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Reinforcement Learning Based Routing Protocols Analysis for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks


Abstract and Figures

Energy consumption and maximize lifetime routing in Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANETs) is one of the most important issues. In our paper, we compare a global routing approach with a local routing approach both using reinforcement learning to maximize lifetime routing. We first propose a global routing algorithm based on reinforcement learning algorithm called Q-learning then we compare his results with a local routing algorithm called AODV-SARSA. Average delivery ratio, End to end delay and Time to Half Energy Depletion are used like metrics to compare both approach.
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Reinforcement Learning Based Routing Protocols
Analysis for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
Global Routing versus Local Routing
Redha Mili1 and Salim Chikhi2
1&2 Constantine 2 Abdelhamid Mehri University, Constantine, Algeria
MISC Laboratory
Abstract. Energy consumption and maximize lifetime routing in Mobile Ad
hoc Network (MANETs) is one of the most important issues.
In our paper, we compare a global routing approach with a local routing
approach both using reinforcement learning to maximize lifetime routing.
We first propose a global routing algorithm based on reinforcement learning
algorithm called Q-learning then we compare his results with a local routing
algorithm called AODV-SARSA.
Average delivery ratio, End to end delay and Time to Half Energy Depletion
are used like metrics to compare both approach.
Keywords: Reinforcement Learning, Ad-Hoc Network, MANETs, Energy
AODV, Q-learning.
1 Introduction
In Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) [1] the End to End delay, the delivery Rate,
the Network lifetime and the energy consumption are indicators of a good network man-
agement and a good offered quality of service. In order to satisfy the strict requirements
of these parameters, MANET nodes must deal with routing in an efficient and adaptive
Indeed, the routing protocol must perform efficiently in mobile environments; it must
be able to adapt automatically to the high mobility, the dynamic network topology and
link changes. Simple rules are not enough to extend lifetime of the network.
Hence, Reinforcement learning (RL) [2] methods can be used to control both packet
routing decisions and node mobility.
Energy efficient routing is a real challenge and may be the most important design
criteria for MANETs since mobile nodes will be powered by batteries with different and
limited capacity.
Generally, MANETs routing protocol using reinforcement learning can be classified
in two different approaches: Global Routing and Local Routing.
This paper presents a performances evaluation comparison between the designed
Global Routing protocols EQ-AODV (Energy Q-Learning AODV), with AODV-
SARSA which is a Local Routing protocol using reinforcement leaning.
The EQ-AODV protocol that we present in this paper is hybridization between
AODV (Ad hoc On Demand Distance Vector) [3] and the reinforcement learning algo-
rithm Q-Learning [4].
The remainder of the paper is organizing as follow. In section II, we discuss the re-
lated work covering adaptive energy aware routing in MANETs. In section III we give
a general description of the protocol EQ-AODV. We present in section IV a performance
evaluation comparison between EQ-AODV and AODV-SARSA. In this simulation we
captured several metrics: Lifetime, battery energy, thus, the End to End Delay and De-
livery Rate. Finally, Section V concludes the paper.
2 Energy Aware Routing in MANETs
Maximum lifetime-routing protocols perform energy aware routes discovery in two
different ways, namely [5-6] Global Routing and Local Routing. In this section, we sur-
vey related work on modeling routing behavior in ad hoc networks. Most of these papers
are intelligent routing based, they combines well-known routing algorithms with well-
known learning techniques.
2.1 Global Routing Protocol
In Global Routing, all mobile nodes participate in the route discovery process by
forwarding RREQ (Route Request) packets. Subsequently, discovered paths are evalu-
ated according an energy-aware metric either by source or destination nodes.
In [7], the concept is in the time delay route request sent by each node. In fact, a node
holds the RREQ packet for some time; this time is inversely proportional to its residual
battery energy. Hence, paths with nodes that are poor in energy will have minimal chance
to be chosen.
In [8], author aims to maximize the nodes lifetime while minimizing the energy con-
sumption. Every source node runs the first-visit ONMC RL algorithm in order to choose
the best path based on three main parameters: The minimum- energy path, the maxmin
residual battery path, and the minimum-cost path.
Like work in [8], authors in [9] choose also to combine the routing protocol with RL
algorithm. First they modeled the issue as a sequential decision making problem, then,
they show how to map routing into a reinforcement learning problem involving a par-
tially observable Markov decision process.
[10] This paper presents a new algorithm called Energy-Aware Span Routing Pro-
tocol (EASRP) that uses energy-saving approaches such as Span and the Adaptive Fi-
delity Energy Conservation Algorithm (AFECA) [11]. Energy consumption is further
optimized by using a hardware circuit called the Remote Activated Switch (RAS) to
wake up sleeping nodes. These energy-saving approaches are well-established in reac-
tive protocols.
However, there are certain issues to be addressed when using EASRP in a hybrid
protocol, especially a proactive protocol.
2.2 Local Routing Protocol
In Local Routing, each intermediate node, according to its energy-profile, makes its
own decision in order:
To participate or not in routes-discovery,
To delay EQ-forwarding, or,
To eventually adjust its EQ-forwarding rate.
The routing model proposed in [12] gives nodes two possible modes of behavior: to
cooperate (forward packets) or to defect (drop packets).
In [13], each node j forwards packets with a probability µj. When a packet is sent,
each node computes the current equilibrium strategy and uses it as the forwarding prob-
ability. Also, a punishment mechanism is proposed where nodes decrease their forward-
ing probabilities, when someone deviates from the equilibrium strategy.
Despite the proven effectiveness of these works, authors in [14-15] offer other effi-
cient routing techniques by applying Reinforcement Learning to enable each node to
learn appropriate forwarding rate reflecting its willingness to participate in routes dis-
covery process.
In [16] authors propose a dynamic fuzzy energy state based AODV (DFES-AODV)
routing protocol for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) where during route discov-
ery phase, each node uses a Mamdani fuzzy logic system (FLS) to decide its Route
Requests (RREQs) forwarding probability.
Unlike work in [16], Fuzzy Logic System (FLS) was used in [17] for adjusting the
willingness parameter in OLSR protocol. Decisions made at each mobile node by the
FLS take into account its remaining energy and its expected residual lifetime.
Authors in [18] propose a new intelligent routing protocol for MANET based on
the combination of Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) technique with an intel-
ligent method, namely, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Set (IFSS) which reduces uncertainty
related to the mobile node and offers energy efficient route.
MCDM technique used in this paper is based on entropy and Preference Ranking
Organization Method for Enrichment of Evaluations-II (PROMETHEE-II) method to
determine efficient route.
3 Proposed Protocol Design
To maximize lifetime of network, we present in this section a reactive protocol called
EQ-AODV (Energy Q-learning AODV protocol) using reinforcement learning algo-
Based on the original AODV [4], EQ-AODV is an enhanced routing protocol that use
Q-learning algorithm [3] to achieve whole network link status information from local
communication and change routes preemptively using the information so learned.
In our approach, the network was modeled as a Markov decision processes (MDP)
as described in [19] (Fig. 1)
Fig. 1. AODV as a Markov Decision Process
We see clearly two new values Qmax and R added to the original AODV. Respec-
tively, the best Q-value extract from the routing table of neighbor which sends RREQ or
RREP, and the reward R calculated at each RREQ and RREP reception based on Energy.
Before gives the proposed RL model, let’s do a comparison between AODV-SARSA
[6] and EQ-AODV:
Table 1. Comparison between AODV-SARSA and EQ-AODV
Comparison Criterions
Global Vs Local routing
Set of states
Residual Lifetime % (RT)
Set of actions
Ratio of RREQs forward
RREQ (Route Request)
Reward Regime
Average of Drain Rates
Residual Lifetime (RT)
The RL model proposed in this article can be described as follows:
3.1 The Set of States
Each node in the network is considered as a state. The set of all nodes is the state
space. Each node:
Calculates the reward R,
Calculates Q-value with neighbors,
Selects the next hop that it should forward packets.
3.2 The Set of Actions
The action can be equivalent to a packet being delivered from one node to its neigh-
bor. The set of neighbor changes due to mobility of nodes. Each node only needs to
select its best next hop. The metric used by AODV to choose the best next hop is hop-
count. In EQ-AODV, the best next hop is based on the estimation of Q-value from origin
to destination based on the Q-Learning algorithm.
3.3 Reward
To calculate our Q-Value for destination, we chose a reward signal based on Drate
value (Energy Drain Rate) and the Residual Energy of node. Drate is calculated using
the exponential moving average method [20]:
       (1)
 and  indicate, respectively, the old and the newly calcu-
lated energy drain rate values. More priority should be attributed to the current drain rate
value using weighting factor. To measure the energy drain rate per second, each node
monitors its energy consumption during a T seconds sampling interval [20].
We use the result of  with RE (Residual Energy) to calculate the RT (Resid-
ual Lifetime) who is considered like our reward:
  
 (2)
3.4 RL Algorithm
We chose Q-Learning algorithm [4]. One of the most popular and we define an ex-
perience-tuple: (st, at, Rt, st+1, at+1) summarizing a single transition for the RL-agent in
its environment. Where:
st is the state before the transition,
at is the taken action,
Rt is the immediate reward,
St+1 is the resulting state,
and at+1 is the chosen action at the next time step t+1.
Let [0, 1] and [0, 1] be the learning rate and the discount factor, respectively.
The Action- value function Q(s, a), estimates the expected future reward to the agent
when it performs a given action in a given state and following the learned policy .
Algorithm. Q-Learning algorithm
Initialize Q(s,a);
Initialize s ;
Repeat for each time-step
Choose an action a using
Take a
Observe the reward r and the state s
Update Q(s ,a ) : Q(s ,a ) Q(s ,a )+(r+(s ,a )-(s ,a ))
Until the terminal state is reached
In this paper, we assume that the Q-Learning is distributed and each node has a part
of Q(s, a) table with Neighbors.
4 Experiments Results and Discussion
In this section, we first describe the simulation environment used in our study and
then discuss the results in detail. Our simulations are implemented in Network Simulator
(NS-2) [21]. At this level of our study, we discuss the results of both EQ-AODV and
In brief, simulation parameters were set as illustrated in Table2.
Table 2. Simulation Parameters Setting
Simulation parameter
Network Scale
Simulation Time
Number of nodes
Mobility Model
Random Way Point
Pause time
Traffic Type
Connections Number
Packets Transmission Rate
4 Packets/s
Initial Energy
10 joules
Transmission Power
0,6 Watt
Reception Power
0,3 Watt
T Sampling Interval
Learning rate
Discount factor
To evaluate performance of EQ-AODV, we compare the EQ-AODV algorithm with
AODV-SARSA, using the following metrics:
Delivery Rate: the ratio of packets reaching the destination node to the total packets
generated at the source node.
Average End-to-End Delay: the interval time between sending by the source node
and receiving by the destination node, which includes the processing time and queu-
ing time.
The Time Half Nodes Depletion: the time at which the network see 50% of its
nodes exhausting all their batteries [14].
Tables 3, 4 and 5 shows the performances of each protocol EQ-AODV and AODV-
SARSA using 50 nodes and Maximum Velocity 10m/s in low, medium and high traffic.
Table 3. Simulation Results for Delivery Rate
Delivery Rate
Low Traffic-10 Connections
Medium Traffic- 20 Connections
High traffic-30 Connections
Fig. 2. Average Delivery Ratio
Results (Table3 and Fig.2) show that EQ-AODV has the best Delivery Ration. The
ration of packets reaching destination is higher in Low traffic, Medium traffic and High
Table 4. Simulation Results for End to End Delay
End to End Delay
Low Traffic-10 Connections
Medium Traffic- 20 Connections
High traffic-30 Connections
Fig. 3. End to End Delay
By changing the hop-count metric of AODV that represents the shortest path, we
expected to degrade the End to End Delay. Results (Table4 and Fig.3) show that the
End to End delay is clearly the weakness point of EQ-AODV. AODV-SARSA is better
in Low traffic, Medium traffic and High traffic.
Table 5. Simulation results for Time Half Energy Deplation
Delivery Rate
Low Traffic-10 Connections
Medium Traffic- 20 Connections
High traffic-30 Connections
Fig. 4. Time to Half Energy Depletion
About consuming energy, results (Table5 and Fig4) show that EQ-AODV is better
than AODV-SARSA in all simulations. The Time to Half Energy Depletion is clearly
better in Low traffic, Medium traffic and High traffic.
The more Time Half Energy Depletion, high lifetime will be.
5 Conclusion
In this paper we have raised the issue of Energy Aware Routing while maximizing
the Network lifetime in MANET.
Using simulation, we chose to compare two types of routing algorithms: Global and
Local Routing. Both algorithms are based on reinforcement learning techniques.
The results show that both algorithms have encouraging performance for MANET net-
works. The EQ-AODV gives better performances than AODV-SARSA in most metrics,
as the packet delivery ratio, and energy consumption. However, AODV-SARSA End to
End performances is better.
We can conclude that the choice of the routing algorithm will be made according to the
metric that network want optimize, and this; depending on the service demand.
Our future work will focus on implementing other reinforcement learning algorithms
based on difference temporal for both local and global approach. Also, testing the pro-
posal in different network conditions (high/ low mobility, high/ low density…)
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... Each node can perform local communication to minimize the delivery times. In [31], the author proposed R.L. based routing protocol for Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET). The author controls the movement of the mobile nodes and packet routing decisions using R.L. strategies. ...
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A Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a self-organize assemblage of mobile nodes without the use of pre-existing infrastructure. They face challenges of security, routing efficiency, and network stability due to dynamic topology and limited resources. The Black Hole Attack on MANETs is a critical concern, affecting communication reliability. This malicious activity involves a node falsely advertising the shortest route to the destination, leading data packets to be routed into a “black hole” where they are dropped and causing severe disruptions. This research focuses on the Ad Hoc On-Demand Multi-Path Distance Vector Routing (AOMDV) protocol, which is preferred for its improved efficiency compared to a single-path routing protocol in MANETs. We observe, investigate, and estimate wireless ad-hoc network route optimization by reducing packet hops between nodes. We suggested a novel strategy in this paper, the K-AOMDV protocol that uses K-means clustering to prevent routing misbehavior. The efficiency of the proposed K-AOMDV (KNN-Ad-hoc on demand multi-path distance vector) routing protocol is calculated using supervised machine learning approach to predict optimal routes with delay and attacks. By employing multiple paths and dynamic route discovery, it ensures robust data delivery even in the presence of malicious nodes. This protocol’s adaptability and multi-path nature effectively minimize the effects of Black Hole Attacks, bolstering the MANETs security. Proposed algorithm has a high accuracy rate of 0.99%, 80% true positives, and 80% recall.
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Designing an energy efficient routing protocol is one of the main issue of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs). It is challenging task to provide energy efficient routes because MANET is dynamic and mobile nodes are fitted with limited capacity of batteries. The high mobility of nodes results in quick changes in the routes, thus requiring some mechanism for determining efficient routes. In this paper, an Intelligent Energy-aware Efficient Routing protocol for MANET (IE2R) is proposed. In IE2R, Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) technique is used based on entropy and Preference Ranking Organization METHod for Enrichment of Evaluations-II (PROMETHEE-II) method to determine efficient route. MCDM technique combines with an intelligent method, namely, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Set (IFSS) which reduces uncertainty related to the mobile node and offers energy efficient route. The proposed protocol is simulated using the NS-2 simulator. The performance of the proposed protocol is compared with the existing routing protocols, and the results obtained outperforms existing protocols in terms of several network metrics.
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Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) is a standard proactive routing protocol for Mobile Ad-hoc NETworks (MANETs). In this paper, we use a zero-order Sugeno Fuzzy Logic System (FLS) for adjusting the willingness parameter in OLSR protocol. Decisions made at each mobile node by the FLS take into account its remaining energy and its expected residual lifetime. Simulation study revealed that the proposed protocol Fuzzy Energy-Aware OLSR (FEA-OLSR) is more energy efficient than EE-OLSR a heuristic based energy-aware variant of OLSR.
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In this paper, a Dynamic Fuzzy Energy State based AODV (DFES-AODV) routing protocol for Mobile Ad-hoc NETworks (MANETs) is presented. In DFES-AODV route discovery phase, each node uses a Mamdani Fuzzy Logic System (FLS) to decide its Route REQuests (RREQs) forwarding probability. The FLS inputs are residual battery level and energy drain rate of mobile node. Unlike previous related-works, membership-function of residual energy input is made dynamic. Also, a zero-order Takagi Sugeno FLS with the same inputs is used as a means of generalization for state-space in SARSA-AODV a Reinforcement Learning based energy-aware routing protocol. The simulation study confirms that using a dynamic Fuzzy system ensures more energy efficiency in comparison to its static counterpart. Moreover, DFES-AODV exhibits similar performance to SARSA-AODV and its Fuzzy extension FSARSA-AODV. Therefore, the use of dynamic fuzzy logic for adaptive routing in MANETs is recommended.
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Mobile ad-hoc NETworks (MANETs) are very dynamic environments. A routing protocol for MANETs should be adaptive in order to operate correctly in presence of variable network conditions. Reinforcement learning (RL) is a recently used technique to achieve adaptive routing in MANETs. In comparison to other machine learning and computational intelligence techniques, RL achieves optimal results at low processing and medium memory costs. To deal with adaptive energy-aware routing issue in MANETs, a RL-based maximum-lifetime routing strategy is proposed. Each mobile node learns how to adjust its route-request packets forwarding-rate according to its energy profile. In terms of RL-resolution methods, Q-Learning, SARSA, Q(λ) and SARSA(λ) which are Temporal difference RL-algorithms are used. The proposed RL model is implemented on the top of AODV routing protocol. Simulation results show that the RL-based AODV achieved good performances in comparison to Time-Delay and Probability based AODV. Particularly, the Q-Learning based AODV has marked the best global performances in terms of energy efficiency and end to end delay.
A Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is an infrastructure-less collection of nodes that are powered by portable batteries. Consumption of energy is the major constraint in a wireless network. This paper presents a new algorithm called Energy-Aware Span Routing Protocol (EASRP) that uses energy-saving approaches such as Span and the Adaptive Fidelity Energy Conservation Algorithm (AFECA). Energy consumption is further optimized by using a hardware circuit called the Remote Activated Switch (RAS) to wake up sleeping nodes. These energy-saving approaches are well-established in reactive protocols. However, there are certain issues to be addressed when using EASRP in a hybrid protocol, especially a proactive protocol. Simulation results for the EASRP protocol show an increase in energy efficiency of 12.2% and 17.45% compared with EAZRP and ZRP, respectively. The EASRP protocol also proves to be effective in by producing a better packet delivery ratio for low- and high-density networks as measured by the NS-2 simulation tool.
Conference Paper
Chapter 15 focuses on the state of the art in mobile ad-hoc networks. It highlights some of the emerging technologies, protocols, and approaches (at different layers) for realising network services for users on the move. People-based networks, where information is transmitted using ‘people’ (i.e. personal digital assistants) are also discussed.