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Systematic Review: Aesthetic Assessment of Breast Reconstruction Outcomes by Healthcare Professionals


Abstract and Figures

Achieving an aesthetic outcome following postmastectomy breast reconstruction is both an important goal for the patient and plastic surgeon. However, there is currently an absence of a widely accepted, standardized, and validated professional aesthetic assessment scale following postmastectomy breast reconstruction. A systematic review was performed to identify all articles that provided professional assessment of the aesthetic outcome following postmastectomy, implant- or autologous tissue-based breast reconstruction. A modified version of the Scientific Advisory Committee's Medical Outcomes Trust (MOT) criteria was used to evaluate all professional aesthetic assessment scales identified by our systematic review. The criteria included conceptual framework formation, reliability, validity, responsiveness, interpretability, burden, and correlation with patient-reported outcomes. A total of 120 articles were identified: 52 described autologous breast reconstruction, 37 implant-based reconstruction, and 29 both. Of the 12 different professional aesthetic assessment scales that exist in the literature, the most commonly used scale was the four-point professional aesthetic assessment scale. The highest score on the modified MOT criteria was assigned to the ten-point professional aesthetic assessment scale. However, this scale has limited clinical usefulness due to its poor responsiveness to change, lack of interpretability, and wide range of intra- and inter-rater agreements (Veiga et al. in Ann Plast Surg 48(5):515-520, 2002). A "gold standard" professional aesthetic assessment scale needs to be developed to enhance the comparability of breast reconstruction results across techniques, surgeons, and studies to aid with the selection of procedures that produce the best aesthetic results from both the perspectives of the surgeon and patients.
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Systematic Review: Aesthetic Assessment of Breast
Reconstruction Outcomes by Healthcare Professionals
Saskia W. M. C. Maass, MD
, Shaghayegh Bagher, MSc
, Stefan O. P. Hofer, MD, PhD
, Nancy N. Baxter,
, and Toni Zhong, MD, MHS
Division of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Surgery and Surgical Oncology, University Health Network,
Toronto, ON, Canada;
Division of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada;
Departments of Surgery and Health Policy, Management, and Evaluation, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada;
The Keenan Research Centre, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, St Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada;
Department of Surgery, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Background. Achieving an aesthetic outcome following
postmastectomy breast reconstruction is both an important
goal for the patient and plastic surgeon. However, there is
currently an absence of a widely accepted, standardized,
and validated professional aesthetic assessment scale fol-
lowing postmastectomy breast reconstruction.
Methods. A systematic review was performed to identify all
articles that provided professional assessment of the aesthetic
outcome following postmastectomy, implant- or autologous
tissue-based breast reconstruction. A modified version of the
Scientific Advisory Committee’s Medical Outcomes Trust
(MOT) criteria was used to evaluate all professional aesthetic
assessment scales identified by our systematic review. The
criteria included conceptual framework formation, reliability,
validity, responsiveness, interpretability, burden, and corre-
lation with patient-reported outcomes.
Results. A total of 120 articles were identified: 52 de-
scribed autologous breast reconstruction, 37 implant-based
reconstruction, and 29 both. Of the 12 different profes-
sional aesthetic assessment scales that exist in the
literature, the most commonly used scale was the four-
point professional aesthetic assessment scale. The highest
score on the modified MOT criteria was assigned to the
ten-point professional aesthetic assessment scale. However,
this scale has limited clinical usefulness due to its poor
responsiveness to change, lack of interpretability, and wide
range of intra- and inter-rater agreements (Veiga et al. in
Ann Plast Surg 48(5):515–520,
Conclusions. A ‘‘gold standard’’ professional aesthetic
assessment scale needs to be developed to enhance the
comparability of breast reconstruction results across tech-
niques, surgeons, and studies to aid with the selection of
procedures that produce the best aesthetic results from both
the perspectives of the surgeon and patients.
Breast reconstruction has become an important part of the
surgical care for breast cancer patients.
Breast reconstruction
with a satisfactory aesthetic outcome can have a positive effect
on the psychological recovery of the patient following mas-
A standardized measure of aesthetic outcome after
reconstruction would enable comparisons of breast recon-
struction outcomes for clinical and research purposes. A
previous review by Potter et al. failed to identify a well-ac-
cepted, standardized, and validated aesthetic assessment scale
following postmastectomy breast reconstruction.
criteria have been proposed for what constitutes the ideal
professional aesthetic assessment scale for breast reconstruc-
Munshi et al. noted that the ideal professional aesthetic
assessment scale should be based on quantitative measures that
are easy to understand, reproducible, and have a good corre-
lation with the patient-reported outcome (PRO).
Potter et al.
proposed that the core outcomes for assessing aesthetics in-
volve a multidisciplinary approach, and that in addition to
meeting the minimal validity and reliability criteria applied to
other measurement systems, there would be an additional PRO
domain to capture the perspective of the patient.
Because a large number of professional aesthetic
assessment scales currently exist for breast reconstruction,
ÓSociety of Surgical Oncology 2015
First Received: 12 September 2014
T. Zhong, MD, MHS
Ann Surg Oncol
DOI 10.1245/s10434-015-4434-2
and there is no one ideal measurement tool, choosing the
optimal professional aesthetic scale is challenging. A pro-
fessional aesthetic assessment scale was defined as a scale
to evaluate the aesthetic result by a healthcare profes-
The goal of this paper, therefore, was to review
systematically all of the existing aesthetic assessment
scales by healthcare professionals for breast reconstruction.
In addition, we are the first group to evaluate all the pro-
fessional aesthetic assessment scales using well-established
quality criteria for measurement properties.
Search and Selection Process
A computerized bibliographic search was performed in
chINFO, and PubMed in February of 2013. Search items
were: (breast reconstruction OR mammoplasty) AND
(aesthetic OR esthetic OR cosme*), and the search was
limited to English articles published in 1990 or after. Du-
plicates were removed and two independent reviewers
included articles evaluating patients undergoing postmas-
tectomy breast reconstruction, both implant-based, and
autologous reconstruction based on title and abstract. The
two independent reviewers were Saskia Maass (first author)
and Toni Zhong (senior author). Excluded were articles
with no primary data, expert opinions, letters to the editor,
and conference reports. For the second selection, articles
were evaluated based on their full-text and were excluded
when they did not contain a professional aesthetic assess-
ment scale or only contained a patient-reported aesthetic
assessment. Discrepancies between review authors were
solved by reaching consensus. References of the articles
were hand-searched to identify additional relevant papers.
Data Extraction
Included papers were reviewed for the following data:
(1) study population, (2) type of reconstruction, (3) pro-
fession of the observer, (4) method of evaluation, and (5)
the characteristics of the assessment scale. If insufficient
information about the professional aesthetic assessment
scale was provided, then the cited references were
evaluated for additional information.
Medical Outcomes Trust Criteria to Evaluate each
Professional Aesthetic Assessment Scale
To determine the methodological quality of each aes-
thetic assessment tool, both reviewers evaluated each
aesthetic assessment scale using the Medical Outcomes
Trust (MOT) criteria developed by the Scientific Advisory
Committee (SAC).
All methodological information was
obtained directly from papers that first described the scales
as well as from the papers that subsequently used and
evaluated the scales. Each professional aesthetic assess-
ment scale was graded according to the seven MOT
criteria. One point was assigned when the aesthetic
assessment scale fulfilled the criterion, half a point was
given when most of the criterion was met, and zero points
were assigned when the scale did not meet the criterion.
Six out of the 7 criteria were based on the original MOT
criteria and these included: (1) the underlying conceptual
framework, (2) reliability, (3) validity, (4) responsiveness,
(5) interpretability, and (6) burden for the professional and
the patient. The conceptual framework criterion reflects the
process of development of the scale. One point was as-
signed if this was clearly developed for patients undergoing
postmastectomy breast reconstruction. Reliability refers to
the degree to which scores reflect the underlying phe-
nomenon. Both the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC),
which determines the degree of concordance between test
and retest, and the internal consistency measured by the
Cronbach’s alpha are common statistics for reliability.
For research purposes, a measure should achieve a re-
liability coefficient of at least 0.70.
One point was
assigned for a kappa higher than 0.40 or a coefficient above
0.70. Validity is the degree to which an instrument mea-
sures what it is purported to measure. An aesthetic
assessment scale with a Spearman q[0.70 was assigned 1
point. Responsiveness is the ability of an instrument to
distinguish clinically important changes from measurement
error over time even if these changes are small, and this is
measured by the responsiveness ratio (RR).
When the
RR was at minimum 1.96, this criterion was assigned a
point. Interpretability is defined as the degree to which one
can assign qualitative meaning to quantitative scores.
point was assigned if information was given on the means
and standard deviation of the population. The burden for
professional and patient evaluates the overall time burden.
One point was assigned when burden was deemed to be
low from the professional and patient. A seventh criterion
is to assess the relationship between the professional aes-
thetic assessment scale and PRO as advocated by Potter
et al., and 1 point was assigned when the correlation was
Because all the aesthetic outcome scales were
described in English only, and we are only evaluating those
scales intended for professional assessment, the two addi-
tional criteria of the MOT ‘‘alternatives modes of
administration’’ and ‘‘cultural and language adaptations or
translations’’ were found not to be applicable in our review.
Table 1provides a summary of the seven modified MOT
criteria used.
S. W. M. C. Maass et al.
Search Results
A total of 5,845 citations were generated from the data-
base search, and of these 3,214 duplicates were excluded,
leaving a number of 2,631 articles. Based on the titles and
abstracts, articles that did not evaluate patients undergoing
postmastectomy breast reconstruction were excluded. Also
excluded were records with no primary data, expert opinions,
letters to the editor, and conference reports; this totaled 1,753
citations. The full-text of 878 articles was reviewed and 763
articles were excluded, because they did not use a profes-
sional aesthetic assessment scale. An additional 5 articles
were found after reviewing the full text and references. A
total number of 120 articles were included in the review. The
search and selection process is summarized in Fig. 1.
Study Characteristics
(1) Study population: From the 120 articles selected, 95
described outcomes exclusively following breast recon-
struction, 13 included only outcomes following breast-
conserving therapy (BCT), and 12 contained both breast
reconstruction and BCT.
(2) Type of reconstruction: Fifty-two articles included
only patients following autologous breast reconstruction,
37 included implant-based reconstructions, 29 included
both autologous and implant-based reconstruction, and 2
articles did not specify the reconstruction method.
(3) Observer: The aesthetic assessment was performed
exclusively by plastic surgeons in 65 studies, whereas an-
other 39 studies contained assessments by other medical
professionals, such as nurses, residents, fellows, and other
house-staff. Fifteen of the reviewed articles used a com-
bination of professionals and nonprofessionals to perform
the aesthetic assessments. The profession of the observer
was unknown in 19 articles.
(4) Professional aesthetic assessment scale: For 67 ar-
ticles, the aesthetic assessment was performed by means of
photographs, 9 were based on clinical assessments, 8 were
based on both clinical and photographic assessments, and
36 studies failed to state details. Table 2presents an
overview of the current professional aesthetic assessment
scales used in each study, organized from most to least
commonly used.
TABLE 1 Simplified summary of the 7 modified Medical Outcomes Trust criteria for evaluating professional aesthetic assessment
Characteristic Definition Criteria for scoring
Development of
The scale includes a process that involves qualitative interviews
with patients, item generation and preliminary scale formation,
and several iterations of redraft based on feedback from patients
and surgeons
1=Patients undergoing post-mastectomy breast
0=Cosmetic augmentation, breast conserving
therapy or other
Reliability The degree to which scores reflect the underlying phenomenon and
not measurement error. A reliable measure is also reproducible.
The most appropriate statistics to determine test-retest
concordance is the intraclass correlation coefficient. A good
measure to test the internal consistency is Cronbach’s alpha
1=jof 0.40–0.75 fair to good agreement and
j[0.75 excellent agreement
Cronbach a[0.71
0=j\0.40 indicates poor agreement
Cronbach aB0.70
Validity The degree to which an instrument measures what it is purported to
measure. To demonstrate construct validity, research findings
need to support the proposed hypothesis
1=Spearman q[0.71
0=Spearman qB0.70
Responsiveness The ability of an instrument to distinguish clinically important
changes from measurement error over time, even if these changes
are small
1=Responsiveness ratio C1.96
0=Responsiveness ratio \1.96
Interpretability Information on the means and standard deviations (SD) in patient
subpopulations and an anchor-based approach that uses an
external criterion to operationalize a minimally important change
(MIC) are important elements of an interpretable scale
1=if means or SD in the groups or reference
population have been calculated or if MIC have
been calculated for the scale
0=if means or SD in the reference population is
unknown, or if MIC is unknown
Burden for
and patient
This criteria evaluates the overall time burden required for the
professional and patient to complete the professional aesthetic
assessment scale
1=Burden low
0=Burden high
Patient reported
The correlation between the patient and the professional evaluation
of the aesthetic result
1=high positive correlation, [0.71
0=minimal correlation, B0.70
Aesthetic Assessment Breast Reconstruction
(5) Specific characteristics of the professional aesthetic
assessment scales: The number of properties per scale
varied from 1 to 12 items, with a median of 4 properties for
all the reviewed articles. These specific properties includ-
ed: shape, overall aesthetics, symmetry, volume, scars,
inframammary fold, nipple-areola complex, contour, posi-
tion, areola, color, consistency, ptosis, mobility, and
rippling. Of all the articles that we reviewed, a total of 48
articles included a measure of patient satisfaction with the
professional aesthetic assessment scale (Fig. 2).
MOT Criteria
Table 3presents the summary of our evaluation of the
12 professional aesthetic assessment scales as prescribed
by the MOT and the score that we assigned to each of the 7
modified MOT criteria. The four-point professional aes-
thetic assessment scale is the most commonly used method
of aesthetic evaluation. The ten-point scoring scale fulfills
over four of the seven criteria ascribed by the MOT. Below
is a more detailed description of each of the 12 professional
aesthetic assessment scales with respect to its adherence to
the modified MOT criteria.
Four-Point Scale This scale has not been validated in the
breast reconstruction population.
The reliability of the
four-point scale was modest, with an inter-rater agreement
jof 0.55.
Its validity has not been proven, and the
Spearman coefficient for the postoperative scoring has
been found to be 0.57.
The weighted kappa to calculate
the intraobserver agreement was 0.70 according to Vrieling
et al.
The correlation with the patient’s assessment was
analyzed by Schuster et al. and found to be good.
A score
of 3 out of 7 was assigned.
Five-Point Scale The reliability measured with the inter-
rater agreement was good, the validation of the scale was
fair, and the questionnaire burden is low.
The total score
was 2 out of 7.
Garbay/Lowery Scale The Garbay assessment scale has
been analyzed in detail by Lowery and often is referred to
as the Lowery scale.
Lowery et al. assessed the
reliability and found kappa values from 0.19 to 0.63.
The intra-rater agreement kappa values were from 0.21 to
0.67 for the subscales. Carlson et al. found inter-rater
agreement kappa values from 0.31 to 0.72.
The total was
2 out of 7 points.
Three-Point Scale The reliability, validity, responsiveness,
and correlation with the patients’ assessment have not been
tested. One point out of 7 was assigned for low questionnaire
Baker Scale The Baker scale was intended to assess
capsular contractures for patients after augmentation
Database search: AMED, CINAHL, Cochrane, EMBASE, MEDLINE, PsychlNFO, Pubmed
Search terms: (Breast reconstruction or mammaplasty) AND (aesthetic or esthetic or cosme*)
Limits: English, published after 1990
Records Excluded:
Total Number of Records Screened:
Full Text Articles Assessed for Eligibility:
Hand-searching of article references n=5
Articles included:
Inclusion Eligibility Screening Identification
Records Excluded by reading Title,Abstract:
Records Excluded by reading Full Text
- No evidence of implant or autologous breast
- No description of or reference to a
professional aesthetic assessment scale
- Only patient-reported aesthetic assessment
- No primary data, expert opinions, letters to
the edtior and conference reports
FIG. 1 Flow diagram of article selection process
S. W. M. C. Maass et al.
TABLE 2 Summary of the different professional aesthetic assessment scales in the literature and their frequency of occurrence
Aesthetic scale Author of
Grading scale Aesthetic
Frequency of
citation in
Four-point Vrielings et al. 0. excellent result
1. good
2. fair result
3. poor result
1. scar
2. size
3. shape
4. nipple position
5. shape of areola
6. skin color
7. global cosmetic result of the reconstructed
in comparison to the other breast
42 23,46,4887
Five-point Thomson et al. 1. very poor result
2. poor result
3. satisfactory result
4. good result
5. very good result
1. overall cosmetics
2. symmetry
3. shape
4. size
5. skin color
6. visible scars
18 24,31,49,88102
Garbay et al. 1. poor result
2. mild or fair result
3. natural or good result
1. volume
2. shape and placement of the breast mound
3. inframammary fold
4. breast mound scars
16 1,8,25,26,70,103113
Three-point Berrino et al. 1. good/excellent
2. satisfactory
3. unsatisfactory
1. overall aesthetic outcome
14 49,56,86,114124
Spear and Baker
et al.
1a. breast absolutely
1b. soft, but implant
2. mildly firm
3. moderate firm
4. severe contracture
1. capsular contractures
13 23,29,49,90,94,95,101,116,125129
Ten-point Visser et al. N/A 1. overall aesthetic outcome
2. volume
3. shape
4. symmetry
5. scarring
6. nipple-areola complex
11 1,3,29,31,32,127,129133
Rose et al. 1. none
2. slight
3. moderate
4. severe
1. fibrosis and retraction of the breast
2. skin changes
3. matchline effect of the radiated skin
Linear Numeric
Song et al. N/A 1. overall aesthetic outcome
2. volume
3. symmetry
4. contour
5. nipple-areola complex
6. inframammary fold
7. symmetry
8. scar quality
9. skin paddle quality and appearance
breast position
Two-point Chawla et al. 1. good-excellent
2. fair-poor
1. aesthetic assessment
Aesthetic Assessment Breast Reconstruction
Spear and Baker et al. modified the
capsular contracture scale in 1995 for patients who had
implant-based breast reconstruction.
correlation coefficient was calculated to evaluate the
correlation between the professional’s and patient’s
scores, which was 0.40 and considered low.
scale was assigned 1 out of 7 points for low questionnaire
Ten-Point Scale Visser et al. showed an inter-rater
agreement for the ten-point scale of 0.848.
tested using the Spearman coefficient ranged from
0.70–0.83. Veiga found an inter-rater agreement from
0.17 to 1.00; the intra-rater agreement ranged from 0.06 to
Five articles described a significant or close
correlation between the patient aesthetic assessment
scores and the evaluation by professionals.
total score was 4.5 out of 7.
Harris Scale This professional aesthetic assessment scale
also is referred to as the Rose or Harvard scale.
It was
developed to monitor the effects or radiotherapy on the
aesthetic outcome in BCT patients, and not for
postmastectomy breast reconstruction. The inter-rater
agreement was 0.66 as found by Preuss et al.
The total
score was 2 out of 7 for low burden and good correlation
with PRO.
Linear Numeric Analogue Score Song et al. evaluated the
0–100 linear numeric analogue scale.
The inter-rater
agreement ranged from 0.23 to 0.38, the Cronbach awas
0.89, and the intra-rater agreement was 0.81.
et al. found a close correlation between the patients’ and
professional assessment of the aesthetic outcome.
score was 4 out of 7.
Two-Point Scale A two-point scale was used by Chawla
et al. to score the aesthetic assessment either as good-
excellent or fair-poor.
The total score was 1 out of 7
points for low burden.
Six-Point Scale A six-point scale scored 1 point for low
burden of use.
Cohen Scale Cohen et al. developed and statistically
analyzed the Cohen Scale.
The inter-rater agreement was
j0.0–0.39, the Cronbach was a0.92, and the intra-rater
agreement was j0.25 to 0.66.
There was a moderate
correlation with the patient assessment; the Spearman
coefficient was 0.36–0.53.
The total score was 3 out of 7.
Seven-Point Scale The inter-rater agreement of a seven-
point scale with 6 subscales had a jthat ranged from 0.36
to 0.56.
The total score was 1 out of 7.
Our systematic review of 120 published articles identi-
fied 12 different aesthetic assessment scales by
professionals for breast reconstruction. The common
TABLE 2 continued
Aesthetic scale Author of
Grading scale Aesthetic
Frequency of
citation in
Six-point Eriksen et al. 1. very bad
6. very good
1. shape
2. size
3. scars
4. nipple-areola complex
5. symmetry
6. overall aesthetic result
3 144146
Cohen Scale
Cohen et al. N/A 1. position
2. defects
3. projection
4. inframammary fold
5. median contour
6. overall appearance
Seven-point Gahm et al. 1. not at all
7. absolutely
1. appearance of upper pole
2. projection
3. inframammary fold
4. natural look
5. implant edges
6. shape
S. W. M. C. Maass et al.
deficiencies shared by all the existing professional aesthetic
assessment scales include their limited responsiveness and
interpretability. Both of these attributes are important re-
quirements in a clinically useful measurement tool. In other
words, for the aesthetic assessment to be clinically rele-
vant, it needs to be responsive to detect possible changes in
the breast reconstruction aesthetic outcome over time.
Furthermore, the numerical grading from the professional
aesthetic assessment scale should lend qualitative meaning
and provide information on what change in score would be
considered clinically meaningful. In addition, the lack of an
existing criterion standard for a subjective phenomenon,
such as aesthetic outcome makes assessment of validity
challenging. Of the 12 different professional aesthetic
assessment scales that we evaluated, the ten-point profes-
sional aesthetic assessment scale was found to have the
most rigorous measurement properties.
The strengths are
the significant correlation with the patient aesthetic
evaluation, and the scale’s validity demonstrated by a high
Spearman coefficient of 0.70–0.83.
The primary
weaknesses associated with this scale are the wide range of
inter-rater agreements (0.17–1.0) and intra-rater agree-
ments (0.06–0.80).
Ideal Professional Aesthetic Assessment Scale
It is important to have a single reliable and responsive
professional aesthetic assessment scale to measure aes-
thetic outcomes following breast reconstruction that is
validated in this population, and supported by PRO. The
development of this ideal aesthetic assessment tool would
enhance the comparability of breast reconstruction results
across techniques, surgeons, and studies to aid with the
selection of procedures that produce the best aesthetic re-
sults. The ideal aesthetic assessment scale or ‘‘gold
standard’’ for the professional aesthetic evaluation after
breast reconstruction should ideally adhere to all seven of
the modified MOT criteria.
1. Conceptual framework formation: The professional
aesthetic assessment scale should be at least analyzed for
patients undergoing breast reconstruction after
2 and 4. Reliability and responsiveness: Both the inter-
rater and intra-rater agreement of the scale should at least
have a fair to good agreement. Fortin et al. recommends a
panel of three evaluators for the evaluation of the aesthetic
3. Validity: The validity of the ideal professional aes-
thetic assessment scale should be analyzed and have good
correlation for all criteria.
5. Interpretability: The quantitative value on the
assessment scale should have qualitative meaning, and the
developers of the scale should provide information about
what change scores should be considered clinically
6. Burden: The scale should pose a low burden on both
the patient and the professional.
Shape Overall Symmetry
Infra-mammary fold
Patients’ Satisfaction
68 67 66
47 47 48
27 25 22 18 15
FIG. 2 Specific properties addressed by the professional aesthetic
assessment scales
TABLE 3 Summary of the 12 professional aesthetic assessment scales and the score that we assigned to each of the 7 modified Medical
Outcomes Trust criteria
Professional aesthetic
assessment scale
Lowery Three-
Baker Ten-
Harris Linear numeric
analogue score
Cohen Seven-
Conceptual and
measurement model
001 0 0101 0010
Reliability 1 1 0 0 0 01 0 0 1 0
Validity 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Responsiveness 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Interpretability 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Burden 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
PRO 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
Total score (out of 7) 3 2 2 1 1 4.5 2 4 1 1 3 1
Aesthetic Assessment Breast Reconstruction
7. Patient assessment: The scale should have a good
agreement with the patient assessment of the aesthetic
To improve inter-rater agreement, all assessment scales
should ideally be performed by healthcare professionals
with the same level of expertise. However, as demonstrated
by our review, healthcare professional is a widely used
term, from an unknown observer with unknown experi-
ence, to an experienced plastic surgeon. This has shown to
lead to different results.
Furthermore, in some studies the
assessor was the operating surgeon, which could lead to
significant bias. Another significant limitation of our re-
view was that only 18 of the 120 articles that we reviewed
actually provided methodological information on the aes-
thetic assessment scales that were used.
Of the 12 different professional aesthetic assessment
scales, the ten-point professional aesthetic assessment scale
was found to have the highest quality as evaluated by the
modified version of the MOT criteria set by SAC.
ever, this scale has limited clinical usefulness due to its
poor responsiveness to change, lack of interpretability, and
wide range of intra- and inter-rater agreements.
A ‘‘gold
standard’’ professional aesthetic assessment scale needs to
be developed to enhance the comparability of breast re-
construction results across techniques, surgeons, and
studies to aid with the selection of procedures that produce
the best aesthetic results from both the perspectives of the
surgeon and patients.
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S. W. M. C. Maass et al.
... Breast symmetry has been demonstrated to be a critical factor that influences breast aesthetics and, consequently, long-term patient satisfaction. [5][6][7]10 Symmetry is widely used as a surgical outcome using both subjective 11,12 and objective measures (Table 1). [13][14][15][16][17][18][19] Breast symmetry is affected by several clinical factors, such as the reconstruction type, timing, and laterality of reconstruction and cancer therapeutics, such as the use of adjuvant chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy (RT). ...
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Background Satisfaction with the breast aesthetic outcome is an expectation of breast reconstruction surgery, which is an integral part of cancer treatment for many patients. We evaluated post reconstruction breast symmetry in 82 female patients using distance and volume measurements. Objectives Clinical factors, such as reconstruction type (implant-based and autologous reconstruction), laterality, timing of reconstruction (immediate, delayed, and sequential), radiation therapy (RT), and demographic factors (age, BMI, race, and ethnicity) were evaluated as predictors of postoperative symmetry. Matched preoperative and postoperative measurements for a subset of 46 patients were used to assess correlation between preoperative and postoperative symmetry. Methods We used standardized differences between the left and right breasts for the sternal notch to lowest visible point distance and breast volume as metrics for breast, positional symmetry, and volume symmetry, respectively. We performed statistical tests to compare symmetry between subgroups of patients based on reconstruction type, laterality, timing, RT, and demographics. Results Overall, reconstruction type, reconstruction timing, and RT were observed to be factors significantly associated with postoperative symmetry, with implant reconstructions and immediate reconstruction procedures, and no RT showing better postoperative breast volume symmetry. Subgroup analyses, for both reconstruction type and laterality, showed superior volume symmetry for the bilateral implant reconstructions. No correlation was observed between preoperative and postoperative breast symmetry. Demographic factors were not significant predictors of post reconstruction symmetry. Conclusions This comprehensive analysis examines multiple clinical factors in a single study and will help both patients and surgeons make informed decisions about reconstruction options at their disposal.
... But among 12 different assessment scales they reviewed that the ten-point professional aesthetic assessment scale was the most accurate measurement. 13 Aesthetic outcome with regard to volume, shape, symmetry, scars, and nipple-areolar complex was rated on a 5-point scale using standardized photographs and total score was calculated by summing points of five categories. And it showed high interobserver reliability as 0.82 (ICC) while our interobserver reliability to TVS was 0.84 (ICC), showing that TVS is as reliable as AIS. ...
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Background Currently, the BREAST-Q can effectively measure patient's satisfaction on the quality of life from the patient's perspective in relation to different type of breast reconstruction. However, evaluation of patient satisfaction and cosmetic outcomes in breast reconstruction may have potential to led bias. Methods To maximize the benefits of using BREAST-Q to evaluate clinical outcome, we performed comparative study focused on the correlation between postoperative BREAST-Q and cosmetic outcomes assessed by medical professionals. For the current analysis, we used three postoperative BREAST-Q scales (satisfaction with breast, psychosocial well-being, and sexual well-being). The Ten-Point Scale by Visser et al was applied to provide reproducible grading of the postoperative cosmetic outcomes of the breast. The system includes six subscales that measured overall aesthetic outcome, volume, shape, symmetry, scarring, and nipple-areolar complex. The photographic assessments were made by five medical professionals who were shown photographs on a computer screen in a random order. Obtained data were stored in Excel and evaluated by Spearman's correlations using SPSS Statistics. Results We enrolled 92 women in this study, 10 did not respond to all scales of postoperative BREAST-Q, the remaining 82 women had undergone breast reconstruction. The correlation between BREAST-Q score and aesthetic score measured by Ten-Point Scale for the three BREAST-Q scales all show positive values in Spearman's correlation coefficient. Conclusion A significant correlation without any bias observed was found between the patient's satisfaction measured by BREAST-Q after breast reconstruction and the medical expert's aesthetic evaluation.
Purpose of a study: to explore the main methods of evaluating the aesthetic results of autologous breast reconstruction with a DIEP flap (deep inferior epigastric artery perforator), to identify the key factors influencing the aesthetic result of breast reconstruction. The scientific papers in the databases PubMed, Google Scholar, SCOPUS, Science Direct, RSCI for the period from 2013 to 2023 were analyzed. The systematic review includes articles evaluating the aesthetic result of breast reconstruction with a DIEP flap. The search was carried out by keywords: “breast”, “DIEP flap”, “aesthetic result”, “symmetry of breast”. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the evaluation of the aesthetic results of breast reconstruction is carried out using data of patient reported outcome measures, scales which is used to rate the surgeon’s perception of the aesthetic outcomes and quantitative objective measurements. The key factor influencing the aesthetic result of reconstruction is the symmetry of the breasts. Conclusion . The most commonly used methods for assessing the aesthetic results of breast reconstruction with a DIEP flap are: self-assessment of the results of reconstruction by patients (BREAST-Q questionnaire), evaluation of the results by surgeons (professional aesthetic assessment scales), quantitative objective methods for determining the degree of symmetry. According to many studies, symmetry is a critical factor affecting the aesthetics of the breasts and, consequently, patient satisfaction with the results of reconstruction, psychosocial well-being and quality of life in the long term.
Introduction: There is widespread recognition of the importance of assessment of patient satisfaction and well-being after breast reconstruction. However, few studies of fat grafting performed simultaneously with implant-based breast reconstruction (IBBR) have accounted for confounding factors, such as patient background and information bias. The aim of this study was to examine patient satisfaction and well-being using multivariate analysis of BREAST-Q scores in patients treated with IBBR combined with fat grafting. Methods: Seventy-one consecutive patients who underwent IBBR with silicone breast implants were enrolled for a prospective cohort study. Among these patients, 56 responded to the BREAST-Q questionnaire, including 24 who underwent fat grafting at the same time as IBBR (FAT+ group) and 32 who underwent IBBR alone (FAT- group). The BREAST-Q questionnaire was completed 1 year after surgery. Statistical analysis was performed using descriptive and summary statistics to identify differences between the 2 groups. Results: Logistic regression analysis showed that the FAT+ group was significantly more likely than the FAT- group to have satisfaction with breasts (P = 0.0201) and satisfaction with outcome (P = 0.0364). Conclusions: Multivariate analysis with consideration of confounding factors indicated that addition of fat grafting to IBBR improves outcomes of breast reconstruction. These results suggest that a minor surgical procedure of fat grafting can improve patient satisfaction and outcomes after breast reconstruction.
Background and objectives: We ascertained whether a validated esthetic grading tool for breast reconstruction had been developed and widely adopted since the last published systematic review on the topic from 2015. Methods: We performed a systematic review identifying all studies using a grading tool to assess breast reconstruction, using search terms associated with all types of breast surgery and outcomes research. Articles were assessed for patient number, validated scale use, assessor type and training, assessor blinding, assessment method, scoring system type, type and timing of reconstruction, and usage of corroborating scales. Results: Of 2809 articles screened, 148 met the criteria. Only 3 used a validated tool, the Esthetic Items Scale. Most used study-only tools (n = 111) or unvalidated tools (n = 28). The most used unvalidated tool was the Garbay/Lowery 5-subscale rubric. Unanchored Likert scales were the most common subjective tool; two-dimensional images were the most used medium. Surgeons, patients, and nurses were the most common assessors. Twenty percent of studies used corroborating scales. Conclusions: In the absence of a validated esthetic grading tool for breast reconstruction, researchers continue to rely on unvalidated scales. The only validated scale available is used infrequently and only validated among physicians. A validated, reliable, simple grading tool with clinical and scholastic relevance is needed.
The aesthetic outcome is crucial in a breast reconstruction. Our aim was to evaluate the intra- and interrater reliability of an aesthetic outcome assessment scale with digital photos of breast reconstructions in two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) format. Thirty-three women with delayed breast reconstructions, consecutively participating in a five-year follow-up between November 2019 and June 2021, were included in the study. Of these, 14 were reconstructed with an expander prosthesis (EP) and 19 with a deep inferior epigastric perforator (DIEP) flap. Photos of the breasts were assessed in 2D and 3D format by expert, layman and patient panels. Data were analysed with the weighted kappa (wk) statistics. The intrarater agreements were moderate to substantial, with wk between 0.66 and 0.73 for the panels. Within the panels, the interrater agreements were 0.46-0.62. Moderate agreements were found between the matched 2D and 3D format photos (wk 0.62-0.66). The patient panel graded scar appearance worse in 3D compared with 2D format. In all panels, there was a tendency towards DIEP flap reconstructions receiving higher aesthetic outcome grades compared with EP. Thus, the aesthetic outcome assessment scale demonstrated acceptable agreements between the individual panellists and within the panels. Scars captured in 3D format may provide a greater resemblance to the reality compared with 2D. Implications for clinics remain to be further studied.
Background: A growing body of literature aims to describe abdominal aesthetic goals in order to tailor surgical and non-surgical treatment options to meet patient goals. We aimed to integrate lay-person perceptions into the design of a novel professional aesthetic scale for the abdomen. Methods: An iterative process of expert consensus was used to choose 5 domains -1) abdominal muscle lines, 2) abdominal shape, 3) scar, 4) skin, and 5) umbilicus. A survey was developed to measure global and domain-specific aesthetic preferences on 5 abdomens. This was distributed through Amazon Mechanical Turk to 340 respondents. Principal component analysis was used to integrate survey data into weights for each of the scale's sub-questions. Attending plastic surgeons then rated abdomens using the final scale, and reliability and validity were calculated. Results: The final scale included eleven sub-questions - hourglass shape, bulges, hernia, infraumbilical skin, supraumbilical skin, umbilicus shape, umbilicus medialization position, umbilicus height position, semilunar lines, central midline depression, scar - within the 5 domains. Central midline depression held the highest weight (16.1%) when correlated to global aesthetic rating, followed by semilunar lines (15.8%) and infraumbilical skin (11.8%). The final scale demonstrated strong validity (Pearson r=0.99) and was rated as easy to use by 7 attending plastic surgeons. Conclusion: The final scale is the first published professional aesthetic scale for the abdomen that aims to integrate lay-person opinion. In addition, this analysis and survey data provide insights into the importance of eleven components in overall aesthetic appeal of the abdomen.
Background: The assessment of the human body, whether for aesthetic or reconstructive purposes, is an inherently visual endeavor. Ideally, reproducible, prompt, and cost-effective systems of visual evaluation would exist that can provide validated assessments of the aesthetic endpoints of treatment. One method to accomplish a standardization of the appreciation of visual endpoints is the use of visual scales. The goal of this systematic review is to summarize and evaluate the use of validated visual scales within aesthetic medicine, dermatology, and plastic and reconstructive surgery. Methods: A literature search was performed with a defined search strategy and extensive manual screening process. The Medical Outcomes Trust guidelines for visual scales in medicine were used, with special attention paid to each study's validation metrics. The review process identified 44 publications with validation data of sufficient quality from an initial survey of 27,745 articles. All rating scales based on imaging other than standardized clinical photographs were excluded. Results: The review demonstrates that validated visual assessment in plastic surgery is incomplete. Within specific subfields of aesthetic medicine and dermatology, many of the (n = 20) facial aging scales were well-validated and demonstrated high reliability. Publications (n = 8) focused on the evaluation of facial clefts demonstrated heterogeneity in the methods of validation and in overall reliability. Within the areas of breast surgery (n = 9), body contouring (n = 2), and scarring (n = 5), the scales were variable in the methods used and the validation procedures were diverse. Scales using a visual guide tended to have better interrater (kappa = 0.75) and intrarater reliability (kappa = 0.78), regardless of the specific area of interest. Conclusions: The fields of aesthetic medicine, and aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery require assessment of visual states over time and between many observers. For these reasons, the development of validated and reliable methods of visual assessment are critical. Until recently, the use of these tools has been limited by their time-consuming nature and cost.
Background: Breast aesthetics impacts patients' quality of life after breast reconstruction, but patients and surgeons frequently disagree on the final aesthetic evaluation. The need for a comprehensive, validated tool to evaluate breast aesthetics independently from the patient motivated this study. Methods: The 13-item Validated Breast Aesthetic Scale was developed after several internal meetings, and worded to be understood by a nonspecialist. Three items are common for both breasts, with the remaining being side-specific. To test the internal consistency of the scale subitems, postoperative photographs after different breast reconstruction techniques were graded by a six-member panel. To test interrater and intrarater correlation across time, four physicians evaluated the results of abdominally based breast reconstructions following nipple-sparing mastectomies. Results: Graded aesthetic outcomes of 53 patients showed that the Cronbach alpha of the subitems of the scale was 0.926, with no single item that, if excluded, would increase it. Twenty-two patients underwent aesthetic outcomes grading at four different time points. The mean overall appearance was 3.71 ± 0.62. The mean grade for overall nipple appearance was 4.0 ± 0.57. The coefficient alpha of the panel overall aesthetic grade across different time points was 0.957; whereas intragrader reliability for graders 1 through 4 individually showed alpha coefficients of 0.894, 0.9, 0.898, and 0.688, respectively. Similar results were found for the other items of the scale. Conclusions: The proposed aesthetic scale evaluates different aspects of the breast reconstruction aesthetic result with excellent internal consistency among its subitems. Grading by a gender-balanced, diverse four-member panel using postoperative photographs showed higher reliability and reproducibility compared to single graders.
One effect of rising health care costs has been to raise the profile of studies that evaluate care and create a systematic evidence base for therapies and, by extension, for health policies. All clinical trials and evaluative studies require instruments to monitor the outcomes of care in terms of quality of life, disability, pain, mental health, or general well-being. Many measurement tools have been developed, and choosing among them is difficult. This book provides comparative reviews of the quality of leading health measurement instruments and a technical and historical introduction to the field of health measurement, and discusses future directions in the field. This edition reviews over 100 scales, presented in chapters covering physical disability, psychological well-being, anxiety, depression, mental status testing, social health, pain measurement, and quality of life. An introductory chapter describes the theoretical and methodological development of health measures, while a final chapter reviews the current status of the field, indicating areas in which further development is required. Each chapter includes a tabular comparison of the quality of the instruments reviewed, followed by a detailed description of each instrument, covering its purpose and conceptual basis, its reliability and validity, alternative versions and, where possible, a copy of the scale itself. To ensure accuracy, each review has been approved by the original author of each instrument or by an acknowledged expert.