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Forbearance With Bronchoscopy: A Review of Gratuitous Indications


Abstract and Figures

Advanced technologies such as endobronchial ultrasound and electromagnetic navigation have revolutionized the field of bronchoscopy. Its indications as a diagnostic as well as therapeutic tool continue to expand at a rapid pace. This has also led to emergence of a new subspecialty of interventional pulmonology and over forty fellowship training programs. However, with increasing popularity and accessibility there is a high impetus for performing the procedure where it may be of limited value. Based on the literature review and our own experience we came up with the list of conditions where the bronchoscopy is of limited value yet being performed frequently. Conditions such as IPF, massive hemoptysis, cystic fibrosis, smear-negative TB, Stage I sarcoidosis may be best be approached in a more prudent fashion, with bronchoscopic approach reserved for exceptional cases. We present an overview on conditions where expectations from bronchoscopy exceeds the evidence in the literature and coin the term "Forbearance with Bronchoscopy" for situations where this popular tool may not be the most appropriate initial approach.
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Forbearance With Bronchoscopy
A Review of Gratuitous Indications
Himanshu Deshwal, MD; Sameer K. Avasarala, MD; Subha Ghosh, MD; and Atul C. Mehta, MD, FCCP
Advanced technologies such as endobronchial ultrasound and electromagnetic navigation have
revolutionized the eld of bronchoscopy. Its indications as a diagnostic as well as a therapeutic
tool continue to expand at a rapid pace. This growth also has led to the emergence of a new
subspecialty of interventional pulmonology and more than 40 fellowship training programs.
However, with increasing popularity and accessibility, there is a high impetus for performing the
procedure when it may be of limited value. On the basis of a literature review and our own
experience, we produced a list of conditions for which bronchoscopy is of limited value yet is
being performed frequently. Conditions such as idiopathic pulmonary brosis, massive he-
moptysis, cystic brosis, smear-negative pulmonary TB, and stage I sarcoidosis may be
approached best in a more prudent fashion, with the bronchoscopic approach reserved for
exceptional cases. We present an overview of conditions for which the expectations for bron-
choscopy exceed the evidence in the literature, and we coined the term forbearance with
bronchoscopyfor situations in which this popular tool may not be the most appropriate initial
approach. CHEST 2018; -(-):---
KEY WORDS: bronchoscopy; forbearing bronchoscopy; guided bronchoscopy; indications for
bronchoscopy; low-yield bronchoscopy
The bronchoscope initially was introduced as
a foreign body retrieval tool; its indications
have since expanded.
In current practice,
both the rigid and the exible variants are
Transbronchial biopsy (TBBx) of the
lung parenchyma is a procedure commonly
performed for a variety of pulmonary
diseases. It can be useful in the diagnosis of
malignancy (lung or metastatic), infections
(TB, nontubercular Mycobacterium, fungal,
Cytomegalovirus,Pneumocystis jirovecii
pneumonia), rejection in recipients of lung
transplants, inltrates in patients who are
immunocompromised, and certain diffuse
lung diseases (sarcoidosis, pulmonary
alveolar proteinosis, eosinophilic
pneumonia, berylliosis, amyloidosis,
pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis,
hypersensitivity pneumonitis, lymphocytic
interstitial pneumonia, and cryptogenic
organizing pneumonia).
The eld of bronchoscopy has been
revolutionized further by the introduction of
ABBREVIATIONS: CD = cluster of differentiation; CF = cystic brosis;
EBUS = endobronchial ultrasound; FB = exible bronchoscopy; FM =
brosing mediastinitis; HRCT = high-resolution CT; IPF = idiopathic
pulmonary brosis; MDCT = multidetector CT; PN = pulmonary
nodule; SN-PTB = smear-negative pulmonary TB; TBBx = trans-
bronchial biopsy; TBNA = transbronchial needle aspiration; TTNA =
transthoracic needle aspiration
AFFILIATIONS: From the Medicine Institute (Dr Deshwal), the Res-
piratory Institute (Drs Avasarala and Mehta), and Diagnostic Radi-
ology (Dr Ghosh), Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH.
CORRESPONDENCE TO: Atul C. Mehta, MD, FCCP, Department of
Pulmonary Medicine, Respiratory Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Desk
A90, 9500 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH 44195; e-mail:
Copyright Ó2018 American College of Chest Physicians. Published by
Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
[Special Features ] 1
endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) and newer techniques
collectively termed guided bronchoscopy.
ultrathin bronchoscope has been introduced to sample
subcentimeter peripheral nodules, and the therapeutic
indications for this tool also continue to expand.
the increasing popularity of bronchoscopy, a whole new
subspecialty of interventional pulmonology has
emerged, and today there are more than 40 programs in
North America providing fellowship training, with a list
that is ever growing.
Increasing popularity and accessibility occasionally can
become an impetus for performing bronchoscopy when
it may have a low diagnostic value or therapeutic impact.
On the basis of a literature review and our own
experience, we produced a list of conditions for which
the procedure is of limited value yet is being performed
frequently (Table 1). We coined the term forbearance
with bronchoscopyfor such procedures when
performed with high expectations but with poor
outcomes. We believe that the indication for the
procedure should be based strictly on the risk to benet
ratio to improve the patients welfare and the cost-
effectiveness of the procedure.
Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic brosis (CF) is an autosomal recessive disease
with an average age expectancy <40 years. Mucous
plugging, bronchiectasis, mediastinal lymphadenopathy,
and recurrent lower respiratory tract infections are its
common manifestations (Fig 1). Studies have
recommended a bronchoscopic evaluation to guide
antimicrobial therapy during CF exacerbations, and
there is some evidence to support this practice.
However, less invasive means such as sputum or throat
swab cultures also can predict lung colonization with
Pseudomonas aeroginosa with reasonable accuracy.
Aaron et al
found that induced sputum was as good as
BAL and reserved brushing to characterize genotype and
antibiotic susceptibility in chronic P aeruginosa
infection in patients with CF.
Mediastinal lymphadenopathy occurs in at least 52% of
patients with CF because of chronic inammation and is
usually progressive, correlating with the severity of the
pulmonary disease.
CT scanning of the chest is a
reasonable tool to follow up interval development with
no role for bronchoscopy unless suspicion for
malignancy or lymphoma is high.
Bronchoscopy also is performed frequently for the
management of hemoptysis in patients with CF.
Guidelines on massive hemoptysis state that
bronchoscopy is of little value in source localization and
time management in this group of patients.
bronchoscopy can be useful in patients with CF with
lobar collapse because dornase alfa can be instilled
precisely into the involved bronchopulmonary segment
to improve outcomes.
Smear-negative pulmonary TB (SN-PTB) is a diagnostic
challenge. As many as 50% of patients with active
infection may have sputum-detectable SN-PTB.
such cases, using an appropriate diagnostic algorithm
becomes essential, especially in resource-limited
Induced sputum was the preferred diagnostic test for
SN-PTB until replaced by bronchoscopy. SN-PTB can
be diagnosed by using brushing, washings, or
postbronchoscopic sputum studies.
Shin et al
found that exible bronchoscopy (FB) alone had
sensitivity, specicity, positive predictive value, and
negative predictive value of 75.9%, 97.2%, 95.3%, and
84.3%, respectively.
However, these studies compared
bronchoscopy with two or fewer induced sputum
specimens. Directly resorting to bronchoscopy possibly
could have resulted in demonstrating its higher yield.
Several studies have shown the yield of three induced
sputum specimens to diagnose SN-PTB to be 91% to
99% (Table 2).
Thus, obtaining at least three
induced sputum specimens in patients suspected of
TABLE 1 ]Diseases for Which Bronchoscopy Is Not the
Optimal Diagnostic or Therapeutic Tool
Disease state
1. Cystic brosis
2. Smear-negative pulmonary TB
Radiographic ndings
1. Atelectasis in patients receiving mechanical
2. Fibrosing mediastinitis
3. Pulmonary nodules
4. Pleural effusion
Mediastinal lymphadenopathy
1. Idiopathic pulmonary brosis
2. Sarcoidosis: stage I
3. Congestive lymphadenopathy
4. Calcied lymphadenopathy
5. Lymphoma
6. COPD exacerbation and lymphadenopathy
2Special Features [-#-CHEST -2018 ]
having SN-PTB is recommended prior to performing
The Mycobacterium tuberculosis nucleic acid
amplication test has a 95% sensitivity and a
98% positive predictive value in diagnosing TB in
patients suspected of having TB.
It can reduce the time
from specimen collection to treatment (3 vs 14 days, P<
The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention recommends carrying out nucleic acid
amplication testing in at least one respiratory sample
along with an acid-fast bacilli smear to improve
diagnostic capabilities.
The Xpert MTB/RIF (MtuberculosisDNA and
resistance to rifampicin) assay is another highly
sensitive and specic test that can detect Mtuberculosis
within 2 hours, making it a good point-of-care testing
method. In addition, it has the capability of detecting
rifampin (the rst-line drug for TB treatment)
resistance in respiratory samples.
Chakravorty et al
developed an Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra assay that has an
increased sensitivity and specicity to detect M
tuberculosis in smear-negative pulmonary samples as
increasing utility of these rapid tests, quick and cost-
effective decisions to initiate treatment can be made,
further bypassing the need for diagnostic
bronchoscopy, given that these tests can be performed
on respiratory samples from both sputum and BAL
with accurate results.
TABLE 2 ]Studies Comparing Induced Sputum With Bronchoscopy in Smear-Negative Pulmonary TB
Study Characteristics Results
Al Zahrani
et al
The combined yield of smear and culture
induced sputum was higher with a
greater number of samples.
No. of samples Smear, % Culture, %
4 98 100
et al
Acid-fast bacilli smears in induced sputum
vs BAL
96% (sputum) vs 52% (bronchoscopy)
Ganguly et al
Acid-fast bacilli smears in induced sputum
vs BAL
74% (sputum) vs 58% (BAL)
Conde et al
Single induced sputum vs bronchoscopy No signicant difference in yield
Brown et al
Comparison of induced sputum with
gastric washing and bronchoscopy in
patients who could not induce sputum
Induced sputum was more sensitive than was
gastric washing.
3 induced sputum vs 3 gastric washing
(39% vs 30%; P¼.03)
Use of bronchoscopy and BAL did not increase
Figure 1 A, B, Axial high-resolution CT scans of the chest in a patient with cystic brosis revealing mediastinal lymphadenopathy (circled in A). 3
Local anesthesia such as lidocaine can inhibit the
growth of Mtuberculosisorganisms.
concentration as low as 1 mL of 2% lidocaine is enough
to inhibit the growth of Mycobacterium.
administration is operator dependent, an excess of
lidocaine may be used during bronchoscopy that could
inhibit the organism and lead to a lower yield for
bronchoscopy and TBBx. In addition, studies have
demonstrated puried protein derivative conversion of
up to 11% in pulmonary medicine trainees working in
the bronchoscopy unit, suggesting a potential risk of
TB transmission to health-care providers in
bronchoscopy suites.
In the endemic parts of the world, if the induced sputum
specimen remains negative but clinical and imaging
suspicion of TB remains high, a trial of anti-TB therapy
may be appropriate. The role of bronchoscopy should be
limited to patients with consistently negative sputum
smears, those not responding to therapy, or those in
whom there is a higher suspicion for an alternate
The role of rigid bronchoscopy in the management of
massive hemoptysis is well established; however, that of
either rigid bronchoscopy or FB in diagnosing the source
or the cause of mild to moderate hemoptysis is still
debatable. The yield of FB in identifying the cause of
hemoptysis of any severity with a negative radiograph or
CT scan of the chest is only 16% to 21%.
In the experience of Hsiao et al
with 28 patients with
massive hemoptysis localized by means of radiography,
bronchoscopy was able to identify the source in 23
patients (82.1%). However, when the radiograph was
nonlocalizing, bronchoscopy was able to identify the site
in only three patients (10.7%), all of whom had
bronchiectasis and none of whom had undergone CT
scanning to identify the site.
Multidetector CT (MDCT) scanning has an overall
higher sensitivity in localizing the site of hemoptysis
than does FB.
It can identify the source of hemoptysis
in 63% to 100% of patients and is notably superior to
bronchoscopy in cases of bronchiectasis, pulmonary
infections, and lung cancer.
It also has the advantage of
visualizing distal airways that may be obscured by
bleeding and a sensitivity of 90% in detecting
endobronchial lesions (Fig 2).
Poe et al
identied that the presence of two of three
risk factors for malignancy (Table 3)orhemoptysisof
more than 30 mL identied 100% of cases with
bronchogenic carcinoma identied with
bronchoscopy. This nding suggests that using risk
stratication can prevent unnecessary procedures by
Hirshberg et al
also found that bronchoscopy
was more effective in locating the bleeding site in
moderate (64%) and severe (67%) hemoptysis than in
mild (49%) hemoptysis. Consequently, the combined
use of MDCT scanning and bronchoscopy may
increase accuracy in detecting the source of bleeding
(93%) compared with CT scanning alone (67%).
Nielsen et al
found that sensitivity in localizing the
source of hemoptysis in patients with lung cancer with
Figure 2 Axial (A) and coronal (B) CT scans of the chest revealing left
endobronchial lesion (arrows) in a patient with mild, intermittent he-
moptysis. Note left lower lobe atelectasis. A carcinoid tumor was diag-
nosed at the time of curative therapeutic bronchoscopy.
TABLE 3 ]Risk Factors Associated With Malignancy and
Massive Hemoptysis
High yield of bronchoscopy in hemoptysis if any 2 of the 3
risk factors are present
1. Age >50 y
2. Male sex
3. Smoking history >40 pack-years
4Special Features [-#-CHEST -2018 ]
bronchoscopy was 61%, with CT scanning was
92% (P<.05), and with both modalities combined
was 97% (P¼.58); in most cases of hemoptysis from a
nonmalignant cause, the diagnosis was established
with CT scanning alone.
Thus, the need for bronchoscopy in patients with
hemoptysis is based on the severity, preexisting
diagnosis, and therapeutic potentials. It should be
performed only if MDCT scanning results are
unrevealing. Once the source is conrmed, then
therapeutic procedures such as the application of cold
saline or local vasoconstrictors, balloon tamponade,
electrocautery, laser ablation, or stent placement can be
Atelectasis in Patients Receiving Mechanical
Atelectasis can be classied based on its
pathophysiologic characteristics. It commonly is
diagnosed with chest imaging. Its management includes
addressing the cause and noninvasive methods such as
chest physiotherapy, mechanical percussion therapy,
positive end-expiratory pressure support, dornase alfa
instillation, and bronchodilators.
The utility of FB as a diagnostic or therapeutic tool
for atelectasis in patients receiving mechanical
ventilation long has been debated. Radiographic
resolution and improvements in oxygenation and
static lung compliance can be seen following
Bronchoscopy commonly is used to treat atelectasis,
most often in the critical care setting. Bronchoscopy is
not the cornerstone of therapy for atelectasis; aggressive
noninvasive chest physiotherapy can be equally
Prognostically, an air bronchogram
portends a delayed response to any therapy for
Marini et al
conducted a randomized
study comparing bronchoscopy and noninvasive
respiratory therapy among patients with atelectasis
receiving mechanical ventilation. Thirty-one subjects
were placed into one of two groups, with one group
receiving bronchoscopy followed by respiratory therapy
and the other group receiving respiratory therapy alone.
No difference was observed in the restoration of volume
loss between the two groups within rst 24 and 48 hours
Raoof et al
also showed that combined
kinetic and percussion therapy was a superior modality
to conventional treatments and that it obviated the need
Figure 3 Coronal CT scans (A, B) of the chest in a patient in the ICU with bilateral lower lobe and left upper lobe atelectasis with interval resolution
of right lower lobe and left upper lobe atelectasis and improvement without resolution of left lower lobe atelectasis shown in a follow-up chest
radiograph (C). The patient was treated without bronchoscopy. 5
for bronchoscopy in 68% of patients (Fig 3). The current
recommendation is to use noninvasive methods to treat
atelectasis in patients who are critically ill.
FB should
be reserved for patients who cannot undergo these
treatments because of either chest wall trauma or spinal
Fibrosing Mediastinitis
Fibrosing mediastinitis (FM) is sclerosis of the
mediastinum that may occur as an inammatory sequela
of infection such as histoplasmosis or of neoplasms such
as lymphoma, sarcoidosis, or an idiopathic process.
Exposure to an extrinsic antigen such as fungi may cause
a severe inammatory response and brosis.
In severe cases, the brotic process may compress
mediastinal structures, including the airways, large
vessels, and esophagus. Diagnosis is conrmed mainly
via CT scanning of the chest. Findings of mediastinal
soft-tissue mass, calcication and evidence of collateral
vessels from chronic obstruction, peribronchial cufng,
and interlobular septal thickening obviate the need for
biopsy (Fig 4).
EBUS transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA) often is
attempted for diagnostic purposes; however, these
specimens mostly reveal nonconrmatory ndings of
inammation and brosis without organisms.
Bronchoscopy also often is used for therapeutic
purposes in FM. Airway stent placement and mesh
repair have been conducted using a exible
bronchoscope, and it may result temporarily in clinical
improvement. However, FM is a metabolically active
disease, and self-expanding metallic stents frequently
reocclude due to granuloma formation.
Destruction of
anatomic planes further makes such interventions
ineffective, with higher rates of complications such as
bleeding due to concomitant collateral vessels and
The utility of silicone stents in FM also
is limited due to a higher incidence of stent migration.
Bronchoscopy can be considered cautiously in cases of
severe symptomatic disease. However, the operator must
be aware of the substantial risk of hemorrhage and
should be prepared for it. Spray cryotherapy is a form of
noncontact cryotherapy being used for hemoptysis in
FM, with a lower rate of recurrent hemoptysis.
Pulmonary Nodules
A large variety of benign and malignant diseases can
manifest as pulmonary nodules (PNs) on chest
radiographs. A variety of prediction models commonly
are used to estimate the risk of a PNs malignancy:
Mayo, Brock, Herder, and Veterans Affairs. They all
have been validated externally and have some
commonalities regarding risk factors for malignancy:
older age, current smoking or history of smoking, larger
nodule, and history of lung or extrathoracic
Biopsy commonly is performed in PNs to establish a
diagnosis; however, not all nodules need to be sampled.
Besides, there are many sampling modalities to choose
from, and the selection depends on the interaction of
multiple factors: patient, operator, and institutional
specics. There a variety of bronchoscopic approaches.
It is essential to remember that the decision to use a
specic diagnostic modality is made on a case-by-case
basis. A limited summary of the bronchoscopic
modalities, their overall diagnostic accuracy, and factors
that may increase diagnostic yield is presented in
Table 4.
FB often is used to obtain tissue samples from a PN.
However, Zhang et al
found that the accuracy of
Figure 4 A-C, Axial CT scans showing brosing mediastinitis with conuent soft tissues in multiple mediastinal and left hilar compartments. Marked
narrowing of the left pulmonary artery and complete occlusion of the left inferior pulmonary vein are visible. Flexible bronchoscopy is of little
diagnostic value.
6Special Features [-#-CHEST -2018 ]
conventional bronchoscopy in the preoperative workup
for PNs was only 24.3%, with a negative predictive value
of only 20.5%. This nding suggests that conventional
bronchoscopy should be used carefully in the evaluation
of peripheral nodules in the age of high-value and cost-
effective care.
The advent of newer technologies, including radial
probe EBUS, virtual bronchoscopy, and electromagnetic
navigation bronchoscopy, has resulted in increased use
of bronchoscopy in the evaluation of PN. Some studies
have shown that the procedure guided by these tools has
a higher diagnostic yield for PNs.
A meta-analysis
found the pooled diagnostic yield to be 70%.
most studies looking at electromagnetic navigation
bronchoscopy were uncontrolled, and further
randomized trials are needed.
Despite the advancement in bronchoscopy, its
diagnostic yield remains inferior to that of
transthoracic needle aspiration (TTNA). A meta-
analysis of 48 studies showed a pooled diagnostic
accuracy of 92.1% for CT scanning-guided TTNA and
88.7% for ultrasound-guided TTNA.
TTNA remains
the diagnostic modality of choice for small peripheral
lesions if the patient can sustain the risk of
pneumothorax. If the tools for guided bronchoscopy
are unavailable, FB should be reserved for large
(>2 cm in diameter), centrally located lesions that
have a positive bronchus sign and for which the
certainty of the yield would justify the procedure.
Isolated Pleural Effusion
More than 1.5 million people in the United States
develop a pleural effusion each year.
The list of benign
and malignant causes of a pleural effusion is exhaustive.
Up to 27% of pleural effusions are due to malignancy.
Breast cancer and lung cancer account for more than
one-half of all malignant pleural effusions.
At times,
the initial radiographic manifestation of pleural effusion
might be accompanied by lung nodules or masses. In
such scenarios, the risk of malignancy is always in
question, and the most pragmatic approach would be to
analyze the pleural uid for malignant cells. Pleural
cytology test results are positive for malignant cells in
60% of cases.
Complete or near complete opacication
of a hemithorax could be due to a large degree of
atelectasis caused by an endobronchial obstruction or a
large pleural effusion. Plain chest radiography
(mediastinal shift), point-of-care lung ultrasound, or
airway examination via bronchoscopy is useful in
determining the cause. In such a scenario, FB may be of
great utility for both diagnostic and therapeutic
In most cases of isolated pleural effusion, there is no
role for bronchoscopy. The diagnostic workup
TABLE 4 ]Bronchoscopic Modalities Used in Assessment of Pulmonary Nodules
Overall Diagnostic
Factors That Improve Diagnostic Accuracy (Corresponding Diagnostic
Transbronchial biopsy 28%-80%
- Size >2cm
- Lesions not located in the periphery
- Presence of bronchus sign
Radial probe EBUS (with use of
extended working channel or
guide sheath)
- Size >5.1 cm (88%)
- Concentric view (84%)
Convex probe EBUS 87%
- Size >2cm
- Use of rapid on-site cytology
- Distal lesions in which the bronchoscope can be wedged
into place for stabilization
- Neoplastic lesions (95.3%)
Virtual bronchoscopic navigation 72%-74%
- Lesions >2cm
- Newer technology such as bronchoscopic trans-
parenchymal nodule access system (Archimedes Sys-
tem, Broncus Medical) (100%)
Electromagnetic navigation
- Bronchus sign
- Upper lobe location
- Size <3cm
Ultrathin bronchoscopy 57%-70%
- Use in combination with radial probe EBUS (69%)
EBUS ¼endobronchial ultrasound. 7
largely is centered on the results of the pleural uid
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
The condition of idiopathic pulmonary brosis (IPF)
can be diagnosed by means of either high-resolution
CT (HRCT) scanning or open lung biopsy. At HRCT
scanning, IPF is diagnosed by exclusion of other
diseases and typical ndings of usual interstitial
pneumonia. According to revised American Thoracic
Society, European Respiratory Society, Japanese
Respiratory Society, and Latin American Thoracic
Association guidelines, lung biopsy is not required in
patients with no environmental exposure, connective
tissue disease, or drug toxicities and denite usual
interstitial pneumonia diagnosed on the basis of
HRCT scanning ndings.
In this regard, the value
of TBBx performed via FB is limited. To our
knowledge, the role of cryobiopsy in establishing the
diagnosis of IPF still remains to be studied. BAL also
may be performed to help differentiate IPF from other
brotic lung diseases (sarcoidosis, hypersensitivity
pneumonitis, nonspecic interstitial pneumonitis, and
interstitial lung disease related to connective tissue
disease). BAL demonstrating lymphocytosis (>30%)
is postulated to suggest a non-IPF diagnosis in a
patient with radiographically visible brotic lung
The clinical utility of this nding is still
under debate.
In patients with IPF, bronchoscopy often is performed
to assess mediastinal lymphadenopathy, which is a
common nding seen in approximately 60% of
nodes directly correlate with the severity of the IPF.
This lymphadenopathy is usually a sequela of chronic
inammation and not a concurrent infection or
neoplasm. Bronchoscopy should be avoided under
such circumstances unless there is a high suspicion of
malignancy (Fig 5).
Bronchoscopy also is performed in patients with IPF
presenting with acute respiratory failure. Diffuse
alveolar hemorrhage, infections, and acute
exacerbation of interstitial lung disease are the
common causes of such a presentation. Bronchoscopy
is of low diagnostic yield in assessing the cause of
respiratory failure under such circumstances.
Bronchoscopy is of any therapeutic impact in <25%
of patients, and there is no mortality difference
between those with and those without positive
ndings at bronchoscopy.
Besides, the procedure is
associated with high rate of complications (25%).
BAL also leads to increased risk in patients with acute
exacerbation of interstitial lung disease.
FB might be
Figure 5 A-D, Axial high-resolution CT scans showing typical usual interstitial pneumonia with honeycombing or multilayered cysts with peripheral,
subpleural, and basilar predominance (C, D) along with mediastinal lymphadenopathy (circled in B).
8Special Features [-#-CHEST -2018 ]
of diagnostic value in patients who are receiving
immunosuppressive regimens or who have clinical
concerns about diffuse alveolar hemorrhage; however,
meticulous patient selection is essential.
Stage I Sarcoidosis
Sarcoidosis is a granulomatous disorder that commonly
manifests as bilateral hilar adenopathy and pulmonary
reticular opacities. More than one-half of all patients
with active disease receive the diagnosis at stage I when
spontaneous resolution is common.
A tissue diagnosis is not necessary for most patients with
stage I sarcoidosis.
The risk of missing a more sinister
diagnosis such as lymphoma is a common
counterargument in favor of tissue sampling. Several
studies have proven that the lack of symptoms and
clinical ndings have a strong negative predictive value
against a malignant process in patients with
radiographic evidence of bilateral hilar adenopathy.
Statistical models that account for the incidence of
sarcoidosis estimate that the likelihood of nding an
alternative diagnosis via invasive biopsy in a patient with
stage I sarcoidosis is 5 in 10,000 (Fig 6).
BAL often is performed to differentiate between
sarcoidosis and hypersensitivity pneumonitis, favoring
performance of FB. The most frequently assessed
parameters in this scenario are the cell counts and
proportions of lymphocyte subpopulations; a high ratio
of cluster of differentiation (CD)4 to CD8 point toward
sarcoidosis. In a study of 562 patients who underwent
BAL for the evaluation of interstitial lung disease, both
IPF and sarcoidosis had ratios of CD4 to CD8 >1.0.
In another study, the lymphocyte subset ratio was
assessed in patients with clinical and histologic evidence
of sarcoidosis. The ratio of CD4 to CD8 of <1was
found in less than 12% of patients.
However, the
diagnostic value of the BAL lymphocyte subset ratio also
is modied by the radiographic stage of sarcoidosis and
the patients smoking status. In summary, BAL with an
elevated ratio of CD4 to CD8 should be used in context
with the clinicoradiologic picture and should not form
the sole basis for diagnosing sarcoidosis.
Although many centers rely on TBNA for diagnosing
sarcoidosis, the data behind its use must be analyzed
carefully. Early EBUS-TBNA studies used a patient
population that was rich with sarcoidosis. More than
90% of patients in these studies received a nal diagnosis
of sarcoidosis.
A majority of sarcoidosis studies also
originated from tertiary medical centers ush with
highly skilled operators and experienced pathologists.
EBUS-TBNA performed in a less experienced center
yielded a nondiagnostic rate of 73%.
Also, most EBUS-
TBNA studies have never dened the entry criteria for
patient selection, thereby limiting the generalizability of
the results.
The presence of a noncaseating granuloma is an
essential piece of information used to diagnose
sarcoidosis. However, it is not an all-or-nothing nding.
Although conventional and advanced bronchoscopic
methods are available for sampling purposes, the
priority should be pursuing the least invasive approach.
In patients who may have stage I sarcoidosis, this may be
as simple as taking a careful history and performing a
thorough physical examination. In summary, the clinical
acumen of the operator is paramount in estimating any
potential benet of bronchoscopy in this patient
Congestive Lymphadenopathy
More than ve million people in the United States and
an estimated 23 million people worldwide have
congestive heart failure.
lymphadenopathy is not an uncommon nding in
patients with congestive heart failure and often is
referred to as congestive adenopathy.To our
Figure 6 Chest radiograph showing bilateral symmetric hilar lymph-
adenopathy in a patient with stage I sarcoidosis. In most instances,
tissue diagnosis is not mandatory. 9
knowledge, it was rst reported in the literature in 1998
and can be found in 54% to 68% of patients with
congestive heart failure.
lymphadenopathy is common in patients with acute
uncompensated congestive heart failure without
diastolic dysfunction and in patients with coronary
artery disease without heart failure.
It is a maker of
volume overload, not of systolic dysfunction.
Occasionally, mediastinal lymphadenopathy is found
among patients with uncorrected congenital heart
disease. Similarly, up to 18% of patients with PAH can
have mediastinal lymphadenopathy.
This adenopathy
often resolves with appropriate treatment. Keeping in
mind the clinical context and nonmalignant nature of
mediastinal lymphadenopathy, an attempt to obtain
tissue in such cases would be of low diagnostic value. If
there is a doubt, repeat chest CT scanning should be
performed to assess for regression in the size of the
lymph nodes once the patient has been deemed
euvolemic (Fig 7).
Calcied Lymph Nodes
Calcied mediastinal lymph nodes have a broad
differential diagnosis.
Often, they are noted as
incidental ndings at chest imaging. There are limited
data regarding the effects of calcication on the yield
of EBUS-TBNA. In a study of 236 patients who
underwent EBUS-TBNA, lymph node calcication was
a factor that contributed to inadequate sampling or a
false-negative result.
However, Shweihat et al
demonstrated that in patients living in a
histoplasmosis endemic area, the presence of
calcication does not affect the yield of EBUS-TBNA.
At present, sampling a calcied mediastinal lymph
node via EBUS-TBNA should be caveat emptor for
any bronchoscopist (Fig 8,Table 5).
Mediastinal lymphadenopathy is a common
manifestation of all types of lymphoma. EBUS-TBNA is
a valuable tool to identify several causes of mediastinal
lymphadenopathy. However, its role in diagnosing
lymphoma, particularly Hodgkin lymphoma, remains
Small sample size limits conrmation of
lymph node architecture, Reed-Sternberg cells, extent of
sclerosis, and extent of any granulomatous component,
all of which are essential to conrm and plan the therapy
for the condition. This difculty may lead to a high
discordance between the cytologic ndings at EBUS-
TBNA and histopathologic data obtained by more
Figure 7 A, Chest radiograph of a patient with acute exacerbation of heart failure. Coronal (B) and axial (C, D) CT scans showing congestive
lymphadenopathy in a case of acute exacerbation of heart failure (circles in B and C), with resolution after treatment with diuretics (circle in D). Note
pacemaker (A).
10 Special Features [-#-CHEST -2018 ]
invasive means. In other words, among patients with a
high likelihood of having Hodgkin disease, EBUS-TBNA
may not be the ideal diagnostic test.
Several studies have shown high sensitivity and
specicity of EBUS-TBNA for lymphomas.
However, most of the results have been for recurrent
disease or in cases of non-Hodgkin lymphomas and
ultimately required conrmation with
mediastinoscopy or surgical biopsy.
has a sensitivity of only 61% to 78% for newly
diagnosed non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Immunohistochemical and ow cytometric
assessment of TBBx specimens is important because
these assessments determine the type of treatment
required for patients with lymphoma. Patients
suspected of having lymphoma for the rst time
ultimately require surgical biopsy to characterize the
type of lymphoma further. In addition, the yield of
TBBx in diagnosing lymphoma may differ
signicantly in different studies because of the
availability of rapid on-site microscopic examination,
which may not be available at all institutions.
utility of 19-guage needle signicantly increases the
diagnosing Hodgkin lymphoma because subsequent
mediastinoscopy is required for further subtyping.
Studies also have demonstrated increased blood
contamination of the sample with larger needles.
EBUS-TBNA could be reserved for recurrent
lymphomas or in selected cases of high suspicion for
non-Hodgkin lymphomas.
Lymphadenopathy and Acute Exacerbation of
Approximately one-half of the patients with COPD
demonstrate mediastinal lymphadenopathy on a CT
scan of the chest.
It is more frequent with heavy
smoking, chronic bronchitis, and bronchial wall
thickening. Performing an invasive procedure without
suspicion for an alternate diagnosis can be detrimental.
There is increased risk of hypoxemia with bronchoscopy
in patients with COPD and pulmonary hypertension.
Towe et al
found that BAL in patients with severe
COPD is associated with increased risk of
pneumothorax, bleeding, respiratory failure, and
pneumonia (OR, 6.49; 95% CI, 1.68-24.3; P<.006). BAL
may cause airway obstruction and disequilibration of the
pressure of intraalveolar gases and, as a result, leakage
into the pleural cavity, leading to pneumothorax.
Studies have shown that clinical presentation with self-
reported sputum purulence and multiple exacerbations
(>4 in a year) and severe airway obstruction correlates
well with distal airway bacterial infection.
There is no
indication for bronchoscopy to document lower
respiratory tract infection among patients presenting
with acute exacerbation of COPD.
Contraindications for Bronchoscopy
As with any procedure, there are absolute and relative
contraindications to FB. Overall, bronchoscopy is a safe
TABLE 5 ]Causes of Calcied Mediastinal Lymphadenopathy
Cause Common Uncommon
Infectious TB
Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia
Noninfectious Sarcoidosis
Neoplastic Treated lymphoma Thyroid carcinoma
Osteogenic sarcoma
Bronchial carcinoid tumors
Mucinous ovarian cystadenoma
Mucinous colonic adenocarcinoma
Figure 8 Axial CT scan showing dense lymph node calcications in
bilateral, symmetric hilar and multiple mediastinal compartments in a
patient with sarcoidosis. 11
procedure, and most contraindications are relative. The
most crucial physiologic contraindication is the inability
to provide adequate oxygenation to the patient during
the procedure. The combination of sedation and partial
blockage of the airway with the bronchoscope itself can
impede oxygenation. Another major contraindication is
either endogenous or iatrogenic coagulopathy.
Increased intracranial pressure also is considered a
contraindication to the procedure.
A discussion of risk vs benet always should be
considered prior to performing the procedure. It is
mandatory that the procedure be performed by an
experienced bronchoscopist or under his or her
FB is a relatively safe procedure, yet like other invasive
procedures, the ability to perform should not translate
into the necessity to perform. It can be considered in
clinical scenarios in which a high diagnostic yield is
anticipated. Alternative modalities of investigation
should be sought when the pretest probability of
diagnostic yield from bronchoscopy is low. The operator
should be well versed with indications,
contraindications, diagnostic yield alternatives, and the
relative cost of the procedure. Vascular endothelial
growth factor D is a biomarker that is emerging as a
promising diagnostic tool for
lymphangioleiomyomatosis, a destructive lung
Several biomarkers are currently under
study to detect various types of rejection in patients with
lung transplants. Cylex Immune Cell Function Assay
(ImmuKnow; Cylex, Inc) was approved by the Food and
Drug Administration and is being studied for use in lung
transplant rejections.
The utility of these biomarkers as a rst-line
investigation will increase exponentially for better
classifying phenotypes and diagnosing several diseases,
such as lymphangioleiomyomatosis and acute rejection
in lung transplant. However, bronchoscopy and TBBx
remain standard practice because of their high yield.
Financial/nonnancial disclosures: None declared.
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14 Special Features [-#-CHEST -2018 ]
... However, the various methods used to diagnose tuberculosis are not satisfactory. The traditional acid-fast smear staining method has low sensitivity and specificity and cannot distinguish Mycobacterium tuberculosis from non-Mycobacterium tuberculosis [2]. As the gold standard for the diagnosis of tuberculosis, the Mycobacterium tuberculosis culture method has higher sensitivity and specificity than the acid-fast smear staining method, but it takes a lengthy time and usually takes 1-2 months to obtain the results [3]. ...
... Inclusion criteria were as follows: (1) tuberculosis confirmed on the basis of any one of the laboratory or pathological tests (confirmed by microscopy, culture and/or molecular identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis or pathological examination), (2) other than disease (such as bacterial pneumonia, non Mycobacterium tuberculosis lung disease easily misdiagnosed as tuberculosis disease), and (3) age ≥18 years. Patients receiving active anti-cytokines therapy were excluded from this study. ...
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Objective To identify host factors associated with false-negative results of interferon-γ release tests in adults with active tuberculosis. Methods The clinical data of 943 patients with active tuberculosis diagnosed by acid-fast smear staining, Mycobacterium tuberculosis culture, Mycobacterium tuberculosis PCR and pathological examination at West China Hospital of Sichuan University were retrospectively analysed. According to the results of the interferon γ release test (IGRA), the patients were divided into the IGRA⁻ group and IGRA⁺ group. Logistic regression was used to analyze the sociodemographic data and clinical characteristics of participants in the IGRA⁻ group and IGRA⁺ group. Results Among 943 patients with active tuberculosis, 174 (18.5 %) were IGRA negative (false negative), and 769 (81.5 %) were IGRA positive. Multivariate logistic regression analysis identified the following characteristics independently associated with IGRA negativity: age (OR: 1.02; 95 % CI: 1.01 1.03; p = 0.006), anti-tuberculosis treatment >1 month (OR: 1.68; 95 % CI: 1.12 2.52; p = 0.013), HIV infection (OR: 9.48; 95 % CI: 3.23 27.85; p = 0.000), combined with connective tissue diseases (OR: 2.78; 95 % CI: 1.30 5.94; p = 0.008) and low hemoglobin (OR: 0.99; 95 % CI: 0.98 1.00; p = 0.044) was associated with an increased false-negative probability of IGRA. Conclusion Age, anti-tuberculosis therapy >1 month, coinfection with HIV, coassociated connective tissue disease and decreased hemoglobin were identified as risk factors for false-negative results of IGRA. Our results suggest a careful interpretation of IGRA in adults with these characteristics.
... This pilot study was done two weeks before starting the study. the time needed to fill in the tool was about (30-45) minutes divided as (15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30) minutes for the first tool and (10-15) minutes for the second tool. Field work: ...
... Technological advancement, enhanced post-stent management and a better understanding of stent-airway interactions have improved the practice of endobronchial stenting [1]. Scenarios in which flexible bronchoscopy should be avoided have been described [2]. Airway stenting practices have been showed to vary widely [3]. ...
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Endobronchial stenting is an important aspect of the practice of interventional pulmonology. The most common indication for stenting is the management of clinically significant airway stenosis. The list of endobronchial stents available on the market continues to grow. More recently, patient-specific 3D-printed airway stents have been approved for use. Airway stenting should be considered only when all other options have been exhausted. Due to the environment of the airways and the stent-airway wall interactions, stent-related complications are common. Although stents can be placed in various clinical scenarios, they should only be placed in scenarios with proven clinical benefit. The unwarranted placement of a stent can expose the patient to complications with little or no clinical benefit. This article reviews and outlines the key principles of endobronchial stenting and important clinical scenarios in which stenting should be avoided.
... Traditionally, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) culture has been the criterion standard for diagnosing TB, but MTB grows slowly, generally requires 2-6 weeks of culture, and is limited by the bacterial content of the specimen [3]. Acid-fast bacilli (AFB) smear is an inexpensive and rapid method for diagnosing tuberculosis widely used in low-and middle-income countries, but it has poor sensitivity and a low positive rate [4]. ...
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Background There are few studies of GeneXpert MTB/RIF (hereafter referred to as Xpert) detection technology in HIV-infected people in China. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the value of Xpert in HIV/TB co-infected patients and to provide reference and guidance for the diagnosis of TB in HIV-infected populations. Material/Methods This study reviewed medical records of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) patients hospitalized at the Infection Center of Beijing Ditan Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University from January 2018 to May 2020, and patients diagnosed with pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis were screened as study subjects. Sensitivity and specificity of Xpert were analyzed using ROC curves. Results Of the 413 HIV patients, 177 patients met the entry criteria, of which the diagnosis was active pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB): 145 and extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB): 32. The sensitivity of Xpert for PTB and EPTB was 82.0% and 100%, higher than that of acid-fast bacilli (AFB) (61.0% and 58.3%), and slightly lower than that of T-SPOT.TB (91.0% and 100%); the specificity was 83.7% and 93.5%, higher than that of AFB (72.6%, 87.1%) and T-SPOT.TB (16.6%, 21.2%). The sensitivity of Xpert was 100% in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and 80.0% in sputum; in patients with CD4⁺ <200 cells/mm³, the sensitivity of Xpert was 90.0% and specificity was 84.8%, higher than that of AFB (60.0%, 75.5%) and T-SPOT.TB (90.0%, 21.5%). Conclusions Xpert has a high accuracy in HIV/TB co-infected patients, and Xpert still shows a high sensitivity and specificity even in HIV patients with CD4⁺ <200 cells/mm³. Xpert is recommended for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in HIV-infected patients.
... In contrast, AFS sputum smear microscopy is a fast and widely used TB screening method. However, its sensitivity is only approximately 50-60% (Young et al., 2008;Deshwal et al., 2019). In this regard, some authors have proposed that AFS using bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) samples can be performed in patients with negative sputum smears; however, the sensitivity of this test still needs to be improved (Shi et al., 2020;Liu et al., 2021). ...
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In this study, we explored the clinical value of next-generation metagenome sequencing (mNGS) using bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) samples from patients with acid-fast staining (AFS) sputum smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) and non-tuberculous mycobacterial pulmonary disease (NTM-PD). Data corresponding to hospitalized patients with pulmonary infection admitted to the hospital between July 2018 and July 2021, who were finally diagnosed with AFS sputum smear-negative PTB and NTM-PD, were retrospectively analyzed. Bronchoscopy data as well as mNGS, Xpert, AFS (BALF analysis), and T-SPOT (blood) data, were extracted from medical records. Thereafter, the diagnostic performances of these methods with respect to PTB and NTM-PD were compared. Seventy-one patients with PTB and 23 with NTM-PD were included in the study. The sensitivities of mNGS, Xpert, T-SPOT, and AFS for the diagnosis of PTB were 94.4% (67/71), 85.9% (61/71), 64.8% (46/71), and 28.2% (20/71), respectively, and the diagnostic sensitivity of mNGS combined with Xpert was the highest (97.2%, 67/71). The specificity of Xpert was 100%, while those of AFS and T-SPOT were 73.9% (17/23) and 91.3% (21/23), respectively. Further, the 23 patients with NTM-PD could be identified using mNGS, and in the population with immunosuppression, the sensitivities of mNGS, Xpert, T-SPOT, and AFS were 93.5% (29/31), 80.6% (25/31), 48.4% (15/31), and 32.3% (10/31), respectively, and the diagnostic sensitivity of mNGS combined with Xpert was the highest (100%, 31/31). The specificities of Xpert and T-SPOT in this regard were both 100%, while that of AFS was 40% (2/5). Furthermore, using mNGS, all the NTM samples could be identified. Thus, the analysis of BALF samples using mNGS has a high accuracy in the differential diagnosis of MTB and NTM. Further, mNGS combined with Xpert can improve the detection of MTB, especially in AFS sputum smear-negative samples from patients with compromised immune states or poor responses to empirical antibiotics.
... Histology and X-ray relies on highly trained operators, and characteristic morphology is shared with other diseases. Acid-fast bacilli (AFB) smear microscopy remains the most used and widely available TB diagnostic method in low-income and middle-income countries; however, as many as 40-50% of active TB cases were smear-negative [7]. TB culture requires 2-6 weeks for interpretation [2], and has less than perfect sensitivity [8,9]; thus culture was not done with all presumptive patients in non-TB specialized hospitals in China. ...
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Background: The Xpert MTB/RIF assay is an automated molecular test that is designed to simultaneously detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) complex and rifampin resistance. However, there are relatively few studies on this method in China. Xpert has been routinely used at Peking University People's Hospital (PKUPH) since November 2016. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of Xpert, and provide a reference and guidance for the detection and diagnosis of TB in non-TB specialized hospitals. Methods: The medical records of inpatients simultaneously tested with Xpert, acid-fast bacilli (AFB) smear microscopy, and interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA, by T-SPOT®.TB) at PKUPH from November 2016 to October 2018 were reviewed. Active TB cases were considered according to a composite reference standard (CRS). Then, the three methods were evaluated and compared. Results: In total, 787 patients simultaneously tested with Xpert, AFB, and IGRA were enrolled; among them 11.3% (89/787) were diagnosed and confirmed active pulmonary TB (PTB, 52 cases), extrapulmonary TB (EPTB, 17 cases), and tuberculous pleurisy (TP, 20 cases). The sensitivity of Xpert in detecting PTB, EPTB, and TP was 88.5, 76.5, and 15.0%, respectively, which was slightly lower than IGRA (96.2, 82.4, and 95.0%, respectively), but higher than AFB (36.5, 11.8, and 0%, respectively); IGRA showed the highest sensitivity, but its specificity (55.9, 67.1, and 45.2%, respectively) was significantly lower than Xpert (99.6, 99.4, and 100%, respectively) and AFB (99.0, 99.4, and 100%, respectively) (P < 0.001). The sensitivity of Xpert in detecting lung tissue, cerebrospinal fluid, lymph nodes, and joint fluid was 100%, followed by sputum (88.5%), alveolar lavage (85.7%), and bronchoscopy secretion (81.2%); the pleural fluid sensitivity was the lowest, only 15.0%. For AFB negative patients, the sensitivity of Xpert in detecting PTB, EPTB, and TP was 84.9, 73.3, and 15.0%, respectively. Conclusions: Xpert showed both high sensitivity and high specificity, and suggested its high value in TB diagnosis; however, the application of pleural fluid is still limited, and should be improved. Owing to the high sensitivity of IGRA, it is recommended for use as a supplementary test, especially for assisting in the diagnosis of TP and EPTB.
... It provides diagnostic information in patients with early stage sarcoidosis that have adenopathy, but minimal changes to the lung parenchyma (40). It should be kept in mind that a tissue diagnosis is not necessary for most patients with stage I (bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy) sarcoidosis and that clinical/radiological findings may be specific enough to secure a diagnosis (41)(42)(43). When compared to the conventional transbronchial biopsy, the yield of EBUS-TBNA in this clinical setting is higher. ...
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The use of convex-probe endobronchial ultrasound (CP-EBUS) has revolutionized bronchoscopy. It has provided the option of a relatively safe, minimally invasive approach for the assessment of various intrathoracic diseases. In current practice, its most dramatic impact has been on the diagnosing and staging of lung cancer. It has served as an invaluable tool that has replaced mediastinoscopy in a variety of clinical scenarios. Many pulmonologists and thoracic surgeons consider CP-EBUS the most significant milestone in bronchoscopy after the development of the flexible bronchoscope itself. In this review, we summarize the historical aspects, current indications, technical approach, and future direction of CP-EBUS.
... It's critical to educate proceduralists on when and how to decline a procedural request and the education of referring health care providers. (260) Simulation is an effective tool for teaching bronchoscopy skills and available in two forms: low and high fidelity. (261,262) Low fidelity simulation consists of molded models that offer realistic airway-like structure or silicone-based lymph nodes so learners can master anatomy and practice various sampling techniques. ...
For approximately the last 50 years, bronchoscopy, especially flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy, has been a mainstay for airway inspection, the diagnosis of airway lesions, therapeutic aspiration of airway secretions and transbronchial biopsy to diagnose parenchymal lung disorders. Its utility for the diagnosis of peripheral pulmonary nodules and for therapeutic treatments outside of the aspiration of airway secretions, however, has been limited due to problems with navigation to the lung periphery, locating lesions in the 3-dimensional structure of the lung, the avoidance of lung vasculature structures when performing diagnostic biopsies and the availability of proper tools to access the lesion and simultaneous visualizing the lesion during the biopsy real-time. The last 10-15 years has seen major advances in thoracic imaging, navigational platforms to direct the bronchoscopist to airway lesions, transparenchymally via virtual avascular pathways, and to visualize the performance of biopsy of the lesion real-time. Additionally, multiple new techniques are either now available, or currently being investigated to treat airway and lung parenchymal diseases, including malignant peripheral lung nodules. These combinations of factors create the potential for bronchoscopy, especially fiberoptic bronchoscopy, to provide the clinician with a new and expanding armamentarium of diagnostic and therapeutic tools to treat a variety of lung diseases. This state-of-the-art review succinctly provides an overview of these techniques and provides the clinician with an organized approach to the role and application of these tools in the diagnosis and therapy of a range of lung diseases.
... Cytology revealed benign lymphocytes, bronchial epithelial cells, macrophages, and fragments of dense fibrous connective tissue. 12 No granuloma or neoplasm was identified. A diagnosis of fibrosing mediastinitis secondary to histoplasmosis was made. ...
Fibrosing mediastinitis (FM) is a rare disorder of inflammation and fibrosis involving the mediastinum. The formation of fibroinflammatory mass in the mediastinum can lead to obstruction of mediastinal structures and cause severe debilitating and life-threatening symptoms. Superior vena cava syndrome (SVCS) is a dreaded complication of FM with no medical therapy proven to be efficacious. Spiral vein grafting has long been utilized as first-line therapy for SVC syndrome due to FM. Endovascular repair with stents and angioplasty for malignant causes of SVC syndrome is well established. However, there are limited data on their utility in SVC syndrome due to FM. We present two cases of SVC syndrome due to FM treated with endovascular stenting and a detailed review of current literature on its utility in SVCS due to benign causes.
... We acknowledge the well-written response by Dr Singh and colleagues to our publication "Forbearance with Bronchoscopy: A Review of Gratuitous Indications." 1 We agree that bronchoscopy plays a significant role in the management of hemoptysis. However, as the title suggests, our goal was to highlight situations in which the risks and benefits have to be assessed cautiously. ...
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The Xpert MTB/RIF assay (Xpert) is a rapid test for tuberculosis (TB) and rifampin resistance (RIF-R) suitable for point-of-care testing. However, it has decreased sensitivity in smear-negative sputum, and false identification of RIF-R occasionally occurs. We developed the Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra assay (Ultra) to improve performance. Ultra and Xpert limits of detection (LOD), dynamic ranges, and RIF-R rpoB mutation detection were tested on Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA or sputum samples spiked with known numbers of M. tuberculosis H37Rv or Mycobacterium bovis BCG CFU. Frozen and prospectively collected clinical samples from patients suspected of having TB, with and without culture-confirmed TB, were also tested. For M. tuberculosis H37Rv, the LOD was 15.6 CFU/ml of sputum for Ultra versus 112.6 CFU/ml of sputum for Xpert, and for M. bovis BCG, it was 143.4 CFU/ml of spu-tum for Ultra versus 344 CFU/ml of sputum for Xpert. Ultra resulted in no false-positive RIF-R specimens, while Xpert resulted in two false-positive RIF-R specimens. All RIF-R-associated M. tuberculosis rpoB mutations tested were identified by Ultra. Testing on clinical sputum samples, Ultra versus Xpert, resulted in an overall sensitivity of 87.5% (95% confidence interval [CI], 82.1, 91.7) versus 81.0% (95% CI, 74.9, 86.2) and a sensitivity on sputum smear-negative samples of 78.9% (95% CI, 70.0, 86.1) versus 66.1% (95% CI, 56.4, 74.9). Both tests had a specificity of 98.7% (95% CI, 93.0, 100), and both had comparable accuracies for detection of RIF-R in these samples. Ultra should significantly improve TB detection, especially in patients with paucibacillary disease, and may provide more-reliable RIF-R detection. IMPORTANCE The Xpert MTB/RIF assay (Xpert), the first point-of-care assay for tuberculosis (TB), was endorsed by the World Health Organization in December 2010. Since then, 23 million Xpert tests have been procured in 130 countries. Although Xpert showed high overall sensitivity and specificity with pulmonary samples, its sensitivity has been lower with smear-negative pulmonary samples and extrapulmo-nary samples. In addition, the prediction of rifampin resistance (RIF-R) in paucibacil-lary samples and for a few rpoB mutations has resulted in both false-positive and D. 2017. The new Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra: improving detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and resistance to rifampin in an assay suitable for point-of-care testing. mBio 8:e00812-17. https://doi.
Background: The value of endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS-TBNA) in the mediastinal staging of lung cancer has been well established. However, data regarding its utility in the diagnosis of intrapulmonary lesions has been sparse. This study assesses the sampling utility of convex probe EBUS-visible intrapulmonary lesions not visualized by the white-light bronchoscopy. Methods: A retrospective analysis of EBUS-TBNA of EBUS-visible intrapulmonary lesions was performed between January 2010 and March 2015. Patients with visible endobronchial lesions by white-light bronchoscopy were excluded from analysis. Results: Among 108 procedures, the diagnostic yield of EBUS-TBNA for EBUS-visible intrapulmonary lesions was 87%. Following diagnoses were established: lung cancer (73/67.6%), lung metastases (10/9.2%), infection (5/4.6%), lymphoma (1/<1%), sarcoma/spindle cell sarcoma or neoplasm (3/2.8%), unspecified malignancy (1<1%), and hamartoma (1/<1%). EBUS-TBNA was nondiagnostic in 14 (13%); among these, 9 turned out to have benign disease based on additional bronchoscopy samples or other testing and/or follow-up imaging. Five were ultimately diagnosed with a malignant condition: lymphoma (1), epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (1), and non-small cell lung cancer (3). The sensitivity and the negative predicted value of EBUS-TBNA for differentiating malignancy from benign disease was 94.7% and 75%, respectively, while the accuracy for diagnosing the neoplastic disease was 95.3%. There was one major bleeding requiring bronchial artery embolization and 1 pneumothorax requiring chest tube drainage. Conclusions: EBUS-TBNA is safe and effective in the diagnosis of EBUS-visible intrapulmonary lesions. It should be considered as the diagnostic test of choice in patients with these lesions undergoing EBUS-TBNA for the staging of suspected lung cancer.
Stents and tubes to maintain the patency of the airways are commonly used for malignant obstruction and are occasionally employed in benign disease. Malignant airway obstruction usually results from direct involvement of bronchogenic carcinoma, or by extension of carcinomas occurring in the esophagus or the thyroid. External compression from lymph nodes or metastatic disease from other organs can also cause central airway obstruction. Most malignant airway lesions are surgically inoperable due to advanced disease stage and require multimodality palliation, including stent placement. As with any other medical device, stents have significantly evolved over the last 50 years and deserve an in-depth understanding of their true capabilities and complications. Not every silicone stent is created equal and the same holds for metallic stents. Herein, we present an overview of the topic as well as some of the more practical and controversial issues surrounding airway stents. We also try to dispel the myths surrounding stent removal and their supposed use only in central airways. At the end, we come to the long-held conclusion that stents should not be used as first line treatment of choice, but after ruling out the possibility of curative surgical resection or repair.
Objective To investigate the etiology of pleural effusions (PE) in adults and the accuracy of pleural fluid (PF) cytology and cultures in malignant and infectious PE, respectively. Patients and methods Retrospective analysis of all consecutive patients with PE undergoing diagnostic thoracentesis during the last 19 years in a university hospital. Results The leading causes of PE among the 3077 patients were cancer (27%), heart failure (21%), pneumonia (19%), tuberculosis (9%), abdominal surgery (4%), pericardial diseases (4%) and cirrhosis (3%). Tuberculosis was the most common etiology in patients <34 years of age (52%), whereas heart failure predominated in octogenarians (45%). The most common primary tumors in malignant PE were lung (37%) and breast (16%) tumors. The overall accuracy of PF cytology was 59%, although it was significantly lower in mesotheliomas (27%) and squamous cell lung cancer (25%). In infectious PE, only 30% of cultures yielded positive results, a percentage which increased two-fold (66%) in purulent fluids (empyemas). Viridans streptococci were the most commonly isolated pathogens (25.5%). The sensitivity of solid media cultures of PF for Mycobacterium tuberculosis was low (18.5%). Conclusions Three quarters of patients with PE in whom a diagnostic thoracentesis was indicated had cancer, heart failure, pneumonia or tuberculosis. PF cytology and cultures give false negative results in a significant number of cases.
Introduction: Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is a destructive lung disease affecting primarily women. LAM is caused by inactivating mutations in the tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) genes, resulting in hyperactivation of mechanistic/mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1). Over the past five years, there have been remarkable advances in the diagnosis and therapy of LAM, including the identification of vascular endothelial growth factor D (VEGF-D) as a diagnostic biomarker and the US Food and Drug Administration approval of sirolimus as therapy for LAM. In appropriate clinical situations VEGF-D testing can make lung biopsy unnecessary to diagnose LAM. However, there remains an urgent unmet need for additional biomarkers of disease activity and/or response to therapy. Areas covered: This work reviews VEGF-D, an established LAM biomarker, and discusses emerging biomarkers, including circulating LAM cells, imaging, lipid and metabolite biomarkers, focusing on those with the highest potential impact for LAM patients. Expert commentary: Ongoing research priorities include the development of validated biomarkers to 1) non-invasively diagnose LAM in women whose VEGF-D levels are not diagnostic, 2) accurately predict the likelihood of disease progression and 3) quantitatively measure disease activity and LAM cell burden. These biomarkers would enable personalized, precision clinical care and fast-track clinical trial implementation, with high clinical impact.
Background: Endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS-TBNA) presents a minimally invasive way to evaluate abnormal mediastinal and hilar adenopathy. Although EBUS has been established as an effective modality to diagnose lung cancer, its sensitivity for the diagnosis of lymphoma has been demonstrated to be lower. Because of these lower yields uncertainty persists about the ability of EBUS-TBNA to reliably diagnose lymphoma and questions remain regarding the utility of EBUS-TBNA as a first-line biopsy modality for patients suspected of having lymphoma. Methods: We conducted a review of our database (n=806 EBUS-TBNAs) for patients undergoing EBUS-TBNA for mediastinal and/or hilar lymphadenopathy over an 8-year span to identify patients diagnosed with lymphoma. Results: Twenty patients (2.3%) who underwent EBUS-TBNA were ultimately diagnosed with lymphoma. In total, 17 of the 20 patients with lymphoma obtained a diagnosis using EBUS-TBNA. The overall sensitivity of EBUS-TBNA for lymphoma was 85%. The sensitivity for de novo diagnosis was 78% (7/9), and sensitivity for recurrence was 91% (10/11). All patients who achieved a diagnosis by EBUS-TBNA could be adequately subtyped, allowing treatment recommendations. Conclusion: Although the sensitivity of EBUS-TBNA for the diagnosis of lymphoma did not reach values of published data for non-small cell lung cancer, EBUS-TBNA can be considered as a first-line diagnostic tool for patients with mediastinal and/or hilar lymphadenopathy suspected to be lymphoma. Because of the inherent limitations in small volume needle biopsies it is essential that negative samples obtained in the setting of high clinical suspicion warrant further evaluation.