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Continuous positive airway pressure: Physiology and comparison of devices Samir Gupta*, Steven M. Donn Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine (2016) 1-8


Abstract and Figures

USA Keywords: Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) Bubble CPAP Preterm Ventilation Infant Flow ® driver Device s u m m a r y Nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is increasingly used for respiratory support in preterm babies at birth and after extubation from mechanical ventilation. Various CPAP devices are available for use that can be broadly grouped into continuous flow and variable flow. There are potential physiologic differences between these CPAP systems and the choice of a CPAP device is too often guided by individual expertise and experience rather than by evidence. When interpreting the evidence clinicians should take into account the pressure generation sources, nasal interface, and the factors affecting the delivery of pressure, such as mouth position and respiratory drive. With increasing use of these devices, better monitoring techniques are required to assess the efficacy and early recognition of babies who are failing and in need of escalated support.
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Continuous positive airway pressure: Physiology and comparison of
Samir Gupta
, Steven M. Donn
Department of Paediatrics, University Hospital of North Tees and University of Durham, Stockton-on-Tees, UK
Department of Pediatrics, Division of NeonatalePerinatal Medicine, C.S. Mott Children's Hospital, University of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor, MI,
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)
Bubble CPAP
Infant Flow
Nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is increasingly used for respiratory support in preterm
babies at birth and after extubation from mechanical ventilation. Various CPAP devices are available for
use that can be broadly grouped into continuous ow and variable ow. There are potential physiologic
differences between these CPAP systems and the choice of a CPAP device is too often guided by individual
expertise and experience rather than by evidence. When interpreting the evidence clinicians should take
into account the pressure generation sources, nasal interface, and the factors affecting the delivery of
pressure, such as mouth position and respiratory drive. With increasing use of these devices, better
monitoring techniques are required to assess the efcacy and early recognition of babies who are failing
and in need of escalated support.
©2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the most
extensively studied non- invasive respiratory support technique in
preterm babies. It has been tested as a primary form of respiratory
support and as continuing support after extubation from me-
chanical ventilation. The rationale for the use of CPAP is to stent
the airways and to maintain functional residual capacity (FRC).
The mechanism of action is multifactorial and includes an in-
crease in the pharyngeal cross-sectional area, improvement in
diaphragmatic activity, enhanced pulmonary compliance, and
decreased airway resistance. The end result is a reduction in the
work of breathing and conservation of surfactant on the alveolar
CPAP works by delivering continuous distending pressure (CDP)
using an air/oxygen mixture and a device to generate the CDP. The
method of generating nasal CPAP (nCPAP) differs among devices
but may be broadly grouped into two main types: variable owor
continuous ow.For example, the Infant Flow
driver (IFD) is a
variable-ow device and bubble CPAP (bCPAP) is a continuous-ow
device [1]. In this article we discuss the physiologic effects of CPAP,
factors affecting delivery of CPAP, and the evidence comparing
various types of CPAP devices.
2. Respiratory physiology and CPAP
The full physiologic mechanism by which CPAP improves res-
piratory function in newborns is incompletely understood. During
spontaneous breathing, CPAP augments the driving pressure
required to overcome the elastic, ow-resistive, and inertial prop-
erties of the respiratory system. This is achieved by changes in
intra-pleural pressure normally generated by the respiratory
muscles that help to maintain FRC [2].
The very compliant chest wall and paradoxical inward rib-cage
motion in very premature newborn infants result in lowered FRC
that may result in airway closure, alveolar atelectasis, and ven-
tilationeperfusion mismatch. In response, the infant tries to elevate
the FRC above the relaxation volume by generation of intrinsic end-
expiratory pressure through an increase in the tonic activity of the
diaphragm, a higher than normal respiratory rate, and laryngeal
braking or glottic closure during expiration. Positive pressure
applied to the airway helps to support the infant's own effort to
increase FRC. Physiologic studies suggest that CPAP, by increasing
end-expiratory lung volume, stabilizes the highly compliant chest
wall, thereby improving pulmonary mechanics and thoraco-
abdominal synchrony [3].
*Corresponding author. Address: Research &Development, University Hospital
of North Tees, Stockton-on-Tees, Cleveland TS19 8PE, UK. Tel.: þ44 1642 624232.
E-mail address: (S. Gupta).
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Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine xxx (2016) 1e8
Please cite this article in press as: Gupta S, Donn SM, Continuous positive airway pressure: Physiology and comparison of devices, Seminars in
Fetal & Neonatal Medicine (2016),
The upper airway also plays an important role in the respiratory
mechanics of the premature infant. The increased exibility of the
epiglottis and the laryngeal cartilage, and the decreased connective
tissue support of the upper airway structures predispose the infant
to partial or complete airway obstruction during regular breathing.
The more cephalad position of the larynx further exacerbates upper
airway resistance. CPAP may produce mechanical splinting of the
upper airway by increasing its cross-sectional area and preventing
collapse of the lateral pharyngeal walls. This, in turn, decreases the
resistance to gas ow (Box 1).
Respiratory inductance plethysmography (RIP) has been used to
study the effects of various CPAP systems by measuring the
thoraco-abdominal synchrony, tidal volume, and FRC. Evidence
from RIP studies suggests that the application of CDP from CPAP
results in increased end-expiratory lung volume. However, RIP has
some limitations, as it does not equate to an absolute level of FRC,
and the validity of the changes in FRC apply only when the body
posture is maintained during measurements. The level of CPAP also
dictates the FRC. Excessive CPAP may be deleterious by increasing
work of breathing, causing a fall in tidal volume, and by producing
adverse cardiovascular effects.
2.1. CPAP and the upper airway
nCPAP of 5 cmH
O is effective in abolishing mixed or
obstructive apnea, but has little or no effect on central apnea [4].
Miller et al. studied the manner in which CPAP exerts this selective
effect on apnea accompanied by supraglottic airway obstruction.
They studied 10 infants with a history of apnea at a postconcep-
tional age of 34 ±2 weeks (birth weight 1321 ±310 g) post extu-
bation. The CPAP was applied by nasal mask and pressures were
recorded in the mask, oropharynx and esophagus. nCPAP between
0 and 5 cmH
O correlated with the oropharyngeal pressure
(r¼0.94). The supraglottic resistance decreased from 46 ±29 to
17 ±16 cmH
O/L/s (P<0.005) during uptitration of CPAP from 0 to
5 cmH
O. The decrease in supraglottic resistance was observed
both during inspiration and expiration, accounting for 60% of the
change in total pulmonary resistance at CPAP of 5 cmH
O[5]. The
supraglottic airway of apneic infants thus appears to be a potential
site of high resistance during sleep, as simple exion of the neck
may produce airway obstruction.
2.2. Effect of mouth position
The effect of mouth position on pharyngeal pressure was shown
by DePaoli et al. in preterm infants receiving bubble CPAP (bCPAP)
with the mouth open and closed. They studied 11 infants at a
median postnatal age (interquartile range) of 14 (12e46) days and
at a mean (SD) corrected gestation of 30.6 (1.9) weeks. bCPAP with
binasal Hudson prongs at CPAP 3e8 cmH
O was utilized. They re-
ported a mean (95% condence interval (CI)) pressure fall from
prongs to pharynx of 3.2 (2.6e3.7) cmH
O with the mouth open,
and 2.2 (1.6e2.8) cmH
O with the mouth closed. The mean differ-
ence in pharyngeal pressure between open and closed mouth po-
sitions was 1.1 (0.7e1.4) cmH
O(P<0.05) [6].
2.3. Effect of CPAP on breathing pattern
The high chest wall:lung compliance ratio of premature new-
borns tends to reduce the passive resting volume of the respiratory
system to a level that is close to airway closing volume. The end-
expiratory lung volume of premature newborns is maintained
above passive resting lung volume during active breathing through
the combination of an increased time constant and a high respi-
ratory rate. This is achieved by the persistence of inspiratory muscle
activity during the expiratory phase and adduction of the vocal
cords during expiration, which prolong the time constant of the
respiratory system by decreasing inspiratory resistance. In addition,
the high breathing rate decreases the expiratory time with
incomplete emptying of the lungs. These two mechanisms
dynamically elevate the end-expiratory lung volume [7]. The dy-
namic elevation of FRC occurs when the expiratory time is <3 time
nCPAP is believed to benet preterm infants with respiratory
distress. It improves respiratory function by splinting the upper
airway, improving the synchrony of thoracic and abdominal motion
[8], and increasing end-expiratory lung volume [9].
2.4. Effect of different levels of CPAP
Elgellab et al. studied different levels of CPAP (0, 2, 4, 6, and 8
O) to determine its effect on breathing patterns and changes
in lung volumes, using RIP. They observed an increase in end-
expiratory lung volume (EELV) by 2.1 ±0.3 tidal volume (V
the CPAP level was increased from 0 to 8 cmH
O(P<0.01). Tidal
volume also increased by 43% (P<0.01), and the phase angle
decreased from 76% to 30% (P<0.01) when CPAP was increased
from 0 to 8 cmH
O(Fig. 1). They concluded that nCPAP improves
the breathing of premature infants with respiratory failure through
improved thoraco-abdominal synchrony, increased tidal volume,
and a reduced labored breathing index [10].
Magnannent et al. reported a dynamic elevation of FRC with
nCPAP, and the spontaneous volume-preserving expiratory ow-
Box 1
Physiologic effects of continuous positive airway pressure.
Abolition of upper airway occlusion and decrease in up-
per airway resistance
Increased diaphragmatic tone and contractility
Improvement in lung compliance and reduction in airway
Increased tidal volume of the stiff lung with low functional
residual capacity
Improved ventilation/perfusion and reduction in oxygen
Conservation of surfactant on alveolar surface and
reduction of alveolar edema
Fig. 1. Lissagous gures and phase angles (degree) at various nasal continuous positive
airway pressure (NCPAP) levels. As the nasal CPAP level increased there was
improvement in rib cage (chest) movement and decrease in phase angle, i.e. thoraco-
abdominal asynchrony. RC, rib cage; AB, abdominal wall. (Adapted from Elgalleb et al.
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Fetal & Neonatal Medicine (2016),
braking mechanisms normally present in preterm infants with
respiratory distress were not required during CPAP therapy. This
conclusion was based on the decreased phase angle changes be-
tween the abdominal and thoracic compartments and increased
tidal volume during nCPAP [11].
As there is a direct relationship between the nCPAP the EELV, a
theoretical risk of overdistension exists in preterm infants at higher
CPAP levels. If high nCPAP levels result in hyperination of the lung,
this may have deleterious effects by causing a decrease in compli-
ance, thoraco-abdominal asynchrony, and placing the diaphragm at
a mechanical disadvantage. Interestingly, in the study by Elgalleb
et al. [10] using IFD CPAP, one infant exhibited worsening respira-
tory failure at a CPAP of 8 cmH
O. This raises the question of what is
the optimum nCPAP level and suggests variability between
continuous and variable ow devices.
The outcome of different levels of CPAP in clinical situations
depends not only upon the type of CPAP used, but also upon the
severity of underlying lung disease [12].
3. Methods of generating CPAP
CPAP is derived from either continuous or variable gas ow.
Continuous-ow CPAP consists of gas ow directed against the
resistance of the expiratory limb of the breathing circuit. Ventilator-
derived CPAP and bubble or water-seal CPAP are examples of
continuous-ow devices. In variable-ow CPAP, pressure is gener-
ated at the airway proximal to the infant's nares and uses the
Bernoulli effect to alter the gas ow to maintain constant pressure.
3.1. Variable-ow CPAP
3.1.1. Infant Flow Driver (IFD)
The Infant Flow CPAP system(Electro Medical Equipment Ltd,
Brighton, UK; Infant Flow
SiPAP System, CareFusion
, San Diego,
USA) is an example of variable-ow CPAP. It uses a dedicated ow
driver and gas generator with a uidic-ip mechanism to deliver
variable ow (Fig. 2). The principle of IFD CPAP is the Bernoulli
effect, which directs gas ow towards each naris, and the Coanda
effect to cause the inspiratory ow to ip and exit the generator
chamber via the expiratory limb. This may assist spontaneous
breathing and reduce the work of breathing by decreasing expira-
tory resistance and maintaining stable airway pressure throughout
respiration [13]. CPAP may be delivered with binasal prongs or a
nasal mask.
3.1.2. Benveniste gas-jet valve CPAP
This is an alternative variable-ow system. The device consists
of two coaxially positioned tubes connected by a ring. It works via
the Venturi principle to generate pressure. It is connected to a
blended gas source and then to the patient via nasal prongs,
generating variable-ow CPAP [14].
3.2. Continuous-ow CPAP
3.2.1. Bubble CPAP
Underwater or bCPAP or water-seal CPAP is a continuous-ow
system. It was rst described in 1914 and has been in use since
the early 1970s (Fig. 3)[15]. Blended gas is heated and humidied
and delivered to the infant through a secured low-resistance nasal-
prong cannula. The distal end of the expiratory tubing is submersed
and the CPAP generated is equal to the depth of submersion of the
expiratory limb. Chest vibrations produced by bCPAP may
contribute to gas exchange [16].
3.2.2. Ventilator-derived CPAP (conventional CPAP)
Ventilator-derived CPAP is another way of providing continuous
ow CPAP. The CPAP is increased or decreased, in general, by
varying the ventilator's expiratory orice size. The exhalation valve
works in conjunction with other controls, such as ow and pres-
sure, to maintain the desired CPAP.
3.2.3. CPAP interface
The interfaces currently used for the delivery of nCPAP include
single and binasal prongs in short (6e15 mm) and long
(40e90 mm) versions. Short binasal prongs include Hudson,
Argyle, INCA, and those used with IFD and Bubble CPAP (Fisher &
Paykel, Auckland, New Zealand), and examples of long CPAP prongs
are nasopharyngeal tubes, endotracheal tubes, and Duotube.
In addition, nasal masks are available for use with CPAP systems.
The older CPAP interfaces such as endotracheal tubes, head
chambers (head boxes), face chambers, and full face masks are now
obsolete. Nasal cannulas are also used to deliver air/oxygen and at
high ows can provide CDP.
Evidence comparing nasal interfaces is sparse. Davis et al.
compared binasal short Hudson prongs with a single long prong
(Portex size: 2.5 or 3.0 mm, inserted to 2.5 cm). They randomized
87 infants before extubation to one of the two CPAP interfaces
connected to the ventilator to provide nasal CPAP. This trial was
stopped early before achieving the target sample size of 130.
There was a signicantly lower incidence of respiratory failure
within seven days post extubation with short binasal prong use,
but no differences in other outcomes [17]. Roukema et al. also
compared short binasal prongs with nasopharyngeal prongs and
reported a lower rate of reintubation with the use of short prongs
[18]. This trial used different CPAP devices, thus making the
interpretation difcult. In the trial by Mazzela et al., short binasal
Fig. 2. Infant Flow Driver pressure generator. The variable-ow generator uses the Bernoulli principle via injector jets directed toward each naris; Venturi action allows the infant to
draw additional gas ow through the injector jets from either the gas supply or exhalation tube reservoir. The dual-jet variable ow generator utilizes uidic technology to deliver a
constant continuous positive airway pressure.
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Fetal & Neonatal Medicine (2016),
prongs and nasopharyngeal prongs were used, but the outcomes
were not assessed beyond 48 h, and again the CPAP devices were
different [19]. In the meta-analysis of the studies, De Paoli et al.
concluded that short binasal prongs are more effective in
reducing the rate of reintubation [20]. Another trial compared
nasal prongs and nasal masks for delivering IFD CPAP in 120
babies <31 weeks of gestation. Mask nCPAP was more effective
than nasal prong CPAP for preventing intubation within 72 h of
starting therapy [21].
The pressure fall through various CPAP devices may differ ac-
cording to the design, length, and the physical principle used for
CPAP generation. De Paoli et al. compared resistances of different
devices in vitro for delivery of nCPAP in neonates. They studied
different devices at a ow of 4e8 L/min, and measured the resul-
tant fall in pressure using a calibrated pressure transducer. They
concluded that devices with short binasal prongs had the lowest
resistance to ow, and suggested that a large variation in pressure
could occur in the clinical setting [22].
4. Effect of bubbling on CPAP
The gas ow rate during bCPAP has been observed to affect the
degree of bubbling. Bubbling may enhance gas exchange by deliv-
ering low-amplitude, high-frequency oscillations to the lungs.
Lee et al. observed vibrations of the chest secondary to vigorous
bubbling while babies were receiving bCPAP. They tested this in a
crossover design in 10 preterm babies ready for extubation to
determine whether bCPAP results in better gas exchange than
ventilator-derived CPAP. They measured tidal volume, minute vol-
ume, respiratory rate, pulse oximetry, and transcutaneous carbon
dioxide. They reported a 39% reduction in minute volume
(P<0.001) and a 7% reduction in respiratory rate (P¼0.004) with
no change in oxygenation or ventilation. They concluded that the
chest vibrations produced by bCPAP might have contributed to gas
exchange [16]. This study has been widely cited, but was done in
the group of babies who had recovered from acute lung disease
nearing extubation and in larger babies with a mean corrected
gestational age of 30.7 ±1.8 weeks and mean weight of
1350 ±390 g. In addition, there appears to be an arithmetic error in
the calculation of minute ventilation, inadvertently favoring
ventilator-derived CPAP.
Morley et al. further studied the physiologic effects of bubble
CPAP. They enrolled 26 babies at a median gestational age of 27
weeks (range 24e32) and a birth weight of 1033 g (range
604e1980). The nCPAP was used at 6 cmH
O (range 5e9). The
baseline gas-ow rate was kept at 6 L/min (range 5e9), and the
inspired oxygen at 0.21 (range 0.21e0.30). The median (inter-
quartile range) pressure amplitude was 2.7 cmH
O (2.5e4.0) for
slow bubbling (at 3 L/min) and 6 cmH
O (4.6e7.1) for vigorous,
high-amplitude bubbling (at 6 L/min). They also reported slightly
lower (effective CPAP) pressure with slow bubbling compared to
vigorous (5.28 vs 5.98 cmH
O; P<0.001). They did not observe any
effect of bubbling on transcutaneous carbon dioxide, oxygen satu-
ration, respiratory rate, or minute ventilation [23].
Pillow and Travadi hypothesized that superimposing noise on
the underlying constant pressure in bCPAP may promote lung
volume recruitment and reduce intrinsic work of breathing. In an
in-vitro model, they examined how lung compliance and applied
ow altered the frequency and magnitude of the oscillatory
component of bCPAP. They concluded that in a closed system,
increasing ow increased both the mean pressure and the range of
pressure oscillations, whereas decreasing compliance increased the
frequency and magnitude of the transmitted oscillations. They
suggested that the use of bCPAP in a poorly compliant lung may
promote lung volume recruitment through stochastic resonance
and augment the efciency of gas mixing [24]. This study has
limitations of an in-vitro model with no leak and the amplitude of
transmitted oscillations may be greater than that observed in a
clinical situation. However, some reports of visible chest vibrations
have been reported in vivo with bCPAP.
In another study, Pillow et al. compared constant-pressure CPAP
with bCPAP in a lamb model. They hypothesized that bCPAP en-
hances volume recruitment in the newborn preterm lung. They
compared various physiologic parameters among three study
groups in 32 lambs; bCPAP at 8 L/min ow (n¼10), constant-
pressure CPAP (n¼12), and bCPAP at a ow of 12 L/min (n¼10).
Flow did not inuence 3 h outcomes in the bCPAP groups. The
bubble technique was also associated with a higher PaO
, oxygen
uptake, and area under the ow-volume curve, and a decreased
alveolar protein, respiratory quotient, PaCO
, and ventilation ho-
mogeneity compared to the constant-pressure group. They
concluded that bCPAP promotes airway patency and may offer
protection against lung injury [25].
Kahn et al. compared delivered to intended intra-prong, prox-
imal-airway, and distal-airway pressures using ventilator CPAP and
bCPAP devices. They repeated measurements at ve ow rates (4, 6,
Fig. 3. Continuous-ow positive airway pressure (CPAP) system. ETT, endotracheal tube.
S. Gupta, S.M. Donn / Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine xxx (2016) 1e84
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Fetal & Neonatal Medicine (2016),
8, 10, and 12 L/min) and three nasal CPAP pressure levels (4, 6, and 8
O) under no, small, and large leak conditions. The authors
concluded that the self-adjusting capability of ventilators allows
closely matched actual versus intended ventilator CPAP levels. For
bCPAP, at the range of ows used clinically, there were higher intra-
prong and intra-airway bCPAP pressures at increasing ows than
operator-intended levels, even when an appreciable leak was pre-
sent [26].
The conicting results discussed above highlight the need for
standardization of clinical practices. These pressure, ow, and
bubbling dynamics are very complex, and the in-vivo delivery of
CPAP is dependent upon many other factors, including the severity
of lung disease and the individual patientedevice interaction.
5. Work of breathing and choice of CPAP
Although the initial use of nasal CPAP in preterm infants utilized
the continuous-ow underwater device promoted by Gregory et al.
in 1971 [15], there has been a wide variation in the choice of de-
vices, especially since the introduction of variable ow rst
described by Moa et al. in 1988 [13].
Although the advantages of nCPAP on decreasing the work of
breathing are well established, efforts to optimize CPAP delivery
continue. Recent studies compared the work of breathing using
variable versus continuous ow CPAP. The initial study of Moa et al.
on a lung model claimed that despite a virtually constant pressure
within the traditional CPAP system, variations in mean airway
pressure and external workload were considerably less with the
variable-ow device, which was also reported to be less sensitive to
airway leakage [13].
Klausner et al. compared work of breathing between a variable
and continuous ow device. They observed an imposed work of
breathing with IFD CPAP of 0.135 mJ/breath (95% C ±0.004)
compared to 0.510 mJ/breath (95% CI ±0.004) with conventional
CPAP (difference P<0.01) and concluded that imposed work of
breathing with variable ow was approximately one-fourth that of
the continuous-ow system [27].
6. Studies comparing variable-ow and continuous-ow
Multiple studies compared variable and continuous ow de-
vices, albeit with different nasal interfaces. Measurements reported
in these studies included changes in lung volume, thoraco-
abdominal synchrony, resistance to breathing, and changes in
pleural pressure measured with an esophageal balloon. Together,
these studies reported advantages of the variable-ow device over
the continuous-ow device at varying CPAP levels of 0, 4, 6, and 8
O water.
Courtney et al. compared three CPAP devices: continuous-ow
nCPAP via prongs, continuous nCPAP via modied nasal cannula,
and variable-ow nCPAP. The continuous-ow CPAP was generated
using the CPAP mode on a conventional ventilator. The study was
carried out in 32 premature infants with mild respiratory failure at
a mean gestational age of 29 weeks, and the age at study was 13
days. After initial lung recruitment at 8 cmH
O, they tested the
breathing parameters at 8, 6, and 4 cm and compared with
0 cmH
O CPAP. Lung recruitment was better with the variable-ow
device than with both the continuous ow devices. The breathing
synchrony obtained with the continuous ow was similar to that
with variable ow. They suggested that better lung recruitment
with the variable-ow system could have resulted from decreased
variability of the mean airway pressure as reported by Moa et al.
[13] and Klausner et al. [27]. These differences could also be
affected by the variations in the ow rates and the nasal interfaces.
They also observed comparable lung volume recruitment with
continuous ow and a modied nasal cannula compared to
continuous-ow nasal prongs, but this was at the cost of higher
thoraco-abdominal asynchrony, higher respiratory rates and higher
requirements. They discouraged the use of nasal cannula CPAP
In another study by Pandit et al., constant ow nCPAP was
delivered by connecting INCA nasal prongs to an infant ventilator
set on the CPAP mode, and compared to variable ow nCPAP using
the Aladdin/IFD CPAP. They evaluated the work of breathing be-
tween the two systems using a crossover design at CPAP of 0, 4, 6,
and 8 cmH
O in 24 preterm infants with mild respiratory distress
born at a mean gestation of 28 weeks and at a mean postnatal age of
14 days. They calculated the inspiratory work of breathing and lung
compliance using esophageal pressure measurements and stan-
dardized the results by dividing work of breathing by tidal volume.
They reported decreased work of breathing at all CPAP levels with
the variable-ow device, the greatest reduction being ata CPAP of 4
O. Lung compliance increased with variable ow and
decreased with continuous ow, except at 8 cmH
O when
compliance decreased with variable ow and increased with
continuous ow. The ndings of this study, however, cannot be
extrapolated to infants with moderate-to-severe lung disease
requiring higher pressure [28].
Courtney et al. compared two variable-ow nasal CPAP devices:
Infant Flow(EME, Brighton, UK) and Arabella
(Hamilton Medi-
cal, USA). They assessed lung recruitment and work of breathing
between the two devices in very low birth weight babies requiring
nasal CPAP. In 18 infants at a mean (SD) birth weight of 1107 (218) g
and a gestational age of 27.9 (2.0) weeks, there were no differences
in lung volume recruitment at any nCPAP level (P¼0.943), inspi-
ratory work of breathing (P¼0.468), or resistive work of breathing
(P¼0.610) between devices [29].
The investigators also compared the work of breathing using
bCPAP with Hudson prongs versus variable-ow nCPAP using the
Viasys (CareFusion) system. They studied seven very low birth
weight infants with mild respiratory distress on each device at a
mean (SD) age of 8 (8.7) days. They reported a signicantly lower
inspiratory and resistive work of breathing with variable-ow CPAP
at 6 and 4 cmH
O pressure [30].
As many of the previously reported studies advocated the use
of a ventilator to deliver continuous-ow nasal CPAP, the study by
Lipsten et al. compared work of breathing and breathing asyn-
chrony during bCPAP versus variable-ow nCPAP in 18 premature
infants with a mean gestation of 28 weeks and a birth weight of
1042 g at a mean postnatal age of 9.4 days. Their ndings were
consistent with the previously reported studies, showing an
increased respiratory rate, phase angle, and resistive work of
breathing with bCPAP. Interestingly, the inspiratory work of
breathing, minute ventilation, and tidal volume were similar be-
tween the two groups. They explained the observed differences in
resistive work of breathing and asynchrony as relevant during
expiration only, not during inspiration. The total work of
breathing with bCPAP was also not as markedly increased as re-
ported in the other studies with continuous ow, ventilator-
derived CPAP. They speculated that bCPAP may provide an
advantage [31].
Kahn et al. compared the work of breathing between bCPAP and
ventilator-derived CPAP. They studied 10 preterm babies with mild
respiratory distress at a mean gestation of 28.8 ±1.9 weeks and a
postnatal age of 11 ±7 days. Each infant was studied on both de-
vices in a randomized crossover design and the nCPAP pressure was
varied as 3, 5, 7, 4, and 2 cm H
O (in that order). They observed
identical intra-prong pressures and similar inspiratory work of
breathing between the two devices. They concluded that when
S. Gupta, S.M. Donn / Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine xxx (2016) 1e85
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Fetal & Neonatal Medicine (2016),
intra-prong pressures were controlled, the inspiratory work of
breathing was no different between the devices [26].
The available data on the work of breathing and the choice of
nCPAP device address the important issue of the intended and the
actual airway-distending pressure. The data also highlight the dif-
ferences in the inspiratory and resistive work of breathing across
the available devices. It is important to recognize these differences,
but it will be more pertinent to relate these ndings to clinically
relevant outcomes in clinical trials.
6.1. Cardiovascular effects of CPAP
There are limited data on the hemodynamic effects of CPAP in
preterm newborns. An animal study by Adams et al. reported the
hemodynamic effects produced by CPAP and continuous negative
extrathoracic pressure (CNEP). CPAP and CNEP of 4 and 8 cmH
were compared in eight normal, spontaneously breathing piglets.
Arterial blood gases and hemodynamic measurements were ob-
tained before and during CPAP and CNEP. At 8 cmH
O, CPAP and
CNEP produced signicant increases (P<0.01) in PaO
baseline. No signicant changes occurred in PaCO
or cardiac
index, except during CPAP of 8 cmH
O, the PaCO
signicantly (P<0.05), and cardiac index decreased (P<0.05).
During CPAP of 4 cmH
O, there were signicant increases in
mean right atrial pressure (P
), left ventricular end-diastolic
pressure (LVEDP), and mean pulmonary artery pressure (P
CPAP of 8 cmH
O produced marked increases in P
, LVEDP, and P
7. Comparison of CPAP devices
nCPAP has been used immediately after birth for the manage-
ment of RDS and after extubation for providing respiratory support
to preterm babies. Investigators have compared ventilator-derived
CPAP, bCPAP, and IFD CPAP in observational studies and clinical
7.1. Cohort and observational studies
The cohort study by Narendran et al. incorporated the intro-
duction of bCPAP in one hospital and conventional nCPAP at
another for the management of preterm babies with RDS (birth
weights 401e1000 g). The data were collected on all extremely low
birth weight babies and compared to historical controls and be-
tween the hospitals. They reported a reduction in delivery room
intubations with the use of both bCPAP and conventional nCPAP
compared to historical controls (P<0.001). There was also a sig-
nicant reduction in the use of postnatal steroids with bCPAP, but
not with conventional nCPAP (P<0.001), and a trend towards a
reduction in chronic lung disease with bCPAP [33].
In an observational study from Canada, Pelligra et al. reported a
comparison of two time-periods; the rst used ventilator-derived
CPAP with a nasopharyngeal tube, and the second used bCPAP.
Data from 821 babies <32 weeks (397 babies in period 1, and 424
babies in period 2) were analyzed. There was a signicant
reduction in the use of exogenous surfactant, postnatal steroids,
and in the duration of mechanical ventilation with the use of
bCPAP [34].
In another observational study, Massaro et al. collected data on
36 preterm babies <2000 g who were solely managed on nCPAP
over a period of 16 months. They grouped the babies into those
who received bCPAP support and those who received ventilator-
derived CPAP at the same pressures. The groups were demo-
graphically equivalent. The authors reported no differences in the
duration of nCPAP support and other clinical outcomes, except
that babies managed on bCPAP required oxygen for a shorter
duration [35].
Although these observational studies suggest advantages with
bCPAP, the heterogeneity of the data warrants further evidence
from well-designed randomized trials. There were no observational
studies comparing IFD CPAP and continuous-ow CPAP devices.
7.2. Randomized trials
7.2.1. Randomized controlled trials at birth
Mazzela et al. compared IFD CPAP with binasal prongs and
bCPAP through a single nasopharyngeal prong. They randomized
36 preterm infants <36 weeks of gestation at <12 h of age to receive
one of the CPAP modes. They reported a signicant benecial effect
on both oxygen requirement and respiratory rate (P<0.0001) with
IFD CPAP, compared to bCPAP, and a trend towards a decreased
need for mechanical ventilation. This study, however, was limited
by a small sample size and the use of different nasal interfaces [19].
McEvoy et al. randomized 53 spontaneously breathing preterm
babies between 25 and 32 weeks of gestation to receive either
bCPAP or ventilator-derived CPAP using Hudson prongs after initial
stabilization. The respiratory measurements (FRC and compliance)
and CPAP failure through seven days were compared. They
observed no differences in the respiratory measurements, CPAP
failures, surfactant use, days on CPAP, and oxygen need and BPD at
36 weeks between groups [36].
Tagare et al. compared the efcacy and safety of bCPAP with
ventilator-derived CPAP in preterm neonates with respiratory
distress. Preterm neonates with a SilvermaneAnderson score 4
and oxygen requirement >30% within rst 6 h of life were randomly
allocated to bCPAP or ventilator-derived CPAP and the proportion of
neonates succeeding was compared. In all, 47 of 57 (82.5%) neo-
nates receiving bCPAP and 36 of 57 (63.2%) receiving ventilator-
derived CPAP did not require mechanical ventilation (P¼0.03),
suggesting superiority of bCPAP for managing preterm neonates
with early onset respiratory distress [37].
Mazmanyan et al. randomized 125 infants <37 weeks of gesta-
tion to bCPAP or IFD CPAP after stabilization at birth in a resource-
limited setting. bCPAP was equivalent to IFD CPAP in the total
number of days needing CPAP within a margin of 2 days. The me-
dian days (range) for the primary outcome (days on CPAP) were 0.8
days (0.04e17.5) on bCPAP, and 0.5 days (0.04e5.3) on IFD CPAP
[38]. It is difcult to determine whether study infants required
CPAP support or were put on CPAP as part of the trial, as the
duration of support is less than a day in both study arms. The results
of this trial should be interpreted with caution in extremely and
moderately premature babies, as the studygroup was more mature,
but it is a reassuring nding for a population of larger babies in a
developing country [38].
The trial by Bhatti et al. compared Jet-CPAP (variable ow) and
bCPAP in 170 preterm newborns <34 weeks of gestation with res-
piratory distress within 6 h of birth. CPAP failure rates within 72 h
were similar in infants who received Jet-CPAP and in those who
received bCPAP (29% versus 21%; relative risk 1.4 (95% CI 0.8e2.3),
P¼0.25). Mean (95% CI) time to CPAP failure was 59 h (54e64) in
the Jet-CPAP group compared to 65 h (62e68) in the bCPAP group.
In this well-designed trial, no difference was reported between the
two study devices; however, the investigators did not stratify ba-
bies by severity of respiratory illness or gestational age [39].
7.2.2. Randomized trials after extubation
The initial studies compared IFD CPAP with ventilator-derived
CPAP, using either binasal prongs or nasopharyngeal prongs with
ventilator-derived CPAP.
S. Gupta, S.M. Donn / Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine xxx (2016) 1e86
Please cite this article in press as: Gupta S, Donn SM, Continuous positive airway pressure: Physiology and comparison of devices, Seminars in
Fetal & Neonatal Medicine (2016),
Sun et al. randomized 73 premature babies >30 weeks of
gestation and birth weight >1250 g to IFD CPAP or ventilator-
derived CPAP with binasal prongs. They reported that 19/35 (54%)
babies receiving ventilator-derived CPAP met failure criteria versus
6/38 (16%) on IFD CPAP (P<0.001). The results favored IFD CPAP
over ventilator-derived CPAP in this population [40]. Stefanescu
et al. randomized 162 extremely low birth weight infants after
extubation from mechanical ventilation to receive either IFD CPAP
or conventional CPAP through a ventilator using INCA prongs. The
primary outcome for this study was the need for reintubation in the
rst seven days after extubation. The investigators found no dif-
ference in the extubation success rate between the two study
groups [41].
The trials by Sun et al. and Stefanescu et al. did not stratify ba-
bies by duration of ventilation. The demographic differences in the
trials also make it difcult to draw concrete conclusions but the
results suggest that IFD CPAP is either superior to or has similar
efcacy to ventilator-derived CPAP when used after extubation.
Roukema et al. randomized 93 very low birth weight infants to
IFD CPAP or nasopharyngeal CPAP. In their trial, 27/45 (60%) failed
extubation on nasopharyngeal CPAP versus 18/48 (38%) on IFD
CPAP (P¼0.0006). These results should be interpreted with
caution, as there is heterogeneity in the nasal interface used in the
study. They used short binasal prongs with IFD CPAP but a naso-
pharyngeal prong for the delivery of ventilator-derived CPAP [18].
De Paoli et al. stressed in their meta-analysis that a comparable
nasal interface is needed to allow comparison of CPAP pressure
generation systems in randomized trials, and thus the results of
Roukema et al. have limited usefulness [20].
In a subsequent trial Gupta et al. randomized 140 preterm in-
fants 24e29 weeks of gestation or 600e1500 g at birth to receive
bCPAP or IFD CPAP at the rst attempt at extubation [42]. Infants
were stratied according to duration of initial ventilation (14
days or >14 days). Babies were extubated when they passed a
minute ventilation test used to assess objectively readiness for
extubation [43]. The primary outcome of the study was the need
for reintubation within 72 h. If an infant required reintubation,
then the same CPAP device to which the infant was initially ran-
domized was used at subsequent extubation until the infant was
no longer requiring respiratory support. Although there was no
statistically signicant difference in extubation failure rates (16.9%
on bCPAP, 27.5% on IFD CPAP), the median duration of CPAP sup-
port was 50% shorter in the infants on bCPAP (median 2 days, 95%
CI 1e3) compared to IFD CPAP (4 days, 95% CI 2e6) (P¼0.031). In
infants ventilated for 14 days (n¼127), the extubation failure
rate was signicantly lower with bCPAP (14.1%; 9/64) compared to
IFD CPAP (28.6%l 18/63) (P¼0.046) [42].
This well-designed clinical trial suggests the superiority of post-
extubation bCPAP over IFD CPAP in preterm babies at <30 weeks
who are initially ventilated for <2 weeks. In this trial, similar nasal
interfaces were used, stratication by duration of ventilation was
performed, a similar weaning approach was utilized, and enroll-
ment occurred after an objective assessment for readiness for
8. Nasal septal injury
Nasal septal injury is recognized as an important complication
of nCPAP therapy. It may cause destruction of the nasal septum
requiring surgery. The success or failure of a CPAP device depends
to a large extent upon the nasal interface, the experience of the
staff, and the ease of use. Among very low birth weight babies, the
incidence of signicant nasal trauma with the use of nasal prongs
has been reported to be 35% with a mean age of onsetof 8 days [44].
In study by Gupta et al. [42], a prospectively validated nasal scoring
was used for all babies. In the study population, nine babies (17%)
on IFD CPAP and 13 babies (25%) on bCPAP developed nasal septal
injury (dened as indentation of the septum with or without skin
breakdown). Moreover, the median age at nasal injury was 14 days
in this study [45]. The lower incidence and higher age at onset
could relate to better nursing practices and/or the use of Cannu-
and Lyofoam
dressings between the prongs and the nose.
Although the incidence of nasal injury with nasal mask and nasal
prong on IFD CPAP has been reported to be similar [44], all babies
with nasal septum injuries in Gupta et al.s study were managed
with a nasal mask using IFD CPAP [45]. In a cross-sectional study by
Jatana et al. nasal complications were reported in 12 of the 91 pa-
tients (13.2%) with at least seven days of nasal CPAP exposure,
whereas no complications were seen in the nine patients with nasal
cannula use alone [46]. The nasal cannula interface is used with a
humidied high-ow system and fewer nasal injuries are reported
with its use. These differences need to be studied further in well-
designed trials.
9. Conclusion
There seems to be only a slight difference between continuous-
or variable-ow CPAP devices but there is a trend in favor of bCPAP
for post-extubation support, especially in babies ventilated for 2
weeks. The nasal interface is important for optimal delivery of
pressure and CPAP delivery, while limiting untoward effects, which
also requires close monitoring and good nursing care. With
increasing use of CPAP devices it is important that units use the
evidence to select an appropriate CPAP device and minimize
Conict of interest statement
None declared.
Funding sources
Practice points
CPAP devices are either continuous-flow or variable-flow
Efficacy of CPAP depends on CPAP generation, the nasal
interface, and good nursing care.
Currently available CPAP devices have comparable effi-
cacy when used for respiratory support after birth.
In babies ventilated for less than two weeks, bubble CPAP
seems to reduce extubation failures.
Research directions
Better respiratory monitoring techniques to detect early
decompensation on CPAP.
Optimum CPAP pressure during acute and recovery
phases of RDS.
Effect of different levels of CPAP on hemodynamics.
Techniques for minimizing nasal injury on CPAP.
S. Gupta, S.M. Donn / Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine xxx (2016) 1e87
Please cite this article in press as: Gupta S, Donn SM, Continuous positive airway pressure: Physiology and comparison of devices, Seminars in
Fetal & Neonatal Medicine (2016),
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Please cite this article in press as: Gupta S, Donn SM, Continuous positive airway pressure: Physiology and comparison of devices, Seminars in
Fetal & Neonatal Medicine (2016),
... Globally, there has been a trend toward use of CPAP in the management of RDS in the newborn with well 11 documented benefits. Different devices can be used to deliver CPAP; these include the conventional ventilators, variable-flow infant CPAP and the bubble 9,12 CPAP. With the improvised bubble CPAP used, studies have reported high success rate in developed countries 13 achieved on CPAP. ...
Full-text available
Objective: To determine the outcome of Bubble Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (bCPAP) Therapy use in preterm neonates with respiratory distress admitted in large public sector children hospital. Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted at National Institute of Child Health (NICH) from March 2016 to February 2017. All preterm neonates with respiratory distress diagnosed within 24 hours treated with bCPAP were consecutively included. Respiratory distress was defined on the basis of presence of any of the three following symptoms (i) tachypnea (ii) chest indrawing (iii) grunting (iv) nasal flaring (v) hypoxemia. Outcome was measured in terms of survival, median for duration to achieve 21% O2 , apnea, hyperemia of nose, abdominal distention, median for hospital stay, and median weight gain. Results: Of 70 preterm neonates, the median birth weight was 2700 (2300 – 3000) gm, duration to achieve 21% O2 was 3 (2 – 72) hours, and hospital stay was 8 (6–10) days. The complications of bubble CPAP showed that abdominal distension was found higher followed by hyperemia of nose and apnea i.e., 18 (25.7%), 17 (24.3%), and 4 (5.7%) respectively. Survival was found significantly associated with birth weight (p-value 0.049) and in neonates with no complications (p-value
Full-text available
The variable-flow flow driver (FD; EME) and continuous-flow bubble (Fisher-Paykel) continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) systems are widely used. As these differ in cost and technical requirements, determining comparative efficacy is important particularly where resources are limited. We performed a randomised, controlled, equivalence trial of CPAP systems. We specified the margin of equivalence as 2 days. We analysed binary variables by logistical regression adjusted for gestation, and log transformed continuous variables by multiple linear regression adjusted for gestation, sex and antenatal steroids. A neonatal unit with no blood gas analyser or surfactant availability and limited X-ray and laboratory facilities PATIENTS: Neonates <37 weeks of gestation. We provided CPAP at delivery followed by randomisation to FD or bubble (B). Primary outcome included total days receiving CPAP; secondary outcomes included days receiving CPAP, supplemental oxygen, ventilation, death, pneumothorax and nasal excoriation. We randomised 125 infants (B 66, FD 59). Differences in infant outcomes on B and FD were not statistically significant. The median (range) for CPAP days for survivors was B 0.8 (0.04 to 17.5), FD 0.5 (0.04 to 5.3). B:FD (95% CI) ratios were CPAP days 1.3 (0.9 to 2.1), CPAP plus supplementary oxygen days 1.2 (0.7 to 1.9). B:FD (95% CI) ORs were death 2.3 (0.2 to 28), ventilation 2.1 (0.5 to 9), nasal excoriation 1.2 (0.2 to 8) and pneumothorax 2.4 (0.2 to 26). In a resource-limited setting we found B CPAP equivalent to FD CPAP in the total number of days receiving CPAP within a margin of 2 days. ISRCTN22578364. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to
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Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) is a cost-effective and minimal invasive respiratory support for the newborn. To review the evidence related to various aspects of CPAP usage and its applicability for developing countries. We conducted a literature search on PubMed, CENTRAL, and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews using the terms CPAP OR continuous positive airway pressure OR, non-invasive ventilation AND newborn OR neonate OR infant. We also searched the reference lists from the above articles and of review articles. Extracted manuscripts and reviews were analyzed and results related to various aspects of CPAP usage were summarized in narrative form. Early use of CPAP with early rescue surfactant (InSurE) is the ideal approach for management of respiratory distress syndrome in preterm and extremely preterm infants. Delivery room CPAP is feasible and reduces the need for surfactant and mechanical ventilation by nearly 50%. Prophylactic surfactant for extreme preterms should be discouraged. Heated humidified high flow nasal cannula is best utilized for post-extubation respiratory support. The search for ideal interface still continues and binasal prongs or nasal masks are the good contenders. Evidence on the ideal CPAP delivery is still inconclusive. CPAP, if used early and judiciously, is an effective intervention and need immediate scaling-up in resource-limited settings. Future research should focus on the ideal interface and the CPAP delivery methods.
Background: Nasal continuous positive airway pressure (NCPAP) is used to support preterm infants recently extubated, those experiencing significant apnoea of prematurity and those with respiratory distress soon after birth as an alternative to intubation and ventilation. This review will focus exclusively on identifying the most effective pressure source and interface for NCPAP delivery in preterm infants. Objectives: In preterm infants extubated to NCPAP following intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV) for respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) or in those treated with NCPAP soon after birth, which technique of pressure generation and which type of nasal interface for NCPAP delivery most effectively reduces the need for additional respiratory support? Search strategy: The strategy included searches of MEDLINE (1966-2002), the Cochrane Controlled Trials Register (The Cochrane Library, Issue 1, 2002), CINAHL, abstracts from conference proceedings, cross-referencing of previous reviews and the use of expert informants. Selection criteria: Randomised or quasi-randomised trials comparing different techniques of NCPAP pressure generation and/or nasal interfaces in preterm infants extubated to NCPAP following IPPV for RDS or treated with NCPAP soon after birth. Data collection and analysis: Data was extracted and analysed by the first three authors. Dichotomous results were analysed using the relative risk (RR), risk difference (RD) and number needed to treat (NNT). Main results: 1. Preterm infants being extubated to NCPAP following a period of IPPV for RDS: Meta-analysis of the results from Davis 2001 and Roukema 1999a demonstrated that short binasal prongs are more effective at preventing re-intubation than single nasal or nasopharyngeal prongs [typical RR 0.59 (CI: 0.41, 0.85), typical RD -0.21 (CI: -0.35, -0.07), NNT 5 (CI: 3, 14)]. In the single study comparing short binasal prong devices (Sun 1999) the re-intubation rate was significantly lower with the Infant Flow Driver than with the Medicorp prong [RR 0.33 (CI: 0.17, 0.67), RD -0.32 (CI: -0.49, -0.15), NNT 3 (CI: 2, 7)]. 2. Preterm infants primarily treated with NCPAP soon after birth: The one trial identified, Mazzella 2001, found a significantly lower oxygen requirement and respiratory rate in those randomised to short binasal prongs when compared with CPAP delivered via nasopharyngeal prong. The requirement for intubation beyond 48 hours from randomisation was not assessed. No studies comparing different techniques of pressure generation were identified. Reviewer's conclusions: Short binasal prong devices are more effective than single prongs in reducing the rate of re-intubation. Although the Infant Flow Driver appears more effective than Medicorp prongs the most effective short binasal prong device remains to be determined. The improvement in respiratory parameters with short binasal prongs suggests they are more effective than nasopharyngeal CPAP in the treatment of early RDS. Further studies incorporating longer-term outcomes are required. Studies are also needed to determine the optimal pressure source for the delivery of NCPAP.
To compare the failure rates between Jet continuous positive airway pressure device (J-CPAP-variable flow) and Bubble continuous positive airway device (B-CPAP) in preterm infants with respiratory distress. Preterm newborns <34 weeks gestation with onset of respiratory distress within 6 h of life were randomized to receive J-CPAP (a variable flow device) or B-CPAP (continuous flow device). A standardized protocol was followed for titration, weaning and removal of CPAP. Pressure was monitored close to the nares in both the devices every 6 hours and settings were adjusted to provide desired CPAP. The primary outcome was CPAP failure rate within 72 h of life. Secondary outcomes were CPAP failure within 7 days of life, need for surfactant post-randomization, time to CPAP failure, duration of CPAP and complications of prematurity. An intention to treat analysis was done. One-hundred seventy neonates were randomized, 80 to J-CPAP and 90 to B-CPAP. CPAP failure rates within 72 h were similar in infants who received J-CPAP and in those who received B-CPAP (29 versus 21%; relative risks 1.4 (0.8 to 2.3), P=0.25). Mean (95% confidence intervals) time to CPAP failure was 59 h (54 to 64) in the Jet CPAP group in comparison with 65 h (62 to 68) in the Bubble CPAP group (log rank P=0.19). All other secondary outcomes were similar between the two groups. In preterm infants with respiratory distress starting within 6 h of life, CPAP failure rates were similar with Jet CPAP and Bubble CPAP.Journal of Perinatology advance online publication, 13 August 2015; doi:10.1038/jp.2015.98.
Background: Preterm infants frequently receive support with nasal continuous positive airways pressure (NCPAP) via nasal prongs or a nasal mask. While both prongs and masks may cause trauma to the nose, it is not clear which is more effective.Objective: To compare the effectiveness of NCPAP given via prongs and mask to preterm infants. We hypothesise that the use of prongs compared to masks will reduce the rate of intubation and ventilation within 72 hours of starting NCPAP.Methods: Infants < 30 weeks gestation receiving NCPAP with the Infant Flow Driver or SiPAP system (Viasys, USA) are randomised to either prongs or mask. Infants are block randomised stratified for gestational age (< 28 weeks, 28-30 weeks); and according to whether NCPAP was started as a primary treatment for respiratory distress or postextubation. Infants are intubated and ventilated if they reach pre-determined criteria for respiratory failure (2 or more of worsening distress; FiO2 > 0.4; pH < 7.2; PaCO2 > 9 kPa; recurrent apnoea) < 72 hours after commencing NCPAP. All other aspects of treatment are the same between the groups. Relevant secondary outcomes are recorded.Results: Since enrolment began (02/08/2009) 64 infants have been recruited and had the primary outcome determined. We expect that the primary outcome will be determinable for the total sample (120 infants) by early October 2010.Conclusion: This randomised controlled trial will provide valuable information about the optimal interface to use when giving NCPAP to preterm infants.
Unlabelled: Bubble continuous positive airway pressure (BCPAP) is a low cost nasal CPAP delivery system with potential benefits to developing nations. Objective: To compare the efficacy and safety of BCPAP with ventilator-derived CPAP (VCPAP) in preterm neonates with respiratory distress. Methods: In a randomized controlled trial, preterm neonates with Silverman-Anderson score ≥ 4 and oxygen requirement >30% within first 6 h of life were randomly allocated to BCPAP or VCPAP. Proportion of neonates with success or failure was compared. Results: In all, 47 of 57 (82.5%) neonates from BCPAP group and 36 of 57 (63.2%) neonates from the VCPAP group completed CPAP successfully (p = 0.03). Neonates who failed CPAP had higher Silverman-Anderson score (p < 0.01), lower arterial to alveolar oxygenation ratio (p < 0.05) and needed surfactant more frequently (p < 0.01). Conclusion: BCPAP has higher success rate than VCPAP for managing preterm neonates with early onset respiratory distress, with comparable safety.