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A Review on Security Aspects of Data Storage in Cloud Computing



Cloud Computing is the technology that is transforming the present day computations and storage. Many top rated MNC's and organizations are providing their cloud services to the clients. As the data of the users are outsourced onto a centralized third party server, the data owner no longer possess the control on his data. So, the major parameter to be taken into the consideration is the security of the data outsourced onto the cloud. There are many techniques, models and schemes that are proposed by many researchers who try to provide some methodologies to provide the security and check the security of the data that can be done either by the data owner himself or by the third party auditor. As the user may not be in a position to check the integrity of his/her data always, it can be done by a third party person who checks the integrity of data of the client by challenging the public cloud server as per the warrant i.e. the constraints that the client imposes on the third party person. There are many technologies that are proposed till now to attain the belief for the client about the data integrity. In the term paper, we will look after these methodologies, their merits, demerits and which technology best provides the security at present scenario as the data storage became the major concern in the modern day.
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research
ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 5 (2015) pp. 13383-13394
© Research India Publications
A Review on Security Aspects of Data Storage in
Cloud Computing
K Ruth Ramya
Asst. Professor, Department of CSE, KL University, India.
T. Sasidhar
Asst. Professor, Department of CSE, KL University, India.
D Naga Malleswari
Asst. Professor, Department of CSE, KL University, India.
M.T.V.S. Rahul
(11003094), Student, CSE, KL University, India
Cloud Computing is the technology that is transforming the present day computations
and storage. Many top rated MNC’s and organizations are providing their cloud
services to the clients. As the data of the users are outsourced onto a centralized third
party server, the data owner no longer possess the control on his data. So, the major
parameter to be taken into the consideration is the security of the data outsourced onto
the cloud. There are many techniques, models and schemes that are proposed by many
researchers who try to provide some methodologies to provide the security and check
the security of the data that can be done either by the data owner himself or by the
third party auditor. As the user may not be in a position to check the integrity of
his/her data always, it can be done by a third party person who checks the integrity of
data of the client by challenging the public cloud server as per the warrant i.e. the
constraints that the client imposes on the third party person. There are many
technologies that are proposed till now to attain the belief for the client about the data
integrity. In the term paper, we will look after these methodologies, their merits,
demerits and which technology best provides the security at present scenario as the
data storage became the major concern in the modern day.
13384 K Ruth Ramya et al
Key Words: Data Storage, MAC, Third Party Auditor, Proof of Retrievability
Cloud computing has been imagined as the next generation architecture. Cloud
computing represents an underlying assumption for delivering resources and services.
Cloud computing, or in simpler shorthand just "the cloud", also focuses on
maximizing the effectiveness of the shared resources. Cloud resources are usually not
only shared by multiple users but are also dynamically reallocated per demand. This
can work for allocating resources to users. The services that are provided by the cloud
are Software-as-a-Service, Platform-as-a-Service and Infrastructure-as-a-Service [11].
Cloud computing possess many characteristics such as on-demand service,
rapid elasticity, hardware and maintenance [14], measured service and up-to-date
information. The major concern in the cloud is the security of data that is stored in the
cloud [12]. There are a number of threats that may be incurred by the intruder on the
data. The major concern in the cloud nowadays is to maintain the confidentiality,
integrity, availability and privacy of data [7]. In this paper, we will majorly
concentrating on the various technological frameworks that were proposed by various
researchers, the drawbacks in each and every protocol and how the drawbacks are
being overcome by the existing protocols.
The data that is being outsourced onto the server by the owner has to overcome many
threats that will be rendered by the intruder. The data has to be frequently checked to
check whether it is secure or not [1]. The confidentiality and integrity of the data can
be checked either by the client directly or through a third party auditor who checks as
per the norms of the client. In this section, we will discuss the various techniques that
will be used to check the integrity of the data by the client [9].
A message authentication code (MAC) is a short piece of information that is used to
authenticate a message sent by the user to the receiver and to provide data integrity
and authenticity assurances on the message. Integrity detects the accidental and
intentional message changes, while authenticity checks whether the message is same
as from origin.
A MAC algorithm accepts a secret key and message with a variable length as
input, and outputs a MAC (also called as a tag). The MAC value protects both a
message's data integrity as well as its authenticity, by allowing verifiers or client’s
(who also have the secret key) to detect any changes to the message content.
The user will basically start locally by maintaining a small amount of MACs
for the data files which are to be outsourced onto the cloud server. If the data user
wants to check the integrity of the data which is being stored in the cloud server, he
will retrieve the data first, then calculate the message authentication code of the
received data, now he will check both the MAC’s. If they are equal, then the data is
A Review on Security Aspects of Data Storage in Cloud Computing 13385
secured otherwise, it is not. MACs cannot be employed on large sets as the retrieval
time and the checking time of the data and their respective MACs will take huge
amount of time. Hence, in order to overcome this problem hash tree can be used.
Hashing is the transformation of a string of characters into a usually shorter fixed-
length value or key that represents the original string.
The ideal cryptographic hash function has four main properties: 1) One-way
property 2) Weak-collision resistance 3) It is infeasible to modify a message without
changing the hash. 4) It is infeasible to find two different messages with the same
hash. A hash tree is a tree, in which leaves contains hashes of information pieces. In
order to check the validity of the data, the information manager needs to store the root
hash of the tree. By doing so, we are not sure about the accuracy of our outsourced
In this section, we have discussed various techniques that will be used by the
client to check the security of the data that is being outsourced. In the next section, we
will discuss the various techniques that will be used by the third party auditor [8] to
check the integrity and confidentiality of the outsourced data.
13386 K Ruth Ramya et al
In the concept of cloud computing, the user outsources his data onto a cloud server
which is a centralized storage. The user will not have a physical control or possess
control over the data outsourced. So, the major problems or challenges faced by the
client are the data integrity, data confidentiality and the data availability. The user has
to periodically check the security aspects of integrity, confidentiality and authenticity
of the data. This is a huge time consuming task for the user. Therefore, in order to
prevent such issues from happening, the user employs a third party member called the
third party auditor (TPA) [2][6] who acts as an inspector and who is fair and is agreed
by both the user and the cloud service provider.
To solve the security problems of data outsourcing, various auditing protocols
were proposed by the researchers in order to ensure the correctness of the outsourced
data. The auditing protocols are basically divided into self-auditing protocols and the
public auditing protocols according to different types of auditors. With the limiting
constraint of the self-auditing protocol i.e. the user’s limited computing capability and
the communication capability, the public auditing protocols were developed. It is of
great importance to enable public auditing so that the users can recourse to a third
party auditor (TPA) who has an expertise and capabilities and users do not have to
audit the outsourced data by themselves. Based on the role of the verifier, the auditing
schemes are classified into private auditability and the public auditability.
Although the schemes with the private auditability can provide higher scheme
efficiency, the public auditability is used widely as anyone (not only the client) can
challenge the cloud service provider to check the integrity of the data. In order, to
carry on the public auditability, no private information is required. Therefore, it seems
more reliable to verify the data using the public auditability which is expected to play
a major vital role in the economies of scale of the cloud computing.
Users outsource their data onto a centralized cloud server where they no longer
possess control over the data. The data owner can check the integrity of the data by
using message authentication codes if the file is small or hash tree if the file is large in
size [15]. This is done directly by the data owner. In some cases, the data owner wants
to check the data even by retrieving it or he wants some of his/her data back. In order
to check the integrity of the data with the possession and retrievability. Jules et al.
proposed a scheme called “proof of retrievability”
(POR) model, in which the spot-checking and the error-correcting codes are
used to ensure both“possession” and “retrievability” of the data files on the cloud
server. In some cases, special blocks called “sentinels” are randomly embedded into
the data file F for the detection purpose, and F is further encrypted to protect the
positions of these special blocks. However, the number of queries a client can perform
is also a fixed one, and the introduction of these pre-computed“sentinels” prevents the
development of realizing dynamic data updates. In addition, the public auditability is
not supported in their scheme.
A Review on Security Aspects of Data Storage in Cloud Computing 13387
4.1. Abhishek Mohta and R.Sahu Algorithm
This algorithm uses encryption to guarantee information trustworthiness. Encryption
guarantees that the information is not leaked while exchange and message overview
gives the information about the customer who has sent the information that is it
checks the authenticity of the client. The calculation was intended for control of
information, insertion of record and the record deletion. Insertion and control
calculations embed and control the information effectively but in the information
cancellation, we can't distinguish the individual who have deleted the record.
4.2. Keyed Hash Function
A keyed hash hk (F) is a technique used as a part of Proof of Retrievability (POR)
scheme. The verifier (either the customer or the TPA), computes the cryptographic
hash of F in advance utilizing hk (F) before sending the information record F to the
distributed storage, and stores this hash and additionally the mystery key K inside his/
her framework for future check. The verifier sends the mystery key K to the cloud
administration supplier to check the integrity of the document F and asks the CSP to
process and furnish a proportional reply of hk (F). The verifier can check the integrity
of the information document F for various times by putting away numerous hash
values for diverse keys. The primary limit of this plan is that it obliges higher asset
costs for the execution. The verifier needs to store the same number of keys as the
quantity of watches that he/she needs to execute and the hash estimation of the
information document F with each one hash key. The calculation of the hash esteem
for even a decently big/large information records can be computationally oppressive
for a few customers in spite of the fact that the stockpiling of the keys and their hash
values will add on as the overhead for the customer.
4.3. Ari Juels and Burton S. Kaliski Jr Scheme
The proof of retrievability scheme proposed by juels and burton is a plan produced for
substantial information documents with the assistance of sentinels. In this scheme,
just a solitary key can be utilized independent of the lifetime of the record or the
quantity of records utilized, quite opposite to the keyed-hash methodology in which
numerous number of keys are utilized for the same document. They utilize
extraordinary sentinel's pieces, which are covered up in addition to different squares
in the information record F. In starting stage, the verifier arbitrarily installs these
sentinels among the information pieces. So as to check the respectability of the
information record F, the verifier challenges the prover (that is the customer
administration supplier) amid the confirmation stage by detailing the positions of an
accumulation of sentinels and asks the prover to furnish a proportional payback
sentinel values.
On the off chance that the prover has altered or erased a significant part of F,
then with high likelihood it will likewise have stifled various sentinels. In this manner
it is unrealistic to react effectively to the verifier. To keep recognizing the sentinels
from the information obstructs, the entire altered record is scrambled and put away in
the cloud. Here the utilization of encryption renders the sentinels to not be particular
from other document pieces. This plan is best suited for putting away scrambled
13388 K Ruth Ramya et al
This approach is not best suited for large size files as this scheme may not get
the better results when used with the large files. Consequently, this plan has gotten to
be disadvantageous to little clients who are left with restricted computational force.
This technique likewise has capacity overhead on the server, halfway because of the
recently embedded sentinels and mostly because of the mistake adjusting codes that
are embedded inside the information record. Furthermore the customers need to store
all the sentinels with them which turns into a stockpiling overhead for the slim
Wang et al. proposed a public auditing protocol in 2010 which is called as the “Wang
et al. Privacy Preserving Public Auditing Protocol”. In his protocol, he defines F as
the data file to be outsourced which consists of ‘n’ data blocks [3].
This protocol is a collection of four polynomial-time algorithms namely Key
Gen, Tag Block, Gen Proof and Check Proof.
Security Attacks on the protocol proposed by Wang et al:
The cloud server who stores the data owned by the client might be a malicious cloud
server who might not keep data or might delete data owned by cloud users and may
even hide some data corruptions to maintain his reputation. Secondly, there may be an
outside attacker who can intercept or eavesdrop on the cloud user’s data that is send to
the cloud server.
1) Data modification Tag forging attack:
2) Data lost Auditing pass attack
3) Data interception and modification attack
4) Data eavesdropping and forgery
These attack schemes clearly show that the public auditing protocol propose
by the Wang et al. is vulnerable to various forgeries using known message attacks
from a malicious cloud server and even an outside attacker. Though the cloud server
A Review on Security Aspects of Data Storage in Cloud Computing 13389
has passed the auditing from the TPA, the authenticity and integrity of the outsourced
data are not guaranteed as the above mentioned limitations acts as the drawback in the
privacy preserving public auditing protocol.
PDP is a valid lightweight remote data integrity probabilistic checking model. The
limitation of this protocol is that it cannot be applied into the field of dynamic data.
To overcome the weakness, Ateniese et al. proposed dynamic PDP security model and
designed the corresponding schemes from symmetric cryptography algorithm [4].[5]
Although their algorithm supports most data dynamic operations, it does not support
data insert operation.
The PDP protocols can be classified into two categories. They are private PDP
and public PDP. In the response checking phase of private PDP, some private
information is needed. On the contrary, no private information is needed in the
response checking of public PDP. Private PDP is necessary in some cases where the
user themselves want to check the integrity of data. In order to carry on the auditing
protocol with the help of a third party person, a protocol named proxy provable data
possession (PPDP) was developed which is based on the private PDPP. The PPDP
protocol is a collection of six polynomial time algorithms namely SetUp, Tag Gen,
Sign Verify, Check Tag, Gen Proof, and Check Proof [10].
1. Set Up is a probabilistic key generation algorithm to setup the protocol. The
algorithm takes input a security parameter and returns the corresponding
private/public key pair.
2. Tag Gen is an algorithm that is run by the client to generate the verification
metadata. It takes input its private key, PCS’s public key, the proxy’s public
key and a file block m, and then it will return the checking tag.
3. Sign Verify is an algorithm that is run by the proxy to validate the warrant-
certificate pair from the client. If the pair is valid, it outputs ‘‘Success’’ and
accepts the pair given by the client; otherwise, it outputs ‘‘failure’’ and rejects
the pair.
4. Check Tag is an algorithm that is run by the PCS to check whether the block-
tag pair is valid or not.
5. Gen Proof is an algorithm that is run by the PCS to generate the possession
proof. The algorithm takes the public keys of the client, the PCS, the proxy, its
own private key and some set of data blocks of the data file F as input and
returns a possession proof for the blocks in F as an output.
6. Check Proof is an algorithm that is run by the proxy to validate the data
possession proof. It takes inputs the public keys of the three network entities,
its own private key and the data possession proof of the PCS. It returns
success if the possession proof is as expected by the proxy. Otherwise, it
outputs false.
13390 K Ruth Ramya et al
Name of the
Data owners will
initially locally
maintain a small
of MACs for the data
files which are to be
outsourced. The
data owner can verify
the integrity by
implemented on
data blocks
data owner can
verify the integrity by
recalculating the
data blocks.
MAC of the
received data file
when he/she wants
retrieve data and will
compare it to the local
Hash Tree
A hash tree can be
employed for large
data files, in which
leaves contains hashes
of data blocks and
internal contains
hashes of their
children of the tree.
outsourced data.
This algorithm
ensures data integrity
and dynamic data
There is no scope to know
Mohta and
operations which uses
encryption and
message digest to
who has deleted the data
ensure data integrity.
as there is no indexing.
A Review on Security Aspects of Data Storage in Cloud Computing 13391
Keyed Hash
The verifier, pre
computes the
cryptographic hash
of F
using hk (F) before
archiving the data file
F in the cloud
there is a huge resource
storage, and stores this
hash as well as the
secret key K.
The verifier releases
the secret key K to the
cloud archive to
check the integrity of
the file F and asks it to
compute and
return the value of
Ari Juels and
A single key can be
used irrespective of
the size of the file
Burton S.
or the number of
files unlike in the
key-hash approach
Kaliski Jr
scheme in which
many number of keys
are used. They used
becomes computationally
special sentinels
blocks, which are
hidden among other
blocks in the data file
file especially
the data to be encrypted is
involves encrypting
Shah et al.
A protocol that can be
used when the data
block that is
Can only be used on the
ready to be transferred
to the server is
encrypted data.
13392 K Ruth Ramya et al
Ateniese et al.
A remote data
integrity probabilistic
checking model. It is
regretful that the
protocol cannot be
applied into the field
insertion operation.
dynamic data.
Proposed dynamic
PDP security model
designed the
schemes from
cryptography algorithm.
Wang et al. A protocol with four steps: Data
KeyGen, Tag Block, GenProof
and Check Proof forging attack, Data lost
preserving Auditing pass attack, Data
interception and
protocol modification attack, Data
eavesdropping and
forgery are the
The protocol has six steps
namely SetUp, Tag Gen, Sign The
is secured
Verify, Check Tag, GenProof,
and Check Proof. for the data that will be
retrieved but there is no
guarantee on the
remaining data
secure or not on the
outsourced data.
Cloud Computing became the most reliable technology for all the user’s and the
organizations across the world today. As the user’s doesn’t have the control over their
A Review on Security Aspects of Data Storage in Cloud Computing 13393
data after outsourcing the data onto the cloud, the major concern for all of them is
how secure their data is. The data should be confidential, authenticated and should
maintain the data integrity. There are many methodologies that were developed and
proposed by many researchers. All of them are providing the security for the data but
only up to certain extent. No algorithm is providing hundred percent security for the
data in the cloud. The major methodologies that were being used at present are
depicted in this paper. Finally, the “Proxy Provable Data Possession”, an algorithm
that uses six probabilistic algorithms to provide the data security is the best among all
of the methodologies that were being used today. This algorithm is not performed by
the client, indeed it will be done by the proxy.
Though this algorithm is much more efficient that other’s, there is still a
limitation for it. Only the data which is challenged and checked is said to be secure,
but what about the data that is outsourced onto the cloud. Therefore, a mechanism
called “Pairing Based Provable Data Possession” is being developed using elliptic
curve cryptography which is said to possess maximum security for the data.
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... As an emerging technology the cloud computing is established and it is used for many applications such as storage, analysis of data and in Internet of things (IoT) [1,2]. The conventional approaches in the field of distributed computing handles theservices using enterprises and cloud computing changes by offeringvarious services to users. ...
Over the past decades, huge attention has been gained by the cloud computing due to endlessly increasing demands. Organizations gain benefits for evolving toward the data storage solutions which are based on cloud. Some of them are basic IT infrastructure and organization, effective remote access with internet and the cost efficiencies that cloud computing can get. Further exploration is needed in cloud for the related privacy and security challenges. Researchers in the formerly published studies have offered potential solutions to these challenges. Associated to this technology many benefits are available such as cost effectiveness, unlimited storage requiring robust access control and authentication process. The security issue of cloud such as integrity, authenticity and confidentiality are engaged by many researchers. In Cloud computing, to offer the necessary trust and privacy, there is a need to emphasis on threats, authentication and access control methods along withother techniques. This study presents a review and taxonomy, for the existing authentication and access control concerns in the perspective of the cloud computing paradigm.
... A log report of monitoring scheme is also maintained for user reference. Apart from continuous monitoring, the user can also request on-demand security checks if the user feels that data is not secure [9]. ...
... Among biometrics the fingerprint biometrics is more efficient and affordable biometrics [21]. And methodologies about the internet security, aspects of security, encryption methodologies have been proposed by the authors [22][23][24][25][26]. ...
Full-text available
Cloud computing has been envisioned as the next-generation technology of IT industries. The Cloud is a platform where data owner remotely store their data in the cloud to enjoy the high quality applications and services. The client or data owner send their data to data centre and utilize the service provided by the Cloud Service Provider (CSP). The CSP will manage the data of client at data centre. If there is large number of clients is there who using the services of cloud then the management of data at data centre will be difficult and even some time for their mutual benefit of CSP (limited space available at Data Centre) it can discard some data of client which is not used by the client for a long time. So we use Third Party Auditor (TPA) who not only manage the data but also tells the client that how much CSP is reliable and can keep the data safe. Even sometime client send false data or data is corrupted due to noise or some error, he claims that CSP change his data. Since there is no provisioning of accountability of data, so no one accounts for false data and also we can't trust fully on TPA, he can also transfer clients' data to his competitor. In this paper, we present a way to implement TPA who not only check the reliability of Cloud Service Provider (CSP) but also check the consistency and accountability of data. This paper addresses this challenging open issue of integrity and data dynamics. This paper will also helps in solving the problem of data privacy, accountability and integrity of data.
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Cloud computing is now days emerging field because of its performance, high availability, low cost. In the cloud many services are provided to the client by cloud. Data store is main future that cloud service provides to the companies to store huge amount of storage capacity. But still many companies are not ready to implement cloud computing technology due to lack of proper security control policy and weakness in protection which lead to many challenge in cloud computing.. The main objectives of this paper are, 1) To prevent Data access from unauthorized access, it propose a distributed scheme to provide security of the data in cloud .This could be achieved by using homomorphism token with distributed verification of erasure-coded data. 2) Proposed scheme perfectly stores the data and identifies the any tamper at the cloud server.3) And also performs some of the tasks like data updating, deleting, appending. This paper also provides a process to avoid Collusion attacks of server modification by unauthorized users. The proposed techniques is been implementation and results are shown at the below.
Full-text available
Cloud computing is becoming increasingly important for provision of services and storage of data in the Internet. However there are several significant challenges in securing cloud infrastructures from different types of attacks. The focus of this paper is on the security services that a cloud provider can offer as part of its infrastructure to its customers (tenants) to counteract these attacks. Our main contribution is a security architecture that provides a flexible security as a service model that a cloud provider can offer to its tenants and customers of its tenants. Our security as a service model while offering a baseline security to the provider to protect its own cloud infrastructure also provides flexibility to tenants to have additional security functionalities that suit their security requirements. The paper describes the design of the security architecture and discusses how different types of attacks are counteracted by the proposed architecture. We have implemented the security architecture and the paper discusses analysis and performance evaluation results.
Full-text available
Recent advances have given rise to the popularity and success of cloud computing. However, when outsourcing the data and business application to a third party causes the security and privacy issues to become a critical concern. Throughout the study at hand, the authors obtain a common goal to provide a comprehensive review of the existing security and privacy issues in cloud environments. We have identified five most representative security and privacy attributes (i.e., confidentiality, integrity, availability, accountability, and privacy-preservability). Beginning with these attributes, we present the relationships among them, the vulnerabilities that may be exploited by attackers, the threat models, as well as existing defense strategies in a cloud scenario. Future research directions are previously determined for each attribute.
Cloud computing paradigm has recently gained tremendous momentum. It has been found very promising for significant cost reduction and the increased operating efficiencies in computing. However, security and privacy issues pose as the key roadblock to its rapid adoption. In this chapter, the authors present the security and privacy challenges in Cloud computing environments and discuss how they are related to various delivery and deployment models, and are exacerbated by the unique aspects of Clouds. The authors also propose a comprehensive security framework for Cloud computing environments and discuss various approaches to address the challenges, existing solutions and future work needed to provide a trustworthy Cloud computing environment.
Cloud storage is now an important development trend in information technology. However, information security has become an important problem to impede it for commercial application, such as data confidentiality, integrity, and availability. In this paper, we propose designated verifier provable data possession (DV-PDP). In public clouds, DV-PDP is a matter of crucial importance when the client cannot perform the remote data possession checking. We study the DV-PDP system security model and use ECC-based homomorphism authenticator to design DV-PDP scheme. The scheme removed expensive bilinear computing. Moreover in DV-PDP scheme, the cloud storage server is stateless and independent from verifier, which is an important secure property in PDP schemes. Through security analysis and performance analysis, our scheme is provable secure and high efficiency
Conference Paper
Cloud Computing as the on-demand and remote provision of computational resources has been eagerly waited for a long time as a computing utility. It helps users to store their data in the cloud and enjoy the high quality service. However, users do not have physical possession on their own data, hence it is indispensable to create mechanisms on how to protect the security of the data stored. Thus, some auditing protocols are introduced to ensure authenticity and integrity of the outsourced data. Wang et al. proposed a public auditing protocol in 2010 and argued that it can resist against various known attacks. In this paper, we analyze the protocol and find serious security flaws in their protocol. Our analysis shows that the public auditing scheme proposed by Wang et al. can not resist against existential forgery using a known message attack. Moreover, we show that the protocol is vulnerable to attacks by a malicious cloud server and an outside attacker through four specific attacking schemes. The results show that the protocol can not provide secure data storage for users.
Mobile devices such as smartphones are widely deployed in the world, and many people use them to download/upload media such as video and pictures to remote servers. On the other hand, a mobile device has limited resources, and some media processing tasks must be migrated to the media cloud for further processing. However, a significant question is, can mobile users trust the media services provided by the media cloud service providers? Many traditional security approaches are proposed to secure the data exchange between mobile users and the media cloud. However, first, because multimedia such as video is large-sized data, and mobile devices have limited capability to process media data, it is important to design a lightweight security method; second, uploading and downloading multi-resolution images/videos make it difficult for the traditional security methods to ensure security for users of the media cloud. Third, the error-prone wireless environment can cause failure of security protection such as authentication. To address the above challenges, in this article, we propose to use both secure sharing and watermarking schemes to protect users?? data in the media cloud. The secure sharing scheme allows users to upload multiple data pieces to different clouds, making it impossible to derive the whole information from any one cloud. In addition, the proposed scalable watermarking algorithm can be used for authentications between personal mobile users and the media cloud. Furthermore, we introduce a new solution to resist multimedia transmission errors through a joint design of watermarking and Reed- Solomon codes. Our studies show that the proposed approach not only achieves good security performance, but also can enhance media quality and reduce transmission overhead.
The current discourse about cloud computing security issues makes a well-founded assessment of cloud computing's security impact difficult for two primary reasons. First, as is true for many discussions about risk, basic vocabulary such as "risk," "threat," and "vulnerability" are often used as if they were interchangeable, without regard to their respective definitions. Second, not every issue that's raised is really specific to cloud computing. We can achieve an accurate understanding of the security issue "delta" that cloud computing really adds by analyzing how cloud computing influences each risk factor. One important factor concerns vulnerabilities: cloud computing makes certain well-understood vulnerabilities more significant and adds new vulnerabilities. Here, the authors define four indicators of cloud-specific vulnerabilities, introduce a security-specific cloud reference architecture, and provide examples of cloud-specific vulnerabilities for each architectural component.