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  • Mallareddy University
  • Shri Jagdishprasad Jhabarmal Tibrewala University
Volume 02, Issue 01, Jan 2018 ISSN 2581 4575 Page 81
1Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shri JJT University
2 Professor,Director of Academics and Research, Shri JJT University
3Professor,Department of Computer Science and Engineering, CMR IT, Hyderabad,,
Abstract: - An image segmentation method uses images which are executed by methods for level set
systems have been successfully used as piece of picture division. Essential idea of Discrete Dynamic
Contours is to undeniably address shapes zero level game plan of higher dimensional level set limit, &
figure progression of frame through improvement of level set.since they always produce sub-regions
with continuous boundaries. However, Parametric contours and active contour models have been
applicable to only relatively simple images whose sub-regions are uniform without internal edges. A
partial solution to the problem of internal edges is to partition an image based on the Level Set
approach i.e. Information of image intensity measured and active contour model based on level set
and Singular Value Decomposition may be applied to improve the efficiency and accuracy in poor
quality images. In this paper an Improved Active Contour Method for medical image segmentation is
based on active appearance models , active shape models ,level set, Formulation of Level Set Method,
Discrete Dynamic Contours and Parametric contours are analyzed with intent to produce the
segmentation of real world images in the presence of intensity in-homogeneity and noise.
Keywords:- Medical Image Segmentation, Level Set, Active Contour, Parametric contours,
Discrete Dynamic Contours, Level Set Methods, Snakes etc.
1. Introduction
1.1 Image segmentation
Image segmentation is the problem of
partitioning an image in a semantically
meaningful way. Image highlights at different
levels of disperse quality are removed from
photograph information. Normal examples of
such highlights are
(a) Lines, edges & edges.
(b) Localized intrigue focuses, for example,
corners, blobs or center interests.
Extra bewildering highlights might be identified
with surface, shape or advancement.
At some point in setting up, choice is made
about which picture focuses or areas of
photograph are basic for additionally dealing
with. Cases are
(a) Selection of particular blueprint of intrigue
(b) Segmentation of one or different picture
locale which contain particular request of
At this development information is expectedly
little strategy of information, for instance game-
plan of focus
Volume 02, Issue 01, Jan 2018 ISSN 2581 4575 Page 82
Whatever is left of arranging manages, for
(a) Verification that information fulfill indicate
based & application particular questions.
(b) Estimation of usage es or photograph zone
which is recognized to contain particular
particular parameters, for example, question
position or test measure.
(c) Classifying perceived investigation into
various requests
In this way one may express that photograph
division shapes principal bit of PC vision
structures & is more zone of PC vision than
picture managing.
Division of photograph incorporates division or
bundle of photograph into areas of comparative
quality. essential property for division is picture
plentifulness luminance for monochrome picture
& shading parts for shading picture. Picture
edges & surfaces [2] are additionally huge
qualities for division. deferred result of picture
division is strategy of districts that with
everything considered cover whole picture, or
course of action of shapes confined from
Division excludes asking for each piece.
division just subdivides photograph; it doesn't
endeavor to see individual bits or their
relationship with each other.
Division is way toward apportioning photograph
into non-meeting regions with definitive target
that every district is homogeneous & union of
no two near to locales is homogeneous.
Formally, it can be depicted as takes after.
Objective of division is routinely to find certain
objects of intrigue which might be delineated in
photograph. Division could in this way be
viewed as PC vision issue.
Cushy framework [1] has been associated for
different technique utilized for picture division.
Delicate picture division is stretching out in
reputation in view of snappy difference in warm
set theory, progress of different padded set
based enduring laying out, synergistic blend of
touchy, acquired tally & neural system & its
reasonable & utilitarian application in picture
preparing, chart affirmation & PC vision
structure. In this work warm edge identifier &
padded gathering based picture division [9] are
broke down. Padded based area making
strategies are exhaustively utilized for picture
division. Supportive padded approach based
zone making [3] methodology which would
yield mind blowing division occurs on
utilization of some zone following procedures.
Edge structures [7] settle on choices in setting of
neighborhood pixel data & are amazing when
power levels of s fall absolutely outside level of
levels past anybody's capacity to see. Since
spatial data is neglected, regardless, blurred
territory inspirations driving constrainment can
make wreck. Edge-gather structures base in
light of edge noticeable check: their
insufficiency in interfacing together broken
shape lines make them, as well, inclined to
disarray inside viewing scattering.
Locale based structure overall continues as takes
after: photograph is scattered into related area
by party neighboring pixels of equivalent power
levels. Coterminous locale are then met under
some measure including potentially
homogeneity or sharpness of region limits. Over
stringent criteria makes break; tolerant one
affront blurred purposes behind confinement &
over union.
Structure saving loosening up based division
system, if all else fails recommends as dynamic
edge show up, begins with some fundamental
Volume 02, Issue 01, Jan 2018 ISSN 2581 4575 Page 83
most far away point shape tended to as spline
turns, & iteratively transforms it by applying
differentiating clinician/development operations
as showed by some vitality work. Regardless of
way that centrality obliging model isn't new,
coupling it with upkeep of "versatile" shape
indicate gives it spellbinding new curve. As
standard with such strategies, getting found into
neighboring least is hazard against which one
must guarantee; this isn't prompt undertaking. In
this work , cushy get-together structure ,
thresholding system, domain making structure
& edge seeing affirmation method are kept eye
on & wrapped up.
In FCM [9] approach, rather, relative given
datum does not have place just with general
depicted package, yet rather it can be set
middly. For this situation, assurance work takes
after smoother line to show that each datum may
have place with couple of packs with various
estimations of intrigue coefficient. To utilize
this approach, we researched arranged standard
edge pioneers. objective was to locate "best"
edge pioneer for our application. best edge
marker[6] is one that passes on neighboring sort
of one pixel thick edges. In incline edge
affirmation frameworks [8], powerlessness is
that edges are confined by pixels with high
inclination. brisk rate of progress of
essentialness at some course given by
motivation driving inclination vector is seen at
edge pixels. level of inclination exhibits
likelihood of edge. Most by wide margin of
edge identifiers in inclination class ambiguous
extraordinary subordinate. normal weight of
these officials is their frailty to give solid
division in setting of their inclination based
2. Parametric contours
2.1 Internal power
Inside significance term & related power, i.e.,
interior power, spare smoothness &
understanding of dynamic edge [7] . As
appeared by Equation 2.1, internal power is
made out of second & forward fortifications of
shape which are weighted by α & β parameters,
self-governingly. second-build right-hand term,
i.e. , impacts dynamic shape[7] to act like layer
to keep broadening, & fourth-sort out term, i.e. ,
impacts dynamic shape to act like thin plate to
restrict bowing. We propose α & β as strain &
inflexible nature parameters, freely. weight
keeps dynamic shape contracted & resolute
nature keeps it smooth.
The dynamic shape has ordinarily prejudice to
draw back, which is related to weight push. To
illuminate this, dynamic packaging can be
considered as immaculate adaptable band, with
zero starting length & direct lead, to address
weight drive. If such versatile band with any
length other than zero (a dynamic shape) is
essentially influenced by strain, it specialists to
point. Inside watching simply unflinching
nature, by segregated, dynamic shape has
tendency to take after wire & can't center to
sharp corners. Thusly, remarkable regards for α
& β make unmistakable results for dynamic
shape, with direct going from versatile band to
unflinching wire.
2.2 Image drive
While inside control is accountable for sparing
condition of dynamic shape, external power
drives dynamic edge past what many would
think about conceivable. outside power is in
general sense photo drive, figured in setting of
photo itself, & confinement power would then
be able to again be joined. outside power is
tended to as:
Volume 02, Issue 01, Jan 2018 ISSN 2581 4575 Page 84
intconst raimag eextrn FFF
intconstr aimag e FandF
are image &
constraint forces, respectively. One reason
behind applying necessity oblige is catch
broaden obstruction that photo power may
The necessity propel is used to give anomalous
state heading to dynamic shape, to encourage
dynamic frame union as far as possible &
improve catch extent of photo compel (Feng &
Gelenbe, 1998).
According to Equation 2.1, outside power is
negative of incline of photo. Remembering true
objective to raise edges, previously enlisting
point of photo, edge locator or enhancer can be
associated with photo. We broke down displays
of edge-acknowledgment & edge-change
methodologies as outside power for parametric
dynamic shapes on different regions of
MRM[10] picture. These strategies were
thresholding, LOG, incline & Canny overseer.
model for picking edge locator or edge-change
methodology was ease of count. In light of
written work & our own specific results, we
picked slant head as edge identifier. reasons
behind this choice are according to
Thresholding is base propelled framework
with respect to estimation among predetermined
methodologies. result of this system is twofold
picture. Henceforth, some dim scale information
which may be related as far as possible is lost by
binarising photo. Beside this issue, picking
fitting edge regard relies upon experimentation
& can change beginning with one picture then
onto following, or beginning with one picture
cut then onto following in lone volume. In like
manner, on occasion, as showed up in Figure 1,
thresholding may realize edges with openings.
Figure 1: Examples of single-level & two-level
thresholding: original image (a), & image after
single-level (b) & two-level
(c) thresholding. Edges missing parts are seen
Although Canny chairman is known as viable
edge marker, this strategy has couple of insults.
Immediately, it is most befuddled system among
beforehand specified edge discoverers.
Likewise, by virtue of its thresholding method it
conveys parallel picture, which is undesired.
Ultimately, edge-decreasing system in Canny
manager may change typical condition of points
of confinement & may lead dynamic frame[6]
no to precisely recognize breaking point.
Similar to thresholding, picking appropriate
motivating force for standard deviation of LOG
executive may vary beginning with one picture
then onto following, dependent upon hullabaloo
substance & picture sharpness. This parameter
is found by experimentation. We need to use
LOG similarly as pre-taking care of technique
for overhaul of uproarious pictures.
The slant executive is less jumbled than
Canny chairman, & rather than thresholding &
Volume 02, Issue 01, Jan 2018 ISSN 2581 4575 Page 85
LOG, there is no necessity for picking any
parameter (e.g., edge or standard deviation).
3. Geometric Active Contours
Geometric models of active contours were
proposed by Caselles et al. (1993) & Malladi et
al. (1995). These models are based on theory of
curve evolution & geometric flows. In these
active contour models, curve is propagating
(deforming) by means of velocity that contains
two terms, one related to shape of curve & other
to image (Caselles et al., 1995).
Malladi et al. (1995) used level-set method for
geometric active contours. level-set method was
proposed by Osher & Sethian (1988). curve
evolution is implemented by embedding curve
in surface function
),,( tyx
, curve is level set given by
0)0,,( tyx
. curve evolves as surface
evolves over time. When evolution of
),,( tyx
stops, for example at
),,( Ttyx
the evolved curve can be obtained
from level set
0),,( Ttyx
By utilizing level-set technique [14] , geometric
dynamic shapes have preferred standpoint over
other dynamic forms that they can consequently
deal with topological changes (e.g., part &
converging of bends amid development). In this
way these dynamic forms can all while identify
few items.
Caselles et al. (1995) demonstrated that specific
instance of traditional vitality limiting dynamic
forms is proportionate to finding geodesic bend
(insignificant separation way between given
focuses) in Reimannian space with metric got
from picture. This geodesic dynamic shape
incorporates another part in bend speed, in light
of picture data, that enhances geometric
dynamic form demonstrate. new speed segment
permits precise following of limits even with
little holes.
4. Discrete Dynamic Contours
Discrete dynamic shapes were proposed by
Lobregt & Viergever (1995), enlivened by
geometrically deformable model (Miller et al.,
1990). Embracing essential structure of model
that vertices are associated by edge sections,
discrete dynamic shapes [10] rely upon
separation between vertex & its neighbors, &
estimation of nearby ebb & flow. dynamic
conduct of shape show is characterized in view
of power condition, which is processed for
every vertex:
itot al
is total force term;
idampiriextrn FFF ,,in t, ,,
are external, internal &
damping force terms, respectively; &
dampretrn www i nt
ware external, internal &
damping weightings, respectively. inward power
is figured in light of nearby state of shape,
outside power depends on picture data, &
damping power is utilized to enhance strength
of dynamic procedure of dynamic form. To
begin with dynamic conduct of dynamic form is
portrayed & later we talk about power terms.
As per power condition (Eq. 5.1) connection of
power terms brings about cost work (i.e., add up
to compel) for every vertex. Like conventional
parametric shapes, in this model distortion
procedure is performed by minimization of
aggregate power for every vertex. dynamic
conduct of dynamic form is controlled by
processing speeding up term for every vertex
utilizing aggregate power:
)( ,tF
ta itot al
is acceleration vector of vertex
represents mass of vertex & is scalar, &
Volume 02, Issue 01, Jan 2018 ISSN 2581 4575 Page 86
represent state of contour in iteration. velocity
term & position of each vertex are then
computed based on acceleration term:
ttatvttv iii )()()(
ttatPttP iii )()()(
is velocity vector of vertex
ti ,
represents incremental time between two
iterations, & pi represent position of vertex.
There are two fundamental methodologies in
dynamic shapes[7] in view of mathematic
execution: snakes & level sets. Snakes
unequivocally move predefined wind focuses in
light of vitality minimization conspire, while
level set methodologies move shapes certainly
as specific level of capacity. More insights
about these two methodologies will be
examined separately in resulting sub-area. As
picture division techniques, there are two sorts
of dynamic form models as indicated by power
developing shapes: edge-and locale based.
Edge-based dynamic shapes utilize edge finder,
typically in view of picture inclination, to
discover limits of sub-areas & to pull in forms
to identified limits. Edge-based methodologies
are firmly identified with edge-based division.
Area based dynamic forms utilize factual data of
picture power inside every subset as opposed to
seeking geometrical limits. District based
methodologies are additionally firmly identified
with area based division More subtle elements
of these two dynamic shape models are
individually talked about Snakes
6. Snakes
[ref-2] principal model of dynamic shape was
proposed by Kass et al. [3] & named winds
because of presence of contour1 development.
Give us chance to characterize form
parameterized by circular segment lengths as
:}0));(),({()( LssysxsC
denotes length of contour
, &
denotes entire domain of image
),( yxI
corresponding expression in discrete domain
approximates continuous expression as
}0,0:))(),(()()( snsNnnynxnCsC
. energy function
can be
defined on contour such as
extrr EECE int
respectively denote internal
energy & external energy functions.
The internal energy function determines
regularity, i.e. smooth shape, of contour.
common choice for internal energy is quadratic
functional given by
controls tension of contour, &
controls rigidity of contour. external energy
term determines criteria of contour evolution
depending on image
),( yxI
& can be defined as
imgimgextr snCEdssCEE 00
),( yxEim g
denotes scalar function defined
on image plane, so local minimum of
attracts snakes to edges. common example of
edge attraction function is function of image
gradient, given by
),( yxIG
yxEi mg
where implies Gaussian smoothing channel with
standard deviation is fittingly picked steady.
Handling issue of snakes is to find shape C that
confines total essentialness term E with given
Volume 02, Issue 01, Jan 2018 ISSN 2581 4575 Page 87
course of action of weights independently In
numerical examinations, game plan of snake
centers living around photo plane are described
in fundamental stage, & after that
accompanying position of those snake centers
are directed by adjacent minimum E. related
kind of those snake centers is considered as
7. Level Set Methods
Level set speculation, arrangement to execute
dynamic structures, was proposed by Stefan
Bauer [4]. They represented contour implicitly
via two-dimensional Lipschitz-continuous
:),( yx
is defined on image
plane. function
),( yx
is called level set
function, & particular level, usually zero level,
),( yx
is defined as contour, such as
),(},0),(:),{ yxyxyxC
where denotes entire image plane. Figure7.1 (a)
shows evolution of level set function
),( yx
and figure 7.1 (b) shows propagation of
corresponding contours C.
Figure 7.1: Level set evolution & corresponding
contour propagation: (a) topological view
As level of level set
),( yx
(b) changes on zero level set[14]
0),(: yxC
set function
),( yx
increases from its initial
stage, corresponding set of contours C, i.e. red
contour, propagates toward outside.2 With this
definition, evolution of contour is equivalent to
evolution of level set function, i.e
. advantage of using zero
level is that contour can be defined as border
between positive area & negative area, so
contours can be identified by just checking sign
),( yx
The initial level set function
< may be given by signed
distance from initial contour such as,
),(( yxD
denotes signed distance
between & b, &
)( 0, CN yx
denotes nearest
neighbor pixel on initial contours
0 tCC
from (x, y).
7.1. Formulation of Level Set Method
A significant number of PDEs utilized as part of
picture preparing depend on moving bends &
surfaces with ebb & flow based speeds. Here,
level set[14] strategy was exceptionally
powerful & valuable. essential thought is to
speak to bends or surfaces as zero level
arrangement of higher dimensional hyper-
surface. This method gives more exact
numerical usage as well as handle topological
change effectively.
Fundamentally, it implies that shut bends in
two-dimensional surface are viewed as
persistent surface of three-dimensional space.
definition of smoothing function
),,( tyx
for surface while set of definitions
)0,,( tyx
for curves. Thus, evolution of
curve can be transformed into evolution of
three-dimensional Level Set function. Given
Level Set function [14]
)0,,( tyx
, whose
Volume 02, Issue 01, Jan 2018 ISSN 2581 4575 Page 88
zero level set corresponds to curve. With curve
as boundary, whole surface can be divided into
internal region & external region of curve.
Define Signed Distance Function (SDF) [13] on
dtyx )0,,(
Where, value of d is shortest distance between
point of x on surface & curve.
In whole evolutional process of curve, its points
will fit into following formula:
0),,( tyx
The common movement formula of Level Set is
F is speed work, which is capacity identified
with advancing surface qualities (e.g. shape,
ordinary heading, & so forth.) & picture
qualities (e.g. dark, slope). At point when
connected into picture division, outline of relies
upon data of picture & perfect esteem is zero on
edge of objective (i.e. greater estimation of dark
Level set technique, because of its soundness &
insignificance with topology, shows awesome
preferred standpoint in take care of issues of
corner point creating, bend breaking &
brushing, & so forth. Consequently, it is utilized
as part of wide range [11-12]. Nonetheless,
there are few detriments to this approach. Since
edge-ceasing capacity relies upon picture angle,
just protests with edges characterized by
inclination can be sectioned.
In executing level set technique, it is
numerically important to keep developing level
set work near marked separation work. And
shown the exchanging about execution of
Active shape strategy with level set is finished.
Formulation of Level Set Method and snakes
also discussed in detail.
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... In this method, the region growth combined level set was applied in mammary image segmentation, and it improved the segmentation accuracy. To improve the robustness and accuracy, Regonda et al. [22] performed a machine learning approach for medical image segmentation by employing a CNN. At this time, an adaptive segmentation algorithm combined with machine learning was developed. ...
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To address the features of strong noise, blurred boundaries, and poor imaging quality in breast ultrasound images, we propose a method for segmenting breast ultrasound images using adaptive region growing and variation level sets. First, this method builds a template layer from the difference between the marked image and the original image. Second, the Otsu algorithm is used to measure the target and background using the maximum class variance method to set the threshold. Finally, through the level set of the pixel neighborhood, the boundary points of the adaptive region growth are specified by the level set of the pixel neighborhood, and it is therefore possible to accurately determine the contour perimeter and area of the lesion region. The results demonstrate that the value of Jaccard and Dice for benign tumors is greater than 0.99. Therefore, the segmentation effect of breast images can be achieved by utilizing a breast ultrasound image segmentation approach that uses adaptive region growth and variation level sets.
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Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a mathematical procedure which uses sophisticated mathematical principles to transform a number of correlated variables into a smaller number of variables called principal components. In PCA the information contained in a set of data is stored with reduced dimensions based on the integral projection of the data set onto a subspace generated by a system of orthogonal axes. The reduced dimensions computational content is selected so that significant data characteristics are identified with little information loss. Such a reduction is advantage in several fields as for image compression, data representation, etc. Consequently, PCA has a wide range of applications in the field of Medical Image Processing. It can be used for Feature extraction, Image fusion, Image compression, Image segmentation, Image registration and de-noising of Images. Thus, PCA is used for various applications in various fields of research, this work focus on the various applications of PCA in medical image processing. Therefore, this paper presents a survey of the applications of principal component analysis (PCA) in the field of medical image processing. The summarizes the enormous number of publications between the years of 1996 until now and had a significant contribution to the field of medical image processing. Through this work an illustration of the steps and algorithms of the PCA per each application is considered. As well as, various medical image applications based PCA results are exhibited, which proves its efficiency with medical applications.
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In this article, a new level set model is proposed for the segmentation of biomedical images. The image energy of the proposed model is derived from a robust image gradient feature which gives the active contour a global representation of the geometric configuration, making it more robust in dealing with image noise, weak edges, and initial configurations. Statistical shape information is incorporated using nonparametric shape density distribution, which allows the shape model to handle relatively large shape variations. The segmentation of various shapes from both synthetic and real images depict the robustness and efficiency of the proposed method. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Conference Paper
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Level Set Representations, the pioneering framework introduced by Osher and Sethian (14) is the most common choice for the implementation of variational frameworks in Computer Vision since it is implicit, intrinsic, param- eter and topology free. However, many Computer vision applications refer to entities with physical meanings that follow a shape form with a certain degree of variability. In this paper, we propose a novel energetic form to introduce shape constraints to level set representations. This formulation exploits all advantages of these representations resulting on a very elegant approach that can deal with a large number of parametric as well as continuous transformations. Furthermore, it can be combined with existing well known level set-based segmentation ap- proaches leading to paradigms that can deal with noisy, occluded and missing or physically corrupted data. Encouraging experimental results are obtained using synthetic and real images.
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In this paper, we make two contributions to the field of level set based image segmentation. Firstly, we propose shape dissimilarity measures on the space of level set functions which are analytically invariant under the action of certain transformation groups. The invariance is obtained by an intrinsic registration of the evolving level set function. In contrast to existing approaches to invariance in the level set framework, this closed-form solution removes the need to iteratively optimize explicit pose parameters. The resulting shape gradient is more accurate in that it takes into account the effect of boundary variation on the object's pose. Secondly, based on these invariant shape dissimilarity measures, we propose a statistical shape prior which allows to accurately encode multiple fairly distinct training shapes. This prior constitutes an extension of kernel density estimators to the level set domain. In contrast to the commonly employed Gaussian distribution, such nonparametric density estimators are suited to model aribtrary distributions. We demonstrate the advantages of this multi-modal shape prior applied to the segmentation and tracking of a partially occluded walking person in a video sequence, and on the segmentation of the left ventricle in cardiac ultrasound images. We give quantitative results on segmentation accuracy and on the dependency of segmentation results on the number of training shapes.
Two geometrical figures, X and Y, in RK, each consisting of N landmark points, have the same shape if they differ by at most a rotation, a translation and isotropic scaling. This paper presents a model‐based Procrustes approach to analysing sets of shapes. With few exceptions, the metric geometry of shape spaces is quite complicated. We develop a basic understanding through the familiar QR and singular value decompositions of multivariate analysis. The strategy underlying the use of Procrustes methods is to work directly with the N x K co‐ordinate matrix, while allowing for an arbitrary similarity transformation at all stages of model formulation, estimation and inference. A Gaussian model for landmark data is defined for a single population and generalized to two‐sample, analysis‐of‐variance and regression models. Maximum likelihood estimation is by least squares superimposition of the figures; we describe generalizations of Procrustes techniques to allow non‐isotropic errors at and between landmarks. Inference is based on an N x K linear multivariate Procrustes statistic that, in a double‐rotated co‐ordinate system, is a simple but singular linear transformation of the errors at landmarks. However, the superimposition metric used for fitting, and the model metric, or covariance, used for testing, may not coincide. Estimates of means are consistent for many reasonable choices of superimposition metric. The estimates are efficient (maximum likelihood estimates) when the metrics coincide. F‐ratio and Hotelling's R2‐tests for shape differences in one‐ and two‐sample data are derived from the distribution of the Procrustes statistic. The techniques are applied to the shapes associated with hydrocephaly and nutritional differences in young rats.
Model-based vision is firmly established as a robust approach to recognizing and locating known rigid objects in the presence of noise, clutter, and occlusion. It is more problematic to apply model-based methods to images of objects whose appearance can vary, though a number of approaches based on the use of flexible templates have been proposed. The problem with existing methods is that they sacrifice model specificity in order to accommodate variability, thereby compromising robustness during image interpretation. We argue that a model should only be able to deform in ways characteristic of the class of objects it represents. We describe a method for building models by learning patterns of variability from a training set of correctly annotated images. These models can be used for image search in an iterative refinement algorithm analogous to that employed by Active Contour Models (Snakes). The key difference is that our Active Shape Models can only deform to fit the data in ways consistent with the training set. We show several practical examples where we have built such models and used them to locate partially occluded objects in noisy, cluttered images.
In this paper, we propose a novel 3-D deformable model that is based upon a geometrically induced external force field which can be conveniently generalized to arbitrary dimensions. This external force field is based upon hypothesized interactions between the relative geometries of the deformable model and the object boundary characterized by image gradient. The evolution of the deformable model is solved using the level set method so that topological changes are handled automatically. The relative geometrical configurations between the deformable model and the object boundaries contribute to a dynamic vector force field that changes accordingly as the deformable model evolves. The geometrically induced dynamic interaction force has been shown to greatly improve the deformable model performance in acquiring complex geometries and highly concave boundaries, and it gives the deformable model a high invariancy in initialization configurations. The voxel interactions across the whole image domain provide a global view of the object boundary representation, giving the external force a long attraction range. The bidirectionality of the external force field allows the new deformable model to deal with arbitrary cross-boundary initializations, and facilitates the handling of weak edges and broken boundaries. In addition, we show that by enhancing the geometrical interaction field with a nonlocal edge-preserving algorithm, the new deformable model can effectively overcome image noise. We provide a comparative study on the segmentation of various geometries with different topologies from both synthetic and real images, and show that the proposed method achieves significant improvements against existing image gradient techniques.
Nonlinear partial differential equation (PDE) models are established approaches for image/signal processing, data analysis and surface construction. Most previous geometric PDEs are utilized as low-pass filters which give rise to image trend information. In an earlier work, we introduced mode decomposition evolution equations (MoDEEs), which behave like high-pass filters and are able to systematically provide intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) of signals and images. Due to their tunable time-frequency localization and perfect reconstruction, the operation of MoDEEs is called a PDE transform. By appropriate selection of PDE transform parameters, we can tune IMFs into trends, edges, textures, noise etc., which can be further utilized in the secondary processing for various purposes. This work introduces the variational formulation, performs the Fourier analysis, and conducts biomedical and biological applications of the proposed PDE transform. The variational formulation offers an algorithm to incorporate two image functions and two sets of low-pass PDE operators in the total energy functional. Two low-pass PDE operators have different signs, leading to energy disparity, while a coupling term, acting as a relative fidelity of two image functions, is introduced to reduce the disparity of two energy components. We construct variational PDE transforms by using Euler-Lagrange equation and artificial time propagation. Fourier analysis of a simplified PDE transform is presented to shed light on the filter properties of high order PDE transforms. Such an analysis also offers insight on the parameter selection of the PDE transform. The proposed PDE transform algorithm is validated by numerous benchmark tests. In one selected challenging example, we illustrate the ability of PDE transform to separate two adjacent frequencies of sin(x) and sin(1.1x). Such an ability is due to PDE transform's controllable frequency localization obtained by adjusting the order of PDEs. The frequency selection is achieved either by diffusion coefficients or by propagation time. Finally, we explore a large number of practical applications to further demonstrate the utility of proposed PDE transform.
Conference Paper
A novel method of incorporating shape information into the image segmentation process is presented. We introduce a representation for deformable shapes and define a probability distribution over the variances of a set of training shapes. The segmentation process embeds an initial curve as the zero level set of a higher dimensional surface, and evolves the surface such that the zero level set converges on the boundary of the object to be segmented. At each step of the surface evolution, we estimate the maximum a posteriori (MAP) position and shape of the object in the image, based on the prior shape information and the image information. We then evolve the surface globally, towards the MAP estimate, and locally, based on image gradients and curvature. Results are demonstrated on synthetic data and medical imagery, in 2D and 3D.