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Spatio-Temporal Reasoning within a Neural Network framework for Intelligent Physical Systems



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Spatio-Temporal Reasoning within a Neural Network
framework for Intelligent Physical Systems
Sathish A.P. Kumar
Department of Computing
Sciences, College of Science
Coastal Carolina University
Conway, SC, USA 29528
Michael A Brown
Research & Development,
Intelligent Systems Department
South West Research Institute
San Antonio, TX, USA 78228
Abstract—Existing functionality for intelligent physical
systems (IPS), such as autonomous vehicles (AV), generally lacks
the ability to reason and evaluate the environment and to learn
from other intelligent agents in an autonomous fashion. Such
capabilities for IPS is required for scenarios where an human
intervention is unlikely to be available and robust long-term
autonomous operation is necessary in potentially dynamic
environments. To address these issues, the IPS will then need to
reason about the interactions with these items through time and
space. Incorporating spatio-temporal reasoning into the IPS will
provide the capability to understand these interactions. This
paper describes our proposed neural network framework that
incorporates spatio-temporal reasoning for IPS. The preliminary
experimental results addressing research challenges related to
spatio-temporal reasoning within neural network framework for
IPS are promising.
Keywords— Spatio-Temporal Reasoning, convolution neural
networks, Automated Vehicles
I. I
Intelligent Physical Systems such as Automated Vehicles
has the potential to impact the society with far-reaching
applications and implications beyond all current expectations
[34-38]. For example, automated vehicles can be applied for
remote planetary exploration, emergency management and
disaster rescue operations [39-41]. IPS in these scenarios
would be able to reason from a spatio-temporal perspective
interacting with, and perhaps even manipulating, the
environment [42]. In a typical IPS, the contact with human and
even the option of direct remote control is very limited [43]. So
it is extremely important for the IPS to reason the environment
from a spatio-temporal perspective. The concept of flexibility
and spatio-temporal awareness is further important if they need
to exhibit operational resilience for extended periods of time
and at the same time need to respond to unanticipated scenarios
without human intervention in a remote area [44]. When the
multiple IPS collaborate together in the environment, they can
share their contextual knowledge (including spatio-temporal
information) directly and observe other vehicle’s behaviors
[45]. It is necessary for intelligent agents based IPS to evaluate
the environment they operate in to decide on the right action
and execute in an autonomous fashion. However, this is not an
easy task as many factors such as uncertain knowledge
including from a spatio-temporal perspective will affect the
IPS to deduce the environment they are operating with.
However, it is assumed that the IPS should be able to
efficiently understand the environment they are interacting
with over a period of time. Hence a framework is essential for
the agent to perceive the environment as well as learn from the
other agents operating in the environment [46].
The sustained research and development efforts for IPSs,
could result in a robust AVs, which has the potential to be an
economic disruptor in the near future [47-49]. In order to reach
the level of robustness that is required, the AVs should be able
to handle unique inputs or changes to the environment in which
they operate. However, the current methods in AVs are unable
to account for changes from spatio-temporal perspective [50].
In this paper, we propose research objectives to address this
limitation through the incorporation of spatial-temporal
reasoning within an IPS, and exploration of the environment
through experimental learning. Figure 2 describes the proposed
architecture, which incorporates spatio-temporal reasoning
within a NN framework.
Contributions: Through our approach, intelligent agent
based IPS can adjust their behavior and learn new behavior
based on the experiences through observation and interactions
with other IPS. Proposed neural network framework
incorporating spatio-temporal reasoning is as shown in Figure
2, will endow the intelligent agent with reflective capabilities
to respond to its environment through introspection and
observation, which allows it to dynamically expand its
operational design domain. The proposed framework, as shown
in Figure 2, would also enable the IPS to learn and adapt to
improve their behavior over time, through their knowledge and
experience gained by observing or interacting with the
environment. From a broader societal impact perspective,
proposed solution can also be applied in space exploration,
search and rescue operation, and in remote emergency response
in a hazardous environment, potentially saving lives.
Rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2
describes the related work. Section 3 describes the research
objectives required for incorporating spatio-temporal reasoning
within neural network framework for IPS. Section 4 describes
the methodology and architecture of spatio-temporal reasoning
within the neural network framework. Section 5 describes the
978-1-5386-9276-9/18/$31.00 c
2018 IEEE
preliminary experimental results with respect to research
objectives outlined in Section 3. Section 6 describes the future
work and finally section 7 presents the summary and
In a related work with respect to Spatio-temporal reasoning
within a neural network, Z. Kira et al., [1] specifically combine
the strengths of CNN with temporal models, in the form of
Monte Carlo Localization methods, in order to perform higher
level reasoning tasks for everyday environments. They also
discuss on additional potential for higher-level spatio-temporal
environment understanding tasks such as inference, prediction,
and generalization across environments. Neural networks using
spatio-temporal reasoning have been used for applications
such as prediction in driving videos [2], neural network-based
reasoning over natural language sentences [3], analyzing user
behaviors in predicting their next location [4], prediction of
Futures Contract Prices of White Maize in South Africa [5],
contributions of rainfalls to flash floods [9], short term
prediction of traffic flow [10], air temperature prediction [11],
public transport services [12], for personalized decision
support system [15], predicting resource usage [17], human
action recognition [18], and intelligent environmental decision
support systems [20]. In another related work, Kasabov et al.,
describes a new type of evolving connectionist systems
(ECOS) called evolving spatio-temporal data machines based
on neuromorphic, brain-like information processing principles
[6, 7, 16, 19]. Guesgen, and Marsland propose spatio-temporal
reasoning and context awareness in the context of smart homes
[8]. A stochastic graph based framework was suggested by
Xiaong et al. for a robot to understand tasks from human
demonstrations and perform them with feedback control. Their
framework unifies both knowledge representation and action
planning in the same hierarchical data structure, allowing a
robot to expand its spatial, temporal, and causal knowledge at
varying levels of abstraction [13]. In another related work, Jain
et al [14], propose an approach for combining the power of
high-level spatio-temporal graphs and sequence learning
success of Recurrent NNs. Ohn-Bar and Trivedi studied an
idea of object relevance, as measured in a spatio-temporal
context of driving a vehicle. In this they applied spatio-
temporal object and scene cues for object importance
classification [58].
As per our literature review, there is no related work on
augmenting observed learning and spatio-temporal learning in
an IPS environment. While it is not directly applied in a
physical systems environment, experimental learning for
intelligent agents is proposed in other areas such as training
salesmen and managers in the context of a retail store or a
larger supermarket [24], operations management [25], text
learning [27], neuroscience [28], digital legal libraries [29],
online learning [30], educational games [31], business
intelligence and consumer intelligence [23] and mobile
learning system [33]. Some of the techniques that have been
applied for learning from experience in multi-agent systems
include decision theoretic intelligent agents [26], leveraging
trust modeling based on direct experience with incentives for
honesty [32], visual question answering [59], video object
segmentation [60] and portable semantic web crawling and
indexing [23].
To address the challenges of realizing IPS such as
automated vehicles and limitations of the related work outlined
in earlier sections, following are the research objectives that the
rest of the paper focuses on.
A. Research Objective 1 (RO1) - Spatio-temporal reasoning
within a neural network enabled IPS
In this research objective, our focus is to utilize spatio-
temporal reasoning within a neural network, resulting in neural
networks which model the world more like humans do.
Through the classification of tasks and the context for that task,
spatio-temporal reasoning provides situational awareness to the
intelligent physical system [52]. We hypothesize that current
representations, such as Long-term Recurrent Convolutional
Networks (LRCN) [21], which classify actions and caption
video, suffer from over training because the network designs
do not allow for spatial invariance beyond the pixel level. Due
to this, the utilization of time and space has been suboptimal in
these instances. One noteworthy endeavor to apply these
concepts to robotics is Nvidia's DeepDrive system, which
directly regresses the steering wheel angle based on the
incoming video stream from a forward facing camera [53].
The approach is novel because the system can be trained end-
to-end simply by driving the vehicle, but the front end of the
system is still a classical classification/regression based
architecture. Essentially, the output is a left or right
classification with a magnitude. The network itself lacks the
practical, reasonable considerations and concepts such as
drivable surface and spatial occupancy that make modern
robotic navigation possible.
We propose a projection layer which will project a learned
descriptor of each occupancy voxel into a world model tensor.
This can be used within a neural network to store properties
relevant to interacting with the environment. Properties, such
as static, dynamic, movable, hot, cold, etc., can be processed
with fully convolutional layers in order to make predictions
about the future state of the spatial model based on current
content and history. Because the processing will be done with
Figure 1: IPS with various autonomous capabilities developed by SwRI-165
Military HMMWV
IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence SSCI 2018 275
fully convolutional approaches, the mappings that are learned
will not depend heavily on viewpoint or require large amounts
of data to account for spatial differences [54]. Success in this
area will reduce training of applicable neural networks by an
order of magnitude in terms of time and size, and identify areas
that undertrained.
B. Research Objective 2 (RO2) - Augment observed
procedures and spatio-temporal analysis
In this research objective, our focus is to augment observed
procedures and spatio-temporal analysis through experimental
learning. Knowledge gained via observation and spatio-
temporal reasoning will be suboptimal [55]. This is due to
several factors, including differences between platforms,
improper communication and identification, and small sample
sizes. In addition, the first systems to encounter a new
environment will not have the benefit of group knowledge.
Experimental learning allows an IPS to simultaneously
perform actions and improve its performance [56]. The system
performs actions that it believes are safe, whether to perform a
novel task or to optimize a task learned via observational or
transference learning. Once the action has been performed, the
vehicle evaluates the environment and determines if it is nearer
or further away from the goal. With each execution of a task,
the system becomes more confident in its ability to perform a
task, which will be considered in a cost model based task
allocation system [57].
In this section, we describe the needed research efforts to
address the research objectives outlined in earlier sections. In
particular, the research tasks, associated with incorporating
spatio-temporal reasoning in NN framework are described in
this section. To address the research objectives we have
developed architecture, shown in Figure 2, which is based on
Caffe machine learning framework [22]. As show in Figure 2,
observational system (spatio-temporal) data are fed to the
Caffe-based neural network frame. The spatial and temporal
neural network is then constructed to predict future
Following are the detailed research steps related to research
objective 1.
1. Incorporate recurrent neural network into voxel-based neural
network: This task will link a recurrent neural network
structure to each spatial descriptor in order to allow the
network to predict temporal properties based on appearance.
This models the ability of humans to determine if an object is
dynamic, static but movable, or firmly affixed to another
structure in the environment.
2. Incorporate 3D convolutions to learn occupancy
relationships: Building on the output from the first task, it
should be possible to extend the network in the spatial layers
by processing them with convolutions in order to model
relationships between objects. This adds additional complexity
to the model, but it allows the network to learn about
interactions between objects such as a person kicking a ball or
a table holding up a coffee mug.
3. Collect data and train network: This entails allowing the IPS
to observe scenes, which are changing in time. In an end-to-
end fashion, we will link appearance based features to temporal
properties and learn interactions by forcing the network to
predict future occupancy states using the recent
history. Because the training will be done in post process, this
training requires no labeling.
4. Test and validate the network (includes re-training if
necessary): Using withheld data, the goal will be to show that
the network can correctly predict reasonable future states of the
environment. Quantitatively, this can be evaluated with the
loss function used in training, and qualitatively, this means
playing the data back using 3D visualization tools. The goal
will be to show that reasonable predictions are made.
Following are the steps related to research objective 2 of the
proposed framework.
1. Utilize reflective neural network to determine high-value
explorations: Through reflection on the activations of the
internal network layers, exploratory actions that result in
strongly confident network activations can be flagged. These
explorations can be used to encourage behaviors that are
outside of the expected operating parameters, effectively
identifying promising actions that could be performed.
2: Utilize spatio-temporal neural network to assess risk of
action: This step would prevent damage to vehicle or
environment. As exploratory behaviors are prioritized through
step 1, predictions can be generated on the future state, and
risks can be identified. For example, a high value exploration
has been identified that includes physically interacting with an
object in the environment. The spatio-temporal neural network
may predict that the interaction would affect the body of the
IPS as well as the object itself. This risk likelihood could be
factored into the decision of taking action.
3. Develop framework for balancing high-value exploration
and risk: Without taking action with some level of risk, the
operation of the IPS will remain completely in the domain of
manually programmed behaviors. A certain level of risk will
need to be taken in order to provide for novel experiences with
the environment. This framework will allow the network to
Figure 2: Depiction of Spatio-Temporal Reasoning within NN Framework.
276 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence SSCI 2018
provide a cost-map that incorporates high value, low risk
behaviors into the potential outcome for behaviors.
4. Integrate experimental learning with knowledge base: As the
IPS performs actions that are beyond the preprogrammed
behavior, additional learning will occur. The inputs that are
gathered through this experimental process will be
incorporated as heavily weighted inputs, and included in the
training efforts, leveraging the advantages from all other RO,
to expand the understanding of the world model of this IPS.
V. E
In our experimentation, we have generated multi-scale
convolution neural networks (CNN) and deployed for image-
based object detection within AV systems. The detection
algorithms are capable of isolating and classifying pedestrians
in real-time with higher accuracy than similar Haar-like feature
based algorithms, as shown in Figure 3.
Fundamentally similar structures are currently being
generated and utilized by our autonomous platforms for
representing the world model as shown in Figure 4. The voxel
structure of the model can be noted in Figure 4. However,
these world models are strictly occupancy grids and do not
leverage the attributes of real-world objects as the proposed
research does. In addition to the world model, cost maps are
generated, as shown in Figure 5, in order to differentiate
between multiple path traversal options. Currently, generating
a cost map is done with hand crafted weighting functions (one
of the many manually programmed efforts that advances the
field but does not address novel environments that future IPS
will encounter). These cost maps are tedious to construct and
not optimized in any way (other than tweaks made manually
over time). The current cost map considers the content of a
voxel or ground cell and its position and maps it to a cost with
a piecewise linear function. Costs are then summed through
columns to produce an initial cost map, which is then refined
with a set of filters. We hypothesize that these cost maps can
be replaced with fully convolutional neural networks that can
direct the navigational selections that are made by the spatio-
temporally aware network.
Through expanding capabilities in path planning, we have
performed preliminary experiments into the area of non-
deterministic path planning. Such planning is similar to
experimental learning in that random paths are included in the
estimation for the path of an AV, providing the capability to
experiment with alternative path options. The path planner that
we developed called as “Maverick” is a hierarchical planner
that is capable of efficiently finding feasible paths over long
distances in unstructured environments while taking into
account steering limits and operating in reverse. The planner
comprises a waypoint planner and a rapidly exploring random
tree (RRT) planner that respects kinodynamic constraints. The
waypoint planner uses a simplified vehicle model to quickly
find a directed graph of waypoints from start to goal, which is
then used to bias sampling and speed up computation in the
RRT planner. The Maverick planner is capable of anytime
planning and continuous re-planning, the combination of which
provides a feasible path quickly and then optimizes the
computed path with any remaining computational cycles as
shown in Figure 6. Structural awareness of the environment is
utilized when available but the planner does not require it.
Using this planner, the IPS will prefer to follow roads or trails
but will navigate off them when necessary.
Figure 5. A world-model generated through sensor fusion and
material classification
Figure 4: A generated cost map with overlays of the
Paths that are planned based on this cost map.
Figure 3: CNN detection of a pedestrian from
forward-looking image sensor.
IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence SSCI 2018 277
In this section we describe the research challenges and
future work recommendations associated with incorporating
spatio-temporal reasoning for neural network framework. One
challenge for Spatio-temporal reasoning within a neural
network objective will be the creation of a layer that represents
physical world concepts. Representing this properly for the
implementation and operating space will be the fundamental
research challenge. In addition, handling sensor occlusion in
training sets will be a challenge that the research team expects
to address through the inference of occupancy in the presence
of occlusion. The initial learning of dynamic objects within a
spatio-temporal neural network presents a ‘chicken and egg’
problem in that the neural network must have seen a dynamic
object to learn its physics, and must have learned its physics to
recognize a dynamic object. We believe that manual training
and testing with dynamic objects on one platform will be
sufficient to allow new platforms to recognize and train on
dynamic objects.
The spatio-temporal reasoning aspect of the developed
neural network allows the system to provide a much more
accurate estimation of future states. In order to validate the
spatio-temporal neural network developed in this paper, data
will be recorded which shows objects undergoing a predictable
motion, such as rolling, falling, or being pushed. At several
points during this motion, the spatio-temporal neural network
will begin predictions which are propagated to the end of the
recorded motion. The deviations of this motion will be
compared to other methods discussed in the literature. To
determine the effectiveness of experimental learning within the
IPS an action will need to be selected and manually
programmed into the system. Once the system has had
sufficient time to execute and optimize the action, the value of
the cost function can be compared to the initial value. This can
be repeated for multiple trials and multiple actions.
Our preliminary experimental results indicate that spatio-
temporal reasoning can be incorporated into the neural network
framework within the context of intelligent physical systems.
Building on the success of the preliminary experimental
results, we plan to further assess and evaluate the research
challenges and objectives outlined in the section 3 and 4 in a
more realistic AV scenario. Through our approach, intelligent
agent-based IPS can adjust their behavior and learn new
behavior based on the experiences through spatio-temporal
reasoning with other IPS. This research proposed in the paper
will lead to practical guidelines for developing IPS that has the
spatio-temporal reasoning capabilities incorporated into it,
resulting in minimal to no human intervention.
The authors would like to acknowledge the help of
Cameron Mott with respect to the experimentations and the
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280 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence SSCI 2018
... The work of [37] discusses how location and time can support smart manufacturing, movement data and quality measurements are visualized and analysed using spatial-temporal analysis to compare behaviours. The spatial-temporal data are fed to the neural network frame for construction intelligent physical system [38]. The recurrent neural network structure is linked to predict the mobility of an object, and the 3D convolutions for modelling the relationships between objects. ...
The COVID-19 outbreak has posed significant challenges to end-to-end global supply chain visibility and transparency, with city lockdowns, factory shutdowns, flight cancellations, cross-border closures, and other uncertainties, disruptions, and disturbances. To address these challenges, reliable and accurate spatial-temporal information of physical objects and processes is essential to understand the industrial context and predict potential risks or bottlenecks for further decision-making. Product traverse both indoor (e.g., shopfloors and warehouses) and outdoor (during transportation) contexts. Despite significant advances in spatial-temporal traceability for outdoor environments using Global Positioning System (GPS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), satisfactory performance has not yet been achieved in indoor context, which accounts for the majority of operations. This limitation results in disjointed visibility and inaccessible transparency across the holistic supply chain. This research introduces universal and interoperable spatial-temporal elements for cyber-physical industrial 4.0 systems (CPIS) and develops a multi-modal bionic learning (MMBL) method for accurate and enduring indoor positioning. Proximity, mobility, and contextual reasoning mechanisms are designed to capture the interplay, evolution, and synchronization among objects at the operations level. To validate and evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed solution, we first conduct laboratory experiment and then apply the method in a real-life case company. Comparative analysis is conducted. MMBL clearly outperforms the other methods with 95% of the errors are within 3.41 m and maintains effectiveness after a year of use, which represents a significant step forward in achieving spatial-temporal traceability in CPIS.
... In this proposed work, we developed a HCQNN approach that has primitive elements of neural networks [24,25] upon a customized quantum nonlinearity to improve the efficiency and cost of already surveyed solutions for such quantum neuron functions and define better optimization analysis. The proposed HCQNN integrates superposition, nonlinear entanglement, and quantum activation functions with classical Neural Network (NN) to enhance the detection of geomagnetic storms by analyzing space weather, including solar radiation. ...
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Space weather events, such as solar flares and geomagnetic storms, can have significant impacts on space technologies and infrastructure. Traditional space weather detection methods are limited by their accuracy and speed, which can lead to missed or delayed warnings of these events. In this paper, we propose a Hybrid Classical-Quantum Neural Network (HCQNN) that leverages the principles of quantum computing to model and simulate space weather phenomena. The proposed HCQNN is capable of detecting space weather events with 99.9% accuracy and providing early warning alerts to mitigate potential impacts on space-based systems. Our findings indicate that the proposed approach has the potential to improve space weather detection and enhance the resiliency of critical space-based technologies. the proposed approach has the potential to reduce the economic and societal impacts of space weather events. This work contributes to the growing field of quantum computing applications in space science and technology and demonstrates the value of incorporating quantum computing principles into space weather detection and forecasting.
... The Turing test was then launched with the aim of determining whether a computer can demonstrate the same intelligence as a human being [40]. To pass this test, the system would need to possess capabilities that are currently the subject of study in machine learning, such as natural language processing [41], knowledge representation [42], and automated reasoning [43]. Given the advances in AI models, several applications are being used to improve the quality of life of people with physical disabilities and improve applications for smart healthcare [44], such as using smart robots [45][46][47], or more specific applications, such as in sign language [48][49][50][51][52][53]. ...
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According to the World Health Organization, about 15% of the world’s population has some form of disability. Assistive Technology, in this context, contributes directly to the overcoming of difficulties encountered by people with disabilities in their daily lives, allowing them to receive education and become part of the labor market and society in a worthy manner. Assistive Technology has made great advances in its integration with Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) devices. AIoT processes and analyzes the large amount of data generated by Internet of Things (IoT) devices and applies Artificial Intelligence models, specifically, machine learning, to discover patterns for generating insights and assisting in decision making. Based on a systematic literature review, this article aims to identify the machine-learning models used across different research on Artificial Intelligence of Things applied to Assistive Technology. The survey of the topics approached in this article also highlights the context of such research, their application, the IoT devices used, and gaps and opportunities for further development. The survey results show that 50% of the analyzed research address visual impairment, and, for this reason, most of the topics cover issues related to computational vision. Portable devices, wearables, and smartphones constitute the majority of IoT devices. Deep neural networks represent 81% of the machine-learning models applied in the reviewed research.
... P. Jay et al. detail a reference model to perform comparison of agent in intelligent systems [2]. The importance of developing performance metrics and predicting/identifying partner agent's behavior for intelligent systems is proposed in multiple literature sources [3,4,5,6,7,10,12,14,16,20,60]. Following a similar theme, developments are occurring with regard to recognizing the intention of intelligent agents [8,9]. ...
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Existing functionality for intelligent physical systems (IPS), such as autonomous vehicles (AV), is generally built around rigid rule-sets, which allow predictable behavior in their expected operational design domain. This manner of system design is desirable for scenarios where a human is generally able to take control, such as on-road driving. In situations where, human intervention is unlikely to be available and long-term autonomous operation is desired in potentially dynamic environments, the limitations of rigid rule-sets will need to be addressed. To address these issues, an IPS will need to be able to derive the properties of items in its environment, since those objects may not be available for training prior to exposure. Moreover, in order to verify that the IPS is properly interpreting the environment, metacognition will be added through the integration of a reflective neural network (RNN) that can identify high-and low-value training inputs, provide confidence for outputs, and reduce the size of training sets. In this paper, we have proposed RNN-based learning framework to address these IPS issues. The preliminary experimental results addressing these research challenges are promising.
... P. Jay et al. detail a reference model to perform comparison of agent in intelligent systems [2]. The importance of developing performance metrics and predicting/identifying partner agent's behavior for intelligent systems is proposed in multiple literature sources [3,4,5,6,7,10,12,14,16,20,60]. Following a similar theme, developments are occurring with regard to recognizing the intention of intelligent agents [8,9]. ...
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According to the World Health Organization, about 15% of the world’s population has some form of disability. Assistive Technology, in this context, contributes directly to the overcoming of difficulties encountered by people with disabilities in their daily lives, allowing them to receive education and become part of the labor market and society in a worthy manner. Assistive Technology has made great advances in its integration with Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) devices. AIoT processes and analyzes the large amount of data generated by IoT devices and applies Artificial Intelligence models, specifically Machine Learning, to discover patterns for generating insights and assisting in decision making. Based on a systematic literature review, this article aims at identifying the Machine Learning models used in multiple different research about Artificial Intelligence of Things applied to Assistive Technology. The survey of the topics approached in this article also highlights the context of such research, their application, IoT devices used, and gaps and opportunities for further development. Survey results show that 50% of the analyzed research address visual impairment, and for this reason, most of the topics cover issues related to computational vision. Portable devices, wearables, and smartphones constituted the majority of IoT devices. Deep Neural Networks represent 81% of the Machine Learning models applied in the reviewed research.
Conference Paper
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Developments in intelligent transportation systems and information and communication technology allow significant improvements of public transport making it more competitive to the emerging app-based personal mobility services. In this paper we demonstrate how demand responsive transport services-characterised by flexible routing and scheduling-can complement conventional timetable-bound bus operations in order to offer seamless intermodal door-to-door mobility. The paper discusses technological aspects, as well as associated privacy issues together with potential solutions.
Spatial and temporal contextual information plays a key role for analyzing user behaviors, and is helpful for predicting where he or she will go next. With the growing ability of collecting information, more and more temporal and spatial contextual information is collected in systems, and the location prediction problem becomes crucial and feasible. Some works have been proposed to address this problem, but they all have their limitations. Factorizing Personalized Markov Chain (FPMC) is constructed based on a strong independence assumption among different factors, which limits its performance. Tensor Factorization (TF) faces the cold start problem in predicting future actions. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) model shows promising performance comparing with PFMC and TF, but all these methods have problem in modeling continuous time interval and geographical distance. In this paper, we extend RNN and propose a novel method called Spatial Temporal Recurrent Neural Networks (ST-RNN). ST-RNN can model local temporal and spatial contexts in each layer with time-specific transition matrices for different time intervals and distance-specific transition matrices for different geographical distances. Experimental results show that the proposed ST-RNN model yields significant improvements over the competitive compared methods on two typical datasets, i.e., Global Terrorism Database (GTD) and Gowalla dataset.
For skeleton-based action recognition, most of the existing work used recurrent neural networks. Using convolutional neural networks is another attractive solution in consideration of their advantages in parallelization, effectiveness in feature learning and model base sufficiency. Besides these, skeleton data are low-dimensional features. It is natural to arrange a sequence of skeleton features chronologically into an image which retains the original information. Therefore, we solve the sequence learning problem as an image classification task using convolutional neural networks. For better learning ability, we build a classification network with stacked residual blocks and having a special design called linear skip gated connection which can benefit information propagation across multiple residual blocks. When arranging the coordinates of body joints in one frame into a skeleton feature, we systematically investigate the performance of part-based, chain-based and traversal-based orders. Furthermore, a fully-convolutional permutation network is designed to learn an optimized order for data rearrangement. Without any bells and whistles, our proposed model achieves state-ofthe- art performance on two challenging benchmark datasets, outperforming existing methods significantly.
Vision and language understanding has emerged as a subject undergoing intense study in Artificial Intelligence. Among many tasks in this line of research, visual question answering (VQA) has been one of the most successful ones, where the goal is to learn a model that understands visual content at region-level details and finds their associations with pairs of questions and answers in the natural language form. Despite the rapid progress in the past few years, most existing work in VQA have focused primarily on images. In this paper, we focus on extending VQA to the video domain and contribute to the literature in three important ways. First, we propose three new tasks designed specifically for video VQA, which require spatio-temporal reasoning from videos to answer questions correctly. Next, we introduce a new large-scale dataset for video VQA named TGIF-QA that extends existing VQA work with our new tasks. Finally, we propose a dual-LSTM based approach with both spatial and temporal attention, and show its effectiveness over conventional VQA techniques through empirical evaluations.