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Wavelet-based feature extraction for classification of epileptic seizure EEG signal


Abstract and Figures

Electroencephalogram (EEG) signal-processing techniques are the prominent role in the detection and prediction of epileptic seizures. The detection of epileptic activity is cumbersome and needs a detailed analysis of the EEG data. Therefore, an efficient method for classifying EEG data is required. In this work, a constructive pattern recognition strategy for analysing EEG data as normal and epileptic seizure has been proposed. With this strategy, the signals were decomposed into frequency sub-bands using discrete wavelet transform (DWT). principal component analysis (PCA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) are applied to reduce the dimensionality of EEG data. These reduced features were used as input to Naïve Bayes and K-Nearest Neighbour Classifier to classify normal or epileptic seizure signal. The performance of classifier was evaluated in terms of accuracy, sensitivity and specificity. The experimental results show that PCA with Naïve Bayes classifier provides 98.6% accuracy and LDA with Naïve Bayes classifier attains improved result of 99.8% accuracy. Also, the result shows that PCA, LDA with K-NN achieves 98.5% and 100% accuracy. This evaluation is used to propose a reliable, practical epilepsy detection method to enhance the patient’s care and quality of life.
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Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology
ISSN: 0309-1902 (Print) 1464-522X (Online) Journal homepage:
Wavelet-based feature extraction for classification
of epileptic seizure EEG signal
A. Sharmila & P. Mahalakshmi
To cite this article: A. Sharmila & P. Mahalakshmi (2017) Wavelet-based feature extraction for
classification of epileptic seizure EEG signal, Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, 41:8,
670-680, DOI: 10.1080/03091902.2017.1394388
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Published online: 09 Nov 2017.
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Wavelet-based feature extraction for classification of epileptic seizure
EEG signal
A. Sharmila and P. Mahalakshmi
School of Electrical Engineering, VIT University, Vellore, Tamilnadu, India
Electroencephalogram (EEG) signal-processing techniques are the prominent role in the detec-
tion and prediction of epileptic seizures. The detection of epileptic activity is cumbersome and
needs a detailed analysis of the EEG data. Therefore, an efficient method for classifying EEG data
is required. In this work, a constructive pattern recognition strategy for analysing EEG data as
normal and epileptic seizure has been proposed. With this strategy, the signals were decom-
posed into frequency sub-bands using discrete wavelet transform (DWT). principal component
analysis (PCA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) are applied to reduce the dimensionality of
EEG data. These reduced features were used as input to Naïve Bayes and K-Nearest Neighbour
Classifier to classify normal or epileptic seizure signal. The performance of classifier was eval-
uated in terms of accuracy, sensitivity and specificity. The experimental results show that PCA
with Naïve Bayes classifier provides 98.6% accuracy and LDA with Naïve Bayes classifier attains
improved result of 99.8% accuracy. Also, the result shows that PCA, LDA with K-NN achieves
98.5% and 100% accuracy. This evaluation is used to propose a reliable, practical epilepsy detec-
tion method to enhance the patients care and quality of life.
Received 6 April 2017
Revised 4 October 2017
Accepted 16 October 2017
Published online 9 November
Epileptic; discrete wavelet
transform; PCA; LDA; Naïve
Bayes and K-NN classifier
1. Introduction
Epilepsy can be potentially life threatening with brain
failure, heart and lung failure, head trauma due to
accidents and sudden unexpected death. Even under-
stated epileptic can cause insignificant harm in the
brain. Long-term problems such as fall in intelligence
quotient (IQ), depression, suicide, Social problems may
lead to reduce the quality of life. So the diagnosis of
epilepsy is the most important in the existing develop-
ment of research. The main challenge of this work is
to detect the epilepsy seizure in order to maintain
independency in patients life and also to help person
with epilepsy to lead full and productive life.
Epilepsy is one of the common neurological dis-
order that affects the nervous system and is character-
ised by the transient and unexpected electrical
disturbance of the brain. All brain functions including
feeling, seeing, thinking and moving muscles depend
on electrical signals passed between nerve cells in the
brain. Epilepsy is also known as a seizure disorder. A
seizure occurs when too many nerve cells in the brain
firetoo quickly causing an electrical storm.
According to the WHO [1], there are about 50 million
people worldwide who are suffering from epilepsy. In
about 70% of people with epilepsy, the cause is not
known and in 30% of the people most common
causes are due to head trauma, infection of brain tis-
sue, brain tumour and stroke, heredity and prenatal
disturbance of brain development.
The electroencephalogram (EEG) is the most influ-
ential technique in the detection of epileptic seizures.
EEG records the electric activity of the cerebral cortex
in the brain and it is used to measure or diagnose
brain diseases. EEG monitoring is an important factor
when identifying conditions, particularly of patients
with epilepsy. The recording data of the human EEGs
are carried out by placing the electrodes on the scalp,
voltage range of the scalp EEG lie between 10 and
100 lV. The main concern in EEG analysis is how to
differentiate seizure from normal EEG signal.
Conventionally, seizure activities are visually
inspected from EEG signals by trained physicians. But
this is a time-consuming and cumbersome in case of
long EEG recordings. So, a rapid detection and classifi-
cation of seizure activity would give a great support to
quantitative analysis and interpretation. In modern
years, different methods have been developed to auto-
matically classify the normal or abnormal EEG signals
without spending hours for visual inspection.
CONTACT P. Mahalakshmi School of Electrical Engineering, VIT University, Vellore, Tamilnadu, India
ß2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
VOL. 41, NO. 8, 670680
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The process of automatic classification is achieved
using pattern recognition. The various stages in pat-
tern recognition are feature extraction, feature reduc-
tion and classification as shown in Figure 1.
Feature extraction is a technique for extracting the
hidden characteristics of the signal such as amplitude,
frequency, mean value, etc., to interpret the signal.
Since the numbers of features are larger due to multi-
channel data, the computation time and memory
requirement will be more. Therefore, the number of
the extracted features can be reduced using a tech-
nique called feature reduction. The reduced features
are fed as input to the classifier. In initial stage, fea-
tures are extracted from raw EEG data using time
domain, frequency domain or timefrequency domain
methods. Meanwhile, the EEG signals are non-station-
ary in nature, it is best suitable to use timefrequency
domain like the wavelet transform for feature extrac-
tion. It offers both time and frequency information of
a signal, and thus, it is possible to get and confine fea-
tures in the data such as the seizure EEG activity
accurately. In the second stage, the features are
reduced to obtain lower dimensionality of the data,
and in last stage, reduced features are used as the
input for the classifier to differentiate normal and epi-
leptic seizure. However, the classification performance
is mostly dependent on the features that are being
used to characterise the original EEG. Therefore, fea-
ture extraction is one of the most significant constitu-
ents of pattern recognition. It suggestively contributes
to the performance of the classifier and reduces data
size without losing its characteristic power. Thus, it is
important to propose an effective feature extraction
method instead of designing the structure of a com-
plex classifier.
In this work, publicly available data provided by
Department of Epitology at Bonn University, Germany.
Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) has been applied
for the time-frequency analysis of EEG signals for the
classification using wavelet coefficients. EEG signals
were decomposed into frequency sub-bands using
DWT, and then, a set of statistical features was
extracted from these sub-bands to represent the distri-
bution of wavelet coefficients. PCA and LDA are used
to reduce the dimension of the data. Then, these fea-
tures were used as an input to the Naïve Bayes and k-
NN classifier to distinguish outputs: normal or seizure.
The accuracy of the various classifiers will be evaluated
and cross-compared, advantages and limitations of
each technique will be discussed. The simulation
shows that k-NN with PCA and LDA can always per-
form better than Naïve Bayes with PCA and LDA. Also,
among PCA and LDA, the best performance is attained
in using LDA.
This paper is organised as follows: Section 2 dis-
cusses other studies performed by using the same epi-
leptic EEG dataset. In Section 3, the clinical data used
in this study are presented, followed by feature extrac-
tion method based on the DWT and dimensional
reduction using PCA and LDA in the subsections. In
Section 4, we have analysed and compared the exist-
ing and proposed schemes in terms of device discov-
ery times. Section 5 concludes this paper.
2. Literature review
Kalayci et al. used wavelet transform to capture some
specific characteristic features of the EEG signals and
then combined with ANN to get satisfying classifica-
tion result [1]. Nigam et al. [2] described a method for
automated detection of epileptic seizures from EEG
signals using a multistage non-linear pre-processing fil-
ter for extracting two features: relative spike amplitude
and spike occurrence frequency. Then, they fed those
features to a diagnostic artificial neural network [2].
In the work of Jahankhani et al., the EEGs were
decomposed with wavelet transform into different
sub-bands and some statistical information was
extracted from the wavelet coefficients. Radial basis
function network (RBF) and multi-layer perceptron net-
work (MLP) were utilised as classifiers [3]. Subasi
decomposed the EEG signals into timefrequency
Figure 1. Pattern Recognition of EEG Signal to interpret abnormality.
Downloaded by [Vellore Institute of Technology], [Sharmila ashok] at 21:08 15 November 2017
representations using discrete wavelet transform.
Some features based on DWT were obtained and
applied for different classifiers for epileptic EEG classifi-
cation, such as feed-forward error back-propagation
artificial neural network (FEBANN), dynamic wavelet
network (DWN), dynamic fuzzy neural network (DFNN)
and mixture of expert system (ME) [46]. Ubeyli
employed wavelet analysis with combined neural net-
work model to discriminate EEG signals. The EEGs
were decomposed into timefrequency representations
using DWT, and then, statistical features were calcu-
lated. Then, a two-level neural network model was
used to classify three types of EEG signals. The results
proved that utilising combined neural network model
achieved better classification performance than the
stand-alone neural network model [7].
Ocak detected epileptic seizures based on approxi-
mate entropy (ApEn) and discrete wavelet transform.
EEG signals were firstly decomposed into approxima-
tion and detail coefficients using DWT, and then, ApEn
values for each set of coefficients were computed.
Finally, surrogate data analysis was used on the ApEn
values to classify EEGs [8].
Guo et al. proposed epileptic seizure detection
using multiwavelet transform-based approximate
entropy and artificial neural networks [9]. Orhan et al.
studied EEG signals classification using k-means clus-
tering and a multilayer perceptron neural network
model [10]. Iscan et al. worked on classification of elec-
troencephalogram signals with combined time and fre-
quency features [11]. Wang et al. investigated the best
basis-based wavelet packet entropy feature extraction
and hierarchical EEG classification for epileptic detec-
tion [12]. Xie et al. proposed a wavelet-based sparse
functional linear model with applications to EEG seiz-
ure detection and epilepsy diagnosis [13]. Janjarasjitt
studied on the classification of the epileptic EEGs by
using the wavelet based scale variance feature [14].
Yatindra kumar et al. aimed to present detection of
epileptic seizures from EEG data recorded for normal
subjects and epileptic patients using DWT-based ApEn
and artificial neural network [15].
3. Clinical EEG data and method
3.1. Clinical EEG data set
The EEG data used in this study were obtained from
Department of Epitology at University of Bonn,
Germany [34]. The data consist of five sets that are
called set A to E and each data set takes 23.6 s consist-
ing of 100 EEG segments recorded on the scalp by sin-
gle channel. The set A and set B include surface EEG
recordings that are collected from five healthy subjects
while eyes were opened and closed, respectively using
standardised electrode placement scheme. The dataset
of set C, D and E were obtained from five epileptic
patients undergoing pre-surgical evaluations. Set C
was recorded on patients before epileptic attack at
hemisphere hippocampal formation and set D was
recorded from epileptogenic zone. The data set E were
recorded from patients during an epilepsy occurrence
using depth electrodes placed within epileptogenic
zone. The data were recorded with 128-channel ampli-
fier system and digitised through 12-bit A/D converter
with a sampling frequency of 173.61 Hz. The data from
set A to E consists of 100 files, and each file contains
4097 successive EEG signals. The 4097 successive EEG
signals were divided into eight sets of 512 signals in
total, and last EEG signal were deleted. In this work,
only data from set A and set E have been taken, so a
total of 1600 sets were obtained for these sets. The
performance can be evaluated from the results
obtained for 800 training set and 800 testing set and
also for 600 training set and 1000 testing set for nor-
mal and epileptic patients.
3.2. Statistical feature extraction using discrete
wavelet transform (DWT)
Wavelet transforms (WT) are widely applied in biomed-
ical engineering areas for solving a variety of real-life
problems. WT provides a more flexible way of time-fre-
quency representation of a signal by allowing the use
of variable-sized windows. WT has gained practical
interest in extracting the valuable information
embedded on the EEG signals due to its ability in cap-
turing valuable frequency information at low-frequency
bands and time information at high-frequency bands
[1619]. EEG signals are non-stationary in nature, and
they contain high-frequency information with short
time period and contain low-frequency information
with long time period [20]. Therefore, by analysing the
biomedical signals at different time and frequency reso-
lutions, WT is able to pre-process the biomedical signals
efficiently in the feature extraction stage.
The continuous wavelet transform (CWT) [21]ofa
signal, xt
;is the integral of the signal multiplied by
scale and shifted versions of a wavelet function wand
is defined by,
dt (1)
where aand bare called the scaling and shifting
parameters, respectively. Calculating wavelet
Downloaded by [Vellore Institute of Technology], [Sharmila ashok] at 21:08 15 November 2017
coefficients at every possible scale is computationally
a very expensive task. Instead, if the scales and shifts
are selected based on powers of two, so-called dyadic
scales and positions, then the wavelet analysis will be
much more efficient. Such analysis is obtained from
DWT which is defined as,
DWT j;kðÞ¼1
dt (2)
where aand bare replaced by 2jand k2j, respectively.
In the first step of the DWT, the signal is simultan-
eously passed through a g[n] as a LP and h[n]asaHP
filters with the cut-off frequency being the one fourth
of the sampling frequency. The use of a group of fil-
ters to divide up a signal into various spectral compo-
nents is termed sub-band coding. This procedure is
known as multiresolution decomposition of a signal
x[n]. Each stage of this scheme consists of two digital
filters and two down-samplers by 2. The first filter, h[.]
is the discrete mother wavelet, high-pass in nature,
and the second, g[.] is the mirror version, low pass in
nature. The down-sampled outputs of first high-pass
and low-pass filters provide the detail, D1 and approxi-
mation, A1, respectively [2224]. At each step of
decomposition process, the frequency resolution is
doubled through filtering and the time resolution is
halved through down sampling.
Figure 2 represents the fifth-level wavelet decom-
position of a signal. In this representation, the coeffi-
cients A1, D1, A2, D2, A3, D3, A4, D4, A5 and D5
represent the frequency content of the original signal
within the bands 0-fs/4, fs/4-fs/2, 0-fs/8, fs/8-fs/4, 0-fs/
16, fs/16-fs/8, 0-fs/32, fs/32-fs/16, 0-fs/64 and fs/64-fs/
32, respectively, where fs is the sampling frequency of
the original signal x[n].
Selection of appropriate wavelet and the number of
levels of decomposition is very important in analysis of
signals using DWT. The number of levels of decompos-
ition is chosen based on the dominant frequency com-
ponents of the signal. The levels are chosen such that
those parts of the signal that correlate well with the
frequencies required for the classification of the signal
are retained in the wavelet coefficients. Since the EEG
signals do not have any useful frequency components
above 30 Hz, the number of levels was chosen to be 5.
Thus, the signal is decomposed into the details D1D5
and one final approximation, A5. These approximation
and detail records are reconstructed from the
Daubechies 4 (DB4) wavelet filter [22]. The extracted
wavelet coefficients provide a compact representation
that shows the energy distribution of the EEG signal in
time and frequency. In order to further decrease the
dimensionality of the extracted feature vectors, statis-
tics over the set of the wavelet coefficients was used
[25]. The following statistical features were used to
represent the timefrequency distribution of the EEG
1. Mean of the absolute values of the coefficients in
each sub-band.
2. Average power of the wavelet coefficients in each
3. Standard deviation of the coefficients in each sub-
3.3. Feature reduction methods
3.3.1. Principal component analysis (PCA)
PCA is a useful statistical technique for finding pat-
terns in data of high dimension and it is unsupervised
approach. It is a way of identifying patterns in data,
and expressing the data in such a way as to focus
their similarities and differences. Since patterns in data
can be hard to find in data of high dimension, where
the amenity of graphical representation is not avail-
able, PCA is a powerful tool for analysing data [26].
PCA extracts a lower dimensional space by analysing
the covariance structure of multivariate statistical
observations. The objective of PCA is to represent data
in a space that best expresses the variation in a sum-
squared error sense. Mostly useful for segmenting
signals from multiple sources. Its properties are as
Figure 2. Level-five wavelet decomposition of input EEG signal.
Downloaded by [Vellore Institute of Technology], [Sharmila ashok] at 21:08 15 November 2017
follows: (i) it maximises the variance of the extracted
features; (ii) the extracted features are uncorrelated;
(iii) it finds the best linear approximation; (iv) it maxi-
mises the information contained in the extracted fea-
tures. The main advantage of PCA is that to find
patterns in the data and compress the data by reduc-
ing the number of dimensions without losing much
information. The idea to use PCA is due to the fact, in
most of EEG data; there is a large amount of redun-
dant information unnecessary for diagnostic applica-
tions. The computational steps are as follows:
i. Calculate the covariance matrix Sfrom the input
ii. Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of S
and sort them in a descending order with respect
to the eigenvalues.
w eig decompositionðS¼Rn
where nis the number of instances, xiis the i-th
instance, and mis mean vector of the input data.
iii. Form the actual transition matrix by taking the
predefined number of components (eigenvectors).
iv. Finally, multiply the original feature space with
the obtained transition matrix, which yields a
lower-dimensional representation.
It can be shown that this representation of
Equation (3) minimises a squared error criterion
3.3.2. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA)
LDA is a supervised approach and it works by creat-
ing a new variable that is a combination of the ori-
ginal predictors. This is done in such a way that the
differences between the predefined groups, with
respect to the new variable, are maximised. The aim
is to combine (weight) the predictor scores in some
way so that a single new composite variable, the dis-
criminant score, is produced. It is possible to view
this as an extreme data dimension reduction tech-
nique that compresses the p-dimensional predictors
into a one-dimensional line. At the end of the pro-
cess, it is hoped that each class will have a normal
distribution of discriminant scores but with the larg-
est possible difference in mean scores for the classes.
Indeed, the degree of overlap between the discrimin-
ant score distributions can be used as a measure of
the success of the technique. Discriminant scores are
calculated by a discriminant function which has
the form:
D¼w1Z1þw2Z2þw3Z3þ:::::::::::::::: þwpZp(4)
Discriminant score is a weighted linear combination
of the predictors. The weights are estimated to
maximise the differences between class mean dis-
criminant scores.
Generally, those predictors which have large dissim-
ilarities between class means will have larger
weights, at the same time weights will be small
when class means are similar [30].
3.4. Naive Bayes classifier
A naive Bayes classifier is a probabilistic classifier that
makes use of Bayesian theory and is the optimal
supervised learning method if the predictors are inde-
pendent (uncorrelated), given the class. This means
that, if its assumptions are met, it is guaranteed to
produce the most accurate predictions. It does, there-
fore, place an upper limit on what a classifier can
achieve. Despite the obvious over-simplification of
these assumptions, the naive Bayes classifier has
proved be a very effective supervised learning algo-
rithm on real data, where the assumptions do not
apply. Bayesian methods are intentionally simplistic
manner to obtain class predictions. The naivety arises
from the assumptions about the independence of the
predictors, which are unlikely to be valid in real data.
Consequently, the data in a naive Bayes classifier will
come from unknown, but estimated, probability distri-
butions that share some interdependency. In reality, it
is not even necessary to use Bayesian methods to pro-
duce these predictions because the initial Bayesian
model can be rewritten in a form that is computation-
ally more feasible using maximum likelihood techni-
ques. Despite these apparently important deviations
from the underlying assumptions, the technique
appears to work well. This is because the predictions
will be accurate as long as the probability of being in
the correct class is greater than that for any of the
incorrect classes. In other words, only an approximate
solution is required that has the correct rank order for
class membership probabilities.
The Bayes rule assigns a case to a class (k) which
has the largest posterior probability given the linear
combination of predictors x
Bayesian methods are then used to estimate pkjx
that a class identity can be assigned [29].
Let C
and C
be two classes (Normal and
Epileptic seizure respectively), Nbe the total number
of training samples and N1,N2belong to C
Downloaded by [Vellore Institute of Technology], [Sharmila ashok] at 21:08 15 November 2017
, respectively. Then, the probabilities P(C
and P(C
)¼N2/N. These probabilities are called prior
) is referred as likelihood function
of C
with respect to sample X. According to Bayes
ðÞ (5)
where P(C
/X) is the probability that sample X
belongs to class C
and P(X) is the probability distri-
bution function of X.
Bayes classification rule can be stated as If P(C
/X), Xbelongs to Class C
and If P(C
/X), Xbelongs to Class C
3.5. k-NN classifier
k-Nearest neighbour (k-NN) classifier [30] is a non-para-
metric, non-linear and relatively simple classifier. It
classifies a new sample on the basis of measuring the
distanceto a number of patterns that are kept in
memory. The class that k-NN classifier determines for
this new sample is decided by the pattern thatmost
resembles it, that is, the one that has the smallest dis-
tance to it. The common distance function used in the
KNN classifier is the Euclidean distance. Instead of tak-
ing the single nearest sample, it is normally taking a
majority vote from the k-nearest neighbours [31,32].
The parameter khas to be selected in practice. In this
work, kis chosen to 2.
To classify an unknown data, the computational
steps are as follows: (i) Compute distance to other
training data; (ii) Identify knearest neighbours; (iii) Use
class labels of nearest neighbours to determine the
class label of unknown data.
Compute distance between two points, that is,
Euclidean distance:
dðp;qÞ¼ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
From Euclidean distance, the class from nearest
neighbour list has been determined. The majority vote
of class labels among the k-nearest neighbours has
been considered. According to distance, vote can be
weighted using weight factor (w)¼1/d
. The value of
khas to be chosen. If kis too small, sensitive to noise
points. If kis too large, neighbourhood may include
points from other classes. The parameter khas to be
selected in practice. In this work, kis chosen to 2.
3.6. Statistical parameters
The performance of classifier is evaluated by using
three constraints that is sensitivity, specificity and clas-
sification accuracy. The description of these constraints
is as follows:
Sensitivity: The number of correctly detected positive
patterns/total number of actual positive patterns.
A positive pattern indicates a detected seizure.
Specificity: The number of correctly detected negative
patterns/total number of actual negative patterns.
A negative pattern indicates a detected normal.
Classification accuracy: The number of correctly clas-
sified patterns/total number of patterns.
4. Results and discussion
The purpose of this study was to investigate the wave-
let-based approach for obtaining representative fea-
tures from EEG data. For this purpose, an EEG
classification system, which used the proposed wave-
let-based feature extraction method, was created. In
this study, EEG signals of normal and epileptic patients
in order to perform a comparison between PCA and
LDA by using SVM were used. EEG recordings were
divided into sub-band frequencies such as a,b,dand
hby using DWT. The wavelet decomposition of sample
EEG epochs, the approximation and detail coefficients
of data set A and E are shown in Figures 3 and 4.
All EEG epochs from both normal subjects and epi-
leptic patients are decomposed into sub-bands D1, D2,
D3, D4, D5 and A5 and their frequencies correspond-
ing to different levels of decomposition for
Daubechies four filter wavelet with a sampling fre-
quency of 173.6 Hz are shown in Table 1.
After normalisation, the EEG signals were decom-
posed using wavelet transform and statistical features
were extracted from wavelet sub-band frequencies.
Then dimensions of these features are reduced by using
PCA and LDA. A classification system based on k-NN and
naïve Bayes were implemented using these data as
The objective of the modelling phase in this work
was to develop classifiers that are able to identify any
input combination as belonging to either one of the
two classes: normal or epileptic. Experimental groups
A and E consist of 100 files, and each file contains
4097 successive EEG signals. These signals were div-
ided into eight sets of 512 signals in total, and the last
EEG signal was deleted. Thus, 800 sets of 512 signals
were created from 100 files and 1600 sets were cre-
ated from set A and set E. For developing classifiers,
800 sets were randomly taken from the 1600 sets and
Downloaded by [Vellore Institute of Technology], [Sharmila ashok] at 21:08 15 November 2017
used for training the classifier, and remaining 800 sets
were used for testing the developed models. The class
distribution, number of training and test data set are
summarised in Tables 2 and 3.
The problem involves classification into two classes:
normal or epileptic. The performance measure used
were sensitivity, specificity and accuracy. Sensitivity,
also called the true positive ratio, is calculated by the
Sensitivity TPR
TP þFN 100%
Specificity, also called the true negative ratio, is cal-
culated by the formula:
Specificity TNR
TN þFP 100%
Accuracy is calculated by the formula:
Accuracy ¼TN þTP
TN þTP þFN þFP 100%
Epileptic seizure detection in EEG can be under-
stood as a kind of pattern recognition theory. It
consists of data acquisition, signal processing, feature
extraction, feature reduction and seizure detection. A
novel EEG signal classification is proposed, which is
based on DWT, the dimension reduction based on
PCA and LDA and classification based on k-NN and
Naïve Bayes. The procedure of the proposed system
can be summarised as follows:
i. The features calculated with statistical features
parameter from timefrequency domain using
ii. Feature reduction based on PCA and LDA algo-
rithm was applied to extracted features to reduce
the dimensionality. This step is implemented to
get rid of irrelevant features that are redundant
and even degrade the performance of classifier.
iii. The classification process for epileptic seizure
detection is carried out using k-NN and Naïve
Bayes classification.
The procedure was repeated on EEG recordings of
healthy subject and epileptic patients. In this work, the
Figure 3. Wavelet decomposition of sample EEG epoch of set A.
Downloaded by [Vellore Institute of Technology], [Sharmila ashok] at 21:08 15 November 2017
training process was carried out using PCA þk-NN,
LDA þk-NN, PCA þNaïve Bayes (NB) and LDA þnaïve
Bayes (NB). After training, we used two different fea-
ture reduction methods and get the test results that
are shown in Tables 4 and 5.
As seen in Tables 4 and 5, the classification rate
with LDA feature reduction is highest than PCA. Also,
simulation shows that k-NN classification using PCA,
Figure 4. Wavelet decomposition of sample EEG epoch of set E.
Table 1. Wavelet decomposition and their
Decomposed signal Frequency (Hz)
D1 43.4
D2 21.743.4
D3 10.821.7
D4 5.410.8
D5 2.75.4
Table 2. Number of training and test sets.
Class Training set Test set Total
Epileptic 400 400 800
Normal 400 400 800
Total 800 800 1600
Table 3. Number of training and test sets.
Class Training set Test set Total
Epileptic 300 500 800
Normal 300 500 800
Total 600 1000 1600
Table 4. Number of training and test sets (as in Table 2).
Technique Accuracy (%) Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%)
Computational Time (sec)
PCA & NB 97 94 100 0.987
LDA & NB 99.75 99.5 100 1.057
PCA & k-NN 98.5 97.08 100 0.895
LDA & k-NN 100 100 97.2 0.924
Table 5. Number of training and test sets (as in Table 3).
Technique Accuracy (%) Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%)
Computational time (sec)
PCA & NB 98.6 100 97.2 1.509
LDA & NB 99.8 99.6 100 0.992
PCA & k-NN 98.5 97.08 100 1.295
LDA & k-NN 100 100 100 0.933
Downloaded by [Vellore Institute of Technology], [Sharmila ashok] at 21:08 15 November 2017
LDA can perform better than naïve Bayes and gives an
accuracy of 98.5% and 100% for equal and unequal
training and testing set. The classification accuracy of
LDA with k-NN is 100%, which is highest of all techni-
ques for equal and unequal training and testing set.
According to computational time, the classification pro-
cess using LDA with naïve Bayes classifier and k-NN clas-
sifier is relatively longer than PCA with naïve Bayes and
k-NN classifier for data set as shown in Table 2. For the
data set as shown in Table 3, the computational time
for PCA with naïve Bayes and k-NN classifier is longer
than LDA with naïve Bayes and k-NN classifier.
Table 6 presents the comparison between results
obtained from proposed method and existing
methods. Only, the methods that used the same data
set are included for the purpose of comparison. The
accuracy obtained from the proposed method gives
the best result with LDA feature reduction technique
and k-NN classifier (100%). It can be seen that our pro-
posed method is fast enough for real-time EEG seizure
detection. The programme was written in MATLAB
R2014a and personal computer is HP 248 G1
Notebook with a 1.6 GHz CPU and 8GB of memory.
EEG recordings have turn out to be a widespread
means for seizure detection and diagnosis. Visually,
Table 6. Shows comparison of automated epileptic seizure detection methods using the open source dataset provided by
University of Bonn [33].
Authors Year Feature extraction Feature reduction Feature classification Accuracy (%)
Guler & Ubeyli [34] 2005 Statistical features from wavelet
None Adaptive neuro fuzzy
Sadati et al. [35] 2006 Statistical features from wavelet
None Adaptive neuro fuzzy
Guler & Ubeyli [36] 2007 Wavelet transform and
Lyapunov exponents
None Support vector machine
and probabilistic
neural network (PNN)
Subasi [6] 2007 Statistical features from wavelet
None Mixture of expert model 95
Polat & Gunes [37] 2008 Wavelet transform, fast Fourier
transform and autoregressive
Distance-based data
Decision tree 99.32
Ocak [38] 2008 Wavelet transform, approximate
entropy and genetic
None Learning vector
Mousavi et al. [39] 2008 Wavelet transform & auto
regressive model
None Artificial neural
Ubeyli [7] 2008 Statistical features from wavelet
None Mixture of expert model 93.17
Ocak [8] 2009 Wavelet transform and approxi-
mate entropy
None Surrogate data analysis 96.65
Guo et al. [46] 2009 Wavelet transform & relative
wavelet energy
None ANN 95.2
Ubeyli [18] 2009 Statistical features from wavelet
None Probabilistic neural
Guo et al. [9] 2010 Wavelet transform and approxi-
mate entropy
None ANN 99.85
Subasi & Gursoy [40] 2010 Statistical features from wavelet
PCA, ICA and LDA SVM 100
Lim et al. [41] 2010 Statistical features from wavelet
None LS-SVM 100
Wang et al. [12] 2011 Wavelet transform and
Shannon entropy
None k-NN classifier 100
Orhan et al. [10] 2011 Statistical features from wavelet
None k-NN classifier, ANN 100
Sezer et al. [42] 2012 Statistical features from wavelet
Song & Zhang [43] 2013 Wavelet transform and permu-
tation entropy, sample
entropy and Hurst exponent
Genetic algorithm
(feature selector)
Extreme learning
machine (ELM)
Guangyi Chen [44] 2014 Dual tree complex wavelet
None k-NN 100
Yatindra Kumar et al. [15] 2014 Wavelet transform and approxi-
mate entropy (ApEn)
None Artificial neural network,
Gajic et al. [45] 2015 Statistical features from wavelet
Scatter matrices Quadratic 99
Present reporting Statistical features from wavelet
Naïve Bayes
Naïve Bayes
Downloaded by [Vellore Institute of Technology], [Sharmila ashok] at 21:08 15 November 2017
epileptic seizure detection by trained clinician from
the longtime EEG recordings is a very time-consuming
and expensive process. Therefore, it is desirable to
choose a reliable, simple and fast method for feature
extraction and classification from EEG signals. In this
paper, a new method for detecting epilepsy seizures
have been introduced by using statistical features
obtained from DWT and feature reduction techniques
such as PCA and LDA for classifying the EEG signal as
normal or epileptic seizure with k-NN and Naïve Bayes
classifier. The achievement of the proposed technique
is confirmed through comparing the performance of
classification problems from other researchers. This
method achieves the highest classification accuracy of
100% using LDA as feature reduction technique and
k-NN classifier for the database developed by the
University of Bonn. This proposed method is fast and
easy to implement, so it should be a practical method
for the detection and treatment of epileptic seizure
disorder patients.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
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Downloaded by [Vellore Institute of Technology], [Sharmila ashok] at 21:08 15 November 2017
... The average accuracy obtained by the k-NN classifier after extracting three features extracted from the wavelet decomposition with sy4 wavelet at level 5 was 97.50% for detection of epileptic seizure. A new technique [20] for the detection of epileptic seizures has also been developed in which they used statistical features which were obtained by the discrete wavelet transform and feature reduction techniques such as PCA and LDA for the classification of normal EEG signals with epileptic seizure EEG signals by using k-NN and Naïve Bayse classifiers. The proposed method have shown high accuracy of classification by using LDA method for feature reduction and k-NN method for Bonn University database. ...
... KNN [2], [3], [10], [12], [17], [19], [20], [21], [22], [26], [27] Domain importance was defined by seeing a gradual increase of interest in the said study field. Domain importance can be measured by gradually increased interest in the selected field of study. ...
Full-text available
Epilepsy is a neurological brain disorder which life threatening and gives rise to recurrent seizures that are unprovoked. It occurs due to the abnormal chemical changes in our brain. Over the course of many years, studies have been conducted to support automatic diagnosis of epileptic seizures for the ease of clinicians. For that, several studies entail the use of machine learning methods for the early prediction of epileptic seizures. Mainly, feature extraction methods have been used to extract the right features from the EEG data generated by the EEG machine and then various machine learning classifiers are used for the classification process. This study provides a systematic literature review of feature selection process as well as the classification performance. This study was limited to the finding of most used feature extraction methods and the classifiers used for accurate classification of normal to epileptic seizures. The existing literature was examined from well-known repositories such as MPDI, IEEEXplore, Wiley, Elsevier, ACM, Springerlink and others. Furthermore, a taxonomy was created that recapitulates the state-of-the-art used solutions for this problem. We also studied the nature of different benchmark and unbiased datasets and gave a rigorous analysis of the working of classifiers. Finally, we concluded the research by presenting the gaps, challenges and opportunities which can further help researchers in prediction of epileptic seizure
... In a recent work proposed by Tzimourta et al. [29] and claimed that DWT is contributing well to their classification method with SVM. The two alike works of literature put forth by Sharmila et al. [30] and Kavita Mahajan et al. [31] have also used DWT-based feature extraction by decomposing the signals into various sub-bands. According to Sang-Hong Lee et al. [32], DWT-based signal processing in integration with PSR worked fine for the classification of EEG signals. ...
... Bhuvaneshwari et al. [45] 2015 Time Statistical Sunil Kumar et al. [60] 2015 Nonlinear 1D-LGP Khushnandan et al [63] 2015 Nonlinear EMD-IMF Sharmila et al. [17] 2016 Time-frequency DWT Rafik Djemili et al. [35] 2016 Nonlinear EMD-IMF Peng li et al. [59] 2016 Time Entropies Hadi Ratham et al. [52] 2016 [22] 2017 Time-frequency DWT Tzimourta et al. [29] 2017 Time-frequency DWT Sharmila et al. [30] 2017 Time-frequency DWT Yang li et al. [36] 2017 Time-frequency Multi scale wavelet Pratiher et al. [40] 2017 Nonlinear MFDFA Md. Kamurul et al. [41] 2017 Time Statistical Arunkumar N et al. [48] 2017 Nonlinear Entropies Md Mursalin et al. [56] 2017 Time, Time-frequency Statistical, DWT, ICFS Abeg Kumar J et al. [59] 2017 Nonlinear LNDP, 1D-LGP Ahmed [61] 2017 Feature dimensionality reduction is the process of optimizing feature vectors for classification. ...
Full-text available
Today, the primary topic of discussion in the signal processing domain is the analysis of non-stationary and nonlinear signal data. The use of biomedical equipment generates enormous amounts of physiological data that can be analyzed and used for clinical diagnosis. Manual inference of specific decisions from such signals is laborious due to artifacts and the time-series nature of the data, particularly for electroencephalography (EEG) signals. As a result, it is critical to employ appropriate methods for signal analysis. The purpose of this survey is to gain an understanding of the various techniques used to process EEG signal data in epileptic seizure detection frameworks. A variety of classification and regression frameworks based on machine learning have been reviewed. This systematic review will adhere to the PRISMA guidelines. This survey uncovered several significant findings.
... Instead of choosing a single nearest neighbor sample, it is typically a majority vote among the k-nearest neighbors. The most often used distance function is the Euclidean distance [14]. In this study, we used k = 10. ...
... Automatic recognition of depression disorders is predicted by NB [46]. EEG signals data preprocessing is performed by Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) for data dimension reduction, principal component analysis (PCA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) are used, and epileptic seizures are predicted by the KNN and NB algorithms [47]. In [17] an efficient framework, tested thirteen feature selections with eleven machine learning and convolutional neural network classifiers. ...
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Stress has an impact not only on a person’s physical health but also on his or her ability to perform at work, passion, and attitude in day-to-day life. It is one of the most difficult challenges to assess and monitor an individual’s stress level because everyone experiences stress differently. This paper proposes a CIS-based KNORA-U dynamic ensemble selection (DES) model for stress level identification in humans. The UCI machine learning repository’s physiological electroencephalogram (EEG) dataset is used for this research. The dataset has thirty-six subjects, with nineteen channels of EEG signals considered for each subject. In the first stage, channel signals are decomposed and extracted into five frequency bands using the discrete wavelet transform (DWT). The second stage features selection performed using a combination of statistical importance (CIS). In the third stage of extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost), linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and extra tree (ET) models are used to create a pool of classifiers for the K-Nearest Oracles Union (KNORA-U) dynamic ensemble selection (DES) classifying technique. The proposed model outperformed others on the classification of stress and relaxation levels using EEG signals and achieved 99.14% accuracy. KNORA-U DES is able to produce more accurate results as compared to KNORA-E and METADES models with different feature selection algorithms.
Epilepsy is a common neurological disorder that occurs at all ages. Epilepsy not only brings physical pain to patients, but also brings a huge burden to the lives of patients and their families. At present, epilepsy detection is still achieved through the observation of electroencephalography (EEG) by medical staff. However, this process takes a long time and consumes energy, which will create a huge workload to medical staff. Therefore, it is particularly important to realize the automatic detection of epilepsy. This paper introduces, in detail, the overall framework of EEG-based automatic epilepsy identification and the typical methods involved in each step. Aiming at the core modules, that is, signal acquisition analog front end (AFE), feature extraction and classifier selection, method summary and theoretical explanation are carried out. Finally, the future research directions in the field of automatic detection of epilepsy are prospected.
Electroencephalography (EEG) is a typical tool utilized for the discovery of epileptic seizures. Notwithstanding, long-term EEG, visual investigation of records is described by its subjectivity, time-consuming procedure, and misdiagnosis. Different types of seizure detection algorithms are used to solve the problems but these methods have a high false classification ratio. Therefore this work introduces a novel automatic seizure detection mechanism to reduce the false classification ratio. The proposed strategies suggest that users choose the appropriate one for a given classification problem. The wavelet transform is based on the principle of describing the temporal evolution of a signal across different time scales by providing information about the local regularity. Multi-Model Features must be extracted from individual sources of data by constructing a signal that is appropriate for the type of data. The extraction of features from one source is independent of the extraction of features from an ECG Signal. Therefore, the proposed method for detecting automatic epilepsy identification may be considered a significant option compared to the traditional strategies, which can reduce the overload of visual analysis and accelerate the detection of seizures.
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Feature engineering is an important step in data analysis especially for machine learning applications. Wide range of feature selection methods are being used in EEG signal processing applications. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is considered as an ideal method for feature selection whenever high dimensional data obtained. PCA is a method to identify patterns in data streams and reproduce them in a way to highlight their similarities with unique features. The proposed work exhibits how PCA is robustified for an Electroencephalography (EEG) signal processing application by applying kernel functions. Statistical features are extracted from EEG data after preprocessing by Desecrate Wavelet Transform (DWT). Initially PCA algorithm is applied for feature selection by reducing the dimensionality. Later the algorithm is robustified by applying Gaussian kernel in a nonlinear high dimensional feature space. The research work reports that the robustified PCA produce 0.7% elevated performance than traditional PCA in an EEG classification of epileptic seizure detection.
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Epilepsy is the only neurological condition for which electroencephalography (EEG) is the primary diagnostic and important prognostic clinical tool. However, the manual inspection of EEG signals is a time-consuming procedure for neurologists. Thus, intense research has been made on creating machine learning methodologies for automated epilepsy detection. Also, many research or medical facilities have published databases of epileptic EEG signals to accommodate this research effort. The vast number of studies concerning epilepsy detection with EEG makes this systematic review necessary. It presents a detailed evaluation of the signal processing and classification methodologies employed on the different databases and provides valuable insights for future work. 190 studies were included in this systematic review according to the PRISMA guidelines, acquired from a systematic literature search in PubMed, Scopus, ScienceDirect and IEEE Xplore on 1st May 2021. Studies were examined based on the Signal Transformation technique, classification methodology and database for evaluation. Along with other findings, the increasing tendency to employ Convolutional Neural Networks that use a combination of Time-Frequency decomposition methodology images is noticed.
Active rehabilitation training method can help stroke patients recover better and faster. However, the lower limb rehabilitation robot based on electroencephalogram (EEG) has low recognition accuracy now. A classification method based on EEG signals of motor imagery is proposed to enable patients to accurately control their left and right legs. Firstly, aiming at the unstable characteristics of EEG signals, an experimental protocl of motor imagery was constructed based on multi-joint motion coupling of left and right legs. The signals with time-frequency analysis and ERD/S analysis have proved the reliability and validity of the collected EEG signals. Then, the EEG signals generated by the protocol were preprocessed and Common Space Pattern (CSP) was used to extract their features. Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) are adapted and their accuracy of classification results are compared. Finally, on the basis of the proposed classifier with excellent performance, the classifier is used in the active control strategy of the lower limb rehabilitation robot, and the experiment verified that the average accuracy of two volunteers in controlling the lower limb rehabilitation robot reached 95.1%. This research provides a good theoretical basis for the realization and application of brain-computer interface in rehabilitation training.
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We present a new technique for detection of epileptiform activity in EEG signals. After preprocessing of EEG signals we extract representative features in time, frequency and time-frequency domain as well as using non-linear analysis. The features are extracted in a few frequency sub-bands of clinical interest since these sub-bands showed much better discriminatory characteristics compared with the whole frequency band. Then we optimally reduce the dimension of feature space to two using scatter matrices. A decision about the presence of epileptiform activity in EEG signals is made by quadratic classifiers designed in the reduced two-dimensional feature space. The accuracy of the technique was tested on three sets of electroencephalographic (EEG) signals recorded at the University Hospital Bonn: surface EEG signals from healthy volunteers, intracranial EEG signals from the epilepsy patients during the seizure free interval from within the seizure focus and intracranial EEG signals of epileptic seizures also from within the seizure focus. An overall detection accuracy of 98.7% was achieved.
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This paper presents a new method to automate the process of epileptic seizure detection in electroencephalogram (EEG) signals using wavelet transform and an improved version of negative correlation learning (NCL) algorithm. An improved version of NCL is proposed by incorporating the capability of gating network, as a dynamic combining part of the mixture of experts (ME), into the combining outputs of base experts which arc trained using negative correlation learning algorithm. The NCL training algorithm encourages the base experts to learn different parts or aspects of data set and the gating network provides the local competence of these base experts. Three types of normal (recorded from five healthy persons with eyes open), seizure-free (recorded from epileptogenic zoon of five patients) and epileptic EEG signals were decomposed into wavelet coefficients using discrete wavelet transform. Then the statistical features of the wavelet coefficients were computed representing them into the classifiers. Experimental results show that our proposed method classifies normal, seizure-free and epileptic EEG signals with the accuracy of 96.92% which is significantly better than previous combining methods.
This study presents a new method for epilepsy detection based on autoregressive (AR) estimation of EEG signals. In this method, optimum order for AR model is determined by Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) and then AR parameters of EEG signals (from EEG data set of epilepsy center of the University of Bonn, Germany) and their sub-bands (created with the help of wavelet decomposition) are extracted based on it. These parameters are used as a feature to classify the EEG signals into Healthy, Interictal (seizure free) and Ictal (during a seizure) groups using multilayer perceptron (MLP) classifier. Correct classification scores at the range of 91% to 96% reveals the potential of our approach for epilepsy detection.
Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders with 0.8% of the world population. The epilepsy is unpredictable and recurrent, so it is very difficult to treat. In this paper, we propose a new Electroencephalography (EEG) seizure detection method by using the dual-tree complex wavelet (DTCWT) - Fourier features. These features achieve perfect classification rates (100%) for the EEG database from the University of Bonn. These classification rates outperform a number of existing EEG seizure detection methods published in the literature. However, it should be mentioned that several recent works also achieved this perfect classification rate (100%). Our proposed method should be as good as these works since our method only performs the DTCWT transform for up to 5 scales and our method only conducts the FFT to the 4th and 5th scales of the DTCWT decomposition. In addition, we could replace the conventional FFT in our method by sparse FFT so that our method could be even faster.
There are numerous neurological disorders such as dementia, headache, traumatic brain injuries, stroke, and epilepsy. Out of these epilepsy is the most prevalent neurological disorder in the human after stroke. Electroencephalogram (EEG) contains valuable information related to different physiological state of the brain. A scheme is presented for detecting epileptic seizures from EEG data recorded from normal subjects and epileptic patients. The scheme is based on discrete wavelet transform (DWT) analysis and approximate entropy (ApEn) of EEG signals. Seizure detection is performed in two stages. In the first stage, EEG signals are decomposed by DWT to calculate approximation and detail coefficients. In the second stage, ApEn values of the approximation and detail coefficients are calculated. Significant differences have been found between the ApEn values of the epileptic and the normal EEG allowing us to detect seizures with 100 % classification accuracy using artificial neural network. The analysis results depicted that during seizure activity, EEG had lower ApEn values compared to normal EEG. This gives that epileptic EEG is more predictable or less complex than the normal EEG. In this study, feed-forward back-propagation neural network has been used for classification and training algorithm for this network that updates the weight and bias values according to Levenberg–Marquardt optimization technique.
Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders- approximately one in every 100 people worldwide are suffering from it. In this paper, a novel pattern recognition model is presented for automatic epilepsy diagnosis. Wavelet transform is investigated to decompose EEG into five EEG frequency bands which approximate to delta (δ), theta (θ), alpha (α), beta (β), and gamma (γ) bands. Complexity based features such as permutation entropy (PE), sample entropy (SampEn), and the Hurst exponent (HE) are extracted from both the original EEG signals and each of the frequency bands. The wavelet-based methodology separates the alterations in PE, SampEn, and HE in specific frequency bands of the EEG. The effectiveness of these complexity based measures in discriminating between normal brain state and brain state during the absence of seizures is evaluated using the Extreme Learning Machine (ELM). It is discovered that although there exists no significant differences in the feature values extracted from the original EEG signals, differences can be recognized when the features are examined within specific EEG frequency bands. A genetic algorithm (GA) is developed to choose feature subsets that are effective for enhancing the recognition performance. The GA is also examined for weight alteration for both sensitivity and specificity. The results show that the abnormal EEG diagnosis rate of the model without the involvement of the genetic algorithm is 85.9%. However, the diagnosis rate of the model increases to 94.2% when the genetic algorithm is integrated as a feature selector.