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Network intrusion detection system using J48 Decision Tree

Network Intrusion Detection System Using J48
Decision Tree
Shailendra Sahu
School of Computer and Information Science
University of Hyderabad
Hyderabad, India
B M Mehtre
Hyderabad, India
Abstract—As the number of cyber attacks have increased,
detecting the intrusion in networks become a very tough job.
For network intrusion detection system (NIDS), many data
mining and machine learning techniques are used. However, for
evaluation, most of the researchers used KDD Cup 99 data set,
which has widely criticized for not showing current network
situation. In this paper we used a new labelled network dataset,
called Kyoto 2006+ dataset. In Kyoto 2006+ data set, every instant
is labelled as normal (no attack), attack (known attack) and
unknown attack. We use Decision Tree (J48) algorithm to classify
the network packet that can be used for NIDS. For training and
testing we used 134665 network instances. The generated rules
works with 97.2% correctness for detecting the connection i.e.,
no attack, known attack or unknown attack.
KeywordsData Mining, Decision tree, Intrusion Detection
System, Kyoto data set, J48 algorithm.
Due to large number of cyber crimes and large data in
cyber-world data mining techniques are good option to address
the cyber security challenges. Data mining is the extraction of
knowledge from a large amount of data [15]. Data mining
uses the statistical techniques, mathematical algorithms and
machine learning methods to discover hidden, valid patterns
and relationship among the attributes in a large data set, which
are useful to finding malicious actions. For detecting the cyber
attacks, intrusion detection is one of the popular technique.
In this paper we are discussing Network Intrusion De-
tection System (NIDS). NIDS is categorised on the basis of
detection technique, one is anomaly based and another is
signature based [1]. Anomaly based NIDS generate the alert
when the system deviates from its normal behaviour. Signature
based NIDS generates alert when the analyze data matches
with the known attack pattern (signature).
Most of the available NIDSs are signature based. [2]
states that “anomaly-based NIDS have one great advantage
over signature-based ones: they can detect threats for which
there exists no signature yet, including zero-day and targeted
attacks”. So, signatures based NIDS are somehow unable to
detect the unknown attacks.
In this paper, we implemented decision tree i.e., J48
algorithm on KYOTO 2006+ data set, for intrusion detection.
As the well known KDD cup data set has some fatal problems
that it cannot reflect the current network situations and the
latest attack trends [13], we move to KYOTO 2006+ data set.
Many data mining techniques have been used for intrusion
detection. In 1980; James P. Anderson [3] classified the threats
and introduce a system which can detect the anomalies in
user’s behaviour. Later on many researchers used different
techniques i.e., SVM (Support Vector Machine), RST (Rough
Set Theory), Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to make
an efficient intrusion detection system, genetic network pro-
gramming (GNP), Levenberg Marquardt (LM) Learning, etc.,
to make an efficient intrusion detection system. In 2007, Shai
Rubin and Barton P. Miller introduce a technique called pro-
tomatching that combines protocol analysis, normalization and
pattern matching into a single phase [4]. In 2009, Meng Jian-
liang and Shang Haikun [5], used K-Means cluster algorithm
for intrusion detection. Later in 2010, Mohammaderza, Sara,
Fatimah and, Lilly [6] used two techniques i.e., C4.5 and SVM
for detecting network intrusion and find that C4.5 algorithm
performs better than SVM in detecting network intrusion.
Zubair A. Baig [7], in his AODE-based NIDS, suggested that
the Naive Bayes does not accurately detect network intrusion.
In 2012, Yogendra Kumar Jain [8], compared four machine
learning algorithms i.e., J48, BayesNet, OneR and, NB for
intrusion detection and results shows that the J48 decision tree
gives more accuracy than the other three algorithms. In the
same year, R Rangaduari [9] introduces a Adaptive NIDS using
a Hybrid Approach which uses two stage approach: in the
first stage, a probabilistic classifier is used where as in second
stage, a HMM based traffic model is used. V. Jaiganesh [10]
used Kernelized SVM with Levenbergmarquardt Learing for
intrusion detection. Gholam Reza Zargar [11] introduce a
category based IDS using PCA. Christopher and Justin [16]
described the application of carefully selected nonparametric,
semi-supervised learning algorithm to the network intrusion
problem, in their study they compared the performances of
different model types using feature-based data derived from
operational network. In [17], Chitrakar et al. proposed hybrid
approach of combining k-means clustering techniques with
Naive Bayes classification. For simulation, Kyoto 2006+ data
set is used in [16] [17].
978-1-4799-8792-4/15/$31.00 c
2015 IEEE
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Hyderabad IG Memorial Library. Downloaded on September 17,2021 at 05:45:57 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Decision tree is a classification technique. It is based on
divide and conquer strategy. A decision tree consists decision
nodes and leaf nodes, where decision node specifies a test
over one of the attributes and a leaf node represents the class
value [12]. Every path from the root node to leaf node is
rule. Classification error is the performance major factor for
decision tree. Classification error is defined as the percentage
of misclassified cases [12]. In practice, the training data sets
are usually large, which results in more number of branches
and layers in the generated decision tree. In decision tree
when the class categories are more, classification accuracy
is significantly reduced. There are different algorithms for
generating decision tree such as ID3, J48, FT, BFTree, LMT
and many more. For our study we use J48 algorithm as it has
more accuracy rate [8]. J48 algorithm is proposed by Quinalan
in 1993.
A. Algorithm
Algorithm 1 Pseudo code for C4.5 (J48) algorithm
1: Create a root node N;
2: If (T belongs to same category C)
{leaf node=N;
mark N as class C;
return N; }
3: For i=1 to n
{Calculate Information gain(Ai);}
4: ta= testing attribute;
5: N.ta= attribute having highest information gain;
6: if (N.ta==continuous)
{find threshold; }
7: For (Each T’ in the splitting of T)
8: if (T’ is empty)
{child of N is a leaf node;}
9: else
{child of N= dtree (T’)}
10: calculate classification error rate of node N;
11: return N;
B. Information Gain
The information gain of an attribute, A is calculated as
gain =info(T)
where, T is set of cases and Ti(i=1 to s)are the subsets of T
consisting distinct value for attribute A. info (T) is known as
entropy function described as follow:
In practice, the generated decision tree may be large, which
make it unreadable. In C4.5 we can simplify the decision tree
by adjusting the confidence level.
Predicted Class +ve Predicted Class -ve
Actual Class +ve TP FP
Actual Class -ve FN TN
C. Confusion Matrix
Confusion matrix is a table for visualizing the performance
of an algorithm. Table I shows the confusion matrix:
A confusion matrix has four measurement factors i.e., true
positive (TP), true negative (TN), false positive (FP) and false
negative (FN).
1) True Positive: TP shows the number of correct predic-
tion that an instance belongs to same class.
2) True Negative: TN shows the number of incorrect
prediction that an instance belongs to other class.
3) False Positive: FP shows the number of incorrect pre-
dictions that an instance belongs to same class.
4) False Negative: FN shows the number of correct pre-
diction that an instance belong to other class.
D. Accuracy
In decision tree accuracy means the percentage of correctly
classified instances. Accuracy is calculated by using confusion
matrix which is as follow:
Accuracy =TP +FN
The KDD Cup’99 data set has been used from long time for
evaluating network intrusion system. However, there is a major
problem in KDD Cup 99’ data set, that the dataset cannot
reflect the current network situation and the latest attack trends.
In this study we use a new data set called Kyoto 2006+ which
is built on the three years of real traffic data, which is obtained
from diverse types of honeypots [13].
Fig. 1. Instances of Kyoto 2006+ Data set (24 Features)
The Kyoto 2006+ dataset consist twenty four statistical
features; fourteen features are extracted, based on KDD Cup
99 data set and ten are additional features, which are listed in
Table II. The Kyoto data set has ten additional features among
which three are very important;
2024 2015 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI)
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Hyderabad IG Memorial Library. Downloaded on September 17,2021 at 05:45:57 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
1) IDS Detection: This features shows the alert generated
by IDS, where ’0’ indicates that there is no alert triggered by
IDS. For this feature Symantec IDS is used.
2) Malware Detection: For this feature clamav software
is used which indicates whether a malicious software was
observed in the connection. ’0’ indicates no malware was
observed and string indicates the corresponding malware is
observed in the connection.
3) Ashula Detection: This feature shows whether there is
any exploit and shell code is used in connection.
All the instance in the data set are marked as normal
(1), attack (-1) and unknown attack (-2). The data set is
freely available on data/ with
description. Fig 1 shows the instance of the Kyoto 2006+
data set. In our study we selected 15 features; first fourteen
conventional features and label from the additional feature. We
used perl language for extracting features from the existing
Kyoto 2006+ data set, the perl code is shown in fig 2.
No. Feature No. Feature
1 Duration 13 Dst host srv serror rate
2 Service 14 Flag
3 Source bytes 15 IDS detection
4 Destination bytes 16 Malware detection
5 Count 17 Ashula detection
6 Same srv rate 18 Label
7 Serror rate 19 Source IP Address
8 Srv serror rate 20 Source Port Number
9 Dst host count 21 Destination IP Address
10 Dst host srv count 22 Destination Port Number
11 Dst host same src port rate 23 Start time
12 Dst host serror rate 24 Duration
Fig. 2. Perl Code For ’feature selection’ and labelling (normal, known attack
& unknown attack)
For the experiment we use the very popular data mining
tool; WEKA 3.6.10. Fig 3 shows the output generated by
WEKA Classifier.
Fig. 3. Output generated by WEKA J48 Classifier
The experiment is performed on a Intel core i5 processor
system with 4 GB RAM and UBUNTU as OS. We use J48
decision tree for our experiment. The sample training data
consist 134665 instances; normal 44257, attack 86649 and
unknown attack 3759. For testing and training we used 10
fold cross validation. For this experiment we preprocessed the
data i.e we discretize the instances, which is shown in Fig 4.
Fig. 4. Attribute Visualization of transformed Kyoto 2006+ data set, after
discretization , where the 3 colors indicate the 3 different classes: BLUE =
No Attack, RED = Known Attack & LIGHT BLUE = Unknown Attack
As an output we got a decision tree. Fig 5 shows the tree
visualization generated by WEKA.
2015 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI) 2025
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Hyderabad IG Memorial Library. Downloaded on September 17,2021 at 05:45:57 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fig. 5. Decision Tree Generated by the WEKA Tool, where the root node
The total number of leaves in the generated tree, is 652
and size of tree is 689.
The build model,correctly classified 130931 (97.23%) in-
stances and 3734 (2.67%) instance incorrectly. Table III shows
the detailed summary. Table IV and Table V shows the
confusion matrix and detailed accuracy by class respectively.
1 Correctly classified instances 130931
2 Incorrectly classified instance 3734
3 Kappa statistic 0.9401
4 Mean absolute error 0.0272
5 Root mean squared error 0.1176
6 Relative absolute error 8.5413%
7 Root relative squared error 29.4943%
normal attack unknown attack
44140 117 0
49 86387 213
0 3355 404
Class TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure ROC A rea
normal 0.997 0.001 0.999 0.997 0.998 0.999
attack 0.997 0.072 0.961 0.997 0.979 0.994
unknown attack 0.107 0.002 0.655 0.107 0.185 0.964
Weighted Avg. 0.972 0.047 0.965 0.972 0.963 0.995
In this paper, we used Kyoto 2006+ data set, which is built
on three year of real traffic data (Nov. 2006 to Aug 2009).
We used J48 decision tree for network intrusion detection
and we got the accuracy of approximately 97.23%. Using
WEKA 3.6.10 tool, we build the decision tree for detecting
intrusion in the Kyoto 2006+ data set and we got the high true
positive rate (99%) for normal and attack packets. As a result
the generated tree classified 130931 instances correctly out
of 134665 instances, which is 97.23%. Our simulation results
shows, the model is able to detect unknown attacks too. In
this study we can state that we can use Kyoto 2006+ data set
for network intrusion detection.
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2026 2015 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI)
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... Traditional machine learning techniques have been widely applied in the field of intrusion detection, mainly including Random Forest (RF) [15], Support Vector Machine (SVM) [16], [17], Adaptive Boosting (AdaBoost) [18], [19], Decision Tree (DT) [20], [21], and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) [22], [23]. However, traditional machine learning techniques cannot identify large-scale network intrusion attacks efficiently and accurately. ...
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To address the issue of low accuracy and high false positive rate in existing intrusion detection methods, a network intrusion detection model based on Convolutional Neural Network, Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory, and attention mechanism in this paper. Convolutional Neural Network is used to extract the spatial features from the intrusion data, Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory is used to mine the temporal features from the data further, and the attention mechanism is added to enhance the role of important features in the calculation process through assigning different weights to the extracted spatiotemporal features, thereby improving the classification accuracy of the model. In addition, for the problem of class imbalance existing in network intrusion data, Equalization Loss v2 is introduced as the loss function of the CNN-BiLSTM-Attention model in this paper, making the model pay more attention to minority attack class data during training, thereby improving the detection rate of the model for the minority class data. Finally, comparative experiments are conducted on NSL-KDD, UNSW-NB15, and CIC-DDoS2019 datasets. The experimental results showthat the model in this paper outperforms the other models in terms of accuracy, detection rate, and false positive rate.
... Because IDS needs to be updated to adjust to the changing environment, the network's diverse and flexible nature significantly shortens the lifetime of detection models.Depending on unique expenses related to computation, money, and time, distributed, centralized, and hybrid approaches must be used.Because of the aforementioned difficulties, current conventional procedures are unable to attain the necessary high-level accuracy. A more through, detailed, and in-depth understanding of the types of intrusion occurrences is needed to guarantee the effectiveness of intrusion detection systems.Network intrusion detection systems have made extensive use of traditional machine learning techniques, including Bayesian [8][9][10], Support Vector Machines [11][12][13][14][15][16], Decision Trees [17][18][19], Logistic Regression [20][21][22][23], and others. These techniques have produced favorable results. ...
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Industrial control systems (ICSs) are integrated with communication networks and the Internet of Things (IoT), they become more susceptible to cyberattacks, which can have catastrophic effects. However, the lack of sufficient high-quality attack examples has made it very difficult to withstand cyber threats like large-scale, sophisticated, and heterogeneous ICS. Conventional intrusion detection systems (IDSs), designed primarily to assist IT systems, rely heavily on pre-established models and are mostly trained on particular types of cyberattacks. Furthermore, most intrusion detection systems suffer from low accuracy and high false-positive rates when used because they fail to take into account the imbalanced nature of datasets and feature redundancy. In this article,the Deep DenseAttention Learning Model (DDAnet), a novel and inventive deep learning scheme described in this article, is intended to identify and detect cyber attacks that target industrial control systems. The intrusion activity is regarded as a densenet-based network intrusion detection model with an attention model along with a random forest as a classifier. The DDAnet learning scheme has been extensively tested on a real industrial control system dataset. The results of these experiments reveal the great effectiveness of the scheme in identifying different types of data injection attacks on industrial control systems. Furthermore, the scheme has been found to have superior performance compared to state-of-the-art schemes and existing methodologies. The proposed strategy is a versatile method that can be easily deployed in the current ICS infrastructure with minimal effort.
... Additionally, an ANN was applied to analyze the NSL-KDD dataset, achieving a correct classification rate of 81.2% for intrusions and 72.9% for attacks [32]. However, it is worth noting that the effectiveness of IDS models has been observed to decline in various other research studies, as mentioned in references [33][34][35]. In a study [36], the authors investigated three IDS benchmark datasets. ...
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The term “Internet of Things” (IoT) encompasses an entire group of gadgets that are capable of connecting to the Internet in order to gather and share data. The IoT paradigm is being pushed into computer networks by numerous highly advanced intrusions. Cloud computing greatly enhances the success of the IoT by enabling users to perform computing tasks using Internet-based services accessed through connected devices. This seamless integration of cloud technology and the IoT has become a powerful catalyst, revolutionizing the way we operate. The adoption of a distributed architecture, such as cloud computing, exposes the system to potential threats like Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) and Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. To mitigate these risks, the concept of an intrusion detection system (IDS) has been introduced within the cloud environment. Various machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) algorithms have been proposed and implemented to effectively detect and respond to such malicious traffic in the cloud system. For dimension reduction during the training process of those algorithms, multiple independent and hybrid techniques have been proposed. This study presents an efficient ML-based real-time IDS framework with proposed hybrid feature selection techniques. Additionally, in this study, a concise comparative analysis has been conducted using five well-known public datasets. The findings presented in this paper reveal that our proposed IDS achieved a maximum accuracy of 99.98% in identifying malicious traffic.
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Molecular features play an important role in different bio‐chem‐informatics tasks, such as the Quantitative Structure–Activity Relationships (QSAR) modeling. Several pre‐trained models have been recently created to be used in downstream tasks, either by fine‐tuning a specific model or by extracting features to feed traditional classifiers. In this regard, a new family of Evolutionary Scale Modeling models (termed as ESM‐2 models) was recently introduced, demonstrating outstanding results in protein structure prediction benchmarks. Herein, we studied the usefulness of the different‐dimensional embeddings derived from the ESM‐2 models to classify antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). To this end, we built a KNIME workflow to use the same modeling methodology across experiments in order to guarantee fair analyses. As a result, the 640‐ and 1280‐dimensional embeddings derived from the 30‐ and 33‐layer ESM‐2 models, respectively, are the most valuable since statistically better performances were achieved by the QSAR models built from them. We also fused features of the different ESM‐2 models, and it was concluded that the fusion contributes to getting better QSAR models than using features of a single ESM‐2 model. Frequency studies revealed that only a portion of the ESM‐2 embeddings is valuable for modeling tasks since between 43% and 66% of the features were never used. Comparisons regarding state‐of‐the‐art deep learning (DL) models confirm that when performing methodologically principled studies in the prediction of AMPs, non‐DL based QSAR models yield comparable‐to‐superior performances to DL‐based QSAR models. The developed KNIME workflow is available‐freely at This workflow can be valuable to avoid unfair comparisons regarding new computational methods, as well as to propose new non‐DL based QSAR models.
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Existing Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) examine all the network features to detect intrusion or misuse patterns. In feature-based intrusion detection, some selected features may found to be redundant, useless or less important than the rest. This paper proposes a category-based selection of effective parameters for intrusion detection using Principal Components Analysis (PCA). In this paper, 32 basic features from TCP/IP header, and 116 derived features from TCP dump are selected in a network traffic dataset. Attacks are categorized in four groups, Denial of Service (DoS), Remote to User attack (R2L), Remote to User attack (U2R) and Probing attack. TCP dump from DARPA 1998 dataset is used in the experiments as the selected dataset. PCA method is used to determine an optimal feature set to make the detection process faster. Experimental results show that feature reduction can improve detection rate for the category-based detection approach while maintaining the detection accuracy within an acceptable range. In this paper KNN classification method is used for the classification of the attacks. Experimental results show that feature reduction will significantly speed up the train and the testing periods for identification of the intrusion attempts.
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In recent years we have witnessed several complex and high-impact attacks specifically targeting "binary" protocols (RPC, Samba and, more recently, RDP). These attacks could not be detected by current --- signature-based --- detection solutions, while --- at least in theory --- they could be detected by state-of-the-art anomaly-based systems. This raises once again the still unanswered question of how effective anomaly-based systems are in practice. To contribute to answering this question, in this paper we investigate the effectiveness of a widely studied category of network intrusion detection systems: anomaly-based algorithms using n-gram analysis for payload inspection. Specifically, we present a thorough analysis and evaluation of several detection algorithms using variants of n-gram analysis on real-life environments. Our tests show that the analyzed systems, in presence of data with high variability, cannot deliver high detection and low false positive rates at the same time.
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Anomaly based Intrusion Detection System, in the recent years, has become more dependent on learning methods - specially on classifications schemes. To make the classification more accurate and effective, hybrid approaches of combining with clustering techniques are often introduced. In this paper, a better combination is proposed to address problems of the previously proposed hybrid approach of combining k-Means/k-Medoids clustering technique with Naïve Bayes classification. In this new approach, the need of large samples by the previous approach is reduced by using Support Vector Machine while maintaining the high quality clustering of k-Medoids. Simulations have been carried out by using Kyoto2006+ data sets in order to evaluate performance, accuracy, detection rate and false positive rate of the classification scheme. Experiments and analyses show that the new approach is better in increasing the detection rate as well as in decreasing the false positive rate.
Conference Paper
A barrier to the widespread adoption of learning-based network intrusion detection tools is the in-situ training requirements for effective discrimination of malicious traffic. Supervised learning techniques necessitate a quantity of labeled examples that is often intractable, and at best cost-prohibitive. Recent advances in semi-supervised techniques have demonstrated the ability to generalize well based on a significantly smaller set of labeled samples. In network intrusion detection, placing reasonable requirements on the number of training examples provides realistic expectations that a learning-based system can be trained in the environment where it will be deployed. This in-situ training is necessary to ensure that the assumptions associated with the learning process hold, and thereby support a reasonable belief in the generalization ability of the resulting model. In this paper, we describe the application of a carefully selected nonparametric, semi-supervised learning algorithm to the network intrusion problem, and compare the performance to other model types using feature-based data derived from an operational network. We demonstrate dramatic performance improvements over supervised learning and anomaly detection in discriminating real, previously unseen, malicious network traffic while generating an order of magnitude fewer false alerts than any alternative, including a signature IDS tool deployed on the same network.
Conference Paper
With the rapid evolution and proliferation of botnets, large-scale cyber attacks such as DDoS, spam emails are also becoming more and more dangerous and serious cyber threats. Because of this, network based security technologies such as Network based Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDSs), Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPSs), firewalls have received remarkable attention to defend our crucial computer systems, networks and sensitive information from attackers on the Internet. In particular, there has been much effort towards high-performance NIDSs based on data mining and machine learning techniques. However, there is a fatal problem in that the existing evaluation dataset, called KDD Cup 99' dataset, cannot reflect current network situations and the latest attack trends. This is because it was generated by simulation over a virtual network more than 10 years ago. To the best of our knowledge, there is no alternative evaluation dataset. In this paper, we present a new evaluation dataset, called Kyoto 2006+, built on the 3 years of real traffic data (Nov. 2006 ~ Aug. 2009) which are obtained from diverse types of honeypots. Kyoto 2006+ dataset will greatly contribute to IDS researchers in obtaining more practical, useful and accurate evaluation results. Furthermore, we provide detailed analysis results of honeypot data and share our experiences so that security researchers are able to get insights into the trends of latest cyber attacks and the Internet situations.
Conference Paper
Detecting anomalous traffic on the Internet has remained an issue of concern for the community of security researchers over the years. Advances in computing performance, in terms of processing power and storage, have allowed the use of resource-intensive intelligent algorithms, to detect intrusive activities, in a timely manner. Naïve Bayes is a statistical inference learning algorithm with promise for document classification, spam detection and intrusion detection. The attribute independence issue associated with Naïve Bayes has been resolved through the development of the Average One Dependence Estimator (AODE) algorithm. In this paper, we propose the application of AODE for intrusion detection. The performance of the proposed scheme is studied and analyzed on the KDD-99 intrusion benchmark data set. With a detection rate of 99.7%, AODE outperformed Naïve Bayes, which reported a detection rate of 97.3%, and a larger number of false positives.
Network and system security is of vital importance in the present data communication environment. Hackers and intruders can create many successful attempts to cause the crash of the networks and web services by unauthorized intrusion. New threats and associated solutions to prevent these threats are emerging together with the secured system evolution. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are one of these solutions. The main function of Intrusion Detection System is to protect the resources from threats. It analyzes and predicts the behaviours of users, and then these behaviours will be considered an attack or a normal behaviour. There are several techniques which exist at present to provide more security to the network, but most of these techniques are static. On the other hand, intrusion detection is a dynamic one, which can give dynamic protection to the network security by observing the attack. In recent times, Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) has been extensively applied to provide potential solutions for the IDS problem. But, the practicability of ELM is affected because of the complexity in choosing the suitable ELM parameters. Hence, in this paper sigma () of the radial basis kernel function is tuned using Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) learning and proposed kernelized Extreme Learning Machine with LM. In order to obtain a converged solution, LM learning is utilized. The experiment is carried out with the help of WEKA by using KDD Cup 1999 dataset and the results indicate that the proposed technique can achieve higher detection rate, very low false alarm rate and to achieve high accuracy than the regular ELM algorithms. This method is used to decrease the space densisty of the data.
Internet security has been one of the most important problems in the world. Anomaly detection is the basic method to defend new attack in Intrusion Detection. Network intrusion detection is the process of monitoring the events occurring in a computing system or network and analyzing them for signs of intrusions, defined as attempts to compromise the confidentiality. A wide variety of data mining techniques have been applied to intrusion detections. In data mining, clustering is the most important unsupervised learning process used to find the structures or patterns in a collection of unlabeled data. We use the K-means algorithm to cluster and analyze the data in this paper. Computer simulations show that this method can detect unknown intrusions efficiently in the real network connections.