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Depression and Chronic Health Conditions Among Latinos: The Role of Social Networks



The purpose of this study was to examine the “buffering hypothesis” of social network characteristics in the association between chronic conditions and depression among Latinos. Cross-sectional self-report data from the San Diego Prevention Research Center’s community survey of Latinos were used (n = 393). Separate multiple logistic regression models tested the role of chronic conditions and social network characteristics in the likelihood of moderate-to-severe depressive symptoms. Having a greater proportion of the network comprised of friends increased the likelihood of depression among those with high cholesterol. Having a greater proportion of women in the social network was directly related to the increased likelihood of depression, regardless of the presence of chronic health conditions. Findings suggest that network characteristics may play a role in the link between chronic conditions and depression among Latinos. Future research should explore strategies targeting the social networks of Latinos to improve health outcomes.
Depression and Chronic Health Conditions Among Latinos:
The Role of Social Networks
Sandra Soto
Elva M. Arredondo
Miguel T. Villodas
John P. Elder
Elena Quintanar
Hala Madanat
ÓSpringer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Abstract The purpose of this study was to examine the
‘buffering hypothesis’’ of social network characteristics in
the association between chronic conditions and depression
among Latinos. Cross-sectional self-report data from the
San Diego Prevention Research Center’s community sur-
vey of Latinos were used (n=393). Separate multiple
logistic regression models tested the role of chronic con-
ditions and social network characteristics in the likelihood
of moderate-to-severe depressive symptoms. Having a
greater proportion of the network comprised of friends
increased the likelihood of depression among those with
high cholesterol. Having a greater proportion of women in
the social network was directly related to the increased
likelihood of depression, regardless of the presence of
chronic health conditions. Findings suggest that network
characteristics may play a role in the link between chronic
conditions and depression among Latinos. Future research
should explore strategies targeting the social networks of
Latinos to improve health outcomes.
Keywords Depression Chronic diseases Social
network Social support Latinos
The combined rate of mild, moderate, and severe depres-
sion among Latinos is estimated at 26 % [1]. Given that by
2050, 30 % of the total U.S. population is expected to be
Latino [2], understanding the clinical, behavioral, and
social factors associated with depression among this group
is imperative. Studies suggest an association between
chronic conditions and depression [3], in particular among
individuals with diabetes [4], arthritis [5], and a history of
heart disease and stroke [6]. Co-occurrence of physical and
mental health conditions warrant an investigation of the
mechanisms underlying their connection.
Social networks consist of the social relationships that
surround an individual and include family members,
friends, and others [7]. These networks are important
because they facilitate the flow of resources to individuals
that can modify mental and physical health [8]. For
example, networks can either promote or prohibit the flow
of health information, social support, and access to other
resources that can improve or hinder health and health
behaviors [9]. Additionally, social networks can determine
social norms that result in the ‘‘spread’’ of health and health
behaviors (e.g., obesity and tobacco use) [10].
On the whole, research suggests that characteristics of the
social network are related to improved physical [11] and
mental [9] health outcomes. Specifically, social networks
have been shown to buffer, or moderate the relationship
between chronic conditions and mental health [12,13].
Cohen’s [14] ‘‘buffering hypothesis’’ posits that the social
support received from social networks could reduce the
&Sandra Soto
San Diego Joint Doctoral Program in Public Health (Health
Behavior), San Diego State University/University of
California, 9245 Sky Park Court, Suite 221, San Diego,
CA 92123-4311, USA
Institute for Behavioral and Community Health, San Diego,
Division of Health Promotion and Behavioral Science,
Graduate School of Public Health, San Diego State
University, San Diego, CA, USA
Department of Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences,
Florida International University, Miami, FL, USA
County of San Diego, Health and Human Services Agency,
South Region, San Diego, CA, USA
J Immigrant Minority Health
DOI 10.1007/s10903-016-0378-2
negative impact (e.g., depressive symptoms) of difficult
situations (e.g., chronic health conditions). For example,
members of the social network may provide support for
managing the symptoms and burdens of chronic conditions,
thus diminishing the impact of the condition(s) on mental
health [11]. Network members, in particular women, who
tend to adopt a caregiving role [15], may also provide
additional social support in a manner that increases self-
esteem and feelings of hope [16]. Among older adults, living
with a partner and feeling less lonely buffered the associa-
tion between having a chronic condition (e.g., atheroscle-
rosis, lung diseases and arthritis) and reporting depressive
symptoms [17]. In another study, among a sample of adults
with type 2 diabetes (n=119; 29 % Latino), satisfaction
with support and the size of the support network buffered the
burden of having diabetes on diabetes distress [18].
Although there is theoretical and empirical evidence for
the buffering role of social networks in physical and mental
health [9,19], most evidence is among non-Latino white
populations, which fail to acknowledge the interdependent
culture of Latinos [9]. Characteristics of Latino culture,
including familism (i.e., the central role of family in Latino
culture) [20], may enhance the role of the social network,
making the network a more relevant factor in health out-
comes among this population [21,22]. For example, family
support tends to be greater among Latinos compared to non-
Latinos even though support from families lessens as Lati-
nos become more acculturated to U.S. culture [22]. Tight
social networks often found in traditional Latino culture
have been identified as one possible explanation for ‘‘the
Latino paradox’’, which posits that recent Latino immi-
grants tend to have better health outcomes (e.g., lower car-
diovascular disease and all-cause mortality) than non-Latino
whites and other Latinos and minorities of similar socioe-
conomic status [23]. This phenomenon has also been
observed for lower prevalence of mental health disorders
among recent immigrants and Latinos who predominantly
speak Spanish relative to other Latinos [24]. The unraveling
of tight social networks, loss of resources, and reduced
social support experienced by Latinos after prolonged resi-
dence in the U.S. may increase their risk for poor health
outcomes [23]. It is therefore important to investigate if and
how social networks buffer the impact of chronic health
conditions on depression among Latinos residing in the U.S.
Thus, the purpose of this study is to test the ‘‘buffering
hypothesis’’ of social networks in the relationship between
chronic health conditions and depression. It is anticipated
that the presence of a larger social network, more family in
the network (vs. friends), more women in the network (vs.
men), and longer–lasting relationships in the network will
buffer the association between having a chronic condition
and reporting moderate-to-severe depressive symp-
toms among Latinos.
Design and Procedures
This is a secondary analysis study using cross-sectional
self-report data from the San Diego Prevention Research
Center’s (SDPRC) community survey with 397 predomi-
nantly Mexican-origin Latino residents of southern San
Diego County. Data collection occurred between June and
September 2009 with residents from four communities
close to the U.S.–Mexico border using a multistage sam-
pling method. Initially, 200 out of 1958 census blocks from
the four communities were randomly selected for house-
hold recruitment and houses in the chosen census blocks
were enumerated. Then, a skip pattern was used to ran-
domly select 4123 houses for recruitment.
Households were eligible for the study if at least one
household member identified as Latino and lived in the
house for at least four or more days per week. After
households were recruited and consented, a list of house-
hold members was obtained and used to randomly select a
Latino member who was at least 18 years old to complete
the survey. Two bilingual and bicultural research assistants
conducted home visits to assist participants with the survey
in either English or Spanish. The study objectives and
procedures were explained to the household member and
verbal consent was obtained. The San Diego State
University and University of California, San Diego Insti-
tutional Review Boards approved the study protocol and
The 9-item Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) [25]was
used to assess the presence of depressive symptoms in the past
2 weeks. Response options range from 0 (not at all)to3
(nearly every day). The PHQ-9 has been validated among a
racially/ethnically diverse sample of 5053 patients from
obstetrics and gynecology (n=2128) and primary care
(n=1964), consisting of 974 Latinos, 73.6 % of whom
predominantly spoke Spanish [26]. Over 50 % of the primary
care patients had a physician-reported chronic health
J Immigrant Minority Health
condition (e.g., hypertension, arthritis, diabetes). The authors
noted no racial/ethnic group differences in the higher end of
the scale (moderately severe to severe depressive symptoms)
and internal consistency was .80. Scores range from 0 to 27
with higher scores indicating more depressive symptoms.
Developers identified cut-points to determine the severity of
depression, ranging from none to severe. Given the low
prevalence of more severe categories of depression in the
current sample, the alternative, clinically significant cutoff
value of ten or greater recommended by the developers was
used to indicate moderate-to-severe depressive symptoms.
Among the present sample, internal consistency was .83.
Chronic Conditions
Participants were asked if a healthcare provider had ever told
them that they have the following medical conditions: dia-
betes, heart disease (includes arteriosclerosis, angina/coro-
nary heart disease, or stroke), hypertension, high cholesterol,
asthma, cancer, and/or arthritis or other joint pain. Each health
condition was treated as a separate dichotomous variable. In
addition, a continuous variable was created from the total
number of health conditions reported by the participant.
Social Network
Characteristics of the social network were captured using
an egocentric network approach [27]. In this approach,
participants describe their social network from their per-
spective [28]. Participants were asked to list up to five
individuals that they ‘have relied on to talk with about
personal issues or problems’ during the past year [29]. For
each person listed, participants reported the following: (1)
the gender of the person, (2) their relationship to the person
(e.g., friend), and (3) the length of time in years they have
known the person (length of association). The character-
istics of each individual named in the network were com-
bined to form an egocentric social network for each
participant [28]. For example, the number of friends named
by a participant was used to develop a variable indicating
the proportion of friends in that participant’s network. This
scheme was used for all other members named in the
network. The length of association was averaged across all
individuals named by the participant. The size of the net-
work was assessed by the sum of the number of individuals
listed in the network (ranging from 0 to 5). Finally, marital
status was used to further characterize the social network.
The following demographic information was col-
lected from the participants: age, gender, level of educa-
tion, and employment status. Country of birth and number
of years living in the U.S. were used as proxy measures for
Data Analysis
Descriptive statistics of the sample, the outcome variable
(moderate-to-severe depression) and the predictor variables
(chronic health conditions and social network characteris-
tics) were obtained. Initially, bivariate logistic regression
models were tested with each chronic condition and social
network characteristic separately predicting the depression
variable. Then, multiple logistic regression was used to
model the odds of moderate-to-severe depression, pre-
dicted by each chronic condition and social network
characteristic separately, controlling for the following
demographic variables: age, gender, marital status, number
of years living in the U.S., and employment status. If sta-
tistically significant interactions between a chronic condi-
tion and a social network characteristic was found, it was
probed in post hoc analyses by exploring the simple slopes
of the regression of depression and the chronic health
condition at three levels of the mean-centered social net-
work characteristic: one standard deviation above the
mean, at the mean, and one standard deviation below the
mean [30]. Statistical significance was established at
p\0.05. Analyses were performed using SAS
Four participants were removed from the analysis because
they did not respond to the chronic disease or depression
questions, resulting in a total sample size of 393. Table 1
presents the demographic characteristics of the sample.
Participants were primarily (73 %) female, had an average
age of 44 (±17), were unemployed (54 %), had less than a
high school education (55 %), and were born outside the
U.S. (77 %). More than 75 % of participants who were
born outside the U.S. were born in Mexico and had been
living in the U.S. an average of 21 (±13) years. Twelve
percent of participants reported moderate-to-severe
depressive symptoms and nearly half reported at least one
chronic condition. Due to the low prevalence of cancer and
asthma (3 and 7 %, respectively), these conditions were not
included in the analyses. On average, participants reported
4 individuals in their social network (±1). The majority of
the network was comprised of women (64 %) versus men
and family (55 %) versus others. Sixty percent of partici-
pants were married or cohabitating, and the average
amount of time that participants knew those in their net-
work was 22 (±13) years.
J Immigrant Minority Health
Table 2presents bivariate results of each chronic con-
dition and social support characteristic and Table 3pre-
sents results combining each of the chronic health
conditions with each social network characteristic, adjust-
ing for covariates. At the bivariate level, individuals with
the following chronic health conditions were more likely to
report moderate-to-severe depression: heart disease (OR
3.58; 95 % CI 1.59–8.05), hypertension (OR 2.05; 95 % CI
1.08–3.88), high cholesterol (OR 2.67; 95 % CI
1.42–5.02), arthritis (OR 4.21; 95 % CI 2.11–8.42), and the
total number of conditions (OR 1.51; 95 % CI 1.24–1.83).
With the exception of hypertension, these chronic condi-
tions remained significantly related to moderate-to-severe
depression in the presence of each social network charac-
teristic and after adjusting for covariates (Table 3). The
association between heart disease and depressive symp-
toms ranged from OR 2.80 (95 % CI 1.03–7.58) with the
size of the network variable in the model to OR 2.99 (95 %
CI 1.09–8.20) with the length of association variable in the
model. For high cholesterol, the association with depres-
sive symptoms ranged from OR 2.94 (95 % CI 1.33–6.48)
with the percentage of women variable in the model to OR
3.91 (95 % CI 1.72–8.91) with the length of association
variable in the model. Between arthritis and depressive
symptoms, the association ranged from OR 5.43 (95 % CI
1.85–15.90) with the percentage of the network comprised
of the partner variable in the model to OR 6.33 (95 % CI
2.02–19.82) with the length of association variable in the
model. Finally, the association between the number of
conditions and moderate-to-severe depressive symptoms
ranged from OR 1.73 (95 % CI 1.26–2.38) with the per-
centage of women variable in the model to OR 1.83 (95 %
CI 1.32–2.54) with the length of association variable in the
model. Individuals with a greater percentage of women in
Table 1 San Diego prevention
research center’s community
survey participant
characteristics (n=393)
Demographic characteristics % (n) or mean ±SD
Female 73 (288)
Mean age 44 ±17
Unemployed (vs. employed) 54 (212)
\High school/GED (vs. Chigh school/GED) 55 (214)
Born outside of the US 77 (304)
Mexico 76 (300)
U.S. 23 (89)
Other 1 (4)
Mean years living in the US (only if foreign-born) 21 ±13
Disease prevalence
Depressive symptoms 4.33 ±4.72
None-to-mild (0–9) 88 (347)
Moderate-to-severe (10–27) 12 (46)
Diabetes 13 (52)
Heart disease, arteriosclerosis, angina/coronary heart disease or stroke 9 (35)
Hypertension 26 (101)
High cholesterol 27 (104)
Arthritis 14 (55)
Presence of at least one of the above diseases
46 (182)
Social network characteristics
Social network size 4 ±1
Mean percentage of network comprised of women (vs. men) 64 ±29
Mean percentage of network comprised of:
Family (excludes partner/spouse) 55 ±36
Friends 29 ±35
Partner/spouse 12 ±19
Other 3 ±10
Married or cohabitating (vs. single, divorced, widowed, or separated) 60 (234)
Length of association with network individuals in years 22 ±13
SD standard deviation
Does not include depressive symptoms
J Immigrant Minority Health
the social network were more likely to report moderate-to-
severe depressive symptoms at the bivariate (OR 7.68;
95 % CI 2.21–26.73) and multivariate levels, ranging from
OR 5.17 (95 % CI 1.23–21.71) with high cholesterol in the
model to OR 6.75 (95 % CI 1.53–29.80) with arthritis in
the model. None of the other social network characteristics
were directly related to moderate-to-severe depressive
All possible interactions between the chronic health
conditions and the social network characteristics were
tested. Table 4describes the simple slopes of the only
statistically significant social network moderator found in
this sample. Those with a history of high cholesterol were
more likely to have moderate-to-severe depressive symp-
toms when they had average (OR 3.03; 95 % CI 1.35–6.83)
and above average (OR 6.81; 95 % CI 2.43–19.05) per-
centage of friends in their network, adjusting for age,
marital status, employment status, gender, and the number
of years living in the U.S.
The ‘‘buffering hypothesis’’ was confirmed with one social
network characteristic in the relationship between chronic
conditions and moderate-to-severe depressive symptoms.
Although our findings did not support our hypothesis that
having more family in the network would buffer the rela-
tionship between chronic diseases and depressive symp-
toms, having more friends in the network was found to
increase the odds of moderate-to-severe depressive symp-
toms among those with high cholesterol. In other words,
the greater the percentage of the network comprised of
friends, the more likely individuals with high cholesterol
were to report moderate-to-severe depressive symptoms.
This finding is in contrast to previous literature showing
that friendships, rather than family relationships, are more
important in promoting mental health [31,32]. However, it
is important to note that these studies were not conducted
among younger, Latino adults as was the case in the cur-
rent sample. There may be cultural mechanisms for why
the relationship between friends and depressive symptoms
is inverted in the present sample that should be further
explored. Furthermore, researchers have noted that indi-
viduals with high cholesterol are less likely to report
symptoms of depression [3335], possibly due to the anti-
depressive effect of prescription statins [35]; therefore,
adherence to these medications results in fewer depressive
symptoms. Studies indicate that individuals are more
adherent to their medication regimen if they have strong
family support [36]. Thus, those with more support from
friends may be less adherent to their cholesterol medica-
tions than those with less support from friends (and
potentially more family support), and therefore may not
benefit from the antidepressant effects of their statin
medications. Further research among samples with a higher
prevalence of moderate-to-depressive symptoms is needed
to confirm this theory.
Although there was no additional evidence of the
‘buffering hypothesis’’ of social networks between the
association of chronic health conditions and depressive
symptoms, we did find a consistent direct and inverse
association between having women in the network and
moderate-to-severe depressive symptoms. In other words,
the greater the percentage of women in the social network,
the more likely individuals were to report depressive
symptoms. This finding supports the conclusions from a
study of a densely interconnected social network of 12,067,
primarily Caucasian individuals [37]. The authors noted
that female friends were more influential in the spread of
depression than male friends, and reasoned that this was
because women communicate their mood states more
effectively than men. Another possible explanation for our
finding is that women may exert an abundance of support,
perceived as control over one’s health (e.g., changes to the
diet, limiting alcohol consumption), resulting in emotional
distress, feelings of dependency, and helplessness [17,19,
3840]. On the other hand, researchers have also shown
that women positively influence the mental health of others
by providing more emotional and instrumental support and
Table 2 Bivariate logistic regression results of moderate-severe
depressive symptoms with chronic health conditions and social net-
work characteristics (n=393)
Moderate-severe depressive symptoms
OR (95 % CI)
Chronic health conditions
Diabetes 2.02 (0.93–4.36)
Heart disease 3.58 (1.59–8.05)**
Hypertension 2.05 (1.08–3.88)*
High cholesterol 2.67 (1.42–5.02)**
Arthritis 4.21 (2.11–8.42)***
Number of conditions 1.51 (1.24–1.83)***
Social network characteristics
Size of network 0.83 (0.66–1.04)
Percentage women 7.68 (2.21–26.73)**
Percentage partner 0.11 (0.01–1.05)
Percentage friends 1.97 (0.85–4.56)
Percentage relatives 0.79 (0.34–1.84)
Length of association 0.98 (0.96–1.01)
Marital status
0.78 (0.42–1.45)
df degrees of freedom, OR odds ratio, CI confidence interval
*p\0.05; ** p\0.01; *** p\0.001
Reference =not married or cohabitating
J Immigrant Minority Health
Table 3 Multiple logistic regression results between moderate-to-severe depressive symptoms, chronic health conditions, and social network characteristics (n=393)
Moderate-to-severe depressive symptoms
(95 % CI)
Model 1:
Size of network
Model 2:
% Women
Model 3:
% Partner
Model 4:
% Friend
Model 5: %
Model 6:
Marital status
Model 7: Length
of association
Diabetes 1.90 (0.74–4.88) 1.75 (0.68–4.49) 1.71 (0.67–4.36) 1.84 (0.72–4.68) 1.86 (0.73–4.74) 1.79 (0.71–4.54) 1.97 (0.77–5.09)
SNC 0.83 (0.63–1.09) 5.84 (1.40–24.35)* 0.34 (0.03–3.91) 1.86 (0.72–4.79) 0.62 (0.24–1.60) 0.70 (0.34–1.42) 0.96 (0.93–0.99)*
Heart disease 2.80 (1.03–7.58)* 2.83 (1.03–7.82)* 2.84 (1.06–7.61)* 2.90 (1.08–7.80)* 2.96 (1.10–7.95)* 2.88 (1.08–7.71)* 2.99 (1.09–8.20)*
SNC 0.85 (0.65–1.13) 5.85 (1.38–24.90)* 0.32 (0.03–3.73) 1.83 (0.71–4.73) 0.62 (0.24–1.60) 0.80 (0.39–1.64) 0.96 (0.93–0.99)*
Hypertension 1.98 (0.79–4.97) 1.83 (0.73–4.57) 1.87 (0.75–4.66) 2.01 (0.81–4.98) 2.09 (0.84–5.21) 1.98 (0.80–4.90) 2.16 (0.85–5.48)
SNC 0.84 (0.64–1.11) 5.64 (1.34–23.74)* 0.36 (0.03–4.35) 1.84 (0.72–4.75) 0.59 (0.23–1.54) 0.77 (0.38–1.56) 0.96 (0.93–0.99)*
High cholesterol 3.20 (1.45–7.07)** 2.94 (1.33–6.48)** 3.07 (1.39–6.79)** 3.37 (1.52–7.49)** 3.54 (1.57–7.96)** 3.19 (1.45–7.03)** 3.91 (1.72–8.91)**
SNC 0.85 (0.65–1.12) 5.17 (1.23–21.71)* 0.43 (0.04–4.98) 2.08 (0.79–5.44) 0.50 (0.19–1.32) 0.75 (0.37–1.54) 0.95 (0.92–0.99)**
Arthritis 5.84 (1.98–17.23)** 6.03 (2.02–18.00)** 5.43 (1.85–15.90)** 6.05 (2.02–18.11)** 6.18 (2.06–18.55)** 5.62** (1.93–16.33) 6.33 (2.02–19.82)**
SNC 0.82 (0.62–1.09) 6.75 (1.53–29.80)* 0.42 (0.04–5.07) 2.02 (0.75–5.44) 0.54 (0.20–1.45) 0.94 (0.45–1.97) 0.96 (0.93–0.99)*
Number of conditions 1.79 (1.30–2.46)*** 1.73 (1.26–2.38)*** 1.74 (1.27–2.39)*** 1.77 (1.29–2.42)*** 1.81 (1.32–2.49)*** 1.76 (1.29–2.41)*** 1.83 (1.32–2.54)***
SNC 0.82 (0.61–1.08) 5.43 (1.25–23.67)* 0.62 (0.05–7.20) 1.91 (0.72–5.10) 0.51 (0.19–1.36) 0.89 (0.43–1.85) 0.96 (0.93–0.99)*
Each model consists of one chronic disease, specified in the left-hand column and one social network characteristic, specified in the top row by the model number. Models were adjusted for age,
gender, marital status, number of years living in the U.S., and employment status
df degrees of freedom, OR
adjusted odds ratio, CI confidence interval, SNC social network characteristic specified in the top row
*p\0.05; ** p\0.01; *** p\0.001
Reference =not married or cohabitating
J Immigrant Minority Health
by being more communicative than men [9]. Thus an
alternative explanation for this finding may be that indi-
viduals who are experiencing psychological distress may
seek support from more women than men to receive more
emotional support. Longitudinal research is required to
ascertain the direction of the relationship between support
from women and depression. Studies should also investi-
gate how women deliver support, how Latinos perceive
support, and test strategies that use female-delivered sup-
port to promote emotional well-being.
In the current sample of predominantly Mexican-origin
Latino adults, 12 % reported clinically significant moderate-
to-severe depression, slightly lower than the 14 % preva-
lence found among Latino adults in a previous epidemio-
logical study [41]. Contrary to previous findings [42], this
study did not find an association between diabetes and
depressive symptoms. However, heart disease, high
cholesterol, arthritis, and the total number of conditions were
associated with moderate-to-severe depressive symptoms
before and after controlling for social network characteris-
tics and demographic covariates, indicating the persistence
of the relationship between physical and mental health [6].
There were several limitations that should be considered
when interpreting these results. Other than hypertension
and high cholesterol, the prevalence rates of other condi-
tions were low in this sample. Given the wide confidence
intervals observed, these results should be treated with
caution. Moreover, the low prevalence of conditions per-
haps limited the ability to detect significant findings,
especially with regard to diabetes. A larger sample with a
higher prevalence of chronic health conditions and
depressive symptoms, along with a longitudinal design
could further elucidate the role of the social network.
Another limitation is that chronic health conditions were
self-reported and thus may have been under-reported or
misreported. Our analyses only investigated the presence of
chronic conditions, not the duration or severity of the
conditions, which may impact depressive symptoms and
the need for resources from the social network. Finally, the
current sample is comprised of mostly women, largely of
low socio-economic status (e.g., 54 % unemployed), who
were born in Mexico and live near the U.S.–Mexico border.
Although the prevalence of depression in the present
sample was consistent with that of a previous study on
depression among Latinos [41], our findings may not be
generalizable to other Latino subgroups.
New Contribution to the Literature
These findings suggest that certain aspects of Latinos’
social network characteristics have a direct and moderating
role in the well-established link between chronic health
conditions and depressive symptoms. Exploring these
mechanisms is especially salient given the interdependent
culture prevalent among Latinos. It is important to note that
with a few exceptions [43,44], the majority of literature
investigating the role of social networks in the physical and
mental health of adults has primarily been conducted
among non-Latino white populations [9]. The findings
found in the present study may be attributed to unique
aspects of Latino culture that should be further investi-
gated. Overall, these social network findings are relatively
unique to the literature and should be used as a basis for
future research to identify potentially clinically significant
intervention strategies that promote physical and mental
health among Latinos.
Acknowledgments The data used for this study came from the San
Diego Prevention Research Center’s (SDPRC) 2009 community
survey, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(U48 DP00036-04).
Funding This study was funded by the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (U48 DP00036-04).
Compliance with Ethical Standards
Conflict of interest The authors have no conflict of interest to
Ethical Standards All procedures performed in studies involving
human participants were in accordance with the ethical standards of
the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964
Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical
Informed Consent Informed consent was obtained from all indi-
vidual participants included in the study.
1. Pratt LA, Brody DJ. Depression in the U.S. Household popula-
tion, 2009–2012. NCHS Data Brief. 2014;172:1–8.
Table 4 Significant interaction between high cholesterol and per-
centage of friends in the network on moderate-to-severe depressive
Level of percentage of friends OR
(95 % CI)
High cholesterol 9percentage of friends in the network
Above average 6.81 (2.43–19.05)**
Average 3.03 (1.35–6.83)*
Below average 1.35 (0.44–4.16)
Adjusted for age, marital status, employment status, gender, and years
living in the US
adjusted odds ratio, CI confidence interval
*p\0.01; ** p\0.001
J Immigrant Minority Health
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J Immigrant Minority Health
... However, not all potential applications of this topic revolve around epidemiology. There are many papers that address the applications of proximity detection in areas such as (i) the social sciences to understand human interactions [1], (ii) in architecture, to characterize space use [2], [3], (iii) in healthcare to use the the social interactions in the treatment of patients [4], [5]. These potential applications only highlight the need for further research in the area of non-intrusive, accurate, and energy-efficient proximity detection solutions. ...
... A temporary change to an undesirable behavior occurs more easily than a definite change that is adopted in the long term as a lifestyle 29 . Social support (whose relationship can be observed, for example, in the association between smoking cessation and marital status), the use of medication, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and in person or telephone follow-up after an intensive approach are key strategies for relapse prevention 30 . ...
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Background Smoking cessation is strongly associated with motivational factors. It is possible that individuals who have successfully stopped smoking have different conditions and judgments about their own health. Objective To evaluate the relationship between tobacco-related diseases, health perception, and successful smoking cessation in Brazil. Method Cross-sectional observational study using data from the 2013 National Health Survey (PNS - 2013). Sociodemographic and health-related variables were considered in this study. Logistic regression modeling was carried out considering smoking cessation as outcome. Results Successful smoking cessation attempt was associated with age (OR=2.9, p=0.004), marital status (OR=1.69, p<0.001), level of education (OR=1.34, p<0.001), socioeconomic status (OR=1.58, p<0.001), census status (OR=1.07; p<0.001), access to pro-tobacco advertising (OR=1.74, p<0.001), anti-tobacco campaigns (OR=3.30; p<0.001) and, in particular, living with other smokers (OR=9.65; p<0.001). Conclusion Knowledge about sociodemographic and census status variables is relevant to the assessment of future specific health promotion policies.
... Given this distribution, responses were dichotomized into whether the respondent endorsed currently having either any or none of the health conditions. Prior research also supports treating presence of a chronic health condition as a binary term (36,56), given meaningful differences between the two groups in health service use (e.g., emergency room visits) and general medical expenditures (36). ...
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Background: Little is known about the link between perceived neighborhood walkability and prevalence of chronic disease. Even less is known regarding this association among Hispanic/Latino adults, despite exhibiting high rates of chronic diseases. Stress due to racial discrimination is a harmful social determinant of health in Hispanics/Latinos. Having both low perceived neighborhood walkability and high racial discrimination stress may exacerbate the chronic disease status of Hispanics/Latinos. Among a U.S. national sample of Hispanic/Latino adults, this cross-sectional study aims to examine (1) the associations among overall perceived neighborhood walkability, racial discrimination stress, and having a chronic health condition; and (2) whether overall perceived neighborhood walkability moderates the hypothesized association between racial discrimination stress and having a chronic health condition. Methods: In January 2018, 798 Hispanic/Latino adults (M age = 39.7 years, SD = 15.1; 58.6% female; 70.0% U.S. born; 52.0% Mexican/Mexican American) responded to a survey via Qualtrics Panels. Surveys included the Neighborhood Environment Walkability Scale-Abbreviated, Hispanic Stress Inventory-2, and self-reported presence/absence of chronic health conditions (e.g., hypertension, heart disease). A logistic regression was conducted testing for the moderation of the main effect of racial discrimination stress on the presence of a chronic health condition by overall perceived neighborhood walkability. Results: After controlling for age, body mass index, and income, racial discrimination stress was inversely associated with overall perceived neighborhood walkability (b = −0.18, p < 0.001) and positively associated with having a chronic health condition (OR = 1.02; 95% CI [1.00, 1.03]). While overall perceived neighborhood walkability was not associated with having a chronic health condition, perceived crime safety was inversely associated with having a chronic health condition (OR = 0.94; 95% CI [0.89, 0.99]). Perceived crime safety moderated the positive association between discrimination stress and having a chronic health condition, such that the association was only significant among those who perceived their neighborhood to be less safe (β = −0.004, 95% CI [−0.01, −0.00]). Conclusions: Overall perceived neighborhood walkability was inversely associated with racial discrimination stress, but not associated with having a chronic health condition. Perceived neighborhood crime safety, but not infrastructure or aesthetics, matters when it comes to the link between racial discrimination stress and having a chronic health condition among Hispanics/Latinos.
... Understanding social behavioural patterns is important in many fields. Having an understanding on such information can be applied to management decisions in areas such as education [1] [2], urban planning [3] [4] [5] and healthcare [6] [7]. Obtaining user mobility data could prove difficult as it usually requires special hardware to track user movements or a software that users need to install on their mobile devices. ...
... Group detection plays an important role in many applications including marketing [29], healthcare [22,34], and urban planning Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honored. ...
Conference Paper
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Group detection is gaining popularity as it enables various applications ranging from marketing to urban planning. The group information is an important social context which could facilitate a more comprehensive behavior analysis. An example is for retailers to determine the right incentive for potential customers. Existing methods use received signal strength indicator (RSSI) to detect co-located people as groups. However, this approach might have difficulties in crowded urban spaces since many strangers with similar mobility patterns could be identified as groups. Moreover, RSSI is vulnerable to many factors like the human body attenuation and thus is unreliable in crowded scenarios. In this work, we propose a behavior-aware group detection system (BaG). BaG fuses people's mobility information and smartphone usage behaviors. We observe that people in a group tend to have similar phone usage patterns. Those patterns could be effectively captured by the proposed feature: number of bursts (NoB). Unlike RSSI, NoB is more resilient to environmental changes as it only cares about receiving packets or not. Besides, both mobility and usage patterns correspond to the same underlying grouping information. The latent associations between them cannot be fully utilized in conventional detection methods like graph clustering. We propose a detection method based on collective matrix factorization to reveal the hidden associations by factorizing mobility information and usage patterns simultaneously. Experimental results indicate BaG outperforms baseline approaches by in F-score. The proposed system could also achieve robust and reliable performance in scenarios with different levels of crowdedness.
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The integration of infectious disease modeling with the data collection process is crucial to reach its maximum potential, and remains a significant research challenge. Ensuring a solid empirical foundation for models used to fill gaps in data and knowledge is of paramount importance. Personal wireless devices, such as smartphones, smartwatches and wireless bracelets, can serve as a means of bridging the gap between empirical data and the mathematical modeling of human contacts and networking. In this paper, we develop, implement, and evaluate concepts and architectures for advanced user-centric proximity estimation based on smartphone radio environment monitoring. We investigate innovative methods for the estimation of proximity, based on a person-radio-environment trace recorded by the smartphone, and define the proximity parameter. For this purpose, we developed a smartphone application and back-end services. The results show that, with the proposed procedure, we can estimate the proximity of two devices in terms of near, medium, and far distance with reasonable accuracy in real-world case scenarios.
In real life, people often participate in activities in groups. During the activities, group members commonly engage in interactions such as shaking hands, waving hands, embracing, and hooking arms. Existing approaches to recognize human groups assume that the individuals’ locations or sensing signals are similar; the interactions among them are probably regarded as dissimilar data and affect the recognition accuracy. Moreover, not all persons undertake the same interactions simultaneously. In this study, we propose an approach named interactive group recognizing (IGR) to solve this problem. We collected the sensing data from individuals to deduce their interactions, and compute the disparity between two individuals. Subsequently, a majority-voting based method is applied to recognize the human groups to eliminate the inconsistency among interactions. We also analyzed the number of interactions that could occur without adversely affecting the performance of our approach. Compared with the results from existing approaches, divergence-based affiliation detection (DBAD) and cross-correlation based approach, IGR improved the group recognition accuracy by 6.9% and 26.7%, respectively, and F1-score by 13.6% and 54.6%, respectively, when interactions among people account for no less than 8% of the total execution time.
Group detection is gaining popularity as it enables variousXzX applications ranging from marketing to urban planning. Existing methods use received signal strength indicator (RSSI) to detect co-located people as groups. However, this approach might have difficulties in crowded urban spaces since many strangers with similar mobility patterns could be identified as groups. Moreover, RSSI is vulnerable to many factors like the human body attenuation and thus is unreliable in crowded scenarios. In this work, we propose a behavior-aware group detection system (BaG). BaG fuses people’s mobility information and smartphone usage behaviors. We observe that people in a group tend to have similar phone usage patterns. Those patterns could be effectively captured by the proposed feature: number of bursts (NoB). Unlike RSSI, NoB is more resilient to environmental changes as it only cares about receiving packets or not. Besides, both mobility and usage patterns correspond to the same underlying grouping information. We propose a detection method based on collective matrix factorization to reveal the hidden associations by factorizing mobility information and usage patterns simultaneously. Experimental results indicate BaG outperforms baseline approaches by $3.97\% \sim 15.79\%$ in F-score. The proposed system could also achieve robust and reliable performance in scenarios with different levels of crowdedness.
Objective: We aimed to investigate the longitudinal effects of spousal support on aging Hispanic Americans' depressive symptoms using population-based data from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS). Method: Using hierarchical multiple regressions, we investigated whether baseline positive spousal support and previous depressive symptoms were significant predictors of depressive symptoms 8 years later in a sample of 264 aging Hispanic Americans. Results: We discovered that previous depressive symptoms, baseline chronic conditions, and positive spousal support were all significant predictors of long-term depressive symptoms. Discussion: Our findings underline the need to address persistent depression and chronic diseases in the aging Hispanic population. We also highlight the potential benefits of empowering spouses as a resource for promoting mental health in this group. These findings are also encouraging for future studies in depression, aging, and comorbidity, especially in the vastly increasing population of aging Hispanic Americans.
Technical Report
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How many foreign-born Brazilians reside in metropolitan Boston? What proportion is unauthorized to reside in the United States? Will Brazilian migrants integrate socially and economically as most previous waves of migrants in the United States have? Or will they fail to do so either because many are not residing in the United States legally or due to a flaccid economy (the so-called “Great Recession”)? How healthy are Brazilian migrants? Satisfying answers to such basic questions have eluded past studies for one simple reason. To date no data that represent all Brazilians – both the foreign-born and their children – in any region of the United States have been available. (In)Visible (Im)Migrants: Te Health & Socioeconomic Integration of Brazilians in Metropolitan Boston changes this by providing the first statistically credible estimates of legal and unauthorized Brazilians residing in the seven-county Boston-Cambridge-Quincy Metropolitan Statistical Area (BCQ-MSA) – an area which includes Essex, Middlesex, Norfolk, Plymouth and Suffolk Counties in Massachusetts and Rockingham and Strafford Counties in New Hampshire. Specifcally, we employ newly available 2007 Boston Metropolitan Immigrant Health & Legal Status Survey (BM-IHLSS) data that were collected by a collaborative team of researchers from Harvard University and the University of Massachusetts Boston working with the Brazilian Immigrant Center and dozens of foreign-born Brazilian migrant interviewers between June and September 2007. Half a decade in the making, (In)Visible (Im)Migrants offers a descriptive account of (1) legal and unauthorized Brazilian migration to metropolitan Boston; (2) Brazilian migrant household environment, work, and economic wellbeing; and (3) Brazilian migrant health and socio-political integration.
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The present study investigated psychosocial predictors for major depressive disorder (MDD), general anxiety disorder (GAD), and suicidal ideation (SI) of Latino American men identified in the first national mental health epidemiological survey of Latinos. Three separate sets of logistic regression analyses were performed for 1,127 Latinos, following preplanned two steps (Model 1-Known Demographic and Acculturation Predictors as controls, Model 2-Psychosocial Risk and Protective Factors). Results show that Negative Interactions with family members significantly predicted the likelihood of both MDD and SI, while SI was also associated with Discrimination. Acculturation Stress was associated with that of GAD (alongside more Income, Education of 12 years, and Years in the United States for less than 11 years). Other potential protective factors (social support, racial/ethnic identity, religious involvement) were not influential. The differential predictors for mental health issues among Latino men imply that assessment and intervention for them may need certain gender-specific foci in order to improve mental health disparities in this population.
Social support, which is the perception or experience that one is cared for, esteemed, and part of a mutually supportive social network, has beneficial effects on mental and physical health. We review the psychobiological pathways whereby these effects may occur and detail the circumstances under which socially supportive efforts may misfire. Origins of social support include genetic factors and the early environment. We examine gender and cultural differences in how social support is experienced. Under some circumstances, providing social support confers the same benefits as receiving it. A myriad number of social support interventions, including those delivered via the internet, have been evaluated and have the potential to provide emotional and informational support to people who might otherwise lack social support.
Despite significant efforts to decrease obesity rates, the prevalence of obesity continues to increase in the United States. Obesity risk behaviors including physical inactivity, unhealthy eating, and sleep deprivation are intertwined during daily life and are difficult to improve in the current social environment. Studies show that social networks-the thick webs of social relations and interactions-influence various health outcomes, such as HIV risk behaviors, alcohol consumption, smoking, depression, and cardiovascular mortality; however, there is limited information on the influences of social networks on obesity and obesity risk behaviors. Given the complexities of the biobehavioral pathology of obesity and the lack of clear evidence of effectiveness and sustainability of existing interventions that are usually focused on an individual approach, targeting change in an individual's health behaviors or attitude may not take sociocontextual factors into account; there is a pressing need for a new perspective on this problem. In this review, we evaluate the literature on social networks as a potential approach for obesity prevention and treatment (i.e., how social networks affect various health outcomes), present two major social network data analyses (i.e., egocentric and sociometric analysis), and discuss implications and the future direction for obesity research using social networks. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2009-2012. During 2009-2012, 7.6% of Americans aged 12 and over had depression (moderate or severe depressive symptoms in the past 2 weeks). Depression was more prevalent among females and persons aged 40-59. About 3% of Americans aged 12 and over had severe depressive symptoms, while almost 78% had no symptoms. Persons living below the poverty level were nearly 2½ times more likely to have depression than those at or above the poverty level. Almost 43% of persons with severe depressive symptoms reported serious difficulties in work, home, and social activities. Of those with severe symptoms, 35% reported having contact with a mental health professional in the past year. Depression is a serious medical illness with mood, cognitive, and physical symptoms (1). Depression is associated with higher rates of chronic disease, increased health care utilization, and impaired functioning (2,3). Rates of treatment remain low, and the treatment received is often inadequate (1). This data brief examines both depression and depressive symptom severity in the past 2 weeks from a symptom-based questionnaire, by demographic characteristics, functioning difficulties, and recent contact with a mental health professional. Severity is categorized as severe, moderate, mild, or no depressive symptoms. Current depression is defined as severe or moderate symptoms; no depression is defined as mild or no symptoms. All material appearing in this report is in the public domain and may be reproduced or copied without permission; citation as to source, however, is appreciated.
Health statistics and epidemiologic studies have shown that Hispanics live longer than Non Hispanic Whites, despite a high prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors and an average low socioeconomic status, both strong predictors of CVD and mortality. This phenomenon has been dubbed " The Hispanic paradox" and has been demonstrated in old and contemporary cohorts. To date, no factor has been identified that could explain this phenomenon, but socio demographic factors, dietary intake and genetic predisposition have been proposed as possible explanations for the Hispanic paradox. As with the French paradox, where French were found to have a lower rate of coronary heart disease (CHD), helped to identify the role of the Mediterranean diet and wine consumption in the prevention of CHD, the Hispanic paradox may eventually help to identify factors with a protective effect against CHD. This article describes the current evidence supporting the existence of the Hispanic paradox and provides a brief review on the possible explanations.
Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of mortality in adult women, and recent trends indicate that risk for women, particularly working mothers, has worsened during the last decade. The absence of a biological explanation for this gender discrepancy has led some to look to psychosocial risk factors. This literature review examines the effect of multiple roles on women's cardiovascular health. Further, a conceptual model of heart disease risk is proposed, which introduces background stress, a chronic stress burden, as a potential pathway between multiple roles and heart disease. Trends in the literature largely support the proposed conceptual model. Multiple roles that often place conflicting demands on women may affect health outcomes through an increase in total background stress.
Despite a rapidly growing Latina/o American population, little is known about modifiable factors that could protect Latinas against major psychiatric disorders. The present study explored psychosocial risk (Negative Interaction) and protective factors (Family Cohesion, Social Support, Religious Involvement, Racial and Ethnic Identity) for major depressive disorder (MDD), general anxiety disorder (GAD), and suicidal ideation (SI) among Latinas participating in the first national mental health epidemiological survey of Latina Americans. We conducted three sets of logistic regressions, predicting outcomes for 1,427 Latinas identified in the National Latino and Asian American Study (NLAAS), the first nationally representative, epidemiological study of Latino and Asian Americans living in the United States. These analyses followed preplanned steps: Model 1 used known predictors as controls and Model 2 added psychosocial risk and predictive factors beyond the known predictors. For each outcome examined, psychosocial risk and protective factors produced a significantly better model fit in Model 2 than sociodemographic and acculturation variables known to predict mental health outcomes in Model 1. Negative Interactions were associated with increased likelihood of GAD and SI, whereas Family Cohesion seemed to be protective against GAD. No psychosocial factors predicted MDD. Differential protective and risk factors for major psychiatric disorders suggest that assessment and intervention may need certain sex-specific components in order to improve health care and prevention for Latinas.
Few studies have examined protective factors for diabetes distress. This study aimed to examine the moderating role of social support in the relationship between the burden of diabetes and diabetes distress. Adults with type 2 diabetes (N = 119; 29 % Latino, 61 % Black, 25 % White) completed validated measures of diabetes distress and social support. Multiple linear regression evaluated the moderating role of social support in the relationship between diabetes burden, indicated by prescription of insulin and presence of complications, and distress. Greater support satisfaction was significantly associated with lower distress after controlling for burden. Support satisfaction and number of supports significantly moderated the relationship between diabetes burden and distress. Post hoc probing revealed a consistent pattern: Insulin was significantly associated with more diabetes distress at low levels of support but was not at high levels of support. Findings support the stress-buffering hypothesis and suggest that social support may protect against diabetes distress.