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Identification of Human Activity and Associated Context Using Smartphone Inertial Sensors in Unrestricted Environment

Identification of Human Activity and Associated
Context Using Smartphone Inertial Sensors in
Unrestricted Environment
Sadam Hussain Noorani
Department of Computer Engineering
University of Engg. and Technology
Taxila, Pakistan
Aasim Raheel
Department of Computer Engineering
University of Engg. and Technology
Taxila, Pakistan
Sheharyar Khan
Department of Computer Engineering
University of Engg. and Technology
Taxila, Pakistan
Aamir Arsalan
Department of Software Engineering
Fatima Jinnah Women University
Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Muhammad Ehatisham-ul-Haq
Department of Creative Technologies
Air University
Islamabad, Pakistan
Abstract—Smartphones are increasing ubiquitously due to the
need and demand in the modern era. The world is transmuting
into a global village with the cumulation of smart devices.
Nowadays, smartphones are enriched with inertial sensors which
can be used to recognize physical human activities in the wild.
Human activity recognition (HAR) lies at the core of many appli-
cations like health monitoring, fall detection, road safety, personal
assistance, and behavior-based context awareness. Context-based
HAR is a new dimension that provides fine-grained information
about the action being performed and leads us towards the
automated and intelligent system design, which is useful to
furnish the smart solution to real-life problems. In this paper,
smartphone sensors are utilized to propose a framework for
human activity and context recognition. This framework per-
forms activity-dependent context recognition on the ExtraSensory
dataset using random forest, decision tree, and k-nearest neighbor
classifiers, and achieves an accuracy of 93.10%, demonstrating
the effectiveness of the proposed framework.
Index Terms—Machine learning, Ubiquitous Computing, In-
telligent Systems, Context-Aware, Activity Recognition.
Activity recognition is the ability to identify and recognize
the actions performed by an individual [1]. Human activity
recognition aims to recognize activities from a series of
observations or the actions of subjects and the environmental
conditions [2, 3]. There are primarily two mechanisms to iden-
tify human activities which include vision-based and wearable
sensor-based methods. Vision-based activity recognition from
video sequences or images is challenging due to problems like
background clutter, partial occlusion, variations in scale, angle,
lighting, and appearance. Whereas, on the other hand, the non-
visual approach to activity recognition relies mostly on various
wearable sensors [4]. The increasing sophistication of perva-
sive gadgets (particularly smartphones) and their sensing and
networking capabilities have made it possible to continuously
monitor human actions and their behavioral environment.
The existence and understanding of behavioral context enable
surrounding users to adapt proactively and intelligently to the
physical settings or situations around them [5]. As a result,
the growth of smartphones has enabled software developers
to construct context-aware applications capable of identifying
human-centric or community-based novel social and cognitive
activities in any setting and place [6]. Working in-the-wild
conditions are tough for the researchers because capturing
the data in an unconstrained/uncontrolled environment without
affecting daily life is a big deal. The true essence of real life is
suppressed when a person is being monitored by the camera,
whereas, one can easily perform daily living activities while
interacting with a smartphone [7]. Moreover, the processing
capability of modern smartphones is comparable to that of
computers and can execute the majority of jobs previously
performed on PCs, with the additional advantage of portability
[8]. Human activity recognition is the foundation of a number
of high-impact applications, such as health, behavior-based
context-awareness, automation, and self-managing systems. In
addition to this, context-aware activity recognition is valuable
for third-party applications, such as targeted advertising, re-
search platforms, and corporate management [9].
In the literature, activity, and context have been indepen-
dently recognized, however, we adopted a two-step strat-
egy and achieved activity-dependent context recognition. This
work proposes a novel framework capable of recognizing
human physical activities and their associated contexts utiliz-
ing smartphone sensors in-the-wild settings. As illustrated in
Fig. 1., the proposed scheme distinguishes among six human
activities, including lying down, standing, sitting, walking,
running, and bicycling, and their related behavioral contexts
in the second phase of the experiment. The objective of this
979-8-3503-3239-1/23/$31.00 © 2023 IEEE
Fig. 1. Primary Human Activities of daily living along with associated
contexts based on ”ExtraSensory” dataset
study is to develop a cost-effective system for identifying
and categorizing human activities and contexts associated with
them. In this aspect, the proposed scheme offers the following
notable contributions:
Recognizing six different human activities in the wild
Behavioral context recognition based on physical activi-
A comparison of the proposed scheme with the available
state-of-the-art human activity and context recognition
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Section II
details the literature related to human activity and context
recognition. The stages involved in the proposed framework
for recognizing human primary activities and contexts are
elaborated in Section III. In Section IV, the experimental find-
ings are presented and analyzed. In Section V, a comparative
analysis of the proposed scheme with the existing schemes is
presented followed by a conclusion in Section VI.
The human ability to recognize another person’s activities is
one of the main subjects of study in the scientific areas of com-
puter vision and machine learning [10]. Context-aware human
activity recognition is a new level in HAR research that leads
to automated and intelligent system development. S. Tahir et
al. developed a human object interaction identification scheme
using wrist-mounted sensors. They identified 3objects and 14
interactions with 86.90% accuracy using the random forest
(RF) classifier [11]. Yuqing et al. developed an acceleration-
based human activity recognition approach employing a con-
volutions neural network (CNN) with a modified convolution
kernel achieving an average accuracy of 93.8% [12]. Andrei
et al. used smartphone sensor data to accurately recognize
six different human activities which include walking, running,
sitting, standing, climbing, and descending stairs attaining an
accuracy of 94% [13].
Yusra et al. studied context-aware human activity recogni-
tion using behavioral contexts and physical activities achiev-
ing an accuracy of 84% using RF classifier. Context-aware
and context-independent HAR experiments demonstrated that
behavioral context improved the primary activity recognition
accuracy [14]. Ehatisham-ul-Haq et al. developed a smart-
phone accelerometer-based model to recognize four daily life
activities (lying down, standing, sitting, and walking) and their
associated contexts with an accuracy of 97.7% using Random
Forest classifier [15]. Khowaja et al. studied context-aware
personalized human activity recognition (CAPHAR) with as-
sociative learning in intelligent environments. CAPHAR com-
putes class association rules between low-level actions and
contextual information to recognize high-level activities and
achieved 23.7% better accuracy for the unseen subjects [16].
A hybrid deep learning-based model by Otebolaku et al. identi-
fied context-aware intricate human actions. They explored am-
bient parameters which include lighting and noise level using
CNN and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) to complement
sensory data from traditional sensors. Hybrid deep learning
models outperformed context-free activity recognition models
with an accuracy of 76.80% [17]. Ying presented an
ensemble learning algorithm (ELA) for smartphone sensor ac-
tivity recognition. Their proposed ELA uses a gated recurrent
unit, a CNN, and a deep neural network (DNN). Input samples
to DNN consist of a feature vector with 561 time-domain
and frequency-domain parameters. The full-connected DNN
fused the output of three activity classification models. The
ELA outperforms the existing system and achieved 96.70%
accuracy [18].
Fig. 2 shows a two-level framework for the recognition
of human activities and their associated contexts. The first
level recognizes six primary human activities, whereas the
second level recognizes the behavioral contexts related to each
primary activity. The raw data from inertial sensors (gyroscope
and accelerometer) are pre-processed and then subjected to
Fig. 2. Proposed Methodology for Human Activity and Context Recognition (HACR)
feature extraction and selection stage followed by context-
aware activity recognition using three different machine learn-
ing algorithms which include random forest (RF), decision tree
(DT), and k-nearest neighbors (KNN). The details about each
step involved in the proposed methodology are presented in
the sub-sections below.
A. Data Acquisition
A publicly available dataset termed ’ExtraSensory’ is uti-
lized to conduct experiments for the proposed method. This
dataset was gathered in out-of-lab settings from 60 subjects
while performing their daily life activities. The extrasensory
dataset consists of data from a wide range of sensors, however,
in this study, the data from the accelerometer and gyroscope
sensor of the smartphone at a sampling rate of 40Hz. In
addition to primary activity labels, the dataset also provides
secondary context information corresponding to each of the
primary activities. In this study, we have used six primary
activities (i.e., lying down, sitting, standing, walking, running,
and bicycling) as shown in Table I, where each activity consists
of data of 20 seconds. All the primary activities contained
secondary context labels except running and bicycling. There-
fore bicycling and running are not included in the secondary
context recognition, and were only used for primary activity
B. Pre-processing
Data pre-processing is the transformation of raw data into
a format that can be comprehended. The accelerometer and
gyroscope raw data may contain a variety of sources of
noise. Before classification, motion signals are pre-processed
to eliminate noise from raw data. Before using machine
learning or data mining techniques, the input data need to
be cleaned. Different imputation techniques are employed
to remove/replace the missing data. Moreover, a 3rd order
average smoothing filter is applied to eliminate the noise
from raw data of inertial sensors and segmented using the
windowing method.
C. Features Extraction and Selection
After pre-processing of the inertial sensors data, feature
extraction is performed and 20 different time domain features
are extracted which have been utilized in [19]. 60 feature
values for each sensor (accelerometer and gyroscope) are
extracted resulting in a 1x120-dimensional feature vector
for each activity of a subject. After feature extraction, the
”infogain” feature selection method is applied to choose the
best subset of features.
D. Classification
Next to the feature extraction and selection, the selected
feature subset is subjected to human activity and context recog-
nition. Three different supervised machine learning algorithms
which include RF, DT, and KNN are employed for this study.
Random Forest is an ensemble technique that uses a decision
tree as a base classifier and can be used for both classification
and regression purposes. The number of decision trees used
in our study is 100. The KNN uses proximity to assign the
class to a test data point. The number of neighbors used
for the current experiment is k = 5. A decision tree is a
supervised machine learning algorithm that is based on the
entropy calculation of the data. The feature selected as a root
node for the decision tree is the one with the minimum entropy
The extracted feature vector is labeled in two different man-
ners to perform activity and context recognition experiments.
For activity recognition, the feature vector is assigned six
different labels corresponding to each primary activity. For the
second phase, unique contexts corresponding to each primary
activity are labeled. For context recognition, only contexts
related to four primary activities which include walking,
sitting, standing, and lying down are used because context
information related to running and bicycling is not available.
Three different classifiers are used to perform the activity
and context recognition. 10-fold cross-validation is used to
S.No Human Physical Activities Associated Human Contexts
1 Lying Down Relaxing,Surfing On Internet, Sleeping, Watching TV
2 Sitting Computer Work, Studying, Surfing on Internet, At Home, Phone in Pocket, I Am Driving
3 Standing Talking, With Friends, At Home, Phone in Pocket, Phone in Bag, Phone in Hand
4 Walking Talking, With Friends, At Home, Outside, Phone in Pocket, Phone in Bag, Phone in Hand
Classifier Accuracy Precision Recall F-Measure
RF 0.814 0.818 0.814 0.813
KNN 0.789 0.787 0.789 0.786
J48 0.753 0.753 0.753 0.753
Fig. 3. Confusion Matrix for Primary Activities
evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme in which
the instances are divided into 10 equal parts and nine parts
are used for training and one part is used for testing purposes.
This process is repeated 10 times and an average accuracy is
Activity recognition results are presented in Table II. The
classifiers are evaluated in terms of classification accuracy,
precision, recall, and F-measure. Based on the average values
of these indicators, it can be inferred that the RF classifier
outperforms the other classification algorithms achieving an
average accuracy of 81.4%. Moreover, the RF classifier re-
sulted in a precision, recall, and F-measure value of 0.818,
0.814, and 0.813, respectively. Similarly, the confusion matrix
presented in Fig. 3 illustrates that out of 115252 instances,
93781 are correctly classified and only 21381 are misclassified.
The summary of results for context recognition correspond-
ing to each primary activity is summarized in Table III. It can
be examined from the table that context recognition accuracy
for each of the primary activities i.e., lying down, sitting,
walking, and standing for RF classifier is 93.1%, 80.5%,
Contexts Classifiers Accuracy Precision Recall F-
Lying Down
RF 0.931 0.930 0.934 0.938
J48 0.928 0.938 0.928 0.929
KNN 0.926 0.925 0.926 0.925
RF 0.805 0.810 0.805 0.805
J48 0.721 0.721 0.722 0.721
KNN 0.705 0.706 0.706 0.706
RF 0.688 0.698 0.677 0.677
KNN 0.534 0.544 0.543 0.541
J48 0.518 0.518 0.518 0.518
RF 0.612 0.609 0.611 0.60
J48 0.535 0.534 0.536 0.535
KNN 0.478 0.463 0.478 0.465
68.8%, and 61.2%, respectively. Similarly, the RF classifier
has the highest value for precision, recall, and F-measure as
compared to other classifiers used for the context recognition
corresponding to each primary activity. These results are
supported by the confusion matrices presented in Fig. 4. It
can be observed from Fig. 4(a) that the context recognition
results corresponding to the lying down activity shows that
out of 61403 instances, 57210 are correctly classified and only
4193 instances are incorrectly classified. From Fig. 4(b), it
can be observed that out of 25974, the number of correctly
classified instances is 17875 and the number of incorrectly
classified instances are 8099. Moreover, Fig. 4(c) demonstrates
the result for context recognition with standing activity. It can
be computed from the confusion matrix that 16796 instances
are correctly classified and 4397 instances are incorrectly
classified from among a total of 27477 instances. Similarly,
in Fig. 4(d), it can be observed that for sitting activity,
68257 instances for context are correctly classified and 16509
instances are incorrectly classified out of 84766 instances.
The studies related to human activity and context recogni-
tion in the out-of-lab environment are very few with a very
limited number of contexts. Table III presents the comparative
Fig. 4. Confusion matrices for context recognition results based on primary activities of (a) Lying Down (b) Walking (c) Standing (d) Sitting, where the
contexts are denoted by the labels: Phone in bag (BAG), With Friends (FRND), Phone in Hand (HAND), At Home (HOME), Phone in Pocket (POKT),
Talking (TALK), Computer Work (CWRK), I am driving (DRIV), Surfing on Internet (INTR), Studying (STDY), Relaxing (RELX), Sleeping (SLEP), and
Outside (OSIDE).
Year Recognized Activities Subjects Sensors Used Classification Accuracy
2020 In-The-Wild [6 Physical activities with 10
corresponding human behavioral contexts ]
60 Smartphone’s Accelerometer RF 84.00%
2020 In-The-Wild [4 Physical activities with 13
corresponding human behavioral contexts ]
60 Smartphone’s Accelerometer RF 97.77%
2022 In-The-Wild [6 Physical activities with 10
corresponding human behavioral contexts
and 4 phone positions ]
60 Smartphone and smartwatch
Boosted Decision
Proposed In-The-Wild [6 Physical Activities with
23 corresponding human behavioral
contexts ]
60 Smartphone’s Accelerometer
and Gyroscope
RF, DT, KNN 93.10%
analysis of the proposed framework with the existing state-
of-the-art schemes available in the literature. In this com-
parison, we considered only those studies which have used
the Extrasensory dataset. It can be observed from the table
that the number of subjects for all the studies including our
proposed scheme is 60. However, the studies proposed in
[14, 15] have only used data from smartphone accelerom-
eter whereas, the study conducted in [19] used data from
accelerometer sensor of both smartphone and smartwatch. In
our proposed scheme, we used accelerometer and gyroscope
data from smartphone inertial sensors for activity and context
recognition. However, in terms of the number of recognized
contexts, our proposed scheme recognizes a higher number of
contexts i.e., 23 contexts associated with 6 primary activities
with a comparable accuracy of 93.10% to all other earlier
studies. The study proposed in [14] recognizes 10 contexts
associated with 6 primary activities with the highest accuracy
of 84%, the study in [15] recognized 13 contexts associated
with 4 primary activities with an accuracy of 97.77%, and
the study presented in [19] recognizes 10 contexts associated
with 6 primary activities with an accuracy of 96.70%. In
our proposed scheme, we added 13 contexts with comparable
accuracy from the studies conducted in [16] and [14, 19],
This paper presented a two-stage human activity and context
recognition framework using data from smartphone inertial
sensors. 20-second data from the inertial sensors (accelerom-
eter and gyroscope) are used to extract time domain features
which are further passed through the feature selection process
before finally moving the activity recognition using RF, DT,
and KNN classifiers. RF classifier produced the best results
in terms of classification accuracy, precision, recall, and F-
measure as compared to DT and KNN classifiers. The result
of this research can be expanded to include more behavioral
contexts which could be further used for user identification
applications. Multiple sensory modalities can be added for this
purpose to increase the system’s recognition performance.
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... From each of the four electrodes, twenty-five features are computed, resulting in a total of 100 features extracted to create a feature vector. Mathematical representations of Twenty-five features are listed in table I.These features are used in different studies in Human Activity Recognition [13] , [14], [15]. ...
... Then, sensor-based HAR is divided into environment-based, wearable-based, and smartphone-based. HAR using smartphone-based sensors becomes interesting because much information can be obtained from smartphones at low prices [9]. ...
Full-text available
Human activity recognition (HAR) is a research field that focuses on detecting user activities and has wide applications. However, the problems that need to be solved are real-time constraints and imbalanced datasets due to different activity frequencies. Our research aims to apply classification integrated moving averages (CIMA) to HAR by evaluating its performance regarding real-time constraints and imbalanced datasets. We achieved the smartphone accelerometer dataset from Kaggle, which consists of several activities: walking, jogging, climbing, and descending stairs. We develop a general CIMA windowing algorithm with hyperparameters J and W. We benchmark CIMA with two state-of-the-art HAR methods: distributed online activity recognition system (DOLARS) and convolutional neural network (CNN). We conducted some imbalance and model size analysis. The test results show that, with J = 10 and W = 240, CIMA performs better than DOLARS and CIMA with recall, precision, and f1-score of 0.996, 0.993, and 0.994. We also prove that CIMA, assisted by quantization, has the smallest model size compared to the CNN and DOLARS model sizes. Finally, we demonstrate that CIMA performs well for imbalanced datasets, where CIMA’s recall on upstairs and downstairs activities is better than DOLARS and CNN, with values of 1.00 and 0.98, respectively. Key Words: classification integrated moving average, human activity recognition, smartphone, accelerometer, imbalanced dataset
... Objective measures or observable data obtained through standardized methods and tools can some how overcome these challenges [3]. The goal of human activity recognition is to identify activities based on a sequence of observations or behaviours of humans using different inertial sensors [4]. Recently, there has been a significant research interest in HAR using sensors due to their affordability and compact design. ...
Conference Paper
Nowadays Wearable sensor-based Human Activity Recognition (HAR) is gaining popularity for its affordability and low computational demands. These sensors are widely used in healthcare and surveillance. However, using smartphone sensors for HAR can be inaccurate due to their non-fixed position. This study uses the publicly available Human Activity Recognition Trondheim dataset (HARTH) to develop a HAR model. The proposed HAR model is capable to recognize diverse human daily life activities in the free-living environment. Identifying individual natural behaviour in the wild (free living) remains challenging because humans engage in unscripted daily activities. While working with controlled conditions (scripted data) can produce optimal results, this system often struggles when applied in real-life scenario. Multiple machine learning classifiers are tested on time domain features extracted from sensor data, with the Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) classifier achieving an impressive 92.92% accuracy, making a significant contribution to the HAR field.
... Objective measures or observable data obtained through standardized methods and tools can some how overcome these challenges [3]. The goal of human activity recognition is to identify activities based on a sequence of observations or behaviours of humans using different inertial sensors [4]. Recently, there has been a significant research interest in HAR using sensors due to their affordability and compact design. ...
... The RFC model exhibited superior performance, achieving an accuracy score of 97.67% [51]. A proposed framework for HAR using smartphone sensors employed random forest, decision tree, and k-nearest neighbour classifiers, achieving an accuracy of 93.10% [52]. ...
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Participatory exposure research, which tracks behaviour and assesses exposure to stressors like air pollution, traditionally relies on time-activity diaries. This study introduces a novel approach, employing machine learning (ML) to empower laypersons in human activity recognition (HAR), aiming to reduce dependence on manual recording by leveraging data from wearable sensors. Recognising complex activities such as smoking and cooking presents unique challenges due to specific environmental conditions. In this research, we combined wearable environment/ambient and wrist-worn activity/biometric sensors for complex activity recognition in an urban stressor exposure study, measuring parameters like particulate matter concentrations, temperature, and humidity. Two groups, Group H (88 individuals) and Group M (18 individuals), wore the devices and manually logged their activities hourly and minutely, respectively. Prioritising accessibility and inclusivity, we selected three classification algorithms: k-nearest neighbours (IBk), decision trees (J48), and random forests (RF), based on: (1) proven efficacy in existing literature, (2) understandability and transparency for laypersons, (3) availability on user-friendly platforms like WEKA, and (4) efficiency on basic devices such as office laptops or smartphones. Accuracy improved with finer temporal resolution and detailed activity categories. However, when compared to other published human activity recognition research, our accuracy rates, particularly for less complex activities, were not as competitive. Misclassifications were higher for vague activities (resting, playing), while well-defined activities (smoking, cooking, running) had few errors. Including environmental sensor data increased accuracy for all activities, especially playing, smoking, and running. Future work should consider exploring other explainable algorithms available on diverse tools and platforms. Our findings underscore ML’s potential in exposure studies, emphasising its adaptability and significance for laypersons while also highlighting areas for improvement.
Conference Paper
Motorbike driving activity recognition plays a crucial role in various domains, including rider safety, vehicle diagnostics, and driver behavior analysis. Traditional methods for activity recognition often rely on dedicated sensors or on-board systems, which can be expensive, cumbersome, or limited in terms of availability. In recent years, the widespread use of smartphones with built-in motion sensors has opened up new possibilities for activity recognition in a more cost-effective and accessible manner. This paper presents a novel approach for motorbike driving activity recognition using smartphone motion sensors. Motorcyclist are inquired to take after a predefined way for recording accelerometer and gyroscope data. Twelve factual features are extricated to classify four driving events i.e., right turn, left turn, U-turn, and a straight path. Four machine learning classifiers i.e., Bayes Net, K-nearest neighbor, support vector machine, and random forest is utilized to classify motorbike driving events. The findings indicate that fusing of a gyroscope and accelerometer can significantly improve the detection of bike driving occurrences, achieving a noteworthy precision rate of 92.13%
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Smart devices, such as smartphones, smartwatches, etc., are examples of promising platforms for automatic recognition of human activities. However, it is difficult to accurately monitor complex human activities on these platforms due to interclass pattern similarities, which occur when different human activities exhibit similar signal patterns or characteristics. Current smartphone-based recognition systems depend on traditional sensors, such as accelerometers and gyroscopes, which are built-in in these devices. Therefore, apart from using information from the traditional sensors, these systems lack the contextual information to support automatic activity recognition. In this article, we explore environmental contexts, such as illumination (light conditions) and noise level, to support sensory data obtained from the traditional sensors using a hybrid of Convolutional Neural Network and Long Short-Term Memory (CNN–LSTM) learning models. The models performed sensor fusion by augmenting low-level sensor signals with rich contextual data to improve the models’ recognition accuracy and generalization. Two sets of experiments were performed to validate the proposed solution. The first set of experiments used triaxial inertial sensing signals to train baseline models, while the second set of experiments combined the inertial signals with contextual information from environmental sensors. The obtained results demonstrate that contextual information, such as environmental noise level and light conditions using hybrid deep learning models, achieved better recognition accuracy than the traditional baseline activity recognition models without contextual information.
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Human activity recognition (HAR) can monitor persons at risk of COVID-19 virus infection to manage their activity status. Currently, many people are isolated at home or quarantined in some specified places due to the spread of COVID-19 virus all over the world. This situation raises the requirement of using the HAR to observe physical activity levels to assess physical and mental health. This study proposes an ensemble learning algorithm (ELA) to perform activity recognition using the signals recorded by smartphone sensors. The proposed ELA combines a gated recurrent unit (GRU), a convolutional neural network (CNN) stacked on the GRU and a deep neural network (DNN). The input samples of DNN were an extra feature vector consisting of 561 time-domain and frequency-domain parameters. The full connected DNN was used to fuse three models for the activity classification. The experimental results show that the precision, recall, F1-score and accuracy achieved by the ELA are 96.8%, 96.8%, 96.8%, and 96.7%, respectively, which are superior to the existing schemes.
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Human activity recognition (HAR) has multifaceted applications due to its worldly usage of acquisition devices such as smartphones, video cameras, and its ability to capture human activity data. While electronic devices and their applications are steadily growing, the advances in Artificial intelligence (AI) have revolutionized the ability to extract deep hidden information for accurate detection and its interpretation. This yields a better understanding of rapidly growing acquisition devices, AI, and applications, the three pillars of HAR under one roof. There are many review articles published on the general characteristics of HAR, a few have compared all the HAR devices at the same time, and few have explored the impact of evolving AI architecture. In our proposed review, a detailed narration on the three pillars of HAR is presented covering the period from 2011 to 2021. Further, the review presents the recommendations for an improved HAR design, its reliability, and stability. Five major findings were: (1) HAR constitutes three major pillars such as devices, AI and applications; (2) HAR has dominated the healthcare industry; (3) Hybrid AI models are in their infancy stage and needs considerable work for providing the stable and reliable design. Further, these trained models need solid prediction, high accuracy, generalization, and finally, meeting the objectives of the applications without bias; (4) little work was observed in abnormality detection during actions; and (5) almost no work has been done in forecasting actions. We conclude that: (a) HAR industry will evolve in terms of the three pillars of electronic devices, applications and the type of AI. (b) AI will provide a powerful impetus to the HAR industry in future. Supplementary information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s10462-021-10116-x.
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Advancement in smart sensing and computing technologies has provided a dynamic opportunity to develop intelligent systems for human activity monitoring and thus assisted living. Consequently, many researchers have put their efforts into implementing sensor-based activity recognition systems. However, recognizing people’s natural behavior and physical activities with diverse contexts is still a challenging problem because human physical activities are often distracted by changes in their surroundings/environments. Therefore, in addition to physical activity recognition, it is also vital to model and infer the user’s context information to realize human-environment interactions in a better way. Therefore, this research paper proposes a new idea for activity recognition in-the-wild, which entails modeling and identifying detailed human contexts (such as human activities, behavioral environments, and phone states) using portable accelerometer sensors. The proposed scheme offers a detailed/fine-grained representation of natural human activities with contexts, which is crucial for modeling human-environment interactions in context-aware applications/systems effectively. The proposed idea is validated using a series of experiments, and it achieved an average balanced accuracy of 89.43%, which proves its effectiveness.
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The automatic, sensor-based assessment of human activities is highly relevant for production and logistics, to optimise the economics and ergonomics of these processes. One challenge for accurate activity recognition in these domains is the context-dependence of activities: Similar movements can correspond to different activities, depending on, e.g., the object handled or the location of the subject. In this paper, we propose to explicitly make use of such context information in an activity recognition model. Our first contribution is a publicly available, semantically annotated motion capturing dataset of subjects performing order picking and packaging activities, where context information is recorded explicitly. The second contribution is an activity recognition model that integrates movement data and context information. We empirically show that by using context information, activity recognition performance increases substantially. Additionally, we analyse which of the pieces of context information is most relevant for activity recognition. The insights provided by this paper can help others to design appropriate sensor set-ups in real warehouses for time management.
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Adaptation of smart devices is frequently rising, where a new generation of smartphones is growing into an emerging platform for personal computing, monitoring, and private data processing. Smartphone sensing allows collecting data from immediate environments and surroundings to recognize human daily living activities and behavioral contexts. Although smartphone-based activity recognition is universal; however, there is a need for coinciding recognition of in-the-wild human physical activities and the associated contexts. This research work proposes a two-level scheme for in-the-wild recognition of human physical activities and the corresponding contexts based on the smartphone accelerometer data. Different classifiers are used for experimentation purposes, and the achieved results validate the efficiency of the proposed scheme.
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The existing action recognition systems mainly focus on generalized methods to categorize human actions. However, the generalized systems cannot attain the same level of recognition performance for new users mainly due to the high variance in terms of human behavior and the way of performing actions, i.e. activity handling. The use of personalized models based on similarity was introduced to overcome the activity handling problem, but the improvement was found to be limited as the similarity was based on physiognomies rather than the behavior. Moreover, human interaction with contextual information has not been studied extensively in the domain of action recognition. Such interactions can provide an edge for both recognizing high-level activities and improving the personalization effect. In this paper, we propose the context-aware personalized human activity recognition (CAPHAR) framework which computes the class association rules between low-level actions/sensor activations and the contextual information to recognize high-level activities. The personalization in CAPHAR leverages the individual behavior process using a similarity metric to reduce the effect of the activity handling problem. The experimental results on the “daily lifelog” dataset show that CAPHAR can achieve at most 23.73% better accuracy for new users in comparison to the existing classification methods.
Human activity recognition (HAR) technology that analyzes data acquired from various types of sensing devices, including vision sensors and embedded sensors, has motivated the development of various context-aware applications in emerging domains, e.g., the Internet of Things (IoT) and healthcare. Even though a considerable number of HAR surveys and review articles have been conducted previously, the major/overallHAR subject has been ignored, and these studies only focus on particular HAR topics. Therefore, a comprehensive review paper that covers major subjects in HAR is imperative. This survey analyzes the latest state-of-the-art research in HAR in recent years, introduces a classification of HAR methodologies, and shows advantages and weaknesses for methods in each category. Specifically, HAR methods are classified into two main groups, which are sensor-based HAR and vision-based HAR, based on the generated datatype. After that, each group is divided into subgroups that perform different procedures, including the data collection, pre-processing methods, feature engineering, and the training process. Moreover, an extensive review regarding the utilization of deep learning in HAR is also conducted. Finally, this paper discusses various challenges in the current HAR topic and offers suggestions for future research