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Pre-Analytic Considerations for the Proper Assessment of Hormones of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis in Epidemiological Research


Abstract and Figures

There is growing epidemiological interest in hormones as predictors of chronic diseases. The correct handling and analysis of hormones can be cumbersome, and great care must be taken in these processes in order to gain the most information possible. Given differences in sampling, processing, and stability of the various hormonal assays, we sought to provide a comprehensive review to aid future epidemiological research. We have coupled a thorough literature search with our own analytical experience to outline common laboratory problems one must consider in analyzing the hormones of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. In addition, we describe the benefits and limitations of using alternative media--including urine, saliva, and blood spots on filter paper--to measure endocrine hormones in epidemiological studies.
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Pre-analytic considerations for the proper assessment of hormones
of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis in epidemiological research
Rachel L. Derr
, Scott J. Cameron
& Sherita Hill Golden
Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA;
Department of Pathology, Johns Hopkins
University, Baltimore, MD, USA;
Department of Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA
Accepted in revised form 1 February 2006
Abstract. There is growing epidemiological interest in
hormones as predictors of chronic diseases. The
correct handling and analysis of hormones can be
cumbersome, and great care must be taken in these
processes in order to gain the most information
possible. Given differences in sampling, processing,
and stability of the various hormonal assays, we
sought to provide a comprehensive review to aid fu-
ture epidemiological research. We have coupled a
thorough literature search with our own analytical
experience to outline common laboratory problems
one must consider in analyzing the hormones of the
hypothalamic-pituitary axis. In addition, we describe
the benefits and limitations of using alternative media
– including urine, saliva, and blood spots on filter
paper – to measure endocrine hormones in epidemi-
ological studies.
Key words: Biological assay, Storage, Epidemiology, Hormones, Immunoassay, Saliva
Abbreviations: ACTH = adrenocorticotropin hormone; GH = growth hormone; ICMA = immunochemilu-
minometric assay; IGF-1 = insulin-like growth factor; IMA = immunoassay; IRMA = immunoradiometric
assay; NA = no data available; RIA = radioimmunoassay; TSH = thyroid stimulating hormone; T4 =
thyroxine; T3 = triiodothyronine
There has been growing interest in endocrine hor-
mones as risk factors for a variety of chronic diseases,
including cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus,
and cancer. Many large-scale epidemiological studies
with stored serum, plasma, and urine samples are
well-suited for nested case–control studies in this
area. In order for hormonal exposures to be accu-
rately determined, specimen collection, storage, and
preservation must be appropriate at the study
inception. Inappropriate sample storage and pro-
cessing can result in a lost research opportunity.
The pituitary gland has been described as the
body’s ‘‘master gland,’’ in that the anterior portion of
the gland secretes hormones that stimulate various
end organs – the gonads, adrenal glands, thyroid, and
liver – to secrete hormones that control reproduction,
growth, and metabolism (see Figure 1). The release of
these pituitary hormones is regulated by positive
feedback from hypothalamic hormones and negative
feedback from the end-organ hormones, such that a
state of hormonal equilibrium is maintained. The
hypothalamic-pituitary–gonadal axis has been the
most extensively studied axis; many population-based
studies have examined the association between
endogenous sex hormones and cardiovascular disease
risk factors and outcome [1–9]. In these large cohort
studies, as well as smaller studies [10–15], sex hor-
mones measurements were made on previously
banked frozen serum samples, allowing the exami-
nation of new hypotheses regarding the relationship
between sex hormones and cardiovascular disease
that may not have been a major specific aim of these
studies at their inception.
This example raises the possibility of more com-
prehensively examining the other pituitary-end-organ
axes, including the thyroid, growth hormone, and
adrenal axes, in relation to chronic disease outcomes,
which may result in the identification of novel,
potentially modifiable risk factors. The ability to use
existing datasets and banks of serum and urine to
explore new hypotheses, however, is dependent upon
the proper processing and storage of samples at the
time of collection. Also, if future hormonal mea-
surements are to be considered in cohort studies
currently being designed, then proper collection and
storage considerations are important at the study
inception. The purpose of this review is to summarize
the collection, storage, and stability issues related to
the measurement of hormones of the other pituitary
end-organ axes that might affect their ability to be
measured in epidemiological studies. We also exam-
ine alternative collection methods (i.e. blood spot,
European Journal of Epidemiology (2006) 21: 217–226 ÓSpringer 2006
DOI 10.1007/s10654-006-0011-0
urine, and saliva samples) that may be more amena-
ble to use in large epidemiological field studies. We
will specifically examine measurement issues for the
hormones of the thyroid, adrenal, and growth hor-
mone axes. Because gonadal steroids have been
extensively measured in many large cohort studies
and issues of stability have been examined previously
[16], these will not be reviewed. We will not explore
measurement and storage issues related to prolactin
because it has primarily local effects on breast tissue
and not generalized systemic effects like the other
anterior pituitary hormones.
Assay considerations
The first step in planning for hormone measurement
is deciding the assay that will be used, as many of the
collection considerations depend on the assay choice.
Currently, most endocrine hormones are measured
by immunometric assays. These may be competitive,
where exogenously applied reagents are limited, or
non-competitive (two-site or sandwich immunoas-
says) where exogenously applied reagents are in
excess. One type of immunometric assay, the radio-
immunoassay (RIA), involves a radioisotope-labeled
compound and an antibody directed against it that
can be inhibited by an unlabeled compound [17, 18].
RIA is commonly used to measure cortisol. The im-
munoradiometric assay (IRMA), which uses excess
labeled antibody, achieves greater sensitivity and
specificity for assaying GH, IGF-1, and ACTH
[19–21]. In place of the radioactive isotope, chemilu-
minescence can be used to label antigens and antibodies.
This technique, the immunochemiluminometric assay
(ICMA), has improved the sensitivity capabilities of
the TSH assay, allowing for reliable diagnosis of
hyperthyroidism [22, 23].
Protein binding
The precision of an immunoassay and the accuracy
of measurements of active hormone levels may be
disrupted by hormone binding proteins; as a result,
assay methodologies have been developed to abro-
gate the influence of binding protein interference
[24]. The vast majority of the circulating T4, T3,
GH, IGF-1, and cortisol in plasma exist in a com-
plex with specific proteins, while TSH and ACTH
are not bound to proteins in blood. Circumstances
such as pregnancy, estrogen therapy, oral contra-
ceptive therapy, and obesity increase binding protein
levels, and others states such as nephrotic syndrome,
starvation, and chronic liver disease decrease levels
[25, 26]. Since total hormone levels may not accu-
rately reflect unbound, or active, hormone levels in
these settings, free hormone measurements should
be considered.
Measurement of the free hormone level by immu-
noassay is now commonplace for T4 in the clinical
Figure 1. Summary of hypothalamic-pituitary-end organ axes.
laboratory. Although using equilibrium dialysis to
partition bound from free thyroid hormone remains
the somewhat cumbersome gold standard [27], the
free T4 immunoassay is adequate and more feasible
for most epidemiological studies of large populations.
Free levels can also be measured for T3 and cortisol,
but since the process is expensive and time-consum-
ing, it is rarely performed. The most accurate method
for extracting IGF Binding Proteins (IGFBPs) is acid
chromatography; however, because this procedure
is very labor- and time-intensive, acid extraction
methods are frequently used [24].
Collection considerations
Sample tube choice
The assay chosen may dictate whether samples are
collected as plasma, the liquid separated from blood
cells by centrifugation, or serum, the fluid that re-
mains after fibrinogen, prothrombin, and other clot-
ting factors have been removed from plasma. Some
laboratories have optimized particular hormone
assays using only serum while others use only plasma;
hence, plasma and serum should not be used inter-
changeably. Serum is the preferred matrix for anal-
ysis of thyroid hormones, growth hormone, IGF-I,
and cortisol. In contrast, ACTH, which is distinct
because of its very short half-life, is usually measured
in plasma [28].
Proper sample tube selection must also consider the
potential interference from additives such as heparin
and ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA), which
are present in common collection tubes. EDTA–
plasma sample tubes, which prevent coagulation
allowing plasma to be more effectively separated, have
a chelating effect on Europium
). Since Eu
is a component in the DELFIAäassay, which has
been used with success to measure samples containing
TSH [29], GH [30], and cortisol [31], the presence of
EDTA can be a major source of interference.
Quantity requirements
From an analytical perspective, the quantity of ser-
um or plasma required for hormone assays is vari-
able and largely depends on the type of assay and
instrumentation being used for the analysis. Mini-
mum aliquot requirements for assay purposes also
differ according to the hormone of interest and
reported minimum assay volumes necessary range
from 0.1 to 0.3 ml; however, this may vary accord-
ing to laboratory (see Table 1) [32]. Even though
most hormone assays do not use volumes greater
than these for the actual assays, a larger volume
may be required to be physically taken up by the
analyzer (‘‘pick-up volume’’); however, the unused
serum (‘‘dead space’’) is returned at the end of the
analysis. Thus, as a general guideline, if a minimum
of 0.8 ml of blood is aliquoted in an epidemiological
study; this will allow one to assay almost all
hormonal analytes. In long-term epidemiological
cohort studies where there is not an opportunity to
collect another sample under the same conditions,
samples should be stored in aliquots so that they are
available as duplicate or back-up samples for hor-
monal measurements.
Diurnal variation
While TSH, triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4),
and IGF-1 secretion vary minimally throughout the
day permitting random sampling, the secretion of
growth hormone, ACTH, and cortisol exhibits sig-
nificant diurnal variation, making the timing of their
collection critical to the interpretation of the results
(see Table 1). GH levels fluctuate greatly over the
day, ranging from undetectable at certain times of the
day to peaking in the setting of hypoglycemia and
Stage III and IV sleep. Single, random measurements
are therefore difficult to interpret. The diurnal vari-
ation in ACTH and cortisol secretion is somewhat
more predictable, characterized by peaks in the early
morning hours (8 AM) and nadirs in the late evening.
Random measurements of ACTH should be corre-
lated with cortisol measurements from the same
sample [33]. Although IGF-1 is not known to vary
according to a daily pattern, a recent study showed
that IGF-1 values measured two weeks apart in the
same individual varied to an important extent, sug-
gesting the need for more than single sampling when
studying the relationship between IGF-1 and disease
endpoints [34].
Extrinsic factors at the time of collection
In addition to diurnal variation, extrinsic factors such
as smoking, stress, and medications can alter pitui-
tary hormone levels, and thus should be considered in
the decision of when to collect samples. Cigarette
smoking has an acute dose-related effect of increasing
ACTH and cortisol levels, while TSH and GH are not
changed [35, 36]. Withdrawal from cigarettes may
also increase cortisol and ACTH levels. Physical and
psychological stress, in general, increase cortisol,
ACTH, and growth hormone levels, in proportion to
the level of stress [37–39]. It is therefore recom-
mended that blood samples for measurement of these
hormones be collected when the patient is relaxed and
sitting quietly at rest. In one study, TSH increased in
response to the psychological stress of a parachute
jump [39], but in cases of physical stress such as
critical illness, levels of TSH, as well as T4 and T3,
are commonly decreased [40].
In addition to estrogen, which alters hormone levels
through an effect on binding protein levels, other
drugs can affect pituitary hormone measurements,
and this interaction should be recognized for proper
interpretation of results. Thyroid status can be chan-
ged by many diverse medications, through mecha-
nisms including decreasing TSH and altering T3
and T4 secretion, and affecting the transport and
Table 1. Hormonal collection, measurement, and storage considerations for thyroid, growth hormone, and cortisol axes
Assay commonly used Binding
proteins present
Blood component
commonly measured
Minimum volume
required (ml)
Diurnal variation
Proven stability at
room temp
Suggested stability frozen
TSH 3rd generation ICMA No Serum 0.2 No 8 days 6–8 years
T4 IMA Yes Serum 0.3 No 2 weeks 6–8 years
T3 IMA Yes Serum 0.3 No 2 weeks NA
GH 2-site IRMA Yes Serum 0.3 Yes 3 days NA
IGF-1 2-site IRMA Yes Serum 0.2 No 5 days 8 years
ACTH 2-site IRMA No Plasma 0.3 Yes Several hours if succinylated NA
Cortisol RIA Yes Plasma or serum 0.1 Yes 2 weeks 10 years
ACTH=adrenocorticotropin hormone; GH=growth hormone; ICMA=immunochemiluminometric assay; IGF-1=insulin-like growth factor; IRMA=immunoradiometric assay;
IMA=immunoassay; NA=No data available; RIA=radioimmunoassay; TSH=thyroid stimulating hormone; T4=thyroxine; T3=triiodothyronine.
These are averages based on literature review and may vary by assay type and laboratory. In general, if a minimum of 0.8 ml of blood is aliquoted in an epidemiological study, this will
allow one to assay almost all hormonal analytes.
Table 2. Storage and stability considerations for filter paper, urine, and saliva assays
Blood spot filter paper Urine Saliva
Hormones Measurable RT Stability Measurable Stability Measurable Stability
TSH Yes, used widely for neonatal screening 30 days No, because of low levels No, because of low levels
T4 Yes 2 weeks No, because of low levels Rarely, since unreliable NA
T3 Yes 30 days No, because of low levels No, because of low levels
GH No, because of diurnal variation Yes, but limited by variability 4 °C: 2 days,
Frozen: 2–12 months
Rarely, because of low levels NA
IGF-1 Yes 30 days Yes, but complicated by
binding proteins
NA Rarely, because inaccurate NA
ACTH No, because of low levels NA NA
Cortisol Yes 30 days Yes 4 °C: 1–2 days if pH 3–7;
Frozen: months
Yes RT: 4–6 weeks
ACTH=adrenocorticotropin hormone; GH=growth hormone; IGF-1=insulin-like growth factor; NA=No data available; RT=room temperature; TSH=thyroid stimulating
hormone; T4=thyroxine; T3=triiodothyronine.
metabolism of these hormones. Amiodarone, lithium,
iodine, glucocorticoids, and anticonvulsants are
among the most common medications to affect thyroid
hormone levels [41]. Glucocorticoids also alter corti-
sol, ACTH, growth hormone, and IGF-1 levels [42].
Sample transport and processing
If fresh samples are transported to the laboratory
without delay and processing is timely, samples can
generally remain at room temperature. An exception
is for samples measuring ACTH, which is highly
unstable. These samples should be drawn into a cold
syringe, placed immediately into an EDTA tube, and
taken immediately on ice to the laboratory, where the
plasma attained from centrifugation should be frozen
directly [33].
If laboratory analysis of samples is to be delayed
for days or weeks, in addition to considering storage
temperature, which will be discussed in the next
section, processing steps, such as the addition of
protease inhibitors, may be considered. Variability in
IGF-1 measurements due to post-sampling proteol-
ysis was avoided by adding protease inhibitors to
samples stored at 4 °C for 4 weeks in one study [43].
Storage and stability
Since certain hormones have stabilities and half-lives
which can change with temperature, correlation
studies are often conducted to compare levels mea-
sured immediately to those measured after certain
time periods of storage at various temperatures. The
initial characterization of most hormone assays also
usually includes studying the reproducibility of
measurements when assay aliquots have been sub-
jected to sequential freeze-thaw cycles (at least four).
TSH measured by radioimmunoassay in plasma has
been found to be stable at temperatures as high as
37 °C for up to 8 days as well as stable through five
repeat freeze-thaw cycles [44]. T4 and T3 levels, as
well as cortisol levels, are stable in serum samples
stored at room temperature (22 °C) and below for up
to 2 weeks [45]. GH, alternatively, is less stable at
room temperature, with stability for only 3 days, but
refrigerated GH (4 °C) is stable for at least 8 days
[46]. GH, like TSH, was shown to be stable through
five cycles of freezing and thawing. IGF-1 measure-
ments are subject to significant inter-assay variability
secondary to post-sampling proteolysis, when stored
at 4 °C for 4 weeks, but this effect can be blocked by
processing the sample with protease inhibitors [43].
The least stable hormone is ACTH, which is stable in
plasma for only 18 h when refrigerated [46], but
certain modifications may help. One study showed
that succinylating ACTH can allow it to be stable for
several hours at room temperature and for 1 week at
4°C [47].
If stored frozen and thawed only once, many hor-
mones have been considered stable for years, allow-
ing epidemiologists to determine the association
between hormone levels and clinical outcomes from
samples collected years earlier. Stored at )20 °C,
thyroid hormones are stable for many years [48], and
studies have measured TSH and T4 from frozen
samples collected from cohorts 6 to 8 years earlier
[49, 50]. Numerous recent nested case–control studies
have found significant associations between IGF-1
levels and development of various cancers and
ischemic heart disease [51–58]. However, these studies
were not designed specifically to assess hormonal
stability, rather stability was assumed. A recent study
demonstrated that IGF-1 frozen at )80 °C for
2 years was stable, but measurements from samples
frozen at )20 °C for 8 years were unreliable [43].
Cortisol measured from frozen samples has not
been used in epidemiologic studies to date, but if
samples were carefully collected in terms of time of
day, such studies could be possible since cortisol re-
mains stable at )25 °C for more than 10 years in
storage [59]. Table 1 summarizes the available data
on storage and stability of each hormone.
Alternative methods of measuring endocrine hormones
Blood samples are not always available, for example,
if the stored supply has been already exhausted by
prior studies. Therefore, alternative sources from
which to measure hormones may be useful. Table 2
summarizes the characteristics of several alternative
assays for measurement of thyroid, growth, and
cortisol hormones.
Blood spot samples
The blood spot filter paper technique involves placing
a drop of the subject’s blood on a small disc of filter
paper and later extracting and measuring the hor-
mone concentration. Because only a minimal amount
of blood is needed, which can be obtained from a
finger or heel prick, this technique is less invasive and
less time-consuming than venipuncture. Since blood
spots on filter paper are small and quite stable at
room air, this method circumvents many problems
involved with liquid samples like cost, storage, and
transporting to distant laboratories [60]. TSH, T3
(but not T4), IGF-1, and cortisol are all stable on
filter paper for 1 month or more at room temperature,
making them useful in field studies where refrigerated
storage is limited [61–66]. In fact, measuring TSH on
filter paper has allowed for widespread screening for
hypothyroidism in neonates. Filter paper assays of
GH and ACTH are less likely to be clinically useful
and have not been successfully developed.
Potential advantages of urine collection include the
ability to measure hormones in their free form
without the interference of binding proteins, the
ability to measure integrated hormone secretion in
hormones affected by diurnal variation, and the
ability to perform collection as outpatients. However,
potential limitations include incomplete compliance
with overnight or 24-h collections, poor stability of
some hormones in urine, insensitivity of certain as-
says to low levels of hormones in urine, and inter-
ference by comorbidities such as renal disease. For
example, thyroid hormone levels are extremely low in
urine (TSH being detectable in only 50% of normal
patients’ urine); as a result, they do not reliably cor-
relate with serum levels and are heavily affected by
proteinuria [67]. Moreover, the tendency of T4 in
urine to rapidly hydrolyze makes urinary measure-
ments more cumbersome than serum measurements
[68, 69]. However, highly-sensitive techniques, such as
gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS),
allow for accurate detection of hormones including
the androgens [70] and cortisol and its metabolites
[71]. This method, however, necessitates thorough
purification of urine to avoid assay interference,
which is very labor-intensive.
Accurate measurement of urinary GH is possible
with sensitive immunometric assays, and urinary GH
is stable for 2 days at room temperature and for
2–12 months when frozen between )20 °Cand
)70 °C [72, 73]. However, the clinical utility of uri-
nary GH measurement is small. While the correlation
between serum GH and urinary GH is strong in
hypopituitarism and acromegaly [74], it is weaker in
more subtle clinical scenarios, such as short stature
and partial GH deficiency, where it would be of
particular use [75–77]. Because only minute quantities
of GH are excreted in the urine, interindividual var-
iation and day-to-day variability in GH excretion
impact its measurement, and limit the diagnostic
potential of this approach. For similar reasons, it
would likely have limited utility in assessing GH
status in population-based studies.
As an alternative to long collections of urine for
GH assays, spot urine IGF-1 is easier to collect and
correlates well with growth hormone status and ser-
um IGF-1 levels [78, 79], except in patients with
chronic renal failure, type 2 diabetes [80], or who are
over 60 years of age [81]. Unlike most of the other
hormones, IGF-1 found in the urine is not predom-
inantly in the free form; only 30% exists unbound to
binding proteins [78]. In order to assess urinary IGFs
adequately, assays must separate it from IGFBPs
[81], a difficulty that limits its utility.
Cortisol is useful to measure in the urine as a 24-h
collection or as a timed spot sample. The 24-h col-
lections of urinary cortisol have long been accepted as
a reliable measure of adrenocortical secretion [82].
The stability of cortisol in urine is suitable for out-
patient sampling since it is usually stable if refriger-
ated for 1–2 days before the assay, though freezing
immediately after collection is advised [83].
Like urine, collection of saliva for assessment of
hormone levels provides a convenient method of
measuring the unbound fraction of a hormone, which
can be collected multiple times at the subject’s own
home.Cortisol is an example of a hormone that is
currently measured in saliva. Saliva is collected using
a device called a Salivette
(Sarstedt, Newton, NC),
which contains a cotton swab that is chewed for
2–3 min. Cortisol in saliva, which is about 5% of the
total concentration of plasma cortisol, is in equilib-
rium with plasma cortisol. Because of the lack of
albumin and CBG in saliva, an increase in plasma
cortisol is reflected by a change in salivary cortisol
concentration within a few minutes that is more
pronounced than in the plasma, making salivary
cortisol measures especially useful in dynamic tests of
the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis (e.g.
insulin tolerance test, corticotropin releasing hor-
mone stimulation test) [84]. Salivary cortisol is
unaffected by salivary flow rate and displays the same
diurnal variation as plasma cortisol. Salivary mea-
sures of cortisol correlate well with plasma cortisol
levels for normal people of all ages and in states of
abnormal adrenal function [85–87]. Applications of
the salivary cortisol assay have also extended to the
field of psychoneuroendocrinology, being used to test
subjects with psychiatric disorders and in stressed
states [88]. Cortisol is fairly stable in saliva for up to
6 weeks at room temperature when preserved in citric
acid [89], and for extended periods of time when
frozen [90].
Attempts at measuring salivary T3, T4, IGF-1, and
GH have been complicated by their very low con-
centrations in saliva and have yielded conflicting re-
sults. While one report of T4 in saliva found no
correlation with serum levels [91], another study
showed a significant correlation between salivary and
serum T4 [92]. Salivary growth hormone was shown
in one study to generally correlate with serum levels,
but since its concentrations are 1000 fold lower than
serum values, testing saliva for GH is difficult [93].
Salivary IGF-1 has been found to generally reflect
growth hormone levels, being low in GH-deficient
subjects and high in acromegalics when compared to
controls [94]; however, its sensitivity for diagnosing
acromegaly is very poor, with nearly half of acro-
megalic patients in one study having salivary IGF-1
concentrations within the normal range [95]. For
these reasons, none of these hormones are routinely
measured in the saliva today.
Levels of certain endocrine hormones can be mea-
sured from stored samples of plasma or serum,
thereby allowing the opportunity to easily and rap-
idly conduct epidemiologic studies that examine the
association between hormone levels and clinical out-
comes of interest. When choosing an assay for hor-
mone measurement, one must consider the sample
matrix and quantity of the sample available, as well
as the potential for interference by binding proteins if
they are present. Precise collection times are neces-
sary for diurnally varying hormones like GH, ACTH,
and cortisol.
Stability of hormones is influenced by the length of
time since sample collection, the temperature at which
the samples have been stored, and the number of
freeze-thaw cycles they have undergone. However,
long-term stability data are significantly lacking.
There is some evidence that IGF-1, TSH, and T4 may
be stable for many years if stored frozen, based on the
fact that several studies have found statistical signifi-
cance when correlating these hormone levels with
clinical outcomes years later. However, the only
studies with a primary aim of comparing the stability
of a hypothalamic-pituitary axis hormone before and
after storage were done by Kley et al. for cortisol al-
most two decades ago [59] and by Khosravi et al. for
IGF-1 recently [43]. Further studies to validate the
frozen stability of the other hormones, using the most
common assays available today and experimenting
with different storage temperatures and numbers of
freeze-thaw cycles, are important so that currently
available stored samples throughout the world can be
confidently used in epidemiological studies to examine
new hypotheses. In addition, most data regarding
stored thyroid hormone includes data on total T4;
however, with the current widespread use of free T4,
which eliminates the confounding effects of thyroid
binding globulin, future studies should focus on the
stability of free T4. To date, only the hypothalamic-
pituitary–gonadal and growth hormone axes have
been appreciably studied with respect to their impact
on chronic diseases; however, there is likely much to
be learned by investigating the thyroid and adrenal
axes in relation to chronic diseases as well.
Methods of measuring levels of some hormones
through alternative means have been successful in
circumventing some of the problems inherent with
blood collections. For example, the dilemma of
diurnal variation and binding proteins can be avoided
with urine and saliva sampling. Urine and saliva as-
says are now popular for cortisol. Measurement of
TSH for the purpose of diagnosing hypothyroidism
in field studies has been greatly enhanced by the use
of blood spots on filter paper, which decreases cost
and the requirement for extensive storage space.
These methods can provide alternatives to traditional
blood drawing techniques that are more burdensome
to the participants, and importantly, they may also
allow for the preservation of serum banks for mea-
surements of analytes that can only be accomplished
with blood samples.
Pituitary hormones are key regulators of metabo-
lism, growth, and reproduction. With proper atten-
tion to collection and storage considerations,
hormones of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis can be
the targets of case–control and prospective cohort
studies designed to determine the hormonal basis of
major chronic diseases.
Dr. Golden was supported by a grant through the
Robert Wood Johnson Minority Medical Faculty
Development Program Award, Princeton, NJ and by
a minority supplement grant through the National
Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases,
Bethesda, MD (3 U01 DK48485–10S1).
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Address for correspondence: Sherita Hill Golden, Division
of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Johns Hopkins Uni-
versity School of Medicine, 2024 E. Monument Street, Suite
2-600, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA
Phone: +1-410-614-1135; Fax: +1-410-955-0476
... Finally, the HYP is a part of dominant neuroendocrine systems, such as hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) or hypothalamuspituitary-gonadal (HPG) axes. Both the HPA and HPG axes are implicated not only in the regulation of reproduction, but also in stress response, and both are related to the regulation of mood and mood disorders including anxiety (55)(56)(57). ...
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Anxiety disorders are one of the most prevalent mood disorders that can lead to impaired quality of life. Current treatment of anxiety disorders has various adverse effects, safety concerns, or restricted efficacy; therefore, novel therapeutic targets need to be studied. Sex steroid hormones (SSHs) play a crucial role in the formation of brain structures, including regions of the limbic system and prefrontal cortex during perinatal development. In the brain, SSHs have activational and organizational effects mediated by either intracellular or transmembrane G-protein coupled receptors. During perinatal developmental periods, the physiological concentrations of SSHs lead to the normal development of the brain; however, the early hormonal dysregulation could result in various anxiety diorders later in life. Sex differences in the prevalence of anxiety disorders suggest that SSHs might be implicated in their development. In this review, we discuss preclinical and clinical studies regarding the role of dysregulated SSHs signaling during early brain development that modifies the risk for anxiety disorders in a sex-specific manner in adulthood. Moreover, our aim is to summarize potential molecular mechanisms by which the SSHs may affect anxiety disorders in preclinical research. Finally, the potential effects of SSHs in the treatment of anxiety disorders are discussed.
... Salivary cortisol reflects the levels of biologically active, non-protein-bound cortisol in serum and follows the circadian variation in serum cortisol [22]. Salivary cortisol correlates strongly with plasma cortisol [23] and is less prone to variability due to changes in cortisol-binding proteins [24]. Due to its easy, non-invasive collection and convenient transportation and storage, salivary cortisol is widely used for paediatric research. ...
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Abstract Background The aim of this study was to examine the characteristics of diurnal cortisol rhythm in childhood obesity and its relationships with anthropometry, pubertal stage and physical activity. Methods Thirty-five children with obesity (median age: 11.80[interquartile range 10.30, 13.30] and median BMI z-score: 3.21[interquartile range 2.69, 3.71]) and 22 children with normal weight (median age: 10.85[interquartile range 8.98, 12.13] and median BMI z-score: − 0.27[interquartile range − 0.88, 0.35]) were recruited. Saliva samples were collected at 08:00, 16:00 and 23:00 h. Cortisol concentrations at 3 time points, corresponding areas under the curve (AUCs) and diurnal cortisol slope (DCS) were compared between the two groups. Anthropometric measures and pubertal stage were evaluated, and behavioural information was obtained via questionnaires. Results Children with obesity displayed significantly lower cortisol08:00 (median [interquartile range]: 5.79[3.42,7.73] vs. 8.44[5.56,9.59] nmol/L, P = 0.030) and higher cortisol23:00 (median [interquartile range]: 1.10[0.48,1.46] vs. 0.40[0.21,0.61] nmol/L, P
... In this study, IGF-I was found to be relatively stable since neither freezing and re-thawing of the samples nor storage at 4°C for one day or at − 20°C for up to 3 months affected IGF-I measurements [13]. Similarly, Derr et al. as well as Holt and co-workers reported a remarkable stability of IGF-I and GH in samples with respect to various exogenous physical conditions [14,15]. In our rat study, we could confirm that IGF-I concentrations are very robust, and the pre-analytical variability introduced through the conditions tested played only a minor role. ...
... Salivary cortisol measures free as opposed to bound cortisol, thus, it is less prone to variability due to changes in cortisol binding proteins (i.e. corticotrophin binding globulin and albumin) and is the preferred method of measurement for dynamic HPA axis studies (27). This daily collection protocol was repeated on each of three successive week days; thus, each participant provided up to 18 cortisol measures. ...
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Objective: Neuroendocrine abnormalities, such as activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, are associated with obesity; however, few large-scale population-based studies have examined HPA axis and markers of obesity. We examined the cross-sectional association of the cortisol awakening response (CAR) and diurnal salivary cortisol curve with obesity. Design and methods: The Multiethnic Study of Atherosclerosis Stress Study includes 1,002 White, Hispanic, and Black men and women (mean age 65 ± 9.8 years) who collected up to 18 salivary cortisol samples over 3 days. Cortisol profiles were modeled using regression spline models that incorporated random parameters for subject-specific effects. Cortisol curve measures included awakening cortisol, CAR (awakening to 30-min postawakening), early decline (30 min to 2-h postawakening), late decline (2-h postawakening to bedtime), and the corresponding areas under the curve (AUC). Body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) were used to estimate adiposity. Results: For the entire cohort, both BMI and WC were negatively correlated with awakening cortisol (P < 0.05), AUC during awakening rise, and early decline and positively correlated to the early decline slope (P < 0.05) after adjustments for age, race/ethnicity, gender, diabetes status, socioeconomic status, β-blockers, steroids, hormone replacement therapy, and smoking status. No heterogeneities of effects were observed by gender, age, and race/ethnicity. Conclusions: Higher BMI and WC are associated with neuroendocrine dysregulation, which is present in a large population sample, and only partially explained by other covariates.
... These assays are very sensitive with a lower limit of detection of 0.002 µg/L to 0.2 µg/L. Preanalytic handling is straight forward as GH, in a serum sample, remains stable for at least 24 hours[49]. In addition physiological variables such as age, sex, body mass index (BMI kg/m 2 ), and the concentration of GH-binding protein (GHPB) may influence the GH concentration and the response to an oral glucose load. ...
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This paper outlines the present status of medical therapy of acromegaly. Indications for permanent postoperative treatment, postirradiation treamtent to bridge the interval until remission as well as primary medical therapy are elaborated. Therapeutic efficacy of the different available drugs-somatostatin receptor ligands (SRLs), dopamine agonists, and the GH antagonist Pegvisomant-is discussed, as are the indications for and efficacy of their respective combinations. Information on their mechanism of action, and some pharmakokinetic data are included. Special emphasis is given to the difficulties to define remission criteria of acromegaly due to technical assay problems. An algorithm for medical therapy in acromegaly is provided.
Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), primarily synthesized in the liver, was initially discovered due to its capacity to replicate the metabolic effects of insulin. Subsequently, it emerged as a key regulator of the actions of growth hormone (GH), managing critical processes like cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. Notably, IGF-1 displays a longer half-life compared to GH, making it less susceptible to factors that may affect GH concentrations. Consequently, the measurement of IGF-1 proves to be more specific and sensitive when diagnosing conditions such as acromegaly or GH deficiency. The recognition of the existence of IGFBPs and their potential to interfere with IGF-1 immunoassays urged the implementation of various techniques to moderate this issue and provide accurate IGF-1 results. Additionally, in response to the limitations associated with IGF-1 immunoassays and the occurrence of discordant IGF-1 results, modern mass spectrometric methods were developed to facilitate the quantification of IGF-1 levels. Taking advantage of their ability to minimize the interference caused by IGF-1 variants, mass spectrometric methods offer the capacity to deliver robust, reliable, and accurate IGF-1 results, relying on the precision of mass measurements. This also enables the potential detection of pathogenic mutations through protein sequence analysis. However, despite the analytical challenges, the discordance in IGF-1 reference intervals can be attributed to a multitude of factors, potentially leading to distinct interpretations of results. The establishment of reference intervals for each assay is a demanding task, and it requires nationwide multicenter collaboration among laboratorians, clinicians, and assay manufacturers to achieve this common goal in a cost-effective and resource-efficient manner. In this comprehensive review, we examine the challenges associated with the standardization of IGF-1 measurement methods, the minimization of pre-analytical factors, and the harmonization of reference intervals. Particular emphasis will be placed on the development of IGF-1 measurement techniques using "top-down" or "bottom-up" mass spectrometric methods.
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Introduction: Acromegaly is a rare disorder characterized by the excessive secretion of growth hormone (GH), mostly caused by pituitary adenomas. While in full-blown cases the diagnosis is easy to establish, milder cases are more challenging. Additionally, establishing whether full cure after surgery is reached may be difficult. Areas covered: In this article, we will review the challenges posed by the variability in measurements of GH and its main effector insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) due to both biological changes, co-morbidities, and assays variability. Expert opinion: Interpretation of GH and IGF-I assays is important in establishing an early diagnosis of acromegaly, in avoiding misdiagnosis, and in establishing if cure is achieved by surgery. Physicians should be familiar with the variables that affect measurements of these 2 hormones, and with the performance of the assays available in their practice.
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The aim of the present study was to perform a systematic review of the impact of developmental care approaches on indicators of stress in preterm neonates who were admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Twenty-two studies were identified in the PubMed, Web of Science, PsycINFO, and SciELO databases using the keywords “preterm neonates,” “stress,” and “developmental care.” The methodological quality of the studies was assessed according to the Effective Public Health Practice Project tool. Nine developmental care approaches were employed for preterm infants similarly to the approaches that are employed in the NICU environment. Positive results with regard to physiological and behavioral indicators of neonatal stress were identified. However, negative results were also found with regard to higher levels of stress as a physiological indicator. With regard to the methodological quality of the studies, 54% were classified as having moderate quality, and 46% were classified as having either strong (23%) or weak (23%) quality. These findings suggest that there is growing interest in developing developmental care approaches to minimize stress in hospitalized preterm neonates, but no consensus has been reached regarding the measures that are used to assess stress. Most interventions are in the exploratory stage, with little methodological convergence. Future studies are needed that integrate the assessment of both physiological and behavioral measures of neonatal stress and seek to validate developmental care approaches that are already used in the NICU based on scientific evidence.
GH is believed to be widely employed in sports as a performance-enhancing substance. Its use in athletic competition is banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency, and athletes are required to submit to testing for GH exposure. Detection of GH doping is challenging for several reasons including identity/similarity of exogenous to endogenous GH, short half-life, complex and fluctuating secretory dynamics of GH, and a very low urinary excretion rate. The detection test currently in use (GH isoform test) exploits the difference between recombinant GH (pure 22K-GH) and the heterogeneous nature of endogenous GH (several isoforms). Its main limitation is the short window of opportunity for detection (~12-24 h after the last GH dose). A second test to be implemented soon (the biomarker test) is based on stimulation of IGF-I and collagen III synthesis by GH. It has a longer window of opportunity (1-2 wk) but is less specific and presents a variety of technical challenges. GH doping in a larger sense also includes doping with GH secretagogues and IGF-I and its analogs. The scientific evidence for the ergogenicity of GH is weak, a fact that is not widely appreciated in athletic circles or by the general public. Also insufficiently appreciated is the risk of serious health consequences associated with high-dose, prolonged GH use. This review discusses the GH biology relevant to GH doping; the virtues and limitations of detection tests in blood, urine, and saliva; secretagogue efficacy; IGF-I doping; and information about the effectiveness of GH as a performance-enhancing agent.
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The aim of this study was to establish the concentration of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) in saliva of acromegalic patients, and to compare it with the basal levels of serum IGF-I and growth hormone. IGF-I was determined in extracted serum or neat saliva by a disequilibrium RIA using antibodies and iodinated ligand from Amersham and WHO 87/518 as standard. The detection limit of the assay was 0.5 microgram/l, and the intra- and interassay coefficients of variations were 7.9% and 15% respectively. Our study included 13 healthy adult individuals and 17 acromegalics. Compared with healthy adult subjects, acromegalics had significantly higher salivary IGF-I concentrations (mean +/- SEM 5.4 +/- 2.64 vs. 10.5 + -5.69 micrograms/l; p < 0.01), as well as serum IGF-I (176 +/- 42.9 vs. 520 +/- 98.8 micrograms/l; p < 0.0001) and somatotropin levels (1.2 +/- 1.02 vs. 15.4 +/- 9.89 micrograms/l; p < 0.0001). However, 47.1% patients (8 out of 17) with active acromegaly had salivary IGF-I concentrations within the normal range. Serum IGF-I and somatotropin concentrations were found to follow more closely the disease activity after adenomectomy, compared with the concentrations of salivary IGF-I. These results suggest that the IGF-I levels in serum and saliva are somatotropin-dependent. According to our results, measurement of IGF-I in saliva cannot be considered as an additional measure for evaluation of the disease activity in acromegaly, being less reliable than the determination of IGF-I and somatotropin in serum.
Serum sex hormones may be related to the risk of several diseases in postmeno pausal women including osteoporosis, heart disease, and breast and endometrial cancer. For assessment of the relation of sex hormones to disease, the measurements should be reliable, valid, and practical. In this paper, the authors evaluated the short-term (4-week) and long-term (2-year) reliability of serum sex hormones and interrelations among serum sex hormones in white postmenopausal women recruited in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1981–1986. For comparison, the authors simultaneously evaluated the short- and long-term reliability of other commonly measured risk factors, i.e., lipids, lipoproteins, and blood pressure. Serum concentrations of estrone, estradiol, testosterone, and androstenedione were measured by extraction, column chromatography, and radioimmurloassay. Reliability was estimated by calculating the intraclass correlation coefficients (Ř) and their 95% confidence interval. About 50% of the estradiol levels were below the sensitivity of the assay and, therefore, these results should be inter preted with some caution. The intraclass correlation coefficient for testosterone was 0.92 (95% confidence interval 1.0–0.82), suggesting that a single measure may be reliable in characterizing women for epidemiologic research. Over 4 weeks, estrone could be measured more reliably (Ř = 0.72) than over 2 years (Ř = 0.56), but the variability over the long term was similar to that observed for other biologic variables, suggesting that, in situations where the relation between estrone and disease is fairly substantial, a single measure may be used. For estradiol and androstenedione, the intraclass correlations were small, indicating poor reproducibility and the need for more measurements. Estrone concentrations were 11 pg/ml or 46% higher in women with measurable estradiol. Estrone was also positively related to androstenedione concen trations (r = 0.33, p < 0.001). Concentrations of estradiol are extremely low in postmenopausal women, and accordingly, there is a greater possibility of laboratory error. Since the data suggest that estrone levels can be more reliably measured and are, in fact, related to estradiol levels, it is possible that estrone levels may be used to indicate the total estrogen status of postmenopausal women. Am J Epidemiol 1991 ;133:50–7.
Recent reports suggest that colorectal cancer is positively related to insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and inversely related to insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 (IGFBP-3). To evaluate these associations further and separately for colon and rectal cancer, the authors conducted a nested case-control study in a cohort of 9,345 Japanese-American men examined in Hawaii in 1971–1977. A total of 177 incident colon cancer cases and 105 incident rectal cancer cases were identified from 1972 to 1996. These patients’ stored sera and those of 282 age-matched controls were measured for IGF-I and IGFBP-3. The adjusted mean level of IGF-I was higher in colon cancer cases than in controls (154.7 ng/ml vs. 144.4 ng/ml; p = 0.01). However, the multivariate odds ratio for the highest quartile compared with the lowest was just 1.8 (95% confidence interval: 0.8, 4.3). Adjusted mean IGF-I levels were similar between rectal cancer cases and their controls. For IGFBP-3, adjusted mean levels were lower for both colon and rectal cancer cases than for their matched controls, but the differences were not significant. The IGF-I results weakly support findings from other studies and suggest that there are differences in IGF-I findings between colon and rectal cancer cases. It is possible that IGF-related risk is confounded by other factors that may vary among different cohorts. Further research is needed to clarify these relations.
Studies examining the relation between endogenous postmenopausal hormone levels and cardiovascular disease have yielded conflicting results. After excluding women with a history of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) use, the authors conducted a US case-control study in 1987-1992 comparing endogenous postmenopausal hormone levels in women with and without significant carotid atherosclerosis in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) cohort. Atherosclerosis was assessed by using B-mode ultrasound to measure carotid artery intimal-medial thickness (IMT). Cases (n = 182) were postmenopausal women with average IMT measurements ≥ the 95th percentile. Controls (n = 182) were frequency matched to cases on age and ARIC center and had IMT measurements < the 75th percentile. After adjustment for cardiovascular risk factors, no association was found between the odds of atherosclerosis and increasing quartiles of estrone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, or androstenedione. Compared with participants in the lowest quartile of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), those in the highest quartile had a significantly lower odds of atherosclerosis (odds ratio = 0.48, 95% confidence interval: 0.24, 0.97). Similarly, participants in the highest quartile of total testosterone had a lower odds of atherosclerosis (odds ratio = 0.38, 95% confidence interval: 0.20, 0.74). The authors found higher total testosterone and SHBG to be inversely related to carotid atherosclerosis, suggesting their potential importance in reducing atherosclerotic risk in postmenopausal women not using HRT.