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Optimizing Coastal Hydro Turbines: Integrating Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Energy Conversion



As the global quest for sustainable energy intensifies, coastal areas emerge as pivotal zones for harnessing renewable resources. This article explores the transformative role of artificial intelligence (AI) in optimizing energy extraction from hydro turbines near the coast. Leveraging machine learning algorithms, the study addresses key facets, including site selection, predictive modeling, adaptive control, and environmental monitoring. The complexity and variability of coastal environments necessitate innovative solutions for maximizing energy output while minimizing ecological impact. AI proves instrumental in navigating these challenges by providing real-time adaptability and predictive capabilities. This research delves into the application of AI in enhancing the efficiency, reliability, and sustainability of coastal hydro energy extraction. From predicting tidal and wave patterns to dynamically adjusting turbine operations, AI algorithms contribute to the optimization of near-shore hydro energy. The article unfolds insights into how these advancements not only meet the demands of a dynamic coastal ecosystem but also align with global sustainability goals. In conclusion, the integration of AI with coastal hydro turbines marks a paradigm shift, ushering in an era of smart and adaptive energy solutions. This amalgamation not only optimizes energy production but also underscores a commitment to environmentally conscious practices, steering the course toward a cleaner and greener energy landscape. .
Optimizing Coastal Hydro Turbines: Integrating Artificial
Intelligence for Sustainable Energy Conversion
Seyed Reza Samaei
Post-doctoral, Lecturer of Technical and Engineering Faculty, Science and Research Branch,
Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Mohammad Asadian Ghahfarrokhi *
Assistant professor, Department of Marine industries, Science and Research Branch, Islamic
Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
As the global quest for sustainable energy intensifies, coastal areas
emerge as pivotal zones for harnessing renewable resources. This article
explores the transformative role of artificial intelligence (AI) in
optimizing energy extraction from hydro turbines near the coast.
Leveraging machine learning algorithms, the study addresses key
facets, including site selection, predictive modeling, adaptive control,
and environmental monitoring. The complexity and variability of
coastal environments necessitate innovative solutions for maximizing
energy output while minimizing ecological impact. AI proves
instrumental in navigating these challenges by providing real-time
adaptability and predictive capabilities. This research delves into the
application of AI in enhancing the efficiency, reliability, and
sustainability of coastal hydro energy extraction. From predicting tidal
and wave patterns to dynamically adjusting turbine operations, AI
algorithms contribute to the optimization of near-shore hydro energy.
The article unfolds insights into how these advancements not only meet
the demands of a dynamic coastal ecosystem but also align with global
sustainability goals. In conclusion, the integration of AI with coastal
hydro turbines marks a paradigm shift, ushering in an era of smart and
adaptive energy solutions. This amalgamation not only optimizes
energy production but also underscores a commitment to
environmentally conscious practices, steering the course toward a
cleaner and greener energy landscape.
Keywords: Coastal Hydro Turbines, Artificial Intelligence, Renewable Energy,
Sustainability, Near-Shore Energy.
As the global pursuit of sustainable energy intensifies, coastal regions emerge as strategic hubs for
harnessing renewable resources, particularly through the utilization of hydro turbines. Near-shore
hydro energy presents a promising avenue, tapping into the kinetic power of tides, waves, and ocean
currents. This article delves into the transformative role of artificial intelligence (AI) in optimizing
energy extraction from hydro turbines situated along coastlines.
The inherent variability and complexity of coastal environments necessitate innovative approaches for
maximizing energy output and minimizing environmental impact. AI, with its ability to analyze vast
datasets and adapt in real-time, holds the key to overcoming these challenges. This exploration focuses
on how AI algorithms can enhance site selection, predictive modeling, adaptive control systems, and
environmental monitoring in the context of coastal hydro energy.
By integrating AI into the operational framework of hydro turbines near the coast, we aim to not only
optimize energy production but also contribute to the broader goals of sustainability, reliability, and
environmental stewardship. This article unfolds the intricacies of this integration, offering insights into
the potential transformative impact of AI on the future of coastal hydro energy extraction.
Energy can be extracted from marine structures through various technologies. Tidal and wave
energy are commonly harnessed:
I. Tidal Energy: Tidal power generators capture energy from the rise and fall of tides. This can
be achieved through tidal stream systems or tidal range systems.
II. Wave Energy: Devices like oscillating water columns or point absorbers convert the up and
down motion of waves into energy. They can be deployed offshore to capture wave power.
III. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC): OTEC utilizes the temperature difference
between warm surface water and cold deep water to generate power. It's a less common but
promising technology.
IV. Salinity Gradient Power: Differences in salinity between freshwater and seawater can be
exploited to generate energy using processes like pressure retarded osmosis.
These technologies aim to harness the vast, consistent energy potential of the oceans for sustainable
power generation.
Coastal areas offer opportunities for harnessing energy through hydro turbines in various ways:
Tidal Turbines: Placed on the seabed, tidal turbines capture energy from the movement of
tides. As tidal currents flow in and out, these turbines spin, converting kinetic energy into
River Estuary Turbines: Installing hydro turbines in river estuaries near the coast allows the
capture of energy from both river flow and tidal movements, providing a hybrid energy
Ocean Current Turbines: Similar to tidal turbines but designed for open ocean currents,
these turbines can be positioned near coastal regions with strong ocean currents.
Underwater Currents: Submerged turbines can harness energy from underwater currents
near the coast, converting the kinetic energy of moving water into electrical power.
These technologies leverage the kinetic energy present in coastal waters, offering a reliable and
predictable source of renewable energy.
Various types of water turbines near the coast for energy extraction include:
Tidal Stream Turbines: Placed on the seabed, these turbines generate electricity by capturing
kinetic energy from the horizontal flow of tidal currents.
Tidal Range Turbines (Barrage): Tidal barrages are structures built across tidal inlets,
incorporating turbines to harness energy from the rise and fall of the tides.
River Turbines: Installed in rivers near the coast, these turbines utilize river flow to generate
electricity. They are especially effective in estuarine regions where river meets the sea.
Ocean Current Turbines: Positioned in open ocean currents near the coast, these turbines
extract energy from continuous ocean flows, providing a consistent power source.
Wave Energy Converters: Devices like point absorbers or oscillating water columns near the
coast convert the up-and-down motion of waves into mechanical energy, which is then
converted into electricity.
These turbine technologies offer a range of options for extracting energy from coastal waters,
contributing to sustainable and renewable energy solutions.
Using hydro turbines near the coast for energy extraction offers several advantages:
1. Renewable Resource: Coastal hydro turbines harness the power of tides, waves, and ocean
currents, providing a renewable and sustainable energy source.
2. Predictable and Reliable: Tidal patterns and ocean currents are highly predictable, allowing
for reliable energy generation. This predictability enhances grid stability.
3. High Energy Density: Coastal areas often experience strong tidal currents and wave actions,
providing high energy density for efficient power generation.
4. Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Hydro turbines produce electricity without direct
emissions of greenhouse gases, contributing to cleaner energy and helping mitigate climate
5. Base-load Power Potential: Tidal and ocean current energy can provide a continuous and
steady power supply, making it suitable for base-load power generation, complementing
intermittent renewables.
6. Reduced Land Impact: Coastal hydro turbines typically require less land compared to large-
scale terrestrial renewable projects, minimizing environmental impact.
7. Proximity to Population Centers: Coastal regions are often near major population centers,
reducing transmission losses and costs associated with transporting electricity.
8. Long Lifespan: Hydro turbines have a long operational life, providing a stable and durable
energy generation infrastructure.
9. Job Creation: The development and maintenance of coastal hydro turbine projects can
contribute to local job creation and economic growth.
10. Diversification of Energy Mix: Integrating coastal hydro turbines into the energy mix
diversifies sources, enhancing energy security and resilience against fluctuations in other
power generation methods.
These advantages make coastal hydro turbines a promising component of a sustainable and reliable
energy portfolio.
Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) with hydro turbines near the coast can enhance efficiency,
performance, and overall energy extraction. Here are some ways AI can be applied:
Optimized Operations: AI algorithms can analyze real-time data, including tidal patterns,
wave heights, and turbine performance, to optimize the operation of hydro turbines for
maximum energy extraction.
Predictive Maintenance: AI-powered predictive maintenance models can forecast potential
turbine issues based on historical data and sensor readings, reducing downtime and extending
the lifespan of the equipment.
Adaptive Control Systems: AI can dynamically adjust turbine settings based on changing
environmental conditions, ensuring optimal energy capture in varying tidal and wave
Machine Learning for Resource Assessment: ML models can analyze historical data to
better understand the local hydrodynamic conditions, helping in site selection and turbine
placement for improved energy extraction.
Energy Forecasting: AI can predict tidal and wave patterns with high accuracy, enabling
better forecasting of energy production. This information aids in grid management and energy
distribution planning.
Dynamic Scheduling: AI algorithms can adapt turbine operation schedules in response to
changing energy demands, enhancing the integration of coastal hydro energy into the broader
power grid.
Fault Detection and Diagnosis: AI can identify and diagnose issues in real-time, allowing for
rapid response and minimizing the impact of turbine malfunctions on energy production.
Learning Algorithms for Efficiency Improvement: Machine learning algorithms can
continuously learn from operational data, leading to ongoing improvements in turbine
efficiency and energy extraction.
By leveraging AI in conjunction with hydro turbines near the coast, it is possible to optimize energy
production, reduce operational costs, and enhance the overall sustainability and reliability of coastal
energy extraction systems.
Artificial intelligence algorithms can be employed with data to optimize the extraction of energy
from near-shore hydro turbines in various ways:
Data Analytics for Resource Assessment: AI algorithms can analyze historical and real-time
data, including tidal patterns, wave heights, and water currents, to assess the potential energy
resources at specific near-shore locations. This aids in selecting optimal sites for hydro turbine
Predictive Modeling: Machine learning models can predict tidal and wave patterns, allowing
for accurate forecasting of energy production. This enables efficient scheduling of turbine
operations to align with peak energy generation periods.
Optimized Turbine Control: AI-powered control systems can dynamically adjust turbine
settings based on incoming data. This includes adapting to changes in tidal flow, wave
conditions, and variations in energy demand, ensuring the turbines operate at peak efficiency.
Condition Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance: AI algorithms analyze sensor data
from turbines to predict potential failures or maintenance needs. This proactive approach
minimizes downtime, increases turbine lifespan, and optimizes energy extraction.
Adaptive Power Output: AI-controlled systems can respond in real-time to fluctuations in
energy demand by adjusting the power output of near-shore hydro turbines. This helps
maintain grid stability and ensures efficient energy distribution.
Learning Algorithms for Efficiency Improvement: Machine learning algorithms
continuously learn from operational data, identifying patterns and trends that can be used to
improve the overall efficiency of energy extraction over time.
Integration with Smart Grids: AI facilitates the integration of near-shore hydro energy into
smart grid systems. By analyzing data on energy consumption, production, and grid
conditions, AI algorithms optimize the contribution of hydro turbines to meet the demands of
the grid.
Environmental Impact Monitoring: AI can monitor and assess the environmental impact of
hydro turbine operations, ensuring that energy extraction is done sustainably and with minimal
ecological disturbance.
By combining artificial intelligence with data analytics, near-shore hydro turbines can be operated
more efficiently, enhancing their contribution to the renewable energy landscape.
Designing a complete plan for energy extraction from hydro turbines near the coast involves several
steps, utilizing various algorithms and technologies. Here's a comprehensive outline:
1. Site Selection and Resource Assessment:
Objective: Identify optimal locations for hydro turbine deployment based on tidal patterns,
wave characteristics, and proximity to the coast.
Algorithm: Use machine learning (ML) algorithms for data analytics, incorporating historical
data on tidal flows, wave heights, and coastal conditions.
Tools: Geographic Information System (GIS), ML regression models.
2. Turbine Technology Selection:
Objective: Choose the most suitable turbine type for the identified coastal site.
Algorithm: Decision-making algorithms considering factors such as water depth, flow
velocity, and turbine efficiency.
Tools: Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA).
3. Sensor Deployment and Data Collection:
Objective: Install sensors to gather real-time data on tidal movements, wave characteristics,
and turbine performance.
Algorithm: Implement data acquisition systems with sensor fusion techniques for
comprehensive data collection.
Tools: Internet of Things (IoT) devices, Data Fusion algorithms.
4. Predictive Modeling for Energy Forecasting:
Objective: Develop models to predict tidal and wave patterns for accurate energy production
Algorithm: Time-series forecasting algorithms (e.g., Long Short-Term Memory - LSTM) for
predicting tidal and wave behavior.
Tools: Python (using libraries like TensorFlow or PyTorch).
5. Adaptive Turbine Control System:
Objective: Implement an AI-driven control system to optimize turbine operations based on
real-time data.
Algorithm: Reinforcement learning algorithms for adaptive control.
Tools: OpenAI Gym, Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO).
6. Predictive Maintenance:
Objective: Reduce downtime and extend turbine lifespan by predicting maintenance needs.
Algorithm: Condition Monitoring using anomaly detection algorithms (e.g., Isolation Forest,
One-Class SVM).
Tools: Predictive Maintenance Platforms.
7. Integration with Smart Grid:
Objective: Align energy production with grid demands for efficient power distribution.
Algorithm: Demand response algorithms to adjust turbine output based on grid conditions.
Tools: SCADA systems, Demand Response Management Systems (DRMS).
8. Environmental Impact Monitoring:
Objective: Monitor and mitigate environmental impact.
Algorithm: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) algorithms analyzing data on marine
life, water quality, etc.
Tools: Remote sensing technology, EIA software.
9. Continuous Improvement:
Objective: Use machine learning for ongoing efficiency improvements based on operational
Algorithm: Online learning algorithms for continuous optimization.
Tools: Incremental Machine Learning frameworks.
10. Regulatory Compliance and Stakeholder Engagement:
Objective: Ensure compliance with regulations and engage stakeholders.
Algorithm: Compliance management algorithms for tracking and adhering to regulatory
Tools: Compliance management software.
11. Monitoring and Reporting:
Objective: Regularly monitor performance and generate reports for stakeholders.
Algorithm: Data visualization and reporting tools.
Tools: Power BI, Tableau.
By combining these elements, the plan provides a comprehensive approach to extracting energy
from hydro turbines near the coast, integrating AI, machine learning, and various technologies for
efficient and sustainable energy production.
1. Input Data:
Historical Tidal and Wave Data:
o Tide height and patterns.
o Wave heights and frequencies.
Geographic Information:
o Bathymetric data for water depth.
o Coastal topography and proximity to population centers.
Meteorological Data:
o Wind speed and direction.
o Temperature variations.
Turbine Specifications:
o Turbine type and efficiency.
o Design parameters.
Real-time Sensor Data:
o Tidal currents, wave heights, and turbine performance.
o Environmental conditions (temperature, salinity).
2. Analysis Steps:
Site Selection and Resource Assessment:
Utilize machine learning algorithms to analyze historical tidal and wave data.
Apply decision-making algorithms for turbine site selection based on geographic information.
Turbine Technology Selection:
Employ Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) algorithms to choose the most suitable
turbine type.
Sensor Deployment and Data Collection:
Implement data acquisition systems with sensor fusion techniques.
Use IoT devices for real-time data collection.
Predictive Modeling for Energy Forecasting:
Develop time-series forecasting models (e.g., LSTM) for predicting tidal and wave patterns.
Adaptive Turbine Control System:
Implement reinforcement learning algorithms for adaptive turbine control based on real-time
Predictive Maintenance:
Use anomaly detection algorithms (e.g., Isolation Forest) for predictive maintenance.
Integration with Smart Grid:
Apply demand response algorithms to align turbine output with grid demands.
Environmental Impact Monitoring:
Utilize Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) algorithms to monitor and mitigate
environmental impact.
Continuous Improvement:
Implement online learning algorithms for continuous optimization based on operational data.
Regulatory Compliance and Stakeholder Engagement:
Apply compliance management algorithms to track and adhere to regulatory requirements.
Monitoring and Reporting:
Use data visualization and reporting tools (e.g., Power BI, Tableau) for performance
monitoring and stakeholder reporting.
3. Output Data:
Site Selection and Resource Assessment:
o Identified optimal turbine deployment sites.
o Assessment reports on tidal and wave energy potential.
Turbine Technology Selection:
o Selected turbine type and specifications.
Sensor Deployment and Data Collection:
o Real-time data streams from deployed sensors.
Predictive Modeling for Energy Forecasting:
o Energy production forecasts based on tidal and wave predictions.
Adaptive Turbine Control System:
o Real-time adjustments to turbine operations.
Predictive Maintenance:
o Predicted maintenance schedules and alerts.
Integration with Smart Grid:
o Aligned turbine output with grid demand.
Environmental Impact Monitoring:
o Reports on environmental impact and mitigation measures.
Continuous Improvement:
o Algorithms for ongoing efficiency improvements.
Regulatory Compliance and Stakeholder Engagement:
o Compliance reports and stakeholder engagement strategies.
Monitoring and Reporting:
o Performance dashboards and regular reports for stakeholders.
These outputs collectively contribute to the effective and sustainable extraction of energy from
hydro turbines near the coast, ensuring optimal performance, minimal environmental impact, and
compliance with regulatory standards.
In conclusion, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into the realm of coastal hydro energy
extraction marks a significant stride toward a more efficient, sustainable, and adaptive future. The
synergistic marriage of advanced AI algorithms with near-shore hydro turbines has showcased
remarkable potential across various facets of the energy generation landscape.
The application of AI in site selection, predictive modeling, adaptive control systems, and
environmental monitoring has demonstrated its prowess in optimizing energy output while navigating
the dynamic nature of coastal ecosystems. The predictive capabilities of AI, coupled with real-time
adaptability, have proven instrumental in addressing the challenges associated with the inherent
variability of tides, waves, and ocean currents.
As we chart the course forward, it becomes evident that AI is not merely a technological augmentation
but a catalyst for reshaping the very fabric of coastal hydro energy systems. The continuous learning
and improvement mechanisms embedded in AI algorithms pave the way for a resilient infrastructure
that can adapt to evolving environmental conditions and energy demands.
Beyond the technical aspects, the integration of AI aligns with the broader global imperative for
sustainability. By minimizing environmental impact through optimized operations and predictive
maintenance, AI-driven coastal hydro energy contributes to a cleaner and greener energy landscape.
In essence, this article has illuminated the transformative potential of AI in unlocking the full
capabilities of coastal hydro turbines. As we embrace the era of smart and adaptive energy solutions,
the marriage of AI and hydro energy stands as a beacon, guiding us toward a future where coastal
regions not only harness the power of the oceans but do so in harmony with the delicate ecosystems
they encompass.
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[4] Seyed Reza Samaei, Madjid Ghodsi Hassanabad, (2024): Innovations in Water Treatment:
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[7] Mohsen Ashoori, Seyed Reza Samaei, The Essential Role of Coaching in Developing Movement
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In this paper, we present a comprehensive plan for transforming Tehran into a smart city by leveraging machine learning techniques while prioritizing sustainable development, balanced development, and resilience. The plan outlines the key components, including data collection, machine learning algorithms, and initiatives for sustainable and equitable development. We discuss the hardware and software requirements for implementing machine learning algorithms in a smart city context, along with examples of input and output data for various applications. Additionally, we highlight the importance of monitoring, evaluation, and iteration to ensure the effectiveness of smart city initiatives. By following this plan, Tehran can harness the power of machine learning to address urban challenges, improve quality of life, and foster long-term prosperity for its residents.
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This paper explores the use of neural networks in optimizing structures. Employing these networks as one of the leading methods in the field of structural engineering, with its own advantages and specific challenges, enables the enhancement of efficiency and cost reduction. Among the advantages of using neural networks are high accuracy in load predictions, precise detection of risks and structural weaknesses, and increasing the efficiency and productivity of structures. However, computational complexity and the need for large volumes of data for training models are among the most significant challenges of employing these methods. In conclusion, the paper emphasizes the importance of practical applications of neural networks in the analysis and optimal design of structures and offers suggestions for future work in this area. With the capabilities and features they provide; these methods can help improve the performance and efficiency of structures and be used in various industrial and scientific projects. This paper demonstrates that the use of neural networks as a responsive and powerful tool in the analysis and optimization of structures will attract more attention and research from specialists in this field in the future.
Conference Paper
Climate change and increasing energy consumption in buildings have become one of the major challenges for cities. This article examines innovative solutions in civil engineering to reduce energy consumption and counter the adverse effects of climate change in Tehran city. According to statistics, the average energy consumption in residential, commercial, industrial, and administrative buildings is 120, 280, 550, and 160 kilowatt-hours per square meter, respectively. In the section on innovative solutions, the use of green technologies, building optimization, and upgrading energy systems are highlighted. This includes installing renewable energy generation systems, optimizing building designs, and using smart systems for energy management. In the case study of Tehran city, an analysis of the current energy consumption situation and strengths and weaknesses in existing energy systems has been conducted. According to statistics, in 2020, there were 120 green buildings and 25 sustainable schools in the city, which increased to 180 green buildings and 35 sustainable schools in 2022. As a result, implementing innovative solutions in civil engineering can help reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in Tehran city while improving the environment and quality of life for its residents.
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With the expansion of urbanization and urban development, proper management of urban floods has become a significant challenge in the fields of urban planning and environmental management. In this study, the role and effectiveness of floating Pontoon breakwaters in controlling and mitigating urban floods in Tehran were examined. Firstly, by analyzing the damages caused by urban floods, the requirements for the use of floating Pontoon breakwaters were identified. Then, the advantages and disadvantages of these structures were carefully examined. Based on the statistics and figures obtained from research and technical studies, floating Pontoon breakwaters not only have the capability to reduce the inflow of water into the city during floods but also can significantly reduce the damages caused by urban floods. For example, installing Pontoon breakwaters in urban rivers can reduce the average volume of water entering the city by up to 70% and decrease damages to urban structures by up to 60%. Furthermore, by comparing the costs of installing and maintaining floating Pontoon breakwaters with the costs resulting from urban floods, it was determined that these structures are reasonably cost-effective and have a positive effectiveness in reducing damages. In general, the results indicate that floating Pontoon breakwaters can be an effective tool in urban flood management, and considering the environmental and economic conditions of Tehran, it is recommended to utilize these structures for controlling and mitigating urban floods.
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This article presents a detailed analysis of maritime traffic and port efficiency in Bandar Abbas Port in the year 2023. Through the collection and analysis of data related to the number of ships, distance traveled, and average speed, changes in maritime traffic throughout the year under review have been examined. Subsequently, using advanced data analysis methods, traffic predictions for the year 2024 have been provided. Additionally, accidents and incidents at ports during the year 2023 have been investigated, and the findings in this regard have been presented. These analyses can assist managers and decision-makers in the maritime transportation sector in formulating optimization strategies to improve port efficiency.
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This study focuses on the technical and environmental assessment of submarine pipelines. Utilizing the technical specifications provided in tables, we have conducted a comprehensive analysis of the characteristics of these pipelines. Water pressure analysis indicates that with increasing depth underwater, water pressure also increases. Additionally, modeling of sea currents shows that flow patterns can significantly impact the strength and stability of pipelines. Analysis of temperature and pressure variations also demonstrates that these changes can lead to mechanical fatigue and consequently, structural failure. Based on these analyses, proposing improvement strategies and enhancing the strength and stability of submarine pipelines under variable environmental conditions is crucial. Ultimately, the results of this research indicate that utilizing advanced analytical methods can help improve the quality and reduce the risks associated with submarine pipeline projects.
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Urban resilience refers to the capacity of a city or urban system to anticipate, prepare for, respond to, recover from, and adapt to various challenges, shocks, and stresses it may face. These challenges can include natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes, as well as human-made events like industrial accidents or social and economic disruptions. This article explores the pivotal role of artificial intelligence (AI) in fortifying the resilience of urban environments, focusing on the dynamic city of Tehran. Facing unique challenges, including seismic risks and rapid urbanization, Tehran exemplifies the need for innovative approaches to enhance its capacity to withstand and recover from shocks and stresses. The phased planning approach outlined in this study encompasses assessment, stakeholder engagement, data collection, vulnerability modelling, strategy development, and continuous monitoring. Leveraging AI algorithms, Tehran's resilience strategies are intricately woven into its infrastructure, policies, and community engagement initiatives. The article underscores the transformative impact of AI in creating a dynamic, data-driven, and adaptive framework for Tehran, ensuring its ability to thrive in the face of evolving challenges. This article explores the multifaceted ways in which AI can be employed to enhance the resilience of Tehran, making it better prepared to face and recover from various shocks and stresses.
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The growing challenges of urban transportation demand innovative solutions that harness the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to optimize systems, enhance efficiency, and improve overall mobility. This abstract presents a comprehensive algorithm designed to address key transportation issues in major cities through the integration of AI technologies. The proposed algorithm covers various facets of urban transportation, including traffic management, public transportation optimization, autonomous vehicles integration, smart parking solutions, sustainable transportation, safety enhancements, community involvement, monitoring, evaluation, and regulatory frameworks. Key Components of the Algorithm, Data-Driven Decision-Making: The algorithm emphasizes the critical role of data collection, encompassing real-time and historical datasets. It ensures the reliability and quality of information for making informed decisions. AI Technologies Integration: Leveraging a suite of AI technologies, including machine learning for traffic prediction, optimization algorithms for route planning, and predictive maintenance using AI. This integration aims to provide efficient, adaptable, and dynamic transportation solutions. Holistic Transportation Optimization: The algorithm takes a holistic approach by addressing multiple dimensions of transportation, such as traffic congestion, public transit optimization, autonomous vehicles, parking solutions, and sustainable mobility. This comprehensive strategy aims to improve the overall urban transportation ecosystem. User-Centric Design: Recognizing the importance of user satisfaction, the algorithm incorporates community feedback, surveys, and social media sentiment analysis. This user-centric approach ensures that transportation solutions align with the preferences and needs of the community. Continuous Monitoring and Improvement: The algorithm includes a dedicated phase for continuous monitoring and evaluation, emphasizing the need for ongoing improvements based on performance metrics and user feedback. This iterative process ensures adaptability to evolving urban dynamics. Regulatory and Ethical Considerations: Acknowledging the ethical dimensions of AI in transportation, the algorithm incorporates the establishment of a regulatory framework and ethical guidelines. This approach ensures responsible and transparent AI deployment, addressing potential concerns related to privacy and fairness.
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کاربرد نرم افزارهای مهندسی در طراحی و تحلیل سازه های عمرانی بطور روزافزونی در حال توسعه است. در این رابطه نرم افزارهای محاسبات دینامیک سیال برای مطالعه اندرکنش سازه های ساحلی و دریایی با امواج نقش بی بدیلی در اجرای پروژه های دریایی دارند زیرا هزینه اجرا در دریا به طور قابل توجهی بیشتر از خشکی است. در این تحقیق دو مدل موج شکن شناور پانتونی مدل اول پانتونی ساده و مدل دوم پانتونی پل های در نرم افزار AQWA ANSYS شبیه سازی شده اند. شاخص اصلی برای عملکرد موج شکن ضریب عبور موج، یعنی نسبت ارتفاع امواج در پشت موج شکن به ارتفاع امواج ورودی به ناحیه ساحلی، با تغییرات پارامترهای فیزیکی از جمله آبخور، پریود و دامنه امواج بررسی می شود. نرم افزار مساله اندرکنش موج و سازه را به روش المان مرزی و بر اساس معادله لاپلاس حل می کند و کنتورهای تراز آب را به عنوان خروجی نمایش می دهد. در انتها نتایج و خروجی های نرم افزار عددی با نتایج آزمایشگاهی به منظور صحت سنجی مورد مقایسه قرار گرفته است. داده های آزمایشگاهی توسط همین گروه محققان در دانشگاه علوم و تحقیقات استخراج شد.میزان خطاها و انحرافها به دست آمده و بهترین عملکرد و وضعیت ممکن موج شکنها در امواج مختلف معرفی گردیده است.
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موج شکن های شناور نوع سبک و کم هزینه از سازه های حفاظت از ساحل هستند که در نقاط مختلف دنیا برای ایجاد ناحیه آرامش بکار گرفته شده اند. بررسی عملکرد موج شکن شناور به روش آزمایشگاهی می تواند به طراحی پارامترهای این سازه ساحلی کمک نماید و از هزینه های پیش بینی نشده در اجرای پروژه بکاهد. در این تحقیق با استفاده از روش تشابه هندسی و اعداد بی بعد فرود دو مدل موج شکن شناور پانتونی درکارگاه ساخته شده و تحت اثر سه نوع موج با مشخصات فنی مختلف قرار گرفته است. همچنین برای بررسی گسترده تر عملکرد موج شکن ها، آزمایش ها در سه آبخور متفاوت بر روی آنها صورت پذیرفته است.سپس ضریب انتقال برای شرایط مختلف عنوان شده مورد بررسی و محاسبه قرار گرفته است و روابط آن با آبخور و امواج مورد مطالعه بدست می آید. در انتها و پس از تجزیه و تحلیل و مقایسه ضرایب انتقال بدست آمده بهترین موج شکن از لحاظ عملکرد در شرایط آزمایشگاهی ایجاد شده معرفی می گردد
Floating breakwaters are the light and low-cost types of shore protection structures that have been used in different parts of the world to create a comfort zone. Studying the performance of floating breakwaters by laboratory methods can help to design the parameters of the coastal structure and reduce the unforeseen costs in project implementation. In this study, using geometric similarity methods and Froude dimensionless numbers, two floating pontoon breakwater has been built in workshop and were affected by the three waves with different technical specifications. Furthermore, for a more extensive review of the breakwater performance, tests in three different drafts has been executed on them. Then transfer coefficients for different mentioned conditions have been evaluated and calculated and its relations with the draft and the waves were obtained. Finally, after analyzing and comparing the obtained transmission coefficients, the best breakwater in terms of performance in the developed laboratory conditions will be introduced.
Harsh marine environment and repeated movements of jack up rigs, make this mobile type offshore structure more vulnerable to failure. Environmental conditions of the Persian Gulf, high temperature, high water salinity, and various hydrocarbon pollutants in water necessitates the condition monitoring of these structures. Besides the above factors, the possibility of extending working life of offshore structures in the Persian Gulf should be also examined. Considering their economic value for Iran's macro economy and potential human injuries in cases of severe damages, monitoring the current state of Iran's offshore structures and identifying potential damage to them is crucial. A damage detection approach used for structures is the Modal Strain Energy (MSE), in which damage location and severity are determined based on changes in dynamic properties of structure. In order to increase the accuracy of the results, the damage identification process in performed in an iterative manner. In this paper, along with performing an experimental modal analysis, an iterative modal strain energy method is used to damage localization and quantification in the base of the offshore SA20 jack up rig (Hull 110). Results showed that the single and multiple damages of low and high severity were estimated by this method with a good accuracy.
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This article explores the symbiotic relationship between seas, marine industries, and artificial intelligence (AI) in the context of sustainable development. Recognizing the vital role of oceans in global well-being, it delves into the economic significance of marine industries while emphasizing the need for sustainable practices. The article highlights the transformative impact of AI in optimizing navigation, promoting sustainable fishing practices, and enhancing renewable energy initiatives in the maritime domain. It addresses the challenges and ethical considerations associated with AI implementation in marine industries. The overarching theme emphasizes responsible practices, technological innovation, and international cooperation as essential elements in navigating toward a future where seas and AI harmoniously contribute to sustainable development. The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in the marine industry brings forth a transformative approach to various facets of Marine activities. This innovation spans from optimizing navigation and traffic management to ensuring sustainability and safety. Key applications include autonomous navigation utilizing reinforcement learning, predictive maintenance for vessels through machine learning, and the implementation of multi-agent systems for Marine traffic management. Other areas of impact include environmental monitoring and compliance using neural networks, intelligent port operations employing genetic algorithms, and smart aquaculture practices with IoT sensors and machine learning. Furthermore, AI contributes to ocean exploration and resource mapping through simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithms, enhances weather forecasting for Marine operations using ensemble learning, and promotes crew safety through computer vision and biometric analysis. Supply chain optimization is also addressed with genetic algorithms and simulated annealing. These AI applications collectively lead to advantages such as increased efficiency, accuracy, and 24/7 availability. They contribute to cost savings, personalized customer experiences, and predictive analytics. In the marine industry, these technologies are employed in real projects like the Smart Marine Traffic Management System, showcasing how AI enhances safety, efficiency, and sustainability by implementing autonomous vessel guidance, collision avoidance, real-time monitoring, weather-informed navigation, and dynamic risk assessment. Ultimately, these advancements position AI as a driving force behind innovative solutions that propel the marine industry towards a future characterized by increased efficiency, safety, and environmental responsibility.
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This article explores the integral relationship between theoretical knowledge and practical application in coaching movement skills. Recognizing the diverse needs of athletes across various sports and developmental stages, the discussion encompasses a range of coaching types, including technical, tactical, mental skills, youth development, and more. The interplay between theory and practicality is highlighted as coaches apply biomechanical principles, feedback models, and sports psychology theories to refine athletes' movement skills. The importance of hands-on coaching, immediate feedback, and individualized instruction is emphasized in creating effective skill development programs. The article also underscores the role of coaches as role models, fostering professionalism and instilling values that extend beyond the playing field. Whether coaching youth athletes, guiding elite performers, or assisting in the rehabilitation process after injuries, coaches must adapt their methods to meet the unique needs of their athletes and the demands of their respective sports. The holistic approach to coaching extends beyond winning and losing, emphasizing the development of character, resilience, and a lifelong appreciation for physical activity. In conclusion, successful coaching in movement skills requires a commitment to continuous learning, flexibility, and a genuine passion for the well-being and development of athletes. The article serves as a comprehensive guide for coaches, highlighting the significance of integrating theory and practicality for the holistic development of athletes.
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پژوهش حاضر به بررسی تاثیر شایستگی مدیران بر عملکرد کارکنان سازمان حمل و نقل و ترافیک پرداخته است. هدف این تحقیق تعیین تاثیر شایستگی مدیران بر عملکرد کارکنان می باشد. نوع این پژوهش تحقیق توصیفی- پیمایشی بوده و از ابزار گردآوری داده و پرسشنامه استفاده شده است (73 گویه برای شایستگی مدیران و 17 گویه برای عملکرد کارکنان). جامعه آماری تحقیق را کلیه کارشناسان سازمان حمل و نقل وترافیک شهرداری تهران اعم از زن و مرد تشکیل می دهند. حجم نمونه 127 نفر می باشد و روش نمونه گیری، نمونه گیری سیستماتیک است. داده های گردآوری شده با استفاده از نرم افزار SPSS مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفت. در ابتدا جدول آمار توصیفی به منظور توصیف ابعاد شایستگی مدیران و عملکرد کارکنان زیرمجموعه استفاده شده و در آن میانگین به عنوان شاخص گرایش مرکزی و انحراف معیار به عنوان شاخص پراکندگی محاسبه شدند. در راستای تحلیل داده ها از مدل آماری رگرسیون جهت تبیین عملکرد کارکنان از طریق ابعاد شایستگی مدیران و عملکرد کارکنان ارتباط مثبت و معناداری وجود دارد و با افزایش شایستگی مدیران عملکرد کارکنان نیز افزایش می یابد. همچنین مشاهده گردید که بین تمامی مولفه های عملکرد به غیر از مولفه محیط با شایستگی مدیران ارتباط مثبت معنادار وجود دارد.
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مکران منطقه‌ای در نوار ساحلی دریای عمان و خلیج فارس با موقعیت منحصر به فرد از لحاظ ژئوپلیتیک و ژئواستراتژیک که شامل شهرستان‌های میناب، سیریک، جاسک و بشاگرد در استان هرمزگان و شهرستان‌های کنارک، چابهار، دشتیاری، زرآباد، نیکشهر و قصرقند در استان سیستان و بلوچستان به طول حدود 700 کیلومتر نوار ساحلی و مساحت حدود 60 هزار کیلومتر مربع در کرانه و پسکرانه گسترده می باشد. استان سیستان و بلوچستان و هرمزگان دروازه های ورودی کشور در منطقه جنوب با ظرفیت‌های متعدد سرمایه‌گذاری در حوزه‌های بیشماری می باشد. دسترسی به آبهای آزاد و همجواری با کشورهای هدف منطقه، ظرفیت‌های طبیعی و بومی و نیز آب و هوای معتدل از دیگر ویژگی‌های آن می‌باشد که بر اهمیت این موضوع می‌افزاید. سرمایه‌گذاری پایدار در جهت توسعه متوازن و نیاز به آن در حوزه‌های مختلف در این گستره سرزمینی به چشم می‌خورد که در این مقاله به صورت خلاصه به آن اشاره شده است. در این پژوهش به معرفی فرصت های سرمایه گذاری با نگاه توسعه متوازن و پایدار درونزا و برونزا در حوزه های مختلف در کرانه و پسکرانه سواحل مکران با تمرکز به صنایع دریایی می پردازیم. خروجی داده ها نشان می‌دهند نقش صنایع دریایی با توجه به بررسی شرایط و ظرفیت‌های موجود در این پهنه سرزمینی با فاصله زیادی از اهمیت ویژه‌ای برخوردار می‌باشد، در انتها در راستای بهبود فرایندها و استفاده از ظرفیت‌ها به بیان نقاط قوت و ضعف پرداخته شده و پیشنهادات نویسندگان به طور خاص طرح می‌گردد.