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The potential of complementary and alternative medicines against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection



Abstract With more than 34 million of infected individuals, the prevalence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection remains a perturbing pandemic that has been projected to one of the most serious significant public health concerns. Nonetheless, the introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has significantly reduced Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) related morbidity and mortality. Although the quality of life of those infected has been improved, patients continue to experience physical and emotional discomforts due to the infection and/or co-infection and related treatment. The weak success of conventional biomedicine to find an effective cure for this infection has enticed patients to seek relief through the use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) though this means accepting certain levels of uncertainty in the hope to alleviate their suffering. Despite the widespread use of CAM, little is known about the characteristics of HIV-infected CAM users. Based on the lacuna of high-quality data reporting the use of CAM among HIV/AIDS patients, reviewing CAM use in patients on and off antiretroviral medications (ARV) is an essential baseline step to address challenges surrounding the use, safety and efficacy of CAM therapies. It therefore remains to the clinicians' obligation to inquire about CAM use when assessing, treating, and monitoring patients to ensure the effective use of CAM alongside preventing drug toxicity, treatment failure and ARV resistance. The present review has endeavoured to explore and provide updated information on the potential of common CAM therapies that have been shown to have positive health benefits in HIV/AIDS patients.
Spatula DD 127
Review Article Spatula DD. 2013; 3(4):127-140
The potential of complementary and alternative medicines
in the management of HIV infection and related
HIV infeksiyonunun ve ilişkili komplikasyonların tedavisinde
tamamlayıcı ve alternatif ilaçların potansiyeli
Mohamad Fawzi Mahomoodally, Luxcha Ragoo, Priyamka Dheeya Sreekeesoon, Shanoo
Suroowan, Zubeyr Muhammad Khedoo
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Corresponding Author:
6!GFH HH-DFGGFDHGDD
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Complementary and alternative medicines against HIV infection
128 Spatula DD
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Mahomoodally, Ragoo, Sreekeesoon, Suroowan, Khedoo
Spatula DD 129
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The Management of HIV/AIDS
Antiretroviral medications
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Traditional medicines and CAM
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Complementary and alternative medicines against HIV infection
130 Spatula DD
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Table 1: 1  1  )
Therapy Description
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P& 1&
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Common CAM Therapies Used Among
HIV/AIDS Patients
Chinese herbal medicine (CHM)
#*1$    
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!"   &  /  
 !   Radix astragali  Cordyceps
  %     *
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 YZ=.GQ  %   
    1 S   
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Acupuncture, moxibustion and relaxation
response techniques
 ,%    & %
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vulgaris     KJL
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IR)K GL
Mahomoodally, Ragoo, Sreekeesoon, Suroowan, Khedoo
Spatula DD 131
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longum#$Zingiber officinale#7$
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Medical marijuana (Cannabis sativa)
)& MF 0/ 
Cannabis sativa%%
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*%    % 
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      
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Herbal therapies
!     % 
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%   % !". 
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  !"-)!  0
   KHHL 1+  , %
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Complementary and alternative medicines against HIV infection
132 Spatula DD
IR) KHML *   %  
&    %   
    & KFL !
 %&
 & %  & /.%&
,      
 &     0
)       %
!"-)!     %.
)  %    
*% D KHJL *    / 
%,,KH L
Hypoxis hemerocallidea #) $ 
Azadirachta indica, Carissa
edulisXimenia americana%+
    % IR) KDML )
 Erythrina abyssinica Sarcocephalus latifolius
Psorospermum febrifugum Mangifera indica 
Warburgia salutaris/&
 & !"-)!   
KHOL Allium sativum, Zingiber officinale, Aloe vera
& Moringa oleifera 1 % 
YQ#,/ %$
  %  KGL
 
Table 2: 1     %        !"-)!  
Species Family Traditional uses Parts
used* Mode of application References
Allium sativumR Alliaceae !"-)!  1/
/ KDML
Aloe Aloaceae
 KDMHO.MFL
indica )C Meliaceae 0!"-)! R2
Bidens pilosa R Compositae  R 0KDMHEL
Carica papayaR Caricaceae
0 KDMHEL
Carissa edulis
#0$" Apocynaceae
  0 KDMHOL
citratus#1$ Poaceae
 R 0
* KDML
Papilionaceae 20'.
% R
abyssinica 1 Papilionaceae 1& 22
buchananii 20 Clusiaceae
%%& KMFL
Garcinia huillensis
20 Clusiaceae
Clusiaceae 1 R2
Lannea stuhlmannii
@& Anacardiaceae
Mahomoodally, Ragoo, Sreekeesoon, Suroowan, Khedoo
Spatula DD 133
Mangifera indicaR Anacardiaceae
Moringa oleifera
R Moringaceae
stenopetalaR Moringaceae "& KMFL
Ozoroa insignis  Anacardiaceae
guajavaR Myrtaceae
Febrifugum  Clusiaceae
Rubiaceae ,
 2
Polygalaceae 1&
&& R-2
Warburgia salutaris
#2$1 Canellaceae 1& 2 KHOL
americanaR Olacaceae 20 R
officinale Zingiberaceae 
Documented Evidence of Medicinal Plants against
sativa  FN    /   M
!". (&*  
   & 
  0  + 5
1 S!".()
%   &  DFFF - 
+ &  #WHF -$  
!"  * +   
0%      
&  / !"   
  &    0 
Azadirachta indica
In vitro  & Azadirachta indica 
,  / !".G   1OGMM
1 S  %  & 
  !".G   
+ & !" D  &
)ex vivo&
, /   /.&& 
  0 /  
%    !".
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Complementary and alternative medicines against HIV infection
134 Spatula DD
,  !". / /
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Camellia sinensis
P    Camellia sinensis 
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Hypoxis hemerocallidea
Hypoxis hemerocallidea  0/ 
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Hypoxis     
KH L
Humulus lupulus
b    
 #Humulus lupulus$ b %
!".G     
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,  !  % !".G
   %  
Panax ginseng
*  ,  Panax ginseng  % 
    1  
/   DFFF  !   
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%/    
 1 S   )&  
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&&%%1 S
Extracts from Lamiaceae family
@,   % #Melissa officinalis
R$  #Mentha piperita R$  &
#Salvia officinalisR$%,%
  !".G  *.  
&   ex vivo  
Mahomoodally, Ragoo, Sreekeesoon, Suroowan, Khedoo
Spatula DD 135
 , ,   
   %  /
,  .%   & 
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 %  .  
!".G /  /&
   / Lamiaceae , 
 &       & 
  /  %  
!".G  @, /  &
&#b  H!".
G     
0 $ %  &  .
  . +%
&    0  
Mangifera indica
&' 1.&,
 Mangifera indica , 
 .  % &&
   ., .
  KJFL ) 
 M. indica  %0, &
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!M. indica,
 .1.   
& /.& 1EHR ()
,  1EH. .
#)!1$ %&1EH
& ,    )!1 
 &   )!   &
&&  M. indica   
      !"-)!
Momordica charantia
Momordica charantia  0/ 
%& KJDL  .!"  
.%   
 *  & )I.F
#Momordica ).!" I$ c  &
 .  %  KJL c  %
  %   &/   !" 
 KJ L )I.F     0
  /  %  !"  
   KJHL  )I.F  %
% .,    KJML  
    .!"  /
  % /  . &
2 Momordica charantia  / %
I   %  %
%Q 7 /&    % 
,  /.0/ 
   KJJL I /
   .!".G   
OH EON1 S&
 1 S  /     
Citrus spp
*/ %
!".G    .  
/     !".D  &
 /% % 
!".G    
&- ) &  
     % in vitro
Punica granatum
6 &    &
 !"-)!  %
 /   
 %0  /
 & # % $ %
  !".G  %  Punica
%0   %&  1 S 
1b1 -11H *  .!".G
%  Punica granatum %&
/.  %KOFL
! Punica granatum    
   ,  .
Sutherlandia frutescens
&  %
/ Sutherlandia      
 R.  & & 
Sutherlandia     . 
&  %   & !" *
    Sutherlandia 
Sutherlandia frutescens  /, /
   ,  /  &
Complementary and alternative medicines against HIV infection
136 Spatula DD
, &&  /  
.KH L
Terminalia chebula
P& & T. chebula
 % !".G&
KM L)&+,
T. chebula&%
/  , % 
T. chebula
&   %  /   !"G
Abortion of viral cell to CD4+ cell fusion by
plant metabolites
/&  /   %
& #&.GDF$      
1 S     " 
  %   %   
Detarium microcarpum P  I  
)  %&&   
DH    !
..0.& / 
  &.GDF  1 S   ! 
 0/  %  %  !".
 &  , 
&     & 
 %&&   P& 
   % !" 
in vitro%%0&%  
& &    1.( /
%  !" %&   
Castanospermum austral ) 1 %&& 
 Fabaceae      &
0  /     
%&%/1 S &.GDF
& / &  In vitro
 /   % /
/0,KO L
Inhibition of HIV reverse transcriptase and
)   !"  1 S  !"
  %  & 
()  %  Oenothera erythrosepala
&  2
% !" %   Ipomoea
  % & /  
Calophyllum lanigerum+
  )   
 !"   * 1 %
 Scutellaria baicalensis P& &
%  %   % 
Papaver somniferum R   0
in vitro Rosa woodsii R  Prosopis
glandulosa *   /&   /
 Phoradendron juniperinum ) P Hyptis
capitata C+    /  
 .!"  Lomatium suksdorfii 
Angelica morii    
% 0 /   
KO L
Side-Effects Associated with CAM
%  /)"
/ & !".   
  &/&1) 
% /  & & /
      &
!"-)!   /  % 
& %    
   %   & &
%.&   / %
     
/    %   &
 % /    /
     %  )" 
 0    
     , 
 0   &
   %
. *    , 
   %. &
 &  KOJL 
Mahomoodally, Ragoo, Sreekeesoon, Suroowan, Khedoo
Spatula DD 137
  %7  1=I)  
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Complementary and alternative medicines against HIV infection
138 Spatula DD
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DH 2 *      !
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O 0' I> ( (> "0 I % I>
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E *0 * > P >  >  ) 
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M#G$4 J.HG
HF /72@>CR%P77)R/IC
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" * G   /  4 )
Mahomoodally, Ragoo, Sreekeesoon, Suroowan, Khedoo
Spatula DD 139
7   ) !  DFFJ5
GMJ#D$4G O.H 
HG 6&%' 66    C " 0/0 @
!"!4/I0C2DFFJ5GF#D $4 DJ.
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   )7 
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M  1%>1% @   
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Complementary and alternative medicines against HIV infection
140 Spatula DD
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... Previous reports on patients infected with HIV showed that consumption of honey helps to boost their immunity through the increase of lymphocytes proliferation, and generally improves their haematological and biochemical status (e.g., erythrocytes, haemoglobin, platelets, neutrophils, copper, and proteins levels) [58][59][60]. Meanwhile, another study also showed that consumption of honey in HIV positive subjects not only increases CD4 T lymphocytes counts but also decreases the viral load [61]. ...
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The new coronavirus disease (COVID-19), caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), has recently put the world under stress, resulting in a global pandemic. Currently, there are no approved treatments or vaccines, and this severe respiratory illness has cost many lives. Despite the established antimicrobial and immune-boosting potency described for honey, to date there is still a lack of evidence about its potential role amid COVID-19 outbreak. Based on the previously explored antiviral effects and phytochemical components of honey, we review here evidence for its role as a potentially effective natural product against COVID-19. Although some bioactive compounds in honey have shown potential antiviral effects (i.e., methylglyoxal, chrysin, caffeic acid, galangin and hesperidinin) or enhancing antiviral immune responses (i.e., levan and ascorbic acid), the mechanisms of action for these compounds are still ambiguous. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work exclusively summarizing all these bioactive compounds with their probable mechanisms of action as antiviral agents, specifically against SARS-CoV-2.
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A herb is a plant that is valued for flavor, scent, or other qualities. Herbs are used in cooking, as medicines, and for spiritual purposes. From ancient days to now a day, medicinal plants are a potential and useful for the treatment of several diseases and disorders. Main reason behind of that is medicinal plants is not having any side effects. One of the common tropical vegetable is Momordica charnatia, it has been used in various Asian traditional medicine. In this review, we revealed the medicinal potency of Momordica charantia linn.
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National Free Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) HIV/AIDS Treatment Program had been carried out for more than 5 years, treating 9267 cases accumulately by 2009. We report the 3-year outcome on CD4+ lymphocyte count of 807 cases of HIV/AIDS enrolled in the National Free TCM HIV/AIDS Treatment Pro- gram, the CD4+ lymphocyte count were measured every 6 month at 7 time points (0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36 month). The results showed that the overall CD4+ ly mphocyte count maintained stable at the 6th month and the 12th month, declined significantly at the 18th month, 24th month and 30th month, then elevated to the pre-treatment level at the 36th month. Patients with pre-treatment CD4+ lymphocyte count level 350/mm3 had CD4+ lymphocyte count declined significantly after all visits. In summary, combined treatment of Chinese herbal medicine and conventional therapy on HIV/AIDS suggested promising effect, but more evidences from larger, rigorous designed studies still needed to support the affirmative effect of TCM in the future.
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This paper gives a general introduction of HIV/AIDS treatment with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in China during the past 20 years. Although the role of TCM in treatment of HIV/AIDS is promising, there is still a long way to go.
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HIV belongs to a special class of viruses called retroviruses. A person is said to acquire AIDS if CD4+ count becomes less than 200 per microlitre of blood and body becomes weak in its immune response. The disease caused by HIV virus in human still remains a serious and major challenge to mankind in the history of human viral infection in view of its high mortality records. Antiretroviral therapy and HAART (HIGHLY ACTIVE ANTIRETROVIRAL THERAPY), both have certain side effects such as hypertriglyceridemia, hypercholesterolemia, and lipodystrophy. Herbal medicines are gaining popularity because of several advantages such as fewer side effects, better patient tolerance, relatively less expensive and acceptance . Traditionally Momordica charantia has been used widely as a medicine in diabetis, gout, jaundice, kidney stone, laxative, leucorrhea, piles, pneumonia, , purgative,worms,malaria,dysmenohorrhoea etc. Recently momordica charantia has been explored for its new application as an anti cancer and anti HIV agent. MAP30 and alpha and beta momocharin obtained from Momordica charantia not only were found to be an effective anti HIV agents but also offered hope towards having a therapy with no toxic effects. Constituents of Momordica charantia can be used with HAART to give better results and patient compliance.
259 Background: Worldwide, the use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) has greatly increased over the last decade. CAM use has been shown to be higher in cancer patients than among the general population and is known to be prevalent in patients with breast cancer. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of CAM use among Irish breast cancer patients; something which has not previously been examined. Methods: An anonymous cross-sectional survey was offered to all patients attending for treatment of malignancy or cancer-care follow-up at a single Irish Cancer Centre over an 8-week period. The reasons for CAM use and those factors that increase the likelihood of CAM use were also investigated. A subset analysis of patients with a diagnosis of breast cancer was performed. Results: A total of 230 questionnaires were distributed. 193 patients responded. Of these, 5 were excluded due to lack of demographic data. Of the 188 surveys available for analysis, 91 respondents (49%) had a diag...
The formulations contains a plants which have a potent immunomodulator activity namely Andrographis paniculata, Momardica charantia, Phyllanthus niruri, Terminallia chebula, Glycyrrhiza glabra and Punica granatum. It has good impact in the treatment and management of HIV-AIDS because these formulations not only treat disease but also enhance the body vitality and immunity. The humoral and cell-mediated immune response was observed through Delayed Type Hypersensitivity (DTH) and Macrophages Phagocytosis by Carbon clearance test. These formulation have studied on Swiss albino mice in normal and suppressed immune system by Cyclophosphamide (CP) in three different doses, it shown maximum decrease in foot paw oedema from 2.15mm to 0.35 mm, similarly maximum increase in the WBC and Platelet count up to 10.4±0.07 thousand / mm3 and 96142 ±142 in respectively. Similarly these formulations have shown maximum increase in mean Phagocytic index in carbon clearance test in normal and suppressed condition up to 0.0190 in (F1) and 0.0151 and it shown significant statistical analysis P<0.001.
Herbal medicine use is becoming very popular in many countries especially in the western world, where public health safety has become a concern, especially its concomitant use with orthodox medicine. The devastating impact of HIV/AIDS pandemic coupled with the severe shortage of health personnel has compelled patients to develop coping mechanisms by adopting alternative sources of primary health care, one of which has been the use of herbal therapies. An integration of herbal medicine into the current medical curriculum will enable future physicians to communicate better with their patients on this evolving healthcare system. This review briefly examines the role of herbal medicine in HIV/AIDS treatment and management. It is hoped that this review will provide important and relevant information that will help policy makers to put in place control measures against the abuse of herbal therapy.
With the advancement of antiretroviral therapy (ART), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has become a chronic disease. Women with HIV are now living through menopause. Unfortunately, routine therapies for menopause may have harmful drug interactions with ART. Through the case study of a 52-year-old woman infected with HIV, this article addresses current treatments in menopause in the general population, examines the need for addressing specific considerations in the HIV-positive population, and offers recommendations based on the reviewed literature.