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Birds Select Fruits with More Anthocyanins and Phenolic Compounds During Autumn Migration


Abstract and Figures

We evaluated whether fruit selection by autumn-migrating birds at an important stopover site in southern New England was related to water-soluble antioxidant content of fruits. We measured total anthocyanins, total phenolics, and total antioxidant capacity in fruits from common native and non-native plant species and related this to estimates of fruit selection by free-living birds. Birds selected certain fruits over others, with arrowwood (Viburnum recognitum, V. dentatum) consumed at the highest rate, followed by Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) with much lower consumption of other fruits (e.g., oriental bittersweet [Celastrus orbiculatus], multiflora rose [Rosa multiflora], winterberry [Ilex verticillata]). Antioxidant concentrations primarily differed by shrub species and less so between sites. Arrowwood spp. had the highest total antioxidants, followed by Virginia creeper, northern bayberry (Myrica pennsylvanica), chokeberry spp. (Aronia prunifolia, A. melanocarpa), multiflora rose, winterberry, and oriental bittersweet. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that free-living birds select fruits based, in part, on antioxidant content. We suggest birds may actively select polyphenol/anthocyanin-rich fruits during autumn migration to protect themselves against the potentially damaging effects of oxidative stress caused by long-distance fasting flight.
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Birds Select Fruits with More Anthocyanins and Phenolic
Compounds During Autumn Migration
Author(s): Jessica A. Bolser , Rebecca R. Alan , Adam D. Smith , Liya Li ,
Navindra P. Seeram , and Scott R. McWilliams
Source: The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 125(1):97-108. 2013.
Published By: The Wilson Ornithological Society
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ABSTRACT.—We evaluated whether fruit selection by autumn-migrating birds at an important stopover site in southern
New England was related to water-soluble antioxidant content of fruits. We measured total anthocyanins, total phenolics,
and total antioxidant capacity in fruits from common native and non-native plant species and related this to estimates of
fruit selection by free-living birds. Birds selected certain fruits over others, with arrowwood (Viburnum recognitum,V.
dentatum) consumed at the highest rate, followed by Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) with much lower
consumption of other fruits (e.g., oriental bittersweet [Celastrus orbiculatus], multiflora rose [Rosa multiflora], winterberry
[Ilex verticillata]). Antioxidant concentrations primarily differed by shrub species and less so between sites. Arrowwood
spp. had the highest total antioxidants, followed by Virginia creeper, northern bayberry (Myrica pennsylvanica), chokeberry
spp. (Aronia prunifolia, A. melanocarpa), multiflora rose, winterberry, and oriental bittersweet. These results are consistent
with the hypothesis that free-living birds select fruits based, in part, on antioxidant content. We suggest birds may actively
select polyphenol/anthocyanin-rich fruits during autumn migration to protect themselves against the potentially damaging
effects of oxidative stress caused by long-distance fasting flight. Received 4 April 2012. Accepted 29 June 2012.
Key words: anthocyanin, Block Island, fall migration, fruit antioxidants, fruit selection, Viburnum.
All aerobic organisms produce reactive oxygen
species (ROS) as unavoidable byproducts of
respiration and animals have evolved several
mechanisms for coping with this oxidative burden
(Finkel and Holbrook 2000, Pamplona and
Costantini 2011). Birds, in particular, are exposed
to especially high levels of oxidative stress as a
direct consequence of long-distance flight (Cost-
antini et al. 2007). One way migratory birds might
mitigate oxidative stress is through consumption
of dietary antioxidants. Many birds that are
primarily insectivorous during the breeding sea-
son switch to eating seasonally-abundant fruits
during autumn migration. Many of these fruits are
excellent sources of dietary antioxidants and may
provide an important defense against oxidative
stress for both fruiting plants and their consumers
(Garcia-Alonso et al. 2004, Smith et al. 2007b,
Catoni et al. 2008). Most antioxidants in fruits are
secondary metabolites that include flavonoids and
allied phenolic and polyphenolic compounds
(Crozier et al. 2006). These compounds derived
from diet may reduce oxidative damage and are
referred to as ‘dietary antioxidants,’ although
these compounds often have many other physio-
logical functions and their antioxidant benefits to
date are usually only measured in vitro (Halliwell
and Gutteridge 2007). Wu and others (2004)
analyzed phenolic content, specifically anthocya-
nins, of 100 plant-based foods, and found the
three foods containing the highest levels were all
fruits: chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa), Amer-
ican elder (Sambucus canadensis), and wild
blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum). High antiox-
idant activity measured in vitro was also observed
in other fruits from the genera Rubus, Ribes, and
Aronia (Benvenuti et al. 2004). These studies
provide insight into the antioxidant content of
specific fruits but do not address how antioxidant
composition might explain patterns of fruit
selection by birds.
Many factors influence patterns of avian
frugivory (Snow 1970, Stiles 1980, Levey and
Martinez del Rio 2001) including macronutrient
and mineral composition (Herrera 1987, Smith
et al. 2007b), fruit and seed size and shape
(Herrera 1984, Witmer and Van Soest 1998), fruit
abundance and spatial arrangement (Denslow
1987, Sargent 1990, Carlo and Morales 2008),
and anti-nutrient secondary metabolites (Cipollini
and Levey 1997a, b; Levey and Cipollini 1998;
Struempf et al. 1999; Tsahar et al. 2002; Schaefer
et al. 2003). However, the influence of antioxidant
levels on fruit preference has only recently
Program in Wildlife and Conservation Biology, Depart-
ment of Natural Resources Science, 105 Coastal Institute in
Kingston, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881,
Bioactive Botanical Research Laboratory, Department
of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of
Pharmacy, 41 Lower College Road, Fogarty Hall, Univer-
sity of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881, USA.
Corresponding author;
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 125(1):97–108, 2013
received attention from ornithologists. Schaefer
and others (2008) measured anthocyanin and
carotenoid content in 100 fruit species and found
that Eurasian Blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) pre-
ferred artificial diets supplemented with anthocy-
anins over foods without these supplements.
Catoni and others (2008) showed, in behavioral
choice trials, that Eurasian Blackcaps preferred
food with flavonoids over that without flavonoids.
Senar and others (2010), in a similar diet
preference trial, artificially enriched mealworms
with carotenoids and found Great Tits (Parus
major) consistently chose carotenoid-enriched
mealworms over non-enriched mealworms. This
research suggests birds prefer food supplemented
with antioxidants (Schaefer et al. 2008, Catoni
et al. 2008), and birds are able to detect dietary
antioxidants without visual signals (Senar et al.
2010); however, the positive effects of dietary
antioxidants on oxidative stress have not yet been
No previous studies have examined the extent
free-living migratory birds select wild fruits
containing higher levels of antioxidants. Assess-
ments of fruit ‘selection’ by free-living birds are
complimentary to studies of diet or fruit ‘prefer-
ence.’ Diet ‘preference’ is evident when birds
consume more of certain diets when given equal
access to alternative diets. Diet ‘selection’ refers
to when free-living birds consume more of certain
foods when availability of alternative diet choices
may be quite different (Frazer and McWilliams
2002). Diet ‘selection’ is a function of the
interaction between diet preference and availabil-
ity of alternative diet choices. Our objectives were
to: (1) examine relative patterns of avian fruit
consumption of seven fall-fruiting shrub species
during autumn migration, (2) qualitatively relate
patterns of avian fruit selection to availability of
antioxidants in fruits, and (3) examine island-scale
spatial variation in antioxidant concentration of
fruits for a select subset of fall-fruiting shrub
Study Area.—All fieldwork was conducted on
Block Island, Rhode Island (41u139N, 71u339W),
a 2,900-ha, teardrop-shaped island 15.5 km south of
the Rhode Island coast and 22.5 km northeast of
Long Island, New York. Migrating passerines,
especially hatch-year birds, fly south to the
southern New England coast and are often pushed
out to sea by northwest winds associated with
passing cold fronts during autumn migration (Ralph
1981). Coastal locations, such as Block Island, are
especially important stopover sites for many of
these birds (Able 1977). The main study site was in
the northeast portion of the island within the Bay
Rose and Clay Head preserves. Previous research
has shown this is an area where migratory birds
concentrate on Block Island and it also supports
numerous fall-fruiting shrub species (Able 1977;
Parrish 1997, 2000; Hammond 2002; Reinert et al.
2002; Smith et al. 2007b; Smith and McWilliams
2010). The boundaries of the 27-ha site were
arbitrarily chosen: Corn Neck Road to the west,
Mansion Road to the south, the coast to the east,
and Kurz Road to the north.
A variety of habitat types occur in southern
New England, but most of the study site can be
classified as a maritime shrubland habitat (Ham-
mond 2002). Salt spray and wind disturbance are
important determinants of the plant species
composition. Shorter-statured northern bayberry
(Myrica pennsylvanica), poison ivy (Toxicoden-
dron radicans), and downy goldenrod (Solidago
puberula) dominate the more exposed areas,
whereas northern arrowwood (Viburnum recogni-
tum), southern arrowwood (V. dentatum), purple
chokeberry (Aronia prunifolia), black chokeberry
(A. melanocarpa), winterberry (Ilex verticillata),
and Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefo-
lia) are common in areas with more protection.
Two non-native species, oriental bittersweet
(Celastrus orbiculatus) and multiflora rose (Rosa
multiflora), are also common throughout this site.
Avian Fruit Consumption.—The fruit consump-
tion study was conducted at seven randomly-
chosen locations within the main study site on
Block Island. The locations were chosen by
overlaying the study site with a numbered grid
consisting of 300 3300-m cells and randomly
choosing cells within the grid. Locations were
accepted if they contained at least one fruiting
plant of each of seven species within 150 m of the
center of a selected grid cell. The seven species
included: northern bayberry, arrowwood spp.,
winterberry, chokeberry spp., Virginia creeper,
oriental bittersweet, and multiflora rose. Identifi-
cation of plant species was based upon criteria
from multiple sources (Symonds 1963, Petrides
1988, USDA 2008). We selected the nearest plant
from the central point that had a pair of branches
with at least 25 fruits per branch if there was more
than one fruiting plant of a given species at a
location. One branch on the selected plant was
covered with plastic mesh (0.5-cm grid), follow-
ing Smith et al. (2007b), that prevented access to
birds but not most invertebrates. A partner branch
was marked and remained uncovered. Only nine
terrestrial mammal species occur on Block Island,
none of which are known to commonly consume
fruits (Lang and Comings 2001). Thus, songbirds
are the primary consumers of fruits on Block
Island during fall, and the majority of these birds
are stopping over during migration.
We counted the number of fruits on each
marked branch beginning in early September and
every 7–14 days thereafter for a total of five
counts. The procedure involved repeated counting
of the number of fruits on each branch until a
consistent number was attained. We assessed the
percent ripeness of fruits during each count by
visually estimating the percentage of fruits on
each branch that were unripe, ripe, and over-ripe
so the sum was 100%. The mesh net was carefully
removed from the netted branch prior to each
count for northern bayberry and replaced after-
wards because we were unable to accurately count
these clustered fruits through the net.
Fruit Collection.—Fruit samples were collected
from the same seven shrub species and locations.
Fruit was harvested during peak ripeness for each
species (early Sep for chokeberry spp., arrow-
wood spp., and northern bayberry; early Oct for
winterberry and Virginia creeper; and early Nov
for oriental bittersweet and multiflora rose). Ripe
fruits from three plant species that were widely
available on Block Island (chokeberry spp.,
southern arrowwood, and northern bayberry) were
also collected within maritime shrubland habitat
at two additional locations on the southern portion
of the island to examine spatial variation in fruit
composition on an island-scale. All collected fruit
samples were kept frozen on Block Island until
they were transported to the University of Rhode
Island where they were stored at 280 uC until
chemical analysis.
Sample Preparation.—Preparation of the frozen
fruit for analysis involved manually de-seeding
10–15 g of wet fruit from each sample with the
exception of chokeberry spp. and multiflora rose
which were analyzed whole. These fruits contain
hundreds of small seeds that are not easily
extracted from the fruit pulp. Fruit was then
freeze-dried, weighed, and homogenized using a
Wiley mill. Each dried/ground sample was
divided into triplicate sub-samples that were
analyzed separately to obtain an estimate of
within-sample variation in chemical composition.
Aqueous extracts from each fruit subsample were
obtained using a double methanol wash method
(Garcia-Alonso et al. 2004) in 10 ml of acidified
(0.1%HCl) methanol collected into a glass vial.
Samples of northern and southern arrowwood fruits
were washed a third time because, unlike the other
fruit species, the supernatant from the second wash
was not visibly lighter than the first. We removed
the solvent from the supernatant under a stream of
nitrogen gas and under vacuum. Dry mass of the
sample was recorded and the extract was frozen at
280 uC until chemical analysis.
Chemical Analysis.—A variety of measures has
been used to assess antioxidant status in biological
samples, the advantages and disadvantages of
which have been extensively reviewed and
discussed (Prior and Cao 1999, Sanchez-Moreno
2002, Schlesier et al. 2002, Haung et al. 2005,
Halliwell and Gutteridge 2007). The chemical
analysis of the aqueous extracts in our study
included a spectrophotometric assay (DPPH) that
measures total antioxidant capacity of the sample
(Ozgen et al. 2006, Seeram et al. 2008). The
DPPH assay involves dissolving a sample in
dimethyl sulfoxide and measuring its ability to
reduce 50%of the DPPH radical (EC
) based on
standard calibration curves (Brand-Williams et al.
1995, Molyneux 2004). High DPPH values
indicate only a small quantity of the radical has
been reduced while lower DPPH values indicate a
higher amount of radical reduction. The extract
from a fruit with a higher total antioxidant
capacity, and a higher ability to quench free
radicals, will exhibit lower DPPH values. Total
phenolics (TPH) in the fruit were measured
spectrophotometrically following the widely-used
Folin-Ciocalteau method (Singleton et al. 1999);
total monomericanthocyanins (TA) in the samples
were measured with the pH-differential method
(Giusti and Wrolstad 2001). All assays were
conducted in duplicate or triplicate and were
repeated when the coefficient of variation be-
tween samples was .15%.
Statistical Analysis.—We constructed a log-
linear (Poisson) model to compare numbers of
fruits on a branch by species and treatment
(branch enclosed or open) in SAS (GENMOD
procedure; SAS Institute 2009). We inflated
standard errors of parameter estimates with a
dispersion parameter (i.e., Pearson’s Chi-square
statistic divided by the degrees of freedom) to
account for over-dispersion in the data.
We calculated two metrics to evaluate the fruit
preferences of birds: percentage of remaining fruit
on each enclosed and open branch at each count
period for each plant species, and a consumption
index (CI) (Smith et al. 2007a) for each pair of
branches on the same plant at each count period,
where CI 512(%remaining on open branch/%
remaining on enclosed branch). These dependent
variables did not conform to the assumptions of
normality, even when transformed. Thus, we
differences using repeated-measures ANOVA
models with three main effects (species, sampling
site, and count period). We also considered two
interaction terms (species*count period, sampling
site*count period). Sampling site was used as a
fixed effect in the model to assess regional-spatial
patterns in bird fruit preferences. We used the
best-fitting covariance structure to account for
multiple observations from the same individuals
using second-order Akaike’s Information Criteri-
on (AIC
) values (Burnham and Anderson 2002);
a compound symmetric covariance structure was
the best fit for all models. Non-significant
interactions were removed from the full model.
We report the least squares mean rank estimates
of the response variables in the event of a
significant count period*species interaction.
The three measures of antioxidant composition
(TA, TPH, and DPPH) did not conform to the
assumptions of normality even when transformed,
and we converted TA, TPH, and DPPH to rank
values (ties averaged) to examine correlations
among the variables using Spearman’s rho. All
three variables were significantly correlated, and
we used the Vegan package (Oksanen et al. 2011:
R package Version 2.0-2) in R (R Core Develop-
ment Team 2011: R Version 2.14.1) to examine
multivariate differences in the three antioxidant
variables among plant species, nested within sites.
We performed a permutational multivariate anal-
ysis of variance (MANOVA; McArdle and
Anderson 2001) of raw (untransformed) antioxi-
dant values. Differences among species were
evaluated in the permutational MANOVA with
an F-test based on 5,000 permutations.
We evaluated regional differences (northern vs.
southern Block Island) in antioxidant values for
three species (arrowwood spp., chokeberry spp.,
and northern bayberry) using a permutational
MANOVA. The initial model contained species,
region (north or south), and the species*region
effects. We also related the consumption index
with the three antioxidant variables in another
permutational MANOVA to investigate the rela-
tionship between fruit antioxidant composition
and consumption by birds. We used the CI
estimate from the count period when the fruit
sample was collected; however, chokeberry spp.
and arrowwood spp. were collected at the initial
count period when it was not possible to calculate
the CI, and we used the CI estimate for the second
count period for these two species. We ran an
additional permutational MANOVA model for CI
that omitted DPPH to ascertain the specific
association of total anthocyanins and total pheno-
lics with fruit selection by avian consumers.
We considered effects significant at a50.05.
We used R (R Core Development Team 2011) to
test for normality, correlation, and for the
permutational MANOVA models. All other sta-
tistical analyses were conducted using SAS 9.2
(SAS Institute 2009).
Avian Patterns of Fruit Consumption.—The
initial number of fruits on open and enclosed
branches was not significantly different within a
species (x
50.87, df 51, P50.35), although
there were large differences among species in the
initial number of fruits per branch (x
54.70, df
56, P,0.001). Plant species differed in fruit
phenology as indicated by both the rate of natural
abscission and percent of ripe fruit at each count
period (Fig. 1). Percent of fruit remaining on the
enclosed branches decreased during the six count
periods indicating regular loss from natural
abscission that was consistent among sampling
sites (count: F
5437.25, P,0.001; site:
50.40, P50.87; Fig. 1). Plant species
differed in the rate of natural fruit loss (species:
513.43, P,0.001; species*count: F
57.83, P,0.001). Early-fruiting species, such
as chokeberry spp., had higher abscission rates
during the first few count periods, whereas later-
ripening species, such as winterberry, had higher
abscission rates during later count periods.
The percent of remaining fruit on the open
branches accessible to birds rapidly decreased
during the six count periods and this pattern was
consistent among sampling sites (count: F
358.42, P,0.001; site: F
50.90, P50.51).
Plant species differed in the rate of fruit decline
(species: F
521.48, P,0.001; species*
count: F
57.33, P,0.001) indicating that
birds were selectively consuming specific species,
FIG. 1. Median percent of fruit remaining on open and closed branches and fruit ripeness over six count-periods during
autumn 2008 on Block Island, Rhode Island; the interquartile range is indicated by whiskers. Species, sorted approximately
from increasing to decreasing consumption, include (A) arrowwood spp., (B) Virginia creeper, (C) chokeberry spp., (D)
northern bayberry, (E) winterberry, (F) oriental bittersweet, and (G) multiflora rose.
such as arrowwood spp. Arrowwood spp. and
Virginia creeper had the highest consumption
indices (Fig. 2A, B), which suggests these fruits
were selected by birds relative to other available fruit
species (species: F
511.05, P,0.001; count:
575.78, P,0.001; species*count: F
4.27, P,0.001; site: F
51.02, P50.43).
Antioxidant Composition of Fruits.—Total an-
thocyanins (TA), total antioxidant capacity (DPPH),
and total phenolics (TPH) were significantly cor-
related with one another (TA*TPH: r50.63, n5
55, P,0.001; TA*DPPH: r520.78, n549, P,
0.001; TPH*DPPH: r520.81, n549, P,0.001).
Fruit species varied in antioxidant content (Fig. 3A–
C; permutational MANOVA: F
526.3, P,
0.001). Arrowwood spp. contained the most
anthocyanins, whereas multiflora rose, oriental
bittersweet, and winterberry contained essentially
no anthocyanins (Fig. 3A). Fruit from northern
bayberry, chokeberry spp., and arrowwood spp.
contained relatively more total phenolics, but
there was overlap in values across species
(Fig. 3B). DPPH, a reciprocal measure of total
antioxidant capacity, was highest for fruit species
with the lowest amount of antioxidants. For
example, winterberry, oriental bittersweet, and
multiflora rose had the lowest TA, but the highest
DPPH values among species (Fig. 3C). This
suggests these three fruits would be unlikely to
offer much antioxidant protection to consumers.
Antioxidants and Avian Consumption of
Fruits.—Avian consumers exhibited marginal
selection of fruits associated with antioxidant
content when considering all three measures
simultaneously (permutational MANOVA: F
53.1, P50.060). However, selection of fruits
was particularly strong when considering only
total anthocyanins and total phenolics but not total
DPPH (permutational MANOVA: F
58.9, P
,0.001). For example, arrowwood spp. had the
highest consumption index and relatively high
anthocyanin and phenolic values, whereas oriental
bittersweet had the opposite pattern. Fruits with
the lowest DPPH values were also selected most
commonly by birds (Fig. 3C). However, DPPH
was the least effective of the three antioxidant
measures in explaining patterns of avian fruit
consumption; DPPH was also the least specific
measure examined in this study. We did not find
any consistent regional differences in antioxidant
values for those species tested (region: F
2.32, P50.11; species: F
56.35, P50.002;
Fig. 4).
Birds consumed certain fruit species (arrow-
wood spp.) more rapidly than others (oriental
bittersweet, multiflora rose, winterberry). These
patterns of fruit selection suggest birds consume
fruits with high antioxidant content more rapidly
than those with low levels of antioxidants.
Antioxidants in fruits varied somewhat among
sites on Block Island, although these were
relatively subtle compared to differences in
antioxidants between plant species.
Patterns of Avian Fruit Consumption.—Birds
rapidly consumed northern and southern arrow-
wood fruits in the maritime shrubland habitat of
northern Block Island. Previous work on Block
Island repeatedly documented arrowwood as the
most readily consumed fruit species (Parrish
FIG. 2. Median fruit consumption index for seven
species of fruiting shrubs over six count-periods during
autumn 2008 on Block Island, Rhode Island; the inter-
quartile range is indicated by whiskers. (A) Two species
(arrowwood spp. and Virginia creeper) were consumed
more regularly than (B) northern bayberry, oriental
bittersweet, chokeberry spp., multiflora rose, and winter-
berry. A higher consumption index indicates a larger
proportion of fruit consumed; consumption index (CI) 51
2(%remaining on open branch/%remaining on enclosed
branch). Interquartile range omitted from (B) to
preserve clarity.
1997, 2000; Smith et al. 2007b). The latter authors
measured avian consumption of three fruit species
(arrowwood spp., black chokeberry, and American
pokeweed [Phytolacca americana]) during autumn
migration on Block Island in 2004. They found
arrowwood spp. had the highest consumption index
of the three species they measured. However, there
were differences in the timing of fruit removal
during fall and the overall abundance of fruit
between 2004 (Smith et al. 2007b) and our study,
conducted in 2008. Fruits were abundant in 2004,
all arrowwood was ripe by the first census on 9
October, and .70%of fruits on open branches was
consumed by 16 October (Smith et al. 2007b). In
contrast, fruits were much less abundant in 2008, all
arrowwood was ripe by mid-September, and at least
70%of fruits on open branches were consumed by
the first days of October. It is evident that, even in a
year with low fruit yield, as 2008 was for northern
arrowwood, birds still sought these fruits and
consumed them at a higher rate than those species
whose fruits were more abundant, despite differenc-
es in the timing of fruit consumption between years.
Consumption rates for the remaining five fruit
species were relatively low (,0.2; Fig. 2A),
indicating minimal avian consumption of these
FIG. 3. (A) Total anthocyanins, (B) total phenolics, and (C) total antioxidant capacity (DPPH) for seven species of
fruiting shrubs during autumn 2008 on Block Island, Rhode Island. High DPPH values indicate only a small quantity of the
radical has been reduced while lower DPPH values indicate a higher amount of radical reduction. Fruit extracts with higher
antioxidant capacity will have lower DPPH values. Arrowwood spp. (AW) fruits consistently contained the highest
antioxidant measures. Antioxidant measures from Virginia creeper (VC), chokeberry spp. (CB), and northern bayberry
(NB) were lower than those in arrowwood but relatively higher than those of winterberry (WB), oriental bittersweet (OB),
and multiflora rose (MR). Box plots show the median, interquartile range, and 10th and 90th percentiles; outliers are
indicated by unshaded circles.
species. Smith and others (2007b) found birds ate
high-fat fruits, such as northern arrowwood, more
frequently than fruits with more carbohydrates,
such as black chokeberry, which agrees with our
results. A similar study found that, of all the
fruiting plant species available to birds on Block
Island, fruits of northern arrowwood, northern
bayberry, and American pokeweed predominated
in fecal samples of a variety of migratory bird
species (Parrish 1997). The fruiting phenology of
later-ripening species, such as oriental bittersweet,
might partially explain why birds did not
selectively consume these fruits. Additional
studies are needed that document fruit selection
of specific bird species in relation to timing of
their migration, the distribution and abundance of
fruit over this same migration period, and the
chemical composition of these fruits.
Antioxidant Composition of Fruits and Spatial
Variation.—Antioxidant concentration has fre-
quently been measured in fruit species regularly
consumed by humans, but only rarely for fruits
more commonly eaten by wildlife. We found that
arrowwood spp. had relatively high levels of
antioxidants compared to other species. This is the
first study to our knowledge to report the
antioxidant content of arrowwood fruits. In
contrast, the antioxidant composition and health
FIG. 4. Regional variation in (A) total anthocyanins, (B) total phenolics, and (C) total antioxidant capacity (DPPH) in
fruits from three plant species during autumn 2008 on Block Island, Rhode Island. We detected no consistent regional
differences in any antioxidant measures within these three plant species. Samples were collected from the main study site
on the northern end of the island (gray) and from three sites in the southern half of the island (white). Box plots show the
median, interquartile range, and 10th and 90th percentiles; outliers are indicated by unshaded circles.
benefits of black chokeberry have been exten-
sively reported (Jurgonski et al. 2008); however,
direct comparison of our results to those of other
studies is challenging because analytical methods
and standards vary. Jurgonski and others (2008)
found anthocyanins were the primary phenolic
constituent in black chokeberry, and that supple-
menting rat (Rattus spp.) diets with these fruit
extracts lowered levels of oxidative stress.
Anthocyanins and phenolic compounds are also
known to have antioxidant properties both in vitro
and in vivo (Halliwell and Gutteridge 2007). We
found black chokeberry had relatively moderate
amounts of antioxidants compared to the other
species. The three different antioxidant metrics
we assessed are measured on different scales and
use assays with differing chemical properties.
Thus, we cannot make an exact comparison
between the three antioxidant metrics and it is
difficult to directly assess the contributions of TA
and TPH to DPPH. Our statistical analyses
suggest that each of these three metrics is
significantly correlated with the others. The
antioxidants measured in our study represent only
the hydrophilic antioxidants present in fruits.
Future studies should investigate the lipophilic
antioxidants in fruits, such as vitamin E and
carotenoids, in relation to both hydrophilic
antioxidants and fruit selection of birds.
Numerous environmental and genetic variables
have been studied in relation to within-plant
species variation in antioxidant levels (Connor
et al. 2002) with some evidence this creates large-
scale differences in antioxidant levels in the same
plant species (Latti et al. 2008). We suspect the
relatively small-scale spatial variation in antiox-
idant levels within plant species we documented
were produced by differences in microclimate,
soil type, or soil moisture, although this requires
further study. The lack of significant within-
species variation in fruit antioxidant levels that we
documented suggests birds can effectively in-
crease their antioxidant intake by selecting fruits
from certain plant species without the need to
extensively sample fruits from the same plant
Antioxidants and Avian Consumption of
Fruits.—Antioxidants in fruits may benefit both
fruiting plants as well as migrating birds that
consume these fruits. Migrating birds use fat as a
primary fuel, and fat metabolism results in
production of free radicals (Bairlein and Gwinner
1994, Surai 2002, McWilliams et al. 2004, Pierce
and McWilliams 2005); thus, long-distance flight
likely causes oxidative damage, although this
remains to be directly demonstrated. Plants may
produce antioxidants, in part, to defend against
oxidative stress while also providing a nutritional
reward for consumers. The two fruit species in our
study with the highest antioxidant concentrations
were also the highest in fat content (northern
arrowwood: 41.3 65.8%; Virginia creeper: 23.6
64.8%dry weight 6SE) (Smith et al. 2007b).
These high levels of antioxidants might protect
the plant, as well as the consumer, from the
oxidative stress associated with fat metabolism
(Klasing 1998). Plants with higher concentrations
of antioxidants in their fruits, in addition to other
nutritional benefits of fruit for consumers, may
attract birds and achieve higher rates and
distances of seed dispersal.
Numerous studies have explored patterns in
avian fruit consumption (Parrish 1997, 2000;
Smith et al. 2007b) with varying results. It is
likely birds select certain fruits based upon several
factors, including antioxidants, that work at
different spatial scales and which may vary
seasonally (Parrish 2000, Levey and Martinez
del Rio 2001). Flo¨rchinger and others (2010)
found fruit size and color were more important
than phenolic compounds in affecting which fruits
were consumed by birds. Garden Warblers
(Sylivia borin) presented with a paired choice
between carotenoid enriched and non-enriched
foods did not prefer a diet high in carotenoids
overall, but individual birds consumed consistent
levels of carotenoids throughout the experiment
(Catoni et al. 2011). These results suggest birds
can detect carotenoids in food and consequently
regulate intake of antioxidants. The antioxidants
that we measured included anthocyanins, which
are pigmented (dark purple), and provide a visual
signal of a nutritional reward. Our results are
consistent with recent research showing birds in
captivity prefer foods with anthocyanins over
foods without (Schaefer et al. 2008) and represent
one of the first field experiments to support the
hypothesis that wild birds may select fruits, in
part, based on antioxidant content.
We are grateful to the Block Island Division of The
Nature Conservancy, and especially Scott Comings, for
facilitating our field research. We thank all who assisted in
the field and laboratory including: Jay Winiarski, Tiffany
Heywood, Sean Camilieri, and Hang Ma. Funding was
provided by the National Science Foundation (IBN-
9984920, IOS-0748349), Rhode Island Agricultural Exper-
iment Station, U.S. Department of Agriculture (538748),
and a University of Rhode Island Provost’s Research Grant.
This is contribution #5298 from the University of Rhode
Island Agricultural Experiment Station.
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... For example, arrowwood (Viburnum spp.) fruit is more rapidly consumed than any other fruits on an island stopover site ca. 20 km off the coast of Rhode Island, United States (Block Island; 41 • 130N, 71 • 330W), and it has more fat, total lipophilic antioxidants, anthocyanins (a type of polyphenol) and other phenolics compared with other local fruits Bolser et al., 2013). At that the same stopover site, circulating non-enzymatic antioxidant capacity was positively correlated with fat stores in Blackpoll Warblers (Setophaga striata) and Red-eyed Vireos (Vireo olivaceus, Skrip et al., 2015). ...
... This 283 km 2 island serves as a major stopover site for migratory birds in the fall (Reinert et al., 2002). Once on Block Island, migrating songbirds rest and refuel, typically consume large quantities of fruit while stopping over, and then depending on body condition continue migration to the south, or reorient back toward the mainland of Rhode Island (Able, 1977;Parrish, 1997;Bolser et al., 2013;Smith and McWilliams, 2014). Performing this experiment on an island also allowed us to be certain that we were accurately assessing an individual's departure from the stopover site. ...
... When we provided short-term captive Hermit Thrushes with supplementary hydrophilic antioxidants (i.e., daily doses of polyphenols), all birds increased OXY during captivity, and those fed ad lib and provided polyphenols were able to increase OXY more than any other treatment group. This indicates that hydrophilic antioxidants, such as those abundant in most fruits on Block Island and elsewhere (Schaefer, 2011;Bolser et al., 2013), are able to directly influence an individual's non-enzymatic antioxidant capacity. Interestingly, Blackpolls and Vireos given an ad lib diet were also able to increase their non-enzymatic antioxidant FIGURE 7 | Departure directions for fall-migrating Blackpoll Warblers (green), Hermit Thrushes (blue), Red-eyed Vireos (pink), and Yellow-rumped Warblers (yellow) fed ad lib or at maintenance levels. ...
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During migratory stopovers, birds must make decisions about when and where to travel and these decisions are likely contingent on their fuel stores, food availability, and antioxidant capacity as well as seasonal changes in key environmental factors. We conducted a field experiment on an offshore stopover site (Block Island, Rhode Island, United States: 41°130N, 71°330W) during autumn migration to test the hypothesis that birds with greater fuel stores and non-enzymatic antioxidant capacity have shorter stopovers than lean birds with low antioxidant capacity, and to determine the extent to which this depends on migration strategy. We used a 2 × 2 factorial field experiment (two levels each of available food and dietary polyphenols) with four species of songbirds kept in captivity for 3–5 days to produce experimental groups with different fuel stores and antioxidant capacity. We attached digital VHF transmitters to assess stopover duration and departure direction using automated telemetry. Non-enzymatic antioxidant capacity increased during refueling for Red-eyed Vireos (Vireo olivaceus) and Blackpoll Warblers (Setophaga striata) fed ad lib diets, and for ad lib fed Hermit Thrushes (Catharus guttatus) supplemented with polyphenols, but not for Yellow-rumped Warblers (Setophaga coronata coronata). Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) decreased during captivity and was influenced by dietary treatment only in Red-eyed Vireos. Oxidative damage decreased during captivity for all species except Yellow-rumped Warblers. Stopover duration was shorter for Vireos and Blackpolls fed ad lib as compared to those fed maintenance. Ad lib fed Hermit Thrushes supplemented with polyphenols had shorter stopovers than those fed ad lib, as did thrushes fed at maintenance and supplemented with polyphenols compared with those fed at maintenance alone. There was no influence of condition on stopover duration for Yellow-rumped Warblers. Departure direction was not strongly related to condition, and birds primarily reoriented north when departing Block Island. Thus, fat stores and oxidative status interacted to influence the time passerines spent on stopover, and condition-dependent departure decisions were related to a bird’s migration strategy. Therefore, seasonal variation in macro- and micro-nutrient resources available for refueling at stopover sites can affect body condition and antioxidant capacity and in turn influence the timing and success of migration.
... However, all PUFA are highly susceptible to oxidative damage due to easily-oxidizable hydrogen atoms located near their double bonds (Wagner et al. 1994;Niki et al. 2005). Furthermore, lipid radicals are produced when reactive species scavenge the hydrogen atoms from an unsaturated fat, and often this causes a self-perpetuating chain reaction damaging nearby PUFAs and other molecules (Wagner et al. 1994;Niki et al. 2005 Bolser et al. 2013). Water-soluble antioxidants such as anthocyanins are particularly relevant in songbirds since they are preferentially consumed by certain species during fall migration and in captivity Alan et al. 2013;Bolser et al. 2013). ...
... Furthermore, lipid radicals are produced when reactive species scavenge the hydrogen atoms from an unsaturated fat, and often this causes a self-perpetuating chain reaction damaging nearby PUFAs and other molecules (Wagner et al. 1994;Niki et al. 2005 Bolser et al. 2013). Water-soluble antioxidants such as anthocyanins are particularly relevant in songbirds since they are preferentially consumed by certain species during fall migration and in captivity Alan et al. 2013;Bolser et al. 2013). Dietary anthocyanin supplements in humans stimulate NRF2 and enhance antioxidant capacity in the context of the inflammatory disease atherosclerosis (Aboonabi and Singh 2015), in human diabetic aortic cells (Aboonabi et al. 2020), cloned rat liver cells (Shih et al. 2007), human serum under mild hypoxic conditions (Cimino et al. 2013), and in healthy dairy goats (Tian et al. 2019). ...
... Omnivorous migratory songbirds undergo endurance flights biannually and many species switch to eating mostly berries that are rich in fats and antioxidants during their fall migration Bolser et al. 2013 ...
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Ecologically-relevant factors such as exercise and diet quality can directly influence how physiological systems work including those involved in maintaining oxidative balance; however, to our knowledge, no studies to date have focused on how such factors directly affect expression of key components of the endogenous antioxidant system (i.e., transcription factors, select antioxidant genes, and corresponding antioxidant enzymes) in several metabolically active tissues of a migratory songbird. We conducted a 3-factor experiment that tested the following hypotheses: (H1) Daily flying over several weeks increases the expression of transcription factors NRF2 and PPARs as well as endogenous antioxidant genes (i.e., CAT, SOD1, SOD2, GPX1, GPX4), and upregulates endogenous antioxidant enzyme activities (i.e., CAT, SOD, GPx). (H2) Songbirds fed diets composed of more 18:2n-6 PUFA are more susceptible to oxidative damage and thus upregulate their endogenous antioxidant system compared to when fed diets with less PUFA. (H3) Songbirds fed dietary anthocyanins gain additional antioxidant protection and thus upregulate their endogenous antioxidant system less compared to songbirds not fed anthocyanins. Flight training increased the expression of 3 of the 6 antioxidant genes and transcription factors measured in the liver, consistent with H1, but for only one gene (SOD2) in the pectoralis. Dietary fat quality had no effect on antioxidant pathways (H2) whereas dietary anthocyanins increased the expression of select antioxidant enzymes in the pectoralis, but not in the liver (H3). These tissue-specific differences in response to flying and dietary antioxidants are likely explained by functional differences between tissues as well as fundamental differences in their turnover rates. The consumption of dietary antioxidants along with regular flying enables birds during migration to stimulate the expression of genes involved in antioxidant protection likely through increasing the transcriptional activity of NRF2 and PPARs, and thereby demonstrates for the first time that these relevant ecological factors affect the regulation of key antioxidant pathways in wild birds. What remains to be demonstrated is how the extent of these ecological factors (i.e., intensity or duration of flight, amounts of dietary antioxidants) influences the regulation of these antioxidant pathways and thus oxidative balance.
... June 28, 2021 1 / 15 a1111111111 a1111111111 a1111111111 a1111111111 a1111111111 migration), breeding, or when faced with an immune challenge [5][6][7] Supplementing the diets of humans (e.g., athletes), birds, or mammals with certain antioxidants prior to high-intensity exercise-training protects against oxidative damage to lipids [8,9] and muscles [10]. A wide variety of animals prefer foods with certain antioxidants [11][12][13] and these micronutrients are abundant in many foods consumed by wild animals [11,12,14,15]. Although the functional importance of dietary antioxidants to animal health and performance is recognized [16][17][18], no previous studies have demonstrated that consumed antioxidants are transported to a major site of RS production, the mitochondria (but see: [19], and whether this depends at all on the physiological state of the animal. ...
... Although the functional importance of dietary antioxidants to animal health and performance is recognized [16][17][18], no previous studies have demonstrated that consumed antioxidants are transported to a major site of RS production, the mitochondria (but see: [19], and whether this depends at all on the physiological state of the animal. Flying birds offer a particularly relevant system for investigating how exercise affects the bioavailability and efficacy of dietary antioxidants, given the high energetic costs of flight [20][21][22], birds' reliance on fats as fuel [23], and their preference for foods rich in antioxidants [11,13,[24][25][26][27]. Flight is a particularly energetically expensive form of exercise and is primarily fueled by catabolizing stored fat-nature's most energy dense, yet oxidatively vulnerable metabolic fuel [28,29]. ...
... Likewise, long-duration, sustained flights by migrating birds, some of the world's most incredible athletes, require prolonged periods operating at high metabolic rates (>10X BMR) while not eating or drinking [31][32][33]. Birds regularly consume lipophilic and hydrophilic antioxidants from fruits during fall migration [11,13,24,34], but evidence that these antioxidants protect against damage by RS during high-intensity exercise is murky due in part to the complexity of the antioxidant system [3,29,35], as well as our inability to directly measure rates of RS production in vivo that would result in damage [36,37]. Further, however common in their diets, the bioavailability of dietary antioxidants in songbirds is largely unknown (although see: [38]). ...
Full-text available
Whether dietary antioxidants are effective for alleviating oxidative costs associated with energy-demanding life events first requires they are successfully absorbed in the digestive tract and transported to sites associated with reactive species production (e.g. the mitochondria). Flying birds are under high energy and oxidative demands, and although birds commonly ingest dietary antioxidants in the wild, the bioavailability of these consumed antioxidants is poorly understood. We show for the first time that an ingested lipophilic antioxidant, α-tocopherol, reached the mitochondria in the flight muscles of a songbird but only if they regularly exercise (60 min of perch-to-perch flights two times in a day or 8.5 km day ⁻¹ ). Deuterated α-tocopherol was found in the blood of exercise-trained zebra finches within 6.5 hrs and in isolated mitochondria from pectoral muscle within 22.5 hrs, but never reached the mitochondria in caged sedentary control birds. This rapid pace (within a day) and extent of metabolic routing of a dietary antioxidant to muscle mitochondria means that daily consumption of such dietary sources can help to pay the inevitable oxidative costs of flight muscle metabolism, but only when combined with regular exercise.
... Fall and spring migrations in the northern hemisphere likely present distinct oxidative challenges for migratory birds, as antioxidant-rich fruits are plentiful in fall but not in spring (Parrish 1997, Bolser et al. 2013, Smith et al. 2015, and adults prepare to breed shortly after spring migration (Ramenofsky andWingfield 2006, Legagneux et al. 2012). It has been established that depositing antioxidants into eggs is beneficial and leads to higher hatching and fledging rates for offspring (McGraw et al. 2005, Norte et al. 2010. ...
... Starting on September 21, 2016, we randomly assigned all hand-raised starlings to be fed 1 of the 2 semi-synthetic high polyunsaturated diets that differed only in anthocyanin content (Table 1). We chose to supplement diets with anthocyanin, a water-soluble antioxidant, because anthocyanins are common in many fruits that are consumed by wild birds , Bolser et al. 2013) and because free-living birds preferentially consume fruits with more anthocyanin during fall migration (Bolser et al. 2013). The high-antioxidant diet (Table 1) had 119 mg kg -1 (wet weight) added anthocyanin (Standardized Elderberry 6.5% Powder; Artemis International, Inc., Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA) so that a bird such as a starling that ate 35 g total each day would consume the equivalent of 4.2 mg anthocyanin day -1 (or ~17 berries day -1 ); the lowantioxidant diet had no anthocyanin added. ...
... Starting on September 21, 2016, we randomly assigned all hand-raised starlings to be fed 1 of the 2 semi-synthetic high polyunsaturated diets that differed only in anthocyanin content (Table 1). We chose to supplement diets with anthocyanin, a water-soluble antioxidant, because anthocyanins are common in many fruits that are consumed by wild birds , Bolser et al. 2013) and because free-living birds preferentially consume fruits with more anthocyanin during fall migration (Bolser et al. 2013). The high-antioxidant diet (Table 1) had 119 mg kg -1 (wet weight) added anthocyanin (Standardized Elderberry 6.5% Powder; Artemis International, Inc., Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA) so that a bird such as a starling that ate 35 g total each day would consume the equivalent of 4.2 mg anthocyanin day -1 (or ~17 berries day -1 ); the lowantioxidant diet had no anthocyanin added. ...
Migratory birds engage in 2 periods of endurance flight annually as they travel between summer breeding and overwintering grounds, and such endurance flights likely incur oxidative costs. These costs may differ between fall and spring migration, especially for females who must prepare for breeding and egg laying in spring. The objective of this study of a migratory bird was to test proposed hypotheses about how key components of the female’s antioxidant system differ in response to flight training in the fall and spring and to dietary antioxidant supplementation. We hand raised female European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) and fed them either a diet supplemented with dietary anthocyanins or a diet without added anthocyanins. We flew females in a wind tunnel for 15 days during fall and spring migration seasons and measured over time oxidative lipid damage (d-ROMs) and 3 components of the antioxidant system: nonenzymatic antioxidant capacity (OXY), uric acid, and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity. Prior to flight training, OXY and oxidative damage were lower in females during spring compared with fall, and females fed a low-antioxidant diet had consistently higher circulating uric acid. GPx activity decreased more in spring immediately after a long-duration flight. Females fed a high-antioxidant diet had a greater decrease in OXY after the 15-day flight training. Flight-trained females had higher circulating uric acid than untrained females immediately after the longest-duration flight and decreased GPx activity after the 15-day flight training. In sum, females upregulated enzymatic and nonenzymatic endogenous antioxidants in spring, and females fed a diet with less antioxidants appear to compensate by increasing circulating uric acid. Our findings emphasize the important role of dietary antioxidants for birds during migration, and similar flights in fall and spring likely represent distinct oxidative challenges in the life history of female birds.
... Introduced plants alter community structure and composition by replacing native species (McKinney 2004, Burghardt et al. 2009, Nelson et al. 2017) and reducing stopover habitat quality (McWilliams et al. 2004(McWilliams et al. , 2021Guglielmo et al. 2017). Important nutritional components in berries serve as antioxidants and immune stimulants in migrating birds (reviewed by Cooper-Mullin and McWilliams 2016), and native fruits often contain greater concentrations of energy, fat, or antioxidants than introduced ones (Bolser et al. 2013, Oguchi et al. 2017, but see Cullen et al. 2020). As a result, fall migrants are more likely to settle into habitats with fewer introduced plants and preferentially consume native fruits (Bolser et al. 2013, Oguchi et al. 2017, 2018Gallinat et al. 2020). ...
... Important nutritional components in berries serve as antioxidants and immune stimulants in migrating birds (reviewed by Cooper-Mullin and McWilliams 2016), and native fruits often contain greater concentrations of energy, fat, or antioxidants than introduced ones (Bolser et al. 2013, Oguchi et al. 2017, but see Cullen et al. 2020). As a result, fall migrants are more likely to settle into habitats with fewer introduced plants and preferentially consume native fruits (Bolser et al. 2013, Oguchi et al. 2017, 2018Gallinat et al. 2020). Migrants that use stopover habitats with more introduced fruiting plants have lower concentrations of triglycerides in their bloodstream, indicating poorer refueling performance McWilliams 2010, Smith et al. 2015). ...
Birds must contend with an array of anthropogenic threats during their migratory journeys. Many migrants are killed due to encounters with artificial light, introduced species, pollutants, and other anthropogenic hazards, while survivors of these encounters can suffer longer-lasting negative effects. The nonlethal effects of anthropogenic threats on migrating birds are less well understood than direct mortality, yet both potentially contribute to population declines. For example, building collisions frequently kill migrating birds, but the numbers of migrants that survive with an impaired ability to fly, refuel, or navigate to their destination on time is not well understood. Though not immediately fatal, such injuries can lead to delayed mortality and, ultimately, reduced lifetime reproductive success. Furthermore, migrants are likely to encounter multiple threats on their journeys, which can interact synergistically to further reduce fitness. For instance, light pollution attracts and disorients migrants, increasing the likelihood of window strikes, and surviving birds may be more vulnerable to predation from introduced predators. While considerable attention has focused on the lethal effects of anthropogenic threats, here, we review nonlethal effects of 8 types of threats during migration, their interactions, and the pathways through which they can exert fitness costs. In doing so, we identify knowledge gaps and suggest areas for future research. In the absence of more information, we propose that the greatest reduction in the cumulative lethal and nonlethal impacts of anthropogenic hazards will be achieved by addressing threat types, like artificial light at night, that interact with and compound the impact of additional threats. Direct mortality from anthropogenic sources is recognized as a key driver of population declines, but a full understanding of the impacts of human activity on migrating birds must include the cumulative and interacting effects that extend beyond immediate mortality en route to influence overall migration success and lifetime fitness.
... The benefits of consuming dietary anthocyanins could be relevant for birds during the migratory season, which is known to impose distinct oxidative and metabolic challenges on migrants [26][27][28][29][30][31]. For example, during endurance flight birds may operate at five to seven times higher metabolic rate than when at rest [32][33][34][35] and this extreme metabolic effort is known to increase generation of reactive oxygen species that could damage tissues and in turn tradeoff aerobic metabolism and performance during migration [28,[36][37][38][39]. ...
... In other words, an additional decrease in red blood cell size, as well as the increased haematocrit and haemoglobin content at the moment of peak aerobic metabolism, may further enhance oxygen supply or may provide assets against the eventual limitations in the oxygen delivery system during flight [114]. Considering the dietary preferences of many songbirds during the migratory season [26,27], our study also supports the view that migrants could select anthocyanin-rich fruits for their natural oxygen deliveryenhancements effects. ...
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Background Endurance flight impose substantial oxidative costs on the avian oxygen delivery system. In particular, the accumulation of irreversible damage in red blood cells can reduce the capacity of blood to transport oxygen and limit aerobic performance. Many songbirds consume large amounts of anthocyanin-rich fruit, which is hypothesized to reduce oxidative costs, enhance post-flight regeneration, and enable greater aerobic capacity. While their antioxidant benefits appear most straightforward, the effects of anthocyanins on blood composition remain so far unknown. We fed thirty hand-raised European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) two semisynthetic diets (with or without anthocyanin supplement) and manipulated the extent of flight activity in a wind tunnel (daily flying or non-flying for over two weeks) to test for their interactive effects on functionally important haematological variables. Results Supplemented birds had on average 15% more and 4% smaller red blood cells compared to non-supplemented individuals and these diet effects were independent of flight manipulation. Haemoglobin content was 7% higher in non-supplemented flying birds compared to non-flying birds, while similar haemoglobin content was observed among supplemented birds that were flown or not. Neither diet nor flight activity influenced haematocrit. Conclusion The concerted adjustments suggest that supplementation generally improved antioxidant protection in blood, which could prevent the excess removal of cells from the bloodstream and may have several implications on the oxygen delivery system, including improved gas exchange and blood flow. The flexible haematological response to dietary anthocyanins may also suggest that free-ranging species preferentially consume anthocyanin-rich fruits for their natural blood doping, oxygen delivery-enhancement effects.
... Birds use carbohydrates and fats as their primary energy source, and free radicals appear as a result of fat metabolism. While the increase in the amount of this antioxidant is a protection for plants and the birds that consume them, it can also provide a protection for the free radicals that the consumer will face as a result of fat metabolism too (Bolser et al., 2013). At the same time, Blackbirds often migrate at close distances. ...
... Given that individuals of many bird species deposit fuel in the form of fat and protein (Bairlein 1998;Marshall et al. 2016), it is not surprising that several studies have demonstrated individual selection for food-rich habitats (Cohen et al. 2012) and positive associations between bird abundance and local arthropod availability and landscape-level forest cover (Buler et al. 2007;Buler and Moore 2011;McCabe and Olsen 2015a). During fall migration, many birds consume fruit for their sugars, fatty acids (Wheelwright 1988;Bairlein 1996;McWilliams et al. 2002;Smith and McWilliams 2010) and antioxidants Bolser et al. 2013;Skrip et al. 2015). However, fruit availability varies over time and space (Valdez-Hernández et al. 2010;Feldman and Dorantes 2017;Feldman et al. 2018;Gallinat et al. 2018). ...
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Background For migrating birds, stopover requires spending time and energy that otherwise could be allocated to flying. Thus, birds optimally refuel their subsequent migratory flight by reducing stopover duration or foraging activity in food-rich environments. In coastal habitats, birds may forego refueling and take short stopovers irrespective of local food availability. Given the paucity of studies exploring how migrants adjust stopover behavior in response to temporal variation in food availability, especially in the Neotropics, we fixed radio tags to 51 Red-eyed Vireos ( Vireo olivaceous ) over two years at two sites on the coast of Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. Methods We applied VHF radio tags during the fall of 2016 and 2017, and tracked birds using automatic and manual receiving units. We estimated stopover duration and activity levels (one site only) for between six and fifteen birds, depending on site and year. We measured fruit availability weekly along the net lanes where we captured birds. We used a generalized linear model to estimate the relationships between stopover duration/activity level and fruit density, bird body mass and year. We interpreted relationships for the model with the lowest AICc value. Results We found that approximately half of the birds departed on the same day they were captured. For the birds that stayed longer, we could not discern whether they did so because they were light, or fruit density was high. On the other hand, lighter birds were more active than heavier birds but only in one of the two years. Conclusions Given our results, it is unlikely that Red-eyed Vireos refuel along the Yucatan coast. However, they still likely need to recuperate from crossing the Gulf of Mexico, which may necessitate foraging more often if in poor body condition. If the birds then move inland then stopover should be thought of as a large-scale phenomenon, where habitats with different functions may be spread out over a broad landscape.
... Interestingly, during autumn migration birds select quality fruits rich in anthocyanins, phenolic profile, and strong antioxidant activity. Bolser et al. [130] revealed that birds preferred V. recognitum and V. dentatum fruits which have the highest total antioxidant content. Serteser et al. [131] investigated the antioxidant properties of selected wildgrowing plants in Turkey. ...
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The genus Viburnum (Adoxaceae, Dipsacales) is of scientific interest due to the chemical components and diverse biological activities found across species of the genus, which includes more than 230 species of evergreen, semievergreen, or deciduous shrubs and small trees. Although frequently used as an ornament, the Viburnum species show biological properties with health-promoting effects. Fruits, flowers, and barks of certain species are used for pharmaceutical purposes or as cooking ingredients, hence containing biochemical compounds with health-promoting activity such are carotenoids, polyphenols, and flavonoids. However, its taxonomical determination is difficult, due to its wide distribution and frequent hybridizations; therefore, an objective classification would allow us to understand its biological activity based on its phytochemical components. More than sixty phytochemical compounds have been reported, where vibsanin-type diterpenes and their derivatives are the most prevalent. Leaves and twigs of V. dilatatum contain the largest number of phytochemicals among the genus. Through preclinical evidence, this study provides insight regarding antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, cytotoxic, and anticancer activities of genus Viburnum.
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Knowledge of diet and dietary selectivity is vital, especially for the conservation of declining species. Accurately obtaining this information, however, is difficult, especially if the study species feeds on a wide range of food items within heterogeneous and inaccessible environments, such as the tree canopy. Hawfinches (Coccothraustes coccothraustes), like many woodland birds, are declining for reasons that are unclear. We investigated the possible role that dietary selection may have in these declines in the UK. Here, we used a combination of high-throughput sequencing of 261 hawfinch faecal samples assessed against tree occurrence data from quadrats sampled in three hawfinch population strongholds in the UK to test for evidence of selective foraging. This revealed that hawfinches show selective feeding and consume certain tree genera disproportionally to availability. Positive selection was shown for beech (Fagus), cherry (Prunus), hornbeam (Carpinus), maples (Acer) and oak (Quercus), while Hawfinch avoided ash (Fraxinus), birch (Betula), chestnut (Castanea), fir (Abies), hazel (Corylus), rowan (Sorbus) and lime (Tilia). This approach provided detailed information on hawfinch dietary choice and may be used to predict the effects of changing food resources on other declining passerines populations in the future.
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Nocturnal autumn passerine migrants are frequently drifted by wind or carried by downwind flight from New England to offshore islands. Most individuals in these flights are immatures. Many recover the mainland via reoriented northward flights. During fall 1972, I made field observations and performed orientation cage tests on nocturnal migrants on Block Island, Rhode Island. Migrants reached the island during four southward movements in following winds. Migration was very light or absent on most other nights. Reoriented diurnal flights left from the island immediately after the arrival of a large nocturnal migration. Northward movements occurred on two nights following daytime reoriented flights. These nocturnal movements are tentatively interpreted as constituting reoriented flights. About 27% of the 79 individuals tested in orientation cages showed significantly directional nocturnal activity. About two-thirds of these oriented basically northwestward, corresponding to the reoriented flight of free-flying birds. These and similar reorientations of immature birds can be explained by a simple compass reorientation in response to wind drift over the ocean without invoking complicated navigation mechanisms. The remaining individuals oriented toward the southeast. Eleven birds exhibited a significant eastward orientation during the first few hours after dawn; this is interpreted as a positive phototaxis. Three of four Blackpoll Warblers oriented southward. No correlation existed between the quantity of Zugunruhe and the amount of subcutaneous fat, but fatter birds were significantly more likely to show oriented nocturnal activity.
This chapter gives results from some illustrative exploration of the performance of information-theoretic criteria for model selection and methods to quantify precision when there is model selection uncertainty. The methods given in Chapter 4 are illustrated and additional insights are provided based on simulation and real data. Section 5.2 utilizes a chain binomial survival model for some Monte Carlo evaluation of unconditional sampling variance estimation, confidence intervals, and model averaging. For this simulation the generating process is known and can be of relatively high dimension. The generating model and the models used for data analysis in this chain binomial simulation are easy to understand and have no nuisance parameters. We give some comparisons of AIC versus BIC selection and use achieved confidence interval coverage as an integrating metric to judge the success of various approaches to inference.
Cyanogenic glycosides are common secondary compounds in ripe fruits that are dispersed by birds. These substances are toxic to some mammals. We examined the repellent effect of amygdalin, a cyanogenic glycoside, on Cedar Waxwings (Bombycilla cedrorum). Amygdalin did not reduce food ingestion in Cedar Waxwings, even at relatively high concentrations. In addition, these birds did not exhibit preference for amygdalin-free over amygdalin-containing fruit. Cedar Waxwings given artificial food that contained four times the amount of amygdalin found in some wild fruits ingested the equivalent of 5.5 times the oral lethal dose for rats in 4 h without exhibiting any external signs of toxicity. Amygdalin ingestion appeared to have a negative effect on nitrogen retention and food assimilation. However, when nitrogen retention and food assimilation were recalculated assuming that all amygdalin ingested was excreted intact, these negative effects disappeared. The presence of large amounts of unhydrolyzed amygdalin in the excreta of waxwings fed on amygdalin-laced food confirmed our conjecture that amygdalin was excreted intact. We hypothesize that in Cedar Waxwings, amygdalin is absorbed in the intestine but is not hydrolyzed by endogenous enzymes and thus is excreted intact in urine. The apparent lack of repellent effects of amygdalin in Cedar Waxwings suggest that toxicity data for rats and humans may be a poor predictor for the deterrent effect of fruit secondary compounds on frugivorous birds. Many hypotheses that have been posed to explain the presence of secondary compounds in ripe fruit assume that these substances have repellent/toxic effects on avian seed dispersers. For some compounds, such as amygdalin and other cyanogenic glycosides, this assumption may not be valid.
Many species of Nearctic landbirds exhibit behavioral plasticity during migration, presumably to compensate for energetic demands of migratory flight. At Block Island, Rhode Island, a northern temperate site, I quantified the extent of one form of behavioral plasticity in Nearctic landbirds: dietary expansion from breeding season insectivory to high levels of frugivory during autumn. I also measured changes in energetic condition of migrants using recapture methods and diurnal regressions of mass change. Based on analyses of 1,568 fecal samples collected from 1993-1995, frugivory during migration was frequent within many species, extensive within individual birds, and widespread among taxa. Migratory species ranged from strict insectivory in the Winter Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes) to 96% fruit by volume in the fecal samples of Rose-breasted Grosbeaks (Pheucticus ludovicianus). Nine of 17 recaptured species demonstrated mass gains between first and last recapture. Only the Red-eyed Vireo (Vireo olivaceus) gained significant mass within a single day, suggesting that the site was suitable for migratory mass gain if a species remained longer than one day. Highly omnivorous species, with greater than one-third of the diet as fruit, gained significantly more mass while on Block Island than did strict insectivores, i.e., species with less than one-third of the diet as fruit. Insectivorous species on average declined in energetic condition during stopover. The extent of frugivory for a species was positively correlated with average change in energetic condition and fat score per day, suggesting that frugivory allowed species to gain mass more efficiently and extensively than exclusive insectivory. I conclude that frugivory in Nearctic landbirds is far more extensive during migration than previously thought, and that dietary plasticity may be an adaptation to energetic demands of migratory flights.
Manipulated northern arrowwood fruit density in C New York, then monitored fruit removal by birds during 14 wk in the fall of 1985. Each plot had either high or low fruit density in a central 1 m diameter "crop' area, and either high or zero "neighborhood' fruit density in the rest of the 100 m2 plot. Fruits in high density neighborhood plots were removed significantly faster than fruits in plots with zero density neighborhoods. A significantly lower proportion of marked fruit was removed from plots with both low crop size and zero density neighborhoods. Some 43% of all removal of marked fruit by birds took place during a 2-wk period early in the fruiting season. Birds feeding in flocks fed in high density neighborhood plots almost exclusively, presumably causing the greater removal from these plots. Fruit abscission accelerated after week 9, and by week 14 no fruits were left on plants. White-tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus consumed 400 of the 750 marked infructescences during the 14 wk, but destroyed rather than dispersed seeds. -from Author