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Deep learning for the classification of medical kidney disease: a pilot study for electron microscopy


Abstract and Figures

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a new frontier and often enigmatic for medical professionals. Cloud computing could open up the field of computer vision to a wider medical audience and deep learning on the cloud allows one to design, develop, train and deploy applications with ease. In the field of histopathology, the implementation of various applications in AI has been successful for whole slide images rich in biological diversity. However, the analysis of other tissue medias, including electron microscopy, is yet to be explored. The present study aims to evaluate deep learning for the classification of medical kidney disease on electron microscopy images: amyloidosis, diabetic glomerulosclerosis, membranous nephropathy, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN), and thin basement membrane disease (TBMD). We found good overall classification with the MedKidneyEM-v1 Classifier and when looking at normal and diseased kidneys, the average area under the curve for precision and recall was 0.841. The average area under the curve for precision and recall on the disease only cohort was 0.909. Digital pathology will shape a new era for medical kidney disease and the present study demonstrates the feasibility of deep learning for electron microscopy. Future approaches could be used by renal pathologists to improve diagnostic concordance, determine therapeutic strategies, and optimize patient outcomes in a true clinical environment.
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Deep learning for the classification of medical
kidney disease: a pilot study for electron
Sean Hacking & Vanesa Bijol
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Published online: 14 Feb 2021.
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Deep learning for the classication of medical kidney disease: a pilot study for
electron microscopy
Sean Hacking and Vanesa Bijol
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Northwell, Manhasset, New York, USA
Articial intelligence (AI) is a new frontier and often enigmatic for medical professionals. Cloud
computing could open up the eld of computer vision to a wider medical audience and deep
learning on the cloud allows one to design, develop, train and deploy applications with ease. In the
eld of histopathology, the implementation of various applications in AI has been successful for
whole slide images rich in biological diversity. However, the analysis of other tissue medias,
including electron microscopy, is yet to be explored. The present study aims to evaluate deep
learning for the classication of medical kidney disease on electron microscopy images: amyloido-
sis, diabetic glomerulosclerosis, membranous nephropathy, membranoproliferative glomerulone-
phritis (MPGN), and thin basement membrane disease (TBMD). We found good overall classication
with the MedKidneyEM-v1 Classier and when looking at normal and diseased kidneys, the average
area under the curve for precision and recall was 0.841. The average area under the curve for
precision and recall on the disease only cohort was 0.909. Digital pathology will shape a new era for
medical kidney disease and the present study demonstrates the feasibility of deep learning for
electron microscopy. Future approaches could be used by renal pathologists to improve diagnostic
concordance, determine therapeutic strategies, and optimize patient outcomes in a true clinical
Received 30 December 2020
Accepted 25 January 2021
Deep Learning; Medical
Kidney Disease; Electron
Microscopy; Cloud
Computing; 21st Century
Today, the field of artificial intelligence (AI) is
exploding, primarily due to deep learning (DL),
a subset of machine learning (ML) which utilizes
artificial neural networks, modeled after the occipi-
tal cortex of the human brain.
This excitement has led to the development of
numerous computational models with utility for his-
tological segmentation of and classification of glo-
meruli from mouse and human kidney biopsies.
One study was found to have the ability to predict
clinical phenotype utilizing convolutional neural
networks (CNN) and the assessment of kidney
Current state of the art is based on hema-
toxylin and eosin (H&E), periodic acid Schiff (PAS)
and trichrome-stained tissues; however, there are
limited data on electron microscopy (EM) tissue
media and computer vision.
The first convolutional neural network for multi-
class segmentation was validated on PAS-stained
nephrectomy samples and transplant biopsies.
Despite recent advancements, models like these
really have no utility for clinical practice. Often
termed “low level,” these approaches do not per-
form diagnostics and guide treatments for patients
with medical kidney disease.
More recently, Ginley et al. developed a digital
pipeline to classify renal biopsies from patients with
diabetic nephrosclerosis (DN).
However, this
model did not include many other medical nephro-
pathies, such as amyloidosis, fibrillary glomerulo-
nephritis, membranous nephropathy (MN), thin
basement membrane disease (TBMD), postinfec-
tious glomerulonephritis (PIGN), and membrano-
proliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN).
Creating a computation model capable of robust
disease classification is the next frontier for compu-
tational image analysis in digital nephropathology.
With recent developments in cloud computing,
models can be developed anywhere and application
programming interfaces (API) can be uploaded
from the cloud onto mobile or desktop-based plat-
forms. The advantages for using cloud computing
CONTACT Sean Hacking Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine
at Northwell, Manhasset, New York, USA.
© 2021 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
in the deep learning environment are that it allows
large datasets to be easily integrated and organized
for model training; it also allows models to scale
efficiently and at a lower cost. The cloud leverages
the advantages associated with distributing net-
works and by deep learning on the cloud, one can
design, develop, and train deep learning applica-
tions easily.
The evaluation of ultrastructural features is often
performed in medical practice and electron micro-
scopy (EM) is the champion of this field.
methods for partial scanning transmission electron
microscopy (TEM) and deep learning were able to
achieve high performance with adaptive learning,
rate clipping of loss spikes, in addition to an aux-
iliary trainer network,
while other groups have
been able to utilize machine learning on small sub-
sets of labeled EM data.
In the field of renal pathol-
ogy, EM images are often very helpful for more
precise diagnosis and better characterization of
the disease processes. This begs the question: can
deep learning be utilized on EM images for the
diagnosis of medical kidney disease?
As tissue analysis is performed on more than
traditional hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained
tissue, this study also serves to expand the use
of deep learning to other tissue media. The use
of immunofluorescence (IF) and immunohisto-
chemistry (IHC) is ubiquitous to the practice of
pathology and methods such as in-vivo micro-
scopy are also becoming more understood.
This suggests that it may be valuable to validate
deep learning on various visual mediums for
future use in clinical practice.
This publication is the first to evaluate deep
learning and EM for the purpose of classifying
medical kidney disease. Herein, we developed the
MedKidneyEM-v1 Classifier, which was derived
from conventional digital EM images. The present
study evaluates deep learning in EM, while also
stimulating discussion on cloud computing and
the practice of 21
century medicine.
Materials and methods
Ethics statement
Experimental protocols were approved by
Institutional Review Board at the Office of the
Human Research Protection Program licensing
committee. All methods were carried out in accor-
dance with relevant guidelines and regulations.
Patient consent was not required by the institutional
review board (IRB) committee due to the retrospec-
tive nature of the study (Northwell Health IRB num-
ber: 20–0824).
Study design
This was a retrospective study of medical kidney dis-
ease patients diagnosed at the Northshore University
Hospital and Long Island Jewish Medical Center,
Northwell Health. Diagnoses were made based on
the clinical findings in addition to the assessment of
hematoxylin and eosin (H&E), periodic acid-Schiff
(PAS), Jones methenamine, and trichrome-stained
slides, EM findings, and immunofluorescence (IF).
For the purpose of computation in this current
study, EM images were classified for training, valida-
tion and testing based on the final diagnosis made by
an expert renal nephropathologist (VB) in collabora-
tion with clinical nephrologists and other consultant
specialists as necessary.
Transmission electron microscopy
EM was to allow for direct detection followed by
negative staining as originally proposed by Brenner
and Horne (1959) (Figure 1).
Tissues were fixed with
2–2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 phosphate buffer (pH
7.0 7.3) and examined on a JEOL JEM-100CX II
with a tungsten-filament 100kV transmission electron
microscope. Digital images were performed with an
Advanced Microscopy Techniques (AMT) camera
(model: 1412AM-T1-FW-AM), Woburn, MA.
Ultrathin sections were examined using standard
techniques. Morphological features of all glomerular
structures were evaluated, including parietal and visc-
eral epithelial cells, glomerular basement membrane
thickness and texture, endothelial cell morphology, as
well as mesangial space with cells and matrix. The
presence of electron-dense deposits and their distribu-
tion and substructural organization was also noted.
Classication of medical kidney disease
EM images were collected from patients diagnosed
with the following disease entities: amyloidosis,
membranous nephropathy (MN), membranoproli-
ferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN), thin basement
membrane disease (TBMD), diabetic glomerulo-
sclerosis, and normal control kidneys.
Amyloid deposits on EM reveal fibrillary sub-
structural organization, with randomly arranged
non-branching fibrils 8–12 nm in diameter. MN is
characterized by the presence of subepithelial elec-
tron-dense deposits and intervening basement mem-
brane spikes, with associated diffuse effacement of
podocyte foot processes. In early stages of MN, sub-
epithelial dense deposits are sparsely distributed and
basement membrane spikes are not well established.
In membranoproliferative pattern of glomerular
injury, glomerular capillary walls become remo-
deled due to the presence of subendothelial dense
deposits and cellular interposition; a new basement
membrane material is often laid down under the
displaced endothelium resulting in double contour
Glomerular basement membranes can be attenu-
ated due to an inherited abnormality of basement
membrane collagens. Thin glomerular basement
membranes are of normal structure but when mea-
sured using standard intercept methods, they are
less than 264 nm in diameter. Splintering of the
basement membranes is seen in more severe defects
that are considered under the hereditary nephritis
and those changes should not be seen in a thin
glomerular basement membrane lesion.
Diabetic nodular glomerulosclerosis occurs
in patients with the clinical picture of diabetic
nephropathy. On EM, the mesangium is expanded
by matrix and cells, often with deposits of cellular
debris dispersed in the matrix. Glomerular
basement membranes are irregularly thickened.
Examples of different EM findings are available in
Figure 2.
Deep learning on the cloud
The MedKidneyEM-v1 Classifier was developed on
the Google Cloud Platform and was built on the
AutoML Vision application programming inter-
face. Cloud AutoML had the advantage of being
fully integrated with other Google Cloud services,
which was ideal for storing and training data in
Cloud Storage and sharing of APIs.
Cloud AutoML Vision relies on the principles of
deep learning; however, it also utilizes neural archi-
tecture searching. This transfer learning is used
under the hood to find the best deep learning net-
work architecture with optimal hyperparameter
configuration that minimizes the loss function for
the model.
A total of 21 node hours were used for
the creation of this computational assay. This
Figure 1. Negative-stain transmission electron microscop
MedKidney-v1 Classifier is also fully connected,
meaning that it goes directly from image to disease
classification and the ability to be deployed to both
desktop and mobile platforms. An overview of the
pipeline for our classifier is available in Figure 3.
Statistical analysis
Analyses were planned before the evaluations in the
training, validation and testing cohorts. The prede-
fined primary analysis for the MedKidneyEM-v1
Classifier was the creation of precision-recall trade-
off curves for different medical kidney diseases.
Confusion matrices were also classified to show
how often the model classified each disease cor-
rectly, and which disease were most often confused
for other entities. All analytical calculations were
calculated on Google Cloud Platform for
a confidence threshold of 0.5.
This study included an image database with 600
images from normal kidney (80) and the following
medical kidney diseases: amyloidosis (93), diabetic
glomerulosclerosis (106), MPGN (91), MN (120)
and TBMD (110). The classifier was trained on
a cohort consisting of 74 amyloid, 84 diabetic glomer-
ulosclerosis, 72 MPGN, 96 MN, 64 normal, and 87
TBMD medical kidney EM images. An independent
validation cohort consisted of 8 amyloidosis, 10 dia-
betic glomerulosclerosis, 9 MPGN, 12 MN, 8 normal,
and 10 TBMD. The classifier was tested on 11 amy-
loidosis, 12 diabetic glomerulosclerosis, 10 MPGN, 12
MN, 8 normal, and 13 TBMD. Magnification for
images was as follows: amyloidosis (2700–100000x),
diabetic glomerulosclerosis (4000–27000x), MPGN
(4000–27000x), MN (6700–27000x), normal (5000–
14000x), and TBMD (6700–20000x). Case numbers
and image magnification specifics can be found in
Table 1.
Overall performance
The average area under the curve (AUC) for preci-
sion and recall on both normal and diseased kid-
neys was 0.841. For a confidence threshold of 0.5,
the precision was 79.63% and the recall 65.15%. The
average area under the curve for precision and
recall on the disease only kidney cohort was 0.909.
Figure 2. Electron microscopy images and the spectrum of medical kidney disease. MPGN, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis;
TBMD, thin basement membrane disease.
For a confidence threshold of 0.5, the precision was
88.89% and the recall 68.97%. Results from AUC
(precision vs recall) and confusion matrix percen-
tages are illustrated in Figure 4.
Disease-specic performance
The normal and disease model had the following
precision values with a confidence threshold of 0.5.
For amyloidosis, precision was 100%, with a recall of
72.73%. For diabetic glomerulosclerosis precision
was 88.89% and the recall 66.67%. For MN, preci-
sion was 77.78% and the recall 58.33%. For MPGN,
precision was 77.78% and the recall 70%. For normal
kidney biopsies, precision was 50% and recall 25%.
For TBMD, precision was 73.33% and recall 84.62%.
The disease only model had the following precision
values with a confidence threshold of 0.5. For amyloi-
dosis, precision was 100% and recall 72.73%. For
diabetic glomerulosclerosis, precision was 100% and
Figure 3. Deep learning on the cloud allows you to design, develop and train applications.
Table 1. Electron microscopy image case numbers and magnification specifics. EM, Electron microscopy; MPGN, Membranoproliferative
glomerulonephritis; TBMD, Thin basement membrane disease.
EM Images Amyloid Diabetes MPGN Membranous Normal TBMD
Total 93 106 91 120 80 110
Training 74 84 72 96 64 87
Validation 8 10 9 12 8 10
Test 11 12 10 12 8 13
Magnification 2700–100000x 4000–27000x 4000–27000x 6700–27000x 5000–14000x 6700–20000x
recall 50%. For MN, precision was 80% with a recall of
66.67%. For MPGN, precision was 75% with a recall
of 60%. For TBMD, precision was 92.31% and recall
92.31%. Results from AUC (precision vs recall) for
individual disease entities are illustrated in Figure 5.
The diagnosis of medical kidney disease is based off
the visual assessment of conventional light micro-
scopy, IF, and EM. This is performed by
a consultant renal pathologist, who correlates
pathological findings with the patients’ clinical
Current approaches may not fully capture the
complex structural and cellular changes present in
medical kidney disease. Saying this, the hope is that
computational pathology will usher in a new era for
nephropathology; moving forward, we will need to
borrow concepts from biology and develop a new
ecosystem. In this study, we build on recent
advancements in deep learning and cloud
Figure 4. Overall performance of the MedKidneyEM-v1Classifier. MPGN, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis; TBMD, thin
basement membrane disease.
computing to develop a classifier (MedKidneyEM-
v1) for medical kidney disease based on electron
microscopy images.
Deep learning has accomplished many recent
achievements for the detection of different diseases
and cancer subtypes,
with a number of different
computational models being produced and pub-
lished over the past 20 years. Today, approaches
are beginning to be developed for new visual media
in the field of medicine. An example being the
electrocardiogram (ECG), where deep learning
has been found to provide prognostic information
to the interpretation of 12-lead resting ECGs.
There have been numerous recent studies using
AI for medical kidney diseases
, 8 of them uti-
lized PAS staining, 4 trichrome, while one used
desmin and another H&E.
Distinctive from our
study, these studies were performed on whole
slide images (WSI) from mice or human kidney
biopsies. Prior to this publication, the utility of
EM for diagnosis by computational analysis was
largely unknown.
Previous publications showed utility primarily
for segmentation of histological primitives, includ-
ing interstitial fibrosis, tubular atrophy, global glo-
merulosclerosis, glomeruli, Bowman’s capsule,
proximal and distal tubules, as well as the intersti-
tial space and capillaries. Compared to WSIs, EM
images have much more granularity and despite the
lack of color, these images harbor complex visual
profiles. This is often termed: high dimensionality
feature space, something certainly true for EM
images, which actually contain numerous high
dimensional features.
An interesting aspect for discussion is that prior
studies have also been able to provide prognostic
significance as a signature. This was demonstrated
by Kolachalama et al. on 171 WSI from kidney
biopsies based on the assessment of fibrosis.
theory, EM can be used to optimize diagnostic and
prognostic accuracy in medical kidney disease.
Here, machine learning could increase diagnostic
accuracy, streamline workflows and standardize
diagnostics. The ultimate goal of this being simple:
to improve patient outcomes in a true clinical
In future, applications in artificial intelligence
could be also used to determine treatments. For
example, in membranous nephropathy, treatment
is based on managing underlying disease states; how-
ever, around 40% of patients recover while others
progress to treatment with immunosuppressive
With AI, patients at risk for progression
could be identified earlier; while those with good
predictive outcomes could avoid overtreatment.
The use of AI in digital nephropathology should
not be limited to WSI. This is supported by the
findings in our study, where we were able to pro-
duce a computational model with utility for classi-
fication of medical kidney diseases. In doing so, we
were able to achieve good overall classification with
the Google Cloud Platform. When looking at
Figure 5. Area under the curve for precision and recall by individual disease entity. MPGN, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis;
TBMD, Thin basement membrane disease.
normal and diseased kidneys, the average area
under the curve was 0.841, while the average area
under the curve for precision and recall on the
disease only the kidney cohort was 0.909.
When looking at the classification of normal and
diseased kidneys, the model did misclassify normal
kidneys as TBMD. This was certainly a pitfall which
could lead to problems in clinical practice.
Regarding findings on EM, the mean width of the
GBM in TBMD is 225 ± 20 nm, while in normal
kidneys, it is 354 ± 42 nm.
It will be important for
the renal community to understand the limits of
different topologies in computational pathology. At
the same time, we as medical professionals need to
invest time and energy into fostering these technol-
ogies, in order to facilitate uptake for improved
patient care.
Pitfalls also highlight the need for integrated
diagnostics and diagnosis should be based on an
amalgamation of both clinical and pathological
findings, in conjunction with computation. This
has been termed the “digital ecosystem,”
a visual assessment is performed by a pathologist
and integrated with other domains, including arti-
ficial intelligence, for optimal patient care.
In this publication, EM images were taken at
varying magnifications in order to produce
a robust kidney disease classifier. In cases of amy-
loidosis, for example, image magnification varied
almost 50-fold from 2700 to 100000x. Future clas-
sifiers built on larger image databases, which are
trained at variable magnifications will be important
for bringing this technology to market.
At the time of this publication, 13 image reposi-
tories exist for kidney disease from universities
including the University of Michigan, the
University of Heidelberg, and the University of
Pennsylvania, to name a few.
Currently, these
databases are primarily comprised of WSI; how-
ever, different visual media in renal pathology will
grow so the digital pathology repositories would
include EM images.
It is important to mention that IF is integral to
diagnostic renal pathology
where characteristic
staining patterns for immunoglobulins and comple-
ment components can be used to diagnose many
forms of glomerulonephritis.
One study on pros-
tatectomy specimens developed a deep learning-
based artificial intelligence model to automate the
analysis of IF staining for anti-Ki-67 and ERG
They found that AI generated more
accurate and reproducible prediction models for
recurrence and metastasis after surgery, when com-
pared to manual analysis of IF.
Considering that IF
is ubiquitous to the field of nephropathology, future
applications should also integrate this technique.
In summary, we developed a clinically useful
medical kidney disease classifier based on deep
learning for EM images. This classifier was validated
in a large patient population, correlating well with
diagnoses given by expert renal pathologist. This
could be particularly useful in resource poor settings
and for institutions lacking subspecialty expertise.
Looking forward, it is unlikely that AI will replace
the consultant role of a renal pathologist, although it
will be a useful tool. Approaches for prognostic
profiling and therapeutic decision-making would
be particularly useful for patients with medical kid-
ney disease.
Availability of Application Programming
The MedKidneyEM-v1 Classifier can be made available from
the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
Compliance with Ethical Standards
The publication was carried out in accordance with the ethical
standards of the institutional research committee and with the
1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or com-
parable ethical standards.
Disclosure statement
The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work.
No funding was provided for the production of this
Sean Hacking
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... Part of the research work was also focused on the identification of specific medical conditions. The techniques used were EM [88], PAS/PAM [89] and IF [90]. One article in particular [88] focused on a group of pathologies such as amyloidosis, diabetic glomerulosclerosis, membranous nephropathy, membrano-proliferative glomerulonephritis and thin basement membrane disease. ...
... The techniques used were EM [88], PAS/PAM [89] and IF [90]. One article in particular [88] focused on a group of pathologies such as amyloidosis, diabetic glomerulosclerosis, membranous nephropathy, membrano-proliferative glomerulonephritis and thin basement membrane disease. ...
... Other studies mention directly in the final statement that they have followed the ethical standards of the Helsinki declaration. However, they do not mention having submitted the protocol to validation by the ethics committee or having had any type of content review by any authority of the partner institution [88]. ...
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Computational pathology is a field that has complemented various subspecialties of diagnostic pathology over the last few years. In this article a brief analyzis the different applications in nephrology is developed. To begin, an overview of the different forms of image production is provided. To continue, the most frequent applications of computer vision models, the salient features of the different clinical applications, and the data protection considerations encountered are described. To finish the development, I delve into the interpretability of these applications, expanding in depth on the three dimensions of this area.
... The application of cloud computing in deep learning arises mainly from the requirement of quick real-time inference. For instance, using cloud infrastructure for deep learning is vital in domains such as security and medicine, where traits such as scalability, redundancy, and availability are of paramount importance, as systems in such domains generally deal with sensitive data and require low to no downtime for the optimal functioning of the systems [9][10][11]. Therefore, the requirement of the high availability of deep learning model resources implies that metrics such as the latency, inference time, and throughput time of such deep learning systems are of prime importance when measuring the performance of the cloud ecosystems that these models are deployed in. ...
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As cloud computing rises in popularity across diverse industries, the necessity to compare and select the most appropriate cloud provider for specific use cases becomes imperative. This research conducts an in-depth comparative analysis of two prominent cloud platforms, Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS), with a specific focus on their suitability for deploying object-detection algorithms. The analysis covers both quantitative metrics—encompassing upload and download times, throughput, and inference time—and qualitative assessments like cost effectiveness, machine learning resource availability, deployment ease, and service-level agreement (SLA). Through the deployment of the YOLOv8 object-detection model, this study measures these metrics on both platforms, providing empirical evidence for platform evaluation. Furthermore, this research examines general platform availability and information accessibility to highlight differences in qualitative aspects. This paper concludes that Azure excels in download time (average 0.49 s/MB), inference time (average 0.60 s/MB), and throughput (1145.78 MB/s), and AWS excels in upload time (average 1.84 s/MB), cost effectiveness, ease of deployment, a wider ML service catalog, and superior SLA. However, the decision between either platform is based on the importance of their performance based on business-specific requirements. Hence, this paper ends by presenting a comprehensive comparison based on business-specific requirements, aiding stakeholders in making informed decisions when selecting a cloud platform for their machine learning projects.
... On the other hand, AI deep learning, which uses imaging data as a subset of machine learning, has achieved many recent advancements in the detection of various diseases over the past 20 years, including medical kidney diseases [28]. To the best of our knowledge, only four relevant studies are available. ...
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Background Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) has become the largest cause of end-stage kidney disease. Early and accurate detection of DKD is beneficial for patients. The present detection depends on the measurement of albuminuria or the estimated glomerular filtration rate, which is invasive and not optimal; therefore, new detection tools are urgently needed. Meanwhile, a close relationship between diabetic retinopathy and DKD has been reported; thus, we aimed to develop a novel detection algorithm for DKD using artificial intelligence technology based on retinal vascular parameters combined with several easily available clinical parameters in patients with type-2 diabetes. Methods A total of 515 consecutive patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus from Xiangyang Central Hospital were included. Patients were stratified by DKD diagnosis and split randomly into either the training set (70%, N = 360) or the testing set (30%, N = 155) (random seed = 1). Data from the training set were used to develop the machine learning algorithm (MLA), while those from the testing set were used to validate the MLA. Model performances were evaluated. Results The MLA using the random forest classifier presented optimal performance compared with other classifiers. When validated, the accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, F1 score, and AUC for the optimal model were 84.5%(95% CI 83.3–85.7), 84.5%(82.3–86.7), 84.5%(82.7–86.3), 0.845(0.831–0.859), and 0.914(0.903–0.925), respectively. Conclusions A new machine learning algorithm for DKD diagnosis based on fundus images and 8 easily available clinical parameters was developed, which indicated that retinal vascular changes can assist in DKD screening and detection.
... The feasibility of deep learning-based segmentation of kidney WSIs has been demonstrated for multiple histologic stains including H&E, PAS, silver, and trichrome, with PAS-stained sections yielding the best concordance between pathologists and convolutional neural networks [51]. In the assessment of kidney structural features, deep learning has mainly been applied to digital pathology images thus far, although researchers have started to evaluate this strategy on TEM images with reasonable success [52]. ...
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Background: Diagnosis and staging of diabetic kidney disease (DKD) via the serial assessment of routine laboratory indices lacks the granularity required to resolve the heterogenous disease mechanisms driving progression in the individual patient. A systems nephrology approach may help to resolve mechanisms underlying this clinically apparent heterogeneity, paving a way for targeted treatment of DKD. Summary: Given the limited access to kidney tissue in routine clinical care of patients with DKD, data derived from renal tissue in preclinical model systems, including animal and in vitro models, can play a central role in the development a targeted systems-based approach to DKD. Multi-centre prospective cohort studies, including the Kidney Medicine Precision Project (KPMP) and the European Nephrectomy Biobank (ENBiBA) project, will improve access to human diabetic kidney tissue for research purposes. Integration of diverse data domains from such initiatives including clinical phenotypic data, renal and retinal imaging biomarkers, histopathological and ultrastructural data, and an array of molecular omics (transcriptomics, proteomics, etc.) alongside multi-dimensional data from preclinical modelling offers exciting opportunities to unravel individual-level mechanisms underlying progressive DKD. The application of machine and deep learning approaches may particularly enhance insights derived from imaging and histopathological/ultrastructural data domains. Key messages: Integration of data from multiple model systems (in vitro, animal models, and patients) and from diverse domains (clinical phenotypic, imaging, histopathological/ultrastructural, and molecular omics) offers potential to create a precision medicine approach to DKD care wherein the right treatments are offered to the right patients at the right time.
... They believe that this is related to the ability of artificial intelligence to find feature that are difficult to see by the naked eye, which is the biggest advantage of AI in assisting pathologists to complete the diagnosis in the future. However, most of the studies on the application of AI in renal pathology mainly utilize the developed algorithms to train models (13)(14)(15). They regard the diagnosis and rating of renal pathology as a process of image detection and recognition, and adopt computer vision in this process, in which the two key points are feature extraction and judgment. ...
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Introduction Hyperplasia of the mesangial area is common in IgA nephropathy (IgAN) and diabetic nephropathy (DN), and it is often difficult to distinguish them by light microscopy alone, especially in the absence of clinical data. At present, artificial intelligence (AI) is widely used in pathological diagnosis, but mainly in tumor pathology. The application of AI in renal pathological is still in its infancy. Methods Patients diagnosed as IgAN or DN by renal biopsy in First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang Chinese Medicine University from September 1, 2020 to April 30, 2022 were selected as the training set, and patients who diagnosed from May 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022 were selected as the test set. We focused on the glomerulus and captured the field of the glomerulus in Masson staining WSI at 200x magnification, all in 1,000 × 1,000 pixels JPEG format. We augmented the data from training set through minor affine transformation, and then randomly split the training set into training and adjustment data according to 8:2. The training data and the Yolov5 6.1 algorithm were used to train the AI model with constant adjustment of parameters according to the adjusted data. Finally, we obtained the optimal model, tested this model with test set and compared it with renal pathologists. Results AI can accurately detect the glomeruli. The overall accuracy of AI glomerulus detection was 98.67% and the omission rate was only 1.30%. No Intact glomerulus was missed. The overall accuracy of AI reached 73.24%, among which the accuracy of IgAN reached 77.27% and DN reached 69.59%. The AUC of IgAN was 0.733 and that of DN was 0.627. In addition, compared with renal pathologists, AI can distinguish IgAN from DN more quickly and accurately, and has higher consistency. Discussion We constructed an AI model based on Masson staining images of renal tissue to distinguish IgAN from DN. This model has also been successfully deployed in the work of renal pathologists to assist them in their daily diagnosis and teaching work.
... The feasibility of deep learning-based segmentation of kidney WSIs has been demonstrated for multiple histologic stains including H&E, PAS, silver, and trichrome, with PAS-stained sections yielding the best concordance between pathologists and convolutional neural networks [263]. In the assessment of kidney structural features, deep learning has mainly been applied to digital pathology images thus far, although researchers have started to evaluate this strategy on TEM images with reasonable success [264]. ...
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Metabolic/bariatric surgery reduces the incidence of albuminuria and slows chronic kidney disease progression over extended follow-up, and hence may have a potential role to play as a complement to medical therapy in the management of diabetic kidney disease (DKD). Enhanced understanding of the molecular underpinnings of surgery-associated renoprotection, its reliance on weight loss, and synergy with medical treatment may also identify new algorithms and treatment targets to improve control of DKD. In a sub-study of the Microvascular Outcomes after Metabolic Surgery randomised clinical trial, I characterised urinary metabolomic changes by proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR) spectroscopy at baseline and six months following randomisation to medical therapy alone (MTA) and combined metabolic surgery plus medical therapy (CSM). Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) was the metabolic surgery employed. Whilst CSM and MTA both reduced urinary excretion of sugars, CSM generated a distinctive urinary metabolomic profile characterised by increases in host-microbial co-metabolites (N-phenylacetylglycine, trimethylamine N-oxide, and 4-aminobutyrate/GABA) and amino acids (arginine and glutamine). Furthermore, reductions in aromatic amino acids (phenylalanine and tyrosine), as well as branched-chain amino acids and related catabolites (valine, leucine, 3-hydroxyisobutyrate, 3-hydroxyisovalerate, and 3-methyl-2-oxovalerate), were observed following CSM but not MTA. Urinary metabolites changed by CSM at six months were moderately-to-strongly correlated with improvements in cardiometabolic and renal indices up to 24 months following treatment initiation. In the Zucker Diabetic Sprague Dawley (ZDSD) rat model of DKD, I compared the effects of RYGB surgery alone and in combination with fenofibrate, metformin, ramipril, and rosuvastatin (RYGB-FMRR) on renal injury, the renal cortical transcriptome, and the urinary 1H-NMR metabolome. RYGB-FMRR was superior to RYGB alone with respect to metabolic control, albuminuria, and histological and ultrastructural indices of glomerular damage and mitochondrial injury in the proximal tubule. Fenofibrate exerted a dominant effect on gene expression changes following RYGB-FMRR, and led to the transcriptional induction of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha (PPARa)-responsive genes that are predominantly expressed in the proximal tubule and which regulate peroxisomal and mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation (FAO). In the aforementioned ZDSD model as well as the Zucker Diabetic Fatty (ZDF) rat model, the effects on renal injury as well as the renal cortical transcriptome of a non-invasive intervention designed to mimic RYGB were explored. This intervention, entitled dietary restriction plus medical therapy (DMT), consisted of dietary restriction to 20% weight loss (comparable to RYGB surgery) plus treatment with fenofibrate, liraglutide, metformin, ramipril, and rosuvastatin. Changes in the urinary 1H-NMR metabolome were also profiled in the ZDSD model. DMT improved metabolic control, albuminuria, and histological and ultrastructural indices of glomerular injury in both animal models. Similar to changes observed after RYGB-FMRR, transcriptomic evidence of increased PPARa-regulated FAO was observed in both ZDF and ZDSD rats after DMT. PPARa-regulated renal FAO transcripts and related urinary nicotinamide metabolites and TCA cycle intermediates were moderately-to-strongly correlated with improvements in glomerular and proximal tubular injury following both RYGB-FMRR and DMT. Integrative multi-omic analyses point to PPARa-stimulated FAO in the proximal tubule as a dominant effector of treatment response when surgical or diet-induced weight loss is combined with medical therapy in experimental DKD. Synergism between intentional weight loss and pharmacological stimulation of FAO represents a promising combinatorial approach to the treatment of DKD in the setting of obesity.
... Recently, DN diagnosis using EM has contributed to breakthroughs made by AIassisted technology. For example, Hacking et al. designed a deep learning model (the MedKidneyEM-v1 Classifier) to classify five different renal lesions, including diabetic glomerulosclerosis [98]. As expected, the performance of this model was excellent for identifying DN, with an accuracy of 88.89% and a recall rate of 66.67%. ...
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Digital imaging and advanced microscopy play a pivotal role in the diagnosis of kidney diseases. In recent years, great achievements have been made in digital imaging, providing novel approaches for precise quantitative assessments of nephropathology and relieving burdens of renal pathologists. Developing novel methods of artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted technology through multidisciplinary interaction among computer engineers, renal specialists, and nephropathologists could prove beneficial for renal pathology diagnoses. An increasing number of publications has demonstrated the rapid growth of AI-based technology in nephrology. In this review, we offer an overview of AI-assisted renal pathology, including AI concepts and the workflow of processing digital image data, focusing on the impressive advances of AI application in disease-specific backgrounds. In particular, this review describes the applied computer vision algorithms for the segmentation of kidney structures, diagnosis of specific pathological changes, and prognosis prediction based on images. Lastly, we discuss challenges and prospects to provide an objective view of this topic.
In this paper, we compare two approaches to automatically classify MR images of kidney lesions. The first approach involves the extraction of texture features for manually delineated kidney regions of interest (ROI) and then the classification of feature vectors with a model trained in a supervised manner. This classic machine learning approach is then challenged by a convolutional neural network-based method, which performs image classification in the learned latent feature space. In both cases, We aim to verify the hypothesis that it is possible to differentiate the state of renal failure between three classes: control, active inflammation, and chronic malformations based on the information content of the T1-weighted non-contrast enhanced MRI. The experiments performed on a sample of 25 showed superior performance of the convolutional neural network, for which we obtained the accuracy score at the level of 94% against 80% for the texture-based classification.KeywordsKidney diseaseTexture analysisDeep learningMR imaging
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The emergence of digital pathology — an image-based environment for the acquisition, management and interpretation of pathology information supported by computational techniques for data extraction and analysis — is changing the pathology ecosystem. In particular, by virtue of our new-found ability to generate and curate digital libraries, the field of machine vision can now be effectively applied to histopathological subject matter by individuals who do not have deep expertise in machine vision techniques. Although these novel approaches have already advanced the detection, classification, and prognostication of diseases in the fields of radiology and oncology, renal pathology is just entering the digital era, with the establishment of consortia and digital pathology repositories for the collection, analysis and integration of pathology data with other domains. The development of machine-learning approaches for the extraction of information from image data, allows for tissue interrogation in a way that was not previously possible. The application of these novel tools are placing pathology centre stage in the process of defining new, integrated, biologically and clinically homogeneous disease categories, to identify patients at risk of progression, and shifting current paradigms for the treatment and prevention of kidney diseases.
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Compressed sensing algorithms are used to decrease electron microscope scan time and electron beam exposure with minimal information loss. Following successful applications of deep learning to compressed sensing, we have developed a two-stage multiscale generative adversarial neural network to complete realistic 512 × 512 scanning transmission electron micrographs from spiral, jittered gridlike, and other partial scans. For spiral scans and mean squared error based pre-training, this enables electron beam coverage to be decreased by 17.9× with a 3.8% test set root mean squared intensity error, and by 87.0× with a 6.2% error. Our generator networks are trained on partial scans created from a new dataset of 16227 scanning transmission electron micrographs. High performance is achieved with adaptive learning rate clipping of loss spikes and an auxiliary trainer network. Our source code, new dataset, and pre-trained models are publicly available.
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The electrocardiogram (ECG) is a widely used medical test, consisting of voltage versus time traces collected from surface recordings over the heart1. Here we hypothesized that a deep neural network (DNN) can predict an important future clinical event, 1-year all-cause mortality, from ECG voltage–time traces. By using ECGs collected over a 34-year period in a large regional health system, we trained a DNN with 1,169,662 12-lead resting ECGs obtained from 253,397 patients, in which 99,371 events occurred. The model achieved an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.88 on a held-out test set of 168,914 patients, in which 14,207 events occurred. Even within the large subset of patients (n = 45,285) with ECGs interpreted as ‘normal’ by a physician, the performance of the model in predicting 1-year mortality remained high (AUC = 0.85). A blinded survey of cardiologists demonstrated that many of the discriminating features of these normal ECGs were not apparent to expert reviewers. Finally, a Cox proportional-hazard model revealed a hazard ratio of 9.5 (P < 0.005) for the two predicted groups (dead versus alive 1 year after ECG) over a 25-year follow-up period. These results show that deep learning can add substantial prognostic information to the interpretation of 12-lead resting ECGs, even in cases that are interpreted as normal by physicians. By using data from electrocardiograms, a deep learning algorithm outperforms traditional risk scores in predicting death over the course of the next year and identifies at-risk individuals with seemingly normal electrocardiograms.
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Introduction: The number of glomeruli and glomerulosclerosis evaluated on kidney biopsy slides constitute standard components of a renal pathology report. Prevailing methods for glomerular assessment remain manual, labor intensive, and nonstandardized. We developed a deep learning framework to accurately identify and segment glomeruli from digitized images of human kidney biopsies. Methods: Trichrome-stained images (n = 275) from renal biopsies of 171 patients with chronic kidney disease treated at the Boston Medical Center from 2009 to 2012 were analyzed. A sliding window operation was defined to crop each original image to smaller images. Each cropped image was then evaluated by at least 3 experts into 3 categories: (i) no glomerulus, (ii) normal or partially sclerosed (NPS) glomerulus, and (iii) globally sclerosed (GS) glomerulus. This led to identification of 751 unique images representing nonglomerular regions, 611 images with NPS glomeruli, and 134 images with GS glomeruli. A convolutional neural network (CNN) was trained with cropped images as inputs and corresponding labels as output. Using this model, an image processing routine was developed to scan the test images to segment the GS glomeruli. Results: The CNN model was able to accurately discriminate nonglomerular images from NPS and GS images (performance on test data: Accuracy: 92.67% ± 2.02% and Kappa: 0.8681 ± 0.0392). The segmentation model that was based on the CNN multilabel classifier accurately marked the GS glomeruli on the test data (Matthews correlation coefficient = 0.628). Conclusion: This work demonstrates the power of deep learning for assessing complex histologic structures from digitized human kidney biopsies.
The COVID-19 pandemic has major implications for blood transfusion. There are uncertain patterns of demand, and transfusion institutions need to plan for reductions in donations and loss of crucial staff because of sickness and public health restrictions. We systematically searched for relevant studies addressing the transfusion chain—from donor, through collection and processing, to patients—to provide a synthesis of the published literature and guidance during times of potential or actual shortage. A reduction in donor numbers has largely been matched by reductions in demand for transfusion. Contingency planning includes prioritisation policies for patients in the event of predicted shortage. A range of strategies maintain ongoing equitable access to blood for transfusion during the pandemic, in addition to providing new therapies such as convalescent plasma. Sharing experience and developing expert consensus on the basis of evolving publications will help transfusion services and hospitals in countries at different stages in the pandemic.
279 Background: Immunofluorescence (IF) performed on tissue microarrays (TMA) is used for biomarker discovery but is limited by the arduous and subjective human visual assessment with an IF microscope. We aim to implement deep learning-based artificial intelligence (AI) models to automate and speed up the analysis of numerous biomarkers and generate prediction models of recurrence and metastasis after surgery. Methods: A TMA was constructed consisting of 648 samples (424 tumors, 224 normal tissue) generated from prostatectomy specimens. IF staining was performed on the TMA using anti Ki-67, ERG antibodies and analyzed for differential expression using “gold standard” manual microscopy and using an AI algorithm. Analysis was done blinded to any clinicopathological data. For manual microscopy, relative mean fluorescence intensity of cancerous versus normal tissue was determined. The AI algorithm was generated using a training cohort of digitized images. To do so the Otsu method thresholding algorithm combined with mean shift clustering was employed to find cell centers, followed by a level-set algorithm, to compute cell boundaries.These predictions were then combined with pixel predictions of a fully convolutional deep model to refine the regions of overlapping epithelium, stroma, and artifact. The algorithm was then validated using a separate cohort. Results from the algorithm were then compared to the data from manual microscopy. Results: Ki-67 and ERG expression levels generated by the algorithm showed only a 5% variance compared to the manually generated results. The algorithm was able to pick out which tumor were positive for ERG with 100% accuracy in spite of variance from artifacts. The algorithm also had the ability to improve its accuracy after each iteration of modifications and feedback through the training cohort. Conclusions: The AI algorithm produced similar outcomes than manual quantification with high accuracy but with more efficiency, cost effectiveness and objectivity. We are now developing more complex algorithms that will include the differential pattern of expression of PTEN, MYC and others with the objectives of streamlining biomarker discovery.
Google Cloud AutoML Vision facilitates the creation of custom vision models for image recognition use cases. This managed service works with the concepts of transfer learning and neural architecture search under the hood to find the best network architecture and the optimal hyper-parameter configuration of that architecture that minimizes the loss function of the model. This chapter will go through a sample project of building a custom image recognition model using Google Cloud AutoML Vision. In this chapter, we will build an image model to recognize select cereal boxes.
Background: The development of deep neural networks is facilitating more advanced digital analysis of histopathologic images. We trained a convolutional neural network for multiclass segmentation of digitized kidney tissue sections stained with periodic acid-Schiff (PAS). Methods: We trained the network using multiclass annotations from 40 whole-slide images of stained kidney transplant biopsies and applied it to four independent data sets. We assessed multiclass segmentation performance by calculating Dice coefficients for ten tissue classes on ten transplant biopsies from the Radboud University Medical Center in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, and on ten transplant biopsies from an external center for validation. We also fully segmented 15 nephrectomy samples and calculated the network's glomerular detection rates and compared network-based measures with visually scored histologic components (Banff classification) in 82 kidney transplant biopsies. Results: The weighted mean Dice coefficients of all classes were 0.80 and 0.84 in ten kidney transplant biopsies from the Radboud center and the external center, respectively. The best segmented class was "glomeruli" in both data sets (Dice coefficients, 0.95 and 0.94, respectively), followed by "tubuli combined" and "interstitium." The network detected 92.7% of all glomeruli in nephrectomy samples, with 10.4% false positives. In whole transplant biopsies, the mean intraclass correlation coefficient for glomerular counting performed by pathologists versus the network was 0.94. We found significant correlations between visually scored histologic components and network-based measures. Conclusions: This study presents the first convolutional neural network for multiclass segmentation of PAS-stained nephrectomy samples and transplant biopsies. Our network may have utility for quantitative studies involving kidney histopathology across centers and provide opportunities for deep learning applications in routine diagnostics.
Background: Pathologists use visual classification of glomerular lesions to assess samples from patients with diabetic nephropathy (DN). The results may vary among pathologists. Digital algorithms may reduce this variability and provide more consistent image structure interpretation. Methods: We developed a digital pipeline to classify renal biopsies from patients with DN. We combined traditional image analysis with modern machine learning to efficiently capture important structures, minimize manual effort and supervision, and enforce biologic prior information onto our model. To computationally quantify glomerular structure despite its complexity, we simplified it to three components consisting of nuclei, capillary lumina and Bowman spaces; and Periodic Acid-Schiff positive structures. We detected glomerular boundaries and nuclei from whole slide images using convolutional neural networks, and the remaining glomerular structures using an unsupervised technique developed expressly for this purpose. We defined a set of digital features which quantify the structural progression of DN, and a recurrent network architecture which processes these features into a classification. Results: Our digital classification agreed with a senior pathologist whose classifications were used as ground truth with moderate Cohen's kappa κ = 0.55 and 95% confidence interval [0.50, 0.60]. Two other renal pathologists agreed with the digital classification with κ1 = 0.68, 95% interval [0.50, 0.86] and κ2 = 0.48, 95% interval [0.32, 0.64]. Our results suggest computational approaches are comparable to human visual classification methods, and can offer improved precision in clinical decision workflows. We detected glomerular boundaries from whole slide images with 0.93±0.04 balanced accuracy, glomerular nuclei with 0.94 sensitivity and 0.93 specificity, and glomerular structural components with 0.95 sensitivity and 0.99 specificity. Conclusions: Computationally derived, histologic image features hold significant diagnostic information that may augment clinical diagnostics.