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Risk factors for venous thromboembolism in hospitalized children and adolescents: A systemic review and pooled analysis


Abstract and Figures

We performed a systematic review of published studies that evaluated the potential risk factors and outcomes of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in hospitalized children. A total of 761 VTE patients from six published studies were identified. The mean prevalence of VTE in children admitted to the hospital was 9.7/10 000 admissions. The presence of a central venous catheter was found to be the single most important predisposing cause of VTE, with a pooled percentage of 29%. Infection was the second most common cause of the disease (20%). Pulmonary embolism occurred in 15% (113/745) of the patients. The overall recurrence rate of VTE was 16% (74/464) and the mortality rate was 8% (59/704). Although uncommon, orthopedic surgeons need to be aware of the unique risk factors for VTE among pediatric inpatients. Hospitalized children and adolescents with known risk factors for VTE should be considered candidates for VTE screening or prophylaxis.
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Risk factors for venous thromboembolism in hospitalized
children and adolescents: a systemic review and pooled
Seung-Ju Kim
and Sanjeev Sabharwal
We performed a systematic review of published studies
that evaluated the potential risk factors and outcomes
of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in hospitalized children.
A total of 761 VTE patients from six published studies were
identified. The mean prevalence of VTE in children admitted
to the hospital was 9.7/10 000 admissions. The presence
of a central venous catheter was found to be the single
most important predisposing cause of VTE, with a pooled
percentage of 29%. Infection was the second most
common cause of the disease (20%). Pulmonary embolism
occurred in 15% (113/745) of the patients. The overall
recurrence rate of VTE was 16% (74/464) and the mortality
rate was 8% (59/704). Although uncommon, orthopedic
surgeons need to be aware of the unique risk factors for
VTE among pediatric inpatients. Hospitalized children and
adolescents with known risk factors for VTE should be
considered candidates for VTE screening or prophylaxis.
J Pediatr Orthop B 23:389–393 c2014 Wolters Kluwer
Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics B 2014, 23:389–393
Keywords: children, risk factor, venous thromboembolism
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, KEPCO Medical Foundation, KEPCO
Medical Center, Seoul, Korea and
Department of Orthopaedics, New Jersey
Medical School, Newark, New Jersey, USA
Correspondence to Seung-Ju Kim, MD, PhD, Department of Orthopedic
Surgery, KEPCO Medical Foundation, KEPCO Medical Center,
308 Uicheon-ro, Dobong-Gu, Seoul 132-703, Korea
Tel: 82 2 901 3079; fax: 82 2 901 3684; e-mail:
Venous thromboembolism (VTE) has long been recognized
as an important comorbidity in hospitalized adults [1].
However, until recently, thromboembolic disease has been
considered a rare entity among pediatric patients [2].
Despite the relatively low incidence in children [3], a
steady increase in the diagnosis of VTE across all age groups
in children’s hospitals in the USA has been reported [4,5].
Furthermore, there have been several recent reports
suggesting underestimation of the diagnosis of deep vein
thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) among
children [5–7].
The majority of pediatric VTEs occur in hospitalized
patients, especially in children with at least one identified
risk factor. Reported risk factors for VTE among children
include malignancy, sepsis, osteomyelitis, methicillin-resis-
tant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection, congenital heart
disease, trauma, inflammatory disease, congenital prothrom-
botic disorders, and the use of a central venous catheter
(CVC) [4,8–11]. However, our current knowledge of the risk
factors of VTE in children is confined to a few reviews from
single institutions or from multicenter national registries in
one country, even though the incidence rates and risk factors
of VTE may differ between children of different ethnic
backgrounds and nationalities [12–15]. Further understand-
ing of the role of potential risk factors would require a pooled
analysis. Moreover, there is limited information on the
prevalence and outcomes of VTE among children seen in
orthopedic practices.
Therefore, we reviewed published articles that reported
the risk factors of VTE in hospitalized children and asked
the following questions: (a) What are the common risk
factors of VTE amongst children and adolescents? (b) Is
the reported clinical outcome comparable with the
prevalence noted in adult patients?
Materials and methods
Literature search and study selection
We performed a systematic review of the available
literature using multiple separate search strategies. A
search was performed using the following databases:
MEDLINE, PubMed, CINAHL, and Cochrane systematic
reviews. Search terms included ‘venous thromboembo-
lism’, ‘child’, and ‘risk factor’. The initial search was
performed on 15 July 2012, and it was repeated on 15
August 2012 by one of the authors (S.J.K.) to ensure
accuracy. No additional study was identified by repeating
the search. The title, abstract, and full text were
reviewed when the title or abstract suggested appropri-
ateness of these publications and were discussed among
the authors, and a decision was made on inclusion.
The inclusion criteria included the following: (a) articles
published from 1 January 1980 to 1 July 2012, (b) English-
written articles on humans, (c) electronic publications that
reported cases of VTE, (d) retrospective or prospective
series, (e) cases of VTE in children or adolescents (< 20
years old), and (f) only those articles that described the risk
factors and evaluated the clinical outcomes of VTE.
The exclusion criteria included any of the following:
(a) adults (> 20 years old), (b) articles focusing on the
prophylaxis of VTE, (c) cases with arterial events,
(d) articles with VTE cases diagnosed before hospital
Review article 389
1060-152X c2014 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins DOI: 10.1097/BPB.0000000000000053
Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
admission, (e) articles without the clinical outcomes (PE,
recurrence and mortality) of VTE, and (f) VTE cases under
specific situations such as intensive care unit admission.
Limits for the number of patients in each study or the
minimum duration of follow-up were not used.
A first search of the MEDLINE database yielded 53 articles
and a second search of the PubMed database using the same
search strategy yielded 301 articles. The literature search is
summarized in Fig. 1. There were 63 articles that appeared
in more than one of the four searches, yielding a total of 320
unique articles. We screened all relevant articles from
retrospective, cross-sectional studies, clinical registries, and
prospective studies. If there was any disagreement among
authors on the inclusion of an article, the senior author (S.S.)
made the final decision. A manual search was also performed
from the references of the selected articles to identify any
important reports that had not been identified in the initial
research. The full text of the six finally selected articles was
then reviewed. Owing to a lack of prospective randomized
studies, most of the larger cohorts giving an answer or at least
an insight into clinical problems were selected for this
review. Because of the heterogeneity of the literature reports
covered in the systematic review, it was not possible to carry
out a meta-analysis in accordance to the Preferred reporting
items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA)
conditions [16]. Studies of VTE in children predominantly
started after the Canadian Registry of VTE in 1994 [3],
although there were few isolated previous studies.
The following data were extracted from the selected
articles: demographics including the patient’s age and sex,
Fig. 1
53 articles
301 articles
383 article titles reviewed
63 duplicate articles
315 articles excluded
based on exclusion criteria
5 articles reviewed
1 additional article
identified form
Total of 6 articles reviewed
320 abstracts reviewed
9 articles
20 articles
Search terms: venous
child, risk factor
(January , 1980 – July, 2012)
CINAHL Cochrane
Flow diagram of the search criteria and strategy.
390 Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics B 2014, Vol 23 No 4
Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
prevalence, medical conditions that might be potentially
associated with VTE (malignancy, infection, trauma, surgery,
and obesity), history of previous VTE, number of previous
VTE episodes, diagnosis of VTE, locations of VTE, manage-
ment of VTE, outcomes following VTE including clinical
resolution, relapse of VTE, and death because of VTE.
A review of MEDLINE, PubMed, CINAHL, and
Cochrane literature searches yielded a total of 761 VTE
patients from six selected articles [3,5,10,17–19], which
have been reported from 1994 to 2011. Patients with
VTEs present on admission were excluded from the
analyses because important risk factors were not available
for analysis in those, including concurrent CVC use.
Although complete data on all categories were not
available in each of the six articles, data such as sex,
underlying medical/surgical conditions, location of VTE,
incidence of PE, recurrence, and mortality were col-
lected. Three studies were reported in North America
(two studies in the USA, one study in Canada), two
studies were reported in Europe, and one study was
reported in Asia (Table 1). A total of 331 male and 430
female patients were included in the study. The mean
prevalence of VTE in children admitted to the hospital in
our pooled analysis was 9.7/10 000 admissions according to
the four articles [3,5,17,18]. The presence of thrombus
was confirmed with an advanced imaging study, typically
with ultrasound or venogram for DVT and ventilation/
perfusion scans or computed tomography for PE. Loca-
tions of thrombosis were available for 69% of patients
(525/761). Of these, DVT in the upper venous system
was present in 136/525 patients (26%) and in the lower
venous system in 389/525 patients (74%).
A total of eight potential risk factors were identified. The
associated risk factors for the patients are presented
in Table 2. The presence of CVC was found to be the
single most prevalent predisposing risk factor associated
with VTE in children. CVC was present in 29% (210/727)
of the patients diagnosed with VTE. Infections including
osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, septicemia, and local
infection was the second most common (20%) associated
risk factors of the disease. Miscellaneous risk factors
included cystic fibrosis, use of oral contraceptives,
congenital diaphragmatic hernia, cleft palate with dehy-
dration, renal dialysis, fibrosing mediastinitis, diabetes,
sickle cell disease, and lower extremity venous malforma-
tion. Associated risk factors were present in 94% of
children diagnosed with VTE (332/352).
Children with VTE received a variety of therapeutic
interventions including anticoagulation therapy with
heparin, thrombolytic therapy, oral anticoagulation ther-
apy, and other therapy (observation, removal of CVC,
thrombectomy, placement of the inferior vena cava filter).
PE occurred in 16% (124/761) of the patients. The overall
recurrence rate of VTE was 16% (74/464) and the
mortality rate was 8% (59/704). Of the 59 children who
died, 47 (80%) died because of underlying disease
including osteosarcoma, sepsis with multiorgan failure,
rhabdomyosarcoma, brain tumor, prematurity, and cardiac
disease. Twelve patients (20%) died as a direct con-
sequence of the thromboembolic disease such as PE and
extending thrombus. Outcomes following the diagnosis of
VTE are shown in Table 3.
Studies describing the epidemiology, risk factors, and
outcomes of VTE at pediatric tertiary care medical
centers remain limited in number and geographic scope.
Therefore, we performed a systemic review of the
pertinent literature on VTE in hospitalized children. To
our knowledge, this is the first pooled analysis showing
the risk factors and outcomes of VTE in children with a
review of the literature.
In adults, fractures and surgery are two well-known risk
factors of VTE [20,21]. However, our results of the
pooled analysis of the reported cases of VTE in children
showed that the presence of CVC was the single most
important predisposing cause of VTE. Unlike in adults,
the CVC has been consistently shown in the literature to
Table 1 Summary of data on venous thromboembolism in children on the basis of available studies
References Number of patients Age (years) Percentage male (male/female) Prevalence of VTE Country
Andrew et al. [3] 137 0.1–18 50 (69/68) 5.3/10 000 admissions Canada
Sandoval et al. [5] 78 0–17 47 (43/35) 7.6/10 000 admissions U SA
Sirachainan et al. [18] 24 1.3–18 58 (14/10) 3.9/10 000 admissions Thailand
Tuckuviene et al. [19] 331 0–18 32 (109/222) Not available The Netherlands
Van Ommen et al. [10] 99 0–18 52 (52/47) Not available Denmark
Wright and Watts [17] 92 0–20 47 (44/48) 21.9/10000 admissions USA
Total 761 0–20 43 (331/43 0) 9.7/10 000 admissions
Table 2 Risk factors in children with venous thromboembolism
Risk factors
Number of patients with risk factor/
number of available patients with VTE (%)
Central venous catheter 210/727 (29)
Infection 153/752 (20)
Surgery 78/664 (12)
Malignancy 79/761 (10)
Trauma 65/732 (9)
Heart disease 59/761 (8)
Nephrotic syndrome 18/430 (4)
Obesity 7/260 (3)
No risk factor 20/352 (6)
VTE, venous thromboembolism.
Risk factors for venous thromboembolism Kim and Sabharwal 391
Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
be a clinically important risk factor for VTE in chil-
dren [9,22]. To minimize the risk for CVC-related VTE, it
has been suggested that CVC in the upper venous system
should be placed on the right side and in the internal jugular
vein. If subclavian vein placement is necessary, CVC
insertion by venous cut-down appears preferable over the
percutaneous approach [9]. This is probably because of
the fact that the subclavian vein takes a sharp curve at the
site of CVL entry; endothelial damage at the opposite wall of
the vein may occur when introducing the dilatator or
catheter sheath. In our pooled analysis, infection was the
second most common associated risk factor of VTE.
Children with infection such as musculoskeletal sepsis,
osteomyelitis, and Panton–Valentine leukocidin toxin-posi-
tive MRSA infections are at an increased risk of developing
VTE [11]. Staphylococcal virulence factors have been
reported to potentially play a role in VTE formation [23].
include pediatric patients with surgery, malignancy, trauma,
heart disease, and nephrotic syndrome, respectively. VTE is
not a rare event in critically ill children after trauma [24].
Paf fra th et al. [25] reported that independent risk factors for
VTE development following trauma included injury severity,
the number of operative procedures, and the presence of
pelvic injury with abbreviated injury scale (AIS) > 2.
Knudson et al. [26] reported that a lower extremity fracture
with AIS Z3, a head injury with AIS Z3, the need for major
operative procedures, or the presence of a venous injury
were associated with VTE. Children with spinal cord injuries
are also at a higher risk for VTE [27,28]. Most patients with
thrombosis after trauma are associated with several factors,
including poor perfusion and immobility [24]. For such high-
risk patients, mechanical prophylaxis using intermittent
pneumatic compression devices and early ambulation should
be considered [29–31]. The role of chemoprophylaxis is
currently not well established, and should be individualized
after consultation with other subspecialists.
VTE among children can lead to a clinically significant
mortality and morbidity. Although reported VTE-specific
mortality in children may be low, ranging from 0 to
2% [32,33], considerably higher all-cause mortality
reflects the severity of underlying conditions (e.g. sepsis,
cancer, and congenital cardiac disease) among children
with VTE. In our review, the overall mortality rate was
8%. These findings show the importance of the recogni-
tion and treatment of VTE with high-risk factors in
hospitalized pediatric patients. Although the incidence of
VTE is relatively low in the pediatric population, the
consequences are quite severe and can be fatal.
Our study has some limitations. First, this is a pooled
analysis of several retrospective case series with a hetero-
geneous cohort of patients. Consequently, not all the data
that we sought to include in our analysis were consistently
available in the chosen studies. Certain variables, such as
patient’s ethnic background, age, and length of follow-up,
were not specified or were not presented in sufficient detail
to allow meaningful statistical inferences and comparisons.
Therefore, we could not carry out a comparative study with
non-VTE patients owing to a lack of data pertaining to a
control group of pediatric inpatients. Second, VTE in
children is a very rare condition for orthopedic surgeons
and the patients included in this study include all the
hospitalized pediatric patients. However, there have been
several recent reports suggesting underestimation of the
diagnosis of DVT and PE among children [4–7]. Given that
PE can be fatal and is one of the causes of sudden death
following lower extremity injury including surgery, it is
imperative that orthopedic surgeons treating children should
be aware of this potentially fatal condition [34]. Moreover,
with the increased prevalence of risk factors such as
childhood obesity and osteomyelitis secondary to MRSA,
the number of cases of thromboembolism among children
may be increasing [4,35]. According to a recent survey of
members of the Pediatric Orthopedic Society of North
America [36], 59% of the respondents acknowledged having
encountered at least one child (< 18 years old) with the
diagnosis of VTE (DVT and/or PE) in their practice.
Our pooled analysis has helped to further elucidate the
risk factors and outcomes of VTE among children.
Hospitalized children with indwelling CVC, certain
infections, or malignancy should be considered candi-
dates for VTE screening. VTE in children contributes
toward clinically significant morbidity and mortality.
Prospective multicenter studies involving larger number
of children and adolescents with diagnoses relevant to
orthopedic surgery are needed to delineate the actual
Table 3 Outcomes of venous thromboembolism in children on the basis of available studies
Number of patients/number of available VTE patients (%)
References Pulmonary embolism Recurrence of VTE Mortality of VTE
Andrew et al. [3] 22/137 (16) 23/137 (17) 13/137 (10)
Sandoval et al. [5] 4/78 (5) 9/6 4 (14) 6/64 (9)
Sirachainan et al. [18] 7/24 (29) 6/23 (26) 3/23 (13)
Tuckuviene et al. [19] 61/331 (18) 9/57 (16) 1/55 (2)
Van Ommen et al. [10] 10/99 (10) 7/99 (7) 16/99 (16)
Wright and Watts [17] 20/92 (22) 20/84 (24) 20/326 (6)
Total 124/761 (16) 74/464 (16) 59/704 (8)
VTE, venous thromboembolism.
392 Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics B 2014, Vol 23 No 4
Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
prevalence of VTE and establish evidence-based guide-
lines for the prevention of this potentially fatal condition.
Conflicts of interest
There are no conflicts of interest.
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Risk factors for venous thromboembolism Kim and Sabharwal 393
Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
... Twelve thousand, eight hundred eighty-one pediatric patients from the PIC database over 9 years were included and the VTE incidence rate was 19 cases per 10,000 pediatric patients. This is consistent with the reported incidence of pediatric VTE range from 0.07 to 21.9 per 10,000 hospital admissions, and with the rising prevalence of utilizing diverse infusion catheters and improvement of diagnostic modalities, the incidence of pediatric VTE increases year by year [2,6,11,16]. Not surprisingly, the prevalence of pediatric VTE was much lower than that in adults [17,18]. ...
... Manohar et al. [28] reported circulatory shock as the predominant risk factor for catheter-related internal jugular vein thrombosis, and this could be attributed to the potential reduction in the bioavailability and efficacy of subcutaneously administered low molecular weight heparin during shock [29]. Multiple studies have explored the risk factors for VTE, and CVC has been proved the most important risk factor for pediatric VTE [16,23]. The reported incidence of CVC-associated thrombosis in pediatric patients varied from 1.03 to 9.3% [30][31][32][33]. ...
Full-text available
Background Analyses of extensive, nationally representative databases indicate a rising prevalence of venous thromboembolism (VTE) among critically ill children. However, the majority of studies on childhood VTE have primarily concentrated on Caucasian populations in the United States and European countries. There is a lack of epidemiological studies on VTE in Chinese children. Methods We conducted a retrospective cohort study of data from the Pediatric Intensive Care (PIC) database. Data were obtained and extracted by using Structured Query Language (SQL) and the administrative platform pgAdmin4 for PostgreSQL. Bivariate analyses were conducted in which categorical variables were analyzed by a chi-square test and continuous variables were analyzed by a Student’s t-test. Separate multivariable logistic regressions were employed to investigate the associations between VTE and sociodemographic factors as well as clinical factors. Results Our study included 12,881 pediatric patients from the PIC database, spanning the years 2010 to 2018. The incidence rate of pediatric VTE was 0.19% (24/12,881). The venous thrombotic locations were deep venous thrombosis extremities (n = 18), superior vena cava (n = 1), cerebral sinovenous (n = 1), and other deep venous thrombosis (n = 4). Univariate analysis showed that age, weight, shock, sepsis, cancer and vasopressor receipt were statistically significant risk factors for pediatric VTE (all p ≤ 0.05). After multivariable logistic regression analysis, only shock (aOR: 6.77, 95%CI: 1.33–34.73, p = 0.019) and admission for sepsis (aOR: 6.09, 95%CI: 1.76–21.09, p = 0.004) were statistically significant associated with pediatric VTE. Conclusions In conclusion, data obtained from the Pediatric Intensive Care (PIC) database revealed a prevalence of VTE in pediatric patients of 0.19%. The most common location for venous thrombi was deep venous thrombosis (DVT) in the extremities. We identified that shock and sepsis were statistically significant factors associated with pediatric VTE.
... [9][10][11][12] It is postulated that this phenomenon is attributed to a combination of factors, including heightened awareness of pediatric VTE, increasing medical complexity of pediatric patients, and growing frequency of central venous utilization, which continues to be the greatest risk factor in developing pediatric VTE. 13,14 While the awareness for pediatric VTE has increased, only a handful of studies have investigated the incidence of VTE after pediatric orthopaedic surgery and pediatric orthopaedic trauma. 4,9,15,16 Therefore, the primary purpose of this study was to determine and compare the incidence of orthopaedic-related (ORTH) and nonorthopaedicrelated (NORTH) VTEs in a pediatric population. ...
... 9 We found a similar trend, with an increase in total hospital VTE incidence over time from 1.36 in 2009 to 11.46 in In hospitalized pediatric patients, VTEs have been found to develop as a secondary complication of venous catheterization/central line, malignancy, infection/sepsis, congenital heart disease, trauma/surgery, and inherited or acquired thrombophilia, with the most common risk factor being venous catheterization/central line placement. 7,13,17 The current study's findings support this assertion, as NORTH children were found to commonly have a central line or cancer as identifiable risk factors. Baker et al, 18 using the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) pediatric database between 2012 and 2013, utilized a sample size of 15 pediatric patients who developed postoperative VTEs and found infection to be the highest presurgical risk factor (2 of 164, 1.2%) and concluded that perhaps prophylaxis should be reserved for at risk populations of children only. ...
... Candidate risk factors among hospitalized children have been described from retrospective series and include the presence of a central venous catheter (CVC), patient age (infants <1 year and adolescents >11 years), prolonged hospitalization, immobility, hematologic malignancy, and hyperinflammatory conditions. [11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20] To date, pediatric thromboprophylaxis trials have largely focused on anticoagulant administration for children with a CVC who are critically ill, 21 those treated with induction chemotherapy for acute leukemia, 22,23 or those with underlying, prothrombotic cardiac conditions. 24,25 Yet, recent retrospective series suggest invasive mechanical ventilation (MV) may also be a risk factor for pediatric HA-VTE. ...
OBJECTIVES To estimate the occurrence of, and evaluate associations between, hospital-acquired venous thromboembolism (HA-VTE) and invasive mechanical ventilation (MV) among children hospitalized in the PICU. METHODS We performed a multicenter, retrospective cohort study comparing HA-VTE frequencies among subjects <18 years of age hospitalized in the PICU from January 2018 through December 2019 among 47 participating centers, via the Pediatric Health Information Systems registry. We excluded perinatal encounters, those with VTE present at admission, and those with observational status. The primary outcome was the proportion of HA-VTE events before hospital discharge, including extremity deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and organ-specific deep venous thrombosis. The HA-VTE frequencies were compared using χ2 tests. The association between HA-VTE and MV was investigated via multivariable logistic regression, adjusting for previously described VTE risk factors. RESULTS Of the 205 231 PICU encounters identified for study, 70 829 (34.5%) underwent MV. The occurrence of HA-VTE was 2.2% and was greater among children who received, versus did not receive, MV (4.4% versus 1.1%, P < .001). Multivariable logistic regression revealed significant association between MV and HA-VTE (odds ratio 2.51, 95% confidence interval 2.33–2.69; P < .001). CONCLUSIONS In this multicenter, retrospective, registry-based cohort study, HA-VTE were diagnosed in 2.2% of critically-ill children, and after adjustment for central venous catheterization, MV independently increased the risk of HA-VTE 2.5-fold. These findings warrant prospective validation to inform the design of future risk-stratified clinical trials of thromboprophylaxis in critically-ill children.
... VTE in children undergoing noncardiac surgery are significantly increased in the presence of a CVC, with an OR of 14.69.9,13,14,17,20,[32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42] Amankwah et al.43 found that critically ill neonates in the NICU with a CVC in place have an OR of 29.04 of developing a HA-VTE. ...
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Background: Surgery is a known risk factor for hospital-acquired venous thromboembolism (HA-VTE) in children. Objectives: To assess whether the odds of HA-VTE differs across six anatomic sites of noncardiac surgery and to identify risk factors for HA-VTE in these children. Methods: This was a multicenter, case-control study. Anatomic sites of surgery and risk factors for HA-VTE were collected on hospitalized pediatric patients who had undergone a single noncardiac surgery and developed HA-VTE (cases), and those who did not develop HA-VTE (controls), via the Children's Hospital-Acquired Thrombosis (CHAT) Registry. Logistic regression estimated the odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) between six anatomic sites of surgery and 16 putative HA-VTE risk factors. Variables with a p value of 0.10 or less in unadjusted analyses were included in adjusted models for further evaluation. The final model used backward selection, with a significance level of 0.05. Results: From January 2012 to March 2020, 163 cases (median age, 5.7 years; interquartile range [IQR], 0.3-14.2) and 208 controls (median age of 7.5 years; IQR, 3.7-12.9) met our criteria. There was no statistically significant increased odds of VTE among the types of noncardiac surgery. In the final adjusted model, central venous catheter (CVC; OR, 14.69; 95% CI, 7.06-30.55), intensive care unit (ICU) stay (OR, 5.31; 95% CI, 2.53-11.16), and hospitalization in the month preceding surgery (OR, 2.75; 95% CI, 1.24-6.13) were each independently significant risk factors for HA-VTE. Conclusion: In children undergoing noncardiac surgery, placement of CVCs, admission/transfer to the ICU, or hospitalization in the month prior to surgery were positively associated with HA-VTE.
... Известны генетические дефекты: дефицит белка С, белка S и антитромбина, а также активированная резистентность белка С, связанная с фактором V Лейдена [12,13]. У пациента Я. не отмечалось наличия дефицита протеина С и S, и антитромбин был в пределах референсных значений. ...
Introduction. The problem of neonatal thrombosis is becoming increasingly urgent in clinical practice due to its importance in the development of a complicated course of the neonatal period in children with hereditary and acquired thrombogenic risk factors. The aim of the investigation is to present a clinical case of multiple thromboses in a premature newborn infant with congenital heart disease on the background of multigenic thrombophilia, complicated by neonatal sepsis. Materials and methods. Materials for the investigation were the primary medical records: history of the newborn, medical history of the patient-newborn child with the established diagnosis of great-vessel thrombosis, with the congenital heart disease and the presence of genetic thrombophilia, who was under observation for 2 months. The findings of objective, laboratory (clinical blood tests, investigation of hemostasis parameters, homocysteine concentration, molecular-genetic study of hemostasis enzymes genes, folate cycle enzymes genes) and instrumental (CT angiography, ultrasonic examination of abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal organs, ECHO cardiography, ultrasonic Dopplerography) research methods were evaluated. Results and Discussion. In the clinical observation under consideration, there was a burdened molecular genetic background consisting of carriage of plasminogen activator inhibitor gene polymorphisms and folate cycle enzyme genes: MTHFR 677 – C/T, MTHFR 2756 – A/G, MTRR 66 – G/G, and hyperhomocysteinemia were the factors responsible for multiple thrombosis in a patient born with critical congenital heart disease (CHD), contributed to generalization of the infection process with the development of multiple organ failure, and exacerbated the postoperative period after correction of heart disease. Conclusion. The clinical case demonstrates the development of multiple thrombosis and septic process in a child born with CHD. The results of molecular genetic study proved the presence of hereditary thrombophilia in the child, which was a predictor of thrombosis development and probably a risk factor aggravating the severity of generalized infectious process, which complicated pre- and postoperative periods of the main disease, CHD.
Adolescent venous thromboembolism (VTE) has unique challenges in management, complications, and compliance to anticoagulants. Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) have been approved for pediatric VTE management, with an increasing use especially in adolescents. Primary objective is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of DOAC therapy in adolescent VTE. Secondary objectives include adverse events, bleeding events, and overall mortality. A SR protocol was registered in PROSPERO 2022 (CRD42022363928). Databases were searched from inception to September 22, 2022. Studies with children aged 10–18 years, VTE diagnosis, DOAC therapy, randomized control trials (RCTs), cohort, and relevant study types were included. Studies including prophylaxis, non‐DOAC therapy, arterial thrombosis, age outliers, non‐relevant study types were excluded. Findings are reported in accordance to PRISMA 2020. Nine reports from five studies, published between 2016 and 2022, were included. Rivaroxaban was the most common DOAC. VTE recurrence was 0.02% in the rivaroxaban phase III trial and one patient in the dabigatran phase IIb/III trial. Complete/partial thrombus resolution (CR/PR) was 76.6% in the rivaroxaban phase III trial, and 83.9% in the dabigatran phase IIb/III trial. CR/PR was found to be 68.4% in Dhaliwal et al. study and 83.3% in Hassan et al. study. Major bleeding occurred in one patient. Headache and gastrointestinal symptoms were commonly seen. All‐cause mortality occurred in a patient due to cancer progression. DOAC therapy in adolescent VTE had CR/PR in two‐thirds of the patients, with low incidence of VTE recurrence and major bleeding. As there are only two randomized controlled trial (RCTs), future adolescents’ studies are required to validate our results.
Purpose The incidence of pulmonary embolism (PE) in hospitalized children has increased in recent years. This study sought to characterize factors and outcomes associated with PE using a national pediatric cohort. Methods The Nationwide Readmissions Database was queried (2016-2018) for patients (<18 years) with a diagnosis of PE. Index and prior hospitalizations (PHs) within 1 year were analyzed. A binary logistic regression utilizing 37 covariates (demographics, procedures, comorbidities, etc.) was constructed to examine a primary outcome of in-hospital mortality. Results 3440 patients were identified (57% female) with the majority >12 years old (77%). One-third had a known deep vein thrombosis (69% lower and 31% upper extremity). Nineteen percent underwent central venous catheter (CVC) placement. Twenty-one percent had a PH within 1 year. Nine percent underwent an operation with the majority being cardiothoracic (5%). Overall mortality was 5%. Neurocranial surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, and CVC placement were associated with the highest odds of inpatient mortality after logistic regression. Conclusion Pediatric patients with PE have a high rate of PHs, CVC placement, and inpatient operations, which may be associated with higher mortality. This information can be utilized to improve screening measures and clinical suspicion for PE in hospitalized children.
Objectives: Invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) has been independently associated with hospital-acquired venous thromboembolism (HA-VTE) among critically ill children including extremity deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. We aimed to further characterize the frequency and timing of HA-VTE following IMV exposure. Methods: This was a single-center, retrospective cohort study including children 0 < 18 years of age hospitalized in a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) undergoing MV for > 24 hours from October 2020 through April 2022. Encounters with an existing tracheostomy or receiving treatment for HA-VTE prior to endotracheal intubation were excluded. The primary outcomes characterized clinically relevant HA-VTE, including timing after intubation, location, and the presence of known hypercoagulability risk-factors. Secondary outcomes were IMV exposure magnitude defined by IMV duration and ventilator parameters (i.e., volumetric, barometric, and oxygenation indices). Results: Of 170 consecutive, eligible encounters, 18 (10.6%) experienced HA-VTE at a median of 4 days (interquartile range: 1.4, 6.4) following endotracheal intubation. Those with HA-VTE had an increased frequency of a prior VTE (27.8% vs 8.6%, P = 0.027). No differences in frequency of other HA-VTE risk factors (i.e., acute immobility, hematologic malignancy, sepsis, and COVID-19 related illness), presence of a concurrent central venous catheter, or the magnitude of IMV exposure were noted. Conclusions: Children undergoing IMV experience HA-VTE at markedly higher rates than previously estimated in the general PICU population after endotracheal intubation. While prospective validation is needed, these findings are an important step toward informing the development of risk-stratified thromboprophylaxis trials in critically-ill children.
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Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) occur in pediatric patients; however, the incidence, associated morbidity, and mortality are unknown. A Canadian registry of DVT and PE in children (ages 1 month to 18 years) was established July 1, 1990 in 15 tertiary- care pediatric centers. One-hundred thirty-seven patients were identified prospectively and are the subject of this report. The incidence of DVT/PE was 5.3/10,000 hospital admissions or 0.07/10,000 children in Canada. Infants under 1 year old and teenagers predominated with equal numbers of both sexes. DVT were located in the upper (n = 50) and lower (n = 79) venous system, or as PE alone (n = 8). Central venous lines (CVLs) were present in approximately 33% of children with DVT (n = 45). Associated conditions were present in 96% of children and 90% of children had two or more associated conditions for DVT. DVT was diagnosed by venography (n = 83), duplex ultrasound (n = 37), and other combinations (n = 17). Twenty-two of the 31 ventilation/perfusion scans performed were interpreted as high-probability scans for PE. Therapy consisted of heparin (n = 115), thrombolysis (n = 15), surgical removal of a CVL or thrombus (n = 22), and oral anticoagulant therapy (n = 103). Significant bleeding complications did not occur. However, three (2.2%) children died as a direct consequence of their thromboembolic disease; DVT reoccurred in 23 children and postphlebitic syndrome (PPS) occurred in 26. In conclusion, DVTs occur in a significant number of hospitalized children with a mortality of 2.2%. Complications are not hemorrhagic, but thrombotic, and characterized by PE, recurrent disease, and PPS. In contrast to adults, the upper venous system is frequently affected because of the use of CVLs. The frequency of DVT/PE justifies controlled trials of primary prophylaxis in high-risk groups, and therapeutic trials to determine optimal treatment.
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Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is categorized by the U.S. Surgeon General as a major public health problem. VTE is relatively common and associated with reduced survival and substantial health-care costs, and recurs frequently. VTE is a complex (multifactorial) disease, involving interactions between acquired or inherited predispositions to thrombosis and VTE risk factors, including increasing patient age and obesity, hospitalization for surgery or acute illness, nursing-home confinement, active cancer, trauma or fracture, immobility or leg paresis, superficial vein thrombosis, and, in women, pregnancy and puerperium, oral contraception, and hormone therapy. Although independent VTE risk factors and predictors of VTE recurrence have been identified, and effective primary and secondary prophylaxis is available, the occurrence of VTE seems to be relatively constant, or even increasing.
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The term venous thromboembolism (VTE) includes deep venous thrombosis of the extremity and pulmonary embolism, a potentially fatal clinical entity. Although the prevalence of VTE may be lower in children compared with adults, recent reports suggest a possible rise in this diagnosis among pediatric patients, especially in association with certain risk factors. We assessed the clinical experience and practice of members of the Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America (POSNA) related to VTE among their pediatric patients. A 36-question online survey was sent to all 636 active POSNA members. The proportion of surgeons who had encountered at least 1 child with VTE and the respondents' practice of using thromboprophylaxis in children (<18 y old) was assessed. The relationship of responders' experience with VTE among pediatric patients with various practice characteristics was evaluated. The response rate was 56% (354/636). More than half (55%) [95% confidence interval (CI), 50%-60%] of the respondents could recall at least 1 (median, 2 cases/member) pediatric patient with deep venous thrombosis and 29% (95% CI, 24%-34%) could recall ≥1 child with pulmonary embolism. Approximately one quarter (23%) (95% CI, 18%-27%) of all respondents reported never using mechanical prophylaxis and almost one half (45%) (95% CI, 40%-50%) of respondents reported never using pharmacologic prophylaxis against VTE in children. Only 16% (95% CI, 12%-20%) of the respondents had a thromboprophylaxis protocol for pediatric patients. Respondent characteristics such as being in clinical practice <5 years (P=0.01) and having a surgical volume of <100 cases/y (P=0.03) were associated with a lower likelihood of encountering a pediatric patient with VTE. More than half of responding active POSNA members reported having come across at least 1 case of VTE among pediatric patients during their practice. The routine use of VTE prophylaxis for children is uncommon among pediatric orthopaedists. Further studies aimed at determining the prevalence of VTE and developing specific guidelines for prophylaxis among pediatric patients seeking orthopaedic care are warranted. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE:: IV.
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On the basis of a recent survey of Pediatric Orthopedic Society of North America members, 59% of the respondents acknowledged having encountered at least 1 child with the diagnosis of venous thromboembolism (VTE). The current survey sought further information including patient demographics, underlying diagnosis, presence of certain risk factors for VTE, and the clinical outcome. A follow-up web-based questionnaire was sent to 121 active members of Pediatric Orthopedic Society of North America who had provided their contact information in the prior survey. Thirty-eight respondents provided clinical details on 46 children. The mean age of the affected patients was 14.3 (95% confidence interval, 13.3-15.3) years and 61% were males. The average body mass index was 28 (95% confidence interval, 25-31). Forty-four percent of the patients were diagnosed with deep venous thrombosis (DVT) only, 26% with pulmonary embolism (PE) only, and 30% with both DVT and PE. Majority of the children had DVT involving the popliteal area or thigh (16 cases each). Lower extremity surgery (29 cases, including proximal femoral/tibial osteotomies, internal fixation of long bone fractures, anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, and resection of osteochondroma around the knee) and adolescence (28 cases) were the 2 most commonly cited associations. Other cases were noted with spinal surgery (8 children) and musculoskeletal infections (7 children). Three patients developed a postphlebitic syndrome, 1 had recurrent DVT and 2 children died. Both deceased children were diagnosed with DVT and PE including a 9-year-old child with a positive family history of antithrombin-3 deficiency that was not noted preoperatively. Although uncommon, potentially fatal VTE can occur among children with a variety of musculoskeletal ailments. Obtaining a family history suggestive of thrombophilia preoperatively should be encouraged. Further investigation is warranted to ascertain the role of prophylaxis against VTE among children in an orthopaedic practice. Level IV-case series.
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Meta-analyses and systematic reviews are increasingly published in the medical and surgical literature and are proliferating in the orthopaedic literature as well. “A systematic review is a review of a clearly formulated question that uses systematic and explicit methods to identify, select, and critically appraise relevant research, and to collect and analyze data from the studies that are included in the review. Statistical methods (meta-analysis) may or may not be used to analyze and summarize the results of …
In adults, pelvic and femoral fractures have a known association with venous thromboembolic disease and, thus, thromboprophylaxis is the standard of care. However, similar data for children are scarce, and recommendations for pediatric prophylaxis are less clear. Our goals were to: (1) analyze the predisposing risk factors, prevalence, and outcome (including mortality) of clinically significant venous thromboembolism; (2) investigate the use of thromboprophylaxis in pediatric trauma patients and ages at which it was given; and (3) determine the impact that central venous catheters had on the occurrence of venous thromboembolism. We reviewed the records of all pediatric patients with pelvic or femoral fracture admitted to our hospital from 1990 through 2009 for occurrence of venous thromboembolism and related mortality, use and effect of central venous catheters, use of thromboprophylaxis (heparin, warfarin, enoxaparin, or factor-X inhibitors), and patient age at administration. Of the 1782 patients, 948 had electronically searchable medication (and device) records. Ninety-five percent confidence intervals were found for all proportions with sample sizes >100, and an unpaired t test was used to compare the average age at which thromboprophylaxis was given with the average age of the total population. Of the 1782 patients, there were 3 (0.17%) diagnoses of deep vein thrombosis and no diagnoses of pulmonary embolism; there was no related mortality. Of the medication subset (948 patients) only 83 (8.8%) received some type of thromboprophylaxis. The average age of patients given thromboprophylaxis was 14.65 years (SD, 2.34). No central venous catheter was associated with any of the patients who had a venous thromboembolic event. Thromboprophylaxis was used only occasionally at our institution; >91% of patients did not receive such treatment. No morbidity or mortality was reported related to venous thromboembolism in pediatric patients with femur or pelvic fracture for whom thromboprophylaxis was used. Level II, retrospective study.
Despite underlying illnesses, children have a greater chance to survive and are expected to live 6 to 8 decades following an episode of venous or arterial thrombosis. The disproportionate benefits of preventing thrombosis and its sequelae in pediatric patients are evident. Therefore, it is necessary to develop appropriate strategies for diagnosis and management of thromboembolic events in children and to understand their acute and long-term effects. There still are many unanswered questions and clinical trials are being designed to help study these important issues.
More and more cases of venous thrombosis are diagnosed in children thanks to newer imaging modalities. Central venous catheters have become commonplace in the care of critically ill children and have contributed to the increased rate of thrombotic events. Lastly, children who develop life-threatening or chronic medical conditions are surviving longer because of advanced medical therapies; these intensive therapies can be complicated by events such as thrombosis. Over the last 10 years, specific guidelines for treating thrombosis in children have become available. Nevertheless, in many situations anticoagulant treatment is specially tailored to each individual patient's needs. Some new antithrombotic drugs which have undergone clinical testing in adults might be beneficial to paediatric patients with thromboembolic disorders; unfortunately, clinical data and reports on the use of these drugs in children, when available, are extremely limited. The aim of this review is to provide physicians with enough background information to be able to manage thrombosis in children. First, by helping them detect a thrombotic event in a child. Upon confirmation of the diagnosis, the physician will request the appropriate tests and will choose the best treatment on the basis of the guidelines and recommendations. Moreover, the paediatrician will have the information he or she needs to identify which children are at highest risk of acute thrombotic events and relevant long-term sequelae and, therefore, to decide on the appropriate prophylactic or pharmacologic strategy. Lastly, we would like to provide the paediatrician with information on future drugs with regard to the treatment and prophylaxis of thrombosis.
To assess the incidence rate (IR), changes in IR over time, risk factors, treatment, and outcomes of pediatric noncerebral thromboembolism (TE). The study included all patients aged 0 to 18 years diagnosed with first-ever noncerebral venous thromboembolism (VTE) and/or arterial TE in Denmark between 1994 and 2006. Patients were identified in national registries, followed by validation of diagnoses by medical records review. We confirmed 331 cases of VTE and 46 cases of arterial TE during 15.8 million person-years of observation, with corresponding IRs of 2.09 and 0.29 per 100 000 person-years. The IR peaked in infancy (age <1 year) for both VTE and arterial TE, with an additional peak among adolescents (age 15 to 18 years) for VTE. Boys predominated in IR of VTE in infancy, whereas girls did so in adolescence (P < .01). The IRs of VTE and arterial TE remained stable during the study period, but with an trend toward increasing VTE in 2001 to 2006 (P = .064). Underlying diseases/external triggers were present in 86.6% of the patients, and thrombophilia was present in 47.9% of the VTE cases. All-cause and TE-related 30-day case fatalities were 4.0% and 1.6%, respectively. We found age- and sex-related disparities in the IRs of pediatric VTE and arterial TE, but insignificant changes in IR from 1994 to 2006.
Venous thrombosis is an infrequent but serious cause of hospitalization in children. The epidemiology and natural history remains incompletely defined, especially in geographically distinct regions of the United States. We thus evaluated thrombosis in a single children's hospital over a 3-year period. Of 41,906 hospitalizations, 92 children were identified for review. The incidence of thrombosis was 21.9 per 10,000 admissions (0.22%). Venous thrombosis was of equal incidence in African-American and white patients. Locations of thrombosis included deep venous (51%), pulmonary (21%), renal vein (8%), intrahepatic (8%), and intracranial (12%). Risk factors for thrombosis included central catheter (32%), malignancy (18%), systemic infection (21%), neurologic disability (9%), cardiac (4%), nephrotic syndrome (3%), and autoimmune (6%). Six of 92 patients (7%) had thrombophilia. Positive family history of venous thromboembolism (VTE) or thrombophilic disorder predicted an abnormal test. Treatment included low-molecular-weight heparin (n=53), coumadin (n=12), heparin (n=10), tissue plasminogen activator (n=6), argatroban (n=1), thrombectomy (n=2), inferior vena cava filter (n=2), and no treatment (n=23). Seventy-seven percent demonstrated resolution of the VTE, 14% had persistent or recurrent VTE, and 9% died. Causes of death were malignancy, prematurity, septicemia, and congenital heart disease. Venous thrombosis is a serious comorbidity in hospitalized children. In our population, African-Americans had an equal incidence of VTE as whites. Positive family history predicted thrombophilia.