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Dynamic assessment of regulation and policy framework in the cybersecurity of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles



CAVs (Connected and Autonomous Vehicles) technology will transform the current Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). However, the most significant challenge is keeping up the criminal justice system, particularly the Regulation and Policy Framework (R&PF) in ITS, because ubiquitous CAVs connectivity expands the scope of criminal activity in both the physical and cyberspace realms. This article developed a Causal Loop Diagram-based System Dynamic model that incorporates critical inter-disciplinary parameters and dynamically evaluates the impact of R&PF on CAVs cybersecurity. Two loops are envisioned: "balancing loops" demonstrate how R&PF can facilitate cyber-attacks prevention, whereas "reinforcing loops" reveal how imposing R&FP can negate its potential benefits by creating a detrimental parallel circle. Based on the feedback loops, a "shifting the burden" system archetype is postulated in which governments combat cyber-threats by strengthening R&PF while also reducing CAVs adaptation through imitation and induction. Recommendations for R&PF formulation include a balanced approach to the trade-off between: i) protection of CAV users' privacy and freedom, ii) operational and data accessibility constraints on CAV automakers and service providers, as well as their business investment protection, and iii) state regulators command and control thresholds.
8-10 December, Brisbane, Australia
Publication website:
Dynamic assessment of regulation and policy framework in the cybersecurity of
Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
Shah Khalid Khan1, Nirajan Shiwakoti1, Peter Stasinopoulos1, Matthew Warren2
1School of Engineering, RMIT University Melbourne, Australia
2RMIT Centre for Cyber Security Research and Innovation, RMIT University, Melbourne,
Email for correspondence:;
CAVs (Connected and Autonomous Vehicles) technology will transform the current Intelligent
Transportation System (ITS). However, the most significant challenge is keeping up the
criminal justice system, particularly the Regulation and Policy Framework (R&PF) in ITS,
because ubiquitous CAVs connectivity expands the scope of criminal activity in both the
physical and cyberspace realms. This article developed a Causal Loop Diagram-based System
Dynamic model that incorporates critical inter-disciplinary parameters and dynamically
evaluates the impact of R&PF on CAVs cybersecurity. Two loops are envisioned: "balancing
loops" demonstrate how R&PF can facilitate cyber-attacks prevention, whereas "reinforcing
loops" reveal how imposing R&FP can negate its potential benefits by creating a detrimental
parallel circle. Based on the feedback loops, a "shifting the burden" system archetype is
postulated in which governments combat cyber-threats by strengthening R&PF while also
reducing CAVs adaptation through imitation and induction. Recommendations for R&PF
formulation include a balanced approach to the trade-off between: i) protection of CAV users'
privacy and freedom, ii) operational and data accessibility constraints on CAV automakers and
service providers, as well as their business investment protection, and iii) state regulators
command and control thresholds.
1. Introduction
The introduction of CAVs (Connected and Autonomous Vehicles) will fundamentally alter
the existing transportation landscape. CAVs at Levels 4 and 5 can detect their surroundings
and navigate autonomously by using: i) a variety of sensors (camera, radar, lidar), ii) 3D
holographic display, and iii) vast amounts of data analysed in the Intelligent Transportation
System (ITS) (SAE-International, 2018). The evolution of this transition necessitates that the
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CAV be administered as a cyber-physical system-a collaborative network of electronic
components that regulate mechanical elements. This has prompted new partnerships between
technology companies and traditional automakers, broadening the scope of criminal activity in
both the physical and cyberspace (Khan et al., 2020e).
The CAVs deployment is expected to result in various economic benefits, including more
equitable transportation, improved public health and social welfare (Haratsis et al., 2018),
reduced environmental degradation, and increased road safety . Despite these advantages, a
significant source of concern for CAVs stakeholders (technology companies, financial
institutions, users and automakers) is a lack of clarity in Regulation and Policy Frameworks
(R&PF)-which could impede the widespread CAVs roll-out (Khan et al., 2021a). The present
legal framework is seen as a barrier to the potential community advantages of CAVs in terms
of safety, productivity, environmental, and mobility improvements (Dosen et al., 2017, Khan
et al., 2021a). The primary source of this anxiety is the ramification caused by the ubiquitous
CAV connectivity within the ITS, which has resulted in a slew of regulatory caveats across
multiple jurisdictions. These avenues are: i) data confidentiality, privacy concerns, and
operational safety during CAVs operation in ITS, ii) short-term economic considerations,
public infrastructure, as well as social and economic issues surrounding private car ownership,
ridesharing, and employment, and iii) insurance liability in the event of an accident.
Moreover, in the event of a successful cyber-attack, these concerns would be heightened, i.e.,
determining the liability and accountability of perpetrators in the dynamically integrated CAV-
based ITS operation is highly challenging. Cyber-attackers have been dubbed "modern-day
pirates," and cyber-insurance has been proposed. It is, however, a two-edged sword: it is both
a part of the problem and a solution. It would ease the cost of corporate investment while also
providing a veneer of legitimacy for ransom payments.
R&PF are critical components of CAVs cybersecurity. While CAVs Levels 3-5 are still being
tested, regulatory authorities should develop standards for CAV deployment and take the
necessary steps to ensure the cyber-safe operation of CAVs in ITS (Noy et al., 2018). However,
the regulation is challenging when the commercialization of the end-user's data results in profit
for some parties at the expense of the end-user. Additionally, the integration of technology and
automakers necessitates a dynamic and interconnected analysis of CAVs R&PF. Nonetheless,
the criminal justice system is struggling to keep up with technological advancements in
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1.1 The rationale of the study
Academics and industry are equally interested in the R&PF that governs the functioning of
CAVs in ITS. Numerous researchers have assessed and emphasised the importance of
regulations governing CAVs cybersecurity in various aspects (Cabinet Office, 2016, Hodge et
al., 2019). Nevertheless, current research lacks a system-wide foresight analysis that employs
the System Dynamics (SD) approach to dynamically assess the R&PF governing CAVs
cybersecurity in ITS (Sterman, 2000, Khan et al., 2021a, Khan et al., 2022c).
There is "nested complexity" when a sophisticated organisational (ITS) and policymaking
structure (regulators) governs a physical system (CAV). Understanding "nested complexity"
is an important first step towards properly integrating the three components (technology,
organisations, and policy) for a cyber-safe CAV-based ITS. It will highlight the critical role of
R&PF in CAVs cybersecurity and its implications on CAVs adoption. To the best of
knowledge, the scope of R&PF in CAVs cybersecurity has not yet been synthesised in a
fundamental system-oriented approach. CAVs in the ITS are highly complex and dynamic,
involving many stakeholders and a large number of interactions between them.
1.2 Causal Loop Diagram
The Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) based SD approach-a subset of system theory seeks to
synthesise and comprehend complex systems' behaviour. CLDs are analysed in terms of
behaviour patterns, with more intuition and more profound knowledge (Forrester, 1958,
Sterman, 2000). Because CAV technology is constantly evolving, and there is a scarcity of
empirical data on the use of R&PF in CAV cybersecurity. Therefore, CLD is a suitable research
technique for developing a unified suite of high-leverage technologies and policies for CAVs
The authors (Khan et al., 2021a) developed a conceptual SD model to analyse cybersecurity
in the complex, uncertain deployment of CAVs. Specifically, the SD model integrates six
critical avenues and maps their respective parameters that either trigger or mitigate cyber-
attacks in the operation of CAVs using a systematic theoretical approach. These six avenues
are: i) CAVs communication framework, ii) secured physical access, iii) human factors, iv)
CAVs penetration, v) regulatory laws and policy framework, and iv) trustacross the CAVs-
industry and among the public. Similar the same authors (Khan et al., 2022a) proposes a CLD-
based SD model that incorporates key inter-disciplinary variables and evaluates the impact of
TM on AVs' cybersecurity in a dynamic and integrated manner. Moreover, Khan et al. (2022c)
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developed an SD model for strategic cybersecurity assessment in the CAVs roll-out. The SD
model incorporates a Stock-and-Flow Model, which can integrate multiple perspectives into a
single model and map various parameters that either stimulate or prevent cyber-attacks by
integrating the critical elements of CAV cybersecurity.
1.3 Contribution of the study
We conducted an integrated dynamic evaluation of the impact of R&PF on the cybersecurity
of CAVs. The key contributions are listed below:
We developed a CLD-based SD model that incorporates key inter-disciplinary factors
pertinent to the R&PF in CAVs cybersecurity.
Based on the CLD, we identified two types of feedback loops: i) "balancing loops,"
which show how R&PF may aid in cyber-attack prevention, and ii) "reinforcing loops,"
which demonstrate how enforcing R&FP can negate its potential advantages by
generating a destructive parallel cycle.
Balancing loops and reinforcing loops triggered a system archetype-"shifting the
burden". The system archetype illuminates the underlying structures, providing natural
leverage for successful system modifications.
Additionally, we proposed recommendations for developing an appropriate R&PF for
CAVs cybersecurity.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. The next section outlines the methodology
adopted. Section 3 elaborates the conceptual CLD-based SD Model. The following section
describes the feedback loops and system archetype. Section 5 focuses on discussion and policy
recommendations. The limitations and future extensions of the study are finally presented in
Section 6.
2. Methodology
To investigate the complex, interconnected, and uncertain impact of R&PF on CAVs
cybersecurity, we used a CLD-based SD approach, a technique that has the potential to
investigate the system-level cybersecurity implications of self-driving cars (Sterman, 2000,
Stasinopoulos et al., 2020, Khan et al., 2022c, Khan et al., 2021a). CLD visualises model
composition using intuitive graphical diagrams, determines key factors, generates feedback
loops, and identifies a system archetype. The use of system archetypes enables the efficient
improvement of systems. System archetypes may be used as a diagnostic tool to identify
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behavioural patterns that have developed an undesirable situation. CLD is used to assess the
security of SAE 4 (or higher) self-driving vehicles through the lens of a functional pathway
(SAE-International, 2018).
3. Proposed structure of the Causal Loop Diagram
The model variables and their mapping are based on solid innovation theory, i.e., meta-
exploratory quantitative analysis of post-2010 literature derived from various sources,
including peer-reviewed journal databases, books, and doctoral dissertations, and credible
company surveys; augmented with forward/backward snowballing. This leads to identifying
critical avenues that are crucial to assess the impact of R&PF on CAVs cyber-safety research.
The following section discusses each parameter's scope, significance, and influence in the
model and provides references.
Additional aspects such as CAVs communication technology, human considerations, trust,
and hacker capability are outside the scope of this study. This choice is mainly motivated by
the need for a restricted border when assessing limited parameters, as well as the non-
geographical character of the SD model, although these features are essential for future
3.1 The Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) development
The CLD consists of nodes and edges. Nodes represent the variables, and edges represent
the relationships between the variables. In a positive causal relationship, both nodes increase
in the same direction. In contrast, in a negative relationship, as one node grows, the other
decreases, thus implying that the two variables move in opposite directions. The two closed
cycles, reinforcing and balancing, are essential features of CLDs. Reinforcing loop: change in
one direction is compounded by additional change, and balancing loop: change in one direction
is countered by a change in the opposite direction. The arrow with two small lines indicates the
presence of a delay sign.
The proposed architecture of the CLD for R&PF in the CAVs cybersecurity is depicted in
Figure 1. The scope of various variables included in CLD (Figure 1) is summarised in a
consolidated tabular description, along with references in Table 1. The linking of independent
and dependent variables in terms of cause and effect, potential impact as a process, polarity
(positive or negative influence), and uncertainty is shown in Table 1. Because there is a dearth
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of empirical evidence, the uncertainty rating in Table 1 is based on our study of available
literature and logical conjecture.
Table 1: Factors influencing Regulation and Policy Framework (R&PF) in the CLD.
Independent Variable
Impact as Process
Policy Readiness
The essence of the policy decisions taken, both
nationally and globally, on how CAVs will be
accommodated and what type of vehicle
autonomy will be enabled is the most significant
impact on the need (or lack of need) for
infrastructure transformation in ITS. Policies are
typically the driving force behind the legislation.
Clear and concise policies for CAVs operation
will facilitate cyber-safe CAV-supported ITS.
Given the ubiquitous nature of cyber-attacks,
hacktivists tend to seek out and exploit legal
loopholes. The operating guidelines should
cover insurance procedures, crash guidelines,
acceptable autonomous vehicle ethical conduct,
data storage and tracking of communication
data, e.g., Licensing and permits-issuing of a
CAV user license after CAV safety education.
Liability Readiness
A supporting factor for enhancing compliance is
defining a clear liability.For example, in the
event of a damage-causing incident (such as the
Tesla accident), the liability that regulates the
law must be clearly defined. The liability
requirements are likely to be settled
incrementally on distinctly restricted grounds
through legal precedent on navigation and crash
avoidance systems in the near term.
CAVs Criminology-
Theory Maturity
Criminal design is often an afterthought in
developing new technology and is rarely
considered from the start of innovation of new
technology, as is the case with CAVs
technology. The pervasiveness of CAV
connectivity broadens the scope of crimes
committed in both cyberspace and physical
space in ITS. The criminological theory aids in
comprehending CAVs cyber-crimes and
criminal justice, thereby improving CAVs
compliance enhancement.
eSafety Traffic Unit
The nature of CAV operation in ITS necessitates
the use of L&PF at all levels, from state to
national to worldwide. Therefore, new
authority, i.e. the esafety Traffic Unit, with pre-
existing expertise and new dynamic CAVs
operating knowledge, will make it easier to
combat cyber-physical space crimes. Similarly,
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gaining a better understanding of the motivations
of CAVs hackers may contribute to the creation
of hacker countermeasures
Regulation and
Robust CAVs regulatory laws and policy
framework are driven by integrating policy
readiness, regulation/laws readiness, liability
readiness, CAVs Criminology-Theory Maturity,
and eSafety Traffic Unit
Regulation and Policy
Framework (R&PF)
Hacks defended
R&PF would have established policies and
strategies that would aid in the prevention of
Hacks defended
The high number of hacks being defended will
minimise the number of successful CAVs cyber-
Regulation and Policy
Framework (R&PF)
The regulatory and policy framework of CAVs
would impact a variety of dimensions, such as
privacy, confidentiality, operational safety,
short-term economic considerations, public
acceptance, ethical and legal issues.
Governments counter the perceived
cybersecurity threat of hackers (high successful
attacks) by enhancing the regulatory laws and
policy framework. Users then perceive that
action as creating barriers to their freedom. So,
users respond by decreasing imitation, which
slows CAVs adoption and induction.
(From Imitation and
CAVs Adopters
In terms of adaptation, the Bass Diffusion Model
(BDM) adequately explains CAVs penetration,
i.e., adoption by imitation and adoption by
innovation. Two essential parameters of BDM
are: i) the product's attractiveness and ii)
effectiveness of persuading potential adopters,
known as the coefficient of innovation.
(From Imitation and
CAVs Adopters
Induction includes public transit users, cyclists,
children and some elderly because of the
availability of CAV. The induced demand tends
to be a typical reaction to decongestion in car-
centric environments by public transit users.
Successful cyber-
Successful cyber-attacks will impact the
product's attractiveness and effectiveness of
persuading potential adopters, known as the
coefficient of innovation.
ATRF 2021 Proceedings
Successful cyber-
CAVs Log Files
CAV's network observability is primarily based
on log files. All CAV activities in ITS are
documented in log files. Cyber-assaults -
valuable input to log file preservation - can serve
as lessons learned and aid in investigating hacker
attacks and motivations.
CAVs Log Files
Readiness and
Retaining log files for all CAVs interactions for
a specified period would improve ITS reliability,
protect CAVs cybersecurity posture of cloud
computing environments, and enhance CAVs
CAVs Technology
Readiness and Maturity
Cyber Safety
TRM, which assesses the communication
framework of CAVs and demonstrates its
capabilities, is triggered by the level of
technology, procedures, qualified personnel and
information. Defence Science and Technology
Group in Australia spotlighted the nine-level of
estimating the maturity of technologies during
the acquisition phase. Innovation in technology
maturity will lead to more secured V2X
CAVs Communication
Cyber Safety
Hacks defended
A highly robust CAVs communication
framework is less vulnerable to attacks and is
incredibly difficult for hackers to infiltrate.
Additionally, Unnamed Aerial Vehicles may
function as an ad-hoc, cost-effective
telecommunications network, allowing CAVs to
communicate in mountainous or dark regions.
For instance, the use of UAVs in conjunction
with 5G networks, both for access and backhaul,
Figure 1: The system architecture of the Causal Loop Diagram (CLD).
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4. Model Qualitative Analysis: Loops and System archetype.
CLDs coherently conceptualise dynamic systems to facilitate understanding of
interdependencies of R&PF in CAVs cybersecurity framework. The loops envision a "system
archetype" that disclose inherent limitations within the system by identifying intervention
opportunities, allowing policy recommendations to be developed appropriately (Sterman,
2000). The following sub-sections describe various feedback loops and system archetype.
4.1 Balancing Loop #1
Figure 2a depicts the balancing loop #1 in which policy readiness, regulation/laws readiness,
liability readiness, CAVs criminology-theory maturity, and the eSafety Traffic Unit reinforce
CAVs compliance enhancement. This loop describes the mechanism of how governments
combat the perceived cybersecurity threat posed by hackers by refining the R&PF and, as a
result, increasing the number of hacks defended.
4.2 Balancing Loop #2
Similarly, balancing loop #2 is shown in Figure 2b. Successful cyber-attacks are stored as
log files- a valuable input for CAVs TRM and CAVs-CCS. This, in turn, makes it possible for
a large number of successfully defended hacks. Alternatively, less knowledge of a hacker's
capability reduces the capacity to fight against hackers, resulting in a greater rate of successful
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Figure 2: Feedback loops in CLD
a. Balancing loop #1
b. Balancing loop #2
c. Reinforcing loop #1
d. Reinforcing Loop #2
4.3 Reinforcing Loop #1
Figure 2c illustrates reinforcing loop #1. This loop explains how prospective CAV users view
the R&PF actions as impeding their freedom. As a result, users respond by decreasing
imitation, slowing the adoption and induction of CAVs adaptors and log file preservation.
Consequently, CAVs-CCS is hampered.
4.4 Reinforcing Loop #2
The reinforcing loop#2 is shown in Figure 2d. This loop demonstrates how successful
cyberattacks decrease CAVs adoption and induction. This may impede the CAVs TRM, CAVs-
CCS, as well as, hacks defended.
4.5 Holistic View: Shifting the burden-system archetype
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The loops envisage system archetype that reveals underlying system limits by highlighting
intervention prospects. Figure 3 depicts a holistic view and is analogous to the "shifting the
burden" archetype. Decision-makers in the "shifting the burden" archetype fail to find the
fundamental answer early on and are exposed to cumulative adverse effects as they turn to
short corrective measures. This explains the process by which governments respond to
perceived cybersecurity threats by strengthening R&PF; consumers and OEMs view this
activity as restricting their freedom.
Figure 3: Holistic view- "shifting the burden" system archetype
5. Discussions and policy recommendations
This article aims to illustrate the potential pitfalls of decision-making (R&PF) in governing
a complex and dynamic system, i.e., CAV-based ITS. An approach to dealing with a
complicated decision-making system is to recognise general structures referred to as systems
archetypes (Khan et al., 2022b). The idea underlying system archetypes is that undesirable
outcomes or side effects may be linked to common behavioural patterns. The development of
a CLD-based SD model for assessing the impact of R&PF on the cybersecurity of CAVs is a
significant contribution because it provides a dynamic, interconnected view of the "big
The balancing loops #1 and 2 illustrate how effective R&PF can thwart cyber-attacks with
the help of policy readiness, regulation/laws readiness, liability readiness, CAVs, criminology-
theory maturity, and the eSafety Traffic Unit. Reinforcing loops #1and 2, on the other hand,
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demonstrate how a change in one direction is exacerbated by further change. Decision-makers
should proactively identify these potential hazards: CLD-based SD models can assist in this
endeavour and provide an environment to simulate various decision situations. For instance,
what could a pitfall avoidance strategy in R&PF be that does not impair the freedom of CAV
users, investors and automakers?
The R&PF of CAVs would have an effect on a variety of aspects, including data security and
privacy, short-term economic considerations, public infrastructure, and social and economic
dimensions (He, 2018, Khan et al., 2020e, Seuwou et al., 2020). The complexity of the ITS
grows as more CAVs are deployed. While the R&PF for CAVs establishes safe operating limits
for CAVs, it is essential to formulate the R&PF with a measured and risk-adjusted approach to
avoid the repercussions described in reinforcing loops #1 and #2.
The most challenging matter in this context is determining the trade-off between the three
components: i) constraints on CAV users' privacy and freedom, ii) operational and data
accessibility limitations for CAV OEMs and service providers as well as protection of their
business investments, and iii) command and control limits for state regulators. Nevertheless,
some of the R&PF will be driven by real-world reasoning in courts, following the submission
of a typical CAV-related incident for adjudication.
6. Limitations and future extensions
Although the suggested model incorporates an in-depth, methodical, and rigorous approach,
it does have certain confines. Data scarcity, a high degree of uncertainty, and the subjectivity
nature of R&PF make the model's empirical assessment challenging. Therefore, the following
steps could be data collection for quantitative evaluation of the model. The primary source will
be a survey conducted with the appropriate field specialists, aided by pilot programmes such
as "Austroads Future Vehicles & Technology Program" in Australia (Austroads, 2021;
Vicroads, 2021). On the other hand, qualitative research may remain the dominant option for a
few years longer until an adequate amount of data becomes available.
7. Conclusions
This paper proposed a CLD-based SD model that incorporates key inter-disciplinary variables
and evaluates the impact of R&PF on CAVs cybersecurity in a dynamic and integrated manner.
Two loops are envisaged: "balancing loops" highlight instances where R&PF aid in preventing
cyber-attacks, and "reinforcing loops" reveal how imposing R&FP can offset its potential
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benefits by creating a detrimental parallel circle. Based on feedback loops, a "shifting the
burden" system archetype is proposed in which governments counter cyber-threats by boosting
R&PF while also decreasing CAVs adaptability through imitation and induction.
Recommendations for R&PF formulation include a balanced approach in the trade-off
between: i) constraints on CAV users' privacy and freedom, ii) operational and data
accessibility limitations for CAV OEMs and service providers, and iii) command and control
limits for state regulators.
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... Encouraging the sustainable adoption of autonomous vehicles and policies for public transport in Western countries [2] will increase economic benefits with affordable security and safety. In [1][2][3][4][5][6], policies have been introduced to improve security and safety in many applications related to our research (AVs and 6G-based systems). Regarding the limitations of the IC6G policies, we must understand the licensed details of the final official release of 6G. ...
... Furthermore, the features of these AV devices should be governed by operational policies with practical limitations. Taking this into account, this work has the following objectives: (1) build an intelligent cybersecurity model that influences the policies implemented in AVs and in their devices, (2) secure the services of all devices integrated within AVs, and (3) improve the reliability of the devices, which would avoid unnecessary vulnerabilities. ...
... Paper [3] proposed a System Dynamic model based on a Causal Loop Diagram that integrated the main interdisciplinary variables and evaluated the impact of the Regulation and Policy Framework (R&PF) on CAVs' cybersecurity by focusing on several aspects, such as the constraints on privacy and data accessibility. ...
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Sixth-generation (6G)-based communications have many applications and are emerging as a new system to utilize existing vehicles and communication devices in autonomous vehicles (AVs). Electric vehicles and AVs not supporting the integration of intelligent cybersecurity will become vulnerable, and their internal functions, features, and devices providing services will be damaged. This paper presents an intelligent cybersecurity model integrating intelligent features according to the emerging 6G-based technology based on evolving cyberattacks. The model’s novel design was developed using the necessary algorithms to provide quick and proactive decisions with intelligent cybersecurity based on 6G (IC6G) policies when AVs face cyberattacks. In this model, network security algorithms incorporating intelligent techniques are developed using applied cryptography. Money transaction handling services implemented in an AV are considered an example to determine the security and intelligence level depending on the IC6G policies. Intelligence, complexity, and energy efficiency (EE) are assessed. Finally, we conclude that the model results are effective for intelligently detecting and preventing cyberattacks on AVs.
... Consequently, protecting CAV automaker's intellectual property in data flows is crucial. Several other data-related issues need to be clarified, including the location and duration of CAV data storage, access privileges, and the status of CAV consumer data after the car is sold (Khan et al., 2021b). Most crucially, how will the data be safeguarded from hackers and admissible in court? ...
... The impact of potential new regulations protecting the cybersecurity of CAVs must be outlined. It includes the regulation of automated driving, which exposes privacy, particularly PII, and legal obligations for "drivers"/owners of automated cars (Khan et al., 2021b). ...
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Technological advancements in Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs), particularly the integration of diverse stakeholder groups (communication service providers, road operators, automakers, repairers, CAV consumers, and the general public) and the pursuit of new economic opportunities, have resulted in the emergence of new technical, legal, and social challenges. The most pressing challenge is deterring criminal behaviour in both the physical and cyber realms through the adoption of CAV cybersecurity protocols and regulations. However, the literature lacks a systematic decision tool to analyze the impact of the potential cybersecurity regulations for dynamically interacting stakeholders, and to identify the leverage points to minimise the cyber-risks. To address this knowledge gap, this study uses systems theory to develop a dynamic modelling tool to analyze the indirect consequences of potential CAVs cybersecurity regulations in the medium to long term. It is hypothesized that CAVs Cybersecurity Regulatory Framework (CRF) is the property of the entire ITS stakeholders. The CRF is modelled using the System Dynamic based Stock-and-Flow-Model (SFM) technique. The SFM is founded on five critical pillars: the Cybersecurity Policy Stack, the Hacker's Capability, Logfiles, CAV Adopters, and intelligence-assisted traffic police. It is found that decision-makers should focus on three major leverage points: establishing a CRF grounded on automakers' innovation; sharing risks in eliminating negative externalities associated with underinvestment and knowledge asymmetries in cybersecurity; and capitalising on massive CAV-generated data in CAV operations. The formal integration of intelligence analysts and computer crime investigators to strengthen traffic police capabilities is pivotal. Recommendations for automakers include data-profiteering in CAV design, production, sales, marketing, safety enhancements and enabling consumer data transparency. Furthermore, CAVs-CRF necessitate a balanced approach to the trade-off between: i) data accessibility constraints on CAV automakers and ITS service providers; ii) regulator command and control thresholds; iii) automakers' business investment protection; and iv) consumers' data privacy guard.
... Furthermore, there is a focus on a robust CAVs cyber-policy framework, the importance of CAVs stakeholders' awareness and understanding stakeholders, and the relevance of trust in boosting CAVs cybersecurity initiatives stakeholders [5]. ...
... Similarly, the authors [5] developed a CLD-based SD model that incorporates critical inter-disciplinary parameters and dynamically evaluates the impact of regulations on CAVs cybersecurity. Two loops are envisioned: ...
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Autonomous Vehicle (AV) is a rapidly evolving mobility technology with the potential to drastically alter the future of transportation. Despite the plethora of potential benefits that have prompted their eventual introduction, AVs may also be a source of unprecedented disruption for future travel eco-systems due to their vulnerability to cyber-threats. In this context, this work assesses AVs' cybersecurity readiness. It establishes a Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) based on the System Dynamics approach: a powerful technique inferred from system theory, which can synthesise the behaviour of complicated AV systems. Based on the CLD model, three feedback loops and a system archetype "Fixes-That-Fail" are envisioned, in which the growth in hacker capability, an unforeseen result of technology innovation, demands constant mitigation efforts. The most challenging aspect of this context is determining the trade-off between five components: i) the natural growth of AV technology; ii) stakeholders (communication service providers, road operators, automakers, AV consumers, repairers, and the general public) access to AV technology; iii) the measures to limit hackers' access to AV technology; iv) a pervasive dynamic strategy for circumventing hacker amplification; and v) the efficient usage of AV operating logfiles.
... Forward and backward snowballing augmented the literature search in related articles to conduct an in-depth examination of the subject, compile the information, and derive some pertinent findings for formulating the CRF. Moreover, the work on cyber-attacks on next-generation cars and anticipated readiness (Khan et al., 2020), the modelling for cybersecurity assessment of CAVs (Khan et al., 2021a(Khan et al., , 2021b, and the empirical analysis for CAV cyber-impediments (Khan et al., 2023a;2023b), aided in narrowing the scope of the work through focused synthesis. ...
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The technological advancements of Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) are outpacing the current regulatory regime, potentially resulting in a disconnect between legislators, technology, and CAV stakeholders. Although many studies explore the regulatory requirements of operations of CAVs, studies on regulatory challenges specific to the cybersecurity of CAVs are also emerging and receiving lots of attention among researchers and practitioners. However, studies providing an up-to-date synthesis and analysis on CAVs regulatory requirements specific to cyber-risk reduction or mitigation are almost non-existent in the literature. This study aims to overcome this limitation by presenting a comprehensive overview of the role of key Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) stakeholders in CAV's cybersecurity. These stakeholders include road operators, service providers, automakers, consumers, repairers, and the general public. The outcome of this review is an in-depth synthesis of CAV-based ITS stakeholders by visualising their scope in developing a Cybersecurity Regulatory Framework (CRF). The study demonstrated the compliance requirements for ITS communication service providers, regulatory standards for CAVs automakers, policy readiness for CAVs customers and the general public who interact with CAVs, and the role of the CAVs Network Operator Centre in regulating CAVs data flow. Moreover, the study illuminates several critical pathways necessary in future for synthesizing and forecasting the legal landscape of CAV-based transportation systems to integrate the regulatory framework for CAV stakeholders. The paper's findings and conclusions would assist policymakers in developing a comprehensive CRF.
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Vehicle automation has been in the works for a long time now. Automatic brakes, cruise control, GPS satellite navigation, etc. are all common features seen in today's automobiles. Automation and artificial intelligence breakthroughs are likely to lead to an increase in the usage of automation technologies in cars. Because of this, mankind will be more reliant on computer-controlled equipment and car systems in our daily lives. All major corporations have begun investing in the development of self-driving cars because of the rapid advancement of advanced driver support technologies. However, the level of safety and trustworthiness is still questionable. Imagine what the assailants could do if they had access to a car. Control of braking, acceleration and even steering by an attacker can have disastrous results. Most of the assaults against autonomous vehicle software and hardware are covered in this study, along with their prospective consequences. This work explores an extended analysis of the security threat and cyber-attacks on different sensors and perception systems in autonomous vehicles. This work also showed machine learning-based possible defensive techniques to prevent the security threat. An overview of most of the conceivable assaults against autonomous vehicle software and hardware and their prospective consequences is presented in this study.
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Autonomous vehicles (AVs) will revolutionize mobility in the future. However, accidents will still happen and it will affect the practices of today’s tort laws. This work discusses all those aspects which should be considered in order to find out who is liable, i.e., an operator, owner, manufacturer, government entity, software provider, network provider, original equipment manufacturer (OEM), etc., as traditional tort rules will not help to find out the liability in case of an AV accident. The work comprehensively discusses different liabilities ranging from legal, civil, operator, criminal, moral, product, insurance, etc., to find out who is liable in case of an AV accident, as compared to the existing literature which generally discusses one or two aspects only. The work also presents the current state of legislation and discusses legal challenges to the lawmakers, insurance companies, consumer, and manufacturers, etc. The future mobility models and different scenarios of AV accidents have also been discussed in terms of legal liability and third party insurance claims. The role of regulatory bodies and different challenges has also been discussed along with recommendations. Finally, the work also proposes a new novel liability attribute model with a particular focus on ethical issues. The research proposes that liability should be attributed in such a way that it benefits everyone and everybody feels justified in case of an AV accident. The research also concludes that product liability will be the major issue in terms of insurance issues and the manufacturer should be held liable for product failure unless other evidence favors the manufacturer.
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Autonomous Vehicle (AV) is a rapidly evolving mobility technology with the potential to drastically alter the future of transportation. Despite the plethora of potential benefits that have prompted their eventual introduction, AVs may also be a source of unprecedented disruption for future travel eco-systems due to their vulnerability to cyber-threats. In this context, this work assesses AVs' cybersecurity readiness. It establishes a Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) based on the System Dynamics approach: a powerful technique inferred from system theory, which can synthesise the behaviour of complicated AV systems. Based on the CLD model, three feedback loops and a system archetype "Fixes-That-Fail" are envisioned, in which the growth in hacker capability, an unforeseen result of technology innovation, demands constant mitigation efforts. The most challenging aspect of this context is determining the trade-off between five components: i) the natural growth of AV technology; ii) stakeholders (communication service providers, road operators, automakers, AV consumers, repairers, and the general public) access to AV technology; iii) the measures to limit hackers' access to AV technology; iv) a pervasive dynamic strategy for circumventing hacker amplification; and v) the efficient usage of AV operating logfiles.
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In Vehicle-to-Everything Communications (V2X-C), the integration of high throughput, reduced latency-5G and Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled-6G would add new levels to smart mobility. However, it would introduce a multitude of new vulnerabilities in the form of cyber-attacks. Therefore, a robust V2X-C cyber-safe framework that considers cross-industry information-sharing mechanisms must be proactively developed and evaluated. This study aims to provide a comprehensive security assessment in V2X-C with the integration of 5G and 6G networks. The evolution of V2X-C is outlined and vehicular connectivity in a consolidated manner is demonstrated, visualising all communication interfaces. The Quality of Service (QoS) vs. security provisions for next-generation cars is illustrated. The security and privacy challenges that would be evident after the convergence of the 5G and 6G networks in V2X-C architecture is then described. Lastly, state-of-the-art V2X-C security enhancement mechanisms for a cyber-safe ITS operation is detailed. It is believed that the findings and discussions from this study could be used for decision-making and would stimulate a roadmap for a secure V2X-C architecture.
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Next‐generation wireless communication networks, in particular, the densified 5G will bring many developments to the existing telecommunications industry. The key benefits will be the higher throughput and very low latency. In this context, the usage of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is becoming a feasible option for deploying 5G services on demand. At the same time, the immense bandwidth potential of mmWave has strengthened its performance in radio communication. In this article, we provide a consolidated synthesis on the role of UAVs and mmWave in 5G, emphasis on recent developments and challenges. The review focuses on UAV relay architectures, identifies the relevant problems and limitations in the deployment of UAVs using mmWave in both access and backhaul links simultaneously. There is a critical analysis of the optimum placement of the UAVs as a relay with a focus on the mmWave band. The distinctive rich characteristics of the mmWave propagation and scattering are presented. We also synthesis mmWave path loss models. Then, the scope of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques as an efficient solution for combating the dynamic and complex nature of UAV‐based cellular communication networks are discussed. In the end, security and privacy issues in UAV‐based cellular network are spotlighted. It is believed that the literature discussed, and the findings reached in this article are of significant importance to researchers, application engineers and decision‐makers in the designing and deployment of UAV‐supported 5G network.
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Unmanned aerial vehicle's (UAVs) small size, long-lasting battery, and flexible trajectory have produced widespread applications in radio communication systems, especially its usage as a cellular tower (gNB) for 5G services. At the same time, the mmWave's enormous available bandwidth makes it the primary contender for next-generation communication networks. This article aims to synthesize and assess the usage of mmWave concurrently in backhaul and access links for amplify-and-forward (AF) relay installed on the UAV. A mathematical framework is developed for the received power of the user equipment (UE) obtained in relay path (gNB-UAV-UE) and direct path (gNB-UE) via; (i) free space, and (ii) log-distance path loss model. The International Telecommunication Union recommended city model is used to assess the likelihood for LoS and NLoS paths in four urban environments; (i) high-rise urban, (ii) dense urban, (iii) urban, and (iv) suburban. Furthermore , various parameters, that is, UAV's position and amplification factor are stipulated to optimize the efficiency of a UAV-based AF relay for enhanced users coverage.
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A topic of interest to researchers and engineers alike is the potential of using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) as a relay base station in cellular communication. The driving factor behind its use is the innovations in wireless communication technologies, in particular the upcoming 5G network. The superlow latency and enormous bandwidth availability in millimeterwave triggers the usefulness of UAV deployment in Mobile Ad- Hoc Networks (MANET). This paper is a brief experimental review on ray-tracing simulation for a UAV-aided 5G network. The objective of this paper is to assess the usage of UAV in next-generation wireless networks, i.e., deploying UAV as a relay using millimeter-wave concurrently in backhaul and access links. Ray-tracing simulations are used to synthesise the coverage of UAV-aided base station (UAV) in three scenarios; i) UAV elevation, ii) UAV horizontal variation, and iii) UAV base station elevation and horizontal variation-simultaneously. In all three scenarios, the optimum placement of UAV for enhanced User (UE) coverage is spotlighted. In addition, the significance of the amplification factor in the relay path is illustrated. It is believed that the findings reached in this paper are of great value to 5G ad-hoc network planners.
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Future wireless communication, particularly densi�ed 5G networks, will bring numerous innovations to the telecommunication industry and will support 100-fold gain in throughput rates, 100-fold in capacity (for at least 100 billion devices), individual user data rate of up-to 10 Gb/s, extremely low latency and response times. In such a scenario, the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) as a Base Station (gNB) becomes a viable option for providing 5G services, both on-demand and on a regular basis. Recent development of UAVs have made its deployment faster and reliable, resulting in a shift in its usage from traditional military to more commercial and corporate industries. Being small in size, a long battery life, and high maneuverability, UAVs provides copious opportunities for use in radio communication systems. On the other hand, due to the abundant availability of bandwidth in the millimeter-wave band (mmWave), there is an immense potential to utilize this band for next generation radio systems. In this case, smart integration of UAVs in 5G network provides immense potential, however, such network require e�cient placement mechanism for providing blazingly fast wireless cellular network services. In this study, we analyze and describe the distinctive characteristics of mmWave propagation. The main goal is to investigate and evaluate the use of mmWave in Access and Back-haul communication links simultaneously for amplify-and-forward relays deployed on UAVs. We formulate the required mathematical framework for calculating UE received power for direct path (gNB-UE) and relay path (gNB-UAVUE) based on two cases; (i) Friis Transmission Equation and (ii) Log-Distance Path loss Model. We conduct simulations using ray-tracing simulator in di�erent scenarios while comparing and verifying the simulation results vs mathematical equations. For the proposed system architecture, International Telecommunication Union (ITU) recommendation city model is used to calculate the probability for Line of Sight (LoS) and Non Line of Sight (NLoS) paths in di�erent urban environments. Furthermore, we study and identify di�erent parameters i.e., UAV location, and ampli�cation factor to maximize the performance of an Amplify-and-Forward UAV based relay for providing enhanced coverage to the users. The study concludes with the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) analysis for the relay path compared with the direct path where we identify the constraints for e�ective relaying.
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Modern-day Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) with more than 100 million code lines, running up-to a hundred Electronic Control Units (ECUs) will create and exchange digital information with other vehicles and intelligent transport networks. Consequently, ubiquitous internal and external communication (controls, commands, and data) within all CAV-related nodes is inevitably the gatekeeper for the smooth operation. Therefore, it is a primary vulnerable area for cyber-attacks that entails stringent and efficient measures in the form of "cybersecurity". There is a lack of systematic and comprehensive review of the literature on cyber-attacks on the CAVs, respective mitigation strategies, anticipated readiness, and research directions for the future. This study aims to analyse, synthesise, and interpret critical areas for the roll-out and progression of CAVs in combating cyber-attacks. Specifically, we described in a structured way a holistic view of potentially critical avenues, which lies at the heart of CAV cybersecurity research. We synthesise their scope with a particular focus on ensuring effective CAVs deployment and reducing the probability of cyber-attack failures. We present the CAVs communication framework in an integrated form, i.e., from In-Vehicle (IV) communication to Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2X) communication with a visual flowchart to provide a transparent picture of all the interfaces for potential cyber-attacks. The vulnerability of CAVs by proximity (or physical) access to cyber-attacks is outlined with future recommendations. There is a detailed description of why the orthodox cybersecurity approaches in Cyber-Physical System (CPS) are not adequate to counter cyber-attacks on the CAVs. Further, we synthesised a table with consolidated details of the cyber-attacks on the CAVs, the respective CAV communication system, its impact, and the corresponding mitigation strategies. It is believed that the literature discussed, and the findings reached in this paper are of great value to CAV researchers, technology developers, and decision-makers in shaping and developing a robust CAV-cybersecurity framework. (The article is freely available till December 15 at
Emerging Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) technology have a ubiquitous communication framework. It poses security challenges in the form of cyber-attacks, prompting rigorous cybersecurity measures. There is a lack of knowledge on the anticipated cause-effect relationships and mechanisms of CAVs cybersecurity and the possible system behaviour, especially the unintended consequences. Therefore, this study aims to develop a conceptual System Dynamics (SD) model to analyse cybersecurity in the complex, uncertain deployment of CAVs. Specifically, the SD model integrates six critical avenues and maps their respective parameters that either trigger or mitigate cyber-attacks in the operation of CAVs using a systematic theoretical approach. These six avenues are: i) CAVs communication framework, ii) secured physical access, iii) human factors, iv) CAVs penetration, v) regulatory laws and policy framework, and iv) trust—across the CAVs-industry and among the public. Based on the conceptual model, various system archetypes are analysed. “Fixes that Fail”, in which the upsurge in hacker capability is the unintended natural result of technology maturity, requires continuous efforts to combat it. The primary mitigation steps are human behaviour analysis, knowledge of motivations and characteristics of CAVs cyber-attackers, CAVs users and Original Equipment Manufacturers education. “Shifting the burden”, where policymakers counter the perceived cyber threats of hackers by updating legislation that also reduces CAVs adaptation by imitations, indicated the need for calculated regulatory and policy intervention. The “limits to success” triggered by CAVs penetration increase the defended hacks to establish regulatory laws, improve trust, and develop more human analysis. However, it may also open up caveats for cyber-crimes and alert that CAVs deployment to be alignment with the intended goals for enhancing cybersecurity. The proposed model can support decision-making and training and stimulate the roadmap towards an optimized, self-regulating, and resilient cyber-safe CAV system.