Conference PaperPDF Available

Large-scale Urban Vehicular Mobility for Networking Research

  • Orange Labs, Issy-Les-Moulineaux
  • IMDEA Networks Institute


Simulation is the tool of choice for the large-scale performance evaluation of upcoming telecommunication networking paradigms that involve users aboard vehicles, such as next-generation cellular networks for vehicular access, pure vehicular ad hoc networks, and opportunistic disruption-tolerant networks. The single most distinguishing feature of vehicular networks simulation lies in the mobility of users, which is the result of the interaction of complex macroscopic and microscopic dynamics. Notwithstanding the improvements that vehicular mobility modeling has undergone during the past few years, no car traffic trace is available today that captures both macroscopic and microscopic behaviors of drivers over a large urban region, and does so with the level of detail required for networking research. In this paper, we present a realistic synthetic dataset of the car traffic over a typical 24 hours in a 400-km2 region around the city of Köln, in Germany. We outline how our mobility description improves today's existing traces and show the potential impact that a comprehensive representation of vehicular mobility can have one the evaluation of networking technologies.
Large-scale Urban Vehicular Mobility
for Networking Research
Sandesh Uppoor, Marco Fiore
Universit´e de Lyon, INRIA
INSA-Lyon, CITI, F-69621, Villeurbanne, France
Abstract—Simulation is the tool of choice for the large-
scale performance evaluation of upcoming telecommunication
networking paradigms that involve users aboard vehicles, such
as next-generation cellular networks for vehicular access, pure
vehicular ad hoc networks, and opportunistic disruption-tolerant
networks. The single most distinguishing feature of vehicular
networks simulation lies in the mobility of users, which is the
result of the interaction of complex macroscopic and microscopic
dynamics. Notwithstanding the improvements that vehicular mo-
bility modeling has undergone during the past few years, no car
traffic trace is available today that captures both macroscopic and
microscopic behaviors of drivers over a large urban region, and
does so with the level of detail required for networking research.
In this paper, we present a realistic synthetic dataset of the car
traffic over a typical 24 hours in a 400-km2region around the city
of K¨
oln, in Germany. We outline how our mobility description
improves today’s existing traces and show the potential impact
that a comprehensive representation of vehicular mobility can
have one the evaluation of networking technologies.
Vehicular environments have become increasingly attractive
to the telecommunication networking research community
over the last years. The reason is that cars are envisioned to
become real communication hubs in the near future, thanks to
the proliferation of smartphones and tablets, whose Internet-
connection capabilities appear especially appealing to passen-
gers aboard cars, as well as to the growing presence of radio
interfaces on the vehicles themselves.
Enhanced infrastructure-based systems, involving, e.g., the
WiMAX and LTE-A technologies, and novel communication
paradigms, such as, e.g., ad hoc and opportunistic networking,
are being studied in order to accommodate the traffic generated
and requested by forthcoming communicating vehicles. Most
of these solution require large-scale performance evaluations
that are not feasible through experimentation directly, due to
costs and complexity. Simulation becomes thus the tool of
choice to assess the quality such solutions.
When simulating a vehicular network, particular attention
must be paid to faithfully represent the unique dynamics of car
mobility, characterized at a time by high-peak high-variance
speeds, road topology-and road rules-constrained movements,
and strong movement correlations over time and space. These
properties are the result of macroscopic and microscopic car
traffic dynamics, that need to be properly modeled in order to
perform a simulative campaign whose results are credible.
The relevance of mobility modeling in the simulation of ve-
hicular networks is widely acknowledged, a factor that has led
to a substantial progress in the quality of car movement traces
for vehicular networking research. The simplistic stochastic
models employed in early works [1], [2] have been replaced by
random mobility over realistic road topologies [3] at first, and
by microscopic vehicular models borrowed from transportation
research [4] later on. These features were then included in
dedicated simulation environments, and integrated with road
signalization [5], [6]. Since then, vehicular mobility simulators
have been growing their complexity and features [7], allowing
to accurately simulate the individual movement of vehicles
over realistic road topologies.
Today’s challenge lies in generating traffic traces that (i)
compass very large urban areas, i.e., whole cities including
their surroundings, and (ii) are realistic also from a macro-
scopic point of view, i.e., that faithfully mimic large traffic
flows across a metropolitan area. To that end, one must
correctly identify the traffic demand, i.e., the start time, the
origin and the destination of each car trip in the simulated
region, which are stored in a so-called Origin/Destination
(O/D) matrix. Then, an appropriate traffic assignment model
needs to be run on the O/D matrix, so to identify the realistic
route followed by each driver to reach his/her destination.
Indeed, the current common practice is to employ a random
traffic demand and shortest path-based assignment, which can
lead to unrealistic flows and thus biased simulation results.
The few large-scale vehicular mobility traces accounting
for macroscopic mobility and publicly available have been
extensively used in the literature, but are either representative
of a subset of the whole traffic, as in the case of real-world
taxi traces [8], or only model major arterial roads and neglect
most of the streets present in urban areas [9]. Additionally,
both these kinds of dataset lack detail, since they report car
positions with low granularity, in the order of tens of seconds,
or employ fast but approximate microscopic mobility models.
Recently, the iTetris initiative [10] generated very detailed
urban mobility traces based on realistic macroscopic data
collected in the city of Bologna, Italy. However, such traces
only cover a short timespan of one hour and are limited to
relatively small areas of around 10 km2; moreover, the traces
are not publicly available at the moment.
In this paper, we combine the four key aspects mentioned
above, i.e., a real-world road topology, an accurate microscopic
mobility modeling, a realistic traffic demand, and a state-of-
art traffic assignment technique, and generate a large-scale
synthetic trace of the car traffic in a the city of K¨oln, Germany.
The dataset covers a region of 400 km2for a period of 24
hours. We detail the generation process, and then outline how
our mobility dataset compares with some reference traces
commonly employed in the recent literature. Our analysis
suggest that employing incomplete representations of vehicular
mobility in the evaluation of networking protocols may indeed
result in over-optimistic performance.Accepted for publication at IEEE VNC 2011 – c
2011 IEEE
The vehicular mobility dataset we introduce in this paper
is mainly based on the data made available by the TAPAS-
Cologne project [11]. TAPASCologne, an initiative by the
Institute of Transportation Systems at the German Aerospace
Center (ITS-DLR), aims at reproducing, with the highest level
of realism possible, car traffic in the greater urban area of the
city of K¨oln, in Germany.
To that end, different state-of-art data sources and simula-
tion tools are brought together, so to cover all of the specific
aspects required for a proper characterization of vehicular
traffic. In the remainder of this section, we detail the features
of the different components, as well as the process through
which they are combined to generate the mobility dataset.
A. Road topology
The street layout of the K¨oln urban area is obtained from
the OpenStreetMap (OSM) database [12]. The OSM project
provides freely exportable maps of cities worldwide, which
are contributed and updated by a vast user community. Maps
include information on roads, railways, buildings, and Points
of Interests (PoI) such as parks, commercial centers, leisure
centers and commercial activities.
In particular, the OSM road information is generated and
validated by means of satellite imagery and GPS traces, and
is commonly regarded as the highest-quality road data publicly
available today. Indeed, the accuracy of OSM street layouts,
comprising highways, major urban arteries and minor roads,
often matches that of proprietary ones such as, e.g., Google
Maps or Mappy, especially for large cities.
We employed the osmosis tool [13] to filter the OSM
data and extract the road topology information for an area
of approximately 400 km2around the urban agglomeration
of K¨oln, thus including almost 4500 km of roads. We then
resorted to the Java OpenStreetMap Editor (JOSM) [14] to
repair the OSM data file and make it compatible with the
microscopic mobility simulator, as detailed in Sec. III.
B. Microscopic vehicular mobility
The microscopic mobility of vehicles is simulated with the
Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO) software [15]. SUMO
is an open-source, space-continuous, discrete-time traffic simu-
lator developed by the German Aerospace Center (DLR), capa-
ble of accurately modeling the behavior of individual drivers,
accounting for car-to-car and car-to-road signalization interac-
tions. More precisely, SUMO can import road maps in multiple
formats, including OSM, and faithfully reproduce traffic lights,
roundabouts, stop and yield signs. The microscopic models
implemented by SUMO are Krauss’ car-following model [16]
and Krajzewicz’s lane-changing model [17], that respectively
regulate a driver’s acceleration and overtaking decisions, by
taking into account a number of factors, including the distance
to the leading vehicle, the traveling speed, and the acceleration
and deceleration profiles. These models have been long val-
idated by the transportation research community, a fact that,
jointly with the high scalability of the simulator, makes of
SUMO the most complete and reliable among today’s open-
source microscopic vehicular mobility generators. The version
we employed for the dataset generation is 12.3.
SUMO simulation
Gawron’s algorithm
TAPASCologne O/D matrix
OSM map
Fig. 1. Simulation workflow
C. Traffic demand
The traffic demand information on the macroscopic traffic
flows across the K¨oln urban area that we employ are derived
through the Travel and Activity PAtterns Simulation (TAPAS)
methodology [18]. This technique generates the O/D matrix
by exploiting information on (i) the population, i.e., home
locations and socio-demographic characteristics, (ii) the points
of interests in the urban area, i.e., places where working and
free-time activities take place, and (iii) the time use patterns,
i.e., habits of the local residents in organizing their daily sched-
ule [19]. Within the context of the TAPASCologne project,
the aforementioned TAPAS methodology was applied on real-
world data collected in the K¨oln region by the German Federal
Statistical Office, including 30,700 daily activity reports from
more than 7000 households [20], [21]. The resulting O/D
matrix faithfully mimics the daily movements of inhabitants
of the area for a period of 24 hours, for a total of 1.2 million
individual trips. The TAPASCologne O/D matrix is, to the best
of our knowledge, the only realistic traffic demand dataset of
a large urban region available to date.
D. Traffic assignment
The actual assignment of the vehicular traffic flows de-
scribed by the TAPASCologne O/D matrix over the road
topology is performed by means of Gawron’s algorithm [22].
This traffic assignment technique computes the fastest route
for each vehicle, and then assigns to each road segment a
cost reflecting the intensity of traffic over it. By iteratively
moving part of the traffic to alternate, less congested paths,
and recomputing the road costs, the scheme finally achieves
a so-called user equilibrium. Additionally, since the intensity
of the traffic demand varies over a day, the traffic assignment
model must also be able to adapt to the time-varying traffic
conditions. Indeed, Gawron’s algorithm satisfies such a re-
quirement, thus attaining a so-called dynamic user equilibrium.
Gawron’s is one the most popular traffic assignment techniques
developed within the transportation research community, and
allows to reach a road capacity utilization close to reality
and significantly higher than that obtained with, e.g., a simple
weighted Dijkstra algorithm.
E. Simulation
The individual components presented above must be com-
bined in order to generate the vehicular mobility dataset.
The simulation workflow is depicted in Fig. 1. First, the
information contained in the TAPASCologne O/D matrix are
used to identify the boundaries of the exact simulation region,
extract the associated map from OSM and filter it so to
remove unneeded content that does not concern the road
layout. Then the OSM map is converted to a format readable
by SUMO, and fed to the microscopic mobility simulator.
6am 7am 8am 9am 10am
Vehicles (x 1000)
Time (h)
(a) Simulated vehicles status
6am 7am 8am 9am 10am
Time (m)
Speed (km/h)
Time (h)
Travel time
(b) Mean travel time and speed
Fig. 2. Original TAPASCologne dataset. Traffic features over time
3 km
Speed (km/h)
Fig. 3. Original TAPASCologne dataset. Snapshot of the traffic status at
7:00 am, in a 400 km2region centered on the city of K¨oln. Blue vehicles are
moving, whereas bright red ones are still (this figure is best viewed in colors)
The TAPASCologne O/D matrix is also used as an input
to Gawron’s algorithm, which, in turn, determines an initial
traffic assignment and provides it to SUMO. Then, a first
vehicular mobility simulation can be run with SUMO, and,
once finished, a feedback on the resulting traffic density
over the road topology is sent back to Gawron’s algorithm.
Based on such new information, a new traffic assignment is
computed, and a second SUMO simulation is run. The process
is repeated until a traffic assignment is generated that allows
to sustain the whole volume of the traffic demand.
The result obtained by running the vehicular mobility sim-
ulation with the data sources made available by OSM and
TAPASCologne is plain unusable. In Fig. 2(a), we plot the
evolution over time of the number of vehicles that (i) are
traveling on the road topology, (ii) have successfully ended
their trip by reaching the their destination, (iii) are waiting to
enter the road topology, which they cannot presently do due to
an excessive congestion of the road segment they are supposed
to start their trip from. This third condition is a simulation
artifact, identifying situations where the road topology cannot
accommodate all the traffic demand in the O/D matrix, and, as
such, is an undesirable effect. Clearly, the three sets of vehicles
above are disjoint.
From the plot, we can note how the number of traveling
vehicles present in the simulation rapidly grows up to exceed
6am 8am 10am 12am
Injected vehicles (veh/s)
Time (h)
(a) Original
6am 8am 10am 12am
Injected vehicles (veh/s)
Time (h)
(b) Fixed
Fig. 4. Volume of traffic injected in the road network between 6:00 am and
12:00 am, according to the TAPASCologne O/D matrix
a hundred thousands units, a figure completely unrealistic for
a city the size of K¨oln. Additionally, such a number does not
tend to decrease as one could expect once the morning traffic
peak is exhausted; instead, it keeps growing indefinitely. It
is also possible to observe that the number of vehicles that
end their trip grows very slowly over time: in fact, from the
values portrayed in the figure, only a very small fraction of
the cars that are present on the road topology can reach their
destination. Finally, the number of vehicles that are waiting to
enter the road topology, which we would like to stay as close
as possible to zero, consistently grows over time instead.
The mean travel time, in Fig. 2(b), also shows a quite
unrealistic behavior, as more than half an hour is required,
on average, for a driver to reach its destination at 10:00 am,
when the traffic should be sparse. Similarly, the average speed
of vehicles, in the same plot, tends to zero as the time elapses.
These results are clear symptoms of how the road topology
cannot sustain the volume of cars injected according to the
traffic demand model. Indeed, when looking at a snapshot of
the car traffic in the region, it is clear that the simulation
quickly reduces to a huge traffic jam. As an example, Fig. 3
depicts the map of the road topology at 7:00 am, a daytime
typically characterized by rather fluid traffic conditions. How-
ever, the road topology is mostly covered by bright red dots,
representing cars stuck in heavily congested traffic.
In the following we discuss the reasons for such a simulation
result, and present solutions to them.
A. Over-comprehensive and bursty traffic demand
The original TAPASCologne O/D matrix results in the traffic
demand volume depicted in Fig. 4(a), which shows the number
of vehicles injected in the whole road network every second.
By analyzing the O/D matrix, its source data, and its effect on
the microscopic mobility simulation, we identified and fixed
the following two problems.
First, the demand in the O/D matrix is not limited to the
vehicular traffic; rather, it includes information on the daily
trips of all K¨oln inhabitants, independently from whether their
walk to their destination, or employ public transports, or take
a car as either passengers or drivers. Clearly, we are only
interested in the latter kind of mobility, since the volume of
vehicular traffic directly maps to that of car drivers. According
to [19, Fig. 4], car drivers account for approximately 50% of
the overall trips in the TAPASCologne O/D matrix: thus, we
adjusted the O/D matrix by only considering that one trip every
two concerns the movement of a vehicle.
Fig. 5. Example of wrong restriction enforcement in OpenStreetMap data
Second, the original demand presented an unrealistic vari-
ability in the injected traffic over short time scales. This can be
observed in Fig. 4(a), where, within the span of a few minutes,
peaks up to 200 vehicles/s in the injected traffic alternate with
instants of reduced injected traffic as low as 10 vehicles/s.
Such an excessive burstiness is hardly observable in the reality,
especially considering that the injected traffic is aggregated
over a very large area. Indeed, we observed that these peaks of
traffic were a major cause of congestion, forcing large masses
of cars to try to enter the road topology at a time, and thus
creating traffic jams out of nowhere. In order to address this
issue, we smoothed down the original O/D matrix, by adding
to the departure time of each vehicle a random offset uniformly
distributed in the interval [5,5] minutes. This allowed to
remove the injection bursts, yet retaining the traffic demand
properties over larger time scales. The latter effect can be
observed in Fig. 4(b), depicting the injected traffic volume
after scaling and smoothing: the overall trend of the plot is
the same, clearly resulting in higher traffic between 7:00 am
and 8:00 am, and the significant macroscopic peaks of traffic
are still present, e.g., at 7:30 am or 9:00 am.
B. Inconsistent road information
A second source of errors in the simulation was identified
in the OpenStreetMap road topology. Although very com-
plete, the information embedded in the map proved to be
at times inconsistent with respect to reality. The impact of
such inconsistencies, albeit negligible on most of the usages
of OpenStreetMap, revealed to be dramatic for the simulation
of vehicular mobility.
A first type of inconsistency is represented by wrong
traffic movement restrictions enforced on some road segment.
Consider the situation in Fig. 5: there, a no left turn restriction
(left) is applied, in the OpenStreetMap road information, to the
east-west lane of the horizontal road (right). This prevents a car
traveling along such a lane to turn left, as in the example in the
figure. The OpenStreetMap data contains at times restrictions
of this kind which are not actually there in the real world:
the shape of the street layout is not affected by such errors,
however the microscopic traffic simulation is, since they cause
vehicles to get stuck by waiting indefinitely for a possibility to
turn and continue their travel. We identified wrong restrictions
by checking the features of congested intersections and T-
junctions against the real-world road signalization through the
Google Street View service: when necessary, we corrected
the OpenStreetMap data according to the visual inspection.
This allowed us to fix approximately one thousand erroneous
restrictions over the road topology in the area under study.
Fig. 6. Example of continuous restriction enforcement in OpenStreetMap
Fig. 7. Example of unrecognized information ignored during mapconversion
We then identified a second type of inconsistency, repre-
sented by correct movement restrictions being enforced on
some roads, but not applying to the whole road all the time.
Fig. 6 portrays an example of such a situation, where two
one-way roads, going from west to east and from north to
south, respectively, cross each other. In the real world, the
roads pass one over the other, and vehicles traveling on
the horizontal road can join the southbound traffic flow by
means of the slanting relief route. In the OpenStreetMap road
representation, the horizontal road is formed by a sequence of
segments joined by links (respectively depicted as grey thick
lines and red crosses on the right plot); links allow to represent
crossings with other roads in the area. More precisely, the
horizontal road is tagged as only straight on (left), a restriction
that affects all of its segments: this correctly forces cars to
proceed straight at the bridged intersection with the vertical
road. However, the same restriction also applies to the previous
segments, preventing vehicles from taking the relief route; as
a result, the eastbound traffic cannot join the southbound one.
Incorrect restrictions of this kind force vehicles to long detours
in order to reach their destinations, resulting in a higher traffic
volume over the road topology. We identified such situations
in most of the interchange nodes among high-speed roads
(arterial roads in the city, the freeway ring around downtown
K¨oln, and highways passing close to the urban agglomeration),
preventing traffic from correctly switching among such major
ways. We solved the problem by separating the segments of a
same road and assigning correct restrictions to each of them,
repeating the process for approximately 800 roads.
C. Flawed road topology conversion
The OpenStreetMap road information is imported by SUMO
through an automated conversion process that proved not to
be error-free. A first cause of problems was the presence of
road information not recognized by the conversion tool. E.g.,
attributes with two values were considered as incorrect by
Fig. 8. Example of topological information unfitness during map conversion
the converter, and the associated roads were not included in
the topology used for the simulation. An example is shown
in Fig. 7: the double value of the source field (left) causes
SUMO not to account for the associated road in simulation
(right, a road should connect the north and south branches).
We corrected the OpenStreetMap data so to make all attributes
compatible with the SUMO converter.
A second critical aspect we had to address was the fact
that the topological information in OpenStreetMap is, at
times, simply unfit to be directly converted to the SUMO
street layout. An example is depicted in Fig. 8. There, the
real world aerial photography of one intersection (top right),
the associated Google map information (top left), and the
OpenStreetMap road topology (bottom left) match. However,
the conversion of the latter in SUMO results in an exceedingly
complex intersection, where vehicles get stuck and rapidly
form a permanent traffic jam (bottom right). The reason for
such a simulation result is that, since two segment links (white
dots in the bottom left plot) are present, SUMO interprets the
OpenStreetMap topology as if two road junctions co-existed,
one placed right after the other. As a consequence, the number
of traffic lights that regulate the car flows to the crossroad is
doubled, and yield signs are placed right at the middle of
the intersection: the result is the impossibility for vehicular
in-flows to correctly merge at the intersection. In order to
fix such a problem, we acted directly on the OpenStreetMap
road information, by joining road segment links that refer
to the same physical intersection. Such an operation allowed
then a correct conversion by SUMO, so that no traffic jams
were observed anymore at the road junctions. Additionally,we
corrected in several cases the number of road lanes entering
and leaving an intersection, so to match the aerial photography
The third problem we remarked in the OpenStreetMap-to-
Sumo conversion lies in the traffic light deployment. Open-
StreetMap road information already includes data on the
presence or absence of traffic lights at road junctions, and
SUMO automatically sets the periodicity of the green and red
6am 7am 8am 9am 10am
Vehicles (x 1000)
Time (h)
iteration 0
iteration 10
iteration 20
iteration 30
iteration 35
(a) Traveling vehicles
6am 7am 8am 9am 10am
Vehicles (x 1000)
Time (h)
iteration 0
iteration 10
iteration 20
iteration 30
iteration 35
(b) Ended trips
Fig. 9. Traffic evolution over multiple iterations of the assignment algorithm
according to the priority of the roads entering each junction.
However, the SUMO converter also employs by default a
technique to place additional traffic lights over the street
layout. After having verified the negative impact of such a
traffic light guessing, we disabled it. In addition, we identified
a number of situations where the presence of traffic lights was
not beneficial, and indeed did not correspond to reality: in
particular, this was often the case for intersections formed by
peripheral roads with identical priority but very unbalanced
traffic. Indeed, the similar periodicity assigned to each road in
such a context led to long queues on the trafficked roads. We
thus removed such traffic lights from the OpenStreetMap data
in order to be consistent with the real-world observations.
D. Simplistic default traffic assignment
Running the microscopic mobility simulation with the traffic
demanded corrected as from Sec. III-A and the road topology
fixed as from Sec. III-B and Sec. III-C still results in large
congestion and continuous traffic jams all over the street
layout. The reason lies in the traffic assignment, i.e., the way
drivers choose the route to reach their intended destination.
Indeed, SUMO employs a simple Dijkstra’s algorithm on the
road topology graph, by weighting edges, i.e., road segments,
on their length, as well as on the maximum speed they
allow: clearly, shorter faster roads are preferable, and thus
are associated with smaller weights. Unfortunately, this means
that drivers having similar origin and destination points will
all choose the same routes for their trips: as a result, they will
concentrate on major roadways, which will be rapidly filled
to their maximum capacity, whereas slower or minor roads
will remain unused. Obviously, high-speed roads alone cannot
handle the whole demand in the region, and thus the traffic
assignment needs to be improved.
To that end, we resorted to the traffic assignment technique
proposed by Gawron and presented in Sec. II-D. Such a
technique needs to iterate over multiple simulations in order
to achieve a dynamic user equilibrium, however the number
of iterations cannot be known a priori. Thus, we run the traffic
assignment until no significant difference could be observed
between subsequent iterations.
Fig. 9 shows the evolution of traffic while iterating the
assignment algorithm. The number of vehicles traveling at
the same time over the road topology, in Fig. 9(a), tends
to explode during the first iterations, as it happened before
patching the demand and road topology. However, as Gawron’s
3am 6am 9am 12am
Vehicles (x 1000)
Time (h)
(a) Simulated vehicles status
3am 6am 9am 12am
Time (m)
Speed (km/h)
Time (h)
Travel time
(b) Mean travel time and speed
Fig. 10. Final TAPASCologne dataset. Traffic features over time
algorithm iterates, the car traffic is progressively reduced,
since drivers tend to employ the different available routes
and thus better exploit the capacity of the road network.
Fig. 9(b) confirms that iterations significantly improve the
traffic conditions, as they increase the number of vehicles that
reach their destination, successfully ending their trip. Similar
trends were observed for the other traffic metrics, and in all
cases iterations after the 35th did not produce any noticeable
improvement. Therefore, in the following, we will consider
the traffic assignment obtained at the 35th iterations.
The resulting dataset comprises seven hundred thousand
trips of vehicles in the K¨oln larger metropolitan area, over
a period of 24 hours. The simulated traffic now mimics the
normal daily road activity in the region, as the fixed road
topology can accommodate the updated traffic demand and
Evidences of the correct behavior of the simulated mobility
are given in Fig. 10(a). By comparing it to the equivalent
plot before repair, in Fig. 2(a), it is clear that the number of
traveling cars now follows the traffic demand, being thus very
low at night, growing during the peak morning hours, between
7:00 am and 9:00 am, and then remaining steady at a lower
values for the rest of the morning. We can remark that the
dataset includes approximately 15000 vehicles concurrently
traveling over the road topology around 8:00 am. Also, the
number of ended trips now grows over time, as more and more
drivers reach their destinations over time, and the number of
vehicles waiting to enter the simulation is reduced to values
close to zero. The average travel time and speed recorded
during the morning, in Fig. 10(b) confirm the previous results,
as we observe quite constant behaviors, only modified during
the peak hours.
As a result, the road traffic at 7:00 am, in Fig. 11, looks
significantly better than the original one, in Fig. 3. Indeed,
large portions of the roads are in blue, especially in the
suburbs, indicating fluid traffic and high traveling speeds. The
traffic appears more congested in the city center, as one would
expect: however, red areas are dark, and no bright red is
visible, meaning that vehicles move at slower speeds, from
30 to 50 km/h, but are not stuck as it was previously the case.
Interestingly, we found the macroscopic traffic simulated in
the final TAPASCologne dataset to nicely match that observed
in the real world, through real-time traffic information services.
In Fig. 12, we compare the traffic information retrieved on
3 km
Speed (km/h)
Fig. 11. Final TAPASCologne dataset. Snapshot of the traffic status at 7:00
am, in a 400 km2region centered on the city of K¨oln. Blue vehicles are
moving, whereas bright red ones are still (this figure is best viewed in colors)
(a) Real-world
(b) Dataset
Fig. 12. Final TAPASCologne dataset. Traffic at 5:00 pm, versus real world
ViaMichelin live traffic website with the simulation output,
at 5:00 pm. This represent a critical period of the day, in
the middle of the afternoon traffic peak, and key features of
real-world mobility patterns are faithfully reproduced in the
dataset: e.g., the congestion on the highways around the city,
where commuters merge with long-distance travelers passing
through the region, or the heavy traffic on the bridges that
connect the two parts of the city. Although we acknowledge
that more rigorous tests are needed to fully prove the realism
of the dataset, we regard the result as a very encouraging
start, especially considering that more complex assessment are
unfeasible at this moment due to the unavailability of sensible
data (e.g., traffic counter records in the urban area).
In order to provide a preliminary study of the potential im-
pact that a large-scale realistic vehicular mobility trace could
have on the performance evaluation of networking protocols,
we analyze the connectivity properties of the TAPASCologne
dataset, and compare them with those of other vehicular traces
employed in the literature. The rationale for this choice is
that such an approach is protocol-independent and thus allows
us to draw results of general validity. In the following, we
will employ a 100 m unit disc model in order to determine
the vehicular network connectivity. We reckon that this is a
very simplistic approach, however it allows us to evaluate the
impact of mobility, which is the focus of this paper, without
3 km
500 m
500 m
Fig. 13. Road topology and instantaneous speed in the reference scenarios:
Zurich region (left), Zurich downtown (middle) and Turin downtown (right)
6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am 12am
Vehicles (x 1000)
Time (h)
6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am 12am
Vehicles (x 1000)
Time (h)
Fig. 14. Number of vehicles over time concurrently traveling in the larger
region scenarios (left) and smaller downtown scenarios (right)
biases due to the highly irregular signal propagation of urban
environments. Including a realistic signal propagation is part
of our future objectives, as discussed in Sec. VI.
Reference scenarios. We consider three reference scenarios,
portrayed in Fig. 13. The first, referred to as Zurich region,
covers 400 km2around Zurich, Switzerland, for a period
of 24 hours. Traffic in the area was simulated using the
Multi-agent Microscopic Traffic Simulator (MMTS) [9] for
the microscopic mobility, and an estimation on the daily
traffic demand for the macroscopic mobility. This is the only
large-scale vehicular movement trace of a metropolitan area
available to date; however, the level of detail it provides is
relatively low, since (i) the road map is coarse, only accounting
for highways and main traffic arteries in Zurich, (ii) the MMTS
is based on a queuing approach, faster but less accurate than
the car-following we adopt, and (ii) the traffic demand is not
as accurate as the one we dispose of, as we will later observe.
The second reference scenario is named Zurich downtown,
and covers around 12 km2of the same city above, for a
period of 20 minutes. The car traffic was simulated using the
Generic Mobility Simulation Framework (GMSF) [23], which
includes road topology information from the Swiss Geographic
Information System, and car-following microscopic mobility
via the Intelligent Driver Model (IDM). However, the trace
does not account for a realistic traffic demand.
Also the third scenario, referred to as Turin downtown, is
representative of a city center, covering 20 km2of Turin,
Italy, for around 1 hour. The trace was generated using
OpenStreetMap road information, as well as SUMO for the
microscopic mobility. The traffic demand was built based on
direct observations by the authors [24].
Traffic volumes. We first comment on the traffic present in
each scenario. In the left plot of Fig. 14 we compare the traffic
volume recorded in our dataset with that obtained from the
Zurich region scenario. We can note that the general trend
is the same, with traffic peaks between 7:00 am and 8:00
Koln Zurich Koln Zurich Turin 0
Number of clusters (x 1000)
Cluster size
region downtown
Fig. 15. Average number of clusters, with singletons, and mean cluster size
am and a reduced intensity otherwise. However, the traffic
demand in the Zurich region scenario unrealistically drops to
zero at around 10:00 am: we observed a similar behavior in
the afternoon part of the trace, not shown here for the sake of
clarity, with complete absence of traffic but in the peak hours.
The right plot of Fig. 14 shows similar information for the
Zurich downtown and Turin downtown scenarios. In this case,
we portray the curves with that recorded in the inner 20 km2
of the whole K¨oln region only, so to perform a meaningful
comparison. We refer to such a trace subset as K¨
oln downtown
scenario, to distinguish it from the whole dataset, termed K¨
region from now on. From the plot, the limitations of the
Zurich and Turin downtown scenarios are evident, as they can
only marginally capture the demand evolution over time.
By simply looking at the traffic volumes, it is clear that
large-scale mobility traces available today lack of detail, and
a higher precision is paid in terms of limited road topology
size and short trace timespan. Our dataset captures the best
of the two worlds, providing high accuracy over a wide road
topology for a whole day.
Network clustering. Fig. 15 shows the average number of
clusters, i.e., groups of disconnected components in the net-
work, as observed in each scenario. The plot also reports the
mean cluster size, as well as standard deviations. By looking
at the larger region scenarios, on the left of the plot, a clear
difference emerges between our dataset and that of Zurich:
the latter results in a much more connected network than
the former, with vehicles grouping in less than one third
of the clusters we record in our dataset. One could wonder
whether that is the effect of a much higher percentage of
singletons, i.e., clusters composed of one isolated node, in
the TAPASCologne-based trace: from the figure, however, a
similar fraction of singletons is present in both scenarios,
accounting for approximately 50% of the overall clusters.
The reason for such a difference is instead explained by the
extremely high average and standard deviation of the cluster
size in Zurich scenario: these are evidences of the existence of
a few giant connected components that gather a large portion
of the vehicles. Such giant components cannot instead be
found in the K¨oln scenario, where clusters tend to be much
smaller and more uniform in size.
When looking at the downtown scenarios, on the right side
of the figure, we can note a much lower cluster number, which
is consistent with the smaller size of the areas. Results are
more similar throughout the different scenarios in this case,
although the connectivity of the vehicular network in the K¨oln
trace presents a significantly higher variability. The latter is
clearly an effect of the fact that our dataset captures the evo-
0 30 60 90 120 150
Node degree
Koln region
Zurich region
Koln downtown
Zurich downtown
Turin downtown
0 5 10
Fig. 16. Distribution of the node degree in the different scenarios
lution of the traffic over the day, whereas the other scenarios
are only representative of a short time span characterized by
quasi-static network clustering properties.
We can conclude that the topology of a vehicular network
built on the car traffic described by our dataset is sensibly
different from those obtained with currently available mobility
traces. As the latter result in more connected and stable
networks, one could conjecture that evaluating a network
protocol or architecture with the former could lead to over-
optimistic results.
Degree distribution. Fig. 16 shows the Cumulative Dis-
tribution Function (CDF) of the node degree, as recorded
in the different scenarios. The inset plot provides a more
detailed view of the distributions for lower values of the node
degree. A significant difference can be observed between the
distributions obtained from our dataset and those derived from
the Zurich and Turin traces, the first been much steeper than
the second. Therefore, vehicles in the K¨oln scenarios tend to
have a smaller 1-hop neighborhoods, with only 5% of the them
having more than 30 neighbors, while 60% have less than five
nodes within communication range. On the contrary, in the
three scenarios we take as a reference, the fraction of vehicles
with large neighborhoods of more than 30 nodes grows to
25%, and only 20 to 30% of the nodes have five or less
These results confirm those on the network clustering, and
reinforce our speculation that tests conducted on mobility
traces characterized by simplistic macroscopic or microscopic
modeling may result in exceedingly positive performance.
In this paper, we described the generation of a large-scale
urban vehicular mobility trace. The dataset is obtained by
considering realistic road topology, microscopic mobility and
macroscopic flows. A comparison with traces employed in
the literature showed that incomplete mobility representations
can lead to significantly different network topologies, possibly
biasing the performance evaluation of protocols and architec-
tures. Our dataset represents, to the best of our knowledge,
the most complete vehicular mobility trace to date, and will
be made available via [11]. However, we remark that we are
still far from full realism: in particular, in the future we will
focus on finding rigorous means to validate the dataset, on
the integration of the dataset with realistic signal propagation
information, as well as on a more comprehensive network
connectivity analysis.
This work was supported by the joint lab between INRIA
and Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs on Self Organizing Networks.
We also thank Claudia Barberis and Giovanni Malnati for
providing the Turin mobility traces, and Nguyen Tien Than
for helping us with the connectivity analysis.
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... The vehicle's setting and experimental hyper-parameters are shown in Table 2 and Table 3, respectively. In the experiment for Cologne's traffic intersection, which is the vehicles driving data of 6.00-8.00am on a working day in a 400km 2 area in Cologne, Germany from TAPASCologne [33,34] project. The dataset version of TAPASCologne is 0.24.0. ...
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How to design a good traffic signal switch scheme is crucial to alleviate transportation pressure. However, some existing traffic signal control methods based on reinforcement learning apply a convolutional neural network (CNN) to extract features from the state matrix, which is too coarse because state matrices sometimes are sparse. These methods use the discrete traffic state encoding (DTSE) approach to build the position and speed matrices. We overcome this problem in two ways: by reducing the number of zero value in the state matrix and using a spatial attention mechanism in convolution operations. This paper redefines the state at the intersection by dividing each entering road with an unequal length and then concatenating them. Our division method can reduce the state matrix’s sparsity by reducing the size of the input matrix and the number of zero value. We then propose a deep Q-learning network (DQN) with spatial attention in CNN to control the traffic light. The spatial attention mechanism can focus on the specific element in the con-volutional feature vectors and overcome the sparse matrix’s difficult problem to extract features. Besides, we set a discount factor β on the reward definition, which can diminish the received reward and alleviate the overestimation caused by DQN. We conduct experiments on the Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO) with two datasets, a synthetic intersection and Cologne’s traffic intersection in Germany. Experimental results on synthetic intersection demonstrate that our method can reduce delay, travel time, and queue length than three other methods. Results on Cologne confirm that the proposed method can save 23.7%, 9.1%, 4.5% travel time compared with the fixed-time traffic light control, self-organizing traffic light control, and DQN method, respectively.
... This scenario aims to simulate the mobility and communication of vehicles in a VANET environment, based on some parameters: the simulated environment map (city, roads, highways, etc.), the topology for the mobility simulator (which roads a vehicle can ride in), the shape of buildings and parking areas (for a realistic simulation of wireless propagation model and communication channels), and mobility generation tools (for routing vehicles) [132]. There are test scenarios for different traffic simulators, namely the Sioux Falls scenario [133] for MATsim [134], TAPAS Cologne [135], VehiLux [136], and the LuST [132] for SUMO. ...
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Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) expect to dramatically improve road safety and efficiency of the transportation system. However, CAVs can be vulnerable to attacks at different levels, e.g., attacks on intra-vehicle networks and inter-vehicle networks. Those malicious attacks not only result in loss of confidentiality and user privacy but also lead to more serious consequences such as bodily injury and loss of life. An intrusion detection system (IDS) is one of the most effective ways to monitor the operations of vehicles and networks, detect different types of attacks, and provide essential information to mitigate and remedy the effects of attacks. To ensure the safety of CAVs, it is extremely important to detect various attacks accurately in a timely fashion. The purpose of this survey is to provide a comprehensive review of available machine learning (ML) based IDS for intra-vehicle and inter-vehicle networks. Additionally, this paper discusses publicly available datasets for CAV and offers a summary of the many current testbeds and future research trends for connected vehicle environments.
... This is an example of OD matrix calibration problem when an initial matrix is tuned to increase its correspondence to the observed urban data. In [5], the source of origin-destination matrix for traffic modelling of Köln, Germany, is Travel and Activity Patterns Simulation (TAPAS) framework which uses population information, data on points of interests within the city as well as the time use patterns. Authors report that the resulting demand still needed to be improved: TAPAS model provides demand not limited to vehicular traffic, and variability of traffic over short time scales is not realistic. ...
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Estimation of a travel demand in a form of origin-destination (OD) matrix is a necessary step in a city-scale simulation of the vehicular mobility. However, an input data on travel demand in OD matrix may be available only for a specific set of traffic assignment zones (TAZs). Thus, there appears a need to infer OD matrix for a region of interest (we call it ‘core’ area) given OD matrix for a larger region (we call it ‘extended’ area), which is challenging as trip counts are only given for zones of the initial region. To perform a reduction, we explicitly simulate vehicle trajectories for the extended area and supplement trip values in ‘core’ TAZs based on the recorded trajectories on the border of core and extended areas. To keep validation results consistent between extended and core simulations, we introduce edge-based origin-destination assignment algorithm which preserves properties of traffic flows on the border of the core area but also keeps randomness in instantiating simulation for the core area. The experimental study is performed for Helsinki city area using Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO) tool. The validation was performed using DigiTraffic data from traffic counting stations within the city area for workdays of autumn 2018. Validation results show that the reduced OD matrix combined with edge-based OD assignment algorithm keeps the simulated traffic counts in good agreement with results from the extended area simulation with average MAPE between observed and simulated traffic counts equal to 34%. Simulation time after reduction is equal to 20 minutes compared to 6 hours for the extended OD.
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The Internet of Things (IoT) plays a significant role in realizing the concept of smart environments, such as in environmental, infrastructural, industrial, disaster, or threat monitoring. Several IoT sensing nodes can be deployed within an area to collect regional information for the purpose of achieving a common contextual goal. Mobile Crowd Sensing (MCS) is a subset and a critical component of IoT, where nodes are mobile people carrying smart phones equipped with sensors. For both IoT and MCS systems, an influential aspect that affects their performances is the selection of the set of active nodes to perform a certain task. Selection proves useful in mitigating common IoT-related issues like resource allocation, network lifetime, and the confidence in the collected data, by having the right set of nodes active at a given time. Localization tasks represent an important subset of environmental monitoring, where a source of a certain phenomenon is to be localized using data fusion from multiple sensors. The current active node selection schemes prove inefficient when adapted to localization tasks, as they- (1) are not concerned with the context of the data being gathered (2) do not dynamically exploit data readings in the selection process, and (3) are mostly designed for systems with nodes having sensing ranges. To address these challenges, two frameworks for active node selection for localization tasks are proposed. The first framework is designed for IoT systems with immobile sensing nodes, while the second is designed for MCS systems with mobile participants. The selection frameworks are data-driven ones that- (1) dynamically use data readings from current active nodes to select future ones, (2) assess the area coverage achieved by a group of nodes with considerations to range-free sensors, (3) consider parameters like residual energy, power cost, and data confidence levels in the selection process, (4) combine group-based and individual-based selection mechanisms to enhance the localization process in terms of time and cost, and (5) consider the mobility of participants in the case of MCS systems. The efficacy of the proposed approaches is validated through a running example of radioactive source localization by using real-life and synthetic datasets, and by comparing the proposed approaches to widely known benchmarks. The results demonstrate the ability of the proposed approaches to perform faster localization at low cost, even with smaller number of active nodes.
As the industry related to intelligent vehicles becomes increasingly mature, emerging in-vehicle applications and services are mushrooming. They have strict requirements on service response delay and network bandwidth. In the face of dynamic environment in the Internet of Vehicles (IoV), how to design an adaptive edge caching strategy becomes a challenge. To cope with this challenge, some researchers have introduced optimization methods based on learning algorithms in cooperative caching. However, general learning algorithms tend to waste bandwidth and computing resources on repetitive task. To this end, we make full use of the idle resources in the road to build a cooperative caching system and propose a Social-Aware Decentralized Cooperative caching (SADC) for IoV. This strategy uses the federated learning framework to train the collaborative caching algorithm based on Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL). Among them, the Road Side Unit (RSU) is responsible for the training and updating of the global model, and vehicles use local data to provide local updates to the RSU, which then averages the updates provided by all vehicles to improve the shared model. In addition, we use the social network of vehicle users to obtain vehicle contact rates in different areas. The SADC strategy can reduce the content transmission latency and response time, thereby improving the experience quality of vehicle users. Compared with traditional caching strategies, this strategy reduces the average content access delay by about 20%. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of this strategy using an extensive set of experiments.
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Vehicular multi-hop ad hoc networks (VANETs) enable the exchange of information between vehicles without any fixed infrastructure. The application range of such networks may cover safety related applications like the warning of drivers about accidents or congestions as well as Internet access e.g. via gateways along the road. The varying conditions in VANETs introduce high requirements on the routing protocols being used. Thus, we developed a realistic freeway mobility model and evaluated the performance of AODV, DSR, FSR and TORA in typical freeway traffic scenarios on the basis network simulations. The results show that AODV performs best in most of the simulated traffic situations, followed by FSR and DSR, while TORA is inapplicable for VANETs.
Conference Paper
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Die wachsende Verkehrsleistung und die hieraus resultierenden Verkehrsprobleme führen verstärkt zu der Frage, mit welchen Konzepten der zukünftige Verkehrsbedarf erfüllt werden kann. Wichtige Werkzeuge im Rahmen von Verkehrsplanung und Verkehrsmanagement sind Verkehrsmodelle, mit denen Prognosen des zu erwartenden Verkehrsaufkommens erstellt werden können und die damit Ansatzpunkte für seine verbesserte Lenkung liefern. Im Rahmen mehrerer Projekte wird das am DLR-IVF entwickelte agentenbasierte Personennachfragemodell TAPAS (Travel and Activity PAtterns Simulation) genutzt. In diesem Modell wird ein aktivitäten-basierter Ansatz verwendet, welcher auf der Analyse von Zeitverwendungsdaten beruht. Daher sind die zur Verfügung stehenden Aktivitätenmuster auf die in den Zeitverwendungsdaten enthaltenen beschränkt, was für Prognosen eine starke Einschränkung darstellt. Die hier beschriebene Erweiterung des Modells ermöglicht das Einfügen neuer Aktivitätenkategorien; TAPAS beschreibt jede Aktivität durch vier Parameter, die sich alle aus Erhebungen schätzen lassen: Anteil und Umfang der Nutzung der (für TAPAS neuen) Aktivität sowie die zeitliche Variabilität der Aktivität hinsichtlich Anfangszeitpunkt und Dauer. Die ersten beiden Parameter werden direkt aus den empirischen Daten gewonnen, während die letzten beiden sich aus der statistischen Variation der Erhebungen ergeben. Die Weiterentwicklung des Modells präzisiert die Abschätzung der Personenverkehrsnachfrage unter besonderer Berücksichtigung spezifischer wissenschaftlicher und politischer Fragestellungen. Die enge Verknüpfung mit empirischen Daten erhöht zudem eine hohe Zuverlässigkeit von Prognosen.
Conference Paper
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The concept of microscopic modelling is intuitively understood because no artificial aggregate structures and abstract variables need to be introduced. Constraints can be incorporated in a direct, realistic way, and it is possible to analyse the results on different aggregate levels. Depending on the research or planning focus trips may be distinguished in terms of the quarter where they start or using socio-demographic or even life-style characteristics of the travellers. One of the challenges of microscopic modelling is to address all aspects of a trip like purpose, departure time, destination and mode. Often two or more of these aspects are interrelated, and the type of interdependeny is not the same for all trips. In this paper a modelling approach is presented where destination and mode choice are combined in one modelling step. A preliminary mode choice is used as a prerequisite to determine the travel times for possible destinations. The travel times control the destination choice using the model of intervening opportunities. Travel demand is simulated for a synthetic population of the City of Cologne. Variables like total distance per traveller, trip length distribution and mode choice distribution are considered, and the impact of the geographical structure of the area under investigation and varying travel times are discussed.
Conference Paper
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As no exact model of traffic flow exists due to its high complexity and chaotic organisation, researchers mainly try to predict traffic using simulations. Within this field, many simulation packages exist and differ in their software architecture paradigm as well as in the models that describe traffic itself. We will introduce yet another system which, in contrast to most of the other simulation software packages, is available as on open-source programm and may therfore be extended in order to fit a researcher´s own needs and also be used as a reference testbed for new traffic models.
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Intelligent transportation systems have become increasingly important for the public transportation in Shanghai. In response, ShanghaiGrid (SG) project aims to provide abundant intelligent transportation services to improve the traffic condition. A challenging service in SG is to accurately locate the positions of moving vehicles in real time. In this paper, we present an innovative scheme, hierarchical exponential region organization (HERO), to tackle this problem. In SG, the location information of individual vehicles is actively logged in local nodes which are distributed throughout the city. For each vehicle, HERO dynamically maintains an advantageous hierarchy on the overlay network of local nodes to conservatively update the location information only in nearby nodes. By bounding the maximum number of hops the query is routed, HERO guarantees to meet the real-time constraint associated with each vehicle. A small-scale prototype system implementation and extensive simulations based on the real road network and trace data of vehicle movements from Shanghai demonstrate the efficacy of HERO.
Conference Paper
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Epidemic or gossip-based algorithms have been proposed for data dissemination in vehicular networks. Due to the unfeasibility of deploying large size vehicular networks, the performance evaluation of these algorithms is usually based on simulations. However, most literature works present experimental results based on hyper-simplified and non-realistic mobility scenarios or do not adequately describe the simulation setup. In this paper, we investigate the impact that road-network and vehicle density have on the performance of epidemic dissemination and the correlation between these factors and other simulation parameters, such as percentage of equipped vehicles, message expiration time, scheduling algorithm for data retransmission and number of circulating messages. We argue that, given the high sensitivity of this kind of approach to mobility scenarios, it would be useful to define a set of them to be used as a reference for evaluating different systems. Furthermore, from our simulations, we can state that, although epidemic diffusion does not guarantee data distribution to all network nodes, its simplicity and lack of infrastructure make it suitable for distributing real-time traffic or viability data in most mobility scenarios.
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Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) have been recently attracting an increasing attention from both research and industry communities. One of the challenges posed by the study of VANETs is the definition of a vehicular mobility model providing an accurate and realistic vehicular mobility description at both macroscopic and microscopic levels. Another challenge is to be able to dynamically alter this vehicular mobility as a consequence of the vehicular communication protocols. Many mobility models have been developed by the community in order to solve these two issues. However, due to the large number of available models claiming to be adapted to vehicular traffic, and also due to their different and somehow incomparable features, understanding their true characteristics, their degree of realism with respect to vehicular mobility, and real capabilities is a hard task. In this survey, we first introduce a framework that proposes a guideline for the generation of vehicular mobility models. Then, we illustrate the different approaches chosen by the community for the development of vehicular mobility models and their interactions with network simulators. Finally, we propose an overview and taxonomy of a large range of mobility models available for vehicular ad hoc networks. The objective is to provide readers with a guideline to easily understand and objectively compare the different models, and eventually identify the one required for their needs.
We use the so-called queue model introducted by Gawron as the base of the traffic dynamics in our micro-simulation. The queue model describes the links with a flow capacity that limits the number of agents that can leave the link and a space constraint which defines the limit of the number of agents that can be on a link at the same time. Free flow speed is the third key component of traffic dynamics in the model. Flow capacity and space constraint together model physical queues, which can spill back beyond the end of the link. A consequence of this is that fairness between the incoming traffic streams becomes an issue, since in a spill-back situation they cannot be served at their full rate. We implement and verify a simple solution to this; the solution is much simpler than the one chosen in many other models. The traffic micro-simulation is "large-scale" which means the simulation is capable of modeling the behavior of millions of agents simultaneously. We utilize a parallel implementation to speed up the computation. In this implementation, the data is distributed onto a number of computing node, each of which runs a smaller portion of the data. Data distribution and communication among the computing nodes are achieved by freely available software libraries. We test this simulation on two different scenarios using the road network of Switzerland. One of them is aimed to see how the simulation handles the congestion whereas the other one is based on real data of the daily activities of the Swiss people. The parallel version on the bigger scenario gives a runtime that is about 800 times faster than real time on 64 computing nodes using Myrinet. The maximum number of vehicles simultaneously in that simulation is about 160 000.
It is a well known fact that metastable states of very high throughput and hysteresis effects exist in traffic flow, which the simple cellular automaton model of traffic flow and its continuous generalization fail to reproduce. It is shown that the model can be generalized to give a one-parametric family of models, a part of which reproduces the metastable states and the hysteresis. The models that have that property and those that do not that are separated by a transition that can be clearly identified.
Eine mikroskopische Verkehrsflusssimulation großer Areale kann nur realitätsnah durchge-führt werden, wenn der Algorithmus zur Spurwahl sowohl taktische als auch strategische Ent-scheidungen des Fahrers umsetzt. Innerhalb dieser Arbeit wird das aktuell (Stand Juni 2008) in der freien, mikroskopischen Verkehrsflusssimulation „SUMO“ implementierte Modell vorgestellt und besprochen, welches beide Ebenen vereint.