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PUF-based Authentication Scheme for Edge Data Centers in Collaborative Edge Computing

PUF-based Authentication Scheme for Edge Data
Centers in Collaborative Edge Computing
Seema G. Aarella, Saraju P. Mohanty, Elias Kougianosand Deepak Puthal
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of North Texas, USA
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of North Texas, USA
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Abstract—Fog computing gained importance when the re-
quired infrastructure became more decentralized. The difference
between Fog and Edge computing is that the former has nodes
between the cloud and edge devices. In a way both fog and edge
computing bring data processing closer to end-user devices. Edge
Data Centers (EDCs) are employed to bring the processing power
closer to the end-user to address latency in real-time applications,
bandwidth, battery life constraints, as well as data privacy
and safety. Edge Data centers are employed in collaborative
edge computing environments across network edges, and they
deliver uninterrupted processing through load balancing, where
an overloaded Edge Data Center can off-load its task to the next
available EDC. Authenticating EDCs is one of the challenges in
collaborative edge computing environment where load balancing
is applied. Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are lightweight
innovative primitives that are used for authentication and secure
key storage. This work proposes a novel authentication scheme
for EDCs using virtual Physical Unclonable Functions as a secure
Index Terms—Edge Computing, Edge Data Centers, Collabo-
rative Edge Computing, Load Balancing, Secure Authentication,
Physical Unclonable Functions, Virtual PUFs
Computing at the cloud involves bigdata storage and pro-
cessing. The processing environments that involve real-time
and low latency and try to move the processing infrastruc-
ture closer to the edge. The Edge Data Centers which are
deployed at different geographical locations collaborate with
each other in getting the task done through load balancing
schemes [1]. Some of the areas of applications that involve
Edge Data centers are Content Delivery, Gaming, 5G and 4G
infrastructure, Telemedicine, Smart Grid, Smart Home, Traffic
Management and Autonomous vehicles. In the Internet-of-
Things (IoT) architecture, everything is connected through the
Internet, right from the end-user devices to the could, Fig. 1.
Fog computing brings the cloud resources closer to these
underlying networks, enabling computation, storage and other
services between the end nodes [2]. Hence the Fog nodes
should be capable to authenticate the end users as well [3].
Some of the existing security mechanisms are attribute-based
access control, group-signature based authentication, public-
key based and homomorphic encryption [4].
Authenticating the EDCs in a collaborative Edge computing
environment requires a secure and light weight option. Though
Public cloud Centralized
Data Center
Edge Data Center
IoT Devices
Figure 1: An Overview of Edge Data Center.
many applications and research suggests using algorithms
based on hash functions, Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem (ECC),
and other encryption and decryption methods. However, the
communication cost and the maintenance cost for these tech-
niques also needs to be considered to call them as light weight
options. The use of AES and RSA for generating security keys
is also a secure solution to prevent man-in-the-middle attack,
however it is not lightweight as the computation cost becomes
high [5].
Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) use the device’s
physical variations from which unique keys can be extracted
[6]. The function of PUF based authentication scheme is
shown in Fig. 2. In general, a PUF is used in two steps: one
is enrollment, where a number of CRPs (Challenge Response
Pairs) are generated from a PUF and stored. The second step
is verification or authentication. Given to the robustness of
the PUF authentication scheme, uniqueness and unclonable
properties of the PUF and considering that it takes less
computational power and eliminates the need to store the
security keys, in this research we will look at PUF as a
lightweight authentication scheme for EDCs.
Authentication Request
Response Pair
Challenge Response
Figure 2: Process of PUF based Challenge and Response.
The rest of the paper is organized in the following manner.
Section II summarizes the novel contributions of the current
paper. A brief discussion of the related prior works in pre-
sented in Section III. Section IV has details of the proposed
PUF based approach. Section V presents the experiments. The
conclusions and future research directions are in Section VI.
A. The Proposed Solution
An authentication scheme needs to be lightweight, require
low computational power, be robust, does not require large
memory to store keys and should be able to protect against
some of the external attacks like man-in-the-middle attack,
replay attack, etc. Hence, we propose the following:
A PUF-based authentication scheme for Load Balancing,
where Virtual XORArbiter PUFs will be used by the
cloud server to authenticate the EDCs
A scheme for the EDCs to authenticate each other during
load balancing
XORArbiter PUFs can also be used to authenticate the
user devices connected in the fog environment.
B. Novel contributions
The current paper which at developing a robust, secure and
lightweight authentication scheme for EDCs using PUFs.
Virtual XORArbiter PUF implementation and generation
Verification of Edge Data Centers
Using Virtual PUFs to authenticate EDCs
EDCs authenticating each other during load balancing
without cloud server
A real-time testbed for the proposed security scheme
Some research works suggest using the Blockchain as a
solution where public keys are stored in Ethereum and private
keys are stored in the IoT devices [7]. A blockchain based au-
thentication scheme for EDCs is presented in [8]. In contrast,
we look at some of the earlier research that suggests PUF as
the authentication scheme for Internet-of-Things (IoT) based
applications, which includes the authentication of the IoT
devices, like the Edge Data Centers (EDCs)), communication
gateways, routers, modems, and the end-user devices involved
as listed in Table I. One of the works proposes the use of a
double PUF authentication model, to design an IP copyright
anonymous authentication scheme [9]. Another research that is
similar and uses multiple PUFs for authentication is suggested
in [10]. This research proposes a lightweight PUF based
authentication scheme for IoT devices based on multiple
PUFs.A research based on an Elliptic Curve Qu-Vanstone
(ECQV) certificate and DTLS standard protocol to establish
authentication between resource-constrained IoT devices [11].
Table I: Comparative Table for State-of-the-Art Literature.
Research Algorithm Application
Long et al.
Double PUF Au-
IP protection in FPGA trade
Yoon et al.
Multiple PUF Au-
IoT device security
Ha et al.
Elliptic curve
based ECQV
Mutual authentication and key
establishment between two re-
source constrained IoT devices
Zhang et
al. [12]
PUF based Multi-
Server Authentica-
Cloud-Edge IoT using
XORArbiter PUF Edge Data Center Authentication
in Load Balancing
A. XORArbiter PUF
The Arbiter PUF is classified as a delay-based PUF: the
response is generated based on the timing difference in two
functionally identical paths in an IC. The output of an Arbiter
PUF is 1 bit. The electrical signals pass through multiple
stages of multiplexers, determined by the challenge C[i]. The
arbiter, which is a latch or flip-flop determines the fastest sig-
nal. The arbiter outputs ‘1’ if the upper path is faster; otherwise
it will output a ‘0’. An N-stage arbiter PUF can generate
2Nhallenge Response Pairs (CRPs) [13]. The security of
PUF is based on the difficulty in measuring the PUF internal
parameters, reproducing and predicting the behavior. Despite
the unpredictability of PUFs, they are not safe from Machine
Learning attacks, also called software modelling attacks [14].
Hence, PUFs need some kind of postprocessing to introduce
some nonlinearity to make the PUF stronger. In the case of an
arbiter PUF whose response is linear, an XOR circuit is added
at the end [15].
C[0] C[1] C[63] C[64]
Challenge Bits Æ
C[0] C[1] C[63] C[64]
Challenge Bits Æ
Figure 3: N Stage XORArbiter circuit with 64 Input Challenge
bits and 1 bit Response.
An XORArbiter PUF has multiple bit input C[i]and based
on the delay a one bit output Yis generated. The circuit of
an Nstage XORArbiter PUF is shown in Fig. 3. The input
controls the delay path by controlling the multiplexers. By
adding an XOR at the end stage, a strong PUF can be created
which cannot be remodeled.
B. Proposed Authentication Scheme for EDCs
The proposed EDC authentication scheme for load balanc-
ing is shown in Fig. 4. In the proposed scheme the cloud-
based server initiates the authentication scheme by registering
the Edge Data Centers, Edge Devices, and the End Devices.
Whenever the participating devices request a data transfer,
communication or processing the, cloud authenticates the EDC
and the connected Edge devices and End devices. In the load
balancing scenario where the task from one overloaded EDC
needs to be offloaded to another available EDC, the EDC can
initiate the authentication process itself and authenticate the
EDC to which it wants to transfer the task.
C. Implementation of Virtual PUFs
To design and test the PUF based authentication scheme,
we are considering the use of virtual PUFs. Virtual PUFs are
generated using the software toolbox pypuf, which is used for
simulation, testing and attacking PUFs. The PUF being used
for the simulation is an XORArbiter PUF. The challenge length
is chosen and a seed for reproducible results is provided. An
Nstage XORArbiter PUF circuit is simulated with 10 stages,
a 64-bit challenge is given to each stage and the 1-bit response
is received as the output. An XOR at the end of Arbiter makes
the PUF stronger. Challenge-Response Pairs are stored in an
SQLite3 database along with the EDCID which is unique.
Fig. 5 shows the Challenge-Response Pair(CRP) Database
created and loaded with the EDCID, which is a unique ID for
the Edge Data Centers, 64-bit Challenges that will be sent to
the EDCs and 1-bit Responses that are expected for a given
Edge Device
End Devices
Authentication Authentication
Figure 4: Authentication Scheme for Edge Data Centers.
Figure 5: CRP database with 64-bit Challenges and 1-bit
set of 64-bit Challenge. The virtual PUF is flexible enough to
generate 128-bit challenges as well.
D. Verification and Authentication Scheme
The EDC authentication scheme consists of two steps. In
step 1, the EDC device sending a request to the server is
verified. In step 2, upon device verification completion, the
EDC is authenticated based on the PUF challenge-Response.
The client side authentication request process is explained
in Algorithm 1. When the server receives an authentication
request from the client it will verify the device using the digital
signature and authenticates the device if the PUF response to
the given challenge matches the one in the CRP database. The
authentication scheme is given in algorithm 2.
E. EDC-1 Authenticating EDC-2 without Cloud
In a collaborative edge computing environment, the EDCs
requesting the service of other EDCs must go through cloud
Figure 6: Test of CRP where Edge Device is Authenticated.
server for authentication process. This computing paradigm is
bound to longer latency periods. Hence new research works
are trying to address this issue by offloading the cloud.
Edge computing has similar processing capabilities like the
cloud which can be utilized for offloading [16]. In dynamic
load balancing the overloaded EDC must look for another
EDC with less load and availability to offload its tasks. The
EDC sends a load request to the neighboring EDCs, and
they respond back by sending their current load status. The
requesting EDC then selects the EDC with minimum load and
begins the authentication and data transfer process [17].
In this paper we propose a scheme for authenticating the
EDCs without cloud to reduce the latency and improve the
security of the EDC. The PUF CRP dataset is locally stored
in the EDC which often requires to offload. That way the EDC
can send the challenges to the EDC that it needs to authenticate
and begin offloading. In this scheme say EDC-1 has to offload
its tasks to EDC-2. It sends a request to EDC-2, which will
respond back with the payload encrypted with EDC-2’s Pu
(Public Key). EDC-1 decrypts the payload with its Pr(Private
Key), once the EDC-2 is verified. It sends the 64 bit PUF
Challenge, C1, and receives the Response R2from EDC-2. If
the response matches with the response in the Database the
EDC-2 is authenticated and data transfer is initiated, otherwise
the communication is closed, as explained in algorithm 3.
A. Experimental Setup
The EDC authentication scheme is implemented using three
Raspberry Pi4 boards, each set up as Server, Client1 (EDC-
1) and Client2 (EDC-2). The PUF challenge Response Pairs
generated from the pypuf package are stored in an SQLite3
database. The CRPs are unique for each EDC, identified by
EDCID. For each EDC a set of 10 CRPs are generated and
stored. The database consists of 100 CRPs for 10 different
EDCs. The challenges are 64-bit and the responses are 1-bit.
The database is considered as the CRP cluster, which serves
the EDCs participating in the load balancing. The implemen-
tation is done in two steps, first the server authenticating the
Algorithm 1: Algorithm for EDC Sending Authenti-
cation Request to Server
Input : EDC (Client) Create Request String,
Compute Hash, Create Digital Signature
Output: Send request payload to Server
1Create authentication request string ;
2Select random Challenge-Response Pair ;
3Compute Hash ;
4Create Private Key ;
5Generate Digital Signature using the Hash and Private
Key ;
6Append the Digital signature to random CRP and
create payload ;
7Send request to the server ;
Algorithm 2: Algorithm for EDC Sending Authenti-
cation Request to Server
Input : Receive Client Request with Payload
Output: Verify and Authenticate Client EDC
1Client request recieved ;
2Get MacID;
3if MacID
4EDC is Identified;
6EDC is NOT Identified ;
7Close Connection ;
8Get Digital Signature ;
9Verify Digital Signature ;
10 Get PUF Response based on Challenge and EDCID ;
11 Verify Response ;
12 if Rc=Rsthen
13 EDC is Authenticated ;
14 else
15 EDC is NOT Authenticated ;
16 Close Connection ;
/*Server Verifies the EDC based on
MACID and EDIC, if verified
Authenticates the EDC based on PUF
Response to the Challenge */
EDC-1 and then EDC-1 authenticating EDC-2 during Load
balancing. The hardware setup is shown in Fig. 7.
B. Validation and Analysis
The CRP database is saved on the server; it sends the
challenge to the EDC that is requesting authentication, and the
EDC sends back the response to the server. When the response
matches the response in the CRP database, the server will
authenticate the EDC. If the response does not match then the
EDC will not be authenticated. Request-payload consists of the
EDC ID which is a Unique ID of every EDC, the Mac ID of
the EDC-1, computed hash using the SHA256 algorithm, and
Algorithm 3: Algorithm for EDC-1 authenticating
Input : Receive EDC-2 Request with Payload
Output: Verify and Authenticate EDC-2
1EDC-2 request recieved ;
2Get MacID;
3if MacID
4EDC-2 is Identified;
6EDC-2 is NOT Identified ;
7Close Connection ;
8Get Digital Signature ;
9Verify Digital Signature ;
10 Get PUF Response based on Challenge and EDCID ;
11 Verify Response ;
12 if R2=R1then
13 EDC-2 is Authenticated ;
14 Close Connection ;
15 else
16 EDC-2 is NOT Authenticated ;
/*EDC-1 Verifies and Authenticates
EDC-2 based on Digital Signature
and PUF CRP data. */
Figure 7: Hardware setup for Implementing Authentication
the private key generated from the KDC (Key Data Center).
A digital signature is created using the computed hash and the
private key.
Once an authentication request is received, the server ver-
ifies the digital signature, checks if EDC ID and Mac ID
match the IDs in the server database by decrypting the digital
signature with the Public Key. Once the Digital signature is
verified the PUF challenge and Response are verified and if
the data matches the EDC-1 is authenticated. Fig. 8 shows the
server authenticating EDC-1.
During load balancing the EDC must transfer tasks to
the next available EDC with lower load. The load balancing
scheme is not discussed in this paper. If EDC-1 has found an
EDC-2 to transfer the load we go ahead with the authentica-
tion scheme, where EDC-1 will authenticate EDC-2 without
involving the server. The CRP database in server holds the
challenges and response pairs for each EDC in the network
based on the EDC ID. These CRP sets are unique to each EDC.
Assuming one EDC might have to connect and authenticate
Figure 8: Server Authenticating EDC-1.
Figure 9: EDC-1 Verifying and Authenticating EDC-2.
a neighboring EDC, we have stored the EDC-1 and EDC-2
CRP data in EDC-1 and EDC-2. At any point of time these
EDCs will be able to authenticate each other.
Figure 9 shows the EDC-1 authenticating the EDC-2 by
verifying the Digital signature and CRP data.
Load testing is done on the authentication process, by
sending 100 requests to the server and the response times are
observed. Fig. 10 shows the Response Time percentile of the
server in handling 100 requests.
Percentile value in ms
HTTP Request
Figure 10: Server Response Time Percentiles for Authentica-
tion Requests.
Fig. 11 shows the number of requests effectively processed
in less than 500ms. The requests that were not processed is
relatively very low. There are not requests that have taken
longer than 1,500ms.
From Table II we can see that the Virtual PUF based
authentication system can achieve a uniqueness up to 46.84%.
0 20 40 60 80 100
Number of Responses
Requests with
Tr<= 500ms
Requests with
Tr> 500ms and
<= 1,500ms
Requests with
Tr> 1,500ms
Requests in
Response Time Range
Tr = Response Time
Figure 11: Server Response Time Overview.
Table II: Comparative Table for State-of-the-Art Literature.
Research Algorithm Hamming
Randomness Authentication
Long et al.
Double PUF Au-
46.84% 48.64% NA
Zhang et
al. [12]
PUF based
NA NA 3302.9 ms
XORArbiter PUF 44.86% 48.47% < 1500 ms
Uniqueness is based on the average Hamming distance calcu-
lated for the generated PUF challenges and a randomness of
48.47% is achieved. This XORArbiter PUF based authentica-
tion scheme has much lower total authentication time, which
includes receiving a request and authenticating the requesting
Dynamic Load Balancing in a Collaborative Edge Comput-
ing environment needs a very secure authentication system
as the EDCs will be transferring data to other EDCs for
processing. Latency and bandwidth are the main concerns
when an authentication scheme involves the cloud. To design
a secure authentication system with low latency and high
security for dynamic load balancing the proposed PUF based
EDC authentication scheme proves to be lightweight, highly
secure and with low latency, as the cloud is not involved for an
EDC authenticating another EDC using the CRP clusters. An
XORArbiter PUF is a strong PUF that adds more non-linearity
to the response, thus making it safe against Machine Learning
attacks and Power-side channel attacks. The load testing is
done on the Server handling 100 requests. From the results
it is seen that the authentication is faster, and the server can
handle multiple requests and process them withing 0.5 second.
In future we intend to present comprehensive integrated
cybersecurity framework for collaborative edge computing
in the context of smart villages [18]. The smart villages
applications need to have cybersecurity solutions with a very
minimal overhead and energy-efficient which is motivated by
the paradigm called Security-by-Design (SbD) [19].
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... Security and privacy of edge computing is a vital area that enables to development of secure edge computing against malicious attacks, many security solutions are proposed which are based on software, and hardware, and with the use of ML and AI for optimizing the security solutions. One of the areas of research is the secure authentication of EDCs in a CEC for the smart village proposed in the research [2], The need for secure authentication of EDCs during load balancing is addressed in the research which proposes PUF-based algorithms, to further optimize the secure authentication system [3], ML-based monitoring and authentication is proposed in the research which helps to monitor authentication requests and detect anomalies and unauthorized request attempts. ML at the edge improves security and helps to optimize security systems. ...
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Physically unclonable functions (PUFs) promise to be a critical hardware primitive for billions of Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The arbiter PUF (A-PUF) is one of the most well-known PUF circuits. However, its FPGA implementation has a poor reliability, and error correction codes (ECCs) are usually needed to eliminate the noise in the responses, which incur additional high hardware overhead and require NVM for helper data storage. In this paper, we present a highly reliable arbiter PUF with improved uniqueness using the bit-self-test (BST) strategy. A delay detection circuit is added into a classical arbiter PUF to test the delay deviation that produces each bit of the PUF response in real-time and mark the response as reliable using a reliability flag when the delay deviation is significantly more than a predefined threshold. Then, the robust responses can be used. We implemented the BST-arbiter PUF on a Xilinx Artix 7 FPGA. The test results show that the selected responses achieve outstanding performance where the bit error rate is less than 10 <sup xmlns:mml="" xmlns:xlink="">-9</sup> , the bias is 50.3%, and the uniqueness is 49.1%. Thus, the BST-APUF, which drastically reduced the ECC overhead, can be applied to lightweight cryptography applications.
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Edge computing has significantly enhanced the capabilities of cloud computing. Edge data-centres are used for storing data of the end-user devices. Secure communication between the legitimate edge data-centres during the load balancing process has attracted industrial and academic researchers. Recently, Puthal et al. have proposed a technique for authenticating edge datacenters to enable secure load balancing. However, the resource-constraint nature of the edge data-centres is ignored. The scheme is characterized by complex computation and memory intensive cryptographic protocol. It is also vulnerable to key escrow attack because the secret key used for encrypting and decrypting of the communicated messages is been created by the trusted cloud datacenter. Additionally, the key sharing phase of their algorithm is complex. Therefore, to address the highlighted challenges, this paper proposed a lightweight key escrow-less authentication algorithm that will ensure secure communication of resource-constrained edge data-centres during the load balancing process. The security capability of the proposed scheme has been formally evaluated using the automatic cryptographic analytical tool ProVerif. The relatively low computation and communication costs of the proposed scheme compared to the benchmark schemes proved that it is lightweight, thus suitable for resource-constrained edge datacenters.
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Pervasive IoT applications enable us to perceive, analyze, control, and optimize the traditional physical systems. Recently, security breaches in many IoT applications have indicated that IoT applications may put the physical systems at risk. Severe resource constraints and insufficient security design are two major causes of many security problems in IoT applications. As an extension of the cloud, the emerging edge computing with rich resources provides us a new venue to design and deploy novel security solutions for IoT applications. Although there are some research efforts in this area, edge-based security designs for IoT applications are still in its infancy. This paper aims to present a comprehensive survey of existing IoT security solutions at the edge layer as well as to inspire more edge-based IoT security designs. We first present an edge-centric IoT architecture. Then, we extensively review the edge-based IoT security research efforts in the context of security architecture designs, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, authentication and authorization protocols, and privacy-preserving mechanisms. Finally, we propose our insight of future research directions and open research issues.
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With rapid advances in edge computing and internet of things, security of low-layer hardware devices attracts more and more attentions. As an ideal hardware solution, Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) becomes a mainstream technology to design complex system. The designed modules are named intellectual property (IP) cores. In this work, we consider both misappropriation of hardware devices and software IPs in edge computing, and propose a PUF based IP copyright anonymous authentication scheme. The scheme utilizes the double Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) authentication model. Both the parties generate the challenge jointly in authentication to avoid replay attack and modeling attack on PUF circuit. The complexity of authentication is greatly reduced. Besides, the server of FPGA vendor is unnecessary to store all the Challenge Response Pairs(CRPs) of each PUF based chip due to the use of double PUF authentication model. It saves the system resource and achieves better security. To protect software IP, IP core vendor inserts copyright information and anonymous buyer identity information into the design before trading. The anonymity of the buyer ensures benefits of buyer. With participation of trustable device vendor, infringement behavior can be traced according to extracted fingerprints. Experiments show that, resource overhead of proposed scheme is reduced by 61.96 % and 31.61% by comparing to 2-1 DAPUF and built-in self adjustable PUF. Besides, PUF stability is 99.54%. It demonstrates good performance of the proposed scheme.
The combination of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud-Edge (CE) paradigm promises to be an efficient system to aggregate and further process huge volumes of data from IoT nodes. Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) emerge as a prospective primitive to provide IoT nodes with lightweight physical identities for authentication. However, when integrating PUFs into multi-server authentication protocols to improve security, the following problems occur: 1) the challenge-response pairs (CRPs) of PUFs generated by devices need to be explicitly stored by each edge-server. This will cause the privacy leakage of CRPs; 2) the reliability is reduced resulting from the single point failure; 3) existing PUFs-based authentication protocols would need to put great efforts into synchronizing CRPs, to ensure consistency in multi-server systems. To overcome these problems, in this paper, we propose a privacy-aware authentication protocol for the multi-server CE-IoT systems by combining PUFs and the blockchain technique. The real correlations of CRPs are double-encoded into mapping correlations (MCs) by a one-time physical identity and the keyed-hash function. The blockchain is leveraged to store MCs, synchronize them efficiently, and incorporate the multi-receiver encryption to share the physical identity securely. The security of our protocol is formally proved by a random oracle model, and security features are discussed to show that our protocol resists various attacks. Moreover, a prototype was implemented to prove the efficiency of the protocol, and the comparison results present that our protocol accommodates CE-IoT systems. Finally, the simulation of the smart contract evaluates the scalability of our protocol.