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Effects of rTMS and intensive rehabilitation in Parkinson’s Disease on learning and retention

  • Hospital of Vipiteno-Sterzing (SABES-ASDAA)
  • CUNY School of Medicine

Abstract and Figures

Movement is accompanied by modulation of oscillatory activity in different ranges over the sensorimotor areas. This increase is more evident in normal subjects and less in patients with Parkinson's Disease (PD), a disorder associated with deficits in the formation of new motor skills. Here, we investigated whether such EEG changes improved in a group of PD patients, after two different treatments and whether this relates to performance. Subjects underwent either a session of 5 Hz repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) over the right posterior parietal cortex or a 4-week Multidisciplinary Intensive Rehabilitation Treatment (MIRT). We used a reaching task with visuo-motor adaptation to a rotated display in incremental 10° steps up to 60°. Retention of the learned rotation was tested before and after either intervention over two consecutive days. High-density EEG was recorded throughout the testing. We found that patients adapted their movements to the rotated display similarly to controls, although retention was poorer. Both rTMS and MIRT lead to improvement in retention of the learned rotation. Mean beta modulation levels changed significantly after MIRT and not after rTMS. These results suggest that rTMS produced local improvement reflected in enhanced short-term skill retention; on the other hand, MIRT determined changes across the contralateral sensorimotor area, reflected in beta EEG changes.
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Abstract Movement is accompanied by modulation of
oscillatory activity in different ranges over the sensorimotor
areas. This increase is more evident in normal subjects and less
with deficits in the formation of new motor skills. Here, we
investigated whether such EEG changes improved in a group of
PD patients, after two different treatments and whether this
relates to performance. Subjects underwent either a session of 5
Hz repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) over
the right posterior parietal cortex or a 4-week Multidisciplinary
Intensive Rehabilitation Treatment (MIRT). We used a reaching
task with visuo-motor adaptation to a rotated display in
incremental 10° steps up to 60°. Retention of the learned rotation
was tested before and after either intervention over two
consecutive days. High-density EEG was recorded throughout
the testing. We found that patients adapted their movements to
the rotated display similarly to controls, although retention was
poorer. Both rTMS and MIRT lead to improvement in retention
of the learned rotation. Mean beta modulation levels changed
significantly after MIRT and not after rTMS. These results
suggest that rTMS produced local improvement reflected in
enhanced short-term skill retention; on the other hand, MIRT
determined changes across the contralateral sensorimotor area,
reflected in beta EEG changes.
       
neurodegenerative disorder characterized by motor and non-
motor symptoms. While diagnosis is made when motor signs,
such as tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia and postural instability
are present [1], deficits in learning and retention of new motor
skills can complicate the life of patients, impairing the
formation and implementation of novel routines [2,3,4]. This
failure in retention is likely linked to impairment of plasticity
processes, as evidenced by studies on long-term potentiation
(LTP)-like mechanisms in both patients with PD [5] and
animal models [6]. Briefly, in PD learning might fail to trigger
at some levels the appropriate mechanisms that are necessary
to promote LTP-related processes and thus, memory formation
and retention. Recent studies in animals and humans have
shown that 5Hz-repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
(rTMS) promotes plastic changes, enhancing LTP [7]. Further,
*Equal contribution.
The study was supported by a grant from National Parkinson Foundation
(MFG ADR); NIH P01 NS083514-03 (MFG); NIH R01-NS54864 (MFG).
G. Marchesi is with the University of Genoa, DIBRIS, Genoa, Italy; (e-
mail:, G.A.Albanese was with University of
Genoa, DIBRIS, now is with Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia,, Genova, Italy;
S. Ricci is with both the University of Genoa, DIBRIS, Genoa, Italy and
retention of a motor skill in patients with PD can be enhanced
by local application of rTMS [8] to an area involved in that
specific learning [9,10]. Interestingly, in these last years, it is
becoming more clear that exercise improves plasticity: the
beneficial effect of exercise is likely linked to neurotrophic
factors and, in general, to the greater cerebral oxygenation that
promotes new cell growth and survival [11,12,13]. In addition,
exercise in PD stimulates dopamine synthesis in remaining
      
[14], suggesting a possible neuroprotective effect of aerobic
exercise [15]. A series of recent studies have shown that a
multidisciplinary intensive rehabilitation treatment (MIRT)
with aerobic, motor-cognitive and goal-based components can
[16]. MIRT has also a positive effect on sleep quality [17],
enhances the activity of BDNF levels [12, 13] and function
[17] in patients affected by PD.
Motor practice is related to increased modulation of beta
oscillatory activity (15-30 Hz) over sensory-motor areas that
accompanies each movement, as we have recently found in
normally aging subjects during a 40-minutes practice [18]
[19]. At re-test, 24 hours later, beta modulation returned to
baseline but the kinematic improvement achieved at the end of
the previous day was retained [19]. Such improvement
correlated with the increase of beta modulation during the
initial training. Thus, in agreement with other studies in
animals and humans, we interpreted this phenomenon as
expression of plasticity mechanism. Importantly, in patients
with PD, practice-related increase of beta modulation was
diminished during both initial testing and at re-test the
following day, with lack of retention of the motor
In the present work, we tested the different effects of MIRT
and rTMS on skill learning and retention with reaching
movements. We used a visuo-motor adaptation task in which
subjects gradually and implicitly adapt their movements to a
visual rotation occurring in 10° steps for a total of 60° [20].
Adaptation was tested on the first day and retention the
following one. We first, compared the EEG and kinematic-
derived indices in both patients with PD and age-matched
controls. Then, we investigated in two separate groups of
CUNY School of Medicine, NY, USA; S. George, E. Tatti and M.F. Ghilardi
(e-mail: are with CUNY School of Medicine, NY,
Gravedona ed Uniti, Italy; A. Quartarone is with Centro Neurolesi,
University of Messina, Messina, Italy; A. Di Rocco is with Northwell Health,
Department of Neurology, New York, NY, USA.
Giorgia Marchesi*, Giulia Aurora Albanese*, Davide Ferrazzoli, Shaina George, Serena Ricci, Elisa
Tatti, Alessandro Di Rocco, Angelo Quartarone, Giuseppe Frazzitta, M. Felice Ghilardi.
2019 IEEE 16th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR)
Toronto, Canada, June 24-28, 2019
978-1-7281-2755-2/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 1260
Authorized licensed use limited to: Universita degli Studi di Genova. Downloaded on July 16,2020 at 11:08:06 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
patients with PD, the effects of two interventions: (i) a single
session of 5 Hz rTMS over the right posterior parietal cortex
or (ii) a 4-weeks Multidisciplinary Intensive Rehabilitation
Treatment (MIRT).
A. Subjects
We tested 19 normally aging subjects (10 men, age: 59 ± 9
years) with normal neurological examination and 29 subjects
(23 men, age: 60 ± 6 years) with the diagnosis of PD. All
subjects were naïve to the motor task, had normal or corrected
vision and were right-handed as determined by the Edinburgh
inventory [21]. PD patients had mild to moderate PD (Hoehn-
Yahr Stage from 2 to 3; duration: 8 ± 4 years) and were treated
with dopaminergic drugs (Tables I and II). During the
experiment, patients were tested in their normal drug treatment
schedule and were in ON condition. The experiments were
conducted with the approval of the Institutional Review
Boards of the participating institutions and all participants
signed a written informed consent form.
B. Experimental Protocol
All subjects performed a 40-min reaching task over two
consecutive days. Subjects were trained in the week preceding
the testing to reach 95% accuracy.
The control group and 19 patients (14 men, mean age: 61
± 5 years; rTMS group) started the experiment around 9 am
(Fig. 1). PD subjects repeated the same session twice, one with
a 5-Hz repetitive TMS after the learning on day 1 and another
(SHAM session) after a SHAM stimulation. The two sessions
were randomized and were at least one week apart (Fig. 1b).
Both SHAM and rTMS were done after the initial learning in
the right posterior parietal cortex, over P6 (10-20 standard
EEG system). The 5 Hz stimulation frequency and the
stimulation parameters were known to induce LTP-like
plasticity [22]. The other group of 10 patients (9 men, mean
age: 58±7 years; MIRT group) performed the motor task over
two consecutive days. The sessions were performed before and
after 4-week MIRT (Fig. 1c). MIRT has been described in
detail in [14,15]. Briefly, this rehabilitative protocol targets
both cognitive and motor functions and is done by an
interdisciplinary team. In fact, it includes four daily
rehabilitative sessions: one-to-one treatment with physical
therapists; exercises to improve balance, postural control;
tasks for the autonomy in everyday activities; speech therapy.
Before every session, subjects of both the control and TMS
groups were outfitted a 256-channel EEG cap (Electrical
Geodesic Inc.), while the MIRT group used a 64-electrode cap
by Micromed.
C. Motor Task
All participants performed a reaction time reaching task
requiring planar movements without and with visuo-motor
rotation of different degrees, as previously described
[8,9,20,23]. Briefly, subjects in front of a computer screen
performed, with their right arm hidden, upper limb reaching
movements on a digitalizing tablet (GTCO CalComp, sample
rate: 166 Hz). The cursor position together with eight targets
(4 cm from the center) were displayed on the computer screen.
Subjects were instructed to move the cursor out and back
without correction as fast and accurately as possible after the
target appearance and to reverse sharply within the target
without stopping. Targets were randomly presented at a fixed
interval of 1.5 s. Each session was divided in 15 sets, of 56
movements (trials). Starting from the fourth set the screen was
rotated unbeknownst to the subjects in incremental steps of 10°
every two sets up to 60°.
For each movement, we measured the time interval from
the target appearance to the movement onset (reaction time);
Figure 1b
experimental protocol; c
Authorized licensed use limited to: Universita degli Studi di Genova. Downloaded on July 16,2020 at 11:08:06 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
the amplitude of peak velocity; the time from the movement
onset to the time point when the target was reached (movement
time) and the directional error at peak velocity. Moreover,
learning (1) and retention (2) were computed as such:
 . 1 ###(
###'2   (1)
 . 1 - / ###*)+,
"!$#!%%! $%&02   (2)
 is the mean directional error of the last eight
movements of the last 60° rotational set of the first day, while
 is the mean directional error of the first eight
movements of the first set (0° rotation) at the beginning of the
second day. $%&is the average directional error of the
second set of presentation of the degrees of rotation used in
that set.
D. EEG recording and analysis
EEG was recorded for the entire duration of the
experiments. For the controls and TMS group, data were
collected using the high impedance amplifier Net Amp 300
and Net Station 4.3 with a sampling rate of 500 Hz, then down
sampled to 250 Hz. For the MIRT group the Micromed system
(68 electrodes) with 256 Hz of sampling rate is used. Then,
data preprocessing and processing were performed using
EEGLAB [24] and Fieldtrip toolboxes [25] for MATLAB
(2017b version).
In this work, we focused on beta oscillations (15 to 30 Hz)
in the region where the strongest beta modulation occurs,
hence over the sensorimotor area contralateral to movements.
Indeed, EEG activity in the beta band is characterized by a
decrease that starts before movement onset with a minimum
during the execution, (Event Related Desynchronization,
ERD) and a rebound after the movement end (Event Related
Synchronization, ERS) [18]. In order to define the electrodes
with the strongest beta modulation and its closest neighbors,
we re-referenced data to the average across all electrodes, we
filtered the signal between 1 Hz and 80 Hz with a notch filter
and we divided the whole signal in temporal windows starting
 until 3 s after.
We then rejected trials with sporadic noise artifacts by visual
inspection. Channels affected by an improper contact with the
scalp were removed and replaced with spherical spline
interpolation. Independent component analysis was used to
pick apart the different contributions to the signal and reject
stereotypical artifacts [26,27]. Then, after aligning data with
  -frequency representations were
computed in the range from 15 to 30 Hz using a short-time
Fourier approach (Hanning taper, time step-size of 20 ms, 5
cycles adaptive window width, 0.5 Hz frequency step). EEG
activity changes were defined as percent change with respect
to the average. Beta ERS-ERD modulation was defined for
each trial as the difference between ERS and ERD magnitude
E. Statistical analysis
We excluded trials with both kinematic and EEG values
exceeding two standard deviations. Kinematic and
modulation indices were averaged across sets and then, set
and group differences were addressed with mixed model
ANOVAs. Moreover, we compared the effect of intervention
(rTMS or MIRT) with repeated measures ANOVA and two-
tailed paired t-tests.
A. Performance and beta modulation during simple motor
We first determined whether performance indices were
similar in patients with PD and normally aging controls. The
results of a mixed model ANOVA are reported in table III and
average results are illustrated in Fig. 2. The first three sets of
movements without rotation were slower in patients than in
controls, as attested by the significant group effect for
movement time (Fig. 2b) and mean velocity, even though
movement extent was similar in the two groups (Fig. 2c).
While we found no significant group difference for directional
errors (Fig. 2e), normalized area values were significantly
lower in patients than controls, suggesting that patients with
PD performed more accurate movements, with overlapping
trajectories, a sign of better interjoint timing. This greater
precision is probably due to the lower mean velocities, as at
lower speed the interaction torques are more easily
compensated by the proprioceptive signal [28]. Moreover,
  
controls (Fig. 2f). Interestingly, there were improvements
across sets for most of the kinematic parameters, as outlined
by the set-effect of normalized area, movement time, mean
velocity, directional error and movement extent (Table III),
suggesting that in both patients and controls some skill
learning occurred. Beta modulation increased across sets
without significant differences between groups. However, we
found a set by group interaction: in fact, beta modulation in set
three grew less in PD than in controls. This is in agreement
with the findings of a previous study [19] showing that by the
third set, beta modulation of PD patients reached a plateau and
stayed constant across the remaining twelve sets, while in
controls beta modulation kept increasing.
B. Retention of skills is lower in patients with PD
We then focused on the sets where a step-wise rotation was
applied. The results of mixed model ANOVAs (table IV)
revealed that all the kinematic parameters significantly
changed across sets. Also, significant differences between the
two groups and set by group interaction were present for
movement time, mean velocity and directional error. As
expected, for both groups, directional errors were greater in the
first set of imposed rotations and decreased during the second
exposure to the same rotation. However, differently from
Set 1-3
Set Group Set*Group
Normalized Area
11.0 0.000
5.1 0.030
1.1 0.350
Movement Time
23.5 0.000
12.6 0.001
0.8 0.470
Direct ional Err or
5.8 0.005
0.3 0.599
1.4 0.245
Reaction Time
1.3 0.290
7.4 0.009
2.0 0.137
Movement Extent
4.9 0.010
1.5 0.224
0.6 0.564
Beta Modulation
18.1 0.000
0.0 0.993
5.9 0.004
Authorized licensed use limited to: Universita degli Studi di Genova. Downloaded on July 16,2020 at 11:08:06 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
controls, adaptation on the second exposure had a greater
residual error (Fig. 2e), suggesting that patients adapted to the
imposed rotation, albeit less efficiently than controls (Fig. 2d).
Normalized area, for which we found a set by group
interaction but not a group difference, showed a similar trend:
however, for smaller rotations (10°) values were lower in
patients than in controls and the opposite was true for the
higher degree rotations (60°). Reaction times of patients with
PD were longer by an average of 20-30 ms than those of
controls and increased with the degree of imposed rotation; the
Movements of patients were significantly slower than those of
controls, with the slowness increasing with increasing the
degree of rotation. Altogether, these results suggest that
despite patients are slower, they adapt like normal subjects up
to 30°- 40° of imposed rotation.
Finally, we determined retention of adaptation by
measuring the after effects on day 2 during the performance in
the first set without imposed rotations. This trace of the learned
rotation was significantly greater in controls compared to
patients (p<0.000     
adaptation at the end of the task performed on the first day was
only slightly lower than in controls, the degree of retention
tested the following day was greatly diminished in patients
compared to controls.
Next, we focused on the changes of beta modulation during
rotation. Beta modulation while adapting to a visuomotor
rotation remained stable across sets without significant
differences between the two groups (Table IV). Closer
inspection of the data in Fig. 2g shows that beta modulation
fluctuated within each rotation step, so that greater values were
found at the second exposure of the same rotation step,
similarly to the kinematic data. In other words, values of beta
modulation were on average lower in the first exposure of a
rotation step and constantly increased at the second exposure.
These fluctuations were more evident in normal controls and
not as prominent in patients with PD.
C. rTMS improves retention of new motor skills but does
not induce changes in beta power modulation
We then determined whether a SHAM session or rTMS
could change adaptation and after effects in a group of
patients with PD. We also measure beta modulation during
those recordings. The results of adaptation and after effects
confirm those of a previous study from our lab [8]. Briefly,
the analysis of step adaptation changes revealed that the
adaptation achieved at the end of the rTMS session on day 2
was significantly greater than that achieved on day 2 after the
SHAM session, while adaptation at the end of day 1 was
similar in the two sessions. Also, the retention index at the
beginning of day 2 was significantly greater after rTMS than
after SHAM stimulation (26.3% ± 9.3% versus 10.6% ± 7.8%,
t=-6.06, p<0.0001, Fig. 3b). The results of a repeated
measures ANOVA on beta modulation revealed no significant
effect of treatment in the first 3 sets (F(1,34)=0.5; p=0.509).
A borderline effect that however failed to achieve
significance was present during adaptation (F(1,204)=4.3;
p=0.058; Fig. 3a). Altogether, these results suggest that the
rTMS increased the rate of learning on the second day of task
Set 4-15
Set Group Set*Group
Normalized Area
Movement Time
Mean Velocity
Directional Error
Reaction Time
Movement Extent
Beta Modulation
Figure 2: Behavioral parameters for controls and PD patients: a) Normalized Area; b) Movement Time; c) Movement Extent; d) Pe
rcentage of adaptation;
e) Directional Error; f) Reaction Time; g) Beta Modulation; h) Percentage of after effects (p<0.001).
Authorized licensed use limited to: Universita degli Studi di Genova. Downloaded on July 16,2020 at 11:08:06 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
and influenced the retention of the skills learned previously
but did not produce any significant effect on beta modulation.
Therefore, we thought it is likely that 5 Hz rTMS over the
right parietal area improved retention of adaptation, but the
benefits were only local and restricted to the stimulated area,
that is involved in visuo-motor adaptation. Indeed, they did
not extend to either other aspects of motor performance [8,29]
or to their neural correlates.
D. MIRT leads to more global changes
In this final part, we describe the effect of a four-week
intensive exercise program (MIRT) on adaptation, retention
and beta modulation. The indices of adaptation significantly
increased after MIRT from an average of 72.2% ± 10.2% to
74.5% ± 8.6% (t=-2.46, p=0.025). Most importantly, retention
of adaptation from day 1 to day 2 significantly improved after
MIRT (Fig. 4 bottom right): after MIRT, subjects retained an
average of 26.5% as compared to 13.1%, the retention average
before MIRT (t=-3.8, p=0.005, Fig. 4 bottom left). A repeated
measure ANOVA on beta modulation revealed a significant
effects of MIRT (both with and without rotation, respectively
F(1, 14)=15.1, p=0.005; F(1,84)=8.9, p=0.020). In conclusion,
MIRT has significant effects on the indices of adaptation and
retention. In addition, after MIRT, beta modulation values
decreased significantly.
This is the first report investigating the EEG and kinematic
characteristics of patients with PD during the practice of
reaching movements with an imposed visuo-motor rotation
and the effects of two treatments: a session of 5 Hz rTMS and
a four-week MIRT.
Kinematic analyses show that patients with PD produce
slower but more accurate movements when the applied
rotation is absent or rather small. Indeed, directional error and
normalized area are lower in patients than controls when no or
small rotations are applied. This is not the case when the
degree of rotation increases. While patients can adapt to a
visuomotor rotation, their adaptation rate is lower than aged-
matched controls for rotations greater than 40°. Despite the
learning process is only slightly affected in PD, retention of
previously acquired skills is greatly diminished. In fact, the
percentage of after effects is somewhat affected in patients:
this retention index, which describes how much the rotation
imposed the previous day influences the initial movements the
day after, presents a value that is almost a quarter of those of
healthy subjects. This failure in retention can be caused by the
deficits in plasticity reported in PD [2]. In fact, PD affects at
some levels the mechanisms inducing processes related to LTP
[29,30], so learning might fail to trigger the appropriate
mechanisms that are necessary to promote memory formation
[31]. The analysis of movement-related beta modulation over
the sensorimotor region contralateral to the moving limb
showed that patients and controls have comparable values in
the first set of a that rotation, while on the second set the
control group shows a steady increase that is not so evident in
the PD group. This phenomenon, which might be related to
plasticity related mechanisms, needs to be confirmed in a
larger PD population.
Finally, we analyzed the effects of the two treatments on
two separate groups of patients. After both interventions,
indices of learning and retention improved. This could have
been driven by learning caused by a repetition of the same task.
However, previous work from our lab showed that, without
any intervention, PD patients did not show such improvements
[19]. Also, only rTMS and MIRT but not SHAM were able to
enhance learning and retention. The above-mentioned results
ensure that these improvements are not affected by learning
itself, but the interventions played a major role. Moreover, the
fact that these improvements were greater only after the TMS
intervention and not after the SHAM further supports these
results. Nevertheless, beta modulation presents a main effect
only after the MIRT. However, this result has been obtained in
a very small sample of patients indeed, the biggest limitation
of this study is the relatively small number of patients. In
addition, the two experiments were not designed to be
compared with each other, as they are part of exploratory
studies aimed to investigate possible solutions to improve
motor impairments in PD. Therefore, this preliminary work
explores different avenues to characterize the effects of novel
and effective strategies for improving the well-being of
patients with PD.
In summary, both interventions lead to an increase in
retention of the learned rotation but only MIRT seemed to
affect movement-related brain activity. In fact, beta
modulation may reflect the interplay of the activity of the
sensory and motor regions during motor performance [18]:
beta desynchronization likely reflects concomitantly
activation of the motor areas and attenuation of the sensory
afferences during movements, while beta synchronization or
rebound, instead, may reflect post-movement reactivation of
somatosensory areas and inhibition of the motor areas. Hence,
changes in beta modulation may be due to variations in the
sensorimotor integration processes, likely because intensive
motor exercise has an important aerobic component that may
Figure 3: In the first row, parameters post SHAM and post rTMS: b
modulation; percentage of after effects; in the second row, parameters pre
and post MIRT: beta modulation; percentage of after effects.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Universita degli Studi di Genova. Downloaded on July 16,2020 at 11:08:06 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
be beneficial in terms of neuroplasticity, such as by increasing
BDNF levels and activity [7,15] as well as cerebral blood flow
[11]. On the other hand, rTMS is a local treatment applied on
the area that facilitates learning and retention; in fact, it
produces only improvements in terms of skill retention since it
has only circumscribed effects on cortical plasticity and LTP-
like phenomena.
Movement-related brain activity changes after MIRT, a
multidisciplinary rehabilitative protocol but not after TMS
highlighted the importance of rehabilitative protocols targeting
have a positive effect on the sensorimotor integration process
occurring during movement executions and thus on the
everyday life of patients.
Kinematic data were collected with custom-designed
software, MotorTaskManager, produced by E.T.T. s.r.l.
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... The entire search and selection process is pictured in Figure 1. The studies were categorized per NIBS techniques used: TMS (30,31), tES (32,33), and other forms of NIBS (34)(35)(36). ...
... These changes in EEG activity were followed by decreased depressive symptoms, improved motor activity (i.e., 20-m walk test and finger tapping), and improved Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) (30). While Marchesi et al. (31) compared the effects of high-frequency (5 Hz) rTMS to a multidisciplinary intensive rehabilitation treatment (MIRT) on the EEG oscillations of patients with PD during a motor task. They found that despite both techniques improved learning of a rotation task, but only MIRT and not rTMS changed mean beta modulation in the opposite sensorimotor area to the movements, but both interventions improved the retention of new motor abilities. ...
... A single study was classified as presenting excellent methodological quality (32), three as good (33,34,36); two as fair (31,35), and one as poor (30) according to the Downs and Black criteria ( Table 5). In general, the studies attended the criteria regarding the reporting section, however, the main factors of confusion in the groups were not listed (30,35) or were partially listed, and none of the studies mentioned the possible adverse effects of the stimulation. ...
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Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by motor and non-motor symptoms, aside from alterations in the electroencephalogram (EEG) already registered. Non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) techniques have been suggested as an alternative rehabilitative therapy, but the neurophysiological changes associated with these techniques are still unclear. We aimed to identify the nature and extent of research evidence on the effects of NIBS techniques in the cortical activity measured by EEG in patients with PD. A systematic scoping review was configured by gathering evidence on the following bases: PubMed (MEDLINE), PsycINFO, ScienceDirect, Web of Science, and cumulative index to nursing & allied health (CINAHL). We included clinical trials with patients with PD treated with NIBS and evaluated by EEG pre-intervention and post-intervention. We used the criteria of Downs and Black to evaluate the quality of the studies. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), transcranial electrical stimulation (tES), electrical vestibular stimulation, and binaural beats (BBs) are non-invasive stimulation techniques used to treat cognitive and motor impairment in PD. This systematic scoping review found that the current evidence suggests that NIBS could change quantitative EEG in patients with PD. However, considering that the quality of the studies varied from poor to excellent, the low number of studies, variability in NIBS intervention, and quantitative EEG measures, we are not yet able to use the EEG outcomes to predict the cognitive and motor treatment response after brain stimulation. Based on our findings, we recommend additional research efforts to validate EEG as a biomarker in non-invasive brain stimulation trials in PD.
... A few studies have recently investigated the effect of motor practice on movement-related beta ERS in patients with PD and in normal controls. The authors found that beta ERS amplitude and movement-related beta modulation (defined as the difference from peak ERD to peak ERS) increase with practice over frontal and sensorimotor regions Nelson et al., 2017;Marchesi et al., 2019;Ricci et al., 2019a,b;Tatti et al., , 2020Tatti et al., , 2019. Moreover, the increase of beta ERS and modulation depth achieved at the end of practice predicted motor improvement measured 24 h later (Nelson et al., 2017), thus suggesting that practice-related ERS increases reflect some aspects of plasticity. ...
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Movement-related oscillations in the beta range (from 13 to 30 Hz) have been observed over sensorimotor areas with power decrease (i.e., event-related desynchronization, ERD) during motor planning and execution followed by an increase (i.e., event-related synchronization, ERS) after the movement’s end. These phenomena occur during active, passive, imaged, and observed movements. Several electrophysiology studies have used beta ERD and ERS as functional indices of sensorimotor integrity, primarily in diseases affecting the motor system. Recent literature also highlights other characteristics of beta ERD and ERS, implying their role in processes not strictly related to motor function. Here we review studies about movement-related ERD and ERS in diseases characterized by motor dysfunction, including Parkinson’s disease, dystonia, stroke, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and multiple sclerosis. We also review changes of beta ERD and ERS reported in physiological aging, Alzheimer’s disease, and schizophrenia, three conditions without overt motor symptoms. The review of these works shows that ERD and ERS abnormalities are present across the spectrum of the examined pathologies as well as development and aging. They further suggest that cognition and movement are tightly related processes that may share common mechanisms regulated by beta modulation. Future studies with a multimodal approach are warranted to understand not only the specific topographical dynamics of movement-related beta modulation but also the general meaning of beta frequency changes occurring in relation to movement and cognitive processes at large. Such an approach will provide the foundation to devise and implement novel therapeutic approaches to neuropsychiatric disorders.
... Only one previous small-sample study mentioned a significant change in beta modulation levels after MIRT (Marchesi et al., 2019). As marked changes in oscillatory power were observed following PD therapy, our study found that beta power was significantly associated with motor symptom (UPDRS III) enhancement and that gamma power was related to cognitive performance (MMSE) after MIRT in PD. ...
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Combined transcranial magnetic stimulation and electroencephalography (TMS-EEG) is a powerful non-invasive tool for qualifying the neurophysiological effects of interventions by recording TMS-induced cortical activation with high temporal resolution and generates reproducible and reliable waves of activity without participant cooperation. Cortical dysfunction contributes to the pathogenesis of the clinical symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Here, we examined changes in cortical activity in patients with PD following multidisciplinary intensive rehabilitation treatment (MIRT). Forty-eight patients with PD received 2 weeks of MIRT. The cortical response was examined following single-pulse TMS over the primary motor cortex by 64-channel EEG, and clinical symptoms were assessed before and after MIRT. TMS-evoked potentials were quantified by the global mean field power, as well as oscillatory power in theta, alpha, beta, and gamma bands, and their clinical correlations were calculated. After MIRT, motor and non-motor symptoms improved in 22 responders, and only non-motor function was enhanced in 26 non-responders. Primary motor cortex stimulation reduced global mean field power amplitudes in responders but not significantly in non-responders. Oscillations exhibited attenuated power in the theta, beta, and gamma bands in responders but only reduced gamma power in non-responders. Associations were observed between beta oscillations and motor function and between gamma oscillations and non-motor symptoms. Our results suggest that motor function enhancement by MIRT may be due to beta oscillatory power modulation and that alterations in cortical plasticity in the primary motor cortex contribute to PD recovery.
... Therefore, the efficacy of conventional rehabilitation treatments targeting neurological impairments could vary widely. NIBS can be applied over selected cortical and cerebellar regions to shape (facilitate or inhibit) their excitability, steer neural plasticity, modulate the activity of cortical-subcortical-cerebellar networks and enhance retention of motor skills (Ganguly et al. 2020;Marchesi et al. 2019;Moisello et al. 2015;Page et al. 2015;Wu et al. 2008). In this concern, the application of repetitive TMS (rTMS) and tDCS in the treatment of movement disorders may be of particular interest (Benussi et al. 2020;Berardelli and Suppa 2013;Brusa et al. 2005;Goodwill et al. 2017;Grados et al. 2018;Hamada et al. 2008;Liu et al. 2018;Manenti et al. 2015;Quartarone et al. 2017;Vanacore and Canevelli 2019;Wu et al. 2008). ...
Background: Movement disorders encompass various conditions affecting the nervous system. The pathological processes underlying movement disorders lead to aberrant synaptic plastic changes, which in turn alter the functioning of large-scale brain networks. Therefore, clinical phenomenology does not only entail motor symptoms but also cognitive and motivational disturbances. The result is the disruption of motor learning and motor behavior. Due to this complexity, the responsiveness to standard therapies could be disappointing. Specific forms of rehabilitation entailing goal-based practice, aerobic training, and the use of noninvasive brain stimulation techniques could "restore" neuroplasticity at motor-cognitive circuitries, leading to clinical gains. This is probably associated with modulations occurring at both molecular (synaptic) and circuitry levels (networks). Several gaps remain in our understanding of the relationships among plasticity and neural networks and how neurorehabilitation could promote clinical gains is still unclear. Purposes: In this review, we outline first the networks involved in motor learning and behavior and analyze which mechanisms link the pathological synaptic plastic changes with these networks' disruption in movement disorders. Therefore, we provide theoretical and practical bases to be applied for treatment in rehabilitation.
Noninvasive brain stimulation techniques can be used to study in vivo the changes of cortical activity and plasticity in subjects with Parkinson's disease (PD). Also, an increasing number of studies have suggested a potential therapeutic effect of these techniques. High-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) and anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) represent the most used stimulation paradigms to treat motor and nonmotor symptoms of PD. Both techniques can enhance cortical activity, compensating for its reduction related to subcortical dysfunction in PD. However, the use of suboptimal stimulation parameters can lead to therapeutic failure. Clinical studies are warranted to clarify in PD the additional effects of these stimulation techniques on pharmacologic and neurorehabilitation treatments.
Neural networks are dynamic, and the brain has the capacity to reorganize itself. This capacity is named neuroplasticity and is fundamental for many processes ranging from learning and adaptation to new environments to the response to brain injuries. Measures of brain plasticity involve several techniques, including neuroimaging and neurophysiology. Electroencephalography, often used together with other techniques, is a common tool for prognostic and diagnostic purposes, and cortical reorganization is reflected by EEG measurements. Changes of power bands in different cortical areas occur with fatigue and in response to training stimuli leading to learning processes. Sleep has a fundamental role in brain plasticity, restoring EEG bands alterations and promoting consolidation of learning. Exercise and physical inactivity have been extensively studied as both strongly impact brain plasticity. Indeed, EEG studies showed the importance of the physical activity to promote learning and the effects of inactivity or microgravity on cortical reorganization to cope with absent or altered sensorimotor stimuli. Finally, this chapter will describe some of the EEG changes as markers of neural plasticity in neurologic conditions, focusing on cerebrovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. In conclusion, neuroplasticity is the fundamental mechanism necessary to ensure adaptation to new stimuli and situations, as part of the dynamicity of life.
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Background: In recent years, many studies focused on the use of robotic devices for both the assessment and the neuro-motor reeducation of upper limb in subjects after stroke, spinal cord injuries or affected by neurological disorders. Contrarily, it is still hard to find examples of robot-aided assessment and rehabilitation after traumatic injuries in the orthopedic field. However, those benefits related to the use of robotic devices are expected also in orthopedic functional reeducation. Methods: After a wrist injury occurred at their workplace, wrist functionality of twenty-three subjects was evaluated through a robot-based assessment and clinical measures (Patient Rated Wrist Evaluation, Jebsen-Taylor and Jamar Test), before and after a 3-week long rehabilitative treatment. Subjects were randomized in two groups: while the control group (n = 13) underwent a traditional rehabilitative protocol, the experimental group (n = 10) was treated replacing traditional exercises with robot-aided ones. Results: Functionality, assessed through the function subscale of PRWE scale, improved in both groups (experimental p = 0.016; control p < 0.001) and was comparable between groups, both pre (U = 45.5, p = 0.355) and post (U = 47, p = 0.597) treatment. Additionally, even though groups' performance during the robotic assessment was comparable before the treatment (U = 36, p = 0.077), after rehabilitation the experimental group presented better results than the control one (U = 26, p = 0.015). Conclusions: This work can be considered a starting point for introducing the use of robotic devices in the orthopedic field. The robot-aided rehabilitative treatment was effective and comparable to the traditional one. Preserving efficacy and safety conditions, a systematic use of these devices could lead to decrease human therapists' effort, increase repeatability and accuracy of assessments, and promote subject's engagement and voluntary participation. Trial Registration ID: NCT04739644. Registered on February 4, 2021-Retrospectively registered, .
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The final goal of motor learning, a complex process that includes both implicit and explicit (or declarative) components, is the optimization and automatization of motor skills. Motor learning involves different neural networks and neurotransmitters systems depending on the type of task and on the stage of learning. After the first phase of acquisition, a motor skill goes through consolidation (i.e., becoming resistant to interference) and retention, processes in which sleep and long-term potentiation seem to play important roles. The studies of motor learning in Parkinson's disease have yielded controversial results that likely stem from the use of different experimental paradigms. When a task’s characteristics, instructions, context, learning phase and type of measures are taken into consideration, it is apparent that, in general, only learning that relies on attentional resources and cognitive strategies is affected by PD, in agreement with the finding of a fronto-striatal deficit in this disease. Levodopa administration does not seem to reverse the learning deficits in PD, while deep brain stimulation of either globus pallidus or subthalamic nucleus appears to be beneficial. Finally and most importantly, patients with PD often show a decrease in retention of newly learned skill, a problem that is present even in the early stages of the disease. A thorough dissection and understanding of the processes involved in motor learning is warranted to provide solid bases for effective medical, surgical and rehabilitative approaches in PD.
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Recently we found that modulation depth of beta power during movement increases with practice over sensory-motor areas in normal subjects but not in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). As such changes might reflect use-dependent modifications, we concluded that reduction of beta enhancement in PD represents saturation of cortical plasticity. A few questions remained open: What is the relation between these EEG changes and retention of motor skills? Would a second task exposure restore beta modulation enhancement in PD? Do practice-induced increases of beta modulation occur within each block? We thus recorded EEG in patients with PD and age-matched controls in two consecutive days during a 40-min reaching task divided in fifteen blocks of 56 movements each. The results confirmed that, with practice, beta modulation depth over the contralateral sensory-motor area significantly increased across blocks in controls but not in PD, while performance improved in both groups without significant correlations between behavioral and EEG data. The same changes were seen the following day in both groups. Also, beta modulation increased within each block with similar values in both groups and such increases were partially transferred to the successive block in controls, but not in PD. Retention of performance improvement was present in the controls but not in the patients and correlated with the increase in day 1 modulation depth. Therefore, the lack of practice-related increase beta modulation in PD is likely due to deficient potentiation mechanisms that permit between-block saving of beta power enhancement and trigger mechanisms of memory formation.
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BackgroundPD (Parkinson's disease) is characterized by impairments in cortical plasticity, in beta frequency at rest and in beta power modulation during movement (i.e., event-related ERS [synchronization] and ERD [desynchronization]). Recent results with experimental protocols inducing long-term potentiation in healthy subjects suggest that cortical plasticity phenomena might be reflected by changes of beta power recorded with EEG during rest. Here, we determined whether motor practice produces changes in beta power at rest and during movements in both healthy subjects and patients with PD. We hypothesized that such changes would be reduced in PD.Methods We thus recorded EEG in patients with PD and age-matched controls before, during and after a 40-minute reaching task. We determined posttask changes of beta power at rest and assessed the progressive changes of beta ERD and ERS during the task over frontal and sensorimotor regions.ResultsWe found that beta ERS and ERD changed significantly with practice in controls but not in PD. In PD compared to controls, beta power at rest was greater over frontal sensors but posttask changes, like those during movements, were far less evident. In both groups, kinematic characteristics improved with practice; however, there was no correlation between such improvements and the changes in beta power.Conclusions We conclude that prolonged practice in a motor task produces use-dependent modifications that are reflected in changes of beta power at rest and during movement. In PD, such changes are significantly reduced; such a reduction might represent, at least partially, impairment of cortical plasticity.
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BACKGROUND: In a combined animal and human study, we have previously found that a 5-day treatment that enhances cortical plasticity also facilitates brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)-tyrosine receptor kinase B (TrkB) signaling and increases activated TrkB and N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) association in both the cortex and the peripheral lymphocytes. Patients with Parkinson's disease (PD), in general, show decreased cortical plasticity, as demonstrated by electrophysiological and behavioral studies. Here, we test the hypothesis that an exercise program that improves motor function and seems to slow down symptom progression can enhance BDNF-TrkB signaling in lymphocytes. METHODS: A total of 16 patients with PD underwent a 4-week multidisciplinary intensive rehabilitation treatment (MIRT), which included aerobic training and physical and occupational therapy. Blood was collected before and after 2 and 4 weeks of MIRT. Lymphocytes were isolated to examine BDNF-TrkB signaling induced by incubation with recombinant human BDNF. TrkB signaling complexes, extracellular-signal-regulated kinase-2 and protein-kinase-B were immunoprecipitated; the content of immunocomplexes was determined by Western blotting. RESULTS: After MIRT, all patients showed improvement in motor function. TrkB interaction with NMDAR and BDNF-TrkB signaling increased in peripheral lymphocytes at receptor, intracellular mediator, and downstream levels. The decrements in Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale II (UPDRSII) and total scores were significantly correlated with the increases in TrkB signaling at receptor, intracellular mediator, and NMDAR interaction levels. CONCLUSIONS: The significant correlation between reduced UPDRS scores and the changes in lymphocyte activity suggest that enhanced BDNF-TrkB signaling in lymphocyte and reduced severity of PD symptoms may be related.
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Background: Although physical exercise improves motor aspects of Parkinson's disease (PD), it is not clear whether it may also have a neuroprotective effect. Objective. In this 2-year follow-up study, we determined whether intensive exercise in the early stages of the disease slows down PD progression. Methods: Forty newly diagnosed patients with PD were treated with rasagiline and randomly assigned to 2 groups: MIRT Group (two 28-day multidisciplinary intensive rehabilitation treatments [MIRT], at 1-year interval) and Control Group (only drug). In both groups, Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale Section II (UPDRS II), UPDRS III, 6-minute walking test (6MWT), Timed Up-and-Go test (TUG); PD Disability Scale (PDDS), and l-dopa equivalents were assessed at baseline (T0), 6 months (T1), 1 year (T2), 18 months (T3), and 2 years (T4) later. Results: Over 2 years, UPDRS II, UPDRS III, TUG, and PDDS differentially progressed in the 2 groups: In the MIRT Group, all scores at T4 were better than at T0 (all Ps < .03). No changes were noted in the Control Group. l-dopa equivalent dosages increased significantly only in the Control Group (P = .0015), with a decrease in the percentages of patients in monotherapy (T1 40%; T2, T3, and T4 20%). In the MIRT Group, the percentages of such patients remained higher (T1 and T2 100%; T3 89%; T4 75%). Conclusions: These results suggest that MIRT might slow down the progression of motor decay, it might delay the need for increasing drug treatment, and thus, it might have a neuroprotective effect.
Since James Parkinson’s original description of the shaking palsy in 1817, the classic clinical features of moderate-stage Parkinson’s disease (PD) have become widely known to physicians and even to the general public. Statistically speaking, most patients who present with resting tremor, slowing of movement, gait difficulty, and limb rigidity have idiopathic PD. When a typical resting tremor appears in the elderly, patients and their relatives may begin to suspect the diagnosis before a formal evaluation by a physician. Because treatments for the symptoms of PD abound today and putative “neuroprotective” agents are entering clinical trials, early diagnosis is essential.
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive neurological disorder that results from the loss of dopaminergic neurones in the substantia nigra. The cause of this neuronal damage remains largely unknown, but it is believed to be associated with both genetic and environmental factors. PD is characterised by motor and non-motor symptoms. The main motor features are rigidity, tremor, bradykinesia and hypokinesia. Non-motor symptoms include: neuropsychiatric conditions (eg, dementia, depression and hallucinations); autonomic disturbances (eg, constipation, postural hypotension); sleep disorders; and sensory symptoms (such as pain).
In Parkinson's disease (PD), skill retention is poor, even when acquisition rate is generally preserved. Recent work in normal subjects suggests that 5 Hz-repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (5Hz-rTMS) may induce phenomena of long-term potentiation at the cortical level.Objective/HypothesisWe thus verified whether, in PD, 5Hz-rTMS enhances retention of a visuo-motor skill that involves the activity of the right posterior parietal cortex.MethodsA group of patients with PD was tested in two two-day sessions, separated by one week (treatment and placebo sessions). The first day of each session, they learned to adapt their movements to a step-wise 60° visual rotation. Immediately after the task, either real 5Hz-rTMS (treatment) or sham (placebo) stimulation was applied over the right posterior parietal cortex (P6). Retention of this motor skill was tested the following day.ResultsIn patients with PD, adaptation achieved at the end of training was comparable in the treatment and placebo sessions and was similar to that of a group of age-matched controls. However, retention indices tested on the following day were significantly lower in the placebo compared to the treatment session in which retention indices were restored to the level of the controls. Importantly, reaction and movement time as well as other kinematic measures were the same in the treatment and placebo sessions.Conclusion These results suggest that rTMS applied after the acquisition of a motor skill over specific areas involved in this process might enhance skill retention in PD.
Retention of motor adaptation is evident in savings, where initial learning improves subsequent learning, and anterograde interference, where initial learning impairs subsequent learning. Previously, we proposed that use-dependent movement biases induced by movement repetition contribute to anterograde interference, but not to savings. Here, we evaluate this proposal by limiting or extending movement repetition while stimulating the motor cortex (M1) with anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), a brain stimulation technique known to increase use-dependent plasticity when applied during movement repetition. Participants first adapted to a counterclockwise rotation of visual feedback imposed either abruptly (extended repetition) or gradually (limited repetition) in a first block (A1), during which either sham or anodal tDCS (2 mA) was applied over M1. Anterograde interference was then assessed in a second block (B) with a clockwise rotation, and savings in a third block (A2) with a counterclockwise rotation. Anodal M1 tDCS elicited more anterograde interference than sham stimulation with extended but not with limited movement repetition. Conversely, anodal M1 tDCS did not affect savings with either limited or extended repetition of the adapted movement. Crucially, the effect of anodal M1 tDCS on anterograde interference did not require large errors evoked by an abrupt perturbation schedule, as anodal M1 tDCS combined with extended movement repetition within a gradual perturbation schedule similarly increased anterograde interference but not savings. These findings demonstrate that use-dependent plasticity contributes to anterograde interference but not to savings.