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Marigold Flower Blooming Stage Detection in Complex Scene Environment using Faster RCNN with Data Augmentation


Abstract and Figures

In recent years, flower growing has developed into a lucrative agricultural sector that provides employment and business opportunities for small and marginal growers in both urban and rural locations in India. One of the most often cultivated flowers for landscaping design is the Marigold flower. It is also widely used to create garlands for ceremonial and social occasions using loose flowers. Understanding the appropriate stage of harvesting for each plant species is essential to ensuring the quality of the flowers after they have been picked. It has been demonstrated that human assessors consistently used a category scoring system to evaluate various flowering stages. Deep learning and convolutional neural networks have the potential to revolutionize agriculture by enabling efficient analysis of large-scale data. In order to address the problem of Marigold flower stages detection and classification in complex real-time field scenarios, this study proposes a fine-tuned Faster RCNN with ResNet50 network coupled with data augmentation. Faster RCNN is a popular deep learning framework for object detection that uses a region proposal network to efficiently identify object locations and features in an image. The Marigold flower dataset was collected from three different Marigold fields in the Anand District of Gujarat State, India. The collection includes of photos that were taken outdoors in natural light at various heights, angles, and distances. We have developed and fine-tuned a Faster RCNN detection and classification model to be particularly sensitive to Marigold flowers, and we have compared the generated method's performance to that of other cutting-edge models to determine its accuracy and effectiveness © 2023, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications.All Rights Reserved.
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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 14, No. 3, 2023
676 | P a g e
Marigold Flower Blooming Stage Detection in
Complex Scene Environment using Faster RCNN
with Data Augmentation
Sanskruti Patel
Smt. Chandaben Mohanbhai Patel Institute of Computer Applications
Charotar University of Science and Technology
Changa, India
AbstractIn recent years, flower growing has developed into
a lucrative agricultural sector that provides employment and
business opportunities for small and marginal growers in both
urban and rural locations in India. One of the most often
cultivated flowers for landscaping design is the Marigold flower.
It is also widely used to create garlands for ceremonial and social
occasions using loose flowers. Understanding the appropriate
stage of harvesting for each plant species is essential to ensuring
the quality of the flowers after they have been picked. It has been
demonstrated that human assessors consistently used a category
scoring system to evaluate various flowering stages. Deep
learning and convolutional neural networks have the potential to
revolutionize agriculture by enabling efficient analysis of large-
scale data. In order to address the problem of Marigold flower
stages detection and classification in complex real-time field
scenarios, this study proposes a fine-tuned Faster RCNN with
ResNet50 network coupled with data augmentation. Faster
RCNN is a popular deep learning framework for object detection
that uses a region proposal network to efficiently identify object
locations and features in an image. The Marigold flower dataset
was collected from three different Marigold fields in the Anand
District of Gujarat State, India. The collection includes of photos
that were taken outdoors in natural light at various heights,
angles, and distances. We have developed and fine-tuned a Faster
RCNN detection and classification model to be particularly
sensitive to Marigold flowers, and we have compared the
generated method's performance to that of other cutting-edge
models to determine its accuracy and effectiveness.
KeywordsDeep learning; convolutional neural networks;
object detection; marigold flower blooming stage detection
One of the main economic pillars in India is agriculture.
For roughly 58% of Indians, agriculture is their main source of
income. The field of horticulture known as "flower farming,"
also referred to as "floriculture," deals with the study of
cultivating and selling flowers and foliage plants. It primarily
focuses on growing ornamental plants, cultivated greens,
potted flowering plants, tubers, rooted cuttings, cut flowers,
and other floriculture products. In recent years, flower farming
has become a successful agriculture industry that offers
employment and entrepreneurship prospects in both urban and
rural areas, as well as for small and marginal farmers [1]. One
of the most often cultivated flowers for garden ornamentation
is the Marigold, which is also widely used as loose flowers to
create garlands for ceremonial and social occasions. The
Marigold is one of the most popularly grown flowers for
landscape decoration. It is also frequently used as loose flowers
to make garlands for ceremonial and social occasions.
Marigold is mostly used to treat various skin disorders, such as
varicose veins, contusions, and bruises. Additionally,
inflammation and minor skin wounds can be successfully
addressed. Marigold cream aids in the healing of sunburns and
eczema wounds. Marigold farming is a profitable activity that
requires little maintenance and effort. Marigold cultivation is a
profitable activity as it requires less investment and gives better
harvest with a high profit [2].
To guarantee the quality of the flowers after harvest, it is
crucial to understand the ideal stage of harvesting for each
plant type. The flower's life is considerably decreased when it
is harvested too early or too late. A flower normally becomes
larger as it progresses from bud to bloom. A flower like a
daisy, Marigolds can only be picked when completely opened
Identifying the plant flowering status have traditionally
needed human evaluators to manually inspect flower fields and
report flowering status. It has been shown that human assessors
regularly assessed different flowering stages using a category
scoring system. For instance, you could want to know when
30% of the flowering plants in a field have blooms that are
fully open. This made it possible for researchers to compute the
time between various blooming phases [4]. Deep learning
advancements and innovations make it possible to quickly
characterize the flowering patterns of field-grown plants. It is
frequently necessary to regularly spot and count newly opening
blooms on plants when cultivating flowers like Marigold.
Marigold farming is a profitable activity as it requires less
investment and gives better harvest with a high profit. To
guarantee the quality of the flowers after harvest, it is
important to understand the ideal stage of harvesting for each
plant type. Deep learning advancements and innovations make
it possible to quickly characterize the flowering patterns of
field-grown plants. Using a cutting-edge object detector called
Faster Region-based Convolutional Neural Network, we
propose an efficient method to detect and classify Marigold
flowers of various stages in diverse field conditions. The
proposed method is inspired by successful studies using deep
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Vol. 14, No. 3, 2023
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Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) in difficult computer
vision and object detection tasks.
This study suggests a Faster RCNN network coupled with
image augmentation to address the challenge of Marigold
flower stages identification and classification in complicated
real-time field situations. In order to detect and classify
emerging blooms of Marigold flower plants, the objectives of
the study are: (1) To acquire and pre-process images of
Marigold flowers in challenging real-time environments; (2)
To develop and tune a Faster RCNN detection and
classification model to become particularly sensitive to
Marigold flowers; and (3) To assess the accuracy and efficacy
of the developed approach by comparing its performance to
that of other cutting-edge models.
D. Thi Phuong Chung and D. Van Tai [5] represent a deep
learning based technique for fruit detection. They have e
EfficientNet architecture that recognized fruit objects from the
Fruit 360 dataset and achieved 95% accuracy. A. Rocha et al.
[6] introduced a novel method for classification of fruit and
vegetables from images. A multi-class fruit-and-vegetable
categorization task in a semi-controlled setting, like a
distribution centre or the supermarket checkout line, is used to
validate the newly presented fusion approach. According to the
findings, the solution can lower the classification error by up to
15% compared to the baseline. I. Sa et al. [7] present a novel
approach to fruit detection using deep convolutional neural
networks. The goal is to develop a fruit detection system as it is
a critical component of an autonomous agricultural robotic
platform and is essential for estimating fruit production and
automating harvesting. They have proposed a multi-modal
Faster RCNN model that, when compared to earlier work,
delivers state-of-the-art results, with F1 score performance for
the detection of sweet pepper increasing from 0.807 to 0.838.
Moreover, T. Abbas et al. [8] mentioned different
smartphone applications like LeafSnap [9], and Pl@ntNet [10],
that can be used to identify flowers rapidly. I. Patel and S. Patel
[11] proposed an optimized deep learning model that detects
the flower species. For that, they have integrated Faster RCNN
with Neural Network Search and Feature Pyramid. The mAP
score obtained on the standard Oxford flower species dataset is
87.6%. D. Wu et al. [12] proposed a methodology for detecting
Camellia oleifera Fruit using YOLOv7 object detection model.
For the research, they have collected the dataset from the
complex scene and applied different evaluation metrics. The
values derived for mAP is 96.03%, Precision is 94.76%, Recall
is 95.54%, and F1 score is 95.15%. S. Nuanmeesri et al. [13]
proposed a novel method that predicts disease from Marigold
flower images. The outcome demonstrated that the model
created using the watershed dataset is the most effective. The
model's validation accuracy was 88.03%, validation loss was
4.21%, and model testing accuracy was 91.67%.
From the literature survey, we have found that deep
learning algorithms and models can be applied for detecting
objects from real-time environment and it has a great
significance and theoretical value. Moreover, there is a need
for an automated model that provides improved accuracy and
generalization across different growing conditions and
environmental factors. There are challenges existed in
developing models that can handle the variability in marigold
flower appearance across different growing conditions, such as
varying lighting, background, or growth stages. This research
aimed to develop and propose a more sophisticated model that
can handle these challenges and improve the accuracy and
generalization of marigold flower blooming stage identification
and classification.
A. Acquisition and Pre-Processing of Marigold Flower
Images in Complex Scene Environment
One Canon DSLR Dual Lens Camera and two smartphones
were used to capture images of Marigold flowers in the
Marigold cultivation agricultural fields under natural daylight
illumination. Three distinct agricultural Marigold fields in the
Anand District of Gujarat, India, were chosen for the study.
Three regular harvesting times in the winter November and
December months have chosen for the capturing of images.
The collection consists of 550 photos in total, each with a
resolution of 4000 by 2250 pixels and taken at various heights,
angles, and random distances in natural light conditions. The
dataset was captured in two stages. The acquired images are
having different conditions like top angled, side angled, heavily
occluded, lightly occluded, overlapped, etc. are represented in
the Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Examples of Marigold images taken in various settings (a) Occlusion
in image, (b) Overlapped marigold flowers and buds, (c) Image captured from
side angle (d) Image captured from top angle.
Because they provide the supervised learning algorithm
with the training data, image annotations play a key role in
computer vision algorithms. Using the graphical image
annotation tool namely, LabelImg [14], which is built on
Python, the complete dataset was annotated and saved in XML
documents. The images are annotated in two classes; bud and
flower which are represents and differentiates their growing
B. Data Augmentation
Data augmentation refers to the process of artificially
expanding the size of a training dataset by creating modified
versions of images in the dataset [15]. This can be useful in
object detection, especially for Faster RCNN, as it helps
prevent overfitting and can improve the model's ability to
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generalize to new, unseen data. The most popular technique of
fundamental augmentation is geometric transformation [16].
The transformation's parameters may be preset or chosen at
random. In this research, the common techniques for data
augmentation used are flipping, scaling and rotating. Flipping
is the process used to rotate an image either along its vertical
axis or along its horizontal axis. In contrast to vertical flipping,
which flips the image on the vertical axis, horizontal flipping
flips the image on the horizontal axis [17]. An image can be
rotated by adding a rotational angle. The image is rotated in a
random direction to produce enhanced images. Here, the left
and right axes of rotation are chosen at random. The dataset
includes an image that can be zoomed in or out. One of the
most popular data augmentation techniques is zooming. It is
possible to conduct a zoom between 0.5% and 1.0%.
After the data augmentation applied, the final augmented
training set consists of 1583 images that help to improve the
generalization ability of the detection model and avoid the
overfitting of the detection model.
The Fig. 2 represents the stepwise architecture of the
proposed model for Marigold flower stages identification and
There are two main types of object detection models: one-
stage models and two-stage models. One-stage object detection
models, also known as single-shot detectors, are designed to
detect objects in a single pass over an input image [18]. These
models use a single neural network to simultaneously predict
object locations and class labels. Two-stage object detection
models, on the other hand, are designed to detect objects in a
two-step process. The first step involves generating a set of
potential object locations, known as region proposals, using a
separate network called a region proposal network (RPN). The
second step involves classifying the region proposals and
refining their locations using another network. Two-stage
models typically achieve higher accuracy than one-stage
models, but at the cost of slower inference speed. One-stage
models, on the other hand, are faster but can be less accurate,
especially for small objects or objects with high aspect ratios
[19] [20]. This research is mainly focuses on identifying two
stages of Marigold flower growth; fully grown flower and a
bud. Bud is a small flower object that is to be detected by the
proposed model. Therefore, in this research we have proposed
a two-stage object detection model i.e. Faster RCNN.
We are primarily interested in object detection in our study
because it is the first step in determining whether a flower is a
bud or a fully blown blossom. So, using Faster RCNN, we
simulate a particular generic detector. In order to create an
effective technique for looking for instances of flowers and
buds in a flower image, we make use of the object suggestions
trained by an RPN and their associated features derived from a
ResNet50 CNN architecture. By combining the convolutional
strengths of RPN and Fast RCNN utilising the present neural
network formulation, we further combine RPN and Fast RCNN
into a coherent model. The feature network, RPN, and
detection network are the three deep networks that make up the
suggested methodology. A boxing approach used by faster
RCNN enables the operator to specify the potential regions that
will be introduced into the RPN. With the suggested approach,
we begin by performing a CNN model using our dataset of
Marigold flowers. After examining the input image, a selective
search procedure is then used to extract a region of interest
(RoI). The candidates between the closest raster frames are
then refined using the prepared deep model to classify the
extracted ROIs into candidates.
Fig. 2. A proposed two-stage object detection model for marigold flower
blooming stage detection in complex scene environment using faster RCNN
with data augmentation.
A. Image Pre-Processing and Annotation
In object detection, pre-processing refers to the steps taken
to prepare the input data for the object detection model. This
may include tasks such as resizing the image, normalizing
pixel values, converting the image to grayscale, etc. [21]. In
this research, image is reshaped and annotated with two labels
i.e. flower and bud. The dataset is splitted into training and
validation sets by having a ratio of 90:10. No repeated images
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among the training, validation and test sets were ensured to
prevent overfitting of the model [22] [23].
Image annotation in object detection refers to the process of
labeling objects within an image to train a machine learning
model for object detection. The annotated data is used to train
the model to detect and classify objects within new, unseen
images [24]. Image annotation involves drawing bounding
boxes around objects of interest and assigning a label to each
bounding box. The goal of image annotation is to provide the
model with enough data to learn the features and characteristics
of different objects, so it can accurately detect them in new
images [25]. LabelImg is a graphical image annotation tool that
is used to label images for object detection in machine
learning. The tool provides an interface for drawing bounding
boxes around objects in an image and assigning class labels to
the objects. The resulting annotations are saved in an XML file
that can be used as input for training machine learning models.
The Fig. 1 illustrates the image annotation performed using
LabelImg tool. As mentioned earlier, the images are annotated
in two classes; bud and flower which are represents and
differentiates their growing stages.
Here, a 2D bounding boxes annotation for flower species
detection is applied, as illustrated in Fig. 3. The 2D bounding
boxes are applied by drawing rectangles or cuboids around
flower objects in an image, and then, labels of respective
flower classes are applied to them.
Fig. 3. Image annotation using lableImg.
B. Faster RCNN with ResNet50
Faster RCNN is a popular object detection architecture that
is used for Marigold flower stages detection. Faster RCNN is a
state-of-the-art object detection algorithm that combines the
two-stage object detection framework with deep convolutional
neural networks [26]. The first stage is a region proposal
network (RPN) that generates a set of candidate object regions.
These regions are then fed into the second stage, which is a
Fast RCNN network that classifies the regions and refines the
bounding box locations. The two stages work together to
efficiently detect objects in an image by first proposing a large
number of potential regions and then using the Fast RCNN
network to accurately classify and locate the objects. The key
advantage of Faster RCNN is its end-to-end training, which
enables it to learn to detect objects directly from image data
without relying on heuristics or manually-designed features
The proposed Faster RCNN model with ResNet50 for
flower object detection can be divided into the following
1) ResNet50 backbone: This module consists of the pre-
trained ResNet50 network that serves as the feature extractor. It
takes an image as input and outputs a feature map [28]. In
Faster RCNN, the ResNet-50 backbone is used as the feature
extractor network to produce a compact feature representation
of the input image [29]; the input image being fed into the
backbone convolutional neural network. For that, the input
image is first resized by considering the shortest px with the
longer side not exceeding 1000px. The output of the backbone
network is a feature map. These feature maps are then fed into
the Fast RCNN network for classification and bounding box
regression. The use of a pre-trained ResNet50 network as the
feature extractor allows Faster RCNN to leverage the
information learned from the large-scale image classification
task, improving its object detection performance. Additionally,
the use of ResNet50 as a backbone allows for transfer learning,
where the feature extractor can be fine-tuned for the specific
object detection task using a smaller dataset [30].
With the primary goal of resolving the vanishing/exploding
gradient issue, ResNet architecture established the Residual
Network concept. The network employs a method known as
"skip connection" for that. The ResNet architecture is known
for its use of "skip connections" or "shortcut connections" [31].
These skip connections help alleviate the problem of vanishing
gradients in very deep neural networks. Skip connections in
ResNet work by allowing the network to bypass one or more
layers, effectively allowing the gradients to be backpropagated
directly to earlier layers as illustrated in Fig. 4. This helps to
preserve the information from the original input, making it
easier for the network to learn and improve.
Fig. 4. An illustration of skip connection [32].
Without using skip connection, input 'x', multiplied by the
layer's weights, followed by adding a bias term:
󰇛󰇜 󰇛 󰇜 (1)
󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜 (2)
With the introduction of skip connection, the output of the
layer changes to
󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜 (3)
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The loss function used in ResNet50, like most of deep
learning models, is typically a categorical cross-entropy loss.
This loss measures the dissimilarity between the predicted
class probabilities and the true class label, and is commonly
used for multi-class classification problems. The following is
an equation to calculate the categorical cross-entropy [33].
 
 (4)
2) Region Proposal Network (RPN): The Region Proposal
Network (RPN) is a crucial component of the Faster RCNN
object detection framework. Its primary responsibility is to
generate a set of candidate object regions in the input image,
called region proposals. A region proposal network generates
several regional proposals [34]. These proposals submit to the
identification network's detection. The three components of
RPN are the anchor window, loss function, and set of region
proposals [35]. RPN adopts the sliding window methodology
because a small sub-network is evaluated on a dense 3x3
sliding window in the RPN design. The IoU ratios and the
ground-truth bounding boxes can thus be used by the RPN to
produce numerous anchors [36].
The RPN uses anchor boxes, which are predefined
bounding box shapes, to guide the generation of the region
proposals. The network outputs are then combined with the
anchor boxes to produce the final set of region proposals. The
step-wise process is described as follows [37]: (i) RPN utilize a
sliding window for each region over the feature map. (ii) To
generate region proposals, k (k=9) anchor boxes are employed
for each site, with 3 scales of 128, 256, and 512 and 3 aspect
ratios of 1:1, 1:2, and 2:1. (iii) Whether an object is present or
not, a CLS layer produces 2k scores for k boxes. (iv) For the
box centre coordinates, width, and height of k boxes, a reg
layer outputs 4k. (v) There are WHk anchors overall with a
WH feature map size.
The total loss of the RPN is calculated by the multitask loss
function. The calculation formula is [38].
󰇜 
Where  represents the number of batch training
data,  represents the number of anchors, represents the
balance weight.
󰇛󰇜 is the logarithmic loss function defined as;
󰇛󰇜󰇛 󰇜󰇠 (6)
󰇛󰇜 is the regression loss calculated by the
following Smooth L1 function:
󰇛󰇜󰇛 󰇜 
  (7)
Where is the probability of the anchor being predicted as
the target, and is the truth value of the prediction result: if
the anchor is predicted as a positive sample, the value of
is 1; otherwise, the value is 0;  󰇝 󰇞 is
the location of the predicted detection box; and is the ground
truth coordinate.
RPN network must therefore check in advance which
location contains the object. The detection network will then
receive the relevant locations and bounding boxes and use
them to identify the object class and deliver the object's
bounding box.
3) RoI pooling layer: RoI (Region of Interest) pooling is a
technique used in Faster RCNN for processing the region
proposals generated by the RPN [39]. RoI pooling is a layer in
the Fast RCNN network that takes as input the feature map
produced by the ResNet-50 backbone and a set of region
proposals. The RoI pooling layer resizes each region proposal
to a fixed size, regardless of its original size or aspect ratio, and
aggregates the features within each region into a compact
feature representation [40]. This enables the Fast RCNN
network to perform classification and regression on the objects
in the image, regardless of their size and aspect ratio. RoI
pooling is critical for Faster RCNN's ability to accurately
detect and classify objects of different sizes and aspect ratios in
an image. The RoI pooling layer allows the Fast RCNN
network to have a fixed input size, making it easier to train and
optimize, while still allowing it to handle objects of varying
sizes in the image.
4) Fast RCNN classifier and bounding box regressor: In
Faster RCNN, after the RoI pooling layer, the features of the
region proposals are fed into the classifier and bounding box
regressor [41]. The classifier is a fully connected layer that
performs object classification by predicting the probability of
each region proposal belonging to each of the predefined object
classes. The classifier outputs a score for each region proposal
and class, indicating the likelihood of the presence of an object
of that class in the region. The bounding box regressor is
another fully connected layer that performs bounding box
regression [42]. It takes as input the feature representation of
the region proposals and outputs the adjustments to the
locations of the region proposals, refining their locations to
better fit the objects in the image.
Together, the classifier and bounding box regressor form
the Fast RCNN network, which accurately detects and
classifies objects in the image by combining the information
from the region proposals, the classifier scores, and the refined
bounding box locations.
The experiment is carried out using a machine having
NVIDIA Tesla V100 32GB PCIe based GPU card equipped
with 64GB RAM and Intel Xeon 6226R processor. It has 4
units of 6TB SATA 7200 RPM 3.5" HDD and it is running
with Ubuntu 21.04 operating system. We have used
TensorFlow 2 Object Detection API with CUDA 11.2, CuDNN
8.1.0 and Python 3.8 virtual environment.
An illustration of a training pipeline developed for
experiment with numerous separate activities is shown in
Fig. 5. The image annotation tool is used to build the labelled
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flower datasets (i.e. LabelImg). All of the datasets for tagged
flowers are saved as .csv files, which are then transformed into
.record files and used as inputs by the networks to forecast
bounding boxes and confidences for objects. TensorFlow's
object identification model needs a Label Map that converts
each of the applied labels into an integer value. Both the
training and evaluation processes use this Label Map. Files
with the ending ".pbtxt" are label map files. We have used
ResNet50 as a pre-trained CNN and modified the Faster
RCNN detection model that is trained using COCO 2017
dataset and made available by Tensorflow Object Detection
API - Model Zoo [43]. Finally, loss functions are used to
measure the accuracy of the training process and an inference
graph are generated at the end of the training pipeline.
Fig. 5. A training pipeline for experiment.
A. Hyperparameters
The model parameter values that a learning algorithm
ultimately learns are defined by hyperparameters, which are
variables whose values have an impact on the learning process.
The selection of hyperparameters that aid in an object
identification model's optimum accuracy has an impact on the
model's accuracy as well. Therefore, figuring out the best
values for these factors is a challenging task [44].
Hyperparameter tuning, often known as optimization, is the
process of selecting the best set of parameters for a model's
learning procedure [45]. In this research, we have setup
multiple hyperparameters such as learning rate, batch size,
number of steps, activation function and dropout rate. The
learning rate for the proposed model sets to 0.002, the batch
size chose was 16. The input size was set to 640 × 640. The
training Epoch was set to 1000. During the training process,
Tensorboard visualization tool was used to record data and
observe loss, and save the model weight of every epoch.
B. Evaluation Indicators of Model
In this study, the model's performance was accurately and
impartially assessed using Precision, Recall, Mean Average
Precision (mAP), and F1 score. The number of correct targets
divided by the total number of targets is known as the precision
evaluation index [46]. The detection impact will generally be
better the higher the Precision. Precision is a highly logical
evaluation metric, however occasionally a high Precision score
does not mean everything. Thus, mAP, Recall, and F1 score
were developed for thorough examination.
 
  (8)
 
  (9)
󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜
 (11)
Other than above evaluation indicators, IoU is also used.
The amount of overlap between the predicted and ground truth
bounding boxes is indicated by the IoU value, which ranges
from 0 to 1 as described in Fig. 6 [47].
Fig. 6. A description of Intersection-over-Union (IoU)
There is no overlap between the boxes if the IoU is 0.
When the union of the boxes equals their overlap and the IoU =
1, this signifies that the boxes are entirely overlapping. The
equation for the same is illustrated as Eq. (3).
 (12)
To experiment, we have used TensorFlow Object Detection
API. It is an open-source framework which is built on top of
the TensorFlow library, offers a variety of pre-trained object
detection models as well as tools for creating and training
unique object detection models. The pre-trained models, also
known as the Model Zoo, feature various models that are pre-
trained on the COCO dataset, which is a large-scale object
detection, segmentation, and captioning dataset. We have used
the learned weights from these pre-trained model and fine-
tuning these pre-trained models on our own Marigold datasets.
The proposed Faster RCNN with ResNet50 model is
compared with one-stage object detection model that is SSD
(Single Shot Detector). By examining the Faster RCNN of
various networks, the training model and the subsequent
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classification results of mean average precision are obtained
and presented in Table I and Table II. We have experimented
both of the object detection model with the original dataset and
augmented dataset. On the original Marigold dataset, the
proposed Faster RCNN with ResNet50 model provides 88.71%
mAP score with 4.312 average detection speed per second.
SSD MobileNet model obtained 74.30% mAP score which is
lower as compare to the proposed Faster RCNN with ResNet50
We have synthetically increases the size of the dataset and
experimented both of the model. This time, the proposed Faster
RCNN with ResNet50 model provides 89.47% mAP score and
SSD MobileNet model obtaines 78.12% mAP score. Although,
it is observed that the average detection speed of SSD
MobileNet is quite high as compare to the Faster RCNN with
Data Augmentation
Target Detection
Without Data Augmentation
Proposed Faster RCNN
ResNet50 V1 640X640
SSD MobileNet V1 FPN
With Data Augmentation
Proposed Faster RCNN
ResNet50 V1 640X640
SSD MobileNet V1 FPN
Target Detection Networks
Average Detection Speed
Proposed Faster RCNN ResNet50 V1
SSD MobileNet V1 FPN 640X640
Fig. 7 contains the examples of Intersection over Union
(IoU) detection results of the proposed object detection on real-
time Marigold Dataset captured in complex scene environment.
The figure (a) and (b) are the images with detection results. It
shows the detection of two classes; flower and bud. These two
classes represent the flower growing stages that can be helpful
to decide the harvesting time.
Fig. 7. Examples of Intersection over Union (IoU) detection results of the
proposed object detection on real-time marigold dataset captured in complex
scene environment. Fig. 7(a) and 7(b) are the images with detection of flower
and bud objects
In conclusion, several studies have been conducted in the
past to address the issue of marigold flower object
identification and classification. Marigold flower blooming
stage identification and classification using deep learning
techniques such as Faster RCNN, YOLO, and SSD has gained
significant attention in recent years. These techniques offer
faster and more accurate detection and classification of
marigold flower blooming stages. YOLO and SSD are faster,
they are also less accurate than the two-stage models,
particularly on small objects [48]. Several researchers proposed
variety of methods for classification using the machine
learning and deep learning algorithms that achieved good
performance. However, they have considered image
classification based on discrete features of flower image [49]
[50][51][52]. In this research, we have proposed a method
based on two-stage object detection. The proposed method
allows for more precise localization and classification of
objects and can be used to quickly and accurately identify the
blooming stage of marigold flowers. Moreover, two-stage
object detectors are more robust to variations in lighting
conditions, background clutter, and occlusions compared to
single-stage detectors. This makes them ideal for identifying
marigold flowers blooming stages, which can be affected by
different lighting conditions and may have complex
In order to detect Marigold flower stages in intricate
agricultural field settings, a real-time and accurate
identification strategy based on a two-stage Faster RCNN
object detection network with data augmentation was presented
in this study. We have gathered and analysed data on Marigold
flowers in a variety of field settings as part of our research. All
of the dataset's images were divided into two classes: bud and
flower. The flower growth stage is represented by these two
classes. Geometric data augmentation techniques were also
used to improve the dataset. Then, utilising the ResNet50
backbone network, we fine-tune the two-stage object detector,
namely Faster RCNN. We conducted an experiment and
compared the outcomes with SSD MobileNet, a single-stage
object identification model. The findings suggest that data
augmentation can significantly enhance the proposed model's
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capacity for detection. The Faster RCNN with ResNet50 model
has been proposed an 89.47 mAP score and a 4.312 average
detection speed per second. The detection of two classes;
flower and bud represent the flower growing stages that can be
helpful to decide the harvesting time for the Marigold flowers.
This research provides a pathway for the researchers who are
working for the automatic detection and harvesting of flowers
other than the Marigold.
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Full-text available
Rapid and accurate detection of Camellia oleifera fruit is beneficial to improve the picking efficiency. However, detection faces new challenges because of the complex field environment. A Camellia oleifera fruit detection method based on YOLOv7 network and multiple data augmentation was proposed to detect Camellia oleifera fruit in complex field scenes. Firstly, the images of Camellia oleifera fruit were collected in the field to establish training and test sets. Detection performance was then compared among YOLOv7, YOLOv5s, YOLOv3-spp and Faster R-CNN networks. The YOLOv7 network with the best performance was selected. A DA-YOLOv7 model was established via the YOLOv7 network combined with various data augmentation methods. The DA-YOLOv7 model had the best detection performance and a strong generalisation ability in complex scenes, with mAP, Precision, Recall, F1 score and average detection time of 96.03%, 94.76%, 95.54%, 95.15% and 0.025 s per image, respectively. Therefore, YOLOv7 combined with data augmentation can be used to detect Camellia oleifera fruit in complex scenes. This study provides a theoretical reference for the detection and harvesting of crops under complex conditions.
Full-text available
Biomedical imaging is a rapidly evolving field that covers different types of imaging techniques which are used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. It plays a vital role in diagnosis and treating health conditions of human body. Classification of different imaging modalities plays a vital role in terms of providing better care and treatment options to the patients. Advancements in technology open up the new doors for medical professionals and this involves deep learning methods for automatic image classification. Convolutional neural network (CNN) is a special class of deep learning that is applied to visual imagery. In this paper, a novel spatial feature fusion based deep CNN is proposed for classification of microscopic peripheral blood cell images. In this work, multiple transfer learning features are extracted through four pre-trained CNN architectures namely VGG19, ResNet50, MobileNetV2 and DenseNet169. These features are fused into a generalized feature space that increases the classification accuracy. The dataset considered for the experiment contains 17902 microscopic images that are categorized into 8 distinct classes. The result shows that the proposed CNN model with fusion of multiple transfer learning features outperforms the individual pre-trained CNN model. The proposed model achieved 96.10% accuracy, 96.55% F1-score, 96.40% Precision and 96.70% Recall values.
Full-text available
Deep neural networks are efficient methods of recognizing image patterns and have been largely implemented in computer vision applications. Object detection has many applications in computer vision, including face and vehicle detection, video surveillance, and plant leaf detection. An automatic flower identification system over categories is still challenging due to similarities among classes and intraclass variation, so the deep learning model requires more precisely labeled and high-quality data. In this proposed work, an optimized and generalized deep convolutional neural network using Faster-Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network (Faster-RCNN) and Single Short Detector (SSD) is used for detecting, localizing, and classifying flower objects. We prepared 2000 images for various pretrained models, including ResNet 50, ResNet 101, and Inception V2, as well as Mobile Net V2. In this study, 70% of the images were used for training, 25% for validation, and 5% for testing. The experiment demonstrates that the proposed Faster-RCNN model using the transfer learning approach gives an optimum mAP score of 83.3% with 300 and 91.3% with 100 proposals on ten flower classes. In addition, the proposed model could identify, locate, and classify flowers and provide essential details that include flower name, class classification, and multilabeling techniques.
Full-text available
The behavior of cage-reared ducks is an important index to judge the health status of laying ducks. For the automatic recognition task of cage-reared duck behavior based on machine vision, by comparing the detection performance of YoloV4 (you only look once), YoloV5, and Faster-RCNN, this work selected the YoloV5 target detection network with the best performance to identify the three behaviors related to avoidance after a cage-reared duck emergency. The recognition average precision was 98.2% (neck extension), 98.5% (trample), and 98.6% (spreading wings), respectively, and the detection speed was 20.7 FPS. Based on this model, in this work, 10 duck cages were randomly selected, and each duck cage recorded video for 3 min when there were breeders walking in the duck house and no one was walking for more than 20 min. By identifying the generation time and frequency of neck extension out of the cage, trample, and wing spread, it was concluded that the neck extension, trampling, and wing spread behaviors of laying ducks increase significantly when they feel panic and fear. The research provides an efficient, intelligent monitoring method for the behavior analysis of cage-rearing of ducks and provides a basis for the health status judgment and behavior analysis of unmonitored laying ducks in the future.
Full-text available
Electron microscopy is widely used to explore defects in crystal structures, but human detecting of defects is often time-consuming, error-prone, and unreliable, and is not scalable to large numbers of images or real-time analysis. In this work, we discuss the application of machine learning approaches to find the location and geometry of different defect clusters in irradiated steels. We show that a deep learning based Faster R-CNN analysis system has a performance comparable to human analysis with relatively small training data sets. This study proves the promising ability to apply deep learning to assist the development of automated microscopy data analysis even when multiple features are present and paves the way for fast, scalable, and reliable analysis systems for massive amounts of modern electron microscopy data.
This review paper provides an overview of data pre-processing in Machine learning, focusing on all types of problems while building the machine learning problems. It deals with two significant issues in the pre-processing process (i). issues with data and (ii). Steps to follow to do data analysis with its best approach. As raw data are vulnerable to noise, corruption, missing, and inconsistent data, it is necessary to perform pre-processing steps, which is done using classification, clustering, and association and many other pre-processing techniques available. Poor data can primarily affect the accuracy and lead to false prediction, so it is necessary to improve the dataset's quality. So, data pre-processing is the best way to deal with such problems. It makes the knowledge extraction from the data set much easier with cleaning, Integration, transformation, and reduction methods. The issue with Data missing and significant differences in the variety of data always exists as the information is collected through multiple sources and from a real-world application. So, the data augmentation approach generates data for machine learning models. To decrease the dependency on training data and to improve the performance of the machine learning model. This paper discusses flipping, rotating with slight degrees and others to augment the image data and shows how to perform data augmentation methods without distorting the original data.
In machine learning, image classification plays a very important role in demonstrating any image. Recognition of flower species is based on the geometry, texture, and form of different flowers in the past year. Now, nowadays, flower identification is widely used to recognize medicinal plant species. There are about 400,000 flowering plant species, and modern search engines have the mechanism to search and identify the image containing a flower, but due to millions of flower species worldwide, robustness is lacking. The method of machine learning with CNN is then used to classify the flower species in this proposed research work. With data, we will train the machine learning model, and if any unknown pattern is discovered, then the predictive model will predict the flower species by what it has been gained by the trained data. The built-in camera of the mobile phone will acquire the images of the flower species, and the flower image extraction function is performed using a pretrained network extraction of complex features.KeywordsConvolution neural networks (CNN)Logistic regressionRandom forestFeature extraction