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Predicting Student Academic Performance Using Machine Learning


Abstract and Figures

The introduction of the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL), and Big Data have paved the way for research focused on improving the student learning experience and help to address challenges faced by the education system. Machine Learning technology analyzes data to recognize patterns and use them to make predictions. This paper introduces a ML model that classify and predict student academic success by utilizing supervised ML algorithms like Random Forest, Support Vector Machines, Gradient boosting, Decision Tree, Logistic Regression, Regression, Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost), and Deep Learning. This paper aims to predict student’s academic success based on historical data and identify the key factors that affect student academic success. Thus, the proposed approach offers a solution to predict student academic performance efficiently and accurately by comparing several ML models to the Deep Learning model. Results show that the Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) can predict student academic performance with an accuracy of 97.12%. Furthermore, results showed significant social and demographic features that affect student academic success. This study concludes that applying Machine Learning technology in the classroom will help educators identify gaps in student learning and enable early detection of underperforming students, thus empowering educators with informed decision-making.
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Predicting Student Academic Performance
Using Machine Learning
Opeyemi Ojajuni1, Foluso Ayeni2(B), Olagunju Akodu3, Femi Ekanoye4,
Samson Adewole4,TimothyAyo
4, Sanjay Misra5, and Victor Mbarika6
1Department of Science and Mathematics Education, Southern University and A&M College,
Baton Rouge, USA
2Department of Information Systems and Quantitative Analysis, University of Nebraska,
Omaha, USA
3Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Southern University and A&M
College, Baton Rouge, USA
4Global Technology Management and Policy Research Group, Southern University and A&M
College, Baton Rouge, USA,,
5Department of Information and Communication Engineering, Covenant University,
Ota, Nigeria
6Department of Management Information Systems, East Carolina University, Greenville, USA
Abstract. The introduction of the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence
(AI), Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL), and Big Data have paved the
way for research focused on improving the student learning experience and help
to address challenges faced by the education system. Machine Learning technol-
ogy analyzes data to recognize patterns and use them to make predictions. This
paper introduces a ML model that classify and predict student academic suc-
cess by utilizing supervised ML algorithms like Random Forest, Support Vector
Machines, Gradient boosting, Decision Tree, Logistic Regression, Regression,
Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost), and Deep Learning. This paper aims to
predict student’s academic success based on historical data and identify the key
factors that affect student academic success. Thus, the proposed approach offers
a solution to predict student academic performance efficiently and accurately by
comparing several ML models to the Deep Learning model. Results show that the
Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) can predict student academic performance
with an accuracy of 97.12%. Furthermore, results showed significant social and
demographic features that affect student academic success. This study concludes
that applying Machine Learning technology in the classroom will help educators
identify gaps in student learning and enable early detection of underperforming
students, thus empowering educators with informed decision-making.
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021
O. Gervasi et al. (Eds.): ICCSA 2021, LNCS 12957, pp. 481–491, 2021.
482 O. Ojajuni et al.
Keywords: Machine learning ·Deep learning ·Student academic performance ·
Educational data mining ·Data analytics ·Convolutional Neutral Networks
1 Introduction
Educational data mining (EDM) applies data mining, machine learning, and deep learn-
ing to data generated in an academic setting to improve student learning experiences
[1,2,3]. The interaction of students with learning platforms and materials creates large
amounts of data [4,5]. Analyzing this data provides insight into the student learning
process and student achievement. Further analysis can identify academic, demographic,
and social factors affecting student academic success. Student academic success is mea-
sured by assessing student performance across academic subjects. Teachers measure
student academic performance from different approaches, ranging from students’ final
grades, Grade Point Average (GPA), and Standardized Tests. According to reports from
the United States of America Department of Education and National Assessment of
Educational Progress (NAEP), the education system suffers from several challenges
like student academic underachievement, increased university dropout rates, graduation
delays, and inadequate student workforce readiness. Over the years, student academic
success has continued to decline, even more prevalent amongst minority students [6,7,
8]. Education technology advancements such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Real-
ity (VR), 3D printing, smart multimedia devices, Internet of Things (IoT), and Machine
Learning are beginning to improve the student learning process and management [9].
Machine Learning analyzes data to recognize patterns and use those patterns to
make predictions. Applying ML in the classroom will enable educators to identify criti-
cal factors affecting student’s success. Furthermore, ML will allow educators to identify
underperforming students, thus empowering educators with informed decision-making.
Several tools such as R Software, Python Scikit-learn, TensorFlow are currently used
in ML technology. A wide range of ML algorithms is also available for predicting stu-
dent academic performance. These algorithms include Random Forest, Support Vector
Machines (SVM), AdaBoost, Decision Tree, Naive Bayes, and K-nearest Neighbors.
In this research work, we aim to use historical education data on student academic
performance collected from the UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository to identify the
key factors that affect student academic achievement. Furthermore, the research intends
to predict future student academic success by recognizing patterns in the historical
dataset and using the patterns to make predictions. The research objectives addressed in
this research work are listed below:
1. What are the factors that have significant effect on students’ academic success?
2. How can these factors predict student academic performance using machine
The research paper is organized under the following subheading: Related research
work, methods and implementation, results, and conclusion.
Predicting Student Academic Performance Using Machine Learning 483
2 Related Research Work
Learning management systems have empowered education institutions with interactive
learning tools such as game-based, simulation applications, virtual reality, and e-learning
systems. These platforms have allowed researchers to collect and analyze student data
[2,5]. The authors [9] applied the Decision Tree, Neural Network, and Support Vector
Machine (SVM) classification ML algorithm to predict academic performance from stu-
dent internet usage behaviors. Their results showed that student internet usage behaviors
effectively predict academic performance with an accuracy of 71%–76%; however, the
authors only considered accuracy as the performance metric. In [10] work, the authors
proposed a system that uses ML algorithms trained to predict students’ academic per-
formance by classifying them into bad or good. The model was trained on data gathered
from a university source and implemented using the K-nearest neighbor and Decision
tree classifier. The result showed that the Decision tree classifier has 94.44% accuracy,
but the author considered only accuracy as its performance metrics.
Similarly, the authors [2] proposed a classification ML model using SVM and Logis-
tic regression classifiers to predict students’ academic performance. The model extracted
features from the preprocessed dataset obtained from an online educational platform to
classify student academic performance as bad, average, or good. The result showed that
the SVM produced an accuracy of 79%, which was higher than the logistic regression.
The authors considered accuracy, recall, precision, and f1-score using confusion box
metrics to evaluate the system’s performance. The authors [1] used Naïve Bayes, Ran-
dom Forest classifier, and Ensemble learners classification ML model to predict student
academic performance using a dataset comprising 887 instances of 19 attributes of first-
year students. The Random Forest classifier outperformed other models with an accuracy
of 93%. Evaluation metrics of recall, precision, and f1-score using confusion box metrics
was employed in evaluating the model performance. Research on ML in education is
still in its preliminary stages, there are still many challenges such as prediction accuracy,
overfitting, underfitting, deployment of the model that need attention. Thus, our proposed
approach offers an efficient and accurate student academic performance by comparing
several ML models to deep learning models. Generally, deep learning models have better
accuracy because they extract features from the dataset in an incremental manner. ML
algorithms are applied to the dataset to analyze and identify features that significantly
impacted student academic performance. Finally, leveraging these features, several ML
models are trained to classify and predict student academic performance category, and
we also compared the model’s performance based on accuracy score and cross-validation
3 Material and Methods
3.1 Tools
The experiments were conducted on a computer running MacOS Big Sur operating sys-
tem with the specification of 2.3 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i5 with 8 Gigabytes memory.
Python programming language was used along with Scikit-learn, and TensorFlow ML
libraries to implement algorithms, build ML model, and obtain statistical results [11,
484 O. Ojajuni et al.
3.2 Dataset
The dataset used in this study was from the UC Irvine Machine Learning repository
[13]. The dataset consists of 1044 student’s academic performance in two high schools.
The data attributes include demographic, social, and academic related features. Table 1
shows the summary of our dataset attributes.
Table 1. Dataset [13] attributes
Feature category Name of the attributes Description Attribute type
Demographical features School Student’s school Categorical
Sex Student’s sex Categorical
Age Student’s age Numeric
Address Student’s home
address type
Famsize Family size Categorical
Pstatus Parent’s cohabitation
Medu Mother’s education Numeric
Fedu Fedu - father’s
Mjob Mother’s job Categorical
Fjob Father’s job Categorical
Reason Reason to choose this
Guardian Guardian - student’s
Social features Internet Internet access at
Romantic With a romantic
Famrel Quality of family
Freetime Free time after school Numeric
Goout Going out with
Dalc Workday alcohol
Wal c Weekend alcohol
Predicting Student Academic Performance Using Machine Learning 485
Table 1. (continued)
Feature category Name of the attributes Description Attribute type
Health Current health status Numeric
Academic related features Absences Number of school
Traveltime Home to school travel
Studytime Weekly study time Numeric
Failures Number of past class
Schoolsup Extra educational
Famsup Family educational
Paid Number of past class
Activities Extra-curricular
Nursery Attended nursery
Higher Wants to take higher
Final grade Final grade Numeric
3.3 Data Preprocessing and Feature Engineering
Data preprocessing is done on the dataset to check for null values, duplicates, and invalid
values. Fortunately, our dataset is clean and ready for encoding. The final grade was
converted into multiclass categories- “excellent, good, satisfactory, poor, and failure”
under the following conditions:
Excellent final grade score is between 45–60
Good– final grade score is between 36–44
Satisfactory– final grade score is between 24–35
Poor final grade score is between 20–23
Failure final grade score is between 0–23
486 O. Ojajuni et al.
ML models require all input and output data to be attributed to numeric values.
Any data that is not numeric must be encoded to numeric values before fitting it into a
ML model. Several attributes are non-numeric and categorical in our dataset, as seen in
Table 1. This study employs the One-Hot-encoding in Python’s Scikit-Learn to encode
and normalize non-numeric and categorical data attribute type [11]. Feature engineering
techniques help in extracting important features from the dataset.
3.4 Machine Learning Classification Model
Solving problems with ML is grouped into supervised and unsupervised learning. Unsu-
pervised ML works with unstructured data, while supervised ML works with a structured
dataset where the input variables are mapped with the output variables. Supervised ML
problems are grouped into regression and classification problems [14]. Regression prob-
lems involve predicting a continuous, discrete value, for example, predicting student final
grade score. ML classification refers to the process of predicting a category from input
data points. The category output can be binary classification - “fail” or “pass” or multi-
class classification- “excellent, good, satisfactory, poor, and failure”. ML classification
is a supervised ML where input data is labeled and mapped with the output data; the ML
model lis trained to predict the output from input. Implementing a ML classifier requires
importing the necessary ML module package, then loading the dataset [14]. Data pre-
processing and cleaning are done on the dataset to check for null values, duplicates,
invalid values and encode non-numeric and category data attribute types.
After successful data preprocessing, the feature engineering technique explores the
dataset to understand the correlation relationship between variables to identify features
that significantly impact the output variable. This enabled us to improve the model’s
accuracy by removing attributes that significantly impact the output variable (final stu-
dent grade) but not an essential feature in predicting student academic performance. The
refined dataset is then split into training & testing sets. The training dataset trains the
model, and the testing dataset measures the model’s performance based on accuracy
and cross-validation. Figure 1shows this study ML model flowchart. This study built
and trained the following ML classification algorithms: Random Forest, Support Vec-
tor Machine classifier, Stochastic Gradient Descent, Decision Tree, Adaptive Boosting,
Logistic Regression, and Deep Learning. Deep learning is a technique that uses neural
network concepts to build and train ML models. Deep learning consists of the input
layer (receives the input data), hidden layer (incrementally extracts important features),
and the output layer [15]. Deep learning consisting of a Convolutional Neural Network
(CNN) model with four hidden layers is suitable for our research objectives.
Predicting Student Academic Performance Using Machine Learning 487
3.5 Machine Learning Model Performance Evaluation
ML uses the testing dataset to measure the performance of the model. Accuracy, cross-
validation, precision, recall, F1-score, confusion matrix, log loss, Receiver Operating
Characteristic (ROC), and Area Under Curve (AUC) are some of the performance metrics
used to evaluate ML classification model [16]. This research employs accuracy and
cross-validation as performance metrics to evaluate the ML classification models. The
CNN model’s performance was evaluated using a confusion matrix to calculate the
model’s accuracy, precision, and sensitivity. Accuracy is the total number of correct
predictions out of the total number of predictions [7]. Cross-validation assesses how
effective the model will work on a new dataset. The confusion matrix is an error matrix
that virtualizes ML model performance. The confusion matrix is used to calculate the
accuracy, precision, and sensitivity of the model. Precision is the ratio of correctly
predicted values to total predicted values. Sensitivity evaluates the proportion of correct
prediction the model gets right [7].
Fig. 1. ML model flowchart
4 Implementation and Result
The “plot_importance” function in Scikit-learn library help in plotting the important
features that affect student final grade. In predicting student academic performances,
the order of importance of features and its score can be seen in Fig. 2. The number of
school absences has the highest importance score. This indicates that students who miss
school are more likely to have poor academic performance. Current health status, going
out with friends, free time after school, quality of family relationships are major social
features that affect student academic performance. Mother’s job, father’s job, Parent’s
cohabitation status, student’s home address type, and reason to choose this school are
the most minor features that affect student academic performance.
488 O. Ojajuni et al.
Fig. 2. Important features and its score
To get an accurate evaluation of our model, the dataset containing 1044 students is
split into train and test dataset in 70% to 30% ratio using the ‘train_test_split’ func-
tion in sci-kit learn. After building and training the ML model, the cross-validation
function ‘cross_val_score’ helped compute the model’s average accuracy on the test
dataset. The cross-validation function divides the test dataset into smaller subsets. The
subsets are then fit into the model and compute the accuracy score five times with differ-
ent subsets each time [17]. After applying various classification models to the dataset,
different accuracy and cross-validation score were obtained for each model. Table 2
shows the accuracy and cross-validation scores for each model. The Deep Learning
model gave an accuracy of 72.74%, precision of 30.31%, and sensitivity of 31.38% .
Figure 3shows the confusion matrix used in calculating the performance matrix. The
Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) model outperforms other models in predicting
student academic performance. XGBoost Model gave 97.12% accuracy and 35.67%
cross-validation. Since the XGBoost model gave the best accuracy, this indicates that
the XGBoost ML model is the most suitable ML model considering the nature of our
dataset and research objectives.
Predicting Student Academic Performance Using Machine Learning 489
Table 2. Comparison of Machine Learning models
ML classifier Accuracy (%) Cross validation (%)
Decision Tree Model 47.95 30.89
Random Forest Model 92.60 35.66
Support Vector Classifier Model 42.88 34.39
Logistic Regression Model 40.96 36.62
Ada Boost Model 35.75 32.48
Stochastic Gradient Descent 33.69 33.121
XGBoost Model 97.12 35.67
Deep Learning (CNN) 72.22 Precision =30.31
Sensitivity =31.38
Fig. 3. Deep Learning confusion matrix
5 Conclusion and Future Work
This study has strengthened and explored how Machine learning can empower educators
with informed decision-making. Predicting student academic performance or success is
an essential concept in tackling the student academic performance crisis. This study
used several ML classification models to predict student academic performance. Results
showed a range of accuracy from 33% to 98% and a range of cross-validation from
30% to 37%. The XGBoost Model is the most suitable ML model by achieving 97.12%
accuracy and 35.67% cross-validation. Furthermore, results showed that the number of
school absences, current health status, going out with friends, free time after school,
quality of family relationships is significant features that affect student academic perfor-
mance. This study concludes that this research work can help educators identify gaps in
490 O. Ojajuni et al.
student learning and enable early detection of underachieving students, thus empower-
ing educators with informed decision-making, ultimately improving student academic
success and learning process.
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... AI and ML algorithms in education improve learning experiences by personalizing instruction, analyzing student performance, predicting dropouts, and detecting plagiarism, creating customized learning paths and providing feedback (August & Tsaima, 2021). Techniques like Support Vector Machines and Random Forest predict academic success and identify key performance factors (Ojajuni et al., 2021;Pallathadka et al., 2022). Dropout prediction enables timely interventions for atrisk students (Albreiki et al., 2021), and ML aids in maintaining academic integrity through plagiarism detection (Kronivets et al., 2024). ...
... Dropout prediction enables timely interventions for atrisk students (Albreiki et al., 2021), and ML aids in maintaining academic integrity through plagiarism detection (Kronivets et al., 2024). Despite the high accuracy of models like Extreme Gradient Boosting (Ojajuni et al., 2021), challenges such as imbalanced data and feature engineering persist (Abuzinadah et al., 2023). Moreover, ML in plagiarism detection must address legal and ethical considerations (Kronivets et al., 2024). ...
... Research by Baker and Siemens (2014) demonstrates that ML can develop adaptive learning systems that dynamically adjust content based on student interactions with the system. Multiple studies utilize ML technologies for student performance analysis, analyzing data to identify patterns that can predict academic success and facilitate targeted interventions (Maulana et al., 2023;Ojajuni et al., 2021;Singh & Kumar, 2021). Studies compare SVM and Random Forest classification algorithms for student performance analysis, with hybrid approaches like SVM-NN Learning Algorithm proposed for hybrid approaches (Singh & Kumar, 2021). ...
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This study explores machine learning's role in multicultural education, identifying benefits and challenges, and offering practical recommendations for effective implementation. It aims to cultivate inclusivity, empathy, and mutual understanding in a diverse society. The research uses a library research methodology to analyze existing literature from academic journals, books, and reports, providing case studies and practical examples to demonstrate the application of machine learning in multicultural education. Machine learning can improve multicultural education by personalizing learning experiences and adapting content to diverse backgrounds, but challenges like algorithmic bias, inadequate educator training, and resource limitations need to be addressed. This research explores the integration of machine learning (ML) in multicultural education, offering practical insights and recommendations for promoting inclusivity and equity in diverse educational settings
... For example, different algorithms are utilised to predict the student's academic success, including Random Forest (RF), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Gradient boosting, Decision Tree (DT), Logistic Regression (LR), Linear Regression, Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost), and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). They achieved 97% accuracy using XGBoost [33]. Another variant of tree-based algorithms, the Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM), has been used to predict students' academic performance in Brazil. ...
... Tree-based models e.g., Decision Trees (DT), Random Forest (RF), Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM), Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) and others Predicting academic success [33]. Predicting academic success and user satisfaction [35]. ...
... As demonstrated by previous studies [32,33,36,37,40], the integration of ML techniques to predict users' satisfaction can enhance the decision-making process by enabling stakeholders to understand users' needs and preferences better and subsequently improve the design, implementation, and maintenance of ICT systems. However, the integration of ML models towards predicting user satisfaction with ICT systems for administration tasks, especially in Saudi education systems, is still unknown. ...
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Effective and efficient use of information and communication technology (ICT) systems in the administration of educational organisations is crucial to optimise their performance. Earlier research on the identification and analysis of ICT users’ satisfaction with administration tasks in education is limited and inconclusive, as they focus on using ICT for nonadministrative tasks. To address this gap, this study employs Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in conjunction with a survey technique to predict the satisfaction of ICT users. In doing so, it provides an insight into the key factors that impact users’ satisfaction with the ICT administrative systems. The results reveal that AI and ML models predict ICT user satisfaction with an accuracy of 94%, and identify the specific ICT features, such as usability, privacy, security, and Information Technology (IT) support as key determinants of satisfaction. The ability to predict user satisfaction is important as it allows organisations to make data-driven decisions on improving their ICT systems to better meet the needs and expectations of users, maximising labour effort while minimising resources, and identifying potential issues earlier. The findings of this study have important implications for the use of ML in improving the administration of educational institutions and providing valuable insights for decision-makers and developers.
... The purpose of this review is to investigate the various elements that affect student performance as well as the predictive modeling approaches used, with an emphasis on machine learning. According to Ojajuni et al. (2021), technological advances like the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), deep learning (DL), and big data have opened up avenues for study aimed at enhancing the educational experience for students and tackling issues the educational system faces. The ability to examine massive datasets and extract insightful information has revolutionized the prediction of academic achievement through machine learning technology, which analyzes data to identify patterns and generate predictions. ...
... The purpose of this review is to investigate the various elements that affect student performance as well as the predictive modeling approaches used, with an emphasis on machine learning. According to Ojajuni et al. (2021), technological advances like the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), deep learning (DL), and big data have opened up avenues for study aimed at enhancing the educational experience for students and tackling issues the educational system faces. The ability to examine massive datasets and extract insightful information has revolutionized the prediction of academic achievement through machine learning technology, which analyzes data to identify patterns and generate predictions. ...
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In higher education, accurately predicting a student's academic success is still a major difficulty. Conventional approaches, which frequently depend on statistics and results from standardized tests, might not adequately account for the variety of factors that affect students' achievement. This study investigates how elements other than traditional measurements can be taken into account by machine learning algorithms to improve the prediction of academic performance for students. We constructed a variety of machine learning models (both Regressors and Classifiers), including Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Gradient Boosting, Random Forest, K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), and Naïve Bayes, using a diversified dataset from the Higher School of Economics. According to our research, these sophisticated methods can reveal minute patterns and connections, which could increase prediction accuracy and provide us a better understanding of the variables affecting academic success. The SVM model outperformed other models in classification tests, as evidenced by its greatest AUC-ROC score, which indicates its greater ability to differentiate between various student performance levels. The Random Forest regressor was found to be the best-performing algorithm for regression tasks, highlighting important factors including self-discipline, university affiliation, class attendance, and enjoyment of projects. The goal of this research is to provide efficient support systems for student learning and success by highlighting the useful advantages of using machine learning into educational environments. Educational institutions can gain a deeper understanding of and improve the elements that contribute to student accomplishment by utilizing these sophisticated analytical techniques.
... The authors compared XGBoost's results with those of Random Forest, Lasso, Elastic Net, Support Vector Machine, and Decision Tree, with XGBoost demonstrating the best predictive results. (Ojajuni et al., 2021) employed a range of machine learning models including Random Forest, Support Vector Machine, Gradient Boosting, Decision Tree, Logistic Regression, Deep Learning, and XGBoost to predict learner performance. The results showed that XGBoost was highly effective at forecasting learner performance. ...
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The huge amount of data generated by an Intelligent Tutoring System becomes useful when analyzed in an appropriate way to provide significant insights about learners, especially his or her performance. Performance data retrieved from historical interactions is the main engine for learner performance prediction, where the likelihood of the learner answering correctly future questions is calculated. Modeling learner performance can provide significant insights into individual students to promote successful learning and maximize educational achievement. This study aims to enhance the learner performance prediction of some logistic regression-based models, namely Item Response Theory, Performance Factor Analysis, and DAS3H using XGBoost, including an empirical comparison of eight real-world datasets, containing performance log data collected from different online intelligent tutoring systems, involving the first time a new dataset from Moodle Morocco. The results have demonstrated that the XGBoost has enhanced PFA predictive performance on seven datasets with an AUC of up 0.88 and improved the DAS3H AUC on the ASSISTment17 dataset while conserving almost the same predictive results for Item Response Theory on some datasets.
... [38]examining the connection between university students' social anxiety and self-esteem, this article emphasises that those who have higher levels of social anxiety frequently have lower self-esteem, which is a sign of underlying social phobia. [39] used the Potential therapies for diagnosing and assisting students struggling with social phobia are suggested by the advice for workshops and seminars to manage stress, social anxiety, and increase self-esteem [40] The paper offers a pertinent basis for evaluating a paper on Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) and focuses on the examination of brain responses to social threat stimuli by functional MRI and SVM analysis. While the paper primarily focuses on SAD, its insights may have wider significance for comprehending and even diagnosing social phobia in general. ...
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Students in high school commonly struggle with social anxiety, which has a negative effect on both their academic performance and emotional health. The various forms of social anxiety that students at Little Scholars Matriculation Hr. Sec. School in Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India, exhibit become the subject of this study. The study uses a strong analytical framework to investigate social phobia experiences by utilizing techniques like machine learning, clustering techniques, data exploration, and correlation analyses. A measurable increase in distress with the severity of social phobia is revealed by visual plots based on answers to a 17-item Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN) questionnaire. Correlation analyses clarify complex relationships between survey items, revealing the complex dynamics of high school social interactions. Using clustering techniques, different subgroups of students are found within the student population according to shared or unique traits related to social anxiety. By utilizing machine learning, the latent features linked to every survey question offer a more thorough comprehension of the factors affecting the reported levels of distress. In addition to defining social anxiety, the study draws attention to particular social phobia characteristics at Little Scholars School. In order to address identified fears, the research suggests an innovative strategy that involves creating customized scenarios using Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies. This creative method emphasizes the cooperation of experts in psychology, education, and technology across disciplinary boundaries, providing a focused and immersive approach to reduce social anxiety. The study concludes by making recommendations for future paths for widespread adoption and ongoing investigation of cutting-edge technological advancements in mental health support systems, in addition to highlighting the possible advantages of VR and AR therapy for high school students.
... AI can also be utilized to give staff and students feedback. Both students and teachers can benefit from this input in terms of learning improvement (Ojajuni et al., 2021). ...
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The study explores the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) frameworks in transforming academic programs into adaptive, industry-relevant programs. The paper explores the development, validation, and effectiveness of artificial intelligence (AI) frameworks in aligning academic programs with the digital enterprise while highlighting the importance of these frameworks in enhancing graduates' digital skills and employability. Through a comprehensive analysis of existing literature, the paper highlights the significance of AI frameworks in bridging the gap between academia and industry requirements. It also presents case studies and empirical evidence to demonstrate the effectiveness of these frameworks in enhancing graduates' digital competencies. The findings emphasize the need for educational institutions to adopt AI frameworks to equip graduates with the necessary skills for success in the digital age. The research highlights the need for educational institutions to adapt to the rapidly changing digital landscape. The study shows significant improvements in graduates' digital literacy, problem-solving abilities, and adaptability to technological advancements. The real-world implications of these AI-driven educational interventions highlight the transformative potential of integrating AI technologies in education.
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The accumulation of big educational data on the platforms of universities and social media leads to the need to develop tools for extracting regularities from educational data, which can be used for understanding the behavioral patterns of students and teachers, improve teaching methods and the quality of the educational process, as well as form sound strategies and policies for universities development. This article provides an analysis and systematization of datasets on available repositories, taking into account the learning analytics problems solved on their basis. In particular, the article notes the predominance of datasets aimed at solving analytical problems at the level of student’s behavior understanding, Datasets aimed at solving analytical problems at the level of understanding the needs of teachers and administrative and managerial staff of universities are practically absent. Meanwhile, the full potential of learning analytics tools can only be revealed by introducing an integrated approach to the analysis of educational data, taking into account the needs of all participants and organizers of the educational process. This review article discusses learning analytics methods related to the study of social interaction patterns between students and teachers, and learning analytics tools from the implementation of simple dashboards to complex frameworks that explore various levels of learning analytics. The problems and limitations that prevent learning analytics from realizing its potential in universities are considered. It is noted that universities are generally interested in introducing learning analytics tools that can improve the quality of the educational process by developing strategies for targeted support for individual groups of students, however, teachers treat such initiatives with caution due to a lack of data analysis skills and correct interpretation of analysis results. The novelty of this analytical review is associated with the consideration of learning analytics at different levels of its implementation in the context of approaches to openness, processing and analysis of educational data. This article will be of interest to developers of learning analytics tools, scientific and pedagogical workers, and administrative and managerial staff of universities from the point of view of forming an idea of the integrity of the university analytics process, taking into account various levels of analytics implementation aimed at understanding the needs and requirements of all participants in the educational process.
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Recent advancements in information technologies have made it a common practice to analyze educational data from various sources. Determining and analyzing these data could improve the education system by identifying the factors influencing students' academic performance and assessing their performance status. Thus, studies on predicting students' academic performance, gaining a high accuracy level, and extracting insights from massive volumes of educational data are still significant factors among researchers. In this study, predicting the academic performance of students using decision tree (DT), logistic regression (LR), random forest (RF), support vector machine (SVM), and naïve Bayes (NB) algorithm utilizing the data from Agusan del Sur State College of Agriculture and Technology (ASSCAT). The result shows that the best model of all five algorithms was the logistic regression, which obtained an accuracy of 0.91, followed by the support vector machine, which yielded an accuracy rate of 0.90. Logistic regression model can assist the university administrators, faculty, and students predict which students may underperform, allowing for timely intervention.
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Today, all institutions and companies are accelerating the use of AI technologies in their businesses to achieve a clear vision and quality results. The education sector is one of the sectors where AI can be used because of big data. In this work we created a machine-based learning model to predict a student's educational performance. The developed model relied on the student's previous data and performance in the last stage of the school. The model showed a very accurate accuracy rate that can be adopted.
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Student performance prediction is very important to understand the student progress rate. It is said that ‘Prevention is better than the cure’. In this Research, we are trying to find out student's current status and predict his/her future results. After the outcome, teachers can give him/her proper advice to avoid the poor result and also can groom the student. By finding out the dependencies for final examinations. Which courses he/she should take in the upcoming semester (roles of adviser/teacher). Every year a lot of students lag behind because of lack of proper advice and monitoring. A teacher can't monitor each and every single student at once. If a system can help a Teacher about the students like which student needs which kind of help. Then it will be much helpful for both teachers and students. The aim is helping the student to avoid his/her predicted poor result using Artificial Intelligence. If a student could know what will be his/her result in the future and notify him/her what to do to avoid his/her bad results by predicting the final examinations mark. This research would be helpful for the students and teachers with the highest accuracy of 94.88%.
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The increasing rate of high (secondary) school leavers choosing academic majors to study at the university without proper guidance has most times left students with unfavorable consequences including low grades, extra year(s), the need to switch programs and ultimately having to withdraw from the university. In a bid to proffer a solution to the issue, this research aims to build an expert system that recommends university or academic majors to high school students in developing countries where there is a dearth of human career counselors. This is to reduce the adverse effects caused as a result of wrong choices made by students. A mobile rule-based expert system supported with ontology was developed for easy accessibility by the students.