Conference PaperPDF Available

Predictions of Diabetes and Diet Recommendation System for Diabetic Patients using Machine Learning Techniques

  • Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University


Diabetes is a major metabolic disease that can seriously affect the whole human body. Nowadays, diabetes has become a common disease to mankind from young to old. The number of reported diabetic patients is escalating day by day, due to innumerable reasons toxic or chemical contents mixed with the food, obesity, working culture and bad diet plan, unusual life style, eating food habits and environmental factors. Hence, diagnosing of diabetes is essential to save the human lives. Machine Learning Techniques can be used to develop an efficient healthcare system to predict different type of diabetic diseases in advance. In this paper a Machine Learning Techniques is used for diagnosis of diabetes and recommended proper diet for diabetic Patient through Diet Recommendation System (DRS). The proper data analysis is used for the selection of proper diet for diabetic Patients.
Predictions of Diabetes and Diet Recommendation
System for Diabetic Patients using Machine Learning
Salliah Shafi Bhat
Gufran Ahmad Ansari
Department of Computer Applications
Department of Computer Applications
School of Computer Information and Mathematical Sciences
School of Computer Information and Mathematical Sciences
B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology
Chennai 600048, India
B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology
Chennai 600048, India
Abstract - Diabetes is a major metabolic disease that can
seriously affect the whole human body. Nowadays, diabetes has
become a common disease to mankind from young to old. The
number of reported diabetic patients is escalating day by day,
due to innumerable reasons toxic or chemical contents mixed
with the food, obesity, working culture and bad diet plan,
unusual life style, eating food habits and environmental factors.
Hence, diagnosing of diabetes is essential to save the human lives.
Machine Learning Techniques can be used to develop an efficient
healthcare system to predict different type of diabetic diseases in
advance. In this paper a Machine Learning Techniques is used
for diagnosis of diabetes and recommended proper diet for
diabetic Patient through Diet Recommendation System (DRS).
The proper data analysis is used for the selection of proper diet
for diabetic Patients.
Index Terms - Machine Learning, Patient, Prediction, Analysis,
Diet Recommendation System
Diabetes is rapidly growing nowadays in individuals,
particularly young people and become a major challenge for
the researcher, scientist and educationist [1]. The main reason
of diabetes is increase in the amount of sugar in the blood.
Diabetes can be divided into two classes. First class is known
as a type 1 and second class is diabetes type 2. The type 1
diabetes has been reported to be an autoimmune disorder,
where in the body prerequisites the cells that are involved
anthem production of insulin to consume sugar and produce
energy. This type can be controlled regardless of obesity.
Obesity is a rapid in body mass index (BMI) opposed to an
individual's typical BMI level [2]. Type 2 diabetes typically
affects obese people in middle or aged classes. This state is
characterized by a state where in, the body avoids insulin
production or fails to generate insulin. Some other causes of
diabetes are bacterial or viral infection, poisonous or chemical
food material, allergic reactions, poor health conditions,
hormonal problems feeding habits contamination of the
environment. Diabetes causes various disorders such as
cardiovascular disorder, liver failure, retinopathy and food
ulcers [3]. Diabetes can be modelled using mathematical
models. In order to develop better strategic and efficient
diabetes prediction In this paper Author uses a Machine
learning and data mining techniques.
Data analysis is a method of analysis and recognizing
hidden structures from voluminous quantity of data to extract
the information. Data analysis can be carried out in healthcare
systems to analyze medical data using Machine Learning
Techniques in order to build health care system for medical
diagnosis. Machine Learning is a type of Artificial Intelligence
(AI) that allows a system to procure responses by itself and
establish decision-making knowledge models by predicting the
unknown data. Machine learning algorithms are classified into
three main types: Semi- Supervised learning, unsupervised
learning and supervised learning. When human mind does not
exist, humans are unable to explain their understanding (speech
recognition) then the supervised learning algorithms is used.
The algorithms of supervised learning are categorized into
various groups, such as probability-based function-based, rule-
based, tree-based, etc. changes to the solution in time series
(computer process routing) and to the solution will be modified
based on the individual situations (user biometrics). Predictive
modelling is used in supervised learning which considers both
input and output data for training and execution processes
while the unsupervised learning acts as a cluster which
interprets data based only on the output
The unpredictable learning is the learning of the descriptive
form. The material is represented or outlined using this
instruction. Clustering, relation law mining and so on are
examples of unsupervised learning algorithms. The balance of
supervised and unsupervised is semi-supervised learning. In
this paper author proposed a health care system for predicting
and recommended a diet for the diabetes patients. In addition,
the supervised learning algorithm is used to learn information
about diabetes and to develop a diabetes prediction system for
diabetes diagnosis. Also is used pre-processing data set, feature
selection with Machine learning by using Age, Diagnosis
Duration, Diastolic Blood Pressure, Cholesterol level and
The rest of the paper as follows: Section II is as related
works. Section III presents the feature selection. Section IV
discusses about the machine learning model for diabetic
2021 2nd International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET)
Belgaum, India. May 21-23, 2021
978-1-7281-7029-9/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE
prediction. Section V is talks about result and discussion and
finally section VI ends with conclusion future work.
Khalil et al. evaluate the data mining techniques used in
medical data analysis, which are particularly used by
classification and regression tree (CART) algorithm to
diagnose locally recurrent diseases [3]. Zhao et al.
implemented a predictive method for subcutaneous glucose
concentration. The ideal proposed will forecast type 1 diabetes
mellitus [4]. Machine Learning is a well-established research
field in the domain of computer research that plays a vital role
in the growth of classification and predictive analysis system
[5]. Reducing the overall number of characteristics lowers the
average time taken for choosing applications [6]. The distance
between classifications is Euclidean, solution vectors are used
to improve the similarity measure, to enhance the reliability of
classification for the development of smart and intelligent
computing systems, and data mining algorithms are utilized to
achieve the desired conclusions [7, 8]. Some of the well-known
Machine learning algorithms are decision trees, random forest
algorithm, predictive, the data mining methods of statistical
data mining [9]. A supervised algorithm and focuses on
triggering models [10]. The models can be used for
classification and prediction [11]. The model is proposed to
address the problems in the specific measures of success that
exists in the predictive model [12]. It is possible to enforce a
local average classification based to solve the difficulties
arising in wide areas where the data bases are incomplete [13].
The National Statistics Article on Diabetes is a quarterly
publication of the diseases control and prevention center’s
(CDC) that gives beneficial change on diabetes in Patients with
diabetes for professionals audiences [14]. This requires details
on diabetes prevalence and occurrence, pre-diabetes, Acute and
long term complications, risk factors, death and investments
[15]. An approximate of 33.9% in the U.S, aged people had
pre-diabetes(84.1) million people cantered on their level of
fasting glucose, Pre-diabetes was observed in almost half (48.3
percent) of adults aged 65 years or over. Diabetes is considered
as a major cause of death in USA[16]. Area of secured wireless
body network facilitates the creation of a predictive analysis
framework in healthcare [17]. With the increase in social
networking sites the Internet of Things and other data sources
that manage the immense amount of data remain a tough
assignment. It is obvious from literature that an intellectual ,
effective and efficient cloud based cluster model can manage
the immense amount of data [18]. Neural Networks can be
used to manage for mining the secrets, genetic algorithm works
better with patterns [19]. Instead of the abundance of massive
amounts of distributed computing based data from various data
sources, the cluster, along with the cloud framework, supports
powerful data processing. Diwani et al. reviewed the
applications of data mining in health care technology using
data mining techniques. Data mining is techniques to discover
information in databases (KDD) and to visualize data. In
addition, text diagnostic evidence and optical visual images
like X-rays and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) are used
for the treatment of illness detection. Darcy A. Davis suggested
data mining as a tool used to discover information in databases
(KDD) and to visualize data. In addition, text diagnostic
evidence and optical visual images such as X-rays and
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are used for the treatment
of illness detection. Ansari G. A. propose a model of Adoptive
Medical Diagnosis System (AMDS) using Expert System (ES)
and explain in a very simple and clear way that how model is
helpful for the patients that infected with common diseases[20,
To increase the performance of algorithm classification
collection of feature is used of meaningless and redundant data
such as ability. In the care of diabetes attributes are usually
collected but only one a tiny number are used i.e. the clinicians
are regularly practicing of special feature selection. Being an
issue in the modern world a large number of noisy and
irrelevant redundant, features are included in the data and for
the blood glucose control prediction data collected is not
satisfied the requirement and a lot of irrelevant information was
collected with the data which is shown the Table: 1. The data
set structure which has 11 attributes is shown in Table:1 and
the attributes name are Age, Diagnosis Duration, Diastolic
Blood Pressure, Cholesterol level, Hemoglobin, Plasma
Glucose concentration, Body Mass Index(BMI),Triceps
Skinfold thickness, Diabetes Pedigree Function, Serum Insulin,
Diabetes Diagnose results(“tested positive, tested
negative”).Plasma Glucose Concentration it is used in an oral
Glucose tolerance, Triceps skin fold thickness is a value used
for body fat measurement ,calculated on the right arm halfway
between the elbow olecran on process the scapula process
while as serum insulin it is the harmone that helps you to move
the sugar known as glucose etc. By using these parameters we
take some of the attributes from the Table: 1. that will identify
the Diagnosis Duration and in future we planned to focus the
diabetic patients based on (Age, Cholesterol level, Diagnosis
Duration, Hemoglobin, Diastolic Blood pressure ) which
provides and summaries of Mean, standard deviation of some
attributes as shown in Table: 2
Patient Body Parameters
Good Control
Diagnosis Duration (Years)
Hemoglobin (HBA1C)
Diastolic Blood Pressure
Cholesterol Levels
In Table 2: Researcher select the important attributes from
the Table1: like (Age, Diagnosis Duration, Diastolic Blood
Pressure, Cholesterol level, Hemoglobin) by using these
parameters in Table 2, and provides the summaries of mean
and standard deviation of selected attributes.
Fig. 1. Comparison of attribute: a). the result obtained with good control b)
the result obtained with the bad control
In the Fig.1: Researcher compares the attributes with good
control and result is obtained and the when the result is
obtained in the bad control it explains the distribution of mean
glucose level on the basis of Age, Diagnosis Duration,
Hemoglobin, Diabetic Blood pressure, Cholesterol level by
using the mean standard deviation during this bionic period all
the Patients have a Glucose level in a good control and then
the result obtained in second time the mean and standard
deviation is bad in control of sugar level.
The given model below Fig. 2: provide the complete
prediction process for diabetic patients. It also shows the
Machine Learning Techniques of diabetic prediction for the
patients Hospital Management system. The model has two
main components: Hospital Management System and patients
Fig. 2. Machine Learning Model For Diabetic Patients
In Fig. 2: Patient come to Hospital and register all the
information like Patients Body Parameter, Glucose level,
Cholesterol level, Patients data base, Patients attributes i.e.,
Type1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes etc. After that we select
the attributes and applying Clustering, Machine Learning
Techniques. If result comes negative we store the data device
and inform the patient you don’t have diabetes and Patient
don’t need any diabetic treatment. The mobile devices store our
result and provide an update of Patients activity like food type,
medication, and treatment updates, Control of events, CGMS.
Any emergency related to update or feedback is also provided
through a smart phone and acted accordingly. Initially, in the
data, the diabetes dataset is generated. Then if our result comes
positive we go for lab units and recommended diet and
treatment for patients. In addition, diabetes is projected using
the Learning model for a person's medical record or results.
A. Activityt Chart of Diabeties Prediction and Diet Plan
Fig. 3. Activity Chart Of Diabeties Prediction and Diet Plan
Patient come to Hospital and register his\her information
into Hospital Management System(HSM)And the information
is store in patients database. From the patients database we
select the Patients body attributes and after that we apply the
feature selection techniques on the Patients body attributes by
applying Machine Learning Techniques to analyse the result
whether the patient is diabetic or not .If the result comes
Negative then no need to inform the patient .If it comes
positive that is to be checked what type of diabetes the patient
have based on that we will prescribe and Recommend the
patient and the patient has to follow the diet plan otherwise
he\she has to stop.
It illustrates the accuracy of the diabetes dataset Machine
Learning algorithms like (Decision tree, Random Forest and
Navies base) with respect to multiple research methods
(precision, recall, F_measure, and accuracy) with pre-
processing method (WPP) and without pre-processing method
(WOPP) as shown in Table3. Table3 also displays the
performance of diabetes dataset Machine Learning algorithms
(NB, ML, and PRF) with respect to various research methods
(FCV, PS, UTD) with and without pre-processing method
(WPP) and without pre-processing method (WOPP). It is
reported that the PS research system achieves greater precision
relative to other techniques without a pre-processing method
for the NB Machine Learning algorithm. In comparison, the
pre-processing approach boosts the performance of the NB
Machine Learning algorithm. In addition the pre-processing
approach improves the performance of the NB Machine
Learning algorithm's performance. In comparison, with the
exception of the UTD test step, the pre-processing method
improves the precision of the MLP Machine Learning
algorithm. The UTD test system provides greater accuracy for
the RF Machine learning algorithm relative to other approaches
without pre-processing method. Moreover, with the exception
of the FCV evaluation approach, the pre-processing method
improves the precision of the RF Machine Learning algorithm.
Fig. 4: shows comparative analysis of Machine Learning
techniques. The pre-processing methodology generates greater
average precision for NB.
Decision Tree
Naive Bayes
Precision (%)
Recall (%)
F_Measure (%)
Accuracy (%)
For diabetes awareness, this paper suggested a diabetes
prediction technique. In order to construct the Machine
learning model for the detection of diabetes, various Machine
learning algorithms are used, Namely probabilistic-based naive
Bayes (NB), function-based multilayer perception (MLP),
decision tree-based Random Forests (RF) have been used. In
addition, the Machine Learning model is evaluated with
various test methods, such as 10-fold cross validation (FCV),
66 percent (PS) percentage break, and the use of training
dataset (UTD) to assess the accuracy of the Machine Learning
model’s results. In order to improve the model’s precision the
pre-processing approach is used. The pre-processing approach
is adopted to improve the accuracy of the model. The
processing technique of the Machine learning algorithm is in
two situations. Compared to other Machine learning techniques
and the pre-processing approach, generates greater overall
precision for Navies Bayes method. In our future the
intensification is to be done with this work for better the
performance. Feature extraction and selection is one of the
important key factors for the classifications in the future work
we need to look over the feature extraction and selection for
superior classification. We planned to focus on diabetes
patients based on cholesterol level, Blood pressure and
Hemoglobin. It can be perceived that the disease has several
other unidentified causes.
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... Bond et al. [47] provide personalized interventions, assisting disease prevention and management and addressing ethical and regulatory concerns. Bhat and Ansari [48] were able to create machine learning techniques to predict diabetes and recommend proper diets for diabetic patients. The authors emphasize the importance of data analysis in healthcare, and they were able to present a model for diabetic prediction and diet recommendation. ...
... Food recognition is more effective when it follows dietary assessment because it facilitates the user's decision on food choices and considers user expectations and requirements after the evaluation. Furthermore, patients with specific medical conditions can use AI techniques for disease-predictive modeling, diagnosis, and monitoring [42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52]. The application of AI aims to prevent and control disease development in the human body from a nutritional perspective. ...
... Furthermore, applying deep learning algorithms to predict serum PLP concentration solely based on dietary intake reveals the importance of AI in nutrition assessment and disease prevention. All these studies collectively suggest that AI can reshape clinical nutrition in the future, offering personalized interventions and predictive capabilities for disease prevention and management [42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49]. ...
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In industry 4.0, where the automation and digitalization of entities and processes are fundamental, artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly becoming a pivotal tool offering innovative solutions in various domains. In this context, nutrition, a critical aspect of public health, is no exception to the fields influenced by the integration of AI technology. This study aims to comprehensively investigate the current landscape of AI in nutrition, providing a deep understanding of the potential of AI, machine learning (ML), and deep learning (DL) in nutrition sciences and highlighting eventual challenges and futuristic directions. A hybrid approach from the systematic literature review (SLR) guidelines and the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines was adopted to systematically analyze the scientific literature from a search of major databases on artificial intelligence in nutrition sciences. A rigorous study selection was conducted using the most appropriate eligibility criteria, followed by a methodological quality assessment ensuring the robustness of the included studies. This review identifies several AI applications in nutrition, spanning smart and personalized nutrition, dietary assessment, food recognition and tracking, predictive modeling for disease prevention, and disease diagnosis and monitoring. The selected studies demonstrated the versatility of machine learning and deep learning techniques in handling complex relationships within nutritional datasets. This study provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of AI applications in nutrition sciences and identifies challenges and opportunities. With the rapid advancement in AI, its integration into nutrition holds significant promise to enhance individual nutritional outcomes and optimize dietary recommendations. Researchers, policymakers, and healthcare professionals can utilize this research to design future projects and support evidence-based decision-making in AI for nutrition and dietary guidance.
... The literature shows various studies that investigated type 2 diabetes, including genes and other factors [9], [19], [20], Those studies stated that individual behaviors are considered one of the main factors that may profoundly contribute to prediabetes and type 2 diabetes, including exercise, exertion, sleep quality [21], and dietary intake that led to poor glucose regulation in the blood [22]. In addition, biometrics can be used to assess some parameters that contribute to predicting type 2 diabetes (T2D), such as weight, body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, blood cholesterol, and blood sugar [22]. ...
... The literature shows various studies that investigated type 2 diabetes, including genes and other factors [9], [19], [20], Those studies stated that individual behaviors are considered one of the main factors that may profoundly contribute to prediabetes and type 2 diabetes, including exercise, exertion, sleep quality [21], and dietary intake that led to poor glucose regulation in the blood [22]. In addition, biometrics can be used to assess some parameters that contribute to predicting type 2 diabetes (T2D), such as weight, body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, blood cholesterol, and blood sugar [22]. All the discussed causes that led to diabetes occurrence are required to be controlled through a focus on predicting the incidence likelihood of diabetes based on individual behaviors and biometrics [22], [23]. ...
... In addition, biometrics can be used to assess some parameters that contribute to predicting type 2 diabetes (T2D), such as weight, body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, blood cholesterol, and blood sugar [22]. All the discussed causes that led to diabetes occurrence are required to be controlled through a focus on predicting the incidence likelihood of diabetes based on individual behaviors and biometrics [22], [23]. ...
... However, consulting with a nutritionist can often be timeconsuming and require additional funds, making it less accessible. Previous studies have attempted to develop diet recommendation systems by training various artificial intelligence (AI) models on the massive food-related data available [4,5,12,13,20,21]. While some studies focus on dietary recommendation systems targeting specific audiences (e.g., dietary planning for people with certain health con- * Corresponding Author. ...
... Email: ditions [5,21] or age groups [4,20]), few studies target a broader audience [12,13]. ...
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Driven by the abundance of biomedical publications, we introduce a sentiment analysis task to understand food-health relationship. Prior attempts to incorporate health into recipe recommendation and analysis systems have primarily focused on ingredient nutritional components or utilized basic computational models trained on curated labeled data. Enhanced models that capture the inherent relationship between food ingredients and biomedical concepts can be more beneficial for food-related research, given the wealth of information in biomedical texts. Considering the costly data labeling process, these models should effectively utilize both labeled and unlabeled data. This paper introduces Entity Relationship Sentiment Analysis (ERSA), a new task that captures the sentiment of a text based on an entity pair. ERSA extends the widely studied Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) task. Specifically, our study concentrates on the ERSA task applied to biomedical texts, focusing on (entity-entity) pairs of biomedical and food concepts. ERSA poses a significant challenge compared to traditional sentiment analysis tasks, as sentence sentiment may not align with entity relationship sentiment. Additionally, we propose CERM, a semi-supervised architecture that combines different word embeddings to enhance the encoding of the ERSA task. Experimental results showcase the model’s efficiency across diverse learning scenarios.
... Salliah Shafi Bhat and Gufran Ahmed Ansari [9] use a machine learning technique to detect diabetes and recommend a healthy diet for diabetic patients using a diet recommendation system (DRS). Numerous machine learning approaches, such as the probabilisticbased naive Bayes (NB), the function-based multilayer perception (MLP), and the decision tree-based Random Forests (RF), are used to develop the machine learning model for the diagnosis of diabetes. ...
... Bhat et al. [9] proposed a Diet Recommendation System (DRS) that uses ML techniques for diabetes diagnosis and diet recommendation. They developed a healthcare system that could predict and recommend diets for diabetic patients. ...
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The subject matter of this research revolves around addressing the escalating global health threat posed by cardiovascular diseases, which have become a leading cause of mortality in recent times. The goal of this study was to develop a comprehensive diet recommendation system tailored explicitly for cardiac patients. The primary task of this study is to assist both medical practitioners and patients in developing effective dietary strategies to counter heart-related ailments. To achieve this goal, this study leverages the capabilities of machine learning (ML) to extract valuable insights from extensive datasets. This approach involves creating a sophisticated diet recommendation framework using diverse ML techniques. These techniques are meticulously applied to analyze data and identify optimal dietary choices for individuals with cardiac concerns. In pursuit of actionable dietary recommendations, classification algorithms are employed instead of clustering. These algorithms categorize foods as "heart-healthy" or "not heart-healthy," aligned with cardiac patients’ specific needs. In addition, this study delves into the intricate dynamics between different food items, exploring interactions such as the effects of combining protein- and carbohydrate-rich diets. This exploration serves as a focal point for in-depth data mining, offering nuanced perspectives on dietary patterns and their impact on heart health. The method used central to the diet recommendation system is the implementation of the Neural Random Forest algorithm, which serves as the cornerstone for generating tailored dietary suggestions. To ensure the system’s robustness and accuracy, a comparative assessment involving other prominent ML algorithms—namely Random Forest, Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machine, and Decision Tree, was conducted. The results of this analysis underscore the superiority of the proposed -based system, demonstrating higher overall accuracy in delivering precise dietary recommendations compared with its counterparts. In conclusion, this study introduces an advanced diet recommendation system using ML, with the potential to notably reduce cardiac disease risk. By providing evidence-based dietary guidance, the system benefits both healthcare professionals and patients, showcasing the transformative capacity of ML in healthcare. This study underscores the significance of meticulous data analysis in refining dietary decisions for individuals with cardiac conditions.
Microneedles (MNs) are micron-scale needles that are a painless alternative to injections for delivering drugs through the skin. MNs find applications as biosensing devices and could serve as real-time diagnosis tools. There have been numerous fabrication techniques employed for producing quality MN-based systems, prominent among them is the three-dimensional (3D) printing. 3D printing enables the production of quality MNs of tuneable characteristics using a variety of materials. Further, the possible integration of artificial intelligence (AI) tools such as machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) with 3D printing makes it an indispensable tool for fabricating microneedles. Provided that these AI tools can be trained and act with minimal human intervention to control the quality of products produced, there is also a possibility of mass production of MNs using these tools in the future. This work reviews the specific role of AI in the 3D printing of MN-based devices discussing the use of AI in predicting drug release patterns, its role as a quality control tool, and in predicting the biomarker levels. Additionally, the autonomous 3D printing of microneedles using an integrated system of the internet of things (IoT) and machine learning (ML) is discussed in brief. Different categories of machine learning including supervised learning, semi-supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforced learning have been discussed in brief. Lastly, a brief section is dedicated to the biosensing applications of MN-based devices.
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A branch of artificial intelligence called Machine Learning (ML) enables machines to learn without having to be emphatically instructed. Machine Learning Techniques (MLT) have been used to forecast a variety of chronic diseases in the healthcare sector. Improvement in clinical approaches is necessary for early diabetes prediction to prevent complications and prolong the diagnosis of diabetes. Diabetes is growing fast in this world. In this paper MLT based Framework is recommended for early prediction of Diabetes Mellitus (DM). In this Paper the authors make use of PIDD data set. Different MLTs are used including Support Vector Classification (SVC), Logistic Regression (LR), K Nearest Neighbor (KNN) and Random Forest (RF). Data analysis is the first step in our method after which the information is transferred for data pre-processing and feature selection methods. RF performed better than other models with a 92.85 % accuracy rate followed by SVC (91.5%), LR (83.11) and KNN (89.6). K-fold cross-validation technique is utilized to verify the outcomes. The contribution of lifestyle characteristics is calculated using a feature engineering process. As a result, comprehensive overall comparative assessments of all the algorithms are performed taking into account variables such as accuracy, precision, sensitivity, recall, F1 score and ROC-AUC. The medical field can use the proposed framework to make early diabetes predictions. Additionally, it can be applied to other datasets that have data in common with diabetes.
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Diabetes during pregnancy increases the risk for adverse maternal and infant health outcomes. Type 1 or type 2 diabetes diagnosed before pregnancy (preexisting diabetes) increases infants' risk for congenital anomalies, stillbirth, and being large for gestational age (1). Diabetes that develops and is diagnosed during the second half of pregnancy (gestational diabetes) increases infants' risk for being large for gestational age (1) and might increase the risk for childhood obesity (2); for mothers, gestational diabetes increases the risk for future type 2 diabetes (3). In the United States, prevalence of both preexisting and gestational diabetes increased from 2000 to 2010 (4,5). Recent state-specific trends have not been reported; therefore, CDC analyzed 2012-2016 National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) birth data. In 2016, the crude national prevalence of preexisting diabetes among women with live births was 0.9%, and prevalence of gestational diabetes was 6.0%. Among 40 jurisdictions with continuously available data from 2012 through 2016, the age- and race/ethnicity-standardized prevalence of preexisting diabetes was stable at 0.8% and increased slightly from 5.2% to 5.6% for gestational diabetes. Preconception care and lifestyle interventions before, during, and after pregnancy might provide opportunities to control, prevent, or mitigate health risks associated with diabetes during pregnancy.
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We analyzed molecular data on 2,579 tumors from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) of four gynecological types plus breast. Our aims were to identify shared and unique molecular features, clinically significant subtypes, and potential therapeutic targets. We found 61 somatic copy-number alterations (SCNAs) and 46 significantly mutated genes (SMGs). Eleven SCNAs and 11 SMGs had not been identified in previous TCGA studies of the individual tumor types. We found functionally significant estrogen receptor-regulated long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) and gene/lncRNA interaction networks. Pathway analysis identified subtypes with high leukocyte infiltration, raising potential implications for immunotherapy. Using 16 key molecular features, we identified five prognostic subtypes and developed a decision tree that classified patients into the subtypes based on just six features that are assessable in clinical laboratories.
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The need of individual finance has been developing quickly as of late, and along these lines enormous quantities of purchasers’ the credit information are gathered by the bureau of credit that are tied up with the money related division. The individual finance scoring chief frequently assesses the buyer’s credit with instinctive experience. Be that as it may, with the support of the credit grouping model, the chief can precisely assess the candidate’s money related score. Data mining (DM) is turning out to be deliberately vital range for some business associations including budgetary sectoring segment. It is a procedure of breaking down the information from different points of view and outlining it into important data. This study utilized three techniques to develop the cross breed bolster vector machine-based individual finance score models to assess the candidate’s close to home back score from the candidate’s information highlights. Two distinctive acknowledge datasets are chosen as the exploratory information to exhibit the precision of the support vector machine (SVM) classifier of DM. Contrasted and neural systems, genetic programming, and decision tree classifiers, the SVM classifier of DM accomplished an indistinguishable classificatory precision with moderately little information highlights. Also, consolidating genetic algorithms (GAs) with SVM classifier of DM gives the propelled approach. The proposed novel amalgam (NA)-SVM–GA, for recognizing the individual back score alongside money related trick discovery. Test comes about demonstrate that SVM classifier of DM is a promising expansion to the current techniques.
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To ensure highest security in handheld devices, biometric authentication has emerged as a reliable methodology. Deployment of mobile biometric authentication struggles due to computational complexity. For a fast response from a mobile biometric authentication method, it is desired that the feature extraction and matching should take least time. In this article, the periocular region captured through frontal camera of a mobile device is considered under investigation for its suitability to produce a reduced feature that takes least time for feature extraction and matching. A recently developed feature Phase Intensive Local Pattern (PILP) is subjected to reduction giving birth to a feature termed as Reduced PILP (R-PILP), which yields a matching time speed-up of 1.56 times while the vector is 20% reduced without much loss in authentication accuracy. The same is supported by experiment on four publicly available databases. The performance is also compared with one global feature: Phase Intensive Global Pattern, and three local features: Scale Invariant Feature Transform, Speeded-up Robust Features, and PILP. The amount of reduction can be varied with the requirement of the system. The amount of reduction and the performance of the system bears a trade-off. Proposed R-PILP attempts to make periocular suitable for mobile devices.
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Nowadays, many business organizations face many challenges in their business environments. Most of the organizations have moved their business process from manual process to computerized process. To improve business activity and process efficiency. A number of studies point out the fact that software modeling has become the main concern of most of business organizations. The research on software modeling is still evolving. Moreover, the modeling of every business process is important to develop good software and design modeling and should not be ignored by the organization. This paper proposes a UML model for E-procurement System and implement model with the Data Mining technique. This model can be used to find the best suppliers for the organization. In this paper Activity diagram, Use Case diagram and Sequence diagram are designed.
Medical diagnosis expert system application is mainly developed to diagnose the probable disease of a user depending upon the symptoms the user has provided. This application also determines the location of the hospitals, clinics and diagnostic centers. The application also offers to deliver the medicines to the user on order to the location of the user.
Research and industrial interest in radical C–H activation/radical cross-coupling chemistry has continuously grown over the past few decades. These reactions offer fascinating and unconventional approaches toward connecting molecular fragments with high atom- and step-economy that are often complementary to traditional methods. Success in this area of research was made possible through the development of photocatalysis and first-row transition metal catalysis along with the use of peroxides as radical initiators. This Review provides a brief and concise overview of the current status and latest methodologies using radicals or radical cations as key intermediates produced via radical C–H activation. This Review includes radical addition, radical cascade cyclization, radical/radical cross-coupling, coupling of radicals with M–R groups, and coupling of radical cations with nucleophiles (Nu).
Twitter is a popular social networking site allowing users to read/post messages (tweets). Among the topic varieties, people in Twitter express sentiments for brands, stars, merchandises, and social events. Hence, it draws attention to assess a crowd’s sentiments in Twitter. Tweets classify a target’s sentiments as positive, negative or neutral. Individuals comment on many entities (or targets) in a tweet, thereby affecting availabilities for current methods. This is beneficial for clients who explore products sentiment before acquisition, or corporations wanting to check public sentiment of their products. This work proposes a new Twitter Sentiment Classification algorithm using novel feature selection technique with ensemble classifier through a meta-heuristic algorithm. Feature vectors are represented using binary encoding and a novel transfer function to flip encoding bits using shuffled frog meta-heuristic algorithm is proposed. To evaluate the new algorithm, Twitter corpus from Stanford University is used.