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Production of fuel briquettes from olive refuse and paper mill waste


Abstract and Figures

Some processes have been widely applied to biomass in order to take advantage of its energy potential. In particular, these processes are based on pyrolysis or gasification. In this study, briquetting was applied to olive refuse and paper mill waste to form fuel briquettes. For this purpose, the particle sizes of both biomass samples were decreased to −250 μm and then they were briquetted in a steel die under pressure between 150 and 250 MPa at ambient temperature. Effects of the moisture content of the biomass samples and briquetting pressure on the shatter index, compressive strength, and water resistance of the briquettes obtained were investigated. This study showed that the mechanical strength of the briquettes produced only from the olive refuse was not high enough. On the other hand, strong briquettes were produced using paper mill waste. When olive refuse was blended with fibrous paper mill waste, briquettes with sufficiently high mechanical strength could be produced. Burning profiles of the samples were derived applying derivative thermogravimetry technique under dynamic dry air atmosphere up to 1273 K with a heating rate of 40 K·min−1 and then combustion characteristics of the briquettes were compared.
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Fuel Processing Technology 68 2000 23–31
Production of fuel briquettes from olive refuse and
paper mill waste
S. Yaman),M.S¸ahan, H. Haykiri-ac¸ma, K. S¸es¸en, S. Kuc¸ukbayrak
Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering Faculty, Istanbul Technical UniÕersity 80626, Maslak,
Istanbul, Turkey
Received 3 January 2000; received in revised form 25 May 2000; accepted 1 June 2000
Some processes have been widely applied to biomass in order to take advantage of its energy
potential. In particular, these processes are based on pyrolysis or gasification. In this study,
briquetting was applied to olive refuse and paper mill waste to form fuel briquettes. For this
purpose, the particle sizes of both biomass samples were decreased to y250 mm and then they
were briquetted in a steel die under pressure between 150 and 250 MPa at ambient temperature.
Effects of the moisture content of the biomass samples and briquetting pressure on the shatter
index, compressive strength, and water resistance of the briquettes obtained were investigated.
This study showed that the mechanical strength of the briquettes produced only from the olive
refuse was not high enough. On the other hand, strong briquettes were produced using paper mill
waste. When olive refuse was blended with fibrous paper mill waste, briquettes with sufficiently
high mechanical strength could be produced. Burning profiles of the samples were derived
applying derivative thermogravimetry technique under dynamic dry air atmosphere up to 1273 K
with a heating rate of 40 KPmin
1and then combustion characteristics of the briquettes were
compared. q2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Biomass; Olive refuse; Briquetting; Paper mill waste; Thermogravimetry
1. Introduction
In order to meet rapidly increasing energy demand, alternative energy sources must
be utilised effectively. Of the alternative energy sources, biomass has a great potential
today and in the future, since it is renewable, in contrast to the nature of the fossil fuels.
)Corresponding Author. Tel.: q90-212-285-68-73; fax: q90-212-285-29-25.
E-mail address: S. Yaman .
0378-3820r00r$ - see front matter q2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S03 7 8-3 8 2 0 00 00 1 1 1-9
S. Yaman et al.rFuel Processing Technology 68 2000 23–3124
Solar energy is indispensable for the plant life and by means of photosynthesis, plants
deposit some of the solar energy as a mass in their body 1 . When biomass is burnt, this
energy is revealed. Biomass has either been burned directly or processed to take
advantage of its energy content. In the former case, since biomass usually contains a
high content of moisture, it is necessary to remove the moisture content before
combustion. Furthermore, the densities of almost all of the biomass samples are very
low and therefore some problems occur during their transportation. For these reasons,
direct combustion of biomass is not practical. In the latter case, some processes such as
pyrolysis or gasification have been widely applied to biomass to gain its energy content
2,3 . However, these processes lead to new problems. The liquid products obtained by
means of pyrolysis are rich in water that is detrimental for ignition 4 . Moreover, these
liquids contain oxygenated compounds, which cause unwanted thermal characteristics
such as thermal instability, tendency to polymerise, corrosion and low heating value 5 .
On the other hand, some products obtained from pyrolysis or gasification are highly
carcinogenic and mutagenic and they have various compounds including even polyaro-
matic hydrocarbons 6,7 . Besides, it is impossible to recover the calorific value
completely via these processes.
Some alternative studies have been conducted to use the biomass as a binder in the
production of coal briquettes 8,9 . Moreover, some biomass samples such as cotton
wx wx wx
stalks 10 , tea waste 11 , waste paper and wheat straw 12 , pine cones and sawdust
13 were used to obtain biobriquettes. However, the existing information about the
direct briquetting of the biomass samples is extremely limited and information about one
type of biomass sample cannot be applicable to another one.
The kind and amount of the biomass show important differences for different
geographical areas, depending on the characteristics of its climate, flora, and agriculture.
Olive is one of the most important agricultural products of the Mediterranean countries.
For example, the total amount of the olive production of Turkey in 1998 was approxi-
mately 1,550,000 tonnes 14 . A great deal of the olive has been consumed in the form
of olive oil. For this purpose, a huge amount of olive is milled to produce olive oil and
meanwhile tonnes of its oily refuse remain. This refuse is one of the considerable
sources of biomass, and has locally been used as a domestic fuel. However, there are
some problems related to the direct combustion of this refuse. Some olive seeds, which
have not been properly broken during the milling, can burst in the combustion chamber.
This is an undesirable circumstance for a good fuel. In order to prevent such problems,
olive refuse should be grounded completely before combustion.
However, it is not practical to burn grounded olive refuse in the conventional
combustion chambers. In that connection, briquetting of the grounded olive refuse to
obtain firm briquettes is recommended. Thus, a compressed fuel can be obtained. Since
olive refuse is fibrous and contains some oily and sticky components, it maybe possible
that olive refuse does not need any binder material to form its briquettes.
Another valuable biomass type that cannot be evaluated properly is the paper mill
wastes of the paper industry. These wastes contain some organic materials and therefore
they have calorific value to some extent. Since, paper mill wastes are extremely fibrous,
it may be possible to produce its briquettes. In this study, production of the fuel
briquettes using olive refuse and paper mill waste were investigated.
S. Yaman et al.rFuel Processing Technology 68 2000 23–31 25
2. Experimental
The olive refuse used in the experiments was the residue of the Turkish vegetable oil
industry using western Turkey olives. Likewise, paper mill waste was the remains of the
Turkish paper industry SEKA . The both samples are abundant and have low economic
value. Analyses of these samples were conducted according to ASTM standards and
results are given in Table 1.
Briquetting experiments were performed using a hydraulic press. The maximum
pressurising capacity of the hydraulic press was 1110 MPa between two plates with a
speed of 50 mmrmin. The cylindrical briquetting die was made of hardened steel with
an inner diameter of 50 mm and a height of 100 mm. Before briquetting, olive refuse
and paper mill waste samples were ground to pass through a sieve having an opening of
250 mm. For each experiment, 40 g of these samples were filled into the die and
briquettes were produced under pressures of 150–250 MPa. Briquettes were stored
under ambient conditions for a week before testing. Three briquettes were prepared for
each set of the experimental conditions and the arithmetic averages of the measurements
were calculated.
Some standard tests were applied to determine the shatter index, compressive
strength, and water resistance of the briquettes. The shatter indices ISO-R 616 were
determined by dropping each briquette from a height of 180 cm onto a steel plate and
measuring the percentage of the sample retained on the sieve having an opening of 20
mm. This was repeated until all the parts of the briquettes passed through the sieve. The
sum of the percentages is called as the Ashatter indexBof the briquette.
The compressive strength of the briquettes were determined using an Instron table
model 1195 testing machine. The flat surface of the briquette sample was placed on the
horizontal metal plate of the machine. A motorised screw slowly reduced the distance
between this metal plate and a second one parallel to it. An increased load was applied
at a constant rate until the briquette failed by cracking or breaking. Compressive strength
was calculated dividing the load at the fracture point by cross-sectional area of plane of
The water resistance of the briquettes were tested by immersing them in a glass
container filled with distilled water at room temperature and measuring the time required
for dispersion in water.
Thermogravimetric analyses were performed using a Shimadzu TG41 thermal ana-
lyzer. Forty-milligram samples after grinding to pass 250 mm sieve were spread
Table 1
Analysis results of the olive refuse and paper mill waste samples as received
Ž. Ž. Ž.
Sample Moisture Ash Volatile matter Gross calorific C % H % N %
Ž. Ž. Ž. Ž .
% % % value MJrkg
Olive refuse 7.5 5.0 67.5 21.4 39.0 4.8 1.5
Paper mill waste 9.0 15.5 65.5 13.0 35.2 4.9 0.2
S. Yaman et al.rFuel Processing Technology 68 2000 23–3126
uniformly on the bottom of the crucible made of alumina. The samples were oxidised in
a dynamic dry air atmosphere of 40 ml miny1. Temperature was raised from ambient to
1273 K with a heating rate of 40 KPminy1.
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Combustion characteristics of the oliÕe refuse
The burning profile of the olive refuse is shown in Fig. 1. After releasing the
moisture content, the burning profile can be divided into two regions: the rapid burning
region and the slow burning region. First, as temperature increased, a sudden loss in the
mass of the sample occurred at 481 K, representing the release of some volatiles and
their ignition. In the rapid burning region, the rate of the mass loss proceeded so rapidly
that it reached its maximum value of 7.8 mgrmin at 529 K and it immediately slowed
down to 1 mgrmin at 641 K. Since the volatile matter content of the olive refuse was as
Fig. 1. Burning profile of the olive refuse.
S. Yaman et al.rFuel Processing Technology 68 2000 23–31 27
high as 73% on the dry basis, the releasing and consequently, ignition of the volatiles
under oxidising atmosphere can be attributed to the rapid loss of mass. Likewise, the
oily components of the olive refuse may have accelerated the burning. Then, in the other
region, outer surfaces of the partly burned olive refuse particles were covered with the
forming ash and diffusion of oxygen through this layer into unburned combustible parts
became harder. Therefore, burning rate apparently decreased and consequently, some
small losses in the mass of the sample continuously went on as long as temperature was
increased up to 1273 K, indicating the slow burning of the partly carbonized residue. On
the dry-ash free basis, 62.8% of the combustible part burned in the first region, whereas
37.2% of the same burned in the second region. It is concluded that most of the calorific
value probably originated from the rapid burning region. These results showed that
ignition of the olive refuse was very easy but its burning does not proceed in a uniform
and regular regime. Under these circumstances, it is hard to maintain steady heating by
burning olive refuse directly. However, olive refuse can be burned after blending with
other fuels.
3.2. Briquetting of the oliÕe refuse
Some experiments were conducted to determine optimum briquetting pressure and
moisture content of the olive refuse sample. In order to determine the optimum
briquetting pressure, olive refuse having the moisture content of 7.5% was briquetted
under 150, 200, and 250 MPa pressures. Results of these experiments are shown in
Table 2.
Shatter index and compressive strength represent the level of the mechanical strength
of the briquettes against physical effects. Therefore, their values must be as high as
possible. With respect to these results, under 150 MPa pressure, compressive strength
was higher than those obtained under higher pressures. When pressure increased to 200
MPa, the highest shatter index was determined. However, compressive strength affected
negatively. The results of the experiments showed that increasing briquetting pressure
improved water resistance. However, the lowest mechanical strength results belonged to
the experiments carried out at 250 MPa. The effect of the briquetting pressure on the
mechanical strength of the briquettes is highly complex. Pressure provides the approach
of the biomass particles, decreasing the distance between them. Consequently, the
contact of the surfaces of the particles becomes augmented and gaps between them are
filled. However, in order to obtain firm briquettes, briquetting pressure should be
Table 2
Effect of the briquetting pressure on the strength of the olive refuse briquettes
Briquetting pressure Shatter index Compressive strength Water resistance time
Ž. Ž . Ž.
MPa kgrcm min
150 367 33 133
200 468 25 142
250 330 15 160
S. Yaman et al.rFuel Processing Technology 68 2000 23–3128
selected at the optimum value. As the briquetting pressure increases, first, mechanical
strength of the briquettes increases as a result of the plastic deformation. On the other
hand, related to the reversible nature of the plastic deformation above an optimum
briquetting pressure, a sudden dilatation takes place and consequently, some fractures
and splits appear in the briquette 6 . Results in Table 2 confirmed this fact for 250 MPa.
Minimum shatter index and compressive strength values were measured under 250 MPa.
The highest results of shatter index and compressive strength were determined for 200
and 150 MPa, respectively. It is apparent that the selection of the optimum briquetting
pressure should be done between 200 and 150 MPa. Since, the water resistance time for
200 MPa was longer than that for 150 MPa, 200 MPa was selected as the optimum
briquetting pressure. Then, briquetting pressure was fixed at 200 MPa, and moisture
content of the olive refuse was changed between 5% and 15%. Results of these
experiments are given in Table 3.
These results designated that decreasing moisture content to 5% led to a serious
reduce in the shatter index, compared with that for 7.5% of moisture content. Likewise,
compressive strength and water resistance also decreased. When moisture content
increased to 15%, some increase took place in the compressive strength. Although
shatter index for 15% moisture content was higher than that for 5% moisture content, it
was considerably lower than the result of the experiment in which moisture content was
7.5%. On the other hand, the lowest water resistance time was observed when the
moisture content increased to 15%. On the basis of the results of these experiments, 200
MPa briquetting pressure and 7.5% of moisture content were allowed as the optimum
values of these parameters.
3.3. Briquetting of oliÕe refuse with paper mill waste
In order to obtain more firm briquettes from the olive refuse, mechanical strengths of
the briquettes must be increased. For this purpose, into olive refuse, addition of a more
fibrous biomass sample having similar combustion behaviour, moisture, and volatile
matter contents should be investigated. In fact, moisture and volatile matter contents of
the paper mill waste and the olive refuse are very close to each other. However, since
the ash content of the paper mill waste was higher, its calorific value was lower.
Burning profile of the paper mill waste is illustrated in Fig. 2.
It can be seen from Fig. 2 that there is a good similarity in the burning characteristics
of both biomass samples. After release of the moisture content, a sudden loss in the
Table 3
Effect of the moisture content on the strength of the olive refuse briquettes
Moisture content Shatter index Compressive strength Water resistance time
Ž. Ž . Ž .
%kgrcm min
5 164 22 62
7.5 468 25 142
15 235 29 26
S. Yaman et al.rFuel Processing Technology 68 2000 23–31 29
Fig. 2. Burning profile of the paper mill waste.
mass occurred and following this, some small losses appeared. The main peak began at
510 K and finished at 689 K. Maximum rate of loss was 11 mgrmin at 577 K. On the
dry-ash free basis, 70.6% of the combustible part burned during rapid burning region
and only 29.4% burned in the slow burning region.
The own briquetting capacity of the paper mill waste was investigated under different
conditions. The results of these experiments are tabulated in Table 4.
Table 4
Analyses results of the briquettes obtained from paper mill waste
Moisture content Briquetting pressure Shatter index Compressive strength Water resistance
Ž. Ž . Ž . Ž .
% MPa kgrcm time min
5 250 36227 815 19
9 250 155802 1299 31
15 250 168875 1057 15
9 150 43604 1249 25
9 200 84249 1096 29
S. Yaman et al.rFuel Processing Technology 68 2000 23–3130
Paper mill waste having 9% of moisture content was briquetted under 150, 200, and
250 MPa pressures. These results showed that at fixed moisture content, increasing
briquetting pressure so improved mechanical strength that very strong briquette having a
shatter index of 155802 can be produced under 250 MPa. Likewise, the compressive
strength of these briquettes was very high. However, when the moisture content of the
paper mill waste was changed to 15%, some increase in the shatter index and some
reduction in the compressive strength were determined, whereas when the moisture
content decreased to 5%, both of the parameters were affected negatively. On the other
hand, water resistance times were shorter than those of the olive refuse. Nevertheless, it
can be concluded from these results that addition of the paper mill waste into the olive
refuse can give rise to the mechanical strengths of the briquettes to be produced.
Olive refuse and paper mill waste samples having their own original moisture
contents were blended in equal ratios and then this blend was briquetted under 200 MPa
pressure. Shatter index of this briquette was calculated as 4813, and compressive
strength was measured as 319 kgrcm2. Water resistance time was determined as 27 min.
Differential thermogravimetry technique was also applied to the mixture and the shape
of the curve was seen as the average of the two parent biomass samples Fig. 3 .
Fig. 3. Burning profile of the mixture.
S. Yaman et al.rFuel Processing Technology 68 2000 23–31 31
4. Conclusion
Of the biomass samples, olive refuse and paper mill waste can be used in the
production of durable fuel briquettes. The mechanical strength of the briquettes obtained
from only olive refuse was quite low. However, strong briquettes can be produced using
fibrous paper mill waste by itself or adding it to the olive refuse. When olive refuse and
paper mill waste were blended and then this blend was briquetted, both strong and good
quality briquettes can be produced. Therefore, these abundant and cheap biomass
samples can be used as an alternative energy source.
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... The density ratio was calculated as the ratio of the relaxed density of the briquettes to the maximum density which was obtained immediately after the compression of briquettes from the briquetting machine [21]. ...
... The exothermic peak, endothermic peak and glass transition temperature were identified for the Gloriosa superba waste and turmeric leaf waste. The maximum compacting temperature was also found with respect to the glass transition temperature identified for these briquettes [21]. ...
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The production chain of Gloriosa superba trimming (G) and turmeric leaf trimming (T) is a potential source of biomass residue, leading to high productivity and value-added product generation. Gloriosa superva waste and residues from turmeric leaf production are incinerated, which can lead to potential environmental problems. However, briquetting this waste would serve as an alternative process to produce a relatively high-energy fuel. In this study, Gloriosa superba waste and turmeric leaves were mixed in different ratios such as 0:100 (GT1), 25:75 (GT2), 50:50 (GT3), 75:25 (GT4) and 100:0 (GT5) with 20% cassava starch added as a binder. The produced briquettes were analysed for close-up analysis, physical properties, SEM analysis, elemental analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetric analysis and XRD analysis. The densities of the GT briquettes ranged from 840.33 to 1176.5 kg/m³. EDAX analysis revealed that the major elements in the briquettes samples of gloriosa superva waste and turmeric leaf waste were carbon and oxygen, 56.56% and 36.062%, respectively. The spontaneous combustion properties were reconfirmed by TGA and DSC analyses of the briquettes. The total calorific value of the briquettes produced varies between 11.66 and 15.64 MJ/kg. The briquettes had an ignition time of 3.3–4.0 s and a burning time of 20–28 min. Thus, briquettes made from Gloriosa superba waste and turmeric leaves containing 20% cassava starch proved to be an alternative energy source due to their low moisture and ash content and associated high calorific value.
... Of the alternative energy sources, biomass has a great potential as a result of being renewable in contrast to fossil fuels. Biomass can store some of the solar energy as a mass in its body by photosynthesis, and this energy is released during combustion of biomass [4]. However, transportation, storage, and utilization of the biomass are very difficult due to its uneven, fluffy, and dusty characteristics [5]. ...
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The awareness of the negative impact to environment due to deforestation, desertification and greenhouse emissions have led to finding alternative energy sources to traditional resources. In this work, briquettes of coal and banana waste (leave and pseudostem) were produced with calcium hydroxide as the desulphurizing agent while starch was used as the binder. Briquettes of varied biomass concentrations were produced by mixing the coal and banana leave and coal and banana pseudostem at various composition ratios by weight; (100: 0, 90:10, 80:20, 70:30, and 60:40). The briquettes were produced mechanically using a manual briquetting machine with pressure maintained at 7MPa. The results of the proximate analysis showed that the moisture content, volatile matter and ash content of the composites briquettes ranges between 6.74 and 9.36%, 25.25 to 39.78% and 6.25 to 8.75% respectively. The carbon content, porosity index, calorific value, ignition time, combustion rate and thermal efficiency of the composite briquettes ranges between 54.16 to 76.32%, 23.42 and 44.48%, 31.62 to 31.43 MJ/kg, 57.24 to 180.96 seconds, 0.035 to 0.083 g/min and 12.73 to 15.63% respectively. The higher calorific value and the lower volatile matter of the composite briquettes in compare with biomass briquettes make them more favorable as a solid fuel. However, the optimum biomass concentration for improving the cooking efficiency is at 35% banana waste.
... Similar findings were reported by Refs. [63,64]. They found that SWDF made from mixed paper had low calorific value due to high ash content. ...
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Wood waste and waste Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) bottles are two of the solid wastes posing severe challenges to waste management facilities and constituting nuisance to humans and the environment in Nigeria due to poor management. These wastes could be utilized to produce solid biofuels for various energy applications to reduce CO2 emissions. This study, therefore, aims to investigate the potential of converting these wastes locally into solid waste-derived fuels (SWDF) briquettes in a bid to present an alternative approach to managing them. Four types of SWDF briquettes were produced from mixed wood waste and waste PET bottles in blend ratios of 100:0, 60:40, 50:50, and 40:60 using a screw press briquetting machine with single extrusion die. The effect of PET plastic amount on different properties, such as net calorific value, ash content, durability, and density, of the produced briquettes was investigated. In addition, obtained results were compared with the quality standards of densified fuels specified by the European Pellet Council. to ascertain the quality of the produced SWDF briquettes. The results revealed that the SWDF briquettes made only from mixed wood waste exhibited the lowest calorific value (17.15 MJ/kg) and highest ash content (2.74 %), while the SWDFs made from blends of mixed wood waste and PET bottles had higher calorific values (17.85–20.77 MJ/kg) and lower ash contents (1.05–1.37 %). Moreover, except for density and chlorine content (<750 kg/m³ and <0.03 wt% respectively), all the produced SWDFs complied with the quality standards of densified fuels specified by the European Pellet Council. These results suggest that these blends could yield SWDFs with improved quality and combustion properties, and could present a new way of managing these solid wastes.
... The authors reported an increase in calorific value compared to mono-resource briquettes. Paper and cardboard mixed with green waste, blended biomass from post-harvest agricultural waste and sawdust from different wood species have also been explored previous authors (Pradhan et al. 2018;Yaman et al. 2000;Lela et al. 2016). Subsequently, it is important to note that none of the studies, including those by Adu-Poku et al. (2022) and Yustas et al. (2022a, b), on blending charred palm kernel shell with other binding agents for briquette production, has considered the physio-chemical properties of palm kernel decanter cake in any of the blends. ...
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In the age of circular economy, improving the physicochemical characteristics of waste-based briquettes will aid in the development of high-quality and reasonably priced briquettes. In the current study, composite briquettes are made by mixing decanter cake and oil palm kernel shell in different ratios. The physicochemical characteristics of the composite briquette that will produce the best calorific values (CV) were identified using response surface methodology (RSM). At 0.3 wt% moisture content (MC), 10 wt% fixed carbon (FC), 0.5 wt% ash content (AC) and 80 wt% volatile matter (VM), the briquette with 20 wt% cardboard waste binder registered an optimal CV of 30.35 MJ/kg. The CV for the bentonite clay binder was also 29.40 MJ/kg, and the corresponding MC, AC, VM, and FC values were 0.3 wt%, 0.5 wt%, 60 wt%, and 40 wt%. To the best of our knowledge, no studies have been conducted that compare the physicochemical properties of the binary mixture of palm kernel shells (PKS) and decanter cake (PKDC) while using bentonite and cardboard waste as binders in the RSM optimisation model.
Recent years have seen a substantial increase in interest in using biomass as a renewable energy source due to concerns about sustainability and energy security. However, using biomass alone as a fuel source has its own drawbacks such as lower bulk density, low heating values, high moisture, and ash content. Therefore, a promising solution is the co-firing of biomass with coal in the form of briquettes which improves these properties. This study assesses the effectiveness of making coal-biomass briquettes using Shahrigh coal obtained from Balochistan, Pakistan, sugarcane bagasse as the biomass component, clay as the binder, and slake lime as the desulfurizing agent. Proximate analysis along with ignition efficiency, water boiling test, emission analysis, and sulfur determination was carried out on the samples following different American Standard of Testing Materials (ASTM) procedures. The results showed that briquettes have an average moisture content of 4.36%, ash content of 33.92%, volatile matter of 29.77%, and fixed carbon of 31.95%. The calorific value of the briquettes was measured to be 18.215 MJ/kg, while the emission analysis revealed nitrogen oxides (NOx) and carbon monoxide (CO) values to be 7 ppm and 518 ppm respectively. The sulfur content was found to be between 4.9 and 5.2%, while the ignition time and water boiling time were 309 s and 18.32 min respectively. The coal–sugarcane bagasse briquettes exhibited promising characteristics in terms of their physiochemical properties, indicating their potential as an alternative fuel source. This research improves understanding of sugarcane bagasse utilization in coal-biomass briquettes for renewable energy production.
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As one of the world's most significant staple crops, rice has played a crucial part in meeting the primary demand for food for inhabitants across the globe. China and India are the two major producers and consumers of rice as compared to the rest of the world. Despite that, several environmental and health hazards are associated with rice residue, i.e., rice straw. In recent years, the emission of greenhouse gases, deterioration of the soil characteristics and production of hazardous smog have become significant issues that are usually faced during the open-field burning of rice straw in the northern region of India. Several studies have validated the alarming threats of these issues, but on the ground level, suitable measures are yet to be taken. The present review article aims to provide comprehensive details about the utilization of rice straw in various in-situ and ex-situ technologies while highlighting the physical, chemical, thermal and biological characteristics for its application in upcoming technologies with a special emphasis on Northern India. Apart from that, particular emphasis has been given to the initiatives commenced by the government of India for the management of rice straw. A Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats analysis has been carried out to mitigate the problems related to rice straw, followed by a brief discussion of future perspectives along with sustainable development goals. The data outlined in the article is anticipated to aid the researchers, stakeholders and concerned authorities in improvising the existing practices or to attain new findings for the sustainable management of rice straw. Graphical Abstract Redefining rice straw management: opting for sustainable solutions over conventional methods
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Turning biomass waste into briquettes using densification techniques is one of the most promising steps toward mitigating biomass waste pollution and fuel issues in developing countries. Despite the continuous growth of scientific output over the past few decades, only a limited amount of information is available in the literature on biomass briquette optimization and mathematical modeling, as well as the physiochemical characterization of biomass feedstocks and briquette operating variables. In light of this gap in the current literature, this study summarizes the current state of the art and recent advances in biomass-based briquettes generated from agro-residues as an alternative source of clean energy. The primary research method for this study is literature review and conceptual modeling. First, many densification processes, such as piston press, screw press, roller press, hydraulic press, and quality variables such as ash content, calorific value, moisture content, density, compressive strength, shatter index, etc., are thoroughly discussed and compared. Then characteristics of different biomass wastes are studied, together with process parameters, including temperature, type of binder used, particle size, and influence on densification process choice. The current evaluation concentrated on the mathematical modeling and optimization of the briquetting technology and the usefulness of briquettes in applications for heating, cooking, and energy production. Overall, this manuscript will help new researchers understand the basic methodology, classification, limitations, and future perspective of briquetting technology in the production of solid biofuels.
The utilization of rice straw for energy in grain drying has garnered significant attention in rice-producing countries. However, its effectiveness as a fuel in grain drying is uncertain due to a lack of information on its fundamental properties. Rice straw is considered a low-quality feedstock due to its high ash content 10-17%, which is higher than that of wheat straw a ~3%, and its high silica content in the ash 75% for rice straw and 55% for wheat straw. Conversely, rice straw has relatively low total alkali content less than 15% Na2O and K2O in total ash, while wheat straw has less than 25% alkali content in ash. Based on its slagging index (Rs 0.04) and fouling index (RF 0.24), it is expected that rice straw will not pose significant operational issues or result in different emissions compared to wheat straw and rice husk under similar conditions. This paper aims to explore these properties and how they can be enhanced through pretreatment technologies. The focus is on two fundamental properties: calorific (heating) value and density, and the pretreatment technologies employed are sizing and compression. Existing literature indicates that both the physical and chemical properties of rice straw can be significantly improved through these pretreatment methods. The compressive strength and heating value of the biomass briquette are influenced by the hot-pressing temperature. Increasing the percentage of rice bran in the briquette enhances its compressive strength and heating value. Interestingly, the energy required for compressing the rice straw briquette can be minimized by adding a certain percentage of binder (such as rice bran, sawdust, or other biomass waste) to the crushed rice straw.
Liquids produced by flash pyrolysis of biomass and solid wastes are intendedto be used in direct combustion but they contain a high quantity of oxygenated molecules which causes unwanted characteristics such as thermal instability, tendency to polymerise, corrosion and low heating value. These properties can be improved by partial or total elimination of oxygen atoms by catalytic hydrotreating with production of hydrocarbons and water. This paper reviews the development of this process from the first empirical tests using real oils and industrial sulphided cobalt-molybdenum and nickel-molybdenum supported on alumina catalysts to the development of a specially dedicated catalytic system. Special attention is given to the catalytic aspects: the reaction schemes, the identification of the different catalytic functions and the control of the reaction. finally, we discuss the utilisation of activated carbon as a new support.
Tea waste was briquetted at ambient and elevated temperatures in a calibrated laboratory hydraulic press using a punch and die set for 5--30 minutes under pressures of 300--800 MPa. The effects of the briquetting pressure on the density, the moisture content, and the compressive strength of the briquettes were examined at different pressures. The optimum moisture contents and compressive strengths were found to be 15--18% and 36.2--37.1 MPa for tea wastes samples. The effect of the briquetting temperature and time on the briquette density of tea waste were determined.
Studies have demonstrated that waste paper and wheat straw or their mixtures can be compressed to a relative density greater than unity, and stabilized at that density without binder material. A reduction in the volume of the material also provides a technological benefit, so the material could be transported and stored more economically than is possible at present. The effects of the briquetting pressure on the density, moisture content, and bending and compressive strengths of the briquettes were determined at six different pressures of 300, 400, 500, 600, 700 and 800 MPa. The optimum moisture contents and compressive strengths were found to be respectively 18.0% and 38.2 MPa for waste paper, 22.0% and 22.4 MPa for wheat straw, and 18.0% and 32.0 MPa for a 20.0% by weight of waste paper and straw mixture. The effect of the temperature and time on the briquette density of wheat straw was examined.
In this study, low-quality Afşin-Elbistan lignite was mixed with a high-quality Siberian bituminous coal and optimum briquetting conditions were investigated for blends with and without binder materials. The blends of lignite and bituminous coal were prepared to contain 30, 40, and 50% bituminous coal and briquetted under pressures of 566 MPa and 708 MPa. The blends of lignite and bituminous coal were also briquetted using sunflower shell, sawdust and molasses as additives. In these experiments, the percentage of the lignite in the blends was fixed at 50%, so that the sum of the percentages of the bituminous coal and binder additive was always 50%. In this way, the low-grade lignite and high-quality bituminous coal dust are converted into a compact and stable fuel which has a higher quality.
Firewood and charcoal use in Pakistan has led to extensive deforestation, whereas kerosene use depletes the country's foreign exchange earnings. Substituting coal briquettes from indigenous coal for these fuels in residential and commercial, institutional, and light-industrial cooking and heating could help alleviate these problems. We evaluate the potential financial success of an unsubsidized, private sector, coal-briquetting venture in Pakistan and find that coal briquettes could compete successfully with firewood in some markets, particularly in urban areas of the Punjab and the North West Frontier Province, as well as with charcoal and kerosene in most areas of Pakistan. Our consumer testing indicates that residential consumers are relatively positive on briquette use for cooking and space heating, while most commercial users probably would adopt briquettes more slowly. The most promising briquette is a coal-biomass mixture not requiring carbonization. Briquette marketing and distribution, the impact of government tax and competing fuels policies, and the health effects of coal-briquette emissions are also examined.
Woody biomass, in the form of firewood and charcoal, is the main energy source in the Sudan. Agricultural residues in this country are assessed and their use as energy sources is investigated. Cotton stalks are produced in two large agricultural processes and have been used for this purpose. The conversion process of cotton stalks to usable energy is discussed. We also present the results of surveys which were conducted to assess user acceptance of the new fuel. Encouraging results were obtained. Briquetting of carbonized cotton stalks was found to provide an environmentally sound and socially accepted fuel and also solve a waste-disposal problem.
Biomass in the form of mixed wood waste was pyrolysed in a fluidized bed reactor at 400, 450, 500 and 550°C. The char, liquid and gas products were analysed to determine their elemental composition and calorific value. In particular, the liquid products were analysed in detail to determine the concentration of environmentally hazardous polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and potentially high-value oxygenated aromatic compounds in relation to the process conditions. The gases evolved were CO2, CO and C1C4 hydrocarbons. The liquids were homogeneous, of low viscosity and highly oxygenated. The molecular weight range of the liquids was 50–1300 u. Chemical fractionation of the liquids showed that only low quantities of hydrocarbons were present and the oxygenated and polar fractions were dominant. PAH up to MW 252 were present in the liquids; some of the PAH identified have been shown to be carcinogenic and/or mutagenic. The concentration of PAH in the liquids increased with pyrolysis temperature, but even at the maximum pyrolysis temperature of 550°C the total concentration was < 120 ppmw. The liquids contained significant quantities of phenolic compounds and the yield of phenol and its alkylated derivatives was highest at 500 and 550°C. Some of the oxygenated compounds identified are of high value.
Studies have demonstrated that waste paper and wheat straw or their mixtures can be compressed to a relative density greater than unity, and stabilized at that density without binder material. A reduction in the volume of the material also provides a technological benefit, so the material could be transported and stored more economically than is possible at present. The effects of the briquetting pressure on the density, moisture content, and bending and compressive strengths of the briquettes were determined at six different pressures of 300, 400, 500, 600, 700 and 800 MPa. The optimum moisture contents and compressive strengths were found to be respectively 18.0% and 38.2 MPa for waste paper, 22.0% and 22.4 MPa for wheat straw, and 18.0% and 32.0 MPa for a 20.0% by weight of waste paper and straw mixture. The effect of the temperature and time on the briquette density of wheat straw was examined.
Waste material in the form of wood waste, municipal solid waste and rice husks was pyrolysed in a gas-purged static batch reactor and a fluidised bed reactor. The condensed pyrolytic oils were analysed for their content of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). The oils were fractionated into chemical classes using mini-column liquid chromatography followed by analysis using GC/FID and GC/MS for identification and quantitation of PAH. The waste derived oils were found to contain substantial concentrations of PAH, which were formed via secondary Diels—Alder and deoxygenation reactions. The concentrations of PAH were influenced by reactor temperature and residence time. The PAH consisted mainly of naphthalene, fluorene and phenanthrene and their alkylated homologues, but also included some PAH which were of known carcinogenic or mutagenic activity.
Biomass pyrolysis oils have potential to be used as a fuel oil substitute. Combustion tests have shown that the oils burn efficiently in standard or slightly modified boilers and engines with rates similar to those for commercial fuels. However, these tests also identified several challenges in bio-oils applications resulting from their properties. The oils have heating values of only 40-50% of that for hydrocarbon fuels. They have a high water content that is detrimental for ignition. Organic acids in the oils are corrosive to common construction materials. Solids (char) can block injectors or erode turbine blades. Over time, reactivity of some components in the oils leads to formation of larger molecules that results in high viscosity and in slower combustion. This paper discusses physical and chemical characteristics of bio-oils relevant to fuel applications as well as some low-cost methods for improvement of these properties. It also provides bio-oil specifications proposed by some industrial users and recommendations for storage and handling.