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Distribution and Sexual Dimorphism of the a-b Ridge Count among the Bhil Tribal Community of Mount Abu, Western India

  • International Institute of Health Management Research - IIHMR, Delhi

Abstract and Figures

This study aims to understand the distribution and sexual dimorphism of the a-b ridge count. A cross-sectional data was collected on 241 individuals from the ‘Bhil’ tribal community aged 10-60 years from the block Mount Abu, Rajasthan state of western India. A modified Cumins and Midlo (1961) ink printing method was used to obtain the dermatoglyphic configuration. The a-b ridge count has been evaluated following standard technique of Schaumann and Alter (1976), and the total a-b ridge count (TABC) is classified according to Fang (1950) definition. The result shows that the mean TABC is higher in male (80.7) than female (78.5), but statistically insignificant. The a-b ridge count (ABRC) of the right hand in males is significantly higher than female. This study emphasized that the distribution of palmar ridge quantitatively varies between two sex groups. Unfortunately, there is dearth of information on the sexual variation of a-b ridge count. Notably, most of the studies in India on a-b ridge count was in hospital setting or among the patients. In this article, we studied community-dwelling healthy population, which offers a complimentary research perspective for forensic anthropologists and to understand the application of a-b ridge pattern for personal identification.
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OJHAS 2018;17(4):2 Singh V et al. Distribution and Sexual Dimorphism of the a-b Ridge Count among the Bhil Tribal Community of Mount Abu, Western India
Original Article:
Distribution and Sexual Dimorphism of the a-b Ridge Count among the Bhil Tribal
Community of Mount Abu, Western India
Vivek Singh, Former M.Sc. Student,
Sayani Das, Former M.Sc. Student,
Prakash Ranjan Mondal, Associate Professor,
Department of Anthropology, University of Delhi, Delhi, India.
Address for Correspondence
Sayani Das,
Department of Anthropology,
University of Delhi,
Singh V, Das S, Mondal PR. Distribution and Sexual Dimorphism of the a-b Ridge Count among the Bhil Tribal Community of
Mount Abu, Western India. Online J Health Allied Scs. 2018;17(4):2. Available at URL:
Submitted: Oct 22, 2018; Accepted: Jan 10, 2019; Published: Jan 30, 2019
Abstract: This study aims to understand the distribution and
sexual dimorphism of the a-b ridge count. A cross-sectional
data was collected on 241 individuals from the ‘Bhil’ tribal
community aged 10-60 years from the block Mount Abu,
Rajasthan state of western India. A modified Cumins and
Midlo (1961) ink printing method was used to obtain the
dermatoglyphic configuration. The a-b ridge count has been
evaluated following standard technique of Schaumann and
Alter (1976), and the total a-b ridge count (TABC) is classified
according to Fang (1950) definition. The result shows that the
mean TABC is higher in male (80.7) than female (78.5), but
statistically insignificant. The a-b ridge count (ABRC) of the
right hand in males is significantly higher than female. This
study emphasized that the distribution of palmar ridge
quantitatively varies between two sex groups. Unfortunately,
there is dearth of information on the sexual variation of a-b
ridge count. Notably, most of the studies in India on a-b ridge
count was in hospital setting or among the patients. In this
article, we studied community dwelling healthy population,
which offers a complimentary research perspective for
forensic anthropologists and to understand the application of
a-b ridge pattern for personal identification.
Key Words: a-b ridge count, India, Tribe, Sexual variation,
Dermatoglyphics or epidermal ridge configuration is the study
of dermal ridges on palms, fingertips, and soles (1). These
epidermal ridges are formed in early embryonic life, around
10 weeks of post fertilization and remain unaltered throughout
the life, except for an increase in size in parallel with the
general growth of the individual (2). The palmar friction ridges
are the corrugated wavy skin patterns with sweat glands but no
oil glands or hair. Discontinuities in the palmar ridge patterns
are called the flexion creases. Flexion creases appear before
the formation of palmar friction ridges during the embryonic
skin development stage, and both of these features are claimed
to be immutable, permanent, and unique to an individual (3).
The structure of the epidermal ridges and their arrangement on
the hand was first described by Nehemiah Grew, in 1684 (4).
Herschel for the first time (1858) captured the systematic
images of hand, finger and palm, and used it in identification
purposes (5). Later, Sir Francis Galton highlighted the use of
fingerprint patterns, palmar ridges and creases in personal
identification (1). Cummins and Midlo observed that the width
of a palmar ridge is 18 % larger compared to a finger. So, they
explained the importance of the ‘palmar flexion crease based
identification’ (6). Presently, the palmar creases are very
helpful in revealing anthropologic characteristics and
diagnosing chromosomal aberrations (7).
Palmar pattern configuration:
Palmar flexion creases were distinguished into several
anatomically designed creases. The configurations are
associated with the tri-radii (Galton's deltas); which consists
of three ridge systems converging with each other at an angle
of roughly 120º (Y -shaped group of ridges) (8). The palm of
each hand contains five tri-radii and four of them are found at
the base of the second to fifth fingers (digital areas) and are
called a, b, c & d tri-radii, respectively (see Figure 1). The fifth
tri-radius is located near the base of the fourth metacarpal and
it is called axial tri-radius or ‘t’ tri-radius (9). Dermal ridges of
the digital areas of the palms are often counted between two
triradius. The most frequently used ridge count is obtained in-
between ‘a’ and ‘b’ tri-radii, which is referred to as the a-b
ridge count (10).
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Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences
Peer Reviewed, Open Access, Free Online Journal
Published Quarterly : Mangalore, South India : ISSN 0972-5997
Volume 17, Issue 4; Oct-Dec 2018
OJHAS 2018;17(4):2 Singh V et al. Distribution and Sexual Dimorphism of the a-b Ridge Count among the Bhil Tribal Community of Mount Abu, Western India
Figure 1: Left Hand Showing A-B Ridge Count
a-b ridge count:
Fang TC for the first time (1950) studied the distribution and
inheritance of the a-b ridge count on palmar ridge (11). Later,
several researchers (11-19) have analyzed the genetic
determinants of a-b ridge count. a-b ridge counts also had been
used to study the population variability (19-21) and to
diagnosis and confirm certain diseases (19,22-25).
In India, some publications on the a-b ridge count in different
groups of population are available (9,26-33). But, on those
studies, the attention was mostly on the inheritance patter,
fluctuation asymmetry and the association with disease state.
There is a dearth of information in the sexual dimorphism of
a-b ridge count. David TJ (1984), for the first-time focused
exclusively on the distribution and sexual variation of a-b
ridge count in the United Kingdom (34). This study found that
the a-b ridge count distribution in males was significantly
different, while in females the variation did not reach
statistical significant. But we need more prospective research
studies to obtain detail knowledge about the unique
distribution pattern of a-b ridge count. Till now, several
methodologies are used in forensic science for personal
identification to solve the criminal cases in legal processing.
In India, law enforcement highly used the finger print pattern
for identification (35). The palmar dermatoglyphics,
particularly a-b ridge count can also be used as a tool for
personal, because it is accessible and easy to measure. The
present study aims to understand the distribution and sexual
dimorphism of the a-b ridge count between males and females
among the ‘Bhil’ tribal community of Mount Abu, Rajasthan
state, western India.
Materials and Methods:
The present study was a cross sectional study on community
dwelling ‘Bhil’ tribal population aged 10 years to 60 years.
Study area and people:
Mount Abu is a hill satiation in the Aravalli hill range in Sirohi
district of Rajasthan state, western India (see Figure 2).
Rajasthan is India’s largest state by area. The present study
was carried out in the home setting of the rural villages of
Dilwada, Gora-Chapra, Kala-Chapra, Bande, Filter-house,
Pokhran-house in the block Mount Abu. A major portion of
this block is dominated by the tribal communities and the
majority of tribal population is dominated by ‘Bhil’.
Figure 2: Study Area
Study design:
A total 241 (122 males and 119 females) individuals were
selected by random sampling. Inclusion criteria for this study
are: i) age group 10-60 years, ii) both male and female, iii)
without any chromosomal deformities, infections and burn in
the palm. The ‘Bhil’ tribal community have been chosen
purposively due to numeric dominance in Mount Abu.
The exclusion criteria for the participants included: i) any
deformities of palm and infected hand, ii) chromosomal
abnormalities like Klinefelter’s syndrome, Turner’s syndrome
etc. and iii) deep burns of palms leading to scars.
The participants were explained about the objectives of the
study and were asked to sign a consent form only when they
had fully understood the purpose to study and the procedures
to be undertaken for the study before data collection. General
information for the identification viz. name, age, sex, caste,
address was also collected.
OJHAS 2018;17(4):2 Singh V et al. Distribution and Sexual Dimorphism of the a-b Ridge Count among the Bhil Tribal Community of Mount Abu, Western India
Dermatoglyphics- Ink printing procedure:
The standard procedure (6) of ink printing method was used to
obtain the dermatoglyphics configuration. Each individual
was asked to clean and dry their hands, leaving some moisture.
Then, using the cotton pad, the required amount of ink was
placed on the glass slab and uniformly smeared it with the help
of ink rubber until a thin film was obtained. After that, this thin
film of ink was applied uniformly on the palm of the subject
by placing inked cotton pad. The zone of the flexion crease at
the wrist, the ulnar margin, the metacarpal phalangeal crease
and the central hollow portion of palm were uniformly inked
with special attention. Each hand of the subject was then
placed on a sheet of paper from proximal to distal end, and
then gently pressed between inter-metacarpal grooves at the
root of fingers and on the dorsal side corresponding to thenar
and hypothenar regions. The palm was then lifted from the
paper in the reverse order from distal to proximal end. The
print was subsequently visualised with the use of a magnifying
a-b ridge count:
The a-b ridge count (ABRC) has been evaluated following
standard technique (36). It refers to the number of ridges
between tri-radii ‘a’ and ‘b’ (see Figure 1). The total a-b ridge
count (TABC) was calculated by adding both the left and right
ridge counts. Thereafter, it is also classified as ‘low value’ and
‘high value’ as per the definition of Fang (1950) (37). The a-b
count is termed as ‘low’ if it is ≤78 and ‘high’ if the count >78.
Data analysis:
The data obtained was subjected to statistical analysis using
SPSS version 22. The parameters taken were analysed through
descriptive statistics to find out the frequency, mean and
standard deviation. For inferential statistics, the student t-test
was used to test significant differences between male and
female variables. The level of significance was taken at p<0.05
The distribution and sexual variation of total a-b ridge count
The study comprises 241 individuals, and the major studied
individuals are belonged to the TABC group 70-79 and 80-89.
The TABC group 0-39, 110-119 and 120+ do not possess any
individuals. It is seen that only 1.7% participants belonged to
the 40-49 group and they all were female. Among the male,
maximum (36.9%) individuals belonged to the TABC group
70-79. On the other hand, for females, it was highest (41.2%)
in the 80-89 group. The mean TABC of the studies individuals
was higher in males (80.7) than females (78.5), but it does not
possess any statistical significant. According to Fang TABC
classification, total a-b ridge count was ‘high’ for both the sex
(see Table 1 and Figure 3).
Figure 3: Distribution of Total a-b Ridge Count (TABC)
Table 1: The Distribution of Total A-B Ridge Count (TABC)
Males (N=122)
Females (N=119)
Note: SD; Standard Deviation. SE; Standard Error. p-value;
significant value
Sexual dimorphism of a-b ridge count (ABRC):
Table 2 displays the comparison of a-b ridge count among the
male and female. The mean ABRC value was higher for male
than female on both the hands. t-test found that the mean
difference of right hand ABRC was significantly higher in
male than female (t=2.40, p=0.017). But in left hand, the
difference between male (40.5) and female (39.9) was not
statistically significant.
Table 2: Comparison of A-B Ridge Count (ABRC)
among Male and Female
Right Hand
Left Hand
Male (n=122)
Female (n=119)
p- value
Note: SD; Standard Deviation. p-value; significant value
**. Significant at <0.05 level
OJHAS 2018;17(4):2 Singh V et al. Distribution and Sexual Dimorphism of the a-b Ridge Count among the Bhil Tribal Community of Mount Abu, Western India
The variation among males and females in the total a-b ridge
count (TABC) is very small, and thus are statistically
insignificant. David TJ in his study also analysed the
distribution of summed (right plus left) a-b ridge count in
1,000 healthy subjects which showed a similar distribution
pattern with no significant sex difference. The reason behind
that the smaller influence of sex chromosome complements on
the a-b ridge count than the effect of same on finger ridge
count. The total a-b ridge count is probably also less
genetically determined than the total finger ridge count (34).
Several past studies have hypothesised that the fingerprints of
women have ‘fine’ epidermal ridge details while the men have
‘course’ ridge details, which possess the utmost of ridge count
in male than female (38). In our study, we also observed the
quantitative variation of palmar epidermal ridge count
between two sex groups. Male have the higher palmar ridge
count than the female, and in right hand the variation is also
statistically significant. Igbigdi and Msamati (1999)
conducted a study to establish palmar and digital
dermatoglyphics pattern of Malawians and they also
concluded that males have significantly higher a-b ridge
counts than females (39). Arrieta et al. (1992) tried to find out
the reason behind the sexual variation and concluded that the
‘a-b ridge count’ in males seems to be more influenced by
environmental factors than the other palmar ridge counts; but
in case of females, it was found that a-b ridge count was
influenced by genetic component (40).
In India, Joshi et al. (1992) studied fifty persons, who had
nasobronchial allergy and compared it with age and sex-
matched normal individuals for dermatoglyphics palmar
patterns, where he also found that the a-b ridge count (ABRC)
was higher in males (41). In a very recent study, Das et al.
(2014) studied palmar a-b ridge count in E-β thalassemia
patients on the Bengalee Hindu caste populations of West
Bengal, India. They also found that the distribution of TABC
was highest in males compared to females in both E-β-
thalassemia patients and other populations (33). Moreover, the
a-b ridge count varies between two sex groups, but we need
more population specific studies and particularly on healthy
population to improve our understanding regarding the
distribution and sexual variation of a-b palmar ridge count and
its applications.
Palmar ridge configurations include much more information
than finger, and therefore we can use it to compensate the
finger print deficiency. Presently, palmar prints are
extensively used in research studies to find its association with
geographical distribution, temperament, health, intelligence
and heredity, etc (10). Despite increasing use of the a-b ridge
count in research studies over the past few decades, there is a
lack of consensus in the literature regarding its distribution and
pattern of sexual variation. Most of the studies were conducted
in disease population or in hospital setting. Thus, this paper
offers new research perspectives and highlighted the need to
understand the application of a-b ridge count for personal
identification in forensic science.
This study has number of strengths. This is an original study
conducted in a particular tribal community in Indian
population and it includes the most important ridge count,
which is broadly used as indicators for several human’s
biological and anatomical aspects. The limitations of our study
is that we had limited sample size, as it was focusing on a
particular community and healthy population; the adults of the
community were usually unavailable as they use to leave very
early in the morning for agricultural work and we had to
exclude many adults form both the sex groups due to the
deformities on their palmar ridges. Moreover, there are very
few studies available on a-b ridge count for Indian populations
and especially those are community based, which makes this
present study an important contribution in forensic
anthropological research.
The present study concluded that a-b ridge count was
maximum for male than female. The mean value of a-b ridge
count on the right hand was significantly higher in male than
female. This can provide a basic understanding of unique and
important characteristics of a-b ridge count. The current study
highlighted the need of more multidisciplinary studies to
obtain knowledge about distribution pattern and sexual
variation as well as to find out the reason behind it. There after
we can use it as an identification tool in forensic science.
Unfortunately, in India, there is a scarcity of data in terms of
a-b ridge count, so these findings offer complementary
research perspectives for further research.
We acknowledge to all the participants who contributed to the
study for their cooperation and help during fieldwork.
Moreover, acknowledgement is also owed to the Department
of Anthropology, the University of Delhi for providing all the
necessity for the present study.
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... Sharma and Sharma 21 found that TFRC, AFRC, and a-b ridge count in each hand was higher in male diabetics in comparison to female diabetics. Singh et al., 22 also reported higher mean a-b ridge count in male than in female diabetics. However, they did not mention the statistical significance of the findings among the male and female diabetes mellitus patients. ...
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Background: Dermatoglyphics is the study of epidermal ridge patterns on the fingers, palms, and soles. Correlation of dermatoglyphic patterns with many chromosomal abnormalities and genetic predisposing diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, schizophrenia, and bronchial asthma is evidenced by many researchers. Literature on sexual dimorphism of dermatoglyphic patterns revealed it as an important characteristic feature. Aims and Objectives: The aim of the study is to study the variance of ridge patterns among male and female patients of Type 2 diabetes mellitus patients of West Bengal and determine the sex-specific digital and palmar ridge patterns in Type 2 Diabetes mellitus. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study has been done on 100 male and 100 female Type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Digital and palmar prints were taken by the traditional ink method. Digital ridge pattern, pattern intensity index, total finger ridge count (TFRC), absolute finger ridge count (AFRC), and a-b ridge count were studied. The data on these patterns was recorded and statistically analyzed by Chi-square test and Student’s t-test. Results: The frequency of ulnar loop is higher in female diabetics in comparison to male diabetics. Statistically significant increase in mean TFRC and mean AFRC is seen in male diabetics. Conclusion: Our study exhibits that dermatoglyphic pattern significantly differs in male and female diabetics. The knowledge and reference range of dermatoglyphic parameters among male and female diabetics are essential in the use of this study as a screening tool or diagnostic tool in Type 2 diabetes mellitus.
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This Palm print recognition implements many of matching characteristics as of finger print recognition and both biometrics are represented by the information present on the friction ridge impression. Palm prints differ from finger prints in a way since they contain many features and they have more discriminative regions than fingerprints. Because palm prints are both unique and permanent, they have used over a century as a trusted form of identification .Existing research on palm prints was based on low resolution and by this we can only identify the creases of a palm. The proposed system is based on High resolution images and by this we can able to identify the ridge features. Overcoming these issues many palm print systems have been proposed and are becoming a challenging task in criminal and forensic applications. An efficient Palm print recognition system has to be designed with increased matching accuracy and hence with more efficiency in forensic applications. The absolute aim of this project is an attempt to design such a system that can bring out an efficient authentication system for Palm print recognition.
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Aim: Several studies have reported the importance of dermatoglyphics as markers of a prenatal disturbance in patients with schizophrenia. Due to the fact that finger- and handprints are formed by the end of the second trimester they may provide clues to disturbances in early development. The aim of this study was to determine specific dermatoglyphical frequencies in a sample of patients with schizophrenia and normal controls. Materials and methods: Fingerprints and palm prints were obtained from 45 schizophrenic patients as well as 45 healthy controls. The dermatoglyphic patterns on the fingers (total finger ridge count [TFRC]) and palms (a-b b-c and c-d ridge counts; total a-b ridge count [TABRC]; total c-d ridge count [TCDRC]; and atd angle) were evaluated. Results: There was a significant decrease in both the TABRC (P < 0.01 for males and P < 0.001 for females) and the TCDRC (P < 0.05 for males and P < 0.001 for females) in the schizophrenic group compared with the control group. There was no significant difference in the TFRC in the male schizophrenic group compared with the male control group; however there was a significant decrease in the TFRC in the female schizophrenic group compared with both the female control (P < 0.005) and male schizophrenic groups (P < 0.003). We found a significant decrease in both the right and left hand a-b and c-d ridge counts in female schizophrenics compared with female controls (P < 0.01 and P < 0.01 respectively) whereas this decrease was not significant with respect to the atd angle. On the other hand it was determined that the left hand atd angle a-b ridge count and c-d ridge count were significantly decreased in male schizophrenics compared with male controls (P < 0.01 for the atd angel P < 0.01 for the a-b ridge count and P < 0.05 for the c-d ridge count) while there were no significant differences in the right hand atd angle a-b ridge count or c-d ridge count in the male schizophrenics compared with the male controls. Conclusion: The frequencies of specific dermatoglyphic patterns were statistically different between schizophrenics and healthy controls with respect to hand (left or right) and gender. Therefore dermatoglyphic markers may be indicative of an early disturbance in brain development in schizophrenics and may help elucidate the gender differences which exist in schizophrenia.
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Introduction: Dermatoglyphics have proven to be a helpful tool in identifying specific syndromes of genetic origins. Any epidermal ridge alterations in individuals may have a distinctive dermatoglyphic feature. An attempt has been made to find out any significant variation in-patient of Thalassemia major, so it can be highlighted with a view to assess its value as a diagnostic marker. Methodology: Palm prints of 100 diagnosed patients of Thalassemia were studied and study matched with 100 healthy subjects. Results: The preset study shows autosomal recessive inheritance caused by a single mutant gene. The chain is coded by gene on chromosome no-16 &gene on chromosome No-11; unusual dermatoglyphics are reported in-patient with single gene disorders. Thalassemia is also a single gene disorder so it too can be added to this list. Parameters studied were 'atd' angle, 'a-b' ridge count and main line index. It was observed that the 'atd' angle wider in patients in comparison to control group, which indicates distal displacement of axial tri-radius. It was also found that more number of patients fell under the group of high ridge count. The difference was significant statistically for right hand. Low main line index was observed in patients which indicates vertical alignment of ridges. Conclusion: The deviation of the different dermatoglyphic features in patients of Thalassemia major provides a single, inexpensive method of clinical observation and adds another new diagnostic tool to the clinicians.
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Palm creases are helpful in revealing anthropologic characteristics and diagnosing chromosomal aberrations, and have been analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. However, previous methods of analyzing palm creases were not objective so that reproducibility could not be guaranteed. In this study, a more objective morphologic analysis of palm creases was developed. The features of the improved methods include the strict definition of major and minor palm creases and the systematic classification of major palm creases based on their relationships, branches, and variants. Furthermore, based on the analysis of 3,216 Koreans, palm creases were anthropologically interpreted. There was a tendency for palm creases to be evenly distributed on the palm, which was acknowledged by the relationship between major and minor creases as well as by the incidences of major creases types. This tendency was consistent with the role of palm creases to facilitate folding of palm skin. The union of major palm creases was frequent in males and right palms to have powerful hand grip. The new method of analyzing palm creases is expected to be widely used for anthropologic investigation and chromosomal diagnosis.
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The evidential value of palmprints in forensic applications is clear as about 30 percent of the latents recovered from crime scenes are from palms. While biometric systems for palmprint-based personal authentication in access control type of applications have been developed, they mostly deal with low-resolution (about 100 ppi) palmprints and only perform full-to-full palmprint matching. We propose a latent-to-full palmprint matching system that is needed in forensic applications. Our system deals with palmprints captured at 500 ppi (the current standard in forensic applications) or higher resolution and uses minutiae as features to be compatible with the methodology used by latent experts. Latent palmprint matching is a challenging problem because latent prints lifted at crime scenes are of poor image quality, cover only a small area of the palm, and have a complex background. Other difficulties include a large number of minutiae in full prints (about 10 times as many as fingerprints), and the presence of many creases in latents and full prints. A robust algorithm to reliably estimate the local ridge direction and frequency in palmprints is developed. This facilitates the extraction of ridge and minutiae features even in poor quality palmprints. A fixed-length minutia descriptor, MinutiaCode, is utilized to capture distinctive information around each minutia and an alignment-based minutiae matching algorithm is used to match two palmprints. Two sets of partial palmprints (150 live-scan partial palmprints and 100 latent palmprints) are matched to a background database of 10,200 full palmprints to test the proposed system. Despite the inherent difficulty of latent-to-full palmprint matching, rank-1 recognition rates of 78.7 and 69 percent, respectively, were achieved in searching live-scan partial palmprints and latent palmprints against the background database.
SUMMARY Hereditary factors involved in the determination of the size, relative position and type of pattern formed by the dermal ridges in the interdigital areas of the palm have been investigated by means of twin and family studies. The sample consisted of 566 individuals of European descent. The ridge-counts of patterns in the interdigital areas were determined. Correction factors were introduced to compensate for different average counts in each interdigital area. The correlation coefficients between family relatives were calculated using the ridge-counts. The coefficient for monozygotic twins was .88±.04 and for parent and child from .346 to .425 and for sib pairs from .328 to .412. There was no evidence of sex-linkage or of the effects of dominance. Variation appeared to be determined by additive genes but an appreciable amount of variation of non-genetic origin was observed. Bilateral asymmetry in the ridge-count, type of pattern and relative position of the patterns was evident. Concordance rates in twins and other family members and pedigree data provided further evidence of hereditary influence in the determination of the position and type of pattern in the interdigital areas.
Determination of individuality is one of the prime concerns in forensic investigation. The study of fingerprints is widely used in providing a clue regarding identity. The present study was undertaken to study the sex differences in fingerprint ridge density in the Indian population. The study done on 100 males and 100 females revealed that significant sex differences occur in the fingerprint ridge density. The present study shows a statistically significant difference in fingerprint ridge densities of male and female fingerprints in people of Indian origin. A mean fingerprint ridge density of 12 ridges/25 mm(2) or less is found to be more likely to be of males and a mean ridge count of more the 12 ridges/25 mm(2) is more likely to be of female origin.