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A CNN based Approach for the Detection of Brain Tumor Using MRI Scans


Abstract and Figures

In the present day, the rise in the number of diagnosis of brain tumour has reached an enormous height. Gliomas and metastatic brain tumours are found to represent 30% of all brain tumours that are diagnosed in human beings. Now with such an enormous number, it is very important that a computer-aided detection system must be employed to diagnose the brain tumour cases accurately and efficiently. Moreover, Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has established itself to be one of the most effective tools for clinical diagnosis and more specifically one of the most desired imaging modalities when it comes to the cohort of the complete neuroimaging ecosystem. The proposed work leverages MRI scans (axial slices) to detect the type of brain tumour. The dataset used in the study contained the data of three most commonly diagnosed brain tumours namely, glioma, meningioma and pituitary tumours. For the classification purpose a 2D Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) was designed which propelled an overall accuracy of 91.3% and a recall of 88%, 81% and 99% for the detection of meningioma, glioma and pituitary tumour respectively.
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May June 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 16580 16586
Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc.
A CNN based Approach for the Detection of Brain
Tumor Using MRI Scans
Sobhangi Sarkar1, Avinash Kumar2, Sabyasachi Chakraborty3, Satyabrata Aich4, Jong-Seong Sim5,
Hee-Cheol Kim6
1,2School of Computer Engineering, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India
3Department of Computer Engineering, Inje University, Gimhae, South Korea
4,5Institute of Digital Anti-Aging Healthcare, Inje University, Gimhae, South Korea
6u-HARC, Inje University, Gimhae, South Korea
Article Info
Volume 83
Page Number: 16580 16586
Publication Issue:
May - June 2020
Article History
Article Received: 1May 2020
Revised: 11 May 2020
Accepted: 20 May 2020
Publication: 24May 2020
In the present day, the rise in the number of diagnosis of brain tumour has reached an
enormous height. Gliomas and metastatic brain tumours are found to represent 30% of all
brain tumours that are diagnosed in human beings. Now with such an enormous number, it
is very important that a computer-aided detection system must be employed to diagnose the
brain tumour cases accurately and efficiently. Moreover, Magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) has established itself to be one of the most effective tools for clinical diagnosis and
more specifically one of the most desired imaging modalities when it comes to the cohort of
the complete neuroimaging ecosystem. The proposed work leverages MRI scans (axial
slices) to detect the type of brain tumour. The dataset used in the study contained the data of
three most commonly diagnosed brain tumours namely, glioma, meningioma and pituitary
tumours. For the classification purpose a 2D Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) was
designed which propelled an overall accuracy of 91.3% and a recall of 88%, 81% and 99%
for the detection of meningioma, glioma and pituitary tumour respectively.
Keywords; brain tumor, cnn, imaging, mri, deep learning.
Brain is considered as one of the most important and
cumbersome structure of the human body. It is
primarily the control center of the central nervous
system and is responsible for performing the daily
voluntary and involuntary activities in the human
body. The tumour is a fibrous mesh of unwanted
tissue growth inside our brain that proliferates in an
unconstrained way. It perpetrates interruption of the
normal function of brain cells and causes lethal
issues for the people suffering from it and can lead
to death if they are not detected early and accurately.
Tumours are primarily classified on two premises:
malignant or benign and the place of origin. The
benign form can be easily discriminated and have a
slow maturation rate and has well-defined borders.
Cancerous tumours are known as malignant [1].
These types of tumors are very pugnacious and
lethal in nature and are difficult to notice. And also,
these type of tumors affects other parts of the brain
and also spinal cord [2]. With 14,000 deaths every
year, Malignant tumors are known to be the most
dangerous tumors [3] For the detection of tumor the
doctors or physicians typically leverage Computed
Tomography (CT) or Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(MRI). MRI is one of the scanning technology that
provides high contrast scans and furnishes detailed
dynamics about the brain anatomy and the
aneurysms in the brain tissues [3]. The radiologist
consider MRI scans to be the most effective process
of scanning the brain tissues to fetch spatial
information about the brain and the specific tumor.
Our model presents the design of the automated
scheme that is designed to differentiate between
normal and abnormal MRI images and classify
May June 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 16580 16586
Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc.
tumour whether they are meningioma tumour,
gliomatumour or pituitary tumour.
The paper is organized as follows. The recent work
and development that had been done are described
under section
In section III the methods and the methodology that
is involved in model development are discussed. In
section IV we have described our whole paper. And
lastly, the paper is concluded in section VI.
Many researchers have discussed the importance of
image processing in bio-medical in multiple ways
which include the processing of images of X-rays,
CT scans and MRI to detect the malformation and
irregularities in the human body. It has been
medically proven that MRI imaging is less harmful
than other imaging techniques used because it
prevents the body from the exposure of harmful
radiations but before analyzing any image, we need
to perform a complicated task of pre- processing the
images. Image pre-processing is a gradual process
where one step leads to another step. It involves step
like noise reduction, image enhancement, image
contrasting and when it comes down to medical
domain involving detection of brain tumour from an
MRI scan, removing the imprints of the skull from
the image becomes a prime procedure [4]. The next
step that would follow is converting the image into
grey scaled image, where the pixels of the image
only shows intensity without color but even after
this step the noise in the image is still present which
needs to be eradicated before further processing.
The noise in the image is removed by using filtering
Filtering: It is a technique used to enhance a picture
by highlight some features while eliminating other
features that do not promote any information gain in
a particular study. It involves steps like noise
reduction, smoothing, sharpening and edge
reduction. The most frequently used filter is median
filter which is used for impulsive noise and speckle
noise and this technique has an edge over other
techniques because of it’sability to preserve the
edges of the image without cropping the signal. In
[2] and [3] researchers have used median filter to
remove the noise that are by default present in an
MRI but in some cases [5][6] Gaussian filters based
on the principle of convolution is also used to
minimze the noise in the image and blur the image
by blurring the edges and reducing the contrast. The
advantage of using a Gaussian filter is that it works
faster than other filters.
Segmentation: After successful removal of noise
from an image, the next process that follows is
segmentation in which an image is broken down into
pixels. This helps in easy analysis of the image to
deduce a meaningful observation from it. After the
grouping of pixels, each segment of pixel shares
some common features. The paper by Amina et al.
[5] uses K-means clustering for segmentation. In
this method images is segmented to multiple clusters
on basis of the nearest mean. Veer et al. [7] in her
research used thresholding for segmentation. In
thresholding if the value of intensity of a pixel is
significant than some predefined constant then it
turns the pixel to black and if the value of intensity
of pixel is less than the predefined value then it
makes the pixel white. An extension of thresholding
i.e. Otsu Binarization is used in the paper by Shil et
al. [8] in which a binary image is re-created from a
grayscale image by dividing into two classes namely
foreground and background. In the research by Rathi
et al. [10] she has used fuzzy C-means as the
clustering algorithm. In fuzzy C-means, data point is
allocated to cluster center on the basis of interspace
between the center of cluster and the data point
[11].Membership towards particular cluster
increases as closeness between data and cluster
center increases. The edge of using this algorithm is
that it gives accurate result for data set which are
overlapped. Another type of segmentation process
named watershed segmentation is used by [7] in
which different objects in an image is separated. The
algorithm which assumes pixels values as a local
May June 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 16580 16586
Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc.
topography (elevation) is watershed algorithm. The
algorithm floods basins from the markers, until
basins attributed to different markers meet on
watershed lines. In most of the cases, we chose
markers as local minima of the image, from which
basins are flooded.
Post Segmentation: Till segmentation the motto of
the process remains same, but the further process
diversifies into different kind of classification i.e.
classifying the image as a normal or an abnormal
MRI and then the succeeding research progressed to
detect the size and location of abnormalities in MRI
(here, tumour). Then researchers added a fresh step
to the existing work by classifying the type of
tumour into two types namely Malignant (cancerous
tumour) and Benign (noncancerous tumour). Once
the segmentation phase is successfully carried out
many optimization techniques are applied to
improve the result obtained.
The first step towards this field of research is
detecting any kind of anomaly in a brain, [8] used
SVM classification for classifying the image into
two types normal MRI and abnormal MRI. [9]
detected the of tumour, skull, gray matter and white
matter using morphological operations which
compares the pixel value of input and output image
to get the size of the required part and using manual
segmentation she has calculated the area of the
tumour which gives the size of the tumour despite
the presence of other components of brain. For
classification, [5] used the algorithm of SVM family
which includes Linear, Cubic and Gaussian kernel
functions. This algorithm follows the principle of
drawing a hyper plane
by maximizing the margin between the classes by
using support. Three types of kernel functions are
used to improve the accuracy of result and using
SVM classifier he has identified the affected area as
well as training his model to predict the grade of the
tumour. [7] extended the further classification of
tumour into two types primary tumour and
secondary tumour. Primary tumours are those
tumours which originate in brain. They are divided
into two subtypes: Malignant and Benign whereas
secondary tumours are those tumours which
originate in another part of the body and spreads to
brain eventually. For classification of primary
tumour she used Artificial Neural Network (ANN).
ANN is composed of many nodes. Each node takes
a single input performs an operation on it and passes
it another layer of nodes and at output layer each
node has a node value. It basically learns using
feedback. The advantage of using ANN over other
algorithms is that it can handle more variation than
any traditional algorithm.
The paper discusses the method for detecting
abnormalities in the brain MRI images. To be more
specific on the use case, an automated system is
being developed that scans through the brain MRI
images to identify the tissue growth in the brain that
is the tumours. In the study a convolutional neural
network architecture is devised which accepts 2D
MRI image slices and determines the type of error
present. The deep learning model designed is trained
with three different types of brain tumours namely,
glioma, meningioma and pituitary tumours.
Figure 1 described below, shown the complete
procedure for the detection and classification of
brain tumour. Moreover, in the following segments,
each and every step of the procedure is been duly
May June 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 16580 16586
Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc.
Figure 1: Flow of control of the complete
methodology for the classification of brain
We have obtained the data from [12] for the
development of our system. The brain T1-weighed
CE-MRI dataset was gathered from Nanfang
Hospital, Guangzhou, China, and General Hospital,
Tianjing Medical University, China, for the time
period of 5 years i.e 2005 to 2010. The set of the
data contains 3064 slices from 233 patients,
containing 708 meningiomas, 1426 gliomas, and
930 pituitary tumors. The images used have an in-
plane resolution of 512×512 with pixel size
0.49×0.49 mm2. The thickness of slice is 6 mm and
the gap between slice are 1 mm [13]. Figure 2
represents the data distribution of the 3 different
types of tumours. Also figure 3 (a, b and c) plots the
2D scans of the tumours of 3 different types.
Figure 2: Data distribution of the tumours
Figure 3: (a) Axial Scan of Gliomatumour (b)
Axial Scan of Meningioma Tumour (b) Coronal
scan of Pituitary tumour
Preprocessing mainly aims at enhancing the quality
of MR films and transform it in a form which is
suitable for further processing by computer vision
system. Moreover, Preprocessing also helps in
refining the images and improve some of the
parameters such as improving the visual aspect of
MR images, improve signal-noise ratio, cropping
some of the parts which is not required from the
background, making images smoother and retaining
the edges [5]. We used adaptive contrast
May June 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 16580 16586
Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc.
enhancement based on altered sigmoid function to
improve the parameter of MR image such as signal-
to-noise ratio which gave more clarity of raw MR
images. Moreover, a Skull stripping activity was
also performed. The phenomenon of eliminating the
all nonbrain tissues from brain images is known as
Skull stripping. We can remove extra cerebral
tissues such as skin, fat and skull in the brain images
by the help of Skull stripping. Some of the popular
technique for skull stripping is skull strippig using
image contour, skull stripping based on histogram
analysis or a threshold value and skull stripping
based on morphological operation and segmentation.
In recent years it has been seen how supervised
learning has created a paradigm shift to solve some
most difficult problems. Mostly, after the advent of
deep learning technologies it is now a major
technology which is used in all the fields namely,
healthcare, finance, automated driving etc. [14].
Moreover, the MRI images that are often used by
the doctors and physicians for detection of neural
disorders needs very accurate and précised
examination. However, the examination of such
MRI images increases a huge overhead on the
physicians and doctors as it needs much expertise.
Therefore, leveraging a computer aided detection
system for the purpose seems to be very much
helpful as it increases the accuracy and efficiency of
the diagnosis.
In in the study a deep learning architecture is
developed by leveraging 2 dimensional
convolutional neural networks for the classification
of the type of tumour from MRI slices of the brain.
Table 1 shown below, plots the complete model
architecture of the developed convolutional neural
network model.
Table 1: CNN Model Architecture
Output Shape
(None, 512, 512, 64)
(None, 510, 510, 64)
(None, 255, 255, 64)
(None, 255, 255, 64)
(None, 255, 255, 32)
(None, 253, 253, 32)
(None, 126, 126, 32)
(None, 126, 126, 32)
(None, 126, 126,16)
(None, 124, 124, 16)
(None, 62,62,16)
(None, 62, 62, 16)
(None, 61504)
(None, 512)
(None, 512)
(None, 3)
The layers used in the development of the
convolutional neural network architecture is been
defined below.
The convolutional neural network model that has
been developed in the work has used RMSprop
optimizer as it gives the best result on this type of
dataset. The RMSprop optimizer is alike the
gradient descent algorithm with momentum. The
RMSprop optimizer limits the oscillations in the
upright direction. Therefore, we can increase our
learning rate and our algorithm could take
substantial steps in the horizontal direction
converging quickly. The difference between
RMSprop and gradient descent is on how the
gradients are calculated. The gradients in RMS prop
are calculated on the basis of the running average
which is shown in equation 1.
(𝒘, 𝒕) = 𝜸𝒗(𝒘, 𝒕 𝟏) + (𝟏 𝜸)(𝛁𝑸𝒊(𝒘))𝟐 (1)
The parameters of the deep learning model that is
weights are being updates using the equation 2.
𝒘≔𝒘 𝜵𝑸(𝒘) (2)
𝒗(𝒘, 𝒕)
May June 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 16580 16586
Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc.
RMSprop Bayesian Sequential Model-Based
Optimization (SMBO) has been utilized for knowing
the criterion of the optimization algorithm [15]. We
generally use Bayesian SMBO to minimze the
objective function by developing a probability
function which is based on the earlier evaluation
outcomes of the objective function.
The set of hyperparameters that we got by using
Bayesian SMBO is Learning Rate as 0.001, Rho as
0.9 and decay as 0.1
The 2D convolutional neural network that was
developed in the work provided us with quite good
and effective results on the predictive power for the
different types of tumour. Also, the model
developed in the work prompted an average recall
and precision of 88% and 91% respectively for all
the types of tumours. Moreover the 10-fold cross
validation was performed on the complete dataset to
check for the generalizability of the model and it
was found that the model generalized pretty well
and showed a constant tendency towards the
precision and recall over the random data folds of
training and testing. Figure 4 below shows the
confusion matrix of the best obtained model. The
few miss predictions that have occurred in the data
set are because of the inertial noise that was
generated while the patient performed some
movement while on the scan machine.
Figure 4: Confusion Matrix
Figure 5.a and b, plotted below shows the Log Loss
and the accuracy of the best performing model. It
can be seen from the performance graph that the
model did not overfit and the validation data
maintained a proper generalizability with the trained
Figure 5 (a) Log Loss plot (b) Accuracy plot.
The paper discussed and implemented a deep
learning architecture by leveraging 2D convolutional
neural networks for the classification of the different
types of brain tumor from MR image slices. The
development of such a system plays a huge role as
such systems are very much required for the
accurate and efficient diagnosis of such diseases and
health problems which are life threatening in nature.
The model developed in the study plotted an
accuracy of 91.3% and an overall precision and
recall of 91% and 88% respectively.
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... Though the method achieved efficient outcome when compared with the studies specified in the related work, there is a high probability of achieving better outcomes in the future while considering any other technique. In addition, sarkar et al. [8] utilized concept of two dimensional convolutional neural network for performing differentiation among distinct types of brain tumor for improving patients outcomes in the healthcare and achieved 91.3% accuracy which can be improved in future. ...
Full-text available
The rising incidence of brain tumors in the medical field necessitates the development of precise and effective diagnostic tools to assist the medical experts especially neurosurgeons as well as radiologists in early diagnosis and treatment recommendations. This study introduces a unique resource-efficient inceptor model utilizing computer-vision techniques for diagnosing presence of abnormal tissues inside brain MRI scans. The proposed model utilizes strengths of the inception architecture and incorporate resource-efficient design principles for optimizing its performance for healthcare applications. The model has been trained on a distinct dataset with different sizes where it is further processed, trained and validated on InCeptor model. Features are extracted by transfer learning process namely InceptionV3 for leveraging prior knowledge learnt from imagenet which is further integrated with support vector machines for performing binary classification to have accurate and efficient outcomes for giving timely recommendation and treatment to patients suffering from such disorder. The architecture of the proposed model has been designed in such a way that model should be computationally efficient for making it suitable in healthcare especially for brain tumor diagnostic purpose with limited resources. Experimental results demonstrates accuracy of 98.31%, precision of 99.09%, recall of 98.91%, specificity of 95% and F1- Score of 99% over state of art techniques.
... CNN, a powerful image processing and computing method, uses deep learning to perform each generative and descriptive task and is seen typically exploiting machine vision: image and video recognition, recommender systems and linguistic communication processes (Chattopadhyay, 2022). Deep learning models set an exciting trend in machine learning owing to their ability to effectively capture intricate relationships without necessitating an extensive number of nodes, like in shallow architectures such as Support Vector Machines (SVM) and K-nearest neighbor (KNN) (S. Sarkar, 2020). Brain Tumor detection poses challenges in selecting appropriate features and needs an effective model to extract the relevant features from these images. ...
Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) images to detect brain tumors by medical practitioners is mundane and prone to errors. Misdiagnosis of brain tumors can be life-threatening, so to lessen misdiagnosis, computational techniques can be used in concert with medical professionals. Deep learning approaches have been gaining popularity in modeling and developing systems for medical image processing that can detect abnormalities quickly. The methods proposed herein are based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) trained on the 'BR35H::Brain Tumor Detection 2020' dataset. A custom CNN architecture was designed, followed by the utilization of transfer learning with four pre-trained models: InceptionV3, ResNet101, VGG19, and DenseNet169 and a comparative analysis of these architectures has been presented in this paper. The experimental results show that the DenseNet169 model outperformed other models with a training accuracy of 99.83 %, test accuracy of 99.66%, precision of 99.67%, and recall of 99.67%. Additionally, ResNet101 has a 95.92% test accuracy, VGG19 has a test accuracy of 97.83%, the custom architecture has a test accuracy of 98.16%, and InceptionV3 has the lowest test accuracy of 91.66%. It has been concluded that DenseNet169 provides better results for the classification of brain tumors than other models.
... Sarkar et al. [6] proposed using MRI scans to identify the kind of brain tumor. Meningioma, glioma, and pituitary tumors were identifed with an accuracy rate of 91.3% using a 2D CNN for classifcation. ...
Full-text available
A brain tumor is a serious malignant condition caused by unregulated as well as aberrant cell partitioning. Recent advances in deep learning have aided the healthcare business, particularly, diagnostic imaging for the diagnosis of numerous disorders. The most frequent and widely utilized machine learning model for image recognition is probably task CNN. Similarly, in our study, we categorize brain MRI scanning images using CNN and data augmentation and image processing techniques. We compared the performance of the scratch CNN model with that of pretrained VGG-16 models using transfer learning. Even though the investigation is carried out on a small dataset, the results indicate that our model’s accuracy is quite successful and has extremely low complexity rates, achieving 100 percent accuracy compared to 96 percent accuracy for VGG-16. Compared to existing pretrained methods, our model uses much less processing resources and produces substantially greater accuracy.
A brain tumor is the cause of abnormal growth of cells in the brain. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most practical method for detecting brain tumors. Through these MRIs, doctors analyze and identify abnormal tissue growth and can confirm whether the brain is affected by a tumor or not. Today, with the emergence of artificial intelligence techniques, the detection of brain tumors is done by applying the techniques and algorithms of machine learning and deep learning. The advantages of the application of these algorithms are the quick prediction of brain tumors, fewer errors, and greater precision, which help in decision-making and in choosing the most appropriate treatment for patients. In the proposed work, a convolution neural network (CNN) is applied with the aim of detecting the presence of a brain tumor and its performance is analyzed. The main purpose of this article is to adopt the approach of convolutional neural networks as a machine learning technique to perform brain tumor detection and classification. Based on training and testing results, the pre- trained architecture model reaches 96% in precision and classification accuracy rates. For the given dataset, CNN proves to be the better technique for predicting the presence of brain tumors. Keywords—Brain tumor; machine learning; convolutional neural network; MRI images
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The brain cancer treatment process depends on the physician's experience and knowledge. For this reason, using an automated tumor detection system is extremely important to aid radiologists and physicians to detect brain tumors. The proposed method has three stages, which are preprocessing, the extreme learning machine local receptive fields (ELM-LRF) based tumor classification, and image processing based tumor region extraction. At first, nonlocal means and local smoothing methods were used to remove possible noises. In the second stage, cranial magnetic resonance (MR) images were classified as benign or malignant by using ELM-LRF. In the third stage, the tumors were segmented. The purpose of the study was using only cranial MR images, which have a mass, in order to save the physician's time. In the experimental studies the classification accuracy of cranial MR images is 97.18%. Evaluated results showed that the proposed method's performance was better than the other recent studies in the literature. Experimental results also proved that the proposed method is effective and can be used in computer aided brain tumor detection.
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Quantitative analysis of brain MRI is routine for many neurological diseases and conditions and relies on accurate segmentation of structures of interest. Deep learning-based segmentation approaches for brain MRI are gaining interest due to their self-learning and generalization ability over large amounts of data. As the deep learning architectures are becoming more mature, they gradually outperform previous state-of-the-art classical machine learning algorithms. This review aims to provide an overview of current deep learning-based segmentation approaches for quantitative brain MRI. First we review the current deep learning architectures used for segmentation of anatomical brain structures and brain lesions. Next, the performance, speed, and properties of deep learning approaches are summarized and discussed. Finally, we provide a critical assessment of the current state and identify likely future developments and trends.
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Automatic classification of tissue types of region of interest (ROI) plays an important role in computer-aided diagnosis. In the current study, we focus on the classification of three types of brain tumors (i.e., meningioma, glioma, and pituitary tumor) in T1-weighted contrast-enhanced MRI (CE-MRI) images. Spatial pyramid matching (SPM), which splits the image into increasingly fine rectangular subregions and computes histograms of local features from each subregion, exhibits excellent results for natural scene classification. However, this approach is not applicable for brain tumors, because of the great variations in tumor shape and size. In this paper, we propose a method to enhance the classification performance. First, the augmented tumor region via image dilation is used as the ROI instead of the original tumor region because tumor surrounding tissues can also offer important clues for tumor types. Second, the augmented tumor region is split into increasingly fine ring-form subregions. We evaluate the efficacy of the proposed method on a large dataset with three feature extraction methods, namely, intensity histogram, gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM), and bag-of-words (BoW) model. Compared with using tumor region as ROI, using augmented tumor region as ROI improves the accuracies to 83.58% from 69.19%, 87.08% from 78.78%, and 90.59% from 85.24% for intensity histogram, GLCM, and BoW model, respectively. In addition to region partition, the accuracies can be further improved up to 88.19%, 90.04%, and 93.17%. These experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method is feasible and effective for the classification of brain tumors in T1-weighted CE-MRI.
This paper designed and developed the image processing system of integrating feature extraction and matching by using convolutional neural network (CNN), rather than relying on the simple method of processing feature extraction and matching separately in the image processing of conventional image recognition system. To implement it, the proposed system enables CNN to operate and analyze the performance of conventional image processing system. This system extracts the features of an image using CNN and then learns them by the neural network. The proposed system showed 84% accuracy of recognition. The proposed system is a model of recognizing learned images by deep learning. Therefore, it can run in batch and work easily under any platform (including embedded platform) that can read all kinds of files anytime. Also, it does not require the implementing of feature extraction algorithm and matching algorithm therefore it can save time and it is efficient. As a result, it can be widely used as an image recognition program. © The Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering.
A very exigent task for radiologists is early brain tumor detection. Brain tumor raises very fast, its average size doubles in just twenty-five days. If not treated properly, the survival rate of the patient is normally not more than half a year. It can rapidly lead to death. For this reason, an automatic system is required for brain tumor detection at an early stage. In this paper, an automated method is proposed to easily differentiate between cancerous and non-cancerous magnetic resonance imaging of the brain. Different techniques have been applied for the segmentation of candidate lesion. Then a features set is chosen for every applicant lesion using shape, texture, and intensity. At that point, support vector machine classifier is applied with different cross validations on the features set to compare the precision of proposed framework. The proposed method is validated on three benchmark datasets such as Harvard, RIDER and Local. The method achieved average 97.1% accuracy, 0.98 area under curve, 91.9% sensitivity and 98.0% specificity. It can be used to identify the tumor more accurately in less processing time as compared to existing methods.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has become an effective tool for clinical research in recent years and has found itself in applications such as brain tumour detection. In this study, tumor classification using multiple kernel-based probabilistic clustering and deep learning classifier is proposed. The proposed technique consists of three modules, namely segmentation module, feature extraction module and classification module. Initially, the MRI image is pre-processed to make it fit for segmentation and de-noising process is carried out using median filter. Then, pre-processed image is segmented using Multiple Kernel based Probabilistic Clustering (MKPC). Subsequently, features are extracted for every segment based on the shape, texture and intensity. After features extraction, important features will be selected using Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) for classification purpose. Finally, deep learning classifier is employed for classification into tumor or non-tumor. The proposed technique is evaluated using sensitivity, specificity and accuracy. The proposed technique results are also compared with existing technique which uses Feed-Forward Back Propagation Network (FFBN). The proposed technique achieved an average sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of 0.88, 0.80 and 0.83, respectively with the highest values as about 1, 0.85 and 0.94. Improved results show the efficiency of the proposed technique.
In this paper, we propose a multi-view stereoscopic image synthesis algorithm for 3DTV system using depth information with an RGB texture from a depth camera. The proposed algorithm synthesizes multi-view images which a virtual convergence camera model could generate. Experimental results showed that the performance of the proposed algorithm is better than those of conventional methods.