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Determinants and impact of sleep duration in children and adolescents: Data of the Kiel Obesity Prevention Study


Abstract and Figures

This study investigates determinants of sleep duration and its impact on nutritional status, resting energy expenditure (REE), cardiometabolic risk factors and hormones in children/adolescents. In 207 girls and 207 boys (13.0+/-3.4 (6.1-19.9) years) body mass index standard deviation score (BMI SDS), waist circumference (WC) z-score, body composition (air-displacement plethysmography), REE (ventilated hood system; n=312) and cardiometabolic risk factors/hormones (n=250) were assessed. Greater than 90th percentile of BMI/WC references was defined as overweight/overwaist. Sleep duration, media consumption (TV watching/computer use), physical activity, dietary habits, parental BMI, socio-economic status and early infancy were assessed by questionnaire. Short sleep was defined as <10 h per day for children <10 years and otherwise <9 h per day. Total 15.9% participants were overweight, mean sleep duration was 8.9+/-1.3 h per day. Age explained most variance in sleep (girls: 57.0%; boys: 41.2%) besides a high nutrition quality score (girls: 0.9%) and a low media consumption (boys: 1.3%). Sleep was inversely associated with BMI SDS/WC z-score (girls: r=-0.17/-0.19, P<0.05; boys: r=-0.21/-0.20, P<0.01), which was strengthened after adjusting for confounders. Short vs long sleep was associated with 5.5-/2.3-fold higher risks for obesity/overwaist (girls). After adjusting for age, REE (adjusted for fat-free mass) was positively associated with sleep in boys (r=0.16, P<0.05). Independently of age and WC z-score, short sleep was associated with lower adiponectin levels in boys (11.7 vs 14.4 microg/ml, P<0.05); leptin levels were inversely related to sleep in girls (r=-0.23, P<0.05). Homoeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance (r=-0.20, P<0.05) and insulin levels (r=-0.20, P<0.05) were associated with sleep (girls), which depended on WC z-score. Age mostly determined sleep. Short sleep was related to a higher BMI SDS/WC z-score (girls/boys), a lower REE (boys), higher leptin (girls) and lower adiponectin levels (boys).
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Determinants and impact of sleep duration in
children and adolescents: data of the Kiel Obesity
Prevention Study
B Hitze
, A Bosy-Westphal
, F Bielfeldt
, U Settler
, S Plachta-Danielzik
, M Pfeuffer
J Schrezenmeir
and MJ Mu
Institut fu
¨r Humanerna¨hrung und Lebensmittelkunde, Christian-Albrechts Universita¨t Kiel, Kiel, Germany;
Max Rubner-Institut,
Kiel, Germany and
Klinik fu
¨r Allgemeine Innere Medizin, Universita¨tsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel, Germany
Background/Objectives: This study investigates determinants of sleep duration and its impact on nutritional status, resting
energy expenditure (REE), cardiometabolic risk factors and hormones in children/adolescents.
Subjects/Methods: In 207 girls and 207 boys (13.0±3.4 (6.1–19.9) years) body mass index standard deviation score (BMI
SDS), waist circumference (WC) z-score, body composition (air-displacement plethysmography), REE (ventilated hood system;
n¼312) and cardiometabolic risk factors/hormones (n¼250) were assessed. Greater than 90th percentile of BMI/WC references
was defined as overweight/overwaist. Sleep duration, media consumption (TV watching/computer use), physical activity,
dietary habits, parental BMI, socio-economic status and early infancy were assessed by questionnaire. Short sleep was defined as
o10 h per day for children o10 years and otherwise o9 h per day.
Results: Total 15.9% participants were overweight, mean sleep duration was 8.9±1.3 h per day. Age explained most variance in
sleep (girls: 57.0%; boys: 41.2%) besides a high nutrition quality score (girls: 0.9%) and a low media consumption (boys:
1.3%). Sleep was inversely associated with BMI SDS/WC z-score (girls: r¼0.17/0.19, Po0.05; boys: r¼0.21/0.20,
Po0.01), which was strengthened after adjusting for confounders. Short vs long sleep was associated with 5.5-/2.3-fold higher
risks for obesity/overwaist (girls). After adjusting for age, REE (adjusted for fat-free mass) was positively associated with sleep in
boys (r¼0.16, Po0.05). Independently of age and WC z-score, short sleep was associated with lower adiponectin levels in boys
(11.7 vs 14.4 mg/ml, Po0.05); leptin levels were inversely related to sleep in girls (r¼0.23, Po0.05). Homoeostasis model
assessment–insulin resistance (r¼0.20, Po0.05) and insulin levels (r¼0.20, Po0.05) were associated with sleep (girls),
which depended on WC z-score.
Conclusions: Age mostly determined sleep. Short sleep was related to a higher BMI SDS/WC z-score (girls/boys), a lower REE
(boys), higher leptin (girls) and lower adiponectin levels (boys).
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2009) 63, 739–746; doi:10.1038/ejcn.2008.41; published online 30 July 2008
Keywords: sleep duration; overweight; REE; cardiometabolic risk factors; hormones
Childhood overweight is a major public health concern of
complex aetiology and short sleep duration was considered
as a determinant. Already Locard et al. (1992) showed that
short sleep was associated with overweight in children. In a
recent meta-analysis a 58% higher risk for overweight in
children/adolescents with short vs long sleep was described
(Chen et al., 2008). However, determinants of short sleep in
children/adolescents are not well defined. Besides age, which
was inversely associated with sleep duration (Iglowstein
et al., 2003), sleep could be further determined by lifestyle.
Exercise compared to sedentary activities may account for
better/longer sleep, as sleep duration was positively asso-
ciated with physical activity and inversely associated with
television viewing (von Kries et al., 2002). In the same study,
eating snacks while watching television was related to sleep
Received 19 March 2008; revised 4 June 2008; accepted 30 June 2008;
published online 30 July 2008
Correspondence: Professor Dr med MJ Mu
¨ller, Institute of Human Nutrition
and Food Science, Christian-Albrechts University Kiel, Du
¨sternbrooker Weg
17-19, Kiel D-24105, Germany.
Contributors: Writing of the manuscript, BH and MJM; study design, AB-W and
MJM; data collection, BH, AB-W and FB; data analysis, BH, AB-W, US, MP, JS,
HM; discussion of data, BH, AB-W, SP-D and MJM. All contributors helped
with the revision of the paper.
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2009) 63, 739 746
2009 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved 0954-3007/09 $
duration, whereas caloric intake was not. Moreover, a low
socio-economic status (SES) as another potential determi-
nant was related to short sleep (Dollman et al., 2007).
Short sleep influences both sides of energy balance, which
is explained by several determinants such as increased
sympathetic activity, elevated cortisol and ghrelin levels,
decreased leptin levels and insulin resistance (Spiegel et al.,
1999, 2004a). Spiegel et al. (2004b) showed that sleep
deprivation alters feelings of hunger/appetite especially for
high-fat/carbohydrate foods in men. To our knowledge, the
impact of sleep deprivation on resting energy expenditure
(REE) has not been investigated in humans so far. However,
in rats metabolism rose to 166% of baseline during sleep
deprivation (Koban and Swinson, 2005).
When compared to adults, the association between sleep
and cardiometabolic risk factors/hormones is yet not well
defined in children. However, preliminary data obtained in a
small population of children showed that sleep duration was
inversely associated with insulin resistance (Flint et al.,
This study aims to investigate the determinants of sleep
duration and its impact on nutritional status, REE, cardio-
metabolic risk factors and hormones in children/adolescents.
Subjects and methods
Study design and population
Subjects were recruited by notice-board postings, writing to
families who attended the Kiel Obesity Prevention Study
(KOPS; Danielzik et al., 2004) and propaganda of partici-
pants. After exclusion of two children aged o6 years and
four subjects with incomplete data, 207 girls and 207 boys
(6.1–19.9 (13.0±3.4) years) remained for analysis. In sub-
cohort analyses blood samples were taken (n¼250) and REE
was measured (n¼312). Subjects were healthy and did not
take any medication known to influence body composition,
cardiometabolic risk factors or REE. The ethic committee of
Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel approved the study.
Written informed consent was obtained from each child/
adolescent and their legal guardian.
Anthropometric measurements and body composition analysis
After an overnight fast, height was measured to the nearest
0.5 cm against a stadiometer (Seca, Model 220, Hamburg,
Germany). Body weight was measured to the nearest gram
using the digital scale coupled to the BodPod system (Body
Composition System; Life Measurement Instruments,
Concord, CA, USA). Body mass index (BMI) was calculated
as weight (kg)/height (m
). German references were used to
calculate BMI SDS (standard deviation score) and to define
overweight/obesity (Kromeyer-Hauschild et al., 2001). The
upper age limit of 18.5 years for these references resulted in
396 children/adolescents for this analysis. For adults, WHO
(1995) definitions were used.
Waist circumference (WC) was measured to the nearest
0.5 cm midway between the lowest rib and the iliac crest
with subjects dressed in underwear and respiring minimal.
Greater than 90th age-/sex-specific percentile (McCarthy
et al., 2001) was used to define overwaist. Applying these
references, a z-score was calculated: (xm)/s(measured WC
(x), group mean (m), standard deviation (s)). The upper age
limit for these references was 17 years, resulting in 352
children/adolescents for this analysis. Blood samples were
taken from 218 subjects.
Body composition (fat mass, FM and fat-free mass, FFM)
was assessed by air-displacement plethysmography (BodPod)
and child-specific corrections were applied as described
elsewhere (Bosy-Westphal et al., 2005). To define overfat,
490th percentile of FM references (McCarthy et al., 2006)
was used, which had an upper age limit of 18.9 years
resulting in 399 subjects for this analysis.
Assessment of REE
In 312 subjects a valid measure of REE was obtained using a
ventilated hood system (Vmax-model 29n, SensorMedics;
Viasys Healthcare, Bilthoven, the Netherlands), which was
described elsewhere (Bader et al., 2005). REE was adjusted for
) according to Ravussin and Bogardus (1989).
A total of 298 subjects had measures of thyroid hormones
and were included in our analysis.
Cardiometabolic risk factors and hormones
Blood pressure was measured with a manual sphygmoman-
ometer. Lipid profile and glucose levels were assessed
enzymatically by Konelab 20i Analyzer (Konelab, Espoo,
Finnland). The intra-assay coefficients of variation (CVs)
were o1.2% (total cholesterol), o3.5% (high-density lipo-
protein (HDL) cholesterol), o2.7% (low-density lipoprotein
(LDL) cholesterol), o2.5% (triglycerides) and o2.2% (glu-
cose). Radioimmunoassays (RIAs) were used to assess plasma
insulin (Adaltis, Freiburg, Germany; CVo5.4%), serum
leptin and adiponectin concentrations (Linco Research, St
Charles, MO, USA). Intra-/inter-assay CVs were 3–8 and
4–6% (leptin), 2–6 and 7–9% (adiponectin). Leptin levels were
referred to kg FM. Serum concentrations of thyroid-stimulat-
ing hormone (TSH; Brahms, Henningsdorf, Germany), free
T3 (fT3) and T4 (fT4) (DiaSorin, Dietzenbach, Germany) were
also analysed by RIA (intra-/inter-assay CVs: 2.5/5.7% (TSH),
4.6/6.5% (fT3) and 2.4/6.8% (fT4)).
Insulin resistance was calculated by homoeostasis model
assessment: HOMA-IR ¼(glucose (mmol/l) insulin (mU/
ml))/22.5 (Matthews et al., 1985).
Assessment of sleep duration and confounding factors
Subjects filled out a questionnaire. Children o11 years got
help from their parents, and those above 11 years completed
it by themselves.
Determinants and impact of short sleep
B Hitze et al
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Sleep duration on weekdays was asked by time bar
reaching half-hourly from o6to412h per day and was
classified into ‘short’/‘long’ according to Chen et al. (2008)
applying the following cutoffs: 10 h per day for children o10
years and otherwise 9 h per day. A stratification of short sleep
into ‘very short’ (o9 h per day for children o10 years and
otherwise o8 h per day; n¼47, girls; n¼37, boys) and ‘short’
(9–10 h per day for children o10 years and otherwise 8–9 h
per day) was conducted. Activity and inactivity (media
consumption) were assessed by information about the
membership in a sports club and time spent daily watching
TV or using computers. Dietary habits were recorded by a
validated Food Frequency Questionnaire. Five healthy items
(whole-meal products, milk products, fruits, vegetables and
potatoes, and fish) and five risk-related items (white bread,
meat products, soft drinks, fast food and sweets) were
analysed according to their consumption frequency (several
times a week and daily vs once a week or less). A nutrition
quality score was calculated with 52 points as the highest
possible score (Mast et al., 1998). Hence, a low score was
characterized by low consumptions of healthy and high
consumptions of risk-related items and vice versa. A mean
nutrition quality score of 31.8±4.4 (range: 17–43) was
The highest educational level of parents was used for
classification in three SES groups (low, middle and high).
A subcohort (n¼125) attended the Family Path Study as
part of KOPS (Bosy-Westphal et al., 2006), where parental
BMI was measured. Otherwise parental weight and height
were self-reported, which were shown to be highly correlated
with measured values (McAdams et al., 2007).
Birth weight and weight at the age of 2 were recorded from
children’s examination booklets (measurements took place
in an official routine after birth and between the 20.5th and
29.5th months). Weight SDS at birth and around 2 years was
calculated using German references taking into account
children’s age as exact as possible (Kromeyer-Hauschild et al.,
2001). D-Weight SDS was calculated by subtracting birth
weight SDS from weight SDS at around 2 years. Because of
incomplete data of 23 subjects, this analysis could be
obtained in 391 subjects. For further analyses, birth weight
was adjusted for gestational age (n¼409). Moreover, mothers
were asked about the duration of breastfeeding.
Statistical analysis
Analyses were performed using SPSS 13.0 for Windows
(Chicago, IL, USA). Descriptive statistics were given as
median (interquartile range; IQR) or mean (95% confidence
interval (CI)). Mann–Whitney U-test was used to compare
independent samples. w
-Test was applied to analyse differ-
ences in frequency distributions. Pearson’s correlation
was performed to demonstrate the relationship between
two variables. To analyse an association while considering
covariates, partial correlation was adopted. Comparison of
means with regard to covariates was tested by general linear
model (analysis of covariance, ANCOVA; Bonferroni post hoc
test). When calculating odds ratios (OR) for the association
between ‘short’ sleep and overweight/obesity, overwaist
and overfat, ‘long’ sleep was the reference. To explain the
variance in sleep duration, multiple step-wise regression
analyses were performed with the following independent
variables: age, physical activity, media consumption, nutri-
tion quality score, SES and change in weight SDS (birth till
2 years). To explain the variance in BMI SDS/WC z-score
parental BMI, SES, birth weight, change in weight SDS (birth
till 2 years), duration of breastfeeding, sleep duration,
physical activity, media consumption and nutrition quality
score were used as independent variables. Regression analysis
was adopted to adjust for confounders. Normal distribution
was tested by Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. Parameters that
showed no normal distribution were log
-transformed for
correlation/regression analysis. A P-value o0.05 (two sided)
was considered to be statistically significant.
Characterization of the study population
Boys had a higher body weight, height and FFM as well as
a lower per cent FM and WC z-score compared to girls
(Table 1).
Determinants of sleep duration
The variance in sleep duration was explained by age (57.0%,
girls; 41.2%, boys) with an additional effect of lifestyle. A
high nutrition quality score (girls) and a low media
consumption (boys) could explain further 0.9/1.3%. ‘Short’
vs ‘long’ sleepers had lower physical activities (girls) and a
higher media consumption (girls/boys; Table 2). However,
adjustment for age weakened this association (sleep duration
vs media consumption in girls: r¼0.08 and boys: r¼0.12;
In brief, 4.9/80.6% of girls with ‘short’ vs 0/93.3% of girls
with ‘long’ sleep ate fast food/sweets several times a weak or
daily (Po0.05/Po0.01) and 30.3% of boys with ‘short’
compared to 13.3% with ‘long’ sleep consumed soft drinks
at a frequency of several times a weak or daily (Po0.01).
Sleep duration and nutritional status
Children/adolescents with ‘short’ compared to those with
‘long’ sleep were older; deductive the differences in weight,
height, BMI, WC, FFM and FM could be explained by age
(Table 3). However, ‘short’ vs ‘long’ sleep was associated with
a higher BMI SDS (girls/boys) and WC z-score (girls).
Moreover, ‘very short’ compared to ‘long’ sleepers had a
higher BMI SDS (girls: 0.55 vs 0.02; boys: 0.42 vs 0.05;
Po0.05) and WC z-score (girls: 1.5 vs 0.7; boys: 0.81 vs 0.42;
Po0.05), whereas children/adolescents with ‘short’ sleep did
not differ from those with ‘very short’ or ‘long’ sleep, which
was probably due to small sample sizes.
Determinants and impact of short sleep
B Hitze et al
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Short sleep duration explained between 3.6 and 5.2% of
the variance in BMI SDS and WC z-score (Table 4). Moreover,
sleep duration had an inverse relationship with BMI
SDS (girls: r¼0.17, Po0.05; boys: r¼0.21, Po0.01) and
WC z-score (girls: r¼0.19, Po0.05; boys: r¼0.20,
Po0.01), which was strengthened after adjusting for con-
founders (Table 4) for BMI SDS (girls: r¼0.27, Po0.001;
boys: r¼0.25, Po0.01) and WC z-score (girls: r¼0.30,
Po0.001, boys: r¼0.21; Po0.01).
Using ‘long’ sleep as a reference and adjusting for
confounders (Table 4), girls with ‘short’ sleep had increased
risks for being obese (OR (95% CI) ¼5.5 (1.3–23.5)) and
overwaist (2.3 (1.2–4.6)). However, sleep duration did not
influence the risk of being overfat.
Sleep duration and REE
After adjusting for age, REE
was positively associated
with sleep duration in boys (r¼0.16, Po0.05), but not in
girls (r¼0.05, P40.05). In multiple step-wise regression
analyses, variance in REE
was explained by higher fT3
levels in girls (5.6%). In boys lower TSH levels (4.1%) and a
higher sleep duration (3.5%) explained variance in REE
whereas age and fT4 levels did not. However, REE
not differ between ‘short’ and ‘long’ sleepers (Table 5).
Sleep duration, cardiometabolic risk factors and hormones
After adjusting for age, ‘short’ vs ‘long’ sleep was related to
lower adiponectin levels in boys (Table 5), which was
independent of WC z-score.
The relationship between sleep duration and cardiometa-
bolic risk factors/hormones adjusted for age is shown in
Table 6. Although in boys no association could be found,
sleep duration in girls was inversely associated with leptin
levels. After adjusting for WC z-score, insulin levels and
HOMA-IR were no longer associated with sleep in girls.
As to the determinants of sleep duration, sleep was mostly
determined by age with minor but additional effects of
lifestyle. Sleep duration was inversely associated with BMI
SDS/WC z-score in both genders; but ‘short’ sleep was
associated with higher risks for being obese/overwaist in
girls only. In boys, REE
was positively associated with
sleep. ‘Short’ sleep was further related to lower adiponectin
Table 1 Characterization of the study population
Girls (n¼207) Boys (n¼207)
Age (years) 12.7 (10.5–15.6) 13.1 (10.5–15.8)
Weight (kg) 46.9 (36.8–59.7) 51.2 (37.4–67.4)*
Height (m) 1.57 (1.44–1.66) 1.63 (1.45–1.76)***
BMI (kg/m
) 19.2 (16.9–22.0) 19.3 (17.0–21.9)
0.18 (0.45–0.86) 0.28 (0.53–0.94)
Prevalence of
overweight (%)
4.3 7.7
Prevalence of
obesity (%)
10.6 9.2
Waist circumference (cm) 67.1 (61.0–74.8) 70.0 (62.0–76.6)
Waist circumference
0.88 (0.22–1.8) 0.48 (0.01–1.1)**
Body fat (%) 19.0 (13.3–27.3) 12.9 (8.3–19.9)***
Fat-free mass (kg) 38.6 (29.4–45.3) 42.4 (31.5–59.7)***
Sleep duration
(h per day)
9.0 (8.0–10.0) 9.0 (8.0–10.0)
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; SDS, standard deviation score.
*Po0.05; **Po0.01; ***Po0.001: difference between girls and boys.
Mann–Whitney U-test; median (IQR) as well as w
-test; %.
n¼199 for girls and n¼197 for boys.
Defined by Kromeyer-Hauschild et al. (2001) and WHO (1995).
n¼179 for girls and n¼173 for boys.
Table 2 Lifestyle factors and parameters of parental influence as well as early infancy according to sleep duration
Sleep duration in girls
Sleep duration in boys
‘Short’ (n¼103) ‘Long’ (n¼104) ‘Short’ (n¼109) ‘Long’ (n¼98)
Physically active (% ) 69.9 85.6* 74.8 85.6
Media consumption (min per day) 120.0 (90.0–180.0) 75.0 (51.3–120.0)*** 180.0 (120.0–255.0) 90.0 (60.0–150.0)***
Nutrition quality score 34.0 (30.0–36.0) 32.5 (30.0–35.0) 31.0 (28.0–34.0) 31.0 (28.8–35.0)
Sleep duration (h per day) 8.0 (7.5–8.5) 9.9 (9.0–10.0)*** 8.0 (7.5–8.5) 10.0 (9.0–10.5)***
) 24.1 (20.9–28.6) 24.1 (22.3–26.9) 24.1 (22.3–26.7) 23.5 (22.1–26.9)
) 25.4 (23.7–28.1) 25.5 (24.2–28.5) 26.0 (24.3–28.3) 25.3 (23.6–27.5)
Low socio-economic status (%) 8.7 7.8 10.2 10.4
Birth weight
3266 (3046–3466) 3363 (3118–3719) 3580 (3314–3846) 3635 (3399–3966)
D-Weight SDS (birth till 2 years)
0.16 (0.60–1.0) 0.05 (0.88–0.68) 0.02 (0.67–0.63) 0.002 (0.67–0.78)
Duration of breastfeeding (week) 24.0 (12.0–40.0) 28.0 (14.5–40.0) 24.0 (12.0–36.0) 24.0 (13.8–36.0)
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; SDS, standard deviation score.
*Po0.05; ***Po0.001: difference between ‘short’ and ‘long’ sleep duration.
Mann–Whitney U-test; median (IQR) as well as w
-test; %.
Cutoffs for sleep duration: 10 h per day for children aged o10 years and 9 h per day for children/adolescents aged X10 years.
Adjusted for gestational age; n¼103/102 (girls) and n¼106/98 (boys).
n¼98/98 (girls) and n¼103/92 (boys).
Determinants and impact of short sleep
B Hitze et al
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
(boys) and higher leptin levels (girls), whereas the inverse
relationship between sleep and insulin levels/HOMA-IR in
girls depended on WC.
Determinants of sleep duration
Concordant with Iglowstein et al. (2003) sleep duration was
mostly determined by age. Thus, older children suffer from a
greater sleep deprivation, as sleep need does not decrease
(Mercer et al., 1998).
Sleep duration was further determined by a healthier diet
(girls) and low media consumption (boys). Moreover, fast
food (girls) and soft drinks (boys) were more often consumed
by ‘short’ sleepers, whereas for sweets the opposite was true
(girls). Anymore, girls with ‘long’ compared to ‘short’ sleep
were more physically active (Table 2).
Whereas Benefice et al. (2004) could not find an associa-
tion between sleep and physical activity, von Kries et al.
(2002) described that short sleep in children is associated
with increased inactivity and reduced participation in
organized sports, suggesting that physical activity contri-
butes to better/longer sleep. In turn, sleep deprivation affects
physical activity by fatigue (Patel and Hu, 2008).
Short sleep was shown to increase eating (Sivak, 2006) and
to alter feelings of hunger/appetite (Spiegel et al., 2004b).
However, von Kries et al. (2002) found no association
between sleep and caloric intake, whereas eating snacks
while watching television was related to short sleep. Thus,
further studies are needed, which should keep in mind age-
dependent effects, as the association between sleep and
media consumption was mediated through age.
Sleep duration and nutritional status
The inverse relationship between sleep duration and
BMI SDS/WC z-score is concordant with previous studies
Table 3 Age and parameters of nutritional status according to sleep duration
Sleep duration in girls
Sleep duration in boys
‘Short’ (n¼103) ‘Long’ (n¼104) ‘Short’ (n¼109) ‘Long’ (n¼98)
Age (years) 15.3 (12.9–17.1) 10.9 (9.2–12.4)*** 15.0 (13.0–17.1) 11.5 (9.3–13.0)***
Weight (kg) 55.9 (46.9–65.7) 39.1 (30.8–46.6)*** 63.5 (48.9–76.1) 40.2 (31.2–50.4)***
Height (m) 1.65 (1.56–1.69) 1.48 (1.37–1.58)*** 1.73 (1.60–1.80) 1.52 (1.39–1.62)***
BMI (kg/m
) 20.8 (18.7–23.0) 17.6 (15.9–19.8)*** 21.0 (18.5–23.7) 17.5 (15.8–19.8)***
0.3 (0.2–0.9) 0.02 (0.6–0.8)* 0.4 (0.3–1.1) 0.05 (0.7–0.7)**
Prevalence of overweight(%)
2.9 5.8 8.3 7.1
Prevalence of obesity (%)
14.6 6.7 12.8 5.1
Waist circumference (cm) 72.3 (66.7–78.7) 62.8 (57.6–68.5)*** 72.7 (68.1–79.9) 64.7 (58.4–71.0)***
Waist circumference z-score
1.2 (0.5–2.4) 0.7 (0.01–1.6)** 0.6 (0.08–1.7) 0.4 (0.1–1.0)
Body fat (%) 22.4 (16.7–28.8) 15.8 (10.4–25.7)*** 12.9 (8.5–20.2) 12.7 (7.6–19.3)
Fat free mass (kg) 44.7 (39.5–48.3) 32.0 (25.9–38.2)*** 55.2 (40.6–64.4) 34.9 (27.9–41.6)***
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; SDS, standard deviation score.
*Po0.05; **Po0.01; ***Po0.001: difference between ‘short’ and ‘long’ sleep duration.
Mann–Whitney U-test; median (IQR) as well as w
-test; %.
Cutoffs for sleep duration: 10 h per day for children aged o10 years and 9 h per day for children/ado lescents aged X10 years.
n¼96/103 for girls and n¼99/98 for boys.
Defined by Kromeyer-Hauschild et al. (2001) and WHO (1995).
n¼76/103 for girls and n¼81/92 for boys.
Table 4 Results of multiple step-wise regression analyses to explain the variance in BMI SDS and waist circumference z-score
Independent variables BMI SDS Waist circumference z-score
Girls (n¼190) Boys (n¼186) Girls (n¼171) Boys (n¼163)
) 19.1 4.7 7.0
) 10.6 14.4 12.9 12.8
Birth weight
3.1 5.2 4.3 4.0
D-Weight SDS (birth till 2 years) 2.1 5.8 6.5 6.6
Duration of breastfeeding (week) 3.9 4.4
Sleep duration (h per day) 4.4 3.6 5.2 3.7
Total explained variance 39.3 37.6 35.9 31.5
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; SDS, standard deviation score.
Excluded variables: socio-economic status, physical activity, media consumption and nutrition quality score.
% of explained variance.
Adjusted for gestational age.
Determinants and impact of short sleep
B Hitze et al
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
(von Kries et al., 2002; Lumeng et al., 2007; Chaput and
Tremblay, 2007). Contrary to von Kries et al. (2002), we could
not find an association with per cent FM independent of age
(Table 3), which might be due to missing references to create
age-/sex-dependent z-scores.
Contrary to our results, Sekine et al. (2002), Chaput et al.
(2006) and Chen et al. (2008) described that boys compared
to girls were more affected by short sleep. The explanation
for this gender difference remains unclear. Sleep may
influence weight gain differently in girls and boys (Knutson,
2005a) and a greater sleep deprivation may be needed in girls
(Eisenmann et al., 2006). However, ‘short’ compared to ‘long’
sleep was related to increased risks for being obese/overwaist
in girls only, suggesting a greater influence of short sleep in
Sleep duration and REE
An inverse association between sleep duration and REE was
observed in rats, where sleep deprivation increased energy
expenditure to 66% (Koban and Swinson, 2005). Moreover,
sleep deprivation increased plasma cortisol levels and
sympathetic activity in men suggesting stress-induced
metabolism (Spiegel et al., 2004a). However, it remains
unclear if short sleep increases energy needs to keep the
organism awake and/or if energy expenditure is increased
adaptive to an increased caloric intake. In our study, sleep
duration was positively associated with REE
in boys,
which could result in a positive energy balance.
Sleep duration, cardiometabolic risk factors and hormones
Contrary to studies in adults (Spiegel et al., 1999, 2005;
Gottlieb et al., 2006), short sleep was not associated with
blood pressure, plasma lipids or glucose (Tables 5 and 6),
suggesting that sleep deprivation or overweight as a result of
short sleep may exist longer to affect metabolic risk. In fact,
sleep duration was not related to insulin/HOMA-IR in girls
independently of WC (Table 6), suggesting that insulin
Table 5 Resting energy expenditure adjusted for FFM, cardiometabolic risk factors and hormones according to sleep duration
Sleep duration in girls
Sleep duration in boys
‘Short’ (n¼55) ‘Long’ (n¼67) ‘Short’ (n¼46) ‘Long’ (n¼50)
(kcal per day)
1317.0 (1283.4–1350.6) 1362.3 (1326.1–1398.5) 1587.7 (1550.9–1624.5) 1597.4 (1558.7–1636.2)
RRsys (mm Hg) 113.2 (109.7–116.7) 111.2 (108.1–114.2) 114.1 (110.5–117.7) 114.9 (111.6–118.3)
RRdias (mm Hg) 71.4 (68.8–74.0) 69.8 (67.6–72.1) 70.1 (67.9–72.4) 69.8 (67.7–71.9)
Triglycerides (mg/100 ml) 79.3 (68.8–89.8) 80.3 (70.9–89.6) 79.0 (68.5–89.5) 70.2 (60.1–80.3)
Total cholesterol (mg/100 ml) 161.7 (152.4–171.0) 165.7 (157.4–173.9) 155.9 (148.1–163.8) 160.5 (153.0–168.0)
LDL-C (mg/100 ml) 85.3 (77.6–93.0) 90.8 (84.0–97.6) 83.6 (76.6–90.6) 83.9 (77.3–90.5)
HDL-C (mg/100 ml) 60.8 (56.9–64.6) 58.7 (55.2–62.1) 56.5 (52.2–60.8) 61.4 (57.4–65.5)
Glucose (mg/100 ml) 90.2 (88.2–92.2) 89.4 (87.7–91.2) 93.0 (91.1–94.9) 93.6 (91.7–95.4)
Insulin (mU/ml) 12.5 (11.1–13.9) 10.7 (9.4–12.0) 12.5 (10.6–14.4) 10.7 (8.8–12.5)
HOMA-IR ((mmol/l) (mU/ml)) 2.8 (2.4–3.1) 2.4 (2.1–2.7) 2.9 (2.4–3.3) 2.5 (2.1–2.9)
Leptin (ng/ml) 12.8 (9.7–15.9) 10.2 (7.4–13.0) 5.5 (3.6–7.3) 5.1 (3.3–6.8)
Leptin/FM ((ng/ml)/kg) 1.0 (0.9–1.2) 0.9 (0.8–1.0) 0.6 (0.5–0.8) 0.6 (0.5–0.7)
Adiponectin (mg/ml) 14.6 (12.8–16.3) 14.6 (13.0–16.1) 11.7 (9.8–13.5) 14.4 (12.6–16.2)*
TSH (mU/L)
2.8 (1.6–4.0) 4.1 (2.7–5.4) 3.0 (2.7–3.4) 2.8 (2.5–3.2)
fT3 (pg/ml)
4.9 (4.6–5.1) 4.8 (4.6–5.1) 5.0 (4.8–5.2) 4.9 (4.7–5.1)
fT4 (pg/ml)
14.2 (13.6–14.8) 13.9 (13.2–14.5) 14.9 (14.3–15.5) 14.2 (13.6–14.9)
Abbreviations: FM, fat mass; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HOMA-IR, homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance; LDL-C, low-density
lipoprotein cholesterol; REE
, resting energy expenditure adjusted for fat free mass; RRdias, diastolic blood pressure; RRsys, systolic blood pressure.
*Po0.05: difference between ‘short’ and ‘long’ sleep duration.
ANCOVA (adjusted for age); mean (95% CI).
Cutoffs for sleep duration: 10 h per day for children aged o10 years and 9 h per day for children/adolescents aged X10 years.
n¼79/70 (girls) and n¼78/71 (boys).
Table 6 Relationship between sleep duration and cardiometabolic risk
factors as well as hormones
Sleep duration in
girls (n¼122)
Sleep duration in
boys (n¼96)
RRsys (mm Hg) 0.03 0.06
RRdias (mm Hg) 0.12 0.06
Triglycerides (mg/100 ml) 0.01 0.08
Total cholesterol (mg/100 ml) 0.10 0.10
LDL-C (mg/100 ml) 0.11 0.13
HDL-C (mg/100 ml) 0.01 0.15
Glucose (mg/100 ml) 0.08 0.01
Insulin (mU/ml) 0.20* 0.07
HOMA-IR ((mmol/l) (mU/ml)) 0.20* 0.06
Leptin (ng/ml) 0.20* 0.02
Leptin/FM ((ng/ml)/kg) 0.23* 0.00
Adiponectin (mg/ml) 0.03 0.08
Abbreviations: FM, fat mass; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol;
HOMA-IR, homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance; LDL-C, low-
density lipoprotein cholesterol; RRdias, diastolic blood pressure; RRsys, systolic
blood pressure.
Partial correlation adjusted for age.
Determinants and impact of short sleep
B Hitze et al
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
resistance follows overweight. These results are also con-
firmed by Verhulst et al. (2008).
Contrary to studies in adults (Spiegel et al., 2004a; Chaput
et al., 2007) short sleep was associated with higher leptin
levels in girls (Table 6). However, this discrepancy could be
explained by the inverse relationship between sleep duration
and overweight, as leptin levels reflect energy stores.
Moreover, leptin concentrations were higher in children
with respect to FM compared to adults, hypothisizing
that children develop leptin resistance beneficial for their
energy needs (Hassink et al., 1996). Furthermore, high
leptin levels were associated with future weight gain
(Savoye et al., 2002).
Concordant with Kotani et al. (2007), who showed a
positive association between sleep duration and adiponectin
concentrations in men, boys with ‘short’ vs ‘long’ sleep had
lower adiponectin levels (Table 5), which was independent of
age and WC z-score.
Study limitations
Our study has three main limitations. Sleep duration was
self-reported and not measured. However, Taheri et al. (2004)
described, that self-reported sleep duration is highly corre-
lated with polysomnographic measurements and both
measures are stable. Second, age ranged from 6.1 to 19.9
years. As sleep duration decreased with age (Table 3), older
children/adolescents were more sleep deprived. Puberty may
act as a mediator of causal linkage between sleep and
metabolic risk (Knutson, 2005b), as physiological changes
occur during adolescence (Hannon et al., 2006). However,
Flint et al. (2007) found no association between sleep
duration and pubertal status. Third, because of our cross-
sectional study design, we cannot deduce causation. Short
sleep may also be a consequence of overweight. For example,
sleep-disordered breathing leading to impaired/shorter sleep
was associated with overweight (Redline et al., 2007).
However, we feel, that this idea may become true for very
obese only.
In conclusion, short sleep was associated with a higher BMI
SDS and WC z-score. However, when compared to boys
‘short’ vs ‘long’ female sleepers had higher risks for being
obese/overwaist only. The inverse relationship between sleep
and insulin resistance in girls was probably mediated
through the development of overweight, whereas ‘short’
sleep was related to higher leptin (girls) and lower adipo-
nectin levels (boys) independently of WC z-score. REE
was positively associated with sleep in boys. Lifestyle could
add to a positive energy balance, as ‘short’ compared to
‘long’ sleepers were less physically active (girls), had higher
consumptions of soft drinks (boys) and fast food (girls), but
lower consumptions of sweets (girls). Besides age as the
major determinant, variance in sleep duration was explained
by healthier dietary habits (girls) and a low media consump-
tion (boys).
This work was supported by Bundesministerium fu
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Determinants and impact of short sleep
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... Moreover, a significant association between sleep duration and waist circumference was observed exclusively in girls in this study [52]. In contrast, reduced sleep duration was linked to increased free fat mass in both sexes, but differences in body fat percentage were observed mainly in girls [53]. Additionally, when evaluating waist circumference values, only girls who had shorter sleep durations exhibited significantly larger waist circumferences; on the contrary, a longer sleep duration was associated with reduced waist circumference only in boys [54]. ...
... In the context of the Kiel Obesity Prevention Study, the researchers identified a clear trend. Children with shorter sleep durations (less than 9 h per night) exhibited a greater inclination towards the increased consumption of fast food and soft drinks [53]. Foodinsecure children grappling with sleep difficulties showed heightened intake of soft drinks, emphasizing the intricate interplay between dietary patterns and sleep challenges [89]. ...
... Moreover, shorter sleep duration in children aged 7 to 11 has been associated with the higher consumption of fast foods and sweet processed snacks [38,94,97,98]. Additionally shorter overnight sleep duration in 6-9-yearold girls [53,99] and 6-13-year-old boys [53] was associated with the higher intake of soda regardless of its caffeine content. In adolescence, shorter sleep duration and greater variability in night-to-night sleep duration were found to be related to the increased intake of soda [97,100]. ...
Full-text available
Over the last few decades, numerous scientific studies have investigated the possible association between sleep duration and adiposity during childhood, since it has been reported that sleep deprivation causes a related increase in caloric intake. Even though the underlying pathogenetic mechanisms are still under study and not completely known, the effect of dietetic habits and nutrient intake on sleep quality and patterns has been reported. The aim of this study is to explore the intricate interplay between food intake/diet patterns and pediatric sleep disturbances in children and adolescents with obesity, emphasizing the importance of not underestimating this aspect in the prevention and treatment of this complex disease. Recent evidence supports a high correlation between specific diet patterns and foods with sleep disturbances in children at all ages. Diets rich in fiber, fruit, vegetables, and anti-inflammatory nutrients and low in saturated fats seem to promote better sleep quality. Sleep disturbances are, in turn, risk factors for the development of obesity. Therefore, food strategies should be applied to counteract this harmful process. Unraveling the complex links between dietary habits, sleep patterns, and obesity is essential for developing effective strategies to combat this critical public health issue.
... Specifically, short sleep duration has been shown to increase ghrelin [29] and decrease leptin [30]. However, results about the effects of sleep on the secretion of leptin and ghrelin are still mixed (for a review [31]), also suggesting that longer sleep duration can be associated with lower levels of leptin [32] or higher levels of ghrelin [33]. Most of these results are based on cross-sectional studies that included both children and adolescents, so the Importantly, poor sleep quality can be associated with adolescents' main indicators of physical health status (i.e., weight status, risk of developing obesity), as well as with their eating behaviors and nutritional aspects (i.e., type of diet related to the intake of nutrients or specific foods, amount and timing of food consumption and energy expenditure) [11][12][13] (see Figure 1 for a summary of the main dimensions considered). ...
... Specifically, short sleep duration has been shown to increase ghrelin [29] and decrease leptin [30]. However, results about the effects of sleep on the secretion of leptin and ghrelin are still mixed (for a review [31]), also suggesting that longer sleep duration can be associated with lower levels of leptin [32] or higher levels of ghrelin [33]. Most of these results are based on crosssectional studies that included both children and adolescents, so the inconsistency may be partially explained by participants' heterogeneity (e.g., age, sex, and weight status) and studies' methodological differences (e.g., measurement tools and participant selection) [30]. ...
Full-text available
Sleep is fundamental for adolescents' healthy development but undergoes dramatic changes in quantity and quality due to the conflict between biological and social rhythms. Insufficient sleep has been associated with worse physical health status and irregular eating behaviors in adolescents. This review aims to systematically synthesize the longitudinal associations between adolescents' sleep dimensions (i.e., duration, timing, quality, and insomnia symptoms) and physical health indicators (i.e., anthropometric indices, fat percentage, and risk of obesity), eating behaviors, and nutritional aspects (i.e., type of diet related to the intake of specific foods and nutrients, amount and timing of food consumption, energy expenditure). A total of 28 longitudinal studies were included. The meta-analytic results showed that longer sleep duration, better sleep quality, and lower insomnia symptoms were associated with lower BMI and fat percentage and that shorter sleep duration (<7 h) and lower sleep quality were associated with a higher risk of obesity. Conversely, anthropometric indices were not related to sleep over time. Limited literature examined the bidirectional association between adolescents' sleep and their eating behaviors and nutritional aspects. Such knowledge sheds new light on the role of sleep for adolescents' health, highlighting the need to examine further the interplay between these variables.
... Excessive screen media exposure has been associated to low quality of sleep by limiting sleep duration (17)(18)(19)(20), increasing night awakenings and inducing an intermittent sleep pattern (21). The bright screens of electronic devices induce a state of hyper arousal by activating different automatic pathways of the nervous system (22). ...
Today's children grow up immersed in digital media. The experts' recommendations are: no screen time <18 months, for children 2-5 years limited to one hour/day, for children ≥6 years there should be limits on the time spent using media and the types of media. The authors aimed to evaluate how much screen time the children are exposed to during the day. We conducted a prospective study, February-May 2019 in the Pediatrics Department of "Grigore Alexandrescu" Hospital. Parents were asked to fill in a questionnaire containing screen time, type of screen, behavior related to screens. 200 patients were enrolled, mean age 8 years 9 months, sex ratio M/F=1.1/1, 82% from urban areas. Parents declared the children started using screens at an average age of 4 years 1 month (minimum 6 months). 3% were exposed to screens below the age of one. The devices used were: smartphone, TV, tablet, laptop, computer and gameboard in 81%, 59.5%, 42.5%, 36.5%, 22. % and 22.5% respectively. Children used screens alone on average 2.8 hours/day, 5.6 days/week and alongside their parents on average 2.2 hours/day, 4.5 days/week. Devices were used during meal time in 41%. 22% of parents used screen time as reward and 48% felt retrieving the device to be an effective punishment. 20% of children were falling asleep with the TV on. Conclusions: Screen time for children is progressively increasing as the age of exposure decreases. The most frequently used devices are smartphones, laptops. The screen related behavior is "educated" in the family.
... For instance, mice fed a high fat diet gained excessive weight only when they were free to eat throughout their 24-h sleep-wake cycle and not when food access was restricted to the dark period (equivalent of daytime in nocturnal humans) (Hatori et al., 2012); and there are emerging data that time restricted feeding improves weight and cardiometabolic health in humans (Chow et al., 2020;Wilkinson et al., 2020;Phillips et al., 2021). Second, experimental sleep restriction in adults has been shown to cause changes in hormones that regulate energy homeostasis in the hypothalamus that could promote increased energy intake (e.g., reductions in leptin and increases in ghrelin) (Spiegel et al., 2004a,b); however, this hormonal hypothesis is not universally supported (Hitze et al., 2009;Nedeltcheva et al., 2009;St-Onge et al., 2011;Hart et al., 2013;Markwald et al., 2013;Boeke et al., 2014). Third, shorter sleep may alter how the brain processes food cues, increasing temptation to eat (St-Onge et al., 2012Demos et al., 2017). ...
Full-text available
Background Insufficient sleep duration is highly prevalent in childhood and is associated with obesity, especially among middle school-aged children. The primary care setting has enormous potential to promote sleep, but limited time and sleep resources at in person appointments are key barriers. Digital health innovations offer solutions to these barriers. Mobile health platforms can be developed to deliver behavioral sleep promotion remotely in the home setting, with tailoring to individual and contextual factors to help ensure equitable effectiveness across sociodemographic groups. This paper presents the protocol for a randomized optimization trial using the Multiphase Optimization Strategy (MOST) to develop a mobile health platform for the pediatric care setting to promote longer sleep duration for childhood obesity prevention. Methods This is a single-site study being conducted at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. We will randomize 325 children, aged 8–12 y, with a body mass index (BMI) between the 50th−95th percentile, and who sleep <8.5 h per night. The Way to Health mobile platform will facilitate remote communication and data collection. A sleep tracker will estimate sleep patterns for 12-months (2-week run-in; 6-month intervention; ≈5.5-month follow-up). A randomized 2 ⁴ factorial design will assess four components: sleep goal (≥9 h or ≥30 min above baseline sleep duration), digital guidance (active or active with virtual study visits), caregiver incentive (inactive or active), and performance feedback (inactive or active). Fat mass will be measured at baseline, 6-, and 12-months using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. Total energy intake and the timing and composition of meals will be measured using 24-h dietary recalls at baseline, 6-, and 12-months. Sociodemographic data (e.g., sex, race, ethnicity) will be measured using self-report and home addresses will be geocoded for geospatial analyses. Discussion We anticipate that this innovative optimization trial will identify optimal component settings for sleep promotion in children, with clinically meaningful improvements in fat mass trajectories. Importantly, the platform will have broad impact by promoting sleep health equity across sociodemographic groups. With the optimal settings identified, we will be able to determine the effectiveness of the final intervention package under the evaluation phase of the MOST framework in a future randomized controlled trial. Our proposed research will greatly advance the field of behavioral sleep medicine and reimagine how insufficient sleep duration and obesity are prevented in pediatric healthcare. Trial registration NCT05703347 registered on 30 January 2023.
... This study had also found an association between low/middle income countries with lower sleep duration, compared to high-income countries such as Australia, Canada, Finland, and the United Kingdom. However, this observation does not apply to Singapore as a high-income country, and may be explained by the high SVT use (i.e., exceeding 2 h) and the low adherence to SVT guidelines, as longer screen media usage may directly reduce sleep duration by delaying or interrupting sleep time [42,43]. Furthermore, as a high-income country in East Asia, Singapore is a highly competitive society where students spend more time studying at the expense of sleep for the sake of achieving high academic performance [44,45]. ...
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This study aimed to examine the prevalence of adherence to 24 h activity guidelines in children and adolescents from Asia-Pacific cities. In 1139 children aged 5–18 years, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA), screen viewing time (SVT), sleep duration, child weight, height, sex, and age were parent-reported. Descriptive statistics were used to assess the number of guidelines met, and prevalence of adherence to activity guidelines by city and child sex. Prevalence of meeting all three 24 h activity guidelines was low across all countries (1.8–10.3%) (p < 0.05). Children from Thiruvananthapuram, India had the highest [10.3% (95% CI: 6.0–17.0)], while those from Tokyo, Japan had the lowest prevalence [1.8% (95% CI: 0.5–7.0)] of meeting all three guidelines. The highest prevalence of meeting individual MVPA, SVT and sleep guidelines was found in India [67.5% (95% CI: 58.8–75.1)], Kelaniya, Sri Lanka [63.2% (95% CI: 58.7–67.4)] and Kowloon, Hong Kong [59.4% (95% CI: 51.1–65.3)], respectively. Overall, a higher prevalence of boys met all three guidelines, compared to girls [5.9% (95% CI: 4.1–8.1) vs. 4.7% (3.1–6.6), p = 0.32]. The prevalence of adhering to all three activity guidelines was low in all five participating cities, with a higher proportion of boys meeting all guidelines.
... We tested inclusion of a limited number of level 2 (individual level) covariates in our models. Sex, age, ACORN-SES zBMI and MFQ were tested as potential confounding variables based on past research showing that these factors are associated with both sleep duration and diet quality [59][60][61]. Of these, sex, age, Acorn-SES, and MFQ improved model fit and were included in the models. ...
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Background Insufficient sleep has been associated with weight gain and metabolic dysregulation, with one suggested mechanism being through reduction in diet quality. Experimental evidence supports a causal effect of sleep timings on diet but this may not be applicable to a free-living adolescent population. In this analysis we use daily measures of sleep timings and diet quality, to examine the effect of sleep duration and timing on diet quality the following day among free-living adolescents. Methods The ROOTS study is a prospective cohort recruited from secondary schools in Cambridgeshire and Suffolk (UK). Participants (n = 815) at mean age 15.0y (SD 0.3y) completed a diet diary and wore a combined heart rate and accelerometer device over 4 consecutive days. Sleep duration and timing (midpoint) were derived from acceleration and heart rate traces, while daily energy density and fruit and vegetable intake were calculated from dietary data. Analyses were performed at day-level (1815 person-days). Multilevel random effects models were used to test associations between sleep each night and subsequent day diet, with daily sleep and diet measures nested within individuals and schools, and adjusted for day-level and individual-level confounding variables. Results Adolescents slept a mean of 7.88 hrs (SD 1.10) per night, reporting a mean energy density of 2.12 kcal/g (SD 0.48) and median energy-adjusted daily fruit and vegetable intake of 137.3 g (IQR 130.4). One hour shorter sleep duration was associated with lower intake of fruit and vegetables (-6.42 g, 95%CI -1.84, -10.99) the following day. An association with higher dietary energy density (0.016 kcal/g, 95%CI 0.034, -0.002) the following day was observed but did not reach statistical significance. Sleep timing was not associated with either fruit and vegetable intake (-2.52 g/d, 95%CI -7.66, 2.62) or dietary energy density (-0.001 kcal/g, 95%CI -0.022, 0.020). Conclusions Our observational findings from a free-living adolescent population support the experimental evidence for a causal role of sleep on diet, with shorter sleep duration at night leading to a small decrease in diet quality the following day. These findings support experimental evidence to suggest inclusion of sleep duration as one component of interventions designed to improve diet quality and weight status in adolescents.
A community-based qualitative study identified multilevel influences on sleep duration, quality, and timing in 10 to 12-year-old Latino pre-adolescents via 11 focus groups with 46 children and 15 interviews with parents. An iterative content analysis revealed three themes negatively and positively impacted sleep: (1) Individual-level; (2) Social-level; and (3) Environmental-level influences. At the individual level, use of technology (e.g., phones), activity levels (e.g., sitting all day), dietary intake (e.g., junk food) and emotions (e.g., stress/anxiety) were reported to impact children’s sleep. Social-level influences included interactions with peers and family members as well as time hanging out and arguing/fighting. Environmental-level influences were living in home and neighborhood settings with certain sounds (e.g., soothing music), uncomfortable temperatures, and items/things (e.g., stuffed animal) in the sleeping area. Parent reports indicated that some factors at each level were exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Findings that influences at various levels interacted to impact sleep illustrate the need to simultaneously account for multiple levels of influence to best inform intervention development. Thus, application of social ecological models of behavior change to interventions may enhance sleep duration, quality, and timing among Latino pre-adolescents, as these models account for single as well as interacting influences to explain behavior.
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate whether short sleep duration or later sleep timing is a risk factor for insulin resistance (IR) in late adolescence. Methods: Mexico City adolescents enrolled in a longitudinal birth cohort (ELEMENT) took part in two study visits during peri-puberty that occurred approximately 2 years apart. IR was assessed with serum glucose and insulin. Four groups were defined using puberty-specific cut points: no IR over the follow-up period, transition from normal to IR, transition from IR to normal, and IR at both time points. Baseline sleep assessments were measured with 7-day wrist actigraphy. Multinomial logistic regression models were used to evaluate associations between sleep duration and timing with homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance categories, adjusting for age, sex, and baseline pubertal status. Results: Adolescents who were ≥ 1 hour below the sleep duration recommendations-for-age were 2.74 times more likely to develop IR (95% CI: 1.0-7.4). Similarly, adolescents who were in the latest category of sleep midpoint (>4:33 a.m.) were more likely than those with earliest midpoints (1 a.m.-3 a.m.) to develop IR (odds ratio = 2.63, 95% CI: 1.0-6.7). Changes in adiposity over follow-up did not mediate sleep and IR. Conclusions: Insufficient sleep duration and late sleep timing were associated with development of IR over a 2-year period in late adolescence.
KOPS (Kiel Obesity Prevention Study) assesses the nu- tritional status of children aged 5-7 years. Overweight children and children at risk for overweight were offered nutritional education, family intervention and active school breaks. For a successful intervention it is necessary to characterise the childrens' eating behaviour in this age group. The purpose of the present study is to check whether nutrition recommendations for children are being realised, considering childrens' actual eating habits. A second objective is to develop suitable nutrition recommendations for children. Methods: In 1996 and 1997 between February and June 1497 children (739 boys and 758 girls) were examined. Measurements were bodyweight, height and skinfold thickness (TSF, BSF, ASF, SIF, SSF). In a subgroup of 801 children (390 boys and 411 girls) eating behaviour was assessed by means of a standardised food frequency questionnaire. The eating behaviour of children from Kiel was compared with the recommendations of the Forschungsinstitut für Kinderernährung, Dortmund. Results: 23.2% of the children were overweight, 68.0% were normal weight and 8.8% of the group were underweight. The children in this study are in line with the recommendations of the FKE: frequent consumption of fruits, vegetables, milk and milk products, bread; low consumption of sweets, cake, lemonade, fast food and salted snacks. There is no relation between eating behaviour and nutrition status of the children. Conclusion: The recommendations of the Forschungsinstitut für Kinderernährung are realistic within childrens' usual food intake and should be recommended. Measures to prevent obesity should always include nutrition education and physical activity.
Leptin levels were stable across the daytime period under both sleep conditions, which was consistent with the fact that calories were exclusively delivered in the form of a constant glucose infusion. Average total sleep time was 9 hours and 8 minutes when the men spent 10 hours in bed and 3 hours and 53 minutes when the men spent 4 hours in bed (P < 0.01). When spending 4 hours in bed, the participants had mean leptin levels that were 18% lower (2.1 ng/mL vs. 2.6 ng/mL; P = 0.04) (Figure 1, part A) and mean ghrelin levels that were 28% higher (3.3 ng/mL vs. 2.6 ng/mL; P = 0.04) (Figure 1, part B) than when the participants spent 10 hours in bed. The ratio of the concentrations of orexigenic ghrelin to anorexigenic leptin increased by 71% (CI, 7% to 135%) with 4 hours in bed compared with 10 hours in bed. Sleep restriction relative to sleep extension was associated with a 24% increase in hunger ratings on the 10-cm visual analogue scale (P < 0.01) and a 23% increase in appetite ratings for all food categories combined (P = 0.01) (Figure 1, parts C and D, and Table 1). The increase in appetite tended to be greatest for calorie-dense foods with high carbohydrate content (sweets, salty foods, and starchy foods: increase, 33% to 45%; P = 0.06) (Table 1). The increase in appetite for fruits and vegetables was less consistent and of lesser magnitude (increase, 17% to 21%) (Table 1). Appetite for protein-rich nutrients (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy foods) was not significantly affected by sleep duration (Table 1). When we considered the changes in ghrelin and leptin in an integrated fashion by calculating the ghrelin-to-leptin ratio, the increase in hunger was proportional to the increase in ghrelin-to-leptin ratio (r = 0.87) (Figure 2). Almost 70% of the variance in increased hunger could be accounted for by the increase in the ghrelin-to-leptin ratio.
Objectives. Both the Childhood Group of the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) and the European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) recommend to use the body mass index (BMI = weight in kilograms/height in meter2) to evaluate overweight and obesity in children and adolescents. Whereas it is customary with adults to use fixed cut off points to define overweight and obesity, in children and adolescents age and sex specific developmental changes in BMI need to be addressed, which are due to physiological alterations of fat mass. Method. Because a national reference population for children and adolescents does not exist in Germany, a BMI reference data set was compiled. Therefore measurements of height and weight from 17 different regional studies including 17147 boys and 17275 girls aged 0 to 18 years were used. Results and conclusions. We recommend the use of the presented percentiles as reference to asses under- and overweight (obesity) in German children and adolescents. In the guidelines of the “Arbeitsgruppe Adipo-sitas im Kindes- und Jugendalter” (AGA) the 90th and 97th BMI percentiles as calculated in this reference population are proposed as cut-off points for the definition of overweight and obesity in German children and adolescents.
To be more effective, the prevention of obesity in childhood should be focused on the population at risk. The purpose of the present study is firstly to find correlations between certain environmental factors and obesity in childhood, and secondly to measure the influence of the environmental factors after taking the parental history of obesity into account. This case controlled study includes 704 controls vs. 327 cases selected in a population of five year old school children. The anthropometric assessment was completed at school. Obesity was defined as a weight for height > or = 2 s.d. using the French weight charts for French children based on sex and height. Interviews of the parents recorded parental overweight and child birth overweight as 'constitutional' factors and family structure, socio-economic level and daily lifestyle (sleep, TV viewing, after school care, etc.) as 'environmental' factors. The results show that parental overweight and birth overweight are closely related to the child's obesity at five years of age (estimated relative risks 3.1 and 2.4 respectively). The environmental factors which contribute to child obesity are: southern European origin of the mother, snacks, excessive television viewing and, more importantly, short sleep duration (estimated relative risks = 1.9, 1.3, 2.1 and 4.9 respectively). A logistic regression model, after taking parental overweight into account, shows that the relationship between obesity and short sleep duration persists independently of television viewing. The hypotheses raised by these findings are discussed.