) was built using the
training data, where kwas a set value. In other words, each instance was linked with its knearest
neighbors. Next, all instances from the training set were classified using the current network.
In the ensuing iterations, the number of links of each vertex (degree of vertex) was modified similar
to the example distribution within the AdaBoost algorithm. The number of links was increased for
the misclassified examples. The maximum value of kwas predefined from the outset. The degree of
each instance was increased until the example was correctly classified or the maximum value of k
was reached. In the classification phase, for the unseen instance, its closest neighbor is selected
from the training set. Based on the number of edges (k) of the closest neighbor, the unseen pattern
was classified based on the class labels of its kclosest neighbors. In an empirical study, the A-kNN
approach was compared with a range of other classifiers: Naive Bayes, SVM, C4.5, single kNN
and ensembles (boosting) of those classifiers. The proposed method performed as well or better
than the other methods.
Two different improved methods of boosting kNN classifiers were proposed in the work
of Garcı
´a-Pedrajas and Ortiz-Boyer (2009). In the proposed approach, the input space was
modified by the means of input selection (kNN.NsRSM) or nonlinear projection (kNN.BSP).
In kNN.NsRSM different subspaces, that minimized the weighted error, were selected for each
kNN classifier. In other words, a new subset of inputs, relevant to the distribution of the instances,
was obtained to train each base classifier. In kNN.BSP, the nonlinear projection was constructed
using weight vectors (distribution of the training set) that were obtained using a boosting method.
Similar to the previous approach, it aimed to minimize the weighted error for each boosting step.
The intention in both of the scenarios was to introduce a level of instability into the kNN learning
method through a process of input space modification. A more instable learning method was
meant to provide a higher diversity among the base classifiers to be obtained. It appeared that the
idea was successful, given that both methods: kNN.NsRSM and kNN.BSP improved performance
in comparison with a single kNN model.
A number of studies have been performed with the aim of considering how the AdaBoost
technique can be improved in terms of accuracy and efficiency. A variant of the AdaBoost
(r-AdaBoost) algorithm was proposed in the study by Rodrı
´guez and Maudes (2008). In this case,
weak decision trees (stumps) were used as the base classifiers. The concept of the proposed method
was to improve the performance of the final ensemble by applying more complex weak models.
The approach was based on combining several stumps into a more complex tree without
increasing the computational complexity or memory requirements. The parameter rwas con-
sidered as a level of reuse and it determined the number of classifiers from the former iterations
that were going to be used. In other words, rather than applying a single model that was generated
in an iteration of AdaBoost, it was combined with rprevious classifiers. The concept in the reuse
A survey of commonly used ensemble-based classification techniques 9
variant of AdaBoost was to combine several weak models into what may be perceived as a not so
weak model in an effort to obtain an improved final ensemble. Given that combining models from
previous iterations decreases diversity of the models, only two levels of reuse were applied: r51
and r52. The method improved the classification accuracy of the AdaBoost approach. A similar
improvement in performance was not, however, witnessed with more complex decision trees. This
approach could be applied with other classification methods, however, it will not be useful with
those that generate strong base classifiers.
A different variant of the AdaBoost method (P-AdaBoost), based on the parallel approach, was
proposed by Merler et al. (2007). In this approach, weights assigned to the instances were estimated
from those obtained in the standard AdaBoost process. In the first step, the AdaBoost algorithm
was run for a finite number of iterations and all weight vectors were recorded. In the following step,
distribution of each data point was estimated from its weight’s evaluation. For each base classifier,
new values of the weights were assigned randomly, by sampling the respective distribution.
The advantage of this technique was a reduced number of iterations compared with the original
AdaBoost method. Manipulation of the number of iterations in the first phase allowed control of the
computational cost, however, it did not change the number of base classifiers inducted.
Boosting methods, compared with bagging methods, were reported to perform much worse
after adding noise to the data (Dietterich, 2000). In addition, they have been reported as being
ineffective when applied with a strong learner (Wickramaratna et al., 2001). Strong models are
capable of correctly classifying most of the samples from the training set in the initial first few
iterations. As a consequence, weights of a number of difficult instances and outliers become very
large and are the main causes to the over-fitting problem; hence, resulting in producing a low
accurate outcome. Some additional improvements to boosting methods have been proposed to
avoid this known problem.
An SVM is one of the classifiers that cannot usually be considered in conjunction with
boosting. A modified version of AdaBoost, referred to as AdaBoostSVM, has nonetheless been
investigated by Li et al. (2005). A set of SVM classifiers with a Radial Basis Function kernel
¨lkopf et al., 1997) was generated for AdaBoost by adjusting the kernel parameter instead of
using a fixed one. This approach aimed to generate a collection of not very strong classifiers in an
effort to avoid the over-fitting problem. The proposed method outperformed AdaBoost with
ANNs as base classifiers. Besides this, AdaBoostSVM appeared to work better than a single SVM
when applied with unbalanced data. Additionally, in the same work, an improvement based on
increasing diversity was proposed (Diverse AdaBoostSVM). The degree of diversity was calculated
in each cycle (Melville & Mooney, 2003). If the degree of diversity value was higher than the
predefined threshold the classifier was selected.
A similar SVM weakening strategy, based on adjusting the kernel value, was applied in the
work of Wang and Lin (2007). This approach adopted a new weighting rule that separates
instances not only according to classification results but also regarding to the distance from the
separating hyper plane. The aim of the approach was to prevent the highlighting of difficult
instances or outliers, which usually cause the over-fitting problem.
A boosting technique, referred to as MadaBoost, was proposed by Domingo and Watanabe
(2000). Similar to the previous method reported by Wang and Lin, the aim of the work was to avoid
the over-fitting problem through modification of the AdaBoost weighting system. In this case,
weights assigned to the instances were bounded by each example’s initial probability. This approach
aimed to control the growth of the weights and to prevent them from becoming arbitrarily large.
Different solutions that help to avoid the over-fitting problem and improve accuracy in the boosting
methods were investigated by Vezhnevets and Barinova (2007). The concept considered was to remove
confusing instances from the training data and train AdaBoost with the resulting data. Confusing
samples were considered as those that were not correctly classified by a ‘perfect’ Bayesian model. The
proposed solution assisted in avoiding the over-fitting problem and reduced classification error.
A derivative of AdaBoost, referred to as Local Boosting, was presented in the study by Zhang
and Zhang (2008). The concept was to calculate a local error of each training instance in each cycle
and based on this value assign a probability that the instance was going to contribute to the next
classifier’s learning process. In AdaBoost, weights of all misclassified samples are increased
automatically in each iteration. In Local Boosting, the aim was to initially identify all noisy
instances that should not be a part of the next base model’s learning set. Each misclassified sample
was initially compared with its neighborhood. If similar instances had been misclassified, the
weight was subsequently increased. If they had been correctly classified, the sample was considered
as noise and its weight was subsequently decreased. The proposed approach was found to be more
accurate and robust to classification noise compared with AdaBoost.
An approach similar to boosting and bagging, referred to as MultiBoosting was presented by
Webb (2000). This approach considered a combination of wagging and boosting. In MultiBoosting
base classifiers are generated similar to the process with AdaBoost with the main difference that the
weights of the instances are drawn from the Poisson distribution. It was proved by work presented
by Webb (2000) in a number of experiments that this technique obtained better mean results than
any bagging or AdaBoost decision trees.
3.3 Partitioning the attribute space
Another approach to generating a collection of base classifiers with the same training data set is by
applying different feature subspaces. A well-known technique that applies random subspaces to
generate ensemble members is referred to as Random Forest (Breiman, 2001). A Random Forest is
a classifier ensemble composed of a large number of individual trees. Individual trees are generated
similarly as in the bagging process. The input parameters are the size of the ensemble and the
number of variables that are used to determine the split at a node of the trees. Each tree is built
with one bootstrap sample. For each node, variables that are used to determine the decision are
randomly selected. Following the generation of a group of tress, a voting method is applied to
generate the final decision. To a certain extent, the Random Forest may be considered as being a
variant of the bagging technique. It was demonstrated (Breiman, 2001) that Random Forest
performs competitively to boosting and bagging.
A method referred to as Attribute Bagging was proposed in the study by Bryll et al. (2003).
In this approach, to increase diversity, as opposed to subsets of instances, subsets of attributes
were randomly chosen. Different numbers of attributes were investigated and selection did not
include replacement. Mselected feature subspaces were ranked according to their accuracy on the
training data, with only the best kout of Mbeing applied. Based on the analysis performed, it was
apparent that such a modification of the bagging technique had the ability to provide better results
in both accuracy and stability.
Another method considered for obtaining sets of different base classifiers by subspace selection
was presented by Li and Hao (2009). The concept introduced was similar to the process introduced
in Attribute Bagging (Bryll et al., 2003). It involved the training of the classifiers on a different
subset of features to obtain a higher level of diversity. In this approach, each feature was con-
sidered as one dimension in the Euclidean space. The approach adopted the random Oracle
classifier to generate a hyper plane Hthat split the Euclidean space into two subspaces V
. One NB classifier was built in each of the subspaces. The final ensemble consisted of all
generated models. The proposed method resulted in being the more successful compared with the
bagging or boosting approach when evaluated on a number of data sets.
A method of creating a 1ANN ensemble using feature selection and multiple distance functions
(DF-TS-1NN) was proposed by Tahir and Smith (2010). The aim was to generate an ensemble where
each member uses a different set of features and a different distance function. This approach was
meant to reduce the probability that errors of individual classifiers are correlated. Feature selection
was performed by application of the Tabu Search algorithm (Sait & Youssef, 1999). Five different
distance measures were used within the 1ANN models. Following evaluation, the proposed technique
not only improved single classifier performance, however, the approach significantly outperformed
classifiers such as: Bagging C4.5, Bagging 1NN, AdaBoost C4.5 and AdaBoost 1NN.
A survey of commonly used ensemble-based classification techniques 11
3.4 Summary
For all of the methods based on obtaining a collection of base classifiers using different training
data and the same learning method, there are two key issues, which should be considered. First,
the technique of dividing the original training data set into subsets should be considered. Second,
the selection of the learning method for training base classifiers should be considered. These two
problems appear to be very connected with each other. For example, if subsets of training data are
not different enough, only unstable learning methods can obtain diverse classifiers (Breiman,
1996). Bagging and boosting are not very efficient when applied with stable learning methods.
Usually, some improvement has to be undertaken to obtain diverse base classifiers. Attribute
partitioning may be viewed as an effective way for generating good ensembles that do not rely on
stability. Another parameter, which may be viewed as a drawback of the methods, introduced in
this Section is complexity. Usually, a large number of base classifiers have to be generated to
obtain a good ensemble.
In an effort to provide an improved overview of the approaches of bagging and boosting, which
have been considered in addition to their evaluations, Tables 1–3 aim to summarize all of the
aforementioned methods. From the summary presented in Table 1, we can gain an appreciation
Table 1 Summary of methods based on partitioning of training data set
Method Technique applied Advantage/disadvantage
Bagging (Breiman, 1996) Modified each base classifiers applying
the same learning method and
different bootstrap sample
Simply to implement, models can be
built in parallel, low diversity of base
classifiers, does not improve stable
Nice bagging
(Skurichina & Duin,
Modified bagging, selection of base
classifiers based on their performance
The final model does not improve the
performance of base classifiers but it
is more stable
Wagging (Bauer &
Kohavi, 1999)
Modified bagging, modification of
training data distribution by adding
Gaussian noise
Gaussian noise added to data results in
higher diversity among base classifiers
Double bagging
(Hothorn & Lausen,
Modified bagging, performing LDA
using out of bag sample
Higher diversity among base
classifiers, outperforms performance
of the final model comparing with the
one trained with standard bagging
Bagging SVM (CeBag)
(Wang & Lin, 2007)
Modified bagging SVM, generation of
class-wise experts in each aggregation
Higher diversity, improved
performance of single SVM
Bagging multitree
(Estruch et al., 2004)
Modified bagging, sharing joint parts
of the base classifiers
Reduced training time
(Zhou & Yu, 2005)
Modified bagging kNN, new defined
metric randomly modified in each
Increased diversity among base
classifiers, improved performance
of stable kNN
Ensemble based on
improved kNN
(Gan & Xiao, 2009)
Sampling training data by applying
improved kNN technique of
generating clusters
Outperforms kNN-based bagging and
kNN-based boosting
SBCB (Zeng et al., 2010) Modified bagging, optimization
process applied to select most optimal
classifiers according to diversity and
Higher diversity among base
classifiers, the method outperforms
generic bagging
Bagging with RA
(Datta & Pihur, 2010)
Modified, bagging, training a few
models with one bootstrap sample.
Only the best performing classifier
is selected
Outperforms generic bagging but
increases computational time
SVM 5support vector machine; SBCB 5selecting base classifiers on bagging.
that the majority of the work that has been undertaken has been carried out with respect to
bagging and with the trend focussing on increasing the diversity among base classifiers.
Table 2 presents a summary of the research conducted within the area of boosting methods as
described in the previous sections. We can observe that the biggest problem with this approach is
the low resistance to noise in the data, especially when strong and stable models are applied as base
classifiers. There have been, however, a number of successful approaches proposed to address
these issues.
Table 2 Summary of boosting methods and proposed attempts for improvements
Method Technique applied Advantage/disadvantage
AdaBoost (Freund &
Schapire, 1999)
Training each base classifier with
different data distribution
Larger changes in training data
comparing to bagging what results
in higher diversity among base
classifiers, can be successfully
applied with unstable models.
Models cannot be built in parallel
(Webb, 2000)
Gaussian noise is added to each
Higher diversity among base
classifiers, outperforms bagging or
boosting applied with decision trees
MadaBoost (Domingo &
Watanabe, 2000)
Limitation of weights of each
instance by its initial probability
Decreased over-fitting problem,
outperforms model trained with
standard AdaBoost algorithm
(Li et al., 2005)
Adjusting the kernel parameter in
each cycle of AdaBoost to obtain
average accurate classifiers
Decreased over-fitting problem
Diverse AdaBoostSVM
(Li et al., 2005)
Selection of models with diversity
value higher than predefined
Decreased diversity among base
classifier, improves performance of
AdaBoost applied with SVM
AbaBoost with SVM
(Wang & Lin, 2007)
Weakening SVM by adjusting kernel
value. New weighting rule based on
distance of instance from the
separating hyper plane.
Decreased over-fitting problem,
improves performance of AdaBoost
applied with SVM
Removing ‘confusing
samples’ (Vezhnevets &
Barinova, 2007)
Removing instances that were not
correctly classified by a ‘perfect’
Bayesian model
Decreased over-fitting problem
P-AdaBoost (Merler et al.,
Obtaining weights of instances by
resampling from distribution
estimated from finite number of
AdaBoost iterations
Reduced the computational cost of
the training process
R-AdaBoost (Rodrı
´guez &
Maudes, 2008)
Combining decision stumps from r
former iterations to obtain one
stronger base classifier
Improved performance of AdaBoost
applied with decision stumps
without increasing computational
Local boosting
(Zhang & Zhang, 2008)
Weighting instances based on their
local error
Decreased over-fitting problem
´a-Pedrajas &
Ortiz-Boyer, 2009)
Modification of the input space of
kNN classifiers by means of input
selection or non-linear projection
Instability introduced into kNN
classifier, improved accuracy of
stable kNN
Bs-kNN (He et al., 2010) In each iteration model is built with
different set of features
Increased diversity among base
classifiers, significantly improves
performance of single kNN
A-kNN (Murrugarra-
Llerena and Lopes (2011)
Instead of building small number of
classifiers one network is generated
using training data. Connections in
the networks depend on the weight
of the instances.
Improves performance of stable
kNN. Better accuracy than Boosting
with kNN, SVM, C4.5 and Naive
A survey of commonly used ensemble-based classification techniques 13
Table 3 presents a summary of the methods that apply partitioning of the attribute space to
obtain diverse base classifiers.
Analysis of related work has unveiled that bagging and boosting are the two most popular
techniques of generating base classifiers. Both techniques generate diverse classifier ensembles
through manipulation of the training data set provided to a base learning algorithm. Given that,
different methods of obtaining training subsets from the original data set are applied with
both techniques, they provide different results for different base classifiers. In bagging, diverse
classifiers can be obtained only for unstable base learning algorithms. Boosting does not require
such a big instability given that larger changes in the training data can be obtained using this
technique. It has been shown (Skurichina et al., 2002) that for both bagging and boosting the
accuracy was effected by the training sample size. Boosting provided better results for a large
sample size. Bagging was mainly effective with a small training sample size, when the number of
training instances and dimensionality of the data were comparable. In the same work, it was
shown that for bagging the diversity (Q statistic) decreased when the training sample size
increased. For boosting, however, base classifiers became more diverse with the increase in the
number of training instances. The experimental results demonstrated that for small samples of
training data both techniques performed better when the diversity was higher. Nevertheless, the
relation between accuracy and diversity was much stronger for boosting.
4 Combining methods
As a result of bagging, boosting or other ensemble generation methods, a collection of base
classifiers are produced. The next step in the process of building a classifier ensemble is to combine
the results obtained by all of the individual classification models. There are a number of different
approaches, which may be applied. Some approaches use functions that combine the outputs from
all base classifiers, while others select only the optimal subset of models that are going to be used.
Alternative approaches use continuous values of class labels as a set of features to learn a combining
function (meta-learning). The follow sections investigate these approaches in further detail.
4.1 Weighting methods
The simplest approach to combine base level classifiers is through MV. In this approach,
the votes provided by all classifiers are counted and the class that receives the largest number
Table 3 Summary of methods based on partitioning attribute space
Method Technique applied Advantage/disadvantage
Random forest
(Breiman, 2001)
Generating large number of
individual trees, random variable
selection at each node
Increased diversity compared with
bagging, outperforms boosting and
bagging decision trees
Attribute bagging
(Bryll et al., 2003)
Modified bagging, instead of
instances random set of features is
selected in each iteration
The final classifier performs better
and is more stable compared with
the one trained with standard
bagging method
NB ensemble based
on Oracle selection
(Li & Hao, 2009)
Application of Oracle classifier to
generate a hyper plane that splits the
feature space into two subspaces.
Each classifier is built with different
subspace of features.
Outperforms bagging and boosting
(Tahir & Smith, 2010)
Generating 1ANN classifiers using
different features subspace and
distance function
High diversity among base classifiers,
outperforms bagging and boosting
applied with 1ANN or C4.5
of votes is selected as the final decision. MV can be presented as expressed in the following
assign x!oif o¼arg max
1ða¼bÞ¼ 1ifa¼b
0 otherwise
xis an instance and yis a set of class labels and C
represent base classifiers. When
probabilistic classifiers are applied we suppose that each model votes on the class with the largest
probability assigned. An extended version of this approach is known as weighted majority voting
(WMV). In this approach, different weights are assigned to base classifiers. Each classifier’s weight
describes its contribution to the final decision. We can describe this modification to the basic
concept of MV as expressed in the following equation:
assign x!oif o¼arg max
where a
is a weight assigned to classifier C
. There are different ways of calculating the weight
coefficients. The most popular is the one based on either the classifier’s accuracy or entropy of the
classifier’s output.
A slightly different voting algorithm was introduced by Dimililer et al. (2007). In their
approach, the contribution of each classification model differed among each of the classes.
A genetic algorithm (GA) was applied to optimize the ensemble. For a problem with Nnumber of
classes, each classifier has assigned Nentries in the chromosome. The entries were randomly
initialized to 1 (allowed to vote) or 0 (not allowed to vote). Depending on which class the classifier
voted for, it might or might not contribute to the final decision. A final decision was made by the
WMV method. The weight for each classifier was calculated as its F-Score. Fitness of each
chromosome was calculated as the accuracy of the ensemble based on the evaluation set. The
proposed method outperformed the static classifier selection method, where the best-fitting
classifier ensemble was selected from the outset. All selected models contributed to the final
decision, no matter which class they voted for. The experimental results demonstrated that in the
proposed method each of the base classifiers was allowed to vote for more than half of its
predictions. This means that it works better to allow each classifier to vote for a subset of its
predictions rather than remove it permanently. The new methods outperformed the best single
classifier and an ensemble constructed with all classifiers.
Modification of Dimilier’s and Varoglu’s method was presented by Parvin and Alizadeh (2011).
Similar to the previous study, for a problem with Nnumber of classes, each classifier was assigned
Nentries in the chromosome. This time, however, instead of only 0 (not allowed to vote) or 1
(allowed to vote), the entries could have any values from the closed interval of [0, 1]. This means
that for Nnumber of classes, each classifier had assigned Nweights. Depending on which class the
classifier voted for, it made a different contribution to the final decision. The proposed approach
improved the algorithm presented by Dimilier and Varoglu. These results indicated that it is more
effective to differentiate the reliability of the predictions of each base classifier among classes, as
opposed to limiting it to two choices for each class: allowed/not allowed to vote for a specific class.
Different weighting combination methods for spares ensemble based on linear programming
(LP) were presented by Zhang and Zhou (2011). The spare ensemble approach involved the
combination of only the outputs of classifiers with non-zero weight being combined. As a
combination type they only considered a weighted sum rule. The aim of the work was to adjust the
weights assigned to individual classifiers to support the ensemble performing well on training
samples. Zhang and Zhou formulated an ensemble weighting problem as a LP problem (LP1
Method) in which 1-norm or hinge loss regularization was adapted. The optimization goal was to
A survey of commonly used ensemble-based classification techniques 15
minimize the error of the ensemble on training data with reference to all learned base classifiers.
The LP1 Method outperformed other combination methods including Sum Rule, Product Rule
(Kittler et al., 1998) and based on a similar approach LP-Adaboost (Grove & Schuurmans, 1998).
4.2 Probabilistic methods
A very popular and effective combination scheme is that based on the Bayes theorem. In this
approach, the main aim is to assign pattern Zinto the class v
that maximizes the posteriori
assign Z!ojif
ðÞ ð8Þ
where (v
) are class labels and e
stand for base classifier outputs for pattern Z. The
solution of the equation is considered as the final decision. Five combination methods based on
Bayes theorem were presented by Kittler et al. (1998): Product Rule, Sum Rule, Max Rule, Min
Rule and Median Rule. All combination schemas take into account posterior probabilities yielded
by all the base classifiers to make a final decision. The methods were constructed under a con-
ditional independence assumption of a group of base classifiers, which may not be realistic in
many situations. Nevertheless, they have been presented as very successful combination functions.
In the work of Kittler et al. (1998) the Sum Rule, even though it was developed under the strongest
assumptions, appeared as the most effective approach. It has been shown that the Sum Rule was
more resistant to estimation error than other combining schemes, which may be viewed as one of
the main reasons for its superiority.
A new Bayesian approach to combining classifiers was presented by De Stefano et al. (2011).
In their work, they applied a Bayesian Network (BN) to compute the joint probability:
Pðo;e1;...;eRÞ. Each node in the network represented one classifier output. The structure of the BN
determined the statistical dependencies between node variables. An arrow from node ato node b
indicated that node bwas conditionally dependent on node a(ais a parent of b). Each node in the
network was associated with a conditional probability function. The network structure and para-
meters of probability distributions were learned from a training data set. The desired BN structure
was one that maximizes the scoring function. In their study, De Stafano and Fontanella proposed a
new Evolutionary Algorithm to learn the BN structure. The proposed algorithm was based on a data
structure called multi-list that consisted of two lists: a main list and a sub list. The main list contained
all the nodes in the order that the nodes were inserted after their parents. Each element in the main
list had associated with it one sub list, which represented its outgoing connections. Mutation of multi
list consisted of two steps: swapping position of two randomly selected elements in the main list and
modifying the sub list elements to restore the connection topology from the previous step. Within the
process the initial BN was randomly generated. The fitness of each BN was calculated as the scoring
function. Learnt in this way the BN was applied to solve the following equation:
assign Z!ojif
ðÞ ð9Þ
We can notice that Equation (8) can be rewritten as Equation (9) if we consider conditional
probability distribution and omit the terms that are not dependent on the variable v
. The proposed
approach was an extension of the previously introduced (Folino et al., 1999) Genetic Programming-
based system called Cellular GP for Classification and it improved the final performance.
4.3 Evidential reasoning-based approaches
An alternative group of methods for combining base classifier outputs is based on the evidential
reasoning approach. With this approach, the outputs of all base level classifiers are modeled as
probability distributions for all classes being considered, and are subsequently treated as individual
pieces of evidence. In the studies by Bi et al. (2008) and Bi et al. (2011) Dempster-Shafer evidence
theory was applied for the purposes of combining the outputs of base classifiers. Additionally, a list
of decisions from each base classifier was ranked and partitioned into a subset of two decisions,
which were represented by a novel evidential structure in terms of triplet. This evidential structure
incorporated the best supported class, the second best supported class and total support given to all
the classes. The concept behind this approach was to make use of larger amounts of evidence during
the final decision-making process. The proposed method demonstrated its superiority to MV over
the 13 benchmark data sets and in a text categorization problem.
The evidential approach has, however, been questioned by Bostrom et al. (2008). Six different
evidential combination rules were investigated: Dempster’s, modified Dempster with prior (MDS),
modified Dempster with uniform prior (MDS-u), Dubois-Prade, Yager and Disjunction rule.
They were compared with MV and WMV in an experiment with 27 data sets and random forest as
a learning method. Results demonstrated that all methods were significantly outperformed by the
WMV approach.
Usually combining techniques, based on the evidential approach, have been applied with
classifiers trained with different learning methods. In the work of Altinc¸ ay (2005), evidential
theory was used with a boosting technique. It was considered that each boosting sample, based on
its weight vector and their distances from the tested sample, provided evidence about the class
labels of the testing pattern. The proposed technique, named E-Boost, outperformed the original
version of AdaBoost that used MV as a combining function.
4.4 Meta-learning methods
An alternative technique of combining multiple classifiers is based on the meta-learning approach
and is generally referred to as stacking. It is usually applied to combine models that were built
using different learning methods on a single data set. Figure 4 presents the pseudo-code of the
stacking algorithm.
Within the process, of stacking a collection of base-level classifiers is initially generated (level-0).
Second, all instances from the validation set are classified by all base classifiers. The results of this
process compose a training data set for a meta-model. In the following step, a meta-learner model
is built for combining the decisions of the base-level models (level-1). A new test pattern is first
Figure 4 The Stacking Algorithm
A survey of commonly used ensemble-based classification techniques 17
classified by all base-level models. Based on these predictions, a meta-classifier is generated to make
a final decision. There are two key issues in the stacking approach. First, what learning method
should be used for generating a meta-level model. Second, what form of predictions provided by
base classifiers is most effective (such as class labels, probability distribution and entropy).
Four different learning algorithms applied in level-1, were compared in the study by Ting and
Witten (1999): C4.5, IB1, NB and multi-response linear regression (MLR). Results showed that
MLR was the only good candidate. For classification problems with mclasses, mregression
problems were defined. For each class ol;l¼ linear equation is formulated as presented
in the following equation:
ail CiðxÞð10Þ
Here a
is a linear regression coefficient and it is estimated by applying the linear least squares
method. Otherwise, the weights a
are chosen to minimize the following equation:
ail Cj
where D
is jth fold in a 10-fold cross-validation. Given a new test pattern, the equations were
calculated for all the classes and the class with the greatest value was predicted.
In the work of Todorovski and Dzeroski (2000), a new approach of combining multiple models,
namely meta decision trees (MDT) was proposed. The difference from the ordinary decision tree
was that instead of predicting a class label directly, MDT was used to predict the model, which
could be used to make a final decision. Two types of attributes were applied in the process
of induction meta-decision: original attributes of the instances and class attributes. Original
attributes were applied in the decision nodes. Class attributes represented outputs obtained by
base-level classifiers. They were only applied in the leaf nodes. Each leaf node had assigned to it a
class attribute that decided which of the base classifiers should be used to predict the final decision.
C4.5 was employed as the learning algorithm on the meta-level (MLC4.5). Probability distribution
characteristics such as maximum probability and entropy were used as base classifier predictions.
The method significantly outperformed the stacking algorithm using ordinary classification trees
built with C4.5. It could be highlighted that the MDTs were much smaller than the ordinary trees
used for stacking. In the study by Zenko et al. (2001) stacking with MDT was compared with
bagging, boosting and a number of different stacking techniques. Re-implementation of MLC4.5
referred to as MLJ4.8 was proposed. MLJ4.8 was outperformed only by stacking with MLR. This
evaluation confirmed the fact that MLR was the best candidate as a combining method for the
stacking approach.
A modified version of stacking with MLR, referred to as StackingC, was proposed by Seewald
(2002). With stacking MLR, for each class there was a linear equation constructed using the class
probability distribution. For StackingC, however, for each linear model assigned to a specific
class, only the partial probability distribution related to this class was applied during training and
testing. Some experiments demonstrated that for the multi-class problem StackingC performed
better, while for 2-class problems both methods were comparable.
Two further extensions of stacking with MLR were introduced by Dzeroski and Zenko (2004).
In the first extension, similar to the approach presented by Seewald (2002), the set of meta-level
attributes was modified. This time, however, it was extended by two more features. Together
with class probability distribution, the entropies and the probability distributions multiplied by
the maximum probability (stacking with MLR and an extended meta-level feature (SMLRE)) were
considered. In the second extension, an alternative learning method was considered for use at the
meta-level. Model tree induction was applied as an alternative to linear regression. Hence, instead of
nlinear equations, nmodel trees were inducted (stacking with multi-response model tree, SMM5).
Both techniques were compared with: voting, Select Best, stacking with MDT-MLC4.5, stacking
with MLR and StackingC. Experiments demonstrated that stacking with multi-response model tree,
outperformed all other methods. The approach was found to provide better accuracy than stacking
with MLR.
In the study by Caruana et al. (2004) it was reported that stacked generalization tends to over
fit, which usually results in poor performance. In their work, Reid and Grudic (2009), applied
regularization to linear stuck generalization to remedy the over-fitting problem and improve overall
performance. They used Ridge regression and lasso regression (Hastie et al., 2009) to regularize the
standard linear least square weights estimation. StackingC was applied as an ensemble technique.
Experiments demonstrated that the Ridge regression and lasso regression StackingC performed
better than the unregularised StackingC. This confirmed that the regularization should be performed
at the combiner level in order to avoid the over-fitting problem and improve performance.
Importance of the regularized learning was also confirmed in the work of Sen and Erdogan
(2011). Three different combination types were presented and analyzed, namely linear stack
generalization (LSG), weighted sum (WS) and class-dependent weighted sum (CWS). For
regularization, they applied hinge and least square loss functions with l
norm. The MLR method
was outperformed by all the other regularized learning methods on all data sets applied in the
experiments. In the same work, they promoted the application of the hinge loss function instead of
the least squares approach. In the experiments, the lowest error means were obtained by the hinge
loss function in five out of eight of the data sets.
Analyzing all of the aforementioned techniques, we can ascertain that the efficiency of stacking
is dependent on the number of classes in the problems being considered. An increase in the number
of classes causes the dimensionality of the meta-level data to increase proportionally. This results
in the situation where the meta-learner has more features to consider, which makes it more
difficult to construct a good model. Another consequence is that of the increase of training
time required and memory used during the meta-learner training process. StackingC seemed to be
more effective in the multi-class problem, given that it applied one-against-all class binarisation,
where only probability related to specific classes is considered in the learning phase. This approach
can, however, fail in the situation when class distribution is non-symmetric (Fu
¨rnkranz, 2002).
A new approach referred to as Troika was proposed by Menahem et al. (2009) to address multi-class
problems. The architecture of this method contained four layers. Level-0 consisted of base
classifiers that provide class probability distributions. In level-1, base classifiers were combined
to obtain a group of specialists, where each one can distinguish between different pairs of classes.
For example, for an n-class problem, Troika had n
models. Predictions obtained at this level
were used for meta-classifiers in level-2 that were trained based on the one-against-all binarization
method. Each classifier was therefore considered as a specialist responsible for one specific class.
Level-3 was the final layer. This layer contained just one model: the super classifier, which
outputted a vector of probabilities as a final decision of the ensemble. Troika aimed to avoid the
dimensionality problem by applying more than one combining classifier in level-1. To avoid
skewed class distribution, one-against-one instead of the one-against-all binarisation training
method was employed. Results demonstrated that the idea was successful. Different techniques for
combining and learning base classifiers were also performed. In all the experiments, Troika
obtained better results than Stacking and StackingC in terms of classification accuracy.
A new meta-learning based approach, referred to as CBCA, was proposed by Jurek et al.
(2011). The novelty of this approach was the application of an unsupervised learning method
at the meta-level. Each instance from the validation set was initially classified by all the base
classifiers. Outputs of the classification process were considered later as new attributes. The
K-Means clustering technique was applied to divide all instances from the validation set into
clusters according to the new attributes. Some original features were also taken into consideration
in the clustering process. The collection of clusters was considered as a final meta-model, where
each cluster represented one class. Following this, classification of a new instance was performed
as a simple clustering task based only on the original features. For an unseen instance its closest
A survey of commonly used ensemble-based classification techniques 19
cluster was selected. The class label assigned to the selected cluster was considered as the final
decision. Following evaluation, the proposed method appeared successful. It outperformed all the
individual classifiers, the MV method and a range of other stacking techniques. Comparing
the previously introduced stacking methods the CBCA approach was less complex, since no base
classifiers were involved in the testing phase. It was also presented (Jurek et al., 2011) that CBCA
can be successfully applied in semi-supervised classification problems.
The approach to combining multiple classifiers, based on meta-learning, seems to be very
attractive, however, it is less widely used than some other methods. The reason for this may be
associated with its complexity and difficulty in theoretical analysis. Compared with standard
combining functions introduced in Section 4, the stacking technique is more complicated. Instead
of combining the outputs of base classifiers, stacking uses them to build a meta-classifier. It has,
however, been proved that this technique can obtain better results compared with other
approaches (Dzeroski & Zenko, 2004). Besides high accuracy, it is worth noting that this technique
does not require any specific type of base classifiers. Bagging or boosting, for example, require
considerable numbers of models, since they are based on varying data distributions to obtain
collections of diverse classifiers by a single learning method. In some cases several dozen base
classifiers were used (Bryll et al., 2003; Machova & Barcak, 2006; Rodrı
´guez & Maudes, 2008),
which makes the ensemble very large. All of these approaches have to be used for each testing
pattern, which is very time-consuming. Stacking may work with only two or three base classifiers
and it is not necessary to be concerned if they are stable or not. The two most important issues one
should focus on, during the design of the stacking architecture are: the type of attributes that are
used for generating level-1 data and the type of level-1 combining method. Table 4 summarizes all
of the aforementioned stacking methods.
Table 4 Summary of the ensemble methods based on meta-learning approach
Method Meta-level attributes Meat-level learning algorithm
Stacking MLR (Ting &
Witten, 1999)
Probability distributions MLR
Stacking MDT (Todorovski &
Dzeroski, 2000)
Highest class probability, entropy
of the class probability
distribution, fraction of the
training examples
Meta decision trees
StackingC (Seewald, 2002) Partial probability distribution
related to the considered class
SMLRE (Dzeroski & Zenko,
Class probability distribution,
probability distributions
multiplied by the maximum
SMM5 (Dzeroski & Zenko,
Probability distributions Multi-response model tree
Troika (Menahem et al., 2009) Probability distributions Three-layer schema: level 0: base
classifiers; level 1: specialists
between all different pairs of
classes; level 3: final model
Regularized StcakingC
(Reid & Grudic, 2009)
Partial probability distribution
related to the considered class
Regularized MLR and least square
loss function
Regularized stacking
(Sen & Erdogan, 2011)
Probability distribution Weighted sum rule class-dependent
SR MLR and hinge loss function
LP1 (Zhang & Zhou, 2011) Probability distribution Weighted method based on linear
CBCA (Jurek et al., 2011) Class labels K-Means clustering techniques
MDT 5meta decision trees; MLR 5multi-response linear regression.
5 Ensemble selection
A further approach to combining decisions of base classifiers is based on the selection of the most
optimal subset of classifiers. This infers that not all of the generated models contribute during
the final decision-making process; however, only a selected group that can obtain the best
performance possible are used. This may be considered as a binary weighting process, where the
weight is 1 if the classifier is to be considered and 0 otherwise. Ensemble selection can improve the
final performance in terms of both accuracy and efficiency (Tsoumakas et al., 2008). The approach
allows optimizing the computational cost by reducing the number of base classifiers. In addition to
this, it has been shown that a pruned ensemble can obtain improved results in comparison with the
original one (Marigineantu & Dietterich, 1997). Selection techniques are divided into two cate-
gories: static selection and dynamic selection. In the former, a nominated subset of models is
selected just once at the beginning and it is fixed for all testing samples. Dynamic selection is
performed for each new instance individually, based on its features. In both static and dynamic
selections, the key issue is the selection criterion. The most popular criteria in both categories are:
diversity measures and individual and combined performance. This may be viewed as intuitive
choices, however, correlation between ensemble performance and diversity (Ruta & Gabrys, 2005)
and individual accuracy has been questioned (Rogova, 1994).
5.1 Static selection
One of the most simple selection techniques is the Single Best approach, which is based on selecting
the best performing classifier over a validation set. The extended version of the approach is referred
to as NBest, where models that obtain the Nbest results are selected. Both of the methods are
simple from a computational perspective. Another group of searching algorithms is referred to as
the greedy approach (Abdelazeem, 2008). This approach is based on removing or adding a specific
model to maximize the improvement in performance. For example, the Forward Search method
starts with the best classifier. In each subsequent iteration, a pair of models that reduce the
MV error (MVE) are selected and added to the ensemble. The algorithm stops if the MVE cannot
be reduced further. A symmetric method to this approach is referred to as Backward search.
A more complicated and popular approach often applied in selecting problem tools, is GAs
(Kuncheva & Jain, 2000). A GA may be employed for selecting subsets of base classifiers (Kittler
& Roli, 2001), selecting the single best model (Kittler & Roli, 2001) or for computing the best
fitting base classifier weights (Lam & Suen, 1995). In the study by Altinc¸ ay (2004), a GA was
applied as an optimizing tool for optimal boosting. In the work the classifier prototype along with
its training set were evaluated in order to maximize the combined accuracy and ensemble diversity.
The proposed technique improved performance of AdaBoost with WMV as a combination
function. It was found that by using more than one type of base classifier the accuracy of the
proposed method was increased. It was believed that the reason for this was related to increased
ensemble diversity.
Four different measures, for selecting the best subset of classifier, were investigated by
¨met al. (2008). Two diversity measures: difficulty (DI), double-fault (DF) together with
base classifier accuracy (BA) and ensemble accuracy (EA) were tested as a multi-criterion for
searching for the best ensemble. First, three groups of ANNs (15 networks each) were trained.
A GA was employed as an optimization tool for selecting optimal subsets. MV was used as a
combination function. Experiments were carried out with 25 data sets and ANNs as base classifiers.
The results demonstrated that applying the two accuracy measures as a multi-criterion was the most
efficient approach. Applying the two diversity measures only or a combination of two diversity
measures with one of the accuracy measures was found not to be a successful approach.
Different approaches to applying diversity for selecting the best ensemble were introduced by
Shi and Lv (2008). Diversity measures introduced by Melville and Mooney (2003) were used,
which were directly related with classification results. To obtain the pool of different base
A survey of commonly used ensemble-based classification techniques 21
classifiers, attribute selection was applied. The proposed algorithm (ASDM-attribute selection
and diversity measure) selected random subsets of the original attribute set. The Naive Bayes
algorithm was used to obtain one base classifier with each of the subsets. Learned classifiers
were added into the ensemble only if the diversity between the classifier and the ensemble was
significant. All models from the ensemble were combined using MV. The proposed method
outperformed the best single classifier on all attribute subsets. This confirms that, the stable NB
classifier can be improved by ensembles based on partitioning of the attributes, as previously
demonstrated (Li & Hao, 2009).
An alternative approach to selecting models, based on a Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA),
was proposed by Zhiqiang and Balaji (2007). The DEA approach was based on LP. It formed an
efficient border over the data and computed each data point’s effectiveness with reference to this
border. Two different methods were investigated. First Efficient Models Only (EMO), which used
the DEA formulation to select only the efficient models and then combined them with MV. The
second method, namely Efficiency Score Weighting (ESW), was based on weighting each of the
base classifiers according to its efficiency score. As a comparison, un-weighted average (UWA)
and variance-based weighting (VBW) were applied to the same problems. ESW was found to be
the best combining method. The second best approach was EMO, followed by UWA and VBW.
In the work of Zhu (2010), we could observe, however, that ESW and EMO could be outperformed
by ensembles constructed by integrating DEA with stacking. All processes were similar to EMO,
however, the UWA stacking technique was applied for combining the efficient classifiers. The
proposed techniques provided significantly better results than all methods investigated by Zhiqiang
and Balaji (2007). In addition, it was compared with bagging, AdaBoost, Random Forest and
consequently outperformed them all. It was speculated that the reason for this was related with the
application of stacking, which could be deemed as a very effective combining method.
Based on the methods introduced, we can say, that the key issue during static selection of base
classifiers is the choice of selection criteria. In the work of Ruta and Gabrys (2005), a number of
selection criteria were introduced and compared. MV was applied as a combining function. They
investigated a variety of diversity measures such as correlation coefficient, product–moment
correlation, Q-statistics, disagreement measure, double-fault, entropy, measure of difficulty in
addition to a few others. Besides this, minimum individual error, mean error, MVE and MV
improvement were also considered. All the criteria were applied to different searching algorithms:
Random Search, Forward and Backward search, Genetic search and a few others. Based on the
results MVE appeared to be the best selection criterion. All searching methods obtained the
smallest error, when using MVE as a criterion.
A new static classifier selection method (FRFS) based on rough feature selection was proposed
by Diao and Shen (2011). In this approach, all instances from the training data set were classified
by all base classifiers. Following this, the classifier outputs were considered as new attributes.
In other words, each base classifier represented one attribute that can have any class label as a
value. In the next step, fuzzy rough feature selection (Jensen & Shen, 2009) was performed on the
new data set. Harmony Search (Geem et al., 2001) was subsequently applied to optimize the
quality of the subsets of the features by reducing its size. Selected in this way, the subset of features
indicated the corresponding classifiers that could be included in the classifier ensemble. FRFS was
compared with the individual classifiers and the full ensemble, where all base classifiers contribute
to the final decision. The reduced ensemble did not outperform the full collection of classifiers in
most of the data sets, it was, however, very comparable. In most of the cases, it provided a good
improvement over the accuracy of the base classifiers.
Classifier selection for multi-label problems was presented by Pillai et al. (2011). The idea of this
work was to select possible different subsets of classifiers for each class. In other words, for each
class, the decision if instance xbelongs to this class or not should be made by combining outputs
coming from different subsets of classifiers. This approach was referred to as the hybrid selection
of multi-label classifiers (HSM). For selecting classifiers two static criteria were developed based on
the micro and macro averaged F-measure. The proposed HSM was compared with the standard
selection method where the same subset of classifiers is selected for each class and the full ensemble.
Experimental results indicated that the new approach outperformed the other two methods.
5.2 Dynamic selection
The methods introduced in the previous section have been based on the static selection of the
subset of base classifiers. A range of work, however, has been carried out in relation to dynamic
classifier selection. Generally, dynamic selection can be considered in two ways: dynamic classifier
selection and dynamic ensemble selection. In the former, for each test pattern, a set of classifiers is
nominated to create an ensemble. While in the latter, the most suitable combination is selected
from the pool of predefined ensembles. In the work of Saeedian and Beigy (2009) for each testing
instance, only one individual classifier was selected to make a final decision. All data from the
training set were clustered using the k-means algorithm. One base classifier was built with each of
the clusters applying SVM as a learning method. For new instances, the closest cluster was
identified. The model built with this cluster was nominated to make a final decision. The proposed
method outperformed MV in a spam filtering problem.
One of the most popular techniques of dynamic selection is Dynamic Classifier Selection by Local
Accuracy (DCS-LA) (Woods et al., 1997). This approach was based on estimating all of the base
classifiers’ local accuracy in the small region of the feature space, in the neighborhood of the test
pattern. The most locally accurate classifiers were employed to make a final decision. It has been
shown (Cevikalp & Polikar, 2008), however, that DCS-LA can be outperformed by the related
method referred to as Local Classifier Weighting by Quadratic Programming. In this approach, for a
given query, non-negative weights were determined for classifiers in the ensemble. Weighting was
based on their accuracy in the neighborhood of the given test pattern. More effective models were
weighted more heavily for making final decisions. AdaBoost with ANNs as a learning method
was used to train base classifiers. The proposed method outperformed DCS-LA in most of the
cases considered. Both schemes, however, outperformed in all cases the other combining methods
considered during the experiments such as MV, WMV, Max, Sum and Product Rules.
Other dynamic classifier selection methods related to DCS-LA were Local Class Accuracy
(Woods et al., 1997), a priori and a posterior (Didaci et al., 2005) and K-nearest-oracles (KNORA;
Ko et al., 2007). All of them aimed to find classifiers that will be the most likely to be correct for a
pattern in a pre-defined neighborhood. KNORA differed from the others, given that instead of
selecting the most suitable model, it looked for the most suitable ensemble. For a test pattern,
its K-NNs from the validation set were selected. A group of classifiers that correctly classify those
neighbors were selected and applied as an ensemble to provide a final decision. All of the
aforementioned methods and four extended versions of KNORA were introduced and compared
by Ko et al. (2008). Additionally, they were compared with static methods such as GA with MVE
that was considered as one of the best selecting classifier criteria (Ruta & Gabrys, 2005). Experiments
on handwritten numerals demonstrated that the proposed scheme (KNORA-ELIMINATE)
with MV as the combining function was the best of the dynamic techniques, and slightly
outperformed the static method. Nevertheless, methods like OLA and a priori, were not as
effective as GA with MVE.
A number of dynamic methods rather than selecting from a group of base classifiers select from
a group of previously generated ensembles. A method based on this approach, referred to as
Ambiguity-Guided Dynamic Selection, was proposed by Dos et al. (2008). The process of this
method first involved applying a random subspace selection to generate a pool of base (C4.5)
classifiers. Second, to obtain a collection of ensembles, an optimization process was carried out
(GA) with error rate and diversity as the criteria. The next step was selecting an ensemble with the
minimum ambiguity for the given testing patterns. The minimum ambiguity value leads to the
maximal margin that leads to an increase in the certainty of classification. The margin was
considered as a difference between the support provided to the selected class and the support
provided to all the other classes. MV was used for combining classifiers in the ensemble.
A survey of commonly used ensemble-based classification techniques 23
The proposed method was compared with DCS-LA and static ensemble selection using a generated
population. Experiments were carried out on three different data sets. The ambiguity-guided method
outperformed DCS-LA, however, the static method provided the best results in most of the cases.
Different dynamic selection methods, based on accuracy and error diversity, were introduced by
Shin and Sohn (2005). First, a collection of decision trees was designed on the basis of bootstrap
samples. All individual models were clustered using Shannon and Banks (Shannon & Banks, 1999)
distance metric with an appropriate number of clusters. For new testing instances, its K-nearest
neighbors were identified. Two clusters were selected: first with the highest classification accuracy in
the local region and second with the longest mean distance from the first one. Classifiers from both
clusters were combined using MV. The method was compared with DCS-LA, boosting, bagging and
single C4.5. The results demonstrated that the proposed technique outperformed all the rest when
the number of base classifiers was relatively big (50, 75, 100). Bagging seemed to be most effective for
a small number of bootstrap samples (10, 25).
Kurzynski et al. (2010) proposed new methods for calculating the competence of a classifier for
a given instance. The potential function model for calculating the competence of a classifier
Com(C jx) for classifier Cfor unseen object xis given in the following equation:
ComðCjxÞ¼ X
Comsrc ðCjxkÞeðdðx;xkÞ2Þð12Þ
where ComsrcðCjxkÞis the source competence of classifier Cfor instance x
from validation set V
and d(x,x
) is the Euclidean distance between xand instance x
. In this study, a new successful
method of calculating source competence was proposed as expressed in the following equation:
CscrðCjxkÞ¼2Cjk ðxkÞ
where C
) is the support given by the classifiers for the correct class of x
. It can be noted that
the function has values in the closed interval [21, 1]. It can also be noted that the value is equal to 1
if maximum support is given to the correct class and 21 support given to the correct class if the
value is equal to 0. For unseen instances all classifiers with a competence .0 were selected for the
final ensemble. The proposed technique outperformed four other methods based on similar
approaches namely DCS-LA (Woods et al., 1997), DCS-MBC (Giacinto & Roli, 2001), DSC-MLA
(Smits, 2002) and DES-KE (Ko et al., 2008). It also obtained better average accuracy than a single
classifier and the MV method.
In the study of Xiao and He (2009), a new external criterion of selecting a classifier ensemble
based on accuracy and diversity in the local region was proposed. For each test pattern, they
aimed to select the optimal complexity model according to the following equation:
Fitness ¼d2ðWÞþlDFav ð14Þ
where d2ðWÞ¼D2ðAÞD2ðBÞand D2ðAÞrepresents classification error on the set Bby the model
trained with set A and D2ðBÞrepresents the classification error on set Aby the model trained on
set B.DF
is the average value of double-fault diversity measure between every two classifiers in
the ensemble. Parameter ldetermines the influence of diversity. The results indicated that the
proposed method (GDES-AD) has a strong noise resistance compared with some other methods
based on similar approaches like C-V, DCS-LA and KN-U. GDES-AD significantly outperformed
all other methods when the data set contains some noise. For data sets without artificial noise it
performed lower than some other techniques.
Two new strategies for dynamic selection, namely OP-ELIMINAT and OP-UNION, were
presented by Batista et al. (2011). Both methods were based on K-nearest oracles. The first step, in both
cases, was for a new instance to select its knumber of nearest neighbors. For OP-ELIMINATE, all
base classifiers were tested on the selected subset and only those that classified all kneighbors correctly
were included into the ensemble. If there were no classifiers, then the parameter kwas decreased.
For OP-UNION the selection process was different. For each selected neighbor, they searched
for kbase models that classified the instance correctly. All selected classifiers form the final
ensemble. The new methods outperformed two previously described methods KNORA-UNION/
ELIMINATE (Ko et al., 2008) and MV combination of 100 SVM classifiers. Based on the
evaluation conducted, OP-ELIMINATE obtained the lowest overall error rates.
Tables 5 and 6 summarize all static and dynamic methods described in this paper. We can
notice that with the static approach to selecting base classifiers, the most common selection criteria
are accuracy and diversity among base classifiers. For the dynamic methods, however, the most
frequently used selection criterion is based on the local accuracy of the models.
Both static and dynamic base classifier selections seem to be effective methods of improving
classifier ensemble accuracy. In the static method, the optimal solution is obtained from training
data, where the class labels are known, however, it does not have to be optimum for unseen data.
Dynamic methods deal with this problem by taking into account the test pattern’s features during
selecting the classifiers, for example, with the KNORA approach (Ko et al., 2007). To overcome
this problem, in static methods, the true accuracy of the ensemble should be estimated based on
the data that have not been applied for selecting the optimum classifier or for building individual
classifiers. This, however, requires a larger training set. On the other hand, static techniques
should be more efficient with respect to execution time. If the number of base classifiers is large, it
can moderate the search algorithm. Given that in dynamic selection, the optimization process is
performed for each instance individually, it can dramatically extend the testing time.
All of the methods described above can be applied with both a group of base classifiers:
generated using the same learning algorithm and different training set (bagging, boosting) or
different learning methods and the same training data. It is difficult to agree which approach is
more effective, since limited comparisons between them have been presented to date. The selection
of base classifiers seems to be very efficient in the combining process. It is useful especially in the
situations when a large number of base classifiers are generated (like in the instances of bagging
or boosting techniques). It not only increases accuracy, however, it also reduces the complexity of
the ensemble.
Table 5 Summary of static methods for base classifier selection
Method Approach Selection criterion
Nbest Select Nbest classifiers Individual classifier’s accuracy
Greedy approach
(Abdelazeem, 2008)
Removing or adding a specific
model to maximize the
improvement in performance
Final classifier ensemble
Altinc¸ ay (2005) Applying GA as a optimization
tool for optimal boosting
Final ensemble performance and
diversity among base classifiers
ASDM (Shi & Lv, 2008) Application of attributes selection
to obtain diverse base classifiers
Diversity among base classifier
and final ensemble performance
EMO (Zhiqiang & Balaji, 2007) Application of linear
programming to find the most
efficient models
Individual classifier’s accuracy
ESW (Zhiqiang & Balaji, 2007) Application of linear
programming to calculate
weights for base classifiers
Individual classifier’s accuracy
FRFS (Diao & Shen, 2011) Application of fuzzy rough feature
selection to select group of base
Independency of base classifiers
HSM (Pillai et al., 2011) Selecting different subset of
classifiers for each class
Final ensemble’s performance
ASDM 5attribute selection and diversity measure; EMO 5Efficient Models Only; ESW 5Efficiency
Score Weighting; HSM 5hybrid selection of multi-label classifiers.
A survey of commonly used ensemble-based classification techniques 25
6 Summary
The problem of combining multiple classifiers has been investigated by a number of studies in
recent years. There are many different approaches to this problem and many different techniques
have already been proposed. It is very difficult to compare all of the techniques and subsequently
decide which of them is the most effective. In this paper, we aimed to provide an overview of the
most significant work that has been conducted with regard to the ensemble methods. We hope that
it has provided a deeper insight into the techniques, challenges and trends within these areas and
can help others to understand the ensemble process with the aim of stimulating new ideas and new
directions in the area of generating classifier ensembles.
We have mainly focused on the three most well-known techniques: bagging, boosting and
stacking and provided a review of the different improvements of these three techniques that have
been proposed by a range of different studies. Each of the techniques has some features that make
them more or less suitable for different learning methods. Bagging and boosting are both based on
the same general concept of generating a diverse classifier ensemble by manipulating the training
data set, which is subsequently given to a base learning algorithm. According to the methods
considered, boosting seems to perform better and does not require such a high level of instability
Table 6 Summary of dynamic methods for base classifier selection
Method Approach Selection criterion
Saeedian & Beigy (2009) Selecting classifier that was trained
with the instances from the cluster
where the unseen pattern belongs
Test pattern’s features
DCS-LA (Woods et al., 1997) Selecting classifiers with the highest
accuracy in the small region near
the test pattern
Local accuracy of base classifiers
Local classifier weighting
(Cevikalp & Polikar, 2008)
Weighting base classifiers based on
their accuracy in the neighborhood
of the test pattern
Local accuracy of base classifiers
KNORA (Ko et al., 2007) Selecting group of classifiers that
correctly classified k-nearest
neighbors of the test pattern
Local accuracy of base classifiers
Ambiguity-guided dynamic
selection (Dos et al., 2008)
Selecting ensemble with minimum
ambiguity for the test pattern
Error rate and diversity of the
Shin and Sohn (2005) Selecting one group of classifiers
with the highest accuracy in the
local neighborhood and second
group of classifiers that is most
diverse from the first one
Local accuracy and diversity
among base classifiers
Kurzynski et al. (2010) New method of calculating
competence of classifier for the
testing instances based on support
it gave to correct class for instances
in the neighborhood
Local accuracy of base classifiers
Xiao and He (2009) Selecting set of classifiers based on
the fitness function that combines
accuracy and diversity of the
Diversity among base classifiers
in the local region
(Batista et al., 2011)
Selecting classifiers that classified
correctly knearest neighbors of the
test pattern
Local accuracy of base classifiers
(Batista et al., 2011)
For each neighbor of the testing
pattern select knumber of
classifiers that classified it correctly
Local accuracy of base classifiers
of learning method compared with bagging. Bagging, however, manages better with classification
noise in data and it can obtain improved results in instances when a smaller number of training
data is available, compared with boosting. Stacking was compared with bagging and boosting in
a number of studies and it was considered as the leading technique. In addition to this, stacking
does not require any special type and number of base classifiers. This is a significant advantage
compared with the two other methods, where a large number of models are required.
In addition, we provided a review of existing classifier ensemble selection methods based on
both static and dynamic approaches. The main research question within this study has aimed to
answer what is the best choice of the selection criterion. To help to understand why and how the
ensembles work, we reviewed a number of existing theoretical studies regarding the classifier
ensemble problem. Some conclusions can be drawn via reviewing the most recent studies:
>The main focus with the bagging technique is related to increasing diversity among base
classifiers. In recent studies, there were some successful solutions proposed based on applying
some selection criteria rather than applying all base classifiers (Datta & Pihur, 2010; Zeng et al.,
2010) or performing a clustering process instead of random sampling to obtain different training
sets (Gan & Xiao, 2009).
>Most of the recent study regarding boosting techniques focused on adapting it to stable
classifiers, with the main focus on k-NN classifier. A successful solution can be considered as a
modification of the input space of k-NN (Garcı
´a-Pedrajas & Ortiz-Boyer, 2009; He et al., 2010)
or applying different values of parameter kdepending on level of difficulty of the unseen pattern
(Murrugarra-Llerena & Lopes, 2011).
>An alternative to the bagging or boosting method of generating an ensemble can be the training
of each base classifier in different feature subspaces (Li & Hao, 2009; Tahir & Smith, 2010).
>Application of regularization to linear stuck generalization remedies the over-fitting problem
and improves its overall performance (Reid & Grudic, 2009; Sen & Erdogan, 2011).
>While combining decisions of base classifiers, it is effective to differentiate the reliability of the
predictions of each base classifier among classes (Parvin & Alizadeh, 2011). In the previous
study, contribution of the base classifiers to the final decision was based on its accuracy similar
to the case of weighted MV.
>A semi-supervised learning method can be successfully applied as a meta-level learning method
in stacking techniques. It enables stacking to be applied with only a partially labeled validation
set (Jurek et al., 2011).
It could be noticed that only in one of the aforementioned approaches (Jurek et al., 2011), a
clustering technique was considered for the purpose of generating classifier ensemble. It has been
presented that an ensemble based on such an approach can provide good results in terms of
classification accuracy. Besides this, the advantage of performing classification by clustering analysis
is that once the final model is trained, it is computationally efficient and no base classifiers
are required while assigning a class label to a new instance. Development of a new classifier ensemble
methods based on clustering analysis can be considered as new research direction in ensemble
learning. Application of unsupervised learning methods permits consideration to be directed
towards unlabeled data in the training set what can be appreciated in real-world applications where
collecting labeled data may be a costly process. Application of unlabeled data in ensemble learning is
a quite new research direction, which has received limited attention to date. It has been presented,
however, that unlabeled data can be very beneficial for ensemble learning (Zhou, 2009).
Abdelazeem, S. 2008. A greedy approach for building classification cascades. In Proceedings of the Seventh
International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, San Diego, CA, USA, 115–120.
Altınc¸ ay, H. 2005. A Dempster-Shafer theoretic framework for boosting based ensemble design. Pattern
Analysis and Applications 8(3), 287–302.
A survey of commonly used ensemble-based classification techniques 27
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A survey of commonly used ensemble-based classification techniques 31
... Despite the rapid development of various approaches in machine learning, the ensemble-based methodology remains one of the most effective approaches for solving the regression and classification problems. Therefore, ensemble models have been extensively studied in the machine learning community, and a huge amount of methods for solving machine learning problems, including classification and regression, have been developed in recent years [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10]. These methods are based on training a set of weak or base models from data such that their predictions are combined in some way to obtain a strong classifier or a regressor with a more accurate and generalizable result. ...
... A detailed consideration of various types of ensemble-based models can be found in Zhou's book [10]. Exhaustive descriptions of many ensemble approaches are presented in various survey papers, for instance, in [3,6,8,9,[30][31][32]. Most authors assert that GBM [15,16] and its modifications, including XGBoost [17], LightGBM [18], CatBoost [19], can be viewed as the best-known ensemble-based models. ...
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A new extremely simple ensemble-based model with the uniformly generated axis-parallel hyper-rectangles as base models (HRBM) is proposed. Two types of HRBMs are studied: closed rectangles and corners. The main idea behind HRBM is to consider training examples inside and outside each rectangle. It is proposed to incorporate HRBMs into the gradient boosting machine (GBM) to construct effective ensemble-based models and to avoid overfitting. A simple method for calculating optimal regularization parameters of the model, which can be modified in the explicit way at each iteration of GBM, is considered. Moreover, a new regularization called the “step height penalty” is studied in addition to the L1 and L2 regularizations. An extremely simple approach to the proposed ensemble-based model prediction interpretation by using the well-known method SHAP is proposed. It is shown that GBM with HRBM can be regarded as a model extending a set of interpretable models for explaining black-box models. Numerical experiments with real datasets illustrate the proposed GBM with HRBMs for regression and classification problems. The best p-values in the t-test comparing the proposed model with the well-known ensemble-based regression and classification models are 0.004 and 0.0031, respectively. Experiments also illustrate computational efficiency of the proposed SHAP modifications. The code of proposed algorithms implementing GBM with HRBM is publicly available.
... h t−1 denotes the hidden state from the previous timestamp t − 1. Tan stands for the tangent function. h t denotes the current hidden state [50,51]. ...
... Stacking is one of the ensemble ML algorithms [51] that consists of two different layers. The first layer, named the Base-learner, often includes one or more learning algorithms, and the second layer includes a model, also called Meta-learner, that learns from the results of the previous layer of the model [52]. ...
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Predicting employability in an unstable developing country requires the use of contextual factors as predictors and a suitable machine learning model capable of generalization. This study has discovered that parental financial stability, sociopolitical, relationship, academic, and strategic factors are the factors that can contextually predict the employability of information technology (IT) graduates in the democratic republic of Congo (DRC). A deep stacking predictive model was constructed using five different multilayer perceptron (MLP) sub models. The deep stacking model measured good performance (80% accuracy, 0.81 precision, 0.80 recall, 0.77 f1-score). All the individual models could not reach these performances with all the evaluation metrics used. Therefore, deep stacking was revealed to be the most suitable method for building a generalizable model to predict employability of IT graduates in the DRC. The authors estimate that the discovery of these contextual factors that predict IT graduates’ employability will help the DRC and other similar governments to develop strategies that mitigate unemployment, an important milestone to achievement of target 8.6 of the sustainable development goals.
... This technique has seen used in diverse tasks such as classification, regression, and clustering among others. Research has been conducted at multiple levels: from feature selection, component classifier generation and selection, to the ensemble model (Jurek et al., 2014;Dong et al., 2020). Some of the ensemble approaches have been very successful in international machine learning competitions such as Kaggle, KDD-Cups, etc. and the technologies have been extensively used in various application areas (Oza & Tumer, 2008). ...
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Ensemble classifiers have been investigated by many in the artificial intelligence and machine learning community. Majority voting and weighted majority voting are two commonly used combination schemes in ensemble learning. However, understanding of them is incomplete at best, with some properties even misunderstood. In this paper, we present a group of properties of these two schemes formally under a geometric framework. Two key factors, every component base classifier’s performance and dissimilarity between each pair of component classifiers are evaluated by the same metric—the Euclidean distance. Consequently, ensembling becomes a deterministic problem and the performance of an ensemble can be calculated directly by a formula. We prove several theorems of interest and explain their implications for ensembles. In particular, we compare and contrast the effect of the number of component classifiers on these two types of ensemble schemes. Some important properties of both combination schemes are discussed. And a method to calculate the optimal weights for the weighted majority voting is presented. Empirical investigation is conducted to verify the theoretical results. We believe that the results from this paper are very useful for us to understand the fundamental properties of these two combination schemes and the principles of ensemble classifiers in general. The results are also helpful for us to investigate some issues in ensemble classifiers, such as ensemble performance prediction, diversity, ensemble pruning, and others.
... To investigate our approach in depth, we evaluate the performance of the 6 most common single classifiers: K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Trees (DT), Naive Bayes (NB), Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) [11]. To improve the generalizability and the robustness over a single classifier, we evaluated the performance of the 3 most ensemble classifiers named (Random Forest Classifier (RFC), Bagging (BAG) and AdaBoost (ADA)) [1]. ...
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Dempster-Shafer (DS) evidence theory has been widely used in information fusion. However, combining conflicting evidences is still an open question despite the existence of many proposed studies to improve the DS theory combination rule. In this paper we propose an improved probability adjustment method to combine evidences based on their ranks. The idea of our method is to divide each piece of evidence by its rank, assuming that the evidences produced by each source of information are sorted descendingly. The obtained evidences are normalized, averaged and then the DS combination rule is applied. The main objective of our method is to employ the evidence rank to adjust it by giving high support to highly ranked evidences and low support to lowly ranked evidences. Through a numerical example, we proved that the proposed method is more efficient and generates better results that those achieved by many other DS based combination methods. Moreover, we applied our method in combining the outputs generated by multiple single-label classifiers. Using many real-world classification datasets, we compared our method with other DS combination methods, non-learning combination rules and ensemble classifiers. The achieved results shows that our proposed method performs better using most of the datasets.
... Ensemble-based classification models [74] involve the creation and aggregation of multiple classifiers to achieve the learning objective. These models typically rely on a set of individual learners that are combined using various strategies, such as the average or voting method, to produce a final prediction. ...
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Software aging refers to the accumulation of error conditions over time in long-running software systems, which can lead to decreased performance and an increased likelihood of failures. Aging-Related Bug Prediction (ARBP) was introduced to predict the Aging-related Bugs (ARBs) hidden in the systems by using features extracted from source code. ARBs include memory leaks, storage problems, unreleased files, socket exceptions, unreleased file handles, disk fragmentation and so on. Previous research in Software Defect Prediction (SDP) indicated that using feature selection techniques to select a subset of representative features to use could enhance the performance of classification models. However, considering the difference between ARB features and SDP features, blindly applying the method performed well in SDP to pre-process the ARBs dataset may not necessarily improve the performance of the ARBP model, and could potentially result in a decline in performance. To address this limitation, 22 feature selection methods with 21 classifiers embedded in the most used ARBP model on four benchmark datasets from real-world software projects, and six different evaluation indicators were employed to assess the performance of ARBP models comprehensively. Our experiment results showed that: (1) The filter-based feature ranking method called SVMF performed the best on the ARBP, and the filter-based feature subset selection method ConBF performs the worst on the ARBP task. (2) Using the statistic-based classifiers as the base classification model embedded with the SVMF can perform the best, the Naive Bayes classifier always achieves the best performance. Researchers are recommended to first consider CountLineBlank, CountLineComment, and MaxCyclomaticModified features for the ARBP task.(3) The feature selection method ConBF, which performed the best in conventional SDP was not optimal for our specific task. This highlights the unique nature of aging-related features and underscores the need for a tailored feature selection method. Based on these findings, we recommend using SVMF with the Naive Bayes classifier when building ARBP models, in our study, this combination can improve the Balance performance by 18\% and Recall by 25.9% compared with no feature selection for ARBP.
As the principal means of oil and natural gas transportation, oil and gas pipeline systems suffer from common corrosion problems, accurate corrosion prediction of oil and gas pipelines has an essential influence on pipe material selection, remaining useful life prediction, maintenance planning, etc. At present, a large number of corrosion monitoring techniques are applied in oil and gas pipeline systems. The monitored data have the characteristics of multidimensional quantities, noise interference, non-linearity, etc. Machine learning can effectively solve the limitations of relying solely on mathematical models to achieve intelligent corrosion prediction and improve the corrosion control effect. Considering the corrosion prediction problems in oil and gas pipeline systems, the application of machine learning methods in corrosion rate prediction, oil and gas pipeline leakage and defect assessment, and corrosion image recognition were focused on in this paper. By constructing the application framework of machine learning in the field of oil and gas pipeline corrosion prediction, the necessity of data preprocessing and feature correlation analysis are indicated in this paper. Furthermore, random forest and deep learning have extensive application prospects in this field. Finally, the application prospects of machine learning were discussed.
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Various machine-learning methods have been applied to anomaly intrusion detection. However, the Intrusion Detection System still faces challenges in improving Detection Rate and reducing False Positive Rate. In this paper, a Class-Level Soft-Voting Ensemble (CLSVE) scheme based on the Chaos Bat Algorithm (CBA), called CBA-CLSVE, is proposed for intrusion detection. The Support Vector Machine (SVM), K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) and Decision Tree (DT) are selected as the base learners of the ensemble. The Chaos Bat Algorithm is used to generate class-level weights to create the weighted voting ensemble. A weighted fitness function considering the tradeoff between maximizing Detection Rate and minimizing False Positive Rate is proposed. In the experiments, the NSL-KDD, UNSW-NB15 and CICIDS2017 datasets are used to verify the scheme. The experimental results show that the class-level weights generated by CBA can be used to improve the combinative performance. They also show that the same ensemble performance can be achieved using about half the total number of features or fewer.
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Neural networks and traditional classifiers work well for optical character recognition; however, it is advantageous to combine the results of several algorithms to improve classification accuracies. This paper presents a combination method based on the Dempster–Shafer theory of evidence, which uses statistical information about the relative classification strengths of several classifiers. Numerous experiments show the effectiveness of this approach. The method allows 15—30% reduction of misclassification error compared to the best individual classifier.
Conference Paper
Ensemble methods are learning algorithms that construct a set of classifiers and then classify new data points by taking a (weighted) vote of their predictions. The original ensemble method is Bayesian averaging, but more recent algorithms include error-correcting output coding, Bagging, and boosting. This paper reviews these methods and explains why ensembles can often perform better than any single classifier. Some previous studies comparing ensemble methods are reviewed, and some new experiments are presented to uncover the reasons that Adaboost does not overfit rapidly.
Many methods have been proposed for combining multi ple classifiers in pattern recognition such as Random Forest which uses decisi on trees for problem solving. In this paper, we propose a weighted vote-based classifier ensemble method. The proposed method is similar to Random Forest method in employ ing many decision trees and neural networks as classifiers. For evaluating the propose d weighting method, both cases of decision tree and neural network classifiers are ap plied in experimental results. Main presumption of this method is that the reliability of the prediction of each classifier differs among classes. The proposed ensemble method is test ed on a huge Persian data set of handwritten digits and shows improvement in compari son with competitors
Bagging predictors is a method for generating multiple versions of a predictor and using these to get an aggregated predictor. The aggregation averages over the versions when predicting a numerical outcome and does a plurality vote when predicting a class. The multiple versions are formed by making bootstrap replicates of the learning set and using these as new learning sets. Tests on real and simulated data sets using classification and regression trees and subset selection in linear regression show that bagging can give substantial gains in accuracy. The vital element is the instability of the prediction method. If perturbing the learning set can cause significant changes in the predictor constructed, then bagging can improve accuracy.