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Chapter 8



Remote monitoring technologies are required to remotely monitor patients. The internet of things allows for remote monitoring of smart devices and apps, but sensors are used to track ECG, pressure, weight, and cardiac rate. IoT infrastructure enables intelligent devices to remotely monitor health and advise on medical concerns in an emergency. Heart disease is the leading cause of mortality, and in order to enhance medical services and lower the death rate, social insurance must be made mandatory. This chapter presents a low-cost, portable remote system for patient monitoring based on the ESP32 MCU and WiFi.
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Chapter 8
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6894-4.ch008
Remote monitoring technologies are required to remotely monitor patients. The
internet of things allows for remote monitoring of smart devices and apps, but
sensors are used to track ECG, pressure, weight, and cardiac rate. IoT infrastructure
enables intelligent devices to remotely monitor health and advise on medical concerns
in an emergency. Heart disease is the leading cause of mortality, and in order to
enhance medical services and lower the death rate, social insurance must be made
mandatory. This chapter presents a low-cost, portable remote system for patient
monitoring based on the ESP32 MCU and WiFi.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of intelligent machines that interact and
communicate with one another, as well as with other devices, objects, surroundings,
and infrastructures. The internet is the most widely used form of communication,
connecting individuals all over the world. The world is being electrified, with
practically every produced object including an embedded processor and user interfaces
that enable programmability and deterministic “command and control” capabilities.
Internet of Things-
Integrated Remote Patient
Monitoring System:
Healthcare Application
Sampath Boopathi
Muthayammal Engineering College, India
Internet of Things-Integrated Remote Patient Monitoring System
These skills may be leveraged to develop new services that improve the lives of
users. In the last decade, the phrase “Internet of Things” has become increasingly
comprehensive, including a wide range of applications (Abawajy & Hassan, 2017).
Technology has progressed to the point that a network of networked things
gathers information from the environment and interacts with the actual world,
utilizing current Internet protocols to provide services for information transmission,
analytics, applications, and communications. IoT has progressed from its infancy
to the point where it is on the verge of changing the existing static Internet into a
fully integrated Future Internet. The Internet revolution enabled people to connect,
and the next revolution will enable objects to connect to create a smart environment
(Nduka et al., 2019).
With Cloud computing as the unifying framework, the Internet of Things is a
unified framework for sharing information across platforms, enabling innovative
applications through seamless sensing, data analytics, and representation. Home
security, robot control, DC motor control, stepper motor control, and voting machine
control are just a few of the novel uses for GSM MODEM. The goal of this project
is to create a GSM-based electronic notice display system that can automatically
convey information to students or retail centers such as results, circulars, timetables,
and time tables. It may show critical information via a web server and deliver it to
registered mobile phone numbers (Raviteja & Supriya, 2020).
The most crucial elements are that a system with numerous wireless sensors is being
developed to monitor and transmit health-related data such as body temperature,
blood pressure, saline level, and heart rate via the internet for other users to access.
This will allow for the creation and documentation of a patient’s health database,
which will be important for doctor analysis. Based on past database readings, this
study proposes a health-monitoring system that analyses parameters and diagnoses
health concerns. When certain threshold values are exceeded in an emergency,
alerts are generated to assist doctors in taking the essential steps (Imtyaz Ahmed
& Kannan, 2022).
Sensors in next-generation smart phones and intelligent devices measure ECG,
systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, and pulse rate. This study examines current
works on health assessment systems and IOT, which entail connecting devices
to automatically gather and analyse data in order to produce intelligent data. The
Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept that entails linking objects in order for data to
be automatically retrieved and processed. Advances in medical science technology
will assist doctors in taking proper steps to avoid deterioration and keep patients
Internet of Things-Integrated Remote Patient Monitoring System
from acquiring health issues. Because of poor socioeconomic position, a lack of
knowledge about health practices, and limited access to medical services, rural
regions have a higher mortality rate (Philip et al., 2021). Rural public health centers
lack medical practitioners and facilities, resulting in frequent diseases and serious
health concerns. This has occurred in rural regions. IoT has enhanced the use of
technology in healthcare, with low-cost wearable sensors and healthcare systems
now readily available for personalized application. This is the outcome of extensive
research and significant financial investment (Habib et al., 2015).
Sensor data is stored in the cloud and may be accessed using online tools to get
insights. They are beneficial for enhancing health and delivering practical healthcare
applications in remote places, such as remote patient health monitoring, which assists
health staff in better monitoring their patients and preventing medical diseases from
increasing. Remote monitoring enables doctors to access current or historical health
data at any time, allowing for more accurate diagnosis and treatment. However,
adoption of such platforms in rural areas is lower than in urban areas, resulting
in little impact on the medical and clinical sectors in rural India (Mohammed et
al., 2014). To satisfy healthcare needs and educate and inform individuals about
illnesses, treatments, and personal hygiene, an easy-to-use system for personal health
monitoring is being created.
IOT can gather data from sensors in the healthcare environment that detect
crucial health-related elements, which can then be utilized to deliver useful insights
to physicians and medical experts hundreds of kilometers away. Amrita Jeevanam
provides remote health monitoring and medical intervention using the Internet of
Things (IoT). A Medical Interface Unit collects important data using low-cost health
sensors, which is subsequently analyzed. This information is utilized to predict the
presence of any illness problems in the patient’s body, resulting in personalized
medical recommendations as well as greater awareness and avoidance of future
concerns (Stone et al., 2022).
IoT solutions are available for a variety of applications, including traffic control,
industry management, emergency services, and health care. IoT-based healthcare
apps are gaining popularity as a tool to monitor remote patient health, and medical
sensors are becoming more widely available, allowing them to be utilized in a
wide range of medical applications. The Internet of Things and cloud computing
combine to produce a powerful platform for remotely monitoring patients and
sending continuous health information to doctors and caregivers, enabling for more
precise illness detection.
Internet of Things-Integrated Remote Patient Monitoring System
Body temperature measurement is significant in medicine because it allows clinicians
to assess the efficacy of therapies based on body temperature. Fever is the most
prevalent type of disease-related rise in body temperature, and it occurs as a result
of a response to disease-specific stimuli. There is no such thing as a universal
normal body temperature since it varies depending on the portion of the body
being monitored. Body temperature fluctuates throughout the day, peaking in the
evening due to physiological factors and physical exercise. Surface temperature is
measured on the skin’s surface, whereas core temperature is obtained by inserting
a thermometer into a body opening (Kang et al., 2018).
Pulse oximetry measures the amount of oxygen in the blood and is useful for
persons with respiratory or cardiovascular disorders, very young newborns, and
certain illnesses. Because it can cause cell death and organ failure, oxygen is critical
for the body’s survival. It travels through the lungs and into the bloodstream via
hemoglobin proteins in red blood cells. The proportion of oxygen in hemoglobin
proteins measured by pulse oximetry is known as oxygen saturation. Normal values
range from 95 to 100 percent, but anything less than 90 percent is regarded unusually
low and might result in a clinical emergency. Pulse oximeters are portable oxygen
saturation meters. Suffocation, choking, drowning, illnesses, dangerous substances,
heart failure, allergic responses, general anesthesia, sleep apnea, and pulse oximeters
can all produce a decline in oxygen saturation. By beaming light onto a detector on
the other side of the skin, pulse oximeters assess oxygen saturation. The quantity of
light absorbed by the blood reveals the saturation level of oxygen. Pulse oximeters,
which are powered by Rubicon Project, are beneficial for those who have conditions
that alter oxygen saturation.
Pulse oximetry is used to monitor oxygen saturation levels, evaluate the safety
of physical exercise, and determine the efficacy of breathing therapies. It can also
be used to determine the safety of physical activity in persons with cardiovascular
or pulmonary disorders, as part of a stress test, and in patients who are particularly
susceptible, such as new-borns in neonatal intensive care units. Pulse oximetry gives
persons with respiratory or cardiovascular disorders peace of mind by determining
the requirement for supplementary oxygen, monitoring oxygen saturation levels in
people under anaesthesia, and warning of potentially serious side effects in those using
medicines that impact breathing. Although pulse oximeters are widely available for
purchase online, no research has been conducted to support their claim of preventing
SIDS or accidents. Companies promote them to the parents of
Although pulse oximeters are noninvasive and pose no serious risks, they can cut
off oxygen from surrounding vessels if used too tightly and for an extended period
of time. Pulse oximetry is susceptible to misleading results owing to simple changes
Internet of Things-Integrated Remote Patient Monitoring System
in posture, such as sleeping turning over. Because of changes in sleeping posture
or breath-holding, oxygen saturation may drop for brief intervals. Even if the dip is
momentary and innocuous, a pulse oximeter will notify you. Pulse oximeters might
induce undue stress and false security in persons who are anxious about their health.
People should see a doctor about the hazards and keep a record of their readings
over time. Changes in readings, especially in reaction to environmental changes,
might indicate a health issue. Before purchasing a consumer-grade pulse oximeter,
people should consult with a doctor about their goals.
Need for ECG (Electrocardiogram)
An ECG (electrocardiogram) is a test that records the electrical activity of the heart
while it is completely still. It can reveal if the heart has been augmented owing to
hypertension or if there has been a previous respiratory failure. It is not the same
as a blood pressure, exercise, or cardiovascular imaging test. It may be necessary if
you have risk factors for or signs of coronary artery disease, or if you already have
coronary artery disease.
An ECG is not required if there are no risk factors or symptoms of coronary
artery disease. The ECG is not beneficial for persons who do not have risk factors
for coronary artery disease, although it might occasionally indicate minor anomalies
that are not related to fundamental coronary artery disease, leading to stress and
follow-up tests and medications. ECGs are not the best way to avoid coronary artery
disease(AlGhatrif & Lindsay, 2012).
Fundamental of ECG
The electrocardiogram (ECG) is a non-invasive diagnostic procedure that assesses
cardiac illness by evaluating the electrical system of the heart. It detects electrical
charges created by the heart as it beats using flat metal electrodes inserted on the
chest, which are then graphed(Becker, 2006).
Usages: An ECG is a machine that monitors the electrical rhythm of the heart and
generates a wave tracing. If the waves are inconsistent or do not develop as
expected, this is an indication of cardiac problems. Many doctors will order
an ECG as part of a yearly physical to screen for heart disease. If you have
indications or symptoms of heart illness, such as chest discomfort, shortness
of breath, light-headedness, dizziness, or fainting episodes, an ECG may be
indicated. In addition, if you experience symptoms of a TIA or stroke, such
as visual abnormalities, numbness, weakness, or speech difficulties, you will
most certainly require an ECG. ECG testing is required to diagnose cardiac
Internet of Things-Integrated Remote Patient Monitoring System
problems and monitor therapy outcomes. It is also necessary before any form of
heart surgery, including pacemaker insertion and pre-operative screening. Prior
to general anaesthesia, an ECG is necessary. This assists anaesthesiologists in
the planning of aesthetic medicines and operative monitoring (Ru et al., 2021).
Conditions: Tachycardia, bradycardia, and arrhythmia can all be detected using EKG
wave patterns. These variations in wave shape reveal information regarding
the type of cardiac illness and the afflicted location.
Limitations: The ECG is a common medical test because of its capacity to screen for
a number of heart problems, as well as its ease, safety, and cost. An ECG has
limitations, such as exposing the heart rate and rhythm for just a few seconds
while the tracing is being recorded. It is frequently normal or virtually normal
in many forms of cardiac illness, and sometimes ECG abnormalities have little
medical importance.
Requirements: If you have risk factors for an enlarged heart, such as hypertension
or symptoms of coronary sickness, an ECG test is recommended. It can also
be utilized for screening or word-related needs, or if you have a personal or
family history of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or other risks. These tests
can help protect your heart, whether you have coronary disease or want to
avoid it. Understand your risk of coronary artery disease and utilize the risk
appraisal exam to determine your risk.
The most important details to reduce your risk of coronary illness are to be aware
of your risk factors, quit smoking, be active, control your circulatory strain, eat a
healthy diet, achieve and maintain a healthy weight, manage diabetes, limit alcohol
use, reduce stress, visit your medical care provider on a regular basis, and control
your blood cholesterol.
ECG Interpretation
To assess your risk of coronary sickness, check your pulse, blood cholesterol, and
glucose levels (Palanisamy et al., 2019).
Circulatory Strain: The pulse should be tested once a year, but if you have
hypertension, you should have it checked more regularly. Inquire with your
medical care provider about how frequently it should be examined.
Cholesterol: If you are male and over 40, female and over 50, or postmenopausal,
have coronary illness, stroke, diabetes, or hypertension, have circumferences
more than 102 cm or 88 cm, and have a family history of coronary illness or
stroke, you should undergo a cholesterol blood test.
Internet of Things-Integrated Remote Patient Monitoring System
Glucose: A glucose test once a year is recommended for older persons with diabetes
risk factors or who are pregnant, and should be reviewed with a medical care
provider. Work with your medical physician to lower your cholesterol, pulse,
and glucose levels to lessen your risk of cardiovascular failure and stroke.
Risks and Contraindications of ECG
ECG is a safe test that has no negative health consequences (Kang et al., 2018;
Stone et al., 2022).
Before the Test: ECGs can be performed at the doctor’s office provided time,
room, and equipment are available. Some medications, however, may need to
be stopped for a day or two before the test.
Timing: Expect an ECG test to take an additional 10-15 minutes if it is part of a
doctor’s appointment, and longer if it is a special visit.
Location: ECGs are frequently performed at the doctor’s office, although they may
also be performed in a different location.
What to Wear: You must change into a hospital gown and remove any heavy
necklaces/chains that are in the way, but no metal jewelry.
Food and Drink: You can eat or drink whatever you want before the test, however
caffeine should be avoided for 6-10 hours.
The COVID-19 pandemic in India is critical for the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic
produced by SARS-CoV-2. India has the most confirmed cases in Asia and the
second most confirmed cases on the world, with over millions of illnesses and deaths.
By mid-2020, India had the largest number of daily tests on the world, resulting
in a high number of positive instances. COVID-19 is a lethal virus that has reached
the twenty-first century, and the World Health Organization suggests using oxidation
level and body temperature to detect it. Humans employ SPO2, Body Temperature,
and ECG equipment, however they cannot provide data to medical experts who can
readily grasp the data values.
This book chapter highlights the importance of smart technology research. It is vital to
highlight that there is a shortage of real-time monitoring devices in medical equipment,
Internet of Things-Integrated Remote Patient Monitoring System
such as ambulances, which cannot give doctors with real-time health status. This thesis
offers a system that may give real-time data at a cheap cost and with great efficiency.
The work goals are to minimize device costs, hardware complexity, form factor
complexity, obtain better parameter values, high-speed data transmission, web-based
platform, no connectivity difficulties, emergency alert message, Wi-Fi connectivity,
and SPO2 parameters used to monitor blood pressure. These goals will be addressed
by utilizing real-world parameters, high-speed data transfer, a web-based platform,
Wi-Fi connectivity, and SPO2 parameters. India is the world’s second most populous
country, yet monetary and geographical inequalities result in limited access to
healthcare. Low financial status, a lack of understanding of wellness measures, and
a lack of access to healthcare offices all contribute to a rise in provincial death rates.
The Remote Monitoring Emergency Medical System is explained, algorithms are
employed, and research is undertaken to compare and implement approaches(Figure 1).
Basic Remote Monitoring System
This study presents a method for remote monitoring of medical parameters utilizing
Zigbee and GSM technologies, divided into two sections: receiver & transmission,
Figure 1. Remote patient monitoring system using IoT
Internet of Things-Integrated Remote Patient Monitoring System
data reception, and data transfer to a web server. This research presented an Internet
of Things-based cardiac sickness monitoring architecture that screens physical
symptoms and offers four distinct information transmission mechanisms to balance
medical services demand and interest. The framework was reviewed using a model.
An MCU, Light Emitting Diode, LED Light Emitting Diode, Infrared Light Emitting
Diode, BLE, 0.96 inch OLED display, and buttons for user input and power supply
comprise the SPO2 System (Mohammed et al., 2014; Xu, 2020).
Remote SPO2: The system built employs an ESP32 MCU and Wi-Fi module, a
MAX30100 SPO2 sensor, a 180mah battery for long life, and Think Speak,
a free cloud server platform powered by MathWorks. It can obtain SPO2 and
Heart Rate data in less time and with greater precision. The development cost
is minimal, and the battery backup capacity is 180mah.
Remote Body Temperature Monitor: The built system makes use of an ESP32
MCU and Wi-Fi module, a DS18B20 sensor, a 180mah battery, and Think
Speak, a free cloud server platform powered by MathWorks. It can obtain
body temperature data rapidly and precisely, and it has a cheap development
cost and a long battery life.
Remote ECG Monitor: The built system makes use of an ESP32 MCU and Wi-
Fi module, an AD8232 sensor, a 180mah battery, and Think Speak, a free
cloud server platform powered by Mathwork. It can get ECG data rapidly and
correctly, with a low development cost and a long battery backup life.
Hardware Details
ESP-8266 Family (ESP32): The Espressif Systems ESP-8266 is a low-effort Wi-Fi
central processor designed in Shanghai, China. It enables microcontrollers to
connect to a Wi-Fi network and simplify TCP/IP communications by using
Hayes-style instructions. The cheap cost and absence of exterior segments on
the module, implying a limited volume, encouraged programmers to explore
the module, chip, and product. They also had to translate Chinese documents.
The ESP8285 is an ESP8266 with 1 MiB of internal flash memory that allows
single-chip devices to connect to Wi-Fi. It has a 32-bit RISC processing
core and memory running at 80 MHz. The device supports up to 16 MiB of
external QSPI flash, IEEE 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi, and integrated TR switches,
LNAs, power-amplifiers, baluns, and matching networks, which is the most
essential concept(Deshpande & Kulkarni, 2017; Krishnan et al., 2018; Vijay
Kumar et al., 2018).
Pinout of ESP-0: GND, GPIO 2, GPIO 0, RX, VCC, RST, CH PD, TX are the
pinouts for the ESP-01 module.
Internet of Things-Integrated Remote Patient Monitoring System
ESP32: The ESP32 is a 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi plus Bluetooth chip manufactured in TSMC’s
40 nm process. It provides the most power in a variety of applications and power
situations, proving longevity, adaptability, and dependability. The ESP32 chip
family is built on the ECO V3 wafer. With 20 external components such as an
antenna knob, power amplifier, noise reception amplifier, and so on, the ESP32
is a highly integrated solution for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth IoT applications. It is
equipped with cutting-edge low-power semiconductor capabilities.
BT Key Features: NZIF receiver with -94 dBm BLE sensitivity and class-1, class-2,
and class-3 transmitters with Enhanced Power Control. Bluetooth 4.2, SCO/
eSCO, CVSD and SBC, Bluetooth Piconet and Scatternet, multi-connections in
Classic BT and BLE, simultaneous advertising and scanning are all supported.
MCU and Advanced Features
CPU and Memory: QSPI supports various flash/SRAM chips, Xtensa® LX6
CPU, 448 KB ROM, 520 KB SRAM, 16 KB RTC, Espressif Systems 9 Please
provide feedback on the documentation.
Clocks and Timers: External 2 MHz-60 MHz crystal oscillator, external 32 kHz
crystal oscillator, two timer groups, one RTC timer, one RTC watchdog.
Advanced Peripheral Interfaces: 34 programmable GPIOs, 12 bit SAR ADC,
8 bit DAC, 10 touch sensors, 4 SPI, 2 I2S, 2 I2C, 3 UART, 1 host, 1 slave,
Ethernet MAC interface, Two-Wire Automotive Interface, IR, Motor PWM,
LED PWM, Hall sensor, and so on.
Security: Secure boot, flash encryption, 1024-bit OTP, and cryptographic hardware
acceleration, including AES, SHA-2, RSA, ECC, and RNG, are all available
in Systems 10.
Applications: It is possible to buy generic low-power IoT Sensor Hubs, Data
Loggers, Cameras, OTT Devices, Speech Recognition, Image Recognition,
and Mesh Networks.
Home Automation, Industrial Automation, Smart Agriculture, Audio Applications,
Health Care Applications, Wi-Fi-enabled Toys, Wearable Electronics, Retail
& Catering Applications, POS Machines, and Service Robots are some of the
applications being developed. These include home automation, light control, smart
plugs, smart door locks, industrial automation, smart agriculture, audio applications,
health care applications, Wi-Fi-enabled toys, remote control toys, proximity sensing
toys, educational toys, wearable electronics, retail & catering applications, POS
machines, and service robots (Nookhao et al., 2020; Xu, 2020; Yang et al., 2016).
Internet of Things-Integrated Remote Patient Monitoring System
SPO2 Sensor
The MAX30100 sensor uses LEDs, better optics, a photodetector, and low-noise
analogue signal processing to combine pulse oximetry with a heart rate monitor.
It may be turned off by software using a negligible standby current. Wearable
Devices, Fitness Assistant Devices, and Medical Monitoring Devices with Integrated
LEDS, Photo Sensor, and High-Performance Analog Front-End System-in-Package.
With configurable sampling rate and LED current, Ultra-Low-Power Operation
extends battery life for wearable devices. High SNR and Advanced Functionality
Improve Measurement Performance Robust motion artifact resilience, ambient light
cancellation, high sample rate, and fast data output are all provided.
ECG Sensor
The AD8232 ECG Module is a single-chip intended to extract, amplify, and filter
biopotential signals for biopotential measuring applications, as well as operate as
an Op-amp to collect a clear signal from PR and QT Intervals.
Features of the AD8232 ECG Module: A single-lead ECG front end with two
or three electrode configurations, an 80 dB common-mode rejection ratio,
single-supply operation, quick restoration, and footprint. The AD8232 ECG
Module is a low-cost board that monitors and displays the electrical activity
of the heart. It has pins for connecting custom sensors, an LED indication, and
functions such as rapid restoration to shorten the duration of lengthy HPFs.
Interfacing Diagram: For output and control activities, the AD8232 ECG module
requires one analogy and three digital pins. Interconnected are heart rate
monitors, ECGs, bio-potential signal gathering, remote health monitoring,
and gaming accessories. Analog Devices’ AD8232 ECG Module and IC are
intended to collect, amplify, and filter biopotential signals for biopotential
measuring applications. The iAD8232 Single Lead Heart Rate Monitor acts as
an operational amplifier to generate a clear signal from PR and QT intervals.
Temperature Sensor
The DS18B20 is an aphorism integrated one-wire programmable temperature
sensor that can measure temperatures ranging from -55°C to +125°C with a 5°C
precision. It offers temperature measurements ranging from 9 to 12 bits, indicating
the temperature of a specific device. To connect with an internal CPU, a one-wire
bus protocol is employed.
Internet of Things-Integrated Remote Patient Monitoring System
The customizable Digital Temperature Sensor communicates via 1-Wire. When
the bus is not in use, the sensor maintains the line high with a pull-up resistor. The
temperature is stored in a 2-byte register and may be read using just one wire. Two
types of commands must be provided to read the values: ROM and function. The
datasheet specifies the address value of each ROM memory and sequence. Arduino
may be used to interact with a library to measure temperature in harsh conditions,
liquid temperatures, and many sites (Babu et al., 2023; Boopathi, Arigela, et al.,
2023; Jeevanantham et al., 2023).
Software Details
The following tools are required to construct the proposed system: Eagle, Ardunio
IDE, Thing Speak, and Bulk SMS Service.
EAGLE is setup using two sets of rules: Design Rule Check (DRC) rules that specify
minimum item sizes and separations, and Auto Router Setup rules that optimize
routing. Menus or.CTL files can be used to modify rules. A.DRU file and a.CTL file
together generate a board layout for a certain PCB process, which may be saved to a
new file if necessary. This article focuses on how to utilize EAGLE with low-quality
processes that lack PTH and favour one side. Copper pouring must be used with
caution for routing and electrical screening, and there are several interdependent
choices available.
The EAGLE DRC rules may be adjusted to vary the size of the track and pads.
Many PCB manufacturers have their own DRC rules, which can be downloaded
from the internet or manually entered. Custom DRC rules may be required owing
to poor PCB etching or a lack of a solder mask. The exact measurements can be
modified on an individual basis. The main concept is to have a single minimum
dimension for all dimensions.
Clearance Tab: Setting all settings equal to determine clearance between objects.
Sizes Tab: Minimum track width is usually set equal to clearance.
Restring Tab (pronounced rest ring: The DRC files ee rules 20mil.dru and ee rules
15mil.dru demonstrate this with 20mil and 15mil dimensions, respectively.
Small changes in these values can have a big impact on layout, such as whether
tracks on an IC can go between pads. This is also dependent on the IC pin
hole drill size.
Internet of Things-Integrated Remote Patient Monitoring System
Arduino IDE
Arduino was dubbed by Massimo Banzi, David Mellis, and David Cuartielles following
the Wiring stage, which comprised a PCB with an ATmega168 microprocessor, an
IDE, and library capabilities. They also provided support for the lower-cost ATmega8
microprocessor. Musto held a PhD from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and
an MBA from New York University, but neither had any record of his involvement.
Massimo Banzi stated that the Arduino Foundation will be a new beginning for
Arduino. Musto then confessed that he never received such degrees(Jeevanantham et
al., 2023; Reddy et al., 2023; S. et al., 2022; Saha1 et al., 2022; Sampath et al., 2022).
Due to Musto’s reported removal of Open source licenses, schematics, and code
from the site, Arduino has not established a Foundation in over a year. In October
2017, Arduino announced its partnership with ARM Holdings, stating that ARM
saw autonomy as a key belief of Arduino. Arduino is devoted to collaborating with
all innovators and designs. The Arduino IDE includes a Wiring project software
library that enables standard input and output operations. The GNU toolchain
compiles and links user-written code into an executable application. The Arduino
IDE employs avrdude to transform executable code into a text file that a loader
software loads into the Arduino board(Harikaran et al., 2023; Janardhana, Singh,
et al., 2023; Selvakumar et al., 2023)(Domakonda et al., 2023; Kumara et al., 2023;
Mohanty et al., 2023; Samikannu et al., 2023).
Thing Speak: Web API
Thing Speak is an open-source Internet of Devices API that allows the development
of sensor recording applications, area tracking apps, and an informal community
of things providing status updates. Thing Speak was introduced in 2010 by io
Bridge and has a tight partnership with Math Works, Inc., where the majority of the
documentation is integrated into their Matlab documentation portal. The Internet of
Things (IoT) is a network of many linked devices that can communicate data via the
internet. It is conceivable to make everything, from a pill to a jet, into an IoT device
capable of transmitting continuous data without the involvement of a human. It is
altering our everyday environments, making them smarter and more sensitive, and
linking the real and virtual worlds.
The Internet of Things and Healthcare
IoT is a new technology with several applications in industries such as healthcare.
Due to a lack of surveillance, 30% of medical patients are readmitted to the hospital
following surgery. With the participation of IoT, remote patient monitoring may be
Internet of Things-Integrated Remote Patient Monitoring System
conceivable, with wearable devices with integrated sensors monitoring patient state
and alerting the doctor. IoT solutions can assist poor rural residents gain access to
physicians while also lowering travel and hospitalization costs. This application’s
potential is enhanced by timely access to data by medical workers, and it sends
reminders to doctors if a patient does not take medicine on a regular basis.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is gaining popularity, and RFID labels are being
utilized to aid navigation. Sensors and internet connections are getting more affordable,
allowing practically everything to be linked to the internet.
The Internet of Things (IoT) raises serious privacy and security concerns. A
smart home, for example, may detect when you wake up, how well you clean your
teeth, which radio station you listen to, what sorts of foods you eat, your children’s
thoughts, and when someone arrives to your house and passes by. Not all smart
home firms rely their business strategies on gathering and selling your data. IoT
data may be combined with information from other sources to create a reasonably
complete image of you, such as what you ate for dinner. IoT devices are a security
ticking time bomb for enterprises. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a workplace
technology that is becoming increasingly significant(Boopathi, Siva Kumar, et al.,
2023; Vanitha et al., 2023; Vennila et al., 2023). Consumers must be informed of
their transaction and whether or not they are happy with it. IoT devices that are not
properly configured might easily expose business networks to cyber-attacks or leak
data. Because unused IoT devices will leave a catastrophic and hazardous legacy,
the smart office is the future security nightmare. Businesses must be aware of the
hazards involved with IoT in order to protect themselves.
The IoT and Cyber Warfare
IoT devices are susceptible to cyber assaults, which governments are taking into
account while developing cyber warfare tactics. According to US intelligence
briefings, the country’s adversaries may be inflicting damage to its infrastructure,
such as the Internet of Things, by hacking thermostats, cameras, and stoves that
are connected to the internet. If they are hacked, this might result in eavesdropping
or pandemonium, thus security should be as rigorous as feasible. Cyberwarfare is
becoming a more serious concern, with the internet serving as a battleground and
your smart toaster eavesdropping on you.
The Internet of Things and Data
Sensors in IoT devices will capture data such as temperature, pressure, sound, video,
and humidity. This data will need to be transmitted somewhere, so IoT devices
will use 5G, 4G, Wi-Fi, and other technologies to do so. In the next five years, IoT
Internet of Things-Integrated Remote Patient Monitoring System
devices will create 79.4 zettabytes of data, some of which will be “small and rusty,”
such as temperature measurements from sensors or smart meters. In the future, IoT
devices will create more data, mostly from video surveillance and other industrial
and medical applications. Drones and self-driving vehicles will create massive
volumes of data in the future, including audio, video, and automobile sensor data.
Big Data Analytics
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a significant contributor to big data by allowing
organizations to collect and analyze enormous data sets. It can assist planners in
improving traffic flow by gathering data from sensors in metropolitan areas. IoT
metadata is a rising source of data that may be utilized to structure unstructured
material or to add new degrees of comprehension, intelligence, and order to random
environments. It may be fed into NoSQL databases or cognitive systems to improve
understanding, intelligence, and organization.
The Internet of Things, in particular, will deliver massive volumes of real-time
data. Machine-to-machine links that facilitate IoT applications, according to Cisco.
An implanted framework is a chip-based PC equipment framework with code that
is meant to perform a certain function. It can vary from a single microcontroller
to a cluster of processors with accompanying peripherals and organizations, with
implanted frameworks accounting for 98 percent of all chips made.
Embedded System
Microcontrollers, ASICs, FPGAs, GPUs, and door exhibitions manage installed
frameworks. Programming instructions are kept in read-only memory or blaze
memory chips, and they communicate with the outside world via peripherals, which
link information and generate devices(Boopathi, Khare, et al., 2023; Imtyaz Ahmed
& Kannan, 2022; Raviteja & Supriya, 2020; Ru et al., 2021).
Structure of Embedded System
Sensor: The sensor measures and transforms the real quantity to an electrical
indication that can be read by an electronic device (Figure 2).
A-D Converter: A sensor signal is converted into an advanced signal by a basic to
computerized converter.
Processor and ASICs: Processors measure yield and store it in memory using data.
D-A Converter: An advanced to basic converter translates computerized data to
simpler data.
Internet of Things-Integrated Remote Patient Monitoring System
Actuator: Analyzing D-A Converter yield in order to save confirmed yield.
Because of AI, VR, AR, AI, deep learning, and IoT, the market for embedded
frameworks is quickly expanding. These frameworks will be critical for trends such
as reduced energy consumption, greater security, cloud availability, deep learning
applications, and perception devices with continuous information.
IoT and Embedded System
Embedded systems are pieces of hardware and software that are designed to execute
specialized tasks within a larger system. The Internet of Things (IoT) represents a
massive growth opportunity for the installation enterprise. It is utilized in a variety
of applications ranging from plant robotization to on-demand entertaining. However,
IoT programming arrangements must be tailored to specific needs, which raises costs
and discourages competitors from entering the market. Benison Technologies is
creating innovative arrangements to decrease the expenses involved with constructing
the fundamental foundation of IoT solutions, allowing them to focus on simplifying
Figure 2. Structure of embedded system
Internet of Things-Integrated Remote Patient Monitoring System
the center usefulness and selling answers faster and at a lower cost(Deshpande &
Kulkarni, 2017; Xu, 2020).
Inserted Systems and Real-time Operating Systems (RTOS)
Installed frameworks are electrical components that include a microprocessor,
peripherals, a memory card, and a programming software that executes instructions,
a functioning framework, and apparatuses. Because of their distinct quality and
features such as continuous processing, low force usage, minimal support, and high
accessibility, they are becoming increasingly significant in the Internet of Things (IoT).
Installed frameworks are electrical components that include a microchip,
peripherals, a memory card, and a programming software that runs instructions, a
functioning framework, and apparatuses. They are becoming increasingly significant
in the Internet of Things (IoT) because to their distinct quality and features such as
continuous processing, low force usage, minimal support, and high accessibility.
RTOS is an operating system that continuously maintains equipment assets,
applications, and information cycles, enabling for longer period dependability of
both equipment and programs for low-powered and memory-constrained gadgets and
organizations. In terms of planning between application acceptance and execution,
RTOS has a high level of quality and consistency. Prior to the Internet of Things,
patients’ interactions with experts were restricted to visits and phone and text
Web of Things (WoT)
The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming the medical care industry by enabling
remote monitoring, increasing patient commitment and satisfaction, and cutting
medical service costs. Remote monitoring shortens emergency clinic visits and
eliminates re-affirmations. The Internet of Things (IoT) provides medical applications
that assist patients, families, physicians, emergency clinics, and insurance companies.
IoT for Patients: Wearables and remotely linked gadgets provide patients with tailored
care by reminding them of carbohydrate levels, practice checks, arrangements,
and pulse patterns. The Internet of Things has transformed people’s lives by
offering frequent illness monitoring, allowing families and health practitioners
to spot any changes in an individual’s behaviors (Jeevanantham et al., 2023;
Reddy et al., 2023; S. et al., 2022; Samikannu et al., 2023).
IoT for Physicians: IoT allows medical practitioners to be more attentive and
proactive in their contacts with patients, allowing them to choose the best
treatment choice and achieve the desired results. Wearables and other IoT-
Internet of Things-Integrated Remote Patient Monitoring System
enabled home monitoring technology can assist doctors in monitoring the
health of their patients.
IoT for Hospitals: IoT devices in medical clinics may help with tracking the
whereabouts of clinical equipment, dispatching healthcare professionals,
monitoring cleanliness, resource management, natural observation, and
mugginess and temperature adjustment, among other things. Sensor-enabled
Internet of Things devices are utilized to track healthcare equipment’s position,
evaluate real-time dispatches, and keep patients safe.
IoT for Health Insurance Companies: IoT-connected smart devices let health
insurance carriers to use data provided by health-monitoring devices to identify
deceptive claims and identify opportunities for improving. In light of IoT-caught
information driven selections, clients will have adequate deception into the
basic principle behind each decision chosen and cycle consequences. Backup
plans can reward consumers who use IoT devices to document their everyday
activities and adherence to treatment regimens, reducing cases and allowing
insurance companies to grant claims.
Reclassifying Healthcare: IoT devices have the potential to transform medical
treatment by recording or processing data at one level and then passing it on to
the next. The Internet of Things (IoT) features a four-stage engineering cycle
that evokes intuition and conveys dynamic business potential.
Create a data collection network of networked devices.
For further processing, data obtained from sensors and devices must be
translated to a more complex format.
Data is pre-processed, normalized, and sent to a server farm or the cloud.
By monitoring and analyzing data at the proper level, advanced analytics
may deliver significant business insights.
The Internet of Things is transforming medical treatment by giving
better consideration, greater therapeutic outcomes, and cheaper patient
Some of the primary benefits of IoT in medical care are as follows:
Cost-Cutting: IoT allows for continuous patient monitoring, minimizing the need
for needless travels.
Faster Disease Diagnosis: Early indications of infection can be detected by patient
monitoring and information.
Medications and Equipment Management: Linked devices provide for more
efficient medication and clinical equipment management, resulting in decreased
costs. Linked devices provide for more efficient medication and clinical
equipment management, resulting in decreased costs.
Internet of Things-Integrated Remote Patient Monitoring System
Blunder Reduction: Data supplied by IoT devices aids in the development of strong
dynamic as well as the smooth operation of medical care tasks with fewer
mistakes, waste, and system expenditures.
Improved Treatment: Clinicians can base their judgments on evidence.
Because it collects massive amounts of data and raises concerns about data
security, the Internet of Things poses a significant challenge for medical service
providers. This data, on the other hand, may be utilized to improve patient well-being
and relationships while also raising income and enhancing medical care operations.
Being set up to outfit this digital army would be in a connected universe.
Despite advances in medical knowledge, there is still a paucity of remote monitoring
technologies for patients to use. Sensors are used for ECG monitoring, pressure,
weight, and heartbeat rate estimation; however, no remote monitoring is available.
Devices and apps have advanced thanks to the Internet of Things. The Internet of
Things infrastructure provides a platform for availability and innovation, allowing
intelligent gadgets to remotely check on people’s well-being and advise on medical
problems in an emergency. Although heart disease is the leading cause of death, the
consequences are permanent. This work describes a low-power remote system for
monitoring ECG, Heart Rate, SPO2, and Body Temperature, with effective results.
By combining advanced facilities, mobile apps, and the Internet of Things, the
Internet of Things is revolutionizing healthcare (IoT). IoT has been utilized in
many areas, including corporate, retail, government, and industrial, and it is now
being used in healthcare. The Internet of Things is a booming force for physicians,
researchers, patients, and insurers, and it is transforming how hospitals operate.
Healthcare is one of the most fascinating and difficult businesses to update using
IoT. The creation of IoT apps is also gaining pace in the healthcare business. This
work have been extended that the performances and various parameters of IoT
monitoring Patient system have been monitored and optimized using Multi-criteria
optimization techniques(Boopathi, 2019, 2021; Boopathi, Balasubramani, et al.,
2023; Boopathi, 2022e, 2022d, 2022a, 2022f, 2022b, 2022c; Boopathi et al., 2021,
2022; Gunasekaran et al., 2022; Janardhana, Anushkannan, et al., 2023; Trojovský
et al., 2023; Yupapin et al., 2023). To understand how technology is transforming
Internet of Things-Integrated Remote Patient Monitoring System
healthcare, it is critical to examine IoT market trends and expand the system to include
diverse categories such as home care patients, elderly patients, ICU patients, and
others. To decrease problems and increase security, remote monitoring health care
systems should be built with robust security and privacy safeguards.
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The integration of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) tools in smart manufacturing can significantly reduce environmental impacts. Traditional manufacturing practices often lead to resource consumption, energy usage, and waste generation. VR and AR technologies offer immersive experiences, enhance productivity, streamline training, and optimize design workflows. They reduce the need for physical prototypes and travel, reducing carbon emissions and resource consumption. AR overlays real-time information onto physical environments, empowering workers to make informed decisions, reducing errors and material waste. However, challenges like technological complexity, cost barriers, and workforce training remain. Collaboration among technology providers, policymakers, and industry stakeholders is crucial to maximize the sustainability impact of VR and AR in manufacturing. Governments can support adoption through regulatory frameworks, grants, subsidies, and knowledge-sharing platforms.
Blockchain technology has emerged as a transformative force in the healthcare sector, and this chapter explores the emerging applications of blockchain technology in the global healthcare system through a series of case studies. The case studies cover a wide range of use cases, such as electronic health records, clinical trials, patient privacy and consent management, pharmaceutical supply chain management, and medical research. The findings underscore the potential of blockchain to revolutionize healthcare by improving data security, enhancing transparency and accountability, enabling patient-centric care, and fostering collaboration among stakeholders. However, challenges such as scalability, privacy concerns, regulatory frameworks, and interoperability need to be addressed for widespread adoption. The chapter concludes with a call for further exploration and adoption of blockchain technology in healthcare to improve patient outcomes.
The chapter discusses the transformation of human resources (HR) in the era of Industry 5.0, highlighting the importance of digital HR implementation in driving business growth. It discusses the strategic integration of digital tools, analytics, and automation within HR functions to improve workforce agility, productivity, and engagement. This chapter discusses the benefits of digital HR solutions, including talent acquisition optimization, performance management enhancement, learning facilitation, and employee experience enrichment. It emphasizes the importance of organizational agility, change management, and continuous innovation for successful adoption. By aligning HR strategies with Industry 5.0 needs, businesses can drive sustainable growth, foster innovation, and maintain a competitive edge in the global marketplace.
This chapter delves into the adoption of cloud computing in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in mechanical engineering, highlighting its transformative potential. It discusses the benefits of cloud infrastructure, such as improved operational efficiency and innovation, but also addresses security and privacy challenges. The chapter provides strategies to mitigate these risks and emphasizes the importance of tailoring cloud solutions to meet the unique needs of SMEs. It also discusses the future of cloud technology, focusing on emerging trends and innovations. It also examines regulatory compliance and adherence strategies for a secure and compliant cloud integration journey. The chapter concludes with a comprehensive roadmap for SMEs in mechanical engineering, offering practical strategies, lessons learned, and a forward-looking perspective on the ever-evolving intersection of cloud computing and mechanical engineering.
Digital technology has revolutionized our lives, but it also presents a growing challenge: digital waste. This issue involves electronic, data, and obsolete devices, causing significant environmental and social consequences. To tackle this, a multi-faceted approach is needed, including ethical considerations, policy interventions, technological innovations, and consumer behavior change. Ethical frameworks, strengthened regulatory frameworks, eco-design, producer responsibility, and circular economy principles are essential. Industry best practices and technological innovations can reduce digital waste, while consumer education and behavior change initiatives encourage informed digital habits. Sustainable digital practices require a concerted effort from all stakeholders.
Machine learning (ML) has revolutionized various fields, including engineering, energy systems, and sustainability. This abstract explores the synergies between ML and these domains, focusing on its optimization in predictive maintenance, energy consumption efficiency, and smart grids. ML's role in renewable energy forecasting, building energy management, and materials science is also explored. It also highlights its impact on supply chain optimization, environmental monitoring, and sustainability assessments. The holistic approach extends to smart city initiatives and infrastructure development, paving the way for intelligent urban planning. ML enhances decision-making processes, enabling more resilient, efficient, and sustainable practices in engineering and energy systems. This exploration serves as a beacon for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers seeking innovative solutions at the intersection of ML, engineering, and sustainability.
The chapter examines how machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) could be used to solve environmental problems throughout the world. It emphasizes how crucial AI and ML are to optimizing energy distribution, including energy demand forecasting, improving smart grid performance, and incorporating renewable energy sources. The chapter also covers the use of AI and ML methods to sustainable agriculture, emphasizing predictive analytics for pest management, soil health monitoring, and precision farming. It highlights the effectiveness of resource use and encourages actions that are ecologically friendly. The chapter also covers ethical issues, societal ramifications, legal systems, and the synergies between energy and agricultural solutions. It imagines a day when advances led by AI and ML will be essential to a sustainable and environmentally balanced planet.
The global energy landscape is shifting towards sustainability due to environmental concerns and technological advancements. This transformation involves integrating renewable energy sources, smart grid technologies, and data-driven strategies to create modern sustainable power systems. Artificial intelligence (AI) is at the core of this transition, potentially revolutionizing electricity generation, distribution, and consumption. AI is transforming sustainable power systems by optimizing resource allocation, improving load forecasting, and enhancing grid management. Future trends include AI advancement, grid decentralization, and smart city integration. This chapter encourages further research and innovation in AI-powered sustainable power systems, promising a more efficient and resilient energy future.
The growth of digital infrastructure has necessitated the development of data centers, which require efficient cooling systems for reliable operation. This chapter delves into the complex world of cooling technologies, their challenges, and innovative solutions. It emphasizes the importance of efficient cooling in data centers, balancing efficiency and energy consumption, scalability, and environmental considerations. The chapter discusses various cooling systems, including traditional air cooling and advanced liquid cooling and phase-change solutions. It also highlights the use of advanced materials like graphene and carbon nanotubes for improved heat transfer and thermal management. The chapter also discusses the integration of Artificial Intelligence in cooling systems, enabling real-time monitoring and predictive analytics. The future of data center cooling will see continued innovations like modular data centers, rack-level cooling, and advanced free cooling strategies.
The integration of AI and IoT is revolutionizing the energy sector by improving efficiency and minimizing downtime in power plants. IoT sensors and smart grid technologies enhance transmission efficiency by real-time monitoring and power flow optimization. However, challenges like initial investment costs and skill requirements persist. Ethical considerations, data privacy, and equitable access are crucial for fully harnessing the potential of AI and IoT in the energy sector. This chapter synthesizes successful case studies, lessons learned, and future trends, emphasizing the pivotal role of AI and IoT in fostering innovation, optimizing energy systems, and driving the industry towards a cleaner, more sustainable energy landscape.
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In this research, the environment-friendly dry electrical discharge machining (EDM) process is investigated to improve the microhardness, surface finish, and white layer thickness of the machined surfaces using graphite-argon gas as a dielectric medium. The graphite powder, mixed with compressed argon gas, has been used to replace the existing dielectric medium in the EDM process. Gas pressure, discharge current, pulse width, and gap voltage were working as input parameters to reduce surface roughness and enhance the microhardness and white layer thickness. The Taguchi L16 orthogonal array isachieved by the maximum values of gas pressure (1.2 MPa), pulse width (160 µs), gap voltage (70 V) and discharge current (18 A). The SEM analysis had been done to reveal the white recast layer thickness and surface roughness of the machined surfaces of the dry EDM process. The SR is increased by the recast layer, pores, and microcracks on the machined surfaces. Finally, the multi-criteria optimization technique: Weight Product Method (WPM) is applied to predict optimum process parameter settings: GP: 1.2 MPa, PW: 120 µs, GV: 50 V, and DC: 18 A to meet the best machining performances (MH=493.32 HV, WLT= 14.28 µm, and SR= 3.82 µm). The validation tests were done to confirm the predicted results obtained by both the Taguchi and WSM methods.
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The agenda of this book chapter is to review existing technologies that aid societal health protection and recommend some possible approaches which will assist the mentioned scenario. Automations like big data and artificial intelligence (AI) deployed in healthcare sector can expedite pandemic response in ways that are strenuous to achieve all in all by humans. The sudden epiphany to trace COVID-19 in public has powered the innovation of data dashboards that visually unveil coronavirus epicentres. A cloud-based AI-assisted CT service is being engaged to differentiate pneumonia from the pandemic which dwindles risk factor in the present school of thought of the citizens worldwide. In conclusion, social health protection was an indispensable mechanism in prior to these challenging times and is escalating by prominence for delivering support to individuals during the crisis.
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In this chapter, the authors discuss the utilization of e-waste in the concrete for civil construction activities. Various tests have been used to investigate the effects of e-waste mixed with concrete. The various percentages of e-waste have been mixed with concrete to improve the strength of buildings. An e-waste concrete beam has a maximum tensile strength of 6.23 MPa under sulfuric curing conditions, and the highest flexural strength at 10% e-waste replacement during the hydrochloride curing process. The compressive strength is at its highest value when e-waste replaces 10% of it. After 28 days of curing, the concrete cylinder's maximum split tensile strength was 15%. Thus, the e-waste could be effectively utilized for civil construction purposes to reduce its environmental impacts.
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The additive manufacturing technology has been applied in various sectors: the manufacturing of industrial components, toys, medicine, medical-surgical instruments, and tissue engineering sectors. In the tissue engineering field, it has been intensively applied to make biomaterials, organs, and drugs. The fundamental procedures of the additive manufacturing process, the various additive manufacturing techniques, and advanced methods that have been applied in the making and synthesis of organs in the tissue engineering fields have been described. In this chapter, the computer-aided tissue modelling process, different fundamental and advanced biomaterials, and advanced scaffold manufacturing applications in emerging tissue engineering fields have been illustrated.
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In this chapter, the various sustainable development activities of hybrid floating solar photovoltaic (FSPV) technology with various emerging technologies are discussed. The basic principles, benefits, and important components of emerging FSPV techniques are illustrated. The developments of various environments, recent developments, classifications, and performance improvements by integrating various existing renewable energy resources have been elaborated. FSPV hybridization with hydro-power plants, hydro-storage, offshore, wave, and air energy storage are also demonstrated using ground-mounted, floating, and tracking integrated technologies.
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The main problem in developing reliable and economically feasible solutions for aquaponics is combining aquaculture (the farming of fish) and hydroponics (the growing of plants without soil). The purpose of this chapter is to aid in the development of a workable commercial aquaponics system. Additionally, it looks at the internet of things (IoT) and smart systems in the literature. For the purpose of real-time monitoring and physical system control in an aquaponics system, an application that uses digital twinning is created. A tool that models the relationship between crop size and fresh weight, and then estimates crop size as it grows, using image 106 Sustainable Development in Modern Aquaponics Cultivation Systems Using IoT Technologies