Sergiu Sanduleac

Sergiu Sanduleac
Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă" din Chișinău · Department of Psychology

PhD in Psychology
Leading the Research Laboratory in Psychological Security (LabSP).


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Sergiu SANDULEAC, Scientific Research Coordinator, Associate Professor, Ph.D. in Psychology, "Ion Creangă" State Pedagogical University in Chișinău, Republic of Moldova; Member of the editorial board of the Psychology Journal in the Republic of Moldova. Doctoral supervisor in the fields of pedagogy and psychology. Courses Taught: Introduction to Psychology, Research Methodology, Conflict Resolution Psychology, Psychology of Influence and Personnel Optimization, Intercultural Education Psychology
Additional affiliations
February 2018 - present
Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă" din Chișinău
  • Professor (Associate)
  • Teaching courses: Research Methodology in Social Sciences, Psychology of Conflicts Solving, Leadership psychology; Psychological assistance in the educational system; Advanced statistics in developmental and educational psychology etc.
September 2017 - present
Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă" din Chișinău
  • Professor (Associate)
  • Teaching students in English language methodology of research, History of psychology, Introduction in psychology, Managerial psychology, Psychology of communication, Social and political psychology.
September 2016 - February 2018
Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă" din Chișinău
  • Head of Department
September 2008 - September 2014
Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă" din Chișinău
Field of study
  • Developmental Psychology and Educational Psychology
September 2007 - September 2008
September 2003 - June 2007
Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă" din Chișinău
Field of study
  • Psychology and English language teaching


Publications (15)
Full-text available
Scientific thinking is essential for equipping students to tackle the complexities of the modern world, and teachers play an important role in nurturing this skill. To gain insights into the competencies utilized and developed by pedagogues in applying scientific knowledge to everyday problem-solving, we conducted an expansive survey to glean their...
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This paper presents the results of an experimental study conducted on 288 teachers regarding their metacognitive abilities and their utility in enhancing the scientific thinking process. These results have significant implications for the educational process, suggesting that the development of metacognition should be an essential component of both...
Professionalizing educators remains a contemporary subject, requiring constant adaptations to social changes. Supervising educators becomes essential for enhancing performance and professional development, directly influencing their scientific thinking. In the context of fostering scientific thinking in students, supervision focuses on curriculum c...
In this article, educational technologies for the development and enhancement of scientific thinking in educators are presented. Scientific thinking is the ability to formulate and test hypotheses, analyze objective data, and draw conclusions based on solid evidence. This involves the rigorous application of scientific methods, such as observation,...
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The concept of psychological security versus psychological insecurity derives from a complex system of interaction conditioned by several factors. On a situational level, we can approach psychological safety, which is a state that the subject is aware of, compared to psychological safety, which represents an unconscious complex construct, a feeling...
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În studiul dat sunt analizate fațetele incursiunii științelor neurobiologice în sistemul educațional și explicate mecanismele de infl uență educațională din perspectivă neurobiologică în formarea gândirii științifi ce. În urma analizei literaturii de specialitate am atestat că științele neurobiologice au un rol important în definitivarea calității...
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Monografia este adresată în primul rând psihologilor și cadrelor didactice la toate treptele de învățământ, studenților, masteranzilor, doctoranzilor din domeniul de formare profesională Psihologie și Științe ale Educației, tinerilor cercetători și tuturor celor interesați de subiectul securității psihologice și violenței. Actualitatea și importanț...
This paper describes the concept of developing and streamlining scientific thinking in the humanities and real sciences. The problem of the direction of thinking of scientific gardening according to the field of study is addressed. In the paper, reference is made to various existing theories regarding scientific reasoning, problem types, heuristics...
Conference Paper
Scientific thinking as a fundamental concept in the professionalization of teachers is a very important element in the problems that have arisen in the 21st century. This article presents the theoretical modeling of the professionalization of the teacher who has a high level of operability in scientific thinking. Several meanings regarding scientif...
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The paper examines theoretical perspectives of scientific thinking development in university students as an element of quality. Scientific thinking is a key element that serves as a base in scientific and professional formation of university students. The problem of its development in students was first raised in 20 th century. Students encounter t...
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This article reveals the problem of loneliness at the workplace, especially in IT workers in relationship with communication skills and sociability. The study highlighted that IT workers are predisposed to loneliness and that there is a relationship between loneliness, its components and communication abilities. The study has made it possible to po...
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This article reveals the problem of loneliness at the workplace, especially in IT workers in relationship with communication skills and sociability. The study highlighted that IT workers are predisposed to loneliness, and that there is a relationship between loneliness, its components and communication abilities. The study has made it possible to p...
Conference Paper
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The present study is aimed to test the relationship between loneliness and self-actualization of young adults. Three different instruments of loneliness investigation for a total 8 scale were completed by a sample of young adults, based on a Moldovan university-student sample of 304 participants aged 20 to 25 years (m=22.59, SD=2.07). The integrate...
Conference Paper
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In this article are presented new approaches of scientific thinking and the most recent experiments and researches organized in order to demonstrate the importance of scientific thinking. The author tried to conceptualize the scientific thinking approach and present the most important elements of scientific thinking. There is also presented the dif...
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Aprobată și recomandată spre editare de Senatul Universității Pedagogice de Stat „Ion Creangă” din Chișinău PV_2_ din 28.09.2017 Autor: Sanduleac Sergiu, doctor în psihologie, conferențiar universitar Monografia reprezintă o analiză științifică a conceptului de gândire științifică și modalitatea de formare a acesteia în mod special la studenții din...


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