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Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning for Screening and Risk Assessment of Cancers



Artificial intelligence in medicine
Articial Intelligence and Deep
Learning for Screening and Risk
Assessment of Cancers
Mehrdad Farrokhi
ERIS Research Institute
Soheila Jafari Khouzani
University of New Mexico
Masoud Farrokhi
ERIS Research Institute
Hediyeh Jalayeri
Iran University of Medical Sciences
Pooya Faranoush
Islamic Azad University; Science & Research Branch
Mahdi Babaei
Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Shadi Nouri
Arak University of Medical Sciences
Mehrdad SalekShahabi
Tabriz Azad University of Medical Sciences
Mohammad Javad Taghipour
Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
Fatemeh Tavakoli
Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
Erfan Kohansal
Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
Mohammad Khosousi Sani
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
Atousa Moghadam Fard
ERIS Research Institute
Sahba Emtehani
Xi’an Jiaotong University
Roya Khorram
Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
Mehdi Lotnezhad
Guilan University of Medical Sciences
Habib Azimi
Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
Nazanin Zafarani
Semnan University of Medical Sciences
Saharnaz Esmaeili
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
Yalda Zhoulideh
Islamic Azad University of Tabriz
Soheil Shahbazi
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
Tara Mahmoodi
Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Zahra Pirouzan
Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences
Mahmonir Bayanati
West Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University
Alireza Ghajary
Mashhad University of Medical Sciences
Navid Zandi Atashbar
Isfahan University of Technology
Mozhdeh Mohammadi Visroudi
Guilan University of Medical Sciences
Arnoosh Karimimoghadam
Islamic Azad University, Sari Medical Branch
Behnoosh Sabaghi
Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Erfan Bozorgzade Ahmadi
Guilan University of Medical Sciences
Ehsan Fayyazishishavan
The University of Texas Health Science Center at
Houston (UTHealth)
Amir Ghaleh Gha
Islamic Azad University Gorgan Branch
Hournaz Hassanzadeh
Iran University of Medical Sciences
Bahare Firouzbakht
Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
Negar Radpour
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
Hamidreza Momeni
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
Shahriar Zohourian Shahzadi
Iran University of Medical Sciences
Sahar Sanjarian
Islamic Azad University, Tehran Medical Branch
Shamim Chinian
Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Mona Mohajer Tehrani
Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Ali Ebrahimi
Medical University of Silesia
Zahrasadat Rezaei
Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Babak Goodarzy
IranUniversity of Medical Sciences
Amir Moeini
ERIS Research Institute
Fatemeh Taheri
ERIS Research Institute
Book Details:
Publisher: Kindle
Publication Date: January 2024
Language: English
Dimensions: 5 x 0.39 x 8 inches
© Kindle and PreferPub 2024
ISBN-13: 979-8873942442
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1- Role of Articial Intelligence in Screening and Risk
Assessment of Endocrine and Gastrointestinal Cancers
2- Role of Articial Intelligence in Screening and Risk
Assessment of Pediatric Cancers
3- Role of Articial Intelligence in Screening and Risk
Assessment of Skin Cancers
4- Role of Articial Intelligence in Screening and Risk
Assessment of Breast and Lung Cancers
5- Role of Articial Intelligence in Screening and Risk
Assessment of Oral Cancers
6- Role of Articial Intelligence in Screening and Risk
Assessment of Head and Neck Cancers
7- Role of Articial Intelligence in Screening and Risk
Assessment of Gynecologic Cancers
8- Role of Articial Intelligence in Screening and Risk
Assessment of Other Cancers
Cancer remains a formidable adversary in the realm
of human health and continues to be battled
through global medical research and treatment.
Endocrine and gastrointestinal cancers, among the
many types that aict humans, are the primary
causes of morbidity and mortality. These tumors
target vital organs and systems like the pancreas,
thyroid, and digestive system, necessitating early
diagnosis and precise evaluation for eective
Traditionally, cancer diagnosis and risk assessment
relied on established methods, such as clinical
examination, genetic screening, and clinical
evaluation. While these methods can enhance
outcomes, they also have their limitations.
Endocrine and gastrointestinal diseases often
exhibit poor behavior, eluding detection until they
reach an advanced stage, thereby diminishing the
prospects of successful treatment.
Articial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a
revolutionary force in healthcare, particularly in
the early detection and diagnosis of cancer.
Endocrine and gastrointestinal cancers, given their
distinct outcomes and the urgent need for
early identication, present signicant challenges.
However, articial intelligence has stepped in to
address these issues and plays a crucial role in
transforming cancer diagnosis.
One of the primary applications of articial
intelligence in cancer diagnosis involves the
analysis of medical images. Radiological imaging,
such as CT scans, MRIs, and x-rays, plays a vital
role in identifying endocrine and gastrointestinal
cancers. Articial intelligence algorithms can
analyze these images with unparalleled precision
and speed. They can often detect minute
abnormalities and suspicious growths that may
indicate cancer before they become visible to
the naked eye. Early diagnosis is paramount for
improving patient outcomes, as cancers in their
early stages are generally more manageable.
AI can also aid in personal risk assessment
and classication. By processing vast amounts of
information, including intelligence, genetics, family
history, lifestyle, and biomarkers, it can predict
an individual's likelihood of developing endocrine
or stomach cancer. These risk prediction models
facilitate screening and preventative measures for
high-risk groups. This personalized approach not
only enhances the accuracy of cancer tests but
also alleviates the burden on healthcare systems by
focusing on those who need it most.
Articial intelligence can help mitigate the
occurrence of false positive results, a common
challenge in cancer diagnosis. AI systems can
enhance the accuracy of measurements by adjusting
algorithms and integrating multiple patient data
points. This reduces the need for unnecessary
examinations or procedures, minimizing patient
stress and medical costs.
Articial intelligence expedites the scanning
process by swiftly processing extensive medical
information, far faster than human experts. This
speed is crucial in time-sensitive scenarios, such
as emergencies or urgent cases. In the diagnosis
of colon cancer, articial intelligence can assist
doctors in analyzing biopsy samples. AI-powered
image analysis enables the detection of subtle
cellular and histopathological changes that are
challenging to discern with the naked eye. This
leads to more precise diagnoses and tailored
treatment plans.
AI-driven monitoring solutions, including wearable
devices and remote controls, can continuously
monitor individuals at risk of endocrine and
colon cancer. These systems detect early warning
signs and promptly alert doctors, ensuring timely
intervention and minimizing the risk of delayed
Introduction to Endocrine and
Gastrointestinal Cancers
Endocrine and gastrointestinal cancers are a
signicant burden on global healthcare systems,
with high morbidity and mortality rates. This
chapter explores the role of articial intelligence
(AI) in the screening and risk assessment of
these cancers. By leveraging AI technologies, we
can improve early detection, risk prediction, and
personalized treatment strategies for patients with
endocrine and gastrointestinal cancers.
AI-Based Imaging Techniques
for Screening
AI-based imaging techniques have revolutionized
cancer screening by providing accurate and ecient
analysis of medical images. In this section, we
discuss the application of AI algorithms, such
as convolutional neural networks (CNNs), in the
interpretation of imaging modalities like computed
tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI), and endoscopy. We explore how AI can
enhance the accuracy and speed of cancer detection,
leading to improved patient outcomes.
Risk Assessment Models
in Endocrine Cancers
Accurate risk assessment is crucial for eective
management of endocrine cancers. AI algorithms
can analyze diverse patient data, including genetic
markers, clinical parameters, and biomarkers, to
develop risk prediction models. This section focuses
on the development and validation of AI-driven
risk assessment models for endocrine cancers.
We discuss the integration of machine learning
techniques, such as support vector machines (SVMs)
and deep learning, to identify individuals at high
risk and enable targeted interventions.
Risk Assessment Models in
Gastrointestinal Cancers
Gastrointestinal cancers encompass a wide range
of malignancies, each with distinctive risk factors
and behaviors. In this section, we explore the role
of AI in developing risk assessment models for
gastrointestinal cancers. AI algorithms can analyze
clinical and molecular data, including tumor
markers, histopathological features, and lifestyle
factors, to predict cancer risk. We discuss the
potential of AI in stratifying patients based on their
risk proles and guiding personalized surveillance
and prevention strategies.
Integration of Multi-Omics
Data for Risk Assessment
The integration of multi-omics data, such
as genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and
metabolomics, holds great promise in improving
risk assessment accuracy. AI algorithms can analyze
complex molecular data sets to identify patterns,
genetic alterations, and molecular signatures
associated with endocrine and gastrointestinal
cancers. This section explores how AI-driven
integration of multi-omics data can enhance risk
prediction and facilitate targeted interventions for
better patient outcomes.
AI-Enhanced Pathology and
Histopathology Analysis
Pathology and histopathology analysis play a crucial
role in the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment
planning for endocrine and gastrointestinal
cancers. AI algorithms, such as deep learning
and computer vision, can assist pathologists in
analyzing histopathological images and identifying
cancerous features. This section focuses on the
application of AI in pathology and histopathology
analysis, including tumor detection, grading, and
prediction of treatment response.
AI-Driven Biomarker Discovery
Biomarkers play a vital role in cancer diagnosis,
prognosis, and treatment selection. AI algorithms
can analyze large-scale omics data sets to identify
potential biomarkers associated with endocrine and
gastrointestinal cancers. In this section, we discuss
how AI-driven biomarker discovery can lead to the
identication of novel diagnostic and prognostic
markers, as well as predictive markers for treatment
response. We also explore the challenges and
opportunities in translating AI-driven biomarkers
into clinical practice.
AI-Based Liquid Biopsy
for Early Detection
Liquid biopsy, a non-invasive method for detecting
and monitoring cancer, has gained signicant
attention in recent years. AI algorithms can analyze
circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA), circulating tumor
cells (CTCs), and other liquid biopsy biomarkers to
detect early signs of endocrine and gastrointestinal
cancers. This section explores the potential of AI-
based liquid biopsy techniques in enabling early
detection, monitoring treatment response, and
detecting minimal residual disease.
Challenges and Limitations
While AI holds immense potential in the
screening and risk assessment of endocrine and
gastrointestinal cancers, several challenges and
limitations need to be addressed. This section
discusses the ethical, legal, and regulatory
considerations surrounding AI implementation in
cancer care. We also explore challenges related to
data quality, algorithm transparency, and clinician
acceptance. Understanding these challenges is
essential for the successful integration of AI
technologies into clinical practice.
Clinical Implementation and
Workflow Integration
The successful integration of AI technologies
into clinical workows is crucial for their
widespread adoption. In this section, we discuss
the considerations and challenges involved
in implementing AI-based screening and risk
assessment tools in healthcare settings. We explore
strategies for seamless integration into existing
clinical workows, addressing issues related to data
privacy, interoperability, and user acceptance.
Validation and Clinical
Utility of AI Models
Validating the accuracy and clinical utility of
AI models is paramount for their reliable
implementation. This section focuses on the
validation of AI models for endocrine and
gastrointestinal cancer screening and risk
assessment. We discuss the importance of rigorous
validation studies using diverse patient cohorts,
real-world data, and comparison with standard
diagnostic approaches.
Future Directions and Conclusion
In this nal section, we outline the future
directions and potential advancements in the role
of articial intelligence (AI) in the screening and
risk assessment of endocrine and gastrointestinal
cancers. AI technologies are continuously evolving,
and their integration into clinical practice is
expected to bring about signicant improvements
in cancer detection, risk prediction, and
personalized treatment strategies.
One potential future direction is the development
of AI algorithms that can leverage multimodal
data integration. By combining imaging data,
molecular proling, and clinical information, AI
models can provide a more comprehensive and
accurate assessment of cancer risk. This integration
could lead to the development of more precise
risk prediction models, guiding clinicians in
making informed decisions regarding screening,
surveillance, and intervention strategies.
Another promising area is the use of AI in real-time
decision support systems. AI algorithms can analyze
patient data in real-time, provide risk assessments,
and oer treatment recommendations based on the
latest evidence and guidelines. This integration of
AI into clinical workows can enhance the eciency
and eectiveness of cancer care, enabling timely
interventions and improving patient outcomes.
Furthermore, the development of explainable AI
models is essential for the wider adoption of
AI in cancer screening and risk assessment.
Explainable AI algorithms provide clear and
interpretable explanations for their predictions,
enabling clinicians to understand the underlying
factors contributing to the risk assessment.
This transparency is crucial for building trust
and acceptance among healthcare providers and
In conclusion, the role of AI in the screening and
risk assessment of endocrine and gastrointestinal
cancers is rapidly evolving. AI-based imaging
techniques, risk prediction models, integration of
multi-omics data, pathology analysis, liquid biopsy,
and biomarker discovery are all contributing to
improved cancer detection, risk assessment, and
personalized treatment strategies. However, several
challenges and limitations need to be addressed,
including ethical considerations, data quality,
algorithm validation, and clinical implementation.
With continued research, collaboration, and
innovation, AI has the potential to revolutionize
cancer care, leading to earlier detection, more
accurate risk assessment, and improved patient
Introduction to Pediatric Cancers
Pediatric cancers are a diverse group of
malignancies that aect children and adolescents.
Early detection and accurate risk assessment
are crucial for improving outcomes in pediatric
oncology. In this chapter, we explore the role of
articial intelligence (AI) in the screening and risk
assessment of pediatric cancers. We discuss the
potential benets, challenges, and current research
in using AI to enhance early detection and risk
prediction in this vulnerable population.
AI-Based Imaging Techniques
for Pediatric Cancer Screening
AI-based imaging techniques have shown promise
in the early detection of pediatric cancers. This
section focuses on the application of AI algorithms,
such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs),
in analyzing imaging modalities like computed
tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI), and ultrasound. We discuss how AI can
Integration of Multi-Omics
Data for Risk Assessment
The integration of multi-omics data, including
genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and
metabolomics, holds great potential in improving
risk assessment accuracy in pediatric cancers. AI
algorithms can analyze complex molecular data
sets to identify genetic alterations, molecular
signatures, and potential therapeutic targets. This
section discusses how AI-driven integration of
multi-omics data can enhance risk prediction
and facilitate the development of personalized
improve the accuracy and eciency of cancer
detection in pediatric patients, leading to timely
interventions and improved outcomes.
Risk Assessment Models
for Pediatric Cancers
Accurate risk assessment is essential for tailoring
treatment strategies and optimizing outcomes in
pediatric oncology. AI algorithms can analyze
diverse patient data, including clinical features,
genetic markers, and molecular proles, to develop
risk prediction models. Thissection explores the
development and validation of AI-driven risk
assessment models for pediatric cancers. We discuss
the integration of machine learning techniques,
such as decision trees and random forests, to
identify high-risk patients and guide personalized
treatment planning.
treatment approaches for pediatric patients.
AI-Enhanced Pathology
Analysis in Pediatric Cancers
Pathology analysis plays a crucial role in the
diagnosis and classication of pediatric cancers.
AI algorithms, such as deep learning and image
analysis, can assist pathologists in analyzing
histopathological images and identifying cancerous
features with high precision. This section explores
the application of AI in pathology analysis
for pediatric cancers, including tumor detection,
grading, and prediction of treatment response.
AI-Driven Biomarker Discovery
in Pediatric Cancers
Biomarkers are essential for early detection,
prognosis, and treatment selection in pediatric
cancers. AI algorithms can analyze large-scale
omics data sets to identify potential biomarkers
associated with pediatric malignancies. This section
focuses on the application of AI in biomarker
discovery for pediatric cancers, including the use of
machine learning algorithms for feature selection,
validation, and translation into clinical practice.
AI-Based Liquid Biopsy for
Pediatric Cancer Screening
Liquid biopsy, a non-invasive method for detecting
and monitoring cancer, holds promise in pediatric
oncology. AI algorithms can analyze circulating
tumor DNA (ctDNA), circulating tumor cells (CTCs),
and other liquid biopsy biomarkers to detect early
signs of pediatric cancers. This section explores
the potential of AI-based liquid biopsy techniques
in enabling early detection, monitoring treatment
response, and detecting minimal residual disease in
pediatric patients.
Challenges and Limitations in AI
Adoption for Pediatric Cancers
While AI oers signicant potential in pediatric
cancer screening and risk assessment, several
challenges and limitations need to be addressed.
This section discusses ethical considerations,
data quality, algorithm validation, and regulatory
hurdles associated with the adoption of AI in
pediatric oncology. Understanding and addressing
these challenges are crucial for the responsible
and eective implementation of AI technologies in
clinical practice.
Clinical Implementation and
Workflow Integration
The successful integration of AI technologies into
clinical workows is essential for their widespread
adoption in pediatric oncology. This section
focuses on the considerations and challenges
involved in implementing AI-based screening and
risk assessment tools in pediatric cancer care.
We discuss strategies for seamless integration
into existing clinical workows, addressing issues
related to data privacy, interoperability, and user
Validation and Clinical Utility of
AI Models in Pediatric Cancers
Validating the accuracy and clinical utility of
AI models is paramount for their reliable
implementation in pediatric oncology. This section
emphasizes the importance of rigorous validation
studies using diverse patient cohorts, real-world
data, and comparison with standard diagnostic
approaches. We explore the potential challenges and
opportunities in translating AI-driven models into
clinical practice for the benet of pediatric cancer
Ethical Considerations in
AI Implementation for
Pediatric Cancers
The use of AI in pediatric cancer care raises
important ethical considerations. This section
explores the ethical implications of AI adoption
in screening and risk assessment, including issues
related to data privacy, consent, equity, and the
role of healthcare providers in decision-making. We
discuss the need for transparent and accountable
AI systems that prioritize the well-being and best
interests of pediatric patients.
AI-Assisted Treatment
Planning and Monitoring
in Pediatric Cancers
Eective treatment planning and monitoring are
essential components of pediatric cancer care.
Articial intelligence (AI) can play a signicant role
in assisting healthcare providers in these processes,
improving treatment outcomes and reducing the
risk of adverse events. This section explores the
applications of AI in treatment planning and
monitoring in pediatric cancers.
AI for Treatment Planning
AI algorithms can analyze complex patient data,
including clinical information, imaging results, and
molecular proles, to assist in treatment planning
for pediatric cancers. By integrating and analyzing
these diverse data sets, AI can provide valuable
insights and recommendations for personalized
treatment strategies. For example, AI can help
identify optimal chemotherapy regimens, radiation
therapy plans, and surgical interventions based on
individual patient characteristics, tumor biology,
and treatment response prediction.
AI can also aid in the identication of potential
treatment-related toxicities and their management.
By analyzing patient data and considering factors
such as age, genetic variations, and previous
treatment history, AI algorithms can assist in
predicting and mitigating treatment-related side
eects. This information can help healthcare
providers tailor treatment plans to reduce toxicity
and improve patient quality of life.
AI for Treatment Monitoring
Monitoring treatment response is crucial in
pediatric oncology to assess the eectiveness of
therapy and make timely adjustments when needed.
AI can assist in this process by analyzing imaging
data, laboratory results, and clinical information
over time. By comparing current data with baseline
measurements and established response criteria,
AI algorithms can provide objective evaluations of
treatment response and detect early signs of disease
progression or relapse.
AI can also facilitate the identication of novel
biomarkers or imaging features that correlate
with treatment response. By analyzing large
datasets, AI algorithms can uncover patterns and
associations that may not be readily apparent
to human observers. These insights can aid in
the development of more accurate and predictive
response assessment tools, enabling healthcare
providers to make informed decisions regarding
treatment adjustments or alternative therapies.
Furthermore, AI can assist in the interpretation
of longitudinal patient data and identify trends
or patterns that may be indicative of treatment
ecacy or toxicity. By continuously monitoring
and analyzing data, AI algorithms can provide real-
time feedback to healthcare providers, facilitating
proactive interventions and optimizing treatment
Introduction to Skin Cancer
Skin cancer is a prevalent and potentially deadly
disease that arises from the uncontrolled growth of
abnormal cells in the skin. It is primarily caused
by cumulative exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation
from the sun or articial sources like tanning beds.
Skin cancer is a signicant public health concern
worldwide, and its incidence has been steadily
increasing over the past few decades.
There are three main types of skin cancer: basal cell
carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC),
and melanoma. BCC and SCC are collectively referred
to as non-melanoma skin cancers and are the most
common types. Although they tend to have a lower
mortality rate compared to melanoma, they can
still cause signicant morbidity if left untreated.
Melanoma, although less common, is the most
aggressive form of skin cancer and has a higher
potential to spread to other parts of the body.
Risk factors for developing skin cancer include fair
skin, a history of sunburns, excessive sun exposure,
a family history of skin cancer, a weakened immune
system, and certain genetic conditions. Individuals
with a higher risk of skin cancer should undergo
regular screening and risk assessment to detect any
abnormalities at an early stage when treatment is
most eective.
Skin cancer screening involves a thorough
examination of the skin, typically performed by a
healthcare professional or dermatologist. It aims
to identify suspicious lesions or moles that may
require further evaluation. Risk assessment, on
the other hand, involves evaluating individual risk
factors to determine the likelihood of developing
skin cancer. This process helps tailor preventive
measures and surveillance strategies for individuals
at higher risk.
Early detection of skin cancer is crucial for
successful treatment and improved outcomes.
When diagnosed at an early stage, skin cancer
is typically highly treatable, with high cure rates.
However, if left undiagnosed and untreated, it
can lead to more advanced stages, requiring more
aggressive treatment and potentially spreading to
other organs.
The introduction of articial intelligence (AI)
in skin cancer screening and risk assessment
holds great promise. AI algorithms can analyze
vast amounts of data, including images, patient
history, and risk factors, to provide accurate and
ecient diagnostic and prognostic information. By
leveraging AI's capabilities, healthcare professionals
can enhance their ability to detect skin cancer
early and make more informed decisions regarding
treatment and surveillance.
In conclusion, skin cancer is a signicant and
increasingly prevalent disease with potentially
severe consequences if not detected and treated
early. Screening and risk assessment play vital
roles in identifying individuals at risk or those
with suspicious lesions for further evaluation. The
integration of AI in skin cancer screening and
risk assessment has the potential to revolutionize
the eld by improving accuracy, eciency, and
patient outcomes. Through the development and
implementation of AI-driven tools and algorithms,
healthcare professionals can optimize their ability
to detect and manage skin cancer, ultimately saving
lives and reducing the burden of this disease.
Skin cancer is a prevalent global disease, and its
incidence rates continue to rise. Early detection
plays a crucial role in improving prognosis and
survival rates. However, accurate diagnosis often
requires extensive clinical expertise and specialized
equipment. Unfortunately, there is a shortage of
dermatologists worldwide, leading to challenges in
accessing timely diagnoses.
Articial intelligence (AI) and machine learning
(ML), particularly deep learning (DL), oer
promising solutions to enhance skin cancer
screening, risk assessment, and diagnostic expertise
accessibility. DL involves the use of multi-layered
neural networks that can automatically learn
complex features and patterns in data. This makes
DL particularly well-suited for analyzing visual
medical data, such as dermoscopy images of skin
lesions. Several studies have developed DL systems
capable of classifying lesions and diagnosing
melanoma with accuracy comparable to expert
dermatologists. Some of these systems employ
convolutional neural networks (CNNs), which excel
at image analysis, enabling them to distinguish
between benign moles and malignant lesions
through training on labeled image datasets.
However, many existing systems are proof-of-
concepts evaluated on standardized images rather
than real-world clinical data. It is crucial to
validate these systems using diverse and real-
world data before their clinical use. Concerns also
exist regarding safety, interpretability, and biases
in training data. Collaborative partnerships among
technology developers, clinicians, and ethicists can
help address these issues eectively.
Overview of Screening
and Risk Assessment
Skin cancer screening and risk assessment are
essential components of early detection and
prevention strategies. This section provides an
overview of the methods and tools commonly
used in skin cancer screening and the factors
considered in risk assessment. Skin cancer
screening involves a comprehensive examination
of the skin to identify any suspicious lesions
or moles that may be indicative of skin cancer.
Dermatologists and healthcare professionals use
various techniques during the screening process,
such as visual inspection, dermoscopy, and total
body photography.
Visual inspection is the primary method used in
skin cancer screening. It involves a systematic
examination of the skin, looking for any changes
in color, size, shape, or texture of moles or
lesions. Dermoscopy, also known as dermatoscopy
or epiluminescence microscopy, is a non-invasive
technique that uses a handheld device with
magnication and light to visualize structures
within the skin. It provides additional information
about the patterns and structures of moles and
lesions, aiding in the detection of early signs of skin
Total body photography is a method that involves
capturing high-resolution images of the entire
body surface, including both macroscopic and
dermoscopic images. These images serve as a
baseline for future comparisons, helping to identify
any new or changing lesions. Risk assessment
aims to identify individuals who are at a higher
risk of developing skin cancer. Several factors are
considered during the risk assessment process.
These include personal and family history of skin
cancer, skin type, sun exposure history, presence
of atypical moles, and other risk factors such as
immunosuppression or genetic conditions.
Personal and family history of skin cancer can
provide valuable insights into an individual's
predisposition to the disease. Individuals with a
previous history of skin cancer or a family history
of the disease are considered at higher risk and may
require more frequent screening and surveillance.
Skin type is another important factor in risk
assessment. Fair-skinned individuals who burn
easily and have a lower tolerance to sun exposure
are at a higher risk of developing skin cancer.
Skin types with more pigment, such as darker
skin tones, are generally at a lower risk but
are not immune to developing skin cancer. Sun
exposure history, including occupational exposure,
recreational activities, and sunburns, is a signicant
risk factor. Prolonged exposure to UV radiation,
whether from the sun or articial sources, increases
the risk of developing skin cancer. Presence of
atypical moles, also known as dysplastic nevi, can
indicate an increased risk of developing melanoma.
These moles may exhibit irregular borders, color
variations, or larger sizes compared to normal
moles. In addition to these factors, certain genetic
conditions and immunosuppression can also
contribute to an increased risk of developing skin
Combining screening and risk assessment allows
healthcare professionals to tailor their approach to
each individual's needs. High-risk individuals may
undergo more frequent screenings or additional
diagnostic tests, while low-risk individuals may
require less intensive surveillance.
In conclusion, skin cancer screening and
risk assessment are crucial components of
early detection and prevention strategies.
Visual inspection, dermoscopy, and total body
photography are common methods used in
screening. Risk assessment considers factors such
as personal and family history, skin type, sun
exposure history, presence of atypical moles, and
other risk factors. By implementing comprehensive
screening and risk assessment protocols, healthcare
professionals can identify individuals at higher risk
and detect skin cancer at its early stages, leading to
better outcomes and improved patient care.
Applications in Primary Care
DL tools hold promise in primary care settings,
where most patients initially present with skin
concerns. Technologies like smartphone apps have
the potential to improve diagnostic triage, reducing
unnecessary referrals and biopsies. However,
limited evidence is available for primary care
settings, as most research focuses on specialist
populations with a higher disease prevalence.
Further research on accuracy in primary care
settings is necessary before routine adoption.
Multimodal Approaches
Combining DL with other data modalities can
enhance assessment outcomes. For instance,
infrared thermography can detect thermal
dierences between lesions, and DL algorithms
can analyze thermograms alongside visual images.
Some systems also incorporate patient factors such
as age and genetics. These multimodal approaches
have the potential to enhance risk assessment and
diagnostic accuracy.
Several challenges remain in developing clinically
useful DL tools for skin cancer screening. Many
consumer apps available are unvalidated, posing
safety risks. Regulations in this eld lag behind
rapid technological advancements, emphasizing the
need for close collaboration among technology
companies, clinicians, regulators, and patients
to ensure safety. Workow and implementation
challenges exist in diverse real-world clinical
settings, and user-friendly integration with existing
systems is crucial for practitioner acceptance
and patient benet. Further studies investigating
the impact on clinical eciency, costs, and
access are essential. Additionally, increasing model
interpretability is vital to address concerns related
to the "black box" nature of DL algorithms. Ethical
considerations surrounding training data biases
and privacy also demand ongoing scrutiny.
In conclusion, DL holds tremendous promise in
augmenting clinician expertise and improving
patient outcomes in skin cancer screening and
risk assessment. However, careful development
and evidence-based implementation are crucial to
realize its benets safely and equitably. Continued
partnerships between technology and clinical
experts, along with active patient involvement, will
facilitate the development of ethical and eective
AI tools that patients and healthcare providers can
Role of AI in Lung
Cancer Screening
Lung cancer, the leading cause of malignancy-
related death worldwide, is often diagnosed at a
late stage, contributing to its high mortality rate.
Approximately 7% of cases do not exhibit specic
symptoms, making accurate screening tests crucial.
Various screening methods have been proposed,
including sputum and blood cell analysis, breath
tests, and the utilization of imaging modalities.
Among these, the latter methods have shown better
Lung cancer can manifest as a pulmonary nodule,
a mass (measuring larger than 3cm), ground
glass opacity, or consolidation. Low-dose computed
tomography (LDCT) has proven to be superior to
chest X-ray (CXR) in the early diagnosis of lung
malignancy and has been shown to improve patient
AI-assisted screening models based on CXR have
been developed, with promising results. One of the
most reliable models is CheXNet, a deep learning
algorithm trained to diagnose 14 lung disorders,
including pulmonary neoplasms. CheXNet has
exhibited a high level of diagnostic performance.
AI programs have also been developed based on
LDCT for nodule detection and estimation of nodule
density. Examples of such programs include Lung
Nodule Analysis 2016 (LUNA16) and Automated
Nodule Detection 2009 (ANODE09). These programs
serve as second readers and can help radiologists
save time.
Another method of lung cancer screening involves
the detection of tumor markers such as long
non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs). AI-based algorithms,
including the Lasso algorithm, have been developed
with acceptable results.
In the pathogenesis of lung cancer, mutated genes
play a known role. It has been hypothesized that
specic gene mutations are associated with changes
in the arrangement and appearance of tumor cells
in pathology samples. Coudray developed a neural
network model with an accuracy ranging from
73.3% to 85.6%, capable of predicting the presence
of six mutated genes by analyzing pathological
Lung cancer, scientically known as Primary
bronchogenic carcinoma, is the most common type
of cancer that aects the lungs worldwide. Among
dierent forms of cancer, it receives signicant
attention due to its high morbidity and fatality rate
(18.0%), which is almost double that of colorectal
cancer (9.4%). Like other cancers, early diagnosis
plays a key role in prompt treatment and improved
prognosis. In the early stages of cancer, pulmonary
nodules can be detected in 22.0-59.7% of cases,
although the overall rate of malignant nodules is
less than 5%. Additionally, dierentiating between
lung cancer and tuberculosis (TB) poses a signicant
challenge, even for trained radiologists, leading
to false-positive lung cancer diagnoses. This can
cause unnecessary anxiety and economic burdens
for patients and society, as well as incorrect
treatment for the underlying disease. To address
these challenges and improve diagnosis, prognostic
prediction, and treatment, AI algorithms have been
extensively studied and applied in recent years. AI
is a comprehensive concept based on computational
studies using datasets, which can include various
techniques to create models based on available data
such as known cancer characteristics, images, CT,
etc., in order to predict new cases of the disease. ML,
NN, DL, CV, and NLP are some of the AI techniques
used. To achieve this goal, the dataset is typically
divided into two main subsets: a training set for
model development and a validation/prediction set
to evaluate the model's performance. To provide
further insights, this section highlights some
recently reported cases.
In a study by S. Buosi and colleagues, ML was
utilized to predict early-stage lung cancer cells using
aneuploidy imputation scores, achieving a precision
of 82% and a specicity of 91% in predicting
outcomes for over 200 patients. Another report
by W.Y. Cheung and colleagues explored treatment
patterns in patients with advanced lung cancer
using AI techniques and real-world data (RWD)
extraction, resulting in an overall accuracy of
82%. Furthermore, AI enables therapists to reduce
radiation doses in CT scans without misinterpreting
actionable pulmonary nodules during lung cancer
Role of AI in Breast
Cancer Screening
Breast cancer is the most common malignancy
among women and ranks as the second leading
cause of cancer-related mortality. Several imaging
modalities, such as sonography, mammography, and
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), are available
for screening and early detection of small non-
palpable breast neoplasms. Mammography is the
preferred choice due to its sensitivity in detecting
small lesions or malignant calcications, as well
as its cost-eectiveness. Sonography is operator
dependent, while MRI is primarily used for high-risk
AI models, such as computer-aided diagnosis
(CAD) with image analyzing approaches, have
been introduced for breast cancer screening. These
models have assisted radiologists in detecting
tiny abnormalities. However, they have also led
to a higher rate of false-positive biopsy results.
Therefore, AI-assisted image interpretation should
be considered as complementary or secondary
review, as its performance is shown to be inferior to
that of a human radiologist.
Newer mammographic AI models, such as
VGG16, have exhibited higher accuracy compared
to older types like AlexNet, GoogleNet, and
EcientNet models. In addition to tumor detection,
mammographic AI models have been proposed and
utilized for identifying scattered or heterogeneous
densities using convolutional neural networks
(CNN), as well as subtype classication using
VGGNet-based CNN.
MRI is the most sensitive imaging tool for
diagnosing breast cancer, but it is reserved for
high-risk patients, complicated cases, or cases prior
to neoadjuvant chemotherapy due to its higher
cost. Winkler introduced an MRI-deep learning
application that identies MRI images containing
tumors, thus enhancing the speed of interpretation
by radiologists.
In conclusion, AI-assisted imaging-based
techniques aid radiologists in detecting smaller
lesions, saving time, and alleviating high workloads.
However, more accurate programs are needed for
independent image interpretation.
Breast cancer is the most prevalent form of cancer
diagnosed in females worldwide, responsible for
a signicant number of cancer-related fatalities,
approximately 15%, over the past decades. It
is estimated that by 2025, there will be over
2.4 million diagnosed cases. Early diagnosis is
crucial for eective treatment, and mammography
is widely used for breast screening, aiming to
detect suspicious abnormalities through digital
mammograms and reduce mortality rates. However,
relying solely on mammography, using X-ray,
ultrasound, or MRI, poses challenges such as false-
positive detections or missed cancers, leading to
unnecessary investigations and the development
of aggressive tumors. Additionally, the shortage
of breast radiologists combined with increasing
demands results in a time-consuming process. As
a result, automated algorithms based on articial
intelligence (AI) have been implemented to facilitate
early diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer.
AI, as a computational tool, has made signicant
contributions in overcoming clinical challenges
in oncology, including the detection, treatment,
and prognosis of tumors. Machine learning
(ML) techniques utilize data sets obtained from
improved digital mammograms, which may involve
background removal, and incorporate risk factors
such as age range, family history, mammographic
density, and BRCA gene tests to diagnose early
tumors and control tumor growth or metastasis.
Typically, the initial data set is divided into at
least two subsets: a training set used to create
the classication model employing specic ML
methods, and an external prediction or validation
set used to assess the model's performance. The
potential of AI in successfully detecting breast
tissue tumors has garnered signicant attention,
leading to numerous studies in this eld.
For instance, A.M. Hasan and colleagues developed
a classication method for molecular subtypes
of breast cancer using dynamic contrast-
enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI)
in combination with convolutional neural networks
(CNN) and support vector machines (SVM). They
achieved an accuracy of 99.78% and an area
under the curve (AUC) of 100% with low
complexity. In another study, Q. Huang and
colleagues introduced a diagnostic classication
method for breast cancer using an improved Chef-
Based Optimization algorithm to eliminate image
noise and the optimal SqueezeNet model on the
database of the Mammographic Image Analysis
Society (MIAS). Additionally, Y.H. El-Sharkawy
and colleagues discriminated between benign and
malignant breast tissues by analyzing the reection
and transmission of diused light in the 400-900
nm range, considering the dierences in chemical
structures, refractive indexes, and dielectric values
caused by changes in cancer cells. They employed
the K-means clustering algorithm. Furthermore, O.
Haji and colleagues estimated breast density, a
signicant risk factor for breast cancer, using AI
to analyze mammographic images with two CNN
architectures that combined superpixel generation
and radiomic ML, achieving an AUC of 0.612.
In conclusion, AI-based techniques, particularly
those utilizing ML methods, have made impressive
contributions to the detection, treatment, and
prognosis of breast cancer. These techniques
leverage improved digital mammograms and
incorporate various risk factors to diagnose tumors
at an early stage and monitor tumor growth or
metastasis. Ongoing research continues to explore
the potential of AI in breast cancer detection and
Introduction to Oral Cancers
Oral cancer is a signicant global health issue,
encompassing malignancies that aect various
parts of the mouth, including the lips, tongue,
cheeks, gums, and the oor and roof of the
mouth. It is estimated that oral cancer accounts
for approximately 3% of all cancers worldwide.
The incidence of oral cancer varies across dierent
regions, with higher rates reported in South and
Southeast Asia, parts of Europe, and certain regions
of Africa.
The development of oral cancer is often associated
with multiple risk factors. The most common risk
factors include tobacco and alcohol use. Smoking
cigarettes, cigars, or pipes, as well as using
smokeless tobacco products, signicantly increases
the risk of developing oral cancer. Excessive alcohol
consumption, particularly in combination with
tobacco use, further amplies the risk.
Another signicant risk factor for oral cancer
is infection with certain strains of the human
papillomavirus (HPV), particularly HPV-16 and
HPV-18. HPV-related oral cancers tend to occur in
the oropharynx and are more common in younger
individuals. Other risk factors include poor oral
hygiene, chronic irritation from ill-tting dentures
or dental appliances, a diet lacking in fruits and
vegetables, exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation,
and a family history of oral cancer.
Early detection of oral cancer is critical for
improving prognosis and treatment outcomes.
However, oral cancers often go unnoticed until they
have progressed to more advanced stages, making
them more challenging to treat successfully. This
is partly due to the anatomical location of the
oral cavity, which may make visual inspection and
manual palpation less eective in detecting early-
stage lesions.
Traditional methods of oral cancer screening
involve visual inspection of the oral cavity and
palpation of the oral tissues to identify any
abnormalities, such as red or white patches,
ulcers, or lumps. These methods heavily rely
on the expertise and experience of healthcare
professionals, and their accuracy can vary
depending on the observer's skills. As a result,
there is a need for more objective and standardized
approaches to oral cancer screening.
Additionally, risk assessment plays a critical role
in identifying individuals who may be at a
higher risk of developing oral cancer. Risk factors
such as tobacco and alcohol use, HPV infection,
genetic predisposition, and certain oral lesions are
taken into consideration. Evaluating these factors
allows healthcare professionals to tailor preventive
strategies, such as smoking cessation programs, to
high-risk individuals.
In conclusion, oral cancer is a signicant health
concern with various risk factors contributing
to its development. Early detection through
eective screening methods and comprehensive
risk assessment is crucial for improving patient
outcomes. The limitations of traditional screening
methods and the need for more objective
approaches highlight the potential role of articial
intelligence in revolutionizing oral cancer screening
and risk assessment. By leveraging AI algorithms
and advanced imaging techniques, healthcare
professionals can enhance their ability to detect
oral cancer at early stages, leading to timely
interventions, improved treatment outcomes, and
ultimately, saving lives.
Oral cancer (OC) is ranked as the sixth most
common cancer worldwide and is typically found
in areas such as the inner lip, dorsum of the
tongue, gingiva, hard/soft palate, buccal mucosa,
and oor of the mouth. Asia has the highest
reported incidence of OC, with a mortality rate of
73%. Delayed diagnosis leads to increased morbidity
and mortality, highlighting the need for modern
techniques like articial intelligence (AI) to screen
high-risk populations and save lives.
A crucial strategy for preventing OC is the
identication of premalignant lesions, which are
morphologically altered tissues with an elevated
risk of cancer progression. These lesions can
be detected through clinical examination. Y
et al. utilized machine learning trained on
intraoral photographs to distinguish between OC,
premalignant lesions, and clinically normal sites.
The results showed that machine learning either
matched or exceeded the diagnostic accuracy of
human specialists in detecting oral squamous cell
carcinoma (OSCC) and premalignant conditions.
Therefore, machine learning can be a cost-eective
and non-invasive tool for preventing OC.
In another study, Talwar et al. used smartphone-
captured images to create an AI diagnostic model for
premalignant lesions and OCs. The most eective
algorithms were DenseNet and Swin (Base), which
achieved sensitivities of 85% and 86%, respectively.
False positive results mainly included tobacco
stains, physiologic melanosis, aphthous ulcer, and
periodontal diseases, while false negatives included
early with-red sites, gingival desquamation, and
traumatic keratosis. Thus, AI-assisted screening of
premalignant lesions and OCs using smartphone
photographs would be particularly benecial in
underprivileged areas with limited healthcare
AI's potential in OC screening goes beyond intraoral
photographs. For example, Xie et al. proposed AI-
based surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)
to detect gaseous methanethiol, a tumor biomarker,
in patients' exhaled breath. Their articial neural
network (ANN) model achieved a classication
accuracy of 99% for the samples. Additionally, a
systematic review evaluated the performance of
AI in OC diagnosis using histopathological images,
showing minimum accuracy rates of 90% and
even reaching 100% in some investigations. AI-
supported histopathological evaluations can help
pathologists deliver more consistent diagnoses and
reduce potential inaccuracies.
In another study, Banavar et al. demonstrated
an 83% sensitivity and 98% specicity in
a machine learning algorithm that analyzed
metatranscriptomic data from saliva samples of
individuals with premalignant lesions, OCs, and
healthy controls. AI has also been utilized to identify
individuals at high risk for OC based on behavioral
and demographic factors. Rosma et al. used
data from cancer patients, including age, gender,
smoking habits, and alcohol intake, to develop fuzzy
regression and fuzzy neural network models for
evaluating OC risk. Their results showed that AI
can match expert evaluations in predicting the risk
of OC. Furthermore, Alhazmi et al. expanded the
dataset by considering systemic medical conditions
and clinic-pathological characteristics of patients in
addition to existing risk factors.
OC presents a signicant global health challenge
with high rates of morbidity and mortality,
emphasizing the importance of early identication
and diagnosis. In recent years, articial intelligence
(AI) has emerged as a valuable asset in
screening and assessing the risk of OCs. AI
systems have the ability to analyze large volumes
of data, providing pathologists with faster and
more accurate diagnostic insights. This improves
the identication and understanding of OCs and
their precursors. When combined with imaging
techniques, AI signicantly enhances OC prognosis
by rening detection and diagnostic methods.
The integration of AI tools in OC management
oers numerous benets, including improved
accuracy, timely detection, streamlined operations,
aordability, strategic treatment planning, and
reduced diagnostic delays. By leveraging AI,
precision, operational eciency, and cost savings
can be achieved in the management of OC.
Karadaghy et al. conducted a study using a machine-
learning model to predict the 5-year survival rates
of patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma. They
analyzed data from 33,065 patients in the National
Cancer Data Base collected between 2004 and 2011.
The performance of their model was compared
to the traditional TNM clinical staging system.
The machine-learning model, incorporating various
patient data, outperformed the TNM system. It
achieved an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.80 and
71% accuracy, while the TNM system had an AUC
of 0.68 and 65% accuracy. This research highlights
the potential advantages of machine learning in
rening patient risk assessments in today's data-
rich medical environment.
Al-Rawi et al. explored the eectiveness of AI
in diagnosing early-stage OC by reviewing 17
studies comprising 7245 patients and 69,425
images from four major databases. The research
indicated that deep learning models achieved
accuracy rates of 81-99.7% in OC detection, while
supervised machine learning showed a wider range
of 43.5-100% accuracy. Despite variations in the
eectiveness of AI methods, the study emphasized
the superior performance of deep learning,
particularly deep convolutional neural networks,
in early OC detection compared to traditional
supervised machine learning techniques.
Speight et al. conducted a study to evaluate the
eectiveness of a neural network in predicting the
likelihood of individuals having malignant or pre-
malignant oral lesions based on their risk habits,
such as smoking and drinking. They analyzed data
from 2027 adults and compared the predictions of
the neural network to those of dental screeners.
The dental screeners demonstrated a sensitivity
of 0.74 and specicity of 0.99, while the neural
network showed improved sensitivity at 0.80 but
lower specicity at 0.77. The research suggests
that while the neural network may identify high-
risk individuals more sensitively, dental screeners
remain more specic. However, the neural network
oers a potentially cost-eective tool for early
identication, potentially leading to timely OC
screenings or preventive health education for those
at risk.
In conclusion, the prevalence of OC worldwide
calls for the adoption of advanced diagnostic
tools. Articial intelligence, particularly deep
learning, has demonstrated its eectiveness in
enhancing the detection process. While AI
shows heightened sensitivity, traditional diagnostic
approaches still excel in specicity. The integration
of AI's computational capabilities with existing
methodologies oers a promising avenue for swift
and accurate diagnoses, representing a crucial step
in addressing the persistent challenge of OC.
Current Challenges in
Screening and Risk Assessment
of Oral Cancers
While early detection and risk assessment are
crucial in the management of oral cancers, the
current methods of screening and risk assessment
face several challenges. This section explores
the limitations and complexities associated with
traditional approaches, highlighting the need for
more advanced techniques and tools.
One of the primary challenges in oral cancer
screening is the reliance on visual inspection
and manual palpation. The human eye and
touch can miss subtle changes or early signs
of oral cancer, especially in areas that are
dicult to access or visualize. Additionally, the
subjective nature of visual inspection and palpation
can lead to variability in interpretation among
healthcare professionals, aecting the accuracy and
consistency of the screening process.
Moreover, the complexity of risk assessment
in oral cancers poses challenges. Oral cancer
development is inuenced by a combination
of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors.
Factors such as tobacco and alcohol use, HPV
infection, genetic predisposition, and oral lesions
need to be considered to assess an individual's
risk accurately. However, integrating and evaluating
these multifactorial aspects can be complex and
time-consuming, requiring comprehensive data
collection and analysis.
Another challenge relates to the identication
and characterization of potentially malignant oral
lesions. Not all oral lesions are cancerous, and
distinguishing between benign and potentially
malignant lesions can be challenging based solely
on visual inspection. The dierentiation often
requires invasive procedures, such as biopsies,
which may entail discomfort and risks for the
Furthermore, access to oral cancer screening and
risk assessment may be limited in certain regions,
particularly in low-resource settings or areas with
limited healthcare infrastructure. This can lead to
delayed diagnosis and missed opportunities for
early intervention.
To address these challenges, there is a growing
need for more advanced and objective tools in
oral cancer screening and risk assessment. This
is where articial intelligence (AI) can play a
transformative role. AI algorithms can analyze
vast amounts of data, detect patterns, and make
accurate predictions, providing a more objective and
standardized approach to oral cancer screening.
AI-powered imaging analysis can assist in the
detection and characterization of oral lesions.
Computer vision algorithms can analyze images
captured through various imaging modalities, such
as white light imaging, uorescence imaging,
or optical coherence tomography, to identify
suspicious features associated with oral cancer.
By leveraging AI, healthcare professionals can
enhance their ability to detect early-stage lesions
and dierentiate between benign and potentially
malignant lesions, leading to more accurate
Additionally, AI-driven risk assessment models
can integrate multiple data points, including
clinical information, patient demographics, lifestyle
factors, genetic data, and biomarkers, to generate
personalized risk proles. These models can aid in
identifying individuals at higher risk of developing
oral cancer, enabling targeted prevention strategies,
early detection, and appropriate surveillance
In conclusion, the current methods of oral cancer
screening and risk assessment face challenges
related to subjectivity, complexity, and limited
access. The integration of AI in oral cancer screening
can address these challenges by providing objective
and accurate analysis of oral lesions and facilitating
comprehensive risk assessment. AI algorithms have
the potential to augment healthcare professionals'
expertise, leading to improved early detection,
personalized risk assessment, and ultimately, better
management of oral cancers.
Introduction to Head
and Neck Cancers
Head and neck cancers are a diverse group of
malignancies that aect various anatomical sites,
including the oral cavity, throat (pharynx), voice box
(larynx), nasal cavity, sinuses, and salivary glands.
They account for a signicant portion of cancer
cases globally, with varying incidence rates across
dierent regions. These cancers can have a profound
impact on patients' quality of life, aecting vital
functions such as breathing, swallowing, and
Several risk factors contribute to the development
of head and neck cancers. The most common risk
factors include tobacco and alcohol use. Smoking
cigarettes, cigars, pipes, or using smokeless tobacco
signicantly increases the risk of developing head
and neck cancers. Excessive alcohol consumption,
particularly when combined with tobacco use,
further amplies the risk.
In recent years, there has been an increase in
the incidence of head and neck cancers linked
to human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. HPV-
related head and neck cancers, particularly those
aecting the oropharynx, tend to occur in younger
individuals and have distinct clinical and molecular
characteristics compared to non-HPV-related cases.
Occupational exposures, such as exposure to certain
chemicals and substances in certain industries like
asbestos, nickel, wood dust, formaldehyde, and
textile bers, are also associated with an increased
risk of head and neck cancers. Additionally, poor
oral hygiene, chronic irritation from ill-tting
dentures or dental appliances, a diet low in fruits
and vegetables, and a family history of head and
neck cancers can contribute to the development of
these malignancies.
Early detection plays a crucial role in improving
outcomes for patients with head and neck cancers.
Timely diagnosis allows for prompt initiation of
appropriate treatment, which may include surgery,
radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or a combination
of these modalities. Additionally, early detection
can help minimize the physical, emotional, and
functional impact of these cancers on patients' lives.
Screening and risk assessment are essential
components of eective head and neck cancer
management. Screening involves the identication
of individuals at risk or with early signs of the
disease, while risk assessment aims to evaluate an
individual's likelihood of developing head and neck
cancer based on various factors.
Current screening methods for head and neck
cancers typically involve a combination of physical
examination and patient-reported symptoms.
Healthcare professionals conduct a thorough
examination, looking for any abnormalities, such as
lumps, ulcers, or changes in the mucosal lining of
the mouth and throat. Patients are also asked about
symptoms such as persistent hoarseness, diculty
swallowing, or a persistent sore throat. However,
these methods heavily rely on the skills and
experience of the healthcare provider and may not
always detect early-stage cancers or subtle lesions.
Risk assessment in head and neck cancers involves
evaluating multiple factors such as tobacco and
alcohol use, HPV infection, occupational exposures,
genetic predisposition, and family history.
Assessing these factors can help identify individuals
who may be at a higher risk of developing head
and neck cancers and guide the implementation of
preventive strategies and surveillance protocols.
In conclusion, head and neck cancers encompass
a diverse group of malignancies with various risk
factors. Early detection through eective screening
methods and comprehensive risk assessment
is crucial for improving patient outcomes.
However, the current methods of screening
and risk assessment face challenges related to
subjectivity and the complexity of evaluating
multiple risk factors. The integration of advanced
technologies, such as articial intelligence, has
the potential to enhance head and neck cancer
screening and risk assessment, leading to earlier
detection, personalized care, and improved patient
Head and neck cancer is the seventh most common
malignancy worldwide. It comprises a diverse group
of cancers, with squamous cell carcinomas (SCC)
being the most prevalent. These cancers typically
arise from the epithelial lining of the oral cavity,
sinonasal tract, pharynx, larynx, and salivary
glands. Early detection of certain head and neck
cancers can be challenging due to vague histories
and non-specic diagnostic features.
Histopathological evaluation of tissue sections,
along with clinical and radiological examinations,
forms the foundation for the conventional
diagnosis of head and neck cancer. However,
recent advancements in cancer diagnostics have
focused on digital image analysis and processing.
This process involves extracting valuable
information from images to identify clinically
signicant features through segmentation and label
descriptions through classication.
Imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), and
positron emission tomography (PET) scans are
commonly used during the diagnosis, treatment,
and follow-up of head and neck squamous cell
carcinomas. To enhance the detection, screening,
and prognosis of head and neck cancer, the use
of articial intelligence (AI) techniques and tools
has been suggested to aid clinicians. Machine
learning (ML) models are increasingly being
developed to assist with disease segmentation
across various investigations during diagnosis,
treatment planning, and treatment monitoring. AI-
based tools can provide information that is not
readily available to most pathologists today through
light microscopy, such as prognosis reporting and
predicting therapy response.
A review of diagnostic machine learning models
for head and neck cancer by Bassani et al. revealed
largely excellent accuracy rates above 90%. Deep
learning methods are used to develop AI algorithms
based on the concept of an articial neural network
trained using a large number of digital images,
which are then used to classify unknown images. As
the volume of training data increases, the general
performance of the AI model improves.
Articial intelligence (AI)-based prediction models
have gained popularity due to the increasing
number of independent prognostic and predictive
markers. The hypothesis is that machine learning-
based models can predict outcomes with greater
accuracy than current models by combining
clinical, biological, genomic, and radiologic data.
Whole slide imaging (WSI) has shown great
diagnostic concordance compared to traditional
light microscopy in anatomical pathology, despite
technical and diagnostic issues. WSI oers advanced
diagnosis and research capabilities. Convolutional
neural networks (CNNs), which consist of multiple
layers and use numerous hyperparameters to
perform operations, are utilized for building
classication models. CNNs enable the acquisition
of various high-level characteristics from a set of
image patches at dierent layers and testing them in
Studies That Used AI in Detecting
Head and Neck Cancers
Halicek et al. utilized a CNN to diagnose Head
and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) in
381 WSIs from 156 patients, aecting both
the primary tumor and lymph node levels. The
results demonstrated an accuracy of 84.8 ± 1.6%,
sensitivity of 84.7 ± 2.2%, and specicity of 85.0 ±
Lopez-Janeiro et al. focused on salivary gland
tumors and employed a tree model algorithm to
determine the various histotypes of malignant
tumors in 115 salivary gland samples, achieving an
overall accuracy of 84.6%.
Zhou et al. developed a dual-modality optical
imaging microscope that utilized machine learning
algorithms to automatically detect laryngeal
squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). They employed
Random Forest, Gaussian naive Bayes, Support
Vector Machine (SVM), and Logistic regression
algorithms, with SVM yielding the highest accuracy.
He et al. conducted a study to evaluate a method for
diagnosing laryngeal SCC. A total of 1228 patients
underwent AI-aided endoscopy of the upper
aerodigestive tract, resulting in 3458 pathological
images. Suspicious laryngeal lesions were biopsied
and histologically examined. The pathology images
were randomly divided into a training dataset,
a validation dataset, and a testing dataset. The
Inception V3 algorithm was employed, and the area
under the curve (AUC) for the validation dataset was
0.994, while for the testing dataset, it was 0.981.
Current Challenges in Screening
and Risk Assessment of
Head and Neck Cancers
Despite the importance of screening and risk
assessment in head and neck cancers, the
current methods face several challenges. This
section examines the limitations and complexities
associated with traditional approaches,
highlighting the need for more advanced techniques
and tools, such as articial intelligence (AI).
One of the primary challenges in head and neck
cancer screening is the subjective nature of physical
examination. Healthcare professionals rely on their
visual inspection and palpation skills to identify
suspicious lesions or abnormalities. However, the
human eye and touch may miss subtle changes
or early signs of cancer, especially in anatomically
complex regions or when lesions are small or
hidden. This subjectivity can lead to variability
in interpretation among healthcare professionals,
potentially compromising the accuracy and
consistency of the screening process.
Moreover, patient-reported symptoms may not
always be reliable indicators of head and neck
cancers. Symptoms such as hoarseness, diculty
swallowing, or a persistent sore throat can be
associated with various conditions, both benign and
malignant. Additionally, patients may not always
recognize or report these symptoms, especially in
the early stages of the disease. Hence, relying solely
on symptoms may result in delayed diagnosis and
missed opportunities for early intervention.
The complexity of risk assessment in head
and neck cancers poses another challenge.
These cancers are inuenced by a combination
of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors.
Determining an individual's risk accurately requires
comprehensive evaluation and integration of
various factors, such as tobacco and alcohol
use, HPV infection status, occupational exposures,
genetic predisposition, and family history. However,
assessing and analyzing these multifactorial aspects
can be complex and time-consuming, often
requiring extensive data collection and expert
Furthermore, access to head and neck cancer
screening and risk assessment may be limited
in certain regions, particularly in low-resource
settings or areas with limited healthcare
infrastructure. This can result in disparities in
early detection and diagnosis, as well as hinder
the implementation of preventive measures and
appropriate management strategies.
To address these challenges, there is a growing
need for more advanced and objective tools in head
and neck cancer screening and risk assessment.
This is where articial intelligence (AI) can play
a transformative role. AI algorithms can analyze
large amounts of data, detect patterns, and make
accurate predictions, providing a more objective
and standardized approach to screening and risk
AI-powered imaging analysis can assist in the
detection and characterization of suspicious lesions
in head and neck cancers. By analyzing medical
images, such as CT scans, MRI, or PET scans,
AI algorithms can identify abnormal features,
assess their characteristics, and classify them as
potentially malignant. This can aid in the early
detection of lesions that may be missed by the
human eye and improve the accuracy of diagnosis.
Additionally, AI-driven risk assessment models
can integrate multiple data points, including
clinical information, patient demographics, lifestyle
factors, genetic data, and biomarkers. By processing
and analyzing these data, AI algorithms can
generate personalized risk proles, enabling
healthcare professionals to identify individuals at
higher risk of developing head and neck cancers.
This information can guide the implementation of
targeted prevention strategies, regular surveillance
protocols, and early intervention measures.
In conclusion, the current methods of head
and neck cancer screening and risk assessment
face challenges related to subjectivity, reliance on
symptoms, complexity, and limited access. The
integration of articial intelligence can address
these challenges by providing objective and
accurate analysis of suspicious lesions, enhancing
early detection, and enabling comprehensive risk
assessment. AI algorithms have the potential
to augment healthcare professionals' expertise,
leading to improved outcomes in the screening and
management of head and neck cancers.
Role of Artificial Intelligence in
Head and Neck Cancer Screening
Articial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a
transformative technology in the eld of medical
imaging analysis, including the screening and
diagnosis of head and neck cancers. This section
focuses on the specic role of AI in head and
neck cancer screening, particularly in the analysis
of medical images such as computed tomography
(CT) scans, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and
positron emission tomography (PET) scans.
AI algorithms can analyze medical images
with remarkable precision and speed, assisting
healthcare professionals in detecting and
characterizing suspicious lesions. By leveraging
deep learning techniques, AI algorithms can learn
from vast amounts of imaging data, identifying
patterns and features that may be indicative of
malignant or pre-malignant conditions.
In head and neck cancer screening, AI algorithms
can analyze CT scans to identify and localize
abnormalities such as tumors or suspicious nodules.
AI can assist in segmenting and measuring lesions,
providing quantitative information that can aid in
determining their size, shape, and growth patterns.
This information is crucial for accurate diagnosis
and treatment planning.
MRI is another imaging modality commonly used
in the evaluation of head and neck cancers. AI
algorithms can analyze MRI images to identify
and characterize lesions, distinguishing between
benign and malignant conditions. AI can assist in
identifying subtle features and patterns that may
not be apparent to the human eye, improving the
detection rate and reducing the likelihood of false-
negative results.
PET scans, which involve the injection of a
radioactive tracer to visualize metabolic activity,
are valuable in assessing the extent and spread
of head and neck cancers. AI algorithms can
analyze PET images to identify areas of increased
uptake, indicating potential tumor locations and
metastatic involvement. By precisely localizing
and quantifying metabolic activity, AI can aid
in treatment planning, monitoring response to
therapy, and assessing disease progression.
The integration of AI into head and neck cancer
screening workows oers several advantages.
First, AI algorithms can provide a consistent and
standardized approach to image analysis, reducing
interobserver variability and improving diagnostic
accuracy. This is particularly valuable in regions
where access to specialized healthcare professionals
may be limited, as AI can assist in providing reliable
and timely interpretations.
Second, AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of
imaging data in a fraction of the time it would
take for a human expert to review. This accelerated
analysis can expedite the screening process,
enabling prompt identication of suspicious lesions
and facilitating early intervention.
Third, AI can serve as a powerful decision support
tool for healthcare professionals. By providing
quantitative measurements, risk stratication, and
predictive analytics, AI can augment the expertise
of radiologists and other specialists, empowering
them to make informed clinical decisions and
optimize patient management strategies.
However, it is important to note that AI is not
meant to replace healthcare professionals but rather
to augment their capabilities. The integration of
AI into head and neck cancer screening requires
a collaborative and interdisciplinary approach,
combining the expertise of radiologists, oncologists,
and AI specialists. The human interpretation and
clinical judgment remain essential in the overall
evaluation and management of patients.
In conclusion, AI has the potential to revolutionize
head and neck cancer screening by providing
objective and accurate analysis of medical images.
AI algorithms can detect suspicious lesions,
characterize their features, and assist in treatment
planning. The integration of AI into screening
workows can enhance diagnostic accuracy,
expedite the screening process, and empower
healthcare professionals with valuable decision
support tools. By leveraging the capabilities of AI,
we can improve early detection, optimize patient
outcomes, and ultimately reduce the burden of head
and neck cancers.
Introduction to
Gynecologic Cancers
Gynecologic cancers encompass a group of
malignancies that aect the female reproductive
system, including the cervix, uterus, ovaries,
fallopian tubes, vagina, and vulva. These cancers
pose a signicant health burden globally, with
varying incidence rates and mortality rates across
dierent regions. Early detection and accurate risk
assessment are crucial for improving outcomes
in gynecologic cancers. This section provides an
overview of the dierent types of gynecologic
cancers and their impact on women's health.
Gynecologic cancers can be broadly categorized
into ve main types: cervical cancer, uterine
(endometrial) cancer, ovarian cancer, vulvar cancer,
and vaginal cancer. Each type has unique
risk factors, clinical presentations, and treatment
approaches. Cervical cancer, for example, is
primarily caused by persistent infection with high-
risk types of human papillomavirus (HPV), while
uterine cancer is often associated with hormonal
imbalances and obesity. Ovarian cancer is known
for its insidious nature and is often diagnosed
at advanced stages, making early detection
particularly challenging. Vulvar and vaginal cancers
are relatively rare but can have a signicant impact
on women's quality of life.
Gynecologic cancers can cause a range of symptoms,
including abnormal vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain,
changes in bowel or bladder habits, and unexplained
weight loss. However, these symptoms are non-
specic and can be caused by various other
conditions. This emphasizes the need for eective
screening and risk assessment methods to identify
individuals at higher risk or with early signs
of gynecologic cancers. Advances in articial
intelligence (AI) oer promising opportunities
to enhance screening and risk assessment in
gynecologic cancers by leveraging the power of data
analysis and predictive modeling.
Current Challenges in Screening
and Risk Assessment of
Gynecologic Cancers
Screening and risk assessment for gynecologic
cancers face several challenges that limit their
eectiveness. This section explores the limitations
and complexities associated with current
approaches, highlighting the need for AI-based
solutions in gynecologic cancer management.
One of the primary challenges is the lack of
accurate and reliable screening methods for certain
gynecologic cancers. For instance, while cervical
cancer screening using Pap tests and HPV testing
has been highly eective, there is no widely accepted
screening test for ovarian or uterine cancers.
This results in delayed diagnosis and missed
opportunities for early intervention.
Risk assessment in gynecologic cancers is also
complex due to the interplay of various
factors. Genetic predisposition, reproductive
history, hormonal factors, obesity, and exposure
to certain infections or medications can
contribute to an individual's risk of developing
gynecologic cancers. Integrating and analyzing
these multifactorial aspects can be challenging,
requiring comprehensive evaluation and expert
Furthermore, the subjective nature of current
screening methods, such as visual inspection and
palpation, can lead to variability in interpretation
among healthcare professionals. This subjectivity
can aect the consistency and accuracy of
screening, especially in cases where lesions or
abnormalities are subtle or dicult to detect.
Access to gynecologic cancer screening and
risk assessment is another issue, particularly in
resource-limited settings or regions with limited
healthcare infrastructure. Disparities in screening
rates and access to preventive services contribute
to disparities in cancer outcomes, highlighting the
need for innovative and accessible solutions.
The integration of AI in screening and risk
assessment of gynecologic cancers has the potential
to address these challenges and improve patient
care. AI algorithms can analyze complex datasets,
identify patterns, and make accurate predictions,
providing a more objective and standardized
approach to screening and risk assessment.
Role of Artificial Intelligence in
Gynecologic Cancer Screening
Articial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a
transformative technology in the eld of medical
imaging analysis, including gynecologic cancer
screening. This section focuses on the specic role of
AI in gynecologic cancer screening, particularly in
the analysis of medical images and the development
of predictive models.
AI algorithms can analyze medical images such as
ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI), and positron emission
tomography (PET) scans, aiding in the detection
and characterization of gynecologic lesions. For
example, in cervical cancer screening, AI algorithms
can analyze cervical images to identify abnormal
cells or lesions, assisting healthcare professionals in
making accurate diagnoses.
In ovarian cancer, which often presents with non-
specic symptoms and lacks eective screening
tools, AI has shown promise in improving detection
and risk assessment. AI algorithms can analyze
ovarian ultrasound images, identifying patterns
and features associated with ovarian tumors.
This can help dierentiate between benign and
malignant cysts, allowing for more accurate risk
stratication and timely intervention.
AI can also play a role in the analysis of
histopathological slides. By training on large
datasets of digitized slides, AI algorithms can
assist pathologists in identifying suspicious areas,
quantifying cellular features, and predicting
malignancy. This can improve the accuracy and
eciency of pathology assessments, contributing to
more precise diagnosis and treatment decisions.
Potential Benefits and
Challenges of AI in Gynecologic
Cancer Screening
The integration of articial intelligence (AI) in
gynecologic cancer screening holds signicant
potential for improving patient outcomes and
healthcare delivery. However, it is important
to consider both the benets and challenges
associated with AI implementation in this context.
This section explores the potential benets and
challenges of AI in gynecologic cancer screening.
Benefits of AI in Gynecologic
Cancer Screening
Increased accuracy and sensitivity: AI algorithms
have the potential to enhance the accuracy and
sensitivity of gynecologic cancer screening. By
analyzing large volumes of data and detecting subtle
patterns or abnormalities that may be missed by
human observers, AI algorithms can improve the
detection rate of early-stage cancers and reduce
false-negative results.
Standardization and consistency: AI algorithms
provide a standardized and consistent approach
to screening and risk assessment. By reducing
interobserver variability, AI can help ensure that all
patients receive the same level of care, regardless of
the expertise of the healthcare professional or the
geographical location of the screening facility.
Ecient and timely screening: AI algorithms
can analyze medical images and other data
rapidly, signicantly reducing the time required
for screening and risk assessment. This increased
eciency can lead to timely identication of
suspicious lesions, enabling earlier intervention and
potentially improving patient outcomes.
Personalized risk assessment: AI algorithms can
integrate and analyze multiple data sources, such
as medical history, genetic information, and
biomarkers, to provide personalized risk assessment
for gynecologic cancers. By considering individual
risk factors and generating risk scores or
probabilities, AI can help tailor screening strategies
and interventions to each patient's specic needs.
Challenges of AI in Gynecologic
Cancer Screening
Data quality and availability: AI algorithms rely
on large, high-quality datasets for training and
validation. However, obtaining such datasets for
gynecologic cancer screening can be challenging.
Some types of gynecologic cancers are relatively
rare, and there may be variations in data collection
protocols or imaging techniques across dierent
healthcare institutions. Ensuring the availability
and quality of diverse and representative datasets is
crucial for developing robust and generalizable AI
Ethical and legal considerations: The use of AI in
healthcare raises ethical and legal considerations.
Patient privacy, data protection, and informed
consent are important aspects to consider when
implementing AI in gynecologic cancer screening.
Healthcare organizations and policymakers must
establish guidelines and regulations to ensure the
responsible and ethical use of AI technologies.
Integration into clinical workows: Integrating AI
algorithms into existing clinical workows can be
a complex process. Healthcare professionals need
to be trained on how to eectively use AI tools
and interpret their outputs. Additionally, there may
be challenges in seamlessly integrating AI systems
with electronic health records and other healthcare
IT infrastructure, requiring careful planning and
Overreliance on AI: While AI can enhance
and augment the capabilities of healthcare
professionals, it is important to avoid overreliance
on AI algorithms. The human expertise and clinical
judgment of healthcare professionals remain
essential in the overall evaluation and management
of gynecologic cancers. AI should be viewed as
a tool to support decision-making rather than a
replacement for healthcare professionals.
In conclusion, the integration of AI in
gynecologic cancer screening oers numerous
potential benets, including increased accuracy,
standardization, eciency, and personalized risk
assessment. However, challenges related to
data quality, ethical considerations, workow
integration, and maintaining the appropriate
balance between AI and human expertise must be
addressed. By carefully addressing these challenges
and leveraging the strengths of AI, it is possible
to harness its full potential and improve the early
detection and management of gynecologic cancers.
Introduction to the Role of
Artificial Intelligence in Screening
and Risk Assessment of Leukemia
Leukemia is a type of cancer that aects the blood
and bone marrow, and it can be challenging to
diagnose and assess the risk associated with this
disease. In recent years, articial intelligence (AI)
has emerged as a powerful tool in the eld of cancer
research and healthcare. This section provides an
introduction to the role of AI in the screening and
risk assessment of leukemia.
Leukemia is characterized by the abnormal growth
of white blood cells in the body, which can
lead to a range of symptoms and complications.
The early detection of leukemia is crucial for
eective treatment and improved patient outcomes.
Traditional diagnostic methods, such as blood tests
and bone marrow biopsies, have limitations in
terms of accuracy and eciency.
AI oers the potential to enhance the screening
and risk assessment of leukemia by leveraging
advanced machine learning algorithms and data
analysis techniques. By analyzing large datasets
of patient information, such as genetic proles,
medical records, and imaging data, AI algorithms
can identify patterns and markers that may be
indicative of leukemia. This can aid in the early
detection and diagnosis of the disease, enabling
timely interventions.
AI in Imaging and Diagnosis
of Leukemia
Medical imaging plays a vital role in the diagnosis
and monitoring of leukemia. This section explores
the application of AI in imaging and diagnosis,
highlighting the advancements and potential
benets in the eld of leukemia.
AI algorithms can be trained on large datasets of
imaging data, such as X-rays, computed tomography
(CT) scans, and magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) scans, to identify characteristic features and
patterns associated with leukemia. By analyzing
these images, AI algorithms can assist radiologists
in making accurate and timely diagnoses, reducing
the potential for misdiagnosis or missed diagnoses.
Furthermore, AI can enhance the eciency of image
interpretation by automating certain tasks. For
example, AI algorithms can segment and quantify
abnormal cells or lesions in imaging data, providing
valuable information for leukemia diagnosis and
monitoring. This can save time for healthcare
professionals and improve the overall workow in
cancer care.
AI in Risk Assessment and
Prognosis of Leukemia
Assessing the risk and prognosis of leukemia
is crucial for determining the most appropriate
treatment strategies and predicting patient
outcomes. This section discusses the role of AI
in risk assessment and prognosis prediction in
AI algorithms can integrate various patient data,
including clinical information, genetic proles, and
treatment responses, to generate personalized risk
scores or prognostic models. By analyzing these
data, AI can identify specic biomarkers or genetic
abnormalities associated with dierent subtypes
of leukemia. This information can help healthcare
professionals stratify patients into risk groups and
guide treatment decisions, such as determining the
need for more aggressive therapies or stem cell
Moreover, AI can aid in long-term prognosis
prediction by analyzing patient outcomes and
treatment responses. By continuously analyzing
and learning from real-world data, AI algorithms
can rene and improve prognostic models,
providing more accurate predictions of survival
rates or disease progression. This can assist in
developing tailored treatment plans and improving
patient counseling and support.
Ethical Considerations and
Future Challenges
As AI continues to advance in theeld of leukemia
screening and risk assessment, it is essential
to address ethical considerations and anticipate
future challenges. This section explores the ethical
implications and potential challenges associated
with the use of AI in leukemia care.
One of the main ethical considerations is the
responsible use of patient data. AI algorithms rely
on large datasets for training and validation, which
can raise concerns about privacy, data protection,
and consent. Ensuring proper safeguards and
adhering to regulatory guidelines are crucial to
maintain patient condentiality and trust in AI
Another challenge is the integration of AI
algorithms into clinical practice. Healthcare
professionals need to be trained in using
and interpreting AI-generated results eectively.
Additionally, there is a need for standardized
guidelines and regulations to ensure the quality and
reliability of AI systems in leukemia screening and
risk assessment.
Furthermore, the cost and accessibility of AI
technologies can be a barrier to widespread
implementation. Ensuring equitable access to AI-
based tools and addressing disparities in healthcare
resources are important considerations for the
successful integration of AI in leukemia care.
In conclusion, AI has the potential to revolutionize
the screening and risk assessment of leukemia
by leveraging advanced algorithms and data
analysis techniques. From imaging and diagnosis
to risk assessment and prognosis prediction, AI
can enhance the accuracy and eciency of
leukemia care. However, ethical considerations and
challenges must be addressed to ensure responsible
and equitable use of AI in leukemia management.
Introduction to the Role
of Artificial Intelligence
in Screening and Risk
Assessment of Bone Cancer
Bone cancer is a rare but serious condition
that requires early detection and accurate risk
assessment for eective treatment. Articial
intelligence (AI) has shown promise in various
aspects of cancer care, including screening and risk
assessment. In this section, we will explore the role
of AI in the screening and risk assessment of bone
Bone cancer encompasses dierent types, such
as osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, and Ewing
sarcoma. Detecting bone cancer at an early stage can
signicantly improve patient outcomes. However,
the diagnosis of bone cancer is often challenging
due to its rarity and the complexity of interpreting
imaging studies. AI has the potential to assist in the
early detection and risk assessment of bone cancer
by leveraging advanced algorithms and machine
learning techniques.
AI in Imaging and Diagnosis
of Bone Cancer
Medical imaging plays a crucial role in the diagnosis
and staging of bone cancer. AI algorithms can
analyze large volumes of imaging data, including
X-rays, computed tomography (CT) scans, and
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, to aid in
the detection and diagnosis of bone cancer.
AI can help radiologists by automatically
identifying suspicious regions in images, such as
abnormal bone lesions or tumors. By analyzing the
characteristics and patterns of these lesions, AI
algorithms can assist in distinguishing benign bone
abnormalities from potentially cancerous ones. This
can help in reducing false-negative or false-positive
diagnoses, leading to more accurate and timely
detection of bone cancer.
Moreover, AI algorithms can assist in the staging
of bone cancer by analyzing imaging data and
providing quantitative measurements. This can aid
in determining the extent of tumor involvement,
assessing metastatic spread, and guiding treatment
AI in Risk Assessment and
Prognosis of Bone Cancer
Assessing the risk and prognosis of bone cancer
is essential for developing appropriate treatment
strategies and predicting patient outcomes. AI
can play a valuable role in risk assessment and
prognostic prediction in bone cancer.
By analyzing patient data, including clinical
information, genetic proles, and treatment
responses, AI algorithms can identify specic
biomarkers or genetic abnormalities associated
with dierent subtypes of bone cancer. This
information can assist in stratifying patients into
risk groups, which can guide treatment decisions,
such as the selection of surgical procedures,
chemotherapy regimens, or targeted therapies.
AI can also aid in predicting the prognosis of
bone cancer by analyzing patient outcomes and
treatment responses. By continuously learning
from real-world data, AI algorithms can rene
and improve prognostic models, providing more
accurate predictions of survival rates, disease
recurrence, or progression. This information can
help in tailoring treatment plans and providing
patients with appropriate counseling and support.
Ethical Considerations and
Future Challenges
As AI continues to evolve in the eld of bone cancer
screening and risk assessment, there are important
ethical considerations and potential challenges to
address. This section explores some of these
considerations and challenges.
One ethical consideration is the responsible use
of patient data. AI algorithms require access to
large datasets for training and validation, which
raises concerns about privacy, data protection, and
informed consent. Ensuring proper safeguards and
adhering to regulatory guidelines are crucial to
maintain patient condentiality and trust in AI
Another challenge is the integration of AI into
clinical practice. Healthcare professionals need to
be trained in using and interpreting AI-generated
results eectively. Additionally, there is a need for
standardized guidelines and regulations to ensure
the quality and reliability of AI systems in bone
cancer screening and risk assessment.
Furthermore, the cost and accessibility of AI
technologies can be a barrier to widespread
implementation. Ensuring equitable access to AI-
based tools and addressing disparities in healthcare
resources are important considerations for the
successful integration of AI in bone cancer care.
In conclusion, AI has the potential to enhance
the screening and risk assessment of bone cancer
by leveraging advanced algorithms and machine
learning techniques. From imaging and diagnosis
to risk assessment and prognostic prediction, AI
can improve the accuracy and eectiveness of bone
cancer care. However, ethical considerations and
challenges must be addressed to ensure responsible
and equitable use of AI in bone cancer management.
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Purpose of Review The aim of the systematic review is to assess AI’s capabilities in the genetics of prostate cancer (PCa) and bladder cancer (BCa) to evaluate target groups for such analysis as well as to assess its prospects in daily practice. Recent Findings In total, our analysis included 27 articles: 10 articles have reported on PCa and 17 on BCa, respectively. The AI algorithms added clinical value and demonstrated promising results in several fields, including cancer detection, assessment of cancer development risk, risk stratification in terms of survival and relapse, and prediction of response to a specific therapy. Besides clinical applications, genetic analysis aided by the AI shed light on the basic urologic cancer biology. We believe, our results of the AI application to the analysis of PCa, BCa data sets will help to identify new targets for urological cancer therapy. Summary The integration of AI in genomic research for screening and clinical applications will evolve with time to help personalizing chemotherapy, prediction of survival and relapse, aid treatment strategies such as reducing frequency of diagnostic cystoscopies, and clinical decision support, e.g., by predicting immunotherapy response. These factors will ultimately lead to personalized and precision medicine thereby improving patient outcomes.
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Early detection of colorectal cancer is crucial for improving outcomes and reducing mortality. While there is strong evidence of effectiveness, currently adopted screening methods present several shortcomings which negatively impact the detection of early stage carcinogenesis, including low uptake due to patient discomfort. As a result, developing novel, non-invasive alternatives is an important research priority. Recent advancements in the field of breathomics, the study of breath composition and analysis, have paved the way for new avenues for non-invasive cancer detection and effective monitoring. Harnessing the utility of Volatile Organic Compounds in exhaled breath, breathomics has the potential to disrupt colorectal cancer screening practices. Our goal is to outline key research efforts in this area focusing on machine learning methods used for the analysis of breathomics data, highlight challenges involved in artificial intelligence application in this context, and suggest possible future directions which are currently considered within the framework of the European project ONCOSCREEN.
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The development of ultrafast dynamic contrast‐enhanced (UF‐DCE) MRI has occurred in tandem with fast MRI scan techniques, particularly view‐sharing and compressed sensing. Understanding the strengths of each technique and optimizing the relevant parameters are essential to their implementation. UF‐DCE MRI has now shifted from research protocols to becoming a part of clinical scan protocols for breast cancer. UF‐DCE MRI is expected to compensate for the low specificity of abbreviated MRI by adding kinetic information from the upslope of the time‐intensity curve. Because kinetic information from UF‐DCE MRI is obtained from the shape and timing of the initial upslope, various new kinetic parameters have been proposed. These parameters may be associated with receptor status or prognostic markers for breast cancer. In addition to the diagnosis of malignant lesions, more emphasis has been placed on predicting and evaluating treatment response because hyper‐vascularity is linked to the aggressiveness of breast cancers. In clinical practice, it is important to note that breast lesion images obtained from UF‐DCE MRI are slightly different from those obtained by conventional DCE MRI in terms of morphology. A major benefit of using UF‐DCE MRI is avoidance of the marked or moderate background parenchymal enhancement (BPE) that can obscure the target enhancing lesions. BPE is less prominent in the earlier phases of UF‐DCE MRI, which offers better lesion‐to‐noise contrast. The excellent contrast of early‐enhancing vessels provides a key to understanding the detailed pathological structure of tumor‐associated vessels. UF‐DCE MRI is normally accompanied by a large volume of image data for which automated/artificial intelligence‐based processing is expected to be useful. In this review, both the theoretical and practical aspects of UF‐DCE MRI are summarized. Evidence Level 5 Technical Efficacy Stage 2
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With an increasing number of patients with gastrointestinal cancer, effective and accurate early diagnostic clinical tools are required provide better health care for patients with gastrointestinal cancer. Recent studies have shown that artificial intelligence (AI) plays an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with gastrointestinal tumors, which not only improves the efficiency of early tumor screening, but also significantly improves the survival rate of patients after treatment. With the aid of efficient learning and judgment abilities of AI, endoscopists can improve the accuracy of diagnosis and treatment through endoscopy and avoid incorrect descriptions or judgments of gastrointestinal lesions. The present article provides an overview of the application status of various artificial intelligence in gastric and colorectal cancers in recent years, and the direction of future research and clinical practice is clarified from a clinical perspective to provide a comprehensive theoretical basis for AI as a promising diagnostic and therapeutic tool for gastrointestinal cancer
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Elastography Ultrasound provides elasticity information of the tissues, which is crucial for understanding the density and texture, allowing for the diagnosis of different medical conditions such as fibrosis and cancer. In the current medical imaging scenario, elastograms for B-mode Ultrasound are restricted to well-equipped hospitals, making the modality unavailable for pocket ultrasound. To highlight the recent progress in elastogram synthesis, this article performs a critical review of generative adversarial network (GAN) methodology for elastogram generation from B-mode Ultrasound images. Along with a brief overview of cutting-edge medical image synthesis, the article highlights the contribution of the GAN framework in light of its impact and thoroughly analyzes the results to validate whether the existing challenges have been effectively addressed. Specifically, This article highlights that GANs can successfully generate accurate elastograms for deep-seated breast tumors (without having artifacts) and improve diagnostic effectiveness for pocket US. Furthermore, the results of the GAN framework are thoroughly analyzed by considering the quantitative metrics, visual evaluations, and cancer diagnostic accuracy. Finally, essential unaddressed challenges that lie at the intersection of elastography and GANs are presented, and a few future directions are shared for the elastogram synthesis research.
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Background: Gastric cancer (GC), a significant health burden worldwide, is typically diagnosed in the advanced stages due to its non-specific symptoms and complex morphological features. Deep learning (DL) has shown potential for improving and standardizing early GC detection. This systematic review aims to evaluate the current status of DL in pre-malignant, early-stage, and gastric neoplasia analysis. Methods: A comprehensive literature search was conducted in PubMed/MEDLINE for original studies implementing DL algorithms for gastric neoplasia detection using endoscopic images. We adhered to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. The focus was on studies providing quantitative diagnostic performance measures and those comparing AI performance with human endoscopists. Results: Our review encompasses 42 studies that utilize a variety of DL techniques. The findings demonstrate the utility of DL in GC classification, detection, tumor invasion depth assessment, cancer margin delineation, lesion segmentation, and detection of early-stage and pre-malignant lesions. Notably, DL models frequently matched or outperformed human endoscopists in diagnostic accuracy. However, heterogeneity in DL algorithms, imaging techniques, and study designs precluded a definitive conclusion about the best algorithmic approach. Conclusions: The promise of artificial intelligence in improving and standardizing gastric neoplasia detection, diagnosis, and segmentation is significant. This review is limited by predominantly single-center studies and undisclosed datasets used in AI training, impacting generalizability and demographic representation. Further, retrospective algorithm training may not reflect actual clinical performance, and a lack of model details hinders replication efforts. More research is needed to substantiate these findings, including larger-scale multi-center studies, prospective clinical trials, and comprehensive technical reporting of DL algorithms and datasets, particularly regarding the heterogeneity in DL algorithms and study designs.
Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a rare and challenging cancer associated with asbestos fiber exposure, which offers limited treatment options. Historically, platinum-based chemotherapy has been the primary approach, but recent developments have introduced immunotherapy as a promising alternative for the treatment of this disease. Nevertheless, the unique growth patterns and occasionally ambiguous progressive characteristics of MPM make the interpretation of radiological assessments complex. Immunotherapy further complicates matters by introducing unconventional treatment response patterns such as hyperprogression and pseudoprogression. Consequently, there is a growing imperative to integrate the standard RECIST criteria with the mesothelioma-specific mRECIST criteria (version 1.1), as outlined in iRECIST. This comprehensive review is driven by the intent to provide a valuable resource for radiologists and clinicians engaged in the diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of MPM in the era of immunotherapy. Specifically, the current imaging methods employed for staging and follow-up will be exposed and discussed, with a focus on the technical specificities and the mRECIST 1.1 methodology. Furthermore, we will provide a discussion about major clinical trials related to the use of immunotherapy in MPM patients. Finally, the latest advancements in radiomics, the applications of artificial intelligence in MPM, and their potential impact on clinical practice for prognosis and therapy, are discussed.