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Analysis on the Growth of Artificial Intelligence for Application Security in Internet of Things

Analysis on the Growth of Artificial
Intelligence for Application Security in
Internet of Things
K. T hiagarajan
Departm ent of
Mathemat ics,
K. Ramak rishn an
College of Technology,
T richy,
T amilnadu,India
Chandra Kumar
Dean, Faculty Of
Science &
T echn olo gy,
University ,
( Dr. Shakunt ala
Mishra National
Rehabilitat ion
University )
Luckno w , Uttar
Pradesh, In dia
Dr.M.Panneerselvam ,
Assistant P rofessor
Departm ent of EEE
Sona college o f
T echn olo gy, Salem,
T amil Nadu, India.
Madhuvapp an
Assistant Professor,
Departm ent of
Elect ronics and
College, Vinayaka
Mission’s Research
Foundatio n
(Deemed to be
University ), Salem,
T amil Nadu, India
Samat a Gadde
Departm ent of Bio
T echn olo gy
Acharya Nagarjuna
Nagarjuna Nagar
Guntur 522510
Jyot i N Shro te
pro fessor,
Dept o f
Indira college
of commerce
and Science,
Artificial intelligence is a subfield of computer
science that refers to the intelligence displayed by
machines or software. The research has influenced
the rapid development of smart devices that have a
significant impact on our daily lives. Science,
engineering, bus ines s , and medicine have all
improved their prediction powers in order to make
our lives easier in our daily tasks. The quality and
efficiency of regions that use artificial intelligence
has improved, as shown in this s tudy. It
success fully handles data organisation and
environment difficulties, allowing for the
development of a more solid and rigorous model.
The pace of life is quickening in the digital age,
and the PC Internet falls well short of meeting
people's needs. Users want to be able to get
convenient network information s ervices at any
time and from any location
Keyword:- Artificial intelligence ,Cryptography,
Security, digital library, Daily lives, Human Life
1. Introduction
To illustrate its practical relevance, this application
can be used in a variety of fields, such as business,
management, and advertising. Extens ive research
has been done to demonstrate the capabilities of
genetic algorithms and to utilise their robus t
qualities across a wide range of applications . This
application can be used in a variety of activities
(medical, business , etc.) The recommendations that
resulted could serve as the foundation for future
research into the usage of genetic algorithms in the
commercial world. Artificial intelligence is one of
the most hotly debated topics today. “Artificial
intelligence can be beneficial or detrimental to
humans " is today's burning ques tion about AI. The
advantages of artificial intelligence in medicine are
examined in this res earch paper. It investigates how
artificial intelligence aids the medical industry, as
well as how this widespread phenomenon affects
patient health in identifying diseases, treating
patients, decreas ing errors, and virtually being
present with patients.
Artificial intelligence improves the accuracy and
individuation of foreign language acquisition. The
development of virtual reality for visual teaching,
situational teaching, immersion learning, and other
teaching approaches has increased learners' interest
in studying languages and aided the reform of
Indian language education. Artificial intelligence
will give any language training, a new meaning and
value in the future. How can learners' language
application capacity of listening be improved?
Artificial intelligence ass ists with speaking,
reading, writing, and translating. How to obtain
large-scale and high-quality data, how to build
more effective ecological models of learners and
teachers, how to seek theoretical s upport for
artificial intelligence in foreign language teaching,
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS-2022)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP22OAB-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-0052-7
978-1-6654-0052-7/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE 6
2022 Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS) | 978-1-6654-0052-7/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICAIS53314.2022.9742985
Authorized licensed use limited to: ROBERT BOSCH. Downloaded on May 04,2022 at 11:03:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
how to use big data analysis, cloud computing, and
upgrade intelligent teaching systems, and how to
achieve a comprehensive advance in teaching effect
and students' language learning ability
The main components of how AI is employed in
indus trial applications are highlighted. The
integration of AI and MI into the operation of smart
cities is highlighted. With the support of IoT, the
digital twin offers a significant contribution to
Industry 4.0. Information and communication
intelligence techniques assist in determining factors
such as functional dimensions via which devices
may be sensed and thes e technologies can be linked
to people and vice versa. Big data is critical to the
trans formation of the SG's organisational
framework and the efficient use of resources in
smart cities.
2. Information Security and Machine Learning
Artificial intelligence has advanced with today's
developed and widely acces s ible information,
utilising artificial intelligence to achieve
information security will be a prominent topic with
apparent economic benefits.
3. Artificial Intelligence
With the advent of the digital era, an increasing
number of people, indicating that how to safeguard
information is progressively becoming a critical
concern affecting individuals. Techniques are being
questioned on a daily basis, but artificial
intelligence provides a rapid development
"protective umbrella."
4. Information Society and Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence, as the name implies, is the
study of how to use machines to mimic the human
brain to conduct thinking and activities such as
inference, design, thinking, s tudy, and s o on, with
the goal of assisting people in solving problems
that would otherwise be solved by experts; in
layman's terms, it is the execution of intelligent
activities of mankind with the aid of computers to
eventually realis e s ome "machine thinking" or
brain power automation using various automation
machines .
Artificial intelligence, on the other hand, has a very
broad academic s cope, encompassing a wide range
of s ubjects and practically every field of theory and
application in which people are interes ted. People
are powerless in the absence of artificial
intelligence. A s a result, any field could be a
potential application field for artificial intelligence,
such as using artificial intelligence's method and
The public's need for information s ecurity will be
met, and it will be the era's obligation. Artificial
intelligence technology, in this context, is a
technology that mimics advanced intelligence's
inference and computation technology, and it has
demonstrated its s uperiority in a wide range of real-
world control and management difficulties.
5.The Intersection of Information Security a nd
Human Life
In today's networked information society,
information security refers to the protection of
networks agains t various dangers , disruptions, and
scratch. However, such events occur frequently in
our daily lives .
6.The Impact of Information Security on Human
The majority of hackers carry out their attacks
under the guise of being someone else. By
exploiting security flaws or vulnerabilities in
systems, attackers can get access or privileges
without authorization. For example, attackers could
use various methods of assault to discover specific
"features" of s ystems that should have been kept
hidden but are now revealed; by exploiting these
"features," attackers could circumvent the protector
and get acces s to the inside system, caus ing
Different Categories
(1) A person who has been granted permission to
utilise a sys tem or in sequence resource for one
purpos e changes the permission to be us ed for
other, non-authorized purposes, often known as a
"internal as s ault."
(2) A computer virus is a programme that may
perform transmis s ion and attack operations while
computer sys tems are in use.
(3) The data comes from discarded drives or
printed storage media. The intruder gets past the
physical security and into the system. Important
security items, such as tokens or identification
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS-2022)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP22OAB-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-0052-7
978-1-6654-0052-7/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE 7
Authorized licensed use limited to: ROBERT BOSCH. Downloaded on May 04,2022 at 11:03:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
cards , are s tolen. Business deception: a fabricated
system or s ystem component deceives legitimate
users or s ystems into happily giving over sens itive
data, etc.
7. Digital Watermark
Chemical secret writing, which uses medical
liquids such as milk, alum, and fruit juice, is the
most often employed method. Previously, the most
common modes of secret communication were
secret writing and code. Secret writing, in contras t
to cryptographic techniques , did not evolve into a
distinct discipline from start to finish, owing to a
lack of fundamental academic foundation. The
digital watermark technology entails embedding
secreted sentinel in digitalized compact disc
material via a signal process ing method. The
sentinels are normally undetectable and can only be
found us ing sophisticated detectors or readers.
Because today's information s ecurity measures are
all cryptography -bas ed, this s ecret protection
mechanism has become increas ingly insecure as
computer proces sing power has increased, and the
digital watermark is the outcome of this rapid
artificial advance. Digital watermarking is an
essential s tudy area that will give super-powerful
information security protection.
7.1 Prospects for Growth
The improved computer network. However, it is
incredibly simple to replicate and edit digital
works, and they may be made to look exactly like
the originals. In the data concealing principle, a
"Digital Watermark" renders copyrights invisible or
unlistenable, protecting copyrights on the
assumption that no damage is done to original
8. Security Technology Management
Artificial intelligence (AI) res earch has long been
inspired by human cognition, with the goal of
producing intelligent behaviour in artificial
systems. Artificial intelligence's most critical
component is repetitive learning. The electronic
security sector in India is data-intens ive, with sites
capable of producing 1000 000 events per day and
more than 1000 GB of video and voice data each
day. Many s ecurity res earch and development
organisations are examining AI to help human
operators separate vital information from the flood
of data.
New AI-bas ed products and sys tems that can
deliver human-like s enses and reas oning have a
high selling potential. This article provides an
overview of AI's current and potential applications
in the Indian s ecurity business. The article
emphasises AI's ability to provide value to security
systems as a management tool.
This article discusses s ome of the benefits of us ing
artificial intelligence in the security technology
environment for s ecurity system management.
Artificial intelligence is a broad term that refers to
machine learning technologies that can generalise
information, or solve issues that haven't been s een
before. A rtificial intelligence includes expert
systems, artificial neural networks (ANN), kernel
machines , and fuzzy set theory (AI).
Financial constraints may also prevent them from
employing human resources, s uch as topic experts,
to manually s earch through a variety of vast data
bas es . Manual searches are prone to errors and bias,
as well as being exceedingly expens ive and time
consuming. Becaus e the goal of deploying security
technology is to identify and warn decision makers
in the quickest time possible, so that they can act to
avoid any s ecurity breach, time is a critical variable
in security. In the security bus ines s , pos t -mo rtem
knowledge is almost useless .
9. Artificial intelligence is us ed to prune data.
A. The us er can then decide whether to maintain or
reject the sensors after isolating the non-ess ential
inputs. Hardware and telecommunications cos ts can
be cut by reducing the number of sens ors.
B. Machine learning for gues s ing miss ing data
To make a judgement, a person or machine
frequently requires all of the inputs . In a modern
security setting, for example, if one or additional
sens ors fail,
C. Biometric sys tems with artificial intelligence
The study of automated s ystems for uniquely
distinguishing persons based on phys ical or
behavioural features is known as biometrics.
Because AI can learn to categorise, which is
actually a unique identification, it has been widely
employed in the security field.
10. Video System Artificial Intelligence
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS-2022)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP22OAB-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-0052-7
978-1-6654-0052-7/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE 8
Authorized licensed use limited to: ROBERT BOSCH. Downloaded on May 04,2022 at 11:03:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
(1) Identifying thing by its characteristics, paint,
and figure.
(2) Track substance in a video s tream by es timating
missing variables.
(3) Explosions , s tolen hand baggage, bomb
intimidation from s olitary baggage, and as s ault are
all incidents that can be detected based on the
quicknes s of visual impres s ion.
(4) Biometric item detection and recognition using
voice, gait, or a mix of the two.
(5) Assisting s taff in identifying things in scanners
on behalf of forced/non-metal lethal weapons
agains t known targets.
(6) Analyzing the information and ocular
information obtained at the beginning to is olate
essential compounds in popular gulp of air and be
concerned .
11. Indus try of Security
Buying AI software and goods from worldwide
marketplaces is an eas y approach to gain non-
natural intelligence capabilities in the South
African safety sector. Buying off-the-shelf AI
workings and software depletes India’s indus trial
R&D foundation as a rising economic powerhouse.
Any State industrialization can be aided through
the procurement of finished goods and systems.
Through R&D research and the production of
original products, must establish its own indus trial
bas e.
Like all growing economies, SA should build a
robust collaboration network between universities
and local indus try bus ines s es to s peed up the
patenting and commercialization of technology
advances. The International Biometric Group's
(2006) statistics reveal that global revenue from
biometric technology sales is predicted to increas e
in the four years from 2006 to 2022.
12.AI applications
The creation of breakthrough intelligent s olutions
for the security bus ines s relies heavily on AI
research. In off-sight sens itive security domains, AI
has the ability to give creative solutions.
The main goal of information s ecurity is to protect
an organization's important res ources, s uch as
hardware, software, and financial resources , as well
as tangible and intangible assets . A company can
achieve its security goals by employing appropriate
security methods and procedures. Artificial
intelligence technology excels at supervising and
managing operations where humans fall short,
hence its us e in networking has increased
performance and s ecurity. It also examines new
breakthroughs in information concealment
techniques, which are the current trend in
information security. Finally, the best gaps for
future work will be discuss ed.
Information is critical to the management and
maintenance of any organization's activities. It
benefits a company at all levels and gives it a
competitive advantage [1-2]. As a result,
information security is a key concern because it is
subject to a number of threats. Information s ecurity
refers to the people who interact with the sys tem
both inside and outs ide the organisation.
Information s ecurity breaches can occur from
within or outside of a company, resulting in
significant economic loss es .
Artificial Intelligence is the s tudy of employing
machines to do tasks s imilar to those performed by
humans. The machine simulates human thinking
and activities [3-5]. The goal is to as sist people in
making decisions and handling duties that were
previously completed by profess ionals. AI creates
intelligent machines that us e computers to carry out
all intelligent tasks. Al has a broad scope because it
covers a wide range of disciplines and themes.
Researchers are constantly working on A l since
using AI to construct an expert sys tem that can
execute all ess ential jobs can ach ieve wonders.
13. Artificial Intelligence and Information Security
Internet and networks have revolutionised the
working scenario throughout the creation of the
information society. It is critical to secure the
information that travels around the world. The
majority of A I research focuses on problem
solving, thinking, and learning. The security
bus ines s is gravitating toward artificial intelligence
technology, which is used in a variety of fields such
as biometrics, telecommunications, operating
systems, and many others. Information security is
achieved using a variety of techniques s uch as
digital watermarking, intrusion detection,
information concealing, and so on.
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS-2022)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP22OAB-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-0052-7
978-1-6654-0052-7/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE 9
Authorized licensed use limited to: ROBERT BOSCH. Downloaded on May 04,2022 at 11:03:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
To improve the security s ys tems' efficiency, the
most recent trend is to include AI. By es tablishing
innovative s ecurity technologies, AI is expected to
bridge the gap between artificial and natural
In order to build and s imulate AI-integrated
algorithms for threat identification and prevention,
various AI techniques were used. AI has played a
significant role in the development of intrusion
detection and has a number of notable advantages
over other methods. Using AI methods, numerous
subs tantial works on network s ecurity, monitoring,
and measurement have been completed.
It included privacy information into the server and
monitors the condition of privacy on a cons tant
bas is[6-8]. In government organisations , classified
information sys tems play an important role [9]. For
class ified information s ecurity s ystems, risk
assessment procedures and methodologies have
been specified [10]. There have been numerous risk
assessment models developed and analys ed These
models have several restrictions. An analytic
hierarchy process and grey theory [11] are us ed to
prove this ris k assessment model for classified
information s ys tems. In the context of social
networking, AI has also been utilis ed to protect
privacy. Neural networks, fuzzy logic, and expert
systems are some of the techniques that are proving
to be extremely beneficial. In the current
environment, when cyber-attacks and intelligent
malware are on the rise, intelligent defence security
systems are required [12]. Artificial Intelligence
techniques can be used to make defence
mechanisms more powerful against large-scale
attacks. Even when resources are limited, utilis ing
intelligent AI approaches, defence sys tems can
outperform large-scale attackers. It sugges ts that
intelligent techniques to decision support, situation
awarenes s , and knowledge management s hould be
adopted . Security policy documentation, access
control, employee knowledge, and top -level
management support were described as the four
key characteristics of a conceptual framework
incorporating the important components .
Access control, intrus ion detection, firewalls, and
other information s ecurity techniques are only a
few examples. Each security technique mus t be
analys ed in terms of bus ines s context and
technological context in order to meet the
organization's security needs and to fit the
The key iss ues are discussed in this paper, as well
as the work that has been done in the field of
security sys tems. As a consequence of the analys is,
it was concluded that the research had mos tly
concentrated on technical concerns, and many
research implications were presented. It has been
pointed out that there is a lack of empirical study in
developing a secure information management
system . Enterprise security architectures are being
created in order to develop a s olution that is both
efficient and reliable.
ACS, or Industrial Automatic Control Sys tems, is a
new type of technology that has been popular in
recent years. Risk as s es s ment, creation, and
deployment of countermeasures, as well as
validation and monitoring of results, are the three
phases of security management.
Inside the pitch of in turn s ecurity, data concealing
has become a popular notion. Data hiding includes
cryptography, digital watermarking, steganography,
and other techniques that aid in maintaining the
security of data. Copyright protection and copy
control are common uses for them. Content
authentication, broadcas t monitoring,
fingerprinting, metadata binding, and covert
communication are all examples of content
authentication. Least Significant Bit embedded
approaches were used to s ecure the photos,
although they are inefficient. Medical images come
in a variety of forms in healthcare applications .
Digital watermarking techniques were employed to
verify the accuracy of the image. For medical
photos, two alternative watermarking methods have
been devised .
The purpose of this paper is to show the results of
several research projects in the subject of
information security. They covered numerous
aspects of preventing any form of attack on an
organization's network and security. In every
bus ines s , there are no information security
management methods that can suit top -to-bottom
The main focus of enterprises these days is to
protect their network and information from any
type of attack. The following gaps have been
identified:. One of the major limitations in the
development of security breakthroughs is that they
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS-2022)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP22OAB-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-0052-7
978-1-6654-0052-7/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE 10
Authorized licensed use limited to: ROBERT BOSCH. Downloaded on May 04,2022 at 11:03:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
are developed in a fragmented and non-
standardised manner. This makes it difficult for
cus tomers to integrate security developments from
different retailers or to us e a single solution acros s
several applications . Artificially intelligent sys tems
have the potential to improve the productivity,
functionality, and utility of the interface platform
for a variety of security solutions.
This will strengthen the security s ector by laying
the groundwork for the fus ion of numerous
restrictive security frameworks .One of the most
important requirements of AI is the continual
updating of the training s et, which is a difficult
operation in many s ecurity sys tems. The predictive
relationships between the tes t data will have
particular stated outcomes in an enterprise
information management context. The ris ks are
assessed by a vulnerability as s essment of the
network's nodes. A framework for analysing secure
systems that identifies the system's flaws an d offers
the appropriate actions must be developed.
14. Conclusion
Due to the shortcomings, it is neces sary to establish
an AI-integrated, resourceful, and trustworthy
safety framework with the purpos e to help
bus iness es at all levels of operation. There's also a
big demand for figuring out how vulnerable
networks are by observing node behaviour.
Intelligent procedures must be used to implement
and test a powerful enterprise network.
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Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS-2022)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP22OAB-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-0052-7
978-1-6654-0052-7/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE 11
Authorized licensed use limited to: ROBERT BOSCH. Downloaded on May 04,2022 at 11:03:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS-2022)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP22OAB-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-0052-7
978-1-6654-0052-7/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE 12
Authorized licensed use limited to: ROBERT BOSCH. Downloaded on May 04,2022 at 11:03:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
... This innovation has enabled the creation of highly realistic images, videos, and text [4,35,115]. GANs have found applications in deepfake videos, image synthesis, and style transfer [30,114,122]. ...
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With the continuous advancement of technology, artificial intelligence has significantly impacted various fields, particularly healthcare. Generative models, a key AI technology, have revolutionized medical image generation, data analysis, and diagnosis. This article explores their application in intelligent medical devices. Generative models enhance diagnostic speed and accuracy, improving medical service quality and efficiency while reducing equipment costs. These models show great promise in medical image generation, data analysis, and diagnosis. Additionally, integrating generative models with IoT technology facilitates real-time data analysis and predictions, offering smarter healthcare services and aiding in telemedicine. Challenges include computational demands, ethical concerns, and scenario-specific limitations.
... Data science and artificial intelligence (AI) have made incredible strides in recent years, changing fields including banking, healthcare, and education [1,2]. Increased need for effective data processing and analysis has sparked this rise, which has led to improved decision-making procedures, individualized suggestions, and more efficient resource allocation [3]. ...
... As the adoption of IoT and AI technologies in agriculture continues to grow, so does the collection, storage, and analysis of large amounts of data. While this data is invaluable for optimizing agricultural practices, it also brings to the fore significant concerns about data privacy and security [29]. Farmers and agricultural businesses may be apprehensive about how their data is used, who has access to it, and how it is protected from potential breaches. ...
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The integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the agricultural sector heralds the advent of next-generation farming. This research explores the employment of these technologies to enhance the yield and quality of specific crops such as onion, silk, and turmeric. The opportunities offered include Precision Farming, wherein IoT devices gather vital information like weather conditions, soil quality, and crop growth, allowing for the automation of farming techniques and resource management. AI analyzes this data to provide insights such as the optimal planting and harvest times. Disease Detection and Prevention utilize AI and Machine Learning algorithms to identify crop diseases at an early stage. Automated Irrigation employs soil moisture sensors to govern irrigation needs, ensuring timely water supply. Supply Chain Management benefits from IoT and AI to enhance efficiency through real-time freshness tracking, thus minimizing waste. However, the implementation of these technologies is not without challenges. High initial costs may be prohibitive for smaller farms, while limited internet connectivity in some agricultural regions hampers the execution of these solutions. Moreover, a requisite level of digital literacy is essential for successful implementation, and the lack of necessary skills and training among farmers can be a barrier. Additionally, concerns related to data privacy and security due to extensive data collection need to be addressed. In conclusion, while the potential of IoT and AI in agriculture is vast, significant challenges must be overcome. A concerted effort in investment, policy-making, and training could lead to significant enhancements in the productivity and sustainability of key crops.
... Mobile applications have revolutionized the agricultural sector by bridging the gap between farmers and buyers. In the past, smallholder farmers often faced challenges in accessing markets due to the presence of intermediaries, who would take a significant portion of the profits [20]. However, with the advent of mobile apps, farmers can now directly connect with potential buyers, cutting out middlemen and reducing transaction costs. ...
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This research study examines the transformative role of mobile applications in empowering smallholder farmers through increased access to information, market linkages, financial inclusion, and improved resource management. The study explores how mobile apps have facilitated real-time access to relevant agricultural information, including weather updates, crop prices, best farming practices, and pest management techniques. The availability of reliable information enables farmers to make informed decisions, leading to enhanced productivity and better crop yields. Furthermore, the study investigates how mobile apps have revolutionized market linkages by facilitating direct connections between farmers and buyers, reducing the dependence on intermediaries, and lowering transaction costs. Additionally, these apps provide price transparency, allowing farmers to negotiate better prices for their produce, leading to improved income and capturing a larger share of the market value for their products. The research also highlights the financial services offered by mobile applications in developing countries, such as mobile banking and digital payment solutions. These services enable smallholder farmers to access formal financial systems more efficiently, receive payments promptly, and access credit for essential agricultural inputs and equipment. By leveraging app-based credit services, farmers can invest in their farms, which subsequently boosts productivity and overall agricultural development. Moreover, the study delves into the contribution of mobile apps in promoting improved resource management among smallholder farmers. These apps often include tools for farm management and resource tracking, enabling farmers to monitor water usage, fertilizer application, and other inputs, leading to increased efficiency and reduced waste. Consequently, this optimizes resource allocation, contributing to higher productivity and income for smallholder farmers. Finally, the research explores how mobile apps have facilitated the delivery of extension services to farmers in remote areas. Extension officers can disseminate information and knowledge through text messages, audio, and video content, aiding farmers in adopting modern agricultural practices and technologies. The widespread adoption of these practices leads to improved productivity and income levels, further enhancing the livelihoods of smallholder farmers. The findings from this research demonstrate the significant impact of mobile applications on agricultural development, particularly in improving the lives and livelihoods of smallholder farmers. The accessibility of information, market linkages, financial services, resource management tools, and extension services through these apps presents a promising pathway towards sustainable agricultural growth and rural prosperity.
... However, with the vast amount of data now available from diverse sources, AI's predictive analytics offers a more nuanced and comprehensive assessment of a borrower's creditworthiness. By analyzing non-traditional data points, like timely utility payments, online shopping behavior, or even social media activity, AI can glean insights into a person's financial habits, responsibility, and reliability [79] . This broader dataset provides a more holistic view of a potential borrower and helps in predicting the likelihood of them defaulting on a loan. ...
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Banking fraud prevention and risk management are paramount in the modern financial landscape, and the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers a promising avenue for advancements in these areas. This research delves into the multifaceted applications of AI in detecting, preventing, and managing fraudulent activities within the banking sector. Traditional fraud detection systems, predominantly rule-based, often fall short in real-time detection capabilities. In contrast, AI can swiftly analyze extensive transactional data, pinpointing anomalies and potentially fraudulent activities as they transpire. One of the standout methodologies includes the use of deep learning, particularly neural networks, which, when trained on historical fraud data, can discern intricate patterns and predict fraudulent transactions with remarkable precision. Furthermore, the enhancement of Know Your Customer (KYC) processes is achievable through Natural Language Processing (NLP), where AI scrutinizes textual data from various sources, ensuring customer authenticity. Graph analytics offers a unique perspective by visualizing transactional relationships, potentially highlighting suspicious activities such as rapid fund transfers indicative of money laundering. Predictive analytics, transcending traditional credit scoring methods, incorporates a diverse data set, offering a more comprehensive insight into a customer's creditworthiness. The research also underscores the importance of user-friendly interfaces like AI-powered chatbots for immediate reporting of suspicious activities and the integration of advanced biometric verifications, including facial and voice recognition. Geospatial analysis and behavioral biometrics further bolster security by analyzing transaction locations and user interaction patterns, respectively. A significant advantage of AI lies in its adaptability. Self-learning systems ensure that as fraudulent tactics evolve, the AI mechanisms remain updated, maintaining their efficacy. This adaptability extends to phishing detection, IoT integration, and cross-channel analysis, providing a comprehensive defense against multifaceted fraudulent attempts. Moreover, AI's capability to simulate economic scenarios aids in proactive risk
Conference Paper
Yielding to find the prediction is a critical issue for farmers and the agricultural domain. Farmers expect to know the yield of the crops they grow. Older farmers can easily predict when it will rain and when it will be necessary to cultivate in the agricultural field. Yield is simple, and it is determined by weather conditions, pest control, and harvesting plans. To increase production, more pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers were traditionally applied, which had a greater environmental impact. Accurate information that makes crop history more yielding is the main reason for making the decision, and in particular it makes risking a high factor and their risk management. This paper presents a crop yield prediction system, which helps the farmers to predict the crop yield. An ANN is developed to obtain the data from pH sensor and moisture sensor, wherein this data values are trained and tested and also it has been used to predict the crop yielding in the particular field. Experimental results show the result of ANN algorithm with an accuracy of 86%.
Conference Paper
Water has been one of the human life's most significant commodities. Due to the increasing price of toxic coagulants and the method of water treatment, rural people live in serious poverty use untreated water to drink. The best solution for the problems described above is to use a plant-based coagulant instead of a chemical coagulant. Coagulants made from plants are used Mung beans, peanut seeds, and coconut tree cactus, for example, have many advantages, including low procurement costs and the creation of biodegradable sludge. After months of research and development, we have developed strategies for waste water management. Our project introduces a new approach to waste water treatment using plant-based coagulants.
Conference Paper
The work involves the study of applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) under the industry 4.0 concept. AI adoption in the manufacturing sector and its promotion in intelligence optimization are presented in this current work. The digital twin concept for enabling better reasoning of the various interfaces is outlined. The AI algorithms for communication and information intelligence are discussed in detail. The concept of smart city is briefed and how AI is important in its implementation is depicted in this work
Conference Paper
Artificial intelligence is one of the most discussed topics of the present time. The burning question of today about artificial intelligence is “will it be beneficial or dangerous for a human being”. This research paper analyzes the benefits of artificial intelligence in medicine. It examines how artificial intelligence assists the medical field as well as how patient’s health is affected using this popular phenomenon in diagnosing diseases, patient’s treatment, reducing errors, and virtually being present with the patients. Finally, the paper reveals how artificial intelligence may have an impact on medical science. A survey was conducted to learn about people’s perspectives towards artificial intelligence in medicine and the results are shared in the paper.